Expert Warns of Rise in “Mass Casualty” Events as a Result of Climate Change | Amanpour and Company

  • Опубликовано: 28 сен 2024
  • The Supreme Court has voted to curb the Environmental Protection Agency’s ability to regulate carbon emissions. This comes amid a period of increasingly extreme weather around the world. More than 40 million Americans were under heat advisory last week. Kristie Ebi has been researching the health risks of climate change for decades, and she tells Hari Sreenivasan that death rates will increase unless response systems are improved. Their conversation is part of the ongoing public media initiative Peril and Promise, on the challenges and the solutions to climate change.
    Originally aired on July 1, 2022
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    Amanpour and Company features wide-ranging, in-depth conversations with global thought leaders and cultural influencers on the issues and trends impacting the world each day, from politics, business and technology to arts, science and sports. Christiane Amanpour leads the conversation on global and domestic news from London with contributions by prominent journalists Walter Isaacson, Michel Martin, Alicia Menendez and Hari Sreenivasan from the Tisch WNET Studios at Lincoln Center in New York City.

Комментарии • 756

  • @stp7926
    @stp7926 2 года назад +124

    Shout out to Christiane Amanpour and Company for some of the best interviews of the week. Her interviewers and guests engaged in intelligent, informative conversations that laid out how we can best address issues on women's reproductive rights, the environment and gun laws. Much needed in this time of great worry and anxiety.

    • @GladysAlicea
      @GladysAlicea 2 года назад +7

      So true, but sadly, information is no longer power to the institutes and corporations that decide for us all. Looking at COP26, some smaller nations in the global south weren't even allowed to participate in the Conference, and big oil influence was flush. The $100B promised a few years ago to the global south nations suffering from the 20 countries creating this seismic shift in climate amounts to $1B. The rich and nations like the US don't really care about homeless and other deaths due to intense heat or the changes happening with Greenland glaciers and rising sea levels that threaten so many. They're part of an inhumane humanity, while those like us are the complete opposite. It's truly difficult to deal with and understand.

    • @nsbd90now
      @nsbd90now 2 года назад +5

      Yeah. These are all really good, aren't they? Not just the guests and hosts, but giving them time to talk.

    • @tracevicente
      @tracevicente 2 года назад +4

      She is the BEST. Her and her team give such thoughtful, intelligent work.

    • @spicyirwin5835
      @spicyirwin5835 2 года назад +3

      I so agree!

    • @RobertMJohnson
      @RobertMJohnson 2 года назад

      waste of time issue.

  • @WhiteSpatula
    @WhiteSpatula 2 года назад +89

    I love it when compassionate, informed, trustworthy people are also just plain delightful. I’m clicking “like” merely because there’s no “adore the mother-loving life out of that guest!” icon. You made me smile when I was determined to frown, and your message hit home. Thank you! -Phill, Las Vegas

    • @Makmurf
      @Makmurf 2 года назад +1


    • @rphfito
      @rphfito 2 года назад

      Do you think we are at a state where we are calm and collected, and ask nicely these nice nazis to put the gun down from my children's foreheads. While the pulling of the trigger is accelerating maybe talking nicely to them will work.

    • @Whistlewalk
      @Whistlewalk 2 года назад


  • @przytulanka1979
    @przytulanka1979 2 года назад +236

    And the call themselves pro-life.

    • @evv5891
      @evv5891 2 года назад +26

      It's called being shameless

    • @m.walther6434
      @m.walther6434 2 года назад +25

      And they are right, the life of rich white people in the US.

    • @belladonnatook8851
      @belladonnatook8851 2 года назад +23

      They are pro-corporatocracy. Since they've [erroneously] decided that corporations are "people", the only life they're concerned about is the life of the corporation.

    • @glenncbjones
      @glenncbjones 2 года назад +1

      Anna my love,
      EDIT your work, sweetheart! You know, posting “the” instead of “they” is MY most common texting error, I do it ALL THE TIME! Of course I also never shut up, so that greatly increases my chances of error (my unofficial posting handle is “Textoyevsky!”). But one sentence? C’mon girlfriend, you can do this! In fact, you will come to really enjoy it! Remember that well intentioned but slightly overbearing English teacher, “People, check your WORK!”?
      Other than that I’m totally down with the sentence and the sentiment (though I’d have likely have concluded it with an exclamation point or a “…”, but that’s just me)…
      Other than that I’m ready to marry you and bare your children!
      With infinite love and gratitude…
      - Glenn C. B. Jones
      aka Textoyevsky
      And Anna, please do know that I am “picking on you” just as a chance for me to say to OTHERS out there, “People! Check your work!” Their numbers are legion, it’s the curse of our frenetic texting age… what can be done?
      XOXOXO, your pal, Glenn

    • @belladonnatook8851
      @belladonnatook8851 2 года назад +1

      @@glenncbjones Glenn, my darling. Check your work. You are ready to BEAR her children, not "bare" (which is "to uncover", unless that is what you were going for - ugh, that's none of my business, you perv! 😂) And, btw, if you as a male propose to "bear" HER children, do know it would launch you right up there in the annals of modern medical history! 😂

  • @nsbd90now
    @nsbd90now 2 года назад +179

    When I was a kid I thought we were headed towards a Star Trek type of future. Now I'm a doomster. I blame the Republicans for all of this.

    • @dougn2350
      @dougn2350 2 года назад

      The Republicans are driving us toward extinction. The Dems sit in the passenger seat screaming but do nothing.

      @JCPJCPJCP 2 года назад +1

      The Democrats
      are fully involved.
      They've sold out, TOO, lock, stock, and bunghole.
      We have the best government that corporate money can buy.
      And the best media that money can buy.

    • @freedommatters2900
      @freedommatters2900 2 года назад

      Really? Those poor souls who died in the tractor trailer were the victims of climate change? This is absurd and nauseating. PBS needs to go. They’re nothing more than a mouthpiece for the liberal world order. And they do it on the taxpayers’ dime.

