Brian Cox: The 20 Billion Earth-Like Planets That Could Harbour Life | The Jonathan Ross Show

  • Опубликовано: 21 сен 2024
  • Professor Brian Cox is a physicist and Professor of Particle Physics in the School of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Manchester in the UK.
    Season 5, Episode 9.
    Original Broadcast Date: 7 December 2013
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    #TheJRshow #BrianCox #Cosmology

Комментарии • 612

  • @prashp143
    @prashp143 2 года назад +165

    This is the best example of “If you are the smartest in a room, you’re in the wrong room.”

    • @asmodius666
      @asmodius666 2 года назад +2

      @Simon Mullaney yeah, other talk show hosts have showed there are other ways of doing entertainment where you dont have to be cringe to be funny and rude to your guests

    • @asmodius666
      @asmodius666 2 года назад

      @Simon Mullaney I tend to avoid parties so that I don't have to have an interaction with idiots like you. He does that with all of his guests so he's not rude? That explains a lot

    • @jameshblack
      @jameshblack Год назад

      Well said my friend well said

    • @bigkuriboh3814
      @bigkuriboh3814 10 месяцев назад +2

      ​@@asmodius666how was he rude?

    • @Onetimeonly1267
      @Onetimeonly1267 5 месяцев назад

      Cox is beyond this character

  • @reddyornott9981
    @reddyornott9981 2 года назад +607

    Brian Cox should get an award for the way he's able to deal with stupid people

    • @Tildradain
      @Tildradain 2 года назад +3

      Very true and even more funny

    • @Gabor.P.
      @Gabor.P. 2 года назад +3

      And an oscar.

