Only thing bad about the new engine sounds is that you really cant tell if an enemy jet is around you, makes you rely on the shitty spotting system even more than before. Can't count how many times I've just been head on'd in ground RB without even hearing the jet until I'm already on fire
I mean... It's just an F-4B with a different radar and slight engine upgrade, otherwise it is identical to the F-4B, which for all intents and purposes is almost the same as the F-4C. The F-4EJ we have in game is a 1980s/1970s mix, which is why it has a HUD.
In addition its also supposed to have a data link a better internal jammer and also its the first aircraft to introduce and use the an/avg-8 VTAS(Visual Target Aquisition System) Helmet mounted sight with the SEAM(Sidewinder Expanded Aquisition Mode) on the aim-9g making it the first operational High Off boresight missile meaning you can lock on an aircraft just by looking at him.
Its basically near impossible to dodge a radar guided missile unless you have chaff or you make the enemy plane lose the radar lock. No amount of maneuvering will stop them
@@CecilioSprayetti somewhy flares work better as chaff than chaff do. My radar keeps locking into flares but not chaff, same effect can be noticed when I use flares over chaff.
There was a 20mm gunpod tested by the US Navy which had the Mk. 12 cannon as the base, but the Navy ultimately decided against it. It was 600gal less fuel that could be carried, the gun itself was questionably reliable, more drag, and if I recall it wasn't tough enough to withstand long term carrier operations. The Navy just didn't use gunpods throughout the war as a result (the USMC is a different story). Instead they did what I feel is the far smarter route and just trained their crews better; not just pilots but ground crews too (Ault report and all that jazz). There was also some obscure school called higher cannon or something, I dunno, there was a b-movie about it in the 80's, seemed kinda neat. ;)
@FreeBirb not to my knowledge. I've never once seen a period photo of a US Navy F-4 carrying a gunpod on missions or otherwise. Putting a gun on the Phantom was not a universal opinion. Obviously there's the people saying it wasn't made with one ergo didn't need one. However other people were of the opinion that if you got into a situation that needed a gun, you screwed up. Similar argument was adding a gun would tempt pilots to try to fight in ways the F-4 wasn't technically supposed to, especially given its opponents in Vietnam.
@FreeBirb Lots did, some didn't. I was just pointing out stuff I've learned about the Phantoms in Vietnam. Certainly post Top Gun school Navy crews that got that training would have learned to fly within the envelope that the F-4 truly excelled at and avoid devolving into fights that played to the strengths of the MiGs. You could argue getting close enough to wish for a cannon wasn't in the F-4's ideal envelope in dogfighting, even when the USAF had the SUU-23 or the F-4E. I won't deny gun-equipped Phantoms did quite well during the war because they did; the supersonic gun kill was a USAF F-4E, after all.
Things WT urgently needs now - Jammer pods, SEAD missions, drop tanks, mid air refueling, alignment of ground vehicle and air vehicle tech trees. Seeing F-105s have to dodge ADATS is just silly.
The "dogfight" in the name of the AIM-7E2 doesn't mean it's a dogfight missile like a sidewinder but rather that's it use the dogfight mod of that sparrow wich mean faster/better tracking off the rail and lower minimum engagement distance
You give the best reviews. You not only speak the best but you really seem to understand the game while maintaining a rational mindset which I feel many others lack.
Still gotta grind the F8E first but regardless I'm going to get it because once the F-14 arrives it'll be in the Naval line, already have the EJ Kai so PD isn't so much a concern but still appreciated
God, the F8E repair costs are ridiculous, 12k at stock lmao. I am trying to grind its modules as an added bonus if ever for the F4J, but it drains my SL
@@thebeastlord1626 well yeah it was literally designed for the Navy, funnily enough so was the Phantom no idea why it got it this late tho, don’t worry fam there is still time to make decent progress
@@truisticprince that’s what I prefer, but I’m starting to like the 3x3000lbs because you’re faster with them. If there wasn’t so many people spamming the F105 and more based I wouldn’t worry about being slower.
Another great review, and really pleased you mentioned the new maps. As someone that has really enjoyed RB Enduring Confrontation the handful of times it's been available, the new big EC style maps feel like a much better fit for jet combat. Interested to see what your thoughts are.
That is how the U.S. president was able to convince the Prime Minister of Canada that the Avro Aero was not needed because everything would be missels. The Avro Aero was the most advanced plane in the world. As a Canadian, and many Canadians in fact, are still very angry over that.
@@ISAFSoldier when it comes to aircraft like the mig-21pf wouldn't that be shooting yourself in the foot especially considering it did not carry a gun and as I said aircraft that had guns tended to get more kills with their missiles
@@spartanx9293 Never said it was a good idea, but neither was it a bad idea. This was taken from the accounts of USMC and AF Pilots wanting guns and why Top Gun, or Navy Fighter Weapons School, was created and dedicated BFM classes were reintoduced in the USAF to teach the air crews how to deal with smaller more maneuverable fighters with whatever weapons they have. Though the broader missile to gun kill stats are true, you break it down and do further digging, missile hit percentages were abysmal. IIRC, the AIM-7Fs and earlier had hit rates of around 10-13% or so, meaning more then 10 missiles were needed to be launched to score one kill, that would mean a 3 Phantoms statistically needed to expend all 4 of its sparrows to down one MiG and even then, theres still a chance to miss. The sidewinders did slightly better, however at 18%, that isn't that much better. In retrospect, If anything the gun was to give the aircrews peace of mind when their missiles failed them, but seeing there WERE gun kills scored, it wasn't at all far fetched to think that there were some who wanted to rely on a high volume of old fashioned high speed metal to kill their target instead of relying missile systems that were still teething. To add the guns arguments, since then, every late Cold War fighter in production that has a role where they could engage hostile fighters had a gun installed. Fighters like the F-14, F-15, F-16, and F/A-18 all have guns.
