Why Suffering is Beautiful | Emil Cioran’s Dark Philosophy

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024

Комментарии • 1,2 тыс.

  • @Einzelgänger
    @Einzelgänger  2 месяца назад +7

    Check out my novel - The Urge: Fall of a Stoic: einzelganger.co/urge

  • @fluentinoverthinking
    @fluentinoverthinking 3 месяца назад +474

    I felt understood. Everyone thinks I am a very optimistic and positive person, but in reality I am depressed, anxious and thinking about the meaning of life. You got it when you assumed that sad people tend to appreciate life’s joyful moments more: nature, animals, friends and humour are my solace here on Earth.

    • @ChickpeatheTortie
      @ChickpeatheTortie 3 месяца назад +28

      Yes the love I have for my cats and pot plants are the only things that are keeping me alive - have to get up to feed and water them all - its true

    • @Daveighna
      @Daveighna 3 месяца назад +11

      I really believe there's even more reasons to be happy for you guys! Books, games, just walking, maybe family, we all will die anyway, and this moment while we here so amazing!!! Wish you the best, and glad you have reasons to breathe and be alive! 💙❤️

    • @ItsMe-sx9ck
      @ItsMe-sx9ck 3 месяца назад

      Yeah man it looks like my life❤

    • @classicheraldgameplays5364
      @classicheraldgameplays5364 3 месяца назад +2

      Just live your life do what you love nobody know the meaning of life that's like living on the earth and wondering about mars has life or not.If people knew the meaning of their life they'd be disinterested or even scared these things kept a mystery for your own sake.

    • @Qatarlife2023
      @Qatarlife2023 3 месяца назад +1

      That's great but still not meaningful turn to Allah, being lond to animals is great but being kind to fellow humans who are in need will give you the real meaming of life trust me ​@ChickpeatheTortie

  • @Divosligo
    @Divosligo 3 месяца назад +1746

    I don't know why but dark philosophy just makes me calm knowing that you can't really do anything other than just embrace the dark side of "Life"

    • @geubridipotala
      @geubridipotala 3 месяца назад +39

      Yeah i feel it makes me contemplate reality as a whole

    • @LetsGo_Brandon
      @LetsGo_Brandon 3 месяца назад +33

      Kind of a shame though. In heroic tales such as Lord of the Rings, you basically defeat darkness by giving it substance, by acknowledging it, and giving it value.
      Essentially, to become a hero, you must engulf and justify evil and the villain. It is not easy. This is the very concept that makes life not worth it for me.

    • @zugrath16
      @zugrath16 3 месяца назад +32

      I think there's a good and bad side of this. If it makes it easier for you to emotionally accept your current situation then that's probably a good thing.
      But I think it becomes damaging when people just give up completely, blame external circumstances and shut down anyone that tries to be positive (in other words, the black pill community).
      Maybe I'm stating the obvious now, but still needs to be said.

    • @yoonahkang7384
      @yoonahkang7384 3 месяца назад +11

      Read the tao te king. That philosopht resssembles this a lot. Daoism abd emil cioran are my faves. They made me realize i dobt have to overexploit myself to validate myself❤️. We dont have to suffer to be worthy

    • @soliniv1411
      @soliniv1411 3 месяца назад +3

      Darth vader

  • @fiddlewheelx
    @fiddlewheelx 3 месяца назад +48

    You have no idea how much I needed this video right now.
    These ideas have been on my mind for quite a while now, and I have found it difficult to put into words that yes, pain is an important experience for us to have.

    • @decay2113
      @decay2113 3 месяца назад +1

      Stole the words from me. Take care of yourself

  • @christinedonkin7023
    @christinedonkin7023 2 месяца назад +3

    Thank you for this video. The last two minutes in particular had a lot of meaning for me. This statement - “it's not the pleasure of these moments, but the profound depth, the intensity of the heightened experience of the despair, that left such a mark in my memory” - touches on something that has always puzzled me, which is that I am drawn to music that reminds me of some of the most painful moments in my life. Perhaps there is something with which I want to connect that goes beyond the painful experience - the memory of the experience itself (made more bearable by the music) is a doorway that can lead to something more important.

  • @ankitjain3310
    @ankitjain3310 2 месяца назад +1

    I don't know who you are, but I'd like to thank you for the impact your book has had on my life. I read your book "Loose: On Letting Stuff Go", and it has helped me overcome anxiety and my long-term depression.
    I am immensely thankful to you to help me understand the true and trivial nature of what I felt as overwhelming and empowering.
    Thank you for your selfless efforts to share your wisdom and others'.

  • @martine3884
    @martine3884 3 месяца назад +2

    Your experiences are mine, and it is finally at age 63, after the past few years spent in a dark night of the soul, ego death and kundalini rising, that I can appreciate my place in this universe and myself. Decades of studies, practices, meditations, visualizations and techniques were not worth one day in the depths you described so much was -and still s - lost, what was discovered has no words 15:08

  • @daviddobarganes9115
    @daviddobarganes9115 2 месяца назад +3

    Embrace misery while those causing it are having a great time

  • @Nick-x3e
    @Nick-x3e 28 дней назад +1

    Yes yes to feel all the feels, not just happiness. That's the meaning

  • @godot9223
    @godot9223 3 месяца назад +6

    I'm different from everyone around me because of my keen interest in philosophy and the will to debate anything with realistic (and slightly pessimistic) thinking, but the only reason it's hard to accept the situation I'm in is because humans didn't evolve to be alone. It's nothing new, but if you see the world differently from others, you're gonna start feeling alone regardless of physically being around other people, and that's quite upsetting to the majority of people, to some extent.

    • @RichardSmith-cj2hj
      @RichardSmith-cj2hj 2 месяца назад +1

      I like your comment.. I relate to your comment.. Solitude makes me strong.. Humans drain me.. Humans make me feel week.. 🙏

  • @ggbpartystarter5958
    @ggbpartystarter5958 2 месяца назад +2

    Overcoming suffering triggers nostalgia, it will release hormones in our brain that make us happy for surviving through such harsh times.
    The brain rewards itself for not dying.

  • @nocturnalsingularity3138
    @nocturnalsingularity3138 2 месяца назад

    After a long manic episode, that consisted of me genuinely not understanding why people would even want to sleep and forgetting what it actually felt like to be tired, I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder.
    Well, with that diagnoses and it's highs, come lows. Lows so low I wouldn't bath, or speak for months. My behavior ran so rampant I was eventually hospitalized (this would come several more times throughout the next (and last) ten years.
    I've been stable now for some time. Own a home and raise two kids alone, but there is always this saddness lingering underneath the surface. Occasionally highs too. Some days that despair can be overwhelming and I sigh to alleviate it, hide away and stay silent. Binge on music, or write the words that seem to seep and spill from within the deepness of that blue black place.
    I learned the hard way that the only way for me to get to a functional place, is to accept that I'm not a happy-go-lucky person. To ensure that I never go a night without at least some sleep but most importantly to find actual joy in my depression. And that's what I do. I accepted years ago, that this is me, it is a part of who I am, and without it I'm no longer myself. In times where my mood flattens out, and I feel neutral, I find myself missing my buddy saddness. This change from hating myself and my disorder to actually being okay with it came after far too many nights of deep thought and reflection on me and the world too. It wasn't something that was easy to accept either. But it was worth the all the self reflective questions that needed answers.