    • @michaelbariso3192
      @michaelbariso3192 2 года назад

      The communications delay between Earth and Mars is approximately 20 minutes. We're either viewing the light from Mars in the future, Einstein's past dimensions of space-time or in real time, which do you think is more logical? The speed of light according to Einstein's relativity is 186,000 miles per second, but according to physics if two mechanical watches were synchronized on earth and one traveled across the universe and back, there would be no difference in time between the mechanical watches proving the speed of light is instantaneous as the only way a mechanical watch will run slow is if you tighten the main spring :-). Big Bang, Einstein's relativity-time dilation and nearly all of science debunked. There are 7.7 billion people on planet Earth, yet I was the only one who knew I was viewing the light and images of the universe in real time, maybe I should be working for NASA or Elon Musk :-)
      Light waves can stretch, bend-curve and occupy a state of superposition, whereas the hypothetical Einstein projectile light particle (photon), a particle that has never been observed cannot be both a particle and wave. There are no space-time fantasy unions or gravity waves that can join a particle, wave and time together then bend, curve and stretch them like a rubber band. Neither time nor mass can create itself into nothing, reside in nothing or expand into nothing simply because nothing has no properties. Time and space are independent of each other, not material bodies or fantasy unions that magically stretch time like a rubber band into space-time dimensions. The James Webb Space Telescope is not a time machine, you can’t travel back in time to view the beginning of the universe with telescopes that were made in the future :-). Light and electromagnetic waves are independent of each other.
      The speed of light can be slowed from 186,000 miles per second down to 38 mph by shooting a laser through extremely cold sodium atoms acting as “optical molasses” If the universe were suddenly destroyed, collapsed or fell into a black hole do you honestly think slowing down the speed of light with sodium atoms would save the earth from being destroyed, giving people on earth time to find another planet to colonize and destroy :-). Using optical clocks, lasers and GPS to prove Einstein's time dilation-space-time curvature is like using a metal detector to find gold at Fort Knox. The closer you are to the electromagnetic fields, mass and gravity of the earth the more light bends aka gravitational lensing.
      If black holes reside in a region of Einstein's theorized space-time where gravity and mass are so dense that nothing, neither mass-particles nor electromagnetic radiation such as light can escape then how could it be possible for the entire mass of our universe to escape the unimaginable density of the proposed Big Bang? According to general relativity sufficient compact mass-density will deform space-time to form a black hole which obviously debunks both Big Bang theory and relativity! Big Bang theorists rely on red shift to support the hypothesis that the universe is expanding, the very phenomena that supports the hypothesis of a (non-expanding static universe). You can duplicate the ion thruster jets of a black hole in a vacuum using a Tesla coil or build one using high voltage-an array of magnets-a CRT-TV yoke or inductor coil. Black holes are nothing but plasma driven vortex electromagnetic fields expanding electromagnetic waves in space. Since the vortex of black holes are thought to be at the center of all galaxies they might be the very force that created them.
      Gravitational lensing occurs in all wavelengths of light including (red shift-microwave background radiation). Gravity from huge celestial objects of galaxies bend, curve and expand light giving the appearance of what Einstein wrongly theorized as time dilation-space-time-debunking the big bang. Mass from galaxies, planets and black hole electromagnetic fields bend, curve and expand light giving the appearance of what Einstein wrongly theorized as time dilation-space-time dimensions. Light like all electromagnetic radiation and electricity is the result of moving electrons, as moving electrons of charged electromagnetic waves-light travel through the plasma of the universe each lump (or "quanta") of energy in the electromagnetic waves are charged then discharged to the next lump, eventually the energy dissipates causing the delay in radio communications giving the appearance of time dilation - the appearance of longer wavelengths in red shift. Light and electromagnetic waves are independent of each other.
      If space was curved-warped according to Albert Einstein's curved-warped gravity theory, like a boat in the ocean these same gravity waves would affect time and the perfect balance in solar system orbital mechanics throwing planets off course-out of orbit in a collision course towards the sun where a planets gravity and time would increase and decrease with different velocity rates as they ascend and descend the curves of gravity waves. Using optical clocks and lasers to prove Einstein's time dilation-space-time curvature is like using a metal detector to find gold at Fort Knox. The closer you are to the electromagnetic fields, mass and gravity of the earth the more light bends aka gravitational lensing.
      If gravity is the result of mass then before the universe came into being gravity couldn't have existed simply because mass was not yet created! Galaxies with massive gravity from the early Big Bang would have been gravitationally bound like the Andromeda galaxy is to the Milky Way galaxy, the sun, moon and planets in all solar systems in the universe yet these early galaxies were able to somehow escape these massive gravitational forces continuing to expand at an increasingly faster rate. Into what, nothing? Nothing has no properties! Neither the atom, universe nor time can be created or destroyed. Albert Einstein an autistic violinist patent clerk that had access to more papers than Suzanne Somers litter box yet creates theories with more bugs than Terminix. “And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.” a state of superposition where time, and gravity run inwardly, outwardly, in all directions in the same time frame, similar to the electromagnetic field having no beginning and no end.
      If space was curved-warped according to Albert Einstein's curved-warped gravity theory, like a boat in the ocean these same gravity waves would effect time and the perfect balance in solar system orbital mechanics throwing planets off course-out of orbit in a collision course towards the sun where a planets gravity and time would increase and decrease with different velocity rates as they ascend and descend the curves of gravity waves. Using optical clocks and lasers to prove Einstein's time dilation-space-time curvature is like using a metal detector to find gold at Fort Knox. The closer you are to the electromagnetic fields, mass and gravity of the earth the more light bends aka gravitational lensing. Neither time nor mass can create itself into nothing, reside in nothing or expand into nothing simply because nothing has no properties. Time and space are independent of each other, not material bodies or fantasy unions that magically stretch time like a rubber band into space-time dimensions. Albert Einstein, an autistic violinist patent clerk that had access to more papers than Suzanne Somers litter box yet creates theories with more bugs than Terminix-Magnetron.

