I got diagnosed out of nowhere at age 24 this year. I haven’t joined any support groups, but I am amazed at the new information I learn about this disease, and the amazing things people with it have achieved and overcome.
Hey there! Back when I was 7, at 12 PM, I was trying to sleep with mom at the resting room, while my sister was studying in the room with us. I felt nothing but woke up in the lab of my mom and we were in the car, I used to ask my mom "Mom, where are we going?" She said "Oh, you woke up..! We are going to...the park.." We actually were heading to the hospital, and I got diagnosed by epilepsy, I got drugs and we had to accept it. We got a personal neurologist who used to do EEG tests for me and I used to love these tests, before that, I had to stay in the hospital for a month or more, I got some friends, my mom and sister used to visit me almost every day, I used to have severe seizures, my sister always used to put her fingure in my mouth and I used to be conscious during many seizures that I had, I used to see me losing control over my body, my limbs were jerking, that happened right before every seizure. I remember one time when it happened during the night, a chaos happened, everyone was worried. I used to feel weak after each seizure, I had to live with seizures for 3 years. The neurologist told us that the period of treatment is about to end but they can not guarantee that seizures will end. So my family took me to some shrine (they believe these shrines can cure people), they told me to invoke the dead person, but I only invoked Allah (God). "O You who cured Job, O You who has saved Jonah from the hardship, save me from seizures" So I never had seizures after that, that happened when I was 10. I still have some side effects because of medications, but I am alright now, alhamdulillah (All praise is due to Allah).
To Whom It May Concern: Your video has provided me necessary context to support my husband who suffered a massive stroke in March 2022. His recovery was going remarkably well. Then, I and other family members would notice the jerking spasms (myoclonic), additionally, he seemed to 'space out,' in the middle of conversations and literally stare into the air without responding to his name being called or even being touched lightly (absence). Finally, at night he would have some light jerking (partial) that would transition into more violent convulsions (secondary general seizure). My husband states that he can't feel himself having any of these episodes; yet, there are times when he holds his hand or arm during the course of a myoclonic jerking/partial seizure. He says he can't recall ever having an episode (postical confusion?). His long-term monitoring study is coming up the week of Thanksgiving. This video has definitely afforded me quite the picture (literally) of what we may be up against. Thank you for your work in educating others on epilepsy and seizure disorder.
How is he doing now! My boyfriend is having similar issues! He zoned out and stares and starts kicking (4 or 5 sec) and then when he returns to his senses he says he doesn't remember anything! I am just concerned.
As a 4th year medical student I learned alottt from your comment even more than what my teacher explained in the class 🤦♂️😅😅 thnx 😇 hope your husband is all ok and get recovered soon✅♥️
I have absent seizures. However, I am awake and alert. There is always something on your mind whether it be words, music, things, etc. But when I have a seizure, there's nothing. No words. No music, things, sounds, or colors. nothing. I am still conscious, meaning I can see and hear things and I understand I'm having a seizure. I just can't say more than 1 or 2 words. It can last between 5 - 25 seconds. The really weird part is that my EEG didn't show anything. My doctor gave me seizure meds just in case and now I don't get seizures as often. It happens when I'm under a lot of stress but I'm normally a pretty chill person. There is a great video called "Absence seizure caught on camera" by MyEpilepsyStory Brogan. It is legit EXACTLY what I go through. It's the video that made me realize I get seizures. I always thought it was a memory problem. Edit: There was only 1 time that really scared me and I finally went to the doctor. I was driving home from college and there was a car a safe distance in front of me. I was just driving along when suddenly I had a seizure and I wasn't conscious. When I came to (maybe 5 seconds later?), I was really close to the car in front of me and I was about to drive off the road. That's when I realized I needed to see a doctor.
same here?? did an EEG back when I first had it and it showed nothing. had a seizure again recently so I had my EEG done today, let's see what the doc says but I'm not very optimistic + apparently u have to get it done really quickly so did u do that? I have the generalized tonic clonic seizure I think.
CAC Brodley Syrup is herbal formulation contains ingredients such as - Shankhpusphi, Brahmi, Yashtimadhu, Dhania, Saunf, etc. Brodley syrup increases the blood flow to the brain & boost up memory. It increases retention power & acts as an antioxidant. The herbal syrup is generally used to treat the mental weakness, mental disorders, stress, anxiety, & seizure attacks.
Do you really need help to cure out your epilepsy, I can recommend you to a very powerful and spiritual man who can help you out with all kind of sickness ...especially epilepsy..
Please don't get panic over this...u all can recover and even cure if u have a belief in whatever medicine u are taking... Just take good diet be stress free and take good sleep.. U all can be seizure free
I firmly believe this I was able to be 2 yrs seizure free with stress free,good sleep and a well diet up until I had a car accident recently I was slammed into a light pole and two weeks later it caused me a seizure due too emotional and physical stress/trauma, stress and anxiety can be hard to deal with if we are prone to seizures
I haven’t been seizure free in over 10 years and end up in the ER 1-2 times a month. Tried brain surgery and medication. It’s not the belief that cures it. There isn’t a known cure only a way to manage it.
@@BrendaLopez-sc4zx Im still hoping to be healed by my seizure disorder since I was 21 years old. Experienced something that leads me into seizure disorder. I don't know what to do if ever nd its 1 of my wishes to be granted by GOD
Do you really need help to cure out your epilepsy, I can recommend you to a very powerful and spiritual man who can help you out with all kind of sickness ...especially epilepsy..
Hello your videos are always very helpful. I'd just like to update, focal seizures are now subclassified based on effect of seizure on awareness. It's either "focal seizure with intact awareness" or "focal seizure with impaired awareness".
Just got diagnosed with Epilepsy a few days ago, and i'm 20. Sucks because now my life at university might be put on hold as the medication i will be taking might lead to side effects.
Don't get surgery. Medication may not always work, but for me, it at least suppresses the severity and amount of occurrences. Try out some medications, and if they don't completely work just look out for improvements in severity. Unless you have a seizure where you almost die, don't bother with surgery.
