Why Do Catholics Pray to Mary?

  • Опубликовано: 1 ноя 2017
  • Ask Pastor John
    Episode: 381
    Guest: Michael Reeves
    Transcript: www.desiringgod.org/interview...

Комментарии • 1,3 тыс.

  • @RAFLarchitects
    @RAFLarchitects 3 года назад +66

    Lord God, forgive me of my sins everytime i become self righteous in dealing with other people's faith.
    Give me wisdom and a gentle, compassionate heart so that i can answer all catholic questions in order to lead to you. In Jesus name. Amen!

    • @Trooper-2006
      @Trooper-2006 2 года назад

      Say it

    • @barrywardell7612
      @barrywardell7612 Год назад

      You just started with god and ended with Jesus??? Make up your mind who you are preying to.

    • @RAFLarchitects
      @RAFLarchitects Год назад +5

      @@barrywardell7612 Was it not announced by Jesus that He and Father are one? (see John 10:30), and that no one goes to the Father except through Jesus? (John 14:6) Jesus also said that whatever we ask God in His Name, He will do it. That God may be glorified in the Son. (see John 14:13-14) DO YOU TRULY BELIEVE IN JESUS? Do you truly believe in what He said?

    • @ememman1460
      @ememman1460 Год назад

      @@barrywardell7612 It's in Jesus name, as in "Lord (Father) do ___, in the name of Your Son Jesus."

  • @bryanchtan
    @bryanchtan 4 года назад +237

    I was sick and I went to the clinic, I asked the doctor, "Can i talk to your mother instead?"

    • @thberger61794
      @thberger61794 4 года назад +28

      Bryan Tan mic drop

    • @hilairebelloc3368
      @hilairebelloc3368 4 года назад +5

      Is that even supposed to be an analogy?

    • @heydaddy5326
      @heydaddy5326 4 года назад +12

      Let's forward the letter/message to his Mother instead, maybe she will deliver it to him...
      *Postwoman Jezabel in full Halloween Costume ready to deliver!

    • @ronaldhaaning9920
      @ronaldhaaning9920 4 года назад +9

      Bryan Tan, Exactly right. And whenever reporters wanted to ask the president his opinion on an issue, he instructed them to ask his mother first, and then she would be the go between for him.

    • @hilairebelloc3368
      @hilairebelloc3368 4 года назад +1

      @@ronaldhaaning9920 Hey, it was in the Old Testament (1 Kings 2), and it continues to be so in the New (John 2).

  • @fuzzymeow5576
    @fuzzymeow5576 4 года назад +62

    Why pray to Mary when you can go right to Jesus directly and ask him ? By praying to Mary, or any of the “Saints” you are committing spiritual idolatry by elevating created beings to deity level. Mary was a sinner just like us. We are not to pray to ANYONE other than God. And why would you even need to or want to when you have a direct line to your Daddy in heaven? He specifically told us not to talk to the dead which is what you are doing when you pray to her. She has no power. And yes, Jesus can say no to her for she is a created being. “ Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: No man comets unto the father, but by Me.” John 14:6. That includes entering his throne room by prayer. By Him ALONE.

    • @PInk77W1
      @PInk77W1 4 года назад +4

      Why did Jesus go to Mary, when he could’ve went straight to YOU ?
      We Catholics copy Jesus. We go to Mary because he went to Mary.
      Jesus on the cross said to John
      “Behold YOUR Mother.”

    • @fuzzymeow5576
      @fuzzymeow5576 3 года назад +8

      Him Bike Where does it say anywhere in the Bible that Jesus went to Mary for anything? And what do you mean He went to her? How could he go to her when he was nailed to the cross? In reference to what you mentioned, when He was on the cross and He saw John and His mother standing by, the verse before that (John 19:26) says that he told his mother to behold her son. He was talking about John who wasn’t her blood born son but in Jesus we are all family. You cannot cherry pick verses. There are always other verses talking about the same things to give full context.
      Look at Mark 4:31-35. “There came then his brethren and his mother, and standing without (meaning outside the door), sent unto him, calling him. And the multitude sat about him, and they said unto him, Behold, thy mother and thy brethren without (outside) seek for thee. And he answered them saying, Who is my mother, or my brethren? And he looked round about on them which sat about him and said, Behold my mother and my brethren! For whosoever shall do the will of God, the same is my brother, and my sister, and my mother.”
      So, that sure doesn’t look like he esteemed her any higher than anyone else. Was she blessed to have carried and raised Jesus? Yes, definitely but remember, His Word tells us that He is no respecter of persons as it is His grace and His work alone that saves us. There is nothing we can do (Mary included) that can make ourselves Holy in any way. That makes us all equal as sinners who need a Savior.

    • @justaguy653
      @justaguy653 3 года назад +6

      @@PInk77W1 ummm.... yeah.... Jesus said that in reference of Matthew 12:46-50 They are of the body of Christ, all brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers amongst themselves.
      If only Catholics read the whole Bible and not just a few verses.

    • @PInk77W1
      @PInk77W1 3 года назад +2

      @@fuzzymeow5576 you are 100% wrong.
      Jesus on the cross Said to John
      “Behold Your Mother.”
      Catholics today call Mary our Mother,
      Just as Jesus said she was Johns mother.

    • @PInk77W1
      @PInk77W1 3 года назад +2

      @@fuzzymeow5576 Jesus was born of Mary.
      Jesus is God.
      Therefore, Jesus went to Mary.
      He is God, so he didn’t need to
      He went to Mary first
      Even though he didn’t need to.
      We Catholics imitate Jesus and we
      Go to Mary too.
      We don’t go to you.

  • @ronniebishop2496
    @ronniebishop2496 2 года назад +33

    So if you had Mary Paul Peter and Jesus in the room, you would go to Mary and say, would you tell Jesus to heal me or my family? Wouldn’t that be an insult to him. I just pray in the name of Jesus!

    • @josephjackson1956
      @josephjackson1956 Год назад +4

      A good way to look at this is to look at the wedding at Cana. The wine for the feast runs out. Mary goes to Jesus and tells Him that there is no more wine. Jesus says, “woman, why do you involve me? My hour has not yet come.” Then Mary tells the servants to do whatever Jesus says.
      Mary tells the servants to turn to Jesus and listen to Him. Mary brings us to Christ just as she did with the servants.

    • @ronniebishop2496
      @ronniebishop2496 Год назад +9

      @@josephjackson1956 Well That doesn’t make sense, Jesus told his followers that when he left he would send back the Holy Ghost to lead them into everything, and as a comfort. So the disciples along with Jews about 120 from all over the world, in the upper room with the disciples as they waited for the appearance of the Holy Ghost, and suddenly like a mighty rushing wind the Holy Ghost appeared to them as cloven tongues of fire and set on each one of them and they began to speak in other languages or tongues as the spirit gave them utterance so Peter got up, full of the Holy Ghost and preached the first message of the New Testament church. Now my point is after that point there is not one time that any of the apostles prayed with Mary or asked her to pray for them and she was still alive and the same is true for Paul, who wrote most of the New Testament and was the missionary to the gentiles and was a lawyer and a Roman citizen, but not one time did he write to pray to or with Mary. Mary is the mother of Jesus but not God because God has no mother, the Bible is clear that God has always existed. I admire the Catholic Church and their dedication and even dogmas but there is many many things that are traditional and really doesn’t make sense.

    • @loitersquadX
      @loitersquadX 7 месяцев назад

      ​@@ronniebishop2496its fear i dont think they are doing it to be Satanic they want to please God

    • @ronniebishop2496
      @ronniebishop2496 7 месяцев назад +1

      @@loitersquadX Probably. But I don’t know who started all of that, it doesn’t make sense unless someone is deliberately trying to confuse them, the devil uses confusion.

    • @loitersquadX
      @loitersquadX 7 месяцев назад

      @@ronniebishop2496 well, Jesus Christ started the Catholic Church. The interpretation is the issue. I'm evangelical but I believe the Catholics aren't necessarily wrong. We all believe the same Bible. We all believe Jesus died for our sins. We all believe Mary was holy and she gave birth to Jesus . But the issue is the saints and praying to mary. Catholics don't ask Mary for forgiveness. They believe that Mary and the saints are with Jesus right now and that if we all pray together that it's better for us. I don't agree because I believe Jesus understands us , knows everything and has power. HOWEVER. I was told that Jesus wants intercession. I need to look into it because I'm not 100% sure why its this way but Jesus is okay with us asking for prayer because it's just the way his LAW works. The saints were sinners and regular humans just like me and you. But they were still loyal to Jesus from my understanding. So to concluded. Mary is the mother of life correct. Mary was special because God chose her she was devout to God. This isn't some Fairytale all this stuff is historically documented let's not even bring just the Bible into this if you use facts Jesus was legitimate and Mary was legitimate atheist believe in her as well. The devil does cause a divide and that's where me being an evangelical and my family being Catholic have a slight problem. If you were sick and you go to the doctor you don't ask the doctor let me speak to your mother . But before you see the doctor you set up an appointment and you speak to people beneath the doctor.. sorry for this being long. But Mary and the saints wont ever accept you idolize or worshiping thm they will lead your to Jesus Christ. Catholics aren't evil BUT this new age stuff is very satanic and they have to be safe

  • @jimmiepatrum
    @jimmiepatrum 4 года назад +76

    I read many of the comments below and it's evident to me that those of the Catholic faith have been so indoctrinated over centuries that they just will not see the error of their beliefs. The Bible is clear. The words are God breathed. To come up with human traditions that run counter to the Bible's teachings is sacrilege. We Protestants need to continue to pray for our Catholic friends and loved ones that God will take the devil's teachings out of their hearts and that their eyes will be opened. Until God touches them directly and they realize how wrong they are, Catholics will continue to believe tradition over the Bible - that's how strong the devil is. Diane in NC

    • @johnrimmontaquiso6018
      @johnrimmontaquiso6018 4 года назад +1

      But according to them, they made the Bible. Any idea about this.. i was fascinated in learning apologetics thats why im weighing on things and looking for answers of their wrong claims.

    • @jimmiepatrum
      @jimmiepatrum 4 года назад +15

      @@johnrimmontaquiso6018 If they (and I assume by they you mean Catholics) made the Bible, then all the more reason for them to believe the Bible and not something that is counter to it. I truly do believe that the Bible is inerrant. Yes, man physically wrote the Bible, but his writings were God breathed into his mind and then into his hand to write. I've never gotten a satisfactory answer from anyone Catholic how their beliefs should override the Bible's truths. I hope you find answers. Diane in NC

    • @sskuk1095
      @sskuk1095 3 года назад +6

      @@jimmiepatrum I live in a majority Catholic nation and believe me that the situation is dire! Some Catholics take anything as proof of their ideology (miracles, saints, appearence, what the pope declares ...). And if you correct them and refer to the bible they usually see it as just one argument of many and it is frustrating, believe me, to make them rethink which sourse has the highest priority.

    • @jimmiepatrum
      @jimmiepatrum 3 года назад +8

      @@sskuk1095 It must be hard for you to be in the minority. All we do is keep praying. God is stronger than the devil. Thanks for your comments. Diane in NC

    • @Rixster53
      @Rixster53 3 года назад +2

      John Rimmon Taquiso The Catholic Church subscribes to a practice called “replacement theology” where they steal all the the promises that God made to the Jews and Israel it is heresy! The scripture clearly teaches in Romans chapter 3 that the oracles of God were given to the Jews in John 4, Jesus told the Samaritan woman at the well salvation is of the Jews! Jesus told his disciples to go onto the lost sheep of the house of Israel in the beginning of his ministry until they rejected him then he gave the command to go to the Gentiles in all nations with the message of the gospel. Again the oracles of God were given to the Jew! If you look at your complete Bible you’ll see that the majority of it is the Old Testament which was established by the Jews long before the Catholic Church got involved in compiling the books of the Bible so therefore their claim that they gave us the Bible is a fabrication. God made a covenant with Israel and he laid them aside after they rejected Jesus Christ as the Messiah and we have entered into the “mystery” age known as the church. Where whosoever, Jew or Gentile can be saved by wholly putting their faith and trust in the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross without the works of the law, Romans 3:28, Acts 15 and Galatians 2:16 (but read the whole letter Paul wrote) Once the church age is over and the rapture of the Church takes place, God will again start to deal with the Jews and the nation of Israel as he promised throughout the whole Old Testament that he would have a king to sit on the throne of David forever! God is not done with the Jews he merely laid them aside to graft in the Gentiles according to Romans chapter 11. Many cults including the Roman Catholic Church tried to claim the promises made to Israel but the book of Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 clearly states I have tried them that say they are Jews but are not! John chapter 3 Jesus spoke to a religious Jew, and told him that he must be born again! if you are not born of the spirit and have the Holy Spirit dwelling within you cannot receive spiritual truth the bible! The book of first Corinthians says “the natural man receive it not the things of the Spirit of God for their foolishness onto him “ye must be born again” to “get it”...you must go to the Scriptures for answers Jimmy, God bless you

  • @AmberFaganello
    @AmberFaganello 4 года назад +61

    I am a catholic and I recognize that there is some love... bleeding into idol worship. Thank you for addressing it from a historical perspective and being so polite.

    • @hervedavidh4117
      @hervedavidh4117 4 года назад +6

      So you need to learn more about your faith as a catholic.

    • @1234poppycat
      @1234poppycat 3 года назад +4

      1 Catholics certainly do not worship idols ""Worship is reserved for the Godhead alone (Father Son and Holy Spirit)" 2 Catholics have been entirely consistent. They need to stop passing around absurd explanations and ideas about Catholicism. They could go to "Catholic Answers" website for a correct grown up explanation. Catholics have been consistent whereas if you look up Martin Luther .. He claimed in his nailed theses on the door of the Wittenberg Church that Catholics did not give Mary enough reverence !! It is protestants who have changed since Luther !!

    • @AmberFaganello
      @AmberFaganello 3 года назад +11

      @@hervedavidh4117 I am not meaning to start a fight... just to leave a kind comment on a sensitive topic - in an effort to maintain unity (John 17). The church doesn't teach idol worship, but I have seen people burry statues upside down in their yards in an effort to sell a home... Superstitious abuses like that are what give outsiders a negative impression. Why sow discord when there is an opportunity to acknowledge truth and show the world that the faithful stand together?