    • @morpher44
      @morpher44 2 года назад

      Let me propose it is only certain GOP that have sold-out to an international power structure. Many are friendly with Saudi Arabia, for example. Who benefits for the US Oil/Gas industry to appear weak @ this time. Observe that dividend yield for these companies is not lowered yet even though this Freeport LNG facility had an explosion. Notice that Moscow Mitch can put the Intel chip plant on hold BEFORE the election in November. Notice how SCOTUS is super crazy right now doing aggressive things during Jan 6 Hearing. All of these things, from my point of view, seem intentional and weaken the Democratic side and strengthen GOP arguments. Because of Freeport LNG, Biden's promise to help the Western world with LNG is delayed 3 months. There are Asian countries that also need LNG from USA. I don't think this is just Republicans. I think some are insiders that know, maybe in a compartmentalized way, that what they are to do will give them more power.

    • @clarkpalace
      @clarkpalace 2 года назад +24

      I hear u

  • @carlkolchak4437
    @carlkolchak4437 2 года назад +51

    You didnt mention drought. Look at what is happening to Lake Mead.

    • @Rnankn
      @Rnankn 2 года назад +9

      What hit me was how the snowpacks in mountains will get smaller each year before they vanish completely. So the source water for the rivers feeding plains and grasslands won’t exist in summers. Glaciers will melt quickly too, and cause sudden bursts of water to come flying down mountains destroying everything downstream. Then the real droughts kick in because precipitation will be the only source of water near the rockies andes, alps and eventually himilayays. And most animals can’t sweat, so they’ll just start dropping dead from dehydration and heat.

  • @DevinaMagdalena
    @DevinaMagdalena 2 года назад +72

    Apparently clean air and water isn’t important for the living!

    • @madshorn5826
      @madshorn5826 2 года назад +4

      The court may want the power to stay within the Congress, but not posing an ultimatum to both Chambers at the same time as limiting the EPA is the height of unscientific recklessness.
      Other supreme courts across the world have asked their governments to get their act together and save a human friendly climate.

    • @whygohome172
      @whygohome172 2 года назад +5


    • @letsRegulateSociopaths
      @letsRegulateSociopaths 2 года назад

      not when you are going to only live 10 or 15 years...... look who is making these decisions and who elected them....

    • @kathyk413
      @kathyk413 2 года назад

      Well, I guess that right wingers must not have or expect to have any children, don't have or expect to have any grandchildren...Or they just don't give a *** about what may happen to those children going forward into the future.

    • @himoffthequakeroatbox4320
      @himoffthequakeroatbox4320 2 года назад +3

      YOU wAnT cLEAN aIr anD WAtER you pAY foR them oThErwIse it'S sOSHERLiZzuM's
      I am Greg Abbot, and I approve this message.

  • @mattcarlson8262
    @mattcarlson8262 2 года назад +39

    And the animal world (outside of humans) is also a main concern alongside the issues of humans. They too are enduring great suffering. We must do all we can to protect them too.

    • @spicyirwin5835
      @spicyirwin5835 2 года назад +2

      Feel for them in Ukraine also. Crimea can only have water for 2 hrs a day. Africa they r not just dying from famine but thirst. West cant farm with no water yet everyone complains of prices when global warming will keep them rising!

    • @davegreene8588
      @davegreene8588 2 года назад

      @Lawrence Rogers
      The people, or the cockroaches?

    • @darrickmalloy6909
      @darrickmalloy6909 2 года назад

      We are so self absorbed who cares about animals😞

  • @Pepperboy555
    @Pepperboy555 2 года назад +58

    Heading towards Mad Max world. Thanks, SCOTUS!

  • @randibgood
    @randibgood 2 года назад +25

    Always bring us the most insight into the things that really matter in an unbiased and informative manner.
    Thank you!

  • @mikeriley3938
    @mikeriley3938 2 года назад +30

    Voting out the Repubs is the most you can do to help climate change.

    • @scottandrews947
      @scottandrews947 2 года назад

      Not sure why everybody thinks Democrats are so wonderful. Republicans will stab you in the chest. Democrats will smile and tell you you're awesome while stabbing you in the back. Same result, different approach. That's all.

    • @mikeriley3938
      @mikeriley3938 2 года назад

      @@scottandrews947 Dems aren't that great, Repubs are absolutely the worst. Sameism is total BS. Repubs have to go to help ourselves against climate change. If you have 2 brain cells you can figure that out!

    • @pecquet-dubalaix8288
      @pecquet-dubalaix8288 2 года назад

      Is it Climate Change or Operation Popeye?

  • @chino3796
    @chino3796 2 года назад +35

    D to go forward
    R for reverse. .. VOTE 💙

  • @rdelrosso2001
    @rdelrosso2001 2 года назад +27

    I have a 3rd floor corner apartment, with windows on 2 sides of my living room, in Central New Jersey. A nice breeze also comes in from the Balcony. On many days, when my Apartment is 80 Degrees Fahrenheit, with humidity of 40 or 50%, I leave my AC off.
    But, despite the nice air coming in, when my Apartment thermometers hit 85 Degrees F, I am quick to turn on the AC.
    I cannot imagine what it would be to have a temp of 90, 95, or 120 degrees F and be too poor to have AC, as was the case back in April 2022, when Pakistan had 120 F.
    I am retired, but I note that recently, an Indian Rickshaw Driver said that on some days, "it is too hot to work after 10 AM", which seems a little early to be taking a Siesta.
    We could have listened to NASA Scientist James Hansen, when he testified before Congress in 1986, to tell them that the Planet was getting hotter.
    Instead, we listened to Oklahoma Republican Senator James Inhofe, who told us that Climate Change and its subset, Global Warming was a "hoax".

    • @tr7b410
      @tr7b410 2 года назад +6

      I was in Portland Oregon last summer,a heat dome settled over the region for 3 days.It was 114,than came the fires,wiping out 500 Mike's of forest.
      These feedback loops will increase.
      As a footnote;corporate America is NOW in charge of our evolutionary steering mechanism.THIS WILL NOT END WELL.