    • @michaelbariso3192
      @michaelbariso3192 2 года назад

      The biggest threat to humanity is human stupidity. The theory of everything according to humans that believe their intellect evolved from a monkey's brain. If the light waves from the sun were 8 minutes and 20 seconds in a past dimension of Einstein's space-time then people on Earth are just imagining the infrared warmth of the sun coming up on the horizon. The communications delay between Earth and Mars is approximately 20 minutes. We're either viewing the light from Mars in the future, Einstein's past dimensions of space-time or in real time, which do you think is more logical? Einstein's relativity is wrong light has no limitation of speed; it cannot be slowed down because it isn't moving. From every vantage point in the universe light is omnidirectional-instantaneously traveling in both directions. Light and electromagnetic waves are independent of each other. According to Einstein's relativity-time dilation's, photos taken of the Earth from the Discovery Space station traveled from the past to the future violating the laws of physics, conservation of energy and common sense. According to Einstein's projectile light particle proton light has a (constant speed) of 186,000 miles per second moving through spacetime, but if light has a (constant speed) then moving clocks cannot run slow through spacetime! :-)
      The speed of light according to Einstein's relativity is 186,000 miles per second, but according to physics if two mechanical watches were synchronized on earth and one traveled across the universe and back, there would be no difference in time between the mechanical watches proving the speed of light is instantaneous as the only way a mechanical watch will run slow is if you tighten the main spring. Big Bang, Einstein's relativity-time dilation and nearly all of science debunked. Using optical clocks, lasers and GPS to prove Einstein's time dilation-space-time curvature is like using a metal detector to find gold at Fort Knox. The closer you are to the electromagnetic fields, mass and gravity of the earth the more light bends aka gravitational lensing. If the speed of light is constant then past and future dimensions of spacetime and an expanding universe would not be possible, obviously destroying the twins paradox as each twin cannot move faster or slower than the other. A mirror is a wave reflector that flips images from left to right, but according to Einstein the images you see are the result of projectile light particle photons being transported into past and future dimensions of space-time. Explain how particle light photons can re-converge their molecular structures in mirrors and how this is done without violating the law of conservation of energy.
      From every vantage point in the universe light is omnidirectional-instantaneously traveling in all directions (forwards and backwards through Einstein's space-time) while violating the law of conservation of energy. Explain how Einstein's projectile light particle proton can travel all directions having a (constant speed) of 186,000 miles per second. Einstein would have made a great used car salesman :-). Light waves can stretch, bend-curve and occupy a state of superposition, whereas the hypothetical Einstein projectile light particle (photon), a particle that has never been observed cannot. Unlike a TV or computer monitor the images we are viewing in the universe are in real time, not a series of frames that create the appearance of a moving image. There are no DCU digital convergence circuits in space yet Einstein's disciples believe the light and moving images they see in the universe aren't really there, they're just video recorded images of the past 13.8 billion years. You could lead a cult to water, but you can't make them think. Neither time, energy nor mass can create itself into nothing, reside in nothing or expand into nothing simply because nothing has no properties. Time and space are independent of each other, not material bodies or fantasy unions that magically stretch Time, energy, and matter like a rubber band into space-time dimensions.