This video cleared it up! My book for nursing school was so contradictory, as if its written by more than one person and noone to check it thoroughly... well now i get it!
I think I had seizure today. I haven’t had anything like this before. I was in online class when I started to zone out(or so I thought) and then I blacked out. I woke up because I thought my upper body was jerking but when I fully came back to my senses it had stopped. My head was light after this and didn’t know how much time had passed. I thought I would pass out again. I was very confused and frightened because I couldn’t remember passing out or at least feeling like passing out. Last thing I remember was spacing out. I still don’t know if it was seizure or I just spaced out( it’s what my parents said when I told them what had happened).
Every individual is entitled to one seizure in a lifetime so mostly it is observed and drugs are administered if it reoccurs. You can however check it in with your doctor to be on the safe side because one thing about absence seizures (“zoning out” seizures) is that, the individual is mostly unaware of the incident. They’re often informed by observers. It’d be best to consult your physician 😊
I was diagnosed with epilepsy when I was 16. I had my first seizure the summer before my 17th birthday. I've only had a handful of tonic-clonic seizures. Mine are usually absence or myoclonic. I can't tell you how many times I've fallen and/or dropped stuff. Food was wasted, plates and cups were broken. Even broke a couple Brita pitchers. My knees are in bad shape. I'm a mess.
Do you really need help to cure out your epilepsy, I can recommend you to a very powerful and spiritual man who can help you out with all kind of sickness ...especially epilepsy..
I was diagnosed with a seizure disorder at 2, told I would grow out of it by 10. However that changed when I was 11 and spent 2 weeks in KU med. center for more studying because nothing was working. I have had tonic-clonic seizures as well as absence seizures most of my life, though I have been dealing with myoclonic for at least 10 years now, I always felt like it was caused by my epilepsy but my neurologist always brushed it off as just regular muscle spasms so I haven't thought much on it since. However I noticed the muscle twitches were getting worse and decided to do some of my own research and came across your video. I just want to thank you so much for helping me feel less crazy! As well as getting this information out there, seizures can be deadly if not properly monitored and so many people don't have a clue how to handle a person having a seizure, could you make a video on that? I would love to be able to show my co-workers and my bosses they have been asking me for information on how to help and seeing as I'll be the one having the seizure I don't really know how to explain to them what to do.
@@glitzyx4x852 I call bullshit on that since I also have both Tonic-Clonic seizures as well as absence seizures. Absence seizures merely feel like you are about to pass out, but you retain consciousness. When they happen to me my vision usually disappears and my head starts to feel "floaty". Whenever I stare off in space, deep in thought, everyone around me is asking "are you having a seizure?" Tonic-Clonic seizures are when I go completely limp and fall. I had a bump on my head for a month after falling backwards and hitting my head on the corner of the armrest of the couch. Didn't feel a thing during the seizure. I occasionally have those every once in awhile, but they don't go to that extent anymore because my medicine suppresses it, though my medication doesn't stop me from having seizures completely. So yes, you can have both. Not much more I can say.
A very informative video, very many thanks. I have experienced all types of seizures during my life, depending on what’s going on, stressed, worry etc. However, I just wish someone could explain why I also suddenly have seizures whereby I’m completely conscious, but experience an awful burning, either in my head or stochastic or chest? When it’s over I just can’t stop crying, sometimes for an hour or more. Any help would be gratefully appreciated
never You should’ve saw my face when I found out that my “daydreaming” is absence seizures. I’ve been like that since I could remember!!! The doctors were shocked no one ever realized.
This has been very helpful. I've had 2 grand mal seizures in the last 5 months. My poor tongue is so scared 😔 Anyway I'm finally getting an eeg in the next few days. Aeeg 72 hours . I'm not going to lie, kinda scared.
Thank you for such a detailed video. Now i understand more abt why n how i m experiencing wht i m experiencing. Its so much helpful to know cause, symptoms and everything related.
Do you really need help to cure out your epilepsy, I can recommend you to a very powerful and spiritual man who can help you out with all kind of sickness ...especially epilepsy..
I was seizure free till, 56 years, then had a severe generalised. Hospital, coma and meds followed. Now for 10 years I have occasional simple partials every week or so. I also have complex partials, and have noticed they follow the lunar cycle, often happening 2 days after a full moon. I’ve kept a diary for 9 years and there is a very strong correlation. Question - has anybody else seen similar patterns?
A friend of mine had a stroke last weekend during a game of Evolution, which is a board game with cards. The interesting thing is, he's only ever had 3 seizures in his life, 2 of which now happened while we were playing Evolution, which we do not play very often. My best guess is the first occurrence was random, and the second was somehow triggered by the memory of the first. However, the alternative would be that there is something inherently seizure inducing about the game. I'd love to hear some more informed opinions on which of these is more likely, and what could potentially be seizure inducing about a card game like that. We have banned him from playing the game, because we believe this can't be a coincidence, and even if it was, we shouldn't risk it regardless.
Anyone know if an active seizure (as in lots of flailing about, falling out of bed etc.) is "worse" than an outwardly calm one? I've had a variety and I'm surprised that the seemingly placid fits are routinely followed by the nastiest headaches. So, is the additional activity due to being in a shallower sleep (i.e. closer to consciousness) or something, 'cos the after-effects are generally less painful for me.
Extremely interesting, as I suffer both kinds of epilepsy falling and losing consciousness and absences too, am now 52 years old, my mother said I have the seizures due to a forceps delivery at birth, but unfortunately this is not definite, they started when I was 6 years old, but little was know then as now, I had a number of eegs’ at that time, and have taken numerous medications over the years too, would to see more of your videos great stuff 👍🥇
My mom says I used to have epilepsy and constant seizures until i was 4. I think it became milder since then but I do remember still having seizures until I was 9. But since that, I have been perfectly healthy and most of my symptoms just disappeared. I went into an MRI a few years ago and the doc said my epilepsy was gone. I still wonder why and how it disappeared out of nowhere.
