When leaving your comments, remember to be civil. Any racism or sexism is now picked up by the RUclips spam filter, so it'll be hidden and others won't see it. I want to encourage productive conversation but there are limits to what I will allow. Have a great evening! - Westie
I call bull. I highly doubt DICE doesn't have the time to add simple cosmetics like era-correct facial hair or hats like the scout wore in the beta. I'm not asking for whole suits of new uniforms just simple cosmetic changes that would have NO effect on gameplay. I feel at this point I could run customization better than DICE. Just imagine. You would want these customizations to be rare and to show the work you put into BF1 by unlocking them by assignments. An era-correct mustache from Austro-Hungary that could be equipped to any soldier once unlocked by achieving 1000 kills with the Gewher M.95. Just give me *SOMETHING* to play for DICE
if we can't choose uniforms we should at least be allowed to choose faces and head gear. I've been saying this since day one, battlefront 2015 had it, I don't understand why we can't have at least that. it's not like an entire different uniform. Idk I just want the German support to not look so derpy
What I would do if character customisation were available: Put a stahlhelm in my german support, use a long coat in my sturmtrupper, and finally, and perhaps what I want most... MAKE MY GERMAN SCOUT WHITE!!!!!!!
The Red Gamer and the British scout, they're where no African British soldiers in WW1 and no African German soldiers, really the only two armies that should have Africans in them are the Americans (the Harlem hell fighters) and the french (they actually had more than one African regiment) research it if you want
I look at both, i clearly see how they look, if i have trouble identifying the enemy i spot them to make sure my first assumption. I spot them anyways, but not alwyas as it takes time, vulnerable time.
Just let us use assets that are already in the game. Just let us swap between our race, helmet and uniform, they already have the 4 options between the classes, just let us use that.
problem with that is that all charackters have their own model. It is simply not possible to change the clothes of the f.e. supports trenchcoat (for Germany) and put it on the assault. It would just not fit, you would have to rework the whole uniform to fit for the other char model. The work is nearly the same as creating new models.
ET Gamer if low level indi companies like the day of infamy makers can add it in a game costing 11 quid then I'm sure a multi million pound worldwide organisation can. Its just lazy.
Would you want to see Soldier Customisation in Battlefield 2018, despite all these points? I sure would; I'd love for DICE to make it a key feature of the game 😀
Yeah, i feel battlefield would work great if they had a trading system too... so that rare skins and customises... for instance instead of a start screen, everyone is put into a lobby where you can go to specific places to play specific games... and there can be a trading post thing... I would love to see something like this, a but change yes, however this would be something I would live to see...
So the whole game is based on thousands of weapon skins you play for yet it takes too many resources to add a few face skins similar to Battlefront? I'm calling BS.
Let's say the next Battlefield will be modern military I'd like to see minor character customization. For example: Choose wether you have a long or short sleeved shirt, Different headgear (which does git the class you're playing with) Different camo's (Just like Battlefield 3 and 4 had) etc. :)
Your Hero you will see it in your dreams . Bf2018 will have only 2years developed cycle it means we will see some bf1 copy paste same as bf4 and bfh which bfh was bf4 copy paste
I think they should have had character customization as in cosmetic stuff like the cloaks and helmets etc, no camos or stuff because colors need to be same
If they don't want to add customisation then at least make the default soldier models look realistic. That's my issue. I want a traditional British gentleman with facial hair, a Tommy helmet and a trench code. The stereotype of a British WW1 soldier.
There is this thing called "spotting" in this game, it's when you can spot an enemy player and an icon appears above them indicating which class they are, I never look for "crutches" when I'm looking at an enemy player to identify them as a medic, I just simply spot them, it's very simple.
big meme gameplay elements aren't gonna keeped me hooked. Customization is, which is why I still play some FPS solely for the fact that you can change how you look.
visual customization that servers no purpose or even changes the way you play the game at all>gameplay fixes that actually solve the problems with the game and what you actually do in the game
I just want to switch the German Supports helmet to a stahlhelm or something else because the one hes wearing now just looks weird even if its historically accurate.
And if not stahlhelm at least pickelhaulbe just like Calvary uses as German/Austro Hungariam Empire. Also what I find odd is that they added so many small details like Austro Hungarians have Austrian accent but still they used that German when you playing as them and announcer is placeholder woman/man
Why couldn't they have made different character models? It just seems like they've cut corners for me. Half the models are the same in different uniforms. They played it easy and just added gun skins which are just unrealistic.
Harryhas26 the gold guns while very unlikely to find on a ww1 battlefield, where a very popular thing to do to guns (mostly revolvers and pistols) at the time, its called gold damascene
EetuPlays and the French used it to they were all ally's so you would find the weapons and equipment sometime on the battlefield like a British solider using a German sniper you could find it on the battlefield
Thanks for posting this, but it still seems odd to me, didn't Battlefront, a game on the same engine (lighting, TIE fighter sounds [glitch] ect.) Have some form of character customization?
I was just looking at this particular issue, but your answers all makes a lot of sense. I would pick features over customization too, I just figured a companies as big as Dice and EA have the staff for it.
That last point is ridiculous. You can change a characters uniform and still have crutches on the back. Just like every class had a different, class-specific model for each different character customization. Engineers still looked like engineers and recons still looked like recons, it just changed their camouflages and colors.
They should add different styles and sizes moustaches and beards and different stuff to add to the uniform like blood or certain medals or different style helmets
You know instead all this emphasis on graphics with current gen games, I'd rather the next BF 2018 be on the same engine as BF4 or BF3, those games still look fantastic. I just think DICE/EA is focusing more on graphics rather than actual gameplay.
