Muslims please remember, COURAGE is not the absence of FEAR, rather COURAGE is the ability to move forward despite the presence of FEAR and to challenge FEAR with IMAN, PATIENCE, and TRUST in God. May Allah protect us all and strengthen our IMAN during times of trail and tribulation.
I'm watching this 4years after this was made it's still very applicable for the world today. Struggling TO want wear hijab when my family doesn't even know I'm a revert. Thank you may Allah bless an keep you all well & safe.
Inshallah he will make it easy for you to wear hijab, it was prescribed for us. (I followed a TON of hijabis on instgram that helped me feel okay with wearing hijab) I work front desk at a hotel so I am in a very visible position, I do not question the protection that has been given to us by Allah (SWT) may this enlighten those who I interact with as to how lovely this world can be with Allah in our hearts.
Josie-Ana Edenshaw Salam. I need a help if you can help me out. I actually live in italy and i am a revert. I have nobody that can support me so i have to work by myself but it is so hard to find work that a hijabi can do. Nowdays i have a mix felling weather to keep wearing hijab or not? Can you advice me.
Oh i feel you sister. Still struggling to tell my family. Every time I feel like it’s the right time to tell them they would start making strange comments about Islam or Muslims... I know I should wear hijab but I just can’t pull myself together and start wearing it...
@@Luna-et8gw sweetie I'm not sure if your education level or your former work history.but can you pray on it? (I don't know when I'm supposed to pray for things for others like a prayer list of you will?) so I just add them at the end of prayers I will keep you in my prayers it's hard being an only "fill in the blank" revert in a family wrapped in islamaphobics I will ask be patient pray for what is RIGHT for you. My 1st Ramadan wrapped in the blessing of a pandemic and lots of great content from the prophets (pbuh) to learning about Angels to learning to network for knowledge sake. And keep asking others theres a way to network when you can ask your local mosjid if there's a sister willing to help you so your not isolated and alone & mesg. Me anytime on this thread I may not ANSWER straight away w the time but I will. I hope your angels give you extra Salem over you tonight
@@MiSSkOCALiNA I even argue with myself 20yo me would have hijab-ed n the old me knows it's for the right reasons. So many things would have been different in life. Peace and blessing sister it's only to keep us safe.
Thank you! I am a Christian who veils completely and there are times I just have to face my fears. I hope all Muslim ladies will be able to find inspiration to wear hijab despite persecution. Remember, ladies, you are doing nothing wrong. I know I will defend anywoman who cherishes modesty.
May Allah guide you to the right path dear. When I started wearing hijab, my own Muslim friends went ridiculous with me. It was really disappointing for me. Stay confident. It's ur right to wear hijab. No worries ❤
I'm from Malaysia so I don't know how it feel being discriminate due to our religion but I hope that brothers and sisters of Islam would be strong in facing this challenges. Jzk khair to Shaykh Omar and Bayyinah team for making the effort to spread the beauty of Islam. Come to Malaysia Syakh Omar, we have delicious food here.
Alhamdullilah..i m happy for you ..i m from germany; one of the biggest propaganda countries against islam...not just this, also debates about hijab being a bad thing; some politicians want to ban is hard...I m from morocco..sometimes i m there and i know they dont have the problem we have in germany...everyday they write smt against media in magazines in tv , also outside peole talking openly against islam(insulting the prophet saw)..but Alhamdulillah it s not that bad. Like in england or america..or not so bad like in china or in the time of the prophet is okay allah help us inshaAllah...give my salam to you you family and dr zakir naik
Alhamdulilah,suma Alhamdulilah I'm not afraid of praying in public and even wearing my hijab, this is time of unity why should we fear,these cowards when we Muslims only fear Allah Subhan'wa'tallah, trust me sisters recite ayatulkursi and 4quls and leave the house with a strong believe that Allah Subhan'wa'tallah will protect you. In shaa Allah khayr. I step out with this faith Alhamdullilah and trust me I literally feel the blessings around me angels around me, and least I can think is, death is certain, if anyone tries to harm me, or I die in that state I'll be a martyr in shaa Allah and Subhan'Allah what a beautiful death it be while obeying Allah Subhan'wa'tallah.
I’ve never felt so safe. Islam is so beautiful it makes me wanna cry. I thank god everyday for giving me the blessing to be a Muslim, alhamdulillah ♥️🙏🏻 Thank you so much brother, i have no words that can describe how beautiful and calming this video is. May allah keep you safe. I’m for sure going to watch more of your videos.
Thank you so much for this video brother! I needed to hear this from someone, the world is a scary place right now, may Allah help us and keep us safe from all the ignorant Islamaphobes.
I was in a situation where people dear to my heart were telling me to take my hijab off..I was really hurt.. Alhamdulillah Allah showed me the way through this video...Allah is great!! I learnt through this situation..I realise truly every situation, no matter how hard it appears to be's only for our good to make us close to Allah (Swt).
I can understand your fear because though I'm Christian I am a niqabi. I live in a senior community and while I wear hijab always ( I'm a nun in final vows) I have to work up to wearing niqab--I wear it outside no problem but some residents are very anti-niqab. I think this video is very helpful. I hope your way is made easier. We live in times where modesty is cause to hassle a woman, but immodesty is approved of.
It's true, sisters are the heroes of our community. It's the reason I have the courage to grow my beard. May Allah protect us from harm and accept all our efforts!
Thank you for the story about the brothers in the airport. I'm studying Islam at this time have not became a muslim but the story helped me as a woman of African descent not to think the worst especially being asked if a need help in stores or if I'm lost when attending a lecture in a prominently white area.