    • @AmberFaganello
      @AmberFaganello 3 года назад +1

      @@1234poppycat I replied to the comment above yours and I site the same common practice here - sometimes people take what the church teaches and makes something popular/suspicious about it that doesn't honour God. Piper was only trying to be truthful and kind in speaking on a topic that is really sensitive for his Catholic listeners and (you're right) misunderstood by his protestant ones. Jesus called us to be united, so kindness is God-honouring.

    • @1234poppycat
      @1234poppycat 3 года назад +5

      @@AmberFaganello He was deliberately or not misrepresenting Catholicism ... ignoring the first miracle at Cana when Jesus said "My time has not yet come" but Mary persisted and he turned the Water into wine. You said ""Piper was only trying to be truthful and kind "" No he was trying to say Catholics are wrong in praying to Mary and he misrepresented Catholicism for the entertainment of protestants and to entice Catholics who do know their faith away from the true Faith.

  • @GreemLynn
    @GreemLynn 3 года назад +14

    The bible did mention (I forgot what verse) that in the future many will have itchy ears in other words many people would only believe based on what they see instead by faith. The bible tells that We live by faith not by sight. Many will be deceived because people wanted to hear what they want to hear.

    • @Andromedon777
      @Andromedon777 3 года назад +3

      Google is an excellent tool to quickly look up a verse to make sure you're quoting scripture exactly.
      You're correct, but just for the future, always quote scripture to have more authority to your statement

    • @1234poppycat
      @1234poppycat 3 года назад +1

      Exactly The Catholic Church has been consistent since Pentecost .. It is protestants who change ... itchy ears and itchy feet 35 000 versions ... They need to stop passing around absurd explanations and ideas about Catholicism. Go to "Catholic Answers" website for a correct grown up explanation. Catholics have been consistent whereas if you look up Martin Luther .. He claimed in his nailed theses on the door of the Wittenberg Church that Catholics did not give Mary enough reverence !! It is protestants who have changed since Luther !!

  • @abja101
    @abja101 4 года назад +39

    Why was the curtain torn down, why were we given the Holy Spirit? I dont want nobody to pray for my salvation when I was baptized by the Holy Spirit. I was reconciled with God. The Holy Spirit prays for me. I don't need nothing else except the Trinity.

    • @mercinc2926
      @mercinc2926 Год назад

      @@Trooper-2006 it's pre catholic

    • @josephjackson1956
      @josephjackson1956 Год назад +1

      Have you stayed reconciled with God ever since, or has your relationship faltered through sin?

    • @mercinc2926
      @mercinc2926 Год назад +3

      @@josephjackson1956 reconciled thru faith in the blood of Christ nothing else can save you.

    • @barrywardell7612
      @barrywardell7612 Год назад

      The Holy Spirit is the actions of jehova. Catholics believe that they have a spirit inside them and that’s definitely wrong. That’s wrong teaching!

    • @barrywardell7612
      @barrywardell7612 Год назад

      The trinity is a bunch of lies! So you are telling me that you and your father are the same bei? Absolutely wrong, you are your fathers child, you can’t be both! That’s how ridiculous it is!

  • @debramurphy121
    @debramurphy121 3 года назад +21

    Mary ain't the only human they pray to. Long list of saints.

  • @waynejeez5620
    @waynejeez5620 4 года назад +20

    Because "full well ye reject the commandment of God that ye may keep your own tradition" (Mark 7:9).

    • @no_prisoners6474
      @no_prisoners6474 3 года назад

      Which commandment is being ignored? Mary is our mother because she's the mother of Jesus.
      Jesus abode by the law. Of which number 5 is to honour thy mother and father. We are part of His family.

    • @waynejeez5620
      @waynejeez5620 3 года назад +3

      @@no_prisoners6474 when did Jesus teach anyone to pray to His mother?

    • @no_prisoners6474
      @no_prisoners6474 3 года назад +1

      @@waynejeez5620 He did not tell anyone to pray to His mother. What is your point?

    • @waynejeez5620
      @waynejeez5620 3 года назад +3

      @@no_prisoners6474 man ALWAYS "overrides" the order that Christ has established in order to "insert" their own "order". Our traditions make the word of God of "none effect". We "teach for doctrines the commandments of men". Satan savours NOT the things that be of God, but those that be of men. Unless all of this is seen FROM THE LORD'S PERSPECTIVE, NOT MAN'S, YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO "SEE".

    • @1234poppycat
      @1234poppycat 3 года назад

      Catholics have been entirely consistent. They need to stop passing around absurd explanations and ideas about Catholicism. They could go to "Catholic Answers" website for a correct grown up explanation. Catholics have been consistent whereas if you look up Martin Luther .. He claimed in his nailed theses on the door of the Wittenberg Church that Catholics did not give Mary enough reverence !! It is protestants who have changed since Luther !! Protestant "traditions" change not Catholicism .. My local protestant church has a sign outside " Gay marriages performed here"

  • @fightthegoodfightoffaithmi8676
    @fightthegoodfightoffaithmi8676 Год назад +3

    I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.
    Psalms 139:14 (KJV)

  • @AnnetteMurphyger
    @AnnetteMurphyger 3 года назад +11

    Thank you John for telling the Biblical Truth God. Bless you.

    • @1234poppycat
      @1234poppycat 3 года назад

      Catholics have been entirely consistent. They need to stop passing around absurd explanations and ideas about Catholicism. They could go to "Catholic Answers" website for a correct grown up explanation. Catholics have been consistent whereas if you look up Martin Luther .. He claimed in his nailed theses on the door of the Wittenberg Church that Catholics did not give Mary enough reverence !! It is protestants who have changed since Luther !!

    • @AnnetteMurphyger
      @AnnetteMurphyger 3 года назад +3

      @@1234poppycat Mary does not need reverence only Jesus, His Father and the Holy Spirit

    • @AnnetteMurphyger
      @AnnetteMurphyger 3 года назад +1

      Try got questions website

    • @AnnetteMurphyger
      @AnnetteMurphyger 3 года назад +1

      @@1234poppycat well Luther was wrong then and anyway we don't follow Martin Luther only the Bible God's precious Word.

    • @AnnetteMurphyger
      @AnnetteMurphyger 3 года назад +1

      We are not Protestants anyway, but Born Again Evangelical Christian believers.

  • @Greendawg25
    @Greendawg25 3 года назад +4

    What a jolly good answer

  • @sb-tb1ld
    @sb-tb1ld 3 года назад +8

    Catholics dont understand the reality that the whole point of EVERYTHING is to get man back into the garden if Eden. God walked in the garden with Adam and Eve in their direct presence. God had a direct relationship with them and that is what he desires with all of a us. A direct and loving relationship. You speak directly to the Father as Adam and Eve did. The new garden will be when Gods Kindgom come down to earth and heaven and earth will then be reunited as it was in the garden. Jesus is King and our messiah that redeemed us so that many will be able to reenter. Jesus is the Sheppard who leads his flock back to pasture(man back to the garden). He is the light that lights our feet so we do not stumble off the narrow path that leads us back into the garden. Look at the tabernacle and temples. They were designed to be a mini representation of the garden of eden. The outer court was the outside world. The inner court was the garden, and the holy of holy's was gods throne room in the garden. Man was kicked out and God placed to Cherubim to guard the gate to the garden so that man cannot eat from the tree of life to gain immortality. We have to reenter the same way we left which is why the temple and tabernacle always faced east. We must reenter facing west. Once we finally reenter, and our names are found in the book of life, we will be granted to eat from the fruit of the tree of life having immortal incorruptible bodies living in the direct presence of God in loving fellowship forever.

    • @no_prisoners6474
      @no_prisoners6474 3 года назад

      You lost me at 'catholics don't understand'
      Protenstants don't understand that everyone is free to practice their faith and love the ARK OF THE NEW COVENANT if they want to.

    • @bazzy8376
      @bazzy8376 3 года назад

      That's what DID happen, what are you waiting for?

  • @PInk77W1
    @PInk77W1 4 года назад +33

    Mary said

    • @PInk77W1
      @PInk77W1 3 года назад +2

      @thomas hess Paul said
      “I am your father in Christ.”
      1 Cor 4:15

    • @barrywardell7612
      @barrywardell7612 Год назад

      No reason to even talk to Mary. She really wasn’t anybody special, she was a random virgin that jehova picked to give birth to Jesus

    • @PInk77W1
      @PInk77W1 Год назад

      I’m glad you’re smarter than God and the
      Angel Gabriel and the authors of the Bible.
      All of them how do u say it
      “Talked to Mary.”
      Oh yes and Jesus talked to Mary too.
      So we Catholics imitate Jesus by talking to Mary.

    • @Gabrielherzuz45
      @Gabrielherzuz45 Год назад +1

      @@PInk77W1 Hi Him hope all is well in Christ, but Jesus talked to Mary because they were physically together here while on this earth, but does not mean we can talk to Mary for she is physically dead. Jesus talk also to peter, paul, the leperous man, the pharisees and the Roman captin doest that mean we can talk to them? No. and it is a sin to try to communicate with thoses who are dead. Deuteronomy 18:10-12

    • @mary_puffin
      @mary_puffin Месяц назад

      Funny thing is Jesus told his disciples to pray to The Father when they asked him to teach them how to pray. He also told them that He alone was the way to the father, He alone the mediator between us and God. So Mary herself would tell you not to pray to her. If she could speak to you, she would tell you to pray to God, not her or any of the saints. After all, she said to do whatever Jesus says.

  • @alayonjosh
    @alayonjosh 2 года назад +6

    Alot of scripture says that a saints prayers are heard in heaven... but does the Bible give direction on who's deemed a Saint. In my opinion anyone who does the true works of christ are saints soo really the Bible is trying to say is if you walk the way christ then your prayers will be heard. We can all be holy saints if we truly live as christ did and our prayers will be loud in that way

    • @barrywardell7612
      @barrywardell7612 Год назад

      Jehova witness believe that there are 144,000 people done have passed and some still living are the ones who will die and go to heaven when they die . The rest of us will be giving a second chance to get to know jehova and live on this earth in perfect conditions for ever. Not in heaven but on earth

  • @ifyy2729
    @ifyy2729 Год назад +6

    One thing Catholics need to ask themselves right off the bat is this: "Can Mary even hear my prayers to begin with?"

    • @ifyy2729
      @ifyy2729 Год назад

      Ex-Catholic here

    • @srich7503
      @srich7503 Год назад +2

      If satan can here us how much more can the mother of God hear us?

    • @ifyy2729
      @ifyy2729 Год назад

      @@srich7503 That should mean that even all the angels can hear us too

    • @srich7503
      @srich7503 Год назад +1

      @@ifyy2729 why not? See also Heb 12:1

    • @soflo3218
      @soflo3218 Год назад +1

      @@srich7503 Satan can’t hear everbody praying at the same time he isn’t omnipresent his demons can cause demons are everywhere . Also Mary is dead and in heaven she has no authority to answers prayers or even intercede for anybody . Jesus is the mediator and we pray to the father in his name not Mary’s name. Also Mary can’t answer your prayers your praying to a physical dead person . No where in the Bible does it say to pray to Mary .

  • @baine3388
    @baine3388 5 лет назад +24

    I read the name of this video way wrong. I thought it was asking the question why do Catholics pray to get married lol. (I was like wait I shouldn't be praying to find a wife and get married?)

    • @ladydeath11414
      @ladydeath11414 5 лет назад +5

      Orel Hutchins me too dude! And you should pray that God would bring a Godly woman into you’re life. Pray for everything brother!

    • @nachomontiel6254
      @nachomontiel6254 4 года назад +1

      Seek for the truth brother

    • @JesusmySalvation
      @JesusmySalvation 4 года назад


    • @JesusmySalvation
      @JesusmySalvation 4 года назад

      U have not because u ask not. Lol be blessed

    • @alexvig2369
      @alexvig2369 8 месяцев назад

      😂 good one!

  • @jan.2780
    @jan.2780 Год назад +1

    a lot of questions answered for me here

  • @Pickup_man_1973
    @Pickup_man_1973 4 года назад +12

    Revelation 5:8 - And when he had taken the scroll, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb, each holding a harp, and with golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints;
    Matthew 17:3-4. And behold, there appeared to them Moses and Elijah, talking with. And Peter said to Jesus, "Lord, it is well that we are here; if you wish, I will make three booths here, one for you and one for Moses and one for Elijah."
    Mark 9:4 And there appeared to them Elijah with Moses; and they were talking to Jesus.
    Luke 9:30 And behold, two men talked with Jesus, Moses and Elijah,
    Revelation 8:3-4 - And another angel came and stood at the altar, having a golden censer; and there was given unto him much incense, that he should offer it with the prayers of all saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne. And the smoke of the incense, with the prayers of the saints, ascended up before God out of the angel's hand.
    James 5:16 - Confess your sins to one another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The prayers of the righteous man has great powers. 

Ephesians 3:14-15 For this reason I bow my knees before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth are named,
    Hebrews 7:25 - Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them.

    Hebrews 12:1 - Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us.
    1 Timothy 2:1 - I urge therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, giving of thanks, and intercessions be made for all men;

Romans 8:34 - Who is he that condemneth? It is Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us.

Ephesians 6:18 - Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;
    Psalms 103:20-21 Bless the LORD, O you his angels, you mighty ones who do his word, hearkening to the voice of his word!
    Bless the LORD, all his hosts, his ministers that do his will!

    • @gustavmahler1466
      @gustavmahler1466 4 года назад +4

      Good list of verses

    • @kkiv1639
      @kkiv1639 Год назад +3

      But the bible says in John 14:6. Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
      Jesus never said a saint or mary, so I still don't get the catholics logic of bowing, kissing, lighting candles to images and statues which is idolatry(the bible also says, Anything you love above me is idolatry) a way of praying to jesus, Isn't the scriptures in the new testament clear to us..
      Please tell me, how can you justify the Catholics actions?

    • @arcguardian
      @arcguardian Год назад

      None of those verses have believers communicating with the dead oddly enough. Those are good verses to prove believers are conscious after death but nothing more.

    • @newman476
      @newman476 6 месяцев назад

      ⁠@@kkiv1639 Catholics do not bow to statues. Catholics bow in front of a statue because they use the statue as a visual aid.
      Catholics kiss statues (which they are not obligated to do by any means) not because of some power of the statue, but because it symbolizes devotion to the heavenly reality the statue represents.
      Catholics light candles in front of statues because the statues remind them of the Saint for whom the are asking for intercession.
      Catholics do not believe statues are anything more than visual indicators and reminders of heavenly realities.
      I get you might not think there’s a difference, but there is for Catholics.

