Fully agreed, necro needs love. My concerns with necro: 1. No access to many buffs, thus limiting your build options (sorcery, brutality, mending, expedition, etc) 2. No spammable. Each class has a native spammable ability, whether mag/stam. Flaming skulls? Slow and clunky. Blastbones? Not really spammable, etc etc. 3. No unique gameplay. Necro seems feels like a 2nd hand other class. Magcro? 2nd hand sorc. Stamcro? 2nd hand warden. Tank? 2nd hand DK. There is no unique flavour to necro. After harmony nerf there is nothing that separates necro as unique. 4. Not a balance thing but the class has no soul. Necromancers are such an important and integral part of the Elder Scrolls lore. In ESO, necros do not even have access to a pet-build, PVP or pve. Pets simply suck. You do not cast some dangerous magic, you just throw some spooky skulls that deal less dmg that destro staff spammable. There is no feeling you are playing a dangerous adept of the dark arts when you play a necro. The only lame proof of that is that some of your abilities trigger guards.
it was so disappointing, too, because it was such a unique playstyle. it felt to me like it was such a satisfying pay off to be able to do that much damage because of how many hoops you had to jump through
Agreed that they nerfed it too much but that shit was broken. The bombs were way too easy considering how fast you can build ultimate on necro and how tanky the builds were. They should've figured out another way tho
Necro needs: 1. a fossilize like stun 2. a ranged execute (this is what the flaming skulls should be) 3. Longer buff timers 4. 10% increase damage on scythe
@sweethyt9739 nah Don't make scythe an execute. Just buff it's damage to be fair. I play stamcro in pvp. Dual wield spin to win and scythe. It's a good combo. We just need other buffs. More damage on scythe. Longee buff durations. Maybe breach on scythe would be nice.
Necro with 2k hours here. Necromancer needs a toggled bitter harvest that can be backbarred much like vamp's blood rage skill. When toggled it auto consumes corpses. Half of necro corpse consumption skills need to be collapsed into like 3 abilities. Like the corpse tether abilities should be merged together. They should heal and also do damage. The buff game is too complex. Look at nightblade. Most of their bread and butter skills straight up give essential buffs. Just for playing like any other class would. And their most usefull skill, cloak straight up gives major resolve and now it gives major savagery. Necro absolutely needs this. It also needs a fighter undead, blast bones should be a figher that runs and melees it's target until it expires or is resummoned which it then would explode based on how long it was alive. Giving the player burst control while also have an active pet. Just little quality of life things man. It's not hard.. Great vid btw. Great points too.
Good video, 100% agree. My biggest gripe are the buff durations. Hopefully ZOS will give the Necro an overhaul similar to what the recently did with warden.
I think they need to emphasise some unique feature of each class like they did with dynamic mag/stam costs for Arcanist. For Necro it could be "every Nth cast" mechanic as it is already being used by the skull spammable. Imagine "every 3rd cast of Blastbones summons two", "every 2nd cast of Resistant Flesh heals for 50% more", "every 2nd cast of Spirit Guardian lasts 200% longer" etc.
ZOS only loves DK's and Nightblades so no chance they will ever do something for Necros and even Sorcs. Also don't forget the all mighty Arcanist. S+++++ in everything.
Im new to ESO necro was my first toon.. I'm getting mythics now and fleshing out the toon while frequenting battlegrounds. I spend 70% of fights watching my resources and refreshing buffs on the back bar just to sustain myself in the fight... every once in a while I see someone low health and focus them down. I'm not giving up but starting to rethink the character as more of a defensive sustain build so my teammates can do the damage while I just dive in and get shit on as a distraction.
@9:12 ESO need a lock-on & new controller mapping, big time.. I think that DCUO has ingenious way to map abilities on bar & similarity could easily be implemented for ESO console. ex: holding L trigger, lock-on highlighted target & gain access to cast *front bar abilities* using X Y B lb rb (Xbox) holding R trigger, lock-on highlighted target & gain access to cast *back bar abilities* using X Y B lb rb (Xbox) A, always a jump (even if you hold trigger) ***if not holding a trigger*** B, looting / hold B, interact lb, potion / holding lb, gain access to quick wheel menu holding rb, block / rb + left thumbstick, dodge roll X & Y, can be utilize for light/heavy attack or more (note* dcuo has them for weapons combo system, leap, block break.. similar to older arcane fighter games) D-pad would be for mounting, quick chat, etc.. instead of going into main menu to write something & loosing peripheral vision And yes, with this mapping L&R trigger is require to cast & you loose it's normal utility, but you multiply every other by 3 Area of effect, selfbuff or abilities that cannot target specific individual would not be affected by the lock-on. Releasing trigger put you back in free targeting mode. I may have forgotten few things or needs some re-work, but that would solve alot of issues. btw cool vid 😎
@@Hoarcrux thx!👍 But it's inspire from another game, so I don't know if control mapping has copywrite.. *this way, both front & back bar would be display simultaneously to see remaining cooldown.
Thing is there are some really simple fixes that would make necros balanced into the meta. Put major mending on the sprit guardians and extend their buff times. The sycth could get a buff to act more like sap Essence from the nightblade skill tree and give that major prophesy. Extend their general buff timers to 30 seconds to come in line with the other classes too. Also being able to summon a blastbones per corpse might be an interesting add to them. Necros should feel like they are bringing the undead with them and making use of their corpses. Right now they feel like emo sorcs. Replace the launching skull ability with a drain life ability that debuffs their opponents stats with minor cowardice and minor breach. Simple buffs to the class and shit that’s already there but make it idk not suck?
