The Sunday Obligation Explained | Dr. Brant Pitre
- Опубликовано: 10 фев 2025
- In this 3-part video presentation, Dr. Brant Pitre, Professor of Scripture, gives an in-depth explanation of the Sunday obligation.
Sabbath Rest in the Old Testament
Sunday Worship in the New Testament
The Sunday Obligation Today
Learn More about Sunday and the gift of the Mass at
Dr. Pitre is such an engaging speaker and one of my favorite Bible scholars. I could listen to him all day. Great lecture Dr. Pitre!
He gives an hour lecture about it. Did you listen to the video??? You don’t have to agree but that’s a pretty thorough explanation of reasons. As in it’s not arbitrary but has reasoning behind it.
Not to mention his sense of humour.
@YAJUN YUAN It’s the third Commandment
@YAJUN YUAN 6 days labor and on the 7th rest (sabbath). We start working on Monday and on the 7th we rest, worship, go to mass for the breaking of the bread.
Beautiful explanation. I really love the last remark about if you'd have the chance to spend an hour every week with a loved who has passed away. Who wouldn't run for that? We should run to be with Jesus every chance we get. Of course it all starts with love. Do you love Jesus so much that you long for Him in the Eucharist? Every catholic should ask this question of him/her self.
John 14:15 If you love Me, you will keep My commandments--ALL TEN!!!
@@mitchellosmer1293tell that to francis😮
As usual, your teaching Dr. Pitre is not only inspiring but it is nutritious to the soul. Thank you for sharing this your great gift.
I am a Christian now but my path was from Sikhism/ Hinduism/Buddhism. I find these lectures and many others on Christianity very interesting. We all know that there were many prophets but only Jesus is the truth in whom is the full Godhead. The prophets were messengers/ servants of God but were human beings like you and me sometimes getting things wrong ( Even Paul wasn’t sure at times ). Lord Jesus even said that the scriptures spoke of Him and pointed to Him. The scriptures cannot give you life but you have to come to Him.If you want answers- stop looking to men for they can be mislead. Look and seek The Lord for answers. He knows our heart and knows the answers we are looking for. It is not through our own knowledge that we will gain understanding but that which The Lord reveals to us through our relationship with Him. God bless you all 🙏
all the love from a fellow indian!
The Catholic faith is a gateway to Christianity. Their rich history adopted all sorts of pagan beliefs and traditions. It's a good start. Welcome.
@@forthewin369 quote---The Catholic faith is a gateway to Christianity.--unquote
LOL--Obviously you DO NOT know what a "christian" is.
ONE THAT FOLLOWS the teachings of Christ!!!
A catholic---a follower of the teachings of Catholicism
A protestant--One that follows the teachings of Protestanism,
Lutheran--One that follows the teachings of Lutherism.,,,etc.
Catholiocs are NOT Christians!!!!
---PROVE youir claim that Sunday is the Day GOD made Holy, Blessed, Rested on, declares as HIS Holy day, gave a name to. QUOTE the Holy Bible!!!!
@@mitchellosmer1293 venerating Mary isn't Christ-ian
Making a serious resolution never to miss Mass again.
why? it's not Christian.
try to learn to love Christ -- John 14:15
catholicism hates Christ.
Dr Pitre is always on point.
May God continues to be glorified in your work
No one but Dr Brant explains the bible so well. Thank you Dr Brant.
His explanation definitely brought me back to the faith and I am on fire for God now
Written by GOD-----The ONLY day God RESTED was the Seventh day.
Written by GOD-----The ONLY day God BLESSED was the Seventh day.
Written by GOD-----The ONLY day God SANCTIFIED was the Seventh day.
Written by GOD-----The ONLY day God named was the Seventh day.
Written by GOD----The ONLY day God calls HIS HOLY Day was the Seventh day.----
Thank u Dr Brant for this beautiful explanation may Jesus an Mary continueto work in our lives to fully understand what the bible is all about..God bless u.@@mitchellosmer1293
This is truly wonderful done. Remember to though that we are not allowed to participate in anyone else's work on Sunday because otherwise we share in The Guilt of their sin and profit from it. That means no shopping, no eating out at restaurants for entertainment, no cinemas, no theme parks another thing where people are working unnecessarily unless it of course is something like doctors or nurses or police or people that work to keep the electricity going or public transport eccetera...... otherwise we profit from their sin, we rob them of their ability to rest, and we share in The Guilt of what they are doing..... remember, no business is going to open on Sunday unless they know there is profit to be made..... but it was spective of that even if we participate in their sin then we share it...... I always do my best to do all this, and when I do go out on Sundays I will take a packed lunch with me with ingredients purchased the day before or throughout the week..... where there is a will there is a way :-) how much do we love Jesus?
You're putting too much on people. Catholic teaching allows eating out on Sundays, and so on, and also allows working on Sunday to support oneself and one's family. Article 2187 specifically talks about people working in restaurants, professional sports, and providing various societal services (like gas stations, phone companies, etc.) being legitimate activities on Sunday. But it's true that we should strive to avoid making other people work on Sundays.