  • @robm567
    @robm567 6 лет назад +43

    We have direct access to the throne of grace. No mediator is required. It is Christ alone who justifies us. I guess that my issue is with the concept that Mary is somehow "holy". She was given special honour to be sure, being chosen to give birth to Jesus but her state is no different than that of any believer.... a sinner saved by grace. There is none righteous, no not one. There is none who understands. There is none who seek after God. Romans 3:10.

    • @bisdakpinoy3428
      @bisdakpinoy3428 5 лет назад +1

      Rob M
      Actually Jesus is the mediator between God and man

    • @sensusfidelium9510
      @sensusfidelium9510 5 лет назад +8

      Rob M
      Luke 1:28 says Hail Mary full of grace!
      Protestant Bibles translate the word that way purposefully, to deny Catholic teaching.
      The Angel does not greet Mary by name, but by the Title “Full of Grace”.
      Luke 1:28
      The Greek tense of the word is a past perfect, meaning “having been filled completely with grace”. She was full of grace before the Angel came to her. Catholics believe that where there is a fullness of grace, sin is not present.

    • @joker18524
      @joker18524 5 лет назад +15

      “For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus,”
      ‭‭I Timothy‬ ‭2:5‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
      That’s it. No other mediator.

    • @hilairebelloc3368
      @hilairebelloc3368 5 лет назад +1

      @@joker18524 Define "mediator".

    • @ekasarts12
      @ekasarts12 5 лет назад +4

      How unfair will it be if your friend insults your mother, I guess you trying to say Jesus is your friend then how does he feel with your oppressions and insults to his mother....think twice before you poke into devine..

  • @evanhajdu8174
    @evanhajdu8174 Год назад +2

    I’m a Catholic and I’ve been struggling with this topic. I don’t see it as praying to Mary but asking for her prayers. Same way you would ask somebody to pray for you on earth.

    • @Caratcarrotcar
      @Caratcarrotcar Год назад +4

      But Mary has passed away, she is not omnipresent. We can not ask for prayers to someone who can’t hear us. Jesus is the only mediator between God and man, not Mary or any saints

    • @evanhajdu8174
      @evanhajdu8174 Год назад +1

      @@Caratcarrotcar But all are alive through Christ

    • @Caratcarrotcar
      @Caratcarrotcar Год назад

      @@evanhajdu8174 in spirit not in the physical for we are dead to the world. We are alive in Christ in the spirit, and can only talk to any of the saint when we are in heaven

    • @evanhajdu8174
      @evanhajdu8174 Год назад +1

      @@Caratcarrotcar What verse says you can only talk to those in Heaven?

    • @Caratcarrotcar
      @Caratcarrotcar Год назад +2

      @@evanhajdu8174 Praying to dead people is not biblical. In fact, it is an abomination and forbidden. Communicating with the dead is addressed several times in the Bible (Deuteronomy 18:10-12; Leviticus 20:6,27; 1 Samuel 28:5-18; Isaiah 8:19-20).

  • @Michaelbrian777
    @Michaelbrian777 6 лет назад +44

    Jesus is the way and the ONLY way. If u cant approach him u got a problem. There is no other.

    • @travislariscy4466
      @travislariscy4466 4 года назад

      As a Catholic you are supposed to approach Jesus in any of your prayers, for only through him can any prayer can get answered.

    • @PInk77W1
      @PInk77W1 4 года назад

      There is no other ?
      Jesus said to the apostles
      “He who hears you hears ME
      He who rejects you rejects ME.”
      Sounds like Jesus picked 12 others ?
      Jesus said to the apostles
      “Go teach the WHOLE world.”
      Jesus said to the apostles
      “Whose sins YOU forgive, they are forgiven.”
      I could go on and on.

    • @justwonderinghowlongmyname5139
      @justwonderinghowlongmyname5139 2 года назад +1

      @@PInk77W1 uhh yea but that has nothing to do with praying to mary? you're taking that out of context.

    • @PInk77W1
      @PInk77W1 2 года назад

      @@justwonderinghowlongmyname5139 what is prayer ? Union with another

    • @justwonderinghowlongmyname5139
      @justwonderinghowlongmyname5139 2 года назад

      @@PInk77W1 mary is dead. stop talking to dead people.

  • @cbooth151
    @cbooth151 3 года назад +4

    Catholics pray to Mary because they're ignorant. Jesus taught his followers to pray, not to Mary, but his Father. As Jesus told them: "But when you pray, go to your inner room, close the door, and pray to your Father in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will repay you. This is how you are to pray: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name." (Matt. 6:6, 9) Even Jesus prayed to his Father. As John 17:1 says: "After Jesus said this, he looked toward heaven and prayed: “Father, the hour has come. Glorify your Son, that your Son may glorify you."
    Nowhere in the Bible does it say Mary was prayed to.

    • @bazzy8376
      @bazzy8376 3 года назад +2

      If someone in the bible wanted to talk to Mary, they would have walked to her house.

    • @cbooth151
      @cbooth151 3 года назад +2

      @@bazzy8376 Absolutely.

  • @davidia8000
    @davidia8000 3 года назад +3

    the intercessor between us and Jesus is the Holy Spirit, Jesus sent us a guide and companion who will intercede for us with Jesus who was and is the Holy Spirit.

    • @bazzy8376
      @bazzy8376 3 года назад

      Read Timothy, we all interced for each other

    • @neo_____gonsalves0120
      @neo_____gonsalves0120 2 года назад

      So if you read the Bible carefully Mary was overshadowed by the holy Spirit at the time of the immaculate Conception!

  • @yahmyeverything9839
    @yahmyeverything9839 2 года назад +4

    😂 It's like praying to Moses for bringing down commandments of God from Mount Sinai, praying to Daniel for having future revelations from God thru Gabriel, praying to David for bringing ark of covenant to the tent in Jerusalem, praying to John the Baptist for giving Baptism to Jesus etc.. I can go on & on about this theory 🤦‍♀ There is NO Queen of heaven except a single king that's creator himself who eternally manifested into 3 forms -Spirit,Soul and Body. We have NO other access to heaven except thru Jesus who gave his life for us on cross and reconnected us with grace of God that was seized with sinning of Adam & Eve.

    • @bape.ape_5852
      @bape.ape_5852 2 года назад

      Moses is not the mother of our saviour

    • @justwonderinghowlongmyname5139
      @justwonderinghowlongmyname5139 2 года назад +1

      @@bape.ape_5852 she was just his earthly mother. the bible says NOTHING about praying to or honoring mary. she was not mentioned past acts chapter 1, the apostles did not give mary a prominent role. her death is not recorded in the bible and nothing is said about mary going to heaven or having an exalted role. sure she should be respected but not prayed to our honored.

  • @mwalker3547
    @mwalker3547 2 года назад +9

    Answer: Because they are idolaters. (Ex-Catholic here)

  • @radioflyer9490
    @radioflyer9490 Год назад +3

    What mystifies me is why anyone would pray to a dead person.

    • @barrywardell7612
      @barrywardell7612 Год назад +1

      Why would anybody pray to anything else other than jehova? The Bible says not to. And also catholic priests like little boys.

    • @srich7503
      @srich7503 Год назад +1

      @@barrywardell7612 to ask the to pray for us just as you would ask a friend or relative to do. 🤷🏽‍♂They really are not dead. We are alive in Christ always.

    • @fadikhoory5350
      @fadikhoory5350 11 месяцев назад

      Why did bishops go to St. Euphemia's tomb during the Council of Chalcedon.

    • @kevinrtres
      @kevinrtres 21 день назад

      @@srich7503 The rosary contains this line:
      *Hail, Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy, our life, our sweetness and our hope*
      Jesus alone is King - there is no "queen" in heaven.
      God is our life - Deut 30:20 Jesus is our life Colossians 3:4
      Psalm 62 - God is our hope.
      Mary is deified in this line - anyone praying it is committing idolatry

  • @michaelibach9063
    @michaelibach9063 3 года назад +26

    Just a thought, you probably should ask a good solid Catholic this question instead of a Protestant pastor with a vested interest in keeping you Protestant.

    • @AnnetteMurphyger
      @AnnetteMurphyger 3 года назад

      that is unfair

      @CHURCHISAWESUM 3 года назад +3

      @@AnnetteMurphyger Ask both then.

    • @yblackie
      @yblackie 2 месяца назад +1

      And a good solid Catholic wouldn't have a vested interest in turning you Catholic? Also, if the protestant believes what he knows to be the truth, why wouldn't he have a vested interest in keeping you to that truth? I find most Catholic arguments to be very weak.

    • @mary_puffin
      @mary_puffin Месяц назад +2

      Why would you ask a Catholic who has a vetted interest in explaining away their worship of Mary? One must investigate history honestly, that includes probing all sides. That said, this Protestant pastor has done a good job explaining the historical context with levity, and contrasting it with a biblical view (the scriptures are clear that Jesus, God himself, is the only mediator between us and the Father). If you disagree, it would be good to share your perspective here.

  • @aistrianjacinto2803
    @aistrianjacinto2803 6 лет назад +23

    Is not the death of the precious Yeshua on the cross enough for salvation? Yeshua died alone for the salvation of all. And to reach the promise of God is for individual choice to follow the Christ. Does Yeshua ask Mary to be mediator ? The lord is our good shepherd the only way the truth and the life.

    • @hilairebelloc3368
      @hilairebelloc3368 5 лет назад +1

      Considering She interceded for the wedding party at Cana (John 2:3), I have no doubt that She looks after us as Queen of Heaven (Apocalypse 12:1).

    • @jacobmartinez9671
      @jacobmartinez9671 5 лет назад +3

      Yeah unfortunately Christ isn't enough for them (Catholics).

    • @hilairebelloc3368
      @hilairebelloc3368 5 лет назад +1

      Hardly. I dare you to find a Catholic who says that Christ isn't enough.

    • @jacobmartinez9671
      @jacobmartinez9671 5 лет назад +2

      @@hilairebelloc3368 You. Your side basically raises the level of significance of Mary to that of Christ and even higher calling her "Mother of God" and begging the question is there a "Father" or a "Grandmother" or "Grandfather" of God. There is another fellow who posted a comment basically saying "no Mary no Jesus".

    • @hilairebelloc3368
      @hilairebelloc3368 5 лет назад

      @@jacobmartinez9671 Well, that's literally true - without Our Lady, there could have been no Lord: for without the fiat of Mary, Christ could not have been incarnate naturally. He might have materialized, not being born, but then He would not have truly been one of us, born of woman.
      Moreover, the question of the title of "Mother of God" is addressed quite well by St. Cyril, Patriarch of Alexandria in the fifth century, who was well known for his fight against Nestorianism:
      "I am amazed that there are some who are entirely in doubt as to whether the holy Virgin should be called Theotokos or not. For if our Lord Jesus Christ is God, how is the holy Virgin who gave [Him] birth, not [Theotokos (meaning "God-bearer" or "Mother of God")]?"
      Further, it is truly absurd to think that in Catholicism the Blessed Virgin Mary is elevated above Christ. Christ is the center of every Mass. His Crucifix is above every altar. Wherever the Blessed Virgin has a statue, it is to the side. She is honored, honored above all saints and angels, but She is not God.

  • @hotdogjon6810
    @hotdogjon6810 Год назад +2

    It's better to abstain from correcting somebody if it prevents two people from becoming bitter with one another, whether you try to correct people or not won't change their opinions but if you don't do it at least we'll be at peace with each other.

    • @heritinatsilavo2837
      @heritinatsilavo2837 Год назад +5

      I'd rather speak the truth or seeking the truth together than to be quiet if I say I love you

    • @mary_puffin
      @mary_puffin Месяц назад

      Oh, but the Bible tells us to contend for the faith and speak out against false doctrine. It is a noble thing to correct someone lovingly, which I believe this pastor is doing.

    • @kevinrtres
      @kevinrtres 21 день назад

      Go tell that to JESUS who told us that they will hate us because they hated HIM first - HE definitely did not hold back telling the pharisees where they went off the track - and they KILLED Him for it!!!

  • @beverley7799
    @beverley7799 4 года назад +2

    So man just made it up and decided to pray to Mary. Not biblical at all and a very dangerous road to go down. I would say that if Martin Luther felt he couldn't pray directly to God then I would question the relationship he had with God. God is not about religion but love and ome if the reasons thatJesus died was so we could have direct fellowship with him

  • @medigoomnis
    @medigoomnis 6 лет назад +22

    Oof, didn't know that's where all that came from. The Catholics I know can't adequately answer why they pray to Mary or deny that any Catholics do, even though there are books and websites devoted to prayers TO Mary. The Bible is such an amazingly complete book; anyone totally immersed in it an the Spirit won't run into those problems :) I hope to be so immersed and knowledgeable someday!

    • @ntartick
      @ntartick 6 лет назад +2

      Do you mean pray or worship? There is a difference and I don't know any catholic who would deny catholics pray to Mary. On the other hand I know all catholics would dispute the worship of Mary.

    • @K1370
      @K1370 6 лет назад

      When you get to heaven you will be totally immersed! 😂

    • @K1370
      @K1370 6 лет назад +2

      There were places in Italy where you could prostrate to a Mary statue. If that isn't worship I don't know what is....

    • @ntartick
      @ntartick 6 лет назад +1

      Kasie7 you’re right, you don’t know what worship is or prayer for that matter.

    • @K1370
      @K1370 6 лет назад +7

      There is only one intercessor. You don't know your bible. Can Mary even hear your prayers? No. She is not omnipresent and omniscient only God is. Catholics do worship Mary 'low-key'. They subtly worship her.

  • @PJErvin
    @PJErvin 4 года назад +16

    The origin of this, though, goes back to the ancient religions that rejected God. They make Mary into the Queen of Heaven, which in the old system, was Asherah. Revelation 17:5 - Babylon is called the mother (origin) of all harlots (false doctrines, idolatry.)

  • @_N0_0ne
    @_N0_0ne 3 года назад +1

    Thank you ♥️

  • @kkdoc7864
    @kkdoc7864 3 года назад +2

    It absolutely makes no sense for this typology. Eve was Adam’s PARTNER. Mary was Jesus’s MOTHER. NO connection. Mary worship simply arose from little boys with an obscene Oedipal complex. Why don’t you catholics pray to God? Jesus, after all, is our ONLY mediator. 1Tim 2:5. Never pray to dead, sinful, created human beings. Not only is that act the very definition of idolatry, it also borders on necromancy. I’m afraid all the Mary worshippers will be subject to hearing: Matt 7:21. Very sad.

