As a pos5 main, i am completely convinced that carry players, all of them, have a secret unspoken rule stating: if support leaves lane for more then 2.5 seconds, it is then time to die
Most players have no idea when it's actually good to pull, they just do it. And I see supports dying just as much at the camp when they're pulling as carries dying at the lane. Also fuck supports that do stupid pulls, you have to cs under tower then they pick a fight 1 v 2 and expect you to help them
I'm a pos1/2 player and gotta say Unless you're premade and in voice chat with your carry to tell them you're leaving, you just push the lane to the enemy tower Carries stare at the creeps hp bars to last hit/deny, manipulate aggro, try to control the lane and sometimes genuinely don't notice you went away and subconscoiusly think that you're next to them to help if needed Or they just feel bad looking at cs they can't get while you're stacking/pulling and decide to yolo it lmao In all random pubs games are way easier as 1 if your 5 makes sure your lane was good/bearable than if they stack for you but you get shit on
#11. That guy that jumps into 5 enemy heroes when none of his teammates are near him or ready, and then type in chat: "where team?" And then still keep doing it over and over again, and then blame the carry that he is farming too much. And then start griefing by AFK farming or by following the carry around as they farm.
They go where team and no wards when you just specifically told them “enemy team going top, care” and have all the time in the world to tp out or just go hide and back, the amount of times this happens to me is baffling
As a carry main, i can confirm that when my support leaves the lane for 0.5 seconds i have no choice or control of my body and MUST instinctively run it down straight into the enemy's mouthes.
Come on, it's not so bad! I tend to spam chatweel laugh when I personally make mistakes - to not give the haters any ammunition. Furthermore, I main Snapfire and cookie jumps going the wrong way are kinda hilarious
#8 is too relatable. I've become accustomed to pinging MY skill cooldown/debuff every single time because of this stuff. Even then, people still dare to ping my skills out of cooldown/debuff, because apparently 80% of dota players hasn't learned how to read. When I pointed it out, they still bark without bothered to scroll up the chat even just a little bit.
As a supp player, this is painfully accurate. Carries who dives immediately when he knows I'm pulling. and when he dies, somehow I'm the one in the wrong.
This is the most relatable video I have ever seen! I have 6000 hours+ in dota with all kind of ranks experience from 900 mmr to now divine 4. I am so happy someone cover about this video. Thank you jenkins!
I despise pinging other's spells to the point that I've unconsciously made it a habit to ping my team's cooldowns whenever a teamfight is about to happen just so tilters don't get any more ammunition.
I’ve learned to ping my important spells on cooldown as people are dying, specially if the are almost back up like solar guardian 5 seconds about up, while they are dying just to disarm them, I also ping the spell before the fight breaks and I say it in voice comm I don’t have the spell, sadly playing Dota and listening to comms are mutually exclusive.
I started telling people to not spam-ping my spells, and if they do it anyway, I will use the shit out of the button the second they ping it again. Pinging my ult after the fight when it just came off cooldown? Here you go, I will activate it in fountain, jungle, half way down the lane while I try to get away, no questions asked. That's what you clearly wanted, after all. 😂
I actually unfortunately have a win to someone doing #10 I was a clinkz mid and this dude picked Huskar pos 4 and spent the laning phase feeding while trying to get to core huskar items Somehow we manage to claw our way back after the enemy team starts throwing fights and I transition far enough into carry to win the game by glass cannoning their entire base This huskar had been fighting with the rest of the team and doing shit the entire game, and at the end he was like “You’re welcome for carrying” I gave him the biggest dressing down ever, with damage numbers (both hero and building) and kills to prove he didn’t do shit and I carried the game. He obviously didn’t get it because he had a peanut brain but it was definitely a great time to just steamroll that guy after he caused so much trouble
The Limbus reference at 10:18 is driving me insane, did Jenkins just randomly find this meme or he is a PM enjoyer? What if there are other references I didn't see?
As an offlaner here's another bad habit from carries and mid, they expect you to go front tanking first and doesn't give a shit about your condition(HP, mana, items reset, too far distance, charging on his own etc.)