@@ISAFSoldier each and every fighter you just listed hasn't killed a hostile jet with its gun the last jet on jet gun kill was performed by a mirage those guns exist primarily for purpose of ground support an f-15 f16 or f/a 18 is going to rely on its missiles above all especially with missiles like the aim 9x
@@spartanx9293 I never said it wasn't a secondary. I said its was a backup when the missile failed. Even in recent memory, an F/A-18E over Syria engaged a Su-22 IIRC, had its 9X get spoofed by flares on the first shot by the Sukoi, he shot an AMRAAM afterwards which did connect, but if that missed, he'd have little options besides run if he didnt have gun.
I think it would be nice to be able to mix and match missile loads, taking two AIM-7Fs and two AIM-7E2s. I don't have thr F-4J, but fighting against them in my FG.1 I'd honestly say that the 7F is useless at close range. Incredibly easy to dodge at low altitudes. In a missile joust I can see a F-4J lock me up and launch at say 4-6km in the head on, then turn into him and launch my own weapon at 2.5km before breaking to dodge or notch while not loosing my own radar lock on him, his missile will miss, mine won't. If the F-4J could take some E2s as well, they'd stand a chance at close range. Also considering thr extra power of the British phantoms, without the agile eagle kit the F-4J will even loose most dogfights to the British phantoms as well. Without having flown it it honestly seems kinda disappointing. You can fly it with E2s and 9Gs but then you just are a FG.1 with less power.
I’m not entirely convinced the e2 would have been any better in that given scenario. As I’ve seen my 7fs track directly off the rails and they have better base tracking capabilities than the e2, only think is speed, which would have made the e2 even worse at tracking.
@@Huski3s I think what I said was true on release but not anymore. 7F is just kinda better now. Maybe slightly less likely to hit at point blank but way better every other time.
I don’t find the 7f to be all that good since it’s a missile you can easily counter because of its speed. You can also just see where it is easily because if the second stage. Just my experience fighting them thougj
I would just like to say the navy never used gun pods on their jets, being that they had to take off from carriers quite some distance from the coast the loss of drop tank was an unacceptable tradeoff. Plus there were serious doubts about the reliability of the pods as well. Yet by the end of the war the navy phantoms had a 12:1 K/L ratio despite never having guns. There's a few books on this topic but it boils down to truly horrendously poor training especially on the air force side. And the same lack of training for the people who took care of the missiles as well. So while I agree having no gun was probably somewhat optimistic for the time it was really shown that missiles were going to completely push out guns and the turn and burn dogfights, at least in any conflict with even moderate numbers of jets involved.
you should bind a button to switch your radar to "within visible range" if you have some problems locking onto enemies, or mark radar target if it keeps locking onto the wrong enemy. with that you are able to select the next plane which will be locked on before you press lock
Then lack of an internal gun wasn't flawed. The USAF installed one on the F4 and increased their KD ratio on the phantom slightly. The US Navy introduced Top Gun and vastly better missile maintenence and increased their KD ratio by multiples over the USAF. The common idealogy that the gun was required came from pilots asking for it, and not combat performance metrics measured from Vietnam. Like any trend with aviation development, the news of many pilots asking for internal guns led to the idea that the plane performed worse without. Today, like any rumor, the F4 sin gun being a bad idea has spread quite naturally.
Could you do a video on defensive maneuvers in jets? I usually don't have trouble with missiles but if I get a Mig-23 on my tail while in my F-4E, I'm doomed.
If a 23 can get on your tail, you made the mistake a couple of minutes ago when you dumped too much energy. The F-4s should all be used as high speed, almost boom-n-zoom fighters, using speed to avoid unfavourable engagements with lighter planes, and to open the distance so you can turn around and use your missiles.
Any chance you’re able to do a short video of pros and cons of the come radar and the square radar? I like that the cone can give you an idea of the range for the missiles but lack top to down scans in which helps me find enemy players far out at high/low alt. Also, I think a cool video of what’s next to come would be sick! Like why a MiG-25 or F-14A would work or wouldn’t work and why. Think it’s cool to talk about in the close future what we may see for top tier (:
I have a review of the 3 up already, the 5 is on the list for the next week or so. The TLDR though - the mirage 3 is the air superiority fighter, the mirage 5 is the ground pounder.
Mirage 5 is a mirage 3 with no radar therefore no R530 SARH missiles. Better CAS options. Mirage 3 is much better for air2air, mirage 5 is much better for CAS
Had here I am, can’t even buy it since after the corsairs, I didn’t buy any other naval aircraft. So now I have about 3mil SL to spend before I can even buy the F4J.
Wow! How long this thing lasted in the top dog spot lmao... Barely got a week before F-14 and MiG-29 and Yak-141 and ALL the F-16 Oh yeah and all the Tornados and Harrier.
I feel like this is just a sidegrade of the F4E, and instead the F4S should've been added to the game. But I also feel lile Gaijin knows we are reaching the end of WarThunder so they gonna delay the real top tier jets as much as they can.
@@invertedv12powerhouse77 Years of aircraft don’t matter when it comes to this game. The f4S should have a high chance to come this game ether way. Time will tell
Firing two Sparrows at the same target causes the first fired missile to go stupid, since the Phantom's PD radar can't guide more than one missile at a time.
