I loved when she said that the processes were all made up. Once people start realizing those orders and traditions aren't real, it's over for those groups!!
@@loveline119 life is confusing enough and trusting anybody takes time. and these groups and cults don't raise children, or engage with others with differing opinions. they take endless hostages, children too, simply, and attempt to control anybody willing and the right type of vulnerable to be a believer in a nonsense far away from our world and any established reality.. preying, studying slyly suits what I mean. 'this is a pile of crap and I have a lawyer' is their kryptonite, and they are almost always about money too. the expensive suits and their wives the 'highers' of any cult never knock on any doors. they have enough keys to stroll in to many properties.
Yes! I can relate to everything she’s stating. That organization has put a huge hindrance to my development and I feel like I’m just now catching up with life overall. Please interview more ExJws in the near future!
I had joined various religion throughout my life. Is a matter of faith and teaching we have to follow which is normal. I have seen many evil god that people worshipped but the world accepted them . This is a dark world with many evil and idols worship. All is a personal choice.
As an ex-jw amd the son of an elder she is spot on. Even once you leave youre so institutionalised that you never really fit in amywhere else, people can tell there is something "off" about you
You are so correct! After 24 years completely away from the organisation, I feel I have found my way. It took a long time and I felt an immense amount of grief!
Randy, you wouldn't know a cult if it bit you on the ass...Eddie Murphy is the Jonestown eyewitness...Jim Jones is pawn stars Grampa...y'all bein played
So eloquently spoken. I was disfellowshipped and lost my entire family at 19. I am now 56 and it has been a lifetime of recovery. A journey of transformation. Thank you so much for this video.
It is important to note that this language is not _secret_ but _restricted_ - in restricting the use of one's language, one _inhibits one's ability to think_ freely and critically.
As an ex Jehovah's Witness that has been out for 20+ years I say she is spot on. That feeling of knocking on doors too as a child was traumatic as hell too!! I use to even plan being fake sick a night or 2 before just to skip doing this. Gosh it was embarrassing seeing kids from the school you go to only to be made fun off that following Monday. It sounds silly being older but kids are mini psychos in the developing years and can lack empathy!
@@ultravioletpisces3666 That's an interesting way to look at it. It seems like, in some ways, their actions might contribute to a sense of 'rejection and persecution,' especially when they choose not to participate in things like the Pledge of Allegiance or standing for the national anthem. These decisions reflect their commitment to their beliefs but at the same time provides a "self pity, we are not 'worldly'" approach. Just so glad I am out now but at the time it seemed like the worse thing ever. The world is big people to anyone feeling this way!!
"Disfellowship" is a word they're trying to distance themselves from. The concept remains the same but they're trying to change the word to "removed" rather than "disfellowshipped".
Elders are really "company men" who act as human resource agents for the Watchtower organization. Remember, human resource agents act only in the best interests of the company. Elders search out any who are not loyal to the company, and those who are not actively supporting the policies and mission; as well as, individuals who are not reaching established goals within the corporation. All of these individuals threaten the profitability and outward reputation of of the company, and may affect others in the organization. When individuals inside of the organization/corporation have learned of hypocritical actions, deceitful policies, or lies regarding the actions of representatives of corporation, departments or heads of the corporation (Governing Body) and begin exposing these... Elders (human resource agents of the Watchtower ) are assigned to eliminate or lessen the effects of "whistle blowers" by labeling them "apostates". Once they identify an individual as a "whistle blower" they follow well established company rules and actively pursue any threat that may expose secretive practices, hypocrisy, or harmful or illegal actions that may impact company's profitability. Elders follow corporation guidelines set forth in the exclusive manual for elders, entitled: "Shepherd the Flock of God" published by the WTBTS. 1. To become informed as to the level of knowledge and information a potential whistle blower possesses. 2. Have a formal meeting (Judicial Committee hearing) with them to ascertain the level of dissent or waning support for the organization and threat they pose to the corporation. 3. Formally put the whistle blower on notice their actions constitute disloyalty to the corporation and they will be "fired" from the company losing all benefits and any ties to other members of the corporation. 4. During a congregation meeting ( regularly scheduled corporation workshop) announce the "firing" of those who have failed to follow company rules.
This woman is brave and strong and a strong thinker! All things that this cult DOES NOT want. In fact, her going out of her way to try to help people like this, will get her labeled as an "APOSTATE", by this cult, which is worse than being disfellowshipped. It's basically the worst thing you can be in the eyes of the CULT... AND THAT'S A GOOD THING. GREAT JOB LADY!!!!!!!!
My mother converted when my sister and I were very young, 6 and 10. The congregation loved her hecause she was all-in, no Christmas, no birthdays, no school assemblies. We went to all the conventions, went out preaching etc. It was hellish. Children should not be exposed to this religion, they should be allowed to enjoy themselves. They should be playing, have friends, not sit for hours at an assembly or in a Kingdom Hall listening to men droning on.
An classmate of mine came to my door one day with the Witnesses, he said "sorry to bother you, have to leave a pamphlet with you, see you Monday in school". That was the easiest interaction I ever had with them
This video is probably the most informative thing I have seen about this organization so far. Even after many discussions with the members of the JW, I still didn't fully understand what kind of secret society language shapes their structures. When I was twelve years old, I had my first contact with them, and I noticed then that they had given God a human-sounding name - as if they were, very aptly formulated here, "Jehovah's little friends" and not separated from God by sin.
When I was 4 years old. This elder harassed my mother, he would wait for her outside our apartment. My mother told him that she was Catholic and still he kept coming back. He convince her by saying "Think of your children, they are going to be destroyed in Armaggedon". She began taking bible study and she's been a devoted ever since. I'm 37 now and I'm still having nightmares of destruction and things like that. I freed myself from the governing body, they can't tell me what to think anymore. I'm an atheist now.
The nightmares of destruction really messed me up as a kid. I'm still messed up from it 30 years later. It was as if they had a gun to my head my entire childhood. That would have severe effects on any child
Born in, then pioneer, elder…I DA’ d 40 years ago. It was their literalist interpretation of the Bible which woke me up. Thanks to them, I m now immune to every form of monotheism based on ancient books:) I ll not go back, whether they shun me or not!
JW is a controlling, people oppressing cult, their own translation of the Bible is messed up, twisted. God of course still exists and the Scripture is still meant to be understood literally.
@@warren3174 He obviously meant man made gods, that was right before the golden calf. When he speaks of other gods in Psalm 115 He describes idols that men worship , that cannot see or hear or walk. Not real gods. His point is that there is only one real God. So don’t worship or believe in the existence of other gods. To believe otherwise is to literally do the opposite of what He said.
If any Mormons are watching this, I hope you notice the similarities. These two organizations function similarly, and use the same tactics to control and maintain their members. Free your mind. GET OUT.
I'm also an exmo and literally the whole time I watched this video I was thinking of possibly sharing this on FB and what caption I could write with it. Or I thought about making a similar video reviewing the same bullet-points from the Mormon POV and showing the side by side comparison. Of course - I won't do either because I've kind of lost hope that my TBM loved ones would even be able to see the similarities even if it was a side by side comparison.
I agree with everything she said with the exception of a personal relationship with God. Why would God give man a spirit if He never intended to communicate with him personally. The problem is thinking you have to go through an elder, preacher or whoever to hear from God.
Yup, someone more ''powerful'' has to tell you what god thinks. but if you ask many ''elders'' you get different answers. So it's all personal opinion and bias being told to you from them.
In 1968 I was a schoolboy with a Saturday job. One of the full time staff was a guy only a few years older than I. He was a JW and we used to talk often about his faith, and about religion in general. He never tried to recruit me. He did give me a New World Bible, but only to add to my collection - I had the Book of Mormon and some other religious texts. The most striking thing at the time was his certainty that my intention to go to University and into a profession after that was futile because the world was definitely going to end in 1975. I didn't believe that for a moment, but he never held that against me. He changed jobs shortly afterwards, I have often wondered what happened to him.
When I deconstructed from the JW cult, I kept right on going with religious deconstruction. I tried really hard to rationalize a god, any god, for two years after leaving the cult. I couldn't keep up that lie. Now I am an Atheist and fully shunned by all my JW family.
Keep in mind that, while the JW version of god is false and untrue, it doesn’t mean God doesn’t exist. All religions are mutually exclusive in their view of God so either 1 of them is correct, or none are correct. Atheist, however, is even harder to justify intellectually.
@juice7546 Atheism is incredibly easy to justify, it's an answer to one question. 'Do you believe in a god or gods?' If your answer is 'no' (and mine is), you're an atheist.
If you have ever had someone gossip about you and twist your words , you may understand that people can do the same to God. You are still real, and so is He.
@@McTaco If you have ever had someone gossip about you and twist your words, you may understand that people can do the same to unicorns. You are still real, and so are they. Now explain why your argument about your god is more valid than my argument about unicorns.
"Stay in the centre of the congregation", "on the fence", "bad association", "worldly", "pioneer", "special pioneer", unbaptised publisher", "ministerial servant", "Brother / Sister + surname", "Kingdom Hall", "Bethel", "Watchtower", "Awake", "counsel", "reproof", "judicial committee", "judicial hearing", "publicly reprooved", "privately reprooved", "marked", "the Truth", "born in". On leaving we have these words in the ex JW community: PIMO -Physically In Mentally Out, POMI: Physically Out Mentally In. It is all part of getting your head clear and grieving process and is normal. Many are PIMO as afraid to lose family if they leave. I was POMI after I left as had a lot of fear still in me regards to traditions. God love you all. I pray every day for you. Christ saved me xxx
oooohhh I remember all those words, remember how big the devil was too, he was under every stone and inside every suspect book and everytime anything faintly supernatural was on TV everyone sprung up to turn it off, in case the devil got in the house, hilarious now to me but scary as a child.
Great interview. So many similarities with other high control groups and religions, like the Mormon Church, NIXIVM, Branch Davidians/Adventists, Scientology…and on and on!
