i love war movies idk y but i like war movies and games like call of duty i have them all its sad that ppl are risking their lifes for there love for there contury and dieing and it is cool how war movies look i mean not trying to be offinsive but i love war movies
war is sad when you sit there and watch your friends die right in front of you or see your friend blown up,legs blown off and watch your friends guts hang out of there body.
We lost a lot of very brave men in this conflict . I will honor each and every one of them for the rest of my life
great song great movie
both awsome
Has any body else realized that literally ANY Metallica song goes good with this movie?
Yeah, cool. Das Scheppert !
i love war movies idk y but i like war movies and games like call of duty i have them all its sad that ppl are risking their lifes for there love for there contury and dieing and it is cool how war movies look i mean not trying to be offinsive but i love war movies
Thank you?
war is sad when you sit there and watch your friends die right in front of you or see your friend blown up,legs blown off and watch your friends guts hang out of there body.
Wie die Ratzen im Garten 😄
This is the Kuhn family hope the U.S backs us up please
its not very well known. the only time i heard it before i downloaded it was on Metallica rock honors i think
Ich habe den Angriff damals überlebt. Mehr sag ich nicht.
Die Ratzen greifen an. Do sind da gsprazelt die Ratzen !
omfg u babies this movie is not sad i saw it wen i was like 9 and i thought it was awesome not sad
Ja ja, ich hab den Angriff damals überlebt ohne großen Schaden.
ist schon irgendwie komisch...
Dreht um !
Dreht um. Hab ich noch gesagt.
Da sind sa zammgsackt, die Ratzen und durch die Gegend geflogen.
Naja, ich hab's überlebt.
21 Jahre, vorbei.
vom Mörser zerfetzt.
man kann auch fallen.
Ratz fatz is rum.
Die Ratzen greifen an
... und Sie bleiben bei den Amerikaner ... ☺️
... und ich bleib ein Nazi. 😄
Wie die Ratzen.