I am a Muslim but I am scared my friends will turn against me, that society will shame me and my peers will make fun of me if I start wearing the hijab and becoming a better Muslim. I am a Muslim but this dunya has led me to the wrong paths and I am trying to gain my imman back but I'm scared that people will call me weird. I am a Muslim but the media has made me scared to say Allahu Akbar or assalamualakum in public because they will say I'm a terrorist. I am a Muslim but this dunya is corrupt and I'm afraid that people will beat me on the streets when I leave my house because of my faith. I'm a Muslim but when I was younger a girl in my class called me a terrorist but I didn't tell my teacher because I was scared she wouldn't believe me. I am a Muslim but I want the world to realise that Muslims are humans too. This video is giving me courage
Muslims are humans just like rest of us, it’s just Islam that’s bad. We shouldn’t be against Muslims, we should help them. Muslims are the biggest victim of Islam(the ideology disguised as a religion)
i was in walgreens and a man entering the store looked at me and shouted very loud "A Bomb". In the Quaran Allah SWT tell us to answer with "Peace" and I also remmember that the Prophet pbuh went through worst.
@Ban Radical islam Khaybar Jews where from medina who for months acted aggressive towards the prophet of ALLAH (salahlahialahiwasalam) even thought the minority we're Jews and the majority we're al - ansar(medina Arabs converting to islam) So after constant harassment from the Jews even though they initially promised the messenger (salahlahialahiwasahbewasalam) safety and sanctuary, the Jews we're kicked from the land because they we're opressors even when the land was not thiers. In khyabar the messenger (salahlahialahiwasahbewasalam) got word they we're going to reatilliate of some sorts so the prophet (salahlahialahiwasahbewasalam) led an expedition on them. They (Muslims) had already went through the times of torture and starvation for 13 years in mecca and they we're not about to go through it again. You claim he was an evil man even when he forgave the very women that was about to poison her in khaybar and the people who made fun of his 2 year old son who died named abduallah and the people who would threaten to beat and tape his daughters. Name a man in the history of the earth kinder then that? Sex slaves??? (They're called wives and they're not sex slaves) hundreds???? (11 wives, and he only had sexual relations with one of them, the others he was married to because they had no male guardians because they we're orphans and widows) Please re educate yourself.
I cant say all things and thoughts I thought when watching this video because I dont have the words but please spread your understanding message. I'm an agnostic working class Englishman and my wife is a middle class Catholic Latino. Ignorance is so dangerous and your message needs to be heard by everyone.
am here after 6 year Alhamdulillah that we don't have to go through this from Ethiopia Africa even we have the most restrict &proud Muslim community may allah make it easy for you Muslim in western country
It is unfortunate that we Americans are not taught some of the lessons learned in less fortunate countries. For all of the pain adversity brings there is no better way to build an enduring Character. Here in the States we are taught to run from adversity, and even that an easy life is a sign of God's favor. I loved your khubah on Life not being fair and see that connecting neatly with building Character to remain faithful. God knows all that you do, and we are blessed by your doing..
where are the Muslim men? where is the jealousy that we are supposed to have over our women? Mu'tasim moved an entire Muslim army over the honor of one Muslimah. may Allah hasten the rise of the Muslims.
The Muslim men are busy dating non Muslim women under the guise of Ahle Kitaab, while expecting the women to hide under the Niqaab and berating them for anything less, they don't want to marry these women, they prefer women with more visible beauty, they are busy talking about their jealousies, when the subject of persecution and fear of Muslim women who wear the Hijaab comes about, thats where they are dear, oh and by the way, Muslim women don;t 'belong' to anyone but Allah, i don't believe you have any rights over my granny or my mother just because you happen to be male
I lost 2 jobs because im Muslimah in Tennessee. I was told i was to distracting and my hijab makes me look like i just got out of bed!! The first job my co-workers cried and protested and pleaded for me for days and to come back. But it was fine. One year later that same supervisor was also fired. The second job the supervisor seen me with my hijab in the second she made up an excuse and finally said take care. I was really hurt and cried to my hubby. Now im just at home and he takes care of me bc im scared it will happen again. And to keep me from crying he works so hard and pay all the bills and everything and gives me my own little money so i will still feel like i work bc i miss it ❤
jazakallahu khairen sheakh. my dear brothers and sisters yes do the precautions but Wallahi do not fear rather than Allah the all mighty that he is our protecter, let's just submit to him purely, truly and do what is good, stay away from unlawful, Wallahi we are going to be highly respected. put this beautiful verse in your heart and mind, "So do not weaken and do not grieve, and you will be superior if you are [true] believers" (Surah Ale-Imran 3:139) " وَلَا تَهِنُواْ وَلَا تَحۡزَنُواْ وَأَنتُمُ ٱلۡأَعۡلَوۡنَ إِن كُنتُم مُّؤۡمِنِين" ١٣٩
I have never entertained criticism of Muslim woman wearing the Hijab. In fact, their purity of expression is quite lovely actually. Same with respect to Catholic Nuns wearing their head coverings. Marlon's viewpoint is most admirable (see below).
I'm a Muslim in Europe elhamdulillah and I had to promise my mother to shave my beard... she fears about me and since it calms her down I did it. But I don't feel that was all too correct
in the end...there are many with beards who are bad...and many with no beards...but are the righteous ones. so looks doesn't matter, altho it shows piety, but in the end, its the actions.
The reason to wear hijap is to protect women from assaults. But nowadays especially in non-muslim societies it expoeses them to assaults. So it depends on the society you are living in if you should wear a hijab if you look at it from an islamic point.
May Allah help our Muslim brothers and sisters in the west and everywhere. If it is hard to practice your religion in those lands, why can't you make hijrah? Those who are able to make hijrah need to make hijrah. They will never be pleased with you until you become like them.
I will be honest, I have not yet dawned hijab full time. I am a relatively new revert (few months) and I want it...I do....I have done it a few times in stores, but typically I wear it in prayer and at the masjid. I have gotten my mother to accept and respect my conversion, Alhamdulillah, but she even insists that I stay on the down low and keep this hidden until the storm of islamophobia blows over a little more. she is afraid for my life and her grandchild's life. I will get to that point eventually inshallah.
Monique A well to be hinest, when i am too afraid to go alone i put just a hat instead of the hijab, especially if i have evening classes. welcome to islam dear :) inchallah you are protected
I actually have adopted the hat idea many times lol. I plan to get more hoodies for winter, no one questions a hoodie around your head and if you tye it up then it cinches under your chin :-) I just want to note I am not ashamed of Islam AT ALL, I am proud and happy it found me...I just fear for my child's safety as we are alone.
