What's Your Best Story About Listening To A Gut Feeling? (r/AskReddit)

  • Опубликовано: 21 сен 2024
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Комментарии • 73

  • @jameswatson9338
    @jameswatson9338 4 года назад +48

    That first story was an example of doctors not believing women about the severity of their pain. It's one of many examples of the passive but deadly sexism we experience on a daily basis.

  • @obnoxiousbluebird6634
    @obnoxiousbluebird6634 4 года назад +151

    Holy crap that first one! I'm a nurse too so reading that I knew exactly how sick that poor woman was! Doctors can be such pricks about nurses sometimes, especially if we DARE to question their diagnosis but in my opinion an angry doctor and a living patient are preferable to a happy, blissfully ignorant doctor and a dead patient!

    • @SundaysChild1966
      @SundaysChild1966 4 года назад +13

      Doctors that won't and don't listen to ANYONE piss me off .. don't listen to family, the patient, the nurses .. they just listen to that little voice inside that keeps telling them they are God!

    • @tomboyjessie1352
      @tomboyjessie1352 4 года назад +9

      IKR? How are these Doctors still keeping their medical licences from being so ignorant?

    • @DrEldritchPlays
      @DrEldritchPlays 4 года назад +7

      These doctors are exactly the reason I'm terrified of having to go to the hospital. It's basically a guessing game if you'll get a doctor or nurse who knows their stuff or one who get's you killed from the sounds of it.

    • @jaxhayes4372
      @jaxhayes4372 3 года назад +1

      Doctors think too highly of themselves sometimes. Nurses are around the patient more, so why not listen to the Nurse’s concern about the symptoms? They’re probably not trying to undermine the Doctor, they’re probably trying to *save someone’s life you boneless chicken fuck doctor*

  • @Cy_Cyborg
    @Cy_Cyborg 4 года назад +102

    I have anxiety so I don't usually give my "gut feelings" much attention since they're usually nothing, but there's been a few time where I wish I'd listened to them. Not long after I moved out of home, my little sister starts dating this guy, and as she's telling me about him, I get an instant "NOPE" feeling about him, despite the glowing positivity from my sister. I brushed it off, assuming it's just me not wanting to admit my little sister wasn't so little anymore.
    Some time passes, they date for about 2 years and the bad feeling about him never goes away. My partner and I move in together, and my sister and her boyfriend come visit us, the first time my partner ever met this guy. They shake hands and my partner immediately tenses up and dose what I call his "Oh fuck no!" face (basically anger behind a neutral expression), and he makes it very clear to the guy he doesn't like him, and if he hurts my sister, he will be sorry. I tell him off for being so rude, and he apologises. Now my partner is ex-military and had issues with his CO, who was severely abusive to his squad and his family, so after my sister and her boyfriend leave, I ask what that was about, and he says "there's something about him that reminds me of CO, I don't know what, but I don't like him, there's something very wrong with him."
    I brush him off and the following times we see them both, my partner has the same reaction but tries to hide it. after each time though he'd just repeat to me, "I don't like him, I really don't like him." and even pulled my sister away one time and asked if she needed any help and told her if the boyfriend ever tried anything, she could tell us. She assured him she was fine.
    Well, a few months later, and we find out the guy was emotionally and physically abusive towards my sister. The asshat had been manipulating her into thinking this was all normal. I'm incredibly proud of her for leaving.

    • @ciatayagermanjenson8689
      @ciatayagermanjenson8689 4 года назад +3

      I'm so happy for your sister!!! Oh goodness you have no idea what it takes to leave. know that you guys telling her she had a place to go and safely talk,that you were worried probably is what opened her eyes. I'm glad you guys said something to her and she is safe

  • @a.total.loser.8979
    @a.total.loser.8979 4 года назад +52

    My head was aching while I was in the shower. Something was telling me to get out. I sat on the toilet. I ended up throwing up, and fainted, but before all that, I called my Dad. If I stayed in the shower, I could have harmed my head.

