Life has completely changed

  • Опубликовано: 5 сен 2024

Комментарии • 226

  • @quinn7543
    @quinn7543 3 года назад +114

    Solved a Rubix cube for the first time listening to this, these videos really do awaken the giant within

  • @safechameleon7656
    @safechameleon7656 3 года назад +46

    Can’t tell you enough how much I needed to hear that first few minutes. As a father of 2 with a set of twins on the way and a healthy dose of ptsd and depression from a injury. I have found due to a podcast between mike Tyson and Tyson fury that I am living in my ego and not in the moment. Your words and theirs has literally changed how my outlook on life sits. When I get back on my feet I’ll be throwing you a few shillings brother. I no longer feel like a helpless victim and am starting to get going again. Keep on keeping on bud. You are a bit of a funny fucker but you come out with the odd nugget of gold.

    • @danielgan6105
      @danielgan6105 3 года назад +5

      You got this!

    • @ScottMurrayBestFamilyCars
      @ScottMurrayBestFamilyCars 3 года назад +1

      Kia Carnival.

    • @djanitatiana
      @djanitatiana 3 года назад +1

      Hang in bro. You must have a shitload of concerns for the future. One day at a time, you'll get through this tough phase. Congratulations on the two-for-one deal!

    • @safechameleon7656
      @safechameleon7656 3 года назад

      @@ScottMurrayBestFamilyCars I have been looking at them funnily enough I can't afford new what is a good year to look at valuewise

    • @Josh-rn1em
      @Josh-rn1em 2 года назад

      Jordan Peterson might be good for you too buddy. Keep going. Rise above yourself and you'll be surprised how things can change.

  • @tashsikkes
    @tashsikkes 3 года назад +59

    This positive frame of thinking has helped me and my partner start our business. Every bottle we sell $1 goes towards an environmental initiative that our community helps choose. It's small now but the feeling of contribution and making a difference is so fulfilling and drives me to try to push forward. Amazing video as always ❤

  • @JadeCryptOfWonders
    @JadeCryptOfWonders 3 года назад +69

    I was a Nurgle player when I played 4OK, because I hated change and my inevitable death and decay, but as a result of growing up I now recognise Tzeentch the Chaos God of Change had more than just a cool space Egyptian aesthetic and magic going on.

    • @fly_8659
      @fly_8659 3 года назад +6

      plus Ahriman is a baller who made the best of a bad situation and Magus did nothing wrong.

    • @nightmagnus7595
      @nightmagnus7595 3 года назад +2

      40k in general is a cautionary tale of stagnation and the dangers of fanaticism, as a satire. Never sit on your laurels, take care of people and try not to be closed minded.

    • @primafacie5029
      @primafacie5029 3 года назад +2

      Rona got me my TS army...

  • @dantheman2907
    @dantheman2907 3 года назад +19

    Great content, but you could do with cleaning the Vaseline off the lens. That haze had me thinking I'd developed cataracts.

    • @emmaw8018
      @emmaw8018 2 года назад

      He just looks stoned! Eh Jordie?

  • @bridgetclarke6093
    @bridgetclarke6093 3 года назад +20

    grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
    courage to change the things I can,
    and wisdom to know the difference

  • @kickurass67
    @kickurass67 3 года назад +40

    Needed this. Have been contemplating a career change for a while.

  • @donbrackenreg2270
    @donbrackenreg2270 3 года назад +9

    Love how the RUclips algorithms put on a 16 minute ad by Clive Palmer to help fund this video. Good on ya!!

  • @ErnestPiffel
    @ErnestPiffel 2 года назад +2

    Thanks Jordan, you're an inspiration. I'm a boomer, with sons you're age and I maintain faith and confidence in the ingenuity of humans despite what the media and many of my generation would have us believe. You're rude and crude but funny and on the money! Love your work. xx

  • @_Skim_Beeble
    @_Skim_Beeble 3 года назад +21

    I have my first child coming in March and I will try to arm them with as much knowledge as I can to help them not just survive but thrive. You have to be adaptable or you will have no chance in this world.

    • @moomoocowbark
      @moomoocowbark 3 года назад +4

      The primary difference between the two words is that wisdom involves a healthy dose of perspective and the ability to make sound judgments about a subject while knowledge is simply knowing. Anyone can become knowledgeable about a subject by reading, researching, and memorizing facts. Wisdom is knowing when and how to utilise it.”