You can pick up other weapons so that idea is rather stupid and if you've played the campaign you can see troops with Aussie hats and Indian troops with the scouts cloak
Ethan Chandler never got why race matters, i mean you only see them when your choosing your class, when your shooting at them, or when someone on your team is that class
Please describe was "race" is Sorry but i if you want to change faces, how in the fuck can there be asians in the italian and german army? Oh yea you just want to not play as a black man to not trigger your lowkey racism...
But there were on other fronts You act like they dindt even exist lol Everyone knows blacks werent invented till 1923 You act like there are blacks in the italian or austro hungarian factions lol As you said,its history Oh also if you want to make ghe "there werent in europe" argoment then please stop playing battlefield 1,since there are A LOT of things that werent in europe but you still can use.
Battlefront offers soldier customization, while essentially running on the same engine as BF1. It also manages to keep the overall look of a storm trooper or rebel the same overall while keeping in the customization elements.
I would just be fine with changing the actual character skins and maybe the helmet I'm not asking for full uniforms I just want I little bit, even bf3 had skin changes so just give us something small, just please give us something to change EA
TBH, I feel like Halo Reach was an epitome, or close to it, in character customization for a multiplayer FPS. I loved that game and I loved how modular your spartan was. It made things soo fun.
DeltaWarrior I wonder how the hell 343 fucked up so badly with customisation in 4 and 5. They literally had the perfect system already in existence, they didn't even have to lift a finger because Bungie already made it, yet the decided to downgrade to a crappy body+head+visor selector.
As a game dev student myself I love the fact that you do videos about behind the scenes stuff. Players tend to be so ignorant about things like this, and it's really frustrating :D Thanks Westie for this great video!
Wouldn't it be nice if you could wear those weekly medals after you earned them in your model? They could give off a little glimmer when it moves through the light that others can see from a short distance (so it isn't distracting). Also other players can see your character wearing them. I feel like it'd be nice to "decorate" your soldier in this small way.
love the video!! i knew it cost time and resources and just learned more of this video. but this Video really helps those who didn't understand how the customization takes more time and resources now. Thanks Westie
Africa has a giant population, and it keeps growing. This also has a direct effect on Europe. The future of both continent could look very grim, or very godd, depending on wether or not Africa manages to get out of the poverty and manages to lower the exploding birth rates. If they don't, the misery will spread to Europe and they will go down together. Why am I writing this under a video about a videogame? :P
If you ask me, a large part of it would be because EA expected lower sales with Battlefield 1, they in turn made DICE make due with a smaller budget than normal. This may help also explain the issue with the comparatively small amount of weapons and their limited customization.
I wish I could just use excuses in my profession when I do a subpar job. This game is beautiful. However, there are a number of major problems that all but ruin the experience. 1) The movement. I'm very tired of getting stuck on small rocks, twigs and other invisible objects. 2) The spawn system is and has always been completely broken. 3) The tank often stops firing. Not just the driver but all tank positions. 4) Snipers and shotguns. Need I say more? 5) Game balance. There isn't any. 6) Battlepacks. Lol. 7) My ping is consistently at approximately 20. First I die, then I actually see the other player that killed me, then I hear the gunshots. All. The. Time. Gripe session over.
Can we just change the head? Like, in the campaign. Soldiers their have the same torso of their class, but a different head. It would be nice to just have a British medic with the standard helmet instead of a turban
I was extremely disappointed in EA for not including this. War scarred soldier faced, torn clothing or ricochet marks on helmets. or even more dented and worn weapon looks.
The fact that DICE have completely thrown out customisation and progression in this Battlefield and even after 9 months are still struggling to put in basic features really shows they lost their touch. Don't know hoe they did, but this is truly sad and it just goes to show DICE is losing connection to their core audience.
If i'm not mistaken the alpha version had different head models and helmets for some of the classes (the british assault use to have the british medic's head, the british scout had an anzac hat) The campaign also had various head models mixed with various helmet. So it seems the ability to change head models and helmets is in the game
For one who haven't watched yet, I'll save you 11 minutes of life: "We cannot change a texture on a 3d model bacause of photorealism, new generation consoles and shiet... and because we need to remake the whole game from the scratch for that... and because everybody would be scared of new look of the soldiers". Come on, it's just ridiculous.
9 months in and we've only had one major DLC update. Not far away from the second DLC would have been something to say in April about a May release. One could even say today it if it were coming out in August...but it's coming out in September, that's ages away.
sorry for being so blunt but i still want customization in bf1 (Edit) all this video is telling and showing me is that the developers are just outright lazy
Boboda Hobo Maybe so but Battlefron had customization right from the beginning, BF1 has nothing. Therefore there is a lot more to make it happend. You need to make the progression system, menus, ui, implement code that makes sure you wont pick options that wont simply work toghether etc. It´s a lot of things that people dont realise need to happend to make it work well. I´m a programmer myself and know the work behind stuff like this. So i think things like this can wait to the next game so they can focus on some more gamebreaking mechanics for BF1, like the server rental program or match balancing.
Andreas Lindberg yes we understand it is difficult expensive and long to make these changes but if the developers have time to work on battlefront and the russian dlc then i don't see why they can't add minor cosmetics to the game like different helmets and uniforms for soldiers
While being able to customize your soldier would be nice, I'm still reasonably happy I have the option for a blinged-out BAR & shotgun as well as a chrome m1911....
The reason why they don't have uniform customization because in ww1 some army's have only one color uniform like the germans only have grey uniforms of course they have green uniform but they got rid of that, the British only have kaki color uniform, the Austro-Hungarians have dark blue,and the ottomans have white uniforms so thats why most factions only have 1 color uniform.