Yea I played necro before I quit a few years ago came back and just felt lost cause I didn’t have my favorite character to play anymore. Necro needs a buff for sure
Whilst any class in the hands of a good player can become good. Necro is fucking WANK. The only thing going for it, is its decent tankiness and its access to good sets and master weapons ect. Thats why stamina necro can at bare minimum do the bare minimum 🤣. Mag necro...... truly horrendous
1. Summoner's Armor : dur- 30sec 2. Spirit Guardian : dur- 20sec, heal 10% more 3. While Blastbones, Skeletal Mage, or Spirit Mender active you gain Major Brutality and Sorcery 4. Resistant Flesh : remove defile + make one of the morf self heal only 5. Give 1 unique minor buff like other class
I took one look at necromancer and realised already by level 20 what a bore this would be to level. From level 10, with full training Heartland gear, XP buff and event XP buff, all the way to 50, it was still just a complete chore trying to get something 'optimized' and fun. I could tell right away that this had to be by far the most tedious class to play and so just left it at 50 to research traits and do daily crafting. I had WAY more fun leveling my templar alt than this trash.
As a Necro main I can agree out of all of my pvp toons my necro is the weakest. We get no good buffs no good sustain nd our main big damage skill is very predictable and doesn't work half the time. The amount of times my blastbones has hit another person than the one I casted the skill or it just stand there and not proc.
There's nothing can be done with buffing necro. This opportunity is wasted, because of stupid pugs and naibe Zos. The only thing can fix it is revamp. For example: 1. Make blast bones as pet, which increases your stats while active, like health, magicka and stamina or gives other buffs like minor brutally and sorcery while active. 2. Make skull spammable scale off distance. 3. Give major brutality buff to siphon if slotted on either bar. 4. Revamp graving grasp. Make it CC like fossilize, remove empower, change it for healing from this ability or for movement debuff. 5. Revamp scythe. Damage is pretty low, healing negation seems pointless. Buff damage approximately to 50% more, making it like dk whip. Casting this ability, you gain stacks, after three stacks, you can do powerful attack, dealing 15% more damage. 1t morph, applies dot to the target dealing 100 damage over time. 2d morph, increase damage from poewerful attack by 5%. 6. Necro needs more dot skills. 7. Remove all passive abilities related with critical strikes. Introduce passive, which increases your damage by necromancer abilities to enemies that are stunned, immobilized, charmed and disoriented by 15%. 8. Make necro purge give major brutality/sorcery and sustain like warden has. Remove health cost.
I play stamcro in pvp a lot. Yes it's weak but i still enjoy it. U can definitely get kills No better feeling destroying people with a full meta carry cheese setup with my off meta stamcro.
This made me laugh, your one funny guy. Accidentally healing the mudcrab and blastbones graying out just sits there lol. Hilarious but your right the necro in general need some major buffs. I dont wana wait 2 years either for it to be payable. When they decide to buff the necro it should be multiple buffs in 1 update. The class needs love.
Lots of the skills are useless or dont fit the necro theme. Several skills need a rework. Id change colossus. Change flame skull or make it faster and change ricochet. 6m is too small give totem and boneyard a larger radius. Agree on blast bones breach. Increase duration on skeletal mage and add major buff, replace siphon it sucks, grave grasp needs single target for stun. Rapid rot passive is useless, change it or add more dots. From day 1 necro was bad, great ideas just implemented poorly.
Totally agree. Tried to make necro build the other day. Had to use malacath so I wont care about crit to save a slot, had to use one hand and shield for shielded assault stun and major/minor breach. But still cant find space for rat/mist and I get 1 or 2 attacks before I have to reset buffs. DK with a similar build feels so much more user friendly
Hi what class gives the highest heal numbers for pve And pvp im New And i Just want a strong healer but dont know Who has the best heals cuz you have temp warden arcanist And necro what has the biggest numbers per sec to keep ppl alive?
I main necro. I get kills on 90% of people, but I have to line everything up PERFECTLY. Necro isn't bad. It's just that every other class is OP. Necro is the ONLY balanced class. I run a dizzy cro. It's the best build I have played. Daedric Trickery gives mobility on top of Forward Momentum. I run SSC, and I still get away. I have a stage 4 vamp with really good recovery and sustain. I hit 5K-8K dizzys, 10K-13K Blastbones. Resistant Flesh is OP with sustained by suffering.
My pvp necro is a rez bot now and I've gotten so bored I don't wander into cyro anymore. Cyro is so toxic, busted and boring and I can only deal with 1 or 2 of those things not all three lol
I’d love it if they buffed necro lol 😅 can’t lie the nerf was bad but I still get bombs just if my blastbones doesn’t land chances are they won’t go pop 😢 it defo needs a rework tho, no decent stun, no spell/wpn power buff no crit buff and they go and nurf the one thing that made the class desirable..
I do agree with most of the things however i do want to say that the short duration on some of the buffs is neccesary for th eclass to have ready access to using corpses. if summoners armor is 30s you would lose a corpse every second cast for example. They would need to tweak how corpses work like droping a corpse after using an ability putting it on a 15s cd to create another corpse or smth.
@@Hoarcrux yea but that would make the extended diration kinda useless cuz u need to recast it anyway. Overtime summoners armor can drop a corpse as you take damage maybe that sounds cool. They can also buff the duration of the hraling tether to 20 seconds.
