In conversation with Subhash Kak on how Lithuanian and Slovenian languages relate to Sanskrit

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024
  • Suddenly the world has woken up to the possibility that perhaps the entire world was at one time a follower of Sanatana Dharma. With more and more idols being discovered from areas like West Europe, this possibility is taking root now. Watch this to know more.
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Комментарии • 237

  • @asifanwar2391
    @asifanwar2391 3 года назад +42

    Although Hinduism is a little-practiced religion in Japan, it has still had a significant, but indirect role in the formation of Japanese culture. This is mostly because many Buddhist beliefs and traditions (which share a common Dharmic root with Hinduism) spread to Japan from China via Korean peninsula in the 6th Century. One indication of this is the Japanese "Seven Gods of Fortune", of which four originated as Hindu deities: Benzaitensama (Sarasvati), Bishamon (Vaiśravaṇa or Kubera), Daikokuten (Mahākāla/Shiva), and Kichijōten (Lakshmi). Along with Benzaitennyo/Sarasvati and Kisshoutennyo/Laxmi and completing the nipponization of the three Hindu Tridevi

    • @ramakrishnansubbiyan1764
      @ramakrishnansubbiyan1764 3 года назад +2

      My god seven God name
      Sathampur.. Sath. =7 seven
      Is called.. Mathur.. Is called
      Elumathur.. 7 Mathur...
      Sathuma.. Thur..
      Is 💯💦⚫it Tamil💯 utilize
      Sanskriti hiding❤ inside✋

    • @andywarrier489
      @andywarrier489 3 года назад +4

      Thank you Asif. Never knew about this. Just youtubed randomly the similarities between Japaneese and Indian languages and stumbled upon this,видео.htmlвидео.html

    • @CJ-zz9ts
      @CJ-zz9ts Год назад

      Wow, you are a legend!

  • @deadinvilnius
    @deadinvilnius 2 года назад +39

    Please comment and correct me if some of the words contain misspelling.
    1. BHUTIS - BŪTIS - BYTYE (БЫТИЕ) - being
    2. DEVAS - DIEVAS - BOG (БОГ) - god
    (BHAGA - ...- BOGA - divinity)
    4. AGNIS - UGNIS - OGONi (ОГОНЬ) - fire
    5. MATA - MOTĖ - MATi (МАТЬ) - mother
    6. SUNUS - SŪNUS - SYN (СЫН) - son
    7. DUHITA - DUKTĖ - DOTCHi (ДОЧЬ) - daughter
    8. VIRA - VYRAS - MUZH (МУЖ) - man
    9. AVIS - AVIS - OVTSA (ОВЦА) - sheep
    10. DHUMAS - DŪMAS - DYM (ДЫМ) - smoke
    Sanskrit: -Devas adadat datas, Devas dasyati dhanas.
    Lithuanian: -Dievas davė dantis, Dievas duos duonos.
    Russian: -Bog Dal Zuby, Bog Dast Hleba (Бог дал зубы, Бог даст хлеба).
    English: -God gave teeth, God will give bread.
    11. AŠRU - AŠARA - SLEZA (СЛЕЗА) - tear
    13. MADHUS - MEDUS - MIOD (МЕД) - honey
    15. ASMI - ESMI - YESMi (ЕСМЬ) - I am
    16. ASTI - ESTI - YESTi (ОН ЕСТЬ) - he is
    17. PADA - PADAS - PODOSHVA (ПОДОШВА) - foot
    18. ŠVAŠURAS - ŠEŠURAS - SVYOKOR (СВЁКОР) - father-in-law
    19. RAMATI - RAMINTI - DREMATi (ДРЕМАТЬ) - to rest (refrain)
    20. KRAVYA - KRAUJAS - KROVi (КРОВЬ) - blood
    21. GRABHATI (?) - GROBTI - GRABITi (ГРАБИТЬ) - to seize
    22. JIVANA - GYVENA - JIV (ЖИВ) - alive
    23. NAKTA - NAKTIS - NOTCHi (НОЧЬ) - night
    24. SAMYOGA - SĄJUNGA - SOYUZ (СОЮЗ) - union
    25. SVA - SAVAS - SVOY (СВОЙ) - one's own
    26. DVARA - DURYS - DVERi (ДВЕРЬ) - door
    27. MANSA - MĖSA - MYASO (МЯСО) - meat
    28. VADATI - VAIDYTIS - VADITi (ВАДИТЬ) - to argue
    30. RAYATI - LOTI (RIETIS) - LAYATi (ЛАЯТЬ) - to bark
    31. TUJAJATI - SUŽEISTI - RANITi (РАНИТЬ) - to hurt
    32. VAHATI - VEŽTI - VOZITi (ВОЗИТЬ) - to cary/transport
    33. KASATE - KOSĖTI - KASHLYATi (КАШЛЯТЬ) - to cough
    34. ŠVETATE - ŠVIESTI - SVETITi (СВЕТИТЬ) - to shine
    35. MARATI - MARINTI - MORITi (МОРИТЬ) - to cause to die
    36. BHYASATE - BIJOTI (BAISUS) - BOYATiSA (БОЯТЬСЯ) - to be afraid of
    37. UDDADATI - ATIDUOTI - OTDATi (ОТДАТЬ) - to give away
    38. ETATI - EITI - IDTI (ИДТИ) - to go
    40. JANATI - ŽINOTI - ZNATi (ЗНАТЬ) - to know
    41. LIHATI - LAIŽYTI - LIZATi (ЛИЗАТЬ) - to lick
    42. JIVATI - GYVENTI - JITi (ЖИТЬ) - to live
    43. VARATI - VERTI - ZAKRYVATi (ЗАКРЫВАТЬ (VOROTA - ВОРОТА - GATE)) - to close (the gate)
    44. VARTATE - VARTYTI - VERTETi (ВЕРТЕТЬ) - to revolve
    45. MIROTI - MIERUOTI - MERITi (МЕРИТЬ) - to measure
    47. TANOTI - TEMPTI - TYANUTi (TЯНУТЬ) - to stretch
    48. ICCHATI - IEŠKOTI - ISKATi (ИСКАТЬ) - to search
    50. TRASYATI - TARŠYTI - TRYASTI (ТРЯСТИ) - to shake
    51. SIDATI - SĖDĖTI - SIDETi (СИДЕТЬ) - to sit
    52. RODATI - RAUDOTI - RYDATi (РЫДАТЬ) - to weep
    53. BUDHYATI - BUDINTI - BUDITi (БУДИТЬ) - to wake up
    56. PLAVATE - PLAUKTI - PLAVATi (ПЛАВАТЬ) - to swim
    57. MANATE - MANYTI - MNITi (МНИТЬ) - to think
    58. SHASTRA - RAŠTAS - PISMO (ПИСЬМО) - scripture
    59. TAMAS - TAMSA - TiMA (ТЬМА) - darkness
    61. DVAITA - DVEJYBĖ - DVAYETA (двойственность или ДВОЕТА) - dualism
    62. KADA - KADA - KOGDA (КОГДА) - when
    63. SADAA - VISADA - VSEGDA (ВСЕГДА) - always
    65. ASMI, ASI, ASTI, SMAH, STE- ESMI, ESI, ESTI, ESMA, ESATE - ESTi (ЕСТЬ) - I am, You are, He is, We are
    66. AD - ĖDA - YEDA (ЕДА) - eats, food
    67. AUST - AUSTA(AUSRA) - ZORIA - dawn, daybreak
    68. BHRUNA - BERNAS - PARENi (ПАРЕНЬ) - guy, kid
    69. ASHMANA - AKMUO (older word - AKMENAS, or river AŠMENA) - KAMENi(КАМЕНЬ) or YASHMA (old russian) - stone
    70. DINA - DIENA - DENi (ДЕНЬ) - day
    71. DAMA - NAMAS - DOM (ДОМ) - house
    72. NAVA - NAUJAS - NOVYI (НОВЫЙ) - new
    73. TVAR - TVARINYS (older word - TVARIS) - TVARi (ТВАРЬ) - thing, creature
    75. SVASTIKA - could be Lithuanian ŠVAISTYKLĖ ("thrower" something that throws ), (ŠVIESTI - to shine)
    76. PEHRUNA - PERKŪNAS - PERUN (ПЕРУН) - thunder
    77. ASHVA - AŠVA (old word for 'horse') - LOSHADi (ЛОШАДЬ, КОБЫЛА) - horse
    78. RATHA - RATAS - KOLO (КОЛО) - circle, wheel
    79. TAT - TAS - TOT - that
    80. TADA - TADA - TOGDA (ТОГДА) - then
    81. UBHA - ABU - OBA (OБА) - both
    82. SAPNA - SAPNAS - SON (СОН) - dream
    83. SAKHA - ŠAKA - - branch
    84. RATH - RATAS - KOLESO (КОЛЕСО) - chariot
    85. HIMA - ŽIEMA - ZIMA (зима) - winter
    86. DIRS - DIRSTELTI - ... - sight, to see
    87. STHALA - STALAS - STOL - flat surface (table)
    89. LAP - LAPAS - LIST - leaf
    90. BIBHETI - BIJOTI - BOYATiSA - to be afraid of
    91. YABHATI - ... - YABATi (ебать)- to have sexual intercourse
    92. IKHATI - EITI - IDTI - to go
    93. IKSATI - IEŠKOTI - ISKATi - to look
    94. ZOSA - SAUSA - SUXO - dry
    95. VASARA - VASARA (summer) - ... - day, sun, morning
    96. PAKSIN - PAUKŠTIS - PTITSA - bird,
    97. SARAKA - ŠARKA - SAROKA - bird (kinf of)
    98. NABHA - DANGUS - NEBO - sky
    99. BHURJA - BERŽAS - BERIOZA - birch
    100. NAPAT - NEPUOTIS (old Lith.)- ... - nephew
    101. NAKHA - NAGAS - NOGOTi - nail
    102. SRAD - SIRDIS - SERDSE - heart
    103. NAGARAM - GARDAS - GOROD - town, ('enclosure' - lithuanian)
    I've just collected these words from a various articles over the internet. I'm not a linguist, so the words in sanskrit may contain mistakes. Please correct them if you are a specialist on ancient sanskrit. I'm pretty sure about the other 3 languages.