Can I ask something?my daughter's diagnosed epilepsy..before seizures she knows how to talk but now almost 2 months she couldn't speak..before she knows mama and papa kuya ate..the Pediatric Neurologist requires MRI with contrast the result is normal..my daughter is 2yrs old and during seizures her hands is jerking ang legs
I’d appreciate any input on my situation: I recently have been having a lot of convulsions for the last eight months where I lose control of parts of my body like my head, torso or arm, and have sudden jerking movements, but I’m completely aware and can have full cognitive function. It started where I had to be hospitalized for having what seemed to be 26 seizure type symptoms in a day. I always feel a pain in the right side of my brain, and a tingling sensation in my muscles before they involuntary convulse. I have no brain damage from the incidents, and the seizure medication makes it worse. It’s happening about five or six times a day now and can last for up to three hours an episode. Would this be considered a form of seizing even though I’m aware of it? If anyone has an opinion on this I’d appreciate the input! I’m really confused and it’s exhausting, and I’ve reached the extent of my ability to try and understand my situation. Thanks
As my brother had seizure yesterday, i felt so bad and nervous at the same time, he had 3-4 seizures in a span of 15 mins and breathing difficulty at the same time and i turned him to the side and let him breathe and my my parents who don't know anything about what had happened to him, we are going to the hospital next week to a neurologist, till them I gave him gebapentin to use and it is recommended for epilepsy and we still don't know what had caused him a seizure, he was unable to move his body after a seizure for one hr and so and unable to walk..
How epilepsy related with sleeping time table and environmental changes because I have this kind of disorder mostly common replied me for information thanks
Your seizures were 2 years apart, so you have a good prognosis but statistically each seizure increases the chance of having another one. However you’re on medication, so it should be fine. Don’t stop the medication without consulting your physician.
I think I've had multiple seizures this year and in the past, so I went to the doctor after one. He gave me a referral to see a neurologist, but the earliest appointment available was three months out. So now I'm stressing because I don't know if something is wrong or not and I have to wait 3 months to find out.
I have been diagnosed with Abscence epilepsy after I got a status epilepticus seizure (I just learned that name). It’s was like loosing consciousness every couple of seconds and falling. I used to get like a lot of jerking mouvements in my senior year because of stress. And I got a tonic clonic seizure a couple of months ago it was the worst. But anyways I sometimes feel like I nerves are tickilish or relaxed or weak that it’s very hard to move. Like I can move but I need a lot of will power. Does anyone know if it maybe related? Or experience something similar?
I originally was having tonic clonic seizures then after a few years on seizure medication they changed to partial seizures. If I have to choose one or the other I would rather have the tonic clonic where I lose Consciousness I hate being awake and alert during the seizure that's the worst thing ever.
I have both Tonic-Clonic and Absence seizures. I absolutely hate the absence seizures. My head hurts like hell throughout the whole thing and afterwords. At least with a Tonic-Clonic seizure you don't have to feel the pain the whole way through. A small headache afterwards is far better than being aware, but sometimes losing my vision.
@@whydoyoucare8168 well I will have what feels like a clonic tonic seizure where I will stiffen up and start shaking but I keep Consciousness I even feel myself gasping for air and choking. I've even lost control of my bowels while having a seizure and I even felt that happening but there was no way to stop it
@@ytggv316 I heard the word seizure for the first time on knowing that was his death cause.which shook me and made me enthusiastic to know in detail of what took him too soon.
Dr Ross Hauser has good results from fixing the neck curve. Watch his videos on a few patients that have great results. Now with cell phone use getting much more prevalent in neck pain it’s worth looking into certainly.
I've come out of a left template lobe surgery in February last year, I had 33-35 a day, after the epilepsy surgery I am still having them up to 9-12 a day, although some days I have none.. I take 4000 epilem, and 1000 lamotrogen per day. Puss some others, I really want to try to off them but not sure, some say different to others. I've had the whole kit and caboodle in this so nothing I haven't tried or done.. I'm 33 and can have no kids as these tablets cause higher risk to myself and child when born, I've been told what the child could get as not many are 100%
Oh wow I'm almost 33, and when I was 14 right before I started HS, that summer I started to have grand mal seizures. They found it was coming also from my left temporal lobe. They tried different meds for 2 years 1st, and even raised it up to having me on 3 different ones at once. I was taking them them 2 times a day on the highest dosages, and every night about an hour after for about 6 months at 1 time I would get double vision, feel dizzy and vomit. Eventually I myself had brain surgery in that area. After surgery when I came to, I remember the surgen and neurologist said I may have more seizures for a while. But that was because my brain was healing due to the trauma it went through. That surgery was almost 17 years ago. In the end for me it "sort of" helped, but did not do as much as what we hoped. It came with both good and bad things. It did let me lower my dose of meds I was taking, but I'm currently actually on 4 different types of seizures meds now, but they aren't as high a dose. 1 is actually lamotragine which I take 150mg twice a day. And now I don't have grand mal seizures regularly. I only have them if I go without rest for a long time or ware myself out. Or if I spend time out on a very hot day in summer that's in the high 80s or warmer, or if I physically do to much work or exercise and get extremely hot and tired. However I still do get other kinds of seizures multiple times a week fairly frequently, they are the simple partial seizures. Sometimes I may just stair out for 10 or 15 seconds and no one may notice. Other times it may get worse and I may start to salivate at the mouth but try to keep it in, although sometimes I can't. And rarely I may start to get a bit of a shaking right arm, but usually settles down. Afterwards from the worst ones it may take me a few minutes to be able to respond or be able to read a sentence. After a simple kind of staring out for just a few seconds I can respond perfectly fine. Since the surgery happened during my HS years I had to miss a year and it actually caused some problems. But if I had a choice I think I would do it again. I really wish you the best of luck! It must be a lot tuffer for you having so many more seizures. I know this is a late reply, but I hope things improved!