+Monique A mashAllah...welcome to Islam sister, accepting Islam in a severely modernized and islamophobic world is a great accomplishment. I'm impressed there are reverts even after all the hate islam has received. it's amazing. Allah swt says in the Quran: They seek to extinguish the light of Allah with their mouth but Allah persists His light even if the disbelievers dislike it. Islam was always fought, and will continue to be fought until Allah brings the glad tidings upon us inshAllah. don't listen to anyone who may try telling you "violent" stuff from Islam, Quran, or the prophet peace be upon him and his progeny. I myself am a devoted faithful proud Muslim Alhamdulillah, and the more debates I had with athiests, the more I learned the Quran and my faith and the more I grew faithful. I've read the Quran mostly daily for the past 6 years carefully and Alhamdulillah I'm rereading it again for the 8th time. peace to you our new sister, it is tough times, but u could prove your iman and continued true faith by being tested like this. and indeed after difficulty is ease peace :)
Hijab is a head scarf. Burqa is a head scarf complete with face veil. To muslims, hijab is the general term for both the hijab, burqa, niqab, jilbaab. So, that woman opening up her hijab doesnt mean shes discarding her head scarf. It could be about face veil. Yeah, them muslims do like to confuse you that way and then claiming that its not a lie since...technically, discarding face veil could mean discarding the hijab.
You spoke Gold Allah bless you . Notice :That expose truth of faith do you worship Allah so peopl ...etc or worship Allah ?!, doing what please self or peoole while Allah dont approve is Self /people worshipping not Allah ,unless it isnt life threatening to do what Allah command ,but in saftey we do what only please Allah weather people like or not is that is the original of faith , who truly loves Allah and blessed by him will love for loving Allah anything less is a waist of self .
Personally, I think we should impose ourselves and have the life we deserve. Why should we do things to please others instead of Allah? If they won't let us practice our religion freely, then let's unite back in muslim countries and build them stronger and defend our religion in the name of Allah. If we let these people decide for how we should live our life, we will be following the shaytan's way. Stay strong people, for Allah. Specially us muslim men, we should defend our women for their right to wear hijab. Honestly, even men are discriminated against in western countries, regarding jobs, schools, etc, and of course the disbelievers wouldn't admit it. We have to raise our voice, specially in the media. But more importantly, go to muslim countries, practice Islam there freely, have many children and work hard for our muslim countries to be stronger than the others, to regain our power and influence in the world! Let's unite and be strong as one ummah!
Surah Alkahf : young man fear for practicing their religious from the king on that time, so they decided to leave the town and seek refuge in the cave. You can move out if you fear for your religious, But passport and green card doesnt allowe you. Make hijrah. The speaker should mention about surah Alkahf..
I think enforcing a hijab on women saying it's a sin not wear hijab (even though it's not a sin) causes more harm in the whole of a society of muslims. As muslims, Christians, Jews, Buddhists, believers, we are supposed to train our hearts and minds to eradicate "desire". The more you forbid something the more people tend to seek. I think every religious scholar has completely missed the point when it comes to our true purpose which is to uncling ourselves from the pleasures of this world.
have you ever wondered why is it a sin? Allah made us women the wise ones that see the grand scheme of things. We are advised to wear hijab not just for our protection but to protect the society too. I cam weat whatever I want in my hoke but when I leave I don't know who am I going to come across, who is going marital issues, who is struggling with their demons and as a woman, I don't want to be the stumbling block in other people's lives. When all the scholars agree on something, it's worth looking into especially when one is not a scholar themselves and cannot speak the language the books were revealed in
NO “ladies’HIJAB” found in the Quran. The word HIJAB is used in the Quran but not for ladies. Check these Ayath/verses that they say have Hijab in them. (But not found) In Quran 33.59 - “ … JILBAB over themselves…” in Quran 24.31 - “… Khimar over the Jayb..” The word is KHIMAR in the Quran.24.31 - Root Meaning of KHIMAR is just a COVERING, it can also be a neck scarf, any scarf, dupatta, chadar, etc. There is no head, hair, veil, niqab or any such importance in the Quran, transliteration of Quran 24.31: “yadribna bi’Khumur’ihinna ala juyoob’ihinna” [Plurals : khumur, juyoob] Quran 24.31 (see the part of the verse they say has hijab ) // *..put forth the Khimars OVER THE JAYBs…*// KHIMAR = COVERING and JAYB just means OPENING - like an opening in a dress, deep-neck, like shirt pocket - is a jayb To verify from the Quran check this example in //Quran 28.32 (part) “…. yadaka fee jayb’ika …”. // “… put your hand in your Jayb..” (clearly a pocket or opening in the dress) (or) some people translate it as chest/ bosoms coz that’s where the Jayb is. Look at where the importance is in the verse: “COVERING over the Jayb” - but the EXPLANATIONS of ‘Sect’ /Firqa leaders promoted the concept of ladies’HIJAB - by adding it in books written much later after the Quran AND by adding words with brackets in translations and explanations - gradually shifting the importance of COVERING the Jayb - giving importance away from the Jayb seems like distraction from the main emphasis. - AND also these Firqa leaders wrote the Dictionary centuries later to push their meanings - please ask them : when and who wrote the Dictionary that they show their meanings from? We should not accept new meanings to the words after the word is used in the Quran - in the present era the meanings can be understood by checking the same word usage within the Quran - see where the word is used again. QURAN is it’s own DICTIONARY within it - (by using the important words in other verses and locking the meanings). They should know when the same root word is used for intoxicants even then it’s used for “COVER” - - any intoxicant or alcohol COVERS the ability INSIDE THE MIND - - Please NOTE : khumur /intoxicants/ALCOHOL does NOT cover the HAIR or outer-head. How can a religion claiming to be for the whole world - promote desert clothing for far off freezing lands? They’re Spreading culture and calling it religion - They took the desert clothing that is needed in sand storms and called it religion OTHER religious groups were ALREADY wearing it in the desert. IF anyone wants TO FOLLOW WORDS OF ALLAH then they should verify with the Quran - coz every secondary source should match with the Quran AND they should not add words in translations. JILBAB: Means any decent OUTER CLOTHING worn above the under-garments - it’s plural is JALABIB The verse in the Quran 33.59 is about JILBAB - it’s about wearing outer clothing - where it also says that “they can be RECOGNISED and NOT HARASSED” So the condition is to be recognised : how will anyone RECOGNISE if you cover fully? - So avoid tight clothing - it’s really simple as per Quran. Wearing clothes that the security personnel and other people are scared of coz they cannot recognise the person inside - as a result you face difficulty and then that results in feeling harassed. Check the verse Q.33.59 below and remember that some translations or interpretations have added words in brackets - so look at Arabic /or word-to-word translation to VERIFY, yes VERIFY. “… alay’ihinna min jalabib’ihinna… “ -- //Quran 33.59 O Prophet! Ask your wives, daughters, and believing women to draw their JILBAB over themselves . In this way it is more likely that they will be RECOGNISED and not be HARASSED. And Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful// -- Notice it’s only talking about properly covering themselves - there is NO emphasis on head, hair, face covering in this verse also. - Some of them will not VERIFY what is in the Quran - word by word. And you may get to see how they will jump to start calling IGNORANT and names to the person showing them the research.