    • @Vibing_sigma
      @Vibing_sigma 2 года назад +3

      nice work 👍

    • @vidyamsvidya7112
      @vidyamsvidya7112 2 года назад +3


    • @korana6308
      @korana6308 2 года назад +1

      Wow great work. There are however many mistakes in Russian, almost every single example has some sort of a mistake, correcting everything would take too much time for me, so I will just give a few examples.
      1. BHUTIS - BŪTIS - BYTi (БЫТЬ) - Be
      2. It's not a "God" as is, but is a specific god: one of the main ones in the pantheon of gods. Which in Russian(borrowed) and Greece would be the same as Zeus - Zevs - Зевс -Dievas.
      35. Can't find that word in Sanskrit, but based on your description it would be the same in Russian, MARATi ( Марать), spoiling something or making it bad.
      60. You just wrote Bhudda and it's the same in Russian.
      78. That word doesn't exist. Do you mean RATHA - rotušė -Ratusha (Ратуша) - main prefecture building/ town hall ?
      82. Are you sure about that word? Also perhaps it should be the word SPATi ( Спать)?
      83. Missing Russian word: SUK ( branch)
      84. Russian word : KORETA ( Карета) ?
      86. That word is wrong and doesn't exist, but based on your examples the Russian word "Divo" would fit.
      100. Missing Russian word: Plemyannitsa
      Etc. The more I look at it and check the more mistakes I find, but great effort anyway, some of it is indeed useful .

    • @deadinvilnius
      @deadinvilnius 2 года назад +2

      Thanks for your comment! Only a couple of your corrections are right and I agree with:
      1. the Russian word 'бытие' in my dictionary is correct. the English is not exactly correct. It should be ‘being’.
      2. ‘Bog’ is correct. Lithuanian ‘Dievas’ is a general word for ‘god’. In Russian it is Бог. Russian ‘Зевс’ would be a translation for greek Dzeus as you said yourself. In Lithuanian it is also Dzeusas.
      35. your correction is wrong. In Russian it would be ‘morit’ -морить - comming from ‘smert' 'umeret’ or ‘umer’.
      60. you are not exactly right. Russian 'Buda' is just a direct translation for Budha, not originally Russian. Lithuanian ‘pabudes’ ‘nubudes’ means ‘awaken’. So in Russian it would be ‘bodriy’ or more exact - ‘бодрствующий'.
      78. the old Russian word ‘Kolo’ or ‘koleso’ or 'krug'. I’ve got it from a Russian linguist. So I’m pretty sure it is correct. The meaning of Lithuanian 'Ratas' is a Circle, as in Sanskrit. Not Ratusha at all :)
      82. Yes, I’m sure my Russian word 'Son' is correct. It means ‘a dream’ - Сон.
      83. You are right here. it can be ‘Sukh’ - 'Сук'. Thank you!
      84. same as 78. it’s just a duplication in my dictionary for some reason.
      85. Sorry, what does not exist? Closest Russian word meaning would be ‘vzglianut’ взглянуть.
      100. Yes, the meaning of this is ‘племянник’. Thank you!
      А Русский ваш родной язык?
      I speak Russian.
      I put Russian meanings in this dictionary just to compare which language is closer to Sanskrit - Lithuanian or Russian. That is a very old debate between Lithuanian and Russian linguists. Russian professional linguists actually agree that Lithuanian is the closest. Here you can watch a great lecture about that:видео.html&ab_channel=%D0%90%D0%9D%D0%A2%D0%A0%D0%9E%D0%9F%D0%9E%D0%93%D0%95%D0%9D%D0%95%D0%97.%D0%A0%D0%A3

    • @julvadas
      @julvadas Год назад

      Great work!!! I can speak 3/4 languages presented

  • @LizbethLeeds
    @LizbethLeeds 3 года назад +10

    Bhārata-varṣa - where bharata means (brat, brother) and warsha is a land kraina country nation more as a place. Polish capitol is Warszawa - Warsza! in short name Bharata would mean Braternia - something like Brotherhood (brotherland). All this for me is simple because I'm Polish - sounds stupid when other pronoun weird way so simple words.

  • @LokiLoki
    @LokiLoki 5 лет назад +18

    Sanskrit is offered as 3rd language in Karnataka as well

    • @rupendra79
      @rupendra79 3 года назад

      In UP too.

    • @andywarrier489
      @andywarrier489 3 года назад +1

      Isnt that sad, that the Mother of all languages is now offered as a Third Language option.

    • @andywarrier489
      @andywarrier489 3 года назад +1

      @@Infiniteemptiness At this point in time in the world, everything's connected and related to each other. Its tool late for exclusivity.

    • @Bhatti_Saab_7773
      @Bhatti_Saab_7773 2 года назад +2

      Rajasthan schools also have sanskrit in their curriculum till 8th standard

  • @marirogers0153
    @marirogers0153 3 года назад +8

    i think that you have a great idea to help the world understand about sanscrit and Vedic knowledge through some schools in countries where there is much interest, such as here in America as i am so interested and convinced that the world came out of many have said...and that sanscrit is the most perfect efficient beautiful language ever spoken, written and the thinkers are better in sanscrit and even hindi i can tell that the thoughts are less wordy even when spoken in english by hindi speakers...and so on. you are right, there is so much bias and obstructive racist behaviour among their efforts to feel superior in the west. thank you.

