Im a shy girl and this is so true!!! Guys when you like a shy girl and if she has any of these signs, GO UP TO HER AND TALK TO HER!!!! trust me thats what the girl wants
+Zach Hutchinson you may think this is crazy and stupid but trust me this will work. Go up to the girl and start it off simple like u said and then progress in the conversation and smile and act all confident and ask her to tell you about herself. Smile and listen and tell her some stuff about your own self and then ask her for her number and text her later. Everything will go from there trust me.
I wanted to see if it was accurate. It completely was except me and my bff aren't close anymore so I don't tell her my crushes. Also if I did, it would end up not going well anyway. I keep secrets like that because something could go wrong😂
lmao the same with me this girl keeps looking at me and i everytime i look back at her she keeps looking the other way theres noone that sits behind me its just the wall.... i wonder if she is just looking at the wall😂😅
Great Video, gotta question Is this random girl that was following me around the school since my first day going this week, what’s you think made her do that. 🔥🔥💙🔥
the thing is I'll like someone and I want to stay AS FAR AWAY AS POSSIBLE from them, I will avoid them at all costs, refuse to talk to them and just make it seem like I hate them and have no feelings and though the guy likes me back I'll still avoid them and make it seem like I'm not interested at all. I'm I the only one who dose this?
So pretty much the reality of the situation is that you got a 50/50 shot of making her dreams come true or being a perverted creep. Gotta love a woman's mind. Just lovely!
how do i tell if a girl likes me when: 1 - she smiles/looks at me a lot 2 - she talks a lot on text but in person barely 3 - she tells me she only considers me a friend 4 - she walks by me a lot and says hi 5 - she talks about what happened to her in the day. 7 - she does not touch me (she used to poke me in the stomach a lot) 8 - she stood me up on a movie (said her aunt died) 9 - she and i hug sometimes 10 - she occasionally tells me about herself (she told me shes awkward to be around with) 11 - she told me recently the guy she liked (senior guy) that he sucks and really hates him 12 - she has a friend that acts "weird" or "shocked" when she sees me 13 - she called me adorable and cute 14 - she stared at me in class one time for a long time 15 - she told me about her parents 16 - she does not look at me in the eye when we talk (most times)
She may just be a more flirtatious person. Also a lot of these signs involve trust, feeling close to someone, happy around them which isn't necessarily a romantic thing.
Holy shit, i was talking to this girl and i thought that she wasnt on me and was friendzoning me but she falls on every single damn sign. Thanks a lot, im gonna keep trying.
In the first day of nschool i have a crush on a girl his name is rafaela and the next next next day she call me a babe so im shock dat she said that to me and when we have pe or physical education my classmate told me whos my crush and i point my finger to rafaela and they reaction oh you have a crush on him and my classmate call my crush and im like i think hes gonna tell him that i have a crush on him so i rush to say to my crush that i have a crush on him and i see the cheeks of my crush are blushing and i said to myself this is the best day of my life and when our pe is over we go to our seats and i see my crush looking at me alot of time and me and my crush have a relationship but we broke up because of his mom and the whole day im crying and i throw the stuff she gave to me because when i see that i remember her but in this january she said to me in facebook that she like me still and i message him and i say i like him still and then we chat together sometime and in school her friends telling me that my crush hugging my bag and im happy that when the last day of school we are not hating each other and i hope this not change. The End. Sorry For My English
I disagree, maybe it's different for girls, but I find it easier to talk to a girl when we are alone versus with friends, because it just seems awkward.
Mega Man yep true that's why I moved away from hpthis girl who had a crush on me she once followed me home and hid in my closet without me know somehow and when I went to open it I found her ass in one of my bins and I was like *get* *the* *fuck *out* like it was 1:00 in the morning and got her out and moved
Why is this so accurate😭😭😭I do all of these with NO exception...and it's really annoying when you like a shy guy but you're shy yourself....if you're a guy and you're reading this....Go for it dude it sucks to be waiting
*Knowing these small cues, like when she finds excuses to be near you or gets quiet when you’re around, can make a huge difference. It really helps build confidence in reading her interest without pressuring her to be super obvious*
I am a shy girl too. I always get crush on people I've never talked to. And then it becomes difficult to talk to them. I look for signs that if my crush likes me back. Whenever I see him anywhere where I am present too, I think that he is here just to see me. Also I instantly start to hate him( or become jealous) if I come to know that he has got a girlfriend. I don't know about other girls but I am like this only.
The best way to know if she likes you is to make the first move because that's sort of a confidence booster for her. And don't worry about getting rejected because if she's shy, she's probably really sweet and will either tell you how she feels or let you down easy.
I blush at everyone... I will ask a question and i will blush... I will be near you and blush... I will sneeze and i blush... I will get an answer wrong on homework and i will blush... I will literally be sitting in school doing nothing and RANDOMLY BLUSH
Be a good listener. Don’t show to them that you know a lot of things, you just to be true and stop being boastful simply because girls do not like that. It may work to shallow girl, but it won’t work if you want to have top quality intellect woman. Normally I just listen to what she want to say, ask her questions, be interested in what she has to say and do some Rapid Women Seducer secret method. This will certainly help you, as I have experienced the power of this technique myself.