The corpses do not stay on floor long enough that needs an adjustment as well its sad that templar has a skill than can drain bodies off floor better then necro does lol
Necro bad in a lot of aspects. Unfortunately you have to run oakensoul for necro. I run a crit bow necro with a few underrated sets and works great with pen mundus. This is the only build I found that slaps and only for battlegrounds
Is sad that nerco had been reduced to ball group rezer...... Which is damn effective for any ball group composition as it gives them a second chance fighting another ball group.
You don't get resistant flesh, the spell is genius. It slightly punishes you for using it on yourelf but rewards you for using it on others as a healer.
I play necromancer atm, hear they gonna get a lot of changed with golden road, as a pro necro since diablo2/guild war.. always loved the idea of roaming the world with my undead army ^^ feeling op ^^ mouhahaha but teso necro was the biggest let down i ever felt.. no perma pet.. what!? Sorc better summoner then necro wtf!! Now i play tank heal in PvP. With pariah and eternal vigor. Insta rez my teammate when they get bomb ^^ or becoming a bone golem when they really try to take me down.. ^^ i amuse myself, i get to be a decent healer, heal over time with the resto staff on my back bar and resistant flech to emergency heal.. prayer to heal aoe and give minor resolve to my teammate in front of me.. or heal over time with vigor on my bow front bar venomus arrow for my 20% dmg and interupt their rezzer from afar.. Necro does really need a lot of love indeed.. but if you work really hard.. and train a lot ^^ you can become a decent pvp player with it ^^
Necromancer is just too hyper vulnerable and squishy, no matter how you build them up they just instantly die in PVP, which is incredibly unfair. Not to mention, literally any class can beat the shit out of you at level one with the shittiest equipment and build. I grabbed a friend as an experiment got him to around level 50 grabbed a couple noobs that haven’t hit CP and Ron new characters that were level one and they dominated over my friend. (he also asked me not to mention his tag and asked me to never force him to play necromancer again and claimed it was the worst class to ever exist in video game history) Kind of think he was over exaggerating, but then again, he is PVP main, and every game he plays and is incredibly competitive. Either Necro needs a massive buff in terms of resilience or whatever or the other classes in PVP specifically need a Nerf in order to balance shit out. Because it feels like currently, you can only win if you’re either nightblade, Templar, or Arcanist. Whoever runs ESO has kind of screwed over every other class, including Dragonknight, Warden, sorcerer, and especially necromancer. Before someone argues about this the only way someone can make one of the non-medic classes viable is by doing heavy research, and if someone’s new, they won’t know how to get up really good character and will constantly wonder why they failed to deal out enough damage. So each class should be able to obtain class items or specific class equipment that’s better than what you can find currently. it would definitely be something to really get the attention of new and veteran players to grind for as long as the difficulty is bullshit. Perhaps even a six player challenge similar to endless archive and or Bastian Nemic or they more popular dungeons, and turn it something equivalent to a six man, trial or something I don’t know. Anything that gives a satisfactory amount of challenge to make the reward feel worth it. This is all just my opinion however, I no game expert Just someone with around 22 years of gaming experience. So you’re welcome to take my comment with a grain of salt.
There used to be a Necro immortal build, but considering how many times necromancers been hit with the Nerf hammer in PVP and recently after they fiddle around with a blast bones, but the last update. Playing anything other than a Necro healer is highly difficult unless you know what you’re doing and or have a lot of CP and Appropriate equipment. in theory, Necro should still be a jack of all trades, but you still have to grind your ass off to be able to make them do a different build, which is a far cry from what it used to be able to do on day one where you could just do whatever you want more or less.
Can we go back to the greymoor days of necro when he hit like a truck? As strong as DK, Sorc and Arcanist are right now if they put necro back to how he was he’s be fine
@@oOEvanyaOo I keep him only so that I can tell I have at least 1 of each class, also it's +1 to do the daily crafting on. But really just find it practically unplayable so I hope they will fix it one day :( I remember when we feared stam necro like hell.
literally back on this class today to try fix him up used the same armor on every class for pve an he hits about 17% less damage than everyone like so poor no self buff no spam damage no execute just heres a ghost thats floats next to you i tried run ana dungeon to complete a set haha took me 4 times longer to kill a basic bitch boss at 500k health i mean trash no pen no damage nothing
Ive only ever used Necro and I dont think ive ever found a utility for Lifa and death, like whats the point of that skill? haha Res flesh is just far more superior. Damage on Skel archer was just the worst and made it a dead skill. Yes you do get breach in necro but its a 6m aoe.... know body stands in that shit.. I feel the pain everyday.
Look…Magcro is the 2nd I ever made. It always a buff sim lol. I ain’t tried to pvp with it in a WHILE. An blastbones? You forgot how you can’t even cast is occasionally lol. It’s sort of fun in PvE just dorking around. BSW Master Infenro Oaksoul 2 Trainee or something. Blastbones, Flame Clench (or reach. I always get those confused. You know the one that stuns and applies burning) Rat, rending flesh, mortal coil, Colossus. It’s not a heavy attack build per se but you blastbones clench heavy attack Over and over till you ulti lol. It’s sort of fun soloing vet dungeons on hard mode. Otherwise I would have deleted it a while ago…:). Dude told you right in your stream chat. Necro tip: Play DK lol.