  • @amardatta4471
    @amardatta4471 2 года назад +4

    It's a common folklore in India that Lord "Shiva" had seven disciples, known as "Sapta-Rishi", who were sent to seven continents of the world to spread "Yuga" - is it credible to assume that "Sapta-Rishi" who went to seven continents carried the Sanskrit language with them?

  • @namboodiries9069
    @namboodiries9069 5 лет назад +10

    Very good. In response to comments below...The first Indra of first manuanthara was BHAGAVAN VISHNU himself... Avathara Yajna. So the vedas praise......

  • @sakuntalaramaswamy8230
    @sakuntalaramaswamy8230 5 лет назад +32

    Time and Again it has been Proved that Sanskrit is the Most ancient Language in the world and Hindu Religion the Most ancient Language ever evolved in this world. More than Religion , Hinduism Is a Way of Life , applicable to the entire Humanity in this world. Hope people all over the world realise this concept and progress together. "Vasudeva Kutunbham. "!!

    • @reenakjiya6971
      @reenakjiya6971 5 лет назад +4

      Still people have problem accepting Hinduism even without converting.

    • @reenakjiya6971
      @reenakjiya6971 5 лет назад +3

      @Suresh Ganapathy Yes Sanskrit is language of God and by disregarding the very language of God and conditioning God to talk your language you have tried to make God live your way. Should you be heard. Especially if don't welcome material form of God and want him to influence your material physical life is shameless.

    • @miglius1992
      @miglius1992 4 года назад +6

      Well from where did u get that old information? It's not you for sure reserched that... Saying that is old dose not make it old when its dead for long time... On another hand Lithuania is well and alive with more complex grammar then Sanskrit had... And its more closer then Sanskrit to mother language. Since Lithuania is close to both Sanskrit, Ancient Greek, Ancient Latin. And sanskrit is only close to nothing. But ofc it is the oldest recorded language just that coz it was written down... And mother language was written in ruins and not in Sanskrit. So how is it old tell me? We all know that there was languages before Sanskrit and its called Proto-indo-European which most of the languages including Lithuanian and Sanskrit comes from. Btw you think hinduism is old? Look up Romuva relegion which even hinduism has same gods as Romuva and a lot of gods in hinduism are dead but in Romuva relegion they are all alive and well.

    • @extratropicalcyclone8567
      @extratropicalcyclone8567 4 года назад +4

      @@miglius1992 lol lithuanian does not have more complex grammar than sanskrit, no language on this planet has more complex grammar than sanskrit even William jones said this himself

    • @nmvhr
      @nmvhr 4 года назад

      That feel when Sanskrit came from Avestan

  • @richiknair9036
    @richiknair9036 3 года назад +3

    Indian culture went to South East Asia through a mild war. The cholas went and established a Hindu kingdom there

    • @boogiewoogie4984
      @boogiewoogie4984 3 года назад

      Utter nonsensical comment. The Sanatana dharma is starting of human civilisation and has been on earth atleast lakhs of years . Cholas were born in Kalyug .... How do u even think of such bakwass ???

    • @soorajvasu2714
      @soorajvasu2714 3 года назад +4

      During the cholas conquest of the south east asia, the countries there were already hindu kingdoms! 😂😂Please read some history!
      Also there were samskrta inscription saying the Kings of Camboja ( Cambodia) established Ramarajya there!

    • @richiknair9036
      @richiknair9036 3 года назад

      @@soorajvasu2714 hmm I'll research on this then

  • @user-mb2ci4mt8t
    @user-mb2ci4mt8t 2 года назад +3

    Romuva rituals are of vedic origin

    • @nomedan
      @nomedan Год назад +1

      Lietuvoje ir dabar yra pagonys "Romuva"

  • @brutusmagnus3971
    @brutusmagnus3971 29 дней назад

    Thank you for this fascinating discussion!

  • @rameshiyer1
    @rameshiyer1 5 лет назад +10

    Fascinating to.know that Sanskrit was so widely spoken from Europe to India in ancient times. Many 'scholars' in India believed that the Aryans who migrated from Europe to India spoke Sanskrit. But now that the AIT has been debunked, it's plausible as Prof Kak States that Sanskrit may have indeed originated from European region. Nevertheless, India had Sanskrit as one of its primary languages for over several millennia. Even many modern day languages spoken in India have evolved from Sanskrit. Perhaps govt of India can start promoting Sanskrit instead of Hindi as a unifying language. Sanskrit is also found to be the most apt language for computing too. Besides, i agree with Prof Kak's view that India should reclaim "Bharat" as its name instead of the Anglican "India" (and "Indians" commonly referred to by Westerners for primitive tribes). Ancient India was far more "civilised" compared with the Western ones, when in fact, the Western civilizations were perceived as "primitive" by Occidental civilizations in India n China, n even Japan.

    • @freckleheckler6311
      @freckleheckler6311 4 года назад +1

      Haha primitive? Is that supposed to be a joke? Your entire paragraph has many contradictions and ironies. You said Sanskrit originated in the European region (which would go against your “primitive” and “uncivilized” accusation”) not to mention technology, the taming and domestication of horses first appeared in Europe and the oldest chariot burial. Primitive you say? The oldest mining of gold is found in Europe. Primitive? Japan accuses us of being primitive? Hahahahha. Ancient Rome is the greatest civilization of all time. No one even compares. Primitive? Hahaha we gave you culture by migrating into your country. Uncivilized? Hahahahahah😂😂😂😂

    • @pabslondon
      @pabslondon 4 года назад +2

      AIT has not been debunked. Sanskrit did not originate in the Steppe, it was the ancestor Proto-Indo-European that originated there

    • @bojanstare8667
      @bojanstare8667 3 года назад +1

      @@freckleheckler6311 You both are the same. Arogant dumbers with no sense of knowlidge (Veda) and humanity. The best condititons ever have been in region where a lot of cultures were mixed and developed in science and philosofy. It is Brainstorming what we need, not closing on themselves opinion.

  • @julvadas
    @julvadas Год назад +1

    I don’t really understand why are you trying to put Lithuanian language to non related or much less important in studying

  • @sivaswamiramesh1128
    @sivaswamiramesh1128 5 лет назад +5

    Sree Iyer Sir "தேவாங்கு" is known as "Slender Loris" actually a primate like "Lemurs" & it is a fact they always face North direction.. My grand mother also told me that those days the ships used carry "Slender Loris" put in a cage hoisted over the mast . She has traveled many times with her father to places from Vedaranyam to Srilanka etc..

    • @ramkrishnadas4230
      @ramkrishnadas4230 5 лет назад +1

      Incredible! It never sits facing any other direction? It is astonishing. You guys must be right, but I find it very hard to believe unless see by my own eyes.

    • @chandraravikumar
      @chandraravikumar 5 лет назад +2

      Thank you. I will add this to my small list of random flashes of folk knowledge I come across.

    • @sivaswamiramesh1128
      @sivaswamiramesh1128 5 лет назад +3

      @@ramkrishnadas4230 Yes; I have seen in my childhood days, Natikuravas bringing தேவாங்கு (Slender Loris) in cages & always used to sit towards North even after we change position of the cage ..which we used to play with . And another info Natikuravas always keep the name of of the new born of the particular village as they are nomads. My grandfather even bought an oxen from them which they trained to act dead to catch Foxes in jungles. We had a tough time in retraining that oxen for out farming activity also I remember very clearly. And the Natikuravas speak marati mixed language ... Awesome Nomads & they never take பிச்சை & when we offer they give back something like பாசி மணி or karukamani etc.