    • @Delsin42
      @Delsin42 4 года назад +1

      Wait why?

    • @a.total.loser.8979
      @a.total.loser.8979 4 года назад +3

      @@Delsin42 Doctor said I was having a heat stroke

    • @0hjaa3.06
      @0hjaa3.06 4 года назад +1

      @@a.total.loser.8979 So you ran 15km in +35°C tempatory then without drinking any water
      After that you go to scalding hot shower and hang out there for 30min-1h?🤔
      Seems like a good idea🤔

    • @lixonzito2481
      @lixonzito2481 4 года назад +1

      0hjaa 3.0 I've stayed in hot showers after running, cycling, swimming, gymnastics, etc and have never had a problem unless i stay for about 2hr+ (I take extremely long showers) people can handle heat differently and it can even be hard to recognize when you're at your limit

  • @lisamarie5937
    @lisamarie5937 4 года назад +14

    #1 wasn't a gut feeling. It was completely back by evidence but the nurse couldn't get anyone to listen.

  • @midnightflower61
    @midnightflower61 4 года назад +30

    Me and my boyfriend when we were first getting together (3-5 months in) would walk around late into the night
    We'd just walk and talk about whatever, nothing worth remembering, just being together
    Well one night we were walking through a certain park, not unusual for us, but as we were passing some picnic tables (the ones with connected benches a lot of bigger parks have) I noticed a car in the distance that would have to pass next to us and every inch of my body said to crouch behind the bench, boyyfriend didn't question it much
    Car passed, but I didn't feel relaxed at all. Next thing we see is a police officer chasing after the dude
    We ran a ways away to a gazebo-esque building that had a wall facing the road so we sat there until we both relaxed and then just went home for the night
    Next morning my boyfriend found out that the car we hid from's driver had been waving a gun out of the window shooting randomly at people (if I remember correctly he never hit anyone but still). He had gone to the park to throw the gun into the pond or river (other side from where we were so we didn't know which and it didn't say) but if he had seen us there was a big chance he would have shot at us
    We don't walk at night anymore

    • @LamboWalker23
      @LamboWalker23 4 года назад +2

      That is just shocking, people roaming with guns shooting at randoms? Glad it doesn't happen here

    • @midnightflower61
      @midnightflower61 4 года назад +1

      I'm also glad it doesn't happen everywhere

  • @undeadkiller1123
    @undeadkiller1123 4 года назад +17

    Well shit, it's my time.
    This was around 3 years ago in year 12, the first year of sixth form for me (17 years old at the time for those who arent British). My school was one that put a lot of emphasis on extra curricular activities. I did the Duke of Edinburgh award at bronze level for this (for those who dont know, this is basically a 6 month long period of activity, you do 3 sections, 2 for 3 months and 1 for 6, alongside an expedition where you stay overnight somewhere. This takes place during the expedition).
    I was in a group with 6 of my friends, my best friend was the reason I ended up in the group. I had barely any friends in the class as the entire class consisted of two friend groups, neither of which I was apart of. Our expedition took place in a forest, this forest was an incredibly common place to go for hikes, walks with dogs, camping, etc. This basically meant that it wasnt surprising for other people to be there alongside us. We arrived and got told by our teacher that we need to make our way to the campsite using the map skills that we'd learnt, then he left to get there before us and be ready for our arrival.
    About an hour and a half later we are walking at a fairly decent pace towards our destination and there had been no issues for the entire walk up to this point, we had passed a few people and had even been allowed to pet an incredibly nice womans dog (which made the 3 girls in our group specifically much happier). Cue the 7 of us walking through a pretty wide area with thick shrubbery on either side of the path, both me and the girl that I was walking alongside at the back of the group stop almost in sync and I notice her shaking. The others continued on for a moment before noticing that we had both stopped dead in our tracks and turned around to ask us what was wrong. The girl continued to just shake and look straight forward, and while I was far calmer than her, I was still somewhat freaking out. My best friend looked me directly in the eyes and I just said as calmly as I could that we all need to get away from here as soon as possible, I don't know why, but my anxiety just started to get progressively worse, still no specific reason for this, just a gut feeling, and the girl beside me felt the exact same thing so the others listened to us and we turned around, contacted the teacher and told him that we were going to be taking a longer route because something seemed wrong, I told him that I would take the blame for it later but I just couldn't shake that feeling of something being wrong. We arrived and stayed the night at the campsite, went home the next day and moved on.
    Two weeks later and our teacher gathers the 7 of us to go to an assembly and during this assembly he informs the entire Duke of Edinburgh group that, in that specific pathway that me and my friend had a bad feeling about, a serial killer had been caught after killing 5 people who had been walking along that section, the teacher turns to the two of us and says that if we hadn't forced the group to turn around then we may have all ended up in the same situation. Our group was the first of three to go on that expedition, the other groups ended up going to a different area for theirs.

