mirage 007 women are just people, and trust, pretty girls respond to guys that dont put them on a pedestal. Talk to them like they are just an average girl, be kind of a dick, your good.
I put them on a pedestal too but I have no fear of approaching and talking to women anywhere, anytime. Remember 90% of all communication is non verbal. It’s all about energy exchange. Oh yeah if you’re funny and can make her laugh you are already have one foot in the door if you know what I mean.
Approaching women like him doesn't make you bad it makes you a social guy in what world we live in to make social guys look bad for being social if you want to score like him just be a social guy and don't live in your house like a hermit
I've acted the way this guy's acted, and I've been rewarded for it. I've acted the way women say they want a man to be.. and I have not been rewarded for it.
"I'm more selective about the women I have dinner with than the women I have sex with." BINGO! That is EXACTLY what men need to listen to. I'm the exactly same way. I haven't taken a girl out on a date since 2007, but I've gotten laid several times since then...without the 3 hour dinner and $90 commitment. Taking a girl out on a date usually puts the man in the weaker position and puts him behind the 8 ball.
depends what you're after. if you're looking for longterm a dinner date can help screen for red flags. but for casual dating yes best to skip dinner etc and just do one drink etc
He wasn't rich at the time this video was made (now I don't know), he was merely an SAT tutor living in a small studio apartment. Good looks have little to do with success, there are plenty of good looking guys who can't get girls. I think it's all about having confidence in yourself, and playing the numbers game like a boss that are the biggest factors here.
Bingo especially these days. Social media has made it extremely hard to cold approach women because even ugly women are getting so much attention they now believe they are good looking. It’s had raised the women’s standard and lowered the males.
i love how this guy handles the critisizms so calmy. his confidence is so high nothing seems to effect him... besides his advice is really great got guys "dont put a woman on a pedestal and think she is untouchable" i do that all the time and reject myself! great advice
He is 100% right in that guys put girls on pedestals like they are some sort of unreachable prize. But the truth is they are much more nervous than guys I mean girls use hours to get ready to go out and if you go up to one and say something like " You are really wearing that dress isn't it a bit to red" and she will never wear that dress again.
"she is just another person, who is trying to get by" he's dead on. no matter how beautiful she is, she is just another person, don't be afraid to walk to her and say dump stuff, worst thing is she will shoot you down but not literally shoot you down, so who gives
I used to treat women with respect but that all changed when I saw a pattern. I saw women treating bullies, racists and douchebags of all sorts with love and respect and at the same time they would look down on people with high ethics. Women will always go for certain traits and good or bad arent one of them. So no need to be bitter and angry and live by yourself, transform yourself into this guy and get your revenge.
@A Z he's married with kids and runs his own business and travels regularly and helps others with their dating. if shallow is to mean anything that is not a shallow life at all. quite the opposite.
Why do talk show hosts love to pull quotes out of context and make their guest seem like a jackass? The editing didn't do Paul any favors either, but I think he came across okay.
Some people think Dr Phil was trying to make paul look bad on TV, but I honestly think that Dr Phil agrees with some of Paul Janka's ideas, he's just doing it for commercial purposes. What this playboy does echoes with me on a primal level.
Pxsseidon search up rsdfreetour on youtube, he's a balding, short, ginger man that picks women up on the regular and does live shows to teach people, I can guarantee that you are better looking than him, just goes to show women want a MAN not a man
This pick-up scenario is pretty much how female strippers pick up male targets at strip clubs. A little bit of talk here and there and then when she gains the man's confidence, she'll try to invite the male client up to the VIP in exchange for his hard earn cash. Score for the nude dancer. The Paul guy is basically operating just like how a stripper would operate and pick up her clients in a strip club. It's basically reverse psychology.
nardeep, clearly is the ideal candidate... he's already confident, decent looking, well dressed. If he's got no game and a hard luck case, I'm the queen of England
I agree but I also disagree considering the fact that most men don’t elevate the women before a cold approach but rather find a million excuses about THEMSELVES before approaching women. Most men have anxiety and it’s typically the ones who are the most insecure about a certain part of their life. It’s not the woman that’s the problem.