    • @djanitatiana
      @djanitatiana 3 года назад +2

      You're going on a trip of discovery with them. You teach them how to survive by surviving yourself and you learn to value yourself the right way because you see how powerful you are and how much your thoughts and actions matter. Our kids civilise us.

  • @lukebentley1341
    @lukebentley1341 3 года назад +16

    Change is inevitable brother acceptance is optional.

  • @liambird9286
    @liambird9286 3 года назад +32

    We all get duped into thinking that we live "outside" of history. Things have been much worse and mankind has triumphed, again and again.

    • @nathansciarone5627
      @nathansciarone5627 3 года назад +1

      Sorry to inform you that this is the 'main event' buddy..

    • @splashpit
      @splashpit 3 года назад +1

      Open your eyes as history is unfolding as we speak .

  • @tamarawest6203
    @tamarawest6203 3 года назад +50

    I think you're forgetting that people are not having children becuase they can't afford them. If you can't afford a deposit even on an appartment then you don't have the means to rise a child to adulthood. It is really important to be financially prudent and accept that if you genuinely can't afford something, including children, you don't get it.

    • @SS3Dman
      @SS3Dman 3 года назад +10

      I agree children only for the rich

    • @breakfastwitheggz499
      @breakfastwitheggz499 3 года назад +13

      I'm pretty sure he wasn't trying to disprove that fact, just the 'I don't want to have kids because I don't want to bring them into a fucked up world' argument people use.

    • @mitchywraps6373
      @mitchywraps6373 3 года назад +1

      I want kids
      I don't want to die alone

    • @safechameleon7656
      @safechameleon7656 3 года назад +8

      Unfortunately the deros don’t think like that. Kids = money to them. I’m in your camp on that tho I waited a little to long because I didn’t want to have kids out of wedlock and without a stable job and money to provide. I had that, then got a curve ball and am still getting them in one form of the other. I do own my house outright and have no debt at the age of 36 so I know I’m lucky, but that took work. I now have twins on the way in a few weeks to add to my 2 I already have and without sounding like a cliche they are literally the only reason that we exist on a basic level, all this stuff you worry about and place value in is man made and a construct to keep you in line realistically. The only people who will give a shit about you in old age and the only thing that you really leave behind is your kids. Friends don’t really mean shit, career is a means to an end and material possessions are pointless. I will say it’s a 2 person thing and a child needs both a loving mother and father who would fall on the sword or wage savage war on people who would do them harm while educating them to be more than they were. If I had my time again I would have started earlier even when I was dirt poor and renting, love doesn’t cost a thing and having kids is literally the only thing that as a human holds any value. Just don’t have kids with someone your not sure you would stay with or have a toxic relationship is the only thing I would say. And if you can’t see yourself doing those things that’s fine as well. That is our choice as free thinking humans, don’t do it cos you can or you think you should or it’s expected of you. Do it because you want to and you have another in your life who wants to. When you die no one cares if you were a hard worker or had a nice car but you family will care and remember because you gave what little you had and loved and cared for them. Shit sorry for the rant but I recently snapped out of a funk that came from ptsd and depression that was poisoning my life and enjoyment of my children and wife for the last 4 years. We are a dot on the timeline of the planet enjoy the true joys in life before you die. Plus the shitbags are outbreeding us at a rate of 4 to 1 it feels like. Idiocracy the movie, here we come.

    • @athan5019
      @athan5019 3 года назад +2

      I suspect there's a dip in the middle class. Upper class have more kids than the middle class. But povo cunts have more kids than both middle and upper class families.

  • @TheBeriney
    @TheBeriney 2 года назад

    Reminds me of something I read a while ago Regarding the Rockerfeller's, literally the worlds richest people in 1912, so wealthy Teddy Roosevelt created anti monopoly laws to break up their company.
    The Richest man in the world, in 1912, didn't have air conditioning, and in fact he couldn't save his own son, from a disease we can treat for like $30 today. Or something along those lines.

  • @fly_8659
    @fly_8659 3 года назад +2

    Yeah, I needed to hear this today. I was feeling pretty down.