"there are dedicated ground attack planes that are much more suited than this is" The F4 is famed for its massive wing loading capacity. I take my F4C out exclusively as a ground pounder to knock out bases and then go for ground targets; missiles being there for self defense or targets of opportunity. But there's no reason why you couldn't use the F4J the same way. Frankly, its more chill and earns better lions/rp most of the time. Also, this thing you do where you drop bombs on howitzers and other light targets is absolutely absurd. No kidding you're not getting a whole lot out of your bomb loads. Bombs are for bases. The cannon even with air target belts can shred through tanks and pillboxes, so its a complete waste to use bombs on any ground targets at all.
Supposedly the USAF did offer the SUU-16 or SUU-23 to the Navy, but they declined. The navy decided to just "get good" with their crews than keep adding fancy toys to a plane that questionably needed one.
well theres still the f4S possibly, when that gets added there really is nothing left to add(in terms of top of the line fighter progress) other than the 4th gens , so at this point its either the f4s next or its gonna be the f14a, f15a or the f16a
@@rikiluis222 i agree, it actually woudnt be that bad if it came with the just aim 9j loadout shit even if they have it be the one that can carry sparrows (still 'A" variant, not sure what block) which could have 4 aim9js and 2 aim7Fs or 4 Aim7F and 2 aim 9js.
I finally unlocked this plane and.. honestly I cant seem to get the PD radar to even get a lock, but with the regular mode it gets a lock no problem. What am I missing here? This is my first PD jet.
i unlocked it today and love it. the missiles are great. the only issue i have is that i find the pd radar has a hard time locking enemies and always seems to lock friendlys
@@xcc9162 ive been using the small sweep for the radar. i find that works the best. then just point and shoot. also if their going perpendicular to you, you wont be able to see them at all. its a trick you can use called notching
@@xcc9162 yea I just played a game. I’ve also been using the e2 sparrow over the fs and I find their better. Kinda wish I could take 2 and 2 but whatever. I finished that game with 3 sparrow kills.
honestly when i unlocked the f4e i felt sort of strange since it didnt look like an f4 that i seen in documentaries, but the f4j however dam it looks fine
@@DeadSkyWT I honestly still do well in the F4E once I started figuring the meta a bit when PD was added. Up high at 8km the ground interference is far enough to test sparrows at targets below me to a certain angle
A point and a question based on ASB. In ASB it takes while to find enemy or enemy NPCs so i like yo have bombs and missiles to get more points. I generally slap anything on the way to a base, drop my bombs and then expend my missiles on the way back to my base to rearm. This is an amazing multirole option for ASB because there isnt a whole lot os dog fighting because it is much harder to get guns on target. Secondly, i have a question about something that was not covered in this video or your CCRP vid. The F4x HUD from what i can see will only show your vertical axis guidance on the gun sight but it wont guide you when it comes to the horizontal axis. Is this correct? No horizontal axis guidance on the F4J for CCRP bombing HUD on ASB?
Now, I do find myself in a few positions where I do need the gun, but I also enjoy having the extra flight performance. As long as you mind your spacing and have good situational awareness, you can run missiles only. Not absolutely recommended, though
I run missiles only religiously. Without the gunpod you can outrun MiG-23s at low altitude and the missiles have more than enough performance to net you 2-3 kills without issue. I've had a few situations where having a gun would've been nice, but I've never died or lost a match because of not carrying it.
hi tim i have been watching your videos for a while and quite like them but there is one serious thing i think is missing from the your top tier reviews. it is end game gamplay. what im talking about in this example is with the f-4j the aim-7f and aim-9g are both very good at the start of the match going around picking people off and you can use you turn rate to get gun kills on slower targets and you discusssed this in the review perfectly well. but one serious thing i think you missed out on in this and the kfir review in end game performance. the fact of the matter is that in war thunder your team will often be quite inferior to the enemy team (this is lessend by people spamming the f-4e to grind the f-4j currently but will return to normal soon). so you will often find yourself in 1 or 2 v 3 + enemies and often having to go back and re arm if you survive long enough. in this situation the performance of the aircraft massively changes focus where the turn rate of a plane like the f4j goes from useable to utterly worthless and something like the kfir (provided you can spot enemies before hand and not get sniped) becomes incredible. for example a plane like the kfir or mig 23mld can simply sit behind a phantom, outrun it, force it to start turning with missiles and or cannon rounds, and start going much slower than it (denying any chance of reversal) and taking easy gun shots as the phantom gets slower and slower and less and less good at turning basically making the plane useless. overall, i think you should try to seek more of this gameplay even if it is harder to find (also ticket bleed will fuck you in many scenarios) as it is something new players will need to become experienced in if they want to truly do well and have fun at top tier jets. also having the ability to secure close games will net a great increase in grinding even if in many situations games simply cannot be won because there are too many enemies left.
Just to warn people This plane has a horrific stock grind You start with 2 aim9Ds and must grind 4Ds and Aim9Gs before you even get radar missiles And the gun sprays like a shotgun
The 100, 105, and 101 were made with an older AF Paradigm. The F8 was nicknamed the "Last gunfighter" for a reason. And the F-5 was a reaction to the F-4's design Doctrine, seeing what the older MiG can still do.
@@ISAFSoldier the f8 was not the last gunfighter it's primary weapon was its aim 9 sidewinders (and it most certainly was not the last fighter with a gun)including a special radar guided variant it killed very few aircraft with its guns and the F5 was designed as a cheap export fighter it just happened to be really really good to the point where it out competed the mig 21
@@spartanx9293 The nickname came from that its design parameters as they wanted it to have its 4 colt revolver cannons as its PRIMARY weapon, considerations for adding sidewinders and radar came later. The F-5A only happened to do better, true. However, the F-5E was made specifically as a low cost fighter able to compete against the MiG-21 and they KEPT the guns from lessons learned from Vietnam going without guns.