  • @taurnguard
    @taurnguard 4 года назад +14

    Everyone is an empath. Too many choose not to believe it and call their intuitions as coincidence.

  • @EvilEagle4234
    @EvilEagle4234 4 года назад +12

    I think my gut feeling was actually a few days ago, I was having some bad chest pain so I really felt like I needed to go to the hospital. I was going to go to this one hospital that was a bit further away but had good staff, but something kept telling me not to, I needed to go to the downtown one. The next day there was a news report of how the hospital I WAS going to go to was in complete lockdown, Covid 19 infected the ENTIRE building

  • @chasdog1014
    @chasdog1014 3 года назад +4

    When I was around 7 or 8 I was visiting my aunt's house and all the grown-ups had gone out for the night. This left me, my 2 brothers, and my cousin at the house, when it was time for bed I couldn't close my eyes to go to sleep, like when I tried to close them it hurt. After a couple minutes of my brothers and cousin trying to help a truck pulled into the driveway and 2 guys got out, we all kinda got down and hid. They walked up to the door opened the screen door and looked in through the glass, I can't remember if they checked if it was unlocked but they ended up getting back into their truck and drove off. After they left I was able to sleep.

  • @kimzastrow1268
    @kimzastrow1268 4 года назад +30

    Always carry a serving spoon with you for gardening she used that for flower plugs at the cemetery it is the perfect size

    • @kimzastrow1268
      @kimzastrow1268 4 года назад

      Why cant we just get a hand spade like normal families...cause we dont need to waste money on that we have the serving spoon we never use except for gardening

    • @kimzastrow1268
      @kimzastrow1268 4 года назад

      That and I have a serious digestive problems

  • @yunagamerz7336
    @yunagamerz7336 4 года назад +16

    I am barely getting any sleep this week, because when I close my eyes for too long I slightly panic. I also have the feeling to not stand in front of my bed for long. Its not even dark, I just..

    • @rassel5384
      @rassel5384 4 года назад +1

      This is happening to me too tell me did it stop now?

    • @SuperRat420
      @SuperRat420 4 года назад


  • @linksmysteries3050
    @linksmysteries3050 4 года назад +3

    Here my story. So my mom, me and my brother, and my dad went on a hike. It was really hard, but we got to the end. But then my mom gets sick, really sick. So my dad yikes back to our car, and tells me to protect them and hands me his shovel. We hike to a 3 way path, and my mom wanted to go right, but I had a big hug feeling we should go left. So we go left and get out. Then we see a very narrow path. One sides safe the other, a cliff. And I mean a 100 foot drop. Nearly died. But, about 3 hours it was getting dark. My mom is crying, my 4 year old brother is tired, but I'm telling them that well get out. Then we get to the parking lot, and we wait for about 20 minutes, my dad pulled up. I have never seen a Hyuandai go so fast in my life.

    • @linksmysteries3050
      @linksmysteries3050 4 года назад

      Thanks for reading!