  • @jordanshanks5340
    @jordanshanks5340  3 года назад +9 - Wayne Dyer Tier 2 Extra Vids Jim Rohn 1 Extra Vid

    • @Cordellium
      @Cordellium 3 года назад +9 *

    • @petrichor8373
      @petrichor8373 3 года назад

      I reckon the only wAy out of this mess is hard style (

    • @mezzdelta
      @mezzdelta 3 года назад

      did Jordan really past the wrong URL or is this an elaborate scheme to encourage us to start creating and monetising our passions

    • @masonsperger5324
      @masonsperger5324 3 года назад

      @Daniel Peterson-English
      Do your worst, little man 😎

  • @stevedasbru
    @stevedasbru 3 года назад +4

    My fiance and I have spoken about this. We've made the decision not to have kids of our own. However, we've decided that if those maternal instincts do kick in, adopting will always be first preference. Plenty of kids out there who need a better hand than they were given.

  • @BlackestAbyssal
    @BlackestAbyssal 3 года назад +100

    Honey, FriendlyJordies said it's time to breed

  • @maxoconnor5087
    @maxoconnor5087 Год назад

    That last bit was brilliant
    Safety isn’t real, at least not in the form of settling for shite

  • @dougieboxell6505
    @dougieboxell6505 2 года назад

    Fuck, so many good accents and impressions ❤❤

  • @LazyDoers
    @LazyDoers 3 года назад +6

    Saving koalas and helping clean up water in Australia is cool. A big feat for sure. But its a footnote on the permafrost melting ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ . I agree though, might as well fight to the last breath.

  • @shiftyifrit1659
    @shiftyifrit1659 3 года назад +1

    I've never thought of it this way tbh...nice insight. Have a like you glorious bstrd :)

  • @dmc7906
    @dmc7906 2 года назад

    Great message.

  • @forbesy8568
    @forbesy8568 2 года назад

    Your are an inspiring leader ,the real deal thank you mate we will save those animals .

  • @ravenfields8968
    @ravenfields8968 3 года назад +3

    I had my first child at 17 she's now 18 and has a 11 old brother both to my first partner who I'm still with I believe its best to conceive in passion and natural emotional calling

  • @kylem1525
    @kylem1525 3 года назад +1

    Brilliant work mate, keep it up! We have so much potential and power in this age, great that you're calling attention to this 🙏

  • @belteshazzarbenyakovleib1071
    @belteshazzarbenyakovleib1071 2 года назад

    I had just one kid then found out I had PTSD and bi polar disorder , it has affected by mums side of the family with the male kids , so I did not have anymore kids after the first lol 😂 she went through enough of my and her mother’s nuttiness she has been through a lot but very resilient and intelligent .

  • @victorbevz9584
    @victorbevz9584 2 года назад

    Idiocracy is an wholly underrated film.

  • @taylorcougle5598
    @taylorcougle5598 3 года назад

    I am used to change even to the point of not living in denial and making one of my largest life decisions to transition. It is stepping out of the accepted norm that we all can grow and thrive. On another note we can all easily support any of the flora or fauna saving projects... for quite some time now I support projects such as the Orangutan project, Plant a Tree, Ceres, Friends of the Earth and there have been many more in the past. Other choices we can all make is to choose an ethical bank.
    All the power to you Jordan and keep fighting the good fight.

  • @The_Stevo
    @The_Stevo 3 года назад

    Onya bro.
    Its not what we're looking at, but how we're looking at it.
    Thats what makes the difference.
    Perspective is everything. 👌🙏

  • @trueblueozzy939
    @trueblueozzy939 3 года назад

    I remember being told from someone in parliament (have one for mum have one for dad and one for the country) that right there my dear friend is a perfect contraceptive!! Massive cock block ,, the other side of having kids is affordability!!! With the financial pressures these days do you really want extra burden,, we need financial stability in order to bring up children who won’t end up on the streets/slammer, there is a lot of pressures holding couples back from having kids…: however your point is noted & valid. (I subscribed awhile ago 😆👍🏼)

  • @benswole1852
    @benswole1852 3 года назад +8

    godamn jordan your a salesman.... jordan belfort!?!?!?

  • @maddiobi4786
    @maddiobi4786 3 года назад

    I am grateful for this perspective as a woman who constantly worries about having kids in this fucked up world but also really wants to.

  • @achillies40
    @achillies40 3 года назад +4

    Too late. I'm 50 now and don't have kids....or a wife. That could be why I have a motorbike and am happy. I have never had the desire to have kids and the bloodline and last name ends with me. I'm too old to have kids now. Too set in my ways plus I don't have anyone in my life I would want to have kids with.