I've been experiencing this seizure headaches since I was 9, back I didn't know what was going on with my body but as time passed I became aware of this seizures at the age of 14, I've haven't gone for treatment yet, recently started researching about it am from Nigeria how do I go about it
I have ELPLESY and I remembered how I felt when the doctor told me it will be very hard for me to conceive but , all to the glory of GOD that after using DR AKHO HERBAL on RUclips natural infective herbal medication am a mother of four kids . Thank you doctor for making me a fruitful woman
I have blackouts often when it stops i dont know what time or what day it is and take about 90 minute to recover one of my neurologists who i was seeing for many years said it might be seizures and that i may have epilepsy and gave me two kinds of antiseizure rx meds that actually really helps a lot with that and other symptoms but another neurologest who i saw for 5 minutes he said that was all nonsense i dont know what to think
I suffer from all of these seizures and have no health insurance I am taking no medicine and I am having several tonic colonic seizures a day I think I'm on the verge of death what can I do
I got diagnosed out of nowhere at age 24 this year. I haven’t joined any support groups, but I am amazed at the new information I learn about this disease, and the amazing things people with it have achieved and overcome.
Hey there!
Back when I was 7, at 12 PM, I was trying to sleep with mom at the resting room, while my sister was studying in the room with us.
I felt nothing but woke up in the lab of my mom and we were in the car, I used to ask my mom "Mom, where are we going?"
She said "Oh, you woke up..! We are going to...the park.."
We actually were heading to the hospital, and I got diagnosed by epilepsy, I got drugs and we had to accept it.
We got a personal neurologist who used to do EEG tests for me and I used to love these tests, before that, I had to stay in the hospital for a month or more, I got some friends, my mom and sister used to visit me almost every day, I used to have severe seizures, my sister always used to put her fingure in my mouth and I used to be conscious during many seizures that I had, I used to see me losing control over my body, my limbs were jerking, that happened right before every seizure.
I remember one time when it happened during the night, a chaos happened, everyone was worried.
I used to feel weak after each seizure, I had to live with seizures for 3 years.
The neurologist told us that the period of treatment is about to end but they can not guarantee that seizures will end.
So my family took me to some shrine (they believe these shrines can cure people), they told me to invoke the dead person, but I only invoked Allah (God).
"O You who cured Job, O You who has saved Jonah from the hardship, save me from seizures"
So I never had seizures after that, that happened when I was 10.
I still have some side effects because of medications, but I am alright now, alhamdulillah (All praise is due to Allah).
To Whom It May Concern: Your video has provided me necessary context to support my husband who suffered a massive stroke in March 2022. His recovery was going remarkably well. Then, I and other family members would notice the jerking spasms (myoclonic), additionally, he seemed to 'space out,' in the middle of conversations and literally stare into the air without responding to his name being called or even being touched lightly (absence). Finally, at night he would have some light jerking (partial) that would transition into more violent convulsions (secondary general seizure). My husband states that he can't feel himself having any of these episodes; yet, there are times when he holds his hand or arm during the course of a myoclonic jerking/partial seizure. He says he can't recall ever having an episode (postical confusion?). His long-term monitoring study is coming up the week of Thanksgiving. This video has definitely afforded me quite the picture (literally) of what we may be up against. Thank you for your work in educating others on epilepsy and seizure disorder.
How is he doing now! My boyfriend is having similar issues! He zoned out and stares and starts kicking (4 or 5 sec) and then when he returns to his senses he says he doesn't remember anything! I am just concerned.
As a 4th year medical student I learned alottt from your comment even more than what my teacher explained in the class 🤦♂️😅😅 thnx 😇 hope your husband is all ok and get recovered soon✅♥️
I have absent seizures. However, I am awake and alert. There is always something on your mind whether it be words, music, things, etc. But when I have a seizure, there's nothing. No words. No music, things, sounds, or colors. nothing. I am still conscious, meaning I can see and hear things and I understand I'm having a seizure. I just can't say more than 1 or 2 words. It can last between 5 - 25 seconds.
The really weird part is that my EEG didn't show anything. My doctor gave me seizure meds just in case and now I don't get seizures as often. It happens when I'm under a lot of stress but I'm normally a pretty chill person.
There is a great video called "Absence seizure caught on camera" by MyEpilepsyStory Brogan. It is legit EXACTLY what I go through. It's the video that made me realize I get seizures. I always thought it was a memory problem.
Edit: There was only 1 time that really scared me and I finally went to the doctor. I was driving home from college and there was a car a safe distance in front of me. I was just driving along when suddenly I had a seizure and I wasn't conscious. When I came to (maybe 5 seconds later?), I was really close to the car in front of me and I was about to drive off the road. That's when I realized I needed to see a doctor.
same here?? did an EEG back when I first had it and it showed nothing. had a seizure again recently so I had my EEG done today, let's see what the doc says but I'm not very optimistic + apparently u have to get it done really quickly so did u do that? I have the generalized tonic clonic seizure I think.
I have had epilepsy since 4 years old. Very happy to be seizure free after surgery 😊
M so happy for you suspecting them with my twins pls pray for them to be seizure free
I’m here because my neuro-pedia prof speaks jargon! Thank you for sharing this info to medstudents and people who want to learn!
CAC Brodley Syrup is herbal formulation contains ingredients such as - Shankhpusphi, Brahmi, Yashtimadhu, Dhania, Saunf, etc. Brodley syrup increases the blood flow to the brain & boost up memory. It increases retention power & acts as an antioxidant. The herbal syrup is generally used to treat the mental weakness, mental disorders, stress, anxiety, & seizure attacks.
All thanks to Dr oba on RUclips who cure me from epilepsy virus to I’m free thank you once again Dr you are the best on RUclips
I really wanna appreciate ❤ the way you have adopted, and your work, stay strong and high. Thanks 👍
it is really an amazing thing for you to have bought this video from osmosis and distribute it freely to all of us. thank you so much
Join us for awareness
All thanks to Dr oba on RUclips who cure me from epilepsy virus to I’m free thank you once again Dr you are the best on RUclips
thank you so much for posting this, literally saved my life before my midterms, you guys are so kind and nice.
