You've mastered wh life, it is fun to see, great content. Been wanting to try wh for so long but I always felt it was better to join a corp in wh then solo.
I knew when I came to eve that I was to live in a wormhole. I got lucky with the first corp I joined 7 days in. It was in an alliance that had a hole. Hung out with everyone in comms for a month or so and proved myself. (Wormholers are very paranoid by nature, justifiably so) and now I live in a wormhole and earn billions a week. Jspace is best space I hope youe found your way into anoikis by now. o7
Pro tip: if your using a gamer mouse, set d scan to one of your gamer buttons. So much easier to remember and get into the habit of dscanning when its under one of your fingers at all times. Its to the point now that if im watching a yt video and they dont dscan often enough i will hit the button on instinct alone
I've recently gotten back into exploring with my astero and it has been amazing it was like 3 days ago I found a c3 with relic and data sites with the amazing 50 mil cans I only ended up getting about 4 but I was so happy when I got back out to high sec
I've been playing on and off since 2005, and just got into jedi mining in wh space, its been a good laugh espically using the miner as bait for the other ship 😂
Big difference between C2 and C3, and then from C3 and C4, etc. If you're new to wormhole life, don't just jump in to a C3. Spend time in a C1 or C2 first.
Its always fun to jump into a wh and scan down the stuff and check the hole for wrecks. and then hopefully there is nobody there and clean out the can's . so many wh's are empty of players.
I finally understand how bad I was at ratting or just eve in general after watching this!! I wanna rat the right way too!! Can you teach me and invite me? BRUNK is my in game nick. 🙏🏼🙏🏼
Our daily chains are usually 2-3 bigger than what he showed, and we roll it at least 12 times a day. We are a pvp focused wh group tho. Im also ceo of another ratting corp that sometimes goes a week or 2 without scanning the chain down. Just dudes huffing or ratting after rolling statics and intruders. What you get depends on the group. Having a massive chain isnt usefull if you dont take advantage of it. Going 20 holes deep doesnt make sense when you could roll for a new chain in 5 mins. Tldr, keep your expectations in lime with what tools you have acess to. o7
I am a month old Alpha newbro at the time of asking this question. I don't know if I missed it in the video, but how can I tell just by looking that a WH is C1, C2, etc? Thank you for pointing out the K162 thing. I've been doing wormholes for 4 days and when I'd see "K162" or "N110" I assumed that meant the difference between leading to High Sec vs Null. I would religiously spam D scan while mining Bis & Ark, but only once saw a Drake ping on there (disappeared after 7 pings in succession). Thanks for the video.
use this tool every type of wormhole leads somewhere so like an H900 always leads to a C5 As for K162s they tell you where they generally go in the description, unknown is c1/2/3 , dangerous is c4/5 , deadly c6 and any K-space will just say leads to HS / LS / NS
What ancient salvage drops from what wreck size or access difficulty? I'm looking for few days for some list of what drops from what wreck. Like Impetus Console (t2) only salvaged from Angel Cartel or angel relic sites. Or is it that every ancient salvage can possibly drop from every wreck size and every wreck access difficulty? Normally it wouldn't matter, but I want to build my own tech 3 destroyer and can't find info what drops where out of the 15 different needed ancient salvage. Any pointers or insight would be much appreciated.
Great video, thank you! You mentioned that when you warp to a fresh wandering hole (but don't go through), you start a 2 hour timer before the exit spawns somewhere else. Is there a range on that, or is it always 2 hours?
So back when I contacted a GM about the wormhole mechancis they of course were vaige and didn't want to just tell me how the code worked but they confirmed some mechanics. Mainly when you warp to a hole, you do not actually spawn its K162's signature. instead that initial grid triggering of the named side causes the wormhole's life cycle to start. theres 24 hr holes and 16 hour holes. When theres 15 hours left on a holes life, the hole then begins to start having a chance every minute to spawn it's K162's signature. so 16hr holes under this math have 1hr safe and 24 hr holes have have 9 hours safe. ADHC which then spread to KRIT has always used the pretence of ~2hr safe after you warp to fresh wandering.
I know this video is getting "old" if you look at how vast the changes are that CCP are making to marauders and space in general. So I wanted to ask which ships are more go to for C3 ratting. Currently I run C3 in a praxis because of lower SP requirements, but I have been training marauders for a while to replace the praxis.