Having grew up in that cult, she is explaining our pain and struggles so well... one of thee thing she said about "Jehovah" name of the God from the bible is one of the thing that I was thinking as well... how weird it is to name the so-called most powerful being by his own name? Like he's your best buddy! I mean the guy literraly destroyed people, cities and civilizations but somewhat you can be his "bff"? Some of my "wordly" friends (real friends) years ago when I was a POMI were telling me that the God from the bible can't be named because in the stories the people weree scared of him, which is why they were using titles such as "Lord" or "Almighty" his name was unpronounceable by human beings... and strangely these words stuck with me... when my time to woke up came, I started making researches on Theology, about christianity and all the different denominations and saw how messed up this organization is and how it's messing people to a point where they are lost, confused and terribly misguided not only about their beliefs, but about life, about people. Thank you for sharing her story she did so well... I hope in a few years being able to go in front and share some of the traumas our parents passed through us with this cult.
I feel heartbroken that Ali has ceased believing in God as a byproduct of leaving a cult. It's akin to discovering someone has been lying to you, and thereby discounting the existence of truth altogether. The fact that human beings manipulate others in the name of God/"gods" does not disprove a Creator, it simply highlights the fallen nature of mankind and the importance of exercising wisdom. You will know them by their fruits.
you're a very beautiful and smart young woman be glad that you left when you did you're young and you have your whole life ahead of you now I'm very proud of you. I have listened to all of your videos. I left at age 15. I am in my 50s now, and have basically spent my whole life without family other than the one that I created myself and I guess that's all I've ever needed no complaints. I've had a wonderful life and you will too.❤
The first attribute you note is 'beautiful'. And then you state that you have created a family 'yourself'. Subtle, but telling. You lot will follow an insane man who looks like a toad if he told you he would help you get your junk stuck in.
@@cherylyates9845 Judging by your comment, I would assume you're a practicing JW lol. My mother once told me all things are nasty to nasty people. I grew up with people like you that make comments like that. May I suggest a hobby other than drunk typing on the Internet. It's not very polite to ruin this poor ladies site with rude behavior.
Wowww! This brought back memories! Just like Ali I am an ex-JW. And, in my own way, I've been through all of the things she described, where shunning etc is concerned. The thing described by her aroind the expression "field service"... first memory that came back to me, was filling out my monthly (or was it weekly? I keep forgetting) field service report. On a small printed form we filled out dates and number of hours spent, number of mags and books sold, amount of return visits and... the pearl on the crown, number of bible studies you ran. A bible study was the person you hooked and who you did visit weekly to study one of the instructional books which got them aquainted with the believes and practises of the JW. Being in bible study was actually persons on their way to being recruited. But Ali left one, to my personal opinion most toxic term out, one that had (and still has, as far I know) a lot of gravitas within the JW community: "being in the Thruth". The here mentioned "Truth" is synonym with being in the true faith, meaning the JW organisation. This expression which is regularly used, for instance mentioned by an elder, like "ask yourself brother, sister if you're doing that (for instance visiting a rock&roll concert)" Am I still in the truth? Am I still connected to Jehovah's love and care?" This expression and its usage really creates an us/them dynamic and image. It's a perfect tool for isolating yourself from the rest of the world. I am 66 now (in a few weeks actually) and it's almost 40 years ago that I broke up with that toxic cult. Never regretted it, although, just like Ali mentioned, the first years... sometimes... it felt like a loss. The hooks were planted deep.
Ah, the dread of receiving that call from the group overseer when I forgot, or was too embarrassed to hand in my field service report. So much about that organisation I do not miss... (translation - elder messages or calls to ask the amount of hours door knocking you did that month so he can write it down on your congregation records) I was born and raised JW. I genuinely believed there must be something wrong with me because I did not have joy in the ministry. The lack and fear based mind control is something you'd have to experience to understand just what a tight grip that level of programming holds over its members. The Australian royal commission into CSA and reading the secret elders book that was given in evidence and the lack if concern for the survivors was what woke me up to this corporation. I am so grateful to be out!
I'm exactly the same, I can't bring myself to say the J word, it physically repulses me. It reminds me of everything that was taken from me as a child and teenager because of that moniker and I can't move past it, ever. I detest the very mention of it. I escaped at 22, I'm now 49, so you can tell it's still a very deep seated anger and resentment at what was forced on me.
that word is not even correct, its a slander / slur of "inri", "in vay vav hay" = "i am whatever i choose to be".....only a small part of 72 HOLY NAMES IF G-D...you still can say 71 other names!!❤,...the creator can even recreate himself...you and i are 1 little piece of him, his desire to understand the concept of "being", as we grow g-d grows... and that "j" dude is a hatefilled old g-d of the moses times
It’s not a happy or positive culture with no birthdays, holidays, celebrations or fun. Constantly thinking that the end of the world is coming at anytime and staying separate from society is a miserable mentality to live in.
I dodged baptism like Neo dodged bullets in the Matrix. I knew that if I got baptized, the bOrg could possibly pressure my family to shun me if I was found not to be following the rules. They always said it was a personal family matter, but the substance of what they taught about it indicated otherwise.
I knew that also, everyone I knew was baptised, some of them "fell" later then ended up shunned. I managed to keep smiling until my 16th birthday when I decided I didnt have to go to meetings anymore, my lovely parents respected my choice, I was lucky!
It is sad to Me that she has been taught that you have to earn God’s love. Or that she believes it is narcissistic to think God would want a personal relationship with you. From what I read in the Bible, God loves us for who we are - His children - not for what we do. And He certainly wants a personal relationship with all of us. We were made for His glory. Our chief and highest end is to worship Him and enjoy His presence forever. That’s what I believe.
When I was a teen, my new friends had moved to our city because they were being shunned by their family. A family gathering was going on when friends' dad was asked to help rescue some people. So the witnesses thought that he turned his back on the witnesses that were present. The shunning caused the whole family of 5 to become atheists. Being forced out improved their quality of life. Once they moved towns their family started visiting them on the sly.
So many levels of psychological abuse and violence in religious groups it’s absolutely sickening. When you’re born into a fundamentalist religious family and spend your childhood and teen years in the restrictive and abusive culture, you’ll be carrying the trauma all your life - to an extent - even if you broke free at some point. Once you’re separated by religion from your peers at school etc, you’ll spend long years looking for the true you. Once you’ve been bullied severely because of what your parents believe in, you’ll find it very hard to trust people. So many lives are compromised by religions, I find it disgusting religion is still legal. I’m all for freedom of choice but as long as people force their values and ideals upon their kids, it should be made illegal.
Fortunately my experience short as a JW. Four years. Not enough time for deep roots. For those born into it, or in for a long time, leaving it is leaving ones life. Not as for example, buying a new vehicle. Family, friends and colleagues all evaporate instantly. You no longer exist to them. One wonders how many are still in it rather than face that? May you find your own truth.
An elders wife in my congregation took toys away from other people's kids. After a year she would hand the bag of toys back to the mother who would be very surprised and speechless.
@ASMR_Orangely She was trying to send a big message that playing with a toy at the hall was very disrespectful to Jehovah. And this way she didn't have to repeat herself. If someone has been going a year she's already in fear of the org and the hierarchy. Had the elderette nagged at every meeting, the new recruit may have hightailed it our of there. Just a refined manipulation tactic.
Haven't had Witnesses come knocking on our door for at least 10 years now. Before that it was more like 3-4 times a month. Don't see any walking around our neighborhood now.
I lived a lot of places and only ever saw them door knocking my various neighborhoods a handful of times. LDS church has them beat in the proselytizing game by a long shot.
@@KandiKlover Come to think of it, I haven’t seen Mormons coming around for quite some time now. Guess our neighborhood is a lost cause in their minds! 👹
There's people that don't believe in the organization but they still believe in Jehovah but they're not realizing that it's the organization that created Jehovah in their minds. Just because you "feel" something such as a fabricated god doesn't mean that the god exists.
True, many don’t believe in the Org and others do. The emphasis that they give about Jehovah God is taken out of scripture, because of that I would say they emphasize many text but not all text are brought up so using the WT library can provide with a broader understanding of him. This doesn’t mean God doesn’t exist. Have you looked at the Kalam Cosmological Argument? The teleological Argument The fine tuning argument The moral argument The historical evidence for the resurrection of Jesus? And the evidence of the reliability of the NT manuscripts Just because they have managed the org poorly doesn’t mean God doesn’t exist. It’s usually the fall of man and their mistakes that influence the view that one has that because x person did this or x people do such there IS no god.. that’s poorly reasoned.. it reflex that the emotional aspect is what entails truth in that view
I tell Jehovah's Witnesses to go through the narrow gate that is on the cramped road leading to life. . Matthew 7:13-14 “Go in through the narrow gate; because broad and spacious is the road leading off into destruction, and many are the ones going in through it; 14 whereas narrow is the gate and cramped the road ** LEADING OFF INTO LIFE ** and few are the ones finding it. . I ask them to read what Jehovah said would happen at the time of the end that is in every Christians bible and yet, few are the ones finding it: . Isaiah 66:5 Hear the word of Jehovah, YOU men who are trembling at his word: “YOUR brothers that are hating YOU, that are excluding YOU by reason of my name, said, ‘May Jehovah be glorified!’ He must also appear with rejoicing on YOUR part, and they are the ones that will be put to shame.” . [Name of person] is no longer one of JEHOVAH's Witnesses ---->> "excluding YOU by reason of MY NAME" . I ask them if they can see Jehovah's promise to disfellowshipped Jehovah's Witnesses: . "He must also appear with rejoicing on YOUR part"! . I then warn them that, if they go through this narrow gate they will lose their family as a consequence of the Watchtower Societies shunning policies. . Then I ask them to read what Jesus Christ said about everlasting life: . Mark 10:29-30 Jesus said: “Truly I say to YOU men, No one has left house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for my sake and for the sake of the good news 30 who will not get a hundredfold now in this period of time, houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and fields, with persecutions, and in the coming system of things ** EVERLASTING LIFE ** . I then ask them if they want to live forever. . I also tell them that they can leave the organization and their congregation with dignity by telling everybody that they believe Jehovah, Jesus Christ and everything else in the bible. . Walk out with your head held high and jump for joy when you do. . What Jehovah said would happen, is now really happening! . That's Good News ................... right! . Jesus said: “Truly I say to YOU men, No one has left house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for my sake and FOR THE SAKE OF THE GOOD NEWS. .