    • @mitchywraps6373
      @mitchywraps6373 3 года назад

      What about your genetic legacy?
      It ends at you

    • @safechameleon7656
      @safechameleon7656 3 года назад +2

      See this is fine as long as you are happy. And a responsible outlook. Financially we always find a way but the partner is the hard part. If you got you head screwed on right it makes it hard to find a partner that you want to make the largest commitment you will ever make with. It’s about being happy on your death bed me thinks. As long as you are smiling in your last breath you did it right. Lineage don’t mean shit anyway not like we are royalty. Life is to short to do stuff you don’t want to do, ride free I say.

    • @achillies40
      @achillies40 3 года назад +2

      @@mitchywraps6373 Why do I need a genetic legacy? What are your thoughts on it? I am actually interested in your opinion.

    • @achillies40
      @achillies40 3 года назад +1

      @@safechameleon7656 That is pretty much my thought as well.

  • @nitrox111
    @nitrox111 2 года назад

    Envision three concentric circles.
    Inner-most circle - What you think you can do
    Middle circle - What you actually can do
    Outer-most circle - All things possible
    The trick to life, and anything you pursue, is believing your inner-most circle is also your outer-most circle.

  • @TheShanoGamerPlays
    @TheShanoGamerPlays 2 года назад

    Love this, but before I want to fix the world I need to learn to better mysekf. It's true, if we all looked to the tgings we can take control of and the goodness (no matterr how little it may SEEM), we would have a better environment for us and our children. In saying that, stability is also healthy, we should be careful what we call exciting times - we don't always see nor experience the recieving end of the things we manifest in the world.

  • @Loveoverfear1001
    @Loveoverfear1001 3 года назад

    Our actions in each moment generate ripple effects that extend across the world and time. They generate momentum that never stops (perhaps until the end of earth or the destruction of the universe). Keep up the good fight jordan!

  • @kevinruddsimp7156
    @kevinruddsimp7156 3 года назад +13

    Well, shanks this is the third time asking, but these vids have been good so won’t hold it against you
    - can you update your Spotify playlist of these videos, it hasn’t been updated since it was made
    - can you do a video on what we need to be doing on school holidays, because they are just starting
    -can you do a video on your physical health and wellness, for example exercise, dieting, but most importantly skin care, IK there’s an old one, but can we have an updated version
    -also can you do a video on different ways of conditioning your brain, you have covered this a lot, but can you have a more condensed video on it that goes into the how to condition it not why you should condition it.

    • @fallenangel6385
      @fallenangel6385 3 года назад +1

      I agree

    • @jack11643
      @jack11643 3 года назад +2

      jesus man find another messiah for fitness and exercise. get good guys in each field ffs.

    • @elijahizere
      @elijahizere 3 года назад

      thank you for informing me that the audio for these vids are on spotify, had no idea

    • @nathanhobday7511
      @nathanhobday7511 3 года назад +1

      Damn.. figure these things out your self. The problem with today is that there are TOO many opinions. The art of getting through life is figuring out what works for you.

  • @christophermarshall3409
    @christophermarshall3409 3 года назад +3

    Bruh, this helps. Really, thank you 🙂

  • @rodb1646
    @rodb1646 3 года назад +6

    Unicorn trainers will be in HUGE demand for the future generations

  • @Riptide1999
    @Riptide1999 3 года назад +5

    Im more worried of messing a child up than them having to grow up in a rapidly changing world. If i were to have a child it would have to be with someone much more emotionally smart than me.

    • @moomoocowbark
      @moomoocowbark 3 года назад +3

      That fact that you have reflected on it at all shows your much emotionally smarter than you think

    • @Riptide1999
      @Riptide1999 3 года назад

      @@moomoocowbark I appreciate that a lot and agree to an extent. I’ve made a lot of mistakes in my life and even though I reflect on those mistakes I always seem to be making more. I suppose that’s human. And I suppose everyone messes up their kids up in some way or another, I just don’t think I could live with myself knowing that I had messed up a kid at all

    • @moomoocowbark
      @moomoocowbark 3 года назад

      @@Riptide1999 and that's perfectly fine. you still have a life time to grow and mature and if you do have kids you will find they are an overwhelmingly positive force for growth.

