This project got me so enthusiastic I grabbed a garbage bag and started picking up rubbish along the river near my house, believe it or not I saw a lady doing the same thing about a week later.
I have followed this mere child since I saw his original TEDx talk in 2012. I haven't been able to watch an ocean documentary without writing about him. That he raised $2.2 million using a crowd-funding website just to launch his company in 2013 spoke volumes for the faith people had in him. He has grown from a terrified, shy child in that first TED talk where he presented a dream to a largely quiet, doubtful audience to the confident, self-assured young man you see here quietly commanding the attention of adults 2 and 3 x his age. This is the result of a child raised right - was he born a genius? I don't think so - he got this entire dream from a simple Greek diving holiday when he was in high school. He returned home and presented his general idea in a science project but he did not let go of that dream - he followed it where it led, dropped out of college to pursue it - adults in his life taught him to believe, to dream, to follow those dreams and never EVER take no for a final answer - where there is the will, there is always a way. I believe he deserves a Nobel Peace prize for his work - if not now CERTAINLY when he proves this works. Hailing from the Gulf Coast of Florida, this is my personal hero.
Wonderful summery Dixie, thank you. I hope you yourself are able to pick up plastic whenever you find it aswell, like me. In dutch we say " Vele handen maken licht werk"... Many hands make the job easier. Bye from the Netherlands
@Slimebeast Pug and the bigger fiasco are the dozen million dollars spent to put Kavanaugh on the supreme court. Or house the children that were separated from their parents. Or tell me why FEMA paid for that before Florence came around??? Shut the hell up, you bozo.
I've been watching him too, it's amazing, isn't it? Hopefully we could do the same with the sinkers as welll, don't you think? The flotsam, jetsam- above and below...
agree , silly when you think about it, it was companies fault to flood the market with plastics yet the cleaning task is burdened on goverment and consumers
with the exception of hurricanes and cyclones, it's the consumers that aren't disposing of their trash properly. consider the movie theater or a sports event. All the litter that gets left behind where people don't pick up after themselves despite ample waste baskets available, this is the reason for the pollution problem. If not plastic, then it will be something else. Litter gets left behind in parking lots and thrown onto the side of roads, probably off the sides of ships. People are gross and THAT is the problem. It starts with teaching your kids to pick up after themselves not just at home, but in public places as well. Plastic bags don't blow in the wind if they are properly disposed of or placed into recycling bins that are picked up often enough. That's another problem...recycling bins that go neglected and aren't picked up after reaching full capacity. And it's not about whether anyone wants to recycle plastic. It's the responsible thing to do. The planet needs us to do it.
Jacqueline Marsh I wholeheartedly agree. The most effective way to solve this problem is to start from individual level - reduce, reuse, and repurpose plastic items.
To Boylan and everyone else --- THANK YOU for what you're doing. I've been following and supporting you for a couple of years at this point, and I almost can't believe that it's happening! Thank you for everything
This is a wonderful project. I had been idly thinking about passive plastic cleanup systems since I heard about the garbage patch, and this is much like what I envisioned. Very common-sensical. I hope that the system works as well as he predicts. Sometimes these sorts of projects are vastly more optimistic than they prove to be in reality. In any case, it's a serious problem and hopefully if successful it will serve as a model for dealing with other environmental issues that we are currently faced with.
The Triggerati You unfortunately right in here. The expectations and efficiency are greatly exaggerated for purpose of generating funds. There are hundreds of excellent engineers around the world trying to tackle that problem,and for that to happen the game changing designs are needed, and there is none so far. Thats why Boyan avoids to speak about technology and engineering solutions, they don't have any jet. Look Tesla.. they started with nothing, got trough shit lots of problems but got fundings trough proving that they recognise and tackle real problems and make decent progress on yearly bases.
Hey austin in china im Dan in Ma. Seeing how you support Boyan in his efforts to clean up oceans, well I have a great idea I have had it for over a decade. And im just tired of ignoring world issues that I can directly help fix. Im no computer buff. But I know we cant live long w out healthy oceans , I Need to some how contact Boyan to propose an idea that may hurry along the effort to clean up this mess. Please let me know if there is any way I can find out how I can contact him. Please respond to me asap p.s. He has a great idea but I feel like many plans could be implemented to speed up the solution . Again please respond on how I may be able to contact him. Thanks I love oceans
Do you think you can contribute to our mission but there is no suitable vacancy on our website at this moment? Please send your resume to
This young man is amazing. I have stopped using plastic where I could and plastic containers that were reusable I use for storing all kinds of things. I try not to buy anything that comes in plastic containers.
@@campari4467 What is the issue? Poor quality items, or items made in China? You can easily get one without the other you know.. It's mostly about price, if you buy a 1500$ food processor from china, it's going to be top quality, if you buy a 20$ food processor from anywhere in the world, it's going to be "garbage"
This is more than awesome. When I found out about this I called my 91 year old mother, who is in assisted living to tell her about it. For the last 10 years she has been so worried about the oceans and asked me to produce a video and do something about this. When she learned of this amazing invention she was so pleased and immediately started talking about how important this is. I told her that it will take 10 years, but a lot will be done by the time she is 101 years old. Thank you Boyan Slat for not giving up, and for your genius. God Bless! Katherine An amazing team!
🥺 ohhhh so cute . if she still are with us, you can say right now that the project is reality and it's really doing the job. They were catching really much of trash at 2022. and now 2023 is going to be better. See and show her the videos of their Channel. Really the heroes we needed 🥰.
This presentation blew my mind. The phenomenal efforts of one man followed by the support of many really proves the power of the collective human effort… and BOY am I excited to see how I can contribute!
Hello there PetePete, I’m sure you’ve already been telling others, so keep this going ! Refer the to the web site & have them feel inspired that the more who hear of, respond to, maybe the governing bodies of this world might finally come to the table - fund through their contributions of tax helping take their responsibility of disposing of thoughtfully- not simply monetary gains. Having this trash shipped to 3rd world countries won’t deal with the amount ending back in our oceans. 1st World Countries NEED TO DISPOSE OF THEIR OWN PLASTIC IN THEIR OWN BACK YARDS- starting with government initiatives & scaling uP🚮🆙 for safe responsible reuse/ recycled
the genius of Boyan is his ability to bring on board other people equally as smart, specialists in their particular fields, leaders of councils, governments and socially influential people, and sell them the same dream....the most inspirational thing i have ever seen
Watching Boylan Slat video made my eyes tearing. The job he has done to help clean up the oceans is almost unbelievable but he has found a way and is doing a great job. I am 71 years old and my generation has a lot to do with this problems, the way I saw this problem in the past it looked unsolvable but I am very glad and proud of Boylan that he has the initiatives to get start and is doing it with a very innovative solution. I promise to help support the efforts and if possible to spread the technology and funding the future of oceans clean ups. Thank you, thank you! Screw the governments!
I'm so proud! So happy to see this happening and so glad I supported this! We need to support people who actually want to help and want to do something with the problem that all of us are responsible for and all of us are affected by! Thank you, Boyan! For making this happen and for not giving up! You're making the future possible for our children while the politicians and companies do nothing. If we can't reduce the plastic, at least we can clean it up. Thank you! And please, don't ever give up!!