3:00 he is exactly right. This guy knows what he is talking about, guys do put women in an untouchable category and thats exactly what i do to this girl i like so much, i really think shes perfect but i guess everyone has there own flaws.
This guy has a very serious/stoic feeling about him but he still picks them all up. All you need is confidence and looks never hurt. If he was really funny on top of that, girls will come swarmin!
@Archibald: The reason to take the time to learn "game" is so you can differentiate yourself between the dozens of other guys that hit on them throughout any given week. It doesn't hurt to study up a bit on female psychology, body language etc. to increase your chances to get the girl to notice you. Learning "game" is your IN.. once you establish rapport with the girl, you can then be yourself.. Game just gets your foot in the door. Oh, and the program on "Mack Methods, com" is good man.
I don't think anyone has taken into account that this guy is over 6' and has exceptional facial features (bone structure, strong jaw, strong nose) which will already from the get-go set him miles ahead in terms of picking up women.
It's honestly so easy to get a girls number, and the thing that kills a guy is his confidence, you got to be confident not cocky. Girls seem like theyre hard to get but in reality all you have to do is sweet talk, be confident and make jokes, also make sure you're doing it to a girl thats alone because when a girls with her friends she will tend to act cocky and too good for you.
As a 57-year old virgin, I'm the exact opposite of the guy shown in the video. I guess that I've been shot down by so many women that my self-confidence in that area of my life is zero.
Janka is solid. I love his style and confidence. He demonstrates a high value by owning absolutely everything that comes out of his mouth. Totally into the natural game/day game approach. Quickest way to escalate for sure.
i think when you meet someone who's a complete stranger it's very unnatural to stay in a conversation, it's says your trying. so i think getting in and out like this guy did and you probably did leaves only a positive impression without the risk of leaving any other impression and allows you to formalize what the next meeting is.
@NesBlu I think you misunderstood what I was trying to say. I meant that in dating women can exercise more control and have greater options because they of the fact that they are constantly approached. This leaves them open to many different potential mates and diverse pool of candidates to screen and test. For a man it is more difficult because they are in direct competition with all the other guys who are also in contention for her approval and appraisal.
2:25-2:40 is about the realest statement ever made fellas. Look at the ladies faces after that comment. They just realized you make look like a dimepiece but at the end of the day, you are just like every average person out there with their problems and hangups and weaknesses. Good job man!! This is the life every man should live and pass on to his sons. MOre power to this guy. Thats how you handle business.
Somewhat true, although not everyone has to have a relationship to be happy. The upside of his lifestyle is, he has choices. If he wants a relationship, he can choose from dozens of women, most men can't. As dude in the audience said: more power to him.
Yup, it's all about confidence and making them feel secure (survival value). @Rich: Dude, look up a program called "Mack Methods".. It's easy to find and there's a really good guide and course on there that will teach you how to pull broads.
@RossMelania i looked it up, it's just a long sales pitch..better search for *Rapid Women Seducer*..i've learned so much from there..you should try their secret seduction method! it's far awesome than the one that you recommend.
If you are handsome you have less fear of rejection if you play the game right, if you're not then unless you dazzle her with your performance she is likely to rebuff
"She may look fit sexy and sophisticated but after she's naked with mascara running down her face and she's trying to stuff her thighs into too small a pair of jeans at 2am"
MSG 3 OF 3 become, regardless if it's right or wrong, or if we could and/or should control our behavior or not, the point is, these are nurtured traits that have justifications. See you're making me get so deep with something so simple here!
I'd like to be perfectly clear in hopes that some guys may read this. I don't get lot's of girls wanting me or fighting over me or anything like any of these videos by Pandora's box talk about with regards to personality types. In fact I am fat and over weight. There is no friend zone first of all, if your in that then why would said girl be of interest to you anyway. The only girls one should be interested in are girls who are remotely interested in you. In plain English any girls who are willing to give you the time of day for small conversation/chit chat. If you can do that and make a girl feel like she's in the moment for just a few minutes, like she's special because you decided to talk to her and would do so all day if she let you then you probably made her day. If the talking part is as good as sex that means you probably have spoken to that girl enough times that it feels very comfortable, like taking clothes off and putting them on after sex. That's it guys, just be yourself, stop trying so hard and embrace the friend zone, if a girl likes you then she will let you know. In something as simple as the way she says something, it may take time so don't be pushy or impatient. Get to know someone before you decide you even like them, you may find that that alone is the key to 2 people discovering they want to take it further.