This is overly scrupulous. We have no way to judge whether the person has or has not fulfilled their obligation, say with a sat mass and rest or a noon to noon situation. Nor do we know if that person is a Christian, though we wish they were, and if not has no obligation. This is specifically in relation to the sin of a Christian not spending the sabbath with the Lord. The person no doubt has other sins but we don't participate with people's sins just because we interact with them. Just like if you give money to a beggar and they spend it on booze, you're not responsible, though you can be prudent. I think it's wonderful for you as an extra penitential act to forgo those things on Sunday, but you're not necessarily sinning for eating out or something.
PLEASE book, chapter and verse that COMMANDS anyone to worship. keep Sunday Holy????
Book, chapter and verse where The Sabbath, seventh day, was changed to Sunfay??
@@suburbanbanshee quote--But it's true that we should strive to avoid making other people work on Sundays...unquote
quote--- when I do go out on Sundays I will take a packed lunch with me with ingredients purchased the day before or throughout the week..... where there is a will there is a way :-) how much do we love Jesus?..unquote
The Bible verse "If you love me, keep my commandments" appears in John 14:15:
King James Version: "If ye love me, keep my commandments"
English Standard Version: "If you love me, you will keep my commandments"
Good News Translation: "If you love me, you will obey my commandments"
In this verse, Jesus Christ is making it clear how his disciples should show their love for him. The Greek word for "keep" in this verse is "tereo," which means to guard, observe, or give heed to. This implies a continuous effort to adhere to God's commandments.
But NO Catholics obeys God!! Especially Ex 20:8-11
Exodus 20:8-11
New American Bible (Revised Edition)
8 Remember the sabbath day-keep it holy. 9 Six days you may labor and do all your work, 10 but the seventh day is a sabbath of the Lord your God. You shall not do any work, either you, your son or your daughter, your male or female slave, your work animal, or the resident alien within your gates. 11 For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea and all that is in them; but on the seventh day he rested. That is why the Lord has blessed the sabbath day and made it holy.
>>>John 14:23
Jesus answered him, “If anyone loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him.
---John 14:21
Whoever has my commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves me. And he who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and manifest myself to him.”
---John 15:10
If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father's commandments and abide in his love.
1 John 5:3
For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments. And his commandments are not burdensome.
1 John 2:3
And by this we know that we have come to know him, if we keep his commandments.
-----2 John 1:6 ESV / 6 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful
And this is love, that we walk according to his commandments; this is the commandment, just as you have heard from the beginning, so that you should walk in it.
---John 14:6
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
(Not according to Catholics__The church is the truth!!)
....John 14:24
Whoever does not love me does not keep my words. And the word that you hear is not mine but the Father's who sent me.
--- John 13:34
A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.
1 John 5:2-3
By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God and obey his commandments. For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments. And his commandments are not burdensome.
(According to Catholics, God's Sabbath was so burdersome that they changed it to Sunday)
--1 Peter 1:8
Though you have not seen him, you love him. Though you do not now see him, you believe in him and rejoice with joy that is inexpressible and filled with glory,
----Matthew 6:24
“No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.
(Catholic teachings. or God?)
----Matthew 28:20
Teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
----- Revelation 14:12
Here is a call for the endurance of the saints, those who keep the commandments of God and their faith in Jesus.
----Revelation 3:20
Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me.
---1 John 3:24
Whoever keeps his commandments abides in God, and God in him. And by this we know that he abides in us, by the Spirit whom he has given us.
----1 John 2:4
Whoever says “I know him” but does not keep his commandments is a liar, and the truth is not in him,
Oh my! I'd never considered that in His death, He kept Shabbat! And it was a high Shabbat occurring as it did during Pesach. That's amazing. Thank you, Dr. Pitre. 🙏
What was the alternative? He could have worked? But he was dead...
@@InfoArtistJKatTheGoodInfoCafehow silly you have become 😢
Thank you for this teaching. May the Lord cause His Face to shine upon you. שלום
Dr. Pitre, you are amazing! This brought tears to my eyes, because I see and feel the Holy Eucharist in a clearer light! Blessings and peace on to you and yours!
Wow! Amazing lecture! Thank u Dr Pitre! Thank u Thank U! ❤️✝️🙏🏼😊
Really great explanation. Yes, Jesus is really present in body and spirit in the Eucharist. Thanks Dr. Pitre for inspiring all of us.
Word. Very illuminating deep dive into the theological basis for the Sunday obligation.
Acts 20:7 scripture shows they gathered on the first day from the very beginning.
@@kimberlytancrede5468 gathering was done after Sabbath normally... it's after Sabbath
Dr. Pitre is a wonder teacher. I will be wanting to listen to each of your lectures.
Very deep! Love from an Indian Christian 😁
This is a special reminder for me to live a post-Covid Sunday without fear of illness.
Written by GOD-----The ONLY day God RESTED was the Seventh day.
Written by GOD-----The ONLY day God BLESSED was the Seventh day.
Written by GOD-----The ONLY day God SANCTIFIED was the Seventh day.
Written by GOD-----The ONLY day God named was the Seventh day.
