Friend of mine smoked salvia in a bong in a park in amsterdam and he just sat there 5 min then woke up and said he just live 1000 years as a rock. That shit seems pretty strong
I spent 6 months researching psylocibin before doing a heroes dose. "God" was revealed to me in such a beautiful a giant ball of as I was drawing near to it, I was aware of my existence but had no body. As I got closer, I began to experience every beautiful, excitement, elation, etc. And then it said to me "I AM....Unconditional Love." I was crying even though I had no physical body. Came out of that experience KNOWING and having 100% faith in our Creator. Life changing.
I don’t doubt that you had a spiritual experience. Native Americans, South American Indians, Pagan Europeans, Africans, Hindus, and all kinds of religious groups all over the world throughout time have used drugs to see the gods. Unfortunately Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. And the one true God repeatedly states to stay sober minded and forbids the use of mind altering drugs. I am glad that you have a belief in the Creator. I sincerely hope you find Him. We all need Him. But please don’t put your faith in psychedelics to get you there. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. Please read the Bible. "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.” ~ Jesus Christ
I literally felt the the same thing. Like an overwhelming energy of “goodness” for lack of a better word. It was powerful but pure. And conveyed ideas in a different way than traditional language.
Crazy how almost everyone whose taken phsycadellics talks about personal growth and learning, yet it's illegal.... What do you get from alcohol acting like a cool and feeling like shit
It's cause of the hold the pharmaceutical industry has on things. If people take thc instead of oxy for chronic pain, then the companies manufacturing and distributing oxy will now have to compete. If people take mushrooms instead of prozac, the prozac manufacturers will also be in trouble. That's why some generally harmless drugs are illegal whereas dangerous/habit forming ones often get prescribed by a doctor, it's all about big pharma taking out its competition to control the market
Damn. 2020, where you get to talk about growth and completely trash the competition in utter ignorance at the same time. I agree with you, but I have this thing where people who justify their vice based on societies standards of another vice don't get a "growth" pass. So take that opinion, stick it up your ass and do whatever you want with it when it comes back out👍
@@saladqp Is that really? I kind of thought that the whole thing focuses on Jesus specifically. Like when people ask if you accept Jesus Christ as your lord and savior, thats a CHRISTian thing to say but it doesnt sound very god centrist to me.
@@saladqp " God created everything in this world through Jesus and nothing was created without it". This statement seems utterly absurd to me. Care to explain further? On the time scale it doesn't make much sense. Or is it a metaphorical reference? I'm not poking fun at you btw.
What you just said boosted fool is basically how the 12 step program works for alcoholics and addicts. Its not a religion, it's just you have to have belief that there is something more powerful than man. We aren't the rulers of the universe. The word god pops up in the steps a lot and people get turned off to the 12 step program thinking its religion when really all it asks you to do is admit there is something in this universe ahead of humans on the scale of life.
Psilocybin containing mushrooms saved my life. The drastically reduced my benzodiazepine withdrawal allowing me to quite illicit pill addiction after three years of heavy daily use before it would had became medically dangerous to quit. It has also helped me survive depression.
I have researched and found out that shrooms are very helpful , it has really helps to reduce anxiety and depression . I would love to try magic mushrooms but I can't easily get some , Is there any realiable source I can purchase one
The Trips I've been having have really helped me a lot,I finally feel in control of my emotions and my future and things that used to be mundane to me now seem incredible and full of nuance on top of that I'm way less driven by my ego and I have alot more empathy as well
@Elizabeth Williams Thank you, I really needed to hear this. Something terrible has happened suddenly in my life. I am very vulnerable have not control. I'm also very afraid.
Good for you really.. ive had some quite intense experiences with shrooms myself, but i didnt respect them, so today i am sitting here with hppd and shit, i dont feel like myself at all and i dont wish it uppon anyone. But i still admire them tho, just have respect so you dont Get fucked haha
They nailed it when they said you want to be a better person after tripping. It's an overwhelming experience and you feel comfort and love and you want to give it to everyone you know after it's over.. That exact feeling happened last time I tripped.
I've noticed that the pharmas have not only been telling us to eat and do things that aren't healthy at all. Cannabis is a great example. It heals & helps so many issues. But because big pharma couldn't regulate or control the publics growth of it so they demonized it with works like " reefer madness" & getting legislation passed to make it illegal. They've actually found thar certain strains will cause certain cancers to turn on and cannibalize itself. Personally I believe they knew how beneficial and good it was and banned our way to access of it.
I only tried acid once, I’m not religious at all, however when I was tripping I saw the sky open up and a beam of light came down on me and I heard angels singing. It really tripped me out.
Yess girl the more acid and shrooms you do you’ll realize “God” exists but it’s not the comic book god that the hebrews led people to believe in. When people die, they see an all being light. That IS God. God isnt a man, he is all creation. Angels make gravity work, and you can see this in the other realm when you trip. Not even just gravity, but everythinggg. Angels make everything work and move. Angel just means “messenger” and even they aren’t what they were depicted as in early artworks. This is why Jesus told us we are all gods, and why he never claimed himself alone to be God or king of Jews. Because he knew God is within ALL of us and sees through all our eyes. Jesus was the chosen one becausee nobody understood this and was murdered for it.... he was of the priestly bloodline of Melchizedek, he allowed God to flow within and without him. He was the universe incarnate. The only man to ever be born with Christ consciousness. The son of God
Devitus lmao where do u think people got the term “angel dancing on the head of a pin”? People have been tripping forever man lmao thats WHY prophets saw what they saw
I’ve tripped multiple times on acid and shrooms. It’s crazy what you see. Every time I come out of the trip I feel completely different. I feel like a better person and more mature because those hours I’m tripping you just sit and think and you realize what’s happening around you and I swear everything falls right into place when I trip
I 100% agree i was faced with all my problems but was also aware of a solution as soon as a deep issue presented itself. And the amount of kindness i was capable of as a human tripled. It was like breaking the fourth wall.
Exactly! Did you have a revelation how the universe works and how more sickly complex it is than we already know wich is too hard to explain? Did you also see Budhistic paterns and slightly see while sitting a kind of round transparant bubble that rotates verticaly from your perspective? At least i had (universe lesson) the 2nd or 3rd time!
Bro honestly that was me on weed I used to get so high and think deep about my life and what I’m doing wrong and how I can fix it I used to get so sad but it helped me when I came back from the high and I tried working on it
The second coming of christ is when everyone starts taking mushrooms again and realize all this wickedness towards each other is unnecessary and we live more peaceful and fulfilling lives. That's a beautiful revelations.
I got f**cked up with alcohol for over 8 years. Also suffered severe depression. Not until my mom recommended me to psilocybin mushrooms treatment. I will be 2 years clean after trying out a psilocybin treatment. Never thought I would be saying this about mushrooms. Saved my life honestly from addiction and depression.
Hey! Yes very sure of Dr.Raymycolx ..a single dose of shrooms saved me from Alcohol addiction. 6 years clean. no cravings. this doesn't sound weird to me in any way shape or form.
Haven’t watched the video yet, but I’m certain Joe will talk about Moses’s burning bush being an Acacia tree that has DMT. Edit: If you doubt that I commented before I watched, you haven’t watched enough Joe Rogan lol
I visited this tree, if im not mistaken is it the one in egypt? I even took a small branch off and kept it as a blessing/keepsake in my handbag. I ended up giving the piece of branch to a friend.
Austin Dame we know the ark of the covenant with the cherubs on top was Saran wrapped in gold inside and out was açai wood and was filled with Amanita Muscaria mushrooms.
I found 🍄 but not dmt or lsd can wait to find them. about to get some other 🍄 for the end of the month hopefully I’ll find dmt or lsd soon enough is hard to get a plug in ny for a psychedelic 🥺
There was a point in my life where I was extremely depressed and felt like my life was just mere nothingness. I started taking acid, mainly at dubstep concerts for the visual and bodily effects, but it got to the point where I would take it by myself or with friends, and the conversations I would have with myself and others, the realizations I came to see are indescribable. The only way I can put it is I realized that the one way that I want to live life with a purpose is to live with pure happiness and helping others who struggle with depression and/or anxiety. Psychedelics are absolutely amazing and eye opening and I recommend everyone try it at least once, because you will find yourself or your purpose; come to a realization of what or how you should go through this life. ✌🏼
I agree that everyone should try it once. I've only done it twice myself. It was 2018 and i was 32. But neither time did i find myself or purpose or anything deep within myself. I mostly giggled and said nonsensical things a lot but i did manage to get something very deep from each. The first, i visualized an energy creating machine and felt it could somehow power itself. The same exact concept that a Dyson sphere is. Its just that it was another 4 years before I even heard about what a dyson sphere was. The second time i realized the energy consciousness has and that it isn't just within us but that it also exists elsewhere and sensed that my thoughts during my trip weren't just coming from within me but from somewhere else.
Well like if you are not really too drunk you can still comprehand what is going on an you can act sober if you need to talk to your parents, order food etc. but if you just want to party you can relax and be "more drunk".