  • @durgaashtekar1112
    @durgaashtekar1112 2 года назад +1

    surya sidhanta also mentions Rome and Roman...
    Also have you thought about Symbol on Triprupatis' face???

  • @nishajaihindajain9192
    @nishajaihindajain9192 3 года назад +2

    Connecting India from Kashmir to Kanyakumari .

  • @moesypittounikos
    @moesypittounikos 4 года назад +7

    Is it true that a Brahmin can have a conversation with a Lithuanian peasant? I have heard this is the case as their languages are so close.

    • @lauravalioniene3813
      @lauravalioniene3813 3 года назад +5

      There are some words and sentences which sounds very similar. But all in all, probably it would be difficult to have normal conversation (I am lithuanian and I know couple Lithuanian dialects too)

    • @princekumar-yb4oq
      @princekumar-yb4oq 3 года назад +1


    • @sridharyamijala4739
      @sridharyamijala4739 3 года назад

      If we leave out the cacophony from the zealots on both sides, we will have no problem celebrating the linguistic and cultural links between the supposedly distant (by current reality) Vedic and Baltic people. It may not be realistic to assume that Lithuanians who have been conquered so many times and had been forced to convert to Christianity or no religion (communism) and Indians who had to stop learning Sanskrit by force or by official disinterest can fully retain their linguistic purity. Romantics may think that they can but the truth may be otherwise. I will consider it a matter of justifiable pride if anyone with knowledge of ancient Lithuanian and ancient / Vedic and classical Sanskrit can have a mutual conversation with at least up to 20% of their own respective native vocabulary. That would be a victory for the resilience of mankind.

    • @gudduhero6972
      @gudduhero6972 3 года назад +2

      just for fun try if you are indian
      open english to russian translator
      and type any indian word or name and hear its pronounciation in russian you will be amazed that every word has proper pronunciation as it should be in sanskrit
      try krishna raam or any other name you will be amazed
      first time i tried i understood that russian is very very silmilar to samskrit

  • @aakanksharajput1670
    @aakanksharajput1670 3 года назад +1

    Ultimate answer would be that sanskrit has divine origin

  • @JrJ2016
    @JrJ2016 3 года назад +2

    Maha also offers sanskrit aa 3rd lang in school as alternate for Hindi.

  • @GTR-93
    @GTR-93 5 лет назад +2


  • @3pleiss
    @3pleiss 4 года назад +5

    Little alien 👍

  • @sandeepkumarkhuntia8839
    @sandeepkumarkhuntia8839 2 года назад +3

    Afghanistan = Ashwa + gana + sthana

  • @ramakrishnansubbiyan1764
    @ramakrishnansubbiyan1764 2 года назад +1

    Naik community is Rusian 🇩🇪Germany.. Came from there.. Before here same language👄💬 people called bramin here they met each other now they called DMK.. Tamil nadu திருட்டு திராவிட ஆரியக் கலகம்.
    நான் சென்டர் of Tamil Nadu I 👁 know everyone came from were.. 🎭Dramatic called.. DMK but Aryan.. 🔊Sounds science Tamil 📖is 🔥💯 💡lightsand 🔊 Travel✈️️..

  • @sudarshanhs
    @sudarshanhs 4 года назад +1

    @Sree Iyer, the story of Thevangu/Slender Loris (not a monkey) in Tamil ships is only from a modern historical novel in Anandavikatan. No historical attestation. And so much is studied about slender loris animal that we would have found out such a behaviour of true. So not true.

  • @sandeepkumarkhuntia8839
    @sandeepkumarkhuntia8839 2 года назад +3

    Peshawar = purusha + pura

  • @abhijeetdolai5820
    @abhijeetdolai5820 3 года назад +1

    just awesome

  • @VendPrekmurec
    @VendPrekmurec 4 года назад +6

    Also correct, PIE is an occult lie! There are no written sources for their lies... Sanskrit is the oldest, among Hittite (written down) "oldest IE" language...

  • @TheControlPhilosopher
    @TheControlPhilosopher 5 лет назад +1

    Dear Shree,
    You are wrong about molten iron being poured as cement! The structure is actually very weak & crumbling. The innards of the temple have been filled up with earth so as to prevent its collapse!
    There is a very small amount of residual magnetism in the stones used for building the temple. This is because the rock used is laterite which obviously contains iron-ore that is Fe3O4. This is paramagnetic. All the same, mildy so.
    Local guides around the temple propound myths about iron ships of the British getting thrown off-course or even getting pulled towards the temple & running aground on the beach outside! But this is all bull!
    If you've ever seen molten iron being cast, you will realise what that entails. It is impossible to pour it between large blocks of stone!
    You as an engineer must verify facts & not to carry forth absurd myths, impossible by science!

    • @cosmicallyspeaking871
      @cosmicallyspeaking871 5 лет назад +4

      //If you've ever seen molten iron being cast, you will realise what that entails. It is impossible to pour it between large blocks of stone//
      Pranaam Raj Iyer ji, actually, you are the one who is incorrect. You are obviously referring to the current standards & methods in steel industry today. But it was in Bharat, the finest steel, in fact, stainless steel was ever produced anywhere in the world for the first time, which supplied steel & steel material all over europe & elsewhere (in return we were given gold). And yes, during that time stone blocks were almost always used as mold. Your contention that it is impossible to pour molten steel in between blocks of stone is akin to saying it is impossible to build mega structures, multi-storied buildings without the modern cement technology, while there are countless number of examples of fantastic super structures built in Bharat (Madhurai Meenakshi Kovil, Bruhadeeshwara Kovil, Kingdom of Hampe, Bahubali in Shravanabelagola.... just to name a few) where enormous blocks of finely cut granite stones were placed on top of the other & cemented using organic paste (potions of plants, roots, honey and very many other natural ingredients), that stood the test of time & calamities like earthquakes. The so called 'modern' architects & engineers are mystified and marvel how they did it back then, yet refuse to believe or acknowledge the supreme knowledge of people of those days had, by simply dismissing it as " oh, this must be a creation of aliens from another planet. No humans can do this ". :)

  • @Vstavayteludirusskiey
    @Vstavayteludirusskiey 4 года назад +9

    Third largest Russian City - Novosibirsk came from sansktit word Nabya Shibir (Sanskrit word that means New Settlement).

    • @fidenemini111
      @fidenemini111 4 года назад +1

      The origin of the name is unknown. Some sources say that "Siberia" originates from the Siberian Tatar word for "sleeping land" (Sib Ir).[4] Another account sees the name as the ancient tribal ethnonym of the Sirtya [ru] (also "Syopyr" (sʲɵpᵻr)), an ethnic group which spoke a Paleosiberian language. The Sirtya people were later assimilated into the Siberian Tatars.
      The modern usage of the name was recorded in the Russian language after the Empire's conquest of the Siberian Khanate. A further variant claims that the region was named after the Xibe people.[5] The Polish historian Chyliczkowski has proposed that the name derives from the proto-Slavic word for "north" (север, sever),[6] same as Severia.
      Anatole Baikaloff has dismissed this explanation. He said that the neighbouring Chinese, Turks, and Mongolians, who have similar names for the region, would not have known Russian. He suggests that the name might be a combination of two words with Turkic origin, "su" (water) and "bir" (wild land).
      Baikaloff, Anatole (December 1950). "Notes on the origin of the name "Siberia"". Slavonic and East European Review. 29 (72): 288.

    • @princekumar-yb4oq
      @princekumar-yb4oq 3 года назад

      navyeshivir not nabya....

    • @Vstavayteludirusskiey
      @Vstavayteludirusskiey 3 года назад +2

      @@fidenemini111 It is always "unknown" when times come to acknowledge India.