Not bad advice at all Eli.. people really over complicate things. @Andrew: Look into *MackMethods.com*.. There's a guide and course on there that will probably help you understand this stuff a lot better.
Girls should be able to pick up on a guy charming them easily. If they want to sleep with someone thats their choice, whats wrong with that???. There are no 'victims' except for maybe paul.. it sounds exhausting what he has to do to maintain this lifestyle. Is there anything in his life outside of this 'game'? Balance is key:)
Yo alll .. I'm an old school PUA did a bootcamp back In 2010 I think It was with Cajun In Sydney Australia ... He Is the real deal I can tell you... Pick up has died these days. I'm just wondering If anyone know of any private forums that are still going on? I'm looking to get back In to this stuff I'm 40 and have a lot more to learn again, but keen to get back Into it... Seems all forums have died down?
No, it's what happens anyway. My mother nags my father constantly. Many of the older men I know, wish they weren't either married or with their partner. I can understand the disire to be in a relationship but having sex with the same person for the rest of my life does not appeal to me.
It doesn't matter if you believe in it or not, it's a valid and accurate model for understanding living organisms, such as ourselves. You might as well not "believe in" gravity; doesn't matter, it's simply a descriptive model of natural phenomenon.
"..shows you how to meet women and building lasting relationships" : this sounds like a contradiction. Playboys are emotionally disrupted individuals who cannot attach to a woman like a normal person. They search for love all their life and eventually end up living with their pair - usually a woman who has also slept in countless beds
FYI, for the comments regarding the women gasping at what he says. They actually cue the audience to gasp or laugh or boo based on the track of the show.
I know this guy comes of as a arrogant jerk, but when he made that statement about "..Thighs hugging jeans too small" He is right. Society has elevated women so much that even women aren't sure what is socially acceptable and what isn't. Dating was never meant to be a game where there were few winners and mostly losers. It's supposed to be a fun and enjoyable pursuit for men. When I encounter women who think their sh*t doesn't stink, I respectfully, but firmly knock them down a peg.
maybe it was not the best example but I think he has a point we put women on a pedestal and we create a fear of talking to them and makes us insecure.
mirage 007 women are just people, and trust, pretty girls respond to guys that dont put them on a pedestal. Talk to them like they are just an average girl, be kind of a dick, your good.
I put them on a pedestal too but I have no fear of approaching and talking to women anywhere, anytime. Remember 90% of all communication is non verbal. It’s all about energy exchange. Oh yeah if you’re funny and can make her laugh you are already have one foot in the door if you know what I mean.
Approaching women like him doesn't make you bad it makes you a social guy in what world we live in to make social guys look bad for being social if you want to score like him just be a social guy and don't live in your house like a hermit
He actually does a good job explaining it
yah he's correct lol. Makes me realize why I never approach women haha. I do fear rejection and find women intimidating.
I've acted the way this guy's acted, and I've been rewarded for it. I've acted the way women say they want a man to be.. and I have not been rewarded for it.
@Rony Obeid You really are a fucking idiot, with terrible grammar.
UrbanFarmboy if this is true it means you are more of a rare occurrence than the general norm.
#Urbanfarmboy No wonder! Rolls my eyes!
same here. this guy is a legend
@Taylor Swiften Are you one of them old bitches with a cat who never was given any attention by men.
"I'm more selective about the women I have dinner with than the women I have sex with."
BINGO! That is EXACTLY what men need to listen to. I'm the exactly same way. I haven't taken a girl out on a date since 2007, but I've gotten laid several times since then...without the 3 hour dinner and $90 commitment.