Thank you for this videoi this is your second video ive come across yes you make a lot of sense meetings in a sunday going door to door book study tues, meeting Thursday ,all your time taken up holidays door to door they even made the passover a big thing like a holiday. So glad im out of this cult.
I was keen when the JWs came round. I struggle to find people who know the bible well enough that I can have a good chat with them about it, and I always thought JWs had a good knowledge of the bible. They do seem to know the book of Hebrews at least, but after an hour and a half, I told them they were welcome back any time, and they replied that if I was interested to learn more about their religion, I could look on their website. They haven't been back. Honestly, I felt like we were only beginning to get into the discussion when they left.
she forgot "Friends"...lol internnally from day 1, you already a friend even when you dont know that person one bit. You don't say things like Bless you. or even in sneezing context. other than that she is spot on!
I absolutely identify with this womans feelings about going out in "service" to convert people. I hated doing that in spades. I never was a believer. Even as a kid I thought it was all a bunch of rubbish. Their brainwashing can definitely have long-term effects. My mother was disfellowshipped. Even after being out of the cult for over 30+ years. I still couldn't talk to her about the Bible. As a Bible Baptist I would try and point out some of the heresies the JW cult teaches. She would get very upset. Some of her views were still the same even after all those years outside the cult, and all the bitterness she held towards the JW cult. Absolutely horrible and damaging cult! Mind control to the max!!🤯
I don't see much of a difference between this and any other mainstream religion. Only that the witnesses are at least serious about what they _say_ is important, as opposed to all the nominal members that make up "moderate" Christians who claim to be enlightened and humanistic, turning their piousness on and off as they please without even noticing the hypocrisy.
think about this, they used the word disfellowshipped because of the negative social and legal connotations of the word shunning. now all these years later, they have singlehandedly given the word disfellowshipping a bad connotation, so they havw had to change it again to removed 😂
Wrong...the society that we all live in changes over time. Attitudes toward dress and grooming for example differ widely from a hundred years ago.. The opposite is stagnation
@@ucanliv4ever Nah, I'm going with the o.p.'s perspective. Society does change, but that is not what is going on with JWs and their wild attempts to rebrand themselves to both inside and outside of their org.
I was raised up a Jehovah's witness there were several elders in our family most of which were good men but they had their vices, lying, cheating, manipulating, extortion, child molesting, malicious gossiping but watchtower says they're good men. So that's that! And don't dare ever not ever go against this arrangement even if you have proof that one of them definitely was a child molester! They will demonize you if the brother does not confess but why should he he was all of the above before he became an elder. I don't put my faith in a corrupt organization like watchtower who hides behind six corporations LOL! And then claim to be so honest that they are not hiding anything
I tell Jehovah's Witnesses to go through the narrow gate that is on the cramped road leading to life. . Matthew 7:13-14 “Go in through the narrow gate; because broad and spacious is the road leading off into destruction, and many are the ones going in through it; 14 whereas narrow is the gate and cramped the road ** LEADING OFF INTO LIFE ** and few are the ones finding it. . I ask them to read what Jehovah said would happen at the time of the end that is in every Christians bible and yet, few are the ones finding it: . Isaiah 66:5 Hear the word of Jehovah, YOU men who are trembling at his word: “YOUR brothers that are hating YOU, that are excluding YOU by reason of my name, said, ‘May Jehovah be glorified!’ He must also appear with rejoicing on YOUR part, and they are the ones that will be put to shame.” . [Name of person] is no longer one of JEHOVAH's Witnesses ---->> "excluding YOU by reason of MY NAME" . I ask them if they can see Jehovah's promise to disfellowshipped Jehovah's Witnesses: . "He must also appear with rejoicing on YOUR part"! . I then warn them that, if they go through this narrow gate they will lose their family as a consequence of the Watchtower Societies shunning policies. . Then I ask them to read what Jesus Christ said about everlasting life: . Mark 10:29-30 Jesus said: “Truly I say to YOU men, No one has left house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for my sake and for the sake of the good news 30 who will not get a hundredfold now in this period of time, houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and fields, with persecutions, and in the coming system of things ** EVERLASTING LIFE ** . I then ask them if they want to live forever. . I also tell them that they can leave the organization and their congregation with dignity by telling everybody that they believe Jehovah, Jesus Christ and everything else in the bible. . Walk out with your head held high and jump for joy when you do. . What Jehovah said would happen, is now really happening! . That's Good News ................... right! . Jesus said: “Truly I say to YOU men, No one has left house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for my sake and FOR THE SAKE OF THE GOOD NEWS. .
Thank you for making this. For anybody looking for a comedy series essentially based on JW (though not explicitly said), I recommend the series Everyone Else Burns. Former JWs seem to enjoy it too (but it could be traumatic for some as well).
Im out, and yes i still believe in Jehovah because God is real. I still pray because i dont want to forget that the blessings i have in my life are because of Him and i dont want to let it get to my head. I dont want to forget God.
I have tried several religions over the years and my conclusion is that religion, ANY religion IS (just like) The Matrix. Once you truly disconnect and take the blinkers/blinders off and lift the wet blanket off your head, you realise you can never go back (to the BS).
Just an fyi... a personal relationship with God is totally biblical. There is no blasphemy in pursuing intimacy with God if fact it's why Jesus died, to reconcile you with your Father. "God is love" 1 John 4:16 Whether or not you believe I at least tell you it is not blasphemous according to the written word. This mind control has kept jws from the truth.
It’s just unfortunate that the Bible is not the word of God, or true or useful for directing your life….. so being ‘biblical’ is maybe be true but who cares!😅
We as a Family have disfellowshiped WT but we worship Jehovah thru his Son Jesus Christ. Our prayer is that Jehovah will protect us from WT spiritual abuse. We've dealt with registered sex offender's to charlatan crooked Elders brought to court and we won. Stay strong and well folks!
What exactly does worship look like? Do you just say stuff and talk to yourself a lot? Do you sacrifice animals? Do you lay on the floor and roll around? What do you mean, "worship"? Describe an act of worship, please.
Understand this and you will see that Jehovah really is protecting you from the WT. . I tell Jehovah's Witnesses to go through the narrow gate that is on the cramped road leading to life. . Matthew 7:13-14 “Go in through the narrow gate; because broad and spacious is the road leading off into destruction, and many are the ones going in through it; 14 whereas narrow is the gate and cramped the road ** LEADING OFF INTO LIFE ** and few are the ones finding it. . I ask them to read what Jehovah said would happen at the time of the end that is in every Christians bible and yet, few are the ones finding it: . Isaiah 66:5 Hear the word of Jehovah, YOU men who are trembling at his word: “YOUR brothers that are hating YOU, that are excluding YOU by reason of my name, said, ‘May Jehovah be glorified!’ He must also appear with rejoicing on YOUR part, and they are the ones that will be put to shame.” . [Name of person] is no longer one of JEHOVAH's Witnesses ---->> "excluding YOU by reason of MY NAME" . I ask them if they can see Jehovah's promise to disfellowshipped Jehovah's Witnesses: . "He must also appear with rejoicing on YOUR part"! . I then warn them that, if they go through this narrow gate they will lose their family as a consequence of the Watchtower Societies shunning policies. . Then I ask them to read what Jesus Christ said about everlasting life: . Mark 10:29-30 Jesus said: “Truly I say to YOU men, No one has left house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for my sake and for the sake of the good news 30 who will not get a hundredfold now in this period of time, houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and fields, with persecutions, and in the coming system of things ** EVERLASTING LIFE ** . I then ask them if they want to live forever. . I also tell them that they can leave the organization and their congregation with dignity by telling everybody that they believe Jehovah, Jesus Christ and everything else in the bible. . Walk out with your head held high and jump for joy when you do. . What Jehovah said would happen, is now really happening! . That's Good News ................... right! . Jesus said: “Truly I say to YOU men, No one has left house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for my sake and FOR THE SAKE OF THE GOOD NEWS. .
I’ve been having a hard time with family members who’ve shunned me for more than a decade suddenly getting back in touch with me after their recent rules change… I’m not even remotely the same person as I was more than a decade ago (naturally), sadly they have not grown one bit.
The Norway lawsuit changed things for the Org. They lost $1 million a year from Norways generous religious fund. It was for their abusive shunning policy, especially the 15-20 year olds. 🎉
When you look at apostate stuff you realize that most of the changes the organization makes is not because they truly care about the wellbeing of everyone, but to protect themselves from lawsuits.
@@Eric_01We as exJW all leaving at once and staying gone will force them to continue to talk to us. We'll just wear them down until we can speak to our family like normal.
I used to Bible study with them and only last week thinking of going back and Bible study with them again and even my granddaughters 15yrs old and 12yrs old. I prayed to God for strength and guidance to direct me on the right path. So the day before yesterday i saw a video about the abuse and yesterday about UN. Please what advice as to who now i shall study the Bible and to learn more about God? Thank you for speaking about this organization
See if you can find a Bible believing Church locally? Pray to God and ask him to use The Holy Spirit to guide you where you and your grandchildren should go.
I studied their material for 6 years with one of Jehovas Witness, and thank God I did not fell into it. I just hope my big sister, who got baptised into their faith, will find her way out… or start fucking listen to me😅
Most people avoid having "sit downs" with the elders. It was more of a "oh no what did I do wrong" experience. Since the elders are the only ones that decide Disfellowshipping most JWs conduct themselves differently around the elders.
I was a teen father, and a couple of field service people would come by every other week. Eventually, they stopped coming, i would usually be stressed out and tired, but it was not overwhelming to have company ,they probably got tired of me and my teen father issues.
Finally,someone are explaining the way to his cult operate like Alissa Grenfell that's with Mormonism, please keep doing a great job by displaying and explaining their talse doctrines
I could not stand the cultic monotone and words “loving provision, Everything was an “ arrangement” and the new one ‘ The governing body can be likened to the voice of Jesus.
To me, the voice of Jesus is nothing remotely like the voice of the GB. Jesus Christ’s true sheep only know and listen to his voice and not to the estranged voice of the GB.