I almost did all these 13 things, luckily my friends doesn't know I have a crush! And idk why I'm too afraid to send messages to him on whatsapp or facebook, I just don't know why...
My crush is shy but Idk if she likes me Pros: 1. She is shy around me a bit 2. Whenever we talk in person, she will sometimes keep the conversation going 3. Whenever I text her, she always replies Cons: 1. She never says hi to me in the hallways 2. She never texts me first
GUYS! if you are shy and you dont talk to your crush, it will be stressful for the girl. as a girl myself there is a shy guy that i like and he sends mix messages and it is SOOO annoying...
Well I like a shy girl. When she texts me she isn't always into the conversation, but in person she's serious and nervous. She blushes a lot! I'm extremely nervous around her because I don't want to ruin my future with her. I'm learning Slovak so I can talk to her without her friends knowing what I'm saying. She doesn't text me, sadly. But when I'm alone with her she's like a totally different person. She doesn't tell he friends because they going to make fun of her 😔. We've done many things together. One day we'll be together in Slovakia 🇸🇰. ❤u JP!
As a shy girl I agree with all of these except the physical contact one. I actually really like it when a guy touches my hair along with some other stuff.
There is this girl i like and I suspect that she likes me but I don't know if she is just being friendly because I'm hurt but the other day I caught her looking at me and when she saw she quickly looked away. I am a really shy guy when it comes to talking to girls, I really want to ask her out but I can't find the courage to do it. Can anyone help
I gathered up enough courage to ask her out today.......she was pushed and hit her head on the floor knocking herself out. Why do these things happen to me
I'm a shy girl and now I realize that I do almost all of these things to the guy I like. I was playing 20 questions with him over text and he asked if I liked him or not because I didn't seem like I wanted to talk to him at school, even though of course I really did haha I was just nervous.
Not trying to be mean but most people i know think that 20 questions is for socially awkward people :\ but honestly texting games arnt that fun for guys we like it when girls are just themselves and most girls i know find them pretty boring to because theyve done it with so many poeple you just start to run out of questions
okay.... the one where it says us shy girls “play with there hair or jewelry when you’re around”.... that’s a lie, well it is for me, i don’t do that lmao. like, never...
1) shell look/stare a lot. but when you're not paying attention. 2) smiles around you a lot.. but not necessarily at you. she's shy! 3) she doesn't make eye contact from nerves..but decreases with tjme.. 4) blushes aside: how does she act around you vs others? and how do these all fit together 5) does she play with her hair/jewelry 6) she's "stalking" you.
Im a shy guy who likes a shy girl but I've been getting more out there with talking and making some jokes and btw the girl i like is JUST like you explained
DealwithitFX I got the same problem... Being a shy guy liking a shy girl and she likes me too well depending on the 34 times she looked at me in a 45 minutes class
there is one more: when you walk by her and she is with her friends,she tells her friends the most coolest thing happend to her to make you thing that she's cool
since ur shy, do u always want the guy 2 bring up a conversation, can u give me some tips on what u do when ur crush sits down across from u. I like this girl, but i want her 2 to sometimes bring up a conversation
I'm shy and I did a lot of these things when I had a crush. Now my crush is my I guess it worked out..haha Plus I found out he liked me back....obviously lol
7) Fb/text a lot, but more shy in real life.. until she warms up. less pressure 8) seems like she's avoiding you.. from nerves. 9)extra shy when she's around you. 10) lots of laughs and giggles around you. 11)uber outgoing with friends, but shy with me, alone, or not in a familiar environment. (invite friends to get her over her nerves) 12) physical contact, can make her nervous. be patient.
I really like one of the new freshman and Jesus she's cute 😫 I'm super loud and she's real quiet but goodness shes adorable, I just wanna pick her up and kiss her. she knows I like her I'm just trying to see if she likes me back and I dont want to mess up 😭😭
Slight problem for me. I cross-referenced with the "Shy Guy" video to check but I'll ask here. I'm a shy guy. I like this shy girl. We know each other from college. Currently we know each other's names and we live in the same village (although I don't think I've ever seen her around though). I've thought I could try the whole best friend thing but there's a slight problem. I don't have any friends. Not at college anyway. Not even people on my course will talk to me. Except the girl of course. And from my observations (the least creepy way I could have put that) she's kind of a loner too. She does hang around some other students but doesn't really contribute much to the general conversation. And so, I can't root out her "BFF". Any advise? P.S In response to the "Shy Guy" video, I don't speak for all guys, but when I first talked to her, I was a bit abrupt in the conversation. This was most likely to the adrenaline building up, because I had to psych myself up just to talk to her.
shy girls are kinda hard to get to know.. and if there's a time where it gets awkward, depending on the girl? she mite get aggressive and call it quites, cause it's not perfect, which would make me sad.. but I guess that's a good thing.. I always wanted to be with a crush like that, but if it's not gonna work, then I have no time for that.... I like confidence from a woman :) a girl that knows what she wants!