@@XboxIssues well I was drunk and couldn't move, took a tab and ended up running around not feeling drunk, within an hour. Must be doing something physically that we dont know about.
Harvey , CRINGE ! Being so dismissive of religion is just as ignorant as ignorant believers of god. Its not that atheists dont believe in god, its that the role of god has moved.
Exactly, I had been homeless before and I was starting to find housing I had done mushrooms. The feeling that these psychedelics gave me made me look at my life and the voice in my head was amplified by like 1000. This voice was saying “who do you want be with? where do you want to be?” I remember analyzing my life and thinking “wow how I approach people says a lot and there is such thing as complete, pure, divine love and understand and that I can express that to other people in my community if I really tried. It also made me think about how my body works. I wanted to eat better after that. These things really need to be legalized. We wouldn’t have hardened criminals with fucked up mindsets if we just allowed psilocybin into our culture.
@@ThatOneMindTraveler don’t trust anyone selling mushrooms on Instagram lmao, go to your local hydroponics store and get a mushroom grow kit, from there buy some spores online. The grow kit and spores are only illegal if sold together, however buying them separate is totally fair game. Depending on the kit you get, there is usually minimal effort involved as long as you research what you’re doing beforehand
@3:10 OMG Finally!!!! Someone had a similar experience as me. I’ve looked online about salvia experiences and it’s usually about people becoming conveyor belts or becoming a box or becoming Pepsi cola in a cup and can feel themselves sizzling. My experience was nothing like that at all. I remember vividly in 2011, I was in the back seat of my friends car and we wanted to look for spice because we didn’t want to get flagged on a drug test. The head shop we went to had no spice but he offered us some stuff called “Salvia”. “He said, it’s the same stuff as spice, smoke up, puff puff”. Man was he full of sh**. We went to my friends car and I took 3 big as drags and was transported into an alternate reality for 2 years. I was sent to the 7th grade where one of my best friends was my school teacher. I lived throughout that entire school year as if everything was ok. I then finished 7th grade and went to 8th grade after the school year and my other friend was my school teacher. About mid school year I started to question that reality, I began shaking my head saying “no no no no no”. I then snapped out of it and was like what tf???? How long was I gone? They said “10 minutes” I was like WTF???
Acid was literally an eye opening experience for me. I see the “light/life” in everything now. Listen to some good music while you’re on it and you’ll have a good trip
I’m doing my first solo trip tomorrow. I’m definitely looking forward to it as I’m going to focus on the spiritual side of things. When I tripped last year, I saw two giant double doors like I was in a castle. They were slowly opening up and a bright light was coming through. I didn’t go through them and I regret it. If I see them again, I’m 100% walking through
Heinrich S7 Wolf Nah part of the excitement is running on a sketchy mission to get the acid and then dropping it with your boys and waiting for it to kick and have the come up giggles. I’d hate it if it was an app.
Psilocybin containing mushrooms save my life. The drastically reduced my benzodiazepine withdrawal allowing me to quite illicit pill addiction after three years of heavy daily use before it would had became medically dangerous to quit
I've always wondered if we look like ants to other beings, just like if you look at our bodies on a cellular level... Maybe our bodies are like planets and our cells are the populations... As above, So below...
David Bowie On high doses of shrooms I have had several encounters with entities. I had a few scary ones, one with a universal joker¿ and a good one with an entity made of light and darkness. Sometimes on a high dose of shrooms it feels like I’m walking hand in hand with a entity that wants to show its world to me eventhough I can’t physically see it. This is to this day one of the most fascinating things I am unable to wrap my head around.
@@ob1934 yes! Just like the greyarea SARMS falls under and greasy people sell this to insecure teens «legally» without knowing the long term health consequenses yet..
I’ve never taken psychedelics, but I once had a dream similar to Ari’s trip. I lived about 3 years, formed a family, made friends, and I was also underwater. Waking up from that was the biggest mindfuck ever. I laid in my bed for an hour that day just trying to come back to reality.
Stanislav grof did 60 years of studys. Ralph metzner Christian rätsch MAPS - multi disciplinary association for psychedelic studies, there u can see many lectures. Neuro pharmacology professor David nutt for example. Dont focus on McKenna, there are many great people.
@@ravex1656 nice, I have a book of essays by Charles S. Grob with contributions by Metzner, Rick Strassman, and many others. Wonderful book called "Hallucinogens: A Reader".
In an era when rock stars and politicians bow to rogan, and he’s spread this kind of information to how many countless people, suddenly the prospect of an enlightened world and a large scale spiritual awakening seems totally possible. Honestly it’s such a beautiful thing. Bravo joe.
I can recommend you to where I get my stuff from an online store his got his got Shrooms, psychedelics, alongside other products well Refined ships to anywhere discreetly.......
What's crazy is if you watch the "Learning to Enjoy Being Alone" episode with Naval Ravikant, Ravikant said that it's possible to get into a psychedelic-like state through meditation. That mixed with this episode makes it believable that someone could "speak to God" via pure meditation as well.
David Lynch talks at his TM meetings about how the meditative state is the kingdom of heaven and God is the 3rd layer of your mind. Eckhart Tolle says the same thing and he's a big meditation guru. I think it isn't drugs but deep meditation.
@@sirmrguitardude why not both? I’m sure prayer used to have much closer roots to meditation as opposed to today’s view of it, however you cannot entirely dismiss the fact that our ancestors did in fact experiment with drugs. There’s plenty of evidence supporting both theories, and it makes even more sense if you compile it together. For example, an individual uses psilocybin for ritualistic purposes, and later meditates on that experience to find the greater meaning within. Anyone who’s taken psychedelics for spiritual purposes know that the interpretations of your trips may take months and even years for you to fully understand, giving the individual plenty of time to meditate on what they’ve seen and learned, which may lead to an even greater enlightening experience through pure meditation
I'm a complete atheist and even I have had psychedelic experiences where I was genuinely convinced I was talking to god. It made me realize that I am god (not just me but like every conscious entity). The best way I can describe the logic behind that is that god is actually time (the infinite, all seeing, all knowing moment) which is just perception, aka consciousness, aka me (and everyone else).This may be difficult for non trippers to understand. Hell its difficult even for me to understand in a sober state of mind and I literally had the experience,.
This makes sense. I believed we were our own gods before I ever touched psychs and then took a couple 400ug trips of lsd and further more proved myself right but at the same time confused myself because it just adds more questions. I had a bad trip and scarred me abit but I got the answered I was looking for I guess
@@okaywhat11 yup my thoughts exactly. All religions were basically a response to these experiences and are doing their best to explain them in what limited way language can. Frankly we aint much closer to understanding it than we were 2000 years ago
bakerrr333 like if you have to come home drunk and your parents are waiting for you and you can concentrate long enough to act sober and make it to your room.
I came out of an 1/8th trip and had the holy spirt come into me “feeling of an atom bomb of love and presence” a beam of light shines through the window said my friends watched me sob. God is alive and dwelling within all of us.
Same bro my 4gram trip of shrooms i literally felt spirit energy and ringing in my ears & mad visuals like theres no convincing me what I experienced wasnt real😂
Ryan is referring to a specific experience he had that is way bigger than the shit the rest of you are talking about. He is talking about just tripping balls and having a good time.
I think there's definitely something amazing about psychedelics. My last psilocybin trip, I had this overwhelmingly reassuring sensation through every last molecule of my being, as if the whole Universe enveloped me in its embrace and told me that everything would be okay. Psychedelics brought me out of my previous atheist's mindset and set me on the path to explore shamanism and witchcraft, then other aspects of the occult. It was through both LSD trips and mushroom trips where I realized that I could control my own reality, something which is a very important notion in the study and practice of magick. It's been through traversing this spiritual path where I've been probably the most able to deal with some of the hardships in life I've faced over the past couple of decades. If plant medicines like psilocybin and ayahuasca are Mother Nature's way of communicating to us, then I think this kind of insight needs to be made available to all people regardless of their economic status.
Its just chemicals it alters your brain you never leave or go anywhere its just the imbalnce and over use of certain chemicals make your mind work a different way its intresting but its just drugs end of the day
What reached you was not holy it was a false idol tricking you to believe God's love was something else such as mother nature and into believing that you can alter you're own reality through something like magic as if you don't need God. Evil wants to separate us from God and to change the direction of our love away from him. I encourage you to start seriously looking into religion and how it might apply to your past experiences and at the very least humor me and try to seriously pray for insight and protection next time you trip and see what happens. I wish you good things and to have a nice day.
I think his point was that there are ways you can, but he didn’t really go in detail on ways that you can. For example, for me my “switch” would be food. It’s not instant but the more I eat, the the more I become sober gradually.
@Pink Pyramids They did it to me abroad when I had alcohol poisoning. So what does it do? Cheers for telling me I'm wrong and offering 0 info. Productive.