Is posting osmosis videos wiyhout subscription legal or not ??
Had my first epileptic seizure today. It sucks but your video helped me understand it, thanks
I have epilepsy. This is so helpful. Honestly if everyone could watch this it would be great!’
Take care
I have the same can I discuss this with each other…?
@@Pistik7 it is very helpful
@@Pistik7 iiii
@@Pistik7 nnnj
This was very helpful! Way more helpful than my neurologist.
Do you really need help to cure out your epilepsy, I can recommend you to a very powerful and spiritual man who can help you out with all kind of sickness ...especially epilepsy..
This was really helpful, you just cut down hours into 8mins. Thank you so much :)
*who's here in 2019* --Thank you so much this was very help.. keep the good work 😇
Very help
All thanks to Dr oba on RUclips who cure me from epilepsy virus to I’m free thank you once again Dr you are the best on RUclips
Please don't get panic over this...u all can recover and even cure if u have a belief in whatever medicine u are taking... Just take good diet be stress free and take good sleep.. U all can be seizure free
I firmly believe this I was able to be 2 yrs seizure free with stress free,good sleep and a well diet up until I had a car accident recently I was slammed into a light pole and two weeks later it caused me a seizure due too emotional and physical stress/trauma, stress and anxiety can be hard to deal with if we are prone to seizures
I haven’t been seizure free in over 10 years and end up in the ER 1-2 times a month. Tried brain surgery and medication. It’s not the belief that cures it. There isn’t a known cure only a way to manage it.
@@BrendaLopez-sc4zx Im still hoping to be healed by my seizure disorder since I was 21 years old. Experienced something that leads me into seizure disorder. I don't know what to do if ever nd its 1 of my wishes to be granted by GOD
My boyfriend has epilepsy. Thanks for the upload! Very interesting!
I recommend you to Dr Oshuku
All thanks to Dr oba on RUclips who cure me from epilepsy virus to I’m free thank you once again Dr you are the best on RUclips
I love this video, it was very informative and helped me write my pathophysiology research paper on seizures. Thank you so much!!!
Do you really need help to cure out your epilepsy, I can recommend you to a very powerful and spiritual man who can help you out with all kind of sickness ...especially epilepsy..
All thanks to Dr oba on RUclips who cure me from epilepsy virus to I’m free thank you once again Dr you are the best on RUclips
Hello your videos are always very helpful. I'd just like to update, focal seizures are now subclassified based on effect of seizure on awareness. It's either "focal seizure with intact awareness" or "focal seizure with impaired awareness".
@@penorrs5503 what bro
All thanks to Dr oba on RUclips who cure me from epilepsy virus to I’m free thank you once again Dr you are the best on RUclips
Just got diagnosed with Epilepsy a few days ago, and i'm 20. Sucks because now my life at university might be put on hold as the medication i will be taking might lead to side effects.
Get surgery
Don't get surgery. Medication may not always work, but for me, it at least suppresses the severity and amount of occurrences.
Try out some medications, and if they don't completely work just look out for improvements in severity.
Unless you have a seizure where you almost die, don't bother with surgery.
Me too
All thanks to Dr oba on RUclips who cure me from epilepsy virus to I’m free thank you once again Dr you are the best on RUclips
My medicine exam in 2021 will save me because of you ❤️❤️❤️
This video cleared it up! My book for nursing school was so contradictory, as if its written by more than one person and noone to check it thoroughly... well now i get it!
Thought I had epilepsy, turns out I have ptsd and stress/dissociation can cause seizures. The brain remembers, and the body does too.
Join us for awareness
All thanks to Dr oba on RUclips who cure me from epilepsy virus to I’m free thank you once again Dr you are the best on RUclips
I have epilepsy but I freez . Sometimes I remember mostly I don't and sometimes I am aware what is around me
I think I had seizure today. I haven’t had anything like this before. I was in online class when I started to zone out(or so I thought) and then I blacked out. I woke up because I thought my upper body was jerking but when I fully came back to my senses it had stopped. My head was light after this and didn’t know how much time had passed. I thought I would pass out again. I was very confused and frightened because I couldn’t remember passing out or at least feeling like passing out. Last thing I remember was spacing out. I still don’t know if it was seizure or I just spaced out( it’s what my parents said when I told them what had happened).
Every individual is entitled to one seizure in a lifetime so mostly it is observed and drugs are administered if it reoccurs. You can however check it in with your doctor to be on the safe side because one thing about absence seizures (“zoning out” seizures) is that, the individual is mostly unaware of the incident. They’re often informed by observers. It’d be best to consult your physician 😊
there's a cure for epilepsy, send me a message here and I'll share some tips with you.
I was diagnosed with epilepsy when I was 16. I had my first seizure the summer before my 17th birthday. I've only had a handful of tonic-clonic seizures. Mine are usually absence or myoclonic. I can't tell you how many times I've fallen and/or dropped stuff. Food was wasted, plates and cups were broken. Even broke a couple Brita pitchers. My knees are in bad shape. I'm a mess.
Check on Dr OLUMU via RUclips! He got cure for seizure/epilepsy.
You can get in touch with him
Directly on WhatsApp +2348148445027
All thanks to Dr oba on RUclips who cure me from epilepsy virus to I’m free thank you once again Dr you are the best on RUclips
Tonic-Clonic,Along with Other Symptoms of Dehydration
this video is extremely helpful!! thanks for the good work!
I been on the keto diet for awhile and exercising and it's been helping.
Do you really need help to cure out your epilepsy, I can recommend you to a very powerful and spiritual man who can help you out with all kind of sickness ...especially epilepsy..
All thanks to Dr oba on RUclips who cure me from epilepsy virus to I’m free thank you once again Dr you are the best on RUclips
Still working?
My all doubt regarding subtype of epilepsy is cleared now.. Really thankful..