I'm a girl and I do all of this when looking at my crush. But what's strange is that once we lock eye contact I look down but he keeps looking. Wth does this mean?
it means he probably likes u too because as a guy I personally stare at my crush all the time ( don't worry its not creepy ) she likes me too so OK let's just move on from my life. guys will stare at u if they want to see your beauty for as long as they can because they really like u so if a guy does that yes he likes u ( PS I am a guy so this info 100% legit from deez brains)
I have a crush a girl and when im with my friends they start making me come to the area where she is (every one in my class knows i have a crush on her)
Can you help me out please. I was at the train station and this Arabian girl first asked me for directions then she talked with me the whole time about all kinds of stuff. She even sat close to me and my nephew on the train and kept commenting on how it was good that I was spending time with him and talking about her apt and the flexibility she missed in Washington DC. At first she asked for directions and after I told her how to get to where she was going she kept the conversation going and kept on using the directions as a way to keep the convo going and about how she use to live in washington dc and how it is different in atlanta. At the end of the day I let fear get a hold of me. Granted I am african american and she was from saudi arabia but she had all the traits I love in a woman. From a womans point of view do you think she was interested?
I`m in 7th grade, and there is this girl I like named Hazel. She is really beautiful and I stare at her sometimes, but when she turns, I just look away like nothing happened. I want to tell her how I feel about her , but I know that if I tell her, she will probably become angry for some reason. I try to impress her with a few jokes, and I am a really shy guy and once in a while, I will probably become so nervous that I will say something that will make me look and sound like a buffoon. Can you please reply or make a video about something related to this. Thank You
well first of all you are no longer shy you pull girls everyday and your rich and you look good and you have loads of friends. this is the mindset you need to talk to girls being some little weak shy dude and like "i really like you will you go to the movies with me" dont say that say "Hey, im going to the movies on Saturday do you want to come with me?"
Same here but it's the opposite I'm really out going and she's really shy shes really pretty and her name is jade and I don't know if she likes me or not but I was on her team in PE but she avoided me this hole time and I can only talk to her on face book every 3 to 4 days and when school starts I don't no what she will do when I'm there because i have no Experience with shy girls but I did notice her avoiding eye contact when ever I turned back. But then again I have no real experience dating people and I texted Here today and she told me to come to her house so then I did then she said maybe another time and I started saying like why did you like ask me to come here then leave. but then I apologized and she never talked to me sence. So now shes going camping (she told me) not sure if she actually is butif a neither sing of avoiding me lying to. If any one haze some advice it would be great.
there is this girl who keep staring me when ever we see each other, I was planning to talk to her but today when I was on my bike I spotted her we looked at each other for a second but she instantly started looking down, does this mean that she don't like me ?? please tell me.
im the only girl in my class that actually play games, and all my "girlfriends" makes fun of me, so you probably cant find any 'girlgamer' because shes hiding it xD
I don't know why I'm commenting on an almost decade old video, but I read an article on love panky that said that not shy, but sensitive women have different needs in the bedroom than non-sensitive women. Is this true for shy women?
Im a shy girl and this is so true!!! Guys when you like a shy girl and if she has any of these signs, GO UP TO HER AND TALK TO HER!!!! trust me thats what the girl wants
u r so right
+Zach Hutchinson you may think this is crazy and stupid but trust me this will work. Go up to the girl and start it off simple like u said and then progress in the conversation and smile and act all confident and ask her to tell you about herself. Smile and listen and tell her some stuff about your own self and then ask her for her number and text her later. Everything will go from there trust me.
I want a bf that's really nice to me and sweet I'd love a guy like that :)
I know right I'm shy too
+Kara Johnson do you care about lookings?
As a shy girl I approve this message.
And no, I don't know why I watched this video either.
What do you call a Mexican without a lawnmower? Give up?
I wanted to see if it was accurate. It completely was except me and my bff aren't close anymore so I don't tell her my crushes. Also if I did, it would end up not going well anyway. I keep secrets like that because something could go wrong😂
hi am Mariam and am using my dad page am in Ghana dear if you really make up your mind to rid of the shyness terra the sky would be your limt
lol ☺☺
Terra Grimme hay baby ;3
Dunno if some girl in my class likes me or the wall behind me :c
probably the wall m8 :)
What colour wall ??
Whos unlucky
lmao the same with me
this girl keeps looking at me and i everytime i look back at her she keeps looking the other way
theres noone that sits behind me its just the wall....
i wonder if she is just looking at the wall😂😅
Us men need too grow some balls and go for it.
Yeah we need to but fuck growing them is hard af
Not all the time, they can be very misleading
I find that hard
+zNextiiV lmao XD
agreed bro
I was starring at my crush and he was starring at me and we ended up Having a starring contest
That's happened to me a few times. I swear I saw their eyes light up.
That's because he was staring in disgust at a brony
+Booce Bungington a girl can't be a brony rofl
Who won?
+ODivulgaCanais 😂😂😂
if she knocks on your window 2am, she likes you.
