저 이거 2주 째 하고 있는데, 허리 아프신 분들 팁 공유해요! 1. 시작 전에 최대한 등 근육 이완하고 시작해주세요. (저도 처음에 스완자세 하면서 허리가 너무 아파서 필라테스 유투브 찾아보니까, 스완자세 할 때 등 근육이 이완이 잘 안 돼있을 경우 허리가 아플 수 있다고 해요) 개인적으로 고양이 자세, 아기 자세 추천 드려요. 그리고 개인적으로 저는 아침-낮에 할 때보다, 저녁-밤 시간에 하는 게 하루동안 몸을 충분히 써서인지 통증도 덜하고 좋았어요. 2. 지은쌤이 영상에서 말하는 대로 최대한 신경 쓰시면서 따라하시면 돼요. 단순히 그냥 스완자세를 따라한다고 생각하시지 말고, 어깨는 최대한 밑으로 내리시고 (아니면 승모근 생겨요!), 가슴은 위로, 배에도 힘을 주세요. 이때 어깨를 밑으로 내리는 게 잘 안되면, 겨드랑이가 몸에 붙은 힘에 최대한 집중해보세요. 최대한 겨드랑이를 내 몸에 밀착시킨다 생각해보세요. 그리고 턱은 최대한 몸쪽으로 당겨보시고요. 한마디로 그냥 단순히 허리'만' 꺾어서 스완자세를 만든다고 생각하시지 말고, 어깨는 밑으로 가슴은 위로 복근은 최대한 힘을 줘서 위로 보내서 스완자세를 복근힘으로 버틴다고 생각해보세요! (뭔가 표현이 좀 이상한데, 뭔가 아랫배부터 가슴을 최대한 위로 뽑아낸다? 생각하시면 쉬워요.) 저도 한 일주일까지는 정말 이렇게 아파도 되나? 싶을 정도로 허리가 너무 아팠는데, 자세 최대한 신경 써서 하니까 이제는 허리 통증도 정말 거의 없어요. 댓글창 매일 출석하는데 허리 통증 때문에 포기하시는 분들 계시는 것 같아서.. 한번 써봅니다. 우리 다함께 꼭 날씬한 허리 라인 만들어요 화이팅! ☺️
스완 허리 너무 꺾이는 분들은 1.엉덩이에 힘 꽉주기(특히 다이브때 하체 내려오시는 분들은 엉덩이 힘이 안 들어갔을 확률 높아요!) 2.앉은상태에서 상체만 엎드려 숨 크게쉬는 스트레칭을 1분정도 해보고 진행하세용. 등이 타이트한상태에서 하면 놀라서 허리다칩니다! 3.스완시 효과 더 좋으려면 목과 귀의 거리를 늘려주어 어깨가 올라가지 않게 주의해주세요. 안전한 운동하세요~
Ok, I'm going to do this for 7 days Waist: 74 cm Day 1: done ✅ Day 2: done ✅ Day 3: done ✅ Day 4: done ✅ Day 5: done ✅ Day 6: done ✅ (I only have one day left! PS: I forgot to update yesterday.) Day 7: done ✅!!! Waist: 71,5 cm RESULTS: OMG!!! I lost 2.5 cm of waist is incredible! Honestly I didn't have much faith in him, but I was really surprised that he gave such good results in such a short time. At first my spine hurt a little when I did the exercises, but then I got used to it and until now I'm a little more flexible hahaha. Sincerely this works, and if you are hesitating to do it, I recommend you to do it, fighting! 💖💪
지나가다 우연히 제 댓글을 보신 여러분은 이제 취업.연애.금전.시험.승진.다이어트 성공운. 그리고 무엇보다 중요한 건강운이 들어오게 될 것입니다. 제 댓글로 인하여 마음 속에 쌓였던 스트레스와 걱정이 모두 날라가길 바라며, 항상 행운이 깃든 날만 가득하길 바라겠습니다. 오늘 하루도 수고하셨습니다ㅎㅎ~ ❤
이거 업로드 된 날짜부터 계~속 했는데 전체적으로도 살이 많이 빠졌고 뱃살이 쭉 빠지면서 허리라인이 생겼어요! 3인치 이상 줄어들었습니다 다른 운동들이랑도 섞어서 했구요 워밍업으로 좋더라구요 처음엔 땀이 나고 힘들었는데 이젠 가볍게 합니당 ㅎㅎ 진짜 이 운동 추천이요 시간도 짧아서 무슨 일이 있어도 부담스럽지 않게 했어용! 맨날 조용히 좋아요만 누르고 운동하고 쓱 지나갔는데..ㅋㅋㅋ 많은 분들이 제 댓글보고 열심히 하시면 좋을 것 같아서 남겨요. 여러분 진짜 “꾸준히” 가 답인듯해요 7일해도 효과가 있지만 큰 효과를 보고싶으면 꼭 계속 해주세요 (그렇다고 7일해서 효과 없다는거 아니에요! 한 번 효과를 봤으니까 동기부여 되서 열심히 했겠죠..?ㅋㅋ) 열심히 하시면 원하시는 목표까지 뺄 수 있어요!! 화이팅❤️
🌷Let’s try this for a week🌷: Waist: 66 cm Day 1- [🍪Done🍪] Day 2- [🧺Done🧺] Day 3- [🎞Done🎞] Day 4- [🧸Done🧸] Day 5- [📜Done📜] Day 6- [🐻Done🐻] Day 7- [🤎Done🤎] Waist: ✨63.5 cm✨ Ending note: I didn’t really think this was gonna work, but here we are. I ate how I normally do (not so healthy) and I still lost a few centimeters. This is a very short workout to include in your day, and it’s effective too, so I think that everyone should try this. I did this twice a day. My back was only sore for one day. So overall 10/10. I will definitely be doing this everyday from now on.
1년 정도 전에 일주일 도전했지만 실패,, 이번 년도에 다시 시작하겠습니다 🤤 곧 체육대회인데 체육대회 전까지 할 수 있도록 좋아요랑 댓글 좀 달아주세용 🍀🎀 다른 운동도 같이 병행 중이니 다른 영상에서도 저 보실 수 있어요! 🤓 5/4 (토) - ☑☑ 5/5 (일) - ☑☑ 5/6 (월) - ☑☑ 5/7 (화) - ☑☒ 몸컨디션이 안 좋아서 겨우 한 번ㅜ 5/8 (수) - ☐☐ 5/9 (목) - ☐☐ 5/10 (금) - ☐☐
🍣I’m trying this for a week🍣 Waist: 63cm day 1: ✅✅ day 2: ✅✅ day 3: ✅✅ day 4: ✅✅ day 5: ✅✅ day 6: ✅✅ day 7: ✅✅ -------- Okay so it’s the morning after and i just measured myself. I went down to 62cm which is not a big difference but still noticeable. I will keep on doing it for the next week as well! Keep going everyonee
just adding this here: measuring your waist every day is useless. if you want to see results, mesure it before starting your very first workout and measure it again 1 week later (regardless of how long you're doing this workout), then keep checking every 7 days. nobody loses centimeters off their waist in just 1-2 days and most people bloat, especially after eating or during your cycle. kinda like weighing yourself every day, it's just not effective also if you want to keep these results don't just stop at one week. staying in shape is also about consistency. if u wanna do this just a week that's fine! but if you actually want to keep your waist that way, you need to exercise every day and eat healthy - it's really obvious but for a lot of people in the comments yall seem to think this is a miracle workout
hello,, im sorry if this is weird but is it normal for you private part to hurt during this workout? I've done this routine for some time now but it still hurts. Is it bc i do it wrong or do you experience it too and is completely normal? again im sorry if i sound weird 😓
I’m going to be doing this for a week and I’ll record my results in case anyone wants to know if it works! Day 1: 70cm Day 4: 66.5cm Day 7: 65 cm This worked really well for me so have a go at it for at least a week and you will see results. Good luck!✨
님들 이거 ㄹㅇ 꼭 하세요 저 이제 일주일 했는데 갑자기 언니가 허리 얇아졌다고 해서 당황함 근데 ㄹㅇ 먼가 변하고 있는 게 느껴짐 식단 그딴 거 1도 안 함 밤 10시에 피자 3조각도 먹음 밥으로는 라면도 먹고 우동 돈가스 다 먹었는데 변화가 있어서 더 신기했음 물론 사람마다 다르겠지만 일단 난 효과 존나 좋았음
7/15(월) 21: 22 완료 7/16(화) 14: 57 완료 7/17(수) 15: 47 완료 7/18(목) 14: 43 완료 7/19(금) 19: 11 완료 7/20(토) 15: 37 완료 7/21(일) 19: 37 완료 일주일 클리어!!!!! 배에 튜브 끼고 살아서 앉아있으면 옆구리살도 신경쓰이고 등에 뒷살 땜에 스트레스얐는데 일주일 하니까 진짜 걸어다닐때나 아침에 바디췍 할 때 배에 힘이 생겼구나가 느껴집니다! 옆구리랑 뒷살 정리 된 게 보여요..!!! 그래도 아직 밥 먹으면 배 볼록하게 나오는 게 좀 심해서 😂 코어힘 잡는용으로 일주일 더 갑니다~!~! 좋은 운동영상 감사합니다 ~!
i started yesterday and i’m going to track my waist size : day1: 63cm day2:61cm(which is surpirsing) day3:60cm(im so surprised) day4:59cm(rest day tho) day5:59cm(rest day) day6:59cm(i think bcs i didnt workout for two days) day7:58cm ok so its been 1 week and my waist does feel more “slim” and it looks better if u have any questions feel free to ask.THIS ACTUALLY WORKS I SUGGEST U TO TRY IT thanks for 70likes😁 btw i dont only do this (maybe just when i’m lazy),but i’m no expert so i trust jiny.i think this helped me on getting my waist toned up but i did other stuff like stretching,cardio,ab workouts,thigh workouts. i’m working out just to stay in shape and healthy.HAVE A GOOD DAY EVENING OR NIGHT AND REMEMBER EVERYONE IS PERFECT SO U DONT NEED TO WORKOUT IF U ALREADY FEEL COMFY IN UR BODY❤️
Quốc Như Tâm Nguyễn so i tried eating a lot of fruit,but i just balance the stuff i eat,like i eat till i’m sadisfied and not till im full:so basically i eat everything i want till i’m sadisfied NOT FULL:)
와 이거 진짜 대박이에요...... 자기전에 두 세트씩 하고 잔 지 3일 됐는데 아침에 거울보면 진짜 뱃살이 없어진 게 눈에 보여요.. 다리운동하고 뱃살빼는 운동은 이거밖에 안하는데 진짜 효과 개쩔어요 2주차 때는 진짜 거의 뱃살 없을 것 같아요 진짜 제 하루 운동 루틴 다 이지은님 루틴인데 진짜 최고ㅜㅜㅜㅜ
restarting ☻ day 1: complete (did 3 reps) day 2: complete day 3: only did 1 rep day 4: missed 😭 day 5: to make up for yesterday i did 4 reps day 6: only did 1 1/2 reps day 7: 1 rep :( day 8: complete day 9: missed day 10: missed day 11: 4 reps (please don’t be like me 😭😭) day 12: missed day 13: complete day 14: missed before: waist = 28 in after: waist = 27 in sorry for being inconsistent!!!!