Yes the necro is bad. But maybe if something isn’t thriving in the meta, stop trying to force it. Why are you using all mag skills with the master DW? Hybrid dot meta isn’t going to work. Stack Spell damage and penetration. go for classic big burst combos with dawnbreaker or kjalnar’s to time a stun. Is it great? No, it’s average at best. However, it’s a hell of a lot better than this cluster of skills you’re trying to force
For the pvp, its twin slashes, way of fire, and wrath of elements. 95% of the time, this is what you are up against, regardless of if that player is a DK, Stamsorc, templar. It is so tedious now. I have no problem with a tiered meta. But yikes. Major oversight on balancing. And not only that, they broke robes of succession, which was a saving grace for the magcro, considering the class lacks major damage buffs.
Eso, pvp players just need to stop playing the game. That way, the devs are forced to listen if a big pop just dropped the game for just a few weeks. Other then that ZOS have already shown they are terrible devs 😂 so nothing will really happen for pvp player's 😢
@@Hoarcrux just try this shit. I promise, you will be pissed off even more. Because IT SEEMS, that you have damage, buffs... but in fact this is allmost the same dog water as necro. It trolls you with tooltips and everything, but in actual fight.... You should try it yourself
I actually still love my Magcro. The mobility and major prophecy is an issue, though. They need to add 10 seconds to the bone Armour, and either or keep the current timer and add major prophecy. They need to make the flesh healing ability like the wardens heal where it heals yourself and one other. Leave the value alone and leave the debuff for balancing. But I will say there is no viability right now for Stam sorc. The only thing your going to run from the kit is blast bones. Maybe 1 or other 2 class abilities, but the kit needs a reworks.
Necro is on the same process like warden was when they nerfed the class to the ground same Will happen to arcanist ; is just ESO they dont know how to balance the game they have 7 classes 2 or 3 are worth to play with ;the rest is just Trash ; or have dmg but lack on survivability or have a lot of survivability but lack in dmg Thats it ; This for solo ofc ; but yes necro so far is the worst have only 1 viable Gameplay rn but still be behind compared to the other classes ; vbrp BB vateshran 2h FB balorg ; ssc /ddf or wild hunt ; and a good defensive set always active but yes still be behind the others classes ; burst heal Will be rally ; have good burst dmg but is not enough against the "meta " 35 k hp + and thats it ; but Will be very tanky and have a lot of survivability; and yes 90% + necro skills are Trash
Probably, I bought my Necro tank into imperial sewers and actually lived longer than my dk 😂 and I was actually able to do some decent damage weirdly enough, so long as my attacks are timed right atleast. Still working on some changes
Everyone that talk about balance sound wrong to me, you too. Now I will fix necro pvp without changing anything you mentioned except the stun. Change one of the passives: you are immune to crit damage. Give bone armor instant single target stun. Now necro will be strong. Everyone look at balance wrong and miss the most important part: making class funny and buffing to making it competitive.
Necro isn't bad man, yall arnt playing it right lol, you have to stack spell damage on it to make blast bones hit hard, its the only thing that does damage in the class, combine it with res ult combo, its a menace in pvp. High spell damage also means high healing output with scythe giving you a 1500 hot along with the 1k hot from tether and 600 hot from spirit. With high healing output that also means you solve your squishy problem especially with scythe being your spammable, you heal as you hit your target.i hit a 60k combo on a player a few weeks ago
Good for you with your healing. So...what are you hitting with other than Blastbones? Because that's the closest thing you get to a spammable, and I've never seen it work consistently. Every Necro I fight is the same story: great healing and decent defense with no damage outside of master's dual wield/Vateshran cheese. And, as Hoarcrux pointed out, this is not a 1vX class at all. Two or more people on you, and I hope you're great at humping rocks/towers.
@@MikeBear-cq6mzDude, what are you talking about? 80% of playerbase are pugs, they don't care about balance, all good players leave or don't pay attention.
Fully agreed, necro needs love.
My concerns with necro:
1. No access to many buffs, thus limiting your build options (sorcery, brutality, mending, expedition, etc)
2. No spammable. Each class has a native spammable ability, whether mag/stam. Flaming skulls? Slow and clunky. Blastbones? Not really spammable, etc etc.
3. No unique gameplay. Necro seems feels like a 2nd hand other class. Magcro? 2nd hand sorc. Stamcro? 2nd hand warden. Tank? 2nd hand DK. There is no unique flavour to necro. After harmony nerf there is nothing that separates necro as unique.
4. Not a balance thing but the class has no soul. Necromancers are such an important and integral part of the Elder Scrolls lore. In ESO, necros do not even have access to a pet-build, PVP or pve. Pets simply suck. You do not cast some dangerous magic, you just throw some spooky skulls that deal less dmg that destro staff spammable. There is no feeling you are playing a dangerous adept of the dark arts when you play a necro. The only lame proof of that is that some of your abilities trigger guards.
Necro tank is my best tank
I hated when they nerfed graveyard synergy so much. Killed one of the few things the class had going for it and made harmony trait worthless
it was so disappointing, too, because it was such a unique playstyle. it felt to me like it was such a satisfying pay off to be able to do that much damage because of how many hoops you had to jump through
Agreed that they nerfed it too much but that shit was broken. The bombs were way too easy considering how fast you can build ultimate on necro and how tanky the builds were. They should've figured out another way tho
Necro needs:
1. a fossilize like stun
2. a ranged execute (this is what the flaming skulls should be)
3. Longer buff timers
4. 10% increase damage on scythe
Or make scythe live up to its name and become an actual execute ability
The execute would be dope.. most definitely they gotta up the speed of the skulls too
@@sweethyt9739it’s such a good spamable. I guess it could increase in damage as they get lower. That would be fantastic
@sweethyt9739 nah Don't make scythe an execute. Just buff it's damage to be fair.