    • @markdemchak5510
      @markdemchak5510 2 года назад +2

      We should have listened to James Hanson. A few years after he went before congress and said additional amounts of CO2 would heat the planet he refuted his statement. On NPR Senator Wirth related how they picked the possible warmest date in the DC area and opened up windows the day before his testimony to eliminate the functioning of A/C. Also if the earth does get warmer as this presenter proposes hurricane and such storms will decline because the additional heat will affect higher latitudes and greatly diminish the cool / hot difference that is present between higher and lower latitudes which is the driver for these storms.

    • @tr7b410
      @tr7b410 2 года назад

      @@markdemchak5510 Not so,warmer ocean Temps means more moisture in the air due to evaporation.That means more rainfall.
      Warmer ocean Temps IS THE DRIVING FORCE/ENGINE BEHIND HURRICANES.The warmer the ocean the larger the hurricanes.
      The other side of that coin dependant upon the geographical area is drought,& massive heatwaves.
      When will you disinformation campaign trolls just STOP IT.

    • @xchopp
      @xchopp 2 года назад +1

      @@markdemchak5510If? what do you mean "if"? Also, on hurricanes, see 8:23 above.

    • @willmont8258
      @willmont8258 2 года назад

      Hansen is a fraud. He has been wrong about everything he has predicted for the last 35 years. These people just keep making it up as they go along, like now claiming hurricanes will be less often, even though they said the opposite for the last 35 years.

  • @garypofahl622
    @garypofahl622 2 года назад +20

    The old white guys will be gone and young people will feel the effects. Vote these anti science goper goons out. Vote for your health and future. I am a person who wants my children and grand children to have a healthy life. SCOTUS is not looking out for you they are looking out for big money and religious nuts.

    • @MF-ty2zn
      @MF-ty2zn 2 года назад +3

      Hear! Hear!

  • @grk6573
    @grk6573 2 года назад +54

    True. 80% of the countries that'll suffer from climate change are not the ones who caused it. The 20 countries who continue to damage the environment arent in anyway going to fund these victim countries to manage their losses - of health, environment and overall suffering of their ppl. Very informative discussion. Thank you. 🙏

    • @WanderingExistence
      @WanderingExistence 2 года назад +4

      Island nations are very much at risk.

    • @wildanimus2559
      @wildanimus2559 2 года назад


    • @jonathonhunt935
      @jonathonhunt935 2 года назад

      I’m sorry to have to tell you but we’re all contributing to climate change. The large economies throughout the world are driving this catastrophe. Stop playing the victim by pretending that it’s caused somewhere else. As soon as we stop denying this we then have a chance to find the solutions and act on them.

    • @meghan42
      @meghan42 2 года назад

      @@wildanimus2559 What about them?

    • @grk6573
      @grk6573 2 года назад +3

      @@jonathonhunt935 Absolutely. The extent of damage likely to be experienced by poorer nations is not proportional to their being directly responsible as causative agencies. Which implies they need to be supported with lot more funding to mitigate the coming disasters for their ppl and the big 20 dont want to talk about it. Infact they keep pulling up these poorer nations on their negligible contribution to climate change and never cease their posturing as biggies when they cant even ownup or have the right policies in place for the damage they are doing. Climate knows no political or geographic unifies us in how we experience it - the good and bad of it. All of us need to be rewired on how we treat this planet.

  • @josephhuether1184
    @josephhuether1184 2 года назад +39

    Terrible SCOTUS ruling!!!
    The EPA’s programs that significantly reduced cross-state acid rain originating from coal powered power plants was a success I remember pristine wilderness lakes in the Adirondacks in the 70s that had no fish due to high PH levels originating from Ohio.
    That said, it should be noted that coal fired power plants in the US are on their way out
    and the only recourse will be law suits, law suits law suits.
    Yes…unfortunately we WILL require catastrophic events to “move the mountain” of mankind’s intractable habitats.

  • @jacobfinder7476
    @jacobfinder7476 2 года назад +21

    Greed has caused this!!!!

    • @mvann5
      @mvann5 2 года назад

      Overpopulation caused this, and overconsumption

    • @davegreene8588
      @davegreene8588 2 года назад

      And greed.

  • @BrigidFitch2112
    @BrigidFitch2112 2 года назад +44

    I would love to be one of her students. She seems like a lovely, dedicated professor and a wonderful communicator.

    • @matthewchunk3689
      @matthewchunk3689 2 года назад

      She docked my essay 5% for using a serif font

    • @harima36
      @harima36 2 года назад

      do it we need you

    • @johngalt6525
      @johngalt6525 2 года назад

      A "lovely" communist professor .

    • @harima36
      @harima36 2 года назад +1

      @@johngalt6525 you probably shouldn't try to use big words that you don't understand

    • @johngalt6525
      @johngalt6525 2 года назад

      @@harima36 Obviously not that big if you understood comrade .

  • @denisejames855
    @denisejames855 2 года назад +15

    Wow, a rational and calm interview and at the finish she tells us to think regionally as there is so much happening. We are led to believe in many of our countries that nothing has or is happening to change our climate issues. We need positive messages as all doom and gloom makes us switch off. I hope politicians etc are listening to Prof Kristie Ebi.

    • @starcrib
      @starcrib 2 года назад

      Makes "us" switch off ? Speak for yourself and your inability to face the consequences of a century of unabated atmospheric destruction - it is you and anyone else who can't face the science literacy of the upcoming yearly extinction level events. . EYES WIDE OPEN 🌍🌏🌎🦖☄️

  • @amyjones2490
    @amyjones2490 2 года назад +19

    Here in Michigan we have been having over 90F degrees every week since May! It’s unbelievable.

  • @gwynethjones7323
    @gwynethjones7323 2 года назад +16

    Preventable! Why are so many lacking connections to our humanity?

    • @willmont8258
      @willmont8258 2 года назад

      If you shut off the power created by fossil fuel, you will see mass deaths like the world has never seen.

    • @RobertMJohnson
      @RobertMJohnson 2 года назад

      which scientific experiment have you run to show it's preventable?

