Dominionism: Bachmann, Perry Share Radical Religion Ties

  • Опубликовано: 5 сен 2024
  • A Daily Beast piece explains how 2012 Republican presidential candidates and Tea Party favorites Michele Bachmann and Rick Perry share ties to a radical fundamentalist Christian movement known as Dominionism. Cenk Uygur, Richard Eskow and Brian Unger discuss on The Young Turks.
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Комментарии • 452

  • @barba3gr
    @barba3gr 13 лет назад

    IMO: This is the best video I have seen on TYT!! The quality of the image is superb, and the audio is equal to it.

  • @DoctorCataclysm
    @DoctorCataclysm 13 лет назад

    I've been waiting for you guys to catch up on this story.

  • @PizzahutCrocodile
    @PizzahutCrocodile 13 лет назад

    you should make these longer and have an unedited version on a separate channel. i would love to learn more about your opinions about this but sadly these videos are much too short but still highly appreciated.

  • @MrJackPD
    @MrJackPD 13 лет назад

    YES! Richard Eskow is back!!! Keep him as a regular on the show!

  • @kikkimikki
    @kikkimikki 13 лет назад

    Fantastic panel !

  • @Waranle
    @Waranle 13 лет назад

    More of these two guys and Cenk please

  • @watermelonygoodness
    @watermelonygoodness 13 лет назад

    Whoa TYT upping the quality!

  • @Vajew
    @Vajew 13 лет назад

    Brian Unger is from Licking county, Ohio? holy crap thats only 1 county away from me

  • @Eraserheaddf
    @Eraserheaddf 13 лет назад

    Thanks for that obvious insight

  • @a1b26600
    @a1b26600 13 лет назад

    @MrBushlied thank you!

  • @Johnwr61575
    @Johnwr61575 13 лет назад

    I love how bp buys ads patting themselves on the back.

  • @PrairiePie23
    @PrairiePie23 13 лет назад

    YES! I/ve been warning folks for 11 years.

  • @MrDecember91
    @MrDecember91 13 лет назад

    @Tarynus I agree with you on that

  • @wayman29
    @wayman29 13 лет назад


  • @RAMUNEsweet
    @RAMUNEsweet 13 лет назад

    Good trio. I'd like to see more of this group.

  • @mistapikkles
    @mistapikkles 13 лет назад

    That was sickening

  • @SpectreEelman
    @SpectreEelman 13 лет назад

    "Science flies you to the Moon, Religion flies you into Buildings"...
    The cold, hard Truthful facts about Any Religion..

  • @CurtMortis
    @CurtMortis 13 лет назад

    Off topic but did they get a new camera? The colour looks better and more sharp.

  • @billyrichardson2
    @billyrichardson2 13 лет назад

    1:43 - 1:46 CENKS JERSEY ACCENT makes its presence known!

  • @Antisocialnerd2
    @Antisocialnerd2 13 лет назад

    Kudos to Brian contributing a lot of good stuff

  • @AwayFromTheWorld
    @AwayFromTheWorld 13 лет назад

    @restinghope Amazing Ghandi quote, thank you for posting it, this is the heart of the issue for me when disgussing my faith with people I'm glad I am not the only one who sees this.

  • @Mxyzptlk562
    @Mxyzptlk562 13 лет назад

    I do remember this verse when I was forced to go to Sunday school as a kid: Jesus said, "My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jews. But now my kingdom is from another place." John 3:18.
    With the way people like Bachmann and Perry want things, besides Jesus and all, what is the real difference between Islam & their all-encompassing vision of how Christianity should permeate all aspects of our lives?

  • @grendelee
    @grendelee 13 лет назад

    I like how people say slavery wasnt so bad, sure you have no freedom, no rights, nothing, but hey......thats not so bad. But as soon as the government lowers (?!) taxes, or tries to pass healthcare its SLAVERY! ITS THE MOST PAINFUL THING EVER EXPERIENCED! HOW CAN YOU DO THAT TO SOMEONE?