@@ISAFSoldier the Colt Mark 12 is gas-operated not revolving you're confusing it for the 30 mm aden and as I said before the f8 never used those as its primary weapon it always used sidewinders and if Vietnam has shown anything it's that guns are a secondary weapon mostly existing for ground support purposes and that missiles perform better If you don't believe me check the performance of the f4j compared to the f4e
No, the F-4E has a longer nose and smaller radar to fit the M61A1 Vulcan Gatling gun. F-4 aka F-110 Spectre was designed with the nose you see on the F-4B, F-4C and F-4J.
Great review, Tim. Loving the Juliet. Find that I prefer getting close with the E-2 Sparrows; I'm too impatient for the Fs. PD radar is very good, especially in ACM mode. Sporty bird, having lots of success.
Pulse Doppler, maybe, I’ve seen conflicting report whether the an/apq-120 did work on the Doppler principle, but it definitely didn’t get look down shoot down capabilities. And considering that is the only upside after a list of downsides of pulse Doppler, there would be no reason to add it to the F-4E as it would just be worse than the default radar set.
I used aim 9Ds to unlock up to the aim7E2s. Why would you even bother with bombs? i got all the missiles (other than aim7Fs, I prefer aim7E2s anyway) in 3 hours without wasting my time on bombing at all.
LOVE the new jet engine passing sounds. I feel like I’ve been sent back to 2013 to watch Dogfights on the History Channel
They sound amazing in-game, but really screw with audio levels trying to make video reviews hehe ;-)
Only thing bad about the new engine sounds is that you really cant tell if an enemy jet is around you, makes you rely on the shitty spotting system even more than before. Can't count how many times I've just been head on'd in ground RB without even hearing the jet until I'm already on fire
I kind of miss the sonic boom spam in tank battles
Bruh exactly what I said to my mate
Dogfights was still running in 2013?
I remember watching it in early 2000's lol
I actually expected the F4J to have a fully functioning HUD.
I mean... It's just an F-4B with a different radar and slight engine upgrade, otherwise it is identical to the F-4B, which for all intents and purposes is almost the same as the F-4C. The F-4EJ we have in game is a 1980s/1970s mix, which is why it has a HUD.
@@samuellatta6774 the F-4E only has the aiming circle and that’s it
@@samuellatta6774 F-4EJ has a hud because it was quite modernized by the japanese
@@merlin6819 yes I know
In addition its also supposed to have a data link a better internal jammer and also its the first aircraft to introduce and use the an/avg-8 VTAS(Visual Target Aquisition System) Helmet mounted sight with the SEAM(Sidewinder Expanded Aquisition Mode) on the aim-9g making it the first operational High Off boresight missile meaning you can lock on an aircraft just by looking at him.
1:00 that missile sure tracked for a while! watching the MiG defend only for the Sparrow to continue tracking was something else lol
Its basically near impossible to dodge a radar guided missile unless you have chaff or you make the enemy plane lose the radar lock. No amount of maneuvering will stop them
@@CecilioSprayetti somewhy flares work better as chaff than chaff do. My radar keeps locking into flares but not chaff, same effect can be noticed when I use flares over chaff.
@@fennoman9241 that isn't flares that is chaff.
@@samuellatta6774 lol, did you even read what i said?
that thing swang
There was a 20mm gunpod tested by the US Navy which had the Mk. 12 cannon as the base, but the Navy ultimately decided against it. It was 600gal less fuel that could be carried, the gun itself was questionably reliable, more drag, and if I recall it wasn't tough enough to withstand long term carrier operations. The Navy just didn't use gunpods throughout the war as a result (the USMC is a different story). Instead they did what I feel is the far smarter route and just trained their crews better; not just pilots but ground crews too (Ault report and all that jazz). There was also some obscure school called higher cannon or something, I dunno, there was a b-movie about it in the 80's, seemed kinda neat. ;)
@FreeBirb not to my knowledge. I've never once seen a period photo of a US Navy F-4 carrying a gunpod on missions or otherwise.
Putting a gun on the Phantom was not a universal opinion. Obviously there's the people saying it wasn't made with one ergo didn't need one. However other people were of the opinion that if you got into a situation that needed a gun, you screwed up. Similar argument was adding a gun would tempt pilots to try to fight in ways the F-4 wasn't technically supposed to, especially given its opponents in Vietnam.
@FreeBirb nope the f4 in navel service served as an interceptor and most american jet interceptors did not carry guns they were a waste of space
higher scoreboard firearm
@FreeBirb Lots did, some didn't. I was just pointing out stuff I've learned about the Phantoms in Vietnam.
Certainly post Top Gun school Navy crews that got that training would have learned to fly within the envelope that the F-4 truly excelled at and avoid devolving into fights that played to the strengths of the MiGs. You could argue getting close enough to wish for a cannon wasn't in the F-4's ideal envelope in dogfighting, even when the USAF had the SUU-23 or the F-4E. I won't deny gun-equipped Phantoms did quite well during the war because they did; the supersonic gun kill was a USAF F-4E, after all.
@FreeBirb If the Navy wanted a dogfight, they had late-model Crusaders. Much more capable than the C and E we have ingame.
Things WT urgently needs now - Jammer pods, SEAD missions, drop tanks, mid air refueling, alignment of ground vehicle and air vehicle tech trees. Seeing F-105s have to dodge ADATS is just silly.
The "dogfight" in the name of the AIM-7E2 doesn't mean it's a dogfight missile like a sidewinder but rather that's it use the dogfight mod of that sparrow wich mean faster/better tracking off the rail and lower minimum engagement distance
And why did they install the mod? To be a better dogfight missile
@@samuellatta6774 yes and ?
