What do the gospels say directly about being gay?

  • Опубликовано: 9 сен 2024

Комментарии • 69

  • @RenaissanceEarCandy
    @RenaissanceEarCandy 2 года назад +21

    I have a very fulfilling life as a gay man, and I know God loves me, and I know it his his will that I don't try to change the person he made me.

  • @ThomasAlan47
    @ThomasAlan47 Год назад +2

    I’m carefully going through and watching your videos and listening to word by word what your saying. I myself am a Christian, who also is gay and I have a fiancé right now. I wanted to first say thank for your interpretations and studies on this subject. I have found many videos where people have condemned gay people (men & men, women & women) with certain specific versus. And when I would bring up these theological points contrary to traditional teachings and theology, the bring up the point that God is the same as yesterday , today and tomorrow/ forever. He’s out side our human perspective construct of time and therefore “The bible says it, So God meant it, and that’s it”. My first question is Would you consider this too be true? Why or why not? Because what if the Bible is pieced together and articulated with the inspiration of God, then perhaps would it be constructed for all Generations in the future? Or with our intelligence, did God give us the conscience choice to look for ourselves what these passages mean and there context? Through ancient history and it’s culture? That’s kinda my second question. I’m just worried and have an awe and fear of God because yeah I wouldn’t want to go to (who would) but also I fear if it is sinful that I’d lead those astray by being married in an unblessed, sinful gay marriage. I get bombarded with, my heart is deceiving and in that scripture you brought up about what come out of the heart js sinful, the immorality part makes me piggy back off of the traditional teaching of immorality and could that be included? Just because it’s not black and white on that specific verse, doesn’t there are not versus that include homosexual acts in general are part of immorality. But with all of that being said, I find it interesting that loving, committed, faithful gay marriage is not specified in the Bible. But then again traditional teachings point to what the actual biblical definition of marriage is and they say it’s bares the image of God and it’s bride / the church. Jesus is the groom and we are the bride. Male and female. Side note: All I can explain in my personal life and experience is that aside from any lustful thoughts I have towards my fiancé(because we all fall short) there are times when I image myself married to him, loving him and us going out and loving others like Christ did, ex: the opposite of sodom (giving to the poor and needy, helping the down and out) I feel joy, peace and love. But sadly when I bring these feelings to my old churches, they circle back to even that is deception, like when satan deceived eve. God said you will die and they did! All of humanity now has a time clock. They say loving a man as a man in a faithful committed same-sex marriage is deceptive because we cannot base our feelings off of the sins of the flesh.
    Sorry this is so long but this have been weighing on my heart for so long. I didn’t talk to another man until my mom died and then I met my partner John.

    • @BibleandHomosexuality
      @BibleandHomosexuality  Год назад +5

      Hi Thomas, thanks for the questions. A few brief responses.
      Is God the same yesterday, today and forever? Yes. Does that mean that God deals with us the same yesterday, today and forever? No. We live in time, and we are limited in our capacities. God deals with us according to these limitations (in the early church, this was often described as God accommodating to our context).
      An example is the Law: St Paul makes it clear that it was given for a set period for a set purpose, but with Christ's coming the time for the Law was at an end.
      'The Bible says it, so God meant it, so that's it'. Hmm. Usually when people say this, I find they mean 'I interpret the Bible to mean this, so God meant it, so that's it.' It's very easy to confuse our interpretation of the Bible with the Bible.
      Are we meant to read the Bible considering the context and history within which it's written? Yes. And this has been the historic practice of the Church. That also means reading it noting the genre (type of writing) of the different books in the Bible.
      Does the Bible use the image of husband and wife for God and church? Yes. But that is using our experience and knowledge as a metaphor. The Bible also uses slavery metaphors, because they were part of the culture of the time. I don't see how that's relevant to same-sex relationships.
      Here's another biblical principle for you: good trees bear good fruit. Look at how you can see your life with your fiance going. Now compare that with the untold harm and damage caused by attempted conversion therapy.
      Hope these responses help.

  • @marleneofwar
    @marleneofwar 7 месяцев назад +2

    1:12 why do YOU disagree? Who are u to God but dust. Your wisdom is foolish to God. It’s unnatural plain and simple!

  • @openmind4641
    @openmind4641 2 года назад +5

    Thanks for your videos.