I can clearly perceive the tendency that only younger generations of our population are going seriously to take over and solve the ecologic problems. Our civilization and science has made very harmful consequences. We must to take advantage of these global processes to control the situation, to remove the consequences and finally TO LEARN RESPECT the nature of our Earth. I wish a lot of continuous enthusiasm, persistence and success for The Ocean Cleanup team. Green greetings for all from Lithuania
Boyan Slat, amazing human. Humanity owes a debt of gratitude to you. Watching your latest videos on what you have achieved today is truly inspirational. Thank you to you and the entire Ocean Clean-UP Team.
Yeah, I know what you mean! I'm very excited about this. I was just thinking how come we haven't cleaned that garbage patch up yet?! Wouldn't that make sense than just being sad about it?? And here I find my hero Boyan! Sounds optimistic and what I really like is the short term goals because we will actually be able to see the results within our lifetimes!!! :)
@Too many munsters dude, "virtue signaling" is just... misplaced in this serious context. This here is serious! We will be DECIMATED as a species by dying slow and painful deaths from pollution from inside when we not act now. NOBODY that does something useful like picking up trash from the park or river and shows it on social media is "virtue signaling".
I sincerely hope that Governments around the world are assisting with your project. There should not be any financial barriers to this becoming an overwhelming success. Good luck and god speed.
I just find it so amazingly shocking that there are teams out there working their lives out to help the world we live in and all they need is a few hundred million dollars. To save the planet. But that’s exactly what was donated to the Notre Dame who will not save our planet. Don’t get me wrong, I love her. But she is not our Earth’s priority.
The Notre Dame donation was disgusting in all shapes and forms. Those same people could have donated to innocent Yemenis who are being bombed and starved to death by Saudi Arabia. Even the French people themselves didn't like the move as they were already protesting against high taxes on the working class.
People can donate their money however the hell they want. _"Like, you know what's disgusting, all that money that was spent on seeing The Avengers could have, like, went to a better cause."_
After watching one presentation, I think he has a great mix to actualize his goals: engineering mindset, great communication with the public, business strategy.
This is a very rare individual who have several talents. He not only invented a solution to the problem he thought out all the small details that would prevent the projects from getting derailed in more ways than I can count. He thought of how to realistically finance and organize the logistics of getting this project implemented and decommissioned when the job is done. Very, very few entrepreneurs or inventors have all the gifts and insight of implementing their inventions like this guy has shown. He's not a hopeless optimist, he's a pragmatic realist who has no time for pipe dreams. 99% of all inventions fail to make it because they have not figure out how to attain and keep the finances sustainable in the very early stages. This guy attracted a lot of hard nosed investors from day one. Something most inventors can only dream of.
Lennart, one person can only do so much. Other people are trying to help on the other ends of things as well. You can help, too. It's not nice to attack people for making the world better. It takes everyone. Here you can check this out
Ok.....I don't want to say this in such a way..but I'm tired of stupid people., I'll start by saying. FUCK OFF! There. that should sum up in two words what I think of your thoughts. Wasting money and time and energy on bullshit ideas is just that... A WASTE. Just like the plastic in the oceans..wasting humans and financial and energy resources on things that will never work cost effectively if at all is not really trying.. It's like a church asking for money in order to save your soul. The, human resources could be out to better uses. "At least he's trying"... bullshit.
Amazing young man. The incredible amount of thought, testing, retesting that has gone into this remarkable project. Deserves to be honoured globally. He's saving the planet. Thank you for your care, initiative, and, action. Kudos!
Why would anyone give a thumbs down. It's Our children and marine and animal life that wonderful individuals like Boyan and others like him care about and who will make this a more sustainable planet to live in for future generations to come through their thankless and humble efforts. Governments world wide and corporate entities should contribute to projects like these. Anyone who turns a blind eye to the positive efforts of Boyan and other like minded individuals willing to make change for the better and who realize the severity of the problem with human kinds selfish and arrogant way of treating the animal kingdom and planet earth would be better off not reaping the rewards of an earth clear of human ignorance and wanton disregard and inexcusable waste.
"UNLESS" (5:13). I wonder if Boyan Slat's mum read him, 'The Lorax' by Dr Seuss. If you have young kids, this is a great book to get them aware of the environment right from the start. Magnificent, magnificent work, Boyan and your team. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart!
Thank you for everything you are doing in this endeavor, I knew lt would take your generation to pull this off & you should be applauded for your tenacity. I will be donating more in the coming months, again thank you! You need to be looked at for the noble prize❗️
One of the slickest presentations I've ever seen. What an orator. What a young visionary! I wish you and your team every success. Thank you for what you are doing for the sea life and the health of the earth.
You know what, at least they spend their time changing the world rather than thinking they're important enough to leave idiotic comments like this. Perhaps if you were making a difference; people would care about your opinion.
Unfortunately, I think Elon Musk is too busy developing his colonizing technology to inhabit Mars than saving Earth.. maybe he thinks that's more cost effective..? 😅🤦
Thank you very much for showing us the project, it's the first time i have seen it.It's a great idea since the plastic can be recycled and used for other purposes
Boylan speaks so well. This is one of the most hopeful videos I have seen about our planet. This is very very cool. The unveiling is so Apple-like. In fact, media should track these unveiling with the same enthusiasm. Well done and thank you for your work.
The model test and simulation assumes a very calm sea, how efficient would this be out in the open ocean during a storm? How will you ensure these drifting obstacles to not interfere and cause danger with the ocean traffic. How would you locate the positioning of each line? Using GPS receiver? In the cleanup simulation 20:25, the systems seem to be spinning, allowing the capture plastic escape. How do you retain the plastic once it's entrapped?
+ It didn't work, you were right, they didn't account for max currents, or listen to marine biologists. Good on you for not getting conned There've been others with bamboo or waste hair, that honestly made more sense. Tho I haven't heard about them recently
Boyan Slat and your team, you do make a massive difference, thank you for your work. You do give hope. However, I would like to add something, that I think is missing in the presentation. Your whole work is about treating the consequences of pollution. There should be a message about stopping the cause of all this : plastic production. And we are all responsible for it, as plastic consumers : in wrappings, toys, clothes... Stopping all of this will probably come through people's change in consumption habits. I thought it was important to say.
I definitely agree- we need a proactive as well as a reactive approach to this issue! Both sides need to be accomplished with equal fervor if the ocean problem can actually be solved otherwise people are right in the fact that the plastic will continue accumulating faster than it can be retrieved.
Now this is the kind of content that the whole world need to see and know more about!!! Save the planet not only for ourselves but for our children and future generations 💙
Great progress! Thanks to the ocean clean up team for the awesome achievement and the onces to come. One question that I feel wasn't answered was, now that the barrier flows with the currents, what is the procedure to recollect the plastic once collected by the barriers?
I'm so glad a man like this has come out of this generation, especially how bad the climate is now. This man and everyone behind the ocean cleanup is my hero.
The government isn't going to put money into something that can easily be a scam. This guy is also ignoring the fact that only 50% of garbage in the ocean is near the surface. The rest is below surface level and his device probably won't reach it.
What do you suggest then, before going full out on this project and indirectly call it a possible scam? Doing nothing is not a solution as well. The best solution would be to fund this from tax payers money because all citizens in the world cause the problem all together by just buying 1 packed piece of food. Just miss one piece that is getting blown away by the wind or anything and it eventually will add to the mountain of plastic in the Ocean without you even knowing it. When I go to the local market I am already flabbergasted about the huge amount of floating plastic bags in the air, spreading throughout the city or get stuck into trees.