Written by GOD----The ONLY day God calls HIS HOLY Day was the Seventh day.----
Gargle with listerene and your nasopharynx is protected from infection for four hours
Go to church
Yes, it is always permissible to do good.🙏🏼
Thank you for your time and knowledge, it is worth more than a million dollars, may God bless you all the days of your life.
I love this video. The closing part did it for me. Thanks Dr. Pitre. Rushing to adoration now and then attending mass to received Jesus in the Eucharist right after.
Thanks Dr Pitre !
Thank You Dr. Pitre✋
Thank you so much Dr Pitre for explaining & teaching how impt the Sunday obligation into our lives and to emphasize how impt to Love God & love our neighbor
When I was a Protestant I didn’t know you had to go to church every Sunday. I’d go because I loved being at church ❤
So which is better?
That is the correct reason to go. The church schools us in our obligation to worship God according to God’s instruction ; He must be so pleased when we go because we want to show Him our love.
@@gregorylaw5290? Huh?
When you were a Protestant, you didn't have to. The Sunday obligation is a matter of Canon law, and only claims power over Catholics who are under the jurisdiction of Canon law. In divine law (the only law Protestants are under), there is no strict grave requirement to attend a worship service every Sunday.
@@gregorylaw5290 Sabbath--seventh day!!
Thankyou for this explanation of Sunday being the Holy day for Catholics. I say this because some Christians say Catholics changed the rules from Sabbath rest to Sunday. When I returned to Catholicism I told myself I'll honour Jesus's Sabbath after all its what the Commandments says. I still do. But now I've heard your presentation I no longer feel guilty for going to the Virgil mass on Saturdays. Having a strong faith in Jesus and a longing for the Holy Eucharist led me back to Catholicism. Your lecture has made me right with God. I thank you for this.
the catechism and Bible both show that they did, in fact, tamper with the Lord's day, the 7th day Sabbath.
Christians will keep the Sabbath, even in Heaven to come -- catholicism teaches error.
These facts and comments are so clear and helpful ! 🙏🏻🙏🏻❤❤❤❤
Shalom Ale Hem, dear Dr. Pitre Lord bless us true your love ❤ of God our Father who reign on High.
Praised be Jesus Christ.❤
A great scholar Dr Pitre talks sbiut these things of the Cstholic Chufch as most of all these should be understood by the faithful.
Allowing the churches to close was a great moment of weakness by the hierarchy
Thank you Dr. Pitre. God bless and protect you, you are a treasure!
An eye opener for my faith. Excellent explanation from Dr Pitre, God Bless you.
I'm a former Seventh-day Adventist who converted to Catholicism in December of 2020. While Dr. Pitre offered a really good explanation on why Catholics keep the Lord's Day holy, I am quite sure that Adventists who will watch this video will remain unconvinced. That's because Dr. Pitre's presentation is not "apologetic". The biggest hurdle is the shift from Jesus honoring the 7th-day Sabbath, to the early Church honoring Sunday. This doesn't compute in an Adventist mind who would demand scriptural reference for such a change. In Acts 20.7, the Church gathered on the 1st day of the week, but the purpose was explicitly stated: it's Paul's last day in Troas. They weren't gathered to celebrate the Resurrection Day. The day of collection in 1 Cor. 16.2 is also not an evidence for a regular Sunday meeting. There could have been different reasons why collections happened on the 1st day of the week, and the instructions of Paul is local to the Corinthian church.
For an Adventist applying the principle of Sola Scriptura, there's nothing here to support Sunday observance. It was a long journey for me to discern why the Catholic Church's teaching on the Sabbath/Sunday issue is actually "Apostolic". It needs a paradigm shift! This shift is about asking the right questions. Instead of asking "what is Biblical", I now ask "what is Apostolic". You may ask "how can we know what's Apostolic if we don't figure out what's Biblical?". The pitfall in simply asking "what is Biblical" is that we tend to interpret the Bible personally with an incomplete context. The New Testament wasn't primarily written for the modern "us". It was written for the first century Christians who had the benefit of having the oral teachings of the Apostles as context to understand the written teachings. Therefore, without this fuller view of the Apostle's teachings, we can arrive at all sorts of "biblical" interpretations. The evidence for this is the Protestant world. Just look at how many denominations there are with different "biblical" doctrines. Asking "what is Apostolic" is all about understanding how the early Church understood the doctrines of the Apostles. It takes into account the writings of the earliest Christians that were not included in the New Testament Canon.
We can't arrive at Sunday observance without using the witness of the 2nd generation of Christians. Adventists use Sola Scriptura to justify the rejection of the writings of the early Church Fathers on this issue. So if I really want to reject Sunday observance, I could, using all the reasons Dr. Pitre provided in the first half of his presentation on why keeping the Sabbath is important. But to find out the truth of the matter, we must expand our paradigm. But expanding our paradigm will eventually lead to Catholicism, and that's very scary for Adventists.
Some good points. Thank you for your explanation. Hope those Adventists see this. Btwn, you are welcome home brother
@@danielmarai1005 Thank you Daniel. I am home.
Often the Catholic explanation is centered on why Sunday is the day of worship, and nothing about why we are no longer to rest and refrain from work on Saturday.