The answer is Hijra if you can't practice here you can't live here anyone who says other wise is liar. That's the teaching of the prophet, and if you feel fear that is sign to leave and I want to do so. And it's only going to get worse. Everyone should carry.
This video makes me so confused and scared that I hesitate to visit the US as an exchange student wearing the Hijab. Is there any advice from sisters??
Salam Alaikum, I know this is late but I hope this message reaches you. I’m not a full time hijabi yet. But when I do wear hijab(In my area at least) im not bothered by people subhanallah. Yes you will get stares because here in the US it’s still foreign to many people. However if you plan to visit, I’m sure there’s a mosque somewhere that you can go to meet more sisters. My advice is just to always travel in groups, be aware of your surroundings and pray for protection.(that goes for any woman though) There’s also several cities in the US that has a large population of Muslims so don’t fear. :)
@@robinaskitchenfoodfoodandm1997 SubhanAllah🥺!!! I cannot believe I left this comment here two years ago. I don’t even recall doing that. But yes, I cover up now and I feel focused. Wait I’ll get back to you again.
If SMB could answer on my question, id wear hijab. The question is, yes, hair was already covered, and Allah said weir the veil in a decent way, putting it forward. However, I see this as a correction of that women, cause only that women woah himar, other women of the world didn't. Since Quran is for everyone , if to cover the hair is an order, than God would have said, oh believers, cover your hair. Cause spabix women , African women didn't wear himar.
Muslims please remember, COURAGE is not the absence of FEAR, rather COURAGE is the ability to move forward despite the presence of FEAR and to challenge FEAR with IMAN, PATIENCE, and TRUST in God. May Allah protect us all and strengthen our IMAN during times of trail and tribulation.
+Marlon Hosten Thank you Marlon for this.
You are right dear :)
+Marlon Hosten Thank you a lot Marlon Hosten :)
+Montassar Alimi Ma'Salaam Habibi
+Samya Sul Ma Salaam Sister
I'm watching this 4years after this was made it's still very applicable for the world today.
Struggling TO want wear hijab when my family doesn't even know I'm a revert. Thank you may Allah bless an keep you all well & safe.
Inshallah he will make it easy for you to wear hijab, it was prescribed for us. (I followed a TON of hijabis on instgram that helped me feel okay with wearing hijab) I work front desk at a hotel so I am in a very visible position, I do not question the protection that has been given to us by Allah (SWT) may this enlighten those who I interact with as to how lovely this world can be with Allah in our hearts.
Josie-Ana Edenshaw Salam. I need a help if you can help me out. I actually live in italy and i am a revert. I have nobody that can support me so i have to work by myself but it is so hard to find work that a hijabi can do. Nowdays i have a mix felling weather to keep wearing hijab or not? Can you advice me.
Oh i feel you sister. Still struggling to tell my family. Every time I feel like it’s the right time to tell them they would start making strange comments about Islam or Muslims... I know I should wear hijab but I just can’t pull myself together and start wearing it...
@@Luna-et8gw sweetie I'm not sure if your education level or your former work history.but can you pray on it? (I don't know when I'm supposed to pray for things for others like a prayer list of you will?) so I just add them at the end of prayers I will keep you in my prayers it's hard being an only "fill in the blank" revert in a family wrapped in islamaphobics I will ask be patient pray for what is RIGHT for you. My 1st Ramadan wrapped in the blessing of a pandemic and lots of great content from the prophets (pbuh) to learning about Angels to learning to network for knowledge sake. And keep asking others theres a way to network when you can ask your local mosjid if there's a sister willing to help you so your not isolated and alone & mesg. Me anytime on this thread I may not ANSWER straight away w the time but I will. I hope your angels give you extra Salem over you tonight
@@MiSSkOCALiNA I even argue with myself 20yo me would have hijab-ed n the old me knows it's for the right reasons. So many things would have been different in life. Peace and blessing sister it's only to keep us safe.
Thank you! I am a Christian who veils completely and there are times I just have to face my fears. I hope all Muslim ladies will be able to find inspiration to wear hijab despite persecution. Remember, ladies, you are doing nothing wrong. I know I will defend anywoman who cherishes modesty.
I really needed this counselling session. Jzk khair Bayyinah team
the ending was touching may Allah grant you and your family jannah without hisaab
+YJP Ameen
+YJP Ameen
I did not wear hijab since childhood.
But i want you wear and im too stressed about it .
May Allah guide me to wear hijab or khimar .
Pray for me .