I know how to get in and out of wormholes and how to generally id there Clvl but 1 thing i have always been scared off and maybe there isent a reliable way to do this but lets say u jump in and navigate around and u find a good system to rat in and u do so for a long time. U store all your loot in a friendly structure or just an MTU and u then die in there or on your way out. Now u respawn and u get into a hauler to go back in and grab all your loot but the first wormhole into wormhole space has collapsed, How do u find your way back to that structure in wormhole space that now holds all your loot? There isent a static map for wormholes so do u just have to randomly jump around and prey u find it or is there some way to get back there without blind luck?
Great valid concern, sorry that happens to you. Wormholes live only 16 or 24 hrs depending on hole type. so could be you went to a system down a chain and the wormholes died of age while you were ratting. If thats the case and you died well your in a bad spot... the way YOU know to that system is no longer there and there isnt anything you can really do about that. So hmm, one, i can recommend using a mapping software, I just dropped a video on PF hereвидео.html two, make sure you check hole's status's as you jump them, so long the chain you scan isn't EOL you have at least 4 hours before any holes go eol and die of age. and three if you're running into this issue a lot make sure you have multiple ways back in OR get a scanning alt so that it can scan a chain out if your main dies. As for recovering a now lost system, you need blind luck to re find it. if your chain was deep could even be someone along the chain someone rolled the holes... lots of factors
In W-Space, alts are your friends, your life lines! In the situation you are describing, you would have an alt in a scanning ship with a cloak. If your main died, you could either use the alt to grab the loot you stored and take it out of the hole or if the hole disappeared for some reason, the alt could scan for another hole somewhere that would lead you back to K-space. People who live in wormholes obviously die occasionally (or frequently if you're more bold) and need to find their way back to their home system. This is done either by having an up to date map of your chains leading to K-space or by having a corp mate or alt find you a way back in (relying on other people is a bit rude so most serious wormhole players will have at the very least, one alt with good scanning skills as insurance)
Kind of a necro post, but to make sure I have it straight you recommend a C4 WH as your base with a C3 static and either someone watching the other entry WH or collapsing them?
yes. If you want to use C3 space , you would have access to more sites if you have a C3 static, with the static you can roll for more sites. Living in a C3 would limit you to just your systems sites. Alternatively, if you want to get into C5 space for ratting you would want a C5 static if you intended to support a larger number of players, as a C5 farm can only support ~4-5 players before the lack of sites becomes noticeable. And a static always can be rolled to try again for more sites.
So id like to know how consistent sites are/spawn in WH space? Everyone i inow does what you did for the isk per project it out, but if the site dont keep spawning as you clear them.......then that data isnt any good. Like, Highsec incursions can put out a very accurate isk per hour figure because sites continually spawn. They may be site that take longer but one a site is completely, another spawns. So incursions can generate a very consistent 400-600 mil/hr. I get that the groups have to be running, but still. So back to my question, how much can you realistically make per hour in a WH and how constant is that?
For C3 ratting people typically rat through a C3 static they have. Like back in the day, I lived in a C4 w/ a C3 and C5 static. If I wanted to rat that day I would poke my head in the C3, see if it had sites, and if it didn't I would roll the hole for a chance at a new system with sites. So if your C3 had 10 sites, and you ratted all 10 you could expect over 400 million isk, you would then go home and if you wanted to keep ratting you would just roll the hole and start the process over again. This can all be done solo. or with a group. Some days You would poke your head in a C3 and there would be like 30 sites, just the absolute best. some days you would be rolling for an hour looking for a system with sites and just nothing up to par. It's all random. Once you get to C5 ratting, where a single ratting session makes you a billion isk you tend to be more of a jack of all traits, not forcing what content you do that day but rather taking what is readily available, switching between PVP and PVE or Mining. I've ratted incursions off and on for several years and even with peak TDF dominance have never seen 400 million isk an hour (not dual boxing) incursions... but I can say I have seen 500 million isk an hour with a similarly priced ship in C3s, on multiple occasions. Maybe you are factoring in LP? I still have all my LP and haven't done anything with that stuff lol, maybe need to cash it in one day. Remember this video is about C3s which is considered beginner-friendly space, you will quickly grow to C5s where a paladin can solo a site in 45 minutes and make 525 million isk, no funny LP math just pure blue loot that sells to NPC orders. One factor about ratting in incursions is you might decide, fuck it, imma rat for 7 hours today because that's what i want to do, so long a fleet is up you can do that. You can attempt that in wormhole space but you can expect at least 2 hours of that to be dedicated to rolling, and if you're forcing the content that hard, expect Bob to throw some PVP your way. I typically don't rat more than 4 hours on any HUGE sessions, where maybe I'm soloing a C5 with over 10 sites so the content is there ready for the taking, but typically I'll do smaller 1-2 hour sessions. I have too much money to really speak on this topic, I mainly rat for the social time with friends at this point, a billion isk is whatever, just gave a friend 18 billion to help him buy a skin, and dropped 25 billion on a fort, and spent way too much on nighthawk, wtf is with those prices. If you're really looking to generate money I would compare C3s and incursions, go to C5 space. that being said... one of my corp mates multi-boxes 20 accounts and does the vanguards I believe, he said that's some solid money, but even he shows up to rat some C5s. Hope some bit of that can paint a picture that helps.