@@aureliencostabeber8532 are you slow?
@@SnazzieTV never in jet or you die 🙂
Honestly loving the new maps for top tier jets. Being able to use my long range sparrows in actual BVR situations is amazing
You give the best reviews. You not only speak the best but you really seem to understand the game while maintaining a rational mindset which I feel many others lack.
Good vid (as always) that describes both its IRL life and in game life, keep it up!
"yeet missiles" don't know why but that's cracked me up
“Missile Truck”
That explains the lack of built-in guns in the first models of this plane. Thank you for the info, Tims
Love the blue angels paint scheme
I really loved the video, makes me want to stop being a Soviet main and grind for this thing. Keep up the great work
your Video was a breath of fresh air, so happy i happened upon this channel.
Still gotta grind the F8E first but regardless I'm going to get it because once the F-14 arrives it'll be in the Naval line, already have the EJ Kai so PD isn't so much a concern but still appreciated
F14 is gonna be naval line, oh dear I have been going down the wrong paths lol
God, the F8E repair costs are ridiculous, 12k at stock lmao. I am trying to grind its modules as an added bonus if ever for the F4J, but it drains my SL
@@thebeastlord1626 well yeah it was literally designed for the Navy, funnily enough so was the Phantom no idea why it got it this late tho, don’t worry fam there is still time to make decent progress
@@thebeastlord1626 oh dear did you expect an exclusively naval, fleet defence interceptor to be in one of the airforce lines?
@@samuellatta6774 not at all, when the the f4c came out I was too focused on that rather than the possibility of an f14 in the next couple years
thank you for showing the camos of this. the VX-4 and USS Midway camo will be my picks
Me: *Gets F-4E spaded* YES!....Finally starts working on F-5E*
Also me: *Sees that the F-4J is in the middle tree* ... NOOOO!
these reviews are awesome! love the language and speaking technique you carefully used to communicate.
Have you messed with the F105 yet? If so do you prefer the 16x750lbs load out or the 3x3000lbs load out?
Patience, patience!!! I can only get about one review out per day :-)
@@TimsVariety oh yea no rush! Was just curious. I found you on RUclips and have enjoyed each of your plane review videos!
16 750, 2 bases 1 pass loadout
@@truisticprince that’s what I prefer, but I’m starting to like the 3x3000lbs because you’re faster with them. If there wasn’t so many people spamming the F105 and more based I wouldn’t worry about being slower.
Another great review, and really pleased you mentioned the new maps. As someone that has really enjoyed RB Enduring Confrontation the handful of times it's been available, the new big EC style maps feel like a much better fit for jet combat. Interested to see what your thoughts are.
That is how the U.S. president was able to convince the Prime Minister of Canada that the Avro Aero was not needed because everything would be missels. The Avro Aero was the most advanced plane in the world. As a Canadian, and many Canadians in fact, are still very angry over that.
I'd really love to see the AA in warthunder at some point. Such an amazing piece of kit, needlessly abandoned at the 11th hour.
10:24 in sim there are sometimes carriers, and although they constantly move in some kind of curve, it can be faster to land on those
I love the blue angels skin
1:35 guns were responsible for less than a tenth of kills during the vietnam war the rest were done by missiles
Not wrong, but Phantom pilots complained about not having a gun when MiGs flew above tree top level to spoof early IR seekers and radar guidance.
@@ISAFSoldier when it comes to aircraft like the mig-21pf wouldn't that be shooting yourself in the foot especially considering it did not carry a gun and as I said aircraft that had guns tended to get more kills with their missiles
@@spartanx9293 Never said it was a good idea, but neither was it a bad idea. This was taken from the accounts of USMC and AF Pilots wanting guns and why Top Gun, or Navy Fighter Weapons School, was created and dedicated BFM classes were reintoduced in the USAF to teach the air crews how to deal with smaller more maneuverable fighters with whatever weapons they have. Though the broader missile to gun kill stats are true, you break it down and do further digging, missile hit percentages were abysmal. IIRC, the AIM-7Fs and earlier had hit rates of around 10-13% or so, meaning more then 10 missiles were needed to be launched to score one kill, that would mean a 3 Phantoms statistically needed to expend all 4 of its sparrows to down one MiG and even then, theres still a chance to miss. The sidewinders did slightly better, however at 18%, that isn't that much better. In retrospect, If anything the gun was to give the aircrews peace of mind when their missiles failed them, but seeing there WERE gun kills scored, it wasn't at all far fetched to think that there were some who wanted to rely on a high volume of old fashioned high speed metal to kill their target instead of relying missile systems that were still teething.
To add the guns arguments, since then, every late Cold War fighter in production that has a role where they could engage hostile fighters had a gun installed. Fighters like the F-14, F-15, F-16, and F/A-18 all have guns.
@@ISAFSoldier each and every fighter you just listed hasn't killed a hostile jet with its gun the last jet on jet gun kill was performed by a mirage those guns exist primarily for purpose of ground support an f-15 f16 or f/a 18 is going to rely on its missiles above all especially with missiles like the aim 9x
@@spartanx9293 I never said it wasn't a secondary. I said its was a backup when the missile failed. Even in recent memory, an F/A-18E over Syria engaged a Su-22 IIRC, had its 9X get spoofed by flares on the first shot by the Sukoi, he shot an AMRAAM afterwards which did connect, but if that missed, he'd have little options besides run if he didnt have gun.
really like the larger maps makes it feel less rushed as if you where in a prop game, atleast thats how I see it as, Havent played the update yet :(
I think it would be nice to be able to mix and match missile loads, taking two AIM-7Fs and two AIM-7E2s. I don't have thr F-4J, but fighting against them in my FG.1 I'd honestly say that the 7F is useless at close range. Incredibly easy to dodge at low altitudes. In a missile joust I can see a F-4J lock me up and launch at say 4-6km in the head on, then turn into him and launch my own weapon at 2.5km before breaking to dodge or notch while not loosing my own radar lock on him, his missile will miss, mine won't. If the F-4J could take some E2s as well, they'd stand a chance at close range. Also considering thr extra power of the British phantoms, without the agile eagle kit the F-4J will even loose most dogfights to the British phantoms as well. Without having flown it it honestly seems kinda disappointing. You can fly it with E2s and 9Gs but then you just are a FG.1 with less power.
