HA ha so good! & @5:40 Mate I had that thought in 2010 at ASID (Alice Springs International Dragway, I used to run the timing system as well as race some events) My idea (Being an aviation Nut) was to run a Hangar style roof All the way to the turn off (A Bit over half Mile) then we discussed exhaust fumes & whatnot & decided it shouldn't go all the way to the ground (Maybe a half metre gap each side) Mind you this was due to the wind & sand issues up there & not rain, but hey same principal ha ha. The return road might be a bit sketchy if it's raining. Anyway, funny story, on with the rest of it. Cheers.
@autoperfectionk24 ha ha cheers, another thought was a full tunnel like going through a mountain. Imagine the sound of a top fuel car doing that!! Bonkers! Not good for crowd viewing but a funny thought. Cheers
When you look back on the whole build and where you’re at now with the knowledge you have , would you have just gone billet from the get go if you had your time around again ?
Of course but at the beginning of this build that would have been out of the budget unfortunately. We have only ever destroyed 1 sleeves block due to an oil pressure issue (at our first event) our second sleeved block has been good to us- it’s only when we push over 40 psi it can’t hold the head down so we can’t complain to much 😅
HA ha so good! & @5:40 Mate I had that thought in 2010 at ASID (Alice Springs International Dragway, I used to run the timing system as well as race some events) My idea (Being an aviation Nut) was to run a Hangar style roof All the way to the turn off (A Bit over half Mile) then we discussed exhaust fumes & whatnot & decided it shouldn't go all the way to the ground (Maybe a half metre gap each side) Mind you this was due to the wind & sand issues up there & not rain, but hey same principal ha ha. The return road might be a bit sketchy if it's raining. Anyway, funny story, on with the rest of it. Cheers.
Would be ideal!
@autoperfectionk24 ha ha cheers, another thought was a full tunnel like going through a mountain. Imagine the sound of a top fuel car doing that!! Bonkers! Not good for crowd viewing but a funny thought. Cheers
Thanks for the summary of your awesome adventure
Kool K swapped Toyota
Or Toyda
Glad you enjoyed it!
Dirty end but looked like a ripper week bring on the billet !!!!
We can’t wait!
Best quote.. we don't got AC but we got beers
Lol, we just always look at the positives!
When you look back on the whole build and where you’re at now with the knowledge you have , would you have just gone billet from the get go if you had your time around again ?
Of course but at the beginning of this build that would have been out of the budget unfortunately. We have only ever destroyed 1 sleeves block due to an oil pressure issue (at our first event) our second sleeved block has been good to us- it’s only when we push over 40 psi it can’t hold the head down so we can’t complain to much 😅
Let us know when you want your K’ Noonan Block boys
Because money grows on trees in Australia lol
If only…..lucky we have some good businesses on board that like helping us out of this wouldn’t be happening this fast