just came across your channel, is this type of content accessible to alpha pilots? I'm trying to do something other than just running abyssal sites on repeat.
C3 Meta Praxis is a thing and Frontiers are very easy, so yes but ultimately Alpha is a trial, if you want to actually play go omega you'll be able to fly everything... but better! and sooner !
Reactions is a type of industry, input is gas fuel blocks and some minerals, out put is the reactions. use that tool to see what is currently profitable or not. I'm a trend seller so I will non-stop react gas and once every 3-4 months when the markets are peaking i will sell. Other people react to faster market trends. somethings 30% profitable this week so buy react and sell ASAP, again me I don't do that I wait until a reaction is in high demand before I sell. to really go into more detail I'd probably have to make a video on it but I hope that link gets you in the right direction.
My problem is I only have one hic pilot so closing a hole solo can take awhile and generally it's hard to get people together to want to close off the c3. Most only want to put in that kind of work for c5 ratting.
a HIC is ~130K tons Hot. a Battleship is 300K tons hot. If you upgrade to a praxis or megathron roller you will cut your times down, we only use the hic when the hole verges and its no longer safe to send a battleship roller through
It allways annoys me when people talk isk per hour but ignore the setup time. E.g. here the u can claim the 6 minute site eas 370 isk per hour, but that ignores the 25 minutes rolling holes and the scanning, so immeadatly its half that. As you say 'if you get back to back sites' but you dont, and you have to scan. Isk per hour is supposed to be what you can make in an hour, not what you can make in 5 minutes and pretend thats repeated over an hour ad nauseam. The daft thing being you are making good coin even including the setup time, but what was a metric or earning has been changed by the click baiters into unreal expectations.
It's true, there's setup time, but theres also setup time for the other activities. For incursions... you might need to travel to where they are... and then unless you are in a group that does them.. you have to wait a bunch of hours untill its you're turn to play. Everything has a setup time. But once your pieces are in place, and with practice, you get to make the moneys. It pays to have a good set of friends, or alts. Yesterday, I mined for 3.5 hours and made 200M isk (no boosts, no compression... warp in, mine, warp out to unload). Try to do that in hisec ;) But yes, you have 'setup time' and you have to roll things and then happiness in your own safe island.
By Rolling do you crit the wormhole or close it? The reason I ask is that with the new horn hole spawns due to two statics for wormhole. What do you do with that one?
rolling means to close a wormhole. when you roll away the wondering they are gone for ever. When you roll a static it respawns for you, it does not yet spawn its exit meaning so long you do not activate it, it will be like a raised bridge, it does not yet connect the two points. It will connect once you jump it.(technically it does, when you activate it what happens is you are spawning the butt ends(k162) signature making it scannable, but if people can't scan it its like it doesnt exists...)
Solo is possible, just a very differently play style. If you wanted to go solo you could join signal cartel and roam the stars alone while having a support network of sorts. I know theres another youtuber making an entire serious of his solo play but he runs several accounts which might be not what you want. hope you find your content
LMFAO, C3 and rich?? LOL. C3 are playable and c3 sites in a battleship are good for maybe 150 mill an hour. You want rich you go C4 statics and solo run sites in marauder (800 mill per hour), and you wanna talk safe, most the time in C4 sites you are 100km off the warp in AND the rats do not scram. So before any trouble is on you, siege down, microjump drive and moon walk out. Plus for C4 you do not need bling fits or implants for the sites. C4 WH's are where it's at. Honestly, our statics are C4/C5 for the best of both.
you're shorting yourself in c3s. 500m+ is easily obtainable with a 1.5B no pod marauder. I think you're missing the point of c3s though , they're the kind of space a guy can make 200m isk an hour without insane skills or crazy ships. if your argument is you can make more isk here with a marauder well you're still wrong... c5s.