I hated that monotone too. Near the end of my time as an active Jehovah's witnesses that monotone speech just added to my depression. I always tell people that many Jehovah's witnesses attend meetings attempting to fill a void they have inside of themselves, but for me being born into the faith, it was the organization that created the void inside of myself
@@Eric_01 only a fool would make such a statement about someone you know nothing about. I suggest you read John chapter 10. also in John 14th chapter verse 6 Jesus tells his true followers, “I am the way and the truth and the life. no one comes to the Father except through me.” In John chapter 10, Jesus told his true sheep who follow only him and his 12 spirit inspired apostles to watch out for the leaven of the Pharisees those claiming Godly authority and Christ’s authority as substitutes, because in verse 8 of chapter 10 Jesus tells us “they are thieves and plunderers; but his sheep do not listen to them” because they do not speak with the spirit of truth. And as Jesus told his followers “I am the way and the truth and the salvation or life“. These Pharisees and Priests of Jehovah’s earthly organization condemned Jesus as an apostate against God’s one true organization. Now today these so-called GB representative go-betweens violate God‘s arrangement of salvation through Christ Jesus alone, and in order for anyone to be recognized and have a relationship with Jesus and Jehovah they must get the approval of the Governing Body first. These “super fine apostles” shepherds or leaders of Jehovah’s earthly organization today have not stayed in harmonious loyalty and oneness to the spirit of truth in God’s word spoken through the mouth and works of Jesus. They claim the power and authority of Jehovah and Jesus but the spirit they are manifesting more and more today is the unashamed, willful manipulation, against the spirit and teachings of the truth of God‘s word. I am assuming you are an ardent follower and defender of the Governing Body of JW. Org.
Wow. This sounds a lot like Latter Day Saints! I joined for a few years as a young adult. I found it very weird. You had a home visiting teacher that was a man & companion came to your home once a month to preach with you. (Spy on how you ran your household.) You had a female pair of visiting teachers who came once a month to preach to you. You were required to be a visiting teacher with another woman and go to three Sisters homes each month. If you missed relief society your visiting teachers were checking why you left after service or co-Ed Bible study. You have to mail a notorized letter if you want to be out of the church to the Bishop. You can be on the do not contact list but are still one of the members. I have not gone in 16.5 yrs. I was a member for about 2 yrs. My husband did not convert because you could not drink beer or tea. He is from Ireland and was like no way. Females had to wear dresses or skirts to services. You had t give your testimony in front of all your Brothers & Sisters; when you didn’t they called you into office to see why it had been so long. You had to have a volunteer role like Sunday school teacher. Your kids could be questioned alone without your notice by the Bishop & Bishop Ric. If you did not show to Sunday service then afterwards two missionaries were sent round to your house. You had to water fast for 24 hrs the first Sunday of the month unless you were pregnant or nursing. You could not have any electronics on Sundays nor work or chores besides basic child care. You had a family worship night once a week. You had to invite the missionaries to dinner sometimes. When I left the friends I made were told to no longer speak to me in any way. I can’t imagine being born into the church and how much more you are indoctrinated. I always felt the brb in Sisters were holding back things from me. You were to very soft spoken & calm always. Your kids were expected to be that way for three hours in service each week.
I consider it disrespectful to address a parent by their first name. In the same manner I don't address God by his name in prayer but rather, "Heavenly Father."
they decided themselves not to come back to see me after a year. they seemed surprised and annoyed that i still hadn't been convinced and was still asking questions. i think the elders had had a word with them and decided i was of the world and was taking the piss really. and i wasn't, i wanted to be convinced at the time. they were always so warm and nice to me as well, but that last day when they said they wouldn't be back, they were icy, it was jarring. i missed them after they'd gone.
Having a personal relationship with Christ is very Protestant. The Protestant Reformation was about getting forgiveness directly from God instead of indulgences. Many Christian groups have adopted using Yehovah or whatever for God's name. Anyway, JW is very cultist.
Spot on video . I too was brainwashed into the cult in 1970 when Armageddon just around the corner . I really do feel sorry for the nice , meaning people who still believe such rubbish .
Read your word become a Christian that’s the foundation of the word of God all that other stuff with Jehovah witness or Mormons and all that that’s more cultish than anything
My parents are shunning me too, even though lds supposedly don't have that teaching. In that cults case, people see you as an apostate and they are afraid it'll rub off on them. That's what i think. I was pretty vocal, too, so i can relate to your feeling of not playing by their rules. I had my name removed from the records of the church rather than waiting to be excommunicated.
I am 59 now; my mother converted from Baptist to JW when I was 6; by the time I was 15 I had left the JW religion, never having gotten baptized in the faith. I never agreed with the patriarchal mindset, especially seeing so much disfunction within the elders of the congregation and their own families.
How could my dad remain not only an elder but become an overseer when my mom had been disfellowshipped? She has recently become a JW again since that happened.
I made the mistake of being nice and taking the JW calling card and now I’m dodging door bell rings. Had the watch tower posted through the letter box with a number for me to read 🙄. It’s like getting on scammer list
I went to a highly controlling Baptist church. Every thing from your hair to your dressing, to your attendance, I was once told I had only attended 43% of the time. They shunned cell phones, certain restaurants, and certainly certain fashions. Then I was at a grocery store, and there was the executive pastor 's wife dressed in a very tight pair of jeans, wearing a T shirt. Sometime later I went to one of the prohibited restaurants (they sold alcohol, had some gambling, so forth) and there was the executive pastor with his wife, and kids sitting at a table, with their phones 😊 he almost sh*t when he saw me. I attended for less than a year, I was shown the door when I started asking questions about the finances. 😮
Damn now the former JW’s are speaking out now!!! I’ve known so many former JW’s who have all had the same stories. So much SA by community church members or even family members that the church encourages you to shut up about. So many strange beliefs that get you kicked out or shunned, so that when you go back people you’ve known for years pretend they don’t even see you. However I do know some people who love it - not sure if it’s different from congregation to congregation - I recall it being that way in the Mormon church. Community culture really influences how a congregation teaches and practices.
What will it take for people to admit humans are incapable of understanding the divine mysteries of life? Religions of all kinds are based on people trying to pursue goals - very human goals whether they are aware of it or not.
the fact she was never a 'good' witness displays her independence, sense of self and bravery. a great lady who broke free of a cult.
No cult wants a thinker.
@@Plethorality exactly. 'hang on a minute. this doesn't make sense to me,' is their kryptonite.
I loved when she said that the processes were all made up. Once people start realizing those orders and traditions aren't real, it's over for those groups!!
@@loveline119 life is confusing enough and trusting anybody takes time. and these groups and cults don't raise children, or engage with others with differing opinions. they take endless hostages, children too, simply, and attempt to control anybody willing and the right type of vulnerable to be a believer in a nonsense far away from our world and any established reality.. preying, studying slyly suits what I mean. 'this is a pile of crap and I have a lawyer' is their kryptonite, and they are almost always about money too. the expensive suits and their wives the 'highers' of any cult never knock on any doors. they have enough keys to stroll in to many properties.
If you take in account that she got into it via her mom, at a very young age... and still... very well done, Ali. You followed your TRUE nature!
Yes! I can relate to everything she’s stating. That organization has put a huge hindrance to my development and I feel like I’m just now catching up with life overall.
Please interview more ExJws in the near future!
I had joined various religion throughout my life. Is a matter of faith and teaching we have to follow which is normal. I have seen many evil god that people worshipped but the world accepted them . This is a dark world with many evil and idols worship. All is a personal choice.
@@HelenaGeorge-g7sstop rambling and get to the point.
@@KandiKlover rude..
Hindrance my arse ! What are you 10 Years old .
I was raised jw. Still traumatized
As an ex-jw amd the son of an elder she is spot on. Even once you leave youre so institutionalised that you never really fit in amywhere else, people can tell there is something "off" about you
I am going through the same thing. My mom, grandmother and the rest of my family disowned me..They're still Jws.
You are so correct! After 24 years completely away from the organisation, I feel I have found my way. It took a long time and I felt an immense amount of grief!
Nebroc, maybe the problem is you and not everyone else
@@ucanliv4ever He just said it was him, not everyone else! Growing up in a cult has made him different.
Randy, you wouldn't know a cult if it bit you on the ass...Eddie Murphy is the Jonestown eyewitness...Jim Jones is pawn stars Grampa...y'all bein played
So eloquently spoken. I was disfellowshipped and lost my entire family at 19. I am now 56 and it has been a lifetime of recovery. A journey of transformation. Thank you so much for this video.
Thanks for sharing!
Im so glad channels like this are talking about Jehovah’s Witnesses. I want more people to know what this cult really does.
They are more evil than you can imagine
It's not a cult... its just the man adam having his way again
It is important to note that this language is not _secret_ but _restricted_ - in restricting the use of one's language, one _inhibits one's ability to think_ freely and critically.
Reference Newspeak of Orwell's1984.
As an ex Jehovah's Witness that has been out for 20+ years I say she is spot on. That feeling of knocking on doors too as a child was traumatic as hell too!! I use to even plan being fake sick a night or 2 before just to skip doing this. Gosh it was embarrassing seeing kids from the school you go to only to be made fun off that following Monday. It sounds silly being older but kids are mini psychos in the developing years and can lack empathy!
I think part of the point of it is actually the trauma bonding - and the sense group cohesion of being “rejected and persecuted by the world.”
@@ultravioletpisces3666 That's an interesting way to look at it. It seems like, in some ways, their actions might contribute to a sense of 'rejection and persecution,' especially when they choose not to participate in things like the Pledge of Allegiance or standing for the national anthem. These decisions reflect their commitment to their beliefs but at the same time provides a "self pity, we are not 'worldly'" approach. Just so glad I am out now but at the time it seemed like the worse thing ever. The world is big people to anyone feeling this way!!
"Disfellowship" is a word they're trying to distance themselves from. The concept remains the same but they're trying to change the word to "removed" rather than "disfellowshipped".
Great insight!
SHUNNED ......................??
It’s all just semantics, word games for the sake of appearance & legal reasons, but it’s still the same process. It’s still ShunninG
This is interesting.
Elders are really "company men" who act as human resource agents for the Watchtower organization.
Remember, human resource agents act only in the best interests of the company.