I will try this for 7 days along with her abs and keep an update here Day 1: done Day 2: donee. it's getting better, my hand and back didn't hurt as much as yesterday Day 3: doneee Day 4: done Day 5: done :') Day 6: - Day 7: - Day 8: donee. since i can't do this yesterday :'( i will try to do this again for the next day Day 9: done. i manage to see some changes in my waits, i will keep doing this for another week or maybe a month :') Day 1: done. Day 2: done. Day 3: done. Day 4: done Day 5: done. Day 6: done Day 7: done Before: 70cm After: 65cm Good luck for all of you who want to try this out! It's really worth it
제가 해봤는데 스완 동작할때 허리가 아프신 분들은 허리에 힘을 주지 말고 엉덩이 근육을 써서 허리를 꺽어 주세요! 엉덩이 써서 상체 올린거랑 허리만 쓰고 상체 올린거 비교하면 엉덩이가 훨씬 무리 안가요! 그리고 올리실 때 복근에 힘 유지하시면 훨씬 동작이 쉬워지실 거에요! 화이팅
Hi! I’m trying this again! I’m going to be using this summer vacation to get my ideal body so that when I start university I’ll be comfortable In my own body. Starting waist : 75 cm Day 1 (4-06-2024): ✅ I paused a bit in the side to side plank, but the rest was good! Day 2 (5-06-2024): ✅ I also paused in the side plank💀 my waist is now 74 cm! Day 3 (6-06-2024): ✅ I paused less this time. Day 4 (7-06-2024): ✅ no paused for today! My waist is now 73 cm!
원래 알고만 있다가 영상이 도움이 많이 돼서 구독도 하고 요즘 매일매일 이지은 언니 보고있눈데 정말 팬 될 것 같아요 ㅠㅠ 이게 입덕 부정기 인가요? 정말 피부도 곱고 목소리도 곱고 어디 하나 모난 데가 없으시네요 ㅠㅠ 댓글 쓰다보니까 이미 팬 된 것 같아요 사랑해요 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
지은쌤 운동은 진짜 코어 느는데 최고인거같아요! 다이어트 한지 언 4개월차인데 사실 식단은 2개월이후부터 좀 열심히 안한지 오래되어서 10키로빼고 잘 안내려가고있지만 이 허리운동이랑 아랫배운동은 꾸준히 해주고있는데 코어정말 많이늘었고 웨이트 운동할때도 도움이 진짜 많이되고 몸바디변화가 매우큽니다 ! 평생할거에요 ㅠ 항상감사합니다
ok im doing this height: 1,74 weight: 54kg waist today: 66cm week 1: starting today, i’ll tell the results in a week! update 1: omg i almost forgot about this comment but anyways! my waist is now 64 cm is not a big change but i didn’t do it on the weekend cause i had to study!! i ate normally and drank a lot of water, also i measured my waist at night the first day before the challenge started and today!! i will continue to do it with more commitment this week tho :)
아니 여러분 이거 진심 ㄹㅇ 효과진짜 쩔어요 아니 그냥 지은언니 영상은 다 효과 쩔어요 진짜 말도 안되게 힘든데 말도 안되게 효과잇어서 진짜 강추 이거 하루만해도 허리 옆구리살 잘 들어갑니다 ㅠㅠㅠ 이 영상은 엄청 힘들지도 않아서 하루에 한 번씩 꾸준히 따라해볼만해요 !!! 진짜 추천합니다 !!!
I'm going to do this for.. 7 days Waist : 75cm Day 1 - [done] Day 2 - [done] Day 3 - [done] Day 4 - [done] Day 5 - [done] Day 6 - [done] Day 7 - [done] Waist : 67.5 cm I'm surprised that in a week I have almost 10 cm less in waist. I can see that my waist is smaller which I like, and my stomach is also smaller. Thank you so much Jiny. I love you! ❤💞
Gonna try this! Start: 70cm (I have very big ribs so I practically don't have a waist line😭) Tracker: Day 1: done Day 2: done Day 3: done Day 4: done Day 5: done Day 6: done Day 7: skipped Results: 68.5 cm! I'm surprised it worked because I didn't really feel any burn in the workout. It does though so I'll keep going!
SAME😂😂😂 I've been doing chloe ting's workout for 3 months 🐸 And now I'm doing Lily Sabri's workout because i felt bored of hearing this"you make my heart beat super fast " 😂😂😂
@@ashitharj7634 My week went like this: Monday: Twice Tuesday: Once Wednesday: Three times Thursday: Once Friday: Twice Saturday: Rest Sunday: Rest Monday: Once Tuesday: Three times. Hope it helps!
@@genevievee2801 This is a little complicated but I do not like sweets and I ate a lot of fruit and veggies. I also ate whatever I want but I skipped on sugar (example: chocolate, ice cream, jelly etc) and ate more healthy! ( example: cucumber, apple, banana, strawberries) and for metabolism it is not fast or too slow so you can do it!
@@dimea. you just have to do the whole workout once, when you finished do a 2 min break, and do once again the workout, and you're done for the day😂 (sorry for my bad english, I hope I was helpful😊)
hey guys! here's a breakdown of the video! 0:03 - 1:29 Explanation 1:36 - 5:15 Workout 5:16 - End and a lil bit more info on reps and sets. Good job! Make sure to take a 2 minute break in between sets!
This really works, i’ve been doing whole body fat work out, eat lot of protein and for waist I only work this exercise. I’ve been doing it for 2 month and clearly see the different . All the other waist workout on RUclips only make your belly fat goes away and it doesn’t make your waistline thinner. But this really help!!!
와 이거 매일 2세트씩 한지 4일찬데 등살까지 전체적으로 잘빠져서 놀랐어요!!! 저한테 딱 맞는 운동 소개시켜주셔서 감사합니당 다들 허리가 아프다고 하시는데 제 기준으론 스완자세 첨 할때 손을 얼굴 높이(?)로 놓고 올라우시면 좀더 무리가 덜 가는거 같아요. 원래 운동 초반엔 힘듭니다! 루틴보다 적게 해도 되고 조금씩 강도를 높이면서 하시면 될거같아요 ㅎㅎ +) 스완크로스 진짜 등살 킬러에요 저는 동작 이해하는데 3일 걸렸지만 한번 깨달으면 효과가 되게 좋습니다 저는 플랭크 자세들 끝나고 잠깐 숨쉴틈 줬다가 스완 시작했고요 싱글 암 스완할때 버티는손 어깨위로 올라가지 않게 힘 많이 주셔야해요ㅠ 저는 식단은 딱히 안했고 유산소 병행하는거 추천드려요
I don't think i'm the most reliable person to update since i'm doing other workouts as well. But i've been doing this everyday since for 2 sets. I will try to ff up on day 7 🙃 Edit: my waistline is 27in btw
doing this for a week (if my back allows) waist: 29 inches goal: 26 inches (won't happen in this challenge) Day 1:✅ done twice much harder than it looks definitely didn't do anything right Day 2:❌ didn't do had an important test Day 3:✅ did twice still hard, not as flexible as it thought I was however I noticed I can bend my back way further today! Day 4: ❌ Day 5: ❌ Day 6: ✅ only did once plus 30 mins strength training honestly im not doing this anymore bc I don't think I was doing anything right 😭 im using a different ab workout however this did help me with back flexibility my waist didn't change maybe like 0.1 inches that's it tho
Hi! I’m doing this 2x a day for a week and here are the results (incase anyone needs it): BEFORE: 72.5 cm / 28.3 inches AFTER: 68.8 cm / 27 inches *Day 1* : 72.5 cm *Day 2* : 72 cm (wow. I lost 0.5cm in one day!!) *Day 3* : 71.8 cm (it’s becoming very visible already that my waist is starting to get curvier. im so happy! :D) *Day 4* : 70.5 cm (wow. This really IS effective but maybe the Chloe ting workout is adding up to it just a little bit, because this waist workout is more intense compared to chloe ting’s) *Day 5* :69.5 cm *Day 6* : 69 cm *Day 7* : 68.8 cm Ps. I am doing this workout + Chloe ting’s Flat Tummy routine. Also, I am slowly reducing my calorie intake day by day and i’m slowly making progress so if any of you guys feel discouraged, please know that you should trust the process and don’t pressure yourself too much to eat less in a snap! Take it slow. Take your time to improve your habits. I am on the same boat as you. Goodluck!
I already did this for 3 days, today is the 4th day and i decided to do checklist in the comment section Week 1 waist : 67cm Day 1 : done 2x Day 2 : done 2x Day 3 : done 2x Day 4 : done 2x (i actually measured my waist today, it’s now 65.5cm) Day 5 : done 2x Day 6 : i didn’t do it bc i thought my period was coming, false alarm Day 7 : done 2x Week 2 waist : 65.5 Day 1 : done 2x Day 2 : nope i was lazy 😭 Day 3 : done 1x
I will update daily Day 1 : did twice today (i am really bloated today so it was a lil tough ) Day 2 : did twice today too (i feel less bloated today and a lot more easier. I completed this workout with my other abs workout) Day 3 : did twice as usual. It was lot more easier today. The swan drive was hard but i completed. My stomach feels much tighter today. No bloating whatsoever. Day 4 : skipped today because of period cramps. Day 5 : did it one time but skipped my other workouts Day 6 skipped again. Day 7 : i did it 3 times altogether to keep up. Apparently today would have been my last but i could not complete because i missed 3 days. Waist 28.9 (no bloating) It was around 29.5 (bloated) I again doing this 2 times a day for a week :3 Day 1 : completed (13th July) (waist 28.3) Day 2 : completed (14th july ) (waist 28.5)
@@dana-jd2kr hey! i was doing this from june 30 but i forgot to record it, later i edited it with day 2. I hope it removes the misunderstanding. Thank you!
Imma do this and i'm gonna update cause why not! START: Waist: 68 cm/ 26,7 inch Day 1: DONE Day 2: DONE Day 3: NOT DONE (I am on my periode ) Day 4: DONE Day 5: DONE Day 6: NOT DONE Day 7: DONE Day 8: DONE Day 9: NOT DONE Day 10:NOT DONE (I was in a mini vacation) Day 11:NOT DONE Day 12: Day 13:
I'm going to do for 14 days (and I do it twice a day) / Waist size : 67cm - Day 1 (4th January 2021) : Done - Day 2 : Done - Day 3 : Sorry I didn't have the time this day :( - Day 4 : Done ! - Day 5 : Done - The exercises look simple today ! :) - Day 6 : Done - I have the impression that my waist is smaller ! - Day 7 : Done ! The first week is finished, I don't really see a difference but my waist size is 66 cm. I will continue during another week :) - Day 8 : Sorry I didn't have the time today :/ - Day 9 : Done - Day 10 : I didn't do the exercises today I'm so sorry ! I will do 4 times tomorrow - Day 11 : Okay so I did the exercises 4 times today ! I'm proud of me because the last one was very hard x) - Day 12 : Today I didn't do the exercises but I did 3hours of sport - Day 13 : I didn't do also today I'm so sorry I will do 4 times tomorrow ! - Day 14 : Okay so I did the exercises 4 times today :) Normally it was my last day and... Finally my waist size is between 64 cm and 65 cm ! :) I'm really happy, it's not completely what I want because my belly is not "flat" but that's okay x) I think I will continue waist exercises but maybe not this one and no so seriously. Thank you so much Jiny !
Ok I'm going to try this!🌱 DAY 1: done (really relieving to my back and abdomen) DAY 2: done DAY 3: done DAY 4: done (so I've been looking at myself and I see that my waist looks more toned from the sides, I'm quite happy about it! DAY 5: done DAY 6: done DAY 7: done (it's made my core smaller than any ab workout I've done. Usually, ab workouts make my core thin for a day and as I keep doing them my waist either stays the same or becomes a bit thicker. So I stopped doing them and just do this exercise twice a day (of course with a calorie deficit) but this has brought me slow but good results in only a week. DAY 8: done DAY 9: rest DAY 10: done
처음 한 날에는 '내가 이걸 어떻게 해'라는 생각으로 용기가 안났는데 이틀, 삼일 지금 10일째 해보는 중이에요! 첫날보다 훨씬 더 강해진 내가 2세트를 해도 체력과 끈기가 생기더라구요! 조금씩 천천히 몸의 라인도 보여요! 어려워도 능숙하게 해내는 지은님 보면서 저도 꾸준히 해볼게요!!