    • @pupplates4969
      @pupplates4969 2 месяца назад

      It's comforting to hear you found some self acceptance - I have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder twice in my life, because for over a decade, I ignored the diagnosis completely. Eventually the lows got lower and manic episodes longer, there were a few years that it completely wrecked my life from any functional perspective. But yet... I have spent nights working on equations, with books on quantum physics, philosophy, biology, chemistry and religion strown about the room, pointing out the thread binding them, the hilarity in the linear, subjective nature of modern education and it's contrast to the chaos that is discovery and wisdom. I've created and explored the world with childlike wonder and unapologeticly embraced my curiosity, completely void of insecurity. I truly thought I created the next 'pathagoran therom' once. I've shaved my long blonde hair into a full-on mohawk to overcome my vanity and ego once and for all.
      Spoiler alert - I hadn't, I didn't, in either account. lol but damn if I didn't feel finally present when sleep deprived. Why is that? I wrote and painted and built things. Then of course, were the lows so low they scared me. Unable to speak or move somedays, the thought of going outside may as well have been allowing my skin to be peeled off inch by inch with dull tweezers. I couldn't comprehend, I can't, all these people moving to and fro looking at what they are told to look at, discussing the topics that have been laid out for them to discuss. Emotionally invested in a game played by complete strangers while oblivious to the suffering of their neighbor. Not that I was any better. I was arrogant, lazy, unforgiving. The human mind seemed to be designed to create and exsist in darkness. The was no point to any of it. Where there was wonder and passion there was... nothing. empty. Self loathing crept into everything. Guilt. Envy. Isolation. I was supposed to be building a business i cared about, getting a home for my mom. Why didn't I want to get out of bed? How do people keep their houses clean without killing themselves?
      I tried to drag through it whenever possible, I was running a business through it all for fuxks sake, but it was just the shell, so empty, so distant, no matter where I was. I would have checked myself into a hospital more than once because of how severe the suicidal thoughts were, but I didn't have insurance and I didn't want to stick someone else with that bill once I was gone. And part of me feared I couldn't be helped, more so, maybe I feared getting 'better'. Then what? What will I blame then? And somewhere through the fog I said to myself what do you fucking want then? If your damned in both directions maybe its time to float and wait for the rain.
      As I was standing there, chewing on the notion that I didn't desire death per se, I just simply didn't desire... anything. It was like the tide rolling in. Slowly lapping up her disgarded creatures. All the alan watts and taoism and stoicism and physics and young and gibram and kafka and niche... met the joe dispenzia and gabe mate and my mom and rumi...all bubbling up from the sand for the waters grace. And I could watch, without wishing for any outcome... huh. Like a cloud, or a droplet in the ocean herself.
      The little oppressive voice in my head was getting fidgety. Calm wasn't really her vibe lol so finally, I - ( she?) - was like fine whatever just give music a shot again because goddamn I'm tired of epiphanies anyway...and I put my headphones in and it was like wooosh... I broke the surface. I hadn't realized it, and i don't really know how to describe it, but I felt like I was suddenly seeing through my own eyes again for the first time in years. I had been imprisoned, fully and deeply within my own body and I was standing there sobbing like a grateful idiot touching my face as if it was the first time.
      I decided to get help after that. I didn't want to be a stowaway in my own ship, no matter the turbulence of the seas. It's still not perfect. They put me on a couple different pills, one made me stutter and my words come out wrong like I would think I was saying "shoe" but my mouth would say "shovel". Not great. I gradually weened myself off of the big pharma options and began supplementing with (natural, therefor non-patentable, aka not profitable...) lithium and L-theanine. I take milk peptides and ashwaganda to sleep. I try to excercise and be kind to myself. But I still fail and forget and occasionally (often) I realize I am swimming against the current I created again. So I exhale and bob on the surface, try to taste the salt in the waves that slap me in the face, and patiently wait for the current to take hold.
      It's hard, really hard, to just float, without giving up. To realize we are gods , full of light and energy capable of such creation and to remain humble. To exsist in a society that does everything it can to repress our true nature and not get angry at it. To observe the deeply emotional human experience and be moved by it yet, unwaivering in the face of it. I'm grateful for my despair and trials. Soon as we integrate more with ai, we will value the beauty of wrinkles, warm fondly at slightly uneven features, we will long for the humanity of our scars.

  • @ck-4203
    @ck-4203 3 месяца назад +5


  • @NomadUrpagi
    @NomadUrpagi 2 месяца назад

    And as paradoxes always go, letting go of pursuit of happiness and acdepting life as it is makes me free and happy

  • @abelkeinz7028
    @abelkeinz7028 20 дней назад

    I am curently reading Cioran’s Short History Of Decay and laughed so much at Resignation story. “I was in a clinic waiting room: an old woman was telling me about her diseases. . . . The controversies of men, the hurricanes of history-in her eyes, trifles: her sickness alone prevailed over time and space. “1 can’t eat, I can’t sleep, I’m afraid, there must be some pus here . . .” she began caressing her jaw with more interest than if the fate of the world depended on it. At first this excess of self-concern on the part of a decrepit crone left me torn between dread and disgust; then I left the clinic before it was my turn, determined to renounce my discomforts forever. . . .” 😂😂😂

  • @mirovinac3968
    @mirovinac3968 2 месяца назад

    Actually, when you are depressed you don't see both sides of life. You see only one, colorless. But the life is FULL of different colors. And you always have two options - to hide or to get out. The life is for living and your mind is the meaning. What you want, you will be. Real happiness is when you find balance and enjoy yourself, no matter what or where.

  • @NefariousMinds
    @NefariousMinds 2 месяца назад

    Many people will say they want the ultimate happiness, but in order to experience that, you must experience it's polar opposite. To ask for happiness, is also asking for suffering.
    The root of suffering is not being your authentic self. We arrive in this world knowing nothing of before, and we are programmed by an environment that also knows nothing but says it does, which in turn, pushes us further into inevitable darkness.
    So, we are here to lose ourselves, and learn who we are not, to hopefully learn who we are in a lifetime. But if not, we will return to our authentic selves after "death" and likely try again.
    So many belief systems seem to want to eliminate certain aspects of ourself such as, our ego mind, or things we identify as negative. When we should instead, seek to understand it, and use it for it's actual purpose. The power of inclusion.

  • @wavephasemusic
    @wavephasemusic 2 месяца назад

    Losing all hope was the antidote

  • @thegametroll6264
    @thegametroll6264 2 месяца назад

    I'm starting to embrace "darker" wisdom these days myself. I can wear a painfully wide smile just to make others happy all i want but i will know the whole time that its fake and i will be miserable the whole time. To me breaking my back to make others happy is a living hell.

  • @alf.6032
    @alf.6032 3 месяца назад +1

    good experiences yield good memories. bad experiences yield good lessons. meaning is not found, but created by the merging of what one is able to get out of them and apply to their life. It's not so much about the heights we achieve, but the depths where we came from.

  • @ericdandan2619
    @ericdandan2619 2 месяца назад

    hi mr. hopefully you can continue posting your podcasts in spotify so i can listen to them while working out or doing something, thanks really

  • @Wacky-World
    @Wacky-World 3 месяца назад

    LIFE IS PAIN, suffering is optional. When you train your mind to view LIFE (every experience) as a challenge, an adventure, there is no suffering regardless of the pain.

  • @jonathanjacob5453
    @jonathanjacob5453 3 месяца назад

    Amazing video. Thank you for making it.

