Qaaman Reviews The Worst Dragon Ball Z Power Level List Ever!
- Опубликовано: 6 фев 2025
- Alrighty guys, it is Qaaman here today and I'm reviewing the worst Power Level List I've ever seen.
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video is so nostalgic for og dragonball yt, used to watch this on my ipad when i was a kid every few months cause the list was just so absurd.
True man I used to always watch him and still do
It’s standard for me to watch this every few months or so. Sometimes like to listen to it in the background while going to sleep lol
Master Roshi got stronger over the course of the years through the use of his right hand with the assistance of his dirty magazines.
8 years later little does he know
Ginyu's is stupid, it is directly stated that his maximum power level is 120,000 and Goku's is 180,000
QuakeGamer632 It is also stated that Frieza's second form is around 1,000,000 and they say that it is 1,700,000. So it started ok, taking values from the manga yet around here they just kind of went, naa don't like that lets make it bigger.
QuakeGamer632 And then saying that Piccolo only gained a slight boost from fusing with Nail yet in the manga they say that Piccolo really has no chance against Frieza and that he has got to fuse with Nail to be strong enough and when they fuse he is so amazed by how much power he gained and that he will now be strong enough to defeat him.
QuakeGamer632 ok so here is my biggest issue with Vegeta's power level at the end. They say it is only 300,000 and at that point Piccolo's is 1,800,000. But when Frieza finally gets to his final form he attacks and the only one to even see it is Vegeta (When Frieza attacks Gohan)
kaioken x2 goku*
@@QuakeGamerROTMG He said over one million implying it rounds to 1,000,000
Of course Videl can beat Raditz, makes perfect sense.
Justin Greenleaf Videl can barely shoot a Ki blast yet she is somehow stronger than Raditz? HA!
Justin Greenleaf Btw, I wasn't even replying to you... On my original comment. So you are the one who is confused here.
onthespoke sure does, it only take a year to do so.....ALL of the zfighter did it.
onthespoke dude videl got severely injured by bullet in BOG while raditz easily catch one in the start of dbz so no, i feel like videl is the most overestimated character in dbz just because he know how to fly and shoot blast that doesnt mean he's strong just remember that gohan only teached him how to fly and use ki he didnt train him in fighting
DBZ True Power Levels
Goku - 1
Gohan - 1
Piccolo - 1
Vegeta - 1
Krillin - 1
Yamcha - 1
Tien - 1
Hercule - 999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999
Pfft, Yamcha is at least 6, and Hercule is at about 999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,992
That was just the beginning, it's not truly correct yet.
One more.
Bulma - 8
Nightbane Another one, Chi-Chi + KaioKen - 99
Dynite Kick!!!
King Moai is that king from the random Bug planet that Vegeta and Nappa decided to stop by in a filler episode.
I'm really surprised someone actually decided to insert him into this list.
Huh. Didn't know that.
When Vegeta was a prison bitch.
Nappa: I'm Nappa! This is vegeta he was a priiissoooon biiiiiitch
Cooper Lockley Vegeta: shut it Nappa
You are surrounded by my elite.... Dead guards.
This is hardly the worst list.
I've seen lists that put Hercule at 1,000,000
their on drugs too
I know Hercule should be way higher since he beat Cell
Qaamans Land
BTW, the manga says over 8000 not 9000, so that power level was fine.
Yeah, and since he beat Buu with very little help from some nobodies and the World, he is the strongest fighter of all time
link it, link it, link it!!!
These guys are laughing at Roshi's 348. Dragon Ball Super makes fools of us all....
How the hell is Gohan 1700 in the beggining of the namek saga and 2800 in the sayan saga. That makes no sence
Roberto Pato The 2800 was based on when goku was pissed because piccolo died
Still doesn't make sence. The power level should be is normal power and not that few seconds when he was pissed
Roberto Pato You're right if they were gonna include that they should have been separate, gohan base and gohan enraged, also gohan should be stronger than 1700 when he arrived on namek since I think the average frieza soldier is stronger than nappa and clearly gohan and krillen were both stonger than frieza's soldier's at that point.
Yeah Firemalleoandjelly, i also think that
Roberto Pato Do me a favor and read that agian.
It says 17,000, not 1,700.
Also, then again, 17,000 might be too strong for Gohan in general.
I just want to say I watched this whole video and I laughed the whole time. thank you for not holding out and making this a short video.
Heres my opinion on them. Be warned, VERY long list xD. You should send me a message on Skype since you like my videos. I'll send you a PM asking for your Skype name. I got a headache at this list. I was kinda disgusted by it. X_X I've seen a lot worse though.. Trust me. ( Broly > Ssj4 Gogeta)
*History of Trunks*: Well the power levels are kinda off but not that bad so far. He seems to be basing it off the anime. I admit I have Future Trunks a little low at this time but it was stated that Future Gohan was still weaker then Goku when he returned from Yardrat so I dunno. I think Yamcha is WAY too high.
I think its kinda unfair to skip Dragonball since we are analyzing power levels after Frieza so Pre-DBZ should be treated the same but its your video. Lets continue
*Saiyan Saga*: So far he has got it right in Raditz part. Chiatzu is a little too powerful in my opinion so I agree with you on that. Dunno about the Filler characters.The Oni's from hell were easily taken out so these levels seem ok. Princess Snake could transform so maybe she was a little high, Goku was scared of getting eaten so she may have been pretty powerful.
I wouldn't put King Yemma that high, thats pretty close to Nappa. The Filler Saiyans are good since they are suppose to be Low-Class Saiyans. King Kai is good, they got his power level from V-Jump. At least they didn't get it from the games, where they have him at 4,500 lol.
*Vegeta Saga*: The turtle power level was taken from the anime and its stupid. Turtles are not as weak as bugs. Goku isn't over 8000 here and over 9000 is wrong. Piccolo is around 15% weaker then Nappa, he would get destroyed. You don't need a huge difference to kick their ass. Chiaotzu is wrong because Nappa said his power level was over 1,000 when he scanned around.
*Namek Saga*: Kui was said to be slightly stronger then Saiyan Saga Vegeta and here, he is 10% stronger, not exactly slightly stronger. Dodoria is too strong and Zarbon first form is weaker then Dodoria.. pretty much "WRONG" here. So... Zarbon Transformed form is stronger then Ginyu Force (Not counting Ginyu lol). Appule was just a henchmen, he wasn't super powerful. He was getting his ass handed to him by the Nameks and BARELY survived. Frieza Henchmen are too weak. They were laughing at the Nameks being 1,000.
*Captain Ginyu Saga*: Vegeta was stated to be 30,000 in the manga. Also thats confusing.. "After fighting Zarbon?" wtf? Where did Vegeta get the additional 10,000 if it wasn't a zenkai boost? Also Vegea is STILL weaker then Zarbon. Guldo was a weakling in comparison to GF team and only got on the team because of his ability to freeze time. The Ginyu force is all wrong, Ginyu said a power level of 60,000 would be enough to beat them all without much effort.
*Frieza Saga*: Porunga… XD. The Dragons were stated to be as powerful as their creator so fat chance he is 2 million. I think Vegeta being at 60,000 is after he ate the Sensu bean thus getting a zenkai BUT he was tired because he hadn't slept in days so that lowered his power level. But him being at 60,000 contradicts him beating Jeice. Piccolo is way too high, its pretty much saying Nail barely gave him any power when that wasn't the case. Piccolo got a huge boost that made him so confident that he could take on Frieza. Piccolo was on King Kai's planet for months, there was a time skip.
*Garlic Jr Saga*. Krillin power was raising while he was on Namek (Due to his power being unlocked) so this could be his limit. I think its a little low but its cool. Garlic Jr is way too strong. Piccolo was overwhelming Garlic Jr so yeah its wrong.
*Trunks Saga*: Frieza said he needed his dads help to take down Super Saiyan Goku so I don't think Cyborg Frieza is too off. I wouldn't put Future Trunks closer to Goku as Goku was easily able to block his sword attacks. As I said earlier, Gohan was stated to be weaker then Yardrat Goku.
*Android Saga*: I don't see how Krillin is weaker then Tien seeing as how Krillin got a huge boost on Namek. So according to this, Android 19 is weaker then Dr.Gero in base form and Piccolo is stronger then them. *shrugs*
*Imperfect Cell Saga*: So why is Imperfect Cell even with Piccolo which is bullcrap and Cell officially is a little stronger then 16.
*Perfect Cell Saga*: Trunks thought he was stronger because he had thought he had a transformation above Vegeta so thats wrong. He should have listed as Perfect Cell suppressed and where was his suppressed buff form?
*Legendary Super Saiyan Broly*: Wow… Gohan should have whooped Brolys ass according to these levels. Its obvious he was just holding back. Paragus is too strong, he was just an average Saiyan, even with few zenkai boost he got he still shouldn't be that strong. Broly was said to be pathetic in his suppressed form. I think Master Roshi would have lost some strength since its been awhile since Saiyan Saga and he hasn't been keeping himself in shape.