    • @Vstavayteludirusskiey
      @Vstavayteludirusskiey 3 года назад +1

      @@princekumar-yb4oq I'm from Bengal. Samajh gaye honge ap?

  • @Dede_Stepas
    @Dede_Stepas 3 года назад +1

    And practically nithing about Slovenian or lithuanian. Sorry the discussion and the name are completely unrelated

  • @sandeepkumarkhuntia8839
    @sandeepkumarkhuntia8839 2 года назад +2

    Kashmir = kashyap + mira

  • @kvpillai
    @kvpillai 5 лет назад +3

    Dr Kak's bird is so annoying. Cant focus on the wisdom he is trying to convey.

  • @pruthvirajms2565
    @pruthvirajms2565 4 года назад +6

    Karnataka promotes samskrutha as first Language option from high school.

    • @Bhatti_Saab_7773
      @Bhatti_Saab_7773 2 года назад

      Don't karanaka people have problem from sanskrit like the tamilians?

    • @vanshstalin1402
      @vanshstalin1402 2 года назад

      @@Bhatti_Saab_7773 if my punjabi govt offers sanskrit .I will take it

  • @nandyalaram
    @nandyalaram 5 лет назад +6

    Well and good, things you have shared. You have to take the Mahabharata as a historical record. It is clearly mentioned about dark age called Kaliyuga. Please study on that....

  • @sandeepkumarkhuntia8839
    @sandeepkumarkhuntia8839 2 года назад

    I have seen brahmin priests in ekambreswar temple kamcipuram(tamilnadu) as fair skined and green eyed. They do not seem to be local people. I believe they are of kashmiri pandits.

  • @---------------------------...
    @---------------------------... 5 лет назад +4

    Would like an article or video on link between Indian civilisation and Russian Vedas (Ynglism).

  • @arindamghatak
    @arindamghatak Год назад

    Even in Jamshedpur, from where I am, Sanskrit is a 3rd language option alongside some other Indian languages.

  • @madhusoodanprasad2248
    @madhusoodanprasad2248 3 года назад +10

    *To cut this long story short, I would just provide two eminent quotes. First,“Anyone who wants to hear the old Indo-European should go and listen to a Lithuanian farmer,” said a renowned French linguist Antoine Meillet in the end of the 19th century. And the second,“The nearest approach to Sanskrit in Europe is made by the Lithuanian language,” by Jawaharlal Nehru in his landmark book “The Discovery of India.” The linguistic proximity of Sanskrit and Lithuanian is a well-established fact.*
    *In my pocket, I already have a list of more than 50 words which I have gathered from my daily encounters with Indians. For example: dev - dievas (god), agni - ugnis (fire), sapnā - sapnas (dream), śakha - šaka (branch), rath - ratai (chariot) and many others. These words come from different walks of life, and cover various subjects from religion and abstract things to numbers and animals and household items. And take note that we only speak of the recognizable words in modern Hindi! The comparative analysis of Lithuanian and Classical Sanskrit would produce a much longer list of commonalities, and not only in vocabularies but also in grammatical structures. In fact, the Lithuanian Language Institute is already working on a small dictionary which would reveal the striking resemblance of the two languages.*
    That proves, Aryan people are not belong to Indian subcontinent,thier true home is Europe not India.

    • @sridharyamijala4739
      @sridharyamijala4739 3 года назад +1

      It is true that there are significant linguistic connections between European languages and Sanskrit. But how does it prove that the home of the Aryans is not in India? Having proof of links is not the same thing as establishing the root of the links.

    • @madhusoodanprasad2248
      @madhusoodanprasad2248 3 года назад +1

      @@sridharyamijala4739 Their DNA was not matched with Harappan or any Indian civilization and you can find defferent type of DNA in male and female both have defferent DNA , perhaps Aryan people came here with no or less women, they married with indigenous women so women and man share different DNA structures. Besides Dravidian male and female both have same DNA structure.

    • @alecmisra4964
      @alecmisra4964 3 года назад

      But the indo aryan peoples seem to have spread westward again some 4000 years ago, causing the linguistic and cultural similarities under discussion.

    • @somethoughts501
      @somethoughts501 3 года назад +1

      Well, to justify BJP’s fascism, you have to do these mental gymnastics.

    • @deepakvaidya425
      @deepakvaidya425 2 года назад

      There have been no people called Aryans. It is European psuedo discovery to justify their invasion of India.

  • @pradivarta
    @pradivarta 6 месяцев назад

    But how is it that a Polish person without any knowledge of Sanskrit can read and understand such words: RÇPAŚPĀLITA POLŚIKHA ?

  • @sandeepkumarkhuntia8839
    @sandeepkumarkhuntia8839 2 года назад

    What about Keling in S. E asia. Kalinga

  • @sandeepkumarkhuntia8839
    @sandeepkumarkhuntia8839 2 года назад +1

    Lahore = Loh + pura

  • @tamasmarcuis4455
    @tamasmarcuis4455 3 года назад +3

    It is inaccurate to say there is no evidence for PIE. The languages themselves are the evidence. It is also not professional to simply dismiss the work of thousands over a period of more than 200 years that led to the reconstruction of the shifts necessary for the development of the Indo European languages.
    Also I would hardly describe the stretch of the Yamnaya culture, from the Don basin to the Altai Mountains as very European. Central Asian yes.
    Who ever first spoke the origin language were a wide spread nomadic people or more likely peoples. The archaeological Yamnaya being the most Westerly group. Their material culture being shared by another group far East in the Altai region North of the Tarim basin.
    The Satem side of Indo Europeans later developing around the Caspian and Aral Seas. That later spread out into the Russian steppe and South across the Pamirs into India. As a Lithuanian myself it is fairly clear that Proto Balto Slavic and Proto Indo Iranian were very close branches if not essentially dialects of the same language spread a wide migratory area. A group now suggested from material culture to be the Andronovo. The Vedic culture being an offshoot that took root in ancient North West India.
    The Vedic period's beginning does not mean a clean cultural break from the related culture North in central asia. The early development of Hinduism would have been affected by and effected the religion in the extended cultural group. The core elements and imagery remaining almost identical for a very long time. The traces being visible today in the indigenous religion of Lithuania and Latvia. Though I do think elements of indigenous religions of India must have been transmitted into the wider Andronovo culture from the Vedic subgroup. So the matter of what was original and what adopted into the whole group from the older element of the Indian population. Such would give the appearance of Pre Andronovo historical Indian imagery moving North while the Vedic Andronovans moved South.

  • @sandeepkumarkhuntia8839
    @sandeepkumarkhuntia8839 2 года назад +1

    Hotan(xingzian) = Gou + sthana

  • @GTR-93
    @GTR-93 5 лет назад +4


    • @pabslondon
      @pabslondon 4 года назад

      I think you are 80 years too late with this news

  • @praseedpg
    @praseedpg 3 года назад +1

    samskritham bharatham dharshanam...kripya na sanskrit na bharat. samskritham is tuned deva basha and hindi is not ,kripya don't mix both. dhanyavadham

  • @khany6345
    @khany6345 2 года назад

    Is there any evidence that Indians took their language to Central Asia ?
    It was the domestication of horses by people living in the foothills of Ural Mountains which is now Ukraine and Russia who travelled to greener pastures for farming , rather than Indians living in one of the most fertile country in the world would travelled to snow covered mountains and land.
    It was the language of these people who travelled to greener pastures from snow covered mountains , and religion of these people , which is now called Sanskrit , and Hindu religion.
    Some Indians gods are white, whereas Indians were and are dark complexions and short in height people compared to people coming from Russia and Ukraine.
    These people who came from snow covered peaks are called : ARYANS.