+Sedrick SK i like your dog
or she just wants to kill you before the school morning
lol what the fuck
It actually means she's a stalker and a creep °~°
Or she is looking for that child support
Oh shit. I didn't know it was that obvious...
You're screwed. Good luck, mate.
YouDoBlooper Guess I'm not going to school tomorrow....
Sidney Smith Tomorrow's Saturday.
YouDoBlooper tru
Sidney Smith Lucky you.
I knew it! They all want me!
ITS RED T70 show
What about your wife, kitty!
xD funny as ever. Wait are you sure?
I only took you serious bcz of that profile pic
shy girls r the best so please carry on what ur doing we find it cute and it shows that you're not cheap or fake!!!
I used to have that pic in twitter
Great Video, gotta question Is this random girl that was following me around the school since my first day going this week, what’s you think made her do that. 🔥🔥💙🔥
the thing is I'll like someone and I want to stay AS FAR AWAY AS POSSIBLE from them, I will avoid them at all costs, refuse to talk to them and just make it seem like I hate them and have no feelings and though the guy likes me back I'll still avoid them and make it seem like I'm not interested at all. I'm I the only one who dose this?
Trashcan Toilet no I do it to even if she on the other side of the room I will tell my friends I have to go
Yeah and I feel really bad like I want to be around them, but I don't want to see their face at all and I'm like (I've gotta deal this now)
Trashcan Toilet No
The girl who likes me does this, you’re not alone.
Is it the same when she blocks you on Instagram?
+TheRuinedUniverse no if she likes you she wont follow you but she will stalk your instagram. So she probably doesn't like you cuz she blocked you
Fox ame It faded away xD!
Lmao I ended up blocking my crush on instagram and yeah... it makes it even worse when i see him in public
TheRuinedUniverse That's good, you can find someone better for you. And someone that likes you back.
So pretty much the reality of the situation is that you got a 50/50 shot of making her dreams come true or being a perverted creep. Gotta love a woman's mind. Just lovely!
Its a gamble
Even more confusing is , you dont know if she's really admiring you *OR*
_"Oh god , is this creep still looking at me?"_
this shiet is difficult
oh my, i AM a shy girl, everything she said FITS what i do when i am near my CRUSH. OKAY? :D
most likely to be the giggling and laughing one or even the Lying of when he ask me do i like him i said no. He asked be that COUNTLESS of times. -.-
the picture scares me
Yah I'm a shy girl to so it fits me vary good thanks
+chua renee ...OKAY
how do i tell if a girl likes me when:
1 - she smiles/looks at me a lot
2 - she talks a lot on text but in person barely
3 - she tells me she only considers me a friend
4 - she walks by me a lot and says hi
5 - she talks about what happened to her in the day.
7 - she does not touch me (she used to poke me in the stomach a lot)
8 - she stood me up on a movie (said her aunt died)
9 - she and i hug sometimes
10 - she occasionally tells me about herself (she told me shes awkward to be around with)
11 - she told me recently the guy she liked (senior guy) that he sucks and really hates him
12 - she has a friend that acts "weird" or "shocked" when she sees me
13 - she called me adorable and cute
14 - she stared at me in class one time for a long time
15 - she told me about her parents
16 - she does not look at me in the eye when we talk (most times)
Perico De Lospalotes maybe i'm not sure if I do. but it's fine now she told me she chose the other guy anyways :D
Perico De Lospalotes already did pls don't act like a counselor
I think you're in the friendzone
+kigucloudjester lol
+Sieg Gies i think she either really only likes you as a friend or is embarrassed to let you know but im sorry im kinda leaning towards the first one
I'm watching this and I'm a girl lol I'm watching it so I know not what to do when I'm around my crush
***** : Lol same with mine my friend told him are you glad your crush knows you like him and does he like you back?
***** : But is it true or just rumorers
***** : oh
SAME!!!!!! 😂😂😂
Tayisnotcool : lol
What if she does these signs but has a boyfriend too
She may just be a more flirtatious person. Also a lot of these signs involve trust, feeling close to someone, happy around them which isn't necessarily a romantic thing.
learsi perez lol u steal her
You punch out her boyfriend and every other boy so you are the only one left lol
learsi perez punch him out dawg
ur screwed recommend not trying
Holy shit, i was talking to this girl and i thought that she wasnt on me and was friendzoning me but she falls on every single damn sign. Thanks a lot, im gonna keep trying.
bio jui hell ya
I just hope my crush doesn't watch this 😂
Frs 😂😅
Eva Collins me also because if she watched this I'm toasted 😂🤷🏾♂️I might as well transfer to another school somewhere and tell my mom lies
Eva Collins damn I’m watching it sorry
Lolz I was just thinking that
Eva Collins me to
I'm a girl seeing if it's accurate
Pretty accurate except I'm to shy to message on a Facebook thing
Tyler Browns A Savage same
I'm shy, and I stare at girls. It's not that hard, really.