Yeah, its more likely to know how you feel, and your experience when you are tripped ,if you really need some just get in contact with my :xavi02
I love the frustration in Joes scream when Michael brings up that which world is real or not, I too live everyday with this same question repeating in my head bc I too have seen the other side👁👁
I’ve been there “ Part of every single atom “ but I didn’t use anything. It left me a sensation of what happens when we die . It’s the most unbelievable amazing sensation I’ve ever experienced in my life . I just don’t understand why it came naturally on me . Actually I was in deep depression when it happened. It’s like another language in which the universe “ God “ itself “ himself “ spoke to me in another reality where communication is exclusive through a unexplained feeling . There’s no “ I “ or “ Me “ its pure consciousness with no matter just energy . What a beautiful experience ! I’ll never forget it .
I took acid once, and during the trip I could control time with my body, if I moved very slowy everyone around me did too, if I stopped, everyone would be in suspended animation, sound complied as well, as I moved slowly a deep slow sound came from the stage, and I could hear the wind up sound as I moved faster. It was fascinating to keep dead still and have everyone on the dance floor completely still like a single frame. The most frightening thing was that as far I was experiencing, it was actually happening, it was very, very clear and totally tangable.
@@miguelchirilov1650 Shit is crazy. People over here talking bout love and shit, I don't even talk about my lessons cause nobody would relate. Not the narrative people wanna hear.
Terrance said once to ask the mushroom questions, and the one time I tried it I asked the mushroom what my problem was, why am I angry, and it told me I was arrogant, but not to fear arrogance or avoid it, just that it was a part of me, and that I had to stop identifying with it. The next day I stopped trying to prove myself right all the time and stopped acting better than others and it's been 100% improvement since then
I had never been super religious or anything but I took roughly 9 grams of shrooms a few months back and it completely shattered my reality. I hummed as I was going through this crazy difficult part for what seems like forever no visuals at this stage it felt as though I was literally being reborn. Id faced my shame and doubt. I faced me. I knew what was wrong with the world and how we could fix it. I also seen the end. I seen numbers over people heads ticking down like I could see how much time they had left. I had this overwhelming feeling that I could walk on water. I crawled to my Dads legs where I prayed heavily and asked for Gods blessing for my father legs. At the end of it I wept because I was thankful my father was still with me and that God would heal his legs. Unbelievable experience no I dont claim to be Jesus but after the trip I know that I am the son of God as you are, and he will always be with me.
Jesus is probably a total fictional character btw.. You only made that association because of christian knowledge and culture .. Indians in the amazon tripping on dmt dont associate what they as jesus if they never heard of jesus.. If you believed in odin and thor , your experience would revolve around that mythology.. Ive done acid, shrooms, dmt and had some "spiritual" experiences or at least they felt profound in a way, and maybe there is something to that side but you also have to look at cultural programming and how that plays a role.. Totally fine if you believe in jesus even though not a shred of evidence for that belief besides a religious book.
@@jfkino1 Wether or not you want to believe in Christ’ ressurection, saying Jesus is a fictional character is completely ignorant and incorrect. His existence is depicted by most cultures of the 1st century AD. Including the Roman Empire (the ones who obviously murdered Him) even Jewish rabbis who did not like Him or His followers did not deny His existence. Our entire calendar is based on His life and death…It’s sort of sad and disappointing you don’t have a grasp of basic history. While considering 1 out of 3 people alive 2,000 years later believe in Jesus as the messiah. I recommend you read the Bible. You will die soon and atone for your sins. Yet if you have a repentful heart and endulge not in your sins but righteousness, you can inherit the gift of everlasting life by our creator. Please wake up before your time comes my friend.
that experience is really humbling isnt it, where you question every single one of your morals and remember exactly why the way you turned out, realising you can be the person your ideal version of you
I've heard a lot of tripping stories, and they are very exciting,I would love to try magic mushrooms but I can't easily get some, Is there any realiable source I can purchase from??
The Trips I've been having have really helped me a lot,I finally feel in control of my emotions and my future and things that used to be mundane to me now seem incredible and full of nuance on top of that I'm way less driven by my ego and I have alot more empathy as well
God this conversation has my mind rushing through all 27 yrs of when I was a Christian, re-analyzing and interpreting all of that knowledge I gained about what Christianity believes and truly teaches, and it’s making it all synch up with an ever truer sense of its intended meaning! Like it all is in a clearer view, the final match to unlock the lock. It was the final bit of information I needed to learn to finally see what it all means. It bridges the gap between what I used to believe and why I don’t anymore. The stories, myths and prophecies in the Old Testament just never made logical rational sense. The behavior and outcome of people in wars and the acts of God during it all, always seemed so outlandish that I could never convincingly imagine it realistically but rather as a kids cartoon. But once I did have some of these experiences with mushrooms and cannabis, it all became almost ashamedly obvious! Everything in the Bible becomes clear when you go back through and insert, “ate mushrooms” in place of “talked with god.” So it seems we have, with all modern understanding of Christianity and Judaism, a close but ultimately wrong representation of an intended meaning of trips. Eventually Politics come to play and dabble in the whole stories and histories to have control over people and bing bom bewp, you have a power monster. A political man wearing the popes robes, controlling people. Using the power of religious feelings and experiences and inclinations we all experience, and using that to get people to do whatever it is they want when they want. I guess it’s obvious but immediately governing the source of the revelations/trips would be key. If everyone can all come to the same conclusions, as we all do!, which is how to truly live right in this world, then everyone is free. And you can’t own free people. When you can see further out from yourself, when you stand from a mountain and see out or like the astronauts viewing earth as a marble think, we see it all as one. When you see that everything is connected to itself, which includes you, you start to view every interaction differently and you noticeably start to care for more around you. From people to plants and all wildlife. From politics and ethics and world views, things change. Again, my mind is racing just putting this final clue in and having every implication catch up to me as to reveal the final form of Truth. GOD DAMN IM HIGH!
@@thebunz7 it was associated with a revolutionary culture too, sexually, politically, morally, religiously. The contrast between hippies and traditional folk was pretty strong so a heavy bias that it would break society. The difference between music for example in such short condensed couple decades post-war. It seems like hospitalisations where the post hoc evidence to support something they had already made their mind up on?
I found God when I left church. I felt comforted and understood on my own in a single psychedelic trip than 20+ years in Christianity praying, fasting, and dedicating to the cult.
@@kyplummer3657 why can't you just listen to what they said. They said that they felt more connection after leaving the church, many people have said the same.
“I went on an eastern journey to find myself and i discovered the key to life, you will never truly find yourself but dont stop tryin” -The Pope of Palm beach
Things that may improve your life: - Believe that we got created & manifest - No fap (no masturbation) & semen retention - Drinking 2-4 liters water a day - not comparing yourself to others (compare you from yesterday) - Not trying to impress people (impress yourself from yesterday) - Cold showers (Even the last 20 seconds of your regular shower) - Meditation - Not relying on relationships for happiness - Working out - Having a leader mentality - Reading books - Breathing in from your nose (reminder) - having gratitude - Cleaning your room - Taking breaks of social media - Not limiting yourself - Making up your bed (discipline practice) - Quitting/moderating caffeine & sugary drinks - Walking in nature - Making your own money (online) - Having a plan for things you wanna do - Being aware of what you doing with your valuable time & energy Please consider to try out at least 1 thing from this list (make a screenshot if you want to!)
Lol i told my priest I did psychedelics and he smirked at first as if he’s done it 😭😂 he was like “welll it escapes you from this reality, get back to this reality” dangg
MichaelOfAngels 777 Do it. That smirk definitely meant something. He’s probably gonna lie about it so observe his body language to determine the truth. Also If you suspect him of lying ask him why he’s lying to really put him on the spot because he knows he shouldn’t lie.
That was pretty funny, but I don't think it is a thing. At least nowadays, they use just regular old incense. Though there is a news story of some altar boys putting weed in the thurible (the thing the priest swings around). Which is pretty funny.
I'll never forget when I was with two of my buddies, and we decided to trip together. My friend I'll call B had done it before, but myself and my friend I'll call Q had never tried it before, so we were a little skeptical. I'll never forget these two moments. Deep into the night we were outside, sitting on lawn chairs and talking while looking up at the stars. At some point their voices started to get muffled while I looked up, and there were lines connecting different stars. The sky seemed to be stretching and pulling me in as the stars connected and I could feel myself leaving my body. As I realized what was happening, it scared me and I snapped myself back into my body. I slammed into myself so hard that it knocked the breath out of me. The second experience was a little afterwards, my friend B had found a garden gnome and was pretending to fuck it. We thought it was the funniest shit, of course, so I turned around to get my friend Q's attention and what happened is something we still can't explain. As I turned around, the entire world went dark except my friend, he's the only thing I could see. A large hand came out from this heavy, milky darkness and grabbed him by the shoulder, exactly as I felt a large hand grab me as well. A few seconds later we both scrambled off of the ground and were exclaiming about what just happened. I don't understand how both of us, at the exact same time, experienced an identical situation without ever saying a word to each other. To this day we can't explain what exactly happened or why it happened
My friend and me on acid watched as a tree gave birth, the baby tree planted itself into the ground. The next day we went back and found the 2 trees. We saw the same thing happen and didnt speak the whole time.