  • @tracevicente
    @tracevicente 2 года назад +3

    British Columbia experienced a HORRIFIC summer and fall last year. We hit 49c, over 600 people died during that heat dome in our province. An entire town burned to the ground and our province was smoke filled from June to Sept - not normal - tragic, in fact. Then, an atmospheric river hit in the fall and killed over a million farm animals in the lower mainland. I am also American and experienced Hurricane Sandy in NJ. The alarm is screaming, literally, of climate change and the SCOTUS ruling is outrageous. The cruelty seems to be the point. Amanpour & Co is my fave, thank you all so much for your continuous, thoughtful work. Do not stop!

    • @grindupBaker
      @grindupBaker 2 года назад

      Yep although Sumas is a lake bed that was pumped dry by that big station at the east end ~100 years ago to make those lovely fertile Abbotsford-Chilliwack fields.

    • @9UaYXxB
      @9UaYXxB 2 года назад

      @@grindupBaker Try to stay on topic, it may be difficult for you, but there's much bigger subjects under discussion than the situation with one lake.

  • @shirleyandrews1152
    @shirleyandrews1152 2 года назад +10


  • @Rnankn
    @Rnankn 2 года назад +14

    The Court puzzlingly presumes that preserving the integrity, stability and liveability of the biosphere is a ‘major question’ of political and economic significance that requires distinct congressional authorization. They seem to think capitalism and liberal democracy are preconditions for the biosphere, rather than existing as a consequence of natural abundance
    To my knowledge, congress has not authorized pushing human civilization out of the stable niche of ideal conditions that are survivable, and provoking mass extinctions at scales similar to the end of the Permian. No authorization was granted for the US to single handedly derail global effort to transition energy and have a liveable future.,

    • @rdelrosso2001
      @rdelrosso2001 2 года назад

      A large portion of the Congress is legally BRIBED by the Oil and Gas industry.
      So for the Supreme Court to say that the Congress needs to address the CO2 problem is very disingenuous.

    • @bischnou
      @bischnou 2 года назад +1

      Thank you.

    • @Rnankn
      @Rnankn 2 года назад +4

      @@rdelrosso2001 How is that legal? Or rational? In a country that worships at the altar of power being a source of corruption, it permits: conflicts of interests, nepotism, influence peddling, regulatory capture, graft, bribes, and favouritism. It’s well understood in most democracies that lobbying is an ethical mine field and it is tightly controlled. Although, power in most democracies is with the government so they can govern. Inaction is currently a terminal action we can not permit.

    • @charliebrandt2263
      @charliebrandt2263 2 года назад

      That is exactly why there will be no way back to any future for us. Arrogant hubris.

    • @pecquet-dubalaix8288
      @pecquet-dubalaix8288 2 года назад

      Is it Climate Change or Operation Popeye?

  • @melissaverduin3693
    @melissaverduin3693 2 года назад +4

    Thank you for having this discussion on your platform!💥

  • @MMuraseofSandvich
    @MMuraseofSandvich 2 года назад +52

    SCOTUS: Eh, it's no big deal. Everyone has air conditioners.
    People: Uh, no, no they don't.
    SCOTUS: Well it's their fault for not having money like we do.

      @IONAPINKMOXIE 2 года назад

      Exactly. The Right still falsely believes that pulling one's self up by their own bootstraps is the difference between poor and middle-class/rich. I assure you, it's not. Private message me and I will enlighten you.

    • @ericw9702
      @ericw9702 2 года назад

      SCOTUS ruling had nothing to do with the environment, it had everything to do with the EPA illegally operating outside of the authority Congress gave them. All congress has to do is fix it...its a legislative problem, not a judicial one.

    • @patriciarouse2801
      @patriciarouse2801 2 года назад

      50 years ago
      " I don't care. I will be dead. It's a problem for the next generation"
      And the superstitious plan to live in ever after land.

    • @Rnankn
      @Rnankn 2 года назад

      Money is irrelevant, we can print that. Its more like people won’t have food and water. Or a home or an economy to work in. Eventually, in equatorial regions, they won’t be able to go outside without dying. Everything will destabilize. AC requires electricity, where will that come from?

    • @loreselzer5273
      @loreselzer5273 2 года назад

      The Biden administration talks climate change=in reality,money laundering and kickbacks as they fool the public as the climate change cultists,the rich and elite ,laugh all the way to the bank😂😂😂

  • @Whistlewalk
    @Whistlewalk 2 года назад +2

    Excellent interview with a guest who has an understanding and balanced look at the need for changes.

  • @PhilippeOrlando
    @PhilippeOrlando 2 года назад +16

    Until we have the kind of heat that makes us lose our crops, here in the US, and we go through a scary food scarcity, nobody is going to care.

    • @9UaYXxB
      @9UaYXxB 2 года назад +6

      Well we had that (" the kind of heat that makes us lose our crops") last summer here in western Canada, yes so to the nort of you, in fact... the 'heat dome'...temperatures in excess of 10 degrees F higher than anything ever recorded here, for 4 days in succession, going to bed at night... the mattress under me over 100 degrees F due to overnight ambient temperatures (no A.C. in my home). The heat killed over 600 people in one of our provinces (British Columbia), burned crops over massive regions, just wrecked them, in communities the lawns were like brittle straw underfoot. So you WILL see massive crop failures and it won't be 10 years down the road.. the future is present... now.

    • @amyjones2490
      @amyjones2490 2 года назад +5

      This is currently happening.

    • @deborahciampa9285
      @deborahciampa9285 2 года назад +5

      @@9UaYXxB What you say is true. Sadly many do not know where and how food appears in stores.

    • @MF-ty2zn
      @MF-ty2zn 2 года назад +2

      By then , it will be too late.

  • @tedmom3029
    @tedmom3029 2 года назад +14

    Very thoughtful interviewee but do we hear solutions like addressing overpopulation, no. Humans in general do not want to accept their responsibility at all levels of creating this problem.

    • @m.walther6434
      @m.walther6434 2 года назад

      Overpopulation? 40% of the global population causes 85% of co2 emission.