*Cell Games*: Hercule/Mr.Satan is a strong normal human. He is nowhere near Roshi, he was nearly killed by a gunshot. People are basing his power level off that machine in World Tournament. Being 10x stronger then average human is Super-Human and Hercule is nowhere close to that. I think Perfect Cell would kick Broly's ass so I have to disagree with you on that. I think his power level is way to low. Perfect Cell was holding back a lot of power. LMAO Piccolo barely got stronger. Same thing with Trunks and Vegeta. I agree with you that Goku would have some trouble with Cell Jr. So.. Gohan didn't need Super Saiyan 2 beat Cell. Right. Maybe if it was rage boost, I could understand.
*Bojack Unbound*: Gohan is stronger then his Cell Games counterpart? Thats weird. Bojack is WAAAAAAY to strong. Bojacks minions are too weak too. Kogu/Gokua is about right.
*Future Trunks Time Period*: Nothing wrong with it.
*Otherworld Tournament Saga*: Maraichoh is too strong like you said. I think Pikkon is way too strong as well. Goku didn't go Ssj2 in World Tournament Saga. Pikkon was holding back against Olibu since Goku was giving Pikkon a harder time.
*Great Saiyaman*: Videl is too high. She just knows how to fly. She hasn't mastered her Ki and she was stated to be stronger then her dad.
Chi-Chi is stronger then Saiyan Saga Nappa! XD She may have been slightly stronger since she was training with Goten but come on :P. Hercule got stronger since Cell Games? He wasn't training, he was enjoying his celebrity status as the one who beat Cell so wtf.
LOL Cell Games Gohan is weaker then Buu Saga Gohan.. BS.. I don't agree with Base Saiyans at all. They are all weaker then Frieza when Vegeta was confident that he could win the tournament without Ssj (With Piccolo and 18 in the tournament). Supreme Kai and Kibito are too strong. Spopovitch is weaker then Videl... That explains the ass kicking he gave her. Thats funny huh?
*Broly Second Coming*: Gohan was stronger then his Movie 8 Counterpart so.. Also Daizenshuu says Gohan only went Ssj2 once after Cell Games.
*Babidi Saga*: Pui Pui thought 10x Earth Gravity would be enough to give the edge on Vegeta despite the ass whooping he got. You know who 10x gravity effected? Start of DBZ Goku. So yeah, I don't put Pui Pui nowhere near Frieza. Supreme Kai was not scared of Pui Pui, he was scared that the energy from the fight would go to Majin Buu. He wanted to take no chances. Dabura is too strong. He was barely stronger then Super Saiyan Gohan. He wasn't Ssj2 because there was no lightning in the manga and few pages later, we get lightning from Goku and Vegeta. Babidi is a pussy. In the anime, he was getting his ass kicked by a waitress. His only strength is in his magic. He is small and brute strength wise weak. Lol Gohan is stronger then Goku and Vegeta… Again BS! I disagree with you Qaaman Super Saiyan forms are just multipliers, you cant raise it because you have another form. Unless your talking about Post-Battle of Gods movies but that hasnt been developed yet.
*Majin Buu Saga*: Gotenks is way too low. Goku was confident that Ssj Gotenks can beat Fat Buu.
*Fusion Saga*: Gotenks didn't get stronger at all wtf? Also Gohan doesn't get a Super Saiyan boost in power anymore after unlocking his hidden power. Dende stronger then King Piccolo?... LOL XD. Also come on man, Goku said many times in the manga that Ssj Gotenks can beat Fat Buu and Goku was shocked that he could go Ssj3 so his expectations are blown out the water. Super Buu was turning into Buff Buu, NOT KID BUU. After Kid Buu, Goku and Vegeta relaxed big time. Evil Buu shouldn't be stronger then Fat Buu since Evil Buu took evil energy of Fat Buu (Thus his power). Evil Buu is stronger then Good Buu (Fat Buu without any evil energy in him). According to this absurd power levels.. Super Buu is a pussy to Gotenks and Goku xD. I roll with laughter. Super Buu (Piccolo, Goten and Trunks) should be a lot weaker. Piccolo is a bug compared to later characters. Super Buu did get stronger but it would barely do jack when your up agaisnt Gohan. Also Goku went Ssj3 against Buutenks and then when Buuiccolo came, Goku went back to base because as he said "Gohan can handle you" which means Goku is still weaker then Super Buu. So.. yeah. Gotenks > Goku lol. Vegeta should be weaker since he doesn't have the Majin Boost.
Come on Kibito Kai is a fusion of Potara. Look how big a boost it gave Vegito. Him being stronger then Cell is fine. Supreme Kai was already stronger then Piccolo (Both stated in manga and Daizenshuu). Kibito Kai WANTED to help Goku. He's itching really badly to fight. He didn't join in the fight because he would be in danger. Also Supreme Kai didn't know about the Potara Fusion so that made him doubly screwed against Fat Buu if he fought him in earlier chapters.
Young Old Kai (Before he fused with the Witch) was a Supreme Kai so he should be a lot stronger.
So according to these shitty power levels.. Ssj Vegito weaker then Super Buu.. I guess Vegito was Ssj2? *Sarcasm* :P.
*Kid Buu Saga*: Goku was holding back against Kid Buu and Fat Buu. Goku says that if he went full power, he could beat him so yeah. Its just that Kid Buu didnt give him a chance to power up.
South Supreme Kai couldn't pull out the Z-Sword so he should be weaker then Ssj Gohan.
*Now* you bring up Buff Buu.. Did you forget about him when Super Buu was transforming into Buff Buu then to Kid Buu? XD
So Supreme Kai didn't get stronger over the past few million years… *claps*
Wait wtf, why was Buff Buu weaker then Kid Buu?
Also Kid Buu is stronger then Super Buu… *Lex Luthor* WROOOONG!
*Fusion Reborn*: None of the movies are suppose to take place in the timeline.
Well Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks is stronger then Ssj3 Goku so thats fine. Well Ssj3 Gotenks CAN beat Fat Buu lol.
I don't accept that Frieza got stronger. You don't have a body when your in hell so you cant train. When you die, you turn into a cloud unless your given special treatment. This was canon to the manga.
Gogeta had no lightning, Super Saiyan aura and Super Saiyan hair so he was a normal Super Saiyan. Janemba didnt die because he touched Gogeta, he died because Gogeta Stardust breaker killed him.
*Wrath of Dragon*: Tapion should be as powerful as the Base Saiyans or above. Goku and Gohan were really impressed by how strong he is.
What a jumble fuck at end XD. Goku beat Hirudegarn by Dragon-Fist just to clarify, which is overpowered.
*End of DBZ*: I think Uub had hidden potential to be better or equal to Kid Buu but he wasn't there yet in my opinion.
Pan was born from Mystic Gohan and she trained. All Saiyan Hybrids get a boost to eventually give them a chance to be stronger then their fathers and mothers. She was naturally born with high power. Hell even Goten and Trunks easily surpassed Frieza as kids. Frieza would still beat the shit out of Pan because he has a marginally higher then Pan and he has more skill so he would still win.
Yeah Hercule should be weaker due to age.
*Dragonball GT Black Star*: Why is Bulla that high? She's not a fighter. She might have natural power so maybe a few hundred. Also Goku was not surprised that she could fly so I say she already knows how to fly. Also Dende is not a fighter and he doesn't train for power.
Uub is too powerful. They (GT Base Goku and Uub) were almost dead even at the start of GT.
Ledgik weaker then Trunks. LOL. I guess Trunks just wanted get lazy and nap
Pan easily overpowered Dr.Gero so she should be higher. So your saying Dr.Gero is weaker then 50% Frieza? Bullshit man lol.
*Baby Saga*: Goku was stronger then Metal Rildo and Rildo only had advantage due to controlling all of the metal.
Why shouldn't Dr.Myuu should be lower. He is pretty much on par in my opinion to Dr.Gero.
I think Baby is way too low.
Baby Ssj Goten should be nearly equal to Base Form Gohan.
Gt Gohan should be a lot weaker but he is stronger then *Ssj Vegito* lol. Wow thats a lot to buy...
WOW HAHAHAHA Goku is stronger then Baby Vegeta without Ssj4! Thats hilarious.
Majuub is weaker then Kid Buu. Perrrrrrfect Logic.
I think thats suppose to be Baby Bulla and Baby Videl. Baby Tuffle possession made everyone stronger. It made average humans a lot stronger then Mr.Satan. I don't think Bulla got that big an increase though
So GT Piccolo is stronger then Cell. Bullshit. I don't think he ever got stronger then Cell. Also it was stated in GT that Piccolo is still stronger then Goten and Trunks.
So why didn't ChiChi get a Baby possession power boost?
*Super 17 Saga*:
Cell and Frieza power boost is GT only. Manga wise, in hell they cant get stronger. They have no bodies.
Well some time has passed so its understandable that Pan got stronger.