#8 Reminds me of when people told me to use guides, a very upvoted guide told me to pick Blessing lv1, so I did, my teammate died and pinged "Luna - Lucent Beam (not learned yet)" which probably provided more information about where we went wrong to him than to me.
i recommend having the "pulling creeps" line on your chat wheel for pulling. if they continue and die anyway then at least your allies will see that they're the problem if it becomes a flame war.
Always communicate your next move to you team If they don't listen and die then tip them. If they still don't listen then tell the enemy team they'll definitely give you the attention you're seeking
Man, people in the pick screen highlighting a super useful imba hero and then picking a shit and useless hero after the rest of the team has picked, deserve a special place in hell
Jenkins: It takes a lot of mental effort to right click from time to time It takes a lot less mental effort to pull, deny, ward, deward, gank, team call Me: .... ok
I've always loved you Jenkins, I absolutely lost it when you ate a sausage from your blazer pocket during the international. I wanted you to know I really appreciate this video. Hopefully, this will help the community have a more positive attitude. Good luck in your new team!
the pulling thing i feel is nuanced. as a 5 i learned overtime to pull less and click enemies more. even when the lane is pushing, i will stay for the longest time possible and only stack/pull in the last possible moment and only when i feel its necessary and the equilibrium wont fix itself, with my camera constantly moving between the camp and my carry in case they get gone on, and always with clear communication. its true that the carry will likely get greedy and try to squeeze in the riskiest creeps possible, but at the same time i played enough pos1 myself to know how annoying it is to have to have an entire wave denied in front of me while i have to sit afk in trees because my 5 pulled way too early and instead of coming back to lane straight away, is sitting there and lasthitting the camp creeps as they die. knowing when to pull is an important skill and knowing to click enemy heroes as much as possible on support and not just afk pulling is really important too to make the carry feel more free and happy in lane, so they dont chain feed in lane, then buyback and destroy their items.
I don’t know about other supports because I do not lane with them, but when I stick to the pull(and usually I do) is to kill as many lane creeps as possible. Which usually is about half of them or the entire wave on a stacked camp. So in the worst case scenario a full denied wave still give you 50%xp, since a denied creep gives 50% experience, vs 50% up to 100% loss for the enemy and the equilibrium gets fixed. It is still a net positive even if the core just hide in the trees to soak the xp, not to mention the core is getting solo XP which means he is actually getting the same amount he would if the support were in the lane sharing the xp, not to mention the support will get some xp and gold from the camp. Unless the core get himself killed, in the worst case, the team has a net positive of xp with a a bit of gold loss. But I find it hard to believe the enemy team is getting every single deny. Which means the xp net positive is still much better, and if the lane is in such a horrible position, it means the core allowed that to happen, either he did not defensively agro pulled to kill the ranged, did not hit own creep to balance the damage, in some cases just straight out hit the creeps from full to 0(it happens in my bracket)… If the support have to leave the lane to fix it, usually is because the core played poorly, so maybe it is time to take the time out and ponder on how did he allow the lane to go in such a poor condition.
@@LeonardoPostacchini Some inconvenient realities that fudge with your numbers: 1. When you do this, you are usually missing two waves not one. At east 1.5 waves. You leave while a wave is being contested under a tower and are still there when the next one arrives. It's 100% not worth it unless you have a stacked pull but even then essentially you are denying carries farm to deny offlaners farm so it's situational. 2. Carries need gold as well as xp.
wait you forgot about the support that always places all the wards in market so there is no stock when needed, and there's always someone who puts a blue ward right next to another blue ward
But if you leave 1-2 obs & sentries in the shop, rest of the team will never stop complaining and some dude can just buy them and place the worst, most obvious/useless wards
If you leave a free vision + sentry and cores complain, you can mute. But if cores genuinely know to place vision for tf’s but no stock, nothing they can do. And no, no one’s gonna start asking for ward transfer while a tf is building up. I main 5 and usually cores surprise me with clever ward spots and dewarding, after all, they are the enemies target
The insight part is so true. Le me warlock did a great push up to t4 at 15-20mins, feeling super proud of myself and knowing the game will go badly late tell team to push so we can end early. My #2 Pos 1 Carry TB says "No, let med farm." Me knowing how stupid that claim is, try to retort back but, amazing TB starts spouting his dotabuff stats how he always wins games as rad tb. Long story short, med did NOT get farm because enemy team kept going after our both of carries farms and ambushing them and basically, our team tried to farm, 0 push all game long until they won. So then I go off on TB how stupid his claim was, that they should've pushed when I said to push and so on. All the while TB silently reading my anger. And yes, I started recently playing ranked, and while I didn't experience every point in here, I am delighted that I am finally being like my peers. An angry person getting offended in the Internet.