Im gonna tell you if it worked, but you need to remind me Starting with: 66cm Day 1: done Day 2: done Day 3: done Day 4: weekend break Day 5: weekend break Day 6: done Day 7: done Week 1: 63cm (that‘s a lot for one week) Day 8: done Day 9: done (sorry I died) 2 weeks: 60cm (that’s like a looot for 2 weeks)
Did you do diet? How many times did you do the video? Are you doing another workout routine? Thanks for updating us! Im thinking about doing this routine too
@@Xmaiarts nah i didn’t I really do an diet, I just stopped eating sweets. I did it one time per day and I’m also doing ten minutes hula hoop per day. And you welcome !
7 days start- 26.5 inches 1- ✅✅ 2- ✅✅ 3- ✅✅ 4- ✅✅ 5- ✅✅ 6 -✅✅ 7- ✅✅ Ok so basically this worked pretty well and I did do other workouts along with it, but I now am 24 inches
Alright, since school opens back in a few weeks, might just start glowing up again now 🚶♀️ Waist: 79 cm/31 in Goal: 64 cm/ 25 in or less Week 1 Day 1: ✅ Def easy, though I had a bit of trouble with the plank twists. Did this twice haha (2 reps in the afternoon and another at night) Day 2: ✅ My back was aching from yesterday's workouts but I feel refreshed. Done once in the afternoon. Day 3: ✅ Almost skipped it but did it 😄 it was so much easier! Also I could lift my whole leg up while doing Swan dive!! Did it once. Day 4: ❌ I was busy, rest day. Day 5: ✅ Busy, did once Day 6: ✅ Did once Day 7: ✅ Did once, final day of week 1 Week 2 Day 1: ✅ felt a bit heavy ;-; Day 2: ✅ did once Day 3: ❌ was busy and super tired, rest day Day 4: ✅ did once Day 5: ❌ did other exercises, felt sick Day 6: ✅ Day 7: ❌ goodness this is the most inconsistent week I had 🤦♀️
I'm doing this as many as I can a day Waist line Before : 71cm Sorry guys, im kinda busy last few weeks, sorry for not updating you. I'm gonna do this again, FOR REAL, Im gonna do this until my birthday (Nov 17) so yeah, my waist line is still the same : 71cm (Nov. 2) Day 1: ✅ (did it 6 times in a row lol, im kinda bored soOo, my back kinda hurts but its ok, I never felt so flexible HAHA) Day 2:✅ (did it 6 times again, i stop every set and do some workout to double chin, idk what it called but yeah, I kinda feel lazy today but still managed to do it and it doesn't hurt as much as yesterday) Day 3: ✅ (did this 8 timess danggg, my back doesn't hurt as much as Day 1, i dont rly have some things to do so i did 8 times, i feel better) Day 4: ✅( did it 3 times, im kinda tired coz of school works, and i don't feel doing this today but still did it lol) Day 5: ✅ (i did it 8 timess! YEYYYYYY, i was planning to do it 3 times coz i want to do school, but who likes school tho?) Day 6: ✅ (did it 3 times, IM SO TIRED, we did groceries, did some homeworks and i want to rest for a bit) Day 7: ✅ (did it 6 times, i have nothing to say lol) Day 8:❌ (i don't want to do it, i dont feel doing it, andd i want to take some rest) Day 9: ✅(did it 5 times, Im. Sad) Day 10: ✅( 5 times, MY BACK HURTSSS) Hi guys, I think I'm gonna stop for a week coz my back frkin hurts :< My waist now is 68cm, WOAHH i lost almost an Inch (more than should i say) damnn, i really didn't have any hopes on this coz its really fast, but yeahh, i really want to continue this but I think my back really needs a rest so yeahh I really did not have a diet, i eat lunch, dinner with rice coz im a Filipino, but i tried eating not a lot, i just stop eating when im satisfied, not full, and Im trying not to eat on midnight, I just drink a lot of chocolate milk, or water I did a lot because i motivate myself lol, as a kpop stan (I stan Nct), I do this while listening to there songs or stream some of there mv. So yeahh, I recommend this, REALLY✨ but don't do a lot like me HAHA. Sorry if my English is kinda bad :))
My plan is to do this for 3 weeks: ❗️This also tracks how much has changed even if I skipped on some days Start: 71cm/28 in Final: 2x/ day Week 1: Day 1: ✅ Day 2: ❌ (got sore :( ) Day 3: ✅ Day 4: ❌ Day 5: ❌ Day 6: ❌ Day 7: ✅ + other exercises Week 2: Day 1: ✅ Day 2: ✅ Day 3: Day 4: Day 5: Day 6: Day 7: Week 3: Day 1: Day 2: Day 3: Day 4: Day 5: Day 6: Day 7:
Updated!!! I've completed this routine 2x day for 8 days! Start: 66 to 65.5 cm 01/21 to 01/28 result: 63 cm I will do it 2x a day for another week and will update you guys! 😌💕 I did this routine 2x a day untill 02/11 Results by 02/12: 62.5cm yayyy!! I will do this routine untill 02/28 and will update you guys again! 💕💕💕
이 영상이랑 허벅지 돌려깎기, 다른 운동도 같이 해볼려고 합니다! 출첵할 수 있게 이 댓글 보신다면 좋아요나 댓글 달아주세요!! 12/24 - ✅ 12/25 - ✅ 12/26 - ✅ 12/27 - ❎ 12/28 - ✅✅ ( 2세트씩 하는거 지금 알아버렸어요 ㅜ.. ) 12/29 - ✅✅ 12/30 - ❎ 12/31 - ❎ 1/1 - ❎ ( 한 번 안 하니까 계속 안하게 되더라구요.. ) 1/2 - ✅✅ ( 와 저 진짜 이거 까먹고 한 번도 안하고 있었어요.. 댓글이랑 좋아요 덕분에 알람 울려서 겨우 왔네요.. 다시 일주일 하겠습니다.. ) 1/7 - ✅✅ 1/8 - ❎ 1/9 - ✅✅ 1/10 - ✅✅ + 오랜만에 생각나서 왔는데 좋아요가 이게 무슨 일이람 .. 🥲 오늘부터 다시 하겠습니다 😂 11/3 - 11/4 - 11/5 - 11/6 - 11/7 - 11/8 - 11/9 - ++ 하 저란 녀석 생각보다 너무나도 게으른 녀석이였군요.. 위에 날짜까지 써놓고 한 번도 안 왔다니.. 진짜 이번엔 성공해보자구요!! 2/19 - ☑☐ + 예전엔 두 개 잘 만 했는데 오랜만에 하니 안 되네요.. 😅 이 영상이랑 상체 올킬 루틴, 허벅지 돌려깎기랑 그냥 춤 좀 추면서 할려구요! 이번에는 제발 성공해보자구요.. 😊
i always do this after my workouts, and it relaxes me because it really feels like yoga, and its so simple yet relaxing, and it stretches my body big time
@@amberlynnduong7285 yes, my waist feels tighter when i do this and i lost 3 inches off my waist, but mind you i eat well and do other workouts, but i only did it once a day
I don’t know what happened to my body but I already did 4 workouts today, I danced and I still want to do this... Normally I’m a very lazy person but at the moment I’m so motivated 🤯
me too! i’m doing chloe tings 4 weeks summer shred, a shoulder exercise, a thigh exercise, this exercise, and i already dance everyday because i’m a dancer lol, keep it up tho!! we got this!💕
Workout routine: Yoga, Small waist, Pilates, k-cardio and i dance. Day 1: Feels weird but i feel good. Day 2: Exhausted but hopefully its worth it! Day 3: i feel okay sweating like crazy for chole ting's part Day 4: im tired but i know it will have good results at the end.... Hopefully Day 5: Felt weird after doing it since i had a break to rest. TIRED!! Day 6: Im craving chocolate and chips. I feel good and sweaty. Day 7: it didn't hurt as much today but it was still painful Day 8: i dont know why but it hurt more today for some reason
@Gizli İnsan First off your English is really good and i do it only once a day and stopped doing chole tings i recently got into Pilates and dance! Its good to do it 2 times a day if you dont have a workout routine but if you do then add it once in your routine or as many times as you like 😆
이거 진짜 효과좋아요 거의 3주째했는데 허리 얇아졌다는말 듣고있어요 솔직히 저는 못느꼈었는데 딱 맞던 바지가 헐렁해졌어요!! 복근운동도 병행해서 같이 해주면 효과 짱입니다! 제가 이지은님 다이어트운동으로 작년에 8키로빼고 유지하며 있다가 1월부터 다시 좀 더 빼고 싶다는 욕심에 꾸준히 다른운동 계속 해왔는데 정체기였던 몸무게에서 한달정도 운동 다시하니깐 1키로가 빠졌어요!
@@뤂이-b1r 정확한 기간은 좀 오래전부터 해서 기억이 가물가물 하지만 1달 전부터 매일 저녁에 1세트씩 해줬어요!! 지금까지 한두번 정도 빼먹은거 같기도 해요ㅋㅋㅋ!! 그대신 빼먹은 다음날은 2세트 해줬고 지금까지 다른 복부운동도 같이 했지만 효과는 짱짱 좋았어요!! 완전 푹 들어간 느낌보다는 자연스럽게 잘록해진느낌? 꾸준히 하시면 효과 무조건 있으니까 열심히 하세용!👌♥️식단은 아침 샐러드 점심 일반식 저녁은 5.30분이나 6시에 밥 조금으로 일찍 먹어줬어요
눈바디의 변화는 '꾸준함'에서 시작됩니다 :)
운동 습관 만들기 NO.1
선생님.. 스완 자세에서 상체 들었을 때 바닥에 눌린? 지지된? 와이존 쪽이 뼈가 너무 눌려서 아픈데 자세가 잘못된걸까요..?
크로스 라이트할때 허리가 진짜 넘무 아파서 못하겠는데 왜 이러는 걸까여ㅠ
@@user-bo4wq2dl8n ㅔ
스완자세 엉덩이 힘주나요 빼나요? 크로스는 디스크 때문인지 아예 안돼뇨ㅠㅠ
“쉬워보이는건 상대가 잘하기때문이다”
이 말이 정말 완벽히 이해되는 영상이었습니다...
아 진짜요…ㅜㅠ 어떻게 플랭크에서 돌아가요..? 유지하는것두 힘든ㄷ…ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
아니 쉬워 보이길래 했는데...
시작 → 1:35
1:43 : 플랭크
2:06 : 트위스트 플랭크
2:27 : 스완
2:52 : 스완 업 다운
3:15 : 스완 크로스 라이트(우)
3:40 : 스완 크로스 레프트(좌)
4:04 : 싱글 암 스완 라이트 (오른쪽)
4:27 : 싱글 암 스완 레프트 (왼쪽)
4:51 : 스완 다이브
끝 → 5:15
맨날 이거보고 함 🎉
이걸 올려야해ㅠㅠㅠ 감사합니댜💗💗💗
이거보고 따라해야지ㅋㅋ근데댓글자꾸내려가는데 고정이나 자체 저장안되나용ㅜ
@@hosikuz3 캡쳐를 하시는건 어때여??
@@made_Painting 흑흑 저상태에서 시간을 눌러야 딱 저동작으로 켜지는지라ㅜ캡쳐는 소용이ㅋㅋ 그래도 감사합니당
아니 나만 지금 빵터졌어요?ㅠㅜ 1:57 에 플랭크하는데 냥이가 발꿈치 핥고 가서 복압다 풀렸어요ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ저상태에서 계속 하다니 ..
ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 지은님도 살짝 웃으시네요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 귀여워요 ㅠㅠ
옆구리며 라인이며 없던 ㅈㅔ게 이지은 다이어트는 그저 빛,,, 활력포션 모로실이랑도 효과 잘 맞아서 진짜 잘하고 있어요 ㅎ
저도 통짜허리인데 라인 생길까요..?ㅠㅠ
@에베베베벱-r6m저도 통짜허린데 효과 좋아요
저 이거 2주 째 하고 있는데, 허리 아프신 분들 팁 공유해요!
1. 시작 전에 최대한 등 근육 이완하고 시작해주세요. (저도 처음에 스완자세 하면서 허리가 너무 아파서 필라테스 유투브 찾아보니까, 스완자세 할 때 등 근육이 이완이 잘 안 돼있을 경우 허리가 아플 수 있다고 해요) 개인적으로 고양이 자세, 아기 자세 추천 드려요.
그리고 개인적으로 저는 아침-낮에 할 때보다, 저녁-밤 시간에 하는 게 하루동안 몸을 충분히 써서인지 통증도 덜하고 좋았어요.
2. 지은쌤이 영상에서 말하는 대로 최대한 신경 쓰시면서 따라하시면 돼요.
단순히 그냥 스완자세를 따라한다고 생각하시지 말고, 어깨는 최대한 밑으로 내리시고 (아니면 승모근 생겨요!), 가슴은 위로, 배에도 힘을 주세요.
이때 어깨를 밑으로 내리는 게 잘 안되면, 겨드랑이가 몸에 붙은 힘에 최대한 집중해보세요. 최대한 겨드랑이를 내 몸에 밀착시킨다 생각해보세요. 그리고 턱은 최대한 몸쪽으로 당겨보시고요.
한마디로 그냥 단순히 허리'만' 꺾어서 스완자세를 만든다고 생각하시지 말고, 어깨는 밑으로 가슴은 위로 복근은 최대한 힘을 줘서 위로 보내서 스완자세를 복근힘으로 버틴다고 생각해보세요! (뭔가 표현이 좀 이상한데, 뭔가 아랫배부터 가슴을 최대한 위로 뽑아낸다? 생각하시면 쉬워요.)
저도 한 일주일까지는 정말 이렇게 아파도 되나? 싶을 정도로 허리가 너무 아팠는데, 자세 최대한 신경 써서 하니까 이제는 허리 통증도 정말 거의 없어요.
댓글창 매일 출석하는데 허리 통증 때문에 포기하시는 분들 계시는 것 같아서.. 한번 써봅니다. 우리 다함께 꼭 날씬한 허리 라인 만들어요 화이팅! ☺️
혹시 뒷허리만 아프고 배 쪽은 자극 없는데 맞는건가요? ㅜㅜㅜ 댓글 감사해요 내일부터는 써주신대로 신경 쓰면서 해야겠어요!!
화이팅!! 🔥
와ㅠㅠ허리 아파서 저 같은 사람 없나 댓글 봤는데 감사합니다!
@@홍학-t3r 그니까여 뒷허리만 아프네ㅠㅠ 내가 하고있는게 맞는건지 싶음...
전 왜 그래도 아플까요....허리 끊어질 것 같습니다ㅠㅠㅠ
와 호흡을 시각적으로 표시해주시는거 넘 좋아요ㅠ 매번 운동때마다 언제 숨을 쉬고 내뱉는지 헷갈렸는데 확실히 알겠네요!!
저두요 너무 좋더라구요
저도요 저도요ㅋㅋ
와 진짜요 진짜 이 채널의 너무 좋은 장점 중 하나ㅜ
.ㅅ ㅁㅇ ㅇㅅ 8
스완 허리 너무 꺾이는 분들은
1.엉덩이에 힘 꽉주기(특히 다이브때 하체 내려오시는 분들은 엉덩이 힘이 안 들어갔을 확률 높아요!)
2.앉은상태에서 상체만 엎드려 숨 크게쉬는 스트레칭을 1분정도 해보고 진행하세용. 등이 타이트한상태에서 하면 놀라서 허리다칩니다!
3.스완시 효과 더 좋으려면 목과 귀의 거리를 늘려주어 어깨가 올라가지 않게 주의해주세요.
안전한 운동하세요~
와 댓글 읽길 잘했다 빵댕이 힘 주니까 허리 안아파요
근데 지은쌤 다른 영상에서 스완자세에서 엉덩이 힘주면 뒷구리에 자극이 안간다는걸 본 것 같은데 아닐까요..? 이 영상에서도 엉덩이 힘주라는 얘기가 딱히 없어서요ㅠㅠ
이거 끝나고 허리 뻐근한거는 정상인가요..
쬐끔 아프네요ㅠㅠ
@@ym-tf1kk 허리에 과하게 힘들어간거라 스트레칭 먼저 꼭 하세요!!
정말 효과적입니다! 주당 -1cm. 그 전에는 운동을 했는데 허리가 점점 굵어지는 것 같았는데 이 영상을 발견해서 너무 기뻐요
65->64 일주일 후에 결과를 쓰겠습니다
⏰타임라인⏰ TIME LINE
1:42 1:42
1:42 1:42
트위스트 플랭크(TWIST PLANK)
2:05 2:05
2:05 2:05
2:28 2:28
2:28 2:28
스완업앤다운(SWAN UP&DOWN)
2:53 2:53
2:53 2:53
3:15 3:15
3:15 3:15
3:41 3:41
3:41 3:41
4:03 4:03
4:03 4:03
스완다이브(SWAN DIVE)
4:50 4:50
4:50 4:50
Ok, I'm going to do this for 7 days
Waist: 74 cm
Day 1: done ✅
Day 2: done ✅
Day 3: done ✅
Day 4: done ✅
Day 5: done ✅
Day 6: done ✅ (I only have one day left! PS: I forgot to update yesterday.)
Day 7: done ✅!!!
Waist: 71,5 cm
I lost 2.5 cm of waist is incredible!
Honestly I didn't have much faith in him, but I was really surprised that he gave such good results in such a short time. At first my spine hurt a little when I did the exercises, but then I got used to it and until now I'm a little more flexible hahaha.
Sincerely this works, and if you are hesitating to do it, I recommend you to do it, fighting! 💖💪
Gonna wait here gurl
leaving a comment to see updates lol don't mind me
@@rinne5547 hahaha, thanks💖
@@lmahoe975 I just updated it, today was my 3rd day, tomorrow I will continue with the 4th.
@@estre.27 remember to update it lol
for everyone who’s doing this everyday the workout starts at 1:43
that's so kind of you
Omg thx I always have to skip
배둘레헴..... ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 남 일 같지 않네요 저도 뱃살 많아서 식후혈당제 먹으면서 빡쌔게 운동해서 뱃살 뺐습니다
지나가다 우연히 제 댓글을 보신 여러분은 이제 취업.연애.금전.시험.승진.다이어트 성공운. 그리고 무엇보다 중요한 건강운이 들어오게 될 것입니다. 제 댓글로 인하여 마음 속에 쌓였던 스트레스와 걱정이 모두 날라가길 바라며, 항상 행운이 깃든 날만 가득하길 바라겠습니다.
오늘 하루도 수고하셨습니다ㅎㅎ~ ❤
네 감사합니다~!!
힘들었던 일상에 큰 위로가 됩니다
님께도 행운과 행복이 따르길 바라요
허걱 감사합니다ㅠㅠㅠ 행복하세요!
이거 업로드 된 날짜부터 계~속 했는데 전체적으로도 살이 많이 빠졌고 뱃살이 쭉 빠지면서 허리라인이 생겼어요! 3인치 이상 줄어들었습니다 다른 운동들이랑도 섞어서 했구요 워밍업으로 좋더라구요 처음엔 땀이 나고 힘들었는데 이젠 가볍게 합니당 ㅎㅎ 진짜 이 운동 추천이요 시간도 짧아서 무슨 일이 있어도 부담스럽지 않게 했어용! 맨날 조용히 좋아요만 누르고 운동하고 쓱 지나갔는데..ㅋㅋㅋ 많은 분들이 제 댓글보고 열심히 하시면 좋을 것 같아서 남겨요. 여러분 진짜 “꾸준히” 가 답인듯해요 7일해도 효과가 있지만 큰 효과를 보고싶으면 꼭 계속 해주세요 (그렇다고 7일해서 효과 없다는거 아니에요! 한 번 효과를 봤으니까 동기부여 되서 열심히 했겠죠..?ㅋㅋ) 열심히 하시면 원하시는 목표까지 뺄 수 있어요!! 화이팅❤️
혹시 어떤 운동이랑 병행하셨나용...?
@@seungeun9468 옛날영상 중에 10분짜리 복근운동 1달 정도 하다가 지금은 가장 최근 복근 운동영상 7일짜리 하고있아용!
@@히히-n5k 하루에 몇번하셨어요?
@@user-ch6od2vg1y 이 운동은 2세트에 그 운동 한세트 했어용!
이게 되세요..? 아니 정말로 저는 이게 안돼요 어떡하죠 따라하고싶어서 못따라하는...
🌷Let’s try this for a week🌷:
Waist: 66 cm
Day 1- [🍪Done🍪]
Day 2- [🧺Done🧺]
Day 3- [🎞Done🎞]
Day 4- [🧸Done🧸]
Day 5- [📜Done📜]
Day 6- [🐻Done🐻]
Day 7- [🤎Done🤎]
Waist: ✨63.5 cm✨
Ending note: I didn’t really think this was gonna work, but here we are. I ate how I normally do (not so healthy) and I still lost a few centimeters. This is a very short workout to include in your day, and it’s effective too, so I think that everyone should try this. I did this twice a day. My back was only sore for one day. So overall 10/10. I will definitely be doing this everyday from now on.
Wooooo! Your doing awesome also love your name 😂🦑💜
Did you forget to update?
did you do the whole workout twice or once?
@@Ada-vf4fn Two times a day
1년 정도 전에 일주일 도전했지만 실패,,
이번 년도에 다시 시작하겠습니다 🤤
곧 체육대회인데 체육대회 전까지 할 수 있도록
좋아요랑 댓글 좀 달아주세용 🍀🎀
다른 운동도 같이 병행 중이니 다른 영상에서도
저 보실 수 있어요! 🤓
5/4 (토) - ☑☑
5/5 (일) - ☑☑
5/6 (월) - ☑☑
5/7 (화) - ☑☒ 몸컨디션이 안 좋아서 겨우 한 번ㅜ
5/8 (수) - ☐☐
5/9 (목) - ☐☐
5/10 (금) - ☐☐
🍣I’m trying this for a week🍣
Waist: 63cm
day 1: ✅✅
day 2: ✅✅
day 3: ✅✅
day 4: ✅✅
day 5: ✅✅
day 6: ✅✅
day 7: ✅✅
Okay so it’s the morning after and i just measured myself. I went down to 62cm which is not a big difference but still noticeable. I will keep on doing it for the next week as well! Keep going everyonee
commenting to stay on track, go girl u can do it
oh yo stopped ? :(
@@Iau_ura I went down to 61cm in the beginning for the second week.! Now i do it once a day to maintain it!
@@sakura.ya__ ooohh nice !
요즘에 여리여리한 허벅지 만들기, 팔뚝살 뿌시기, 직각어깨 만들기. 그리고 이 영상이랑 브이라인 만들기 다 같이 하고있는 15살 여자입니당!! 아직 이틀째지만 잊어버리지 않도록 좋아요좀 눌러주세요 ㅠㅠ 질문해주시면 후기남기겠습니다
3주전이라 돼 있는데 지금 어떠세요?? 많이 빠지셨나용..??