    @PRIVATEAYEIEYE 13 лет назад

    As a picture framer when barn prints framed in barn wood were big in the south, I framed many prints of Gen. Lee. He represented the nobility of the south, even in defeat.
    As the Reagan steamroller came to town, Lee fell out of favor, and I almost exclusively framed Nathan Bedford Forrest, slave trader and originator of the KKK.
    The Dixiecrats would have you believe it was because of his fighting prowess, but a look at their loving rewrite of the Klan's history tells you all you need to know.

  • @CrazyCanuck129
    @CrazyCanuck129 13 лет назад

    @Domzdream same in Canada.. for the most part anyways

  • @HHthinktank1
    @HHthinktank1 13 лет назад

    Licking county no way I live near there :O

  • @beeuhlazz
    @beeuhlazz 13 лет назад

    Listen up. The bottom line is that these two lunatics running for president are going to eventually ruin this country. If either of these two succeed, im moving out.

  • @8TheManWithNoName8
    @8TheManWithNoName8 13 лет назад

    @MWcrazyhorse I wasn't refering to that, I was refering to the thing with Grant.

  • @corbiegirl
    @corbiegirl 13 лет назад

    Thank you for addressing this -- Dominionism has been overlooked too long. It's a real threat to our democracy.

  • @TheWrongFlyer
    @TheWrongFlyer 13 лет назад

    @Yoyoredman Don't forget Perry.

  • @Kingslayer76
    @Kingslayer76 13 лет назад

    how the states got their shapes. awesome.

  • @coopclauson
    @coopclauson 13 лет назад

    By the way, I saw a completely fascinating interview with Glenn Beck the other day in which he describes his "conversion." He spent years as an alcoholic and stoner, and couldn't find any work. Then he met someone from LDS, got connected to a job, and "converted".
    I don't know that LDS is the same as dominionism, but it seems similar in that it's more or less a business transaction. We'll take care of you, but you have to completely swallow our ideology.

  • @trexx32
    @trexx32 13 лет назад

    I saw the new bible story on starz its called Spartacus

  • @coopclauson
    @coopclauson 13 лет назад

    This is heavy into Chris Hedges' territory. The picture you get is that economic disaster (or other things) leads to people's lives being messed up, and then the church comes in and offers to make things right, and people get sucked in, but the cost is total ideological conformity. Brian Unger's description is EXACTLY the same as Chris Hedges'.

  • @kivanctube
    @kivanctube 13 лет назад

    2:56 Pavarotti LIVES!!

  • @Jonisdaman
    @Jonisdaman 13 лет назад

    @Skarbed lol Braveheart

  • @xexixk
    @xexixk 13 лет назад

    @usaeagle1776 The word seperation is not used - that you are correct about but seperation is most certainly implied by the fact that the establishment clause bars the creation of a national church or state preference for one religion over another. It's also implied by the prohibition of any religious test [qualifications] in order to hold public office. You are free to worship - or not worship - as you see fit. Is that not enough?

  • @DaBigChalk1991
    @DaBigChalk1991 13 лет назад

    Here in Ireland the church has been disgraced by years of sex abuse which literally has brought down the church. 50 years ago the church were above the law. What they said went. Women had to give up their jobs when they married, and when they got pregnant, they had to beg the priest for forgiveness. They had to beg the priest to continue the human race and worst of all, those pregnant out of wedlock were abandoned by the family and sent to laundrettes to give birth. Watch Magdalene sisters

  • @pir8prod
    @pir8prod 13 лет назад

    This shit is scary!

  • @ejp93
    @ejp93 13 лет назад

    Has anyone else noticed that the videos are now in 1080p! Gettin' dat youtube money! Makin' it rain on TYT, go Cenk it's ya birthday.

  • @zupergozer
    @zupergozer 13 лет назад

    the other dudes scared the fuck out of me

  • @psychokillercrab
    @psychokillercrab 13 лет назад

    @filipamd it's not insulting, it's the truth. I am sure DEEP DOWN they praise this man and wish there were more like this everywhere, especially in the states

  • @Eraserheaddf
    @Eraserheaddf 13 лет назад

    "Every one that is found shall be thrust through; and every one that is joined unto them shall fall by the sword. Their children also shall be dashed to pieces before their eyes; their houses shall be spoiled, and their wives ravished." (Isaiah 13:15-16)

  • @tunit20
    @tunit20 13 лет назад

    @calibur12001 and Romney isn't?