      Einstein's projectile light particle proton has a (constant speed) of 186,000 miles per second moving through spacetime and because so wavelengths of light cannot stretch through spacetime! Red-shifts are simply the result of decelerating electrons, as moving electrons of charged electromagnetic waves-light travel through the plasma of the universe each lump (or "quanta") of energy in the electromagnetic waves are charged then discharged to the next lump, eventually the energy dissipates causing the delay in radio communications giving the appearance of time dilation - longer wavelengths in red shift. Will the James Webb Telescope view the birth of the first galaxies? Nope, the universe goes on to infinity. Neither time, the atom, energy nor mass can create itself into nothing, reside in nothing or expand into nothing simply because nothing has no properties. The James Webb Space Telescope is not a time machine, you can’t travel back in time to view the beginning of the universe with telescopes that were made in the future :-). Light and electromagnetic waves are independent of each other. If science uses Einstein's wrongly theorized speed of light like an odometer to calculate past dimensions of distance and time, then using that same method to calculate forward dimensions of distance and time would mean the Big Bang was created and expanded in the future before time existed. Unlike a television or computer monitor the images we are viewing in the universe are in real time, not a series of still image frames that hypothetical Einstein projectile light particles photons create to give us the appearance of a moving image :-).
      The speed of electromagnetic wave is 186,282 miles per second vs Einstein's projectile light particle proton at 186,000 miles per second. Is this a coincidence or did Einstein plagiarize yet another phenomenon to fit the math of relativity? Electromagnetic waves in space can neither slow down or speed up, this is consistent with the law of conservation of energy. If light slowed down, its energy would decrease, thereby violating the law of conservation of energy so the speed of light is instantaneous and cannot travel slower than it does. If Einstein's projectile light (particle photon) had mass it's light could not travel across the universe, high speed particles traveling at 186,000 miles per second would break the Hubble and James Webb telescope mirrors, debunking the speed of light, Big Bang, Einstein's relativity and any science that uses relativity in their theories. Similar to a mirror light is a real-time wave reflector where light and images travel in straight lines-in all directions in space as they do on earth. The faintest stars and galaxies are neither in a past or future dimension of Einstein's space-time, they're in real-time.
      Everyone knows cell phone electromagnetic radio waves travel both ways, yet Einstein's disciples believe time energy, mass and light can only travel one way back in time. If you simply run the Big Bang theory in reverse you reveal the insanity of Einstein's relativity and Big Bang theory. If the expansion of the Big Bang were true, time, energy, mass and light would be in the future from the vantage point of an expanding singularity-Big Bang and planet Earth would now reside in a past dimension of Einstein's time dilation (moving clocks run slow) space-time 13.8 billion years ago :-). From every vantage point in the universe light is omnidirectional-instantaneously traveling in both directions (forwards and backwards through Einstein's space-time) while violating the law of conservation of energy. Explain how Einstein's projectile light particle proton can travel in both directions having a (constant speed) of 186,000 miles per second :-)
      It's truly amazing how the science and politics of the left are able to keep people denying reality, there are no DCU digital convergence circuits in space, yet Einstein's disciples believe the light and moving images they see in the universe aren't really there, they're just recorded images of the past 13.8 billion years. Pretending not to notice the gross contradictions-pseudoscience in Relativity is typical of Einstein's disciples, devaluing the source of any information that's in contradiction with their beliefs-theories. You could lead a cult to water, but you can't make them think. If the light from the universe travels to past dimensions of time then it's light is also traveling into future dimensions of time (instantaneously). “And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.” a state of superposition where time and gravity run inwardly, outwardly, in all directions in the same time frame, similar to the electromagnetic field having no beginning and no end.
      "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End" Revelation 22:13. Disciples, remember thy 1st commandment, thou shalt not question thy lawgiver of relativity for blasphemers are the devil's pawn. Let thee not dwell in dissension of our Lord Albert, shun them, drive them back to their jungle lair amen. Albert Einstein, an autistic violinist patent clerk that had access to more papers than Suzanne Somers litter box yet creates theories with more bugs than Terminix- Magnetron