  • @animallovers5821
    @animallovers5821 3 года назад +3

    I had a same sex relationship before. I do not hate them but I have read the bible myself that it is wrong. The Scriptures in the bible stays forever. It is guided by the holy spirit. I know it is difficult, but Im a sinner I want to surrender to God

    • @BibleandHomosexuality
      @BibleandHomosexuality  3 года назад +13

      Hi Mia, in this channel, I am explaining that I do not think the Bible says that same-sex relationships are wrong. I hope you have a chance to watch them all. God bless.

  • @babajao
    @babajao Год назад +1

    The Bible and many othe religious books say very little to nothing about homosexuality and other things. That doesn't make it wrong or right. The fact is that homosexuality exists in all cultures even the ones that have serious consequences for being gay. I can't say for certain that a homosexual was born that way or made a choice but I do know for sure that I did not make a choice to be heterosexual. Assuming that homosexuals were born that way. Did god create homosexuals? If he did then why are there verses in the bible that do not support that lifestyle? This begs many other questions. What I do know for sure is that if only one verse in the bible spoke against being heterosexual, I could not be a Christian (...I am not for other reasons)

    • @DP-zm2bd
      @DP-zm2bd Год назад

      I love my guy friends too, does not mean im playing swords with them or putting there sword in my mouth.

    • @heinmolenaar6750
      @heinmolenaar6750 5 месяцев назад

      @@DP-zm2bd why not?

    • @DP-zm2bd
      @DP-zm2bd 5 месяцев назад

      @@heinmolenaar6750 because im pro vagina and am not mentally ill

  • @overlord3810
    @overlord3810 2 года назад +1

    First, everything that I say, I say with love. Next, this is a reactive response and not an initiation. A homosexual relationship is not Biblical because it does not correlate to how the church should look. Marriage and reflects the church as we are the bride and God is the groom. In Genesis 18 and 19, Sodom is destroyed because of the city's sin. 2 angels in the form of man visit the city and find Lot to be the only one who is righteous. The people of the city gather and demand to know the men carnally. In Jude 7, it tells that the nature of the attraction in Sodom was wrong for they went after strange flesh and is clearly referring to homosexuality (Sodomy). Leveticus 18 and 20 says, that you shall not lay with another male as you do with a woman for this is an abomination and the penalty is death. Also, it states that you shall not do with a man as you would with a woman. What is it that a man and woman do? They get married. Next, loving and long term relationships were known in the new testament. 375 BC in Pluto's Symposium, he said Zeus split humanity into 3 sections, male, female, and mixed. Humans then would spend their entire life searching for their counterpart. Paul in Romans 1, is clearly talking about consensual/ mutual interactions as they, "burned in last for one another." Also, the Bible says nothing about loving relationships. Loving relationships do not make the sin of sexual immorality okay. In 1 Corinthians 6, it clearly says that homosexuals will not inherent the Kingdom of God. Paul restricts and condemns all forms of homosexual relationships on a global scale. The last verse I will draw your attention to is 1 Timothy 1. The law is good for a bunch of sins including Sodomites. What you are doing is you are taking the Word of God and grossly misrepresenting it. I can only pray that you will see the fault in your ways, repent, and turn yourself as well as your mislead flock back to Christ.

    • @BibleandHomosexuality
      @BibleandHomosexuality  2 года назад +6

      Hi, thanks for the response. However all the verses you bring up are addressed in my other videos. I suggest you watch them.

  • @user-sf5fk6ox4c
    @user-sf5fk6ox4c Год назад

    Jesus said born eunuchs in Matthew 19:12. Most people of the ancient world would recognize these men as homosexual, those who do not marry.

  • @willleonhardt3827
    @willleonhardt3827 Год назад +1

    If it's ok for sex immorality then it ok for lieing murder n so on. God made us loves us but disobedience to him will be cause for punishment.u can try n twist his morals how u want but in end it only makes sense in whole picture

    • @BibleandHomosexuality
      @BibleandHomosexuality  Год назад +3

      Hi Will, you assume that being gay is sexually immoral. But you haven't shown this, and I disagree with you that the Bible shows this.

  • @shaheedawilliam498
    @shaheedawilliam498 3 года назад +3

    Leviticus... "a man shall not lay down with a man nor a man NIR a woman with a woman"...Jesus was sent to affirm and reaffirm the message as given to all the prophets who came before him! Do not lie!!!

    • @BibleandHomosexuality
      @BibleandHomosexuality  3 года назад +14

      Hi Shaheeda, please do not accuse me of lying. A couple of points. First, you have misquoted Leviticus (and these are verses that Jesus does not refer to himself). Secondly, Jesus came to fulfil the law, which he did, leaving a new commandment - to love one another. The requirements of the Law are no longer binding on Christians - this has been the orthodox understanding since the council of Jerusalem in about AD50. You can see this throughout the letters of the New Testament in the references to the issues about whether or not Christians need to be circumcised.