"new psychedelics? Aren't mushrooms all you need"
"So we ordered this dmt powder off the internet with a Visa card"
I like the steezy pfp.
@@Yumemaru. ty very much stay up
MrIHadToDoIt Illuminati try to read my mind
MrIHadToDoIt I want that stuff off the internet
This will go down as a underrated conversation in history. I ain’t lying.
Ummm timothy lyroy n cia
Its ok even if not ok rogan
Not lying... Just tripping 😂
Its almost 4 AM in south Texas and I'm enjoying the shit out of this talk
So correct
Friend of mine smoked salvia in a bong in a park in amsterdam and he just sat there 5 min then woke up and said he just live 1000 years as a rock. That shit seems pretty strong
lmao sounds like a "bad trip" just sitting there for 1000 years being thrown around, stepped on, being on the sun, etc without being able to move
@@steelhorn1393 fuck i’d rather fucking die
I remember I smoked salvia and everything was purple.
@@indowGriffo420 past a rock? Lmao
I spent 6 months researching psylocibin before doing a heroes dose. "God" was revealed to me in such a beautiful a giant ball of as I was drawing near to it, I was aware of my existence but had no body. As I got closer, I began to experience every beautiful, excitement, elation, etc. And then it said to me "I AM....Unconditional Love." I was crying even though I had no physical body. Came out of that experience KNOWING and having 100% faith in our Creator. Life changing.
I AM.. what a rare yet somehow believable experience. That's awesome.
God, like the Christian God? or you know. Just God
Beautiful bro.
I don’t doubt that you had a spiritual experience. Native Americans, South American Indians, Pagan Europeans, Africans, Hindus, and all kinds of religious groups all over the world throughout time have used drugs to see the gods. Unfortunately Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. And the one true God repeatedly states to stay sober minded and forbids the use of mind altering drugs. I am glad that you have a belief in the Creator. I sincerely hope you find Him. We all need Him. But please don’t put your faith in psychedelics to get you there. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. Please read the Bible. "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.” ~ Jesus Christ
I literally felt the the same thing. Like an overwhelming energy of “goodness” for lack of a better word. It was powerful but pure. And conveyed ideas in a different way than traditional language.
Crazy how almost everyone whose taken phsycadellics talks about personal growth and learning, yet it's illegal.... What do you get from alcohol acting like a cool and feeling like shit
Because people in power, religious and political, know they'd lose it all the moment everyone has a spiritual awakening.
It's cause of the hold the pharmaceutical industry has on things. If people take thc instead of oxy for chronic pain, then the companies manufacturing and distributing oxy will now have to compete. If people take mushrooms instead of prozac, the prozac manufacturers will also be in trouble. That's why some generally harmless drugs are illegal whereas dangerous/habit forming ones often get prescribed by a doctor, it's all about big pharma taking out its competition to control the market
Trifle Yes
Damn. 2020, where you get to talk about growth and completely trash the competition in utter ignorance at the same time. I agree with you, but I have this thing where people who justify their vice based on societies standards of another vice don't get a "growth" pass.
So take that opinion, stick it up your ass and do whatever you want with it when it comes back out👍
depopulization plan my friend. they dont want people to grow mentally and realize were all a part of their plan.
Honestly I think the concept of God makes far more sense than the concept of religion. I would rather follow God than a religion.
@@saladqp Is that really? I kind of thought that the whole thing focuses on Jesus specifically. Like when people ask if you accept Jesus Christ as your lord and savior, thats a CHRISTian thing to say but it doesnt sound very god centrist to me.
@@saladqp Yes I have heard of it, I suppose you are right.
@@saladqp " God created everything in this world through Jesus and nothing was created without it". This statement seems utterly absurd to me. Care to explain further? On the time scale it doesn't make much sense. Or is it a metaphorical reference? I'm not poking fun at you btw.
What you just said boosted fool is basically how the 12 step program works for alcoholics and addicts. Its not a religion, it's just you have to have belief that there is something more powerful than man. We aren't the rulers of the universe. The word god pops up in the steps a lot and people get turned off to the 12 step program thinking its religion when really all it asks you to do is admit there is something in this universe ahead of humans on the scale of life.
That’s why i believe in the bible straight up. I’m starting to see all this extra junk in religions
I'm waiting for the episode where Joe takes dmt live
Goodbye sponsors
We all are
He's gonna sleep for the whole podcast
@@kwillzmz Well, no, it doesn't take that long at all.
Don B go watch someone meditate it’s just as interesting
Psilocybin containing mushrooms saved my life. The drastically reduced my benzodiazepine withdrawal allowing me to quite illicit pill addiction after three years of heavy daily use before it would had became medically dangerous to quit. It has also helped me survive depression.
I have researched and found out that shrooms are very helpful , it has really helps to reduce anxiety and depression . I would love to try magic mushrooms but I can't easily get some , Is there any realiable source I can purchase one
The Trips I've been having have really helped me a lot,I finally feel in control of my emotions and my future and things that used to be mundane to me now seem incredible and full of nuance on top of that I'm way less driven by my ego and I have alot more empathy as well
@Elizabeth Williams Please how do I contact him?
@Elizabeth Williams Thank you, I really needed to hear this. Something terrible has happened suddenly in my life. I am very vulnerable have not control. I'm also very afraid.
Good for you really.. ive had some quite intense experiences with shrooms myself, but i didnt respect them, so today i am sitting here with hppd and shit, i dont feel like myself at all and i dont wish it uppon anyone. But i still admire them tho, just have respect so you dont Get fucked haha
They nailed it when they said you want to be a better person after tripping. It's an overwhelming experience and you feel comfort and love and you want to give it to everyone you know after it's over.. That exact feeling happened last time I tripped.
Mind Drips and what about the people who dont use drugs and have spiritual experiences? like i do
I can 100% agree on this. Happened to me a few months back
@@jazzpie5866 He didn't say anything about spirituality.
Where did you buy it from?
@@SeemaChanan i have plugs who sell in Arizona
Psychedelics being illegal is all the more reason why we need to study them.
Key word study
SAIYAN How does using a psychoactive substance morally equate to molesting a minor?
Not here they aren’t
I've noticed that the pharmas have not only been telling us to eat and do things that aren't healthy at all. Cannabis is a great example. It heals & helps so many issues. But because big pharma couldn't regulate or control the publics growth of it so they demonized it with works like " reefer madness" & getting legislation passed to make it illegal. They've actually found thar certain strains will cause certain cancers to turn on and cannibalize itself. Personally I believe they knew how beneficial and good it was and banned our way to access of it.
visit and order DMT, LSD, MDMA, Weed, coke and mushrooms.
wickr: nelcotfelia
snap chat:nelcotfelia20
+12698156151 (whatsapp)
That 14 minute clip made more sense explaining religion, than the 20 years i regularly attended church.
you are really dumb then
Ayy lmao family does that to u
I enjoy this comment ❤️
I agree completely with the OP... there's a lot to unpack there
Also completely disagree with @Ayy lmao
Make a point or insult me.
Simply stating you disagree with me is by far the most useless option.
I’ve been using psychedelics for over 12 years, even before it started trending. It’s been of great help to me.
I’m really in need of a source, how can I get them?
Psilocybin mushroom helped me with my hair loss, I regained my hair after several treatment with reishi mushroom
I’m still very new to all these, still doing some research on dosages and all.
@Albert Jones I just looked him up, does he deliver across the states?
Dude said before it started trending like it makes a trip difference
I only tried acid once, I’m not religious at all, however when I was tripping I saw the sky open up and a beam of light came down on me and I heard angels singing. It really tripped me out.
Ha, guess you're chosen 😄
Yess girl the more acid and shrooms you do you’ll realize “God” exists but it’s not the comic book god that the hebrews led people to believe in.
When people die, they see an all being light. That IS God. God isnt a man, he is all creation. Angels make gravity work, and you can see this in the other realm when you trip. Not even just gravity, but everythinggg. Angels make everything work and move. Angel just means “messenger” and even they aren’t what they were depicted as in early artworks.
This is why Jesus told us we are all gods, and why he never claimed himself alone to be God or king of Jews. Because he knew God is within ALL of us and sees through all our eyes. Jesus was the chosen one becausee nobody understood this and was murdered for it.... he was of the priestly bloodline of Melchizedek, he allowed God to flow within and without him. He was the universe incarnate. The only man to ever be born with Christ consciousness. The son of God
@@TheArmchairPriest wut
Devitus lmao where do u think people got the term “angel dancing on the head of a pin”? People have been tripping forever man lmao thats WHY prophets saw what they saw
Eat some more
I’ve tripped multiple times on acid and shrooms. It’s crazy what you see. Every time I come out of the trip I feel completely different. I feel like a better person and more mature because those hours I’m tripping you just sit and think and you realize what’s happening around you and I swear everything falls right into place when I trip
Yes! Raises your awareness
I 100% agree i was faced with all my problems but was also aware of a solution as soon as a deep issue presented itself. And the amount of kindness i was capable of as a human tripled. It was like breaking the fourth wall.