@@GKhagah Well here, lets set the expectation, Who is this guide intended for? If it's for new bro's, yeah they are not getting anywhere close to 200M per hour in a gila. They don't have the skills. If it's for more skilled players, then sure. It might be possible. I've done many C3's and you out grown them quick hence my comment about C4's, for soloing that's where the money is at. Even more then C5's. By your own video's it took you 48 minutes to clear a Garrsion with drifter, in an blinged marauder and pod. Why run a 1.5bill marauder in C3 making 500 mill, when you can use that same fit in C4 and make about 700 mill (calc was off) before salvage. :)
Pro tip: if your using a gamer mouse, set d scan to one of your gamer buttons. So much easier to remember and get into the habit of dscanning when its under one of your fingers at all times. Its to the point now that if im watching a yt video and they dont dscan often enough i will hit the button on instinct alone
grendel stop liking the bot comments lmao
haha i realized that after the 3rd comment. was like hmmm this person seems persistent
You've mastered wh life, it is fun to see, great content. Been wanting to try wh for so long but I always felt it was better to join a corp in wh then solo.
I fell the same way too, best part of corps are the people you get to make friends with
I knew when I came to eve that I was to live in a wormhole. I got lucky with the first corp I joined 7 days in. It was in an alliance that had a hole. Hung out with everyone in comms for a month or so and proved myself. (Wormholers are very paranoid by nature, justifiably so) and now I live in a wormhole and earn billions a week.
Jspace is best space
I hope youe found your way into anoikis by now.
Pro tip: if your using a gamer mouse, set d scan to one of your gamer buttons. So much easier to remember and get into the habit of dscanning when its under one of your fingers at all times. Its to the point now that if im watching a yt video and they dont dscan often enough i will hit the button on instinct alone
Incredible video! c3 wormholes have been funding my adventures in eve for almost 10 years now :)
I've recently gotten back into exploring with my astero and it has been amazing it was like 3 days ago I found a c3 with relic and data sites with the amazing 50 mil cans I only ended up getting about 4 but I was so happy when I got back out to high sec
I've been playing on and off since 2005, and just got into jedi mining in wh space, its been a good laugh espically using the miner as bait for the other ship 😂
Love the videos, makes me miss WH life. Was spoiled with a c3 static. I should dive more often.
Big difference between C2 and C3, and then from C3 and C4, etc. If you're new to wormhole life, don't just jump in to a C3. Spend time in a C1 or C2 first.
Its always fun to jump into a wh and scan down the stuff and check the hole for wrecks. and then hopefully there is nobody there and clean out the can's . so many wh's are empty of players.
When you change settings, you need to dock/undock, then lasers will appear ;)
yeah I figured that out recently, always a shame its when I notice that I adjust but its just too late
ur style to explain is very nice to follow and listen to!
Thank you for making this excellent guide
You can also fit a cargo scanner to determine what's inside, can save you ages hacking a box with 4k isk inside
can´t wait!
I finally understand how bad I was at ratting or just eve in general after watching this!! I wanna rat the right way too!! Can you teach me and invite me? BRUNK is my in game nick. 🙏🏼🙏🏼
love the bgm music!
If ya see the Big C P in a worm hole dont shoot lets burn one together and make money
this is so useful
Our daily chains are usually 2-3 bigger than what he showed, and we roll it at least 12 times a day. We are a pvp focused wh group tho. Im also ceo of another ratting corp that sometimes goes a week or 2 without scanning the chain down. Just dudes huffing or ratting after rolling statics and intruders. What you get depends on the group. Having a massive chain isnt usefull if you dont take advantage of it. Going 20 holes deep doesnt make sense when you could roll for a new chain in 5 mins.
Tldr, keep your expectations in lime with what tools you have acess to.
Great video like always
I am a month old Alpha newbro at the time of asking this question. I don't know if I missed it in the video, but how can I tell just by looking that a WH is C1, C2, etc?
Thank you for pointing out the K162 thing. I've been doing wormholes for 4 days and when I'd see "K162" or "N110" I assumed that meant the difference between leading to High Sec vs Null. I would religiously spam D scan while mining Bis & Ark, but only once saw a Drake ping on there (disappeared after 7 pings in succession).