@@Eunice54321 아 이제 봤네요...ㅠㅠ 눈으로 볼때는 잘 모르겠는데 확실히 사진으로 비교해보니깐 빠지고. 직각어깨 만들기도 계속 했더니 앉을때 허리도 펴지고 거북목도 없어졌어요 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
@@수아-p2z 우와 저 거북목인데 직각어께 만들기도 꾸준히 해봐야겠어요! 꾸준히 하시는게 멋져요👍🏻
@@Eunice54321 감사합니당😊
와...진짜 동작 하나하나 디테일하게
호흡이랑 힘 어떻게 주고 분배해야하는지
화살표 달아줘서 이해가 쏙쏙 잘되서 너무 좋아요!!!
요즘 몸이 안 좋아서 건강 챙긴다는 핑계로 막 먹는 중,,..양심 찔리니까 체지방버닝제 먹고 산책이라도 가긴하는뎅...ㅋㅋㅋ 아휴 언니 영상이라도 보면서 이미지 운동해야겠어요. 그래야 더 안 먹지...
이거보고 체지방버닝제 일주일째 먹고 있는데 효과가 있긴하네요...감사합니다....
@@건강소식-v9o혹시 어떤 제품 드셨나요…?😂😂😂
@@kangyelynn 활력포션 모로실이여
배 좀 들어갔나ㅏ욤?@@건강소식-v9o
just adding this here: measuring your waist every day is useless. if you want to see results, mesure it before starting your very first workout and measure it again 1 week later (regardless of how long you're doing this workout), then keep checking every 7 days. nobody loses centimeters off their waist in just 1-2 days and most people bloat, especially after eating or during your cycle. kinda like weighing yourself every day, it's just not effective
also if you want to keep these results don't just stop at one week. staying in shape is also about consistency. if u wanna do this just a week that's fine! but if you actually want to keep your waist that way, you need to exercise every day and eat healthy - it's really obvious but for a lot of people in the comments yall seem to think this is a miracle workout
Strongly agreed
Thank you! And also PFP 10/10
Underrated comment. This needs to be at the top
hello,, im sorry if this is weird but is it normal for you private part to hurt during this workout? I've done this routine for some time now but it still hurts. Is it bc i do it wrong or do you experience it too and is completely normal? again im sorry if i sound weird 😓
@@pinkhue246 3월24일수요일운동했다이운동을못했다다른운동하느라고근데왜에케살이안빠지지꾸준히계속해야되나봐이운동을계속하면살이빠질까??
I’m going to be doing this for a week and I’ll record my results in case anyone wants to know if it works!
Day 1: 70cm
Day 4: 66.5cm
Day 7: 65 cm
This worked really well for me so have a go at it for at least a week and you will see results. Good luck!✨
Good luck!!
Good luck 🧡
Good luck ❤✊
good luck and I’m gonna try this challenge too💕💕
dont forget to update!!✨✨
님들 이거 ㄹㅇ 꼭 하세요 저 이제 일주일 했는데 갑자기 언니가 허리 얇아졌다고 해서 당황함 근데 ㄹㅇ 먼가 변하고 있는 게 느껴짐 식단 그딴 거 1도 안 함 밤 10시에 피자 3조각도 먹음 밥으로는 라면도 먹고 우동 돈가스 다 먹었는데 변화가 있어서 더 신기했음 물론 사람마다 다르겠지만 일단 난 효과 존나 좋았음
하면서 허리 안아프셨어요??
왜 다들 허리 아프시다고 하시지..
@@은채-k8d 배에 힘 주고 하면 별로 안 아파요 복부에 힘 뽝 주고 하셔야 합니당
허리가 아픈건 복부힘을 안쓰고 허리힘을 써서그래요 코어힘이 약하다는뜻,,
복부 힘 계속주고 (긴장풀리면 바로 허리로 힘쓰니까 긴장유지)
복부힘에만 집중해서 꾸준히만 해도 허리아픈거 없어질거예요 :)
7/15(월) 21: 22 완료
7/16(화) 14: 57 완료
7/17(수) 15: 47 완료
7/18(목) 14: 43 완료
7/19(금) 19: 11 완료
7/20(토) 15: 37 완료
7/21(일) 19: 37 완료
일주일 클리어!!!!!
배에 튜브 끼고 살아서 앉아있으면 옆구리살도 신경쓰이고 등에 뒷살 땜에 스트레스얐는데 일주일 하니까 진짜 걸어다닐때나 아침에 바디췍 할 때 배에 힘이 생겼구나가 느껴집니다!
옆구리랑 뒷살 정리 된 게 보여요..!!! 그래도 아직 밥 먹으면 배 볼록하게 나오는 게 좀 심해서 😂 코어힘 잡는용으로 일주일 더 갑니다~!~! 좋은 운동영상 감사합니다 ~!
🌸Start - Waist - 71,5 cm
Day 1 ✅✅
Day 2✅✅
Day 3✅✅
Day 4✅✅
Day 5✅✅
Day 6✅✅
Day 7 ✅✅
🌸Final - 69 cm
how many times did u do in a day
@@rosaryrosario9092 if you want imediate effect in 7 days than atleast 2 times a day
Do we do it twice on the first day??
Don’t wanna like dis or it won’t be even as 100
Just with this workout? Plz answer
i started yesterday and i’m going to track my waist size :
day1: 63cm
day2:61cm(which is surpirsing)
day3:60cm(im so surprised)
day4:59cm(rest day tho)
day5:59cm(rest day)
day6:59cm(i think bcs i didnt workout for two days)
ok so its been 1 week and my waist does feel more “slim” and it looks better if u have any questions feel free to ask.THIS ACTUALLY WORKS I SUGGEST U TO TRY IT thanks for 70likes😁 btw i dont only do this (maybe just when i’m lazy),but i’m no expert so i trust jiny.i think this helped me on getting my waist toned up but i did other stuff like stretching,cardio,ab workouts,thigh workouts. i’m working out just to stay in shape and healthy.HAVE A GOOD DAY EVENING OR NIGHT AND REMEMBER EVERYONE IS PERFECT SO U DONT NEED TO WORKOUT IF U ALREADY FEEL COMFY IN UR BODY❤️
go girl
how many times you do a day?? do you on diet or just eat whatever you want?
Wow how are you eating? Because losing a centimeter a day is quite impressive.
Quốc Như Tâm Nguyễn so i tried eating a lot of fruit,but i just balance the stuff i eat,like i eat till i’m sadisfied and not till im full:so basically i eat everything i want till i’m sadisfied NOT FULL:)
Mom: *opens the door*
what are you doi-
Me: 4:55
🤣🤣🤣🤣 LMAO
와 이거 진짜 대박이에요...... 자기전에 두 세트씩 하고 잔 지 3일 됐는데 아침에 거울보면 진짜 뱃살이 없어진 게 눈에 보여요.. 다리운동하고 뱃살빼는 운동은 이거밖에 안하는데 진짜 효과 개쩔어요 2주차 때는 진짜 거의 뱃살 없을 것 같아요 진짜 제 하루 운동 루틴 다 이지은님 루틴인데 진짜 최고ㅜㅜㅜㅜ
헉 저는 오늘 시작했는데 허리가 아픈데 맞는건가요오….
restarting ☻
day 1: complete (did 3 reps)
day 2: complete
day 3: only did 1 rep
day 4: missed 😭
day 5: to make up for yesterday i did 4 reps
day 6: only did 1 1/2 reps
day 7: 1 rep :(
day 8: complete
day 9: missed
day 10: missed
day 11: 4 reps (please don’t be like me 😭😭)
day 12: missed
day 13: complete
day 14: missed
waist = 28 in
waist = 27 in
sorry for being inconsistent!!!!
How is it going??
Ray Of Sunshine i’m still doing it, just forgot to update yesterday ☻
@@victoria-fo7tx aaah okeyy!! ✨🤍
Do you get a change??
One day left !! How does it goes
까먹지 않게 좋아요 좀 눌러주세요!
죄송합니다 ㅠㅠ 오늘부터 다시 하겠습니다 여러분!!
잘록허리 & L자 다리 & 스트레칭
2/1 ⭕️
2/2 ⭕️
2/3 😞
2/4 😞
2/5 😞
2/6 ⭕️
2/7 😞
2/8 ⭕️⭕️
2/9 ⭕️
2/10 ⭕️
2/11 😞
2/12 😞
2/13 ⭕️
2/14 ⭕️
2/15 😞
2/16 😞 플랭크 1분
2/17 😞 플랭크 40초
2/18 😞
2/19 😞
2/20 ⭕️⭕️오늘부터 진짜 제대로 다시 하겠습니다....😭 제 의지는 왜 이렇게 약한걸까요 😭😭
2/21 ⭕️
2/22 ⭕️
2/23 ⭕️
왜 안와요...
어제 오늘 왜 안오세여ㅠ 오세여!
1:43 Pank
2:06 Twist Plank
2:28 Swan
2:54 Swan Up Down
3:15 Swan cross Right
3:44 swan cross left
4:10 Single Arm Swan Left
4:50 Swan Dive
not pank, but pLank🤭🤭🤭
@@anjfqhktlqk 🌼
ㅋㅋ그건 플랭크가 아니라 팽크아녜요?ㅋㅋ
전에 하다가 사정이 있어서 멈췄는데 다시 시작한 지 3일차! 와....뱃살이 확실히 많이 빠졌어요! 밥 먹은 후에도 전보다 배가 많이 나오지 않아요! 지은쌤 사랑해요!!❤❤
하루에 몇 번씩 하셨나요?!
I love how she added animation for when you should exhale.
Me too
I do Cloe Ting and emi wong
Sammeeeeee!❤️ it’s very good because sometimes I get confused on exhale and inhalelmao😂
It’s really helpful!
I will try this for 7 days along with her abs and keep an update here
Day 1: done
Day 2: donee. it's getting better, my hand and back didn't hurt as much as yesterday
Day 3: doneee
Day 4: done
Day 5: done :')
Day 6: -
Day 7: -
Day 8: donee. since i can't do this yesterday :'( i will try to do this again for the next day
Day 9: done. i manage to see some changes in my waits, i will keep doing this for another week or maybe a month :')
Day 1: done.
Day 2: done.
Day 3: done.
Day 4: done
Day 5: done.
Day 6: done
Day 7: done
Before: 70cm
After: 65cm
Good luck for all of you who want to try this out! It's really worth it
good luck!! u can do this!!
@@rokui1613 thank youu! you too!!
new update please
@@l.4070 I'm so sorry, i can't update yesterday bcs i need to go somewhere, but i will continue this workout today♡
@@rosiesjo aa, good luckk💪 you can do this!
제가 해봤는데 스완 동작할때 허리가 아프신 분들은 허리에 힘을 주지 말고 엉덩이 근육을 써서 허리를 꺽어 주세요! 엉덩이 써서 상체 올린거랑 허리만 쓰고 상체 올린거 비교하면 엉덩이가 훨씬 무리 안가요! 그리고 올리실 때 복근에 힘 유지하시면 훨씬 동작이 쉬워지실 거에요! 화이팅
요렇게 하니 확실히 허리가 안아파요 근데 엉덩이가 알배기는듯한데여ㅜㅜ 괜찮은거죠?
복부에 힘을 주세요
복부랑 엉덩이에 힘주면 허리안아파여ㅎㅎ
어깨가 아픈건 어떡하죠,,?
Hi! I’m trying this again! I’m going to be using this summer vacation to get my ideal body so that when I start university I’ll be comfortable In my own body.
Starting waist : 75 cm
Day 1 (4-06-2024): ✅ I paused a bit in the side to side plank, but the rest was good!
Day 2 (5-06-2024): ✅ I also paused in the side plank💀 my waist is now 74 cm!
Day 3 (6-06-2024): ✅ I paused less this time.