  • @MrChandanc9
    @MrChandanc9 4 года назад +1

    From Vedic age to Roman age 😊

  • @Dede_Stepas
    @Dede_Stepas 3 года назад

    Wow perkūnas in lithuanian is literally perkunas. Meaning god of thunderstorm. wow.

  • @sandeepkumarkhuntia8839
    @sandeepkumarkhuntia8839 2 года назад +2

    Multan = mula + sthana

  • @raghavarvoltore6517
    @raghavarvoltore6517 5 лет назад +1


  • @masterclass299
    @masterclass299 4 года назад +5

    The out of india theory is making a lot of sense the deeper we research. Europeans are a mix of native neolithic peoples native to Europe and the newly arrived vedic peoples in historic times. That's the reason why European paganism is not exactly similar to vedic hinduism because of the influence from the beliefs of the neolithic tribes of Europe. Better study still needs to be done on this topic.

  • @nesterabraham2420
    @nesterabraham2420 Год назад

    It's true and have lot of evidence that sanskrit is the language consists of Slovenian, Lithuanian and Parsi words. The language had gradually developed on the movement of that nomadic tribes which is later called Aryans. The DNA of those nomadic tribes proved that they are not belong to India but from Europe. Sanskrit is having more Slovenian, Lithuanian, Persian and finaly some Prakrit words also. So it's easy to consider that the pasture land seekers from Europe moved from Europe around 6000 years before and finally ended up in northern part of India. So the language sanskrit also developed all the way from Europe to India. But Brahminical ideologists deliberately giving their own ideas which is not true.

    • @skandankumar
      @skandankumar Год назад

      Am an anthology student, it's the other way round, Indians moved to different parts of Europe

  • @miglius1992
    @miglius1992 4 года назад +7

    Sanskrit and Lithuania is not related to in any way. Lithuania language is only at same level in grammar as Sanskrit even complex then Sanskrit back then, since its the oldest recorded language we yet know... Which makes Lithuanian the oldest living language in world... It's not about the words that they are similar to Sanskrit, PIE theory explains that since all indo-european languages have same words but not same grammar, and that grammar has devers levels. It's a fact that Lithuanian is hardest world language to learn for any outsider because it has an ancient grammar. Sanskrit is old since it dead long time ago.. In this time of age we make Sanskrit old language but Sanskrit have not lived long more of less died in 3 sec on earth and then gone for good , and grammar was lost even in Sanskrit family... Also its not language that makes people but the culture. Read about Romuva and Lithuanian Mythology, strangely Hindu gods are also described in Hindu same way... Lithuania is said to be Baltic people but there is no proff of that. Just theories, all we know that Baltic people where there since the beginning of Europe. Genetically we have no similarity to Indian people or any Asian. Your bullshit has no proof in any point of you trying to make sadly, so I would not believe in any of your statements. Your feelings about that topping is not make any sense, since your not providing any proofs, but only how you feel about science that came so long and gave us facts and not feelings you make on your own about subjects.. I would suggest you study more before making a fool of your self on RUclips.. How about Slovakian language, it has many similar words as Sanskrit dose, now ask your self why it dose not have complex grammar and why it never had it? And why all indo-euopean (Sanskrit included) language have same words but delvers grammar? Maybe you should be asking that in your videos instead of barging about some old dead language that has no impotence whats so ever? Lets see if you have balls to comment me back ;) with question marks I made, what is your feelings about that?? Or you going to ignore it?

    • @miglius1992
      @miglius1992 4 года назад

      @guruprasad YM 😂 yah have nothing to say no knowledge?

    • @mrcoolcanon
      @mrcoolcanon 4 года назад +4

      Sanskrit don't have complex grammer???
      Are you a dumb ass or what?
      Sanskrit grammer is complex and easy to learn.
      And how on earth you are feeling proud to have a tough language.
      People who can't make things easy actually didn't put much efforts to make it.
      Lithuanian stands know where against other languages ,Sanskit is far away to think of.
      Get your facts clear brother.

    • @ashutoshsingh7713
      @ashutoshsingh7713 4 года назад +2

      Lithuanian has 7 noun cases, Sanskrit has 8 noun cases.
      Lihhuanian has only 2 number: Singular, Plural. Sanskrit & Avestan has 3 number: Singular, Dual, Plural. Arabic incorporates dual number too but not as well as Sanskrit does. There are many blank duals in Arabic. :) So simply get the f outta here!

    • @eglecuplinskiene6299
      @eglecuplinskiene6299 3 года назад +2

      @@ashutoshsingh7713 - as Lithuanian shall l tell you :
      Old Lithuanian has 10 noun cases ( today survived just in few ascents but still in use !)
      Numbers - 3 !!!

    • @ashutoshsingh7713
      @ashutoshsingh7713 3 года назад

      @@eglecuplinskiene6299 that's cool. Probably old Sanskrit may have 20 noun cases

  • @LizbethLeeds
    @LizbethLeeds 3 года назад

    Slavs invaded india and invaded europe but some how we got christianed - not sure where those amazing cultures faded - it is time to get back to roots.

    • @nomedan
      @nomedan Год назад

      Kalbate nesamones. Lietuvių kalba šiuo metu pati archaiškiausia iš gyvų kalbų ir artimiausia sanskritui.
      Kas tvam asi? Asmi svapnas tava tamase nakte. Agniṃ dadau te śradi tada viśpatir devas tvam asi.
      Lietuvių kalba:
      Kas tu esi? Esmi sapnas tavo tamsioje naktyje. Ugnį daviau tau širdy, tada viešpatis dievas tu esi.

  • @MrChandanc9
    @MrChandanc9 4 года назад

    Basic premise is outsiders could not have come to India it would be some kind of blasphemy

  • @sdatta7754
    @sdatta7754 5 лет назад


  • @imvllindia
    @imvllindia 2 года назад +1

    BrHmins are lithuians

  • @christeankapp6549
    @christeankapp6549 4 года назад +2

    it is sad that opinions are being offered but no evidence. There is no question that Europe and India are connected but if you want a scientific discussion then some proof must be provided

    • @sukeshmishra7916
      @sukeshmishra7916 4 года назад

      There are lot of lectures with scientific proofs .Please check Raj Vedam lectures on Srijan/sangam RUclips channels.Thanks me later

    • @bojanstare8667
      @bojanstare8667 3 года назад

      You are wrong. In east Alps have founded Otzi (Iceman) in ice. He was 5300 years old body in ice. After reaserch of body, they have founded bacteria in stomach, which is originated in south India. More than 5000 years old connection! And his ski boot were so good made, that todays shoemaker (he has had to make replica of them) couldn`t believe, that are 5300 years old.

    • @christeankapp6549
      @christeankapp6549 3 года назад

      @@bojanstare8667 the same bacteria can be found all over the world. That is not proof.

    • @bojanstare8667
      @bojanstare8667 3 года назад

      @@christeankapp6549 Catch is in the fact, that this kind of bacteria is not spread around the world. It has microlocaion in south of India. Same as Ebola is not spread of all the world.

    • @bojanstare8667
      @bojanstare8667 3 года назад

      @@christeankapp6549 Also Lapis lazul (blue parts of Tutankamons mask) was transported from mines of todays Afganistan in 14th century BC. Also Amber road from Baltik to Adriatic was in 7th century BC.

  • @buddalafakeer79
    @buddalafakeer79 3 года назад

    Once sanskrit is the international language as English today. So the sanskrit words are seen in all the world wide. It's not AIT.

    • @bojanstare8667
      @bojanstare8667 3 года назад

      I think never. because Sanskrit is hard to learn language. Averabe people are lazy, so English is more comfortable to learn. As you know to learn simply English is very easy. To speak fluid Englsih is on the other hand very complex. Sanskrit is opposite hard to learn on beggining, but after that is more logical and very structual language. No need to learn a lot of irregular exceptions. Same as Slovene languag. It is more natural language than artificial English.