Also Gohan seems to be getting stronger in GT. He held his own against Rildo until his arm turned into metal.
So Baby didn't give Vegeta a boost? Bullshit. It was stated. :/
Majuub got stronger because some time passed since Babys defeat.
Goku got stronger due to training but not according to this power levels lol.
Nappa should be a lot stronger since he thought he could take on Vegeta.
General Rildo got weaker by a LOT in this list. He is only a bit stronger then 18... Bullshit.
Super 17 wasn't kicking Ssj4 Goku's ass at the start of the fight. 17 was planning to get energy from Goku to get stronger. He needed that boost to beat Goku because he wasnt that much weaker at that point.
Vegeta is a lot weaker then Goku so it makes sense to me that Super 17 beat the crap out of him. Both 17's were not a power combination, it was an component improvement transformation.
*Shadow Dragon Saga*:
So basically most of these dragons are weaker then Ssj Goku. Dur seems legit.
Syn Shenron is weaker then Ssj4 Goku? >_> Riiiiiight.
Well Pan always been stronger then Frieza. Pans power is high because of its natural birth affect heritage.
Ssj4 Vegeta was weaker then Goku and you can lower your power level to fuse with them. So this makes this plausible.
*Heros Legacy*:
Yeah Pan should have lost *alot* of power. She's strong but nowhere near as strong as she use to be. She has heart problems.
AndI hate to break it to you BUT even Ssj Goku Jr had trouble beating down a guy who had trouble taking down a bear. Goku Jr isn't that powerful. Well it makes sense when the base form is weaker. Episode of Bardock did the same thing even though its non-canon (Like GT).
Knowing how sucky these power levels are, I really wanted to see how powerful that bear was. He would have been in hundred thousands! xD
We really have no clue if Goku got weaker or stronger.
*Dragonball AF*
Fake and gay. You'll never see me use AF characters in my videos. Way to take an April Garbage Fools joke and transform it into the next level.
Im really glad you commented. I know you have probably seen more lists than I have but you have to admit this list is just awful right?
Qaamans Land Yeah this power level list you guys did a video on one is pretty bad xD. I seen a lot more power levels because people throw them at me all the time in my power level videos.
I dont cry lol. I just shake my head at some of them. Like Videl and Spopovitch being in the millions and shit.
i suscribed to you vegetito 1089
your power levels are very acurate dude
Also quick correction on Qaamans post. The "It's over 9,000!!!" is actually a mistranslation, it's actually supposed to be 8,000 in the original Japanese version.
people often misunderstand piccolo was shocked more at the type of power he was sensing from supreme kai bcuz piccolo knew he was sensing someone important and that it was a special type of power he was sensing not just the level of power he was sensing
I honestly watch this full video like once a year. It's that funny.
😂 I know, these 2 guys had no clue what they were talking about in the Buu arc. I wonder if they've learned since then.
0:01 Hey its my Ringtone. Thought someone was calling me
Saiyan Saga 3:44
Vegeta Saga 7:01
Namek Saga 9:36
Captain Ginyu Saga 12:19
Frieza Saga 16:41
Garlic Jr Saga 21:36
Trunks Saga 23:58
Android Saga 27:52
Imperfect Cell Saga 31:42
Perfect Cell Saga 34:57
Broly Movie 38:00
The Cell Games Saga 41:15
Bojack Unbound Movie 46:44
Future Trunks Time Period 49:35
Otherworld Tournament Saga 50:19
Great Saiyaman Saga 52:54
Broly: second coming 1:01:34
Babidi Saga 1:02:47
Majin Buu Saga 1:08:41
Fusion Saga 1:09:34
Kid Buu Saga 1:17:23
Fusion Reborn 1:20:23
Wrath of the Dragon 1:24:04
10 Years After Kid Buu 1:25:33
Dragon Ball SuckDick (DBGT) 1:28:20
Baby Saga (also sucks dick) 1:32:32
Super 17 Saga (sucks 17 dicks) 1:40:00
Shadow Dragon Saga (Sucking Dragon Dick) 1:45:52
100 Years After GT (Sucked every dick) 1:53:25
Thank you
ok have you watched I agree with super 17, before the baby saga,and shadow dragon saga but the baby saga is good, and after gt is at least decent
Diamond Frieza i
In Super 17 Saga, you can notice Cell's powerlevel(5,200,000,000) is half a dozen times stronger than Goku's(800,000,000) in his base form. During that time, Goku had no problem taking him down along with Frieza.
I love the inconsistency of db power levels
Beast Daniell DBZ abridged Vegeta "POWER LEVELS ARE BULLSHIT!"
Elite x62 LUL You speak the truth :)
+Unknown crazy cakes Thanks I love yours too. Nice character
+Unknown crazy cakes np friend
***** me too :) even though I never held one. And sure
In the Ginyu Saga, prior to gokus kaio-ken boost to 180,000, Ginyu estimates that Gokus max power level is 60,000. That frightens Jeice. If that frightens Jeice, and Goku smoked Jeice and Burter prior, shouldn't that mean that Jeice's power level is less than 60,000? Unless the only reason Jeice is shocked, is because he has never seen a Saiyan that strong. But, then Ginyu mentions of this 60k power level, Jeice is seen with sweat drops on his face. What do you think?
Also, It was stated in the show that Ginyus max power level was 120,000.
Because Recoome, Burter and Jeice are all around 40k-60k, to me it seems that they're between 42k-48k.
+teleportaat Exactly. Thats what i'm saying. I have extremely high doubts that any of the Ginyus excluding captain is greater than 60k.
its actually 90k just saying ik what you mean tho
@@professorintheworks382 No it isn't.
@@fuckthisstupidasshandleshit yeahhh 4 years ago I didn't realise but his power level was ESTIMATED to be 60k by ginyu but it was actually 90k at full power
I nearly put my palm through my face when I saw that he figured out Piccolo's pre-fusion power by SUBTRACTING Nail's power from it... just incredible, that was the moment where I knew shit was about to get messy...
Pretty sure it would be 50 years later with the GT ending... I mean, having little grandchildren of around 9-10 years old would make more sense for Pan to be around 62 years old.
I remembered watching this during my summer break from middle school and it was a blast
How do you think I feel?
@@QaamansLand I think you feel old in my opinion.
Did anyone else see that Spopovitch (or however his name is spelled) and Yamu were weaker than Videl, despite Vegeta saying that Spopovitch was holding back against Videl, and still beat her easily?
videl did break his neck in one hit soo....
Actually it's entirely plausible that SSJ Gohan is stronger than Perfect Cell. Gohan had a difficult time against Cell because of his docile nature and his low combat skill.
All that training for what? SSJ Gohan was no match for even a perfect cell who wasn't fully powered up. Simple as that.
+kidn00b1 Not really.
Cell was beating on Gohan because Gohan didn't want to fight. Not because Gohan was weaker.
Oliver Queen Not being confident is not the same as not wanting to. Gohan wanted to beat Cell, but he was inferior in his SSJ1 form.
kidn00b1 If you rewatch the fight, Gohan barely fights back. Gohan was stronger than Goku as a SSJ1.
Oliver Queen He fought back heavily in the beginning, even taking the offensive at some points, and yes, he's more powerful thank Goku, but by a rather small amount... Cell didn't have to power up to match him... So...
Then There's dragon ball z abridged Mr. Popo 9000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000.3
well i would add more but im not worthy to post his power level and youtube would break.
Trevan Williams Then I shall be brave enough. Popo's real powerlevel: ∞
Trevan Williams Dumbass gods don't have power levels XD
That's 1% of popos true power his full power is this 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999099999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999099999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999909099999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999990099
Damn my scouter broke before I could Completely read the power
Dende was secretly training in the hyperbolic time chamber the whole time.
Qaaman, I think the point that the creator was trying to bring to our minds is that Saiyan females get extremely powerful after each menstrual cycle. How else would Pan and Bra get that strong from nothing?
GF Saga
Gohan 1,500
Gohan after Guru bust: 17,900
Gohan after Senzu Heal 23,000
Krillin 1,200
Krillin after Guru's charge 11,000
Kui 18,000
Dodoria 20,000
Zarbon 22,000
- Transformed 30,000
Vegeta 24,000
Vegeta after Zarbon Fight 35,000
Guldo 1,000
Recoome 46,000
Burter 44,000
Jeice 44,000
Captain Ginyu 120,000
Ginyu In Goku's Body 23,000
Vegeta zenkai bust after Fight with Recoome: 40,200 and unlocked his potential: 520,000
Nail 42,000
Dende 10
Piccolo 12,000 - 16,000 after "training" with King Kai
Piccolo after marge with Nail 1 200,000
Goku zenkai bust plus gravity training 60,000
Gaku kaio-Ken x 3: 180,000
Freiza Saga
Freiza 530,000
Freiza form 2 1,260,000
Freiza form 3 2,500,000
Freiza final Form 4,000,000
Freiza 50% of max 6,000,000
Freiza 70% of max 8,400,000
Freiza 100% of max 12,000,000
Gohan zenkai bust after fight with Recoom: 29,900
Gohan (angry - multiple bust): 790,000
Gohan healed by Dende + zenkai bust": 38,870
Krillin: 11,000
Vegeta zenkai bust: 780,000 + power up (x 3) 3,120,000
Goku after Ginyu fight 81,000 unlock potential: 300,000
Goku kaio-Ken x10 3,000,000
Goku kaio-Ken x20 6,000,000
Goku Super Saiyan 15,000,000
After Freiza Saga:
Krillin: 11.000 (no zenkai bust)
Gohan zenkai bust: 46,700
Vegeta risen and zenkai bust 6,240,000
Goku zenkai bust 420,000 (it could be increase by kaio-Ken x20)
I would like to explain why Goku has such a low power level.