    • @TruthSeeker8717
      @TruthSeeker8717 2 года назад +4

      Everything Brian is saying is purely pseudo-science garbage otherwise known as theories... ones ideas, opinions and assumptions lol...

  • @tremendousapple4041
    @tremendousapple4041 3 года назад +600

    I don’t think Jonathan’s a bad host in most cases but he was being quite rude in this interview, Brian’s so smart and can tell he loves this subject with all his heart, it’s not hard to stop being the ‘funny guy’ for five minutes and just listen

    • @robertpitfield4170
      @robertpitfield4170 3 года назад +24

      I couldn't have said it better myself! 👏

    • @lukemccaffrey2495
      @lukemccaffrey2495 3 года назад +38

      Found him annoying. When Brian cox has something to say you want to listen to it

    • @eugenebell3166
      @eugenebell3166 3 года назад +10

      He actually comes across as a spoilt child sometimes

    • @jk7878
      @jk7878 3 года назад +8

      He was just saying what we all feel. We nit interested in microbes we want aliens! He was just having fun...

    • @superchickensoup
      @superchickensoup 3 года назад +15

      That is his job, these shows are supposed to be light hearted, with a good dose of humour chucked in, it's the style of the show 🤦‍♂️

  • @theresaann7388
    @theresaann7388 Год назад +57

    Brian Cox It's such a gentleman, He didn't lose his patience one time with Jonathan, And you would think Jonathan Could be respectful enough and take somebody serious for a few moments in time.

    • @elimgarak7090
      @elimgarak7090 Год назад +5

      Brian losing his patience was confiscating the cream and adding liquid nitrogen to it 😂

    • @bigkuriboh3814
      @bigkuriboh3814 10 месяцев назад

      Ita a fucking comedy based late night talk show, watch one of the many serious interviews on educational channels and shows if that is what you want. Honestly they were both having a good time and the show did what it was supposed to. Grow up.

  • @maureenackerley8024
    @maureenackerley8024 3 года назад +110

    I wish he would let Professor Brian Cox speak, he is such a brilliant man to listen too.

    • @amh7427
      @amh7427 3 года назад +5

      Not to mention handsome.

    • @bigkuriboh3814
      @bigkuriboh3814 10 месяцев назад

      He did let him speak, they had a conversation.

  • @baldmahoraga
    @baldmahoraga 2 года назад +66

    I could listen to Brian talk about space for hours, such a calming voice and he's good at explaining stuff

    • @ABCetcIamalwaysright
      @ABCetcIamalwaysright 2 года назад +1

      I never knew Madara was interested in science....

    • @emordnilaps
      @emordnilaps Год назад

      "Everything dies, including the universe" - stellar! bang on!

  • @SleepyGonzales
    @SleepyGonzales 3 года назад +247

    I love the point at which Brian Cox comes to terms with the fact he’s talking to an idiot and just says “yeah…. There’s a kranky planet”

    • @Merrillizer
      @Merrillizer Год назад

      @smullaney Nah, he wuz runnin his cawksukkah too much.

    • @Asshole88
      @Asshole88 Год назад +2

      They're friends

    • @johnnycripplestar5167
      @johnnycripplestar5167 Год назад

      Although points for quick thinking because he did make sense about strong gravity creating shorter lifeforms.

    • @johnnycripplestar5167
      @johnnycripplestar5167 Год назад

      @@smullaney84 Ye but good lord looking at these shows nowadays kind of makes me cringe, it's such old humour, my rotting brain only understand vulgar humour or something completely stupid like a stock image of lettuce with dubstep.
      So at this point I'm way more interested in the science than jokes.

  • @bhimthapa2281
    @bhimthapa2281 3 года назад +33

    I am always a huge fan of Mr Cox. He gets a sweetest voice among human.

  • @seantobin8262
    @seantobin8262 3 года назад +92

    "I love it when Brian comes on the show"
    So you can talk over him?

  • @md20120
    @md20120 3 года назад +319

    Jonathan Ross showing how intellectually inept he is. When people like this come on the show they should be shown the respect they deserve. I for one can't wait for Cox's new show to come out

    • @derektrotter4287
      @derektrotter4287 3 года назад +6

      What because he doesn’t have an interest. Maybe he knows everything about Egyptology? He has to make it funny and lighthearted for the masses. You condescending prat get a life

    • @derektrotter4287
      @derektrotter4287 3 года назад

      He knows everything about vintage comics? Does Brian cox? People don’t tune in for a science lesson you angry person…. Grow up

    • @md20120
      @md20120 3 года назад +17

      @@derektrotter4287 2 replies. I'm honered. I think it's time to change your tampon sweetheart. Sounds like you're the angry one

    • @morganthedruid1
      @morganthedruid1 3 года назад +2

      @@derektrotter4287 jesus christ Jonathan Ross has a groupie, the thickest man on TV has a sychophant. He'll never aknowledge you Derek, so sad to see this unrequited love.