May Allah guide you to the right path dear. When I started wearing hijab, my own Muslim friends went ridiculous with me. It was really disappointing for me. Stay confident. It's ur right to wear hijab. No worries ❤
Such an awesome and timely video! JazakAllah, may Allah bless you Shaykh :)
I'm from Malaysia so I don't know how it feel being discriminate due to our religion but I hope that brothers and sisters of Islam would be strong in facing this challenges. Jzk khair to Shaykh Omar and Bayyinah team for making the effort to spread the beauty of Islam. Come to Malaysia Syakh Omar, we have delicious food here.
ar annuar I will inshallah! Malaysia has such beautiful nature too
Alhamdullilah..i m happy for you ..i m from germany; one of the biggest propaganda countries against islam...not just this, also debates about hijab being a bad thing; some politicians want to ban is hard...I m from morocco..sometimes i m there and i know they dont have the problem we have in germany...everyday they write smt against media in magazines in tv , also outside peole talking openly against islam(insulting the prophet saw)..but Alhamdulillah it s not that bad. Like in england or america..or not so bad like in china or in the time of the prophet is okay allah help us inshaAllah...give my salam to you you family and dr zakir naik
Alhamdulilah,suma Alhamdulilah I'm not afraid of praying in public and even wearing my hijab, this is time of unity why should we fear,these cowards when we Muslims only fear Allah Subhan'wa'tallah, trust me sisters recite ayatulkursi and 4quls and leave the house with a strong believe that Allah Subhan'wa'tallah will protect you. In shaa Allah khayr.
I step out with this faith Alhamdullilah and trust me I literally feel the blessings around me angels around me, and least I can think is, death is certain, if anyone tries to harm me, or I die in that state I'll be a martyr in shaa Allah and Subhan'Allah what a beautiful death it be while obeying Allah Subhan'wa'tallah.
So true, it works!
@@malibo27 stop ur non sense , u have to fight ur own war its better to die i path of Allah than running away...
صدقت و بررت و بالحق نطقت
Omar Suleiman just summed up everything! Excellent work!
It’s difficult... may Allah give us the strength
JazakAllah khair shaykh very beneficial video May Allah continue to bless you and all of our brothers and sisters. Ameen
I’ve never felt so safe. Islam is so beautiful it makes me wanna cry.
I thank god everyday for giving me the blessing to be a Muslim, alhamdulillah ♥️🙏🏻
Thank you so much brother, i have no words that can describe how beautiful and calming this video is.
May allah keep you safe. I’m for sure going to watch more of your videos.
Alhamdulilah...I am proud to wear my hijab and I am proud to be a muslims muslimah.
Such an incredible lecture and message. Thank you so much, Shaykh Omar and Bayyinah Institute.
ty brother..i am just starting to learn about Islam :) May Allah guide me on my journey! :)
The ending was beautiful :) much needed reminder mashaAllah
Thank you so much for this video brother! I needed to hear this from someone, the world is a scary place right now, may Allah help us and keep us safe from all the ignorant Islamaphobes.
Amazing advice Jazakallah khair Sheikh Omar! Something we all need to here Alhamdulillah!
I was in a situation where people dear to my heart were telling me to take my hijab off..I was really hurt.. Alhamdulillah Allah showed me the way through this video...Allah is great!! I learnt through this situation..I realise truly every situation, no matter how hard it appears to be's only for our good to make us close to Allah (Swt).
I can understand your fear because though I'm Christian I am a niqabi. I live in a senior community and while I wear hijab always ( I'm a nun in final vows) I have to work up to wearing niqab--I wear it outside no problem but some residents are very anti-niqab. I think this video is very helpful. I hope your way is made easier. We live in times where modesty is cause to hassle a woman, but immodesty is approved of.
Ma Sha Allah, May Allah keep us steadfast upon Islam:)
It's true, sisters are the heroes of our community. It's the reason I have the courage to grow my beard. May Allah protect us from harm and accept all our efforts!
Such a powerful message.
Jazak Allah Khairan for this video and all of the videos BayyinahTV shares with the community!
Thank you for the story about the brothers in the airport.
I'm studying Islam at this time have not became a muslim but the story helped me as a woman of African descent not to think the worst especially being asked if a need help in stores or if I'm lost when attending a lecture in a prominently white area.
J Alicia Cooper Mashallah, May Allah guide u sister
Being believer we will alway be tested .
Fear Allah only
This is our test hold on the rope of Allah .
I am a Muslim but I am scared my friends will turn against me, that society will shame me and my peers will make fun of me if I start wearing the hijab and becoming a better Muslim. I am a Muslim but this dunya has led me to the wrong paths and I am trying to gain my imman back but I'm scared that people will call me weird. I am a Muslim but the media has made me scared to say Allahu Akbar or assalamualakum in public because they will say I'm a terrorist. I am a Muslim but this dunya is corrupt and I'm afraid that people will beat me on the streets when I leave my house because of my faith. I'm a Muslim but when I was younger a girl in my class called me a terrorist but I didn't tell my teacher because I was scared she wouldn't believe me. I am a Muslim but I want the world to realise that Muslims are humans too. This video is giving me courage
Muslims are humans just like rest of us, it’s just Islam that’s bad. We shouldn’t be against Muslims, we should help them. Muslims are the biggest victim of Islam(the ideology disguised as a religion)
@Madison Rayne read child. Study all the things youve said is false. Learn.
@Madison Rayne I mean as a Muslim God definitely said it.
@Madison Rayne 🤣 learn something Im done with you. Actually try to learn once more youre wrong.
the point on 17:10 says it all. We need to stick together, strong and steady Allah is with us, Always
Ma'Sha Allah 🙏 Alhamdulilah , Allahu Akbar, SuhanAllah. May Allah see us through In'Sha Allah
jazAllaah khair for d lovely peaceful advice no matter d situation.
MashaAllah, great video! JazakAllah khairan Sheik Omar for your words of wisdom and encouragement!
i was in walgreens and a man entering the store looked at me and shouted very loud "A Bomb". In the Quaran Allah SWT tell us to answer with "Peace" and I also remmember that the Prophet pbuh went through worst.
May Allah save you from your ignorance and guide you to the right path.
