Pretoria-Marburg Queer Conversations - ‘Hate speech targeting LGBTIQ+ persons’

  • Опубликовано: 29 май 2023
  • The Pretoria-Marburg Queer Conversations team hosted Dr Bev Ditsie in an online webinar titled 'Where is the joy? Portrayals and depictions of LGBTIQ+ persons'. The event took place on Freedom Day, 27 April wich falls during International Lesbian Week of Visibility, and was attended by colleagues and networks working with the affiliated Centres at the University of Pretoria and Phillips-Marburg . Bev Ditsie is a renowned lesbian activist, artist and filmmaker.
    Dr Bev Ditsie, popularly known for being the first African lesbian to address the UN at the 4th World Conference on Women in Beijing 1995, rooted her conversation in personal anecdotes of growing up during apartheid, and her reflections on the strategic erasure of LBQ women throughout history. Ditsie’s presentation, expertly facilitated by Dr Mariel Reiss, seamlessly portrayed an intersectional understanding of Freedom Day and the layered nature of existing in a society where human rights are constantly under threat in overt and insipid ways influenced by state actors and homophobic institutions of influence in different communities.

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