    • @joeblow5087
      @joeblow5087 2 года назад +1

      Human overpopulation is the ONLY cause of Climate change.

    • @rdelrosso2001
      @rdelrosso2001 2 года назад

      You ignore the fact that, if the rest of the planet used energy on the same Per Capita basis as Americans, we would need another Planet Earth to provide the resources.
      When Americans' Per Capita CO2 emissions are nearly TWICE that of India and China, your comment does not make sense.

  • @MF-ty2zn
    @MF-ty2zn 2 года назад +8

    Carl Sagan told Congress about climate change in 1985. It's on RUclips. Check it out.

  • @humanbeing3337
    @humanbeing3337 2 года назад +10

    VOTE ! Return a minimum of 2 senate seats to Democrats AND hold onto the 50 who support equality, right to privacy, clean air, clean water. It’s the only power the people have to protest this corrupt court. Yes, you can get out the vote in other states by phone-bank. Contact your County Dem HQ.
    7 states could endorse this urgent protest: PA, NC, GA, NV, AZ, WI, NH.

  • @eddieperez9565
    @eddieperez9565 2 года назад +7

    And this was foretold...

  • @theraven6836
    @theraven6836 2 года назад +29

    Perhaps instead of SCOTUS revisiting established caselaw, POTUS should reconsider Marbury v Madison and just ignore SCOTUS.

    • @joeblow5087
      @joeblow5087 2 года назад +5

      Good idea.

    • @zetus01
      @zetus01 2 года назад

      As the American people vote for immoral men to represent them, SCOTUS may make/name Sunday a Monday just because they have majority.

  • @stephaniefain1863
    @stephaniefain1863 2 года назад +2

    We just got a new a/c and furnace unit installed. We live in north Florida. It took 7 years of building credit, with window units, to acquire a $15,000.00 loan to get it installed. Our old unit was broken, but all the power supply and duct work was in place. The last heatwave was brutal. I’m so proud of our new unit, it will keep us comfortable, and save us money. It also allows for healthier food, because NO ONE would voluntarily prepare a meal for 6 in a 95 to 100 degree heat, even with a fan. We ate a lot of sandwiches and salads. The kids are happy to get something different. Even grilling, in the shade, didn’t get done until the sun went down.

  • @drmikeyg
    @drmikeyg 2 года назад +6

    If you look closely at the picture of the semi tractor trailer that the 18 people died in, you can see a refrigeration/reefer unit on the front of the trailer. Why didn't the truck driver turn the unit on to keep the people cooled down? Very sad story. The EPA should have carte blanche on all decisions on climate change, because it's real and it's happening.

    • @sidstovell2177
      @sidstovell2177 2 года назад

      I heard that he put a hose from the cab through to them, but it didn't work.

  • @patriciarouse2801
    @patriciarouse2801 2 года назад +6

    Winona La Duke , Green Party said " my kids clean up one mess before they make another one"
    We belong on a planet, the only planet known to support abundant predictable life cycle.
    Be a good relative.

  • @ThePapawhisky
    @ThePapawhisky 2 года назад +5

    Abort the court!

  • @toddparke8535
    @toddparke8535 2 года назад +2

    South Jersey is turning into a tornado alley that is building towards what they get in the Midwest, entire towns wiped out etc.

  • @lorrainekopp6504
    @lorrainekopp6504 2 года назад +4

    Thanks for facts.

  • @willkrummeck
    @willkrummeck 2 года назад +4

    i been saying this for years, but im was called delusional

  • @lindak1768
    @lindak1768 2 года назад +11

    She made me feel a little better at the end. It’s hard to keep the mood up lately.

  • @kjw6383
    @kjw6383 2 года назад +3

    One thing for politicians to lie but for judges to ignore biology physics and environmental science and history is totally irresponsible and inexcusable.

  • @steventheabcandsometimesd6865
    @steventheabcandsometimesd6865 2 года назад +2

    I have said this before. But people still refute me. 50 years ago they knew about climate change. A common bi product of the internal combustion engine is carbon monoxide. It is an odorless yet deadly gas. People used to commit suicide by running a hose into their interior to die. They came up with the solution of adding an air pump just pumping air into the exhaust system, converting the carbon monoxide into carbon dioxide. This was in the late 1960s. Carbon dioxide is very prevalent in our environment. Your inhale is air and your exhale is carbon dioxide. When I did smog checks in the 1970s. The test measured carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons. Since the turn of the century they realized that the carbon dioxide was too high. Thus the catalytic converter was invented and greatly reduced vehicle emissions. For example hydrocarbon dropped from hundreds parts per million down to almost 1 part per million. So low that cars don’t need smog checks that measured emissions. Just a visual is sometimes required. But it’s still not enough. The rise in global warming requires immediate attention or our decedents may not have dry land to live on. But the problem is not like some giant meteor about to take us out like the dinosaurs, people don’t know the urgency. Just ask a scientist if I’m correct.

  • @nancyblanton6686
    @nancyblanton6686 2 года назад +1

    I have photos of Hoover Dam from 1981 on my Honeymoon. 40+ years later you can see the difference. Lived in Florida/coastal Texas and saw frogs and lizards all the time, now, seldom. Hotter summers, mild winters. The pandemic was just the start of our environmental challenges. To a younger generation: Hold on and keep working toward solutions and mitigation. Much has been lost but with care, the climate will reach an equilibrium. Hopefully a livable one.

    • @anthonymorris5084
      @anthonymorris5084 2 года назад +1

      The difference regarding the hoover damn is that the population of California alone has doubled since 1980 to 40 million. The population of Nevada has quadrupled. Both, in only 40 years. This is putting tremendous stress on resources from people who build cities in a desert environment.

    • @pecquet-dubalaix8288
      @pecquet-dubalaix8288 2 года назад

      Is it Climate Change or Operation Popeye? How do we know the difference?

  • @heavymetalpermaculture
    @heavymetalpermaculture 2 года назад +9

    2040 is 40 years too late to phase out fossil fuels in vehicles, thought it would be done by 2000.