#10. People stealing roles in a role queue game is really really rare. I know the general dota community is toxic af but its like 1 in 100 games that someone actually tries to steal someones role in a role queue game. Atleast thats my experience in the herald to legend brackets.
the most annoying shit fore me is a having a pos 4 pudge when I play offlane and doesnt do anything like block/unblock camp or dragging creeps. literally just standing in trees waiting for hook cooldown
I only play in 5 stacks, but that said, one of my favorite things to do is go pee right after I draft, then to rush back to the game and be slightly behind. Something magical about the rush. Reminds me of childhood
Man, I was from a time when try hards were the people that group up before the match started for first bloods or a lv 1 roshan. I miss you stout shield =(
I always fill all 6 slots of my carry's courier with Iron Branches, then I follow them around the whole game dropping iron branches into their inventory & backpack at ALL. TIMES.
The most annoying thing is when you want to pull creeps as a support, but you carry instead goes and kills small camp. And now you need to wait 2 minutes for camp to respawn and stacked, while your carry feeds somewhere between t1 and t2 enemy towers
Right ward... How many times I've been blamed for not warding when the enemy team literally kills me everytime i go on warding/dewarding and they just farm 24 hour/day. They literally forget that i put ward as best as i can early game, and when the opponent winning fight more often, the less i am able to move freely. Very frustating.
As a pos 5 player I think it's a primal instinct for pos 1 to go unalive themself when I left them for runes or pulls and proceed to ping my ass or type "gg"
4000 hours into dota, 98% of which are pos 4 and pos 5 games, this hits home. Forcing bad dewards, carrying dying while im pulling (even though i always go "im pulling watch yourself", and most annoying of all carries pinging your spells which are off cd after theyve died, or worst of all, carries pinging an off cooldown spell which would have contributed NOTHING to helping them survive.
As you know, it can be difficult to recieve a position as carry or mid ingame. For this reason,I play quite good as tank, pos4 or pos5. It is quite irritating to play mid or carry AFTER I picked the hero. They just don't communicate until the end of picking phase. Even tho I sign myself, it is not uncommon to arrive at 2 top, 3 bottom, no mid. Then I have to mid/carry with a hero that I'm not confident in... If they had signed, there are a few heroes I can mid with, but not what I have chosen. Have you played CM carry? I had. Without supports. It was trash.
#11 players who constantly try to fight whenever they see an enemy in vision without seeing if there are other enemies off the map or when their teammates are still far off, then dying and starts to ask "where team".
Oh my god Jenkins! You almost absolutely nailed it on the head. I wish this video would be played without possible skipping before every match. The one thing you missed here is the small camp pull, I communicate on voice, by text and ping, multiple times reiterate the carry needs to be careful, and yet, almost every time, they do not listen, get killed and get triggered. I dread every time I need to do a small camp pull, sometimes I just don’t. Also, it is not that I am pre muted before the match I have learned, my behaviour score is 10000, always AND when the game becomes a loss they suddenly learn how to use the comms.
My last game was as Enigma, had some great 3-4 man bholes... but my Naga saved the enemy team by immediately using her ult and negating any bhole damage. I'm still not sure if it was intentional or accidental
I had something similar happen once where I was playing Void Spirit with an Oracle Teammate. This was the old Oracle and Void Spirit a couple of patches ago so Oracle's W would disarm an enemy AND give them 100% magic resist. I kept diving in as Void to kill an enemy and the Oracle would give them magic resist and I couldn't kill them. The Oracle kept doing that even after I talked to them about it and IIRC we lost the match. Was so frustrating to play.