  • @xStephen242x
    @xStephen242x 3 года назад +4

    Now the aspect ratio of the video is lower. I think you should start a VHS tape subscription of your content

  • @toamastar
    @toamastar 3 года назад

    I have a job interview tomorrow for what is hopefully the start of a great career. This was the message I needed. Had no idea you had a personal channel! Subbed! :D

  • @Sonicrockaustralia
    @Sonicrockaustralia 2 года назад

    I think there is that capability to do so, to see a brighter future at some point.
    However, this is NOT the time ,
    If we don’t do something about it now, we Will be the endangered species, right now my friend , honestly we do need to focus on gaining back what’s being taken away from us or we can never help other species ever again. This 1944 meets 1984 in 2021. 🙏

  • @ernie6547
    @ernie6547 3 года назад

    Great angle Shanks. And the very same one adopted by those who now pose a true threat, for a little over a century now (yes the lie has long been in action, imo). And as much as we may resent those bastards they should not be considered as idiots. I once said ,as a foolish, idiot teen, to my father "why would I bring a kid into this shit world!" His answer was without hesitation; "well, what if it was your kid who came up with the answer!!" He was, naturally, totally correct. Hard times bring good change, as most adults learn, and by the hard method too. Alas, and amen.

  • @boobieshitthefloor
    @boobieshitthefloor 3 года назад +2

    Thanks for making this video Jordies!

  • @billymack333
    @billymack333 3 года назад

    Things will conspire, shit will go down, and I don’t think Jordan will be around in 2030. Wonder if Sportsbet will give me odds ?

  • @TheWesternunionman
    @TheWesternunionman 2 года назад

    One of your better presentations Jordan.

  • @josephgale9529
    @josephgale9529 3 года назад +1

    Planet Earth has the capability of sustaining all life on it all it takes is a change in the core values of societies. Love peace and unity

    • @josephgale9529
      @josephgale9529 3 года назад

      Time is not real. history can or cannot repeat it's self. Time is only real if you process it linearly but that would be a 2d prospective last time I checked there is more than 3d????

  • @FoetusInYourNoodles
    @FoetusInYourNoodles 2 года назад +1

    Imagine looking at Melbourne today and thinking Labor is the peoples party... Fuckin' hell...

  • @kronicpain7357
    @kronicpain7357 2 года назад

    I decided against kids at 8yo due to intergenerational poverty, and abuse. I’m 34yo and never gave it a second thought myself.

  • @paddybresnihan-delaney3521
    @paddybresnihan-delaney3521 3 года назад +1

    U a good one ❤️

  • @pt8306
    @pt8306 3 года назад

    I was thinking of running for politics as an independent. Your video has convinced me I can accomplish something

  • @krishaj1
    @krishaj1 3 года назад

    Thanks Jordan, I really needed someone to tell me this

  • @gregaciousgracieux8939
    @gregaciousgracieux8939 3 года назад

    You can still live life and find huge amounts of happiness exploring life while staying angry and aware of the bigger pictures, which makes those around you aware, so when a moment to strike everyone is in tune and ready

  • @kooriekollective8142
    @kooriekollective8142 3 года назад +1

    Looking happy J. Good job.

  • @belteshazzarbenyakovleib1071
    @belteshazzarbenyakovleib1071 2 года назад

    Today now I have the disorder managed only took me 30 years lol 😂 going back to school to study the sciences comparative religion and anthropology

  • @carolynbailey5496
    @carolynbailey5496 3 года назад +2

    I had a thought. When you need a mil for legal fees, people far and wide who love what you do stump up so you can win way out in the open. Where as Christian Porter needs a mil for legal fees so creates some convoluted smoke and mirrors blind bullshit cover, loses, then loses his job. And the moral of this story is be the good guy.

  • @leonardkylegibbons8568
    @leonardkylegibbons8568 3 года назад +6

    Banger of a vid my dude

  • @the1barbarian781
    @the1barbarian781 3 года назад +2

    Is that a new camera? Noticed a weird aspect ratio

  • @RCohle452
    @RCohle452 3 года назад +1

    Go forth and set the world on fire~ Jesuit Motto

  • @12onin_Gypsy
    @12onin_Gypsy 3 года назад +2

    Legit making this shit happen right now, seeds are planted, just a little TLC and patience and bam

  • @azza50jaffa
    @azza50jaffa 3 года назад

    We need to get Jordan a harem so his 🧬 live on !!!