Why wouldn't the early Christians (and eventually Catholics today) have observed mass and instituted the day of obligation on the Lord's day, but still lived up to the requirement of Saturday as a day of rest?
Keep the Sabbath, and also have the weekly Mass requirement on Sunday.
There is actually a scripture verse that might convince a 7th-day adventist, if he/she is willing to see Sunday as the "New Sabbath": It is
Therefore do not let anyone condemn you in matters of food and drink or of observing festivals, new moons, or sabbaths. These are only a shadow of what is to come, but the substance belongs to Christ. Colossians 2:16-17 NRSV-CI.
I have asked an SDA these questions about this verses:
1. Why did St. Paul write this about the Sabbaths?
2. Why did St. Paul group the Sabbath with dietary (food and drink) laws and festivals? Afterall the other two are not in the 10 commandments?
3. "The Sabbaths (plus festivals and dietary laws) are a shadow of what is to come. The substance belong to Christ." It is as if St Paul is implying that the main essence of these particular laws and festivals are in Christ. So what did he mean by "what is to come"?
I am yet to get a satisfactory answer from one SDA on these questions concerning Col 2:16-17. Maybe there is someone here that would like to give an answer on this that might support the SDA doctrine.
Welcome Home my dear 💕brother, God our Father loves us, He don't want to lose any of us, like as;Jn 10: 16. Please pray for each other n for those who refuse to acknowledge Jesus as Lord n Saviour of this world. Amen
Great presentation. Very informative.
One of the biggest errors that the Bishops did was lift the Sunday obligation during covid. You could go to malls but not Church. This attributed further to the decline of attendance once it was lifted.... if it has been lifted.
AMEN! We shall not live by bread alone, but by God's Word!
Thank Dr. Litre, I love the way you explain, it is so clear! God Bless you!
Always love and learn from his talk. Thank you
Fantastic teacher you love our faith and it is contagious best ever.
Dr. PITRE thank you for your wonderful teaching and inspiration Donna
a very good day to all, esp our brother in Christ, dr. brant pitre! thank GOD for sending you to our lives. just a point of clarification, sir. at 20:11 of the video, it is supposed to be Acts of the Apostles 20:7-10 and not 19. just a typo, im sure, but for the sake of the viewers/listeners. GOD bless us all and more of your teachings about our Catholic faith dr. pitre. :)
Thank you Dr. Pitre. That was a great talk. I learnt so much. Our Lord Jesus mightily bless you Doctor.
I am led by Jesus Christ to have come across this teaching on the day before Easter 2023.
'ishtar' is pagan, not Christian, Ma'am.
Thank u Dr Petri. God bls u. 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏
I love these
Powerful powerful powerful wonderful great teaching well done proud of you God bless you always 🙏🙏👍🙏🙏
Thank you Dr Pitre. This has truly strengthened my faith, esp in attending Sunday Eucharistic celebration....God bless you & inspire for doing this to keep the faith.
Very very enlightening
Thank you 😊
Amazing, thank you so very much. 🥰🙏✝️❤️
Beautiful explanation! Had the pleasure of meeting Dr. Pitre at a seminar in Riverside, Ca. Dr. Michael Barber, Jesse Romero and Dr. Scott Hahn were there as well.
@YAJUN YUAN did Jesus give all authority to the apostles? Yes. He even told them, whoever hears you hears me and who rejects you rejects me. So it is on the authority of the apostles, who we see in scripture, that the early church gathered on the first day, Sunday.
Paul, also an apostle, said not to let Seventh Day Adventists (actually he said ANYONE) judge you regarding sabbaths and new moons.
You should infer from Paul’s command that you should not be judging others regarding sabbaths and new moons as well.
I’ve seen enough of your posts to know you will not be swayed by reason, but in case you cause someone to stumble, maybe this response will edify him in the ancient faith of the church Jesus built.
@@mikelopez8564 Written by GOD-----The ONLY day God RESTED was the Seventh day.
Written by GOD-----The ONLY day God BLESSED was the Seventh day.
Written by GOD-----The ONLY day God SANCTIFIED was the Seventh day.
Written by GOD-----The ONLY day God named was the Seventh day.
Written by GOD----The ONLY day God calls HIS HOLY Day was the Seventh day.----
*****quote--- who we see in scripture, that the early church gathered on the first day, Sunday.--unquote Why not read the whole story???? Why were they gathered on the first day of the week??????
NOT one word of communion.
*****quote---said not to let Seventh Day Adventists (actually he said ANYONE) judge you regarding sabbaths and new moons. --unquote
As always , taking verses OUT of context!
THe sabbaths mentioned here is about the monthly/yearly feast sabbaths. The feasts sabbaths were pointing towards to Jesus and His sacrifice. ALL Abolished at the cross! THe weekly Sabbath is pointing backwards to creation.
If one wants to be a Jew--keep the feasts sabbaths. But do not allow anyone to tell you what to eat or drink.---
The absolute best
Thank you, Dr. Pitre.
Numbers 6:24-26. 🙏🏻Amen.