Lol, I had just recently a game were I was playing Spirit Breaker, I would charge someone close to Faceless void from another lane, I would ping the enemy to draw attention to him, he would patiently wait. Then when I was about to hit he would chrono. He did that twice then a third time I was just initiating the team fight, he jumped in and managed to lock me before I hit anyone and locked our entire team leaving out the enemy wind ranger who ulti me from full to dead. I reported him for grief.
Most of my deaths as offlaner occur when the sup 4 leaves lane at 3 minutes and only comes back at 15 minutes. After I leave the lane and jungle because I can't 2x1 they complaing I'm jungling.
Annoying habit 6.5: Pulling the small camp without stacking it, usually resulting in next friendly creep wave barreling down the lane with 2 ranged creeps. Nothing is more infuriating than your own support pushing the lane away from you.
As a pos1 main, I am completely convinced that support players, all of them, have a secret unspoken rule stating: if carry is last hitting for more than 2.5 seconds, it is then time to leave the lane and let them die
Spell pinging: I have a lot of Dazzle games and it is frustrating when team starts to ping grave when it just came off cd. Now what I do is I ping it myself that it is on 1 or 2 sec cd when they die so that they cannot do it.
Jenkins finally remember his main youtube account password
Password is BSJ4799suker
So that finally makes sense.
I don't get why doesn't post the 15 min herald reviews on this channel, makes no sense at all to me.
As a pos5 main, i am completely convinced that carry players, all of them, have a secret unspoken rule stating: if support leaves lane for more then 2.5 seconds, it is then time to die
Most players have no idea when it's actually good to pull, they just do it. And I see supports dying just as much at the camp when they're pulling as carries dying at the lane. Also fuck supports that do stupid pulls, you have to cs under tower then they pick a fight 1 v 2 and expect you to help them
Sounds like your fault for leaving the lane 🤣
never leave lane on 5. never.
I'm a pos1/2 player and gotta say
Unless you're premade and in voice chat with your carry to tell them you're leaving, you just push the lane to the enemy tower
Carries stare at the creeps hp bars to last hit/deny, manipulate aggro, try to control the lane and sometimes genuinely don't notice you went away and subconscoiusly think that you're next to them to help if needed
Or they just feel bad looking at cs they can't get while you're stacking/pulling and decide to yolo it lmao
In all random pubs games are way easier as 1 if your 5 makes sure your lane was good/bearable than if they stack for you but you get shit on
here's the secret: learn beastmaster 5, use all of your starting gold on mangoes, pull creeps with the boar and harass enemies with the axes
#11. That guy that jumps into 5 enemy heroes when none of his teammates are near him or ready, and then type in chat: "where team?" And then still keep doing it over and over again, and then blame the carry that he is farming too much. And then start griefing by AFK farming or by following the carry around as they farm.
This could also be people who are too afraid to front line and force the wrong hero to initiate since no one will go in
And then there is the case where the offlaner sees his team with him pings that he will jump once he jumps there is no one to be found with him
Yeah this is a special kind of stupid
They go where team and no wards when you just specifically told them “enemy team going top, care” and have all the time in the world to tp out or just go hide and back, the amount of times this happens to me is baffling
Anger management is very, very needed for dota players especially for these ones you're referring to!
Can't believe there's no gorgc clip about leaving lane on 5
I was expecting to learn cool new ways to troll my teammates but all of this is actually really good advice for common situations.
As a carry main, i can confirm that when my support leaves the lane for 0.5 seconds i have no choice or control of my body and MUST instinctively run it down straight into the enemy's mouthes.
you forgot the most annoying thing of all
spamming laughing chatwheel sounds when any misplay happens
Yes I did. Fuck those people
Come on, it's not so bad! I tend to spam chatweel laugh when I personally make mistakes - to not give the haters any ammunition.