Taking a girl out on a date usually puts the man in the weaker position and puts him behind the 8 ball.
depends what you're after. if you're looking for longterm a dinner date can help screen for red flags. but for casual dating yes best to skip dinner etc and just do one drink etc
"Do you like women?"
"No, I'm gay, I pick them up for fun"
what kind of a question is that?!
When I first heard him ask that, I said to myself, what straight man doesn't like women? 😵💫
"Its not a theory it works." Janka totally punked Dr.Phil right there lol
He wasn't rich at the time this video was made (now I don't know), he was merely an SAT tutor living in a small studio apartment. Good looks have little to do with success, there are plenty of good looking guys who can't get girls. I think it's all about having confidence in yourself, and playing the numbers game like a boss that are the biggest factors here.
This dude, Paul, is a beast.
what he does ain't easy. mad respect to the man
hes throwing straight factss badboy right there lol
#VicaMOOR I have spent months researching get a date and found a fantastic website at Shawthing Dating Advice (google it if you are interested)
Says Paul with a fake account.
It's funny how Dr. Phil tries to make him look bad but fails miserably.
Don't knock the good Doctor ... he has been my inspiration. He is running a show here, and not trying to take down this guy.
Dr. Phil's loyalty is with his audience but in the background he is taking notes and is intrigued.
this guy speaks the truth and Phil hates that.
Bingo especially these days. Social media has made it extremely hard to cold approach women because even ugly women are getting so much attention they now believe they are good looking. It’s had raised the women’s standard and lowered the males.
It's not about getting the most results, it's about having fun and getting a woman you truly find attractive.
i love how this guy handles the critisizms so calmy. his confidence is so high nothing seems to effect him... besides his advice is really great got guys "dont put a woman on a pedestal and think she is untouchable" i do that all the time and reject myself! great advice
He is 100% right in that guys put girls on pedestals like they are some sort of unreachable prize. But the truth is they are much more nervous than guys I mean girls use hours to get ready to go out and if you go up to one and say something like " You are really wearing that dress isn't it a bit to red" and she will never wear that dress again.
"she is just another person, who is trying to get by" he's dead on. no matter how beautiful she is, she is just another person, don't be afraid to walk to her and say dump stuff, worst thing is she will shoot you down but not literally shoot you down, so who gives
What if she literally shoots you down?
@@alexmunoz6682 good to know that you're loser g. keep losing.
I know this guy in person. It's crazy how he became like this. He taught AP subject exams. He also went to harvard so no one can call him stupid.
He randomly quit teaching to pick up women? What does he do nowadays?
I used to treat women with respect but that all changed when I saw a pattern. I saw women treating bullies, racists and douchebags of all sorts with love and respect and at the same time they would look down on people with high ethics. Women will always go for certain traits and good or bad arent one of them. So no need to be bitter and angry and live by yourself, transform yourself into this guy and get your revenge.
hes absolutely correct, its crazy cause people will shame what he does and what he says, but the truth hurts.
@A Z he's married with kids and runs his own business and travels regularly and helps others with their dating. if shallow is to mean anything that is not a shallow life at all. quite the opposite.
If i looked like him, i'd be scoring too.
Don't knock yourself bro. It's all about trust and comfort. The more comfortable a woman feels around you the more you can get away with
Not only looks. That attitude also helps him
Does help that this guy looks like a Calvin Klein model
Paul Janka is a legend !!!!! I tried this and it works !!!!!
Why do talk show hosts love to pull quotes out of context and make their guest seem like a jackass? The editing didn't do Paul any favors either, but I think he came across okay.
if i was a dating coach i'd stay underground, fuck the mainstream. this is not meant for everyone
Some people think Dr Phil was trying to make paul look bad on TV, but I honestly think that Dr Phil agrees with some of Paul Janka's ideas, he's just doing it for commercial purposes. What this playboy does echoes with me on a primal level.
His game is hitting on everything that moves and having naturally good looks, why doesn't everyone think of this?