Did you have a revelation how the universe works and how more sickly complex it is than we already know wich is too hard to explain?
Did you also see Budhistic paterns and slightly see while sitting a kind of round transparant bubble that rotates verticaly from your perspective?
At least i had (universe lesson) the 2nd or 3rd time!
Crazy how ewrything is falling into places, Yes !
Bro honestly that was me on weed I used to get so high and think deep about my life and what I’m doing wrong and how I can fix it I used to get so sad but it helped me when I came back from the high and I tried working on it
The second coming of christ is when everyone starts taking mushrooms again and realize all this wickedness towards each other is unnecessary and we live more peaceful and fulfilling lives. That's a beautiful revelations.
Ultimate Freeman I’m gonna frame this comment
Zoe same writing this beautiful comment down
well where do i get shrooms
@@jordanteddyswopshire563 they'll find you.
This is exactly what I believe. I used to scoff hard at Christianity until I realized, the message has just been interpreted wrong.
I got f**cked up with alcohol for over 8 years. Also suffered severe depression. Not until my mom recommended me to psilocybin mushrooms treatment. I will be 2 years clean after trying out a psilocybin treatment. Never thought I would be saying this about mushrooms. Saved my life honestly from addiction and depression.
After doing some research, i've been looking to try shrooms for Anxiety. Just very difficult to get a reliable source here in Sweden. Really need!
Yes! Very sure of Dr.raymycolx
Hey! Yes very sure of Dr.Raymycolx ..a single dose of shrooms saved me from Alcohol addiction. 6 years clean. no cravings. this doesn't sound weird to me in any way shape or form.
Dr.Raymycolx is your guy. Best shrooms and psychedelics guy I know
Microdosing helped me get out of the pit of my worst depressive episode, a three year long episode, enough to start working on my mental health.
Religion: "Do you know the link between Joe Rogan and psychedelics?"
Burn Lumps DMT!
Oh, 100 percent
Thank yall for these comments i have a hard time atm and they always make me laugh for a sec
"The Psychedelic Origins of the Abrahamic Faiths" on bitchute should answer this question for you guys.
Haven’t watched the video yet, but I’m certain Joe will talk about Moses’s burning bush being an Acacia tree that has DMT.
Edit: If you doubt that I commented before I watched, you haven’t watched enough Joe Rogan lol
Joe "white pure powder asprin" Rogan
@Evan Reese Oh thanks! I had no idea
lol, I read this comment at 7:55 in the clip.....had to stop the video to comment.......
I visited this tree, if im not mistaken is it the one in egypt? I even took a small branch off and kept it as a blessing/keepsake in my handbag. I ended up giving the piece of branch to a friend.
Austin Dame we know the ark of the covenant with the cherubs on top was Saran wrapped in gold inside and out was açai wood and was filled with Amanita Muscaria mushrooms.
The funniest is when Joe gets serious and his eyes get REALLY big lmao.
10.05 😳🤣
I love that! it is hilarious!!! 😂😂😂😂
Watch a PINGTRIP video 😂
you guys are simps
my heart goes out to people that arent open-minded enough to try them or have the misfortune of never stumbling across psychedelics in the first place
I found 🍄 but not dmt or lsd can wait to find them. about to get some other 🍄 for the end of the month hopefully I’ll find dmt or lsd soon enough is hard to get a plug in ny for a psychedelic 🥺
Lauren steven no thank I meant a real plug some legit not some scammer of Instagram we been through this already on mushrooms videos
Lauren steven scam
Lauren steven scammers
Lauren steven scammers
Joe "Jesus is a mushroom" Rogan
Sahith Krishna An gods sperm covered mushrooms
TTVYT xLiMiTleZz po morning y
Haha wtf
Je- sus > je sauce > his sperm
And before him, John Marco Allego, and before him, Thomas Paine
I'll never listen to these type of conversations the same. Everythings a midnight gospel episode in my head.
Ummmm, excuse me but... [opens bag and drones fly out] ...would you mind if I interview you?
Omg right!!
😂 lowkey
Literally lol
Joe needs to have a psychedelics talk every podcast
Yare yare daze
Yare yare daze
Yare yare daze
Ora ora
Yare yare daze
There was a point in my life where I was extremely depressed and felt like my life was just mere nothingness. I started taking acid, mainly at dubstep concerts for the visual and bodily effects, but it got to the point where I would take it by myself or with friends, and the conversations I would have with myself and others, the realizations I came to see are indescribable. The only way I can put it is I realized that the one way that I want to live life with a purpose is to live with pure happiness and helping others who struggle with depression and/or anxiety. Psychedelics are absolutely amazing and eye opening and I recommend everyone try it at least once, because you will find yourself or your purpose; come to a realization of what or how you should go through this life. ✌🏼
I agree that everyone should try it once. I've only done it twice myself. It was 2018 and i was 32. But neither time did i find myself or purpose or anything deep within myself. I mostly giggled and said nonsensical things a lot but i did manage to get something very deep from each. The first, i visualized an energy creating machine and felt it could somehow power itself. The same exact concept that a Dyson sphere is. Its just that it was another 4 years before I even heard about what a dyson sphere was. The second time i realized the energy consciousness has and that it isn't just within us but that it also exists elsewhere and sensed that my thoughts during my trip weren't just coming from within me but from somewhere else.
“Officer, you know when your drunk and you can make your self sober?” No?
Yeah, don't know why he even mentioned that. Can't just magically make alcohol disappear from your blood
I think he meant you can feel sober or act sober when drunk
@@XboxIssues well, people use coke for that.
Well like if you are not really too drunk you can still comprehand what is going on an you can act sober if you need to talk to your parents, order food etc. but if you just want to party you can relax and be "more drunk".
@@XboxIssues well I was drunk and couldn't move, took a tab and ended up running around not feeling drunk, within an hour. Must be doing something physically that we dont know about.
I love seeing a Joe rogan clip titled like this pop up on my home screen
"These religious people weren't lying they were just trippers" 😂😂😂😂😂😂
All religion is bs
It’s false hope, just live your life how you want to instead of a shitty rule book, you will have a happy ever after.
Harvey , CRINGE ! Being so dismissive of religion is just as ignorant as ignorant believers of god. Its not that atheists dont believe in god, its that the role of god has moved.
Nuziburt yes it’s all bs
Nuziburt obviously there is something that connects us together but it’s not any form of religion
Exactly, I had been homeless before and I was starting to find housing I had done mushrooms. The feeling that these psychedelics gave me made me look at my life and the voice in my head was amplified by like 1000. This voice was saying “who do you want be with? where do you want to be?” I remember analyzing my life and thinking “wow how I approach people says a lot and there is such thing as complete, pure, divine love and understand and that I can express that to other people in my community if I really tried. It also made me think about how my body works. I wanted to eat better after that. These things really need to be legalized. We wouldn’t have hardened criminals with fucked up mindsets if we just allowed psilocybin into our culture.
Wait what????
@Deborah McCoy what did you buy online??
@Deborah McCoy ohh good have you done mushrooms before??
@Deborah McCoy oh my goodness I hope you have the best trip possible!
@@ThatOneMindTraveler don’t trust anyone selling mushrooms on Instagram lmao, go to your local hydroponics store and get a mushroom grow kit, from there buy some spores online. The grow kit and spores are only illegal if sold together, however buying them separate is totally fair game. Depending on the kit you get, there is usually minimal effort involved as long as you research what you’re doing beforehand
@3:10 OMG Finally!!!! Someone had a similar experience as me. I’ve looked online about salvia experiences and it’s usually about people becoming conveyor belts or becoming a box or becoming Pepsi cola in a cup and can feel themselves sizzling. My experience was nothing like that at all.
I remember vividly in 2011, I was in the back seat of my friends car and we wanted to look for spice because we didn’t want to get flagged on a drug test. The head shop we went to had no spice but he offered us some stuff called “Salvia”. “He said, it’s the same stuff as spice, smoke up, puff puff”. Man was he full of sh**.
We went to my friends car and I took 3 big as drags and was transported into an alternate reality for 2 years. I was sent to the 7th grade where one of my best friends was my school teacher. I lived throughout that entire school year as if everything was ok. I then finished 7th grade and went to 8th grade after the school year and my other friend was my school teacher.
About mid school year I started to question that reality, I began shaking my head saying “no no no no no”. I then snapped out of it and was like what tf???? How long was I gone? They said “10 minutes” I was like WTF???
That's insane.....
that sounds fucking crazy dude
I was stuck in a pop up book.. trying like hell to get out.. I wasn't even in this fucking universe anymore lol.. it was definitely some crazy shit.