    • @derektrotter4287
      @derektrotter4287 2 года назад

      @@morganthedruid1 I’m no fan just think it’s odd how people come up with such bull💩 observations. I think to massage there own egos, so with this logic you must be a massive Brian cox fan? You pathetic little nosher

  • @user-me6mr3lw5l
    @user-me6mr3lw5l 3 года назад +188

    What the hell is Ross doing? Completely ruined the entire interview. I had the same feeling watching this as I used to have in school when a stupid plonker classmate would act up and give the teacher a hard time when everyone else is trying to be polite and listen. Absolute cringefest, rude, disgusting behaviour

    • @user-me6mr3lw5l
      @user-me6mr3lw5l 3 года назад +9

      @Lipstick Nista Absolutely!! I can't remember the last time I watched anything on regular TV. Podcasts are my primary mode of entertainment now!!

    • @craigthornton1971
      @craigthornton1971 2 года назад +8

      Yep that's Ross in a nutshell. The classroom wanker.

    • @54spatula
      @54spatula 2 года назад +3

      Totally agree. Obviously this shitty show is all about him.

    • @bradd2k2
      @bradd2k2 2 года назад

      I use to think Jonathan Ross was amazing on the bbc when I was a kid now I realised how much of a idiot he is ! Back to podcasts for me 🤣

    • @dougiemiller5030
      @dougiemiller5030 Год назад

      This is why the world is full of idiots. Most folk scoff at intelligent folk.

  • @callanparsons8707
    @callanparsons8707 3 года назад +80

    Jonathan always gets involved with his guests and asks questions etc but he didn’t do this for Brian , so I struggle to understand why he invited him to be a guest , I’m a huge fan of Brian cox I’ve even met him he’s a real nice polite friendly person and I feel like Ross disrespected him a lot in this interview

    • @davidtuer5825
      @davidtuer5825 2 года назад +4

      It's not that Ross disrespected Brian Cox, he was totally out of his depth and just made an idiot of himself.

    • @OfficialJawdun
      @OfficialJawdun 2 года назад +5

      I think it's because Brian can go on really long explanations that would keep us, the nerds, interested but for the casual viewers who tune in to laugh at Jeremy Kyle. He feels the need to cut off Brian before he gets in the flow to keep the answers short, and keep it moving for the ADHD-like attention span of talk show audience members lest they fall asleep or at home, change the channel.

    • @MissesWitch
      @MissesWitch Год назад

      I was fine with his jokes, As long as he let Brian Cox explain what he was going to say.. Which he didn't!

    • @bigkuriboh3814
      @bigkuriboh3814 10 месяцев назад

      I think all of you need to grow the fuck up tbh. Like seriously Brian was fine with it, the audience was fine with and the rest of the guests were fine with it. But oh no, some youtube keyboard warriors aren't happy. Oh, well, didums.

    • @bigkuriboh3814
      @bigkuriboh3814 10 месяцев назад

      ​@OfficialJawdun I mean yeah, go and watch a science based show if you want long winded scientific answers to questions.

  • @spearmint47
    @spearmint47 2 года назад +44

    I appreciate JR has to get the occasional laugh to entertain the viewers but not every single sentence.
    He used a clever and sincere guest like a comics fall guy.

    • @thedon9670
      @thedon9670 2 года назад +1

      Yeah this came across as being just cringy to watch. I felt sorry for the scientist.

    • @stephanieolivier9051
      @stephanieolivier9051 5 месяцев назад

      Brain Cox is just so patient with this idiot. Great that he has a sense of humor

  • @You-are-a-Biff
    @You-are-a-Biff 3 года назад +54

    Why did they allow a presenter like Jonathan Ross interview Brian Cox 🙈

  • @crystalyana9533
    @crystalyana9533 3 года назад +58

    I call him the smiling scientist ❤️ we should all know these things but with him teaching makes me wanna learn more!!! He makes it real interesting because he’s very passionate about his work!!!