01:47: And that's taking in account just the main, best-known variants. There are sub-variants with colours tending more towards grey and greenish colours.
What crap. We don't mean modelling out new uniforms, we mean the creation of a menu to allow us to swap between already existing items within the game. Here is my big issue, they always talk about the time it would take to model and animate when they already have most of the items people want to choose between in the game such as trench coats, picklehaub, covers/netting on some Brit helmets, certain backpacks and more. And don't tell me they are attached to models of certain classes because they are not. As somone who plays the campaign I see the NPC's with mix match features showing the coats and helmets to be there own models. For example I have seen Sikh British soldiers with sniper capes and riflemen with picklehaubs. Also the my game sometimes glitches in multiplayer and the customisation menus to show classes wearing some clothing aspects of other classes. I do not believe it is as hard as they make out.
SlySkydiver 2585 I feel the same way dude. I intend to make a ww1 game later on in the future with faction specific weapons and uniforms according to the year of the battle. If DICE can't do this than someone else must have to
I'd be very happy if we could choose few pre-made face sets for soldiers what would include simply different textures, eye colors, mustaches, scars etc.
It's just kind of annoying that vehicle customisation cannot be applied when other vehicle's are spawned and also in the soldier customisation option in the main menu... 😐 and the Battlefield companion app!! .. Dice have definitely been lazy with this game I mean sometimes it's a joke! 👍
I think being able to choose different camos for the soldiers' uniforms would be more than enough to satisfy the need for soldier customization, just like in BF3 and BF4. A lot of the things Westie brought up is about customising the actual 3D model of the player, like removing the crutches from the medic ect, which would be a lot more expensive to implement compared to changing the material of the 3D models, e.o changing the color or texture of the uniform. Keep it simple I say. I have a feeling Dice will implement soldier camos in one of the DLC's, or for premium players only to give more of an incentive to buy premium. Or even have it as a super rare item in the battle packs. From a business standpoint, it's a smart move.
I think most of the character customisation we want is in the game we want, sans the customisation part. Character skins and hats are already there and with decent variety. Slouch hats, field caps, covered and uncovered brodie helmets, and turbans for the British are in the game. The distinctive class looks are locked with the crutches, capes, backpacks etc. The hats aren't a big part of this in my opinion, for example the German medic and scout both wearing the same helmets.
I don't even know what customization he's talking about in BC2. There's literally nothing you could change at all, except like 3 different scopes in the whole game. It seems like everyone forgot this game and just asks for pointless skins that noone will ever look for when they actually play the game.. smh
Don't know if you guys know but the ottoman cavalry has the same face of the british medic. I see in the different character models that some of them have the same faces from the different character models.
Nicholas Stavinoha true ww dont need it i also dont understand y people want it so fucking badly when i see ur soldier never a few times and other people are not gonne be like ooh look that looks cool on that enemy no you kill a guy and u go on to the next u aint gonna notice that smal mustauche he has no u just go on to the next even in bf4 i never noticed people usings skins i just went from one kill to the other and dont care how they looked like
Nicholas Stavinoha Exactly. Its a nice touch but not needed. I do wish that we were able to put the attachments we WANTED on our weapons instead of variants though.
Be careful what you wish for. I remember wanting this feature in games, but now I miss just having ordinary soldiers fighting each other in authentic battles.
These are all just lazy excuses Like whose even paying attention to shadows in a video game where theres bullets and explosions happening all around you all the time! and its these guys jobs so it realy should t be that hard.
No wifi at my cabin. So I figure out the wifi password to my neighbours and I'm literally standing in the street rn. I'm being eaten by mosquitos but idc I gotta watch Westie
sorry, Westie, but all i hear is excuses excuses. they could have added more soldier customization, they didnt. because of budget, technical limitations or pure laziness. whatever it is, it's too late now. BF1 is an incredible game, but very shallow in many aspects
Ace Merylin I don't know how you people are playing, but whenever a player model comes in sights, I either shoot him, or leave him. I'm not trying to see what gear skin he is using.
I just like the knowledge that everyone around me in a single match do not look completely the same, sure, you can't see yourself, but you can see other people, including teammates that you're more than likely fighting beside with. Right now, you'll only see 4 different models in your team, it would definitely add visual variety to even have miniscule options such as headgear customisation.
Vadim Kavecsky it's "immersion" imagine playing as an German attacker, and you see people with stahlhelms and picklehaube al together, just like in ww1. Come on this is a battle simulation game, set on ww1. We got to have something to represent the pride of that country
They didn’t add character customisation because they knew that the majority of the players would make their characters white so the real reason why they didn’t add customisation was to be politically correct.
It would be nicer for you to choose if you wanted a regular Doughnoy looking soldier or the dude with the helmet. Same for all support classes, if you could choose a standard infantrymen. Especially for the scout class
Maybe instead of solider customization they could make it so that there are different uniforms for the same class for the same army and you use one uniform for some maps and another for another, so for example if you play as the germans in a map that takes place late in the war you have one uniform but if you play on another map that takes place in the start you have another, I think they should include more maps that show the early stages of ww1 and therefore some armies have different uniforms
Harryhas26 but for most it's pointless. I could care less what you or my dude looks like. even in bf3 or 4 it wasn't even that in depth simply just an overall camo for your dude which doesn't work in bf1 cause of world war 1. dice just put themselves in a sticky and limited situation making it ww1.
So why don't we make a petition to change all the character models to blocks since it doesn't matter? Put a german/UK/Turkish etc symbol on the block and you're good to go.
You see characters' faces very closely during melee takedown animations and during the bayonet takedown animation. The visual appearance of the models does matter.