Acid was literally an eye opening experience for me. I see the “light/life” in everything now. Listen to some good music while you’re on it and you’ll have a good trip
Nah i got bored just sitting there
morgan freeman start off watching some good music videos , then smoke a blunt and go for a nature walk 👌🏽
@@mvttttt I would never smoke weed on psychedelics. I did that on shrooms and it made the trip confusing asf
@@mvttttt but the other shit sounds good
I’m doing my first solo trip tomorrow. I’m definitely looking forward to it as I’m going to focus on the spiritual side of things. When I tripped last year, I saw two giant double doors like I was in a castle. They were slowly opening up and a bright light was coming through. I didn’t go through them and I regret it. If I see them again, I’m 100% walking through
“You can turn it off like an app?” .. I honestly feel like that’s where we’re headed
Brain computer interface psychedelics.
Just think, Open up your drug app on your Neuralink, and engage whatever drug at any dose you want.
Digital trips 👍
@@7TheWhiteWolf I recently talked to people at work about something like that all the drugs with 0 health effects.
Heinrich S7 Wolf Nah part of the excitement is running on a sketchy mission to get the acid and then dropping it with your boys and waiting for it to kick and have the come up giggles. I’d hate it if it was an app.
Psilocybin containing mushrooms save my life. The drastically reduced my benzodiazepine withdrawal allowing me to quite illicit pill addiction after three years of heavy daily use before it would had became medically dangerous to quit
I've had so many people say nice things about magic mushrooms but they are hard to source
How do I reach out?can I find him on Instagram?
My first experience with shrooms cleared my mind and I started seeing the world on a whole new level
Can he send to me in Canada?
I done salvia once an I thought I was ezio from assassin's creed
You went crazy.
After mushrooms I believe there are beings in this world (not Earth, the universe) that see us the way we see ants
I've always wondered if we look like ants to other beings, just like if you look at our bodies on a cellular level... Maybe our bodies are like planets and our cells are the populations... As above, So below...
I’ve been in the simulation and I felt so worthless whilst tripping
You'll lost!
David Bowie On high doses of shrooms I have had several encounters with entities. I had a few scary ones, one with a universal joker¿ and a good one with an entity made of light and darkness. Sometimes on a high dose of shrooms it feels like I’m walking hand in hand with a entity that wants to show its world to me eventhough I can’t physically see it. This is to this day one of the most fascinating things I am unable to wrap my head around.
Holy shit....
“Not for human consumption”
Joe: *proceeds to consume white powder*
It's an unspoken thing. They say that it's not for human consumption but in reality they know people are going to use it
@@ob1934 yes! Just like the greyarea SARMS falls under and greasy people sell this to insecure teens «legally» without knowing the long term health consequenses yet..
I’ve never taken psychedelics, but I once had a dream similar to Ari’s trip. I lived about 3 years, formed a family, made friends, and I was also underwater. Waking up from that was the biggest mindfuck ever. I laid in my bed for an hour that day just trying to come back to reality.
what happened after that did people believe you?
What happened after
This conversation should continue with other people who know more about this topic
There's hundreds of Terance McKenna lectures that cover this much further in detail
It would be better if it was on this channel i think
@@vevobob7945 😂
Stanislav grof did 60 years of studys.
Ralph metzner
Christian rätsch
MAPS - multi disciplinary association for psychedelic studies, there u can see many lectures.
Neuro pharmacology professor David nutt for example.
Dont focus on McKenna, there are many great people.
@@ravex1656 nice, I have a book of essays by Charles S. Grob with contributions by Metzner, Rick Strassman, and many others. Wonderful book called "Hallucinogens: A Reader".
*”this is the only way we’re gonna get along stop rapin’ each other”*
Tyrone Biggums: “Joe Rogan, you crazy”
Joe believes in magic rogan😂
Am crazy for Joe Rogan
huh Jalapeno joe is magical 😂😂😂
"Ima tell you something Joe.. I smoke rocks."
There's something you need to know about me Joe Rogan. I smoke rocks.
In an era when rock stars and politicians bow to rogan, and he’s spread this kind of information to how many countless people, suddenly the prospect of an enlightened world and a large scale spiritual awakening seems totally possible. Honestly it’s such a beautiful thing. Bravo joe.
I can recommend you to where I get my stuff from an online store his got his got Shrooms, psychedelics, alongside other products well Refined ships to anywhere discreetly.......
He's on Instagrams also on Telegram with the below handle as........
What's crazy is if you watch the "Learning to Enjoy Being Alone" episode with Naval Ravikant, Ravikant said that it's possible to get into a psychedelic-like state through meditation. That mixed with this episode makes it believable that someone could "speak to God" via pure meditation as well.
David Lynch talks at his TM meetings about how the meditative state is the kingdom of heaven and God is the 3rd layer of your mind. Eckhart Tolle says the same thing and he's a big meditation guru. I think it isn't drugs but deep meditation.
@@sirmrguitardude why not both? I’m sure prayer used to have much closer roots to meditation as opposed to today’s view of it, however you cannot entirely dismiss the fact that our ancestors did in fact experiment with drugs. There’s plenty of evidence supporting both theories, and it makes even more sense if you compile it together. For example, an individual uses psilocybin for ritualistic purposes, and later meditates on that experience to find the greater meaning within. Anyone who’s taken psychedelics for spiritual purposes know that the interpretations of your trips may take months and even years for you to fully understand, giving the individual plenty of time to meditate on what they’ve seen and learned, which may lead to an even greater enlightening experience through pure meditation
@@sirmrguitardude I think the brain can produce DMT if you are meditating deeply.
sensory deprivation tanks can give u visions.
I'm sure if u meditated hard enough you get similar effects
I have been watching the JRE on RUclips now for about 2 years and it has been a life changer for me. Thank you Mr Rogan.
Eternally grateful
Bring on Alex Jones with Eddie Bravo
Alex Jones is banned from his podcast
Who's ManZ is Dis ? ?
Who's ManZ is Dis ? Since when?
He has been on with Eddie bravo
Tyler McDermott no shit sherlock🙄
I'm a complete atheist and even I have had psychedelic experiences where I was genuinely convinced I was talking to god. It made me realize that I am god (not just me but like every conscious entity). The best way I can describe the logic behind that is that god is actually time (the infinite, all seeing, all knowing moment) which is just perception, aka consciousness, aka me (and everyone else).This may be difficult for non trippers to understand. Hell its difficult even for me to understand in a sober state of mind and I literally had the experience,.
This makes sense. I believed we were our own gods before I ever touched psychs and then took a couple 400ug trips of lsd and further more proved myself right but at the same time confused myself because it just adds more questions. I had a bad trip and scarred me abit but I got the answered I was looking for I guess
Couldn't agree more.
Ik what u mean, I think most religions tried to express that but just didn’t have the concepts/language for their times.
@@okaywhat11 yup my thoughts exactly. All religions were basically a response to these experiences and are doing their best to explain them in what limited way language can. Frankly we aint much closer to understanding it than we were 2000 years ago
I understand
“You know how if you’re drunk, you can sober yourself up”
Umm what?
bakerrr333 like if you have to come home drunk and your parents are waiting for you and you can concentrate long enough to act sober and make it to your room.
I think they meant the whole eat bread take a shower thing
WertyMartin ok cool. I was just explaining what he meant.
bakerrr333 cocaaaaaaine
If you're drunk and theres an emergency you can gather yourself and focus
I came out of an 1/8th trip and had the holy spirt come into me “feeling of an atom bomb of love and presence” a beam of light shines through the window said my friends watched me sob. God is alive and dwelling within all of us.
Same bro my 4gram trip of shrooms i literally felt spirit energy and ringing in my ears & mad visuals like theres no convincing me what I experienced wasnt real😂
@@ByIntros 550ug white blotter tabs had the same feeling.
@@parkermiller2416 I took two tabs of 300ug and felt like I was in a nightmare
Ryan is referring to a specific experience he had that is way bigger than the shit the rest of you are talking about. He is talking about just tripping balls and having a good time.
Serious physics question: are there 2 lights on the ceiling or is each side of Jos's head reflecting the same light from a different angle?
two different lights
this is the only reason why I love people
This is the most important question in this comments’ section
Best comment
*Confused screaming*
I think there's definitely something amazing about psychedelics. My last psilocybin trip, I had this overwhelmingly reassuring sensation through every last molecule of my being, as if the whole Universe enveloped me in its embrace and told me that everything would be okay. Psychedelics brought me out of my previous atheist's mindset and set me on the path to explore shamanism and witchcraft, then other aspects of the occult. It was through both LSD trips and mushroom trips where I realized that I could control my own reality, something which is a very important notion in the study and practice of magick. It's been through traversing this spiritual path where I've been probably the most able to deal with some of the hardships in life I've faced over the past couple of decades. If plant medicines like psilocybin and ayahuasca are Mother Nature's way of communicating to us, then I think this kind of insight needs to be made available to all people regardless of their economic status.