  • @theodorakarr4337
    @theodorakarr4337 3 месяца назад +1

    Maybe me and cioran would be siblings in the past hahah. It's like someone heard my thoughts and sent this video

  • @thedayisnigh5886
    @thedayisnigh5886 2 месяца назад

    Engaging in suffering to learn reality stop trying to escape there is no happiness don’t deny the emotional pain it is life as it is

  • @moorbilt
    @moorbilt 3 месяца назад +2

    Dark is not bad.

  • @Utu5477
    @Utu5477 3 месяца назад

    I got kind of surprised seeing Eren there.

  • @rachelmoore5079
    @rachelmoore5079 3 месяца назад

    Thank you ❤

  • @-seanobi-
    @-seanobi- 3 месяца назад +1

    A blank canvas where experience fills it in, it really is what we make of it.

    • @ChickpeatheTortie
      @ChickpeatheTortie 3 месяца назад

      A blank canvas on which 84billion animals are brought into existence, brutalised in factory farms and then murdered at the slaughterhouse annually - hardly a blank canvas - in fact it is a seriously sick blood stained canvas - sorry but someone has to say it.

  • @alexandercaffrey865
    @alexandercaffrey865 Месяц назад

    Find beauty in your suffering.

  • @mrcjc9298
    @mrcjc9298 3 месяца назад +271

    As Monty Python said “you come from nothing, you go back to nothing. What have you lost? Nothing “😀

    • @earendel1559
      @earendel1559 2 месяца назад +5

      But then, what have you gained?

    • @seahornet100
      @seahornet100 2 месяца назад


    • @pantherG91
      @pantherG91 2 месяца назад +24

      @@earendel1559 There is nothing to be gained.

    • @beastybacon199
      @beastybacon199 2 месяца назад +18

      Maybe the “gaining” is the friends we made along the way

    • @lisarox4221
      @lisarox4221 2 месяца назад +1

      @@beastybacon199 it is

  • @stevestackpole6817
    @stevestackpole6817 3 месяца назад +1046

    If suffering is beauty I don’t know how much more beauty I can stand.

    • @NVdesign2002
      @NVdesign2002 3 месяца назад +14


    • @abraxas_x
      @abraxas_x 3 месяца назад +34

      If we confront the utter meaninglessness of life, and face the utmost ugliness and disorientation of the universe, how then will it make us affirmed of life? I don't really have much knowledge about philosophy but these nihilist schools of thought baffles me. Even if life is meaningless, that too shouldn't concern us at all. We'll keep doing whatever we're doing, we'll always try to minimise our suffering and pain, in whatever way we can. The necessity is to recognise ourselves as one united species, and try to reduce the disorientation by sort of coherence. That's all that matters.
      Life meaningful or not, there's nothing we can do much, except developing ourselves, individually and as a race.

    • @sebastianelytron8450
      @sebastianelytron8450 3 месяца назад +27

      @@abraxas_x You're confusing cause and effect. Nihilism did not grow in a vacuum. It's not like it's a proposed solution to all of life's problems. It's a mere reaction to human's constant striving for meaning, for purpose, for truth. This is as fundamental as breathing in oxygen. If it's as simple as telling humans "life meaningful or not, keep developing yourselves" that would be a wonderful, almost perfect world. But you realize that's not how human minds work, that's not how life works, so nihilism (and all philosophy) is borne as a result.

    • @Morbid_God
      @Morbid_God 3 месяца назад +8

      ​@abraxas_x The beautiful thing about life having no inherent meaning is that we each of us can give it mean. We decide to meaning to our live. To me that is better than predestined life. It is more freeing.

    • @Alex-on8yu
      @Alex-on8yu 3 месяца назад +11

      Suffering is beauty but for those who, after suffering, have a girlfriend, a group of friends, 50,000 followers on Instagram, a pretty face and money.

  • @rabidgoon
    @rabidgoon 3 месяца назад +877

    It helps when you start to realize the people who don’t acknowledge this aspect of existence are often the singularly most annoying people to be around.

    • @BlueskyDenver
      @BlueskyDenver 3 месяца назад +95

      They tell you that you’re too negative, too pessimistic and don’t believe in God., because if you believe in God some say , then all your needs will be taken care of, God will provide., except God does not provide for the billions of people at least 2 billion people around the globe who live in poverty, hunger and war., because whoever God is has given humanity enough resources to make life on earth good for all, but as long as we have humans who hoard billions of dollars in wealth then you will have people who live in poverty and hunger and misery. But that doesn’t seem to be something a lot of people want for acknowledge. They start to tell you these new age stories of how you need to change your vibration and how you can then “ attract” people and money to your life, which seldomly works. Religions people tell you to pray to God and that God will provide but again they don’t say anything about where would that money and resources come from? Then if you tell them that life is suffering and that you are not guaranteed anything but suffering in many cases they again tell you that you are too negative and that you need to change your thinking and place your trust in a God because can fix it all., except for some reason God has not.

    • @somerled5513
      @somerled5513 3 месяца назад +69

      Thank you for putting something I've thought for a while so succinctly. I find these people so draining. I also find their reluctance to discuss or even acknowledge the darker sides of life as quite cowardly.

    • @LetsGo_Brandon
      @LetsGo_Brandon 3 месяца назад

      @@BlueskyDenver Doesn't matter if you're negative or pessimistic if you can't fathom the fact God has evil tendencies. Stop reading what fairy tale believers spout. God created man in His image, and look what some men are capable of. In Orthodox religions suffering is usually seen as grace from God and a good thing because it releases the shackles of your corporal being as you reach for something beyond in agony.
      Humans play God once they have children, they have total dominion over the innocent and vulnerable beings and look what some people choose to do to their children. Get over yourself.,

    • @cristiancam5251
      @cristiancam5251 3 месяца назад +23

      ​@@somerled5513True, it's funny knowing how some comments on this video straight up disregard Cioran's philosophy and invoke their religion, blind optimism or stoicism. Did they even try to engage with the subject?

    • @catmugenya8571
      @catmugenya8571 3 месяца назад +20

      THANK YOU! for saying boldly what we all know. Just an hour ago, I was opening up to a friend on how I have surrounded myself with people I am not in the samr place with. And the response I got is 'I am a negative person' something I have heard countless times from people close to me.

  • @Metameinitiatedbycontact
    @Metameinitiatedbycontact 3 месяца назад +255

    I have always felt closer to myself when depressed

    • @jettsteari3062
      @jettsteari3062 3 месяца назад +12

      me too brother.well said

    • @TheLovelyEnigma
      @TheLovelyEnigma 2 месяца назад +3

      It is because your body knows. You don't know the truth, but atleast you are not fooled like others by which is not. To care. The desire, the body appreciates it, even if the deformities of existence are unacknowledged by an ignorant person.

    • @beeyourselfuwu
      @beeyourselfuwu 2 месяца назад +13

      Depends on the level of depression
      Low grade depression: emotionally connected
      Clinical major depression: I don't feel human anymore, I don't feel anything. I wouldn't wish the second kind on my worst enemy, and I'm grateful to have finally found antidepressants that work

    • @TheLovelyEnigma
      @TheLovelyEnigma 2 месяца назад

      @@beeyourselfuwu What are you taking?

    • @beeyourselfuwu
      @beeyourselfuwu 2 месяца назад +2

      @TheLovelyEnigma pristiq/desvenlafaxine. Its an SNRI. None of the SSRI's worked for me

  • @coleyod
    @coleyod 3 месяца назад +278

    Life is mainly suffering and misery sprinkled with moments of joy and happiness

    • @Pet-rf6rh
      @Pet-rf6rh 3 месяца назад +22

      For the lucky ones.