YouDoBlooper I don't stare it seems like I stare into people's soul...😛😛😛😛😛
Surafeal Sishaw Lol
Oh shit my crush does all of these things to me
Lucas Elliott
ohhhh give updates
Lucas Elliott fucking lucky
In the first day of nschool i have a crush on a girl his name is rafaela and the next next next day she call me a babe so im shock dat she said that to me and when we have pe or physical education my classmate told me whos my crush and i point my finger to rafaela and they reaction oh you have a crush on him and my classmate call my crush and im like i think hes gonna tell him that i have a crush on him so i rush to say to my crush that i have a crush on him and i see the cheeks of my crush are blushing and i said to myself this is the best day of my life and when our pe is over we go to our seats and i see my crush looking at me alot of time and me and my crush have a relationship but we broke up because of his mom and the whole day im crying and i throw the stuff she gave to me because when i see that i remember her but in this january she said to me in facebook that she like me still and i message him and i say i like him still and then we chat together sometime and in school her friends telling me that my crush hugging my bag and im happy that when the last day of school we are not hating each other and i hope this not change. The End. Sorry For My English
THE GAMING T-REX 16 i got confuse with the gender of your crush XD. (him is for boys. her is for girls) but nice english
thaSUBJECT its her girl sorry im bad at english
I disagree, maybe it's different for girls, but I find it easier to talk to a girl when we are alone versus with friends, because it just seems awkward.
Agreed I didn't talk to my ex that much in school because we would just go other places and do other things but outside of school we talked fine
Fuck my crush watched this video and he automatically knew I liked him..........buuuut he did like me back 😜
awwww im sorry
AmazingBinChild yea but he likes me back though....we're now dating...
Chibi Wolfie lucky xD
Chibi Wolfie lucky
Rejected oh uh Nevermind
When ever a girl stares at me i think "Do i have a something on my face/shirt?"
Shy girls are crazy.. when they into you they end up becoming stalkers ..
Mega Man I'm shy but I'm NOT A STALKER
Mega Man yep true that's why I moved away from hpthis girl who had a crush on me she once followed me home and hid in my closet without me know somehow and when I went to open it I found her ass in one of my bins and I was like
*get* *the* *fuck *out*
like it was 1:00 in the morning and got her out and moved
I mean you’re not wrong.
Mega Man I don’t mind that lol
Mega Man some do
What if she soils her trousers when she makes eye contact with you ?
bruh..... I know what u mean.......
Either you’re really cute or really horrifying to her. Either way she’s terrified of you.
Dude, you're killing it
Marry her..shes a keeper
Thats called true love. Give her a chocolate easter bunny and tell her she needs to meet your parents on the first date.
Why is this so accurate😭😭😭I do all of these with NO exception...and it's really annoying when you like a shy guy but you're shy yourself....if you're a guy and you're reading this....Go for it dude it sucks to be waiting
my crush is shy and she shows most of these
my crush is shy and she shows most of these
+__DA7__ __DA7__ GO FOR may regret it if you don't....if you follow my advice tell me how it went
MoneyDude14 good luck💪💪
What if she just keeps staring at u but doesn't smile ?
That is creepy
She is just shy to smile at a boy she likes sometimes she will say "OMG HE IS LOOKING AT ME WHAT SHOUD I DO!!! "
maybe she is a psycho, and wants to kill u
What is that knock on my door ? fu....
She might think she smiles ugly or she is too shy to smile at a guy
*Knowing these small cues, like when she finds excuses to be near you or gets quiet when you’re around, can make a huge difference. It really helps build confidence in reading her interest without pressuring her to be super obvious*
I'm watching this and I'm really shy and I'm like crap I do all of these around someone I like oops😂
Hahah same
I am a shy girl too. I always get crush on people I've never talked to. And then it becomes difficult to talk to them. I look for signs that if my crush likes me back. Whenever I see him anywhere where I am present too, I think that he is here just to see me. Also I instantly start to hate him( or become jealous) if I come to know that he has got a girlfriend. I don't know about other girls but I am like this only.
Surukuni ! Why aRe we the same :')
Me too but i dont say anything....
Fuck, this describes me perfectly 😓, but I like her so much... help 😢
Marry a pizza
AnimatronicZoroark Mary a car
ฬανε ςƤσσкץ Yeah, think that would be gReAt
***** Hmm, guess I could but I'm a mess-up and I think I ruined whatever we had together... :,(
Do anything. If all fails, tell her you're gay.
Fuck this... stay single.
The best way to know if she likes you is to make the first move because that's sort of a confidence booster for her. And don't worry about getting rejected because if she's shy, she's probably really sweet and will either tell you how she feels or let you down easy.
what if she has her husband around...
my case is unbelievably confusing...
I hate being a introvert in situations like this. I'm already not very talk active in general but especiallly towards girls......
+Stealth Panther so true ._.
crap! I do nearly all of these T_T
Ellie Chantelle Phillips same lol
GHOST الشبح 511 loyal is how people describe me (without showing of)(in the nicest way possible)
Lol same
Ellie Chantelle Phillips haha
Me too! I was thoroughly shook, thinking Oh man am I that obvious lol
I blush at everyone...
I will ask a question and i will blush...
I will be near you and blush...