@Ban Radical islam
Khaybar Jews where from medina who for months acted aggressive towards the prophet of ALLAH (salahlahialahiwasalam) even thought the minority we're Jews and the majority we're al - ansar(medina Arabs converting to islam)
So after constant harassment from the Jews even though they initially promised the messenger (salahlahialahiwasahbewasalam) safety and sanctuary, the Jews we're kicked from the land because they we're opressors even when the land was not thiers.
In khyabar the messenger (salahlahialahiwasahbewasalam) got word they we're going to reatilliate of some sorts so the prophet (salahlahialahiwasahbewasalam) led an expedition on them. They (Muslims) had already went through the times of torture and starvation for 13 years in mecca and they we're not about to go through it again.
You claim he was an evil man even when he forgave the very women that was about to poison her in khaybar and the people who made fun of his 2 year old son who died named abduallah and the people who would threaten to beat and tape his daughters. Name a man in the history of the earth kinder then that?
Sex slaves??? (They're called wives and they're not sex slaves) hundreds???? (11 wives, and he only had sexual relations with one of them, the others he was married to because they had no male guardians because they we're orphans and widows)
Please re educate yourself.
I'm very interested in this discussion but please what is SWT?
JazakAllahu khair Sheikh Omar! I really needed to see and hear this.
This is the time to get even more closer to Allah subhana watala
I love this video!!!! Thank you, Sheikh! Peace be upon you! Alhamdulillah!!!!!!
Jazakallahu KhAir ! Needed this video🙏🏾 May Allah reward you n your family
this video is so important for the umma right now. JAK brother
Jazakum Allaahu khayran kaseera
Team Bayyinah and sheikh omar suleiman
I cant say all things and thoughts I thought when watching this video because I dont have the words but please spread your understanding message. I'm an agnostic working class Englishman and my wife is a middle class Catholic Latino. Ignorance is so dangerous and your message needs to be heard by everyone.
rureadyboots bless u brother
I just love this comment, i hope you are doing well.
Jazak Allah Khairan brother such a beautiful talk masAllah. May Allah rears you greatly🙏🏻🙏🏻
May Allah protect us !
am here after 6 year Alhamdulillah that we don't have to go through this from Ethiopia Africa even we have the most restrict &proud Muslim community may allah make it easy for you Muslim in western country
It has brought me closer to Islam
Sending you all so much love. Bless you
It is unfortunate that we Americans are not taught some of the lessons learned in less fortunate countries. For all of the pain adversity brings there is no better way to build an enduring Character. Here in the States we are taught to run from adversity, and even that an easy life is a sign of God's favor. I loved your khubah on Life not being fair and see that connecting neatly with building Character to remain faithful. God knows all that you do, and we are blessed by your doing..
This was amazing, thank you!
so beautiful ! jazakallah khair sheik omar ! :)
Thank you I needed to hear this!!!!
where are the Muslim men? where is the jealousy that we are supposed to have over our women? Mu'tasim moved an entire Muslim army over the honor of one Muslimah. may Allah hasten the rise of the Muslims.
The Muslim men are busy dating non Muslim women under the guise of Ahle Kitaab, while expecting the women to hide under the Niqaab and berating them for anything less, they don't want to marry these women, they prefer women with more visible beauty, they are busy talking about their jealousies, when the subject of persecution and fear of Muslim women who wear the Hijaab comes about, thats where they are dear, oh and by the way, Muslim women don;t 'belong' to anyone but Allah,
i don't believe you have any rights over my granny or my mother just because you happen to be male
Elena Casablancas 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
@@elenacasablancas993 preachhhhh ❤
I really wanna know that story .
Jazakumullahu khairan, Syeikh. Indeed a very good elaboration.
JAK brother May Allah protect us
Al Hamdulilah jazak Allahu khairan akhi for this awesome reminder
Ya Allah! Jazak Allah Khyr :)
I lost 2 jobs because im Muslimah in Tennessee. I was told i was to distracting and my hijab makes me look like i just got out of bed!! The first job my co-workers cried and protested and pleaded for me for days and to come back. But it was fine. One year later that same supervisor was also fired. The second job the supervisor seen me with my hijab in the second she made up an excuse and finally said take care. I was really hurt and cried to my hubby. Now im just at home and he takes care of me bc im scared it will happen again. And to keep me from crying he works so hard and pay all the bills and everything and gives me my own little money so i will still feel like i work bc i miss it ❤
Your husband is kind
Alhamdulilah great talk seikh Sulaiman
Nice reminder. I personally feel brother could put the whole message into 3/4 minute clip. It was too long. ZazakAllah khairan.
jazakallahu khairen sheakh. my dear brothers and sisters yes do the precautions but Wallahi do not fear rather than Allah the all mighty that he is our protecter, let's just submit to him purely, truly and do what is good, stay away from unlawful, Wallahi we are going to be highly respected. put this beautiful verse in your heart and mind, "So do not weaken and do not grieve, and you will be superior if you are [true] believers" (Surah Ale-Imran 3:139) " وَلَا تَهِنُواْ وَلَا تَحۡزَنُواْ وَأَنتُمُ ٱلۡأَعۡلَوۡنَ إِن كُنتُم مُّؤۡمِنِين" ١٣٩
Thank you and may Allah SWT be with all Muslim umma
Great message Sheikh Omar JAK Amen.
Allahu Akbar mashallah sheikh alhamdulillah jazaka Allahu karna may allah bless you and your family
I have never entertained criticism of Muslim woman wearing the Hijab. In fact, their purity of expression is quite lovely actually. Same with respect to Catholic Nuns wearing their head coverings. Marlon's viewpoint is most admirable (see below).
I'm a Muslim in Europe elhamdulillah and I had to promise my mother to shave my beard... she fears about me and since it calms her down I did it. But I don't feel that was all too correct
+Alijandro Veracruz de la Hoya Cardinal
Be the best Muslim you can be brother. That includes making happy of your mother but not on everything.