Day 4 (7-06-2024): ✅ no paused for today! My waist is now 73 cm!
1:43 dont mind me, im just taking notes when will the workout begin
허리아픈이유는 허리에 힘줘서그래요!! 허리보단 복근에 힘주고 뒤에는 꼬리뼈쪽이랑 엉덩이위쪽에 힘준다는 느낌으로 해야 허리가 안아파요!! 2-3일까진 뭉친느낌으로 좀 뻐근하고 아픈데 좀 지나면 유연해집니당 !!
저도 허리가 아파서 의문이 들었는데 남겨주신 댓글대로 알려주신 곳에만 힘을 줘봤더니 진짜 허리가 안아파요. 감사합니당😊
원래 알고만 있다가 영상이 도움이 많이 돼서 구독도 하고 요즘 매일매일 이지은 언니 보고있눈데 정말 팬 될 것 같아요 ㅠㅠ 이게 입덕 부정기 인가요? 정말 피부도 곱고 목소리도 곱고 어디 하나 모난 데가 없으시네요 ㅠㅠ 댓글 쓰다보니까 이미 팬 된 것 같아요 사랑해요 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
지은쌤 운동은 진짜 코어 느는데 최고인거같아요! 다이어트 한지 언 4개월차인데 사실 식단은 2개월이후부터 좀 열심히 안한지 오래되어서 10키로빼고 잘 안내려가고있지만 이 허리운동이랑 아랫배운동은 꾸준히 해주고있는데 코어정말 많이늘었고 웨이트 운동할때도 도움이 진짜 많이되고 몸바디변화가 매우큽니다 ! 평생할거에요 ㅠ 항상감사합니다
Don’t mind this comment, just plotting where it starts :>
Don't mind me just marking the point where the workout starts
thx imma use this
ok im doing this
height: 1,74
weight: 54kg
waist today: 66cm
week 1: starting today, i’ll tell the results in a week!
update 1: omg i almost forgot about this comment but anyways! my waist is now 64 cm is not a big change but i didn’t do it on the weekend cause i had to study!! i ate normally and drank a lot of water, also i measured my waist at night the first day before the challenge started and today!! i will continue to do it with more commitment this week tho :)
Good luck
You can do it girl 💪👍
Come back !
Come back, girl!!!
이거 살뿐만 아니라 허리안좋으신분들 강약 조절하셔서 조금씩하셔도 허리가 부드러워질거 같아요 너무 상쾌하고 순환도 잘되는 운동겸 스트레칭 같아요😮
아니 여러분 이거 진심 ㄹㅇ 효과진짜 쩔어요 아니 그냥 지은언니 영상은 다 효과 쩔어요 진짜 말도 안되게 힘든데 말도 안되게 효과잇어서 진짜 강추
이거 하루만해도 허리 옆구리살 잘 들어갑니다 ㅠㅠㅠ 이 영상은 엄청 힘들지도 않아서 하루에 한 번씩 꾸준히 따라해볼만해요 !!! 진짜 추천합니다 !!!
따로 식단 조절이 필요할까요...?
@@skim786 다이어트 하실려고 할거면 식단조절도 필요합니더
6/10 ⭕️
6/11 ⭕️
6/12 ⭕️
6/13 ⭕️
6/14 ❌
6/15 ⭕️
정언이이 네 확실히 라인이 생긴게 좀 보이더라구요
Good luck 🍀
어디 갔어요
1:56 내 기준 킬포ㅋㅋ냥이의 발꿈치핥기
ㅌㅋㅋㄹㅇ개웃김 ㅠㅠ
허리둘레 28인치 ->
I'm going to do this for.. 7 days
Waist : 75cm
Day 1 - [done]
Day 2 - [done]
Day 3 - [done]
Day 4 - [done]
Day 5 - [done]
Day 6 - [done]
Day 7 - [done]
Waist : 67.5 cm
I'm surprised that in a week I have almost 10 cm less in waist. I can see that my waist is smaller which I like, and my stomach is also smaller.
Thank you so much Jiny. I love you! ❤💞
Go for itt
Good luck! 💜
good luck! you can do this
@@re4155 ey yo let's do this with me lmao
1:58 뒤꿈치 핥는 거 시강이에욬ㅋㅋㅋ
올라가는 입꼬리도 시강이에요ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
진짜 언니영상은 효과가 딱 보여서 너무 좋아요 ㅠㅠㅠ 크롭티만 입으면 볼록하게 튀어나왔던 옆구리 살이 슬림하게 들어갔어요 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
크롭티 입을 수 있다는게 함정...
저이거하고 식단 전혀 안 하고 매일2세트씩 했는데 4일만에 바지가 조금씩 헐렁해지는게 느껴졌어요 항상 감사합니다 지은쌤❤❤❤❤❤
숨 쉬는거 표시 너무 좋아요. 이런 디테일함때문에 운동하기 훨씬 수월합니다
Gonna try this!
Start: 70cm (I have very big ribs so I practically don't have a waist line😭)
Day 1: done
Day 2: done
Day 3: done
Day 4: done
Day 5: done
Day 6: done
Day 7: skipped
Results: 68.5 cm!
I'm surprised it worked because I didn't really feel any burn in the workout. It does though so I'll keep going!
Update ?? Plss
AHHH me too, I have a wider ribcage but I see results and I've been doing this for weeks now and there is definitely a big difference. Keep it up!
@@fizz_xs aw thank you thats motivating to hear! I wish you luck on your journey :D
I feel like im cheating on chloe ting workout😭🤦🏻♀️
hahaha it's okay. U can do both
Mee too😭
And me on April's workout
Am gonna do both
SAME😂😂😂 I've been doing chloe ting's workout for 3 months 🐸 And now I'm doing Lily Sabri's workout because i felt bored of
hearing this"you make my heart beat super fast " 😂😂😂
Same but I’m gonna try to do both
효과 확실하다는 후기 믿고 꾸준히 한 지 한달정도 됐어요! 이주넘게 꾸준히 하다가 효과도 미미하고 허리도 아파서 3일정도 쉬다가 다시 시작했는데 오늘 보니까 진짜 복근 라인이 잡히고 예뻐졌어요!!
I finished this ! Finally
My waist before: 63 cm
My waist now: 59 cm
For a week that is a lot. Thank u a lot it worked!
How many times did you do it?
@@ashitharj7634 My week went like this:
Monday: Twice
Tuesday: Once
Wednesday: Three times
Thursday: Once
Friday: Twice
Saturday: Rest
Sunday: Rest
Monday: Once
Tuesday: Three times.
Hope it helps!
did u eat whatever u wanted or clean? 🥺
@@genevievee2801 This is a little complicated but I do not like sweets and I ate a lot of fruit and veggies. I also ate whatever I want but I skipped on sugar (example: chocolate, ice cream, jelly etc) and ate more healthy! ( example: cucumber, apple, banana, strawberries) and for metabolism it is not fast or too slow so you can do it!
For everyone who skipped everything she said: Is recommended to do it at least twice a day with a break of 2 mins
So you do all of them twice and then a 2 min break and do it all over again with each one repeating twice? Pls help lmao
@@dimea. you just have to do the whole workout once, when you finished do a 2 min break, and do once again the workout, and you're done for the day😂
(sorry for my bad english, I hope I was helpful😊)
@@jiminiscutie_ what is the 2 min break
@@ngohalinh3335 the 2 min break, is when you finished the whole workout once, and then you repeat it all again
hey guys! here's a breakdown of the video!
0:03 - 1:29 Explanation
1:36 - 5:15 Workout
5:16 - End and a lil bit more info on reps and sets.
Good job! Make sure to take a 2 minute break in between sets!
This really works, i’ve been doing whole body fat work out, eat lot of protein and for waist I only work this exercise. I’ve been doing it for 2 month and clearly see the different . All the other waist workout on RUclips only make your belly fat goes away and it doesn’t make your waistline thinner. But this really help!!!
와 이거 매일 2세트씩 한지 4일찬데 등살까지 전체적으로 잘빠져서 놀랐어요!!! 저한테 딱 맞는 운동 소개시켜주셔서 감사합니당
다들 허리가 아프다고 하시는데 제 기준으론 스완자세 첨 할때 손을 얼굴 높이(?)로 놓고 올라우시면 좀더 무리가 덜 가는거 같아요. 원래 운동 초반엔 힘듭니다! 루틴보다 적게 해도 되고 조금씩 강도를 높이면서 하시면 될거같아요 ㅎㅎ
+) 스완크로스 진짜 등살 킬러에요 저는 동작 이해하는데 3일 걸렸지만 한번 깨달으면 효과가 되게 좋습니다 저는 플랭크 자세들 끝나고 잠깐 숨쉴틈 줬다가 스완 시작했고요 싱글 암 스완할때 버티는손 어깨위로 올라가지 않게 힘 많이 주셔야해요ㅠ 저는 식단은 딱히 안했고 유산소 병행하는거 추천드려요
4일동안 변화 자세하게 알려주실 수 있나요ㅜㅜ
혹시 마지막 반동있이 하는 자세 어떻게 하시는지 알려주실수 있으실까요? ㅠㅠㅠ 해도 다리가 안올라가네오ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
혹시 팔은 안 아프셨나요?ㅠㅠ 일주일 했는데 차이가 많이 나는지 모르겠어요 오히려 팔이 더 아픈 이느낌,.ㅠ
ᄅ유 저 이제 4일차인데 하루정도 팔 아프다가 맨날 팔 주물러주고 아령으로 운동 하니까 덜 아파요!!!
@@루삥삥-x7z 저는 이주 삼주짼데 기본스완일땐 괜찮은데 스완크로스 라이트, 레프트 할 때 팔 뒤 쪽, 팔뚝살 있는곳도요 싱글 암스완 라이트 할 때 팔이 아프면 뭐가 문제일까요..,,
팔 뒤에가 젤 아파요ㅠㅠ 그리고 복부에 ㅈㅏ극두 없구..
오늘 이틀째!! 같이 바프준비하시는 모든분들 화이팅!!!
that looked easy but man my back and arms are crying right now. I need to do this more! ✊🏻
Please update🙏
Update plz
I don't think i'm the most reliable person to update since i'm doing other workouts as well. But i've been doing this everyday since for 2 sets. I will try to ff up on day 7 🙃
Edit: my waistline is 27in btw
@@zer0n9ne fighting✊🏻
doing this for a week (if my back allows)
waist: 29 inches
goal: 26 inches (won't happen in this challenge)
Day 1:✅ done twice much harder than it looks definitely didn't do anything right
Day 2:❌ didn't do had an important test
Day 3:✅ did twice still hard, not as flexible as it thought I was however I noticed I can bend my back way further today!
Day 4: ❌
Day 5: ❌
Day 6: ✅ only did once plus 30 mins strength training
honestly im not doing this anymore bc I don't think I was doing anything right 😭 im using a different ab workout however this did help me with back flexibility my waist didn't change maybe like 0.1 inches that's it tho
와... 이거 ㄹㅈㄷ
한 2주 동안 다른 운동이나 식단 없이 2세트씩 했는데 허리가 25인치에서 22인치로 줄어들었어요!! 따라하기도 쉽고 효과도 짱이에요!
넘 가는 거 아닌가요 22인치 ㄷㄷ
헐 당장 해야지
와 대박
너무 궁금해서 그러는데 이 운동 하시고 나면 어디가 아프셨나요? 저는 왜 팔이 아프죠?