Furthermore, I main Snapfire and cookie jumps going the wrong way are kinda hilarious
#8 is too relatable. I've become accustomed to pinging MY skill cooldown/debuff every single time because of this stuff. Even then, people still dare to ping my skills out of cooldown/debuff, because apparently 80% of dota players hasn't learned how to read. When I pointed it out, they still bark without bothered to scroll up the chat even just a little bit.
'Roles' and 'lanes' are an antiquated idea I'm afraid. I work across all 3 lanes simultaneously encompassing all roles at the same time
Found the meepo player
As a supp player, this is painfully accurate.
Carries who dives immediately when he knows I'm pulling.
and when he dies, somehow I'm the one in the wrong.
Thanks for giving me a list of 10 things to do next time I play with my friends
This is the most relatable video I have ever seen! I have 6000 hours+ in dota with all kind of ranks experience from 900 mmr to now divine 4. I am so happy someone cover about this video. Thank you jenkins!
I despise pinging other's spells to the point that I've unconsciously made it a habit to ping my team's cooldowns whenever a teamfight is about to happen just so tilters don't get any more ammunition.
I’ve learned to ping my important spells on cooldown as people are dying, specially if the are almost back up like solar guardian 5 seconds about up, while they are dying just to disarm them, I also ping the spell before the fight breaks and I say it in voice comm I don’t have the spell, sadly playing Dota and listening to comms are mutually exclusive.
I started telling people to not spam-ping my spells, and if they do it anyway, I will use the shit out of the button the second they ping it again.
Pinging my ult after the fight when it just came off cooldown? Here you go, I will activate it in fountain, jungle, half way down the lane while I try to get away, no questions asked. That's what you clearly wanted, after all. 😂
Kudos Jenkins, hopefully with this video you've made the dota community a better place. It won't be, because they won't listen, but a man can dream.
I actually unfortunately have a win to someone doing #10
I was a clinkz mid and this dude picked Huskar pos 4 and spent the laning phase feeding while trying to get to core huskar items
Somehow we manage to claw our way back after the enemy team starts throwing fights and I transition far enough into carry to win the game by glass cannoning their entire base
This huskar had been fighting with the rest of the team and doing shit the entire game, and at the end he was like “You’re welcome for carrying”
I gave him the biggest dressing down ever, with damage numbers (both hero and building) and kills to prove he didn’t do shit and I carried the game. He obviously didn’t get it because he had a peanut brain but it was definitely a great time to just steamroll that guy after he caused so much trouble
The Limbus reference at 10:18 is driving me insane, did Jenkins just randomly find this meme or he is a PM enjoyer? What if there are other references I didn't see?
this type of videos are the best ones that you make man. Keep it up!
As an offlaner here's another bad habit from carries and mid, they expect you to go front tanking first and doesn't give a shit about your condition(HP, mana, items reset, too far distance, charging on his own etc.)
#8 Reminds me of when people told me to use guides, a very upvoted guide told me to pick Blessing lv1, so I did, my teammate died and pinged "Luna - Lucent Beam (not learned yet)" which probably provided more information about where we went wrong to him than to me.
I REALLY didn't expect a Limbus reference on a Jenkins video.
The dig at BSJ 😂😂
i recommend having the "pulling creeps" line on your chat wheel for pulling. if they continue and die anyway then at least your allies will see that they're the problem if it becomes a flame war.
The goal is to win tho not flame each other ._.
@@Mistha_J ideally yeah! i usually just stop interacting if they're going to be mean. just a handy tip since this game has got the nicest players..
didnt know backrooms added wifi. ty ill be seeing you there soon jenkins
Really loved how this whole video came out, even the ending was clean af
Always communicate your next move to you team
If they don't listen and die then tip them. If they still don't listen then tell the enemy team they'll definitely give you the attention you're seeking
Valve needs to add all 10 of the Cardinal Sins from this video as Report categories. Because holy shit, this is depressingly accurate.
Man, people in the pick screen highlighting a super useful imba hero and then picking a shit and useless hero after the rest of the team has picked, deserve a special place in hell
It takes a lot of mental effort to right click from time to time
It takes a lot less mental effort to pull, deny, ward, deward, gank, team call
.... ok
4:04 that's why I love the offlane role lmao.