Proverbs 9:1 Wisdom* has built her House**, she has set up her seven Pillars.***
*1 Corinthians 1:24-25.
24 but to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the Wisdom of God. 25 For the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men.
**1 Timothy 3:15 if I am delayed, you may know how one ought to behave in the household of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and bulwark of the truth.
***The seven (7) Holy Sacraments of the Holy Church (Wisdom's House).
Blessed be God.
May His Name be blessed forever. Amen. 🙏🏻
quote---**1 Timothy 3:15 if I am delayed, you may know how one ought to behave in the household of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and bulwark of the truth...unquote
Where is the name of THAT Church!@!
What is THE CHURCH?? The PEOPLE within it! NOT A BUILDING!!
>>Quote--Proverbs 9:1 Wisdom* has built her House*, she has set up her seven Pillars.**...unquote
Proverbs 9:1 says, "Wisdom has built her house; she has hewn out its seven pillars". This verse is part of a passage in the Bible that invites people to wisdom by personifying wisdom as a woman who has built a home and prepared a meal.
Here are some interpretations of Proverbs 9:1:
Success and an attractive situation: The verse implies success and an attractive situation.
Wisdom's house is spacious: The house is large and spacious enough to accommodate all who wish to live there.
The pillars represent something: Some commentators think the pillars represent the seven days of creation, the sun, moon, and five planets, or something else.
Proverbs 9:1-9 is about invitations of wisdom and folly. The passage includes other verses, such as:
"Leave your simple ways and you will live; walk in the way of insight".
"Do not rebuke mockers or they will hate you; rebuke the wise and they will love you".
"Instruct the wise and they will be wiser still; teach the righteous and they will add to their learning".
It’s about time! Where you been Dr Pitre!?!
ACTS 20:7 "On the First day of the week, WHEN WE GATHERED to break bread, Paul spoke..."
.... that's after the Sabbath
That is Saturday night they break bread. The day according to the Bible start in the evening. Paul was going to travel that a need. That is nothing changing God's law.
Thank you Dr.Pitre soo inspiring .
This is wonderful content and the presentation is engaging
Thank you so much.
Soo perfect and complete lecture of why we go to mass on Sunday. More power to you Dr. Brant Pitre the church needs people like you and thank you for this video more power to this channel as well.☑
excellent discourse and so touching. thank you with gratitude, dr BRANT PITRE. MAY OUR LORD you spoke so wonderfully bless you fully
Thank you Dr. Pitre. I'm closing my 2023 by learning from you.
Thank you 🙏❤️
I've learn so much in this video than I have in the past 12 years going to my former Christian Congregation🙏
Great teaching.
Thank you so much Dr. Pitre, yesterday (Sat. evening) I was struggling to explain to some people the seriousness about missing Sunday mass and I do not have much to tell but now I will go and find them and tell them that I have more to tell, if they are in bed I will wake them up.. haha just joking but I am excited to tell them more. I will give them all that I have learned from you today. Thank you so much and God loves you.
Personal Notes:
0:00 Introduction
1:14 CCC 2181
5:16 Three key points to answer the following questions:Why do we have the Sunday obligation to attend Mass, and why is it important to our lives?
6:05 #1 Sabbath Rest in the Old Testament.
17:53 #2 Sunday Worship in the New Testament.
29:49 The Five Precepts of the Church. CCC 2041, 2180
33:06 4th Century A.D.: The Witness of the Early Christians.
35:32 #3 The Sunday Obligation Today.
47:24 Closing Thoughts. CCC 2185
The Sabbath (Sunday) is a gift from God to us, not only being the day He Rose from the dead, but as a rest from the 'things of the World' and to be with Him.
quote----The Sabbath (Sunday) is a gift from God to us, not only being the day He Rose from the dead, but as a rest from the 'things of the World' and to be with Him.--unquote
Quote the Holy Bible!
*****Written by GOD-----The ONLY day God RESTED was the Seventh day.
Written by GOD-----The ONLY day God BLESSED was the Seventh day.
Written by GOD-----The ONLY day God SANCTIFIED was the Seventh day.
Written by GOD-----The ONLY day God named was the Seventh day.
Written by GOD----The ONLY day God calls HIS HOLY Day was the Seventh day.----
***What day of the week was Jesus crucified? Friday! The Jews Preparation Day----
****Sabbath proof Saturday
----Matthew 27:62-- Now the next day, that followed the day of the preparation, the chief priests and Pharisees came together unto Pilate,
(Preparation Day--Friday----The day that followed Preparations day?--Sabbath)
----Mathew 28:1-- In the end of the sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week,
(Saturday evening---dawn towards the FIRSt day of the week--Sunday)
------Mark 15:42-- And now when the even was come, because it was the preparation, that is, the day before the sabbath,
(Friday evening---Preparation Day--Day BEFORE the Sabbath)
-----Mark 26:1 And when the Sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome, had bought sweet spices, that they might come and anoint him.
(Sabbath was past)
----Mark 16:9 9 Now when Jesus was risen early the first day of the week, --
(Arose on the FIRSt day of the week)
----Luke 23:54 And that day was the preparation, and the sabbath drew on.