The secret is to use the Kaio-ken technique, which significantly
increase the level of its energy KI.
A simple example, when Ginyu took his body had a force of 23,000 units of KI
Trunks Saga
Vegeta 6,240,000
Piccolo 1,200,000
Gohan 46,700
Krillin 11.000
Tien 21,000
Yamcha 10,000
Chaozu 4,000
Freeza's Henchmen 5,000
Freeza bot 5,500,000 (he is no longer capable of further transformation in this body)
King Cold 8,000,000
Trunks: Surpressed 5
Super Saiyan Trunks 18,000,000
Super Saiyan Goku: 20,000,000
Android Saga
Goku training with Gohan and Piccolo (multiple zenkai bust): 5,200,000
Super Saiyan Goku 25,000,000
Goku during the battle with Android 19: 25,000,000 and constantly falling down.
Super Saiyan Vegeta 28,000,000
Super Saiyan Trunks 20,000,000
Piccolo after intensive training with Goku and Gohan 18,000,000
Piccolo merge with Kami: 40,000,000
Gohan (multiple zenkai bust) 700,000 and unlock potential: 2,500,000
Krillin 68,000
Tien 85,000
Yamcha 55,000
Android 16 48,000,000
Android 17 35,000,000
Android 18 35,000,000
Android 19 5,000,000 (base power lvl)
Android 20 8,000,000 (base power lvl)
Cell 35,000,000
Cell after absorbing humans 45,000,000
Room of Time and Spirit
Goku MSSJ: 115,000,000
Gohan MSSJ: 120,000,000
Vegeta ASSJ:90,000,000 plus zenkai bust after second visit in RT&S 105,000,000
Trunks ASSJ 85,000,000 angry and reach Ultra Super Sayjan lvl 130,000,000
Cell after absorbing Android 17 65,000,000
Cell after absorbing Android 18 (suppressed power) 125,000,000
Cell Saga
ASSJ Trunks 100,000,000
ASJJ Vegeta 105,000,000
MSSJ Gohan 130,000,000
SSJ2 Gohan 325,000,000
SSJ2 Gohan seriously injured: 290,000,000
MSSJ Goku 120,000,000
Piccolo 60,000,000
Cell Jr. 115,000,000
Perfect Cell full power 165,000,000
Super Perfect Cell 315,000,000
Gohan huge KaMeHaMeHa wave: 365,000,000
After Cell Saga:
Gohan zenai bust 17,500,000
Gohan MSSJ: 182,000,000
Gohan SSJ2 345,000,000
Vegeta after Cell games (zenkai bust) 8,700,000
Vegeta ASSJ: 147,000,000
Trunks zenkai bust 7,500,000
Trunks ASSJ: 135,000,000
Majin Buu Saga
Piccolo: 80,000,000
Vegeta (base form): 15,000,000
Vegeta SSJ: 150,000,000
Vegeta SSJ2 reach during the training in high gravity: 340,000,000
Majin Vegeta possessed by Babidi: 365,000,000
Gohan (base form): 13,000,000
Gohan MSSJ: 130,600,000
Gohan SSJ2: 276,000,000
Gohan training with Sword of Gods: 360,000,000
Mystic Gohan (after trianing with old Kai): 600,000,000
Goku (base form): 21,000,000
Goku MSSJ: 210,000,000
Goku SSJ2: 360,000,000
Goku SSJ3: 450,000,000
Trunk: 4,500,000
Super Saiyan Trunk: 40,500,000
Songoten: 4,000,000
Super Saiyan Songoten: 40,000,000
C18: 35,000,000
Supreme Kai: 200,000,000
Kibito: 65,000,000
Buu Buu (suppressed power): 380,000,000
Buu huge blast: 420,000,000
Evil Buu (after the formation of clouds of anger): 390,000,000
Gotenks: 160,000,000
Gotenks SSJ: 285,000,000
Gotenks SSJ3: 410,000,000
Buu (after absorption fat Buu): 470,000,000
Buu (after absorption Piccolo and Gotenks): 960,000,000
Buu (after Gotenks fusion run out): 554,000,000
Buu (after absorption Mystic Gohan): 1,160,000,000
Vegitto: 2,175,000,000
Vegitto SSJ 22,175,000,000
Buu ( after the release of all absorbed Z warriors): 500,000,000
Songo (Spirit Bomb): 850,000,000
After Buu saga (all of them received a huge zenkai bust)
Gohan- I have a huge problem with this, because in may opinion after the resurrection
his power should be double...?
(This happend to Vegeta ona Namek) And what about Goku and Vegeta should they receive this ?.
Goku (base form): 32,000,000
Vegeta (base form): 23,000,000
Trunks (base form): 6,200,000
Goten (base form) : 5,400,000
Piccolo, Krillin, Tien or Yamcha they don't have a huge impact for the story so I didn't mention them
As for the GT series is not canon so I did not want to waste the time.
However, I must mention that I do not understand why Goku is able to reach SSJ.
Pilaf clearly wished to Goku back to the days of his youth, so his power should
drastically decrease. Above is what the creator of the series did with Vegeta is shameful.
In the Baby Saga Vegeta was much stronger than Goku and still lost,
Hmm ... android 17 did to him what he wanted and I think even after the merger should not have
any chance against Vegeta.
honestly love the long vids i could listen to you talk about db all day
For Broly, you see that the creator of the list says Broly, Super Saiyan. We saw that Broly had both Super Saiyan and Legendary Super Saiyan in the movie. The power level they put out is also 50x his base, so it's not as wrong as it looks.
Amazing to watch this again after so long. The first glance at the list is already horrible.
yay 2 hrs of qaamans land, my day has just got alot better :D
glad that you had a great day
Qaamans Land Yeah :D, i make videos too about various topics :D
I think they based the power levels for both Porunga and Shenron just based on their powers and not necessarily any fighting ability. If you look back you'll see in the Dragon Ball section they listed Shenron as having a power level of 1,500,000. If that were directly correlated with any use in combat, Piccolo could've never killed him.
Funny thing about the whole bullet thing, reminds me of the Battle of Gods movie where Gohan deflects all the bullets that Mai fires at him. Why didn't he just grab them like when he was "The Golden Fighter" in the Great Saiyaman Saga? Maybe because he was tipsy? Also if Goku was immune to bullets with a power level of 10, why was Beerus bothered at all when he got hit by a stray bullet? He compared it to getting bitten by a bug? Should he have felt nothing at all? I dunno, maybe Gohan deflecting it made it more powerful? Nah because then Videl's leg would have been torn off when she got hit.
For the Perfect Cell Saga, Trunks' power should've only been higher than Vegeta's while he was in Ultra Super Saiyan.
Nappa being 4,000 makes 0 sense. He fought evenly with Goku for a short period of time. He would have to be no less than 7,000.
When Nappa powered up after being told to calm down by Vegeta is power level was 5000 but he he couldn't beat a 8000 power level of Goku I think it makes sense
Kevon .Lee Dadoria got owned by Vegeta with only a 20% difference in power. If there was a near 100% difference in power between Nappa and Goku, Nappa would NOT have been able to fight evenly with goku for a short period of time. Which he clearly does. Nappa should be no less than 7,000 and even thats pushing it. I'd argue at max power he was about 7,400-7,600.
DJYC21215 I agree with you. But Nappa couldn't land a punch on Goku, Goku was countering and dodging his punches. Knowing Goku he was using his max base power still holding back to test his and Nappa's limits (Just a guess, don't take it serious) and Goku probably didn't have an intention to kill Nappa but to persuade him to get off his planet because he could've killed Nappa when he crippled him. Nappa's weaker, then Goku by at least 3,000 I could give you a link to the Daizenshuu stating the power levels :)
We are both wrong it's lower but closer to Piccolo's
Kevon .Lee The Diazenshuu is incorrect on MANY battle powers. For example Piccolo only being 500 lower than Nappa makes ZERO sense considering he got KO'd in one punch. Why was goku at the start of dragon ball only 10? There is no way in hell he was only twice as strong as a regular human. Zarbon Dadoria Kiwi all got OWNED by vegeta with only a 20% difference in power. It is stated in the Manga by Goku himself that him and Nappa were even before the Kaio-Ken and that it could quote "go on forever". You cannot be evenly matched with someone with a near 100% difference in power, when other characters got owned with only a 20% difference. If Nappa was any lower than 7,000 the kamehameha would have went through and killed him, not deflected.