Elders search out any who are not loyal to the company, and those who are not actively supporting the policies and mission; as well as, individuals who are not reaching established goals within the corporation.
All of these individuals threaten the profitability and outward reputation of of the company, and may affect others in the organization.
When individuals inside of the organization/corporation have learned of hypocritical actions, deceitful policies, or lies regarding the actions of representatives of corporation, departments or heads of the corporation (Governing Body) and begin exposing these...
Elders (human resource agents of the Watchtower ) are assigned to eliminate or lessen the effects of "whistle blowers" by labeling them "apostates".
Once they identify an individual as a "whistle blower" they follow well established company rules and actively pursue any threat that may expose secretive practices, hypocrisy, or harmful or illegal actions that may impact company's profitability.
Elders follow corporation guidelines set forth in the exclusive manual for elders, entitled: "Shepherd the Flock of God" published by the WTBTS.
1. To become informed as to the level of knowledge and information a potential whistle blower possesses.
2. Have a formal meeting (Judicial Committee hearing) with them to ascertain the level of dissent or waning support for the organization and threat they pose to the corporation.
3. Formally put the whistle blower on notice their actions constitute disloyalty to the corporation and they will be "fired" from the company losing all benefits and any ties to other members of the corporation.
4. During a congregation meeting ( regularly scheduled corporation workshop) announce the "firing" of those who have failed to follow company rules.
This is fascinating. She's really well spoken too, which helps for a gripping interview.
Glad you enjoyed it - she is very inspirational
The religion trains you to be well spoken. It’s training for the “door to door ministry” ( a “JW”phrase).
I think it’s also evidence of her literary education. Truly gripping and coherent delivery of something that can be very confusing and complex.
Thanks for doing these follow up vids with your guests. Ali Is such a strong person and really interesting to listen to her experience!
Thank you for watching!
This woman is brave and strong and a strong thinker! All things that this cult DOES NOT want. In fact, her going out of her way to try to help people like this, will get her labeled as an "APOSTATE", by this cult, which is worse than being disfellowshipped. It's basically the worst thing you can be in the eyes of the CULT... AND THAT'S A GOOD THING. GREAT JOB LADY!!!!!!!!
Hello to fellow survivors of this horrible CULT!!!!!!
Calm down it's not that serious.
My mother converted when my sister and I were very young, 6 and 10. The congregation loved her hecause she was all-in, no Christmas, no birthdays, no school assemblies. We went to all the conventions, went out preaching etc. It was hellish. Children should not be exposed to this religion, they should be allowed to enjoy themselves. They should be playing, have friends, not sit for hours at an assembly or in a Kingdom Hall listening to men droning on.
Religious indoctrination of youngsters is child abuse.
An classmate of mine came to my door one day with the Witnesses, he said "sorry to bother you, have to leave a pamphlet with you, see you Monday in school". That was the easiest interaction I ever had with them
This video is probably the most informative thing I have seen about this organization so far. Even after many discussions with the members of the JW, I still didn't fully understand what kind of secret society language shapes their structures. When I was twelve years old, I had my first contact with them, and I noticed then that they had given God a human-sounding name - as if they were, very aptly formulated here, "Jehovah's little friends" and not separated from God by sin.
They didn't give him that name it's the Tetragrammaton idiot.
When I was 4 years old. This elder harassed my mother, he would wait for her outside our apartment. My mother told him that she was Catholic and still he kept coming back. He convince her by saying "Think of your children, they are going to be destroyed in Armaggedon". She began taking bible study and she's been a devoted ever since. I'm 37 now and I'm still having nightmares of destruction and things like that. I freed myself from the governing body, they can't tell me what to think anymore. I'm an atheist now.
The nightmares of destruction really messed me up as a kid. I'm still messed up from it 30 years later. It was as if they had a gun to my head my entire childhood. That would have severe effects on any child
we're all going to hell in someone else's religion !
Born in, then pioneer, elder…I DA’ d 40 years ago. It was their literalist interpretation of the Bible which woke me up. Thanks to them, I m now immune to every form of monotheism based on ancient books:) I ll not go back, whether they shun me or not!
JW is a controlling, people oppressing cult, their own translation of the Bible is messed up, twisted. God of course still exists and the Scripture is still meant to be understood literally.
I won't go back either. Evil, crazy cult
So now…you are polytheistic? Pantheistic?
@@warren3174 He obviously meant man made gods, that was right before the golden calf. When he speaks of other gods in Psalm 115 He describes idols that men worship , that cannot see or hear or walk. Not real gods. His point is that there is only one real God. So don’t worship or believe in the existence of other gods. To believe otherwise is to literally do the opposite of what He said.
If any Mormons are watching this, I hope you notice the similarities. These two organizations function similarly, and use the same tactics to control and maintain their members. Free your mind. GET OUT.
I'm also an exmo and literally the whole time I watched this video I was thinking of possibly sharing this on FB and what caption I could write with it. Or I thought about making a similar video reviewing the same bullet-points from the Mormon POV and showing the side by side comparison. Of course - I won't do either because I've kind of lost hope that my TBM loved ones would even be able to see the similarities even if it was a side by side comparison.
I have to agree with you. I was about to post the same thing.
I agree with everything she said with the exception of a personal relationship with God. Why would God give man a spirit if He never intended to communicate with him personally. The problem is thinking you have to go through an elder, preacher or whoever to hear from God.
Yup, someone more ''powerful'' has to tell you what god thinks. but if you ask many ''elders'' you get different answers. So it's all personal opinion and bias being told to you from them.
No; the problem is thinking there is a god.
@@21stcenturyozman20 cringe take.
Jw’s do not have to go through an elder to have a relationship with God. That’s Catholics.
@@timsmith5335 They do depending on group, The local one i live near you have to go through an elder. It's almost like they're all kinda bad.
In 1968 I was a schoolboy with a Saturday job. One of the full time staff was a guy only a few years older than I. He was a JW and we used to talk often about his faith, and about religion in general. He never tried to recruit me. He did give me a New World Bible, but only to add to my collection - I had the Book of Mormon and some other religious texts. The most striking thing at the time was his certainty that my intention to go to University and into a profession after that was futile because the world was definitely going to end in 1975. I didn't believe that for a moment, but he never held that against me. He changed jobs shortly afterwards, I have often wondered what happened to him.
When I deconstructed from the JW cult, I kept right on going with religious deconstruction. I tried really hard to rationalize a god, any god, for two years after leaving the cult. I couldn't keep up that lie. Now I am an Atheist and fully shunned by all my JW family.
I'm so sorry that your family have chosen to treat you that way, but I'm so happy for you that you managed to get yourself out.
Keep in mind that, while the JW version of god is false and untrue, it doesn’t mean God doesn’t exist. All religions are mutually exclusive in their view of God so either 1 of them is correct, or none are correct. Atheist, however, is even harder to justify intellectually.
@juice7546 Atheism is incredibly easy to justify, it's an answer to one question. 'Do you believe in a god or gods?' If your answer is 'no' (and mine is), you're an atheist.
If you have ever had someone gossip about you and twist your words , you may understand that people can do the same to God. You are still real, and so is He.
@@McTaco If you have ever had someone gossip about you and twist your words, you may understand that people can do the same to unicorns. You are still real, and so are they.
Now explain why your argument about your god is more valid than my argument about unicorns.
"Stay in the centre of the congregation", "on the fence", "bad association", "worldly", "pioneer", "special pioneer", unbaptised publisher", "ministerial servant", "Brother / Sister + surname", "Kingdom Hall", "Bethel", "Watchtower", "Awake", "counsel", "reproof", "judicial committee", "judicial hearing", "publicly reprooved", "privately reprooved", "marked", "the Truth", "born in". On leaving we have these words in the ex JW community: PIMO -Physically In Mentally Out, POMI: Physically Out Mentally In. It is all part of getting your head clear and grieving process and is normal. Many are PIMO as afraid to lose family if they leave. I was POMI after I left as had a lot of fear still in me regards to traditions. God love you all. I pray every day for you. Christ saved me xxx
Wow! Respect, you got almost all? Or just all? I remember each and everyone of them.
oooohhh I remember all those words, remember how big the devil was too, he was under every stone and inside every suspect book and everytime anything faintly supernatural was on TV everyone sprung up to turn it off, in case the devil got in the house, hilarious now to me but scary as a child.
You left one out: " Not at home"
Great interview. So many similarities with other high control groups and religions, like the Mormon Church, NIXIVM, Branch Davidians/Adventists, Scientology…and on and on!
I grew up SDA. It’s not high control at all. Nobody kicks you out or shuns you. They don’t teach they’re the only ones with the truth either.
I saw similarities with Mormons as well, especially.
All of the world's problems stem from the fact that there are far too many 'deities' and not enough **common sense**-- Blessed Be, & Peace! 🙏☮
What? Did you just contradict yourself in one sentence?
@@Eric_01 It's called 'sarcasm'; I break out with it often, as I am allergic to bullshit!!
Strength to all who have escaped the cult. Those who grow up in it are brainwashed and punished before they ever have a chance.
Having grew up in that cult, she is explaining our pain and struggles so well... one of thee thing she said about "Jehovah" name of the God from the bible is one of the thing that I was thinking as well... how weird it is to name the so-called most powerful being by his own name? Like he's your best buddy! I mean the guy literraly destroyed people, cities and civilizations but somewhat you can be his "bff"? Some of my "wordly" friends (real friends) years ago when I was a POMI were telling me that the God from the bible can't be named because in the stories the people weree scared of him, which is why they were using titles such as "Lord" or "Almighty" his name was unpronounceable by human beings... and strangely these words stuck with me... when my time to woke up came, I started making researches on Theology, about christianity and all the different denominations and saw how messed up this organization is and how it's messing people to a point where they are lost, confused and terribly misguided not only about their beliefs, but about life, about people. Thank you for sharing her story she did so well... I hope in a few years being able to go in front and share some of the traumas our parents passed through us with this cult.
I feel heartbroken that Ali has ceased believing in God as a byproduct of leaving a cult. It's akin to discovering someone has been lying to you, and thereby discounting the existence of truth altogether.
The fact that human beings manipulate others in the name of God/"gods" does not disprove a Creator, it simply highlights the fallen nature of mankind and the importance of exercising wisdom. You will know them by their fruits.