    • @jimurrata6785
      @jimurrata6785 3 месяца назад +4

      Someone recently said to me that I can't feel pleasure.
      I replied "imagine how rewarding life is for me..."

    • @thispersonrighthere9024
      @thispersonrighthere9024 3 месяца назад +10

      exactly why i roll my eyes when people talk about life being a gift.

    • @coleyod
      @coleyod 3 месяца назад +3

      @@thispersonrighthere9024It's still a gift but it's hardship is real

    • @thispersonrighthere9024
      @thispersonrighthere9024 3 месяца назад +22

      @@coleyod it's not a gift nor a curse. it just is.

  • @Employed2deploy
    @Employed2deploy 3 месяца назад +338

    “Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars.” - Khalil Gibran

    • @Believer-lz7jf
      @Believer-lz7jf 2 месяца назад +1

    • @ashn333
      @ashn333 2 месяца назад


    • @lednevnik
      @lednevnik 2 месяца назад +1

      Just watch Gore bro, you need the trauma

    • @fazardridj6528
      @fazardridj6528 29 дней назад

      It's not about suffering, it's about overcoming. To become a stronger soul you have to overcome obstacles. If you have scars it means you didn't die.

    • @TheTeodorsoldierabvb
      @TheTeodorsoldierabvb 7 дней назад

      ​@@lednevnik Whats Gore?

  • @davidlee7174
    @davidlee7174 3 месяца назад +158

    If you keep holding on to things, you will end up suffering.
    BUT if you let things go, you will end suffering.

    • @Pathfinder-gq1gs
      @Pathfinder-gq1gs 3 месяца назад +5

      Stoicism in a nutshell?

    • @kemonopriestess
      @kemonopriestess 3 месяца назад +8


    • @rongike
      @rongike 2 месяца назад +7

      you can't let things go, they will always be a part of you, you just have to be okay with having such a part and your focus will no longer be stuck on it.

    • @Mr.Honest247
      @Mr.Honest247 2 месяца назад +5

      But the point wasn’t to end suffering but to embrace it since you’re never gonna have perfect days everyday. If you find out how to have a perfect day everyday 24/7, please let me know. Until then, suffering ain’t going no where.

    • @Mr.Honest247
      @Mr.Honest247 2 месяца назад +2

      @@rongikeI think what he meant was to let things go in the exact sense as you just explained. Being okay with suffering IS letting it go. Not the physical aspects of suffering but mentally you let go so YOU are not suffering despite the physical things that make you suffer STILL being there. I think that’s what letting go means and you just explained his point.

  • @feedback791
    @feedback791 2 месяца назад +5

    If suffering is a beauty, iam a supermodel

  • @bas6886-l2o
    @bas6886-l2o Месяц назад +61

    I am sick, I am sick for as long as I can remember. My sickness results into a state of depression.
    Because of this state of depression, I am homebound, I lock myself in my room and hide from the outside world.
    I have rich fantasies and dreams about a life where I would be able to live.
    I punish myself each and everyday for not being able to live the life I’ve imagined for myself.
    This and other video’s of your channel have given me great insight and relief from my suffering.
    Thank you.

    • @YorkshireFlea
      @YorkshireFlea Месяц назад +3

      May you find peace 🙏🏻

    • @LuisFlores-mc2tc
      @LuisFlores-mc2tc Месяц назад +4

      At least you have that imagination to see what it would look like. At least you can bask in that fantasy, even if only in an immaterial world. Me I really don't even know what that would be. It's behind an immovable iron door that's welded shut.

    • @trnblounge
      @trnblounge Месяц назад +5

      Always remember to be kind to yourself ,you are all you've got .

    • @nicholasklein9180
      @nicholasklein9180 28 дней назад +1

      Go outside, quit sperging

      @PLAYA_VAMPO 25 дней назад +1

      @@LuisFlores-mc2tcman at least you have a door even if it’s made out of metal. I’ve been locked up in a cage captive without having ever seen the sunlight and the only friend I know is a rat I trained to stay still for longs periods of time, it has not moved for nearly 3 months now and it’s starting to stink but I know it’s acting he wouldn’t leave me alone

  • @Vortex_Chime
    @Vortex_Chime 2 месяца назад +23

    "At a certain point of suffering or injustice, no one can help another. Pain is a solitary experience."
    - Albert Camus

  • @gror7849
    @gror7849 3 месяца назад +121

    "Only optimists kill themselves!" - Emil Cioran

    • @francisdec1615
      @francisdec1615 3 месяца назад

      That's pretty stupid. Mainländer killed himself and two US antinatalists killed themselves in December last year.

    • @cepterus56
      @cepterus56 2 месяца назад +5

      😀So profound but makes me smile.

    • @ozzylepunknown551
      @ozzylepunknown551 Месяц назад +3

      When a pessimist goes through a disaster in their life - they don't see anything unusual in it.
      But when an optimist goes through a disaster, they hide away from it or try to make it seem good.
      But anyhow, both optimism and pessimism are anti-realism

    • @SpiritusMundi4EVER
      @SpiritusMundi4EVER Месяц назад

      What about Kurt Cobain?

    • @mikieemiike3979
      @mikieemiike3979 Месяц назад +4

      ​@@SpiritusMundi4EVERHe had too much teen spirit.

  • @paulahoskins9972
    @paulahoskins9972 3 месяца назад +122

    Schopenhauer is my favorite.
    He wasn't a Pessimist ~ he was a Realist.
    People hate the truth, and are consequently unable to face truth and be assisted by the growth it provides.
    Thank you!

    • @runswithraptors
      @runswithraptors 3 месяца назад +3

      Realism for the win 🎉

    • @tongobong1
      @tongobong1 3 месяца назад +1

      You should try Nietzsche or Diogenes instead of Schopenhauer.

    • @MRFLOPPYmr
      @MRFLOPPYmr 3 месяца назад +3

      ​@@tongobong1 Nietzsche and Schopenhauer complement each other pretty well and show different perspectives 👍

    • @tongobong1
      @tongobong1 3 месяца назад +1

      @@MRFLOPPYmr What are you talking about? Nietzsche totally rejected Schopi.

    • @bendaniels1235
      @bendaniels1235 3 месяца назад

      "As a philosophy, pessimism hardly needs a defense. If anything needs a defense, it is life itself. And there is no shortage of defenders; it is enough to take a walk around any bookstore to see that there are entire sections dedicated to positivism and self-help. Thousands of books and millions of words that seek to convince us that happiness is possible, that success and well-being are in our hands. That we have power. That we can achieve what we want. That we can succeed and we can win at life, because life is good and worth living. Look closely at what they tell us: life can be won. It seems to me that, without realizing it, these optimists do nothing more than confirm what every pessimist already knows: that life requires effort and that it is a constant struggle and sacrifice; that it is a contest, a confrontation, something that must be 'won', whatever that may entail. On this point, Schopenhauer's sentence is overwhelming: if life was designed for our happiness, then it was poorly designed, because everything in life seems to shout loudly: death, pain, illness, sacrifice and endless struggle."
      Ignacio Moya Arriagada

  • @TheSambellz
    @TheSambellz 3 месяца назад +82

    I have no idea how you do this Einz, but whenever I'm having a bit of a crisis, one of your videos pop up with a topic that just... Helps. This one again. This one helps me remember where I'm going. So thank you so very much.