  • @nathanbustamante1525
    @nathanbustamante1525 5 лет назад +7

    Luther is not a good example of what catholics believe, even when he was a catholic. His view of God as a dictator is not a catholic one. His fear to pray to God directly IS NOT A CATHOLIC ONE. Luther and issues with his own father and projected them onto God. He didn't let catholic teaching instruct how he should view God.
    Saint Thomas Aquinas said this 300 years before Luther.
    "We need to pray to God, not in order to make known to Him our needs or desires but that we ourselves may be reminded of the necessity of having recourse to God's help in these matters."
    By the way, didn't Luther go on to defend Mary after separating from the catholic church? He's a horrible example for your case because he neither represents Catholics well nor protestants because protestant doctrine on Mary has developed some much since the 1500s denying everything Martin Luther would accept especially Mary's perpetual virginity.

    • @joshportie
      @joshportie 5 лет назад

      Mary wasn't worshipped until the 1800s by papal decree.

    • @joshportie
      @joshportie 5 лет назад +1

      Why are you calling God a liar?

    • @nathanbustamante1525
      @nathanbustamante1525 5 лет назад +1

      @@joshportie what papal decree says to worship Mary? Quote it please

    • @nathanbustamante1525
      @nathanbustamante1525 5 лет назад

      She is full of grace, proclaimed to be entirely without sin- something exceedingly great. For God's grace fills her with everything good and makes her devoid of all evil.
      (Martin Luther, Personal {"Little"} Prayer Book, 1522)

    • @FlowLai
      @FlowLai 5 лет назад

      Catholics don't and have never worshipped Mary. The hierarchy formally made veneration of Mary doctrinal in the 19th and 20th centuries, but this was really the formalization of a long tradition of Marian devotion that goes back to the middle ages and the patristic Church.

  • @jeremiahong248
    @jeremiahong248 3 года назад +16

    This is like asking the Chinese why the British likes fish and chips

    • @1234poppycat
      @1234poppycat 3 года назад +1

      Exactly . Ask someone who knows little about something .. they need to look it up in "Catholic Answers" website

  • @Djesparz
    @Djesparz 3 месяца назад

    “Co-redemtrix” does not imply equality with Christ. It means she works with Him, as we all do. But also, to be fair, there is a difficulty with translating this into English, which is why the title is no longer used as often.

    • @kevinrtres
      @kevinrtres 21 день назад

      Why do you need her to work with Christ? Is Christ not God enough?
      The rosary contains this line:
      *Hail, Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy, our life, our sweetness and our hope*
      Jesus alone is King - there is no "queen" in heaven.
      God is our life - Deut 30:20 Jesus is our life Colossians 3:4
      Psalm 62 - God is our hope.
      Mary is deified in this line - anyone praying it is committing idolatry

    • @Djesparz
      @Djesparz 21 день назад

      @@kevinrtres God doesn’t “need” anyone for anything. Where does the Bible say He must “need” something to make use of it?
      As for the title of Queen, in Biblical times, the mother of the King was the Queen. That is, the Queen mother. That did not make her superior or equal with the king, but that did give her an important position nonetheless. Mary is not deified by being called Queen. Rather, Jesus’ kingship in the line of David is confirmed.

  • @kevinowenburress2435
    @kevinowenburress2435 5 лет назад +1

    You know the Muslims say that it is wrong to ask God for a wife.

  • @Didida8BP
    @Didida8BP 5 лет назад +4

    If anyone catholics read this, who did the Christians pray to before Mary and the apostles died?

    • @hilairebelloc3368
      @hilairebelloc3368 5 лет назад

      St. Clement of Rome (Philippians 4:3), in his First Epistle to the Corinthians (written anywhere from the late A.D. 60s to A.D. 80), chapter fifty-six, speaks of "making mention to the saints" in the context of prayer; presumably the earliest Christians called upon the intercession of the earliest martyrs. The author of Hebrews indicates that the patriarchs and prophets of the Old Testament are witnesses to our actions (12:1), so it is also likely that the faithful begged their prayers as well.

  • @snow.flower
    @snow.flower 6 лет назад +3

    Wow.. just wow..

    • @nabeelyounis7949
      @nabeelyounis7949 6 лет назад

      snow flower ruclips.net/video/I3k5Hk26KI0/видео.html

  • @ArizonaSusan
    @ArizonaSusan Год назад +2

    1 Timothy 2:5 says, There is one God and one Mediator who can reconcile God and humanity-the man Christ Jesus.
    This confirms we don’t need a “go-between.” We don’t need a middle-man (or woman) beyond Christ.
    When Jesus died, shed His blood, and was raised from the dead the need to have someone (e.g. high priest) represent us was ripped away just like the curtain that tore from top to bottom.
    Luke 4:8 says, Jesus replied, “The Scriptures say, ‘You must worship the Lord your God and serve only him.’”
    Praying to Mary and/or any living or deceased saints is an act of worship…which is reserved for God alone.
    When Jesus modeled prayer (Matthew 6:7-13) He began with, “Our Father in Heaven.” No where in Scripture is it suggested that we pray to Mary or any other deceased saints.
    In Acts 1 the disciples and about 120 believers were in an upper room waiting for the promise of the Holy Spirit (at Jesus’ command). Guess who was present with them? Mary. What was she doing? Praying.
    Acts 1:14 says, They all met together and were constantly united in prayer, along with Mary the mother of Jesus, several other women, and the brothers of Jesus.
    It’s important to note that the apostles weren’t praying to Mary as a go between. She was joined with them in prayer…to GOD.
    According to Psalm 51:5 we are all born as sinners in need of a Savior, Mary included.
    Mary was highly favored, not sinless. There is not one scripture to support that Mary was without sin. JESUS is the only one who never sinned (2 Corinthians 5:21, Hebrews 4:15, 1 Peter 2:22) which explains why Mary had to be impregnated by the Holy Spirit.
    * The Bible is about JESUS, after all Jesus is the Living Word (John 1:14). The Old Testament points to JESUS. The New Testament is about Jesus. The authors of the four Gospels saw JESUS as the central figure and only mention Mary in reference to JESUS. The word “Jesus” is mentioned 1,478 times in the New Testament. The word “Mary” is only mentioned 55 times and some of those are in reference to Mary Magdalene. Also, Jesus is referenced in 26 of 27 New Testament books.
    * Mary can’t hear you. Only God can hear all of our prayers as He is the only one omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent.
    * Mary was not even recognized in Scripture as a leader in the early Church. Peter is the one who stood up, addressed the crowd, and preached in Acts 1, not Mary.
    * JESUS is the only Way, Truth, and Life. No one can come to the Father, except through JESUS.

  • @haroldmcbroom7807
    @haroldmcbroom7807 Год назад +2

    They love the symbolism of Mary, created not by the World of God, but from the traditions of men, for the Bible hardly speaks of Mary, and yet she has been elevated equal to that of Mary. Mary didn't die for your sins, therefore Mary can not forgive your sins, nor save you, nor act on your behalf, or for that of the dead. For God, is the God of the Living, and not the dead.
    *1 Timothy 2:5-7 (nkjv)* _5 For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus, 6 who gave Himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time, 7 for which I was appointed a preacher and an apostle-I am speaking the truth in Christ and not lying-a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and truth._
    *1 Timothy 2:12-14 (nkjv)* _12 And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence. 13 For Adam was formed first, then Eve. 14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell into transgression._
    Adam loved his wife, and though he was not deceived, suffered with her. This is why a woman is not to have authority over a man, but such is not the case in these times, because the world believes that the Word of God evolves to meet the changing needs, the season's of our hearts. You've got female pastors, co-pastors, judges, police officers, all having authority over men, while the family unit is being destroyed by a progressive yolo Aleister Crowley "Do what thou wilt" destructive mindset.

  • @AEAsher
    @AEAsher 4 года назад +8

    I pray for Our most Blessed Mother to pray for me in my struggles, it is no different then asking my own family to do the same. It stems from a belief that many Christians profess outside the Catholic World as well that of the Communion of Saints.

  • @christourhopepodcast
    @christourhopepodcast 5 лет назад +6

    These statements are not true as to the reason why the Church (I mean the true Church of Jesus Christ the legitimate Church found in the expression of the Catholic and Orthodox Churches.) has venerated Mary for 2000 years. Also the reason why we pray to saints. Yes, it is true that to some theologians, as they have tried to rationalize this concept, have stated that we do such because we need prayers and help, but this is not the basis of why we look to Mary and the Saints. The truth, as it has stood since 33 AD is that we look to Mary and the Saints as the excellence and fulfillment of the promises of Christ. Both the Catholics and the Orthodox celebrate the Assumption of Mary, called the Dormition amongst the Orthodox and Eastern Catholics, in that we remember that the promises Christ made to us were made firm as reality in Mary. We also look to the Saints and see that Christ asked us to be "perfect as the heavenly father is perfect" (Mt 5:48) and they have shown us the excellence of example. They have shown to us that we can radiate with the Divine Light of Christ as at the Transfiguration (Mt 16). Therefore we venerate them and ask for their prayers not because we think that somehow we are going to getting a political edge with Jesus, but that through their prayers, and the mercy of God, maybe we can attain what they attained through own relationship with Christ. So we remember them, we honor them and we honor Mary because as we remember their life and the fulfillment of the promises that Christ has made through them, we have hope in our own sanctification. When the Church announces new Saints, modern day Saints, it shows to us that even today, Christ is fulfilling his promises in men if we win run the race of Christ. We have one mediator, one Lord Jesus Christ, it is by faith in him that we are saved, but the prayers of the Saints, and of our blessed Mother Mary, help us to fight off the devil, to fight off the passions that seek to drive us back into the bondage of sin. They are rooting for us, they are interceding for us when we fall, we know that they are always there to cheer us on till we win the race in Heaven. That is the reason we pray to Mary. Not because of the Second Eve theology, nor because we think that we're going to get some political leg in heaven, but because we ask that they pray for us, cheer us on and help us to win this race. It's just like when your running a 5k and your getting tired. You feel like you can't do it, but your family cheers you on and you know you can do it!

    • @livinghope1744
      @livinghope1744 5 лет назад +4

      Adam Cook the thing I get stumbled about is, Why pray to the disciples (saints) when the Lord has granted us access to the Teacher (God)? Like I believe if God can turn His disciples into saints without them needing prayers from any other person in heaven and them only praying to the Father, Why do you not trust the Lord can make you Holy if you just kept faith in Him and prayed only to Him? Too me I see a struggle with faith in your response. Pray for more love and fruits of His spirit, but don’t let doubt get in your way. God bless you. Please let me know how you are doing after.
      “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.”
      ‭‭James‬ ‭1:5-8‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

    • @livinghope1744
      @livinghope1744 5 лет назад +1

      Adam Cook And as well I see in your comment, “They have shown to us that we can radiate with the Divine Light of Christ as at the Transfiguration”, but I believe the Lord first showed us that He is the light that gives life to us. Too me when I read your comment I read it that you leave out the One who has allowed these things to happen. That One being the Lord. So why even marvel at the sight of men? We do nothing, It’s the Lord in us that makes us radiate. Praise the Lord :)
      “Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.””
      ‭‭John‬ ‭8:12‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

    • @christourhopepodcast
      @christourhopepodcast 5 лет назад

      @@livinghope1744 The Christian life is not just me and Christ, its us and Christ. Holiness is in essence something that only belongs to God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit). Therefore, as God is in Community, so too is the Body of Christ in Community. This Community gives to us the opportunity to become Like God and to regain that which was once lost for us at the fall, Divine Likeness. We can only become like Christ, and thusly like God, when we participate in community. This means communal prayer, this means believing in communal teaching, this means participating in the communal feast (Act 2:42). Part of that communal prayer is praying for one another. Even Christ had Simon of Cyrene to help him carry the cross, so too, by our prayers, we help carry the cross of others. Now because of radical faith and love, we do not understand the separation of the body of Christ. Protestants, for the most part, do not believe that those in heaven can hear us, or answer our prayers. Yet, are we not one body? I think we can both agree that there is nothing wrong with asking others to pray for you. It is something that all Christian groups participate in. For us Catholics, for us to ask someone in heaven to pray for us is no different than asking someone on earth to pray for us. At the end of the day, it is up to us to make the right decision and to be faithful to God. As Greek Catholics, we don't really pray the Rosary, we pray the Jesus prayer (Lord Jesus, Son of God, Have Mercy on Me). This is the prayer of the publican (Luke 18:9-14) and it is the path of Psalm 51 "a humbled contrite heart O God you will not spurn". We have faith in our salvation, I can say that I am saved, but I am also being saved everyday from temptation, from the passions of this life, from my own interior desires. The Fathers teach us that we must be like Christ by Kenosis, or self-emptying. Faith is ultimately found in Brotherly love (2 Peter 1:3-7) and by asking others to pray for me, this is brotherly love, for I am inviting them into my relationship with Christ Jesus. In so doing, I am becoming Like Christ through humility and love. The ultimate goal of the Christian life is radical union with God through Christ. That's why we don't believe in scripture alone! If God wanted it to be scripture alone he would have sent a book from heaven, but he didn't he sent the Logos of the Father, the Word of God. Our union has to be with him in a radical way, but like the apostles, it has to be in community.