(Preparation Day--Friday-the Day Christ was crucified)
-------Mark 23:56 And they returned, and prepared spices and ointments; and rested the sabbath day according to the commandment.
(RESTED--Kept the SABBATH according to the commandment)
----Mark 24:1 Now upon the first day of the week, very early in the morning,
(Sunday morning)
----John 19;42 There laid they Jesus therefore because of the Jews' Preparation Day; for the sepulchre was nigh at hand.
(Preparations day--Friday----)
----John 20:1 The first day of the week cometh Mary Magdalene early, when it was yet dark,
(First day of the week--Now Sunday)
-------Summary--Jesus was crucified on Preparations Day--Friday
Rested on Sabbath--the Day AFTER Preparation Day.
He rose early on the FIRST day of the week!!!
Do you deny this? Matthew 10:33-35
33 But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.Do you deny the crucifixtion of Christ?--His rest? His resurrection?
----The ONLY day GOD called HIS HOLY DAY--Sabbath--seventh day
The ONLY DAY GOD rested on--Sabbath--seventh day
The ONLY day GOD Blessed--seventh day---Sabbath
The ONLY DAY GOD Sanctified!
The ONLY day GOD named--Sabbath!!!!
--Show to me any other day that God rested on, blessed, gave a name to, sanctified, and called HIS HOLY DAY!!!!-----When YOU take HIS HOLY DAY from Him--that is THEFT!!!
quote----The Sabbath (Sunday) is a gift from God to us, not only being the day He Rose from the dead, but as a rest from the 'things of the World' and to be with Him.--unquote
******Quote the Holy Bible that says GOD--again--GOD Rested on the First day of the week.
---Quote the Holy Bible that says GOD--again--GOD BLESSED the First day of the week.
---Quote the Holy Bible that says GOD--again--GOD SANCTIFIED (Set apart as holy) the First day of the week.
---Quote the Holy Bible that says GOD--again--GOD says the First day of the week is His Holy day.
---Quote the Holy Bible that says GOD--again--GOD named the First day of the week.
**** I know you CAN NOT prove your claim!!!
*****Written by GOD-----The ONLY day God RESTED was the Seventh day.
Written by GOD-----The ONLY day God BLESSED was the Seventh day.
Written by GOD-----The ONLY day God SANCTIFIED was the Seventh day.
Written by GOD-----The ONLY day God named was the Seventh day.
Written by GOD----The ONLY day God calls HIS HOLY Day was the Seventh day.----
Thanks so much!
Attending a Catholic Mass is like being invited to The Last Supper with Jesus Christ and His apostles. Jesus said the first Mass & told them to continue His offerings until He returns. Receiving Jesus In Holy Communion is the most beautiful, powerful & intimate union we can have with Him on earth. At the Consecration, God opens Heaven & gives Himself to us. He said He is the living bread, the bread He gives us is His FLESH, unless we eat His Body & drink His Blood, WE WILL HAVE NO LIFE IN US.If we eat & drink of Him, then He will raise us up on the last day. If we do unworthily, we are LIABLE & BRING A SENTENCE AGAINST OURSELVES FOR NOT DISCERNING IT TO BE THE BODY & BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST. Jn 6:51-59, 1Cor11:23-29
I miss him coming to Los Angeles…. But never stopped watching him. He is the best….
Blessed be God in His Angels, in His Saints, and in His preachers. Amen.
Saturday Is The Sabbath
And water is wet.
And I attend the Saturday Vigil Mass, celebrated at sundown. So I guess I keep Sabbath also❤
Thank you for wonderful lecture
The Sabbath was jesus we rest in
This man rocks! What a blessing!
I believe it's Acts 20:7... I looked at 19:7 and that was not the same verse. In any case, Dr. Brant Pitre is the best!!!
and yet the 80+ times the 7th day Sabbath was kept is ignored by most who misunderstand this verse of Acts 20:7.
@@tony1685 can you provide a verse in which the sabbath was kept after the resurrection ?
@@footballtraininganddevelop1522 quote---can you provide a verse in which the sabbath was kept after the resurrection ?--unquote ABSOLUTELY!!!
READ ACTS-----The disciples kept the Sabbath all through Acts.
Acts 13:14,-----Acts 13:42-46,--------Acts 16:13,------Acts 17:2,-----
@@mitchellosmer1293 what you’re quoting is Paul preaching to the Jews. He’s not going to go to the temple on a Sunday if Jews gather Saturdays… that wouldn’t make any sense. Christians gather sundays or the first day of the week for the breaking of bread.
@@footballtraininganddevelop1522 OBVIOUSLY you did NOT read the whole verse!
Acts 17:2 Then Paul, as his custom was, went in to them, and for three Sabbaths reasoned with them from the Scriptures,
HIS CUSTOM! Something he did on a regular basis------
*****Same as Jesus did!!! Luke 4:16 And he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up: and, as his custom was, he went into the synagogue on the sabbath day, and stood up for to read. --A CUSTOM---what He did on a regular basis!