I've always loved you Jenkins, I absolutely lost it when you ate a sausage from your blazer pocket during the international. I wanted you to know I really appreciate this video. Hopefully, this will help the community have a more positive attitude. Good luck in your new team!
the pulling thing i feel is nuanced. as a 5 i learned overtime to pull less and click enemies more. even when the lane is pushing, i will stay for the longest time possible and only stack/pull in the last possible moment and only when i feel its necessary and the equilibrium wont fix itself, with my camera constantly moving between the camp and my carry in case they get gone on, and always with clear communication.
its true that the carry will likely get greedy and try to squeeze in the riskiest creeps possible, but at the same time i played enough pos1 myself to know how annoying it is to have to have an entire wave denied in front of me while i have to sit afk in trees because my 5 pulled way too early and instead of coming back to lane straight away, is sitting there and lasthitting the camp creeps as they die.
knowing when to pull is an important skill and knowing to click enemy heroes as much as possible on support and not just afk pulling is really important too to make the carry feel more free and happy in lane, so they dont chain feed in lane, then buyback and destroy their items.
I don’t know about other supports because I do not lane with them, but when I stick to the pull(and usually I do) is to kill as many lane creeps as possible. Which usually is about half of them or the entire wave on a stacked camp. So in the worst case scenario a full denied wave still give you 50%xp, since a denied creep gives 50% experience, vs 50% up to 100% loss for the enemy and the equilibrium gets fixed.
It is still a net positive even if the core just hide in the trees to soak the xp, not to mention the core is getting solo XP which means he is actually getting the same amount he would if the support were in the lane sharing the xp, not to mention the support will get some xp and gold from the camp.
Unless the core get himself killed, in the worst case, the team has a net positive of xp with a a bit of gold loss. But I find it hard to believe the enemy team is getting every single deny. Which means the xp net positive is still much better, and if the lane is in such a horrible position, it means the core allowed that to happen, either he did not defensively agro pulled to kill the ranged, did not hit own creep to balance the damage, in some cases just straight out hit the creeps from full to 0(it happens in my bracket)…
If the support have to leave the lane to fix it, usually is because the core played poorly, so maybe it is time to take the time out and ponder on how did he allow the lane to go in such a poor condition.
@@LeonardoPostacchini Some inconvenient realities that fudge with your numbers: 1. When you do this, you are usually missing two waves not one. At east 1.5 waves. You leave while a wave is being contested under a tower and are still there when the next one arrives. It's 100% not worth it unless you have a stacked pull but even then essentially you are denying carries farm to deny offlaners farm so it's situational. 2. Carries need gold as well as xp.
How to cope with stress
Dota=Stress=Boost in Mental Capacity to Handle Other People
Don't play DOTA no more but it's still fun seeing these types of vids. And also
.Welcome back
10:17, didn't expect a limbus company reference here
4:00 u killed me man 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
wait you forgot about the support that always places all the wards in market so there is no stock when needed,
and there's always someone who puts a blue ward right next to another blue ward
But if you leave 1-2 obs & sentries in the shop, rest of the team will never stop complaining and some dude can just buy them and place the worst, most obvious/useless wards
Or the 5 slotted pos 1 who died and bought the 2 remaining wards to keep it in his backpack
If you leave a free vision + sentry and cores complain, you can mute. But if cores genuinely know to place vision for tf’s but no stock, nothing they can do.
And no, no one’s gonna start asking for ward transfer while a tf is building up.
I main 5 and usually cores surprise me with clever ward spots and dewarding, after all, they are the enemies target
The insight part is so true.
Le me warlock did a great push up to t4 at 15-20mins, feeling super proud of myself and knowing the game will go badly late tell team to push so we can end early.
My #2 Pos 1 Carry TB says "No, let med farm."
Me knowing how stupid that claim is, try to retort back but, amazing TB starts spouting his dotabuff stats how he always wins games as rad tb.
Long story short, med did NOT get farm because enemy team kept going after our both of carries farms and ambushing them and basically, our team tried to farm, 0 push all game long until they won.