I will sneeze and i blush...
I will get an answer wrong on homework and i will blush...
I will literally be sitting in school doing nothing and RANDOMLY BLUSH
#11 drove me crazy for like 5 months
I know, right!!!!!!
What if she's knocking at my window at 2 a.m.?
Nickzzz #Toddyn wtf lmao
Wtf she's a stocker
Call a cops! NOW!!!
She wants that child support
I'm a shy girl and I agree with EVERYTHING she said! It's so accurate, I always do that 😂
I've been doing all 13 of these for the past 6 months or so, and my crush STILL hasn't figured it out, but other people have. WHY XD
he's immune..
Maybe he doesn't like you.
try asking his bestfriend..
Hakimi Vinsmoke
He IS my best friend. And his other best friend already knows...
lizzie appears on Games of Thrones
Whyyy??? I do not even know a basic plotline of Game of Thrones, hahaha!
LizziesAnswers got you! answering to a cute guy's comment is another sign that the girl likes the guy :)
thanks for your vid (y)
She does kinda look like Cerci Lannister.
Be a good listener. Don’t show to them that you know a lot of things, you just to be true and stop being boastful simply because girls do not like that. It may work to shallow girl, but it won’t work if you want to have top quality intellect woman. Normally I just listen to what she want to say, ask her questions, be interested in what she has to say and do some Rapid Women Seducer secret method. This will certainly help you, as I have experienced the power of this technique myself.
I really don't want my crush to see tis video, it would be so obvious that i like him :/
Ele O'brien I'm sure he's noticed if he's observant as I and most of my friends are.
***** i have tried, it just freaks tem out.
I almost did all these 13 things, luckily my friends doesn't know I have a crush! And idk why I'm too afraid to send messages to him on whatsapp or facebook, I just don't know why...
+Ele O'brien am with you I do all these
+Ele O'brien Yeah same here xD
By watching this video it seems like I have a crush on everyone... ;c
Mellody Brad me too :c
I dont talk in school but i talk at hone
My crush is shy but Idk if she likes me
1. She is shy around me a bit
2. Whenever we talk in person, she will sometimes keep the conversation going
3. Whenever I text her, she always replies
1. She never says hi to me in the hallways
2. She never texts me first
Mr. Haunted SAME. Any update since?
"Messing with her hair" -yeah that's absolutely damn right and no arguing about that, but what if she wears hijab #MuslimsProblem
Women who wear hijab don't really want to attract men. That's why they use hijab.
Saoirse Fan you must be fun at funerals
+LordBerly Tannyono Putra
I hope that meant as a joke
+Saoirse Fan
lol af
Im a shy guy and like a shy girl hope it works out.
I am a very shy guy and I know a lot of shy girls like me because of this thanks (I really like one of them)
Good Luck! :)
Bazooka Brian I think she;s giving you a hint she likes you. Like rlly likes you. Im serious. She rlly likes you 0_0
You could still ask? She might just say yes? You never know lol
Ask. She says yes, Good! She says no, You wont rlly care cause you think she don't like you. But just ask. That's what would do.
Staring from afar and from different places? Sounds like slender.
Hahahah Slender Girl XD
GUYS! if you are shy and you dont talk to your crush, it will be stressful for the girl. as a girl myself there is a shy guy that i like and he sends mix messages and it is SOOO annoying...
It's the same with a girl, men are SO SHY, as a man myself Ik this.
I know right
I watched the video to see if a girl likes me...turns out I do most of these myself...
My crush is much complex than these. Her signs are mysterious and need scientific research:) But She is the best girl I have ever seen not kidding.
Well I like a shy girl. When she texts me she isn't always into the conversation, but in person she's serious and nervous. She blushes a lot! I'm extremely nervous around her because I don't want to ruin my future with her. I'm learning Slovak so I can talk to her without her friends knowing what I'm saying. She doesn't text me, sadly. But when I'm alone with her she's like a totally different person. She doesn't tell he friends because they going to make fun of her 😔. We've done many things together. One day we'll be together in Slovakia 🇸🇰. ❤u JP!
Awww that's soo cute I ship you two
As a shy girl I agree with all of these except the physical contact one. I actually really like it when a guy touches my hair along with some other stuff.
I am in a predicament... I have a Shy Girl + Shy Boy = NOPE situation.
Would you help me Lizzie?
I'm in the same predicament too bro...
We have the same problem bro. XD
Wow... didn't know that this many people had the same problem. xD
Lol many people relate to you bro.. Just know them xD
There is this girl i like and I suspect that she likes me but I don't know if she is just being friendly because I'm hurt but the other day I caught her looking at me and when she saw she quickly looked away. I am a really shy guy when it comes to talking to girls, I really want to ask her out but I can't find the courage to do it. Can anyone help
I gathered up enough courage to ask her out today.......she was pushed and hit her head on the floor knocking herself out. Why do these things happen to me
give her a gift like a rose or something and then ask her out if u feel its time
Just duuuu eeeeet!
Just dooooooo iit!
Hey, man, buy aluen ware computer or some cool gaming computer and play BF4, that should do a job.