  • @beeboppbaby
    @beeboppbaby 2 года назад +11

    BrianCox giving An Introduction to Physics lecture at Manchester Uni is so inspirational.
    If I had been privy to it I would have taken a different career path.

  • @eirik351
    @eirik351 3 года назад +53

    It's a shame he interrupted Brian every single time he saw an opportunity to do so.

    • @a-k9161
      @a-k9161 3 года назад +3

      I don't think many people wants to listen to his s*** anyway

    • @4Everlast
      @4Everlast 3 года назад

      These "scientists" might wanna look up and around the moon, amateurs watch crafts buzzing about and blowing stuff up on the moon for decades, but hey, NASA doesn't see anything and these parrots aren't payed to speak the truth.

  • @tosca8472
    @tosca8472 3 года назад +30

    Stop interrupting Jonathan, I’d like to hear Brian speak!!!

  • @malcolmholmes2205
    @malcolmholmes2205 3 года назад +12

    Could listen to Brian all day. Great voice and as was in bygone days, doesn't hide his accent

  • @cynthiaestrada8318
    @cynthiaestrada8318 7 месяцев назад +1

    When brian says a billion years I believe him and I zoom to a young earth I recognize and I dont. I sort of time travel when I listen to him. Then when the video ends it’s back to reality. And it’s bitter sweet. So I’ll just watch more Brian cox and float mesmerized in incomprehensible vastness and infinity immeasurable…..
    Brian asked what more do I want?
    I want to live again.
    I have never desired it as I do now.

  • @amh7427
    @amh7427 3 года назад +15

    Love Professor Brian Cox.
    He is so HANDSOME and of course intelligent.💗
    Does he even age?

  • @Hoganply
    @Hoganply 3 года назад +115

    Every time Brian was getting to the meat of a potential discovery's implications, he got cut off with Jonathan's cretinous babble. So infuriating.

    • @khutt19
      @khutt19 2 года назад +1

      Surely if you wanted to hear Mr.Cox giving a serious lecture would you really watch a crap show like this,,the audience are in fits of laughter,shows you simple they are.I would say its all part of Brian Cox,s methology of getting people interested in science.

    • @Hoganply
      @Hoganply 2 года назад +3

      @@khutt19 No, but what I consider entertaining is a talk show host making the most of their guest. Why have someone like Brian on if that's not what you're going to do?

  • @Jonayofsweden
    @Jonayofsweden 2 года назад +3

    The host is like that ADD student we all had in class that just can't take a second off.

  • @Mo.Jo.
    @Mo.Jo. 3 года назад +128

    I don't remember Jonathan Ross being so annoying towards guests like his American counterparts, especially the ones from the scientific community.

    • @lukecasey3480
      @lukecasey3480 3 года назад +9

      Absolutely. Sad when a grown adult feels the need to try to suck attention out of what could be an interesting occasion, due to the potential of that interesting occasion. Parasitic, in a way,

    • @CoolMikey81
      @CoolMikey81 3 года назад +5

      You to sad idiots obviously don’t know Jonathan Ross that well.. he’s just having abit of fun and messing about. The guests know what he’s about and whats gonna happen before they come on the show

    • @mavfan1
      @mavfan1 2 года назад

      You really haven’t watched much of Ross

  • @mrforeman7443
    @mrforeman7443 3 года назад +16

    The first 5 seconds were ok but then woss remembered to waste another good guest

  • @Jaderouge123
    @Jaderouge123 Год назад +2

    I remember hearing about this discovery, I admire physics and Brian Cox

  • @nathonhamilton4524
    @nathonhamilton4524 Год назад +1

    i love hearing prof Cox speaking .....fascinating

  • @thomp4529
    @thomp4529 3 года назад +7

    Love love Brian Cox. I don't know much about J. Ross and now don't care to.

  • @leannesampson3199
    @leannesampson3199 Год назад

    LOL HILARIOUS!! I was crying with laughter. LOVED the experiments and "trying to blow up the studio"!!