    • @christourhopepodcast
      @christourhopepodcast 5 лет назад

      @@livinghope1744 The Lord also says "You are the Light of the World" (Matthew 5:13). This light cannot take place without a deep relationship with Jesus Christ. Those who have gone before, those that have produced miracles both in their life and afterwards, could not have done this without stellar faith and absolute union with God. Now if Christ is Light of the World (John 8:12) and we are the Light of the World (Mt 5:13) then we must understand that we transmit that light only through absolute "participation in the divine nature" (2 Peter 1:3-7). Without this participation, we cannot be the light, because in essence it is not that we are light of the world within the strictest sense, as to say that we somehow produce this light, but rather that we produce the light of Christ because of our union with Christ and thusly we are shining with the divine righteousness, the absolute holiness of God because of our participation in the Divine Nature. It can be said that the Light of Christ is shining through us. Just as Moses face shown in the Book of Exodus (Ex 34:29-35). Now if the goal of the Christian life is to do the exact same thing, then we should lean upon the Saints to show us how to do that which they have already done. If your going to fix a car and you've never fixed a car, you will either find someone to show you how, or google it so that you know how. How much more in humility should we do so in our own spiritual life? This is also called spiritual apprenticeship. Something that is completely lost on the West, but very much in line with the ancient Greek East. The Saints have already excelled past the the limitations of the human nature, and uniting themselves so closely to Christ, they have shown with that same light as at Mt. Tabor. It is right then for us to lean upon their example and ask for their prayers that we could have the strength to fight the devil. Man is weak, we need a brother, or sister, to walk beside us. This is why Christ sent the Apostles out two by two. This is why God created men and women to lean upon each other. It is only right that we who are desperate need of help, lean upon the example and encouragement of the Saints that the world might "see your good works among men and glorify your Father who is in heaven" (Mt. 5:16). Unlike the West who has done away with the Hagiography, the ancient hymn of the Greek Church for this Feast of the Holy Apostles Bartholomew and Barnabas says thus, "Receiving the Spirit as He came in fiery tongues, you preached the coming of the Word in the flesh. While one of you was beheaded for the Gospel, the other endured stoning for the sake of the faith. You have been sent to adorn the choirs of heaven, O Bartholomew and Barnabas. We honor your memory and ask that you intercede with God to forgive our sins." (Troparia of Holy Apostles Bartholomew and Barnabas). This Hymn plays off of John 21 where the Apostles are given the power to forgive sins. It also recounts the works of the Holy Apostles so that we may understand what they did and we honor their memory because of what they have done. They are our loved ones, our family members. We see them as we see our fathers and mothers. We love them as our fathers and mothers because they are our fathers in faith. The honoring of their memory is not a lack of faith, nor is asking for their prayers, but rather it follows Christ's own message "Love one another as I have loved you." (Jn 13:34).

    • @livinghope1744
      @livinghope1744 5 лет назад +1

      Adam Cook You missed a big point in your novel of a response. How do you not see that it is when they were alive they helped each other out? I never said to not have fellowship and be on your own. What I am saying is with all the saints they never asked anybody else to hear their prayers. I can ask my fellow brothers and sisters to pray for me because I know who they are praying too. They pray to the Lord God. The Creator of all creation. You will never read in scripture that the saints ask people whom have passed on to pray for them. What you will see is the Apostles asking other believers to pray for them to the Lord God.
      “Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may run swiftly and be glorified, just as it is with you, and that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men; for not all have faith. But the Lord is faithful, who will establish you and guard you from the evil one. And we have confidence in the Lord concerning you, both that you do and will do the things we command you. Now may the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God and into the patience of Christ.”
      ‭‭II Thessalonians‬ ‭3:1-5‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
      “Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. He who calls you is faithful, who also will do it. Brethren, pray for us.”
      ‭‭I Thessalonians‬ ‭5:23-25‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
      “Pray for us; for we are confident that we have a good conscience, in all things desiring to live honorably. But I especially urge you to do this, that I may be restored to you the sooner.”
      ‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭13:18-19‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
      “and said to Jeremiah the prophet, “Please, let our petition be acceptable to you, and pray for us to the LORD your God, for all this remnant (since we are left but a few of many, as you can see),”
      ‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭42:2‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
      “But you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly.”
      ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭6:6‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
      “But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit,”
      ‭‭Jude‬ ‭1:20‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
      I can keep going on, but you should get the point now.

  • @onemarktwoyou
    @onemarktwoyou 2 года назад +1

    >>>>>>>>roman catholic pagans says their goddess is required for their pagan salvation

  • @verntoews6937
    @verntoews6937 2 года назад

    Baptism is a personal commitment that can only come from the choice of the individual
    Sprinkling water on an infant's head does not do anything for the future of the infant
    The infant grows and learns, then it is up to that individual whether or not to commit to God through baptism
    Anything else is blasphemy

  • @PInk77W1
    @PInk77W1 4 года назад +14

    Mary said

    • @PInk77W1
      @PInk77W1 3 года назад +2

      Jae Lee she is mentioned in the Bible at
      EVERY important part of Jesus life
      You are NOT.

    • @PInk77W1
      @PInk77W1 3 года назад

      Jae Lee we don’t go by your opinion
      We go by the teaching of the church.
      The Bible says the church is TRUTH.
      The church teaches to pray to Mary.
      The church teaches there are 4 levels of
      Only God alone is Adored.
      Mary is NOT adored.

    • @PInk77W1
      @PInk77W1 3 года назад

      Jae Lee
      Mary was mentioned in
      Genesis and Isaiah
      At the Birth of Jesus
      Mary was told by Simeon
      “Your heart too SHALL b pierced with a sword”
      Mary was told by the Archangel
      “Hail Full of Grace.”
      Mary told Jesus
      “They have no wine.”
      Jesus says his hour has not come, yet does his first public miracle.
      Mary said
      “All generations SHALL call me blessed.”
      “Stood at the foot of the cross.”
      With John as the other apostles fled.
      Mary in the book of rev.
      “A woman clothed with the sun.”

    • @PInk77W1
      @PInk77W1 3 года назад

      Jae Lee in the Bible the guy at the wedding ran out of wine. He talked to Mary. She talked to Jesus. They got more wine. Yes Mary does carry our prayers to Jesus, according to the

    • @PInk77W1
      @PInk77W1 3 года назад

      Jae Lee she didn’t get called as “blessed”
      She was told EVERY GENERATION SHALL call u blessed.
      You need to learn how to read

  • @sensusfidelium9510
    @sensusfidelium9510 5 лет назад +15

    Protestant Bibles translate the word that way purposefully, to deny Catholic teaching.
    The Angel does not greet Mary by name, but by the Title “Full of Grace”.
    Luke 1:28
    The Greek tense of the word is a past perfect, meaning “having been filled completely with grace”. She was full of grace before the Angel came to her. Catholics believe that where there is a fullness of grace, sin is not present.

    • @sensusfidelium9510
      @sensusfidelium9510 5 лет назад +1

      Curtis Jones look into it !dont just be closed minded !
      Logos means order of the universe,st john used it in the beginning of his gospel when he wrote it in Greek!
      Our God is a God of order and he has
      A earthly mother through Jesus!
      He is from the line of David!
      In the divide kingdom the queen would run the affairs of the kingdom! She did not supperseed the king !
      These things are called typology

    • @hilairebelloc3368
      @hilairebelloc3368 5 лет назад +2

      @Curtis Jones Blasphemy. Every insult with which you slander the Mother of God drives another thorn deep into her Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart.

    • @joshportie
      @joshportie 5 лет назад +6

      Actually Mary worship started in the 1800s. By Papal decree.

    • @joshportie
      @joshportie 5 лет назад +11

      Queen of heaven is a pagan title. It's truly sad that so many Catholics are recieved by a church that protects pedophiles.

    • @hilairebelloc3368
      @hilairebelloc3368 5 лет назад +3

      @@joshportie That is an absurd and spurious claim. Give me the name of the purported encyclical.

  • @robertfanfalone3099
    @robertfanfalone3099 Год назад

    One could say that insofar as Mart was "the vehicle" by which the physical being of "The Christ" came into being She was a co- partner in Physical Being for his APPEARANCE and Naturally as His Mother would intimately care for His assigned mission of His Life... but when wants something Wht go to a secondary source WHEN The Primary Source IZ at hand.

  • @kevinrtres
    @kevinrtres 21 день назад

    The rosary contains this line:
    *Hail, Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy, our life, our sweetness and our hope*
    Jesus alone is King - there is no "queen" in heaven.
    God is our life - Deut 30:20 Jesus is our life Colossians 3:4
    Psalm 62 - God is our hope.
    Mary is deified in this line - anyone praying it is committing idolatry

  • @AnnetteMurphyger
    @AnnetteMurphyger 3 года назад +6

    Sorry pastor Michael, but thanks anyway for your excellent explanation. Hopefully Catholics will see the truth and stop praying to idols and statues and other gods and goddesses. Sadly they are deceived. Sad to hear what happened to the truth early on in the first 500 years after Christ. Saints are not God no matter how wonderful they were on earth. I can see how they were confused by the RCC. God is gracious.

    • @romario2166
      @romario2166 2 года назад

      Catholics do not view Mary as a god or goddess. She is a gift to us from Jesus himself. He said in John 19:25-27 to consider her as our Mother as well. I talk to Mary as if she is my Mother, and it actually enhances my relationship with Jesus as HIS mother says to always listen and follow HIM! And no, we don't pray to her more than we pray to Jesus. Jesus is the way , the truth and the light. HE is the only way to heaven.

    • @endofdays7708
      @endofdays7708 Год назад

      @@romario2166 " He said in John 19:25-27 to consider her as our Mother as well", this is a lie, No where did he tells us to do such a thing, with him on the cross he was making sure she was being taken care of, the woman is dead. No where in the bible are we instructed to pray to the dead.

    • @romario2166
      @romario2166 Год назад

      @@endofdays7708 there's a difference between praying to and asking for intersession.

    • @romario2166
      @romario2166 Год назад

      Catholics do not worship or pray to idols. We have never said that the Saints are God.

    • @endofdays7708
      @endofdays7708 Год назад

      @@romario2166 asking for intersession is a biblical base act, we are told in scripture to pray for each other, asking it from dead people is NOT scriptural.
      humility mix with disobedience is still disobedience, then again catholic have all sort of books telling them all sort of things that is not back up by bible.
      not only do they pray to the dead, they also pray for the dead.

  • @onemarktwoyou
    @onemarktwoyou 3 года назад +3

    When roman pagans LIE about their goddess worship. Remember just these three examples.
    "O Lady, since thou art the dispenser of all graces, and since the grace of salvation can come only through thy hands, our salvation depends on thee." St. Bernardine of Siena
    "O Most Holy Virgin, receive us under thy protection if thou wouldst see us saved, for we have no hope of salvation but through thy means." St. Ephrem
    "O my sweet Mother Mary, I consign my soul to you; have pity on me and save me." St. Alphonsus Maria Liguori

    • @Godspeedmyfriends
      @Godspeedmyfriends 3 года назад

      First of all can I get a source for that?
      Second of all she's not a Goddess and third we don't worship her.

    • @onemarktwoyou
      @onemarktwoyou 3 года назад

      Yes roman catholic polytheistic pagans do worship her as those quotes clearly show by the great pagan teachers of popery.
      "The >>>>>>Divine

  • @MadDog7k
    @MadDog7k 2 года назад +1

    This pastor just pulls his information out of nowhere. Don't listen to him he will lead you astray

  • @alittleimagination9023
    @alittleimagination9023 3 года назад +1

    I don't get how the Roman Catholics are the ones who got to decide what books go in the Bible, yet the Roman's killed Jesus.

    • @no_prisoners6474
      @no_prisoners6474 3 года назад +1

      Paul killed Christians before his conversion. What exactly is your point?
      Denounce the Bible then

    • @bazzy8376
      @bazzy8376 3 года назад

      You're confusing the city of Rome with the church that eventually ended up headquartered in Rome because that's where Peter was buried.

    • @Andromedon777
      @Andromedon777 3 года назад

      That's not the same.
      They didn't decide. Scripture and canon was already established by the first century.
      And they didn't kill Jesus, the previous Roman authority did. It was when Christianity began to spread that Christ entered Rome and began transforming it., but the church didn't grow only in Rome and is not under Rome (opposite of what Catholics think.)

  • @preachtruth8927
    @preachtruth8927 6 лет назад +9

    Try to find worship "glorify Mary" in any Vatican document, or anywhere for that matter. Not very smart of you. Catholics who pray to Mary ask her to intercede with prayers. Mary is human, not divine and not capable of miracles, therefore the notion that worship is even possible is Protestant idiocy. It is only possible to worship what is divine.
    However, if you're out to denigrate the Church and its authority that does not fit your narrative, so you invent a false one.
    The Catholic Church has a Catechism and a Canon Law. Everything is codified and written down. Find in any VATICAN (Church) document Catholics being called upon to worship Mary. Canon Law expressly forbids worship of Mary and allows worship only of the Trinity.
    Catholics worship God (Jesus) in the Mass every Sunday. If we worshiped Mary, there would have to be an equivalent service otherwise we would be slighting her by comparison. Enlighten us. What is the service that is equivalent to the Mass for Mary? Hmmm???
    Before you say the rosary, let me spare you further embarrassment. No Catholic is ever called upon to recite the rosary, which is merely asking Mary to intercede with her prayers anyway. Its recitation is purely voluntary. If Catholics were to worship Mary, please explain how could the rosary be simply voluntary? Isn't that insulting to a (supposed) deity? How could the Catholic Church be calling on Catholics to worship Mary and then insult her with no worship service? So, if Catholics worship Mary and are supposed to, then we're obviously falling far short of worship. So, what is the worship service for Mary?
    Once again, find any Vatican document proving that Catholics must not just honor Mary, but must worship her as we do Christ. Not interested in isolated cases of people kissing statues etc. How are ALL Catholics being called upon to worship Mary? What is that service exactly? BE SPECIFIC !!!!

    • @sarelmuller9324
      @sarelmuller9324 6 лет назад +4

      You're the one who should be embarrassed! Mary is human, and has been dead for 2000 years. How can you ask her to intercede with prayers? Do Catholics ask the dead for favours? Next time you wake Mary from the dead, ask her to bring Martin Luther with.

    • @dannyboyz7061
      @dannyboyz7061 6 лет назад +5

      "Catholics who pray to Mary ask her to intercede with prayers" Say nothing more. You have already spoken of the heresy.

    • @narcissistinjurygiver2932
      @narcissistinjurygiver2932 6 лет назад

      who is the head of your church/religion? the antichrist pope

    • @roybhasker
      @roybhasker 5 лет назад +1

      The anti-Catholics will have no answer to your question

    • @hilairebelloc3368
      @hilairebelloc3368 5 лет назад

      @@sarelmuller9324 Mark 12:27 and Hebrews 12:1. Refuted.

  • @johnhoward8578
    @johnhoward8578 2 года назад +3

    We ask for her to intercede on our behalf, we don't pray To her.... rather like asking someone to pray for you, are you "praying" to them? No.