I'm a shy girl and now I realize that I do almost all of these things to the guy I like. I was playing 20 questions with him over text and he asked if I liked him or not because I didn't seem like I wanted to talk to him at school, even though of course I really did haha I was just nervous.
What's did you text Back lol, sorry, just asking
I just said I like talking to him I'm just shy, he actually asked me out a few days later, too, so it all worked out haha xD
Heyitsally0316 Ok, so you did GREAT! I am so happy it worked out between u two!
Thank you :)
Not trying to be mean but most people i know think that 20 questions is for socially awkward people :\ but honestly texting games arnt that fun for guys we like it when girls are just themselves and most girls i know find them pretty boring to because theyve done it with so many poeple you just start to run out of questions
so I have a girlfriend now
Great job m8!
+Windows XP thanks
Congrats 👍🏼
Leighton Jordan 0-0 lol
Totally just went through all these videos because I have low self esteem. This is really good info.
wtf I do this with everyone
I get friend zone every time
Sometimes I feel like giggling,laughing, and smileing is natural for a shy girl to do. They’ll be like that around any guy not just the guy they like
you know your sad if you're watching these videos
okay.... the one where it says us shy girls “play with there hair or jewelry when you’re around”.... that’s a lie, well it is for me, i don’t do that lmao. like, never...
1) shell look/stare a lot. but when you're not paying attention.
2) smiles around you a lot.. but not necessarily at you. she's shy!
3) she doesn't make eye contact from nerves..but decreases with tjme..
4) blushes
aside: how does she act around you vs others? and how do these all fit together
5) does she play with her hair/jewelry
6) she's "stalking" you.
Im a shy guy who likes a shy girl but I've been getting more out there with talking and making some jokes and btw the girl i like is JUST like you explained
DealwithitFX I got the same problem... Being a shy guy liking a shy girl and she likes me too well depending on the 34 times she looked at me in a 45 minutes class
same, bro wtf
Geez, I did all that before I was confident enough to tell him that I liked him. So now we r dating 😊 so happy
I liked this video because I like a shy girl but don't tell anybody
I was never h3re
+Alejandro Ramirez Do it dude. Im waiting.
there is one more:
when you walk by her and she is with her friends,she tells her friends the most coolest thing happend to her to make you thing that she's cool
How can i work on not being shy? Can you make a video about how to not be shy? Please
since ur shy, do u always want the guy 2 bring up a conversation, can u give me some tips on what u do when ur crush sits down across from u. I like this girl, but i want her 2 to sometimes bring up a conversation
Wouldn't it be kind of rude to ask a girls best friends if they like u, or is it just me
I'm shy and I did a lot of these things when I had a crush. Now my crush is my I guess it worked out..haha Plus I found out he liked me back....obviously lol
7) Fb/text a lot, but more shy in real life.. until she warms up. less pressure
8) seems like she's avoiding you.. from nerves.
9)extra shy when she's around you.
10) lots of laughs and giggles around you.
11)uber outgoing with friends, but shy with me, alone, or not in a familiar environment. (invite friends to get her over her nerves)
12) physical contact, can make her nervous. be patient.
This is so accurate!
I wish I could send this to my crush...
I'm kinda shy and I always blush when I talk to my crush like my heart starts beating my face gets hot and he actually always starts the convos
Same, like if i even mess up a little bit like stammer, my face is beat red in 2 seconds flat.
First video like this that is relatable for me
Probably because I am shy
How do you deal with a shy guy if your naturally shy as well?
I really like one of the new freshman and Jesus she's cute 😫 I'm super loud and she's real quiet but goodness shes adorable, I just wanna pick her up and kiss her. she knows I like her I'm just trying to see if she likes me back and I dont want to mess up 😭😭
Beck Arellano awwwwww this is the cutest sweetest thing I've read yet I hope things work out with you and her =^-^=
Cats12kitty cat it didn't sadly ):
Darn it! Why must life ruin my ships T^T
Anybody saying not to do these around your crush, why not? If you want a chance go for it.
Yep I have a crush and I do all these things towards him. 😮 this is amazingly accurate
Slight problem for me. I cross-referenced with the "Shy Guy" video to check but I'll ask here.
I'm a shy guy.
I like this shy girl.
We know each other from college.
Currently we know each other's names and we live in the same village (although I don't think I've ever seen her around though).
I've thought I could try the whole best friend thing but there's a slight problem.
I don't have any friends. Not at college anyway. Not even people on my course will talk to me. Except the girl of course.
And from my observations (the least creepy way I could have put that) she's kind of a loner too.
She does hang around some other students but doesn't really contribute much to the general conversation.
And so, I can't root out her "BFF".
Any advise?
P.S In response to the "Shy Guy" video, I don't speak for all guys, but when I first talked to her, I was a bit abrupt in the conversation. This was most likely to the adrenaline building up, because I had to psych myself up just to talk to her.