Give her some time. It took me many years to separate God from organized religion. She may find her way, too.
i agree!! even keep some JW ideas but not over 20%
you're a very beautiful and smart young woman be glad that you left when you did you're young and you have your whole life ahead of you now I'm very proud of you. I have listened to all of your videos. I left at age 15. I am in my 50s now, and have basically spent my whole life without family other than the one that I created myself and I guess that's all I've ever needed no complaints. I've had a wonderful life and you will too.❤
The first attribute you note is 'beautiful'. And then you state that you have created a family 'yourself'. Subtle, but telling. You lot will follow an insane man who looks like a toad if he told you he would help you get your junk stuck in.
@@cherylyates9845 Judging by your comment, I would assume you're a practicing JW lol. My mother once told me all things are nasty to nasty people. I grew up with people like you that make comments like that. May I suggest a hobby other than drunk typing on the Internet. It's not very polite to ruin this poor ladies site with rude behavior.
Wowww! This brought back memories! Just like Ali I am an ex-JW. And, in my own way, I've been through all of the things she described, where shunning etc is concerned. The thing described by her aroind the expression "field service"... first memory that came back to me, was filling out my monthly (or was it weekly? I keep forgetting) field service report. On a small printed form we filled out dates and number of hours spent, number of mags and books sold, amount of return visits and... the pearl on the crown, number of bible studies you ran. A bible study was the person you hooked and who you did visit weekly to study one of the instructional books which got them aquainted with the believes and practises of the JW. Being in bible study was actually persons on their way to being recruited.
But Ali left one, to my personal opinion most toxic term out, one that had (and still has, as far I know) a lot of gravitas within the JW community: "being in the Thruth". The here mentioned "Truth" is synonym with being in the true faith, meaning the JW organisation. This expression which is regularly used, for instance mentioned by an elder, like "ask yourself brother, sister if you're doing that (for instance visiting a rock&roll concert)" Am I still in the truth? Am I still connected to Jehovah's love and care?"
This expression and its usage really creates an us/them dynamic and image. It's a perfect tool for isolating yourself from the rest of the world. I am 66 now (in a few weeks actually) and it's almost 40 years ago that I broke up with that toxic cult. Never regretted it, although, just like Ali mentioned, the first years... sometimes... it felt like a loss. The hooks were planted deep.
Excellent interview. Thanks. I'm glad they're free of this cult now.
Ah, the dread of receiving that call from the group overseer when I forgot, or was too embarrassed to hand in my field service report. So much about that organisation I do not miss...
(translation - elder messages or calls to ask the amount of hours door knocking you did that month so he can write it down on your congregation records)
I was born and raised JW. I genuinely believed there must be something wrong with me because I did not have joy in the ministry. The lack and fear based mind control is something you'd have to experience to understand just what a tight grip that level of programming holds over its members.
The Australian royal commission into CSA and reading the secret elders book that was given in evidence and the lack if concern for the survivors was what woke me up to this corporation. I am so grateful to be out!
I'm exactly the same, I can't bring myself to say the J word, it physically repulses me. It reminds me of everything that was taken from me as a child and teenager because of that moniker and I can't move past it, ever. I detest the very mention of it.
I escaped at 22, I'm now 49, so you can tell it's still a very deep seated anger and resentment at what was forced on me.
that word is not even correct, its a slander / slur of "inri", "in vay vav hay" = "i am whatever i choose to be".....only a small part of 72 HOLY NAMES IF G-D...you still can say 71 other names!!❤,...the creator can even recreate himself...you and i are 1 little piece of him, his desire to understand the concept of "being", as we grow g-d grows... and that "j" dude is a hatefilled old g-d of the moses times
I’ve never met a joyful JW. The ones I’ve met always seem on the verge of despair and that’s not what God wants for us.
You ever been to a Kingdom Hall?
JW is an apostate denomination that strayed from the original watch tower teachings of Russel and the Bible Students denomination.
Very hard to be joyful, when you've got obligations at the Kingdumb Hell twice a week.
It’s not a happy or positive culture with no birthdays, holidays, celebrations or fun. Constantly thinking that the end of the world is coming at anytime and staying separate from society is a miserable mentality to live in.
@@ericl5512 Isolation from wider society is the key to their dependency on submissiveness to the chumps who are the Governing Body.
Thank you Ali, I really appreciated your explanations it has never been that clear 😊 merci du Québec ❤
Thank you so much for your honesty and videos ❤️
I dodged baptism like Neo dodged bullets in the Matrix.
I knew that if I got baptized, the bOrg could possibly pressure my family to shun me if I was found not to be following the rules. They always said it was a personal family matter, but the substance of what they taught about it indicated otherwise.
I knew that also, everyone I knew was baptised, some of them "fell" later then ended up shunned. I managed to keep smiling until my 16th birthday when I decided I didnt have to go to meetings anymore, my lovely parents respected my choice, I was lucky!
Water baptism?
I stopped beliving in Jehovah before I woke up from the Jehovah's Witnesses cult.
Please come back to Jehovah. 🥺
@@ASMR_Orangely - What do you mean by this?
@@EfrainRiveraJunior What these apostates are saying is not true. They are under Satan’s control. 🥺
@@ASMR_Orangely - Can you give a few examples of their lies? Thanks.
@@EfrainRiveraJunior They are saying JWs are not kind. False! They have always given me goods that I was lacking of when I was broke.
Fascinating to compare the similarities with other cults. Drop me a message if you ever want to speak to an ex-Scientologist!
Hi - we would love to speak to you! Can you email us at info@strongwatchstudios.com - thank you!
apostate , tom cruise has a message for you:: " dont talk to me"....😂😂🎉🎉🎉😂😂😂😂 lol!!
It is sad to Me that she has been taught that you have to earn God’s love. Or that she believes it is narcissistic to think God would want a personal relationship with you. From what I read in the Bible, God loves us for who we are - His children - not for what we do. And He certainly wants a personal relationship with all of us. We were made for His glory. Our chief and highest end is to worship Him and enjoy His presence forever. That’s what I believe.
Thank you thank you and thank you again for your honesty and videos to help JW they are in a terrible Cult
When I was a teen, my new friends had moved to our city because they were being shunned by their family. A family gathering was going on when friends' dad was asked to help rescue some people. So the witnesses thought that he turned his back on the witnesses that were present. The shunning caused the whole family of 5 to become atheists. Being forced out improved their quality of life. Once they moved towns their family started visiting them on the sly.
So many levels of psychological abuse and violence in religious groups it’s absolutely sickening. When you’re born into a fundamentalist religious family and spend your childhood and teen years in the restrictive and abusive culture, you’ll be carrying the trauma all your life - to an extent - even if you broke free at some point. Once you’re separated by religion from your peers at school etc, you’ll spend long years looking for the true you. Once you’ve been bullied severely because of what your parents believe in, you’ll find it very hard to trust people. So many lives are compromised by religions, I find it disgusting religion is still legal. I’m all for freedom of choice but as long as people force their values and ideals upon their kids, it should be made illegal.
Fortunately my experience short as a JW. Four years. Not enough time for deep roots. For those born into it, or in for a long time, leaving it is leaving ones life. Not as for example, buying a new vehicle. Family, friends and colleagues all evaporate instantly. You no longer exist to them. One wonders how many are still in it rather than face that? May you find your own truth.
An elders wife in my congregation took toys away from other people's kids. After a year she would hand the bag of toys back to the mother who would be very surprised and speechless.
Was it because she felt they shouldn't be playing with toys during the meetings? What a freaky thing to do!
Why did it take her a year to hand the toys back to thos moms?
@ASMR_Orangely She was trying to send a big message that playing with a toy at the hall was very disrespectful to Jehovah. And this way she didn't have to repeat herself. If someone has been going a year she's already in fear of the org and the hierarchy. Had the elderette nagged at every meeting, the new recruit may have hightailed it our of there.
Just a refined manipulation tactic.
What a power trip.
I got your book. I left as it came up. Thank you for speaking out
Haven't had Witnesses come knocking on our door for at least 10 years now. Before that it was more like 3-4 times a month. Don't see any walking around our neighborhood now.
I lived a lot of places and only ever saw them door knocking my various neighborhoods a handful of times. LDS church has them beat in the proselytizing game by a long shot.
@@KandiKlover Come to think of it, I haven’t seen Mormons coming around for quite some time now. Guess our neighborhood is a lost cause in their minds! 👹
just put a sign ,JW DONT KNOCK!!
There's people that don't believe in the organization but they still believe in Jehovah but they're not realizing that it's the organization that created Jehovah in their minds. Just because you "feel" something such as a fabricated god doesn't mean that the god exists.
True, many don’t believe in the Org and others do. The emphasis that they give about Jehovah God is taken out of scripture, because of that I would say they emphasize many text but not all text are brought up so using the WT library can provide with a broader understanding of him. This doesn’t mean God doesn’t exist.
Have you looked at the Kalam Cosmological Argument?
The teleological Argument
The fine tuning argument
The moral argument
The historical evidence for the resurrection of Jesus?
And the evidence of the reliability of the NT manuscripts
Just because they have managed the org poorly doesn’t mean God doesn’t exist. It’s usually the fall of man and their mistakes that influence the view that one has that because x person did this or x people do such there IS no god.. that’s poorly reasoned.. it reflex that the emotional aspect is what entails truth in that view
I tell Jehovah's Witnesses to go through the narrow gate that is on the cramped road leading to life.
Matthew 7:13-14
“Go in through the narrow gate; because broad and spacious is the road leading off into destruction, and many are the ones going in through it; 14 whereas narrow is the gate and cramped the road ** LEADING OFF INTO LIFE ** and few are the ones finding it.
I ask them to read what Jehovah said would happen at the time of the end that is in every Christians bible and yet, few are the ones finding it:
Isaiah 66:5
Hear the word of Jehovah, YOU men who are trembling at his word: “YOUR brothers that are hating YOU, that are excluding YOU by reason of my name, said, ‘May Jehovah be glorified!’ He must also appear with rejoicing on YOUR part, and they are the ones that will be put to shame.”