    • @trueexposure7487
      @trueexposure7487 2 года назад +1

      The Veil was torn, the Holy Spirit lives in us all. Why must you have a dead human pray to God on your behalf?
      Mary had an important job but she wasn’t significant, not nearly as significant as you act like she is

    • @siuuuuuuuu9985
      @siuuuuuuuu9985 2 года назад

      thankyou finally someone with some braincells

  • @verntoews6937
    @verntoews6937 2 года назад +1

    Haleema Baptism is a commitment to serve God
    An infant or child cannot make this choice
    The holy Spirit is not given to a child through baptism
    Pure blasphemy

  • @annr3800
    @annr3800 3 года назад +1

    And also Catholicism mixes Paganism with Christianity..So they mixed the idea of goddesses with Christianity

    • @bazzy8376
      @bazzy8376 3 года назад

      And it took you 1500 years to complain?

    • @annr3800
      @annr3800 3 года назад

      @@bazzy8376 Lol. Well not everyone believed the paganism

    • @bazzy8376
      @bazzy8376 3 года назад

      @@annr3800 I know just the pagans and the gullable that believed the old Constantinople story.

  • @no_prisoners6474
    @no_prisoners6474 3 года назад +8

    I love how protestants mind our faith more than their owns affairs. Affairs they don't even understand.
    However, aren't y'all exhausted?
    Besides. She's the ARK of the new, eternal covenant, it is because of my love for the Lord that I venerate His tabernacle.
    He could've come as a grown man but he was raised in a family. That isn't to be dismissed and we choose not to dismiss it. But you don't hear us being so condescending towards you for not seeing and believing what we do.
    Time is precious. Mind how you waste it on things that don't concern you.

    • @no_prisoners6474
      @no_prisoners6474 3 года назад +5

      And to that effect, Saint Joseph, PRAY FOR US!
      Holy mother of the Word incarnate, PRAY FOR US!

    • @Andromedon777
      @Andromedon777 3 года назад +1

      We are the Tabernacle of God.
      Yes, Mary was after the Holy spirit entered the church at Pentecost.
      Tabernacle is dwelling. The Holy Spirit did not enter into humanity to dwell until after Christ's sacrifice.

    • @no_prisoners6474
      @no_prisoners6474 3 года назад +2

      @@Andromedon777 she gave milk to our Bread.

    • @Andromedon777
      @Andromedon777 3 года назад +1

      @@no_prisoners6474 lol this is true. Never heard it put that way, but yes.

    • @novageorge96
      @novageorge96 3 года назад +2

      Where is any of this written in the Bible? "The ark of the new eternal covenant".
      Also, he is being very disrespectful. "I am not taking anything away from you, I am offering you a better gospel."
      And a Christian wouldn't be a Christian if he didn't correct those who went astray. Galatians 6:1 says "Brothers and sisters, if someone is caught in a sin, you who live by the Spirit should restore that person gently. But watch yourselves, or you also may be tempted."

  • @verwesne8121
    @verwesne8121 6 лет назад +4

    I can’t believe that the person who is talking is bringing forth those poor arguments and actually things they make sense and are well thought through so as to even make this a video. That is kind of shocking to me especially if you would look at what Catholics really believe and how they come to their theological and historical and convictions.
    If you want to know about Mary and the church why not listening to actual Catholics?
    Catholic Answers on RUclips. Go for it. Shalom

  • @gustavmahler1466
    @gustavmahler1466 4 года назад +2

    1 Timothy 2:1 KJV ''prayers'' ''intercessions''

    • @gustavmahler1466
      @gustavmahler1466 4 года назад +1

      @Jane Dough One Mediator but not the only intercessor

    • @Catholic1391
      @Catholic1391 4 года назад +1

      From a once AntiCatholic.
      After many years of study.
      The 4th Cup.

  • @therustler30
    @therustler30 6 месяцев назад +1

    Mary worship or divination will never stop being creepy to me, we're repeating Biblical profanity here, golden calf, sacred flame, oral tradition.
    Just stick to the Bible and don't add stuff on top please, for your soul's sake.

  • @jandarkstar777
    @jandarkstar777 3 года назад +7

    Wow... what a perverted way to explain the Mariology. Protestant will always have a destorted view of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Tsk tsk tsk.

    • @mary_puffin
      @mary_puffin Месяц назад

      On the contrary, it is Catholics who have a perverted view of her. Mary is described as blessed, but so are Abraham, David, Noah, Job, anyone who follows God's commandments, anyone who hungers and thirsts for righteousness, anyone whose sins are forgiven. Mary is a human being just like everyone else. She is indeed blessed, but she is not God. She isn't omnipresent or omniscient. She cannot hear you nor do anything for your salvation. She died. Pray to God himself.

  • @harveygitarista1600
    @harveygitarista1600 6 лет назад +16

    Praying to Mary is not biblical. Case closed.

    • @scottiemn
      @scottiemn 6 лет назад +1

      JohnHarvey Gepiga: strong argument, that.

    • @hilairebelloc3368
      @hilairebelloc3368 5 лет назад

      The Authority of the Holy Magisterium, by the Power of Christ (Matthew 18:18) and the Holy Spirit (John 16:13), has declared it lawful. Case closed.

    • @victoriadean4041
      @victoriadean4041 4 года назад

      Hilaire Belloc
      Matt 18:18
      “Truly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed[a] in heaven.”
      John 16:13
      “When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come.”
      So, i really dont get how praying to Mary is related to those scriptures like you cited.

    • @nachomontiel6254
      @nachomontiel6254 4 года назад

      Luke 1:48
      "Because he hath regarded the humility of his handmaid: for behold from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed."

    • @victoriadean4041
      @victoriadean4041 4 года назад

      Chistoso Mike yes she is blessed because God chose her among all women to be the vessel for Christ to become human... still it doesnt mean worship her because we are only suppose to worship God. The “Magnificat” is all about praising and worshipping God. Mary says God has blessed her tremendously and her heart is so happy she will praise and worship God forever...

  • @mikecrawford8394
    @mikecrawford8394 5 месяцев назад

    The speaker left out some key points about Mary, namely, that she is our spiritual mother and we honor her as such as the commandment says: Honor your mother and father! The rest of the stuff about our Lord being cold and not approachable is just another protestant myth. One thing that surprised me was that did not say that Catholics worship Mary. If you think we worship Her then look up the Collyridian Heresy in the 4th century.

    • @mary_puffin
      @mary_puffin Месяц назад

      It's a stretch to apply that commandment to Mary - it's speaking specifically about your earthly parents. More importantly, praying to anyone other than God himself goes against everything the scriptures tell us to do. For example, 1 Tim 2:5 says "For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus" Additionally, no one in the entire bible prayed to saints or angels. Not Abraham, not Moses, not any of the prophets, not Jesus, not his disciples, not the apostles. Absolutely no one. Jesus taught us how to pray on the Sermon on the Mount and he says to address our prayers to The Father.

    • @kevinrtres
      @kevinrtres 21 день назад

      I call your bluff - it's all right there in the rosary!
      The rosary contains this line:
      *Hail, Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy, our life, our sweetness and our hope*
      Jesus alone is King - there is no "queen" in heaven.
      God is our life - Deut 30:20 Jesus is our life Colossians 3:4
      Psalm 62 - God is our hope.
      Mary is deified in this line - anyone praying it is committing idolatry

  • @mavhunter8753
    @mavhunter8753 2 года назад +1

    This isn't what I hear from Catholics....

  • @Serquss
    @Serquss 4 года назад +8

    Mary, as mother of the Davidic King, is Queen Mother. All throughout the Books of Kings, whenever the the King of Judah is mentioned, they also mention the name of his mother. Why? Because she's Queen. When King Ahaziah died, his mother Athaliah tried to kill off the entire family in an attempt to retain her power as Queen. Bathesheba, Solomon's mother, as Queen, had a throne next to King Solomon, and she interceded on behalf of others to Solomon. Therefore, Mary is Queen of the universe since Jesus is King of the universe. Yes, we have direct access to Jesus, but Jesus also gave us each other. He gave us a church and we are a community of saints. God created us to fellowship with each other in prayer. Yes, we can access God directly, but I believe we are underutilizing our full potential as human beings by not utilizing ALL of the gifts and resources God has given us. And a big resource is His Queen Mother, Mary.

    • @victoriadean4041
      @victoriadean4041 4 года назад +5

      Serquss i love Mary. I really do. She’s liKe a role model to women. But she is not God. Im grateful to God for her. We need to remember John 1. Jesus, the Word who became human already existed at the beginning. He is one with the Father before time began and eternally. He made all things (see also Colossians 1). He even made Mary. I thank God for all the gifts and for what He has done for us. There is no other savior and mediator but Jesus Christ our Lord.
      This is all in the scriptures. It’s important we know and go back to the scriptures for God’s truth. Not man’s truth.

    • @nachomontiel6254
      @nachomontiel6254 4 года назад +3

      we agree with you, mary is not part of the trinity.The catholic church never said mary is God

    • @victoriadean4041
      @victoriadean4041 4 года назад +3

      Chistoso Mike but its obvious that catholics worship Mary and turn her into something like god.... also the cross catholics use has Jesus still in it... the Lord Jesus has already risen & is not on the cross anymore. Christians need to celebrate the “risen Lord” because He has risen and has already won.

    • @nachomontiel6254
      @nachomontiel6254 4 года назад

      @@victoriadean4041 it is not obvious, catholic doctrine never said mary was something like God, saint paul preached christ crucified 1 Corinthians 1:23

    • @nachomontiel6254
      @nachomontiel6254 4 года назад

      For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. For it is written: "I will destroy the wisdom of the wise; the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate." 1 corinthians 1:18

  • @julieelizabeth4856
    @julieelizabeth4856 5 лет назад +5

    Why go to a source like this to answer a question like that? Go to a Catholic source, not a misinformed pastor. We don't pray to Mary, we ask for her intercession. Big difference. www.catholic.com. Even Martin Luther had a strong devotion to Mary. Some other later reformer decided she had to get out of the picture.

    • @darekgwozdz
      @darekgwozdz 5 лет назад +4

      Romans 8:26-27 tells us that when we pray, the Holy Spirit intercedes on our behalf. Timothy 2:5 also says, For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus. No disrespect to Mary, but she's not Christ.

    • @travislariscy4466
      @travislariscy4466 4 года назад +1

      Darek Gwozdz No Catholic thinks she’s Christ, no catholic thinks she’s divine. If you find a catholic who thinks Mary is divine they don’t know their faith and need to learn that there is only one God. Why do we ask others to pray for us?

    • @victoriadean4041
      @victoriadean4041 4 года назад +3

      T L why pray to Mary though? Praying to her makes her look divine.
      Pray to Jesus instead! Jesus is the one we need to be closer to! He is waiting for you

    • @travislariscy4466
      @travislariscy4466 4 года назад +2

      Victoria Dean How does it make her look divine? If I ask my best friend to pray for me are they divine? Yes, Jesus is waiting for us with his arms wide open! Mary leads us to her son when we are in times of despair. I don’t know why you guys think we want to cover up Christ or make her a god. Believing in anything divine other than the one true God is heresy. Mary was given to us by her son on the cross, and her purpose is to help us and to point us to her divine son.

    • @anepicflyingbrick_4872
      @anepicflyingbrick_4872 4 года назад +3

      T L I mean asking your friend to pray for you is different than literally praying to Mary in the first place...

  • @twelvestitches984
    @twelvestitches984 Год назад +1

    Because Catholics think they have power and authority to assign divinity to anyone they want and they actually believe that the universe must obey them.

    • @kevinrtres
      @kevinrtres 21 день назад

      Yup! That's papal decrees right there. Fido church only.

  • @joeythemonk007
    @joeythemonk007 3 года назад +1

    Jesus Christ is the judge of the living and the dead…..but…….en Christo (in Christ) “Do you not know that the saints will judge the world? And if you are to judge the world, are you not competent to judge trivial cases? 3 Do you not know that we will judge angels?” (1Cor 6:2,3)
    Jesus Christ is the Good Shepherd…..but…..en Christo (in Christ) Peter becomes the shepherd (John 21)
    Jesus is the source of the Living Water…..but en Christo (in Christ) the start imparting the Holy Spirit by laying on of hands as we see all over in the Acts of the Apostles.
    Jesus said “I am the Light of the world” (John 8:12)…but….en Christo (in Christ) we become the light of the world (Mathew 5:14)
    God is the rock (Psalm 62:2 etc). But….en Christo (in Christ) Peter becomes the rock (Mathew 16:18)
    Christ is our rightheousness…..but…..en Christo “For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. 2 Corinthians 5:21
    This is not because God cannot do everything. Not because God cannot hear all our prayers. As a generous Father He shares His glory with His children in Christ Jesus (though He will not yield His glory to anyone or anything else). Romans 8:30 Those whom he justified, He also glorified. God glorifies us by making us sharers in His works.

  • @ConciseCabbage
    @ConciseCabbage 5 лет назад +4

    The veneration and special place of mothers is much more ancient. It can be seen with the role of the Queen Mother in the Davidic kingdom and even in Judaism to this very day.

    • @joshportie
      @joshportie 5 лет назад +1

      And the Lord hated it then, yes the Vatican is the mother of harlots and controls Israel like every country.

    • @no_prisoners6474
      @no_prisoners6474 3 года назад +1

      @@joshportie that just exposes your IQ. You literally said nothing.

  • @starkwarden1253
    @starkwarden1253 4 года назад +4

    When Jesus was on the cross He said to is disciple John behold thy mother into his mother he said behold thy son

    • @a.krishna3924
      @a.krishna3924 3 года назад +9

      because John and Mary are both in the spiritual family, so he is expecting fellow believers to treat each other like family, but did he say she was a deity? absolutely not

    • @kirjian
      @kirjian 3 года назад +3

      You need to strech that savagely to make a doctrine out of that with zero backing from elsewhere in the bible

    • @justwonderinghowlongmyname5139
      @justwonderinghowlongmyname5139 2 года назад


  • @christianartists9185
    @christianartists9185 2 года назад +2

    Some say "Jesus alone is worthy to receive my prayers, no Mary, no saints".
    But who ALONE is able to"GIVE Him all" the prayers he/she ought to?.
    A a billion, zillion more intercession from you, I, all the saints, a billion more "Mary's" intercessions, will not still diminish the Lord Jesus unfathomable Divine Mercy or His listening ear to our prayers.
    Don't make Him too small in your eyes.
    Allow perfect love to free you from fear 👍🏾🙏🏾.