Should be renamed 13 signs for YOUNG shy people
i really need some good help coz i cant talk to girls i like
Watch Stephan Erdman on youtube, he will help you :)
you are like 11 -_-.
um im kinda not Zeid Dajani
You have to get more confident with your crush and thats how its done
I'm with u lachie Bates ur not the only one
Me and her just have the awkward stare 😐-------------😐
shy girls are kinda hard to get to know.. and if there's a time where it gets awkward, depending on the girl? she mite get aggressive and call it quites, cause it's not perfect, which would make me sad.. but I guess that's a good thing.. I always wanted to be with a crush like that, but if it's not gonna work, then I have no time for that.... I like confidence from a woman :) a girl that knows what she wants!
damn why? obviously she showed lots of signs in your video but she said she has a boyfriend after i confessed to her...mind blown...
I'm a girl and I do all of this when looking at my crush. But what's strange is that once we lock eye contact I look down but he keeps looking. Wth does this mean?
+ROBLOX Cousins Do i have spinach in my teeth or something? XD
it means he probably likes u too because as a guy I personally stare at my crush all the time ( don't worry its not creepy ) she likes me too so OK let's just move on from my life. guys will stare at u if they want to see your beauty for as long as they can because they really like u so if a guy does that yes he likes u ( PS I am a guy so this info 100% legit from deez brains)
+ROBLOX Cousins he likes you...
Caico Bitancourt :D YAY! I mean ty. XD
+ROBLOX Cousins Either he really likes you, or he wants to see if he can catch you staring again to confirm you like him.
This describes me around my crush lol :)
This is pretty accurate! Great job :) You must be a shy girl yourself
I'm finally watching this and I know this girl likes me.
I have a crush a girl and when im with my friends they start making me come to the area where she is (every one in my class knows i have a crush on her)
Are you sure that EVERYONE in the class knows?
YouDoBlooper every one but the teachers
Hunter The epic gamer thats JUST like me, littary, Everybody knows I like my crush, and this video confirms that she me like me! 😀
Hunter The epic gamer Are you sure EVERYONE?!??!?!?! knows?
AdanIsHere ! But i dont know if she likes me back because i am to scared to actully talk to her :(
i dont understand girls
This list made me ask a girl out and she laughed at me because she thought I wasn't being serious
Can you help me out please. I was at the train station and this Arabian girl first asked me for directions then she talked with me the whole time about all kinds of stuff. She even sat close to me and my nephew on the train and kept commenting on how it was good that I was spending time with him and talking about her apt and the flexibility she missed in Washington DC. At first she asked for directions and after I told her how to get to where she was going she kept the conversation going and kept on using the directions as a way to keep the convo going and about how she use to live in washington dc and how it is different in atlanta. At the end of the day I let fear get a hold of me. Granted I am african american and she was from saudi arabia but she had all the traits I love in a woman. From a womans point of view do you think she was interested?
I'm a shy girl and this is soo true!! :3
I`m in 7th grade, and there is this girl I like named Hazel. She is really beautiful and I stare at her sometimes, but when she turns, I just look away like nothing happened. I want to tell her how I feel about her , but I know that if I tell her, she will probably become angry for some reason. I try to impress her with a few jokes, and I am a really shy guy and once in a while, I will probably become so nervous that I will say something that will make me look and sound like a buffoon. Can you please reply or make a video about something related to this. Thank You
that's the story of my life lol
that is realy true
well first of all you are no longer shy you pull girls everyday and your rich and you look good and you have loads of friends. this is the mindset you need to talk to girls being some little weak shy dude and like "i really like you will you go to the movies with me" dont say that say "Hey, im going to the movies on Saturday do you want to come with me?"
Thank you, who are you to know that im rich
Same here but it's the opposite I'm really out going and she's really shy shes really pretty and her name is jade and I don't know if she likes me or not but I was on her team in PE but she avoided me this hole time and I can only talk to her on face book every 3 to 4 days and when school starts I don't no what she will do when I'm there because i have no Experience with shy girls but I did notice her avoiding eye contact when ever I turned back. But then again I have no real
experience dating people and I texted Here today and she told me to come to her house so then I did then she said maybe another time and I started saying like why did you like ask me to come here then leave. but then I apologized and she never talked to me sence. So now shes going camping (she told me) not sure if she actually is butif a neither sing of avoiding me lying to. If any one haze some advice it would be great.
there is this girl who keep staring me when ever we see each other, I was planning to talk to her but today when I was on my bike I spotted her we looked at each other for a second but she instantly started looking down, does this mean that she don't like me ?? please tell me.
the girl in the video is so beautiful
OMG I do all of these I I hope my crush doesn't see this I only with I wasn't shy..
Haha, I feel your pain. xD
There probably is but she is consealing it :O
go figure...
I like a girl and she is into fnaf animae and she's kind but the problem is that I'm a shy guy
are you friends with her?
im the only girl in my class that actually play games, and all my "girlfriends" makes fun of me, so you probably cant find any 'girlgamer' because shes hiding it xD
I don't know why I'm commenting on an almost decade old video, but I read an article on love panky that said that not shy, but sensitive women have different needs in the bedroom than non-sensitive women. Is this true for shy women?