I play stamcro in pvp. Dual wield spin to win and scythe. It's a good combo.
We just need other buffs. More damage on scythe. Longee buff durations.
Maybe breach on scythe would be nice.
The flaming skull animation should be way faster
Necro with 2k hours here. Necromancer needs a toggled bitter harvest that can be backbarred much like vamp's blood rage skill. When toggled it auto consumes corpses. Half of necro corpse consumption skills need to be collapsed into like 3 abilities. Like the corpse tether abilities should be merged together. They should heal and also do damage. The buff game is too complex. Look at nightblade. Most of their bread and butter skills straight up give essential buffs. Just for playing like any other class would. And their most usefull skill, cloak straight up gives major resolve and now it gives major savagery. Necro absolutely needs this. It also needs a fighter undead, blast bones should be a figher that runs and melees it's target until it expires or is resummoned which it then would explode based on how long it was alive. Giving the player burst control while also have an active pet. Just little quality of life things man. It's not hard..
Great vid btw. Great points too.
Good video, 100% agree. My biggest gripe are the buff durations. Hopefully ZOS will give the Necro an overhaul similar to what the recently did with warden.
I think they need to emphasise some unique feature of each class like they did with dynamic mag/stam costs for Arcanist. For Necro it could be "every Nth cast" mechanic as it is already being used by the skull spammable. Imagine "every 3rd cast of Blastbones summons two", "every 2nd cast of Resistant Flesh heals for 50% more", "every 2nd cast of Spirit Guardian lasts 200% longer" etc.
i love this idea tbh
ZOS only loves DK's and Nightblades so no chance they will ever do something for Necros and even Sorcs. Also don't forget the all mighty Arcanist. S+++++ in everything.
Im new to ESO necro was my first toon.. I'm getting mythics now and fleshing out the toon while frequenting battlegrounds. I spend 70% of fights watching my resources and refreshing buffs on the back bar just to sustain myself in the fight... every once in a while I see someone low health and focus them down. I'm not giving up but starting to rethink the character as more of a defensive sustain build so my teammates can do the damage while I just dive in and get shit on as a distraction.
@9:12 ESO need a lock-on & new controller mapping, big time..
I think that DCUO has ingenious way to map abilities on bar & similarity could easily be implemented for ESO console.
holding L trigger, lock-on highlighted target & gain access to cast *front bar abilities* using X Y B lb rb (Xbox)
holding R trigger, lock-on highlighted target & gain access to cast *back bar abilities* using X Y B lb rb (Xbox)
A, always a jump (even if you hold trigger)
***if not holding a trigger***
B, looting / hold B, interact
lb, potion / holding lb, gain access to quick wheel menu
holding rb, block / rb + left thumbstick, dodge roll
X & Y, can be utilize for light/heavy attack or more (note* dcuo has them for weapons combo system, leap, block break.. similar to older arcane fighter games)
D-pad would be for mounting, quick chat, etc.. instead of going into main menu to write something & loosing peripheral vision
And yes, with this mapping L&R trigger is require to cast & you loose it's normal utility, but you multiply every other by 3
Area of effect, selfbuff or abilities that cannot target specific individual would not be affected by the lock-on.
Releasing trigger put you back in free targeting mode.
I may have forgotten few things or needs some re-work, but that would solve alot of issues.
btw cool vid 😎
Bro I fucking loveeee this feedback and is exactly what us controller players need bro. Couldn't agree more !
@@Hoarcrux thx!👍
But it's inspire from another game, so I don't know if control mapping has copywrite..
*this way, both front & back bar would be display simultaneously to see remaining cooldown.
Thing is there are some really simple fixes that would make necros balanced into the meta. Put major mending on the sprit guardians and extend their buff times. The sycth could get a buff to act more like sap Essence from the nightblade skill tree and give that major prophesy. Extend their general buff timers to 30 seconds to come in line with the other classes too. Also being able to summon a blastbones per corpse might be an interesting add to them. Necros should feel like they are bringing the undead with them and making use of their corpses. Right now they feel like emo sorcs. Replace the launching skull ability with a drain life ability that debuffs their opponents stats with minor cowardice and minor breach. Simple buffs to the class and shit that’s already there but make it idk not suck?
Imagine being necromancer or werewolf, how shit it is now. So many undeserved nerfs. Less classes that do fine in pvp = the game is more boring.
Yea I played necro before I quit a few years ago came back and just felt lost cause I didn’t have my favorite character to play anymore. Necro needs a buff for sure
Whilst any class in the hands of a good player can become good. Necro is fucking WANK. The only thing going for it, is its decent tankiness and its access to good sets and master weapons ect. Thats why stamina necro can at bare minimum do the bare minimum 🤣. Mag necro...... truly horrendous
1. Summoner's Armor : dur- 30sec
2. Spirit Guardian : dur- 20sec, heal 10% more
3. While Blastbones, Skeletal Mage, or Spirit Mender active you gain Major Brutality and Sorcery
4. Resistant Flesh : remove defile + make one of the morf self heal only
5. Give 1 unique minor buff like other class
You hit the nail on pretty much every point.
Bc we don’t have major sorcery or berserk we don’t have a excute no and stuhn and we don’t have a good spamable
We don’t need no more tanky ness just damage lol
I took one look at necromancer and realised already by level 20 what a bore this would be to level.