I was diagnosed with a seizure disorder at 2, told I would grow out of it by 10. However that changed when I was 11 and spent 2 weeks in KU med. center for more studying because nothing was working. I have had tonic-clonic seizures as well as absence seizures most of my life, though I have been dealing with myoclonic for at least 10 years now, I always felt like it was caused by my epilepsy but my neurologist always brushed it off as just regular muscle spasms so I haven't thought much on it since. However I noticed the muscle twitches were getting worse and decided to do some of my own research and came across your video. I just want to thank you so much for helping me feel less crazy! As well as getting this information out there, seizures can be deadly if not properly monitored and so many people don't have a clue how to handle a person having a seizure, could you make a video on that? I would love to be able to show my co-workers and my bosses they have been asking me for information on how to help and seeing as I'll be the one having the seizure I don't really know how to explain to them what to do.
Shannah Terry hahahhaa
I feel like your lying you can’t have grand mal and petite mal
@@glitzyx4x852 I call bullshit on that since I also have both Tonic-Clonic seizures as well as absence seizures.
Absence seizures merely feel like you are about to pass out, but you retain consciousness. When they happen to me my vision usually disappears and my head starts to feel "floaty". Whenever I stare off in space, deep in thought, everyone around me is asking "are you having a seizure?"
Tonic-Clonic seizures are when I go completely limp and fall. I had a bump on my head for a month after falling backwards and hitting my head on the corner of the armrest of the couch. Didn't feel a thing during the seizure. I occasionally have those every once in awhile, but they don't go to that extent anymore because my medicine suppresses it, though my medication doesn't stop me from having seizures completely.
So yes, you can have both. Not much more I can say.
All thanks to Dr oba on RUclips who cure me from epilepsy virus to I’m free thank you once again Dr you are the best on RUclips
A very informative video, very many thanks.
I have experienced all types of seizures during my life, depending on what’s going on, stressed, worry etc. However, I just wish someone could explain why I also suddenly have seizures whereby I’m completely conscious, but experience an awful burning, either in my head or stochastic or chest? When it’s over I just can’t stop crying, sometimes for an hour or more. Any help would be gratefully appreciated
This is a great summary of seizure disorders in such a short time!
Epileptic gang, where you at?
Kaylynn Is Bad at Everything that’s me!! I recently found out that not every seizure is violent/grand-mal seizures- so that’s why I’m here
never You should’ve saw my face when I found out that my “daydreaming” is absence seizures. I’ve been like that since I could remember!!! The doctors were shocked no one ever realized.
All thanks to Dr oba on RUclips who cure me from epilepsy virus to I’m free thank you once again Dr you are the best on RUclips..
Complex simple seizures
Amazing explanation!! Thanks for the good work
im really enjoy to watch it! thanks to input me. hope my presentation today is well. thank you so much for the information
This has been very helpful. I've had 2 grand mal seizures in the last 5 months. My poor tongue is so scared 😔
Anyway I'm finally getting an eeg in the next few days. Aeeg 72 hours . I'm not going to lie, kinda scared.
Thank you! This clear video presentation really helps! More power to you!
Thank you for such a detailed video. Now i understand more abt why n how i m experiencing wht i m experiencing. Its so much helpful to know cause, symptoms and everything related.
Do you really need help to cure out your epilepsy, I can recommend you to a very powerful and spiritual man who can help you out with all kind of sickness ...especially epilepsy..
All thanks to Dr oba on RUclips who cure me from epilepsy virus to I’m free thank you once again Dr you are the best on RUclips
Still can`t find the symptoms I experienced. I had intense dizziness and vomiting.
You really helped a final yr mbbs exam going student ..
Thank you 🙏
Check on Dr OLUMU via RUclips! He got cure for seizure/epilepsy.
You can get in touch with him
All thanks to Dr oba on RUclips who cure me from epilepsy virus to I’m free thank you once again Dr you are the best on RUclips
got diagnosed at 12. Now 19 and still fighting it.
I was seizure free till, 56 years, then had a severe generalised. Hospital, coma and meds followed. Now for 10 years I have occasional simple partials every week or so. I also have complex partials, and have noticed they follow the lunar cycle, often happening 2 days after a full moon. I’ve kept a diary for 9 years and there is a very strong correlation. Question - has anybody else seen similar patterns?
shoutout to PHARMACOLOGY CLASS!!! Fighting!
Check on Dr OLUMU via RUclips! He got cure for seizure/epilepsy.
You can get in touch with him
Directly on WhatsApp +2348148445027
All thanks to Dr oba on RUclips who cure me from epilepsy virus to I’m free thank you once again Dr you are the best on RUclips..
A friend of mine had a stroke last weekend during a game of Evolution, which is a board game with cards. The interesting thing is, he's only ever had 3 seizures in his life, 2 of which now happened while we were playing Evolution, which we do not play very often.
My best guess is the first occurrence was random, and the second was somehow triggered by the memory of the first. However, the alternative would be that there is something inherently seizure inducing about the game. I'd love to hear some more informed opinions on which of these is more likely, and what could potentially be seizure inducing about a card game like that.
We have banned him from playing the game, because we believe this can't be a coincidence, and even if it was, we shouldn't risk it regardless.
Anyone know if an active seizure (as in lots of flailing about, falling out of bed etc.) is "worse" than an outwardly calm one? I've had a variety and I'm surprised that the seemingly placid fits are routinely followed by the nastiest headaches.
So, is the additional activity due to being in a shallower sleep (i.e. closer to consciousness) or something, 'cos the after-effects are generally less painful for me.
Epilepsy is what Cameron Boyce had which is brain damage disorder we will all miss him and he is in our hearts amen 🙏🏾
Hubie Halloween was dedicated to him. Adam Sandler paid tribute.
Extremely interesting, as I suffer both kinds of epilepsy falling and losing consciousness and absences too, am now 52 years old, my mother said I have the seizures due to a forceps delivery at birth, but unfortunately this is not definite, they started when I was 6 years old, but little was know then as now, I had a number of eegs’ at that time, and have taken numerous medications over the years too, would to see more of your videos great stuff 👍🥇
Thanks for this video! It really helped clearing out why my dr thinks I might have this.
Gotta love it when people only come around when a celeb passes.