  • @rickricky5626
    @rickricky5626 2 года назад +3

    forget any solutions...your fooling yourself if you think we could stop it now

  • @Atheistbatman
    @Atheistbatman 2 года назад +16

    It’s been too late for 20yrs
    Math, chemistry and physics
    We know how much we got and how much we add and what chemical changes will occur and more and more accurately when

    • @noirellee
      @noirellee 2 года назад


    • @karenanderson2661
      @karenanderson2661 2 года назад +2

      Yes, some of this climate change can't be undone immediately. However, we can keep it to a smaller 100 yrish event or an extreme 1000s yrs event

    • @joeblow5087
      @joeblow5087 2 года назад +1

      @@karenanderson2661 We won't slow down Climate change with SCOTUS weakening the EPA and forcing women to have rape babies. Human overpopulation is the ONLY cause of Climate change. Fetuses are parasites like Supreme Court Justices.

    • @timothyhunter4724
      @timothyhunter4724 2 года назад

      Well, that was a coherent argument.

  • @sandybayes
    @sandybayes 2 года назад +1

    Important interview! We need to override the Supreme Court's ruling. Whatever it takes!

  • @kimweaver1252
    @kimweaver1252 2 года назад +3

    The SCOTUS ruling would be infuriating if it was not already waaaay too late for the anemic CO2/GHG reduction plans and policies to accomplish any meaningful improvement to the conditions in which we find ourselves. We rocketed past the last exit on the highway to hell with a bottle of tequila in one hand, a cell phone in the other, and our foot mashed down on the accelerator. Too late now, It's Thelma and Louise time. Enjoy the view. While you can.

  • @And3aPet
    @And3aPet 2 года назад +1

    How can we get a link to the heat graph changing over years? That was fantastic.

  • @EmilyTienne
    @EmilyTienne 2 года назад +7

    Ted Cruz, Clarance Thomas and Mitch all have backup power systems so that their AC will never go out. 😁 And once this planet has become a glowing ember, Elon will have Mars ready for his conservative friends to move in.

    • @pecquet-dubalaix8288
      @pecquet-dubalaix8288 2 года назад

      Is it Climate Change or Operation Popeye? How do we know the difference?

  • @catznjam470
    @catznjam470 2 года назад +3

    We have 3-D printers capable of making shelter - are the kooks okay with rezoning land for shelters? The foreigners that have all this property in the United States, buying up repossessed homes and never living there, can we use that? Anyone willing to turn some golf courses, a waste of water that people could drink and bathe in, into places to erect some 3-D printed homes for climate refugees? Bear in mind that these refugees, a great many of them, will be American citizens whose home went up in a wildfire, or a flood or hurricane or tornado destroyed their whole community, like the little town in KY..

    @SEAQUEST-R 2 года назад +1

    If endemic CACTI dont survive the forecast drought-super temp trends in the SW, you know something's dire. High UV is a variable too. Scale is 1- 10, but it's hitting 11+ of late.

  • @brucesteele3052
    @brucesteele3052 2 года назад +5

    Social and environmental ethics will drive companies towards addressing climate change. Or economics will come back to bite them in the end.

    • @pecquet-dubalaix8288
      @pecquet-dubalaix8288 2 года назад

      Is it Climate Change or Operation Popeye? How do we know the difference?

  • @leftykeys6944
    @leftykeys6944 2 года назад +2

    This is corporate fascism, and it is dangerous.

  • @debbieharmon4709
    @debbieharmon4709 2 года назад +2

    Our planet should come first. All life depends on it!

  • @scourge6563
    @scourge6563 2 года назад +4

    "Just the other day, we had dozens of people die ..."
    Collective response: Oh well. See ya. Wouldn't want to be ya.

  • @LarryCleveland
    @LarryCleveland 2 года назад +3

    The Mayans uses to sacrifice babies to the Gods by throwing them in a pit. Forcing births now is just a slow form of that practice.

  • @judithbradford9130
    @judithbradford9130 2 года назад +2

    The entire legal theory taken for granted in the Roe repudiation is shockingly unAmerican and contentious-- he argues as though being "deeply rooted in history and tradition" is both necessary and sufficient for anything being a law, which would have been news to the American Founders who EXPRESSLY anchored their Constitution not in 'traditional' monarchy or inherited authority but in the social contract theory of liberal political thought! What the current arrogant conservative Justices call "made up law" and want to throw out in favor of whatever was done in the past (that current right wing religious ideologues choose to remember) is WHAT MAKES AMERICA GREAT.... but they could care less about that, while in the grip of their tantrum of forcing their favorite reactionary opinions down the throats of every American, revelling in the exercise of raw power without rational justification, the enforcement of hierarchy that is the real nut of their political worldviews.
    Thomas made it VERY CLEAR in his published op-ed that it's the place of the people to SHUT UP AND OBEY THEIR BETTERS.. unless their leaders aren't Republicans, in which case the Thomases are happy to foment violent overthrow of legitimate governance. Ginni Thomas ran about for years spying on everyone she could, reporting to Trump who was 'not really 100 percent loyal to MAGA' and trying to get those people fired and replaced by her friends and her friends' friends-- effectively brokering her social access as the wife of a Supreme Court Justice into influence over executive branch appointments-- and was so upset her reign of terror was over she did her very BEST to help Trump's coup.
    Her husband cannot remain on the bench of the Supreme Court after his wife attempted, repeatedly, to suborn criminal election tampering, telling multiple state legislators they could, and MUST, break the law to make Trump president for a second term. She belongs in prison, and her husband needs to be impeached, fired, and never allowed near a judgeship ever again. If he had recused himself from the case over the coup communications, he might be hoped to have separated himself from her criminal acts, but he did not, choosing instead to issue a dissent arguing for the COVING UP of his wife's criminal activities. It's a CLEAR violation of judicial duty that would get any judge in America dismissed.... except the Supreme Court has no rules!
    The Founders relied altogether too much on the idea that anyone making it to such an exalted position would be of good character and understanding, whereas Thomas is a spiteful, bitter, stupid man put on the bench by a party who KNEW what he was and that he could be counted on to do what they wanted, damaging American legal process and probity, as long as they gave him the importance he craved. He *stated* thirty years ago that his purpose as a Justice was making people suffer if they subscribed to the PHILOSOPHY OF THE CONSTITUTION-- the one that bases government on the consent of the governed, and consists in protecting the rights and liberties of all.
    Thomas's confirmation is the thing for which I blame President Biden the most-- if t were not for Joe Biden leading the charge to slime Anita Hill, we would not have had to put up with the first black male puppet ever on the Supreme Court-- a ventriloquist dummy with Scalia's hand firmly up his rear, an expression of mean contempt on his painted face. For YEARS Democrats have been too scared of the accusation "racist" to call Thomas what he is. I hope Justice Ketanji Jackson is able to exert some influence, and Justice Roberts finds a spine-- she and he share the judicial philosophy of calling balls and strikes, but he needs to realize some justices on his bench are no longer playing baseball at all, but rather chucking fastballs at people's heads deliberately, to kill them, under the guise of "pitching". Alito's public dismissal of all other justices as STUPID-- for not sharing his IDIOTIC view of the source of legal legitimacy should be an alarm bell!