    • @shaheedawilliam498
      @shaheedawilliam498 3 года назад

      @@BibleandHomosexuality ...which Bible, pray tell, would you have me reference...?

    • @BibleandHomosexuality
      @BibleandHomosexuality  3 года назад +7

      Well, I reference the protestant Bible with 66 books, based on the original Greek (as far as we can work out what that was) for the New Testament, and the Hebrew combined with evidence from the Greek Septuagint for the Old Testament. However, if you would prefer to reference the Roman Catholic Bible or the Orthodox, I'd be very happy with that too.

    • @danielhance1467
      @danielhance1467 3 года назад

      By that logic, wouldn't that mean that the verse you quoted is null adhd void, or anything in the old testament for that matter? I'm not an expert, but you can at least by consistent

    • @Panic_Pickle
      @Panic_Pickle 3 года назад +1

      @@danielhance1467 the Law was specific to the books of Law (Moses’ Pentateuch (first five books of the bible) particularly Exodus, Deuteronomy, and Leviticus). The rest of the Old Testament isn’t books of Law. Finally, all of the Old Testament is to be understood through the lens of the New Testament. As Paul writes in Galatians 3:19, “[The Law] was added because of the transgressions *until the Seed to whom the promise referred had come,”* the Seed being Christ as outlined a couple verses earlier in verse 16. Keeping it in our bible is important as part of our church history and seeing a world without Christ. As Galatians goes on to say, “the law was our guardian until Christ came that we might be justified by faith. Now that this faith is come, we are no longer under a guardian.” Galatians 4 then breaks this down further.
      Also earlier in Galatians 3:13 “Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us.”

  • @yisraellaarielgadyisrael730
    @yisraellaarielgadyisrael730 3 года назад +4

    Guess what. STOP LYING. What is wrong with you??? every single person you lead astray... your gonna be held accountable for.

    • @BibleandHomosexuality
      @BibleandHomosexuality  3 года назад +16

      Hi Yisraella, both of us will be accountable for people we lead astray. Please don't accuse me of lying. If you think I am mistaken, please take the time to explain how my interpretation of the Bible is wrong, and yours is better. Otherwise, all you are doing is giving an opinion backed up by nothing.

    • @yisraellaarielgadyisrael730
      @yisraellaarielgadyisrael730 3 года назад

      @@BibleandHomosexuality The Bible isnt open for interpretation. What it says is what it means.. stop trying to twist it to accommodate sin. You know right from wrong. Period. We all do. Enough said. Im not your teacher and Im not here to converse with you. Im here to say what I said.

    • @BibleandHomosexuality
      @BibleandHomosexuality  3 года назад +17

      I'm sorry, but all you are doing is saying that you're right and I'm wrong, without any evidence or argument, just pure assertion.

    • @danielhance1467
      @danielhance1467 3 года назад +14

      I would also like to know how he is lying as well. Who said the Bible isn't open to interpretation? Is that somewhere in the Bible? If we are made in God's image, and are all children of God, doesn't that mean these people are also his children? Do you speak Aramaic, or Greek, or Latin? I assume you don't, and you don't know that when you translate words from different languages the meaning in those words change, and are IMPOSSIBLE to not misinterpret or to interpret anything.

    • @MusicalRaichu
      @MusicalRaichu 3 года назад +11

      @@danielhance1467 I translate songs on my channel from Japanese to English. I can assure you it is impossible to translate anything perfectly accurately and some interpretation is always involved.

  • @sickassfoo5410
    @sickassfoo5410 5 лет назад +1

    Jk great video

  • @DP-zm2bd
    @DP-zm2bd Год назад +1

    God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve!

    • @BibleandHomosexuality
      @BibleandHomosexuality  Год назад +1

      You're in luck! I have a video all about that: ruclips.net/video/F4ljKuxHAJ4/видео.html

    • @dennissmallwood9082
      @dennissmallwood9082 Год назад

      In scripture he said to kill the enemies and bash their children on a rock. I don’t approve of killing.

    • @user-sf5fk6ox4c
      @user-sf5fk6ox4c Год назад +2

      God made Adam & Eve, Adam & Steve, and Liz & Lucy !!

    • @MrLdevelle
      @MrLdevelle Год назад

      But Eves sons impregnated her

    • @heinmolenaar6750
      @heinmolenaar6750 4 месяца назад

      God didn't created adam and eve. People created god out of fear.