Ahh. . . Until they decide how to remove and dispose of the plastic, this is just more giant pieces of trash in the ocean. Cameron Moisan says this "can easily be a scam". . . Jeez, ya think? Hasn't the ocean already collected the plastic into "patches"? Why not start there? Why not tell us what the disposal plan is? Or, do we get to hear that solution once this first dream is fully funded? If someone can reference their disposal plan, I'd like to see it. Sure sounds like a *feel-good scam* to stay busy and get *wealthy* while making things worse. I wonder if he makes more than a million $/ year yet? You may find this interesting
The whole world should be on board with this Boyan, why wait 5, 10 years, if we all just got off our asses and done what needing done, we could clean this up in a year, lets get the boats out there and pick our rubbish out the ocean, lets do it for our children, our grandchildren and the rest of our species to follow.
Boyan is a visionary, and a fantastic entrepreneur and most of all, an extraordinary communicator. Hope you succeed for the good of mankind. Greetings from Portugal / Oeiras
Thank you for your help! It's amazing to me that big companies who create a lot of plastic waste (Coca Cola, Starbucks etc) aren't obligated by law to finance clean up projects like this!
The big corporations and plastics companies should be donating a lot to this if they have a conscious. I know where my donating dollars are going to go from now on. I don't have much, but this seems like the most important project on earth. This was a great presentation!
It's time that we joined together and educate the South East Asian countries ( SARC region) to start implementing the clean up the Indian Ocean. it's a brilliant Idea . Thank you
He's got it spot on: the beauty is in the simplicity and common sense of the idea. All it needed was for someone to actually come up with it and have the motivation to turn it into reality. So exciting that it's really happening!
@@itsMe_TheHerpes Merely remarking that the rich should leave their money to this ocean clean up effort when they die. Even Bill Gates doesn't want to leave his billions to his kids.
Only ending the plastic manufacture can help. The humans should start practicing the "Zero waste" lifestyle. Lots of videos on youtube and facebook groups.
I think people responsibly disposing their own trash could go a long way instead of littering as too many people do. Grant it, sometimes things can happen unintentionally, but there is a lot of intentional trashiness going on.
I would like to be able to take my empty laundry, dish soap, shampoo, etc. containers and simply refill them instead of buying a new container. It would be a small thing, but a step in the right direction.
Im a person that wishes the earth gets cleaned and believes that we all can do the difference,if we want. However,I'm skeptical: I really can't see how the plastic will remain trapped in the cleaner. I really hope it works and congratulate you all for your hard work,despite many people that don't want to raise a finger to change things, government first. They have money for wars,for stealing other countries's things,but when it comes to saving our planet, money is gone. This is our fault. No one should go to war,we should stand up and change things!!! Not just talking!
Surely you don't own a computer. Or a cell phone. Or a TV. Or shoes. Or a car. Because they all use "plastique". The problem isn't using it but how it gets disposed of.
Erick Estrada there is an alternative to oil propuced plastic. Hemp produced plastic, and its also recyclable. Yes its how its disposed, but single use should be banned
@@satanicmonkey666 There's a program in parts of Australia called Red cycle, that's all about recycling "soft plastics" into useful objects like park benches instead of going into Landfill... it's worth a look at, as an eg. of better plastic waste management
Thank God for young people such as this man! This is where the saving of our world will come from; not from a bunch of boob politicians; if the shoe fits…. I have witnessed the demise of the Pacific Ocean Salmon and Steelhead populations; these plastics undoubtedly have a role in this decline. Another is the criminal use of giant trawl nets and bottom dredging. Thanks you and your crew at The Ocean Cleanup!
It is great to clean, to recycle, etc, but the root cause of the problem is toxic, petroleum based plastic itself, there are alternatives that are not toxic, different kind of plant based plastics that are possible to make since long ago (hemp plastic for example) nothing new. But instead of not making the problem anymore , we put energy on how to clean it up or reuse it to the end of minimize the harm. This will never end, its like cutting yourself and afterwards always desinfect yourself, and even using the same knfe to recycle. Keep up the good work cleaning the ocean but we have to stop creating the problem, and maybe make an organization for that in parallel it would be great and all the people that follow you in this project would be in. thanks!
This might get big. Perhaps in the future they could start a Space Cleanup too, to get rid of all the space junk. The ocean junk is of course massively more important as it deals with Earth's environment, but the space junk may hinder us from travelling out into space, as colliding with it is dangerous, and it will get even worse if nothing is done about it. We need to become an interplanetary species after all.
Hey, don't be like that. Do you prefer a future in where we never get anywhere out into space? watch this, copy and replace in the adress bar, watch?v=O64KM4GuRPk Of course it is important not to pollute anymore and congregate waste everywhere. In this video (the one above, not the one I linked) they are explaining how they are planning to collect waste from the oceans. You don't think they are planning to immediately take all that waste and pull it all together in big heaps on the land and just leave it there? Most of it will likely be recycled, and what can't be recycled stored perhaps underground somewhere until we have the technology to recycle it. Same with space junk, actually it should be so with all junk and waste. I'm not saying that this is what they do or will do, I'm just saying what the best way to do it is. Life is very precious, and this is exactly the reason why space is so important. We only have Earth, the chances of such extraordinary life as we have among us is so cosmically rare to occur that we should do almost anything to preserve it. Space is a way to do this, to colonize Mars, Venus and the Galilean moons. To terraform Mars into a second Earth with all it's varieties. And at last to venture out towards the stars, spreading life throughout the cosmos. Us humans are the best "tools" in a way, to do this. No other species has evolved the capabilities of space travel, and the chances of it even to a planet with complex alien life is likely very rare. Now if we never leave our little blue dot, and a drastic catastrophe occurs, say a global nuclear holocaust, a K-T like extinction by an asteroid impact or that we simply pollute the planet to no return and it heats so much that not only is there flooding and sea level rise everywhere, but it becomes so hot that the atmosphere starts to resemble the gaseous one of that of Venus, then it would likely (maybe not, small mammals managed to survive the K-T extinction after all) be the end of humanity, most of the animal species and plant life that we know of today. However I do believe the Earth (life) has a chance to survive such a catastrophe, as it has done so many times in the past. It would just take millions or perhaps billions of years for it to do so. Humans would be gone, and a new green-blue Earth would be there, with completely different life than what we have today. However life anew, it would be trapped on that one blue dot, never to leave into the vastness of space.
Been collecting plastic when I go on my walks. It’s surprisingly how many ignorant people live in my area. I now take pictures of the plastic thrown around and post it on my local app to show people how much trash/ rubbish in thrown around their homes in the hope that they will do something to clean up their areas.
After scrolling through the comments, I have seen a lot of people ask where the plastic is going to go after it is removed. WHY ARE PEOPLE ASKING THIS?!!? Are you NOT already recycling people??!?! You should already know the answer as to where it's going to go!!!!!!
think its a fair question - the waste minimisation hierachy says 'reduce, re-use, recycle' in other words there are negative impacts even with recycling - we should definitely be planning to phase out plastics - typical linear thinking society that creates all of these wastes with no end - and that includes the nuclear stuff... I expect these clean-up systems will also encounter debris from the Tsunami in Japan in 2011 and a lot of possibly radiaoctive junk in there.. am figuring these clean-up systems will 'clean-up' anything that they encounter that is floating... How will they avoid trapping animals?