  • @CalebAlucardtheHagan
    @CalebAlucardtheHagan 13 лет назад

    I love the phrase 'Prayer Warriors'. It's curious how Christians will typically have such militarist titles for their ministry. Makes ya wonder how something like the Crusades and the Inquisition ever occurred, huh?

  • @noxXxnocti
    @noxXxnocti 13 лет назад

    @ctconaway nope. I am one too.

  • @wayman29
    @wayman29 13 лет назад

    @Eraserheaddf - You talking about the bible or the book referenced to in the video??? :0)

  • @originalglitch
    @originalglitch 13 лет назад

    for a christian, Peter Waldron( at 3:01) looks a lot like the devilish wrestling manager James Mitchell.

  • @niriop
    @niriop 13 лет назад

    This quote should never, ever leave your mind, no matter how many times it is said:
    “When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.” -Sinclair Lewis

  •  9 лет назад

    Estas son las sociedades "CIVILIZADAS"???

  • @ThaGenius101
    @ThaGenius101 13 лет назад

    Ron Paul can physically stop tornados and hurricanes.

  • @TheShitpostKing
    @TheShitpostKing 13 лет назад

    Im beginning to think that they are myths by looking at how tax cuts arent creating growth where I live (the UK), but can you explain for me why they are? thanks

  • @RedlineMMA
    @RedlineMMA 13 лет назад

    OH ...religion is there anything you can't ruin.

  • @cpufightclub
    @cpufightclub 13 лет назад

    @pistolpete1st so wicca and witchcraft and mormons are a better alternative?

  • @psychokillercrab
    @psychokillercrab 13 лет назад

    @klausweasley I agree there is a quote from the Bible where Jesus says, they will cast demons out in my name but when they come to me I will say 'Go from me for I never knew you'

  • @corbiegirl
    @corbiegirl 13 лет назад

    @divinusnobilite -- it's not just guilt by endorsement. Bachmann went to ORU for her law degree, one of the major proponents of Dominionism. She spouts Dominionist lines all the time. Perry's "Response" prayer rally was full of Dominionists. He also is deeply involved with them. Beyond that, Sarah Palin's church is a Dominionist church, and she also spouts lines from their theological ideology all the time. The GOP is now deeply in bed with people who want to make the U.S. a theocracy.

  • @MrDecember91
    @MrDecember91 13 лет назад

    @Tarynus I love you for being a human being and im not going to hate you for what you believe or dont believe and yeah that 500 characters screws me alot

  • @ThePyrokin
    @ThePyrokin 13 лет назад

    This story reminds me of that adult swim show Moral Oral or something. It disgusts me to think of a world like that

  • @floritaka
    @floritaka 13 лет назад

    @spiderpig85 So all christians groups are the same? This video mention specific groups of christianity, not christianity in general.

  • @Randy778
    @Randy778 13 лет назад

    That´s why they dub everyone knight of ni...

  • @SirFailsalot91
    @SirFailsalot91 13 лет назад

    @MrDecember91 There's no reason to hate someone for disagreeing

  • @samsara801
    @samsara801 13 лет назад

    America scares the shit out of me.

  • @erentheca
    @erentheca 13 лет назад

    @phatin8 Agreed. I am a Christian and I find this mindless mobbing around Rick Perry to be absolutely creepy. I guess a candidate can have direct financial ties to a pharmaceutical company, defend the actions of a dirty oil company, try undermine the rights of the citizens in his state, state his clear ignorance of economics,.... but if he goes to a prayer meeting, then suddenly, he can do no wrong. There was a spiritual quality that was good in situations like was.. discernment.

  • @redryan20000
    @redryan20000 13 лет назад

    @SpectreEelman did it fly Martin Luther King Jr. into a building?

  • @l0gically
    @l0gically 13 лет назад

    @theylied1776 The Constitution is the supreme law of the land, and it certainly DOES mention this separation.