  • @OutpostMJ
    @OutpostMJ 3 месяца назад +14

    I think people who are unaware -- purposefully ignorant -- of the dark elements of life and in themselves are dangerous and more likely to cause harm to self abd others -- and to engage in evil.

  • @LucieSalat
    @LucieSalat 3 месяца назад +36

    My father died recently. It was a harsh experience and forced me to face many layers of trauma that had been covered by time. Still I must see that my living is a victory until it is my turn to live on in another form.

    • @fitnesspoint2006
      @fitnesspoint2006 2 месяца назад

      Enough with the trauma, we have all suffered and been through "trauma".

    • @LucieSalat
      @LucieSalat 2 месяца назад +5

      @@fitnesspoint2006 how dare you mock my life experience. If you are so deeply hurt and in need of healing, give altruism a go and help others.

    • @LucieSalat
      @LucieSalat 2 месяца назад

      @@fitnesspoint2006 your addiction to self hatred stems from your childhood trauma which you will never face because you're a perfect narcissist.

  • @davidharvey6971
    @davidharvey6971 3 месяца назад +143

    "The fact he didn't shy away from life's darkest aspects is the very reason he had a deep appreciation for life". Appreciation is defined as a full understanding of a situation. To feel life undiluted is the way. Like my wife's Granny used to say. You have to take the bitter with the sweet.

    • @andreag.6691
      @andreag.6691 3 месяца назад

      i think that he shy away like anyone, our battle with struggle of life is part of it and Cioran is not different, he taked advantage of his accademical life for escape the work force ad example

    • @evelynbaek4774
      @evelynbaek4774 3 месяца назад

      So beautifully written!

    • @glowiever
      @glowiever 3 месяца назад

      ​@@andreag.6691he was a neet? based

    • @andreag.6691
      @andreag.6691 3 месяца назад +1

      @@glowiever ye an absolute neet, he taked an university office that never attended, just chilling around at the university taking advantage of free meals and accommodation ahaha that's no doubt that he had time to think, also because he suffered from insomnia

    • @glowiever
      @glowiever 3 месяца назад +1

      @@andreag.6691 I remember he had a female friend attending to his needs to. quite a lovely lady too at that

  • @sebastianosuch273
    @sebastianosuch273 3 месяца назад +72

    This thought that life is meaningless can feel comforting. When I have this thought, I peacefully wash the dishes, do the laundry…. If there’s no meaning, why not just relax?
    Of course, this is a moment and I find meaning in life other days. I think a blend of meaningless and meaning is the perfect way to go through life.

    • @deanmccrorie3461
      @deanmccrorie3461 28 дней назад +1

      Simple idea of that is that everything can’t be equally meaningful.
      Else you would end up staring at a glass of water with a stoned look on your face and never move. For why would you want to move? A glass of water is just as meaningful as your lover, family, goals, etc
      It’s precisely that some things are more meaningful than others that gives life meaning.
      You have to have meaninglessness to have meaning. Silence to have sound. Up to have down etc

  • @panda_kun
    @panda_kun 3 месяца назад +46

    0:33 EREN

  • @Crispy_Gamer_
    @Crispy_Gamer_ 3 месяца назад +66

    "To deny suffering, is in its own way a form of suffering."

    • @Morbid_God
      @Morbid_God 3 месяца назад +1

      Suffering is unavoidable and inevitable.

    • @John-bg6gb
      @John-bg6gb 3 месяца назад

      That’s fucking stupid

    • @noahlapuz3853
      @noahlapuz3853 3 месяца назад +5

      what we resist persists

    • @NomadUrpagi
      @NomadUrpagi 2 месяца назад

      ​@@noahlapuz3853i read it "when we rapists persists" 🙂

    • @noahlapuz3853
      @noahlapuz3853 2 месяца назад +1


  • @corneliumoraru5659
    @corneliumoraru5659 3 месяца назад +16

    Thank you for this video! All the best from Romania! 🇹🇩

  • @Juan_Hernandez_Jr.
    @Juan_Hernandez_Jr. 2 месяца назад +4

    When you realize that life sucks, I believe you will have a happier life.
    Embrace both good times and bad times.

  • @GriefTourist
    @GriefTourist 2 месяца назад +2

    The immense stress and pain of my life have made a very noticeable mark on my physical appearance. Making me even less attractive.

  • @carlodelacruz2552
    @carlodelacruz2552 3 месяца назад +13

    Cioran has a point, that we should not shy away from the negative aspects of life. Stoicism also has its merits despite of it creating a "barrier" on both side of the axis (between Suffering/Sadness to Pleasure/Happiness).
    The problem is not everyone has this coping mechanism (defense/resist factor) in which Cioran mentions as lyricism (people become poets due to love or misery). If one experience extreme pleasure, they might become addicted and reject any inferior experience as suffering. On the other hand, experiencing extreme sadness may prevent the person to even recover for the rest of their life (i.e. PTSD, self-harming behavior, survivor's guilt).
    What i think is that we should "swing" between the negative and positive aspects of life. Not seeking the extremes, not stagnating in the center (stoics), not too fast that our body can't handle. Just a decent swing, until the pendulum settled right at the end of one's life.

  • @TwoDudesPhilosophy
    @TwoDudesPhilosophy 3 месяца назад +139

    At a certain level of suffering or injustice no one can do anything for anyone. Pain is solitary.
    - Albert Camus

    • @AD-zu8uc
      @AD-zu8uc 3 месяца назад +3


    • @goldendiamon
      @goldendiamon 3 месяца назад +3

      @@TwoDudesPhilosophy I don't know if suffering is beautiful,or I just have Stockholm Syndrome and I don't wanna be delusional to myself

    • @John-bg6gb
      @John-bg6gb 3 месяца назад

      That’s fucking dumb

    • @criticalcog6363
      @criticalcog6363 2 месяца назад

      @@goldendiamonsuffering isn’t beautiful per se. What can be beautiful is our response to it. Do we give up and embrace darkness, or do we fight against it and strive for a better world? Fighting against suffering is a losing battle and yet it’s still worth fighting, and therein lies beauty.

    • @goldendiamon
      @goldendiamon 2 месяца назад

      @@criticalcog6363 Is it why we have Stockholm Syndrome because of it?

  • @mattwells5022
    @mattwells5022 3 месяца назад +41

    I work in mental health hospitals with people of all sorts most are institutionalised and never had a single day of independance in their lives. We don't realise how lucky we are to be able to contemplate these things. There is a fine line between all of us and a life institutionalised or free if you have the capacity to choose and keep your dark side in check count yourself very fortunate. I believe light beats dark every time but both are necessary.

    • @Infoagemage
      @Infoagemage 2 месяца назад +1

    • @shrunkensimon
      @shrunkensimon 2 месяца назад +5

      This is what bugs me about academic philosophy, is that in the main it has been done and continues to be consumed by affluent and comfortable men. It's easy to wax lyrical in such a position, playing word games, but so much of it rings hollow to me. Words should be used to convey that which has been found, not what one expects to find, and I'm not convinced many have found much substance at all.
      It's too surface level to me. It fails to encompass the depth of experience that some of the poor souls within institutions have, or those lucky enough to have found sanctuary in mystical schools first.