    • @bojanstare8667
      @bojanstare8667 3 года назад +1

      Some years ago in Eu have had idea to put Slovene language as a offitional language (Linga Francha). After that they have changed their opinion, because of more complex (in their opinion) language. Pitty, it would be a good start to promote Sanskrit.

  • @nickpop23
    @nickpop23 4 года назад +11

    Aryans migrated with this language, and then sanskrit derived

    • @aniruddhbahuguna5462
      @aniruddhbahuguna5462 4 года назад

      First thing shiva is not find Rigveda...

    • @varunkharayat4251
      @varunkharayat4251 4 года назад +2

      Aryans never migrated

    • @freckleheckler6311
      @freckleheckler6311 4 года назад +5

      Varun Kharayat YES THEY DID. You Hindu nationalists are an issue.

    • @varunkharayat4251
      @varunkharayat4251 4 года назад +2

      @@freckleheckler6311 no ,there is no evidence just hypotheisis

    • @pabslondon
      @pabslondon 4 года назад +4

      @@varunkharayat4251 There is plenty of evidence if you educate yourself instead of being a typical Hindutva. I mean, If you believe a monkey god carried and flew a Himalayan mountain to Sri Lanka but you don't believe in Aryan Migration Theory then clearly evidence is a non issue to you

  • @citisamsjw5513
    @citisamsjw5513 5 лет назад +1

    I think the Gita written over 5000years ago was in Sanskrit?😎

  • @SJking-gk4go
    @SJking-gk4go 11 месяцев назад

    Dravidians created sanskrit.

    • @gigilolo4660
      @gigilolo4660 5 дней назад

      Explain pls this is interesting

  • @mypronounismom1056
    @mypronounismom1056 5 лет назад +3

    you should take a closer look to Bulgarian language as one of the close relatives to Sanskrit. Over 1000 words used in familial and household cases...

    • @SSimonMr
      @SSimonMr 4 года назад

      Slovenian has 20% vocabulary the same

    • @bojanstare8667
      @bojanstare8667 3 года назад

      Bulgarianisderivated from old Slovene language. We stay with old language, but you have changed your language.Bulgarian student of history and linguistic has told me, that we speak as youhave spoken in middle ages. :-)

  • @InquisitorBot
    @InquisitorBot 5 лет назад +1

    Ka je to

  • @hkchandan
    @hkchandan 4 года назад +1

    Fact is that Aryans migrated from Europe/Eurasia. Sankrit has roots in Lithuanian, German and other European languages. This similarity further proves the European/Eurasian origin of Aryans. Earlier the foreign origin theories about Aryans were wrongly being brushed aside by half-baked nationalistic/indologists spin-doctors. But few factual proofs are undeniably self- evident:-
    (1) European language group roots/similarity of sanskrit
    (2) Bal Gangadhar Tilak said Aryans came from Arctic region and as per Swami Shradhnand they were from Tibbet- both these personalites were neither westernised nor non-representative of Indian/Hindu Culture
    (3)The word “varn” in varna system literally means skin colour….eurpoeans being fair coloured and same is general presumptions about brahmin and upper 1-2 castes of North Indian plains. This skin colur/complexion consciousness is so deeply ingrained in cultural psychology that in North Indian states there is general saying that Dark skinned Brahmiin and fair colured shudra are ill-ominous…Even brahmins themselves are seen saying this adage. Ironically India is biggest market of skin colour enhancer creams .
    (4) Importance of cows in Vedic society and literature- best quality cow are till date known being reared in Europe- Jearsey, Holstein Fresian to name a few while the indigenous/aboriginal/tribal Indians were known to be rearing buffaloes and even today in some states,

    • @princekumar-yb4oq
      @princekumar-yb4oq 3 года назад


    • @paulthomas281
      @paulthomas281 3 года назад +1

      The obsession with skin colour in North India comes from the Mughal period and probably stretching back to the Sultanate period too. Skin colour is much less of an issue with Bengal, Gujarat, and Maharashtra, yet they are all Vedic-based cultures as well. There is no Indian literature whatsoever before the Muslim period that talks of different skin complexions among Indians and the qualities attached thereto. Skin complexion as a topic starts appearing in Indian records in the Middle Ages and post-Middle Ages. North India although vastly majority-Hindu is so Mughal/Muslim in its mentality, it's sick really. That's why North India is often viewed as less Bharatiya and Sanskritic and Indic than the rest of India.

  • @naujadiena
    @naujadiena 3 года назад +4

    4:30 "Perkūnas" is lithuanian word, its slavic variant is "Perun"
    6:20 "getae" (or "gudai" in lithuanian) is one of ancient names of lithuanian nation (actualy a part of nation that lived some specific life style).
    Eastern Europe, in ancient times, was abundantly inhabited (as evidenced by ancient sources).
    The Vedas culture were brought to India by the army of Alexander the Great. Sanskrit originated in India from the languages of the conquering armies (mostly various ancient Lithuanian dialects, also in addition ancient Greek, Scots, and others, perhaps), also Sanskrit was influenced by the pronunciation and vocabulary of other languages of ancient India.
    The main names of Hindu gods-concepts can be found and understood! in Lithuanian, (words written more less in modern Lithuanian orthography):
    Vedic culture in Europe was destroyed by Christians.

    • @sridharyamijala4739
      @sridharyamijala4739 3 года назад +4

      @Nauja diena Not even the most eurocentric person ever said that Sanskrit came with Alexander or that Sanskrit is influenced by Tamil. Only a nut can say that because it just doesn't fit with all the evidence abundantly available.

  • @ispodistine7032
    @ispodistine7032 Год назад +1

    SERBIAN LANGUAGE IST THE OLDEST. All other are from the Same Root from the Balkan Area. We Serbian are awakeing from hided Truth about our History. We can read ETRUSCAN and UNDERSTAND THIS LANGUAGE. DO YOU KNOW THAT? IT IS NOT A JOKE. But nobody wants to hear about it.

  • @navintiwari112
    @navintiwari112 3 года назад +7

    Old Sanskrit is the mythical PIE language, the Europeans are so desperately trying to discover.

    • @jaganr77
      @jaganr77 2 года назад

      If we approach things scientifically, the Vedic Sanskrit is a myth. PIE came to this land around 1500 BC? or after the IVC. These Baltic languages got mixed with Tamil and created Pali, Magathi etc., which was spoken during the great saint Buddha and then Emperor Ashoka. We have an inscription proof of Tamil from 400 BC with unique Tamil alphabets and phonetic like ‘Nedunchezhiyan’ but even today these word can not be pronounced correctly in Sanskrit or English ( not an issue as uniqueness of language)and Ashoka’s inscriptions borrowed 75% of the scripts from the old Tamil in order to adopt by then-new language Pali’s dialects ( Tamil + Lithuanian)

    • @navintiwari112
      @navintiwari112 2 года назад +1

      @@jaganr77 nothing came to this land... Old Sanskrit went Out of India and gave birth to the various European languages... PIE is the Old Sanskrit alone...
      Your whole linguistic theory is based on the Aryan Invasion/Migration/Tourism theory which has been proved absurd sufficiently for now, and will be put to death in a few years with genetic studies..

    • @jaganr77
      @jaganr77 2 года назад

      @@navintiwari112 Rakhigarhi Results announced in September 2018, and a paper published in Cell Magazine in 2019, show that the DNA did not include any traces of steppe ancestry, in line with the Aryan migration theory, which says that Indo-Aryans migrated to India from the steppes after the Harappan civilization had started to disintegrate.[50][51][52][53][54][55][56] The DNA of a male skeleton (classified as 'I4411') shows affinity with present-day South Indian tribal populations,[57] most notably the Irula people.[58] A total of 61 skeletons were found till 2016.