All things like the uniforms from single player you see A.I. wearing the German medic in fallen from grace wearing the support back pack and a assault player helmet that looks badass and I want to see it come to Battlefield 1 it would be awesome!!
When leaving your comments, remember to be civil. Any racism or sexism is now picked up by the RUclips spam filter, so it'll be hidden and others won't see it. I want to encourage productive conversation but there are limits to what I will allow. Have a great evening!
- Westie
Westie I dunno why people have to be racist sexist edgelords. Guess its just cool.
Westie hey mate customization ! "Z" not a "S"
Capi Dano He's a Brit so it's 's' not 'z'.
In the English language (which came before the Americanised version) it is spelled with an "s" :)
I call bull.
I highly doubt DICE doesn't have the time to add simple cosmetics like era-correct facial hair or hats like the scout wore in the beta.
I'm not asking for whole suits of new uniforms just simple cosmetic changes that would have NO effect on gameplay.
I feel at this point I could run customization better than DICE.
Just imagine.
You would want these customizations to be rare and to show the work you put into BF1 by unlocking them by assignments.
An era-correct mustache from Austro-Hungary that could be equipped to any soldier once unlocked by achieving 1000 kills with the Gewher M.95.
Just give me *SOMETHING* to play for DICE
Maybe we could just choose small things like helmets, how worn down our clothes are and facial features such as facial hair or skin colour
Toby fereday Yes. They have all the assets needed for it already. All they have to do is give the players the control over that.
Or gender for the Russian Scouts?
TheNekoThatKnew I'd say gender is pushing a little too far
I know about the First Batallion of Death, but every single Russian Scout is female, which isn't realistic.
Hey, hey, hey.
This game is barely realistic as is.
in Verdun, you get a different uniform for leveling up your squad.
skk64 really, I've played over 100hrs and never even knew that was a feature and never even noticed it lmao
Tyler Rodriguez you have to play with the same people in a squad to level up the squad.
skk64 do you guys recommend buying verdun? Im considering buying it since its on sale but its only has around 600 players is it worth it?
Verdun is pretty great, well worth it. But mind you it's very slow-paced compared to BF1 and you are going to die a lot.
Lord Doran yeah thats cool with me I already enjoy bf1's settings thats why im craving for me more ww1 shooters.
Funny thing is, if a game like BF1 had mod support those player models would show up within a week.
if we can't choose uniforms we should at least be allowed to choose faces and head gear. I've been saying this since day one, battlefront 2015 had it, I don't understand why we can't have at least that. it's not like an entire different uniform. Idk I just want the German support to not look so derpy
but that helmet he has is 100% real
Red Fox but his face is just.....
lol true, I wanna wear the stalhelm with those awesome looking urban camo they have
Red Fox Stahl Helm*
I want my German soldiers to wear the Pickelhaube not just the cavalry
What I would do if character customisation were available: Put a stahlhelm in my german support, use a long coat in my sturmtrupper, and finally, and perhaps what I want most... MAKE MY GERMAN SCOUT WHITE!!!!!!!
+Frank Castle Play the horse class, he has such a helmet. He has a... historically awkward face though, just like the snipah.
we need Japanese attack helicopter soldiers
At least change the German scout
The Red Gamer and the British scout, they're where no African British soldiers in WW1 and no African German soldiers, really the only two armies that should have Africans in them are the Americans (the Harlem hell fighters) and the french (they actually had more than one African regiment) research it if you want
The Red Gamer exactly!
AC Studios that is what I've been saying since day one.
All I want is a white German scout and a white British scout. And if your playing with a non scoped rifle as the scout remove the cape
the french blacks didnt fought they build roads and dug trenches
Not sure if its just me but I never identify each class by what they wear, you simply use the icon above the head.
so what is the point to have soldier customization if you can't see it?
Thats the point, non at all.
I can tell what they are by the gun sounds actually
plus it's not like TF2 when it originally released where everybody looked completely different for a reason
I look at both, i clearly see how they look, if i have trouble identifying the enemy i spot them to make sure my first assumption. I spot them anyways, but not alwyas as it takes time, vulnerable time.
Just let us use assets that are already in the game. Just let us swap between our race, helmet and uniform, they already have the 4 options between the classes, just let us use that.
problem with that is that all charackters have their own model. It is simply not possible to change the clothes of the f.e. supports trenchcoat (for Germany) and put it on the assault. It would just not fit, you would have to rework the whole uniform to fit for the other char model. The work is nearly the same as creating new models.
The head/helmet is seperate from the body, and as _SiBl_ said, there is already variations of those uniforms ingame.
_SiBI _ The campaign, in fact has loads of different variations that aren't in multiplayer.
I think they should just add a system like Day of Infamy, using different military units accurate to their factions during the time.
ET Gamer I totally agree
ET Gamer if low level indi companies like the day of infamy makers can add it in a game costing 11 quid then I'm sure a multi million pound worldwide organisation can. Its just lazy.
Harryhas26 exactly
Gets killed by automatico starts using automatico 👋
If you can't beat them, join them 😂
Westie true
Westie actually it's "if you can't beat em, fuck em"
I do that lol
I always do that, after being killed by the automatico at least 6 times, i get annoyed and use it myself, taste of own medicine.
not having character customization is one of Bf1's great failures and a huge missed opportunity.
Go play MWR and tell me if character customization is a good idea.
BF5 is a vanity project in comparison.
One of?