From level 10, with full training Heartland gear, XP buff and event XP buff, all the way to 50, it was still just a complete chore trying to get something 'optimized' and fun. I could tell right away that this had to be by far the most tedious class to play and so just left it at 50 to research traits and do daily crafting. I had WAY more fun leveling my templar alt than this trash.
we just need a stun.
like DK a solid stun
Yes agreed. Necro needs the same stub as fossilize
As a Necro main I can agree out of all of my pvp toons my necro is the weakest. We get no good buffs no good sustain nd our main big damage skill is very predictable and doesn't work half the time. The amount of times my blastbones has hit another person than the one I casted the skill or it just stand there and not proc.
the fact that your blastbones can be killed is just the dumbest shit ever, i doubt they have ever played their own game
Correction, unnerving boneyard grants major breech for 10 seconds
There's nothing can be done with buffing necro. This opportunity is wasted, because of stupid pugs and naibe Zos. The only thing can fix it is revamp.
For example:
1. Make blast bones as pet, which increases your stats while active, like health, magicka and stamina or gives other buffs like minor brutally and sorcery while active.
2. Make skull spammable scale off distance.
3. Give major brutality buff to siphon if slotted on either bar.
4. Revamp graving grasp. Make it CC like fossilize, remove empower, change it for healing from this ability or for movement debuff.
5. Revamp scythe. Damage is pretty low, healing negation seems pointless. Buff damage approximately to 50% more, making it like dk whip. Casting this ability, you gain stacks, after three stacks, you can do powerful attack, dealing 15% more damage. 1t morph, applies dot to the target dealing 100 damage over time. 2d morph, increase damage from poewerful attack by 5%.
6. Necro needs more dot skills.
7. Remove all passive abilities related with critical strikes. Introduce passive, which increases your damage by necromancer abilities to enemies that are stunned, immobilized, charmed and disoriented by 15%.
8. Make necro purge give major brutality/sorcery and sustain like warden has. Remove health cost.
I do tbh
I play stamcro in pvp a lot. Yes it's weak but i still enjoy it.
U can definitely get kills
No better feeling destroying people with a full meta carry cheese setup with my off meta stamcro.
This made me laugh, your one funny guy. Accidentally healing the mudcrab and blastbones graying out just sits there lol. Hilarious but your right the necro in general need some major buffs. I dont wana wait 2 years either for it to be payable. When they decide to buff the necro it should be multiple buffs in 1 update. The class needs love.
We need u on that Zos team bruh lol cuz at this point they just doing shit that don't make any sense.
Lots of the skills are useless or dont fit the necro theme. Several skills need a rework. Id change colossus. Change flame skull or make it faster and change ricochet. 6m is too small give totem and boneyard a larger radius. Agree on blast bones breach. Increase duration on skeletal mage and add major buff, replace siphon it sucks, grave grasp needs single target for stun. Rapid rot passive is useless, change it or add more dots. From day 1 necro was bad, great ideas just implemented poorly.
I feel like the entire class system needs a fucking balance over !!! Use numbers zos !!!!!!!!
Totally agree. Tried to make necro build the other day. Had to use malacath so I wont care about crit to save a slot, had to use one hand and shield for shielded assault stun and major/minor breach. But still cant find space for rat/mist and I get 1 or 2 attacks before I have to reset buffs. DK with a similar build feels so much more user friendly
Hi what class gives the highest heal numbers for pve And pvp im New And i Just want a strong healer but dont know Who has the best heals cuz you have temp warden arcanist And necro what has the biggest numbers per sec to keep ppl alive?
100% go templar or warden!
I main necro. I get kills on 90% of people, but I have to line everything up PERFECTLY. Necro isn't bad. It's just that every other class is OP. Necro is the ONLY balanced class. I run a dizzy cro. It's the best build I have played. Daedric Trickery gives mobility on top of Forward Momentum. I run SSC, and I still get away. I have a stage 4 vamp with really good recovery and sustain. I hit 5K-8K dizzys, 10K-13K Blastbones. Resistant Flesh is OP with sustained by suffering.
My pvp necro is a rez bot now and I've gotten so bored I don't wander into cyro anymore. Cyro is so toxic, busted and boring and I can only deal with 1 or 2 of those things not all three lol
What's the 2 best pvp sets?
Harmony + graverobber nerf was the final nail in the coffin for this clown class 🤡💀
I’d love it if they buffed necro lol 😅 can’t lie the nerf was bad but I still get bombs just if my blastbones doesn’t land chances are they won’t go pop 😢 it defo needs a rework tho, no decent stun, no spell/wpn power buff no crit buff and they go and nurf the one thing that made the class desirable..
I do agree with most of the things however i do want to say that the short duration on some of the buffs is neccesary for th eclass to have ready access to using corpses. if summoners armor is 30s you would lose a corpse every second cast for example. They would need to tweak how corpses work like droping a corpse after using an ability putting it on a 15s cd to create another corpse or smth.
If you could recast the ability and create a corpse, that would be great
@@Hoarcrux yea but that would make the extended diration kinda useless cuz u need to recast it anyway. Overtime summoners armor can drop a corpse as you take damage maybe that sounds cool. They can also buff the duration of the hraling tether to 20 seconds.
The corpses do not stay on floor long enough that needs an adjustment as well its sad that templar has a skill than can drain bodies off floor better then necro does lol
@@bankzsy2484 necro produced corpses should last for ever and have a cap of 4-5 or something and balance the abilities around that
Lol this had me rolling man. 3000 hours in, my Orc necro is my main. love the necro, hope they get around to making it more versatile.
Necro bad in a lot of aspects. Unfortunately you have to run oakensoul for necro. I run a crit bow necro with a few underrated sets and works great with pen mundus. This is the only build I found that slaps and only for battlegrounds
Build please, l love necro))
Is sad that nerco had been reduced to ball group rezer...... Which is damn effective for any ball group composition as it gives them a second chance fighting another ball group.