Salaam. Brother, I believe that the issue of the beard is sunnah. And Allah knows best.
in the end...there are many with beards who are bad...and many with no beards...but are the righteous ones. so looks doesn't matter, altho it shows piety, but in the end, its the actions.
+Alijandro Veracruz de la Hoya Cardinal I think you will find non muslims with beards as well.
Its wajib yes compulsory
Jazakumullahu Khairan Shaykh
I had a STUDENT YELL “BOMB” & I POINTED at him , “ CALL THE POLICE , He said he has a BOMB”! Freaked him out & he LEFT ! All laughed!
Islamophobes did bring me closer to Islam.
The reason to wear hijap is to protect women from assaults. But nowadays especially in non-muslim societies it expoeses them to assaults. So it depends on the society you are living in if you should wear a hijab if you look at it from an islamic point.
May Allah help our Muslim brothers and sisters in the west and everywhere.
If it is hard to practice your religion in those lands, why can't you make hijrah? Those who are able to make hijrah need to make hijrah. They will never be pleased with you until you become like them.
great insightful video!
May allah bless u....Jazakallah khair
I wear burka and pray in public if I have no other option...its easy...most people do not mind...curious or ignore it...
Odd that because I'd be too afraid to openly state that I'm an atheist in Saudi, Pakistan, Afghanistan etc.
Alhamdulilah 🥰
May God bless you!
thank you for the great info
makes a difference when you are a single mother alone with a small child and no one.
i understand you, as i am a hijabi living alone studying in france
I will be honest, I have not yet dawned hijab full time. I am a relatively new revert (few months) and I want it...I do....I have done it a few times in stores, but typically I wear it in prayer and at the masjid. I have gotten my mother to accept and respect my conversion, Alhamdulillah, but she even insists that I stay on the down low and keep this hidden until the storm of islamophobia blows over a little more. she is afraid for my life and her grandchild's life. I will get to that point eventually inshallah.
Monique A well to be hinest, when i am too afraid to go alone i put just a hat instead of the hijab, especially if i have evening classes. welcome to islam dear :) inchallah you are protected
I actually have adopted the hat idea many times lol. I plan to get more hoodies for winter, no one questions a hoodie around your head and if you tye it up then it cinches under your chin :-) I just want to note I am not ashamed of Islam AT ALL, I am proud and happy it found me...I just fear for my child's safety as we are alone.
+Monique A mashAllah...welcome to Islam sister, accepting Islam in a severely modernized and islamophobic world is a great accomplishment. I'm impressed there are reverts even after all the hate islam has received. it's amazing. Allah swt says in the Quran: They seek to extinguish the light of Allah with their mouth but Allah persists His light even if the disbelievers dislike it.
Islam was always fought, and will continue to be fought until Allah brings the glad tidings upon us inshAllah.
don't listen to anyone who may try telling you "violent" stuff from Islam, Quran, or the prophet peace be upon him and his progeny.
I myself am a devoted faithful proud Muslim Alhamdulillah, and the more debates I had with athiests, the more I learned the Quran and my faith and the more I grew faithful.
I've read the Quran mostly daily for the past 6 years carefully and Alhamdulillah I'm rereading it again for the 8th time.
peace to you our new sister, it is tough times, but u could prove your iman and continued true faith by being tested like this. and indeed after difficulty is ease
peace :)
Jazak Allah khair for the timely reminder
I live in the south. I'm a black, female,Muslim. Yes I'm very afraid.
True and strong words.
Jazakkallah khair
JazakAllah Khair
Good job👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
Deen over dunya❤
Hijab is a head scarf.
Burqa is a head scarf complete with face veil.
To muslims, hijab is the general term for both the hijab, burqa, niqab, jilbaab.
So, that woman opening up her hijab doesnt mean shes discarding her head scarf. It could be about face veil.
Yeah, them muslims do like to confuse you that way and then claiming that its not a lie since...technically, discarding face veil could mean discarding the hijab.
As we wb shwal 4
Is education also a daroorah? They obligate us to remove the hijab in schools ... What should we do?
You spoke Gold Allah bless you .
Notice :That expose truth of faith do you worship Allah so peopl ...etc or worship Allah ?!, doing what please self or peoole while Allah dont approve is Self /people worshipping not Allah ,unless it isnt life threatening to do what Allah command ,but in saftey we do what only please Allah weather people like or not is that is the original of faith , who truly loves Allah and blessed by him will love for loving Allah anything less is a waist of self .
How can i speak with mr omar sulaimaan for some counsilling
jazakallahu khair
Personally, I think we should impose ourselves and have the life we deserve. Why should we do things to please others instead of Allah? If they won't let us practice our religion freely, then let's unite back in muslim countries and build them stronger and defend our religion in the name of Allah. If we let these people decide for how we should live our life, we will be following the shaytan's way. Stay strong people, for Allah. Specially us muslim men, we should defend our women for their right to wear hijab. Honestly, even men are discriminated against in western countries, regarding jobs, schools, etc, and of course the disbelievers wouldn't admit it. We have to raise our voice, specially in the media. But more importantly, go to muslim countries, practice Islam there freely, have many children and work hard for our muslim countries to be stronger than the others, to regain our power and influence in the world! Let's unite and be strong as one ummah!
very good ending!
Surah Alkahf : young man fear for practicing their religious from the king on that time, so they decided to leave the town and seek refuge in the cave. You can move out if you fear for your religious, But passport and green card doesnt allowe you. Make hijrah. The speaker should mention about surah Alkahf..
I think enforcing a hijab on women saying it's a sin not wear hijab (even though it's not a sin) causes more harm in the whole of a society of muslims.
As muslims, Christians, Jews, Buddhists, believers, we are supposed to train our hearts and minds to eradicate "desire".
The more you forbid something the more people tend to seek.
I think every religious scholar has completely missed the point when it comes to our true purpose which is to uncling ourselves from the pleasures of this world.
have you ever wondered why is it a sin? Allah made us women the wise ones that see the grand scheme of things. We are advised to wear hijab not just for our protection but to protect the society too. I cam weat whatever I want in my hoke but when I leave I don't know who am I going to come across, who is going marital issues, who is struggling with their demons and as a woman, I don't want to be the stumbling block in other people's lives. When all the scholars agree on something, it's worth looking into especially when one is not a scholar themselves and cannot speak the language the books were revealed in
Have you ever heard of the prostitute that gave drink to a thirsty dog and she died and went to Jannah?