  • @nickst0ne
    @nickst0ne 13 лет назад

    This shit is scary.

  • @lakendrawriter
    @lakendrawriter 13 лет назад

    That disrespectful to the memory of of slaves and ex-slaves. How dare he actually say that slavery, the exploitation of millions, the millions of rapes, separation of family, mutilation, dehumanization was actually a good thing. STOP making excuses. Nothing about slavery was good!

  • @danivox7874
    @danivox7874 9 лет назад +1

    Thankfully, im doing great now. But when i was homeless after my foundry shut down, all the shelters were christian run. It was always convert or die in the snow. I was a christian then, but i guess not their brand. The u.n. began forcing this monistic triadism on my monotheistic faith. They imposed the trinity doctrine on all demoninations in my ohio hometown. This got me wanting to know god more. So i left the shelters who refused to allow a responsible adult work. I camped out in the forest and worked three part time jobs and got on my feet in 4 months time. Then i started really searching the bible itself and found it morally atrocious. This god commanded that rape victims should be stoned to death as harlots if they failed marry the rapist that violated them. This god in the o.t. admitted he was once called el and baal, that he had a goddess wife named asherah, etc. Long story short out of respect for those who still beleive this stuff, i left christianity. After many abuses by men i dated through my church, i am now a lesbian. I joined the wiccan faith not long ago and this was for me personally the greatest thing that ever happened to me. I am loved and accepted in ways nearly no christian understands. The dominionist terrorists could burn me alive, and yet i am completely at peace.

  • @BHallBrowser
    @BHallBrowser 13 лет назад

    Meanwhile, did anyone else notice that none of the Republican demands during the debt debate were over abortion laws? First priority is money, not babies' lives.

  • @98bigbutt
    @98bigbutt 13 лет назад

    @uzimodem,Oh yeah? I wonder why there are millions of Americans without insurance and has to pay thousands of $ on their medical bills.

  • @Bradylama
    @Bradylama 13 лет назад

    ACTUALLY, slaves were considered to be part of an extended family with the Master as the head of hearth and home. Plantation patriarchs derived authority using the same reasoning that justified monarchies.

  • @Stingerbillion
    @Stingerbillion 13 лет назад

    @Stingerbillion Sorry i meant "try"

  • @Skyecloud27
    @Skyecloud27 13 лет назад

    @spiderpig85 vote against what exactly? just trying to understand your comment

  • @blackkakari
    @blackkakari 13 лет назад

    Remember that the only difference between a cult and a religion is numbers. Both still operate the same.

  • @cousinbecky
    @cousinbecky 13 лет назад

    organized religion is the ban to open civilized discussion on nearly any topic.

  • @Skarbed
    @Skarbed 13 лет назад

    What is truly sad here - is that TRUE Christians would NEVER 'push' their faith on anyone else. That is not Christianity. The day that a person is forced to worship God, will be the end. God will not stand for it ... pure and simple.

  • @psychokillercrab
    @psychokillercrab 13 лет назад

    Holy Shit Brain I live in Franklin County in Ohio and you are right, the Christian churches reign here!

  • @TheGunpowderTreason
    @TheGunpowderTreason 13 лет назад

    My cousin married a Dominionist, and despite the fact that he abandoned her and their 3 children to "do God's work" she not only forgave him, but now is expecting their 4th child together after "God brought us back together". I haven't been able to talk to her without her berating me for not following her faith, and any hint of disapproval in her lifestyle will cause her to go all "God-Crazy" and shriek and wail and scream at you. This kind of religion breeds crazy is just wring.

  • @CrazyGrin
    @CrazyGrin 13 лет назад

    @pistolpete1st Wow, Catholicism should have have been the first one you mentioned. =P

  • @DoomsdayR3sistance
    @DoomsdayR3sistance 13 лет назад

    @pistolpete1st No doubt, but how to end them without using the same horrific tactics those religions used to spread themselves? How to do it without torture, murder, oppression and the such. I am still waiting for that answer because I ain't gunna drop to that level, all we can do is continue to prompt the ideas of critical thinking and scientific inquiry but it's still a slow, slow process.