I’m not entirely convinced the e2 would have been any better in that given scenario. As I’ve seen my 7fs track directly off the rails and they have better base tracking capabilities than the e2, only think is speed, which would have made the e2 even worse at tracking.
Well, you got your wish.
Is this still true? I'm about to get the F-4J and it seems the 7Fs are all anyone talks about these days.
@@Huski3s I think what I said was true on release but not anymore. 7F is just kinda better now. Maybe slightly less likely to hit at point blank but way better every other time.
I don’t find the 7f to be all that good since it’s a missile you can easily counter because of its speed. You can also just see where it is easily because if the second stage. Just my experience fighting them thougj
I would just like to say the navy never used gun pods on their jets, being that they had to take off from carriers quite some distance from the coast the loss of drop tank was an unacceptable tradeoff. Plus there were serious doubts about the reliability of the pods as well. Yet by the end of the war the navy phantoms had a 12:1 K/L ratio despite never having guns. There's a few books on this topic but it boils down to truly horrendously poor training especially on the air force side. And the same lack of training for the people who took care of the missiles as well. So while I agree having no gun was probably somewhat optimistic for the time it was really shown that missiles were going to completely push out guns and the turn and burn dogfights, at least in any conflict with even moderate numbers of jets involved.
2:59 Gaijin is preparing for the introduction of significant jets and interceptors. calling it now.
people have been calling this for years now
1:14 considering dedicated fighters killed more aircraft with missles than guns not really
you should bind a button to switch your radar to "within visible range" if you have some problems locking onto enemies, or mark radar target if it keeps locking onto the wrong enemy. with that you are able to select the next plane which will be locked on before you press lock
thx !!! now i have a better idea of what i need to do
Very nice editing!
Then lack of an internal gun wasn't flawed. The USAF installed one on the F4 and increased their KD ratio on the phantom slightly. The US Navy introduced Top Gun and vastly better missile maintenence and increased their KD ratio by multiples over the USAF.
The common idealogy that the gun was required came from pilots asking for it, and not combat performance metrics measured from Vietnam. Like any trend with aviation development, the news of many pilots asking for internal guns led to the idea that the plane performed worse without.
Today, like any rumor, the F4 sin gun being a bad idea has spread quite naturally.
Could you do a video on defensive maneuvers in jets? I usually don't have trouble with missiles but if I get a Mig-23 on my tail while in my F-4E, I'm doomed.
If a 23 can get on your tail, you made the mistake a couple of minutes ago when you dumped too much energy. The F-4s should all be used as high speed, almost boom-n-zoom fighters, using speed to avoid unfavourable engagements with lighter planes, and to open the distance so you can turn around and use your missiles.
Any chance you’re able to do a short video of pros and cons of the come radar and the square radar? I like that the cone can give you an idea of the range for the missiles but lack top to down scans in which helps me find enemy players far out at high/low alt. Also, I think a cool video of what’s next to come would be sick! Like why a MiG-25 or F-14A would work or wouldn’t work and why. Think it’s cool to talk about in the close future what we may see for top tier (:
God if you can hit these kind of shots now consistently 4th gen aircraft are gonna be hell to fight especially in an up tier
You were right. F-14 rules over us all
Finishing f4e then going straight to this
Can you compare the mirage V to the mirage 3 please. I don’t know which one I should grind first
The mirage 5 IS a mirage 3 just with increased air to ground capability and reduced air to air capability
I have a review of the 3 up already, the 5 is on the list for the next week or so.
The TLDR though - the mirage 3 is the air superiority fighter, the mirage 5 is the ground pounder.
Mirage 5 is a mirage 3 with no radar therefore no R530 SARH missiles. Better CAS options. Mirage 3 is much better for air2air, mirage 5 is much better for CAS
The navy didn't use gunpods for roles other than CAS, they just trained their crews better. Only USMC and USAF used gunpods.
Had here I am, can’t even buy it since after the corsairs, I didn’t buy any other naval aircraft. So now I have about 3mil SL to spend before I can even buy the F4J.
Wow! How long this thing lasted in the top dog spot lmao... Barely got a week before F-14 and MiG-29 and Yak-141 and ALL the F-16
Oh yeah and all the Tornados and Harrier.
I feel like this is just a sidegrade of the F4E, and instead the F4S should've been added to the game. But I also feel lile Gaijin knows we are reaching the end of WarThunder so they gonna delay the real top tier jets as much as they can.
The F-4S would be just a slower more maneuverable F-4J.
I can tell he lives in Florida since he’s flying in the Blues livery and said that it’s required by law (not really)
Did they finally increase the render distance for aircraft beyond 35km?
I can't grasp the gist of the guns in the 4J. But I do pretty well in the crusaders sometimes.
With the loadout system she can carry six Sparrows.
Would you happen to be in Pensacola?
Mig21S is one of the few GE jets. Please make a video about it as there are little ge jets you can buy
I will, but it might not be until after the holidays - ive got a long list ....