NO “ladies’HIJAB” found in the Quran.
The word HIJAB is used in the Quran but not for ladies.
Check these Ayath/verses that they say have Hijab in them. (But not found)
In Quran 33.59 - “ … JILBAB over themselves…”
in Quran 24.31 - “… Khimar over the Jayb..”
The word is KHIMAR in the Quran.24.31
- Root Meaning of KHIMAR is just a COVERING,
it can also be a neck scarf, any scarf, dupatta, chadar, etc.
There is no head, hair, veil, niqab or any such importance in the Quran,
transliteration of Quran 24.31: “yadribna bi’Khumur’ihinna ala juyoob’ihinna”
[Plurals : khumur, juyoob]
Quran 24.31 (see the part of the verse they say has hijab )
// *..put forth the Khimars OVER THE JAYBs…*//
JAYB just means OPENING
- like an opening in a dress, deep-neck, like shirt pocket - is a jayb
To verify from the Quran
check this example in
//Quran 28.32 (part)
“…. yadaka fee jayb’ika …”. //
“… put your hand in your Jayb..” (clearly a pocket or opening in the dress)
(or) some people translate it as chest/ bosoms coz that’s where the Jayb is.
Look at where the importance is in the verse:
“COVERING over the Jayb”
- but the EXPLANATIONS of ‘Sect’ /Firqa leaders promoted the concept of ladies’HIJAB
- by adding it in books written much later after the Quran AND by adding words with brackets in translations and explanations - gradually shifting the importance of COVERING the Jayb
- giving importance away from the Jayb seems like distraction from the main emphasis.
- AND also these Firqa leaders wrote the Dictionary centuries later to push their meanings
- please ask them : when and who wrote the Dictionary that they show their meanings from?
We should not accept new meanings to the words after the word is used in the Quran
- in the present era the meanings can be understood by checking the same word usage within the Quran
- see where the word is used again.
QURAN is it’s own DICTIONARY within it - (by using the important words in other verses and locking the meanings).
They should know when the same root word is used for intoxicants even then it’s used for “COVER”
- - any intoxicant or alcohol
COVERS the ability INSIDE THE MIND - -
Please NOTE : khumur /intoxicants/ALCOHOL does NOT cover the HAIR or outer-head.
How can a religion claiming to be for the whole world - promote desert clothing for far off freezing lands?
They’re Spreading culture and calling it religion - They took the desert clothing that is needed in sand storms and called it religion
OTHER religious groups were ALREADY wearing it in the desert.
IF anyone wants TO FOLLOW WORDS OF ALLAH then they should verify with the Quran - coz every secondary source should match with the Quran
AND they should not add words in translations.
Means any decent OUTER CLOTHING worn above the under-garments - it’s plural is JALABIB
The verse in the Quran 33.59 is about JILBAB - it’s about wearing outer clothing - where it also says that “they can be RECOGNISED and NOT HARASSED”
So the condition is to be recognised :
how will anyone RECOGNISE if you cover fully?
- So avoid tight clothing - it’s really simple as per Quran.
Wearing clothes that the security personnel and other people are scared of coz they cannot recognise the person inside - as a result you face difficulty and then that results in feeling harassed.
Check the verse Q.33.59 below and remember that some translations or interpretations have added words in brackets - so look at Arabic /or word-to-word translation to VERIFY, yes VERIFY.
“… alay’ihinna min jalabib’ihinna… “
//Quran 33.59
O Prophet! Ask your wives, daughters, and believing women to draw their JILBAB over themselves .
In this way it is more likely that they will be RECOGNISED
and not be HARASSED.
And Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful//
Notice it’s only talking about properly covering themselves - there is NO emphasis on head, hair, face covering in this verse also.
Some of them will not VERIFY what is in the Quran - word by word.
And you may get to see how they will jump to start calling IGNORANT and names to the person showing them the research.
The answer is Hijra if you can't practice here you can't live here anyone who says other wise is liar. That's the teaching of the prophet, and if you feel fear that is sign to leave and I want to do so. And it's only going to get worse. Everyone should carry.
i agree but most people cant leave, especially muslim women, how are they going to devise a plot to leave themselves?
This video makes me so confused and scared that I hesitate to visit the US as an exchange student wearing the Hijab. Is there any advice from sisters??
Salam Alaikum,
I know this is late but I hope this message reaches you. I’m not a full time hijabi yet. But when I do wear hijab(In my area at least) im not bothered by people subhanallah. Yes you will get stares because here in the US it’s still foreign to many people. However if you plan to visit, I’m sure there’s a mosque somewhere that you can go to meet more sisters.
My advice is just to always travel in groups, be aware of your surroundings and pray for protection.(that goes for any woman though)
There’s also several cities in the US that has a large population of Muslims so don’t fear. :)
I know I’ll eventually wear Hijab🥺
Did u start? How does it feel
@@robinaskitchenfoodfoodandm1997 SubhanAllah🥺!!! I cannot believe I left this comment here two years ago. I don’t even recall doing that. But yes, I cover up now and I feel focused. Wait I’ll get back to you again.
I didnt even see the date 🥴 im trying to start so thats where inwas focused
@Saba Shaikh thank u so much! Alhamduillah i started last week and doing amazing 👏 🙌
@Saba Shaikh i appreciate it so much! Keeping you in my dua aswell
If SMB could answer on my question, id wear hijab. The question is, yes, hair was already covered, and Allah said weir the veil in a decent way, putting it forward. However, I see this as a correction of that women, cause only that women woah himar, other women of the world didn't. Since Quran is for everyone , if to cover the hair is an order, than God would have said, oh believers, cover your hair. Cause spabix women , African women didn't wear himar.
Is it okay for a Muslim women to pray in public? Like outside?