Its just chemicals it alters your brain you never leave or go anywhere its just the imbalnce and over use of certain chemicals make your mind work a different way its intresting but its just drugs end of the day
probably why is kept from us
What reached you was not holy it was a false idol tricking you to believe God's love was something else such as mother nature and into believing that you can alter you're own reality through something like magic as if you don't need God. Evil wants to separate us from God and to change the direction of our love away from him. I encourage you to start seriously looking into religion and how it might apply to your past experiences and at the very least humor me and try to seriously pray for insight and protection next time you trip and see what happens. I wish you good things and to have a nice day.
“You know how when your drunk you can sober yourself up” that’s not how alcohol works but sure
What kind of alcohol has he drunk lmao
IV drip I think he means from your blood. Test wise. Not sure but dont be quick to assume based on few moments.
I think his point was that there are ways you can, but he didn’t really go in detail on ways that you can. For example, for me my “switch” would be food. It’s not instant but the more I eat, the the more I become sober gradually.
@Pink Pyramids They did it to me abroad when I had alcohol poisoning. So what does it do? Cheers for telling me I'm wrong and offering 0 info. Productive.
Psychedelics changed my life! If you never get to try em, try meditation!!
Yeah, its more likely to know how you feel, and your experience when you are tripped ,if you really need some just get in contact with my :xavi02
Visit my web to order at
You need to visit my website and place your order OK
Thanks for that gooch butter
Another typical Joe Rogan title
David Ascencio These are the type of titles that catch my attention
@Prince Ali What do you mean they'll tell me to leave?
Will robots understand dmt
Even three years later, your conversations are fantastic and totally relevant. You and guests are always edgy - my definition of very good.
I love the frustration in Joes scream when Michael brings up that which world is real or not, I too live everyday with this same question repeating in my head bc I too have seen the other side👁👁
He just thought it was a trite comment that he had heard many times before.
I love when Joe talks about Psychedelics ♥️
Have you tried dmt?
@@jamesagwe2981Never, but I find it very fascinating. I'd be willing to try if the circumstances were right.
Joe “not for human consumption 5-MeoDMT and we took it” Rogan
visit and order DMT, LSD, MDMA, Weed, coke and mushrooms.
wickr: nelcotfelia
snap chat:nelcotfelia20
+12698156151 (whatsapp)
@@yolandavaldez1658 is this shit legit?
@@jessephoenix4776 No
I’ve been there “ Part of every single atom “ but I didn’t use anything. It left me a sensation of what happens when we die . It’s the most unbelievable amazing sensation I’ve ever experienced in my life . I just don’t understand why it came naturally on me . Actually I was in deep depression when it happened. It’s like another language in which the universe “ God “ itself “ himself “ spoke to me in another reality where communication is exclusive through a unexplained feeling . There’s no “ I “ or “ Me “ its pure consciousness with no matter just energy . What a beautiful experience ! I’ll never forget it .
lmfao that jab at Ari, " Oh he had friends?"
lol Lowkey best bit of this clip. And Joe’s obligated rise to his defence haha brilliant.
@@stefanagha3248 I have come to realize NOBODY likes Ari lmfao and he is so cocky and not funny.
He said he has friends, and joe said he os friends with ari.
@@outbackgeek Huh?
t neto definitely is a narcissist
On a trip rn, wish me luck. Love you guys♥️
PROPHETx_x how was it
How was it
PROPHETx_x love u
I love you
How did it go?
There's almost 900 species of sage and only 1 with known psychedelic affects
Yeah this video is a bunch of far-fetched bullshit
Yeah. Assuming that all types of sage and related plants is a psychedelic is literally the same kind of "science" as antivaxxers
@@maximix5447 its not far fetched bullshit its just a slightly misinformed discussion
maximix but I bet you believe in some god who created everything huh
Lexamyr - that can seem absurd but it’s equally absurd to think that all of this just came out from nothing
I have such respect for Joe saying, "I'M one of his friends". Good on him for standing up for his buddy.👍
Had to replay that part as I scrolled past your comment he deff a real 1 for that
I took acid once, and during the trip I could control time with my body, if I moved very slowy everyone around me did too, if I stopped, everyone would be in suspended animation, sound complied as well, as I moved slowly a deep slow sound came from the stage, and I could hear the wind up sound as I moved faster. It was fascinating to keep dead still and have everyone on the dance floor completely still like a single frame. The most frightening thing was that as far I was experiencing, it was actually happening, it was very, very clear and totally tangable.
psychedelics give you the power of true love and reality, during that moment you were truly "connected"
Shit is crazy. People over here talking bout love and shit, I don't even talk about my lessons cause nobody would relate. Not the narrative people wanna hear.
Sounds like you visited the fourth dimension
@@ihateeverything3972 nah man tell us
4:04 *"your brain after takin a sip of that ice cold slurpee"*
This is this video I’ve been wanting
Terrance said once to ask the mushroom questions, and the one time I tried it I asked the mushroom what my problem was, why am I angry, and it told me I was arrogant, but not to fear arrogance or avoid it, just that it was a part of me, and that I had to stop identifying with it. The next day I stopped trying to prove myself right all the time and stopped acting better than others and it's been 100% improvement since then
Joe “youtube puts Psychedelic ads in my RUclips channel” Rogan
Andy Santana happened to me! RUclips finally stopped showing me baby-related shit & started showing me the good stuff 😹👏🏼
I heard Jesus was a pretty "fun-guy"
I get it man
Most people won't get this but I appreciate this
Can I get a witness amen
Pun very much intended
That’s why dicks looks mushrooms lol
Ive been saying most religions got lost in translation or like a telephone effect, it wont be understood because its almost indescribable
I had never been super religious or anything but I took roughly 9 grams of shrooms a few months back and it completely shattered my reality. I hummed as I was going through this crazy difficult part for what seems like forever no visuals at this stage it felt as though I was literally being reborn. Id faced my shame and doubt. I faced me. I knew what was wrong with the world and how we could fix it. I also seen the end. I seen numbers over people heads ticking down like I could see how much time they had left. I had this overwhelming feeling that I could walk on water. I crawled to my Dads legs where I prayed heavily and asked for Gods blessing for my father legs. At the end of it I wept because I was thankful my father was still with me and that God would heal his legs. Unbelievable experience no I dont claim to be Jesus but after the trip I know that I am the son of God as you are, and he will always be with me.
Jesus is probably a total fictional character btw.. You only made that association because of christian knowledge and culture .. Indians in the amazon tripping on dmt dont associate what they as jesus if they never heard of jesus.. If you believed in odin and thor , your experience would revolve around that mythology.. Ive done acid, shrooms, dmt and had some "spiritual" experiences or at least they felt profound in a way, and maybe there is something to that side but you also have to look at cultural programming and how that plays a role.. Totally fine if you believe in jesus even though not a shred of evidence for that belief besides a religious book.
@@jfkino1 well at least you admit there is no such thing as an atheist
@@jfkino1 Wether or not you want to believe in Christ’ ressurection, saying Jesus is a fictional character is completely ignorant and incorrect. His existence is depicted by most cultures of the 1st century AD. Including the Roman Empire (the ones who obviously murdered Him) even Jewish rabbis who did not like Him or His followers did not deny His existence. Our entire calendar is based on His life and death…It’s sort of sad and disappointing you don’t have a grasp of basic history. While considering 1 out of 3 people alive 2,000 years later believe in Jesus as the messiah. I recommend you read the Bible. You will die soon and atone for your sins. Yet if you have a repentful heart and endulge not in your sins but righteousness, you can inherit the gift of everlasting life by our creator. Please wake up before your time comes my friend.
@@jfkino1 welp, what do I got to lose. I believe in God and Jesus
@@wovasteengova I love people like you who aren’t ashamed to call god their father god bless your soul ❤️
Joe: Did you know rats have DMT in their pineal gland?
Michael: Oh well that's pretty cool.
Joe: *Oh, 100 percent*
joes got a lab milking those rats pineal glands
ru serious That’s entirely possible...
@@ruserious7319 that's some Rick and Morty shit lmao
JHaz humans do to btw
Thats why rat poisoning is almost all fluoride?
Joe “he has friends in real life, I’m one of his friends,” Rogan
@Jaime's Son😂😂🤣 facts
Joe “most likely they were tripping balls” rogan
"What The fuck, i just got that from a company?" Killed me haha
Man, I swear Joe's head gets shinier every podcast😂 he must buff it or something
It’s the DMT
Joe sticking up for his homie made me smile. 3:22
the guy just tried a joke..
He literally explained one of my acid trips at the beginning. the feeling like im apart of everything. then almost feeling dead. Aka an ego death.
shawn stroh had one a couple months ago it was a life changing experience. I had no memories and forgot where I was
that experience is really humbling isnt it, where you question every single one of your morals and remember exactly why the way you turned out, realising you can be the person your ideal version of you
I've heard a lot of tripping stories, and they are very exciting,I would love to try magic mushrooms but I can't easily get some, Is there any realiable source I can purchase from??
I have been looking for a legit seller to buy from.
Yeah, I got mine from bergwilly1
On Insta
I have heard about him. Is he really legit?