*****quote---Christians gather sundays or the first day of the week for the breaking of bread.--unquote Did they break bread at the last supper? ( A thursday). Then why is that day NOT a "communion day?????-
---------"What does the Bible say about the Sabbath as Saturday?
; Mark 1:32.) We should observe the seventh day of the week (Saturday), from even to even, as the Sabbath of the Lord our God. Evening is at sunset when day ends and another day begins.
******Acts 20:7---Eating a meal together
Also notice WHEN they had their meal. It was between sunset, just after the Sabbath ended and midnight, which to me is indication that they JUST got done keeping the Sabbath and they waited until sunset when it was officially the first day (Sunday) to work on the meal so they weren't working on the Sabbath. More evidence is that scriptures here clearly state that Paul would be travelling all the next day (all day Sunday) which is why they stayed up so late until midnight to spend time with him. Scripture clearly tells us not to travel outside of our city on the Sabbath, so the fact that Paul was travelling on Sunday proves he didn't think it was a special Sabbath day at all.
This scripture is solid evidence that they kept the seventh day Sabbath and worked on Sunday.
*****Acts 20:7 And upon the first day of the week, when the disciples came together to break bread, Paul preached unto them, ready to depart on the morrow; and continued his speech until midnight.
--Paul as a JEW--would NOT have traveled the next day! He would have had to pay his fare-----baggage handlers would have handled his baggage. Others working for him. ALL forbidden on the Sabbath!
45:00 wow, masterful doublespeak. Sabbath day switch-a-roo
Thank you Dr Pitrie, Please to explain the Saturday evening vigil which fulfills Sunday obligation Thankyou
In Jewish tradition, the new day started at evening. Jewish Shabat is Friday evening to Saturday evening. Jewish believers met Saturday evenings, the first day. Acts 20:7 Notice Paul spoke through the night (which is why the boy fell out the window), then Paul came in and broke bread.
What's the Catholic view on the sabbath?
@@kimberlytancrede5468 right, so Catholics skip Sabbath
@@triplea6174.... lol they will tell you that they observe the Sabbath then show you a verse about the 1st day... not the Sabbath day, and claim it's the new Sabbath because traditions.... but never honestly mention where those traditions came from.
******Quote the Holy Bible that says GOD--again--GOD Rested on the First day of the week.
Quote the Holy Bible that says GOD--again--GOD BLESSED the First day of the week.
Quote the Holy Bible that says GOD--again--GOD SANCTIFIED (Set apart as holy) the First day of the week.
Quote the Holy Bible that says GOD--again--GOD says the First day of the week is His Holy day.
Quote the Holy Bible that says GOD--again--GOD named the First day of the week.
*****quote---Please to explain the Saturday evening vigil which fulfills Sunday obligation--unquote
What "obligation"?
Thanks bro for explaining the catholic faith, God bless you
Written by GOD-----The ONLY day God RESTED was the Seventh day.
Written by GOD-----The ONLY day God BLESSED was the Seventh day.
Written by GOD-----The ONLY day God SANCTIFIED was the Seventh day.
Written by GOD-----The ONLY day God named was the Seventh day.
Written by GOD----The ONLY day God calls HIS HOLY Day was the Seventh day.----
Psalm 36:9 For with You is the fountain of life;
In Your light we see light.
Genesis1:3 Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light. --the first day
Thank you for your explanation of Sunday Obligation. I appreciate it now whereas before I had a problem with the word “obligation.”
WHERE in the Bible is that Commandment?
Sadly according to the limited context of your Acts reference text the false teaching of sunday worship has been allowed to infect the entirety of christianity. In fact even a remedial study of the newer Testament clearly shows that they didn’t only meet on the first day of the week but in fact met every day of the week. Sharing meals or breaking bread, supporting each other, learning Scripture (older Testament), Learning about the life and works of the Messiah through firsthand and oral presentation and growing in faith. It is always sad to see one verse taken completely out of context and used to support a “tradition” that was neither implied, implemented nor commanded. According to the theology based around the Acts principal, if applied to other passages then worship “services” should be held every day and since the first day is an obligation then every day would also be an obligation.
The fact of the matter is that as The church grew further away from its Jewish roots trying to distance themselves from who they perceived killed THEIR Savior the earliest church forefathers desire to separate themselves from their Jewish heritage became paramount. One simply needs to read through some of the major church forefathers to see the utter hatred they had for their Jewish lineage. As this “movement” gained a larger following and with the gaining of the power of the state in Constantine, it (the church) decided it’s authority was supreme, even above that of Scripture itself. Just like the Pharisees and Sadducees that actually murdered Jesus the church simply took over their role in its new kingdom and professed that their power was the only and final word in all matters of Scripture. This is not my opinion it is written and well documented throughout church history and is easily seen and read for one’s self.
I encourage believers in Jesus and in the Word of God to put their faith back in the God of Scripture and not in the protection and preservation of an institution. Remember the words of Jesus himself when he admonished the Pharisees and those who put their faith in the traditions of men. The commandment to keep the Sabbath is the only one that tells us to remember because even back when it was given on the tablets God knew where we would be today. The commandment to keep the Sabbath is just as in effect as all the others are regardless of what men or institutions say.
Shalom and blessings
Underrated comment. It is super sad.