    • @REDFRLegend
      @REDFRLegend 3 года назад

      You have no idea how fast a Hyundai can be if it's important. The Hyundai my family had was my only safe place once in an area I was familiar with.

  • @suprisedfrog2784
    @suprisedfrog2784 4 года назад +11

    *happy music intensifies*
    "And then they died"

  • @becca53444
    @becca53444 3 года назад +2

    The first story makes me enraged. How are people allowed to be Doctors when they are literally willing to kill people from being lazy and incompetent? My grandma had a brain tumor removed and would have died if she listened to her idiot doctor who tried to say she was imagining it.

  • @tin1ta
    @tin1ta 4 года назад +4

    not me, but my grandma. it actually happened this year.
    my grandma had to take me to the house of someone from my school so they could give me a ride there. it was about 7:00 am. so my grandma gets this feeling and thinks "we shouldnt go our rn" so she messages my ride's grandma to ask her if they could come to my house and pick me up. they dont answer in time and my grandma doesnt want to risk me getting late to school. so we go out and start walking to my ride's house. they live super close, like 4/5 blocks away from home. as we're getting there, this weird looking woman approaches us and says "give me everything give me your cellphones" (this is very common here) and my grandma gives the woman her cellphone. then the woman looks at me and says "what about you?" and i respond "i dont have anything" in an annoyed tone. my grandma says "go away ! we gave you what you wanted" and the woman runs out of our sight.
    later on the woman was caught (she was stealing all around the same area until someone saw her and called the police) and she had a gun, luckily with no bullets. she was released tho.
    i regret giving the woman attitude because she couldve hurt my grandma. and my grandma shouldve listened to her gut and stayed home.

  • @TheEmerald524
    @TheEmerald524 2 года назад +2

    I was in a really bad relationship years ago. Ab*sive bf was livid over my leaving without permission with a friend or some crap. Demands I get home ASAP. I start walking. I'm maybe 150 ft. from the back door, but still on the main road, taking my time because I know the shit storm that is about to my reality. Green SUV pulls up with a guy in his mid 30's driving. Suit and tie. Various electronics (laptop etc.) He offers me a ride. I politely decline but he's rather insistent, says he can see something is bothering me. I'm very non confrontational, so I get in. I notice a dog kennel in the back of his vehicle. (Red flag) He gets me talking about myself, but I feel bad for talking about myself so much, and try to engage him in conversation. I ask if he's from around the area. He says no and steers the convo back to my problems. (I'm very animated when I talk, so he probably thought I wasn't paying attention to him and what he was doing) He's taking me thru a residential area really slow, and as we come out of it, I knew something wasn't right. I asked him if he had a big dog. I grew up with Great Danes. He says no. So I jokingly asked if he had a spastic chihuahua. He just says no. He's headed towards my apartment complex but is going at least 10 miles under the speed limit. He stops within eye sight of the entrance to my apartment, them backs in to a little driveway that goes nowhere. The entire back end of the vehicle is hidden from the road. At this point, there's a voice in my head that's screaming RUN NOW! I immediately started putting distance between myself and his vehicle. Shooting thanks for the ride from across the street add he's trying to get me to come around the back side of his SUV. I hauled ass outta there quick. He peels out after me, and ends up making three passes before finally giving up and driving away. My bf came outside and I told him what happened-ish.
    I was talking with a friend who was a cop, telling her about this weird guy. As I'm telling her everything, her face just keeps getting more shocked. Come to find out, dude was a serial r*pist. I gave a description of the vehicle and the guy, which they hadn't known up until then. He was caught about a week or so later, burying his latest victim 😳

  • @sovietbat9138
    @sovietbat9138 4 года назад +5

    Mine was at a National Guard drill. I was going to stay in the armory overnight since I lived 2 hours away, and decided to sleep in the armory library. As soon as I entered the room, I got a gut feeling to leave the library immediately and ran to the other side of the building to another room. A female soldier ended up sleeping in the library that night and got raped by a senior NCO who was hiding in there. Even though I'm male, I hate to imagine what would he would have done to me had I stayed there instead.