[Name of person] is no longer one of JEHOVAH's Witnesses ---->> "excluding YOU by reason of MY NAME"
I ask them if they can see Jehovah's promise to disfellowshipped Jehovah's Witnesses:
"He must also appear with rejoicing on YOUR part"!
I then warn them that, if they go through this narrow gate they will lose their family as a consequence of the Watchtower Societies shunning policies.
Then I ask them to read what Jesus Christ said about everlasting life:
Mark 10:29-30
Jesus said: “Truly I say to YOU men, No one has left house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for my sake and for the sake of the good news 30 who will not get a hundredfold now in this period of time, houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and fields, with persecutions, and in the coming system of things ** EVERLASTING LIFE **
I then ask them if they want to live forever.
I also tell them that they can leave the organization and their congregation with dignity by telling everybody that they believe Jehovah, Jesus Christ and everything else in the bible.
Walk out with your head held high and jump for joy when you do.
What Jehovah said would happen, is now really happening!
That's Good News ................... right!
Jesus said: “Truly I say to YOU men, No one has left house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for my sake and FOR THE SAKE OF THE GOOD NEWS.
Indeed, tell that to the Jewish people who use the Canaanite war god YHWH as they cover for their colonialism.
Cults operate on Fear Obligation Guilt.
Am so glad I left best decision ever.
There’s so many similarities between this and Scientology. It’s all a cult really.
Thank you for this videoi this is your second video ive come across yes you make a lot of sense meetings in a sunday going door to door book study tues, meeting Thursday ,all your time taken up holidays door to door they even made the passover a big thing like a holiday. So glad im out of this cult.
I left Christianity, but my church was never like a job where we had to complete paperwork and go do “field work”
I was keen when the JWs came round. I struggle to find people who know the bible well enough that I can have a good chat with them about it, and I always thought JWs had a good knowledge of the bible.
They do seem to know the book of Hebrews at least, but after an hour and a half, I told them they were welcome back any time, and they replied that if I was interested to learn more about their religion, I could look on their website.
They haven't been back. Honestly, I felt like we were only beginning to get into the discussion when they left.
cool im an exjw as well, 17 years in 9 months out. wish me luck
she forgot "Friends"...lol internnally from day 1, you already a friend even when you dont know that person one bit.
You don't say things like Bless you. or even in sneezing context. other than that she is spot on!
I've seen her speak about JW methods in other videos. She nails it.
You can really see her pain. I pray she finds peace and relationship with her mom again.#FADER
Wow, I can totally relate to this. New subscriber
I absolutely identify with this womans feelings about going out in "service" to convert people. I hated doing that in spades. I never was a believer. Even as a kid I thought it was all a bunch of rubbish. Their brainwashing can definitely have long-term effects. My mother was disfellowshipped. Even after being out of the cult for over 30+ years. I still couldn't talk to her about the Bible. As a Bible Baptist I would try and point out some of the heresies the JW cult teaches. She would get very upset. Some of her views were still the same even after all those years outside the cult, and all the bitterness she held towards the JW cult. Absolutely horrible and damaging cult! Mind control to the max!!🤯
I don't see much of a difference between this and any other mainstream religion. Only that the witnesses are at least serious about what they _say_ is important, as opposed to all the nominal members that make up "moderate" Christians who claim to be enlightened and humanistic, turning their piousness on and off as they please without even noticing the hypocrisy.
They're a cult
think about this, they used the word disfellowshipped because of the negative social and legal connotations of the word shunning. now all these years later, they have singlehandedly given the word disfellowshipping a bad connotation, so they havw had to change it again to removed 😂
Wrong...the society that we all live in changes over time. Attitudes toward dress and grooming for example differ widely from a hundred years ago.. The opposite is stagnation
@@ucanliv4ever Nah, I'm going with the o.p.'s perspective. Society does change, but that is not what is going on with JWs and their wild attempts to rebrand themselves to both inside and outside of their org.
I was raised up a Jehovah's witness there were several elders in our family most of which were good men but they had their vices, lying, cheating, manipulating, extortion, child molesting, malicious gossiping but watchtower says they're good men. So that's that! And don't dare ever not ever go against this arrangement even if you have proof that one of them definitely was a child molester! They will demonize you if the brother does not confess but why should he he was all of the above before he became an elder. I don't put my faith in a corrupt organization like watchtower who hides behind six corporations LOL! And then claim to be so honest that they are not hiding anything
I tell Jehovah's Witnesses to go through the narrow gate that is on the cramped road leading to life.
Matthew 7:13-14
“Go in through the narrow gate; because broad and spacious is the road leading off into destruction, and many are the ones going in through it; 14 whereas narrow is the gate and cramped the road ** LEADING OFF INTO LIFE ** and few are the ones finding it.
I ask them to read what Jehovah said would happen at the time of the end that is in every Christians bible and yet, few are the ones finding it:
Isaiah 66:5
Hear the word of Jehovah, YOU men who are trembling at his word: “YOUR brothers that are hating YOU, that are excluding YOU by reason of my name, said, ‘May Jehovah be glorified!’ He must also appear with rejoicing on YOUR part, and they are the ones that will be put to shame.”
[Name of person] is no longer one of JEHOVAH's Witnesses ---->> "excluding YOU by reason of MY NAME"
I ask them if they can see Jehovah's promise to disfellowshipped Jehovah's Witnesses:
"He must also appear with rejoicing on YOUR part"!
I then warn them that, if they go through this narrow gate they will lose their family as a consequence of the Watchtower Societies shunning policies.
Then I ask them to read what Jesus Christ said about everlasting life:
Mark 10:29-30
Jesus said: “Truly I say to YOU men, No one has left house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for my sake and for the sake of the good news 30 who will not get a hundredfold now in this period of time, houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and fields, with persecutions, and in the coming system of things ** EVERLASTING LIFE **
I then ask them if they want to live forever.
I also tell them that they can leave the organization and their congregation with dignity by telling everybody that they believe Jehovah, Jesus Christ and everything else in the bible.
Walk out with your head held high and jump for joy when you do.
What Jehovah said would happen, is now really happening!
That's Good News ................... right!
Jesus said: “Truly I say to YOU men, No one has left house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for my sake and FOR THE SAKE OF THE GOOD NEWS.
Thank you for making this. For anybody looking for a comedy series essentially based on JW (though not explicitly said), I recommend the series Everyone Else Burns. Former JWs seem to enjoy it too (but it could be traumatic for some as well).
Im out, and yes i still believe in Jehovah because God is real. I still pray because i dont want to forget that the blessings i have in my life are because of Him and i dont want to let it get to my head. I dont want to forget God.
spot on! no doubt about it, that's exactly what this cult does to anyone who joins them
I have tried several religions over the years and my conclusion is that religion, ANY religion IS (just like) The Matrix. Once you truly disconnect and take the blinkers/blinders off and lift the wet blanket off your head, you realise you can never go back (to the BS).
Just an fyi... a personal relationship with God is totally biblical. There is no blasphemy in pursuing intimacy with God if fact it's why Jesus died, to reconcile you with your Father. "God is love" 1 John 4:16
Whether or not you believe I at least tell you it is not blasphemous according to the written word.
This mind control has kept jws from the truth.
Biblical? Why would that be something to aspire to? I've read the bible and the disgusting garbage it espouses and it's everything I want to avoid
She also got a long of things wrong or slightly misconstrued. Glad she’s free but she’s not very intelligent.
@KandiKlover her mind has been in a vice, I suppose it's unraveling. There's a lot of stupiying in this world, and it's deliberate.
It’s just unfortunate that the Bible is not the word of God, or true or useful for directing your life….. so being ‘biblical’ is maybe be true but who cares!😅
I'd encourage you to read the Bible for yourself, thoughtfully and in context@@jengenx7729
We as a Family have disfellowshiped WT but we worship Jehovah thru his Son Jesus Christ. Our prayer is that Jehovah will protect us from WT spiritual abuse. We've dealt with registered sex offender's to charlatan crooked Elders brought to court and we won. Stay strong and well folks!
What exactly does worship look like? Do you just say stuff and talk to yourself a lot? Do you sacrifice animals? Do you lay on the floor and roll around? What do you mean, "worship"? Describe an act of worship, please.
Understand this and you will see that Jehovah really is protecting you from the WT.
I tell Jehovah's Witnesses to go through the narrow gate that is on the cramped road leading to life.
Matthew 7:13-14
“Go in through the narrow gate; because broad and spacious is the road leading off into destruction, and many are the ones going in through it; 14 whereas narrow is the gate and cramped the road ** LEADING OFF INTO LIFE ** and few are the ones finding it.
I ask them to read what Jehovah said would happen at the time of the end that is in every Christians bible and yet, few are the ones finding it:
Isaiah 66:5
Hear the word of Jehovah, YOU men who are trembling at his word: “YOUR brothers that are hating YOU, that are excluding YOU by reason of my name, said, ‘May Jehovah be glorified!’ He must also appear with rejoicing on YOUR part, and they are the ones that will be put to shame.”
[Name of person] is no longer one of JEHOVAH's Witnesses ---->> "excluding YOU by reason of MY NAME"
I ask them if they can see Jehovah's promise to disfellowshipped Jehovah's Witnesses:
"He must also appear with rejoicing on YOUR part"!
I then warn them that, if they go through this narrow gate they will lose their family as a consequence of the Watchtower Societies shunning policies.
Then I ask them to read what Jesus Christ said about everlasting life:
Mark 10:29-30
Jesus said: “Truly I say to YOU men, No one has left house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for my sake and for the sake of the good news 30 who will not get a hundredfold now in this period of time, houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and fields, with persecutions, and in the coming system of things ** EVERLASTING LIFE **
I then ask them if they want to live forever.
I also tell them that they can leave the organization and their congregation with dignity by telling everybody that they believe Jehovah, Jesus Christ and everything else in the bible.
Walk out with your head held high and jump for joy when you do.
What Jehovah said would happen, is now really happening!
That's Good News ................... right!
Jesus said: “Truly I say to YOU men, No one has left house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for my sake and FOR THE SAKE OF THE GOOD NEWS.