  • @MrDecember91
    @MrDecember91 13 лет назад

    @Tarynus That was funny but i do know that there are many atheist that wont believe a word i would say about religion and no kind of point can really be made through a computer screen and keyboard anyway so it would be pointless for me to respond in any kind of way other than what i just did

  • @WhereJohnFrum
    @WhereJohnFrum 13 лет назад

    Jesus did (supposedly) say "Any man who does not want me to reign over him, bring him before me and cast him as a branch into the fire".

  • @Eraserheaddf
    @Eraserheaddf 13 лет назад

    Matthew 18:25: "But forasmuch as he had not to pay, his lord commanded him to be sold, and his wife, and children, and all that he had, and payment to be made."

  • @Zentz29
    @Zentz29 13 лет назад

    @divinusnobilite Luke 14:26
    Made up? Not there?

  • @joslinnick
    @joslinnick 13 лет назад

    God came to me in a dream and told me what he had never told any religious man before, "Think rationally."

  • @lipjani
    @lipjani 13 лет назад

    0:33? call of duty? lol

  • @IAmTheisen
    @IAmTheisen 13 лет назад

    People should vote for someone that could actually do good for this country, and move us forward. Michele Bachmann and Rick Perry would bring us back, not help our country as a whole.

  • @gamegeek2
    @gamegeek2 13 лет назад

    @nativemrv19722 - Levicitus 20:13, Judges 21, Numbers 31, Zechariah 13:3, Deuteronomy 17:12, Leviticus 20:27, Proverbs 20:20, 2 Chronicles 15:12-13, Deuteronomy 13:13-19, to name a few.

  • @DickCheneyXX
    @DickCheneyXX 13 лет назад

    @Stevie68000 Do you want a list of christians in the political system? 500 characters wont cut it though...

  • @nativemrv19722
    @nativemrv19722 13 лет назад

    @cyclo1224 You are so right. I don't know who they think they are fooling.

  • @seamoremonster
    @seamoremonster 13 лет назад

    @dblueguy What? Now the Supreme Court is going to declare Churches people too?

  • @Keijikrall
    @Keijikrall 13 лет назад

    Is Brian Related to Cenk..? Their names are so similar.. but it can't be the same?

  • @therrydicule
    @therrydicule 13 лет назад

    @Plato86 And why these temple, really often, pay no taxes? I mean, it's less than 0 when considering some small transfer payment... I understand that they should not be taxed really high because they are "churches", that a lot of income is donation and the work done is, often, "good will"... But, other organism working by donation and doing benevolence does pay some small taxes. Don't forget that the churches, in USA, have more than $102 billion just in properties, so it's a bit relevant.

    @HONORGUARD308 13 лет назад

    I do not look up at god, i do not look down at the devil, i look to my left and to my right, i see the people standing long side me, then i look forward i look into the future, i look for a road that will lead my self and others into a prosper future, a future set by us not by religions preaching false gods, not by people seeking war and destruction.

  • @lordblazer
    @lordblazer 13 лет назад

    that was made from an even crappier anime.

  • @Henchman_Holding_Wrench
    @Henchman_Holding_Wrench 13 лет назад

    @seamoremonster as George Carlin said, "If holy people are so interested in politics, government, and public policy, let them pay the price of admission like everybody else. The Catholic Church alone could wipe out the national debt if all you did was tax their real estate."

  • @4LackOfaBetterNam3
    @4LackOfaBetterNam3 13 лет назад

    @Eraserheaddf the second part of your sentence and the first part mean the same thing.
    yeah, that's why so many religious wars are fought. you have your firm beliefs based on nothing and I have mind based on nothing. Since both of our ideas are based on nothing, there is no way to change each others mind, the only solution is war. And that is what happens.

  • @emerice
    @emerice 13 лет назад

    Wouldn't Rick Perry be disqualified from the presidential race for being an agent of a religious institution?

  • @theaceofspades39
    @theaceofspades39 13 лет назад

    @Comsofficer just vote for a third party

  • @Thanatos71185
    @Thanatos71185 13 лет назад

    @paul6082 What? May the Goddess Bless You.