Just got to the F8, was hoping for the 4S but I'm super keen to get into some PD BVR
We technically could get the 4S is we base it by the year of that mod, the EJ KAI is basically an 80s jet
@@invertedv12powerhouse77 Years of aircraft don’t matter when it comes to this game. The f4S should have a high chance to come this game ether way. Time will tell
Don't get excited too early ;b
The PD mode is shit and only works, if the enemy flies in your approximate direction.
Firing two Sparrows at the same target causes the first fired missile to go stupid, since the Phantom's PD radar can't guide more than one missile at a time.
Whats your opinion on the new French premium Vautour? Can you say a few words about your experience with it if you have it?
Havent touched it yet - lots of new stuff to get through this patch.
"there are dedicated ground attack planes that are much more suited than this is" The F4 is famed for its massive wing loading capacity. I take my F4C out exclusively as a ground pounder to knock out bases and then go for ground targets; missiles being there for self defense or targets of opportunity. But there's no reason why you couldn't use the F4J the same way. Frankly, its more chill and earns better lions/rp most of the time. Also, this thing you do where you drop bombs on howitzers and other light targets is absolutely absurd. No kidding you're not getting a whole lot out of your bomb loads. Bombs are for bases. The cannon even with air target belts can shred through tanks and pillboxes, so its a complete waste to use bombs on any ground targets at all.
so cool.
What do you think about this Phantom not having the Vulcan as an option? Sure, this one is still great, but I have been missing the Vulcan.
Supposedly the USAF did offer the SUU-16 or SUU-23 to the Navy, but they declined. The navy decided to just "get good" with their crews than keep adding fancy toys to a plane that questionably needed one.
holy crap spain is huge. did they allow sim maps into RB?
Several, yes.
well with this aircraft coming into the game it is confirmed we might be seeing gen 4 aircraft soon
well theres still the f4S possibly, when that gets added there really is nothing left to add(in terms of top of the line fighter progress) other than the 4th gens , so at this point its either the f4s next or its gonna be the f14a, f15a or the f16a
@@shinobu2394 early f16 is the best option
@@rikiluis222 i agree, it actually woudnt be that bad if it came with the just aim 9j loadout shit even if they have it be the one that can carry sparrows (still 'A" variant, not sure what block) which could have 4 aim9js and 2 aim7Fs or 4 Aim7F and 2 aim 9js.
I finally unlocked this plane and.. honestly I cant seem to get the PD radar to even get a lock, but with the regular mode it gets a lock no problem. What am I missing here? This is my first PD jet.
i unlocked it today and love it. the missiles are great. the only issue i have is that i find the pd radar has a hard time locking enemies and always seems to lock friendlys
How are you getting the radar to work, I cant lock anything up at any altitude and at any aspect. Changing the radar mode doesn’t seem to help either.
@@xcc9162 ive been using the small sweep for the radar. i find that works the best. then just point and shoot. also if their going perpendicular to you, you wont be able to see them at all. its a trick you can use called notching
@@garrettobrien5197 thanks, I’ll try that.
@@xcc9162 yea I just played a game. I’ve also been using the e2 sparrow over the fs and I find their better. Kinda wish I could take 2 and 2 but whatever. I finished that game with 3 sparrow kills.
"Required by law to use the Blue angles skin" you must live in Florida🤔
honestly when i unlocked the f4e i felt sort of strange since it didnt look like an f4 that i seen in documentaries, but the f4j however
dam it looks fine
F4E is a different beast.
F4E is your CAS beast
@@invertedv12powerhouse77 Aerial beast aswell, the F4Js only thing over the F4E is PD and AIM7FS
@@DeadSkyWT I honestly still do well in the F4E once I started figuring the meta a bit when PD was added. Up high at 8km the ground interference is far enough to test sparrows at targets below me to a certain angle
@@invertedv12powerhouse77 yes! Even at 3k up, or even at 2k, I can look down shoot down, that's what I love about the F4E. I like staying high in it.
"Its required by law where I live to use the Blue Angels paint job"
Florida, got it
A point and a question based on ASB.
In ASB it takes while to find enemy or enemy NPCs so i like yo have bombs and missiles to get more points. I generally slap anything on the way to a base, drop my bombs and then expend my missiles on the way back to my base to rearm. This is an amazing multirole option for ASB because there isnt a whole lot os dog fighting because it is much harder to get guns on target.
Secondly, i have a question about something that was not covered in this video or your CCRP vid. The F4x HUD from what i can see will only show your vertical axis guidance on the gun sight but it wont guide you when it comes to the horizontal axis. Is this correct? No horizontal axis guidance on the F4J for CCRP bombing HUD on ASB?
gotta love blue angels shooting down migs
I usually still take bombs alongside 8 aams. It's more potential sl and rp. I can always ditch them if I need to
Wait what map is that?!?!? Never seen it before, and it looks... suited for jets???!?!?
We got EC maps for rb! It's still yhe rb game mode, but it's fine. Lots of open space.
@@theneef174 EC maps are for simulator usually? I don't recall, and are all EC maps in RB as well now?
@@SASMrSmall yes some of them are for top tier now
@@theneef174 Y E S! This requires further investigation, reinstalling!
I have a new idea for more usa planes f-14 tomcat for naval planes and f-15 eagle
hey im close to unlocking the m1a2 which is 11.0. do you know if i can bring my 11.3 f4j into grb?
I got shot down the most by the f4j it's ridiculously op
just wondering will the f14 be in the navel column for the USA tree or a different column?
Should have been obvious, should it?