The biggest source of plastic is food and beverage packaging. Technology exists and is already active that can sort and process this material into recycled pellets.
yes. some recycling services have shut down due to cost to transport the product to China, which I think is a problem that Trump contributed to. we need to do more domestic recycling, and the bins should be everywhere as they are in places in Europe. My apartment doesn't have any bins for recycling, so I was taking things to a local recycling bin. Now, I have to go into a different county because mine got rid of them. They still have a curbside recycling service, but in an apartment I am not eligible. Whenever I do buy a home, I will make sure it has curbside recycling. Our area has been doing better by offering recycling bins on trails and at some public places, ie. zoo, museum, fairgrounds. Sadly, some people don't care enough to use them, or worse. The ignorant POS people put their trash in the recycling bin, and I'm not even talking about the people who think something is recyclable but it isn't. I'm talking about the people who don't even give it a thought and throw garbage in the recycling bin just because it resembles how a trash can looks.
+baddogonline Like China will give a damn about it, if we don't clean this up, it will bite us in our asses later on. Same as climate change, USA's and China's contribution is higher, compared to other countries, yet the European Union, especially Germany, declared that we have to invest into our environment, if we don't want to lose even more of it.
baddogonline It doesn't matter if you refuse to pay, because part of your taxes is being used for prevention. One of the worst views is the ignorant one, to leave something simply because one does not want to involve him-/herself.
baddogonline The USA is among the top 20 ocean polluting countries, you might take back you wrote. The USA is not the sole protector and feeder, stop exaggerating.
Calls himself a bad dog for a handle, first clue. Followed by being a RepuKKKlican asshole, second clue. Welcome to 2018 when the meanest and stupidest people are proud of their sociopathy because their hero made it to The White House.
,This young man,and hi group, are amazing . If everyone would be responsible for their own actions, and their garbage, we could all contribute to this cause. They deserve a medal, fort their honorary award.
gnsgml11 30% of the litter comes from ship wastes etc, and about 70% from land/shore. there is primary microplastics from shampoo etc (imagine everything is structured as kind of a peeling basically and made of super tiny plastic polymers). secondary microplastic is a product of mechanical teardown, saltwater and uv-light fragmented waste parts. the amount we dump into our ocean differs a lot, especially in Asia people need some new insights into recycling processes etc
As already mentioned by someone in the comments, a big part of this will be the collection and recycling. That might be an even bigger challenge. Also, although it is mentioned in the video that about 3% of the plastic is micro-plastic, according to a marine biologist friend, micro-plastic is a huge issue and 3% of such a huge amount of plastic is still a whole lot. Does this system address the micro-plastic part (especially the parts that are very small, small enough to become part of the food chain through fish eating this)?
According to my friend, nano-plastics usually sink to the bottom. So they do enter the food chain through bottom feeders, but they would be very difficult to filter out.
This project got me so enthusiastic I grabbed a garbage bag and started picking up rubbish along the river near my house, believe it or not I saw a lady doing the same thing about a week later.
Bro keep it up!
Thamus Jones keep at it!
E for Effort for sure - but too bad your garbage bag was probably plastic - a sad irony that we are buying plastic to get it, and then what...
Check out "Clean Green Earth For All" on RUclips!!
This young man should have a PILE of Nobel Peace Prizes!!! We need more like him!
I have followed this mere child since I saw his original TEDx talk in 2012. I haven't been able to watch an ocean documentary without writing about him. That he raised $2.2 million using a crowd-funding website just to launch his company in 2013 spoke volumes for the faith people had in him. He has grown from a terrified, shy child in that first TED talk where he presented a dream to a largely quiet, doubtful audience to the confident, self-assured young man you see here quietly commanding the attention of adults 2 and 3 x his age. This is the result of a child raised right - was he born a genius? I don't think so - he got this entire dream from a simple Greek diving holiday when he was in high school. He returned home and presented his general idea in a science project but he did not let go of that dream - he followed it where it led, dropped out of college to pursue it - adults in his life taught him to believe, to dream, to follow those dreams and never EVER take no for a final answer - where there is the will, there is always a way. I believe he deserves a Nobel Peace prize for his work - if not now CERTAINLY when he proves this works. Hailing from the Gulf Coast of Florida, this is my personal hero.
dixie dragon he is my hero as well 🤗
Wonderful summery Dixie, thank you. I hope you yourself are able to pick up plastic whenever you find it aswell, like me. In dutch we say " Vele handen maken licht werk"... Many hands make the job easier. Bye from the Netherlands
What a comment! Thank you and big hugs from California
@Slimebeast Pug and the bigger fiasco are the dozen million dollars spent to put Kavanaugh on the supreme court. Or house the children that were separated from their parents. Or tell me why FEMA paid for that before Florence came around???
Shut the hell up, you bozo.
I've been watching him too, it's amazing, isn't it? Hopefully we could do the same with the sinkers as welll, don't you think? The flotsam, jetsam- above and below...
I think that all of the major companies that generate plastic waste, should contribute (by international law directives) to cleaning of the planet.
Sebastijan Lipnik Or we can put a plastic tax on them and get that money to fund this too
agree ,
silly when you think about it, it was companies fault to flood the market with plastics yet the cleaning task is burdened on goverment and consumers
with the exception of hurricanes and cyclones, it's the consumers that aren't disposing of their trash properly. consider the movie theater or a sports event. All the litter that gets left behind where people don't pick up after themselves despite ample waste baskets available, this is the reason for the pollution problem. If not plastic, then it will be something else. Litter gets left behind in parking lots and thrown onto the side of roads, probably off the sides of ships. People are gross and THAT is the problem. It starts with teaching your kids to pick up after themselves not just at home, but in public places as well. Plastic bags don't blow in the wind if they are properly disposed of or placed into recycling bins that are picked up often enough. That's another problem...recycling bins that go neglected and aren't picked up after reaching full capacity. And it's not about whether anyone wants to recycle plastic. It's the responsible thing to do. The planet needs us to do it.
Jacqueline Marsh I wholeheartedly agree. The most effective way to solve this problem is to start from individual level - reduce, reuse, and repurpose plastic items.
willy su The burden is on governments though to enforce appropriate laws.
To Boylan and everyone else --- THANK YOU for what you're doing. I've been following and supporting you for a couple of years at this point, and I almost can't believe that it's happening! Thank you for everything
This is a wonderful project. I had been idly thinking about passive plastic cleanup systems since I heard about the garbage patch, and this is much like what I envisioned. Very common-sensical. I hope that the system works as well as he predicts. Sometimes these sorts of projects are vastly more optimistic than they prove to be in reality. In any case, it's a serious problem and hopefully if successful it will serve as a model for dealing with other environmental issues that we are currently faced with.
The Triggerati You unfortunately right in here. The expectations and efficiency are greatly exaggerated for purpose of generating funds.
There are hundreds of excellent engineers around the world trying to tackle that problem,and for that to happen the game changing designs are needed, and there is none so far. Thats why Boyan avoids to speak about technology and engineering solutions, they don't have any jet.
Look Tesla.. they started with nothing, got trough shit lots of problems but got fundings trough proving that they recognise and tackle real problems and make decent progress on yearly bases.
