These are from the roath lock clearance a year ago. The BBC arranged for the storage to be cleared. The clearer sold a whole container to this Ebay seller. He is very expensive but it's all genuine stuff. Some are screen used but alot production made. The flags are from the coal hill school capaldi episodes.
I make props like these. That's about what I would charge to make it, if I already had a chicken mould to start out with... If I had to sculpt it/make a mould from a chicken, I would charge at least double. Props are expensive
These are from the roath lock clearance a year ago. The BBC arranged for the storage to be cleared. The clearer sold a whole container to this Ebay seller. He is very expensive but it's all genuine stuff. Some are screen used but alot production made. The flags are from the coal hill school capaldi episodes.
£200 for a fake chicken seems a bit much lol
I make props like these. That's about what I would charge to make it, if I already had a chicken mould to start out with... If I had to sculpt it/make a mould from a chicken, I would charge at least double. Props are expensive
A screen used chicken from the episode night terrors. Have you seen propstore prices? This is reasonable in comparison.
Does universal credit cover ebay items?
Is that some kind of intergalactic money borrowing loan
@@mandyward5372 he's on the dole is what I'm saying
They have been there for years
Tons. Of. Doctor. Who. Screen. Used. Props. Show up. On eBay
Is this to help recover from the ratings and views dropping ?
I can see why you have dalek in your name
The whole franchise is in freefall. hopefully the BBC [322] will follow.
@@resent29 Truth
@@QuiteSimplyMyChoice I don’t want them to fall, just a wake up call.
And return back to how they made stuff.
@@KyleTheDalek Too many pedos, too many coincidences. The BBC [322] is all about programming. Switch it off.
what is the reason behind this video?
Just thought it was interesting why does it have to have a reason