  • @mr.packabong9758
    @mr.packabong9758 3 года назад

    any tips on saving money disipline/ self control? I'm 18 with living at home with low expenses, I make around 1200 a week at a job I hate and spend almost all of it each week, feel like it's a waste of time if I'm not saving any

    • @tonybruce
      @tonybruce 3 года назад +2

      Stop pissing it up against the wall, save 6 months emergency fund. Then start saving for a house. Your expenses should be fuck all. Throw a bit to your parents for food and bills. it'll make you feel about yourself.

    • @mr.packabong9758
      @mr.packabong9758 2 года назад +1

      @@tonybruce what's a 6months emergency fund, yea been chucking the rents a 100 a week but the rest just goes on buds, piss, ubers n food

    • @tonybruce
      @tonybruce 2 года назад

      @@mr.packabong9758 6 months of your expenses (usually this is rent/bills/etc) saved up, but for you it's probably not much. That being said. Make it 10k THEN start saving for a house. Or do both at the same time till you hit the 10k mark then chuck it all in the other savings.
      Read the barefoot investor.

  • @gavinlenuzza748
    @gavinlenuzza748 3 года назад

    We are in the precipice of finally getting onto the right track and away from greed (i can dream 😜)

  • @LibbyShawShow
    @LibbyShawShow 3 года назад

    This is a really interesting take on parenthood. A really interesting take, but yeah I'm pretty sure I don't want kids, and that IS the reason. I also love all this other stuff about psychology. Really true.

  • @skimmertakesall
    @skimmertakesall 2 года назад

    fuck, good point man.

  • @HotDamnHarry
    @HotDamnHarry 2 года назад

    They could all be 'Brawdo' engineers....

  • @philbert85
    @philbert85 3 года назад

    Let there be troubles in my time so my children may know peace

  • @jessbellis9510
    @jessbellis9510 3 года назад +1

    I think bringing life into this world when you can't afford it and all this shit is going on instead of adopting some kid in need is selfish. We don't need more people in the world. We need to take kids in need and raise them to be better.

  • @hassunullahkarimi1536
    @hassunullahkarimi1536 2 года назад

    Big dog. Great video

  • @BrendanBFree
    @BrendanBFree 3 года назад

    I know this is unrelated, I am kind of different to other people, and a lot of people find it easy to give people a hard time when they are different.
    Recently bought a van, I don’t want to continuously move towns because I like to set goals, like when I was in South Australia, had a goal of landing a bronze whaler, then in Queensland I made a goal of catching a 60cm mangrove Jack in a particular river. Problem is, 3 times I’ve been accused of being a thief. Guy left a note on a 4X coaster so I went to to local pub found the same coasters left my name and number and the dude came down with 3 people to try and fight me. In SA I had strangers confronting me while fishing calling me a thief telling me to leave town. Now I can’t leave my Van at the boat ramp out of fear of it being vandalised while I’m gone. I’m getting sick of it! Only happens in small towns. And I don’t like the city. This shits going to keep happening wherever I go because people don’t trust people who are different. Pricks don’t realise all I want to do is fish! I spend every spare moment doing it.
    I can’t fight either, so if these guys run into me alone, either I am getting bashed, or they are getting stabbed or their head caved in with a skateboard. Either way ends badly for me! I don’t want to go south, further south has less fishing opportunities and further north has more crocs!
    I’m still solving problems though, building things I never thought I could and catching cool fish that people dream of catching. Although my goal of a 60cm Jack is on hold due to not being able to explore the local river out of fear of being vandalised. The next main town is semi safe for crocs, but I am on the water so often, that I am the likely person to run into the few that are around and I really don’t want that to happen in a kayak!

    • @BrendanBFree
      @BrendanBFree 3 года назад

      I could also fail at using the knife and skateboard and end up having my own weapons used against me.

    • @goingbike
      @goingbike 3 года назад +1

      You sound like an interesting person, it'd be cool to meet you

  • @michaeltonge1971
    @michaeltonge1971 3 года назад

    British thanksgiving is on the 16th of September. It's the day the Mayflower sailed from Plymouth. "Thank god they've f***ed off".

  • @VD-fc8dy
    @VD-fc8dy 3 года назад +1

    Hey Jordan, love your work. I would request with how things are unfolding that you make some material in regards to people who are vaccine hesitant. I know a few young people (mid to early 20s) who are stubbornly against taking the vaccine despite being healthy enough to and it's going to cause a huge problem in the future if there isn't a significant amount of us vaccinated.
    They do watch your videos though and you can make a better argument for getting the vaccine than I can.