How to meet woman : Look like a male model
Living Legend End of discussion.
just be over 6'0 and have a face like a model
Works everytime
ihatevoyager you still think looks matter? What a chode
Like this guy
Pxsseidon search up rsdfreetour on youtube, he's a balding, short, ginger man that picks women up on the regular and does live shows to teach people, I can guarantee that you are better looking than him, just goes to show women want a MAN not a man
@@randomboy123ify It helps but its not everything
She: men with beard are very sexy.
Me: grows a beard and approach her.
She: I meant, sexy men with beard are sexy.
This pick-up scenario is pretty much how female strippers pick up male targets at strip clubs. A little bit of talk here and there and then when she gains the man's confidence, she'll try to invite the male client up to the VIP in exchange for his hard earn cash. Score for the nude dancer. The Paul guy is basically operating just like how a stripper would operate and pick up her clients in a strip club. It's basically reverse psychology.
nardeep, clearly is the ideal candidate... he's already confident, decent looking, well dressed.
If he's got no game and a hard luck case, I'm the queen of England
They shouldve used someone unattractive
Dude is a short, brown Southeast Asian in the US, the deck is already stacked against him.
His looks are 90 percent of game
"How To Pick Up Women"
be handsome
he is correct , we elevate woman so much that we stop to approach her .... real ... agree ???????????????
Fully agree and I will change my approach.
I agree but I also disagree considering the fact that most men don’t elevate the women before a cold approach but rather find a million excuses about THEMSELVES before approaching women. Most men have anxiety and it’s typically the ones who are the most insecure about a certain part of their life. It’s not the woman that’s the problem.
God bless him. He's obviously very intelligent and he's found a way to bring joy to people's lives by helping them.
3:00 he is exactly right. This guy knows what he is talking about, guys do put women in an untouchable category and thats exactly what i do to this girl i like so much, i really think shes perfect but i guess everyone has there own flaws.
This guy has a very serious/stoic feeling about him but he still picks them all up. All you need is confidence and looks never hurt. If he was really funny on top of that, girls will come swarmin!
@Archibald: The reason to take the time to learn "game" is so you can differentiate yourself between the dozens of other guys that hit on them throughout any given week.
It doesn't hurt to study up a bit on female psychology, body language etc. to increase your chances to get the girl to notice you.
Learning "game" is your IN.. once you establish rapport with the girl, you can then be yourself.. Game just gets your foot in the door.
Oh, and the program on "Mack Methods, com" is good man.
Step 1: Be attractive
Step 2: Dont be unattractive
Step1 have charisma
Are you still a black piller 10 years later?
2:15 when he asked “do you like women?” WTF Phil.. you think he’s having sex with hundreds of women because he likes men? 😂😂😂
He's good. Today is a lot easier to get laid because of dating apps. But he was doing it before the advent of social media. That's impressive
this stuff actually works ! ive been researching it for a while now and have definately seen results!
😂😂😂 @ 2:11
"Fuck yeah bro!"
"Oh fuck im on TV"
Renaissance Man Lol!
My mom told my to look at this from a womans point of view, so I looked outside the kitchen window.
Dude is brilliant
I don't think anyone has taken into account that this guy is over 6' and has exceptional facial features (bone structure, strong jaw, strong nose) which will already from the get-go set him miles ahead in terms of picking up women.
"it's not a theory, it works!" LMAO touché
Paul's game is tight. Dude knows what he's talking about
Looking like Tom Cruise is an 80% advantage
I really like the way this guy thinks. I like his tactics, and I like how he is with women when approaching them.
I love how theyre tryna portray him as having a big ego lol he's just confident in getting girls thats not an ego
No, he’s a psychopath.
Wow. I have no idea what any of that had to do with my comment. I'm absolutely amazed by how far you were able to go off topic, actually.
Paul Janka He changed my life.
It's honestly so easy to get a girls number, and the thing that kills a guy is his confidence, you got to be confident not cocky. Girls seem like theyre hard to get but in reality all you have to do is sweet talk, be confident and make jokes, also make sure you're doing it to a girl thats alone because when a girls with her friends she will tend to act cocky and too good for you.