스완자세부터 쭉 뒷허리가 너무 아픈데 저만 이런가요?!!! ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
한국에 사는 일본인 며느리 입니다! 이 운동 시작한지 2주장도인데 한3kg가 빠졌어요 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ (시간이 길지 않아서 매일 2세트씩 하고 있어요^^) 선생님 덕분에 근육도 좀 생기고 무엇보다 하루가 너무 기분 좋게 보낼 수 있어요 ㅠㅠ
이지은님 짠ㅠㅠb💕
와ㅏㅏㅏㅏㅏㅏㅏㅏㅏㅏ3주전까지만해도 단추가 안잠기던 바지가 이 운동한지 3일밖에 안됐는데 쉽게잠기고 심지어 숨도 안차요!!!너무 행복해요!!!!물론 그 사이 식단관리한 작용도 있겠지만 이 운동 매일 2번씩 하고나면 신기하게 허리가 잘록해지는게 보여요 최곱니다 진짜루
혹시 식단 어떻게 하셨는지 알려주실 수 있나요…?
!!!!일단 일어나면 공복상태에서 미지근한 물을 200ml씩 마셨어요!!!!
단백질: 무설탕 두유, 우유, 삶은 계란, 두부(두부조림, 두부찌개 등등 두부요리), 소량의 건과류,
탄수화물: 고구마, 옥수수, 호박,
보리빵, 오트밀,
비타민: 케일쥬스, 오이, 토마토, 딸기, 블루베리, 당근, 키위
단백질: 새우, 닭가슴살, 오리고기, 생선, 두부
탄수화물: 고구마, 메밀면, 김밥, 김치찌개나, 된장찌개도 가능하지만 배부른게아닌 적당히 배고프지 않을정도의 량만틈만 먹었어요
비타민: 브로콜리, 무우, 상추,목이버섯,
!!!!하지만 저는 정말먹고싶은게 있을때 일주일에 한번은 오후3시나 4시쯤 조금 늦은시간에 먹고싶은걸 먹고 저녁은 굶었어요!!!!
단백질: 게살, 양고기,계란, 새우,
탄수화물: 스파게타면, 잡곡밥,
비타민: 토마토, 완두콩,미역, 팽이버섯
!!!!저녁은 될수록 점심을 늦게먹고 굶으시는걸 추천해요 대신 점심과 아침을 영양가있게 드시면 좋을것 같아요. 처음 며칠은 엄청 힘드실수있어요. 저도 그랬거든요. 하지만 일주일 정도만 참으시면 신기하게도 자연스럽게 식욕도 줄어들고 위도 줄어들어서 아무렇지도 않아져요!!!!
다이어트 꼭 성공하셔서 입고 싶은 옷 입으시길 바랄께요!!!!
아 그리고 꼭 수시로 물을 많이 마셔주세요. 될수록이면 미지근한 물로요
@@yinjing_park537 와 진짜 감사해요ㅠㅠㅠ 개학 하고 나서 살이 확 쪘는데 열심히 빼서 이쁜 옷들 입고 다닐게요🤍🤍
허리 안아프셨나용 ㅠㅠ?
혹시 배에는 플랭크자세말고는 힘이잘안들어가고 기립근쪽만 힘이들어가는데 맞나여...?ㅠ
운동 시작 1:35
11/6 ❤
11/7 ❤
11/8❤ 오늘부터 2세트씩 합니다!!
11/11 ♥ 꺆 어젠 쉬었어요! 복부가 찢어질 것 같더라고요..^-T 잘 하고 있는 거겠죠
11/13 ♥
11/17❤ 발 잡는 동작이 세상에서 제일 어랴웡여ㅠ
Hi! I’m doing this 2x a day for a week and here are the results (incase anyone needs it):
BEFORE: 72.5 cm / 28.3 inches
AFTER: 68.8 cm / 27 inches
*Day 1* : 72.5 cm
*Day 2* : 72 cm (wow. I lost 0.5cm in one day!!)
*Day 3* : 71.8 cm (it’s becoming very visible already that my waist is starting to get curvier. im so happy! :D)
*Day 4* : 70.5 cm (wow. This really IS effective but maybe the Chloe ting workout is adding up to it just a little bit, because this waist workout is more intense compared to chloe ting’s)
*Day 5* :69.5 cm
*Day 6* : 69 cm
*Day 7* : 68.8 cm
Ps. I am doing this workout + Chloe ting’s Flat Tummy routine. Also, I am slowly reducing my calorie intake day by day and i’m slowly making progress so if any of you guys feel discouraged, please know that you should trust the process and don’t pressure yourself too much to eat less in a snap! Take it slow. Take your time to improve your habits. I am on the same boat as you. Goodluck!
remind me :)
Hii, Im here in case you loose motivation (๑>◡
Good luck! And remember to be consistent!
Chloe Jane hi! Just reminding you to do this workout today. Goodluck ^.^
I already did this for 3 days, today is the 4th day and i decided to do checklist in the comment section
Week 1 waist : 67cm
Day 1 : done 2x
Day 2 : done 2x
Day 3 : done 2x
Day 4 : done 2x (i actually measured my waist today, it’s now 65.5cm)
Day 5 : done 2x
Day 6 : i didn’t do it bc i thought my period was coming, false alarm
Day 7 : done 2x
Week 2 waist : 65.5
Day 1 : done 2x
Day 2 : nope i was lazy 😭
Day 3 : done 1x
How’s it ?
Me working out on my period and being a lazy bitch when im not on my period: 👁️👄👁️
I will update daily
Day 1 : did twice today (i am really bloated today so it was a lil tough )
Day 2 : did twice today too (i feel less bloated today and a lot more easier. I completed this workout with my other abs workout)
Day 3 : did twice as usual. It was lot more easier today. The swan drive was hard but i completed. My stomach feels much tighter today. No bloating whatsoever.
Day 4 : skipped today because of period cramps.
Day 5 : did it one time but skipped my other workouts
Day 6 skipped again.
Day 7 : i did it 3 times altogether to keep up. Apparently today would have been my last but i could not complete because i missed 3 days. Waist 28.9 (no bloating) It was around 29.5 (bloated)
I again doing this 2 times a day for a week :3
Day 1 : completed (13th July) (waist 28.3)
Day 2 : completed (14th july ) (waist 28.5)
good luck:( ill start today!
Yo Imma start this tonight
it’s day 7 but you posted this comment 5 days ago
@@dana-jd2kr hey! i was doing this from june 30 but i forgot to record it, later i edited it with day 2. I hope it removes the misunderstanding. Thank you!
와 효과 있어요 이거하고 이지은님 잘록개미허리 운동 두개 같이했는데 7일운동후 3센티 줄었어요. 물론 유산소 같이했는데..전에는 유산소하고 복근해도 1센티 줄이기도 어려웠는데..넘넘 좋네요😊
Imma do this and i'm gonna update cause why not!
START: Waist: 68 cm/ 26,7 inch
Day 1: DONE
Day 2: DONE
Day 3: NOT DONE (I am on my periode )
Day 4: DONE
Day 5: DONE
Day 7: DONE
Day 8: DONE
Day 10:NOT DONE (I was in a mini vacation)
Day 12:
Day 13:
tell me when you update pls
@@zs2600 Do you mean at measurements?
@@ioana1177 yeah would be nice
Wow! I salute u for doing this on ur 2nd day of period
@@zellelight3489 thx
하루만에 허리가 감탄 나올정도는 아니지만 얇아졌어요…. 이거 3세트 하고 나니까 바로 뭐가 달라졌는지 캐치할 수 있을 정도에요! 정말 감사합니다 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
I'm going to do for 14 days (and I do it twice a day) / Waist size : 67cm
- Day 1 (4th January 2021) : Done
- Day 2 : Done
- Day 3 : Sorry I didn't have the time this day :(
- Day 4 : Done !
- Day 5 : Done - The exercises look simple today ! :)
- Day 6 : Done - I have the impression that my waist is smaller !
- Day 7 : Done !
The first week is finished, I don't really see a difference but my waist size is 66 cm. I will continue during another week :)
- Day 8 : Sorry I didn't have the time today :/
- Day 9 : Done
- Day 10 : I didn't do the exercises today I'm so sorry ! I will do 4 times tomorrow
- Day 11 : Okay so I did the exercises 4 times today ! I'm proud of me because the last one was very hard x)
- Day 12 : Today I didn't do the exercises but I did 3hours of sport
- Day 13 : I didn't do also today I'm so sorry I will do 4 times tomorrow !
- Day 14 : Okay so I did the exercises 4 times today :)
Normally it was my last day and... Finally my waist size is between 64 cm and 65 cm ! :) I'm really happy, it's not completely what I want because my belly is not "flat" but that's okay x) I think I will continue waist exercises but maybe not this one and no so seriously. Thank you so much Jiny !
1:35 동작 시작❗️
Ok I'm going to try this!🌱
DAY 1: done (really relieving to my back and abdomen)
DAY 2: done
DAY 3: done
DAY 4: done (so I've been looking at myself and I see that my waist looks more toned from the sides, I'm quite happy about it!
DAY 5: done
DAY 6: done
DAY 7: done (it's made my core smaller than any ab workout I've done. Usually, ab workouts make my core thin for a day and as I keep doing them my waist either stays the same or becomes a bit thicker. So I stopped doing them and just do this exercise twice a day (of course with a calorie deficit) but this has brought me slow but good results in only a week.
DAY 8: done
DAY 9: rest
DAY 10: done
Good luck!! You can do this😶💗
처음 한 날에는 '내가 이걸 어떻게 해'라는 생각으로 용기가 안났는데 이틀, 삼일 지금 10일째 해보는 중이에요! 첫날보다 훨씬 더 강해진 내가 2세트를 해도 체력과 끈기가 생기더라구요! 조금씩 천천히 몸의 라인도 보여요! 어려워도 능숙하게 해내는 지은님 보면서 저도 꾸준히 해볼게요!!
할 수 있어요! 화이팅!!!
저 자존감때매 진짜 열받아서 남음 방학 3주동안 매일매일 지은쌤 부위별 영상 하고 자겠습니다!!!
7/28일 시작
지금은 어떠세여
아닠ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 하루하고 어디간거예요!
어디로... 가셨나용...
1일차! 허리 얇아지는 걸 생각하며 하니 너무 재밌네요! 2세트 완료!
2일차! 역시 재밌어요😂 2세트 완료!
3일차! 알람 해둬서 오늘도 했어요! 2세트 완료!
Im gonna tell you if it worked, but you need to remind me
Starting with: 66cm
Day 1: done
Day 2: done
Day 3: done
Day 4: weekend break
Day 5: weekend break
Day 6: done
Day 7: done
Week 1: 63cm (that‘s a lot for one week)
Day 8: done
Day 9: done
(sorry I died)
2 weeks: 60cm (that’s like a looot for 2 weeks)
Did you do diet? How many times did you do the video? Are you doing another workout routine? Thanks for updating us! Im thinking about doing this routine too
@@Xmaiarts nah i didn’t I really do an diet, I just stopped eating sweets. I did it one time per day and I’m also doing ten minutes hula hoop per day. And you welcome !
She reminds me of Suzy
That’s why I’m saying
Yesssss how ?
Right !! She’s beautiful
7 days
start- 26.5 inches
1- ✅✅
2- ✅✅
3- ✅✅
4- ✅✅
5- ✅✅
6 -✅✅
7- ✅✅
Ok so basically this worked pretty well and I did do other workouts along with it, but I now am 24 inches
Tell us your results please 🥺👉👈
wow your results are amazing!! did u change your diet?
@@notsowisegirl yes a bit, but I just ate 1500 calories a day and burnt off 2300
@@meat_stickzzz1539 did you burned off 2,3k calories by that workout? Or did you just added to another workout
일주일동안하고 후기 남기러 올테니까 와드 박아주세요
행운을 빌어요❤
@@나를바라본다 여러분 죄송한데 한번하고 안했어요..