Thanks for the video.
use this tool
every type of wormhole leads somewhere so like an H900 always leads to a C5
As for K162s they tell you where they generally go in the description, unknown is c1/2/3 , dangerous is c4/5 , deadly c6 and any K-space will just say leads to HS / LS / NS
@@GKhagah thanks for the info. Subscribed.
@@GKhagahlove seeing this kind of honest to goodness great advice to new bros. Tired of vets recomending hull repping stratios fits to new bros
Hello, thanks for this very usefull video. Can a Kronos do the same as your Paladin ?
in C3s the Kronos is THE BEST Marauder.
Old corp mate had a cheap one that just blitzed the sites. Big factor is C3s waves spawn kinda within 40km
What ancient salvage drops from what wreck size or access difficulty? I'm looking for few days for some list of what drops from what wreck. Like Impetus Console (t2) only salvaged from Angel Cartel or angel relic sites. Or is it that every ancient salvage can possibly drop from every wreck size and every wreck access difficulty? Normally it wouldn't matter, but I want to build my own tech 3 destroyer and can't find info what drops where out of the 15 different needed ancient salvage. Any pointers or insight would be much appreciated.
Great video, thank you!
You mentioned that when you warp to a fresh wandering hole (but don't go through), you start a 2 hour timer before the exit spawns somewhere else. Is there a range on that, or is it always 2 hours?
So back when I contacted a GM about the wormhole mechancis they of course were vaige and didn't want to just tell me how the code worked but they confirmed some mechanics.
Mainly when you warp to a hole, you do not actually spawn its K162's signature. instead that initial grid triggering of the named side causes the wormhole's life cycle to start. theres 24 hr holes and 16 hour holes. When theres 15 hours left on a holes life, the hole then begins to start having a chance every minute to spawn it's K162's signature. so 16hr holes under this math have 1hr safe and 24 hr holes have have 9 hours safe. ADHC which then spread to KRIT has always used the pretence of ~2hr safe after you warp to fresh wandering.
I know this video is getting "old" if you look at how vast the changes are that CCP are making to marauders and space in general. So I wanted to ask which ships are more go to for C3 ratting. Currently I run C3 in a praxis because of lower SP requirements, but I have been training marauders for a while to replace the praxis.
I know how to get in and out of wormholes and how to generally id there Clvl but 1 thing i have always been scared off and maybe there isent a reliable way to do this but lets say u jump in and navigate around and u find a good system to rat in and u do so for a long time. U store all your loot in a friendly structure or just an MTU and u then die in there or on your way out. Now u respawn and u get into a hauler to go back in and grab all your loot but the first wormhole into wormhole space has collapsed, How do u find your way back to that structure in wormhole space that now holds all your loot? There isent a static map for wormholes so do u just have to randomly jump around and prey u find it or is there some way to get back there without blind luck?
Great valid concern, sorry that happens to you. Wormholes live only 16 or 24 hrs depending on hole type. so could be you went to a system down a chain and the wormholes died of age while you were ratting. If thats the case and you died well your in a bad spot... the way YOU know to that system is no longer there and there isnt anything you can really do about that.
So hmm, one, i can recommend using a mapping software, I just dropped a video on PF hereвидео.html
two, make sure you check hole's status's as you jump them, so long the chain you scan isn't EOL you have at least 4 hours before any holes go eol and die of age.
and three if you're running into this issue a lot make sure you have multiple ways back in OR get a scanning alt so that it can scan a chain out if your main dies.
As for recovering a now lost system, you need blind luck to re find it.
if your chain was deep could even be someone along the chain someone rolled the holes... lots of factors
In W-Space, alts are your friends, your life lines! In the situation you are describing, you would have an alt in a scanning ship with a cloak. If your main died, you could either use the alt to grab the loot you stored and take it out of the hole or if the hole disappeared for some reason, the alt could scan for another hole somewhere that would lead you back to K-space.
People who live in wormholes obviously die occasionally (or frequently if you're more bold) and need to find their way back to their home system. This is done either by having an up to date map of your chains leading to K-space or by having a corp mate or alt find you a way back in (relying on other people is a bit rude so most serious wormhole players will have at the very least, one alt with good scanning skills as insurance)
Kind of a necro post, but to make sure I have it straight you recommend a C4 WH as your base with a C3 static and either someone watching the other entry WH or collapsing them?
yes. If you want to use C3 space , you would have access to more sites if you have a C3 static, with the static you can roll for more sites. Living in a C3 would limit you to just your systems sites.