  • @RCohle452
    @RCohle452 3 года назад +1

    Tricks and treachery are the
    practice of fools, that don't have
    brains enough to be honest.
    ~ Benjamin Franklin

  • @voyeur4994
    @voyeur4994 3 года назад

    I want to live so bad, life is so expensive 😭 life keeps us poor and means we can’t go anywhere 😭

  • @nicholashumphrey4621
    @nicholashumphrey4621 3 года назад

    Dude. I've always held your opinion in those first 2 minutes.

  • @justingreen3046
    @justingreen3046 3 года назад

    Nice one Jordan. Sounds like you have been watching owen Benjamin's streams...

  • @carmenmain8251
    @carmenmain8251 3 года назад

    Oh Mr Hart, what a mess.

  • @joeadams1225
    @joeadams1225 3 года назад

    Jordy, did the Earth move for you on Tuesday , too ? Gya is restless and reacting to tectonic plate shift in Australians waking up. You are to blame,,,Thanks.

  • @christopherdobbie
    @christopherdobbie 3 года назад +1

    Don't get too caught up on the next generation, remember you meld two individuals' DNA to create the next. That's the wonderful thing about evolution, it spits out difference to see what works. I'd pursue a policy of better education for those that are brought forth, rather than try to procreate the master race.

  • @MrTomkat86
    @MrTomkat86 2 года назад

    I appreciated the chocolate microscopes, you speak my english

  • @TLoveInfinity
    @TLoveInfinity 2 года назад

    High five ✨🤚✨

  • @tonybruce
    @tonybruce 3 года назад

    I'm FROM that socio-POOL of idiots who just have kids for the sake of it... but i got out... and now i don't believe having kids is a good idea, economically and environmentally... but now i dont know what to think... Existential crisis in 3,21..

  • @harrisonmccoll1093
    @harrisonmccoll1093 3 года назад +3

    The attitude of not wanting to have kids as a virtue to help the earth is so defeatist and lazy. Its like well then help do something about it now so they can enjoy a good future and teach them how to do the same. thing.

  • @theenduropest
    @theenduropest 3 года назад

    safety is an illusion, 100%

  • @stuartrodgers3783
    @stuartrodgers3783 3 года назад

    Are you sure you don’t think your Jordan Peterson. Good show mate 👍🏼👍🏼

  • @RCohle452
    @RCohle452 3 года назад

    Are you familiar with Inmendham or David Benatar?

  • @Blackheathenly
    @Blackheathenly 3 года назад

    So, when's the baby due, Jordan?

  • @djanitatiana
    @djanitatiana 3 года назад

    Save the numbat!

  • @belteshazzarbenyakovleib1071
    @belteshazzarbenyakovleib1071 2 года назад

    It is the woke waves bro 😎

  • @wobblysauce
    @wobblysauce 3 года назад

    Wooo I helped, I pressed like and engaged.

  • @crab5799
    @crab5799 3 года назад

    My main goal is to achieve 99 reddit karma

    • @crab5799
      @crab5799 3 года назад

      Or maybe ladbroke it

  • @4yz222
    @4yz222 3 года назад +1

    Everyone wants to talks about the problems no one wants to talk about the solutions

  • @gregcosier407
    @gregcosier407 3 года назад

    I want a chocolate microscope

  • @ThisIsDeth
    @ThisIsDeth 2 года назад

    Jordan you did that in the wrong order. You are meant to turn the camera off and then laugh "suckers" not the other way around :O

  • @liammcleod159
    @liammcleod159 3 года назад

    Can't tell if this is a dream or Jordans camera is just that bad

  • @story.7162
    @story.7162 3 года назад

    jordie's artiscrat sounds like fkn chav

  • @TheArtofEngineering
    @TheArtofEngineering 3 года назад

    Is it me …. Or is there KY spread all over the lens??

  • @petrichor8373
    @petrichor8373 3 года назад +3

    Can we just open the fvcking pubs grand final is September 25th and I haven't forgotten how happy dad was when he won in 2016 (RIP DR. ROBERT CHARLES PETERSON 22nd OCTOBER 1943-22nd October 2017) edit: I am the pub advocate