  • @lancercu8640
    @lancercu8640 4 года назад +4

    This feeling is a life saver. Though the weirdest time I got it was one of my mom's boyfriends. He was an older guy, well-off and super well known in his community. I never liked him though. He had this vibe about him that screamed "Do not be alone with this dude" and my cousin even said he didn't trust the guy. He was never mean or anything to us (aside from cheating on my mom) but I couldn't shake the feeling of wrongness whenever he was in the room. He loved going on about his basement's concrete floor and how good it looked despite having done that himself and i'm convinced there is a body there.

    • @mistid1485
      @mistid1485 4 года назад


    • @rassel5384
      @rassel5384 4 года назад

      @@mistid1485 I think that's it.

    • @mistid1485
      @mistid1485 4 года назад +1

      @@rassel5384 So its all speculation...he didn't prove himself right lol

  • @Giratina575
    @Giratina575 4 года назад +8

    I always listen to my gut more often then not

  • @DrachenGothik666
    @DrachenGothik666 4 года назад +19

    My life is FULL of gut feelings; a lot of them literally saved my life. This one is the earliest I recall, and probably the most important. Gotta let you know there's trigger warnings all over this. I was 5 when I woke up to my 1st "father-figure" trying to kill my family by burning our apartment block down when he found out where we'd run to in the middle of the night (brutally abusive to Mum). Mum then shacks up with some goof supposed to be the love of her life shortly after (shitstain would rape me over roughly 5 years when I was between 11 and 15). I was 6 when I was raped behind a church--never found the guy. Then we hit harder times--couldn't afford our apartment--BOOM! Homeless. Stayed at grandparent's place 'cuz a family of 5 on the streets in my hometown in winter is a death-sentence. So a fairly decent year or so.
    I was the kid nobody liked and was bullied CONSTANTLY. Ran home from school more often than not. I tried really hard to make friends. One boy I liked seemed willing to be friends; he told me where he lived, so I went over one day. But, he wasn't home. Across the way, another fellow answers his door and we started talking. Over the rest of that school-year, a paedo groomed me--we mostly talk. I was 7 years old, I literally had NO friends, a mother who didn't give 2 shits about what I thought, or wanted and blamed me for anything bad that happened in our lives (WTF, Mum?). I have learning disabilities (on the spectrum--undiagnosed; more than one therapist has suggested it's likely), developmental delays, spent time in foster homes, malnourished in early childhood, etc. I just wanted a friend. At that point, ANY "friend" would do. Creepazoid exploited that quite happily.
    Fast forward a couple of months. School-year almost over. Paedo suggests we "Go down to the river and hang out/play, etc (I don't recall the exact words--this was 44 years ago)." What happened next still blows me away: full-blown images and feelings of the river bank, tall reeds, cat-tails and mud, him... doing things... then strangling me and a creeping black as I fought... I don't know what my face looked like, but I saw HIS as he realized I was suddenly scared of him like I hadn't been before. I turned and ran out of his suite before he could move and I was gone. My grandparent's house only a few blocks away and I don't think I stopped running until I got there.
    I led the cops right to his door. I was there as they arrested him, even though they tried to keep me away. But, I kept slipping back to where he could see me, so I could glare at the man who was planning to kill me. I'm almost certain that he realized that I knew what he'd planned. I never saw anyone that shit-scared in my life before, or since. It was strange how he didn't try to run. It was like he knew someone was coming for him. Years later, I found out that I was the 1st--or one of the 1st--kids to come forward. Yeah, there'd been more--supposedly, close to 50--kids this creep had preyed on (mostly photos; maybe he was part of an early kiddie-porn ring). And I'd helped put him away because for a seven year old kid, I'd had a near-picture-perfect memory.

    • @mysticfire5850
      @mysticfire5850 4 года назад

      uh you.............you might have some kind of latent psychic ability there

    • @Artwolf007
      @Artwolf007 3 года назад +2

      No offense,but you had a terrible childhood. Hope things are better now.