Alternatively, if you want to get into C5 space for ratting you would want a C5 static if you intended to support a larger number of players, as a C5 farm can only support ~4-5 players before the lack of sites becomes noticeable. And a static always can be rolled to try again for more sites.
a few weeks ago my venture died bu a jackdaw because i forgot to D scan
So id like to know how consistent sites are/spawn in WH space?
Everyone i inow does what you did for the isk per project it out, but if the site dont keep spawning as you clear them.......then that data isnt any good.
Like, Highsec incursions can put out a very accurate isk per hour figure because sites continually spawn. They may be site that take longer but one a site is completely, another spawns. So incursions can generate a very consistent 400-600 mil/hr. I get that the groups have to be running, but still.
So back to my question, how much can you realistically make per hour in a WH and how constant is that?
For C3 ratting people typically rat through a C3 static they have. Like back in the day, I lived in a C4 w/ a C3 and C5 static. If I wanted to rat that day I would poke my head in the C3, see if it had sites, and if it didn't I would roll the hole for a chance at a new system with sites. So if your C3 had 10 sites, and you ratted all 10 you could expect over 400 million isk, you would then go home and if you wanted to keep ratting you would just roll the hole and start the process over again. This can all be done solo. or with a group.
Some days You would poke your head in a C3 and there would be like 30 sites, just the absolute best. some days you would be rolling for an hour looking for a system with sites and just nothing up to par. It's all random.
Once you get to C5 ratting, where a single ratting session makes you a billion isk you tend to be more of a jack of all traits, not forcing what content you do that day but rather taking what is readily available, switching between PVP and PVE or Mining. I've ratted incursions off and on for several years and even with peak TDF dominance have never seen 400 million isk an hour (not dual boxing) incursions... but I can say I have seen 500 million isk an hour with a similarly priced ship in C3s, on multiple occasions. Maybe you are factoring in LP? I still have all my LP and haven't done anything with that stuff lol, maybe need to cash it in one day.
Remember this video is about C3s which is considered beginner-friendly space, you will quickly grow to C5s where a paladin can solo a site in 45 minutes and make 525 million isk, no funny LP math just pure blue loot that sells to NPC orders.
One factor about ratting in incursions is you might decide, fuck it, imma rat for 7 hours today because that's what i want to do, so long a fleet is up you can do that. You can attempt that in wormhole space but you can expect at least 2 hours of that to be dedicated to rolling, and if you're forcing the content that hard, expect Bob to throw some PVP your way. I typically don't rat more than 4 hours on any HUGE sessions, where maybe I'm soloing a C5 with over 10 sites so the content is there ready for the taking, but typically I'll do smaller 1-2 hour sessions.
I have too much money to really speak on this topic, I mainly rat for the social time with friends at this point, a billion isk is whatever, just gave a friend 18 billion to help him buy a skin, and dropped 25 billion on a fort, and spent way too much on nighthawk, wtf is with those prices. If you're really looking to generate money I would compare C3s and incursions, go to C5 space. that being said... one of my corp mates multi-boxes 20 accounts and does the vanguards I believe, he said that's some solid money, but even he shows up to rat some C5s.
Hope some bit of that can paint a picture that helps.
Can your paladin run any site in a C3? To include the data and relic sites as well?
just came across your channel, is this type of content accessible to alpha pilots? I'm trying to do something other than just running abyssal sites on repeat.
C3 Meta Praxis is a thing and Frontiers are very easy, so yes but ultimately Alpha is a trial, if you want to actually play go omega you'll be able to fly everything... but better! and sooner !
Try some exploration
a cheapo praxis can do all the sites realy easily for around 300 mil :3
Can you elaborate on reactions?
Reactions is a type of industry, input is gas fuel blocks and some minerals, out put is the reactions.
use that tool to see what is currently profitable or not. I'm a trend seller so I will non-stop react gas and once every 3-4 months when the markets are peaking i will sell. Other people react to faster market trends. somethings 30% profitable this week so buy react and sell ASAP, again me I don't do that I wait until a reaction is in high demand before I sell.
to really go into more detail I'd probably have to make a video on it but I hope that link gets you in the right direction.