    • @collarclatch6414
      @collarclatch6414 2 года назад +1

      Judith, I would give your comment 100 likes if I could. You are so right.

  • @richardgoldfine3191
    @richardgoldfine3191 2 года назад +7

    If the human population continues to increase, all the solutions that these two people are discussing will fail.

    • @sandybayes
      @sandybayes 2 года назад

      The population has nothing to do with it. The population in the US, Japan, China, etc are actually decreasing.

  • @xchopp
    @xchopp 2 года назад +1

    July 15, 2022: ...and now Sen. Joe Manchin has killed any chance of the US stepping up and addressing our historical responsibility. Weren't we supposed to be world leaders? And we have so much to lose!

  • @emilyfeagin2673
    @emilyfeagin2673 2 года назад +4

    Poor air quality is not pro life

  • @benbrown8258
    @benbrown8258 2 года назад +2

    We are capable individually and collectively of heroic actions that could make a difference if we value life over things and dramatic experiences. The time to start was probably the 1970s but 2022 is not a bad time either to make a dramatic change and stop consuming the Earth or our neighbors. Heroic action doesn't depend on it being a collective action or an individual action but either and both. Now.

    • @anthonymorris5084
      @anthonymorris5084 2 года назад

      Says the person using materials that were mined, to post.

  • @alohatstyles
    @alohatstyles 2 года назад

    So important to cover this and to center it as an all-ministries/departments on deck issue - health, security, economy, housing, built environment, infrastructure, education, welfare, defense, AND environment.

  • @freerangeboogie7293
    @freerangeboogie7293 2 года назад +1

    Phoenix summer time average evening temp has been and is 90 degrees.

  • @johntresemer5631
    @johntresemer5631 2 года назад +2

    Objectively perceiving this issue, it is comparable to the Ukraine War. Homo sapiens just doesn’t have the mental and spiritual health to be able to prevent horrific catastrophes. It is almost as if we as a species are not only ecocidal and genocidal but suicidal.

  • @JazzMaven
    @JazzMaven 2 года назад

    THIS is what "mainstream media" should be streaming!

  • @NiaPgn
    @NiaPgn 2 года назад +2

    Things will only change when rich people don’t have access to air conditioning or bunkers. Revolt.

  • @letsRegulateSociopaths
    @letsRegulateSociopaths 2 года назад +3

    the only response to this ruling is to expand the house of representatives, something that should have happened 75 years ago. The idea that only a few would represent 330 million people was never what the founders wanted, they would shake their heads, then move to Europe.

  • @mvann5
    @mvann5 2 года назад

    So where are the best places to live now?

  • @calvinmackey239
    @calvinmackey239 2 года назад +2

    🇺🇸 have given up on doing for this country

  • @himoffthequakeroatbox4320
    @himoffthequakeroatbox4320 2 года назад +2

    Environmental Protection Agency not allowed to protect environment. What next?

    • @willmont8258
      @willmont8258 2 года назад

      They are not allowed to make up laws and impose them on us. Only Congress has law making power.

  • @catznjam470
    @catznjam470 2 года назад +1

    Are they going to force the young girl to stay with her abuser? Just curious, bc I would guess nothing can be proven until after the child is born - sorry, I'm processing this with that -

  • @whygohome172
    @whygohome172 2 года назад +2

    Think of 63 million MORE BABIES and all the diapers in the!

  • @bootsofescaping01
    @bootsofescaping01 2 года назад +1

    Hoping it will be fast and painless because humanity F-

  • @sylviewalker7560
    @sylviewalker7560 2 года назад +1

    For the record: slow boiling frogs eventually know they are boiling. Humans...not so much.

    • @anthonymorris5084
      @anthonymorris5084 2 года назад

      Temps have barely budged over the last 24 years. Maybe that has something to do with it.

  • @williamclarke4510
    @williamclarke4510 2 года назад

    Coal is also used in the petrochemical industry. Exactly how are we going to power all of these electric cars? Will we have an electrical distribution grid capable of distributing it? What is the energy source that will power all of these electric cars?

    • @sandybayes
      @sandybayes 2 года назад +1

      Hopefully solar and wind.