As a 57-year old virgin, I'm the exact opposite of the guy shown in the video. I guess that I've been shot down by so many women that my self-confidence in that area of my life is zero.
Are you serious?
You could always move to an Asian country and find women there, I’m pretty sure they find any light skin American naturally attractive
Not unusual
this guy is my idol...
i mean my hero
Janka is solid. I love his style and confidence. He demonstrates a high value by owning absolutely everything that comes out of his mouth. Totally into the natural game/day game approach. Quickest way to escalate for sure.
i think when you meet someone who's a complete stranger it's very unnatural to stay in a conversation, it's says your trying. so i think getting in and out like this guy did and you probably did leaves only a positive impression without the risk of leaving any other impression and allows you to formalize what the next meeting is.
2:25 i love it how women get: ohhhhh nooo thats not true...hahahaha sloots gonna sloooot
ayy lmao
@NesBlu I think you misunderstood what I was trying to say. I meant that in dating women can exercise more control and have greater options because they of the fact that they are constantly approached. This leaves them open to many different potential mates and diverse pool of candidates to screen and test. For a man it is more difficult because they are in direct competition with all the other guys who are also in contention for her approval and appraisal.
This guy open my mind
2:25-2:40 is about the realest statement ever made fellas. Look at the ladies faces after that comment. They just realized you make look like a dimepiece but at the end of the day, you are just like every average person out there with their problems and hangups and weaknesses. Good job man!! This is the life every man should live and pass on to his sons. MOre power to this guy. Thats how you handle business.
This man is a Legend!
Dude.. this e-book is awesome man..
So what? This is like an ongoing course?
Thanks for the recommendation!
This is the first video I saw that started me on my journey haha
Somewhat true, although not everyone has to have a relationship to be happy. The upside of his lifestyle is, he has choices. If he wants a relationship, he can choose from dozens of women, most men can't. As dude in the audience said: more power to him.
Yes girls, by all means, go back to a guy's place two minutes after meeting him on the street. Real smart!!
Fatima Jones You should remove that comment.
+Thomas Lavoie sarcasm much??
That one dude in the audience is smiling ear to ear until the camera hits him and he goes stone faced.
The real trick of game. Don't give a fuck what the girl says.
You’re right but most men reading this will skip right over this comment
this guys a legend, why would you hate him?
Good video take it from me guys that confidence is king when go after beautiful women
of cours money or good looking , but if you haven't any one of them , then the courage is the key
Yup, it's all about confidence and making them feel secure (survival value).
@Rich: Dude, look up a program called "Mack Methods"..
It's easy to find and there's a really good guide and course on there that will teach you how to pull broads.
@RossMelania i looked it up, it's just a long sales pitch..better search for *Rapid Women Seducer*..i've learned so much from there..you should try their secret seduction method! it's far awesome than the one that you recommend.
look up " Corry Bazzy - The Real Life Johnny Bravo " lol
Very true man.. confidence is no 1.
@Ross: Good call on the "Mack Methods" program man.. this is really good!
When men are the gay best friend (who isn’t gay) women go “aww, you’ll find someone”
But when men go for what they want “he’s a player, he’s a jerk”
Be honest I think if u are a handsome men u have a big advantage if you are ugly then for get it ...... it's not that easy
Wow that was mean as hell
What a comment!
If you are handsome you have less fear of rejection if you play the game right, if you're not then unless you dazzle her with your performance she is likely to rebuff
looks have nothing to do with it, i've seen jacked 6'3 men who were lame and no girl talked to them for more than 2 minutes. personality is 96%
imaprouduclabruin for women any man wants to fuck a hot girl but if she's an airhead she won't be able to keep that man
I think this guy is good enough at what he does to where he should simply find the best one he can and really create a relationship.
The real life version of Barney Stinson:D
"She may look fit sexy and sophisticated but after she's naked with mascara running down her face and she's trying to stuff her thighs into too small a pair of jeans at 2am"
Bruh 🔥
Techniques work better on him as he looks like Ian Somerhalder
I love the women's moans of disgust, while every guy that sees that is freaking jealous of that
no.1 chad
MSG 3 OF 3
become, regardless if it's right or wrong, or if we could and/or should control our behavior or not, the point is, these are nurtured traits that have justifications. See you're making me get so deep with something so simple here!