Like moustaches or helmets but nothing unrealistic
Would you want to see Soldier Customisation in Battlefield 2018, despite all these points? I sure would; I'd love for DICE to make it a key feature of the game 😀
U do relies that red uniform was taken away from the french because they stuck out like a sore thumb on the battlefield
Yes but with assignments or level unlock system
Indeed, but I'd argue in Battlefield 1 right now the blue uniform used for the French Army sticks out like a sore thumb! 😂
Yeah, i feel battlefield would work great if they had a trading system too... so that rare skins and customises... for instance instead of a start screen, everyone is put into a lobby where you can go to specific places to play specific games... and there can be a trading post thing... I would love to see something like this, a but change yes, however this would be something I would live to see...
Westie Anyone familiar with the song used in the intro? If so I'd like to know which song it is
it could be linked to the currently useless medals
That is a great idea
What about having 2 medal slots on your uniform so you can display them aswell, that would be cool
So the whole game is based on thousands of weapon skins you play for yet it takes too many resources to add a few face skins similar to Battlefront? I'm calling BS.
Let's say the next Battlefield will be modern military I'd like to see minor character customization. For example:
Choose wether you have a long or short sleeved shirt,
Different headgear (which does git the class you're playing with)
Different camo's (Just like Battlefield 3 and 4 had)
Your Hero BEARDS
Your Hero you will see it in your dreams . Bf2018 will have only 2years developed cycle it means we will see some bf1 copy paste same as bf4 and bfh which bfh was bf4 copy paste
Tyler Younghaus Beards are not allowed in the military nowadays.
It would also be great to be able to change your gloves because you can actually see that in first person.
Kenneth Eisenhower special forces can do what they want-beards,mustaches, long hair,
I think they should have had character customization as in cosmetic stuff like the cloaks and helmets etc, no camos or stuff because colors need to be same
If they don't want to add customisation then at least make the default soldier models look realistic. That's my issue. I want a traditional British gentleman with facial hair, a Tommy helmet and a trench code. The stereotype of a British WW1 soldier.
james grainger haha exactly my issue.
I don't feel it is a question of not *wanting* to add soldier customisation; I feel it's likely due to other more pressing items needing attention.
james grainger to be fair over 1 million Indian soldiers fought for the British in ww1
Ikr where are the mustaches??
they have a regular british model in game in the story mode you can see a lot of them with the regular uniform
There is this thing called "spotting" in this game, it's when you can spot an enemy player and an icon appears above them indicating which class they are, I never look for "crutches" when I'm looking at an enemy player to identify them as a medic, I just simply spot them, it's very simple.
What happens when you play Hardcore, and those icons aren't there?
Westie unfortunately hardcore is effed in this title. it was so much better in 3 and 4.
Westie In Hardcore when you spot someone even though it doesn't show a marker doesn't your character still say what class it is?
TheReal Lifehacks as far as I'm aware yeah
TexanWolverine Plus if you're close enough to notice the crutches on a medics back I think you may be a tad bit too close
Because EA just wanted to save a couple bucks
because they want to focus on their time on gameplay elements that matter and battlefront 2
big meme gameplay elements aren't gonna keeped me hooked. Customization is, which is why I still play some FPS solely for the fact that you can change how you look.
visual customization that servers no purpose or even changes the way you play the game at all>gameplay fixes that actually solve the problems with the game and what you actually do in the game
I just want to switch the German Supports helmet to a stahlhelm or something else because the one hes wearing now just looks weird even if its historically accurate.
Nothing Studios The German supports helmet does look stupid but I believe it was used irl
+TheReal Lifehacks that's what he said
Gaede stahlhelm
And if not stahlhelm at least pickelhaulbe just like Calvary uses as German/Austro Hungariam Empire. Also what I find odd is that they added so many small details like Austro Hungarians have Austrian accent but still they used that German when you playing as them and announcer is placeholder woman/man
When you reach level 50 you should unlock a officer uniform for every nation.
And maybe also a mustache
Palinghufter Not a good idea. In time, everyone in the game will be an officer
Why couldn't they have made different character models? It just seems like they've cut corners for me. Half the models are the same in different uniforms. They played it easy and just added gun skins which are just unrealistic.
That is a good idea. Have like 3 character models per class.
Harryhas26 the gold guns while very unlikely to find on a ww1 battlefield, where a very popular thing to do to guns (mostly revolvers and pistols) at the time, its called gold damascene
*US and French troops using British web gear*
Alan Nguyen Well the US did use british equipment...
EetuPlays and the French used it to they were all ally's so you would find the weapons and equipment sometime on the battlefield like a British solider using a German sniper you could find it on the battlefield
Sorry I still want it, they can just use the assets and the models that is already designed in the game.
true because I have nothing to unlock or change, plus they're making battlefront too so like why?
Thanks for posting this, but it still seems odd to me, didn't Battlefront, a game on the same engine (lighting, TIE fighter sounds [glitch] ect.) Have some form of character customization?
Chris Sebas yeah honestly lots of games look great and have customization. While I'm sure it's tuff kind of seemed like they just didn't wanna do it.
true, we have almost everything like weapons and planes from ww1 but in star wars we have no vehicles of those nor weapons
I was just looking at this particular issue, but your answers all makes a lot of sense. I would pick features over customization too, I just figured a companies as big as Dice and EA have the staff for it.
That last point is ridiculous. You can change a characters uniform and still have crutches on the back. Just like every class had a different, class-specific model for each different character customization. Engineers still looked like engineers and recons still looked like recons, it just changed their camouflages and colors.
They should add different styles and sizes moustaches and beards and different stuff to add to the uniform like blood or certain medals or different style helmets
I would be happy with at least facial changes
You know instead all this emphasis on graphics with current gen games, I'd rather the next BF 2018 be on the same engine as BF4 or BF3, those games still look fantastic. I just think DICE/EA is focusing more on graphics rather than actual gameplay.