My problem is I only have one hic pilot so closing a hole solo can take awhile and generally it's hard to get people together to want to close off the c3. Most only want to put in that kind of work for c5 ratting.
a HIC is ~130K tons Hot. a Battleship is 300K tons hot. If you upgrade to a praxis or megathron roller you will cut your times down, we only use the hic when the hole verges and its no longer safe to send a battleship roller through
It allways annoys me when people talk isk per hour but ignore the setup time. E.g. here the u can claim the 6 minute site eas 370 isk per hour, but that ignores the 25 minutes rolling holes and the scanning, so immeadatly its half that. As you say 'if you get back to back sites' but you dont, and you have to scan. Isk per hour is supposed to be what you can make in an hour, not what you can make in 5 minutes and pretend thats repeated over an hour ad nauseam. The daft thing being you are making good coin even including the setup time, but what was a metric or earning has been changed by the click baiters into unreal expectations.
It's true, there's setup time, but theres also setup time for the other activities. For incursions... you might need to travel to where they are... and then unless you are in a group that does them.. you have to wait a bunch of hours untill its you're turn to play. Everything has a setup time. But once your pieces are in place, and with practice, you get to make the moneys. It pays to have a good set of friends, or alts. Yesterday, I mined for 3.5 hours and made 200M isk (no boosts, no compression... warp in, mine, warp out to unload). Try to do that in hisec ;) But yes, you have 'setup time' and you have to roll things and then happiness in your own safe island.
What's the map at the bottom left?
Pathfinder , check out our hosted map @
is your corp recruting? players looking for something viable not people staying in station afk i need people to farm with and have fun
Wolves is always recruiting
By Rolling do you crit the wormhole or close it? The reason I ask is that with the new horn hole spawns due to two statics for wormhole. What do you do with that one?
rolling means to close a wormhole.
when you roll away the wondering they are gone for ever.
When you roll a static it respawns for you, it does not yet spawn its exit meaning so long you do not activate it, it will be like a raised bridge, it does not yet connect the two points. It will connect once you jump it.(technically it does, when you activate it what happens is you are spawning the butt ends(k162) signature making it scannable, but if people can't scan it its like it doesnt exists...)
Dang, u just killed my desire to try out wormholes...Not for a solo player I guess.
Solo is possible, just a very differently play style. If you wanted to go solo you could join signal cartel and roam the stars alone while having a support network of sorts. I know theres another youtuber making an entire serious of his solo play but he runs several accounts which might be not what you want. hope you find your content
I do c4 solo np
If some guy on the internet wants to make you rich, its a scam.
yes give me your money
this is the most confusing video about wh i have ever seen...
Think that might just be you?? Lol bet you know more about whs more now though
LMFAO, C3 and rich?? LOL. C3 are playable and c3 sites in a battleship are good for maybe 150 mill an hour. You want rich you go C4 statics and solo run sites in marauder (800 mill per hour), and you wanna talk safe, most the time in C4 sites you are 100km off the warp in AND the rats do not scram. So before any trouble is on you, siege down, microjump drive and moon walk out. Plus for C4 you do not need bling fits or implants for the sites. C4 WH's are where it's at. Honestly, our statics are C4/C5 for the best of both.
you're shorting yourself in c3s. 500m+ is easily obtainable with a 1.5B no pod marauder. I think you're missing the point of c3s though , they're the kind of space a guy can make 200m isk an hour without insane skills or crazy ships. if your argument is you can make more isk here with a marauder well you're still wrong... c5s.
@@GKhagah Well here, lets set the expectation, Who is this guide intended for? If it's for new bro's, yeah they are not getting anywhere close to 200M per hour in a gila. They don't have the skills. If it's for more skilled players, then sure. It might be possible. I've done many C3's and you out grown them quick hence my comment about C4's, for soloing that's where the money is at. Even more then C5's. By your own video's it took you 48 minutes to clear a Garrsion with drifter, in an blinged marauder and pod. Why run a 1.5bill marauder in C3 making 500 mill, when you can use that same fit in C4 and make about 700 mill (calc was off) before salvage. :)
@@TheGoatPC u are missing the point and just arguing to argue that's why he didn't reply to u
Ratting in c4s look at the ratting guide honestly the isk/ehp is only slightly better than c3.
Pro tip: if your using a gamer mouse, set d scan to one of your gamer buttons. So much easier to remember and get into the habit of dscanning when its under one of your fingers at all times. Its to the point now that if im watching a yt video and they dont dscan often enough i will hit the button on instinct alone