  • @candiescracked8415
    @candiescracked8415 4 года назад +17

    I went to this camp that was connected with my church and like there was this part where you would sing and a guy would preach and it was long and so boring so me and my friend decided to leave and it’s like 8:00 so we’re walking back towards are cabin and then I get a bad feeling in my stomach like let’s not go to our cabin and he said why and I just said I don’t know let’s go back so we head back and the next we hear news from are camp dean that there was a bear and two cubs inside are cabin if I opened the door to our cabin I wouldn’t be typing this.

    • @fierdrages6523
      @fierdrages6523 4 года назад

      There were bears in your cabin. If i had a gun I personally would have shot the mother. Because I would be angry that the bears were intruding Human territory. We shouldn't mess with bears and they shouldn't mess with us. This sounds harsh but I dont like others taking my stuff

    • @lixonzito2481
      @lixonzito2481 4 года назад +3

      Fier Drages Um by the sound of this I think they were minors when this happened, idk why they'd have a gun

  • @natashacox6401
    @natashacox6401 2 года назад +1

    That first one made me angry,that poor woman could have died because if that doctor and rapid response woman not listening.clearly that woman couldn't be bothered because her shift was ending

  • @Meggsie
    @Meggsie 4 года назад +2

    Walking alone at night downtown. Noticed a red truck was keeping pace with me. I made a quick detour to where the police station was (it was right around the corner) and that truck booked it. 😬

  • @XshinymewX
    @XshinymewX Год назад

    I cried happy tears over the birthday story.

  • @TheRatt96
    @TheRatt96 4 года назад +1

    One day maybe 2 or so years ago I got home from school and for about 30 mins I just did what I did to unwind. After that though I thought I should go pet my cat, usually she is in my room or doing something random like walking around the house avoiding things. I do a sweep of the house real quick, usually see her not long after this but I didn't see her and usually I'll go back to my room and wait for her but I just kept looking, being more frantic and even asking my mom if she had seen her, not for a few hours, normal time slot. I do 4 in dept searches of my house, not big but decent size and some family members look for her as well. We finally look outside and she was found under the porch, she must have gotten out when taking the dogs out. She lived for another 2 years being 18 when she died.

  • @yaqbulyakkerbat4190
    @yaqbulyakkerbat4190 Год назад +1

    Can we point out how many people deserved to be fired in that first post?

  • @itsmarco6340
    @itsmarco6340 4 года назад +2

    Ooo that birthday suicide story gave me chills

  • @mysticfire5850
    @mysticfire5850 4 года назад +2

    When I was 2 my relatives had a pool party the party eventually went inside at one point
    My cousin was taking out the trash and got the urge to take the long way thru the backyard back to the house
    Right as she entered the yard she saw me then a toddler I was on my hands and knees on the diving board attempting to retrieve one of my barbie dolls that was on a pool floaty
    Before she had a chance to say anything I leaned forward to far and fell into the pool without hesitation not even bothering to take off her shoes she jumped in and grabbed me
    No one knew I was outside I could not swim at all I would've died if it hadn't been for her

  • @bobbyknotts2309
    @bobbyknotts2309 4 года назад +5

    9:03 nope nope nope nope nope.

    • @BeingMikhail
      @BeingMikhail 3 года назад

      Were the truckers looking for victims?

  • @jimjohnson2900
    @jimjohnson2900 4 года назад

    Hi everyone, so this is how i randomly/indirectly, reconnected a lost duckling, to its mom and ducklings, which kinda happened due to a gut feeling i listened to, this happened maybe about 1 hr ago, not too many people involved just me, and staff at the shop i was visiting. i was on my way to go to a shop to grab a case of liquid bread lets say and i wanted to take a pathway with the most sunshine, because it was windy a bit chilly, and there are about 3 or 4 different ways i can walk to the to said shop, i took a a slightly round about route today, which takes me down a flight a cement steps, as i round the corner to go down the final flight, there i saw them, a mother duck and ducklings, looked like they may have been about to attempt to go up the steps, (would have been a tough journey to nowhere) so maybe good i came around when i did, i was kinda sad cause i did not have my phone with me, so i could not take a photo, so i continued on, i get to the shop, and the staff are asking anyone coming in if they have sheen a mother duck and ducklings, it took me a second to say, yes i did, they asked where and how long ago, so as soon as i let them know, one of the staff showed me a box they had a duckling in, and it was confirmed on my way home she had found the mom.and returned the lost one.