Hey austin in china im
Dan in Ma. Seeing how you support Boyan in his efforts to clean up oceans, well I have a great idea I have had it for over a decade. And im just tired of ignoring world issues that I can directly help fix. Im no computer buff. But I know we cant live long w out healthy oceans , I Need to some how contact Boyan to propose an idea that may hurry along the effort to clean up this mess. Please let me know if there is any way I can find out how I can contact him. Please respond to me asap p.s. He has a great idea but I feel like many plans could be implemented to speed up the solution . Again please respond on how I may be able to contact him. Thanks I love oceans
Do you think you can contribute to our mission but there is no suitable vacancy on our website at this moment? Please send your resume to
This young man is amazing. I have stopped using plastic where I could and plastic containers that were reusable I use for storing all kinds of things. I try not to buy anything that comes in plastic containers.
This Idea didn't work tho
Wow congratulations
Do you feel
Have u stopped buying garabge made in china?
@@campari4467 What is the issue? Poor quality items, or items made in China? You can easily get one without the other you know..
It's mostly about price, if you buy a 1500$ food processor from china, it's going to be top quality, if you buy a 20$ food processor from anywhere in the world, it's going to be "garbage"
Ditto. This needs to be a world wide effort....
Deffo slowly boycotting. The plastic
These kind of beautiful educational presentation videos should mandate to show at schools all over the world to save our mother earth together...
This is more than awesome. When I found out about this I called my 91 year old mother, who is in assisted living to tell her about it. For the last 10 years she has been so worried about the oceans and asked me to produce a video and do something about this. When she learned of this amazing invention she was so pleased and immediately started talking about how important this is. I told her that it will take 10 years, but a lot will be done by the time she is 101 years old. Thank you Boyan Slat for not giving up, and for your genius. God Bless! Katherine An amazing team!
🥺 ohhhh so cute . if she still are with us, you can say right now that the project is reality and it's really doing the job. They were catching really much of trash at 2022. and now 2023 is going to be better. See and show her the videos of their Channel. Really the heroes we needed 🥰.
This presentation blew my mind. The phenomenal efforts of one man followed by the support of many really proves the power of the collective human effort… and BOY am I excited to see how I can contribute!
and the crazy part is he's 27!
This particular Idea did not work tho
@@Anonymous-rx9lp Baby step, baby step..
@@accountdua9375 Here he was around 23! Launched the company when he was 18/19!
Hello there PetePete, I’m sure you’ve already been telling others, so keep this going ! Refer the to the web site & have them feel inspired that the more who hear of, respond to, maybe the governing bodies of this world might finally come to the table - fund through their contributions of tax helping take their responsibility of disposing of thoughtfully- not simply monetary gains.
Having this trash shipped to 3rd world countries won’t deal with the amount ending back in our oceans. 1st World Countries NEED TO DISPOSE OF THEIR OWN PLASTIC IN THEIR OWN BACK YARDS- starting with government initiatives & scaling uP🚮🆙 for safe responsible reuse/ recycled
This kid is awesome! Brilliantly shy in front of a crowd, not arrogant and helping the environment!
the genius of Boyan is his ability to bring on board other people equally as smart, specialists in their particular fields, leaders of councils, governments and socially influential people, and sell them the same dream....the most inspirational thing i have ever seen
What an inspiration! Great work Boyan! These kinds of ideas are what makes the world worth living in!!
This man should be put in the media more often
Watching Boylan Slat video made my eyes tearing. The job he has done to help clean up the oceans is almost unbelievable but he has found a way and is doing a great job. I am 71 years old and my generation has a lot to do with this problems, the way I saw this problem in the past it looked unsolvable but I am very glad and proud of Boylan that he has the initiatives to get start and is doing it with a very innovative solution. I promise to help support the efforts and if possible to spread the technology and funding the future of oceans clean ups. Thank you, thank you! Screw the governments!
I'm so proud! So happy to see this happening and so glad I supported this!
We need to support people who actually want to help and want to do something with the problem that all of us are responsible for and all of us are affected by!
Thank you, Boyan! For making this happen and for not giving up! You're making the future possible for our children while the politicians and companies do nothing. If we can't reduce the plastic, at least we can clean it up. Thank you! And please, don't ever give up!!
His parents must be the proudest of all parents who have a son like that. Kudos, keep it up.
Dear Boylan, you make me get hopeful. I thank you and your crew so very much
I can clearly perceive the tendency that only younger generations of our population are going seriously to take over and solve the ecologic problems. Our civilization and science has made very harmful consequences. We must to take advantage of these global processes to control the situation, to remove the consequences and finally TO LEARN RESPECT the nature of our Earth.
I wish a lot of continuous enthusiasm, persistence and success for The Ocean Cleanup team.
Green greetings for all from Lithuania
have restaurants stores start giving discounts for bringing your own bags and own coffee mug
Yes good idea all the best #buzzofftoxic ps I always carry my mug !!!!
That's a smart idea, my mom dies this sometimes
Love the idea 🥰
Good idea now you enforce it
Boyan Slat, amazing human.
Humanity owes a debt of gratitude to you.
Watching your latest videos on what you have achieved today is truly inspirational.
Thank you to you and the entire Ocean Clean-UP Team.
each and every time i hear boyan, i think about, what i did in my twenties.......
nothing important... :(
Yeah, I know what you mean! I'm very excited about this. I was just thinking how come we haven't cleaned that garbage patch up yet?! Wouldn't that make sense than just being sad about it?? And here I find my hero Boyan! Sounds optimistic and what I really like is the short term goals because we will actually be able to see the results within our lifetimes!!! :)
You are alive : this is very important for You and for your loved ones, for all of your close relatives, and even for me : )
It doesn’t matter how old you are or what you accomplish at what age. It’s about what you’re doing or believing in now.
I was drinking and clubbing and smoking pot😆
@Too many munsters dude, "virtue signaling" is just... misplaced in this serious context. This here is serious! We will be DECIMATED as a species by dying slow and painful deaths from pollution from inside when we not act now. NOBODY that does something useful like picking up trash from the park or river and shows it on social media is "virtue signaling".
Congratulations! the world needs people like you! WE can, we Must, and we WILL clean up the ocean!
It's OUR OCEAN!!! Lets take care of it, and let future generations have the opportunity to experience it as nature intended before humans trashed it.
I sincerely hope that Governments around the world are assisting with your project. There should not be any financial barriers to this becoming an overwhelming success.
Good luck and god speed.
Boyan Slat -- my hero! Congratulations on manifesting your dream... a dream that you have inspired others to share.
I just find it so amazingly shocking that there are teams out there working their lives out to help the world we live in and all they need is a few hundred million dollars. To save the planet. But that’s exactly what was donated to the Notre Dame who will not save our planet. Don’t get me wrong, I love her. But she is not our Earth’s priority.
The Notre Dame donation was disgusting in all shapes and forms. Those same people could have donated to innocent Yemenis who are being bombed and starved to death by Saudi Arabia. Even the French people themselves didn't like the move as they were already protesting against high taxes on the working class.
People can donate their money however the hell they want.
_"Like, you know what's disgusting, all that money that was spent on seeing The Avengers could have, like, went to a better cause."_
@@ElliotKeaton then shutup ur mouth.
@@Sushant_Bist Brilliant counterargument.
After watching one presentation, I think he has a great mix to actualize his goals: engineering mindset, great communication with the public, business strategy.