  • @onemarktwoyou
    @onemarktwoyou 2 года назад +1

    >>>>>>>>>>Roman PAGANS are allowed to WORSHIP pachamama an Amazonian fertility goddess as VALID, TRUE, and worthy of WORSHIP!!!!!Called the amazon synod, look it up!!!!!!

  • @dannyboyz7061
    @dannyboyz7061 6 лет назад +5

    Hey all, when I die... please, please don't pray to me. I am a saint and all, but just no. Thanks.

  • @wanglu1532
    @wanglu1532 4 года назад +4

    Praying. To Mary...ha ha ha,,,

  • @onemarktwoyou
    @onemarktwoyou Год назад +1

    Examples of great romish pagan teachers doing it!!!!!!!
    "Open to us, O Mary, the gate of Paradise, since you have its keys!" St. Ambrose
    "O Mary, come to my aid or I am lost!" St. Alphonsus Rodriguez
    "There is no one, O most holy Mary, who can know God except through thee; no one who can be saved or redeemed but through thee, O Mother of God!" St. Germanus of Constantinople
    "To thee, O my Queen, nothing is impossible, since thou canst succor and save even those who have despaired of salvation." St. Peter Damian
    I will translate this last one. Their fake mary can kick open the gates of their heaven and throw people in who appease her. EVEN when the father, son, and the holy ghost would not have!!!!

  • @onemarktwoyou
    @onemarktwoyou 4 года назад


  • @damianwhite9058
    @damianwhite9058 6 лет назад +4

    How about the Cult of Calvinism?

    • @joshportie
      @joshportie 5 лет назад

      Killed far fewer than the Vatican but I agree, they're like Catholic protestants.

    • @pattydavis8175
      @pattydavis8175 4 года назад

      Cult if Calvinism? Wow. Who knew?

  • @sulongenjop7436
    @sulongenjop7436 Год назад +1

    Why do you care to believe in her son but deny his mother? God the Father purposely chose Mary for his son to make his will come true....thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven! So, we ought to respect his mother and she has the direct access to God the Father. She hears our prayer too and can intercede for us with God her son.

    • @DigiMyst
      @DigiMyst Месяц назад

      My question is why stop there? Mary was chosen through her direct lineage to David, so why don't we put him on the same pedestal, or Solomon, or Rehoboam?

    • @kevinrtres
      @kevinrtres 21 день назад

      We respect His physical mother - we just do not make a goddess out of her!!!! Your saying about disrespect is just so much loud clanging. You should consider carefully what you pray:
      The rosary contains this line:
      *Hail, Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy, our life, our sweetness and our hope*
      Jesus alone is King - there is no "queen" in heaven.
      God is our life - Deut 30:20 Jesus is our life Colossians 3:4
      Psalm 62 - God is our hope.
      Mary is deified in this line - anyone praying it is committing idolatry

  • @rfpropertyholdingsllc6652
    @rfpropertyholdingsllc6652 3 года назад +1

    So off! Jesus is no just better, He is the only way. You can pray to Oleg #myself just as you pray to Marry. This guy is way too week.

  • @tessalogan586
    @tessalogan586 4 года назад +5

    All these slammers arn't worthy to pronounce her name.

  • @user-hn6ld5zb5q
    @user-hn6ld5zb5q 2 года назад +3

    There is no salvation in Mary . Salvation comes from Jesus ALONE

  • @randycarson9812
    @randycarson9812 2 месяца назад

    "Why should I ask a departed saint to pray for me?" Here are two answers:
    1. Has a friend ever asked you to pray for them? Did you say “No” and tell them to go pray to God themselves? Or did you promise to pray for them? Friends and family pray for one another, and we Christians have friends in high places!
    2.We know that nothing unrighteous can enter heaven. (cf. Rev 21:27). Since the saints are in heaven, they must be righteous. And since the prayers of the righteous are powerful and effective, the prayers of the saints must be powerful and effective.
    Nothing that is unrighteous can enter heaven. (cf. Rev. 21:27)
    The saints are in heaven. (cf. Rev 21:27)
    Therefore, the saints are righteous.
    The prayers of the righteous are powerful and effective. (cf. James 5:16)
    Therefore, the prayers of the saints are powerful and effective.
    So, the real question is not "Why?" but "Why not?" ask our brothers and sisters to join with you in prayer for your needs.

    • @mary_puffin
      @mary_puffin Месяц назад

      This is not good application of the scriptures. 1) When Jesus taught us to pray on the Sermon on the Mount, he specifically instructed us to pray to The Father. 2) The scriptures are clear and consistent that Jesus is the only mediator between us and God. 3) James 5 tells believers to pray for "one another". It is talking about how living Christians should relate to one another. It's not instructing you to pray to dead people - it's telling you to pray for your brother and have your brother pray for you also. 4) Every regenerated Christian has been justified and is righteous in God's eyes, not just "the saints". Again, the Bible is very clear on this. 5) About Revelation 21, note that the saints in heaven include all of the church. You really should read more on these topics.

    • @randycarson9812
      @randycarson9812 Месяц назад

      ​@@mary_puffin *You wrote: "1) When Jesus taught us to pray on the Sermon on the Mount, he specifically instructed us to pray to The Father."*
      Jesus taught His disciples through both His words and His actions. In the Sermon on the Mount, for example, His spoken words conveyed profound truths. Similarly, He taught by example when He requested baptism from John the Baptist.
      With this in mind, what can we learn from Jesus’ words and deeds regarding communication with departed saints?
      In Mark 9:2-13, Jesus took Peter, James and John up a mountain where He was transfigured and spoke with Moses and Elijah. While Elijah's assumption into heaven meant that he had not died, Moses' earthly death is certain. His appearance, speaking with Jesus and Elijah, posed a challenge to traditional Jewish understandings and caused the Apostles to reconsider communication with departed saints.
      From this, it is obvious that Jesus taught by word and deed that speaking with the dead was possible and permissible. Jesus cannot be accused of sin or necromancy, so there cannot be a universal prohibition against asking a saint - whether a famous saint like Mother Teresa or a personal friend or a loved one - to pray for us to God in whose presence they stand.
      *You wrote: "The scriptures are clear and consistent that Jesus is the only mediator between us and God."*
      Christ is the one true mediator who reconciles humanity with God, as stated in 1 Timothy 2:5. While only He can mediate in this unique way, Christians, as members of His body, can participate in a subordinate role through prayer, intercession, and charity, as indicated in 1 Timothy 2:1.
      God is the ultimate creator of life, yet He allows a husband and wife to participate in creating new life through conception. This shared role does not diminish God's sovereignty. Similarly, Christians can share in Christ's mediatory work without diminishing His unique role.
      *You wrote: " It is talking about how living Christians should relate to one another. It's not instructing you to pray to dead people..."*
      Jesus said: "Have you not read in the book of Moses, in the account of the bush, how God said to him, 'I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob'? He is not the God of the dead, but of the living. You are badly mistaken!" (Mark 12:26-27)
      *You wrote: "Every regenerated Christian has been justified"*
      Sure. But we ARE talking about Saints and not saints. 🙂
      *You wrote: "About Revelation 21, note that the saints in heaven include all of the church. You really should read more on these topics."*
      Speaking of the Saints in Revelation: "And when he had taken the scroll, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb, each holding a harp, and with golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints;"
      How did the creatures and elders get the bowls filled with the prayers of the saints? Clearly, they are aware of our prayers!

    • @mary_puffin
      @mary_puffin Месяц назад

      @@randycarson9812 Oh my goodness. I can't engage father. Know that Jesus can talk to the dead because He is God. He can do whatever He wants. You and I cannot and are never instructed to. We are especially not instructed to pray to the dead.

    • @randycarson9812
      @randycarson9812 Месяц назад

      @@mary_puffin One other point:
      Non-Catholics often object to praying to the saints and say that Jesus taught us to pray the Lord’s prayer. That's true. Ironically, however, Catholics probably pray that specific prayer using those exact words more frequently than Protestants do since it is included in every daily mass as well as the rosary which many Catholics recite daily. So we do pray in the way that Jesus taught. We also have many other prayers in addition to praying in our own words.

    • @mary_puffin
      @mary_puffin Месяц назад

      @@randycarson9812 I was raised Catholic. I know that Catholics recite the Lord's Prayer very often. Protestants of course pray this prayer also. The frequency of praying this specific prayer isn't a big deal. The bigger deal is being theologically sound. Catholics are not theologically sound in how they pray as a whole, unfortunately. Note that the rosary includes more Hail Mary's than even the Lord's Prayer. And yet that message to Mary wasn't a prayer at all and was never intended as a prayer. Also, Protestants model their prayers after the Lord's prayer. So even when not praying the Lord's prayer, we address The Father, give praise, pray for His will to be done, pray for our needs and our neighbors' needs, ask for deliverance and help etc. Jesus was teaching us how to pray, not necessarily telling us to use those exact words all the time.

  • @r43640
    @r43640 4 года назад

    There is a father why not father try to figure it out a lot of question to those.x catholic history history history protestant did.not forgive did not love the enemy try to learned
    The characters of those apostle like john moses paul etc. Etc. They are bad persons.these is not an excuse all are sinners sorry. Universal trinity god bless entire world not only america

  • @vivacristorey4728
    @vivacristorey4728 3 года назад +3

    Ave Maria

  • @theresabeville4420
    @theresabeville4420 6 лет назад +3

    John Piper, why do people ask you to pray for them?
    Are they worshipping you?

    • @xxmanlovingdudexxlovemen6681
      @xxmanlovingdudexxlovemen6681 6 лет назад +3

      Theresa Beville praying for somebody is different to worshipping them. Catholics worship Mary while people pray for others that they may come to Christ or get better etc.

    • @protoman2260
      @protoman2260 6 лет назад +1

      XxManLovingDudexX LoveMen okay let me start by answering your comment with A. LOL! and B. On a more serious note, we ask Mary to pray for us and we pray ie ask mary of things to help us know Christ better. We ask people on earth and our friends to pray for us so is the same with Mary and as James tells us, the prayer of a righteous man avialeth much and if we are comfortable asking our friends and next door neighbors to pray for us then how much more should we want *perfected* beings at Gods side to pray for us such as Mary and the saints. It's no different.

    • @hilairebelloc3368
      @hilairebelloc3368 5 лет назад

      @forest gump Read Mark 12:27 and Hebrews 12:1. The saints are hardly "dead."

    • @hilairebelloc3368
      @hilairebelloc3368 5 лет назад

      @forest gump Except praying to those who live is hardly necromancy.

    • @eddiejuarez2427
      @eddiejuarez2427 4 года назад

      @forest gump but the saints aren't dead
      "For god so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, *and whoever believes in him shall not perish but have ETERNAL LIFE.* "

  • @rrmb4739
    @rrmb4739 2 года назад +1


  • @jecos1966
    @jecos1966 3 года назад +2

    If i was in a room full people talking to me at the same time i be having a hard time understanding what people are saying to me God is Omnipresent not I nor is Mary

  • @jeandedieunshimirimana9333
    @jeandedieunshimirimana9333 4 года назад +3

    We pray Mary to pray for us to Jesus Christ! This has a basement in the bible( marriage in Canaa): Jesus operated the first miracle because of Mary. Ave maria that we also use is based on bible. If Mary is honoured in Catholic church this is a realisation of prophetic word when Mary said" All generation will call me blessed" in gospel of Luke. In history of Church there have been a lot of apparitions on which some doctrines about Mary have been founded. Catholic church which is so strict about apparitions has confirmed only three cases: Guadeloupe (Mexico), Lourdes (France), Fatima (Portugal), but there are a lot of places where Mary appeared to People and gave messages which changed lives of people! To conclude, Mary is really a great person in history of salvation, she is a bridge that God came through to the world, God appreciated this woman above other women, until now she continues to work as his Son Jesus in the salvation of People! Mary never pretends to be above God or Jesus but is always encouraging those who pray her to adore Jesus , to obey his words, to grow in relationship which Him,..... I am not ashamed to ask Mary to pray for me to his Son Jesus Christ in different situation, and this doesn't bother me to adore Jesus Christ, my Lord and my Saviour, and the fact i am Catholic never bothered me to listen preaching of some protestants pastors. But Dear Friends, Remember " Love is the first commandment" if whatever we do doesn't encrease level of love in our lives, we need in this moment to ask ourselves one question: my religion is helping or not, true or not. The true religion is defined in letter of james.

    • @Catholic1391
      @Catholic1391 4 года назад

      Don't walk away from Jesus.
      From a once AntiCatholic.
      After many years of study.
      The 4th Cup.

    • @reidsnook7492
      @reidsnook7492 2 года назад +2

      Um just pray to Jesus? He is the high priest

    • @mary_puffin
      @mary_puffin Месяц назад

      The letter of James is not what defines the Christian religion. It is all the scriptures that have been handed down to us, from Genesis to Revelation including James. You cannot take just one page in the Bible and believe it describes all the religious canon. You need to use the Bible to understand the Bible. Open your eyes and pray to God the Father through Jesus, as Jesus himself instructed us.

  • @Mincraftianbros
    @Mincraftianbros 6 лет назад +10

    Why would you take his word on what Catholics do when he's not even Catholic?
    This person did a very good job in answering the question in a very honorably, respectful manner, and I admire his great love towards Catholics, however,
    Research the topic yourself from a Catholic theologian and you'll have a much better, deeper, and richer understanding yourself. This video does not cover nearly as much that is taught

    • @SamOwenI
      @SamOwenI 6 лет назад +2

      Switzerland is my name what in his answer wasn't fair?

    • @Mincraftianbros
      @Mincraftianbros 6 лет назад +1

      SamOwenI My brother, I did not say what he said is not fair,
      But there are many points that this video does not cover in terms of why Catholics do what they do
      And I'm sure if you search the answers for yourself with an open heart towards truth; you will understand as well

    • @SamOwenI
      @SamOwenI 6 лет назад +3

      Does one need to be Catholic in order to be qualified to teach about Catholic beliefs and behaviour?

    • @Mincraftianbros
      @Mincraftianbros 6 лет назад

      SamOwenI Not at all, but one can be more qualified to teach when they themselves truly know their faith
      For example, you would not go to a Buddhist to learn about Islamic religion, and you certainly would not ask a Judaist about Shintoism
      You for example know yourself more than other people; therefore the most accurate information can be taken from you
      And the problem with people who are not qualified is they may inaccurately represent the other person/religion
      It doesn't hurt to go search for yourself! Just look it up and you'll understand

    • @SamOwenI
      @SamOwenI 6 лет назад +3

      Switzerland is my name OK, but if one who is not Catholic has learnt from Catholics and former Catholics what Catholics believe, then is that not useful?
      Do you think your issues is that Michael is critical of the Catholic view of Mary and Jesus here?