My parents are shunning me. They'll wake up sooner or later.😂
I’ve been having a hard time with family members who’ve shunned me for more than a decade suddenly getting back in touch with me after their recent rules change… I’m not even remotely the same person as I was more than a decade ago (naturally), sadly they have not grown one bit.
They are now adopting the word removed instead of disfellowshipped as this may add protection against lawsuits or injunctions.
Yeah, that's a joke. They're just candy coating a turd with that change.
The Norway lawsuit changed things for the Org. They lost $1 million a year from Norways generous religious fund. It was for their abusive shunning policy, especially the 15-20 year olds. 🎉
When you look at apostate stuff you realize that most of the changes the organization makes is not because they truly care about the wellbeing of everyone, but to protect themselves from lawsuits.
@@KendraWest-xk6po Absolutely. They are in brand crisis mode. So many changes in only a year is crazy desparate.
@@Eric_01We as exJW all leaving at once and staying gone will force them to continue to talk to us. We'll just wear them down until we can speak to our family like normal.
I used to Bible study with them and only last week thinking of going back and Bible study with them again and even my granddaughters 15yrs old and 12yrs old.
I prayed to God for strength and guidance to direct me on the right path.
So the day before yesterday i saw a video about the abuse and yesterday about UN.
Please what advice as to who now i shall study the Bible and to learn more about God? Thank you for speaking about this organization
See if you can find a Bible believing Church locally? Pray to God and ask him to use The Holy Spirit to guide you where you and your grandchildren should go.
Hi thanks a brilliant interview. Very helpful to us in England. Many thanks lots of real love
I studied their material for 6 years with one of Jehovas Witness, and thank God I did not fell into it. I just hope my big sister, who got baptised into their faith, will find her way out… or start fucking listen to me😅
:/... gl... hope you can put some sense into her... good on you for getting out of it
All gods are man made.
Dramatised, is the word that springs to mind!
Most people avoid having "sit downs" with the elders. It was more of a "oh no what did I do wrong" experience. Since the elders are the only ones that decide Disfellowshipping most JWs conduct themselves differently around the elders.
Brilliant interview. Really interesting
I was a teen father, and a couple of field service people would come by every other week. Eventually, they stopped coming, i would usually be stressed out and tired, but it was not overwhelming to have company ,they probably got tired of me and my teen father issues.
scientoly is good at it using its own language
Just imagine a religion so good, they have to go door to door to drum up business! 🤔
Finally,someone are explaining the way to his cult operate like Alissa Grenfell that's with Mormonism, please keep doing a great job by displaying and explaining their talse doctrines
I could not stand the cultic monotone and words “loving provision, Everything was an “ arrangement” and the new one ‘ The governing body can be likened to the voice of Jesus.
To me, the voice of Jesus is nothing remotely like the voice of the GB. Jesus Christ’s true sheep only know and listen to his voice and not to the estranged voice of the GB.
I hated that monotone too. Near the end of my time as an active Jehovah's witnesses that monotone speech just added to my depression. I always tell people that many Jehovah's witnesses attend meetings attempting to fill a void they have inside of themselves, but for me being born into the faith, it was the organization that created the void inside of myself
@@charlesmorris6476 Describe the voice. You're just saying nonsense about an experience you've never had.
@@Eric_01 only a fool would make such a statement about someone you know nothing about. I suggest you read John chapter 10. also in John 14th chapter verse 6 Jesus tells his true followers,
“I am the way and the truth and the life. no one comes to the Father except through me.”
In John chapter 10, Jesus told his true sheep who follow only him and his 12 spirit inspired apostles to watch out for the leaven of the Pharisees those claiming Godly authority and Christ’s authority as substitutes, because in verse 8 of chapter 10 Jesus tells us “they are thieves and plunderers; but his sheep do not listen to them” because they do not speak with the spirit of truth. And as Jesus told his followers “I am the way and the truth and the salvation or life“. These Pharisees and Priests of Jehovah’s earthly organization condemned Jesus as an apostate against God’s one true organization. Now today these so-called GB representative go-betweens violate God‘s arrangement of salvation through Christ Jesus alone, and in order for anyone to be recognized and have a relationship with Jesus and Jehovah they must get the approval of the Governing Body first. These “super fine apostles” shepherds or leaders of Jehovah’s earthly organization today have not stayed in harmonious loyalty and oneness to the spirit of truth in God’s word spoken through the mouth and works of Jesus. They claim the power and authority of Jehovah and Jesus but the spirit they are manifesting more and more today is the unashamed, willful manipulation, against the spirit and teachings of the truth of God‘s word.
I am assuming you are an ardent follower and defender of the Governing Body of JW. Org.
@@TheHudsonValleyWanderer I am sorry , I hope the void is being filled by a happier life.
Wow. This sounds a lot like Latter Day Saints! I joined for a few years as a young adult. I found it very weird. You had a home visiting teacher that was a man & companion came to your home once a month to preach with you. (Spy on how you ran your household.) You had a female pair of visiting teachers who came once a month to preach to you. You were required to be a visiting teacher with another woman and go to three Sisters homes each month. If you missed relief society your visiting teachers were checking why you left after service or co-Ed Bible study. You have to mail a notorized letter if you want to be out of the church to the Bishop. You can be on the do not contact list but are still one of the members. I have not gone in 16.5 yrs. I was a member for about 2 yrs. My husband did not convert because you could not drink beer or tea. He is from Ireland and was like no way. Females had to wear dresses or skirts to services. You had t give your testimony in front of all your Brothers & Sisters; when you didn’t they called you into office to see why it had been so long. You had to have a volunteer role like Sunday school teacher. Your kids could be questioned alone without your notice by the Bishop & Bishop Ric. If you did not show to Sunday service then afterwards two missionaries were sent round to your house. You had to water fast for 24 hrs the first Sunday of the month unless you were pregnant or nursing. You could not have any electronics on Sundays nor work or chores besides basic child care. You had a family worship night once a week. You had to invite the missionaries to dinner sometimes. When I left the friends I made were told to no longer speak to me in any way. I can’t imagine being born into the church and how much more you are indoctrinated. I always felt the brb in Sisters were holding back things from me. You were to very soft spoken & calm always. Your kids were expected to be that way for three hours in service each week.
I consider it disrespectful to address a parent by their first name. In the same manner I don't address God by his name in prayer but rather, "Heavenly Father."
they decided themselves not to come back to see me after a year. they seemed surprised and annoyed that i still hadn't been convinced and was still asking questions. i think the elders had had a word with them and decided i was of the world and was taking the piss really. and i wasn't, i wanted to be convinced at the time. they were always so warm and nice to me as well, but that last day when they said they wouldn't be back, they were icy, it was jarring. i missed them after they'd gone.
Having a personal relationship with Christ is very Protestant. The Protestant Reformation was about getting forgiveness directly from God instead of indulgences.
Many Christian groups have adopted using Yehovah or whatever for God's name.
Anyway, JW is very cultist.
ngl DeepX sounds like it belongs in a different corner of the internet
Spot on video . I too was brainwashed into the cult in 1970 when Armageddon just around the corner . I really do feel sorry for the nice , meaning people who still believe such rubbish .
Read your word become a Christian that’s the foundation of the word of God all that other stuff with Jehovah witness or Mormons and all that that’s more cultish than anything
All religions are cults
My parents are shunning me too, even though lds supposedly don't have that teaching. In that cults case, people see you as an apostate and they are afraid it'll rub off on them. That's what i think. I was pretty vocal, too, so i can relate to your feeling of not playing by their rules. I had my name removed from the records of the church rather than waiting to be excommunicated.
This is sad, really sad...my neighbor became one and made me sad but i am glad to know this...
I remember all of these growing up im so glad im now a Born again Christian ✝️
Does your new religion let you be friends with non-believers? I'm just curious how it's different?
@carolsimpson4422 yes the church don't control our life , they give guidance but each oerson is responsible for there own walk with Christ
Patty Nellis, so it's a buffet style theology where anything goes...abortion murder? It's all good (sarcasm meter in full deflection mode)
@@ucanliv4ever no , highly against abortion
Amen ‼️
I am 59 now; my mother converted from Baptist to JW when I was 6; by the time I was 15 I had left the JW religion, never having gotten baptized in the faith. I never agreed with the patriarchal mindset, especially seeing so much disfunction within the elders of the congregation and their own families.
Many of the "Elders" were "P" words, and used power to harm children. They are notorious for breaking up families. So destructive.
I totally agree, its even Scott lake congregation. The Donaldson's, so undivided
How could my dad remain not only an elder but become an overseer when my mom had been disfellowshipped? She has recently become a JW again since that happened.
I made the mistake of being nice and taking the JW calling card and now I’m dodging door bell rings. Had the watch tower posted through the letter box with a number for me to read 🙄. It’s like getting on scammer list
I went to a highly controlling Baptist church. Every thing from your hair to your dressing, to your attendance, I was once told I had only attended 43% of the time. They shunned cell phones, certain restaurants, and certainly certain fashions. Then I was at a grocery store, and there was the executive pastor 's wife dressed in a very tight pair of jeans, wearing a T shirt. Sometime later I went to one of the prohibited restaurants (they sold alcohol, had some gambling, so forth) and there was the executive pastor with his wife, and kids sitting at a table, with their phones 😊 he almost sh*t when he saw me.
I attended for less than a year, I was shown the door when I started asking questions about the finances. 😮
rules for thee, not for me...sadly so many people fall victim to these false people. they exist, like vampires, to suck the money from the gullible.
Damn now the former JW’s are speaking out now!!!
I’ve known so many former JW’s who have all had the same stories. So much SA by community church members or even family members that the church encourages you to shut up about. So many strange beliefs that get you kicked out or shunned, so that when you go back people you’ve known for years pretend they don’t even see you.
However I do know some people who love it - not sure if it’s different from congregation to congregation - I recall it being that way in the Mormon church. Community culture really influences how a congregation teaches and practices.
"Look I'd had a lovely supper and all I said to my wife was:'That piece of halibut was good enough for Jehovah.'"
Watching in leeds west yorkshire.......left the cult after 35 years wohooooooo
What will it take for people to admit humans are incapable of understanding the divine mysteries of life? Religions of all kinds are based on people trying to pursue goals - very human goals whether they are aware of it or not.