I'd like to be perfectly clear in hopes that some guys may read this. I don't get lot's of girls wanting me or fighting over me or anything like any of these videos by Pandora's box talk about with regards to personality types. In fact I am fat and over weight. There is no friend zone first of all, if your in that then why would said girl be of interest to you anyway. The only girls one should be interested in are girls who are remotely interested in you. In plain English any girls who are willing to give you the time of day for small conversation/chit chat. If you can do that and make a girl feel like she's in the moment for just a few minutes, like she's special because you decided to talk to her and would do so all day if she let you then you probably made her day. If the talking part is as good as sex that means you probably have spoken to that girl enough times that it feels very comfortable, like taking clothes off and putting them on after sex. That's it guys, just be yourself, stop trying so hard and embrace the friend zone, if a girl likes you then she will let you know. In something as simple as the way she says something, it may take time so don't be pushy or impatient. Get to know someone before you decide you even like them, you may find that that alone is the key to 2 people discovering they want to take it further.
Not bad advice at all Eli.. people really over complicate things.
@Andrew: Look into *MackMethods.com*..
There's a guide and course on there that will probably help you understand this stuff a lot better.
this video is hilarious i was friends with paul a few years ago and lost touch. he is a great guy
Girls should be able to pick up on a guy charming them easily. If they want to sleep with someone thats their choice, whats wrong with that???. There are no 'victims' except for maybe paul.. it sounds exhausting what he has to do to maintain this lifestyle. Is there anything in his life outside of this 'game'? Balance is key:)
Yo alll .. I'm an old school PUA did a bootcamp back In 2010 I think It was with Cajun In Sydney Australia ... He Is the real deal I can tell you...
Pick up has died these days.
I'm just wondering If anyone know of any private forums that are still going on? I'm looking to get back In to this stuff I'm 40 and have a lot more to learn again, but keen to get back Into it... Seems all forums have died down?
There is the skilled seducer forum. Mystery started a skool forum.
No longer exists, I've tried many forums from past but most are gone
You can always start a group, got discord? I've been into this stuff for over a decade myself.
No, it's what happens anyway. My mother nags my father constantly. Many of the older men I know, wish they weren't either married or with their partner. I can understand the disire to be in a relationship but having sex with the same person for the rest of my life does not appeal to me.
best pua ive ever seen .. this guy is the master .. my idol !
ranjit and barney stinson l0l
It doesn't matter if you believe in it or not, it's a valid and accurate model for understanding living organisms, such as ourselves. You might as well not "believe in" gravity; doesn't matter, it's simply a descriptive model of natural phenomenon.
132 women, and women sleep with just over 100 men, not much difference !
I'm gonna read his book
Ain't nobody got time for that!
nice man, you sure know how to attract ladies.
good luck to all of you guys!!!
Where are you getting these stats from?
Not all heros wear capes
I agree that New Country music is not very good, but older Country music is amazing.
"..shows you how to meet women and building lasting relationships" : this sounds like a contradiction.
Playboys are emotionally disrupted individuals who cannot attach to a woman like a normal person. They search for love all their life and eventually end up living with their pair - usually a woman who has also slept in countless beds
How to pick up women: buy fake ATM receipts with large numbers, put your number on the back... works like a charm
Artists like this have an extremely easy way to keep a relationship. If they want.
Its true it actually works
Hey sanath watch it full
This guy is a fucking bad ass
FYI, for the comments regarding the women gasping at what he says. They actually cue the audience to gasp or laugh or boo based on the track of the show.
I know this guy comes of as a arrogant jerk, but when he made that statement about "..Thighs hugging jeans too small" He is right. Society has elevated women so much that even women aren't sure what is socially acceptable and what isn't. Dating was never meant to be a game where there were few winners and mostly losers. It's supposed to be a fun and enjoyable pursuit for men. When I encounter women who think their sh*t doesn't stink, I respectfully, but firmly knock them down a peg.
You stink