You can pick up other weapons so that idea is rather stupid and if you've played the campaign you can see troops with Aussie hats and Indian troops with the scouts cloak
All I want is to be able to change the race, and remove the cape from the British scout.
Ethan Chandler never got why race matters, i mean you only see them when your choosing your class, when your shooting at them, or when someone on your team is that class
Nicholas Stavinoha If people want to change their clothing, your point also applies to them too. You can't even see your own clothing in-game.
Please describe was "race" is
Sorry but i if you want to change faces, how in the fuck can there be asians in the italian and german army?
Oh yea you just want to not play as a black man to not trigger your lowkey racism...
dariomasi9 Lol, its HISTORY not Racisim dubmass. There were no Africans in the German/British army in Europe.
But there were on other fronts
You act like they dindt even exist lol
Everyone knows blacks werent invented till 1923
You act like there are blacks in the italian or austro hungarian factions lol
As you said,its history
Oh also if you want to make ghe "there werent in europe" argoment then please stop playing battlefield 1,since there are A LOT of things that werent in europe but you still can use.
Westie, when ever you post a video you really make my day. very informative information.
Westie , I wanted to give you a big thank you, I downloaded dreadnot, and it's super fun, thank you for recommending it to ur channel
Battlefront offers soldier customization, while essentially running on the same engine as BF1. It also manages to keep the overall look of a storm trooper or rebel the same overall while keeping in the customization elements.
I would just be fine with changing the actual character skins and maybe the helmet I'm not asking for full uniforms I just want I little bit, even bf3 had skin changes so just give us something small, just please give us something to change EA
TBH, I feel like Halo Reach was an epitome, or close to it, in character customization for a multiplayer FPS. I loved that game and I loved how modular your spartan was. It made things soo fun.
DeltaWarrior I wonder how the hell 343 fucked up so badly with customisation in 4 and 5. They literally had the perfect system already in existence, they didn't even have to lift a finger because Bungie already made it, yet the decided to downgrade to a crappy body+head+visor selector.
Wow RUclips isn't now censoring stuff that offends people, NKVD
As a game dev student myself I love the fact that you do videos about behind the scenes stuff. Players tend to be so ignorant about things like this, and it's really frustrating :D Thanks Westie for this great video!
I dont care about uniforms. I want a face editor like fallout 4
Bob_Bobington _ even battlefront had different faces.
Bob_Bobington _ thank you
Bob_Bobington _ hell no
Fitz Mutzen lmao why there's no downside
But with limitations please.. I don't want fuckin cross-eyed pinocchios running around in a war game
Wouldn't it be nice if you could wear those weekly medals after you earned them in your model? They could give off a little glimmer when it moves through the light that others can see from a short distance (so it isn't distracting). Also other players can see your character wearing them. I feel like it'd be nice to "decorate" your soldier in this small way.
I still don't see the point of customizing my soldier in a first person shooter where the only thing i see is my left arm 😄
love the video!! i knew it cost time and resources and just learned more of this video. but this Video really helps those who didn't understand how the customization takes more time and resources now. Thanks Westie
Half population of africa is in this game
Africa has a giant population, and it keeps growing. This also has a direct effect on Europe. The future of both continent could look very grim, or very godd, depending on wether or not Africa manages to get out of the poverty and manages to lower the exploding birth rates. If they don't, the misery will spread to Europe and they will go down together.
Why am I writing this under a video about a videogame? :P
Crazy Redneck06 Too right mate its not realistic at all
If you ask me, a large part of it would be because EA expected lower sales with Battlefield 1, they in turn made DICE make due with a smaller budget than normal. This may help also explain the issue with the comparatively small amount of weapons and their limited customization.
I wish I could just use excuses in my profession when I do a subpar job.
This game is beautiful. However, there are a number of major problems that all but ruin the experience.
1) The movement. I'm very tired of getting stuck on small rocks, twigs and other invisible objects.
2) The spawn system is and has always been completely broken.
3) The tank often stops firing. Not just the driver but all tank positions.
4) Snipers and shotguns. Need I say more?
5) Game balance. There isn't any.
6) Battlepacks. Lol.
7) My ping is consistently at approximately 20. First I die, then I actually see the other player that killed me, then I hear the gunshots. All. The. Time.
Gripe session over.
that and a broken loading screen in operations.
Traynor Fong of course, I forget the hideous loading screen and almost completely non-functioning spawn/loadout selection screen.
Very informative I never thought of soldier customization like that. Another great video!
Can we just change the head? Like, in the campaign. Soldiers their have the same torso of their class, but a different head. It would be nice to just have a British medic with the standard helmet instead of a turban
I was extremely disappointed in EA for not including this. War scarred soldier faced, torn clothing or ricochet marks on helmets. or even more dented and worn weapon looks.
The fact that DICE have completely thrown out customisation and progression in this Battlefield and even after 9 months are still struggling to put in basic features really shows they lost their touch. Don't know hoe they did, but this is truly sad and it just goes to show DICE is losing connection to their core audience.
just ignore that they said at e3 that they will be working on progression
thanks again for always keeping us updated! :)
I'd just like to be able to change skin color and face customization.
If i'm not mistaken the alpha version had different head models and helmets for some of the classes (the british assault use to have the british medic's head, the british scout had an anzac hat)
The campaign also had various head models mixed with various helmet. So it seems the ability to change head models and helmets is in the game
For one who haven't watched yet, I'll save you 11 minutes of life:
"We cannot change a texture on a 3d model bacause of photorealism, new generation consoles and shiet... and because we need to remake the whole game from the scratch for that... and because everybody would be scared of new look of the soldiers".