Alright, since school opens back in a few weeks, might just start glowing up again now 🚶♀️
Waist: 79 cm/31 in
Goal: 64 cm/ 25 in or less
Week 1
Day 1: ✅ Def easy, though I had a bit of trouble with the plank twists. Did this twice haha (2 reps in the afternoon and another at night)
Day 2: ✅ My back was aching from yesterday's workouts but I feel refreshed. Done once in the afternoon.
Day 3: ✅ Almost skipped it but did it 😄 it was so much easier! Also I could lift my whole leg up while doing Swan dive!! Did it once.
Day 4: ❌ I was busy, rest day.
Day 5: ✅ Busy, did once
Day 6: ✅ Did once
Day 7: ✅ Did once, final day of week 1
Week 2
Day 1: ✅ felt a bit heavy ;-;
Day 2: ✅ did once
Day 3: ❌ was busy and super tired, rest day
Day 4: ✅ did once
Day 5: ❌ did other exercises, felt sick
Day 6: ✅
Day 7: ❌ goodness this is the most inconsistent week I had 🤦♀️
I'm doing this as many as I can a day
Waist line Before : 71cm
Sorry guys, im kinda busy last few weeks, sorry for not updating you.
I'm gonna do this again, FOR REAL, Im gonna do this until my birthday (Nov 17) so yeah, my waist line is still the same : 71cm
(Nov. 2) Day 1: ✅ (did it 6 times in a row lol, im kinda bored soOo, my back kinda hurts but its ok, I never felt so flexible HAHA)
Day 2:✅ (did it 6 times again, i stop every set and do some workout to double chin, idk what it called but yeah, I kinda feel lazy today but still managed to do it and it doesn't hurt as much as yesterday)
Day 3: ✅ (did this 8 timess danggg, my back doesn't hurt as much as Day 1, i dont rly have some things to do so i did 8 times, i feel better)
Day 4: ✅( did it 3 times, im kinda tired coz of school works, and i don't feel doing this today but still did it lol)
Day 5: ✅ (i did it 8 timess! YEYYYYYY, i was planning to do it 3 times coz i want to do school, but who likes school tho?)
Day 6: ✅ (did it 3 times, IM SO TIRED, we did groceries, did some homeworks and i want to rest for a bit)
Day 7: ✅ (did it 6 times, i have nothing to say lol)
Day 8:❌ (i don't want to do it, i dont feel doing it, andd i want to take some rest)
Day 9: ✅(did it 5 times, Im. Sad)
Day 10: ✅( 5 times, MY BACK HURTSSS)
Hi guys, I think I'm gonna stop for a week coz my back frkin hurts :<
My waist now is 68cm, WOAHH i lost almost an Inch (more than should i say) damnn, i really didn't have any hopes on this coz its really fast, but yeahh, i really want to continue this but I think my back really needs a rest so yeahh
I really did not have a diet, i eat lunch, dinner with rice coz im a Filipino, but i tried eating not a lot, i just stop eating when im satisfied, not full, and Im trying not to eat on midnight, I just drink a lot of chocolate milk, or water
I did a lot because i motivate myself lol, as a kpop stan (I stan Nct), I do this while listening to there songs or stream some of there mv. So yeahh,
I recommend this, REALLY✨ but don't do a lot like me HAHA.
Sorry if my English is kinda bad :))
Is it over?
Omg that’s so irrelevant but my bday is on november 17th too😭😭
U can do thiss!!
My plan is to do this for 3 weeks:
❗️This also tracks how much has changed even if I skipped on some days
Start: 71cm/28 in
2x/ day
Week 1:
Day 1: ✅
Day 2: ❌ (got sore :( )
Day 3: ✅
Day 4: ❌
Day 5: ❌
Day 6: ❌
Day 7: ✅ + other exercises
Week 2:
Day 1: ✅
Day 2: ✅
Day 3:
Day 4:
Day 5:
Day 6:
Day 7:
Week 3:
Day 1:
Day 2:
Day 3:
Day 4:
Day 5:
Day 6:
Day 7:
Go for it!!
keep going sis yessss
Keep going girl!! YOU CAN DO IT 😘
You can do it bestie~~!
Did you do it today?
주 4회 이상 이거랑 직각어깨 운동 진행중입니다
그림을 종일 그리다보니 오른어깨 전방활주 일자목 허리통증이 심했는데 전반적으로 많이 좋아졌습니다. 앞으로도 오래오래 잘부탁드려요❤
Me before working out: Wow this workout seems easy!
My back: sike bitch
LMAO deadass my core is so weak and my back is built like an 80 yr old
I've completed this routine 2x day for 8 days!
Start: 66 to 65.5 cm
01/21 to 01/28 result: 63 cm
I will do it 2x a day for another week and will update you guys! 😌💕
I did this routine 2x a day untill 02/11
Results by 02/12: 62.5cm yayyy!!
I will do this routine untill 02/28 and will update you guys again! 💕💕💕
How was it? Does it work?
이 영상이랑 허벅지 돌려깎기, 다른 운동도 같이 해볼려고 합니다!
출첵할 수 있게 이 댓글 보신다면
좋아요나 댓글 달아주세요!!
12/24 - ✅
12/25 - ✅
12/26 - ✅
12/27 - ❎
12/28 - ✅✅ ( 2세트씩 하는거 지금 알아버렸어요 ㅜ.. )
12/29 - ✅✅
12/30 - ❎
12/31 - ❎
1/1 - ❎ ( 한 번 안 하니까 계속 안하게 되더라구요.. )
1/2 - ✅✅
( 와 저 진짜 이거 까먹고 한 번도 안하고 있었어요.. 댓글이랑 좋아요 덕분에 알람 울려서 겨우 왔네요.. 다시 일주일 하겠습니다.. )
1/7 - ✅✅
1/8 - ❎
1/9 - ✅✅
1/10 - ✅✅
+ 오랜만에 생각나서 왔는데 좋아요가 이게 무슨 일이람 .. 🥲 오늘부터 다시 하겠습니다 😂
11/3 -
11/4 -
11/5 -
11/6 -
11/7 -
11/8 -
11/9 -
++ 하 저란 녀석 생각보다 너무나도 게으른 녀석이였군요.. 위에 날짜까지 써놓고 한 번도 안 왔다니.. 진짜 이번엔 성공해보자구요!!
2/19 - ☑☐
+ 예전엔 두 개 잘 만 했는데 오랜만에 하니 안 되네요.. 😅 이 영상이랑 상체 올킬 루틴, 허벅지 돌려깎기랑 그냥 춤 좀 추면서 할려구요! 이번에는 제발 성공해보자구요.. 😊
화이팅 !! 저도 방학에 살 빼려고 왔습니다 !! 같이 힘내요~~
오..오늘이 1/4인ㄷ
오늘꺼 하고계시죠ㅇ??
어제 2세트 따라하고 자고 일어났는데 효과 있어서 또 하러 왔어요!
4일 연속..효과👍🏻👍🏻
i always do this after my workouts, and it relaxes me because it really feels like yoga, and its so simple yet relaxing, and it stretches my body big time
Does it work for u then?
@@amberlynnduong7285 yes, my waist feels tighter when i do this and i lost 3 inches off my waist, but mind you i eat well and do other workouts, but i only did it once a day
@@paulaanderson7669 what you're workout with this ?
How many time for lose 3 inches ?
@@paulaanderson7669 in how many weeks did u get results? And did it make your waist flat ? I want flat and smaller waist
Will this give me flat belly ?? I want flat and small waist please reply
My neck: I can do it
My abs: I can do it
My legs: I can do it
My arms: but I'm only human
My lower back was hurting so much while doing it 🤡😭
@@beenagoyal4125 that’s harsh but you can do it!
@@Lisa_tea thank u for motivating me . My arms were screaming "B*tch let go let go now" while doing this
@@beenagoyal4125 oOF
I don’t know what happened to my body but I already did 4 workouts today, I danced and I still want to do this...
Normally I’m a very lazy person but at the moment I’m so motivated 🤯
yay!! keep it up!
me too! i’m doing chloe tings 4 weeks summer shred, a shoulder exercise, a thigh exercise, this exercise, and i already dance everyday because i’m a dancer lol, keep it up tho!! we got this!💕
literally i go from 3 months of no exercise to like 5 in one day.
10일차인데 진짜 이건 찐입니당,,,,,,, 허리가 잘록해졌어요 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 비포 애프터 비교하고 싶어서 항상 운동하고 인증샷 찍는데 첨이랑 차이가 너무 확연하게 보이네요,, 효과가 있으니까 할 맛도 나고 최곱니다..!!!!!!!!!
하루에 몇번씩 하셧나요??
@@삐삐02 밤에 2세트씩 하고 가끔 3세트씩도 했어요!
@@user-vg8fd2yl6n감사합니당 ㅎㅎ
@@akzlak-lv7zi 저는 밤에 자기 전에만 해서 운동 후엔 따로 먹은 건 없어용
Workout routine: Yoga, Small waist, Pilates, k-cardio and i dance.
Day 1: Feels weird but i feel good.
Day 2: Exhausted but hopefully its worth it!
Day 3: i feel okay sweating like crazy for chole ting's part
Day 4: im tired but i know it will have good results at the end.... Hopefully
Day 5: Felt weird after doing it since i had a break to rest. TIRED!!
Day 6: Im craving chocolate and chips. I feel good and sweaty.
Day 7: it didn't hurt as much today but it was still painful
Day 8: i dont know why but it hurt more today for some reason
@Gizli İnsan thank you so much for the motivation! And it's girl lol💜
Did you get any results?
@@brownalmonds8452 yes but results are coming in slowly
@Gizli İnsan First off your English is really good and i do it only once a day and stopped doing chole tings i recently got into Pilates and dance! Its good to do it 2 times a day if you dont have a workout routine but if you do then add it once in your routine or as many times as you like 😆
이거 진짜 효과좋아요 거의 3주째했는데 허리 얇아졌다는말 듣고있어요 솔직히 저는 못느꼈었는데 딱 맞던 바지가 헐렁해졌어요!!
복근운동도 병행해서 같이 해주면 효과 짱입니다! 제가 이지은님 다이어트운동으로 작년에 8키로빼고 유지하며 있다가 1월부터 다시 좀 더 빼고 싶다는 욕심에 꾸준히 다른운동 계속 해왔는데 정체기였던 몸무게에서 한달정도 운동 다시하니깐 1키로가 빠졌어요!
기름이 없어졌나요?
Reduce la cintura o solamente la adelgaza?
와 이거 진짜 효과 엄청나요 했을때랑 안했을때랑 확실하게 다르고 매일매일 라인 달라지는거 보고 너무 행복해하고 있어요ㅠㅠㅠ 일주일만 매일 저녁에 1번씩만 해도 효과있어요!!
얼마정도 했을때 효과가 보였나요..???
@@뤂이-b1r 정확한 기간은 좀 오래전부터 해서 기억이 가물가물 하지만 1달 전부터 매일 저녁에 1세트씩 해줬어요!! 지금까지 한두번 정도 빼먹은거 같기도 해요ㅋㅋㅋ!! 그대신 빼먹은 다음날은 2세트 해줬고 지금까지 다른 복부운동도 같이 했지만 효과는 짱짱 좋았어요!! 완전 푹 들어간 느낌보다는 자연스럽게 잘록해진느낌? 꾸준히 하시면 효과 무조건 있으니까 열심히 하세용!👌♥️식단은 아침 샐러드 점심 일반식 저녁은 5.30분이나 6시에 밥 조금으로 일찍 먹어줬어요
@@다온-u2u 헐 너무 감사합니다ㅠㅠ
오~~~~ 허리라인운동 아닌듯 라인운동인가봐요
혹시 허리는 안아프셨나요?? 스완 크로스할 때 저는 허리가 너무 아프네요ㅠㅠ