Right lol, juice wrld is good and all but yknow
Like you?
Adan Trujillo actually no, I came here to learn more after I was diagnosed with epilepsy. Thank you for your concern/comment though.
All thanks to Dr oba on RUclips who cure me from epilepsy virus to I’m free thank you once again Dr you are the best on RUclips
Thank you so much for the Videos, These are very helpful for a Quick Prep for Exams Purposes 👏👏
thanku for making this topic super easy. it is really helpful.
Tons of misconceptions received with thanks 🙂
My mom says I used to have epilepsy and constant seizures until i was 4. I think it became milder since then but I do remember still having seizures until I was 9. But since that, I have been perfectly healthy and most of my symptoms just disappeared. I went into an MRI a few years ago and the doc said my epilepsy was gone. I still wonder why and how it disappeared out of nowhere.
Can I ask something?my daughter's diagnosed epilepsy..before seizures she knows how to talk but now almost 2 months she couldn't speak..before she knows mama and papa kuya ate..the Pediatric Neurologist requires MRI with contrast the result is normal..my daughter is 2yrs old and during seizures her hands is jerking ang legs
Rest in paradise JARAD💔🦋
Alwayssss helpful👍 thank you so much
I’d appreciate any input on my situation:
I recently have been having a lot of convulsions for the last eight months where I lose control of parts of my body like my head, torso or arm, and have sudden jerking movements, but I’m completely aware and can have full cognitive function. It started where I had to be hospitalized for having what seemed to be 26 seizure type symptoms in a day. I always feel a pain in the right side of my brain, and a tingling sensation in my muscles before they involuntary convulse. I have no brain damage from the incidents, and the seizure medication makes it worse. It’s happening about five or six times a day now and can last for up to three hours an episode. Would this be considered a form of seizing even though I’m aware of it?
If anyone has an opinion on this I’d appreciate the input! I’m really confused and it’s exhausting, and I’ve reached the extent of my ability to try and understand my situation. Thanks
Check on Dr OLUMU via RUclips! He got cure for seizure/epilepsy.
You can get in touch with him
Directly on WhatsApp +2348148445027
How do you feel now? What medication you tried fo the condition
As my brother had seizure yesterday, i felt so bad and nervous at the same time, he had 3-4 seizures in a span of 15 mins and breathing difficulty at the same time and i turned him to the side and let him breathe and my my parents who don't know anything about what had happened to him, we are going to the hospital next week to a neurologist, till them I gave him gebapentin to use and it is recommended for epilepsy and we still don't know what had caused him a seizure, he was unable to move his body after a seizure for one hr and so and unable to walk..
All thanks to Dr oba on RUclips who cure me from epilepsy virus to I’m free thank you once again Dr you are the best on RUclips
How epilepsy related with sleeping time table and environmental changes because I have this kind of disorder mostly common replied me for information thanks
Awesomely informative and perfectly explained! Thank you so much! 😊😊 30/7/2019
30/7/2019 hasn't happened yet
All thanks to Dr oba on RUclips who cure me from epilepsy virus to I’m free thank you once again Dr you are the best on RUclips
Please do make a separate video about absence.
Thanks, this informations will help me in my exam. 😍😍
thank you for your effort
it is very helpful
Thank you so much for your videos. Very clear and easy to understand.
Thank you for the clear video!
I had seizures twice in my whole lyf once when I was 17 and after 2 years it's repeated........now m taking medications is there are chances again???
Your seizures were 2 years apart, so you have a good prognosis but statistically each seizure increases the chance of having another one. However you’re on medication, so it should be fine. Don’t stop the medication without consulting your physician.
@@farzanman146 thanks for replying.....now it's been 3 years and m totally fine
isnt time duration for status epilepticus is 30 mins ??
Check on Dr OLUMU via RUclips! He got cure for seizure/epilepsy.
You can get in touch with him
Directly on WhatsApp +2348148445027
All thanks to Dr oba on RUclips who cure me from epilepsy virus to I’m free thank you once again Dr you are the best on RUclips..
I think I've had multiple seizures this year and in the past, so I went to the doctor after one. He gave me a referral to see a neurologist, but the earliest appointment available was three months out. So now I'm stressing because I don't know if something is wrong or not and I have to wait 3 months to find out.
thank you so much! very informative and easy to understand :)
It was really helpful ... I really appreciate it
Hello Dr, how can I contact you?
Always happy to watch videos in this youtube channel, i can learn easily. Thankyou.
I have seizure when laughing too much I become weak and fall to the ground :(
Arez Plays what kind of seizures??
All thanks to Dr oba on RUclips who cure me from epilepsy virus to I’m free thank you once again Dr you are the best on RUclips.
I have been diagnosed with Abscence epilepsy after I got a status epilepticus seizure (I just learned that name). It’s was like loosing consciousness every couple of seconds and falling. I used to get like a lot of jerking mouvements in my senior year because of stress. And I got a tonic clonic seizure a couple of months ago it was the worst. But anyways I sometimes feel like I nerves are tickilish or relaxed or weak that it’s very hard to move. Like I can move but I need a lot of will power. Does anyone know if it maybe related? Or experience something similar?
I originally was having tonic clonic seizures then after a few years on seizure medication they changed to partial seizures. If I have to choose one or the other I would rather have the tonic clonic where I lose Consciousness I hate being awake and alert during the seizure that's the worst thing ever.
I have both Tonic-Clonic and Absence seizures.
I absolutely hate the absence seizures. My head hurts like hell throughout the whole thing and afterwords. At least with a Tonic-Clonic seizure you don't have to feel the pain the whole way through. A small headache afterwards is far better than being aware, but sometimes losing my vision.
@@whydoyoucare8168 well I will have what feels like a clonic tonic seizure where I will stiffen up and start shaking but I keep Consciousness I even feel myself gasping for air and choking. I've even lost control of my bowels while having a seizure and I even felt that happening but there was no way to stop it
@@MollyKuehl4790 shit. I in no way have seizures as bad as that.
Hope you get those under control.