  • @axlslak
    @axlslak 2 года назад

    I think we could do with a bit more optimization.
    We could certainly loose some jobs, gain others if we would look at this tiny little detail. Me personally I hate to waste time traveling. When I look for a new job, I just go around the neighbourhood looking for a new one. Its not easy, but it saves me from commuting. Which I would hate.
    I am fortunate coz since covid its been proven I could just work from home all along.
    And my home, I find less and less reason to be in a city. You know, comfort and productivity raises just by not being in a city. Dont know about others, but here in Bucharest, even in days like these of major heatwaves, it's more comfortable to be out of town than it is in town. As soon as you exit the city limits, you can see the temperature go down at least 2-3 degrees. Cities being larger producers of greenhouse gases have more green house gases around them. Even if there's no covers around cities, it takes days and storms to clear all that carbon monoxide. which is why cities are hotter than the land that is like 50 km away from city center.
    I like this fruit. Google translate says it's a wax cherry. It's the first time I have heard that combination of words. Anyway, it doesn't grow as far as I know in a lot of other places, so it is what it is. We in Romania call them corcoduse. They are kinda like a cherry, in size, and the way the fruits grow. The seed inside the fruit is very similar to the cherry. They differ in texture. A lot. The fruit I am talking about develops a hard seed inside a bit earlier, and resembles more a peach than a cherry, but never the less, the outside is more like a plumb. It's sour. And I love it. I love them before they are ripe and ready to harvest. A lot of people harvest them before they are ripe. As ripe fruits, nobody wants them. But as not yet developed enough, they are a good alternative to lemons. Very very sour. And a good type of sour. Anyway, the point is, you can find them in the right condition in the middle of Bucharest starting may, and as you go out into the country and even maybe the mountains, you could still find crude ones. But it goes like this,, you can start harvesting them in may in the center of Bucharest as they are everywhere (in peoples yards, parks, public lands... everywhere). And as time progresses the ones in the center of the city get ripe by june. But you can still get them outside the city. Somehow they didn't ripe there. And by july you can only find them in hill and mountain areas, where there's bigger trees fighting for light, and mountains... and much more oxigen.

  • @carinwiseman4309
    @carinwiseman4309 2 года назад

    Way too little, way too late, and more to be done than any government will ever do.

  • @markcampbell7577
    @markcampbell7577 2 года назад

    An air conditioner can run without consumption of electricity but the EPA was not allowed to dictate this low cost electric technology. The same appears to be true regarding Edison generator and dynamos power plants. These high profit margin power plants can not be dictated by the EPA mission.

  • @paulmakinson1965
    @paulmakinson1965 2 года назад +1

    Coal power plants are being restarted to generate power for Bitcoin mining.

  • @5150cappie
    @5150cappie 2 года назад +1

    Q. What’s the difference between a trump republican and a Ukrainian?
    A. A Ukrainian defends their capitol.

  • @freedombeach9238
    @freedombeach9238 2 года назад +1

    Of course there's no need to do anything against homelessness and/or human trafficking as long as you can blame the resulting human tragedies on people using an older vehicle. Pure bigotry!

  • @5150cappie
    @5150cappie 2 года назад

    It proves the insanity is us. Think rationally with a heart or lose everything.

  • @MyKharli
    @MyKharli 2 года назад +1

    Fossil fuel use cause this

  • @markcampbell7577
    @markcampbell7577 2 года назад

    When will we be able to eliminate halogenated vinyl halogenated carbon and nuclear technology to reduce atmosphere ionization?

  • @dontoews6754
    @dontoews6754 2 года назад

    will we see a stretch of wett bulb temperature ( 35 c with 100% humidity ) kill millions this summer

  • @domingogonzalez2506
    @domingogonzalez2506 2 года назад

    Let's be honest what's wrong with all these countries is that they have been sanctioned one way or another into poverty you got to tell it like it is baby

  • @rphfito
    @rphfito 2 года назад

    SCOTUS is hot for end of days. They're doing their utmost to prepare the way for the coming of the messiah.

  • @trulyso734
    @trulyso734 Год назад

    The Hawaiian fire wasnt cc.

  • @cornpawnpete494
    @cornpawnpete494 2 года назад

    I urge the use of violence to solve your issues. Protests and the rule of law are dead. Make others pay for your troubles.

  • @markcampbell7577
    @markcampbell7577 2 года назад

    Soot and smoke across the equatorial oceans and across the northern latitudes would help cool the planet as we shutdown plastic manufacture pollution and all halogenated vinyl and halogenated carbon production world 🌎 wide.

  • @andrewfarrell6120
    @andrewfarrell6120 2 года назад

    She broke Hari there for a minute!

  • @elekkr
    @elekkr 2 года назад +1

    If renewables are so much cheaper why worry what the EPA can regulate or not ? If renewables are cheaper and feasible the market and industry will take care of it .. not ?!

  • @robotron17
    @robotron17 2 года назад

    Ha ha. 1 degree over 100 years, mostly in the polar regions. And ALL of that is suspect, based on adjusted (i.e. not real/actual) temperature data. But it sure gives governments a lot of power.

  • @stephensampson9208
    @stephensampson9208 2 года назад

    Global ..

  • @laurafahey542
    @laurafahey542 2 года назад

    it’s happened before one yr some alot of mexicans dies same way no air in those trucks don’t go into human smuggling stop n think if the no airin those very hot trucks

  • @andrewlankford9634
    @andrewlankford9634 2 года назад

    Based on what? Trend is the opposite.

  • @Neodymigo
    @Neodymigo 2 года назад +1

    Since the “Little Ice Age” ended about 1860, the world has warmed about a degree C. Half of this occurred before 1940. The global temperature has actually been on a slight downtrend for the last 6 years. One should be very concerned that people pushing this as a “crisis” have other agendas in mind for their sheeple.

    • @grindupBaker
      @grindupBaker 2 года назад

      "Half of this occurred before 1940". Outright liar, 0.4 of 1.11 occurred before 1940. "global temperature has actually been on a slight downtrend for the last 6 years". Cherry picker start in the huge El Nino year same as you crooks did for 1997/98 huge El Nino throughout the 2008-2014. So you're both an outright liar and a cherry picking crook, one more type and you could go for the Trifecta prize.

  • @tedmom3029
    @tedmom3029 2 года назад +5

    80% of these countries also have massive overpopulation and cannot feed their populations regardless of climate change. But they do all have cell phones to communicate and TV’s to see where they want to go.

    • @9UaYXxB
      @9UaYXxB 2 года назад +4

      Your making sweeping dog whistle claims, with scant supporting evidence.

    • @tedmom3029
      @tedmom3029 2 года назад

      @@9UaYXxB LOL Speak to the truth of the statements not just sharing your whistle hallucinations

  • @amyanderson4099
    @amyanderson4099 2 года назад

    this lady knows from her living room😂