    • @judyclaudett1474
      @judyclaudett1474 2 месяца назад +2

      Going to the doctors or going somewhere else, when you are suffering, is the only difference; there is no fine line. Psychiatry is brutal, narrow and unforgiving; people never recover, only get worse, as medications only damage their health and don’t address the underlying reasons for the suffering. Diagnoses mean absolutely nothing and only serve to make people feel worse, truly like there was always something ‘wrong’ with them. These chaps in white coats have absolutely no idea about how to really help someone regain health, naturally; they only know how to deal drugs. That’s easy!

    • @NomadUrpagi
      @NomadUrpagi 2 месяца назад +1

      True. Glad you acknowledged that when people stop giving a care about meaningless things people who are clinging to hope, order, religion and conventional happiness are afraid and lock you up in an asylum. As paradoxical as it is, i find peace and happiness in accepting that there is no inherent happiness, no good, no evil, nor God in the universe. It is liberating.

    • @Parasmunt
      @Parasmunt 2 месяца назад +1

      Mental illness is the worst. As Pink Floyd put it.
      "And all you create
      And all you destroy
      And all that you do
      And all that you say
      And all that you eat
      And everyone you meet (everyone you meet)
      And all that you slight
      And everyone you fight
      And all that is now
      And all that is gone
      And all that's to come
      And everything under the sun is in tune
      But the sun is eclipsed by the moon"
      It hits you everywhere, robs from you in every single area.

  • @carmenhendriks
    @carmenhendriks Месяц назад +3

    Desperation > feeling happiness? Lol.
    The reason we feel desperation is because we want (what brings us) happiness.

  • @SpaceLion87
    @SpaceLion87 3 месяца назад +26

    "Suffering is grace." - Ram Dass
    And he worked with dying people..

    • @sneakerbabeful
      @sneakerbabeful 3 месяца назад

      Suffering is not grace. Suffering is pain.

    • @Quarce1
      @Quarce1 3 месяца назад +2

      He was an excellent speaker and provides a lot of gems through his writing and talks.

    • @RTGPrince
      @RTGPrince 2 месяца назад +1

      ​@@Quarce1u dont say...

    • @Quarce1
      @Quarce1 2 месяца назад +1

      @@RTGPrince nah I’m just blowing smoke

  • @_Akhilleus_
    @_Akhilleus_ 3 месяца назад +21

    Seeking suffering is more successful because suffering is real while happiness is fantasy, delusional. From suffering we evolve, with happiness we stagnate. That's what I've absorbed from this video.

    • @nateb4485
      @nateb4485 2 месяца назад +2

      Why is suffering real but happiness is not? We know just from simple neurochemistry that feeling good is the primary reason we do anything, if eating food didnt make you feel good or alienate the pain of an empty stomach you wouldnt do it. Is eating food stagnation? breathing? sex? socializing? But getting hit by a bus isn't?

    • @_Akhilleus_
      @_Akhilleus_ 2 месяца назад +1

      @@nateb4485 I mean, suffering comes from things that happens in the objective reality, like hungry from the lack of food in your stomach and it will motivate you to eat, but happiness is just a state of spirit that comes after you get rid of suffering. I mean, generally the happiness we pursue is kind of like a dream, with value in itself and for that reason, not so useful in the process of mental evolving maybe. This is just an interpretation, I think I'm more like making poetry here than philosophy, or even less science hahaha. Have a good day!

    • @leejerrett8268
      @leejerrett8268 2 месяца назад +3

      ⁠@@_Akhilleus_Suffering doesn’t only come from objective reality; I’d argue that the most painful and constant human suffering comes from our internal model of reality, especially our synthetic vision of the future which is the source of despair and anxiety. There is a reason ‘mindfulness’ is taught to treat depression; the present moment is almost never as unpleasant to experience as the imagined future.
      Right now I am in a warm house with a full stomach, a sleeping cat at my feet and I am still suffering because I struggle to prevent myself from simultaneously experiencing the humiliation and deprivation of an imaginary future as well as experiencing the regret and embarrassment of a remembered past.

    • @_Akhilleus_
      @_Akhilleus_ 2 месяца назад +1

      @@leejerrett8268 yeah, that's also the interpretation of the stoics, right? That suffering is optional, they teach us to avoid emotional feelings while trying to be always rational about every experience and decisions we make. They were the philosophers of rationality, they put reason as the most important thing for the path of a wise person.

    • @leejerrett8268
      @leejerrett8268 2 месяца назад +2

      @@_Akhilleus_ I wouldn’t say that the stoics taught that suffering was optional; physical pain, many forms of reflexive emotional reactions and even our core motivating drives are ultimately part of ‘that which we cannot control”. That does not mean we can’t use the parts of our minds which we do have conscious control over to change how we react to those things in a way that doesn’t compound our suffering or create unnecessary suffering.
      For example, let’s say you feel a sudden flood of anger, but instead of acting on it you choose to simply observe the emotion the way you might observe any other sensation until the irrational and counterproductive feeling passes.
      The idea isn’t to avoid emotions but to act in ways that are more likely to give a person more pleasure over their entire life; a glutton might feel more pleasure in the moment but ruin their health and appearance in a way that causes untold suffering down the line.

  • @WeAreAllOneNature
    @WeAreAllOneNature 3 месяца назад +56

    If you accept that life is based around suffering, then you just get on with it, and you realize that life; along with all of it's suffering; is quite magnificent.

    • @patrickpaguinto9309
      @patrickpaguinto9309 3 месяца назад +2

      Very well said

    • @Alex-on8yu
      @Alex-on8yu 3 месяца назад +1

      Don't say "life", say "your life", handsome millionaires never suffer, it's only those of us who don't stand out who suffer.

    • @TC8787-yq7og
      @TC8787-yq7og 2 месяца назад +3

      Human to human suffering which is entirely avoidable is my problem. Excuse me for not sitting back and thinking life is “magnificent” when I’m watching hospitals being flatlined in war zones every other day. I truly believe you have to be psychotic to enjoy life knowing what a cesspit we live in and to wander about like nothing is going on.

    • @virtualselfie6899
      @virtualselfie6899 Месяц назад

      @@TC8787-yq7og Schopenhauer did write in a 15-page PDF you can find: "the world is hell -- a penitentiary!" The scale of genocidal annihilation everywhere is beyond comprehension but it is the political will on a smaller scale that reinforces the cesspit and ensures this total catastrophe.

    • @rinmartell2678
      @rinmartell2678 3 дня назад

      @@Alex-on8yuYou couldn’t be more wrong

  • @Jerome12222H
    @Jerome12222H 2 месяца назад +181

    Psychedelics are just an exceptional mental health breakthrough. It's quite fascinating how effective they are against depression and anxiety. Saved my life.

    • @ThailandLottery-vz3pm
      @ThailandLottery-vz3pm 2 месяца назад +1

      Can you help with the reliable source I would really appreciate it. Many people talk about mushrooms and psychedelics but nobody talks about where to get them. Very hard to get a reliable source here in Australia. Really need!

    • @Malaikamuskan-v5z
      @Malaikamuskan-v5z 2 месяца назад

      Ally Yes, dr.porassss. I have the same experience with anxiety, depression, PTSD and addiction and Mushrooms definitely made a huge huge difference to why am clean today.

    • @ejmabrothers6743
      @ejmabrothers6743 2 месяца назад

      I wish they were readily available in my place.
      Microdosing was my next plan of care for my husband. He is 59 & has so many mental health issues plus probable CTE & a TBI that left him in a coma 8 days. It's too late now I had to get a TPO as he's 6'6 300+ pound homicidal maniac.
      He's constantly talking about killing someone.
      He's violent. Anyone reading this
      Familiar w/ BPD know if it is common for an obsession with violence.