  • @lauraanderson7358
    @lauraanderson7358 2 года назад +2

    Hail Holy Queen

    • @kevinrtres
      @kevinrtres 21 день назад

      The rosary contains this line:
      *Hail, Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy, our life, our sweetness and our hope*
      Jesus alone is King - there is no "queen" in heaven.
      God is our life - Deut 30:20 Jesus is our life Colossians 3:4
      Psalm 62 - God is our hope.
      Mary is deified in this line - anyone praying it is committing idolatry

  • @onemarktwoyou
    @onemarktwoyou 5 лет назад +2

    The roman pagans say their goddess of salvation handles grace.
    That she and she ALONE gives mankind grace.
    That she and she ALONE decides who gets grace.
    That she and she ALONE decides the manner grace is given.
    That she and she ALONE decides the quantity of grace given out.
    Example of a roman pagan demigod declaring it.
    " Every grace which is communicated to this world has a threefold
    origin: it flows from God to Christ, from Christ to the Virgin,
    and from the Virgin to us . . . Nothing comes to us except through
    the mediation of Mary, for such is the will of God. Thus, just as
    no man goes to the Father but by the Son, so likewise no one goes
    to Christ except through His Mother. Whosoever will not have
    recourse to her is trying to fly without wings . . . O Virgin Most
    Holy, no one abounds in the knowledge of God except through thee;
    no one, O Mother of God, attains salvation except through thee!"
    Pope Leo XIII

    • @hilairebelloc3368
      @hilairebelloc3368 5 лет назад

      I'm confused by your statement. There Roman pagans were supplanted by Roman Christians, the Catholic Church, Whose Pontiff you cited. The Holy Church was given the authority to determine this doctrine (Matthew 18:18). If you wish to dispute the role of Our Lady, then first dispute the authority of Her Church.

    • @TheB1nary
      @TheB1nary 4 года назад +1

      Hilaire Belloc so the Church is infallible?

  • @PInk77W1
    @PInk77W1 4 года назад +3

    The angel said to Mary

    • @ryvhensamson8284
      @ryvhensamson8284 3 года назад +1

      Which Bible text...? 🤔

    • @PInk77W1
      @PInk77W1 3 года назад

      @@ryvhensamson8284 Lk 1:28
      Luke speaks about Mary more than any other gospel

    • @ryvhensamson8284
      @ryvhensamson8284 3 года назад +2

      @@PInk77W1 The phrase “full of grace” in Greek is “plaras karitos,” and it occurs in only two places in the New Testament; neither one is in reference to Mary.
      “And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, glory as of the only-begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth,” (John 1:14).“And Stephen, full of grace and power, was performing great wonders and signs among the people,” (Acts 6:8).The first citation refers to Jesus who is obviously full of grace. Jesus is God in flesh, the crucified and risen Lord, who cleanses us from our sins. In the second citation, it is Stephen who is full of grace. We can certainly affirm that Jesus was conceived without sin and remained sinless, but can we conclude this about Stephen as well? Certainly not. The phrase “full of grace” does not necessitate sinlessness by virtue of its use. In Stephen’s case, it signifies that he was “full of the Spirit and of wisdom,” along with faith and the Holy Spirit (Acts 6:3, 5). But Stephen was a sinner. Nevertheless, where does the phrase “full of grace” come from regarding Mary?
      Ecclesiastes 7:20 Surely there is not a righteous man on earth who does good and never sins.
      Mary was a sinner just like us and has no part as a mediator in Heaven nor earth.
      No bible verse states that we pray to Mary.
      Thank you.

    • @PInk77W1
      @PInk77W1 3 года назад

      Jesus told the apostles to go teach the whole world. The apostles picked successors.
      The successors are with us today and still teaching us with their authority thru the
      Bishops of the Roman Catholic Church.
      The Roman Catholic Church teaches Mary was
      And Is full of Grace.

    • @ryvhensamson8284
      @ryvhensamson8284 3 года назад +1

      They teach you lies why do you even go to church to confess your sins to the priest, Jesus himself is the High Priest given that role by God Himself. And the bible does not teach about praying to mary. You have been misled my friend come out from this blasphemy...

  • @JohnDought
    @JohnDought 5 лет назад +4

    Praying to Mary is biblical, god says to ask if others want to pray for us, this is what we do, so asking others to pray for you is wrong??? According to you it is.

    • @terryhenderson3424
      @terryhenderson3424 5 лет назад

      That's a lie , nowhere its says to pray to mary. The only name given to man is jesus. You need to trust only in the bible

    • @jamesespino1358
      @jamesespino1358 5 лет назад +2

      It is ok to ask for prayers from the LIVING however we cannot ask the DEAD to pray for us. If we are talking to the dead then we might commit necromancy and God strongly forbids it because He knows that those so - called spirits are just demons.

    • @mary_puffin
      @mary_puffin Месяц назад

      The bible says to pray for each other. Those verses are encouraging believers who go to the same church to always pray to God for each other. It is a two-way street always. Nowhere does it say to pray to those that are dead. Or to ask the dead to pray for us. The dead are buried.

  • @onemarktwoyou
    @onemarktwoyou 4 года назад +2

    >>>>These are great roman PAGAN teachers saying their savior is their false mary.
    "Answer, then, O Sacred Virgin! Why do you delay the salvation of the world, which depends upon your consent?"
    St. Augustine
    "O salvation of all who call upon thee, save me!"
    St. Bonaventure
    "Pure and Immaculate Virgin, save me and deliver me from eternal damnation."
    St. John Damascene

    • @AnnetteMurphyger
      @AnnetteMurphyger 3 года назад

      that is blasphemy Mary cannot save the world that is the job of Jesus only. St Augustine didn't get everything right though he was a great theologian.

    • @AnnetteMurphyger
      @AnnetteMurphyger 3 года назад

      salvation is not dependent on the concent of a human being it depends on Christ alone as He could forgive sin and die for it as He alone was perfect and sinless. It is insult to Jesus to give the credit to His Mother for a job He did once and for all for the remission of sin.

  • @Pickup_man_1973
    @Pickup_man_1973 4 года назад +1

    Was the Early Church the Roman Catholic Church?
    Hermas The Shepherd of Hermas Book I Vision 2 ch 4 [60-120 AD]
    "Therefore shall you Hermas write two little books and send one to Clement, The Bishop of Rome, and one to Grapte. Clement shall then send it to the cities abroad, because that is his duty"
    Irenaeus of Lyons Adversus Haereses book 3 ch 3.3 [120-180 AD]
    ….the Catholic Church founded and organized in Rome by the two most glorious apostles, Peter and Paul; as also means of the successions of the bishops. For it is a matter of necessity that every Church should agree with this Church of Rome, on account of its preeminent authority...
    Tertullian Prescription Against Heretics ch 32 (160- 240 ad)
    "Where was [the heretic] Macron, that shipmaster of Pontus, the zealous student of Stoicism? Where was Valentinus, the disciple of Platonism? For it is evident that those men lived not so long ago,--in the reign of Antoninus for the most part,--and that they at first were believers in the doctrine of the Catholic Church, the Church of Rome, under the episcopate of the blessed Eleutherus, until on account of their ever restless curiosity,with which they even infected the brethren, they were more than once expelled
    Caius Fragment 2 AGAINST THE HERESY OF ARTEMON ch 1 (180-240 ad)
    For they say that all those of the first age, and the apostles themselves, both received and taught those things which these men now maintain; and that the truth of Gospel preaching was preserved until the times of Victor, who was the thirteenth bishop in Rome from Peter,
    Origen De Principiis Book 4 par 8 [185-254 AD]
    through His only-begotten Son Jesus Christ, what appears to us, who observe things by a right way of understanding, to be the standard and discipline delivered to the apostles by Jesus Christ, and which they handed down in succession to their posterity, the teachers of the holy Catholic Church of Rome.
    Peter of Alexandria Genuine Acts of Peter (260-311ad)
    A cycle of two hundred and eighty-five years from the incarnation of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ had rolled round, when the venerable Theonas, the bishop of this city of Rome, by an ethereal flight, mounted upwards to the celestial kingdoms. To him Peter, succeeding at the helm of the Church of Rome, was by all the clergy and the whole Christian community appointed bishop, the sixteenth in order from Mark the Evangelist, who was also archbishop of the city of Rome.

  • @cynthiax56
    @cynthiax56 4 года назад +5

    The Protestant claim that we are forbidden to speak to / pray to Mary is NOWHERE in the bible. In fact the intercession of saints & holy persons on our behalf is complerely Biblical. The following is copied (by me) from the protestant version of the Bible:
    ➨INTERCESSION of a holy person on our behalf: Job 42:8 8 Now therefore take seven bulls and seven rams, and GO TO MY SERVANT Job, and offer up for yourselves a burnt offering; and MY SERVANT Job SHALL PRAY FOR YOU, FOR I WILL ACCEPT HIS PRAYER NOT TO DEAL WITH YOU ACCORDING TO YOUR FOLLY; for you have not spoken of me what is right, as my servant Job has.
    ➨INTERCESSION of MARY: At the wedding feast at Cana, it was Mary who asked Jesus to help the wedding party.
    ➨INTERCESSION OF THE SAINTS: Rev 5:8 The prayers of the Saints are offered to Jesus the lamb.
    The KING Honours his mother's request:
    ➨1 KINGS 2:20: Then she said, “I have one small request to make of you; do not refuse me.” And the king said to her, “Make your request, my mother, for I will not refuse you.”
    The claim that saints are among the dead and we are not to contact them is ALSO false: ...
    ➨SAINTS are not among the dead, They share in the ressurrection of Jesus: (Protestants attack Biblical saints while they follow dead reformers)
    LUKE 23 v 39-43...Jesus told the good thief "today you will be with me in paradise"
    REV 19 v 14...when Jesus returns he will be accompanied by his heavenly armies of saints.
    2 COR 5 v 8...Paul tells us that to be absent with the body is to be with the Lord.
    JOHN 11 v 25-26...Jesus said I am the ressurrection and the life, he who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives, believing in me will never die.
    MATTHEW 27: 52 -53: When Jesus was raised from the dead Many were raised up with him.
    Luke 1619-30 The story of the rich man and Lazarus show The Rich man, Lazarus and Abraham, all concious and interacting with each other even though they have physically died. Rev 6:10 The souls of the martyrs are before the throne of God, crying out for justice. (they are conscious and actively petitioning God)
    HEB 12:1-3 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us,
    ➨ INTERCESSION of the SAINTS: REV 5 v 8...And when he had opened the book, the four living creatureS and the four and twenty ancients fell down before the lamb, having every one of

    • @Wgaither1
      @Wgaither1 4 года назад +3

      The Mysterious Cynthia X repent of your idolatry

    • @cynthiax56
      @cynthiax56 4 года назад +2

      @@jonatantaddeisimancas3152 Protestants think that ONE scripture that they like will "cancel out" A different scripture. It doesn't work that way. The scripture which contradict Protestantism ARE STILL VALID.
      The Protestant claim that we are forbidden to speak to / pray to Mary and the saints is NOWHERE in the Bible. In fact, the following scriptures were copied (by me) directly from the Protestant version of the Bible: ...
      ➨INTERCESSION of a holy person on our behalf: Job 42:8 8 Now therefore take seven bulls and seven rams, and GO TO MY SERVANT Job, and offer up for yourselves a burnt offering; and MY SERVANT Job SHALL PRAY FOR YOU, FOR I WILL ACCEPT HIS PRAYER NOT TO DEAL WITH YOU ACCORDING TO YOUR FOLLY; for you have not spoken of me what is right, as my servant Job has.
      ➨INTERCESSION of MARY: At the wedding feast at Cana, it was Mary who asked Jesus to help the wedding party.
      ➨INTERCESSION OF THE SAINTS: Rev 5:8 The prayers of the Saints are offered to Jesus the lamb.
      ➨The KING Honours his mother's request:
      1 KINGS 2:20: Then she said, “I have one small request to make of you; do not refuse me.” And the king said to her, “Make your request, my mother, for I will not refuse you.”
      The Claim that Saints are among the dead, and we are forbidden to contact them is ALSI false:
      ➨SAINTS ARE NOT AMONG THE DEAD: They share in the ressurrection of Jesus: (Protestants attack Biblical saints while they follow dead reformers)
      LUKE 23 v 39-43...Jesus told the good thief "today you will be with me in paradise"
      REV 19 v 14...when Jesus returns he will be accompanied by his heavenly armies of saints.
      2 COR 5 v 8...Paul tells us that to be absent with the body is to be with the Lord.
      JOHN 11 v 25-26...Jesus said I am the ressurrection and the life, he who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives, believing in me will never die.
      MATTHEW 27: 52 -53: When Jesus was raised from the dead Many were raised up with him.
      LUKE 1619-30 The story of the rich man and Lazarus show The Rich man, Lazarus and Abraham, all concious and interacting with each other even though they have physically died.
      REV 6:10 The souls of the martyrs are before the throne of God, crying out for justice. (they are conscious and actively petitioning God)
      HEB 12:1-3 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us,
      MATT 17:1-13 ...At the Transformation of Jesus, he is seen speaking to Moses and Elijah, further showing that Holy ones of God are not among the dead.
      ➨HONOURING MARY: LUKE 1:48: All generations will call Mary Blessed. We Catholics are the ones who call her the BLESSED Virgin Mary and treat her accordingly.
      ➨NOWHERE does the bible permit protestants (or anyone else) to Scrutinize & monitor the prayers of other people, nor to judge their sincerity or their salvation.

    • @cynthiax56
      @cynthiax56 4 года назад +1

      @@jonatantaddeisimancas3152 BTW WE don't CARE how you pray and unlike y'all we do not scrutinize and monitor your prayers.

    • @cynthiax56
      @cynthiax56 4 года назад +1

      @@Wgaither1 Repent of you false accusations. You are committing serious sin yourself. Go read the commandment that you are not to bear false witness and then write it on a blackboard 100 times.

    • @jonatantaddeisimancas3152
      @jonatantaddeisimancas3152 4 года назад +1

      @@cynthiax56 pray for me please!