You don't get resistant flesh, the spell is genius.
It slightly punishes you for using it on yourelf but rewards you for using it on others as a healer.
It just costs too damn much man
I play necromancer atm, hear they gonna get a lot of changed with golden road, as a pro necro since diablo2/guild war.. always loved the idea of roaming the world with my undead army ^^ feeling op ^^ mouhahaha but teso necro was the biggest let down i ever felt.. no perma pet.. what!? Sorc better summoner then necro wtf!!
Now i play tank heal in PvP. With pariah and eternal vigor. Insta rez my teammate when they get bomb ^^ or becoming a bone golem when they really try to take me down.. ^^ i amuse myself, i get to be a decent healer, heal over time with the resto staff on my back bar and resistant flech to emergency heal.. prayer to heal aoe and give minor resolve to my teammate in front of me.. or heal over time with vigor on my bow front bar venomus arrow for my 20% dmg and interupt their rezzer from afar..
Necro does really need a lot of love indeed.. but if you work really hard.. and train a lot ^^ you can become a decent pvp player with it ^^
Necromancer is just too hyper vulnerable and squishy, no matter how you build them up they just instantly die in PVP, which is incredibly unfair.
Not to mention, literally any class can beat the shit out of you at level one with the shittiest equipment and build.
I grabbed a friend as an experiment got him to around level 50 grabbed a couple noobs that haven’t hit CP and Ron new characters that were level one and they dominated over my friend.
(he also asked me not to mention his tag and asked me to never force him to play necromancer again and claimed it was the worst class to ever exist in video game history)
Kind of think he was over exaggerating, but then again, he is PVP main, and every game he plays and is incredibly competitive.
Either Necro needs a massive buff in terms of resilience or whatever or the other classes in PVP specifically need a Nerf in order to balance shit out.
Because it feels like currently, you can only win if you’re either nightblade, Templar, or Arcanist.
Whoever runs ESO has kind of screwed over every other class, including Dragonknight, Warden, sorcerer, and especially necromancer.
Before someone argues about this the only way someone can make one of the non-medic classes viable is by doing heavy research, and if someone’s new, they won’t know how to get up really good character and will constantly wonder why they failed to deal out enough damage.
So each class should be able to obtain class items or specific class equipment that’s better than what you can find currently. it would definitely be something to really get the attention of new and veteran players to grind for as long as the difficulty is bullshit.
Perhaps even a six player challenge similar to endless archive and or Bastian Nemic or they more popular dungeons, and turn it something equivalent to a six man, trial or something I don’t know.
Anything that gives a satisfactory amount of challenge to make the reward feel worth it.
This is all just my opinion however, I no game expert Just someone with around 22 years of gaming experience.
So you’re welcome to take my comment with a grain of salt.
There used to be a Necro immortal build, but considering how many times necromancers been hit with the Nerf hammer in PVP and recently after they fiddle around with a blast bones, but the last update.
Playing anything other than a Necro healer is highly difficult unless you know what you’re doing and or have a lot of CP and Appropriate equipment.
in theory, Necro should still be a jack of all trades, but you still have to grind your ass off to be able to make them do a different build, which is a far cry from what it used to be able to do on day one where you could just do whatever you want more or less.
Can we go back to the greymoor days of necro when he hit like a truck? As strong as DK, Sorc and Arcanist are right now if they put necro back to how he was he’s be fine
Necro is a dlc class that’s literally pay to lose. Only good for bombing I would love a necro buff
worst class I've ever played.
even levelling it was a suffering i never had on any other build.
wtf ZOS?
Agreed... and then deleted that shit after few days as it was not fun
@@oOEvanyaOo I keep him only so that I can tell I have at least 1 of each class, also it's +1 to do the daily crafting on.
But really just find it practically unplayable so I hope they will fix it one day :( I remember when we feared stam necro like hell.
Basically nailed it lol necro is bad in pvp outside of dropping a bomb
literally back on this class today to try fix him up used the same armor on every class for pve an he hits about 17% less damage than everyone like so poor no self buff no spam damage no execute just heres a ghost thats floats next to you i tried run ana dungeon to complete a set haha took me 4 times longer to kill a basic bitch boss at 500k health i mean trash no pen no damage nothing
Ive only ever used Necro and I dont think ive ever found a utility for Lifa and death, like whats the point of that skill? haha Res flesh is just far more superior. Damage on Skel archer was just the worst and made it a dead skill. Yes you do get breach in necro but its a 6m aoe.... know body stands in that shit.. I feel the pain everyday.
Only way i can play this class rn is by going the aoe route just wish it had a execute or 2 blastbones would even be very nice
Look…Magcro is the 2nd I ever made. It always a buff sim lol. I ain’t tried to pvp with it in a WHILE. An blastbones? You forgot how you can’t even cast is occasionally lol. It’s sort of fun in PvE just dorking around. BSW Master Infenro Oaksoul 2 Trainee or something. Blastbones, Flame Clench (or reach. I always get those confused. You know the one that stuns and applies burning) Rat, rending flesh, mortal coil, Colossus. It’s not a heavy attack build per se but you blastbones clench heavy attack Over and over till you ulti lol. It’s sort of fun soloing vet dungeons on hard mode. Otherwise I would have deleted it a while ago…:). Dude told you right in your stream chat. Necro tip: Play DK lol.