This is a very rare individual who have several talents. He not only invented a solution to the problem he thought out all the small details that would prevent the projects from getting derailed in more ways than I can count. He thought of how to realistically finance and organize the logistics of getting this project implemented and decommissioned when the job is done. Very, very few entrepreneurs or inventors have all the gifts and insight of implementing their inventions like this guy has shown. He's not a hopeless optimist, he's a pragmatic realist who has no time for pipe dreams. 99% of all inventions fail to make it because they have not figure out how to attain and keep the finances sustainable in the very early stages. This guy attracted a lot of hard nosed investors from day one. Something most inventors can only dream of.
best youtube video ever... this guy deserves a Nobel Prize!
definitely agree to this. He might get it for this environmental work.
Arne Matthijssen If it works, 100% yes!
Arne Matthijssen No, he doesnt. His 'sollution' doesnt solve the largest problem: the tiny pieces of plastic. The ones that people are shouting about.
Lennart, one person can only do so much. Other people are trying to help on the other ends of things as well. You can help, too. It's not nice to attack people for making the world better. It takes everyone. Here you can check this out
Ok.....I don't want to say this in such a way..but I'm tired of stupid people.,
I'll start by saying. FUCK OFF! There. that should sum up in two words what I think of your thoughts.
Wasting money and time and energy on bullshit ideas is just that... A WASTE.
Just like the plastic in the oceans..wasting humans and financial and energy resources on things that will never work cost effectively if at all is not really trying.. It's like a church asking for money in order to save your soul.
The, human resources could be out to better uses. "At least he's trying"... bullshit.
Amazing young man. The incredible amount of thought, testing, retesting that has gone into this remarkable project. Deserves to be honoured globally. He's saving the planet. Thank you for your care, initiative, and, action. Kudos!
What an absolutely amazing initiative! Decisive action. This guy is a visionary. He belongs to the group of the DOERS; not the complainers.
Fantastic. Such an antidote to all the bad news we keep reading. Well done Boyan. Looking forward to seeing the first system in action
Why would anyone give a thumbs down. It's Our children and marine and animal life that wonderful individuals like Boyan and others like him care about and who will make this a more sustainable planet to live in for future generations to come through their thankless and humble efforts. Governments world wide and corporate entities should contribute to projects like these. Anyone who turns a blind eye to the positive efforts of Boyan and other like minded individuals willing to make change for the better and who realize the severity of the problem with human kinds selfish and arrogant way of treating the animal kingdom and planet earth would be better off not reaping the rewards of an earth clear of human ignorance and wanton disregard and inexcusable waste.
So inspiring! So impressive! I am SO grateful for Ocean Clean Up!! Thank you!!
To Boyan Slat - you are a true hero. Thank you for taking the bold actions our world so desperately needs.
This guy is a true climate activist. No grandstanding, no preaching but actually going out there and doing something about it.
"UNLESS" (5:13). I wonder if Boyan Slat's mum read him, 'The Lorax' by Dr Seuss. If you have young kids, this is a great book to get them aware of the environment right from the start. Magnificent, magnificent work, Boyan and your team. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart!
"UNLESS someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not."
Thank you for everything you are doing in this endeavor, I knew lt would take your generation to pull this off & you should be applauded for your tenacity. I will be donating more in the coming months, again thank you!
You need to be looked at for the noble prize❗️
One of the slickest presentations I've ever seen. What an orator. What a young visionary! I wish you and your team every success. Thank you for what you are doing for the sea life and the health of the earth.
This gives me so much hope. Thank you for helping make the oceans clean and healthy for our children.
5 years ago was a dream and now is a reality that is saving sea lives and saving our lives. Thak you young man. You are a real hero
Why isn't everyone talking about this? omg you are an amazing team! I'll help you as all I can!
Because their idea is based on faulty science.
You know what, at least they spend their time changing the world rather than thinking they're important enough to leave idiotic comments like this. Perhaps if you were making a difference; people would care about your opinion.
I'm not going to fight with you. A fool and his money are soon parted. By all means, give them everything you own.
I tried to read the publication, but my english isn't perfect and it's very difficult for me to understand...
me neither, why it'll be a problem? It's in the publication that Dustin inserted?
So awesome this actually happened. Boyat you are the worlds greatest hero of our time, bar none.
I wish Boyan Slat would team up with Elon Musk.
Those guys are capable to rescue the world from our own stupidity.
Why dont you go and help the Juerjen... I'm sure you have skills. Follow in their footsteps and do something useful in your hometown/family.
Unfortunately, I think Elon Musk is too busy developing his colonizing technology to inhabit Mars than saving Earth.. maybe he thinks that's more cost effective..? 😅🤦
YES! I just wrote that in another video!!
@@vicc.1446 you are wrong...mars is a plan B according to musk...the plan A was saving the earth,that's why his company tesla doing now
@@yusrisaadun5497 but I'm sure he spend more money trying to go to Mars than allocating it on saving the Earth, don't you agree? 😅
Hats off to Boyan for your brilliant idea and to all of those who have supported you and continue to do so.
Thank you very much for showing us the project, it's the first time i have seen it.It's a great idea since the plastic can be recycled and used for other purposes
Boylan speaks so well. This is one of the most hopeful videos I have seen about our planet. This is very very cool. The unveiling is so Apple-like. In fact, media should track these unveiling with the same enthusiasm. Well done and thank you for your work.
The model test and simulation assumes a very calm sea, how efficient would this be out in the open ocean during a storm? How will you ensure these drifting obstacles to not interfere and cause danger with the ocean traffic. How would you locate the positioning of each line? Using GPS receiver? In the cleanup simulation 20:25, the systems seem to be spinning, allowing the capture plastic escape. How do you retain the plastic once it's entrapped?
He legit explained all of that ... finish the video ya smartass
It didn't work, you were right, they didn't account for max currents, or listen to marine biologists.
Good on you for not getting conned
There've been others with bamboo or waste hair, that honestly made more sense. Tho I haven't heard about them recently
@@guillaumemartel4999 ur naive
I've followed Boyan for quite some time now . I'm humbled and in awe of him . Right man right time - long may funding support him
This gives me such hope for the future!!! Such an incredible innovative design!! :)
You don't know enough about designs.
People like this young brilliant person will save our beautiful Blue Pearl.
Boyan Slat and your team, you do make a massive difference, thank you for your work. You do give hope. However, I would like to add something, that I think is missing in the presentation. Your whole work is about treating the consequences of pollution. There should be a message about stopping the cause of all this : plastic production. And we are all responsible for it, as plastic consumers : in wrappings, toys, clothes... Stopping all of this will probably come through people's change in consumption habits. I thought it was important to say.
I definitely agree- we need a proactive as well as a reactive approach to this issue! Both sides need to be accomplished with equal fervor if the ocean problem can actually be solved otherwise people are right in the fact that the plastic will continue accumulating faster than it can be retrieved.
022 - Yes, the primary thought here should be about stopping the frivolous use of plastic.
It will come in time!
@@78tag good luck with that
Great job Boylan. The world is with you!
This is just incredible! I wish this project will come true as soon as possible and will help to clean the ocean.
Now this is the kind of content that the whole world need to see and know more about!!! Save the planet not only for ourselves but for our children and future generations 💙
Great progress! Thanks to the ocean clean up team for the awesome achievement and the onces to come. One question that I feel wasn't answered was, now that the barrier flows with the currents, what is the procedure to recollect the plastic once collected by the barriers?