Come on, it's just ridiculous.
Хрюн Моржов thanks, I sadly didn't get to this comment after this video.
9 months in and we've only had one major DLC update. Not far away from the second DLC would have been something to say in April about a May release. One could even say today it if it were coming out in August...but it's coming out in September, that's ages away.
sorry for being so blunt but i still want customization in bf1
(Edit) all this video is telling and showing me is that the developers are just outright lazy
Billy Nikitaras Yeh sme
same here, if they're making battlefront they probably have the ability to do so :/
I played battlefront for a long time, and in one of their dlcs they added like 4 new skins. It can't be that hard
Boboda Hobo
Maybe so but Battlefron had customization right from the beginning, BF1 has nothing. Therefore there is a lot more to make it happend. You need to make the progression system, menus, ui, implement code that makes sure you wont pick options that wont simply work toghether etc. It´s a lot of things that people dont realise need to happend to make it work well.
I´m a programmer myself and know the work behind stuff like this.
So i think things like this can wait to the next game so they can focus on some more gamebreaking mechanics for BF1, like the server rental program or match balancing.
Andreas Lindberg yes we understand it is difficult expensive and long to make these changes but if the developers have time to work on battlefront and the russian dlc then i don't see why they can't add minor cosmetics to the game like different helmets and uniforms for soldiers
While being able to customize your soldier would be nice, I'm still reasonably happy I have the option for a blinged-out BAR & shotgun as well as a chrome m1911....
The reason why they don't have uniform customization because in ww1 some army's have only one color uniform like the germans only have grey uniforms of course they have green uniform but they got rid of that, the British only have kaki color uniform, the Austro-Hungarians have dark blue,and the ottomans have white uniforms so thats why most factions only have 1 color uniform.
Jev Yason and imagine playing hardcore you dont know who is friendly or foe if you would be able to change collor
Jev Yason watch the great wars video on austro uniforms and youll release that there was a great variety of uniforms
So you aren't able to spot who is friend or foe in hardcore mode for BF3 and 4 @Nick Nieberg?
so what? 95% of the weapons in bf1 were prototipes and not used in ww1 so they could have put some made up uniforms in the game..
Very informative video, I dont expect it to come to Battlefield 1 especially at this point in its lifetime.
The question is: does dice still care about this game? even while working on battlefront 2?
Didn't they have customization in the alpha build of the game. And didn't the British scout have the Anzac slouch hat?
Also it's WW1 didn't they have to wear the same uniforms? Like for each country?
EvXiTZzViper 408 Sometimes different branches wore variations of the standard uniform
EvXiTZzViper 408 The Austro Hungarians had uniqe Uniforms for each soldier. The Germans, Brits etc, all wore the standard uniform
And that's taking in account just the main, best-known variants.
There are sub-variants with colours tending more towards grey and greenish colours.
What crap. We don't mean modelling out new uniforms, we mean the creation of a menu to allow us to swap between already existing items within the game.
Here is my big issue, they always talk about the time it would take to model and animate when they already have most of the items people want to choose between in the game such as trench coats, picklehaub, covers/netting on some Brit helmets, certain backpacks and more. And don't tell me they are attached to models of certain classes because they are not. As somone who plays the campaign I see the NPC's with mix match features showing the coats and helmets to be there own models. For example I have seen Sikh British soldiers with sniper capes and riflemen with picklehaubs. Also the my game sometimes glitches in multiplayer and the customisation menus to show classes wearing some clothing aspects of other classes. I do not believe it is as hard as they make out.
i did 3d drawing when i was in school, it was probably one of the hardest things i have ever done in my life. everything has to be exact.
Maybe soldiers can have different uniforms depending on what year the battle was fought
+SlySkydiver 2585 So a hat bothers you, but a weapon designed in 1917 and produced in 1918 being used doesn't?
SlySkydiver 2585 I feel the same way dude. I intend to make a ww1 game later on in the future with faction specific weapons and uniforms according to the year of the battle. If DICE can't do this than someone else must have to
I'd be very happy if we could choose few pre-made face sets for soldiers what would include simply different textures, eye colors, mustaches, scars etc.
It's just kind of annoying that vehicle customisation cannot be applied when other vehicle's are spawned and also in the soldier customisation option in the main menu... 😐 and the Battlefield companion app!! .. Dice have definitely been lazy with this game I mean sometimes it's a joke! 👍
I think being able to choose different camos for the soldiers' uniforms would be more than enough to satisfy the need for soldier customization, just like in BF3 and BF4.
A lot of the things Westie brought up is about customising the actual 3D model of the player, like removing the crutches from the medic ect, which would be a lot more expensive to implement compared to changing the material of the 3D models, e.o changing the color or texture of the uniform. Keep it simple I say.
I have a feeling Dice will implement soldier camos in one of the DLC's, or for premium players only to give more of an incentive to buy premium. Or even have it as a super rare item in the battle packs. From a business standpoint, it's a smart move.
I think most of the character customisation we want is in the game we want, sans the customisation part. Character skins and hats are already there and with decent variety. Slouch hats, field caps, covered and uncovered brodie helmets, and turbans for the British are in the game. The distinctive class looks are locked with the crutches, capes, backpacks etc. The hats aren't a big part of this in my opinion, for example the German medic and scout both wearing the same helmets.
I would like them to focus on gameplay changes before adding more psuedo-content.
I don't even know what customization he's talking about in BC2. There's literally nothing you could change at all, except like 3 different scopes in the whole game.