    • @ThailandLottery-vz3pm
      @ThailandLottery-vz3pm 2 месяца назад

      Is he on instagram?

    • @Malaikamuskan-v5z
      @Malaikamuskan-v5z 2 месяца назад

      Yes he is dr.porassss.

  • @bendaniels1235
    @bendaniels1235 3 месяца назад +12

    Would love to see a video on 'The Last Messiah' by Peter Wessel Zapffe

  • @doomrevolver8387
    @doomrevolver8387 3 месяца назад +37

    "Life is pain, highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something" - William Goldman

  • @anaperilla29
    @anaperilla29 2 месяца назад +2

    I don't get why knowing we have no meaning or better, that life doesn't have any meaning, makes me feel at ease, calm and actually happy.
    There is nothing to be worried about, we just need to laid back and enjoy life as it is!

  • @twirlingparasol_
    @twirlingparasol_ 3 месяца назад +11

    This is a punch in the gut as a person who follows the Stoics, but I'm so glad you posted it. Not five minutes in, and I'm already making a note in my head to buy this man's work. I try to follow the Stoics. I think they were wise and had it figured out... ("It" being how to most comfortably endure life) but i must say, aside from Seneca, i don't relate to them much. Thank you for your brilliant content, Einzelgänger. 🖤

    • @Pet-rf6rh
      @Pet-rf6rh 3 месяца назад +1

      If stoicism enables a person to get through life than it is justified. If I choose stoicism and as a result I don't suicide than it is valid. Life is nothing but suffering and absurd, the alternatives are to end it or endure it through what mechanisms work for you.

    • @twirlingparasol_
      @twirlingparasol_ 3 месяца назад

      @@Pet-rf6rh yes, I agree ultimately. Later in the video, he highlights this, too. I need to keep my tools sharp.

  • @euroschmau
    @euroschmau 2 месяца назад +7

    I lost my job after my company declared bankruptcy last week. I've been in a semi-catatonic state since then applying for jobs like a rat desperate to get out of a garbage can half filled with water. I needed to watch this video, thank you.

    • @domdigger5451
      @domdigger5451 2 месяца назад +1

      Best of luck to you! In a few months you will look back to now and laugh!

    • @ThatGuy171298
      @ThatGuy171298 2 месяца назад +1

      Last week? My friend you have an amazing opportunity now to explore new companies. My advice, as a recruiter, have an extremely optimistic outlook on your future employment.
      I talk to people all day long looking for a job. The ones that are positive about it. I want to help. Be positive, be optimistic. You will find a job that satisfies you more than your previous. No one has a one company career any more these days. Best of luck

  • @lizmol-san
    @lizmol-san 3 месяца назад +57

    Embracing the despair in life can be crushing and seeking happiness is a never-ending race, as it is fleeting. Stoicism teaches to accept the life as it is, not to let your mind control your emotions. Only contentment is real, if we find it, the despair and happiness will lose its power over us, we will be free.

    • @nsbunnell
      @nsbunnell 3 месяца назад +4

      This is beautifully said.

    • @patrickpaguinto9309
      @patrickpaguinto9309 3 месяца назад +3

      This is exactly what this video tells us. Just embrace despair so you may appreciate life more and fully. It liberates us from seeking happiness and pleasure, which ultimately makes us exhausted and unhappy ( or discontented )

    • @graceface420
      @graceface420 3 месяца назад +10

      It really seems as though stoicism is a coping mechanism.

    • @dncgame2092
      @dncgame2092 3 месяца назад

      We can't control our emotions because they depend on external factors (our body included).

    • @Szokynyovics
      @Szokynyovics 3 месяца назад +9

      ​@@graceface420 it absolutely is...
      But realisticly, everything is a coping mechanism. Whatever you do in life, you do it to distract yourself from existencial dread. 😜

  • @subsurface6778
    @subsurface6778 3 месяца назад +14

    Arguably among the best content creators on RUclips. Thank you for posting x

  • @fistyann8434
    @fistyann8434 3 месяца назад +14

    “Life is inherently useless.” So succinct, I adore it,

  • @furleysbrain
    @furleysbrain 2 месяца назад +8

    Once in one of my deepest throws of chronic depression, whilst dwelling on the most tragic of human experience, my sadness suddenly became awe, it all just seemed so beautiful and I teared up at the raw beauty of it all - Humans, emotions, trials and tribulations. A mother losing a child or a soldier dying in a war became beautiful to me, because it's beautiful that we can feel anything at all, that sadness is itself an expression of appreciation for something lost, that it is the human experience. The word 'beauty' is often mistaken for a positive feeling. It's neutral, off the spectrum of happy or sad, it's somewhere else.

  • @vidamotivacao420
    @vidamotivacao420 3 месяца назад +10

    Thank you for taking the time to make this video 🙏🏻
    I'm at a point in my life where I no longer seek happiness, knowing it is fleeting. Instead, I choose to accept things as they are, without assigning them meaning, and simply experience the present moment.

    • @oanabaghi
      @oanabaghi 17 дней назад

      This makes me have severe anxiety.

  • @radicalcentrist4990
    @radicalcentrist4990 2 месяца назад +4

    Cioran was also the type of guy to hang around cemeteries and listen to Linkin Park.

  • @bphennesy
    @bphennesy 3 месяца назад +8

    "Hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way..." - Pink Floyd

    • @Einzelgänger
      @Einzelgänger  3 месяца назад +5

      I kind of stole that from them... love that song 😅

  • @BeeRich33
    @BeeRich33 3 месяца назад +12

    I'm dealing with this: Time is nothing, but I feel it passing and taste the end. I don't want a legacy, but a fulfilling time while I'm here, which is running out.

    • @forzaazzurri1471
      @forzaazzurri1471 2 месяца назад +6

      Don’t worry, you’ve been dead before. Remember how it was before you were born? That’s what it will be like after we’re done here, no memories will be left.

    • @lilmanq7746
      @lilmanq7746 2 месяца назад

      @@forzaazzurri1471Well it depends on what you believe here, I believe there will be an afterlife.

    • @johnrockyryan
      @johnrockyryan 2 месяца назад +1

      ​@forzaazzurri1471 extremely depressing but very very real

    • @virtualselfie6899
      @virtualselfie6899 Месяц назад

      @@forzaazzurri1471 Well said! Amnesia of being dead before is built into reincarnation. I have a lot of deja vu and sense I've been here before and then the Mandela Effects kick in confirming that.

  • @True38
    @True38 3 месяца назад +7

    One should always embrace the suffering of life but try to live life at the fullest at the same time with peace of mind. There's no need to make life more complicated than it already is, just do whatever makes you the most happy (and no, you're not going to be happy all the time but that's not the point) and keep doing it.
    In other words, just stay true to yourself - always.

  • @cailllou25
    @cailllou25 3 месяца назад +4

    I'm Romanian and I used to read ''Pe culmile disperarii'' as a teen, and didn't find it hard at all. Maybe it doesn't translate well?

  • @IK_MK
    @IK_MK 3 месяца назад +10

    Of course the philosopher tackling misery would come from Romania 😂

  • @emanueladadarlat3159
    @emanueladadarlat3159 3 месяца назад +4

    Just because the majority has this pink filter on, forcing themselves to only look at the "positive", thus repress more than half of their actual self, does NOT mean that we should glorify suffering. Suffering is not beautiful at all, because what it is, is in fact the carrying of pain that has not been experienced and felt. Suffering is precisely the symptom of repression and denial. Do not confuse FEEL of pain with suffering.