Didn’t address max currents either
I'm so glad a man like this has come out of this generation, especially how bad the climate is now. This man and everyone behind the ocean cleanup is my hero.
with cost of one F-35 fighter jet you can complete the whole project . but govt is not going to put that money in something good for planet .
The government isn't going to put money into something that can easily be a scam. This guy is also ignoring the fact that only 50% of garbage in the ocean is near the surface. The rest is below surface level and his device probably won't reach it.
Well, they did actually build a functional prototype that is being used north of Netherland so it has that over F-35
Cameron Moisan So, unless 100% of ocean garbage can be collected, do nothing?
What do you suggest then, before going full out on this project and indirectly call it a possible scam? Doing nothing is not a solution as well. The best solution would be to fund this from tax payers money because all citizens in the world cause the problem all together by just buying 1 packed piece of food. Just miss one piece that is getting blown away by the wind or anything and it eventually will add to the mountain of plastic in the Ocean without you even knowing it. When I go to the local market I am already flabbergasted about the huge amount of floating plastic bags in the air, spreading throughout the city or get stuck into trees.
Ahh. . . Until they decide how to remove and dispose of the plastic, this is just more giant pieces of trash in the ocean. Cameron Moisan says this "can easily be a scam". . . Jeez, ya think?
Hasn't the ocean already collected the plastic into "patches"? Why not start there? Why not tell us what the disposal plan is? Or, do we get to hear that solution once this first dream is fully funded?
If someone can reference their disposal plan, I'd like to see it. Sure sounds like a *feel-good scam* to stay busy and get *wealthy* while making things worse. I wonder if he makes more than a million $/ year yet?
You may find this interesting
The whole world should be on board with this Boyan, why wait 5, 10 years, if we all just got off our asses and done what needing done, we could clean this up in a year, lets get the boats out there and pick our rubbish out the ocean, lets do it for our children, our grandchildren and the rest of our species to follow.
With all my heart I hope this works..... and soon. The way it's presented, it seems so simple you'ed think ' why didn't I think of that' .😁
This is pretty impressive, I’m glad to see so many people who care for the environment. I’ll make sure I donate
This is truly amazing, i'm so relieved that we're taking actions to make a difference
Me too, no longer will I feel bad when I litter. Engineers and scientists are truly the way forward in making our lives easier.
You will no longer feel bad when you litter?
Boyan is a visionary, and a fantastic entrepreneur and most of all, an extraordinary communicator. Hope you succeed for the good of mankind. Greetings from Portugal / Oeiras
Thank you for your help! It's amazing to me that big companies who create a lot of plastic waste (Coca Cola, Starbucks etc) aren't obligated by law to finance clean up projects like this!
Very impressive presentation. The world leaders need to see this and act.
It's awesome to see something finally done about this age old problem!
not an age old problem - but actually a very new problem - just the last 70 yrs! :)
The big corporations and plastics companies should be donating a lot to this if they have a conscious. I know where my donating dollars are going to go from now on. I don't have much, but this seems like the most important project on earth. This was a great presentation!
thank you so much for doing this
This planet is doomed anyway. Won't sustain life much longer. That's why we're looking for other planets.
From Panama I want to say thank you to you and your great team. Thank you for all the hours invested. You are helping us all. All the best.
It's time that we joined together and educate the South East Asian countries ( SARC region) to start implementing the clean up the Indian Ocean. it's a brilliant Idea . Thank you
He's got it spot on: the beauty is in the simplicity and common sense of the idea. All it needed was for someone to actually come up with it and have the motivation to turn it into reality. So exciting that it's really happening!
I am awe inspired by your technology!!! THANK YOU FOR CARING!!!!
All plastic producers should contribute to this project!
I have a question could we also clean up the rivers with the same method? kindly comment and let me know. Thanks
adrian fernandopulle If the rivers have similar currents/streams we can do it
Boyan Slat,
Thank you for your good contribution
& good solution,
you gaved to the world.
May the good LORD bless & keep you💖.
I just want to quit my job to work and live for that dream of ocean cleanup!!!!!!
How could I support?
Same, as society I think we should have more jobs concerning are earth
Support? Money! donations of course
Put this project in your will.
@@crand20033 moron
@@itsMe_TheHerpes Merely remarking that the rich should leave their money to this ocean clean up effort when they die. Even Bill Gates doesn't want to leave his billions to his kids.
Fantastic man, fantastic achievement!!!Nobel Prize for Boyan Slat!!!
Only ending the plastic manufacture can help. The humans should start practicing the "Zero waste" lifestyle. Lots of videos on youtube and facebook groups.
This is a false dichotomy.
Ko Br "Only?.." And in the meantime we do nothing? So this clean up is not necessary?
I think people responsibly disposing their own trash could go a long way instead of littering as too many people do. Grant it, sometimes things can happen unintentionally, but there is a lot of intentional trashiness going on.
I would like to be able to take my empty laundry, dish soap, shampoo, etc. containers and simply refill them instead of buying a new container. It would be a small thing, but a step in the right direction.
Im a person that wishes the earth gets cleaned and believes that we all can do the difference,if we want.
However,I'm skeptical: I really can't see how the plastic will remain trapped in the cleaner. I really hope it works and congratulate you all for your hard work,despite many people that don't want to raise a finger to change things, government first. They have money for wars,for stealing other countries's things,but when it comes to saving our planet, money is gone. This is our fault. No one should go to war,we should stand up and change things!!! Not just talking!
And STOP using plastique for starters.
Go Boyan!!!
Blaz Haugland plastic. Plastique is french
Government needs to ban plastic period!!
Surely you don't own a computer. Or a cell phone. Or a TV. Or shoes. Or a car. Because they all use "plastique". The problem isn't using it but how it gets disposed of.
Erick Estrada there is an alternative to oil propuced plastic. Hemp produced plastic, and its also recyclable. Yes its how its disposed, but single use should be banned
@@satanicmonkey666 There's a program in parts of Australia called Red cycle, that's all about recycling "soft plastics" into useful objects like park benches instead of going into Landfill... it's worth a look at, as an eg. of better plastic waste management
Thank God for young people such as this man! This is where the saving of our world will come from; not from a bunch of boob politicians; if the shoe fits…. I have witnessed the demise of the Pacific Ocean Salmon and Steelhead populations; these plastics undoubtedly have a role in this decline. Another is the criminal use of giant trawl nets and bottom dredging. Thanks you and your crew at The Ocean Cleanup!
Amazing young entrepreneur! Somehow I haven't heard about Boyan until today - very very impressed! Reminds me of Elon Musk. Keep it going Boyan! 🙌
Just fantastic❤❤❤
Thank you Team Ocean Cleanup so much for All of this!!!
It is great to clean, to recycle, etc, but the root cause of the problem is toxic, petroleum based plastic itself, there are alternatives that are not toxic, different kind of plant based plastics that are possible to make since long ago (hemp plastic for example) nothing new. But instead of not making the problem anymore , we put energy on how to clean it up or reuse it to the end of minimize the harm. This will never end, its like cutting yourself and afterwards always desinfect yourself, and even using the same knfe to recycle. Keep up the good work cleaning the ocean but we have to stop creating the problem, and maybe make an organization for that in parallel it would be great and all the people that follow you in this project would be in. thanks!