What I have trouble accepting is that if I attend holy mass 4 or 5 days a week (and most weeks I do), I am still obliged to go to mass on Sundays. I have some social anxiety so daily mass is ok because generally there aren’t so many people there. But Sunday mass has almost a party-like air. Often, it’s not very reverent and many people dress in an inappropriate way. I definitely feel uncomfortable in the atmosphere created by the folks that go to holy mass on Sundays. They’re my brothers and sisters, of course, and I love them as such. But that doesn’t mean I have to like them when all are gathered in a big crowd.
Also, there’s a particular version of the Gloria that’s sung at the English mass on Sundays that sounds to me like a jingle for a commercial, and I feel like I’ve just being kicked in the gut whenever I hear it. It is so adverse, I feel, to the worship owed to Our Lord. I absolutely deplore the tune applied to the words of the Gloria.
I do try to keep the Sabath holy even if I do not go to holy mass.
Sadly, there’s no TLM near me.
Dr Brandt, why was the first days and the eight days in the old testament significant? Also referred as the High Sabbaths? Were they kept in the shadow to point at the resurrection? Or to set light on the creation, first fruit and Lords Day?
Absolutely 💯 enjoyed this.
“Perhaps the boldest thing, the most revolutionary change the Roman Catholic Church ever did, happened in the first century. The holy day, the Sabbath, was changed from Saturday to Sunday… was chosen, not from any directions noted in the Scriptures, but from the Church’s sense of its own power…” --The Catholic Mirror, September 1893 "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." (John 8:32)
Thank you dr pitre...
Excellent God bless you
Acts 4:12
“Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.”
Speak to Jesus going down into the earth on the Saturday please.
Hello Dr Pitre.
Great presentation, as usual.
I've been following your Bible Typology topics on the Catholic Productions RUclips channel for almost a year now, and regularly share them with my family, relatives and friends thru my online Gospel Reflection Viber and Messenger groups. They know you as my favorite Biblical scholar.
Quick question, sir. You used John 6:53-56 as a vital justification for the Sunday Mass obligation. The way I interpret this very familiar passage is that it's crucial to eat His flesh and drink His blood by receiving Holy Communion regularly, if we are to continue to have life in us and have eternal life. If that's the case, why do you think is the Catholic Church only requiring Holy Communion once a year, and not every Sunday Mass obligation?
That's a good question. I wonder about that too.
Also why does the church require confession at least once per year❓
If someone deliberately misses Sunday Mass ⛪then returns, she cannot receive Communion🍞🍷 unless she first goes to Confession and repent of her grave sin , receive absolution, and perform the prescribed penance.🙏📿
If anything we really should be receiving the Eucharist 🍞🍷daily if it's truly the body and blood of Christ, and, as such, our true spiritual nourishment.
Outside of Lent or personal penitential fasting and abstinence,
we wouldn't normally go without eating 🍽and drinking🍷 for 6 days and only eat and drink on one day of the week.
If we did this on a regular basis we would, at some point, become malnourished, dehydrated, ill and eventually die, because we need food and water to live.
How much more so do we need spiritual food and drink to truly live...
I opine there are thousands upon thousands of Catholics in the 🌎world who are spiritually malnourished; myself included.
Lord have mercy.
Christ have mercy.
Lord have mercy.
Acts 20:7 Scripture shows us they gathered on the first day from the very beginning, to "break bread," aka Passover/ Communion.
Excellent question, if you study the Festivals of God, specifically Yom Kippur, the day of Atonement, a once a year observation required by God, you will see the root of the answer. It's important we don't reject the mercy of God. Blessings upon you.
Daily Mass is a true blessing upon those who are able to partake. Perhaps that is why God allowed churches to be closed, to increase our hunger and thirst for Him.
@@euphratesjehan Confess to a priest? Why? Who can forgive your sins? A priest?
Is God the only one who can forgive sins?
Only Jesus can forgive sins. “Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins” (Hebrews 9:22). Only Jesus shed blood for us by dying on the cross and since he was the only one who was sinless (1 Peter 1:19/2:22
A priest is a mere man---a sinfull person.
I am still not convinced. I rest on Sabbath but go to Mass on Sunday.
I think so too. Thats why we have a weekend with Saturday and Sunday not at work.
Wednesday before dark was unleavened bread high Sabbath, Saturday was weekly Sabbath, He was resurrected Saturday before sunset, before sunrise the women found the grave empty
At 38:00 then why isn’t receiving the Eucharist every Sunday an obligation like attending Mass is?? Why is it only obligatory only once a year??
Because you could have committed a mortal sin and thus cannot receive it without confession.
Please watch "The Ten Commandments" by Doug Bachelor
In the new testament, so what verse did Jesus reiterate explicitly state HIS/MY commandments to keep the Sabbath for Gentiles/Christians? Does HE want Christians to be identified as the devout sabbath-keeping Jesus-killer and deniers of HIS resurrection Jews? Isn't all sabbath-keeping male Jews required to be fore-skin circumcised?
Ndema, what were Jesus’ commandments?
Can you share a link to get the Lectio Mary study program?