So then I go off on TB how stupid his claim was, that they should've pushed when I said to push and so on. All the while TB silently reading my anger.
And yes, I started recently playing ranked, and while I didn't experience every point in here, I am delighted that I am finally being like my peers. An angry person getting offended in the Internet.
This was the most teaching video about dota2 game I ever seen. Love you Jenkins!
Help me Jenkins! I'm losing games as a pos 3! I'm beginning to... think!
Good usage of Summertime Render lol
Didn't expect limbus meme though.
Along with #10, when I play supp and ask the carry who they like to play so I can synergize, and I know for a FACT they have a favorite hero.
Great video, Jenkins! And that's Dota. Love the Runescape songs for the background.
#10. People stealing roles in a role queue game is really really rare. I know the general dota community is toxic af but its like 1 in 100 games that someone actually tries to steal someones role in a role queue game. Atleast thats my experience in the herald to legend brackets.
it's more frequent in my legend games.
#8 also communicates "I am not ready to team fight until my spell is off cooldown". So not totally worthless.
I love that when you talk about stress and try-hard, you use a video of a league player. 😂
the most annoying shit fore me is a having a pos 4 pudge when I play offlane and doesnt do anything like block/unblock camp or dragging creeps. literally just standing in trees waiting for hook cooldown
Miss videos like this. Thank you Mr.Jenkins for blessing us with dank videos
my favorite is when the support starts taking all your farm and pushing waves because (insert reason), and then blames you when you have no items.
I only play in 5 stacks, but that said, one of my favorite things to do is go pee right after I draft, then to rush back to the game and be slightly behind. Something magical about the rush. Reminds me of childhood
Man, I was from a time when try hards were the people that group up before the match started for first bloods or a lv 1 roshan. I miss you stout shield =(
That afk at start is not because intentionally it's usually game loading slow or sometime crashing usually after updates
I've never had so many ads in a video that had no midroll ads
I always fill all 6 slots of my carry's courier with Iron Branches,
then I follow them around the whole game dropping iron branches into
their inventory & backpack at ALL. TIMES.
the pull thing is so funny. me being the support pulling and this happen lmao
07:00 i always says to my core "care..pulling" and ping him to go back.. 70% of the time they still die.
The most annoying thing is when you want to pull creeps as a support, but you carry instead goes and kills small camp. And now you need to wait 2 minutes for camp to respawn and stacked, while your carry feeds somewhere between t1 and t2 enemy towers
Liked, now commenting and will click save to watch later, best vid on youtube in a while.
Right ward... How many times I've been blamed for not warding when the enemy team literally kills me everytime i go on warding/dewarding and they just farm 24 hour/day. They literally forget that i put ward as best as i can early game, and when the opponent winning fight more often, the less i am able to move freely. Very frustating.
Love how the Storm bot is unironically happened to be named "Henry", lmao.
This is a very good improvement in editing
Jenkins upload feels like Christmas
Yup. Annoying shit 5 & 6 is on point. Even if I shout in my mic: "I'm gonna pull please do not die." They still die. 💀
Welcome back bro
Me: Who tf kill themselves at 3 am?
My Carry: Oh BOY 3 am...💀
Thank you for using osrs music in the video jenkins!
As a pos 5 player I think it's a primal instinct for pos 1 to go unalive themself when I left them for runes or pulls and proceed to ping my ass or type "gg"
1:33 you forgot the “First Blood smokers”
4000 hours into dota, 98% of which are pos 4 and pos 5 games, this hits home. Forcing bad dewards, carrying dying while im pulling (even though i always go "im pulling watch yourself", and most annoying of all carries pinging your spells which are off cd after theyve died, or worst of all, carries pinging an off cooldown spell which would have contributed NOTHING to helping them survive.
As you know, it can be difficult to recieve a position as carry or mid ingame. For this reason,I play quite good as tank, pos4 or pos5. It is quite irritating to play mid or carry AFTER I picked the hero. They just don't communicate until the end of picking phase. Even tho I sign myself, it is not uncommon to arrive at 2 top, 3 bottom, no mid. Then I have to mid/carry with a hero that I'm not confident in... If they had signed, there are a few heroes I can mid with, but not what I have chosen. Have you played CM carry? I had. Without supports. It was trash.