I'm so glad I neglected my Naval Fighter line :')
Now, I do find myself in a few positions where I do need the gun, but I also enjoy having the extra flight performance. As long as you mind your spacing and have good situational awareness, you can run missiles only. Not absolutely recommended, though
I run missiles only religiously. Without the gunpod you can outrun MiG-23s at low altitude and the missiles have more than enough performance to net you 2-3 kills without issue. I've had a few situations where having a gun would've been nice, but I've never died or lost a match because of not carrying it.
With the bombs, how can you see where the bomb is going to drop just like in arcade battle?
I like to grind my mods in air SB. BUT… I have all the 🛎 and whistles as far as track IR/VR and warthog hotas so it makes it all the more fun and easy
Firing a second missile will/should trash the first missile.
Radars at time that werent able to guide 2 fox 1's at the same time.
hi tim i have been watching your videos for a while and quite like them but there is one serious thing i think is missing from the your top tier reviews. it is end game gamplay. what im talking about in this example is with the f-4j the aim-7f and aim-9g are both very good at the start of the match going around picking people off and you can use you turn rate to get gun kills on slower targets and you discusssed this in the review perfectly well. but one serious thing i think you missed out on in this and the kfir review in end game performance. the fact of the matter is that in war thunder your team will often be quite inferior to the enemy team (this is lessend by people spamming the f-4e to grind the f-4j currently but will return to normal soon). so you will often find yourself in 1 or 2 v 3 + enemies and often having to go back and re arm if you survive long enough. in this situation the performance of the aircraft massively changes focus where the turn rate of a plane like the f4j goes from useable to utterly worthless and something like the kfir (provided you can spot enemies before hand and not get sniped) becomes incredible. for example a plane like the kfir or mig 23mld can simply sit behind a phantom, outrun it, force it to start turning with missiles and or cannon rounds, and start going much slower than it (denying any chance of reversal) and taking easy gun shots as the phantom gets slower and slower and less and less good at turning basically making the plane useless. overall, i think you should try to seek more of this gameplay even if it is harder to find (also ticket bleed will fuck you in many scenarios) as it is something new players will need to become experienced in if they want to truly do well and have fun at top tier jets. also having the ability to secure close games will net a great increase in grinding even if in many situations games simply cannot be won because there are too many enemies left.
Also it doesn't get guided ATG-ammunitions, so the F4E is still better, for ATG
The start of the video.. The map shown looks HUGE for RB! This looks really good what is it called?
Just to warn people
This plane has a horrific stock grind
You start with 2 aim9Ds and must grind 4Ds and Aim9Gs before you even get radar missiles
And the gun sprays like a shotgun
Not a problem if you grind the missiles while bombing in Air SB EC.
is this a wt version of spudknocker? :p
0:51 oh really guess the F8 F100 F105 F101 and F5 all dont exist the f4 was an interceptor hence the lack of a gun
The 100, 105, and 101 were made with an older AF Paradigm. The F8 was nicknamed the "Last gunfighter" for a reason. And the F-5 was a reaction to the F-4's design Doctrine, seeing what the older MiG can still do.
@@ISAFSoldier the f8 was not the last gunfighter it's primary weapon was its aim 9 sidewinders (and it most certainly was not the last fighter with a gun)including a special radar guided variant it killed very few aircraft with its guns and the F5 was designed as a cheap export fighter it just happened to be really really good to the point where it out competed the mig 21
@@spartanx9293 The nickname came from that its design parameters as they wanted it to have its 4 colt revolver cannons as its PRIMARY weapon, considerations for adding sidewinders and radar came later. The F-5A only happened to do better, true. However, the F-5E was made specifically as a low cost fighter able to compete against the MiG-21 and they KEPT the guns from lessons learned from Vietnam going without guns.
@@ISAFSoldier the Colt Mark 12 is gas-operated not revolving you're confusing it for the 30 mm aden and as I said before the f8 never used those as its primary weapon it always used sidewinders and if Vietnam has shown anything it's that guns are a secondary weapon mostly existing for ground support purposes and that missiles perform better
If you don't believe me check the performance of the f4j compared to the f4e
@@ISAFSoldier the f5e was also a cheap export fighter
The navy phantom had a smaller nose for space in the carrier
No, the F-4E has a longer nose and smaller radar to fit the M61A1 Vulcan Gatling gun. F-4 aka F-110 Spectre was designed with the nose you see on the F-4B, F-4C and F-4J.
You out in Pensacola or something?
Great review, Tim. Loving the Juliet. Find that I prefer getting close with the E-2 Sparrows; I'm too impatient for the Fs. PD radar is very good, especially in ACM mode. Sporty bird, having lots of success.
didn't f4e have pulse doppler radar as well?
Pulse Doppler, maybe, I’ve seen conflicting report whether the an/apq-120 did work on the Doppler principle, but it definitely didn’t get look down shoot down capabilities. And considering that is the only upside after a list of downsides of pulse Doppler, there would be no reason to add it to the F-4E as it would just be worse than the default radar set.
No, F-15 training films talk about that being a major issue of the F-4E.
Im having issues with pd i set it in setting but the radar wont swap
2:58 those aren't new maps.
Just the EC-maps with only 1 AF per side.
How does AIM-7F come after AIM-7E-2, when it's worse?
90km holy krap, you can missle someone on another Continent
Try now to see how sturdy the landing gears are they break like crap
Wow. It’s mobius 1
F-4S next inbound before USA gets anything actually cool like the Mig-23/27
Good joke.
Mobius 1 engage
Morbius 1 engage
How is this compared to the fgr2
More phantoms….yay……
@TIM you in pcola?
I used aim 9Ds to unlock up to the aim7E2s. Why would you even bother with bombs? i got all the missiles (other than aim7Fs, I prefer aim7E2s anyway) in 3 hours without wasting my time on bombing at all.
and when discord btw?