All thanks to Dr oba on RUclips who cure me from epilepsy virus to I’m free thank you once again Dr you are the best on RUclips
Who is here after knowing about Juice WRLD😔 RIP MAN.
Gone too fast
Nigga stop looking up seizure videos and talking about rip god dam
@@ytggv316 I heard the word seizure for the first time on knowing that was his death cause.which shook me and made me enthusiastic to know in detail of what took him too soon.
@@ytggv316 then may I know why are you here nigga
Pavan Roy I’m also looking up about his death but I’m not saying rip juice on unrelated videos about him so stfu
My crush had 2 seizures yesterday, she’s okay now
All thanks to Dr oba on RUclips who cure me from epilepsy virus to I’m free thank you once again Dr you are the best on RUclips..
Thank you! I've fallen down a rabbit hole of seizures and other neurological stuff, because I watched this one tiktok.😟
Do you have a transcription for this video?
Great video, but is status epilepticus not considered >30m of seizures without return to consciousness between
Who’s here after Cameron Boyce death 😭❤️
Lia Morls how did I know this would be the first comment
GamingFANATIC 11 😂
Lia Morls if
I've gotten seizures since I was 12. Been told mine are stress related. Had some docs tell me they are grandma ones,when have epxlain it to docs.
Oml I had a seizure on the subway yesterday and I completely blacked out and couldn’t feel or hear anything- that was terrifying
Hey I have a question my brother has seizures and he screams and can’t stop moving a lot will he live or die
This video is amazing. Thanks !
Dr Ross Hauser has good results from fixing the neck curve. Watch his videos on a few patients that have great results. Now with cell phone use getting much more prevalent in neck pain it’s worth looking into certainly.
You the best on presentation I salute you
I've come out of a left template lobe surgery in February last year, I had 33-35 a day, after the epilepsy surgery I am still having them up to 9-12 a day, although some days I have none..
I take 4000 epilem, and 1000 lamotrogen per day. Puss some others, I really want to try to off them but not sure, some say different to others. I've had the whole kit and caboodle in this so nothing I haven't tried or done..
I'm 33 and can have no kids as these tablets cause higher risk to myself and child when born, I've been told what the child could get as not many are 100%
Oh wow I'm almost 33, and when I was 14 right before I started HS, that summer I started to have grand mal seizures. They found it was coming also from my left temporal lobe. They tried different meds for 2 years 1st, and even raised it up to having me on 3 different ones at once. I was taking them them 2 times a day on the highest dosages, and every night about an hour after for about 6 months at 1 time I would get double vision, feel dizzy and vomit. Eventually I myself had brain surgery in that area.
After surgery when I came to, I remember the surgen and neurologist said I may have more seizures for a while. But that was because my brain was healing due to the trauma it went through.
That surgery was almost 17 years ago. In the end for me it "sort of" helped, but did not do as much as what we hoped. It came with both good and bad things. It did let me lower my dose of meds I was taking, but I'm currently actually on 4 different types of seizures meds now, but they aren't as high a dose. 1 is actually lamotragine which I take 150mg twice a day. And now I don't have grand mal seizures regularly. I only have them if I go without rest for a long time or ware myself out. Or if I spend time out on a very hot day in summer that's in the high 80s or warmer, or if I physically do to much work or exercise and get extremely hot and tired. However I still do get other kinds of seizures multiple times a week fairly frequently, they are the simple partial seizures. Sometimes I may just stair out for 10 or 15 seconds and no one may notice. Other times it may get worse and I may start to salivate at the mouth but try to keep it in, although sometimes I can't. And rarely I may start to get a bit of a shaking right arm, but usually settles down. Afterwards from the worst ones it may take me a few minutes to be able to respond or be able to read a sentence. After a simple kind of staring out for just a few seconds I can respond perfectly fine.
Since the surgery happened during my HS years I had to miss a year and it actually caused some problems. But if I had a choice I think I would do it again. I really wish you the best of luck! It must be a lot tuffer for you having so many more seizures. I know this is a late reply, but I hope things improved!
All thanks to Dr oba on RUclips who cure me from epilepsy virus to I’m free thank you once again Dr you are the best on RUclips
loved this video 10/10 recommend
I've been experiencing this seizure headaches since I was 9, back I didn't know what was going on with my body but as time passed I became aware of this seizures at the age of 14, I've haven't gone for treatment yet, recently started researching about it am from Nigeria how do I go about it
I want u to explain more about epilepsy syndrome called WEST SYNDROME please
Can u plz give me a ppt of it..its urgent
I have ELPLESY and I remembered how I felt when the doctor told me it will be very hard for me to conceive but , all to the glory of GOD that after using DR AKHO HERBAL on RUclips natural infective herbal medication am a mother of four kids . Thank you doctor for making me a fruitful woman
All thanks to Dr oba on RUclips who cure me from epilepsy virus to I’m free thank you once again Dr you are the best on RUclips..
Best channel ever
May heaven be your place ❤ thank you ❤
I have blackouts often when it stops i dont know what time or what day it is and take about 90 minute to recover one of my neurologists who i was seeing for many years said it might be seizures and that i may have epilepsy and gave me two kinds of antiseizure rx meds that actually really helps a lot with that and other symptoms but another neurologest who i saw for 5 minutes he said that was all nonsense i dont know what to think
I suffer from all of these seizures and have no health insurance I am taking no medicine and I am having several tonic colonic seizures a day I think I'm on the verge of death what can I do
Iv had 5 seizures in 3 months I have never had one before that and I am a healthy 18 yearold
I have epilepsy and I fall for no reason when I’m standing or walking. Is that a seizure?
Hello Dear. Can I site your video in my web site?
My dad having Tonic seizures, because of it he getting head injuries . Please suggestion how to avoid we went to all specialist no luck pls pls reply
Are people dealing with this, able to identify triggers?
Yup! It’s mostly stress, caffeine, lack of sleep, dehydration, or sudden stops in medication. and a lot of times it’s a mixture of these
very nice and illustrative
Thanks for the lesson