So I'm a decade late but I think King Moai is the Arrillien guy, although he's filler and killed in 5 seconds so I dunno why he's on the list.
1 dislike is the guy who made this shitty list lol
I watched this 7 years ago. Coming back this is probably the best video on RUclips😂
King Moai - the insect ruler guy that Vegeta and Nappa kill in route to Earth.
This list sucks, but there's something funny about mocking a power level list that doesn't make sense when the series is full of power levels that don't make sense
1:43:55 So Videl and Chi Chi can destroy Nappa now ?
Kyo Kunimia/KYOKUN94 LoL
"Don't make come over there. I will rip your world a-fucking-sunder." -Chichi, DBZ Abridged
People need to stop with this power level rating shit. There's a reason they stopped being used after the Frieza Saga. After SS Goku's 150,000,000 and Full Power Frieza's 120,000,000, no more accurate/reliable measurements were made. I think the last measurement made was from Trunks, who was measured at an incorrect 2 while suppressed. After the Cell Saga with 7 years of training, Goku, Vegeta, and Gohan's power became immeasurably high, once you hit the billions, there's no point in even keeping track. And now with the introduction of God power(which can't be measured or sensed), there won't be anymore power levels. So just stop with the bullshit.
***** That may be true, but power levels after the Frieza saga just get too ridiculous, especially with the Androids not having power levels. There were too many plot holes with power levels even during the Frieza saga, and usually when people create these lists, they don't efficiently work out all of the plot holes.
Majin Koji this is basically just a way to record who should be stronger over the course of the series. Power Levels were there as something we could use to measure the characters as, it's all in good fun.
In the Japanese version. Freeze quoted his first form power level to Neil and second form to Vegeta and the rest.
Vegeta ambushed Zarbon and weakens him a lot before finishing him off. Vegeta admitted (as per manga) that if he didnt ambush Zarbon, he would have a hard time defeating him (13:30)
Off topic:
Not sure you will read this but, what do you think will happen if they never destroyed Cell in the present timeline and he kept collecting data/DNA for the next 10-20 years. Would the new Cell be near unstoppable by obtaining East Kioshin, Buu, Babidi, Dabura, and Bills DNA? Or would the computer had already stop collection data before Buu arrived?
On topic: This video is really long. I might watch half now and half later.
i think that's a great topic . I'll write it down.
This video ain't going anywhere unless youtube takes it down.
Qaamans Land can u plz tell me why people think super buu is stronger than kid buu?!?
Son Gohan Because he is.
3picDavid no
i need prove or given detail
Son Gohan I have a feeling this will be long but whatever.
When SSJ2 Goku and SSJ2 Vegeta were fighting against Super Buu Gohan absorbed, Goku kept telling Vegeta they needed to to do the fusion technique in order to win. Even when they did, Super Buu Gohan absorbed was a little stronger than base Vegito because he had to turn super saiyan in order to become stronger. And then Vegito started kicking around Super Buu easily.
Here is the biggest reason why Super Buu is stronger than Kid Buu. When Old Kai suggested that Goku and Vegeta do the fusion technique again to defeat Kid Buu, Goku and Vegeta crushed them telling the kais that they won't be needed.
Even regular Super Buu is stronger than Kid Buu. Here's why.
When Goku and Vegeta were trapped inside Buu's body after Vegito was absorbed, When they torn out the pods and Super Buu turned back to to the way he was before, Goku said that it still wasn't enough to defeat him. Regular Super Buu was knocking around both of them with no trouble whereas in SSJ3 Goku was landing hits on Kid Buu.
i 100% am truly sincerely sorry, Qaaman, for not pressing the 'like'-button to this video, - what i normally *do* do - but i can explain:
you see, i [literally] died at 39:33
in the manga it's 8000 not 9000
What 8,000! There's no way that can be right!
+Simos Katsiaris And even in the japanese dub
+Saiyajin DX in the Japanese remake cashed Kai not Z they changed it to 9000
No they never changed it, the 9000 is just english version bullshit, even in French,Spanish,Korean... it was 8000 in the z and kai version
+Saiyajin DX watch dragon ball Kai
The fact that this video is over 10 years old is crazy I was 18 years old when I found your channel. Here we are in 2024 I’m now 28 years old and this is one of my favorite videos ever cause seeing how bad this list is 10 years later is still very comical. 🤣
Rittain was likely the frieza soldier we saw vegeta kill while searching in space for goku during the garlic jr saga
"The average male saiyan has a battle power of 10,000."
What the hell are y'all smoking? Please stop these videos Qaaman, you have a terrible memory and are constantly misquoting, misconstruing, and misunderstanding the manga. Bardock, King Vegeta, and Chibi-Vegeta are the only Saiyans that ever hit 10,000 during King Vegeta's lifespan . . . . Bardock, King Vegeta, and Chibi-Vegeta are incredibly rare and gifted fighters even for Saiyans for reaching that level. The average Saiyan is around 1,000.
Joshua Zapata Qaaman has gotten lazy with his research and such, he used to be really good. But he even thinks SSJ4>SSGSS now
Joshua Zapata I'd put it a little higher than 1,000 but ya I agree since Raditz was considered average and Napa was above average.Than the average sayain is somewhere between 1,000-2,000
Why wouldn't SSGSS be stronger?
spikeyguy777 Do you understand his logic about it though GT takes place like 4 years after the end of DBZ that 10 years longer than Dragon Ball Super or BoG OR FnF. He mentions if it take place in a cronilogical order counting GT it would be ridiculous to assume that Goku would even need SSGSS cause his training would have taken him an a whole different Universe that means if he did have SSGSS it would be weaker then SSJ4 or else Baby would never have been a threat
Alcadias0 GTs too full of holes to take in logic sorry
Nappa can raise his level to 8000 so that's why Piccolo was behind.
4000 is Nappa at base. Some sources said Nappa was actually 5000. So that seems legit. 3500 vs 5000.
False. Vegeta and Nappa didn't know how to suppress their powers.
Pickle9775 They couldn't hide their power levels but they could raise it
Some sources even say Nappa in base was 4000. Nappa pwered up against Z fighters was 5000 and Nappa vs Goku was 8000!
OverthereLook Thats impossible.Goku was absolutely crushing Nappa ,Nappa couldn't land a single hit on Goku which was said by Vegeta. If Goku and Nappas Power Levels Were the same then Nappa and goku would have had a fair fight but considering their fight Nappa should be around 5,000 or 4,000
OverthereLook Nope.Shes just um......Really Happy!, yea let's go with that , really happy
Ginyu says his maximum is 120000 in the anime.
Every character is exactly as strong as they need to be in any given situation
In DBZ sagas there's a glitch where massive attacks from enemies won't won't scratch you. I didn't even blink an eye
Guys remember, the dragons don't fight other peoples battles. I don't remember which movie or episode it is, but like Bulma, or whoever was like "HEY DRAGON CANT YOU DO ANYTHING ABOUT THIS GUY???" and the Dragon says "No my power is tied to Kami if I lose, Kami shall die I cannot fight."
16:27 pretty sure it straight up says ginyu's a 120,000
It does
The farmer's power level ISN'T 5, the scouter only said 5 because he was holding a shotgun.
a shotgun doesnt have a power level
+Alex Williams Are you trolling?
yes it is, an average human power level is 5 or 7 and a shotgun can't have a power level because it is a non-living thing
You idiots, he's joking
+Alex Williams So shotguns give off Ki? There's life energy in a shotgun?
2 hours = a couple minutes
I bet the reason they put Chi-Chi so strong is when she got super pissed at Marron in the Garlik jr. saga, and it looked like she went Kaioken. LOL this was a great vid guys, watched til the end.
10 years on and i’m still watching it every 6 months or so. shit is way too funny.
Here is my PL list. What do you think?
Raditz Saga:
Farmer: 5
Piccolo: 322
-(W/O Weights): 400
-(1st Special Beam Cannon): 1,330
-(2nd Special Beam Cannon): 1,440
Goku: 330
-(W/O Weights): 416
-(Kamehameha): 950
Gohan: 710
-(Angry): 1,370
Raditz: 1,200
Krillin: 206
Master Roshi: 139
Turtle: 0.0001
Vegeta Saga:
Piccolo: 1,400
-(Maxed Out): 3,000
Krillin: 1,100
-(Energy Blast): 2,200
Gohan: 900
-(Masenko): 2,800
-(Great Ape): 9,000
Siabamen: 1,200
Tien: 1,300
-(Tri Beam): 3,500
Yamcha: 1,250
Chiatzu: 700
Nappa: 4,000
-(Full Power): 7,000
Goku: 5,000
-(Full Power): 8,000
-(Kaioken): 12,000
-(Kaioken x2): 16,000
-(Kaioken x3): 24,000
-(Kaioken x4): 32,000
Vegeta: 18,000
-(Galick Gun): 24,000
-(Great Ape): 180,000
Yajirobi: 800
Namek Saga:
Gohan: 1,500
-(Power Unlocked): 20,000
Krillin: 1,500
-(Power Unlocked): 16,000
Vegeta: 24,000
-(Zenkai from Zarbon): 36,000
Namekain Warriors: 1,000
-(Full Power): 3,000
Nail: 42,000
Frieza's Henchmen: 1,200
Cui: 18,000
Dadoria: 22,000
Zarbon: 23,000
-(Transformed): 33,000
Frieza: 530,000
Ginyu Force Saga:
Gohan: 20,000
-(Zenkai from Recoome): 50,000
Krillin: 16,000
Vegeta: 36,000
-(Zenkai from Recoome): 300,000
Goku: 90,000
-(Kiaoken x2): 180,000
-(Inside Ginyu's Body): 20,000
Guldo: 10,000
Recoome: 45,000
Burter: 45,000
Jeice: 45,000
Captain Ginyu: 120,000
-(Inside Goku's Body): 23,000 (Gradually Increases)
Frieza Saga:
Krillin: 16,000
Gohan: 50,000
-(After Krillin's Stabbed): 500,000
-(Zenkai from Frieza): 150,000
-(Masenko): 1,500,000
Nail: 42,000
Piccolo: 30,000
-(Fused with Nail): 1,200,000
Vegeta: 300,000
-(Zenkai from Krillin): 2,000,000
Goku: 3,000,000
-(Kaioken x10): 30,000,000
-(Kaioken x20): 60,000,000
-(Super Saiyan): 150,000,000
Frieza: 530,000
-(2nd Form): 1,000,000
-(3rd Form): 1,800,000
-(Final Form 1%): 1,200,000
-(Final Form 10%): 12,000,000
-(Final Form 25%): 30,000,000
-(Final Form 50%): 60,000,000
-(Final Form 100%): 120,000,000
Trunks Saga:
Krillin: 50,000
Yamcha: 35,000
Tien: 45,000
Chiatzu: 15,000
Piccolo: 2,000,000
Gohan: 250,000
Vegeta: 3,500,000
Trunks: 3,400,000
-(Super Saiyan): 170,000,000
Goku: 4,000,000
-(Super Saiyan): 200,000,000
King Cold: 140,000,000
Mecca Frieza: 160,000,000
Android Saga:
Krillin: 2,000,000
Yamcha: 1,500,000
Tien: 2,500,000
Gohan: 4,000,000
Piccolo: 250,000,000
Trunks: 6,000,000
-(Super Saiyan): 300,000,000
Goku: 7,000,000
-(Super Saiyan): 350,000,000
Vegeta: 7,400,000
-(Super Saiyan): 380,000,000
Android 19: 220,000,000
Dr. Gero: 200,000,000
Android 18: 400,000,000
Android 17: 450,000,000
Android 16: 500,000,000
Imperfect Cell Saga:
Gohan: 4,000,000
Trunks: 6,000,000
-(Super Saiyan): 300,000,000
Goku: 7,000,000
-(Super Saiyan): 350,000,000
Vegeta: 7,400,000
-(Super Saiyan): 380,000,000
Piccolo: 250,000,000
-(Fused with Kami): 450,000,000
Android 18: 400,000,000
Android 17: 450,000,000
Android 16: 500,000,000
Imperfect Cell: 380,000,000
-(Humans Absorbed): 500,000,000
Semi-Perfect Cell Saga:
Gohan: 4,000,000
Tien: 2,500,000
-(Tri Beam): 250,000,000
Piccolo: 450,000,000
Goku: 7,000,000
-(Super Saiyan): 350,000,000
Vegeta: 7,400,000
-(After Time Chamber): 10,000,000
-(Super Saiyan): 500,000,000
-(Ultra Super Saiyan): 1,000,000,000
Trunks: 6,000,000
-(After Time Chamber) 11,000,000
-(Super Saiyan): 550,000,000
-(Ultra Super Saiyan): 1,100,000,000
Imperfect Cell: 500,000,000
-(17 Absorbed): 950,000,000
-(18 Absorbed): 1,350,000,000
Cell Games Saga:
Piccolo: 450,000,000
-(After Time Chamber): 1,000,000,000
Trunks: 11,000,000
-(2nd Time Chamber): 22,000,000
-(Super Saiyan): 1,100,000,000
Vegeta: 10,000,000
-(2nd Time Chamber): 24,000,000
-(Super Saiyan): 1,200,000,000
Goku: 7,000,000
-(After Time Chamber): 25,000,000
-(Super Saiyan): 1,250,000,000
-(Full Power Super Saiyan): 1,300,000,000
Gohan: 4,000,000
-(After Time Chamber): 24,500,000
-(Super Saiyan): 1,225,000,000
-(Full Power Super Saiyan): 1,275,000,000
-(Super Saiyan 2): 2,450,000,000
Cell Jrs: 1,250,000,000
Perfect Cell: 1,350,000,000
-(Bulked Up): 1,700,000,000
-(Super Perfect Cell): 2,400,000,000
World Tournament Saga:
Krillin: 3,000,000
Goten: 7,000,000
-(Super Saiyan): 350,000,000
Trunks: 7,500,000
-(Super Saiyan): 375,000,000
Android 18: 400,000,000
Piccolo: 1,300,000,000
Kabito: 600,000,000
Supreme Kai: 800,000,000
Gohan: 18,000,000
-(Super Saiyan): 900,000,000
-(Super Saiyan 2): 1,800,000,000
Vegeta: 28,000,000
Goku: 30,000,000
Spoppavich: 10,000
Yamu: 10,000
Buu Saga:
Krillin: 3,000,000
Kabito: 600,000,000
Piccolo: 1,300,000,000
Supreme Kai: 800,000,000
Kabito Kai: 1,400,000,000
Goten: 7,000,000
-(Super Saiyan): 350,000,000
Trunks: 7,500,000
-(Super Saiyan): 375,000,000
Gotenks: 14,500,000
-(Super Saiyan): 725,000,000
-(After Time Chamber): 33,750,000
-(Super Saiyan): 1,687,500,000
-(Super Saiyan 3): 13,500,000,000
Gohan: 18,000,000
-(Super Saiyan): 900,000,000
-(Super Saiyan 2): 1,800,000,000
-(Ultimate Gohan): 20,000,000,000
Vegeta: 28,000,000
-(Super Saiyan): 1,400,000,000
-(Super Saiyan 2): 2,800,000,000
-(Majin Vegeta): 3,000,000,000
Goku: 30,000,000
-(Super Saiyan): 1,500,000,000
-(Super Saiyan 2): 3,000,000,000
-(Super Saiyan 3): 12,000,000,000
Vegito: 2,400,000,000
-(Super Saiyan): 120,000,000,000
Pui Pui: 20,000,000
Yakon: 300,000,000
Dabura: 1,300,000,000
Majin Buu: 6,250,000,000
Evil Buu: 7,250,000,000
Super Buu: 13,500,000,000
-(Buucolo): 14,800,000,000
-(Buutenks): 28,300,000,000
-(Buuhan): 34,800,000,000
Kid Buu: 11,500,000,000
Acidic Sniping Lol.
Lol. It is inconsistent how strong Popo is. I think he was by far the strongest character in Dragon Ball and at the beginning of Z, I honestly believe he could've beaten Raditz.
frieza 1% should not be equal to piccilo nail fused. piccilo was afraid of frieza at the most 1% but the rest is good.
the amazing J So then you're saying that Piccolo should be weaker then I have him? Cause there's no way that Frieza can be weaker since that's a confirmed PL for him. So Piccolo should be around 1,050,000. Hr had to be stronger than Frieza second form but weaker than Final Form 1%. It was only in the dub that Frieza said he was using 1% of his power. In the manga and Japanese version, he said he was using 2%.
+Ryan Means I think frezia should be stronger the rest of the list is good
Goku was 8000 at that time, since i belive that the japanease anime said that it was 8000, but the 9000 was a translation error.
JoeBarbarino yup qaaman fucked up xD geekdom would be sick hearing that
Mooney Tenkaichi ikr he's getting banned off of youtube1!"#!"#!#"!"!!!!=!)!)!
JoeBarbarino he was being sarcastic
Idk .Don't ask me And so was i
You were? looks more like you were correcting him. My bad.
one wasn't clearly stronger than the other?
evil buu beat up fat, evil buu>fat buu
evil buu+fat buu=super buu
super buu+piccolo+gotenks+gohan= strongest form buu or buuhan
vegito goes inside of buu to take away all the people absorbed, therefore buuhan-goten-trunks-gohan-piccolo-fat buu= kid buu
now with that equation you're left with evil buu's power
and evil buu is less than super buu making super more powerful than kid
Super Boo >>>>> Kid Boo (no questions here)
Kid Boo > Fat Majin Boo > Pure Evil Boo(took away 70% of Fatty's power) > Good Boo(took away the remaining chump change)
the manga states that goku and vegeta combined had no chance at defeating super buu but goku holds his own 1 vs 1 against kid buu.
whats more, ssj3 gotenks = super buu and goku = kid buu. we know gotenks > goku because
1. goku said so. "someone stronger than me will fight buu"
2. base gotenks is around majin vegeta level and goku said his own ssj2 cant even hope to stall fat buu for time so he goes ssj3. base gotenks >= ssj2 goku. add on the multiplier for each form and ssj3 gotenks >>>>>>>>>>>ssj3 goku. so super buu >>>>>>>>>>>kid buu.
kid buu is the 2nd strongest form of buu, the strongest is super buu ( all versions of super buu)
غسان الصالح That actually makes Kid Boo the 6th strongest out of 9 forms.
In short, one of the weakest
Forgotten One Regular Super Boo >>>>> Kid Boo
I never understood people's obsessions with power levels. The entire point of introducing them was to prove they meant nothing. Particularly in terms of the Z-fighters. You can go 'oh, we saw Yamcha/Tien/Krillin/Roshi's power levels when Bulma had the scouter!' but Krillin and Roshi weren't in a fight at that time, and chances are neither was Yamcha and even Tien. The entire point of the Saiyan and Namek saga with the scouters was that the numbers that popped up never applied to the heroes...
In the words of TFS Vegeta: "POWER LEVELS ARE BULLSHIT!!"
In the words of everyone ever: "POWER LEVELS ARE BULLSHIT!!"
I went through the whole video. Simply amazing.
Chichi at 13000 is reasonable if you take in acct something about her scares the z fighters
She is listed in other lists at 130 but yeah even Goku is scared of
I think Hercule is around 25 at best.
Thats legit. I would put him around 30 + -5
And Videl should be around 75-100 considering the fact that she can fly and use KI blests.
dricsi07 Nop. Hercule is like 142 and Videl 148. Videl has bit lower fighting skills but he has ki blasts which are bit useless. Ki blasts don't take that much place in power lvl.
142! O.O That's one buffed up Hercule!
dricsi07 but duude ._. Master Roshi at the start of DBZ power lvl was bit lower. Master Roshi didn't know how to fly either ki blasts. Hercule is like bit stronger than Roshi at the begining and cell games sagas
BULLSHIT! hercule is way weaker than master roshi. Hercules punches are incredibly slow so he cannot be over the power level of 30
The entire list is fucked up after listing zarbon transformed at 55,000....
He should be around 30,000.... Vegeta was stated by jeice as being "upwards of 30,000" when powering up to fight Recoome... And Vegeta easily killed Zarbon transformed. Oh and Ginyus full power is stated as being 120,000
lets play a drinking game. everytime you say zenkai boost you take a drink. you will all end up in hospital.
Uhhh? Really? You call this the worst list and you support VEGITO1089? Really? Dislike.
I guess he's never seen his Buu Saga and GT Power Levels list lol.
mrprotoman145 All of his lists suck, as well as his Vs. videos, but whatever..
Yeah, they become pretty astronomical and crazy as things go on. I don't agree with them.
why are you disliking the video for that? Do you hate the entire video? If no then you have no reason to dislike.
One thing how is spopovitch weaker than videl😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Power levels don't factor in hax and if it wasn't for the majin mark videl would've broke his neck
*Cough* *cough* you see before the funimation dub the ocean clowd dub got it wrong in the original japanese dbz vegeta said and i quote "ITS OVER 8,000!!!!" but oceanclowd got it wrong and made it 9,000 in the dub and funimation decided to keep it as 9,000
nope if you knew your dbz fact you would know this
Arcabelano the other guy is right
Funimation wrote the script for the "ocean dub", the "ocean dub" was a funimation production, they just hired ocean to do the voices and were funded by saban. When funimation lost Sabans funding they couldnt afford the ocean voice cast anymore so they had to do the voices and background music themselves. Dbz in America has always been a funimation production.
If I am not mistaken when Trunks transformed into Grade 2, Cell said that Trunks has surpased him in power, but lacked speed.
Grade 3*
History of trunks more power levels :
Futrue vegeta : 4,000,000
Futrue vegeta (SSJ) : 200,000,000
Futrue goku : 0
Futrue goku super saiyan : 1
someone puts hours and hours into this list and you guys are bashing it u.u
poor guy who made it.
no in the japanese dub he sayes over 8000
Android 18 was always stronger than 17. Just saiyan.
illO .nenirakkoK hahahaha! yes
Thomas Fell No?
dibla22 it was just to rustle some jimmies
Thomas Fell Well you sure did rustle my jimmies.
Don't forget that the Andriods never get tired as their supposed to have "infinite" energy
Hey guys, it says Pilaf WITH MACHINE, so it's saying Hercule couldn't beat the missile launching mech he was in, not that old man Pilaf could punch out Hercule!
Did you notice that spopovich is weaker than videl yet cannonically spopovich down right tortured videl
Context clues tell me that king moai is supposed to be king yema, since goz and mez are immediately after, and this list seems to be ordered based on appearance or relevance.
God i love the music u use in the background of this video! might be cause its dbz (and i'm THE biggest dbz fan ever but the choices you made via music had me watching this video multiple times or it couldve been the fact that this video is 100% accurate via cannon/timeline wise! gratz! great video!
Well according to my calculations... *Pushes up his glasses*. Sorry just wanted to fit in with yall, haha..
Another interesting thing to note, is that the Zarbon Power level IS an official one. At least it has an official source.
His Monster Form's power level is 55,000 in Dragon Ball Z II: Gekishin Freeza
Y'know, Hercule is pretty damn strong for a human. And by human, I mean a normal human who uses normal martial arts without ki blasts and such. Of course, due to all of these super powered villains and heroes that show up, he's easily outclassed. Reading his bio, yeah he's a goofball, but he means well. And he even helped fight Buu...sort of.
Funny thing is, Trunks has gone back to his Pre-Cell Games power level in Bojack Unbound.
I know I'm late, but King Moai was the king of the bug planet Vegeta and Nappa killed before they came to earth when Vegeta had the Saiyan armor with the orange shoulder guards.
I wish there was power level guide from Akira Toriyama.
I'd like to actually see Mr Satan's true power level, I guessing it around 9 or 10. Which is still better then the average human but offal compared to any of the Z fights at any point in DragonBall.
Also people like to point out the farmer was level 5, we assume to scouter only judge ki but it could also be counting the gun. It is alien technology and might be worth factoring in. Frieza men also have energy weapons which make them able to energy blasts.
Just thought I'd bring up the gun cause no one seem to mentions it, it could be a factor way the farmer is so strong.
It seems that whoever made this list has never seen the show before, was given a character sheet, several faulty guides,incomplete facts, and about a gallon of alcohol, then asked to make a logical list.
That whole talk about a bullet near killing Hercule gets countered in Super with Goku getting scratched by a bullet hah
The way Pan got the Zenkai boost probably is when SSJ4 Goku great ape slapped pan out the sky. Then prolly got one from that.
Simple to answer the Super #13 and Cooler's Revenge thing actually.
Goku was a Super Saiyan with no drawbacks in Cooler's Revenge. Come Super #13, he was starting to be affected by the heart virus, so his power had begun to drop drastically.
did anyone else notice that from this list gohan went from 2,800 in the vegta ark to 1700 in early namek and krillen went from 1770 to 1500 in the same gap
King Moai is the head of that alien race that Vegeta and Nappa eradicated, highlighted in DBZA
Here's my list of Power Levels that I meticulously calculated:
Saiyan Saga:
Farmer (With Shotgun): 5
Master Roshi: 139
Master Roshi (Kamehameha): 200
Goku: 416
Goku (Kamehameha): 924
Piccolo (Weighted Clothing): 322
Piccolo: 408
Piccolo (Makankōsappō): 1,480
Raditz: 1,200
Gohan (Enraged): 1,307
Saiyan Saga 2:
King Kai: 3,500
Yamcha: 1,450
Tien: 2,000
Chiaotzu: 1,350
Krillin: 1,750
Gohan: 1,600
Piccolo: 3,400
Saibamen: 1,250
Nappa: 5,000
Vegeta: 18,000
Goku: 8,000
Goku (Kaioken): 12,000
Goku (Kaioken x2): 16,000
Goku (Kaioken x3): 24,000
Goku (Kaioken x4): 32,000
Vegeta (Galick Gun): 28,000
Vegeta (Oozaru): 180,000
Genkidama: 200,000
Namek Saga:
Vegeta: 24,000
Cui: 18,000
Appule: 6,000
Zarbon: 22,000
Zarbon (Full Power): 30,000
Dodoria: 21,000
Gohan: 2,000
Gohan (Potential Awakened): 9,000
Krillin: 1,750
Krillin (Potential Awakened): 7,000
Goku (Post 100Gs Training): 90,000
Vegeta (Post-Zenkai): 35,000
Guldo: 15,000
Recoom: 40,000
Jeice: 45,000
Burter: 45,000
Frieza (1st Form): 530,000
Nail: 42,000
Captain Ginyu: 120,000
Goku: 120,000
Goku (Kaioken): 180,000
Ginyu (Goku's Body): 23,000
Goku (Ginyu's Body Wounded): 10,000
Vegeta (Post Zenkai): 60,000
Frieza Saga:
Vegeta: 520,000
Frieza (1st Form): 530,000
Gohan: 20,000
Krillin: 15,000
Piccolo: 50,000
Piccolo (Fused with Nail): 1,200,000
Frieza (2nd Form): 1,000,000
Frieza (3rd Form): 2,500,000
Vegeta (Post Krillin Blast Zenkai): 2,800,000
Goku: 3,000,000
Goku (Kaioken x20): 60,000,000
Frieza (4th Form 50%): 60,000,000
Frieza (4th Form 100%): 120,000,000
Goku (Super Saiyan): 150,000,000
Android Saga:
Mecha Frieza: 160,000,000
King Cold: 130,000,000
Future Trunks: 4,400,000
Future Trunks (Super Saiyan): 220,000,000
Future Gohan: 7,500,000
Future Gohan (Super Saiyan): 375,000,000
Goku: 5,000,000
Goku (Super Saiyan): 250,000,000
Goku (Super Saiyan with Heart Virus): 100,000,000
Android 19: 100,000,000
Android 19 (Goku's Energy Absorbed): 160,000,000
Dr. Gero: 80,000,000
Piccolo: 130,000,000
Vegeta: 5,400,000
Vegeta (Super Saiyan): 270,000,000
Android 18: 380,000,000
Android 17: 390,000,000
Android 16: 420,000,000
Piccolo (Fused with Kami): 390,000,000
Tien: 800,000
Krillin: 600,000
Yamcha: 600,000
Semi-Perfect Cell Saga:
Cell (1st form): 250,000,000
Cell (Humans Absorbed): 430,000,000
Cell (2nd Form): 750,000,000
Cell (Perfect Form Holding Back): 1,600,000,000
Vegeta: 6,000,000
Vegeta (Super Saiyan): 300,000,000
Vegeta (Ascended Super Saiyan): 900,000,000
Future Trunks: 5,000,000
Future Trunks (Super Saiyan): 250,000,000
Future Trunks (Ascended Super Saiyan): 750,000,000
Future Trunks (Ultra Super Saiyan): 1,250,000,000
Cell Game Saga:
Goku: 42,000,000
Goku (Mastered Super Saiyan): 2,100,000,000
Cell (Perfect Form 80%): 2,100,000,000
Cell (Perfect Form 100%): 2,500,000,000
Gohan: 43,500,000
Gohan (Mastered Super Saiyan): 2,175,000,000
Gohan (Super Saiyan 2): 4,350,000,000
Gohan (Super Saiyan 2 Injured): 2,175,000
Cell (Super Perfect): 4,350,000,000
Vegeta: 6,800,000
Vegeta (Ascended Super Saiyan): 1,020,000,000
Future Trunks: 5,800,000
Future Trunks (Ascended Super Saiyan): 870,000,000
Piccolo: 450,000,000
Broly The Legendary Super Saiyan:
Goku: 42,000,000
Goku (Mastered Super Saiyan): 2,100,000,000
Vegeta: 6,800,000
Vegeta (Ascended Super Saiyan): 1,020,000,000
Future Trunks: 5,800,000
Future Trunks (Ascended Super Saiyan): 870,000,000
Piccolo (Fused with Kami): 450,000,000
Gohan: 43,500,000
Gohan (Mastered Super Saiyan): 2,175,000,000
Broly: 45,000,000
Broly (Restrained Super Saiyan): 1,125,000,000
Broly (Super Saiyan): 2,250,000,000
Broly (Legendary Super Saiyan): 4,300,000,000
Goku (Mastered Super Saiyan, Z Warrior's Energy Gathered): 4,325,000,000
Broly Second Coming:
Gohan: 36,000,000
Gohan (Mastered Super Saiyan): 1,800,000,000
Gohan (Super Saiyan 2): 3,600,000,000
Broly: 50,400,000
Broly (Super Saiyan): 2,520,000,000
Broly (Legendary Super Saiyan): 5,050,000,000
Goten: 3,000,000
Goten (Super Saiyan): 150,000,000
Kid Trunks: 3,200,000
Kid Trunks (Super Saiyan): 160,000,000
Goku: 51,000,000
Goku (Mastered Super Saiyan): 2,550,000,000
Family Kamehameha: 6,460,000,000
Majin Buu Saga:
Goku: 51,000,000
Goku (Mastered Super Saiyan): 2,550,000,000
Goku (Super Saiyan 2): 5,100,000,000
Goku (Super Saiyan 3): 20,400,000,000
Vegeta: 50,800,000
Vegeta (Super Saiyan): 2,540,000,000
Vegeta (Super Saiyan 2): 5,080,000,000
Majin Vegeta (Super Saiyan): 2,550,000
Majin Vegeta (Super Saiyan 2): 5,100,000,000
Gohan: 36,000,000
Gohan (Mastered Super Saiyan): 1,800,000,000
Gohan (Super Saiyan 2): 3,600,000,000
Ultimate Gohan: 450,000,000,000
Piccolo: 2,500,000,000
Supreme Kai: 2,800,000,000
Kibito: 150,000,000
Pui-Pui: 25,000,000
Yakon: 400,000,000
Dabura: 4,000,000,000
Goten: 3,000,000
Goten (Super Saiyan): 150,000,000
Kid Trunks: 3,200,000
Kid Trunks (Super Saiyan): 160,000,000
Gotenks: 600,200,000
Gotenks (Super Saiyan): 30,010,000,000
Gotenks (Super Saiyan 3): 240,080,000,000
Majin Buu: 24,000,000,000
Evil Buu: 15,000,000,000
Good Buu: 9,000,000,000
Super Buu: 240,000,000,000
Super Buu (Gotenks Absorbed): 482,580,000,000
Super Buu Piccolo, Kid Trunks and Goten Absorbed): 242,506,200,000
Super Buu (Ultimate Gohan Absorbed): 692,506,200,000
Vegito (Anime): 700,000,000,000
Vegito (Mastered Super Saiyan): 35,000,000,000,000
Vegito (Super Saiyan 2): 70,000,000,000,000
Vegito (Super Saiyan 3): 280,000,000,000,000
~End Hypothetical~
Kid Buu: 20,600,000,000
Super Genkidama: 1,000,000,000,000
Mr. Satan: 27
Ay man farmer w/shotgun is over 9000 million.
+Saiyan Prince 9000 I'm not actually a member of the DB Wiki, so I can't attest to that personally. However, I did do more than a fair bit of research in making this list; from researching the characters, to looking up other people's Power levels lists, to even reading the Daizenshuus.
(In fact, I was actually busy all Saturday afternoon making this list for a friend, who wanted a reasonable list to compare some of his favorite characters.)
If this list I provided is similar to your own, then I would attribute that to one; common sense of us agreeing on the strengths of characters and two, me possibly taking the direct value of yours and other's estimates more often that I should have - that's not to say I'm out to pull anything, just that I made a list that shares some values with yours. I don't know if I ever saw your list personally, as I've seen far too many, to be frank.
(Plus, we know a fair bit of the Power levels reliably up to the later Cell and Buu Sagas; I just opted to exclude the movies I haven't seen and GT, because I didn't know how to rate them, and I'm not the biggest GT fan.)
something u missed from the beginning and it was to hint at the fighters from earth can hide their power lvl. remember when goku and piccolo powered up in the air to hit raditz? raditz was sighting himself because they were both getting a reading of 1,400. then again pwr lvls are bs but it would be nice to have a gauge of how far they have come and to try and guess what they could do to the universe with that power.
So goten At seven years old as a super saiyan is apparently stronger then vegeta in super saiyan grade two, Goku in this base form during the world tournament, vegeta in base form at the tournament, Only 100 million away from future trunks in super saiyan grade 3, And is apparently 8 times stronger then full power frieza........
Also Vegito should be WAY stronger. In his base form he was easily able to stop a blast from buuhan and sure you can make the arugement that buuhan wasn’t using full power that’s fine. But vegitos base form should not be weaker the fucking super saiyan Goku during coolers revenge. Also, Super vegito should be light years stronger. He was absolutely dominating buuhan the entire fight, buuhan wasn’t even able to do damage, and I guarantee that vegito wasn’t even using HALF power that fight, and for him to be weaker then Super buu with gotenks and piccolo is ABSURD.
Funny how on the intro of that list it says that someone might make a RUclips video on how horrible that list was.
The only thing that was wrong on that sentence was the fact that he said 'loser'.
That chi chi and videl part I almost died