    • @matmolin
      @matmolin 2 месяца назад +1

      Suffering is just part of reality. And the spicy that makes the happiness exist.

  • @oldworldpatriot8920
    @oldworldpatriot8920 3 месяца назад +2

    Welp,the 50mgs in edibles I took an hour ago are starting to hit,let’s give this video a go,wow me.

  • @mintakan003
    @mintakan003 3 месяца назад +6

    Buddhism is said to skirt between Eternalism and Nihilism. Glad to hear from a Nihilist perspective.
    From a psychotherapeutic perspective, it is not so much avoiding the painful aspects of life. Life has its own ups and downs. And expressing, feeling, reflecting what accurately, what is genuinely one's experience, has a therapeutic function. And with this, an increasing "capacity to hold", both the highs and lows, the full panorama of human experience, which becomes one part of the meaning.

  • @bitcoinski
    @bitcoinski 3 месяца назад +5

    Wow...according to Emil Cioran's Dark Philosophy...I'm BEAUTIFUL!!!

  • @grammor
    @grammor 2 месяца назад +3

    Even the Darkness can be really helpful in our lives, being afraid is okay, but we cannot avoid being afraid of the darkness of life

  • @martins.1592
    @martins.1592 22 дня назад +3

    A psychtherapist once told me, in a very desperate and dark period of my life, that the heightend intensity of suffering will ultimately lead to a heightend sensitivity for joy and happiness. She was right, as i tell my clients today myself. Thanks for this wonderful relieving Video. I am personally leaning more to and learn from existentialism. With taking on the freedom and responsibility in it, there is more peace, pride and joy to gain in life 🎉

  • @Lola-Yo
    @Lola-Yo 2 месяца назад +8

    Once you have been through the stages of grief, three years for me, a new understanding of compassion for oneself and others.

  • @BeccaTKawaii
    @BeccaTKawaii 2 месяца назад +2

    Saying that suffering is beautiful is truly the philosophy of all time. This is something that you're taught from those in great power or those who have already succumb to the brainwashing. Suffering is not beautiful, people, it's your body telling you something is wrong.

  • @theinfiniteone6958
    @theinfiniteone6958 3 месяца назад +8

    WOW that was a good one, I love your videos so much. Your intelligence really shows which is becoming rare these days

  • @cernyP
    @cernyP 2 месяца назад +2

    Cioran has the power to grace the deepest, most meaningful part of our existance, - the esoteric, if you will - with the ways of the ratio' that is common grammar, the way that I had not imagined could be possible.
    It's not darkness. it's truth.

  • @gunnasintern
    @gunnasintern 3 месяца назад +6

    coming in clutch with another video about embracing all sides of yourself, even the suppressed side of you
    darkness is just the absence of light, which is how it can be transmuted into light

  • @lookupthereupinthetrees9860
    @lookupthereupinthetrees9860 2 месяца назад +5

    Hey Einzelganger, never stop.
    Every intelligent conversation I've had with people I know or in passing in recent years will often culminate in me telling them Einzelganger is the best RUclips channel and they should follow and subscribe. No one ever comes back to me disappointed or with negative reviews. Thought you should know.

  • @Orourkebanjo
    @Orourkebanjo 3 месяца назад +13

    I needed to hear this today.

  • @HackersThievesStalkers
    @HackersThievesStalkers 22 дня назад +2

    Never embrace suffering from violent abuse.

  • @DaniElle25g
    @DaniElle25g 3 месяца назад +3

    "Attributing meaning to our suffering to make it more bearable by saying, everything happens for a reason". Just today I was thinking what is the point of saying everything happens for a reason if you don't know what the reason is, and can't figure that out?

  • @loboplateadostacker
    @loboplateadostacker 2 месяца назад +2

    12:36 hits hard. When despair is darkest, loses the heaviest, and defeat consummated, there is beauty when we manage to survive amid all the pain without giving up on ourselves.

  • @learninghowtolivetakesawholeli
    @learninghowtolivetakesawholeli 3 месяца назад +6

    Hey man this really challenged me more than your other videos. I started screaming at the screen when he and you started discussing the flaws of stoicism which is something I build my whole life on and it was at the same time a good thing to see the flaws in trying to escape reality by putting virtue there and like replacing it with reality and it's raw form. Nice video bro

  • @CheeseKransky12
    @CheeseKransky12 3 месяца назад +4

    Sometimes i think that people who say this sort of stuff have never truly suffered for a long time with no hope of recovery. I can say that my waking life is an absolute nightmare and has been for a years now. Due to anhedonia i have no possibility of experiencing anything positive at all to balance out this misery. There's nothing beautiful, noble or virtuous about it.

    • @francisdec1615
      @francisdec1615 3 месяца назад

      Cioran was full of BS. Real pessimists are like Schopenhauer, Zapffe, Mainländer, Leopardi.

    • @goldendiamon
      @goldendiamon 2 месяца назад

      @@CheeseKransky12 You're not the only one suffering with anhedonia...Learn to not rely your happiness on spark, circumstances,people and society and you'll be free...Learn that to be happy,you don't need spark,it just only need action,and emotions will follow

    • @CheeseKransky12
      @CheeseKransky12 2 месяца назад

      @@goldendiamon I appreciate the sentiment but I am performing the actions, yet emotion hasn't shown itself for many years. I've accepted this fate as much as possible but it is not much of a life. Very empty, repetitive and monotonous. Death is becoming more preferable these days.

    • @goldendiamon
      @goldendiamon 2 месяца назад +1

      @@CheeseKransky12 Even if emotions hasn't shown,never give up....Because nothing lasts forever in this temporary physical world

    • @CheeseKransky12
      @CheeseKransky12 2 месяца назад +1

      @@goldendiamon thanks for the kind words

  • @cybersean3000
    @cybersean3000 3 месяца назад +2

    The false pretext of Chiran is that happiness is driven by external movers. True happiness cannot exist in external structures due to the fact those structures exist without human emotions. For example, a job is a neutral structure, it only exists as long as a corporation or business needs the job done. Performing the tasks of the job do not require human emotion to exist. Whether a job aligns with one's own constructs of what happiness is, depends on one's perception or interaction with the job. The same is for anything else, such as relationships, addictions, or anxieties, among others. Happiness exists only within one's own self which therefore implies choice. One can choose happiness, or one can choose sadness. One encounters external movers, or situations throughout life, the response to those movers are not automatic but are chosen.

  • @rociomiranda5684
    @rociomiranda5684 3 месяца назад +10

    These thoughts are comforting, for some reason.

  • @tTantPisForFrance
    @tTantPisForFrance 2 месяца назад +2

    'To live is to suffer, the survive is to find meaning in the suffering" - Netizsche.

  • @nipunmehta8782
    @nipunmehta8782 2 месяца назад +3

    Many few people are conscious to understand suffering is present in every moment of human life. Your only goal in life should be to reduce it as much as you can, but remember that you will never be able to end your suffering no matter how hard you try.

  • @paintingsbygm944
    @paintingsbygm944 3 месяца назад +6

    I've been following your channel for years and am delighted to see Cioran make an appearance! Thanks for everything that you do. ❤

  • @junkequation
    @junkequation 3 месяца назад +2

    The suffering he calls beautiful is existential angst.
    There are much worse forms of suffering under the sun. They are not beautiful.