  • @Ays.267
    @Ays.267 3 года назад +2

    *Happy music plays*

  • @pancon9947
    @pancon9947 Год назад

    When I had my lap they wouldn't let me leave until I could go to the bathroom

  • @mistid1485
    @mistid1485 4 года назад +1

    When I was 2, I was very sick in the hospital. I have asthma and they put me on continous breathing treatments but I was not getting better.
    Because I was born with special needs/ development delay, the doctors thought it might be a neurological problem. They did all these scans of my brain but found nothing.
    My mom says my heart was racing and my pupils were so big that you couldn't see the blue in my eyes. When the respiratory therapist came in to give another breathing treatment, my mom yelled at her to stop and that she was going to kill me.
    The next thing she knows a group of doctors come into the room and a security guard is out in the hall on standby. She insists to the doctors that there was something else that was wrong. The doctor paces the room, deep in thought, and decides to do a scan of my heart. (Idk why they didn't do that in the first place. I don't even know why they were so set on it being a neurological problem.)
    It turned out I was born with a right aorta arch, when its supposed to be on your left side. Because of this, the vessels of my heart grew up and around my esophagus and trachea, and as I grew, the vessels tightened, constricting them. Its why I wasn't able to eat solid food for 2 and a half years and threw it up( which was also mistakenly contributed to my development delay).
    I understand that this defect is rare (about 0.01%-0.1% of the population has this) but I would think if a patient has breathing problems, the heart would be the next place they looked after the lungs...
    Well, I had surgery shortly after the diagnosis and I made a full recovery. I can eat solid food. Still have asthma though. Lol

    • @Owen_loves_Butters
      @Owen_loves_Butters 3 года назад

      It’s a natural and unfortunate part of human psychology. Once you become fixated on one idea, it becomes very difficult to see it in another way.

    • @mistid1485
      @mistid1485 3 года назад

      @@Owen_loves_Butters yes but they did a scan of my brain and found nothing...so why wouldn't they check my heart?

  • @arwen-_-E.M.P.
    @arwen-_-E.M.P. 3 года назад

    Yeah… public school and churches
    really shouldn’t mix.
    Public school doesn’t normally let
    You show much of your religion ( in my experience ).
    I never want to work at a school.

  • @_.bored._
    @_.bored._ 4 года назад

    This is why I always put on a seatbelt even though it's a 5 minute driveee

  • @101Volts
    @101Volts 4 года назад

    Mom was driving one day, and she was coming up to the crest of a hill. She had this feeling to slow down so she did, and someone was passing 6 cars in her lane.

  • @mrban1419
    @mrban1419 3 года назад

    I ate chipotle once my gut told I had to take a major dookey after and I DID!

  • @madelinerose9781
    @madelinerose9781 4 месяца назад

    7:30 I wish someone would do something meaningful for me. My life would be so different if I wasn't invisible. Is that conceited?

  • @Raz0rking
    @Raz0rking 4 года назад +2

    Some of the stories makes me think "And this is why people own guns"

    • @yunagamerz7336
      @yunagamerz7336 4 года назад

      In my country they are illegal..

    • @sovietbat9138
      @sovietbat9138 4 года назад

      I'm one of those people. I'd rather be safe than sorry.

  • @denysecassy2074
    @denysecassy2074 3 года назад

    The eight share covalently command because stage oceanographically reflect pace a youthful tile. aromatic, squalid ear