It seems like everyone forgot this game and just asks for pointless skins that noone will ever look for when they actually play the game.. smh
I mean... I don't know about you but I'd rather have customization than a shadow with a shotgun rather than a holster...
Wish it was. Might sound like a bigot but I don't like playing a African American in a German army
You don't sound like a bigot because Africans were not in the German army during that time.
Fanfiction Scrutinizer thank you
Acidpond in the German army there was no records of any African soldiers, this also goes for the Bristish.
Don't know if you guys know but the ottoman cavalry has the same face of the british medic. I see in the different character models that some of them have the same faces from the different character models.
sorry but its a first person shooter, you'll only see your customizations on your load out screen and when your killed, its not gta
Nicholas Stavinoha true ww dont need it i also dont understand y people want it so fucking badly when i see ur soldier never a few times and other people are not gonne be like ooh look that looks cool on that enemy no you kill a guy and u go on to the next u aint gonna notice that smal mustauche he has no u just go on to the next even in bf4 i never noticed people usings skins i just went from one kill to the other and dont care how they looked like
Nicholas Stavinoha but others can seem you and know who you are (what assignments you have completed)
there other fps games that this plus it can also make your guy the way you want him to be
Nicholas Stavinoha Exactly. Its a nice touch but not needed. I do wish that we were able to put the attachments we WANTED on our weapons instead of variants though.
Be careful what you wish for. I remember wanting this feature in games, but now I miss just having ordinary soldiers fighting each other in authentic battles.
These are all just lazy excuses Like whose even paying attention to shadows in a video game where theres bullets and explosions happening all around you all the time! and its these guys jobs so it realy should t be that hard.
it would be really cool to have separate customizable elements, like different helmets, chest pieces, pants, and boots
There is character customisation in the game, be a scout (for exemple) pick someone's medic kit and you'll be a medic that look like a scout !
No wifi at my cabin. So I figure out the wifi password to my neighbours and I'm literally standing in the street rn.
I'm being eaten by mosquitos but idc I gotta watch Westie
sorry, Westie, but all i hear is excuses excuses. they could have added more soldier customization, they didnt. because of budget, technical limitations or pure laziness. whatever it is, it's too late now. BF1 is an incredible game, but very shallow in many aspects
great and interesting info as always!
I never cared about soldier customization. Gun skins, yes please, but soldier skins? Whats the point of it if you can't see it.
Vadim Kavecsky it's about the people around you most likely. Not yourself.
Ace Merylin I don't know how you people are playing, but whenever a player model comes in sights, I either shoot him, or leave him. I'm not trying to see what gear skin he is using.
I just like the knowledge that everyone around me in a single match do not look completely the same, sure, you can't see yourself, but you can see other people, including teammates that you're more than likely fighting beside with. Right now, you'll only see 4 different models in your team, it would definitely add visual variety to even have miniscule options such as headgear customisation.
Vadim Kavecsky it's "immersion" imagine playing as an German attacker, and you see people with stahlhelms and picklehaube al together, just like in ww1.
Come on this is a battle simulation game, set on ww1. We got to have something to represent the pride of that country
I Received A Survey From Battlefield And I Commented About Changing Outfits Or Skin Color Or Race Which Would Be An Amazing Idea.
I'm all for character customisation. They can't get the US soldiers right they've just used the British uniforms and gear. Not very realistic
I don't want to see Ottoman soldiers without mustache anymore...
Notification squad :D
They didn’t add character customisation because they knew that the majority of the players would make their characters white so the real reason why they didn’t add customisation was to be politically correct.
Nothing is more diverse than forcing people to be of a specific race
we get it, battlefield 1 is the shittiest installment of the line.
next topic please
It would be nicer for you to choose if you wanted a regular Doughnoy looking soldier or the dude with the helmet. Same for all support classes, if you could choose a standard infantrymen. Especially for the scout class
yo hi second
i think
World War One was a war that was partially known for the similarities in uniforms, so 4 different soldiers does seem pretty realistic enough
Bf1 sucks
Bf4 is still better
Kamden 7809 when bf4 came out:
BF4 sucks
BF3 rules.
And like every response saying about this topic, nobody cares
Kamden 7809 What the hell is Bf4? Its called BF 3.5
Kamden 7809 What the hell is Bf4? Its called BF 3.5
OTT-OTT 1 hayyyyyyyy this guy gets it
Kamden 7809 yea, you can say it's better, cause they gave you all free content
Maybe instead of solider customization they could make it so that there are different uniforms for the same class for the same army and you use one uniform for some maps and another for another, so for example if you play as the germans in a map that takes place late in the war you have one uniform but if you play on another map that takes place in the start you have another, I think they should include more maps that show the early stages of ww1 and therefore some armies have different uniforms
becuase customizing is useless in first person shooters
ZERO 313 no harm in it.
Harryhas26 but for most it's pointless. I could care less what you or my dude looks like. even in bf3 or 4 it wasn't even that in depth simply just an overall camo for your dude which doesn't work in bf1 cause of world war 1. dice just put themselves in a sticky and limited situation making it ww1.
So why don't we make a petition to change all the character models to blocks since it doesn't matter? Put a german/UK/Turkish etc symbol on the block and you're good to go.
what are we waiting for lets make that petition
You see characters' faces very closely during melee takedown animations and during the bayonet takedown animation. The visual appearance of the models does matter.
I like how they did it in bf1. I feel like I'm part of a large force, plus It's easy to tell friend from fo and class which is good.
All things like the uniforms from single player you see A.I. wearing the German medic in fallen from grace wearing the support back pack and a assault player helmet that looks badass and I want to see it come to Battlefield 1 it would be awesome!!
Wow he did not say Battlefield Hardlines customisation...Great Westie(: