A Rant on Special Editions

  • Опубликовано: 13 сен 2024

Комментарии • 27

  • @PoppyMorreale
    @PoppyMorreale 6 месяцев назад +8

    Honestly we need more book rant videos cause there’s so much wrong like arcs

    • @LauraRenTaler
      @LauraRenTaler  6 месяцев назад

      Oh man😂 Arcs are a whole other story.

  • @citlalialvarado666
    @citlalialvarado666 6 месяцев назад +7

    Collecting and reading ARE different things
    I do own 2 different editions of some books, or, a 'pretty' edition of a book I've already read whether in another edition or another format altogether.
    I wholeheartedly agree with having a 'readable' copy, even in a different format; not having an edition I actually feel like reading sometimes puts me off.
    Also, the specials editions being a smart business move? Yes
    A cash grab? Also yes
    Specially now with first editions or early books in a series, or even with the special bonus chapters.
    I respect people choosing to do/buying that, but there is no denying the impact of consuming and capitalism
    P. S: I am, deep, in book stuff, but this video did appeared randomly on my feed. Loved it, I'll keep on watching more.

    • @LauraRenTaler
      @LauraRenTaler  6 месяцев назад +1

      Not wanting to feed into that cash grab while also wanting the “pretty edition” is a hard line not to cross 😅 thank you for watching though!

  • @bheartsbooks
    @bheartsbooks Месяц назад

    Also, a side note that no one mentions, is that the publishers are not charging more for the first print special edition, even though it costs more to print them. Books are getting expensive, but that’s across the board. All books are going up in price. Personally, I’m shocked, and so thankful that they don’t charge more. They could. In the past, when they release an anniversary edition, or simply a special edition, they have always charged more. I payed 30 dollars for my special edition of “The Cruel Prince” by Holly Black. It’s not a limited edition, but it’s beautiful, so I bought it. Was it worth 10 dollars more than the original hardcover? Absolutely! It’s covered in velvet, has black sprayed page edges, and comes with a slip case! No regrets. My point is, with this new trend, it doesn’t cost us extra money, even though it costs the publisher more money, and I feel like that’s not being mentioned.

  • @janeefritz3902
    @janeefritz3902 6 месяцев назад +3

    I am a book reader but not a collector but I do agree that books are getting way too expensive. I have a KU subscription so most of what I read is ebooks but I’ve also noticed that ebook copies are going up in price! Like $14-$20 for a regular old kindle edition. Which makes no sense because there is no “special edition” version of an ebook. Maybe you find a copy with some extra chapters but that’s about it.

    • @LauraRenTaler
      @LauraRenTaler  6 месяцев назад

      Ebooks being that much are the worst because at that point you could just spend the money on paperbacks anyway 😅

    • @citlalialvarado666
      @citlalialvarado666 6 месяцев назад

      Yes! Ebooks are getting sooo expensive
      The most I'll spend is 7-8 USD (according to my conversion rate), but that's for a book I really want, can't find any other way and wanna keep supporting the author; otherwise, even at 5 I'll stop considering to get it.
      I rather spend that money on KU or other platform.
      On the other hand, looking for cheap and discounted ebooks has allowed me to find new indie authors, so props to that.

    • @LauraRenTaler
      @LauraRenTaler  6 месяцев назад

      @@citlalialvarado666 I love KU for that reason! I always love finding new authors that way 🙂

  • @llamabean529
    @llamabean529 6 месяцев назад +1

    I do like a special edition but I'm quite picky I don't get hardbacks as often, but I've noticed that A big UK chain stores special edition is slightly cheaper than before. I also tend to buy special editions of books I've listened or read beforehand, fortunately they are easily available for me here. I do also like the books outside of subscriptions. I also feel like the range of special editions is expanding and companies who do complete overhauls of the cover art are very cool because it's definitely gonna be a super fancy edition and just pretty.

    • @LauraRenTaler
      @LauraRenTaler  6 месяцев назад

      Sometimes the amount of options that we have is almost to overwhelming 😅

  • @happily_ever_april
    @happily_ever_april 6 месяцев назад +2

    I also don't agree with the comparison to fast fashion. and a LOT of romance writers write books quickly. however, I don't think that's what happened with the print issues cuz those are two separate things but I agree she probably started iron flame sooner than we think. I'm curious to see the percentage of issues iron flame had because they printed what a million copies? 1% is acceptable with print issues but even that is a LOT of copies that people would post about on the internet making the issue seem bigger than maybe it really was overall?

    • @LauraRenTaler
      @LauraRenTaler  6 месяцев назад +1

      Seeing the percentage would definitely be interesting! I also think people forget that authors don't have much control, if at all, over the printing process of their books. The quality of the books is completely in the hands of the publisher.

  • @beingbookishpod
    @beingbookishpod 6 месяцев назад +1

    Fairyloot does offer an Adult book sub, but the box is book only. And with regard special edition books, in the UK, often if you go to some Indie stores or (specifically) Waterstones, special editions are sold alongside the classic edition of the book coming out (I guess like Barnes and Noble?). I personally read my special edition rather than buying another copy, so I have room for more books.

    • @LauraRenTaler
      @LauraRenTaler  6 месяцев назад

      Maybe one day I’ll be able to just buy the special edition, but for now I’ve got to stick to buying that second copy 🙃😂 I also kind of figured with the Fairyloot adult sub.

  • @bheartsbooks
    @bheartsbooks Месяц назад

    Entangled publishing absolutely did not start the trend of special editions. Book boxes did. What publishers are doing is giving people who can’t subscribe to book boxes, a chance to get a special edition. So instead of a handful of people getting a pretty edition of a book they love, now everyone can get one. As far as people comparing special editions to fast fashion? In no way is this comparable. Every single piece of fast fashion ends up where? A landfill. What happens to it after that? Nothing! It sits there because it’s not biodegradable. What happens to special editions of books? They get sold, or passed around. How many end up in landfills? These are not made for the purpose of consuming and then discarding. This is a piece of art that you’re buying. No one yells consumerism when someone has gallery walls of art all over their house. But books? Somehow it’s frowned at. I don’t get it.
    Every book has a first printing. Every single one. It tells you in the book if it’s a first printing or not, and often times, depending on the author, it makes it more valuable. Now, they’re making the first printing prettier, and more accessible to people.
    I’m really starting to think that people are having an issue because things are no longer so exclusive. Maybe people liked the idea that not many people had access to something like they did, and they felt special.

  • @marianneguevara8279
    @marianneguevara8279 6 месяцев назад

    I'm both a reader and a collector. However, I only purchase copies of books that are absolute favorites. Beforehand, it would be beautiful editions of classics I'd be mainly getting, and those would be relatively affordable. However, it was last year that I got more into special editions (limited number, signed, sprayed edges, etc.) But I always stick to my rule of only getting copies of my favorite books. When its a story I love I don't mind the extra beautiful editions and there's little to no chance of buyer's remorse. I'm lucky that the particular books I love don't really get special editions or at least not often. So I tend to be safe.
    And yeah it sucks when you have resellers marking up the prices. Sadly, its a problem in pretty much any collecting community. I'm also into collecting pins and not only do I have wade through the amount of overpriced secondhand prices but counterfeits as well.

    • @LauraRenTaler
      @LauraRenTaler  6 месяцев назад +1

      I’ve tried to only buy special editions of books that I really liked. But sometimes I just see them there at the bookstore and I can’t help myself lol 🥴

    • @marianneguevara8279
      @marianneguevara8279 6 месяцев назад

      @@LauraRenTaler I could definitely see myself crack eventually if I constantly saw beautiful editions. Luckily, I don't see many if any special editions where I shop books. At least there isn't that temptation. 😅

  • @asobimo5532
    @asobimo5532 6 месяцев назад

    Good thing about living somewhere where most book crates with special editions don't send to, is that I can't be tempered to buy them 😄🙃

    • @LauraRenTaler
      @LauraRenTaler  6 месяцев назад

      Haha omg 😂😢

    • @asobimo5532
      @asobimo5532 6 месяцев назад

      @@LauraRenTaler Honestly tho, living in Europe but not in EU is such a struggle when buying english published books, because each book costs at least 20€ but mostly ends up being 25€ per book.
      So only way I would've bought a special edition is if I they even send the book to my country, and if you also get freebies along with the book (book ofc has to be hard cover because what is the point in paying that much if the book isn't of higher quality?)
      So yeah, only if it's a really good deal and if it's a series with lower amount of books

    • @LauraRenTaler
      @LauraRenTaler  6 месяцев назад

      @@asobimo5532 20€ is crazy for a book 😊

  • @Guguchina
    @Guguchina 3 месяца назад

    Special editions look so pretty. But I found one of my fav books from fairyloot is only listed by sellers at like £100+. The box itself is like £20. I aspire to the special editions especially with characger artwork but idk if I can sign up to a subscriptiom when I dont know if I like or Im even interested in a book.
    I try to only buy special editions if its a book or author I know I really like and isnt extortionate, or the premise sounds 100% me, usually a waterstones preorder edition (c. £20). That happens maybe twice a year? Otherwise im actively trying to use my library more and not buying any books

    • @LauraRenTaler
      @LauraRenTaler  3 месяца назад

      Compared to how much regular editions cost here in Canada, £20 isn’t that bad. But if you live internationally like I do, shipping costs almost as much as the book does. So it ends up being double the cost in the end. Does that stop me? Unfortunately, no 😅

  • @cookiemongirl
    @cookiemongirl 6 месяцев назад

    Yes to a lot of this. With the slight disparity that 99% of the time I borrow a book from the library first, and then if I liked it I'll go out a buy it. In a sense those books are already "trophies" on my shelves. So it's pretty rare for me to have multiple copies unless the book is sentimental or I really loved it. For example I have 3 different versions of the chronicles of narnia set, also I have Pride and Prejudice as both a classic paperback and the illustrated special hardback. One of my faves is the original Daughter of Smoke and Bone series, since I got those paperbacks as they were coming out, and yes I spent over $200 getting the special LitJoy editions (not including the price of shipping to Australia). Yes I'm in Australia, so there's extra struggle (aka expenses) already with getting things like subscription boxes.
    I'm also wary of lending out books because I've had people simply not return them (you'll be missed 'The Song of Achilles' and 'Know My Name'). Hence sometimes having multiple copies is needed, otherwise use that as an excuse to now buy said book as a special edition 😂

    • @LauraRenTaler
      @LauraRenTaler  6 месяцев назад

      Oh man I didn’t even think about shipping costs to other countries. Thanks for pointing that out! Sorry you have to deal with that 🥲