Walter white screaming had me dying😂😂😂😂😂😂
You are correct. If you pick pudge, I am going to hate you.
Babe wake up, Jenkins just uploaded
Jenkins is spoiling us with this new content very nice.
Nobody bats an eye when 2 iconic LoL content creators gets included in the vid, so we all must be disgusting ex LoL players here.
Man this is the best dota content i swear, laugh so hard thanks man
The worst thing about some supports is when they suddenly decide to become a roamer after ganking offlane once then just never coming back.
Природа настолько очистилась, что Дженкикс выпустил новое видео.
#11 players who constantly try to fight whenever they see an enemy in vision without seeing if there are other enemies off the map or when their teammates are still far off, then dying and starts to ask "where team".
Oh my god Jenkins! You almost absolutely nailed it on the head. I wish this video would be played without possible skipping before every match. The one thing you missed here is the small camp pull, I communicate on voice, by text and ping, multiple times reiterate the carry needs to be careful, and yet, almost every time, they do not listen, get killed and get triggered. I dread every time I need to do a small camp pull, sometimes I just don’t.
Also, it is not that I am pre muted before the match I have learned, my behaviour score is 10000, always AND when the game becomes a loss they suddenly learn how to use the comms.
Love your vids jenkins❤❤
in this case you just instalock the same hero he has highlighted
My last game was as Enigma, had some great 3-4 man bholes... but my Naga saved the enemy team by immediately using her ult and negating any bhole damage. I'm still not sure if it was intentional or accidental
I had something similar happen once where I was playing Void Spirit with an Oracle Teammate. This was the old Oracle and Void Spirit a couple of patches ago so Oracle's W would disarm an enemy AND give them 100% magic resist. I kept diving in as Void to kill an enemy and the Oracle would give them magic resist and I couldn't kill them. The Oracle kept doing that even after I talked to them about it and IIRC we lost the match. Was so frustrating to play.
haha bhole
@@gablo1089 Don't be immature.... Enigma is very insecure about his blowhole
Lol, I had just recently a game were I was playing Spirit Breaker, I would charge someone close to Faceless void from another lane, I would ping the enemy to draw attention to him, he would patiently wait. Then when I was about to hit he would chrono. He did that twice then a third time I was just initiating the team fight, he jumped in and managed to lock me before I hit anyone and locked our entire team leaving out the enemy wind ranger who ulti me from full to dead.
I reported him for grief.
Most of my deaths as offlaner occur when the sup 4 leaves lane at 3 minutes and only comes back at 15 minutes. After I leave the lane and jungle because I can't 2x1 they complaing I'm jungling.
From now onwards I will call all observer wards "Weird Yellow Eye Wieners".
I don't even play Dota but this convicned me to give it a shot. Thank you!
0:14 Oh... I see what you did here)
Loving the background RuneScape music
Ping:BKB Ready
Me who died from a flash stun into stun into stun: 🤬
What about #11 when your support rushes moonshard and feeds it to you and pings the consumed moonshard
Annoying habit 6.5: Pulling the small camp without stacking it, usually resulting in next friendly creep wave barreling down the lane with 2 ranged creeps. Nothing is more infuriating than your own support pushing the lane away from you.
awesome video frankly, very entertaining
You forgot to mention those who pause the game after killing someone. Those guys are just uber demented.
Jenkins coming in hot with the BSJ slander haha
Credits to your editor for the godlike editing.
As a pos1 main, I am completely convinced that support players, all of them, have a secret unspoken rule stating: if carry is last hitting for more than 2.5 seconds, it is then time to leave the lane and let them die
These videos are too funny to me and I love it
as offlaner i can confirm, we do not thinking, harassing enemy heroes is more fun
The runescape music in the background bangin
Spell pinging: I have a lot of Dazzle games and it is frustrating when team starts to ping grave when it just came off cd. Now what I do is I ping it myself that it is on 1 or 2 sec cd when they die so that they cannot do it.