    • @navintiwari112
      @navintiwari112 2 года назад +1

      @@jaganr77 bhai sahab the Rakhigarhi dna was of a woman, not a man.. so wherever you copied that from is factually wrong and malacious in intent

    • @navintiwari112
      @navintiwari112 2 года назад +1

      @@jaganr77 go listen Dr. Niraj Rai, the lead author of the Cell paper you quoted, on The Charvaka Podcast 🙏

  • @masterclass299
    @masterclass299 4 года назад +3

    The indo European connection is true but the direction travel is the other way around with home in India. White skin of Europeans is a result of genetic mutation due to mixing with cavemen populations descended from neolithic Europeans. The Europeans are a mix of three ancient populations. We hindus are the real owners of R1a1 gene. People don't understand this thing and the west will never accept this fact because it will shake their false propaganda of aryan invasion or migration whatever they call. I've seen many westerners dying to be part of the hindu culture only to learn that they want to be called as inheritors of vedic civilization which isn't true. So the the battle with the west is on this topic. Indian Culture Ministry and ASI have failed in searching for this topic. Many westerners come to india and collect artifacts and study our culture deeply we Indians never go to Europe to search for different topics related to this research.

    • @bojanstare8667
      @bojanstare8667 3 года назад

      You are wrong and right. Wrong because of primar home of somnething. Most develop and progres was caused by mixing ideas and cultures (causes Brainstorming). Every closed culture is doomed in future. If nation is bigger, it takes more time. The ending is in any case the same. Death!

  • @LizbethLeeds
    @LizbethLeeds 3 года назад +1

    We could start from proper pronoun of most popular names and words, why everyone read Shiva when it is soft si si-wa probably a woman as words ending with a are feminine, Siwa - grey! simple this had to be very bright blonde hair person - if a man it had to be great head (head in slavic feminine).

    • @VendPrekmurec
      @VendPrekmurec 3 года назад

      Shiva simply means "Šivati" or to "Sew". The word is how ever also connected with "life" or creation (not only destruction) as slovenian ŽIVA, ŽIVLJENJE, in sanskrit as JIVA (J = Ž;. where "zh" or Ž is spoken as dr Zhivago). Brahma simply meant "Opening" or "Gap", which is related with old Ukrainian word "BRAMA" or "BRAME". VISHNU simply means "VSEVIŠJI" or "VIŠJI" (the highest one). Blonde has 0 to do with it. All these terms are simply a representation of the Cyclic Universe called Brahma, which was created by Vishnu and will be destroyed by Shiva... Shiva is simply slavic god Svetovid. And Svetovid or Shiva is also a life giver, from his "forehead (=ČELO)" fell to Earth his sweat and this sweat and became alive as the first Človek or Human... Človek or CHELOVEK derives from the term ČELO or "Forehead "(as a symbol of intellect and god Shiva or Svetovid or Mars) and Vek or Vijek or (V)Yek or "YUGA" as ERA; so literally "FOREHEAD ERA" = Slavic or Slovene "HuMAN" (=Manu in Sanskrit; but term "MAN" is related also with old Ukrainian term "Manu" as "Face "(lice)...

  • @kumarsmarimuthu9704
    @kumarsmarimuthu9704 3 года назад +1

    Lies won't last forever! Vedic language wasn't Sanskrit! Sanskrit emerged in the 4th century AD era based on a Prakrit language, most probably the Pali language!
    The Veda never mentioned about the Sanskrit language! It mentioned about the Chandas language. Panini made grammar for the Chandas language!

    • @SJking-gk4go
      @SJking-gk4go 11 месяцев назад

      Everything was from dravidians, who were the naga tribes. Buddism was already being practiced when the aryans invaded. Also the lies are coming out exactly who is budda and shiva god.

  • @raghunandan9290
    @raghunandan9290 2 года назад +1

    So Latin language is more closer to Sanskrit than European languages. 👍😁😁

    • @Lechoslaw8546
      @Lechoslaw8546 2 года назад +1

      No, Slavic languages are closer to Sanskrit, as Slavic is older than Latin, ProtoSlavic is older than Sanskrit, although we do not have written scripts in it.

    • @nomedan
      @nomedan Год назад

      ​@@Lechoslaw8546 jūs neteisus. Lietuvių kalba šiuo metu pati archaiškiausia ir artimiausia sanskritui.
      Kas tvam asi? Asmi svapnas tava tamase nakte. Agniṃ dadau te śradi tada viśpatir devas tvam asi.
      Lietuvių kalba:
      Kas tu esi? Esmi sapnas tavo tamsioje naktyje. Ugnį daviau tau širdy, tada viešpatis dievas tu esi.

  • @jozebutinar44
    @jozebutinar44 4 года назад +7

    Slovenian language is older then sanskirt sanskirt come out frome sloven language

    • @nickpop23
      @nickpop23 4 года назад +5

      True. but indian vedic religion people are trying to hide the aryan migration theory

    • @souvikgoswami5870
      @souvikgoswami5870 4 года назад +2

      @@nickpop23 modern Indian people think that Indo-European are from India not from Yamnaya and if I argue with them they will called me britishize bramhan or anti-national.

    • @nickpop23
      @nickpop23 4 года назад

      Souvik Goswami History doesnt work on emotions, it works on evidence! sadly, we are very emotional people with personal agendas

    • @varunkharayat4251
      @varunkharayat4251 4 года назад

      @@nickpop23 your aryan migration theory is fake

    • @nickpop23
      @nickpop23 4 года назад

      Varun Kharayat Are you Bramhin?

  • @alberttanner408
    @alberttanner408 3 года назад +2

    Indo European is a fabrication
    It’s Indian in origin
    Sanskrit is a religious language

  • @vickramrajmalhotra9479
    @vickramrajmalhotra9479 Год назад

    Please - it’s not just North Indian languages - South Indian languages are CLOSER to Sanskrit than North Indian. Please study the languages before you give such authoritative interviews.

  • @bobbybrooks4826
    @bobbybrooks4826 3 года назад

    This GUY is flat doing what Hes accused The european scholars of havng done.

  • @ArunKumar-yb2jn
    @ArunKumar-yb2jn 3 года назад

    Funny background noises.

  • @benilsingh5294
    @benilsingh5294 3 года назад +1

    Sanskrit basically consists of 40% Greek words + 40% Tamil words + 10% loan words from other languages + 10% newly coined words.

  • @indrason6974
    @indrason6974 5 лет назад +6

    I have a theory I was reading about Indra in the Vedas and one thing that caught my eye was his appearance it looks just like the priest king of mohenjo I have not gone to much into it but thought that people don't see the similarity because Indra is portrait as a young boy instead of a middle aged man like zeus they also have the same appearance

    • @ramkrishnadas4230
      @ramkrishnadas4230 5 лет назад +2

      There is a bust of some bearded priest which looks remarkably similar to Modi.

    • @indrason6974
      @indrason6974 5 лет назад +2

      @@ramkrishnadas4230 it could be the yajmana someone who organises a yagna like king or something

    • @ramkrishnadas4230
      @ramkrishnadas4230 5 лет назад

      @Suresh Ganapathy Modi being a "backward caste" is indigenous, non Aryan Lemur, and therefore inhabitant of Indus valley even according to the propaganda of colonial masters of Lemurs.

    • @indrason6974
      @indrason6974 5 лет назад +2

      @Suresh Ganapathy he is just pointing out the similarity in a funny way

    • @pvj8578
      @pvj8578 5 лет назад +1

      @@ramkrishnadas4230 😂