There is no thing which is not toxic. As paracelsus Said, it is the dose what makes it poisonus
Flex fuel engines use to be a thing too
You're right. Both approaches are necessary, as Boyan said right at the start in his TED Talk.
I think plastic is still plastic and it needs to be rid of ASAP
Boyan Slat and your great team. I salute you....
I'm so excited for this!
I have followed you since you were 16 years old. Thank you.
This might get big. Perhaps in the future they could start a Space Cleanup too, to get rid of all the space junk. The ocean junk is of course massively more important as it deals with Earth's environment, but the space junk may hinder us from travelling out into space, as colliding with it is dangerous, and it will get even worse if nothing is done about it. We need to become an interplanetary species after all.
And where are we going to put it? Back on earth where it will just pollute the land over and over again?
Hey, don't be like that. Do you prefer a future in where we never get anywhere out into space? watch this, copy and replace in the adress bar, watch?v=O64KM4GuRPk
Of course it is important not to pollute anymore and congregate waste everywhere. In this video (the one above, not the one I linked) they are explaining how they are planning to collect waste from the oceans. You don't think they are planning to immediately take all that waste and pull it all together in big heaps on the land and just leave it there? Most of it will likely be recycled, and what can't be recycled stored perhaps underground somewhere until we have the technology to recycle it. Same with space junk, actually it should be so with all junk and waste. I'm not saying that this is what they do or will do, I'm just saying what the best way to do it is. Life is very precious, and this is exactly the reason why space is so important. We only have Earth, the chances of such extraordinary life as we have among us is so cosmically rare to occur that we should do almost anything to preserve it. Space is a way to do this, to colonize Mars, Venus and the Galilean moons. To terraform Mars into a second Earth with all it's varieties. And at last to venture out towards the stars, spreading life throughout the cosmos. Us humans are the best "tools" in a way, to do this. No other species has evolved the capabilities of space travel, and the chances of it even to a planet with complex alien life is likely very rare. Now if we never leave our little blue dot, and a drastic catastrophe occurs, say a global nuclear holocaust, a K-T like extinction by an asteroid impact or that we simply pollute the planet to no return and it heats so much that not only is there flooding and sea level rise everywhere, but it becomes so hot that the atmosphere starts to resemble the gaseous one of that of Venus, then it would likely (maybe not, small mammals managed to survive the K-T extinction after all) be the end of humanity, most of the animal species and plant life that we know of today. However I do believe the Earth (life) has a chance to survive such a catastrophe, as it has done so many times in the past. It would just take millions or perhaps billions of years for it to do so. Humans would be gone, and a new green-blue Earth would be there, with completely different life than what we have today. However life anew, it would be trapped on that one blue dot, never to leave into the vastness of space.
wait, is there that much junk in space??? Most of the stuff falls out of space and into our ocean so.... .... ........
Been collecting plastic when I go on my walks. It’s surprisingly how many ignorant people live in my area. I now take pictures of the plastic thrown around and post it on my local app to show people how much trash/ rubbish in thrown around their homes in the hope that they will do something to clean up their areas.
After scrolling through the comments, I have seen a lot of people ask where the plastic is going to go after it is removed. WHY ARE PEOPLE ASKING THIS?!!? Are you NOT already recycling people??!?! You should already know the answer as to where it's going to go!!!!!!
think its a fair question - the waste minimisation hierachy says 'reduce, re-use, recycle' in other words there are negative impacts even with recycling - we should definitely be planning to phase out plastics - typical linear thinking society that creates all of these wastes with no end - and that includes the nuclear stuff... I expect these clean-up systems will also encounter debris from the Tsunami in Japan in 2011 and a lot of possibly radiaoctive junk in there.. am figuring these clean-up systems will 'clean-up' anything that they encounter that is floating... How will they avoid trapping animals?
Not all plastics are recyclable yet.
The biggest source of plastic is food and beverage packaging. Technology exists and is already active that can sort and process this material into recycled pellets.
yes. some recycling services have shut down due to cost to transport the product to China, which I think is a problem that Trump contributed to. we need to do more domestic recycling, and the bins should be everywhere as they are in places in Europe. My apartment doesn't have any bins for recycling, so I was taking things to a local recycling bin. Now, I have to go into a different county because mine got rid of them. They still have a curbside recycling service, but in an apartment I am not eligible. Whenever I do buy a home, I will make sure it has curbside recycling. Our area has been doing better by offering recycling bins on trails and at some public places, ie. zoo, museum, fairgrounds. Sadly, some people don't care enough to use them, or worse. The ignorant POS people put their trash in the recycling bin, and I'm not even talking about the people who think something is recyclable but it isn't. I'm talking about the people who don't even give it a thought and throw garbage in the recycling bin just because it resembles how a trash can looks.
Donating to this project. I am so grateful for people like this!
Where was this filmed? The country and the venue? (It's beautiful)
+baddogonline Like China will give a damn about it, if we don't clean this up, it will bite us in our asses later on. Same as climate change, USA's and China's contribution is higher, compared to other countries, yet the European Union, especially Germany, declared that we have to invest into our environment, if we don't want to lose even more of it.
bit better than Trumptardia-land?
baddogonline It doesn't matter if you refuse to pay, because part of your taxes is being used for prevention. One of the worst views is the ignorant one, to leave something simply because one does not want to involve him-/herself.
baddogonline The USA is among the top 20 ocean polluting countries, you might take back you wrote. The USA is not the sole protector and feeder, stop exaggerating.
Calls himself a bad dog for a handle, first clue.
Followed by being a RepuKKKlican asshole, second clue.
Welcome to 2018 when the meanest and stupidest people are proud of their sociopathy because their hero made it to The White House.
,This young man,and hi group, are amazing . If everyone would be responsible for their own actions, and their garbage, we could all contribute to this cause. They deserve a medal, fort their honorary award.
dude what about the trade ships that pass through the ocean they can easily destroy your cleaning modules ??
so happy to see people on the front line making a difference!!!!
Why is plastic ending up at sea in the first place?
people not recycling. As well as storms, currents, production of plastic, etc. thousands of reasons
gnsgml11 30% of the litter comes from ship wastes etc, and about 70% from land/shore. there is primary microplastics from shampoo etc (imagine everything is structured as kind of a peeling basically and made of super tiny plastic polymers). secondary microplastic is a product of mechanical teardown, saltwater and uv-light fragmented waste parts. the amount we dump into our ocean differs a lot, especially in Asia people need some new insights into recycling processes etc
THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! You have no idea how uplifting this all is!! THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!!!!
As already mentioned by someone in the comments, a big part of this will be the collection and recycling. That might be an even bigger challenge. Also, although it is mentioned in the video that about 3% of the plastic is micro-plastic, according to a marine biologist friend, micro-plastic is a huge issue and 3% of such a huge amount of plastic is still a whole lot. Does this system address the micro-plastic part (especially the parts that are very small, small enough to become part of the food chain through fish eating this)?
We can only hope.
Yes if you look at his other videos or his ted talk, the system is designed to filter out micro-plastics.
How about nano-plastics?
According to my friend, nano-plastics usually sink to the bottom. So they do enter the food chain through bottom feeders, but they would be very difficult to filter out.
Sorry- his system isnt able to get them.
Amazing achievement guys. The entire crew and the 19 year old brain that is leading it.
Sort of unbelievable.