And it got a whole lot worse 😂 (I am a necro)
Yes the necro is bad. But maybe if something isn’t thriving in the meta, stop trying to force it. Why are you using all mag skills with the master DW? Hybrid dot meta isn’t going to work. Stack Spell damage and penetration. go for classic big burst combos with dawnbreaker or kjalnar’s to time a stun. Is it great? No, it’s average at best. However, it’s a hell of a lot better than this cluster of skills you’re trying to force
Agree. I got it a month ago. Horrible abilities and expensive to use.
For the pvp, its twin slashes, way of fire, and wrath of elements. 95% of the time, this is what you are up against, regardless of if that player is a DK, Stamsorc, templar. It is so tedious now. I have no problem with a tiered meta. But yikes. Major oversight on balancing. And not only that, they broke robes of succession, which was a saving grace for the magcro, considering the class lacks major damage buffs.
Make necro great again!!
I know exactly what to do with necro, make it a pull/troll tank for cyradiil.. other than that, it’s worthless
Technically Necro has major breach its just stuck to the boneyard morph that nobody used lol
Okay you got me here actually
necro has become trash for sure 🙁
It was the best class in pvp when I played 😂 I haven't played in a long time
I thought you quit, don’t play with my feelings
No, necro just requires skill like nightblade.
My build is great I can 1v3 1v4 at most but I do agree it is one of the worst
Eso, pvp players just need to stop playing the game. That way, the devs are forced to listen if a big pop just dropped the game for just a few weeks. Other then that ZOS have already shown they are terrible devs 😂 so nothing will really happen for pvp player's 😢
100% agree! Great video! Lol!
Hoarcrux, play templar, please. I never watched your templar video. Try to land Jabs, try to stack potl.
It's because they don't exist haha. Next exp weekend I'll grind one up
@@Hoarcrux just try this shit. I promise, you will be pissed off even more. Because IT SEEMS, that you have damage, buffs... but in fact this is allmost the same dog water as necro. It trolls you with tooltips and everything, but in actual fight.... You should try it yourself
I actually still love my Magcro. The mobility and major prophecy is an issue, though. They need to add 10 seconds to the bone Armour, and either or keep the current timer and add major prophecy. They need to make the flesh healing ability like the wardens heal where it heals yourself and one other. Leave the value alone and leave the debuff for balancing. But I will say there is no viability right now for Stam sorc. The only thing your going to run from the kit is blast bones. Maybe 1 or other 2 class abilities, but the kit needs a reworks.
Necro is on the same process like warden was when they nerfed the class to the ground same Will happen to arcanist ; is just ESO they dont know how to balance the game they have 7 classes 2 or 3 are worth to play with ;the rest is just Trash ; or have dmg but lack on survivability or have a lot of survivability but lack in dmg Thats it ; This for solo ofc ; but yes necro so far is the worst have only 1 viable Gameplay rn but still be behind compared to the other classes ; vbrp BB vateshran 2h FB balorg ; ssc /ddf or wild hunt ; and a good defensive set always active but yes still be behind the others classes ; burst heal Will be rally ; have good burst dmg but is not enough against the "meta " 35 k hp + and thats it ; but Will be very tanky and have a lot of survivability; and yes 90% + necro skills are Trash
Pretty sure zos just want necro to be a tank in pvp, for like crypt builds or some shit
Probably, I bought my Necro tank into imperial sewers and actually lived longer than my dk 😂 and I was actually able to do some decent damage weirdly enough, so long as my attacks are timed right atleast.
Still working on some changes
Lower the ult cost that spawns the blast bones. remove the rez and just spawn blast bones 😁
I thought you quit eso?
It's so, so underpowered compared to everything else.
Agree 100% necro sucks
Please make necro better duk
Didn't you quit the game in tears?
What mask is he wearing?
Everyone that talk about balance sound wrong to me, you too. Now I will fix necro pvp without changing anything you mentioned except the stun.
Change one of the passives: you are immune to crit damage.
Give bone armor instant single target stun.
Now necro will be strong. Everyone look at balance wrong and miss the most important part: making class funny and buffing to making it competitive.
Necro isn't bad man, yall arnt playing it right lol, you have to stack spell damage on it to make blast bones hit hard, its the only thing that does damage in the class, combine it with res ult combo, its a menace in pvp. High spell damage also means high healing output with scythe giving you a 1500 hot along with the 1k hot from tether and 600 hot from spirit. With high healing output that also means you solve your squishy problem especially with scythe being your spammable, you heal as you hit your target.i hit a 60k combo on a player a few weeks ago
Good for you with your healing. So...what are you hitting with other than Blastbones? Because that's the closest thing you get to a spammable, and I've never seen it work consistently. Every Necro I fight is the same story: great healing and decent defense with no damage outside of master's dual wield/Vateshran cheese. And, as Hoarcrux pointed out, this is not a 1vX class at all. Two or more people on you, and I hope you're great at humping rocks/towers.
You guys keep forgetting some classes are specifically made to buff or debuff your ball group or whatever.
Not every class is built to 1vX 😂
Lol, you think like Zos will care about it.
If enough people adress, of course they will.
@@MikeBear-cq6mzDude, what are you talking about? 80% of playerbase are pugs, they don't care about balance, all good players leave or don't pay attention.
@@MisterMist-wg1zsAre you sure about that? Look at yourself. Seriously?
@@MikeBear-cq6mz U pug, because you protect zos.
@@MisterMist-wg1zsis toxic, because he's talking shit.
Necro seems to slap as a bomber with brawler
balled. bald. baaaaald