The Trips I've been having have really helped me a lot,I finally feel in control of my emotions and my future and things that used to be mundane to me now seem incredible and full of nuance on top of that I'm way less driven by my ego and I have alot more empathy as well
This video was very eye opening as far as new ideas. The possibility that religion was based around psychedelics is something I never thought of
It always amazes me how shiny Joe's head.
My man got two tone skin color. pink forehead into yellow head 😂
Sherlock Holmes
You can see the two ceiling lights 😂😂
Sherlock Holmes it gets funnier to look at the more I stare lmaooo
God this conversation has my mind rushing through all 27 yrs of when I was a Christian, re-analyzing and interpreting all of that knowledge I gained about what Christianity believes and truly teaches, and it’s making it all synch up with an ever truer sense of its intended meaning! Like it all is in a clearer view, the final match to unlock the lock. It was the final bit of information I needed to learn to finally see what it all means. It bridges the gap between what I used to believe and why I don’t anymore. The stories, myths and prophecies in the Old Testament just never made logical rational sense. The behavior and outcome of people in wars and the acts of God during it all, always seemed so outlandish that I could never convincingly imagine it realistically but rather as a kids cartoon. But once I did have some of these experiences with mushrooms and cannabis, it all became almost ashamedly obvious! Everything in the Bible becomes clear when you go back through and insert, “ate mushrooms” in place of “talked with god.” So it seems we have, with all modern understanding of Christianity and Judaism, a close but ultimately wrong representation of an intended meaning of trips. Eventually Politics come to play and dabble in the whole stories and histories to have control over people and bing bom bewp, you have a power monster. A political man wearing the popes robes, controlling people. Using the power of religious feelings and experiences and inclinations we all experience, and using that to get people to do whatever it is they want when they want. I guess it’s obvious but immediately governing the source of the revelations/trips would be key. If everyone can all come to the same conclusions, as we all do!, which is how to truly live right in this world, then everyone is free. And you can’t own free people. When you can see further out from yourself, when you stand from a mountain and see out or like the astronauts viewing earth as a marble think, we see it all as one. When you see that everything is connected to itself, which includes you, you start to view every interaction differently and you noticeably start to care for more around you. From people to plants and all wildlife. From politics and ethics and world views, things change. Again, my mind is racing just putting this final clue in and having every implication catch up to me as to reveal the final form of Truth. GOD DAMN IM HIGH!
@@isaacflores8097 really 🤣🤣🤣
Ay yo I might be high asf too but this shit spoke to me on a different level, everything made sense to me hahahah
Could someone sum this up rq
I wrote this shit having never ever had any drugs whatsoever. At the time my mind was expanding.
You should do one on "why" governments made psychedelics, MJ, et al, illegal to begin with, especially in our recent history.
Hope he can read your comment please send more information if you don't mind to search and to study more
It's in one of his podcasts. During LSD era there were a lot of hospitalizations and it became a health pandemic. Boomers ruined it for everyone
@@thebunz7 it was associated with a revolutionary culture too, sexually, politically, morally, religiously. The contrast between hippies and traditional folk was pretty strong so a heavy bias that it would break society. The difference between music for example in such short condensed couple decades post-war.
It seems like hospitalisations where the post hoc evidence to support something they had already made their mind up on?
needs more research
I found God when I left church. I felt comforted and understood on my own in a single psychedelic trip than 20+ years in Christianity praying, fasting, and dedicating to the cult.
That’s bc you were faking it going through the motions imitating your liberal church members, no offense but did you also speak in tongues?
What type of psychedelic did you take?
Lemme guess non denominational watered down feel good only?
@@kyplummer3657 why can't you just listen to what they said. They said that they felt more connection after leaving the church, many people have said the same.
Because the church teaches you to worship more than one god !
That’s why the last testament the quran was brought down .
To worship the one GOD
Joe “and it probably is what happens when you die” Rogan
Joe "a mushroom covered in God's semen" Rogan
I want to see a three way Joe Rogan, Russell Brand, Elon Musk interview
Russell Brand does not deserve to be held up with the other thee two. He has little interesting to say
@@FNLN6446 uhhhh 🙄 Coz u don’t understand him It’s BELOW YOU 👍🏼
@@campbelladz86 how can y tell ppl you swing shit meanwhile you ain’t shit
I agreed with your comment until you wrote "interview" at the end
need to bring Micheal Malice back, love this talk about psychedelics
Here’s another magic mushroom trip story:
Fu*k Joe Rogan! Kenny & Logic Eps 004видео.html
"Ego Death" is what it's called
A damn nightmare that is
Brain cell death is what it IS
@Aidan Watson 😂😂😂😂😂😂
It felt like a mental and emotional death...and when I woke up I knew that I could be the person that I was supposed to be
@Russell Brand fy
Metaphysics, the everything of everything. And, we're all it.
Psychedelics has made me realize that I took a lot of things in my life for granted, I appreciate a lot more things in life now
“I went on an eastern journey to find myself and i discovered the key to life, you will never truly find yourself but dont stop tryin”
-The Pope of Palm beach
Things that may improve your life:
- Believe that we got created & manifest
- No fap (no masturbation) & semen retention
- Drinking 2-4 liters water a day
- not comparing yourself to others (compare you from yesterday)
- Not trying to impress people (impress yourself from yesterday)
- Cold showers (Even the last 20 seconds of your regular shower)
- Meditation
- Not relying on relationships for happiness
- Working out
- Having a leader mentality
- Reading books
- Breathing in from your nose (reminder)
- having gratitude
- Cleaning your room
- Taking breaks of social media
- Not limiting yourself
- Making up your bed (discipline practice)
- Quitting/moderating caffeine & sugary drinks
- Walking in nature
- Making your own money (online)
- Having a plan for things you wanna do
- Being aware of what you doing with your valuable time & energy
Please consider to try out at least 1 thing from this list (make a screenshot if you want to!)
You are a good person
This is beautiful ! Absolutely right on with this message man !
Why no fap? If I may ask
Awesome 👌 ox
Fkin priests making everybody high 🤣
Lol i told my priest I did psychedelics and he smirked at first as if he’s done it 😭😂 he was like “welll it escapes you from this reality, get back to this reality” dangg
MichaelOfAngels 777 You should ask him if he ever tried them and then get back to us with what he said
Non-Binary Eugene Im highly tempted if i’m being honest lol
MichaelOfAngels 777 Do it. That smirk definitely meant something. He’s probably gonna lie about it so observe his body language to determine the truth. Also If you suspect him of lying ask him why he’s lying to really put him on the spot because he knows he shouldn’t lie.
That was pretty funny, but I don't think it is a thing. At least nowadays, they use just regular old incense. Though there is a news story of some altar boys putting weed in the thurible (the thing the priest swings around). Which is pretty funny.
I love how protective joe gets about Ari. "I'm his friend."
Awwww. So sweet
I'll never forget when I was with two of my buddies, and we decided to trip together. My friend I'll call B had done it before, but myself and my friend I'll call Q had never tried it before, so we were a little skeptical. I'll never forget these two moments. Deep into the night we were outside, sitting on lawn chairs and talking while looking up at the stars. At some point their voices started to get muffled while I looked up, and there were lines connecting different stars. The sky seemed to be stretching and pulling me in as the stars connected and I could feel myself leaving my body. As I realized what was happening, it scared me and I snapped myself back into my body. I slammed into myself so hard that it knocked the breath out of me.
The second experience was a little afterwards, my friend B had found a garden gnome and was pretending to fuck it. We thought it was the funniest shit, of course, so I turned around to get my friend Q's attention and what happened is something we still can't explain. As I turned around, the entire world went dark except my friend, he's the only thing I could see. A large hand came out from this heavy, milky darkness and grabbed him by the shoulder, exactly as I felt a large hand grab me as well. A few seconds later we both scrambled off of the ground and were exclaiming about what just happened. I don't understand how both of us, at the exact same time, experienced an identical situation without ever saying a word to each other. To this day we can't explain what exactly happened or why it happened
Sounds like the manger from b and q tried to grab you for messing with the gnomes in the garden section👀
My friend and me on acid watched as a tree gave birth, the baby tree planted itself into the ground. The next day we went back and found the 2 trees. We saw the same thing happen and didnt speak the whole time.
Kanye "tweakin tweakin off that 2CB huh" West
Kanye did 2cb and now he’s religious😂
"Joe is magical" - Patrice O'Neal
"Joe can fly" - Patrice O'Neal
Idk why this made me laugh so hard
Patrice was a gem of a human and one of the best stand ups to ever do it. Rest in peace, Patrice.
As a catholic, I love how confidently Joe talks about things he doesn’t have a clue about
Hearing “Moxy” and “TX6” in the same sentence is a great way to start off!
Humility means humbleness. You were so close, Joe. You were thinking humiliation, but you were so close 😂
I think this is the best podcast I’ve ever watched
I love you Joe Rogan! You’re saving the world. God bless you or whatever lol. Never stop!