  • @shaunrobertson7917
    @shaunrobertson7917 2 года назад +8

    A potentially edible comet because I know that’s the only thing you’re interested in. I didn’t realise Brian was able and willing to take the piss out of people. Nice one. 😊

    • @jackwhitbread4583
      @jackwhitbread4583 2 года назад

      You do know Brian was a literal rock star at one point in time right?!

  • @johnbrown6189
    @johnbrown6189 2 года назад +2

    It would have been a better bit if Ross drank the nitrogen at the beginning.

  • @asitsingh5055
    @asitsingh5055 Год назад +3

    I would love to hear about astrophysics with Brian....ik Johnathan is trying to be funny but this are very precious informations that we need to know.

    • @griseldavazquez9286
      @griseldavazquez9286 Год назад

      and that's why we were there to be the biggest dumb human beings to sabotage the knowledge of a great scientist, like always, blocking the right in every single sentence. What a dumb greatest idiot interviewer! He should be thrown out of this show like a peace of crap and send him to middle school where we can learn RESPECT.

  • @talalansardeen2470
    @talalansardeen2470 Год назад +1

    Nice presentation and experiment 😍🤩🙌

  • @Scumsuckingpigmonkey
    @Scumsuckingpigmonkey 2 года назад +3

    Now we know why it's called "The Jonathan Ross show"!

  • @mrashid3643
    @mrashid3643 3 года назад +8

    Professor Brian Cox meets a Microbial brain on planet earth!

    • @andybibby4462
      @andybibby4462 2 года назад +2

      One of many! He is the ambassador for the forces that discourage independent thought to keep us hooked on cretinous nonsense.

    • @axx1459
      @axx1459 2 года назад +2


  • @gavincurtis1364
    @gavincurtis1364 3 года назад +7

    Why have a scientist on if you don't want to listen and instead attention seek like a kid

  • @abujunayed
    @abujunayed Год назад

    Duno why some are so upset, I think Ross was doing what Ross does best. Keeping things light. Brian Cox has nothing to prove and is also clearly able to have a laugh at someone else's expense. He wasn't there to teach science, just went to have a chat with a funny guy.

  • @MrChristopher
    @MrChristopher 3 года назад +8

    Let him speak ffs

  • @beetrooot1137
    @beetrooot1137 Год назад +1

    JACKS face 2nd law thermodynamics hahaha amazing.

  • @gailmitchell1381
    @gailmitchell1381 2 года назад +3

    Come ON. Even Brian's laughing. Ross is a very funny man.

  • @giannirusso5410
    @giannirusso5410 3 года назад +24

    Brian Cox needs to reveal his skin care routine.

    • @foekist7312
      @foekist7312 3 года назад

      What do you care, Gianni... you bedded Marilyn Monroe 🤷‍♂️

    • @lpm.1888
      @lpm.1888 3 года назад

      Selling his soul.

    • @dickmonkey-king1271
      @dickmonkey-king1271 2 года назад

      Papaya extract.

  • @x.6940
    @x.6940 2 года назад

    “You are too good looking to be a professor” what does this suppose to me?! 😂😂😂😂

  • @nettip2.064
    @nettip2.064 3 года назад +2

    this is an interview?!?!?!?!

  • @Infantry_Zee
    @Infantry_Zee 2 года назад +1

    Perfect example of what Don't Look Up depicted between Leo and the tv show hosts....

  • @04williamsl
    @04williamsl 2 года назад +4

    My physics teacher said he was at uni with Brian Cox, and whenever he mentioned it he'd get this look on his face which clearly said "and he's out there making tv shows, whilst I'm teaching 11-18 year olds. Where did it all go wrong"
    Watching the bit where he took the jug of cream away and then put an end to it by pouring the liquid nitrogen into it... it was almost like the roles were reversed. Finally Brian Cox is teaching what appears to be kids

  • @kathowed
    @kathowed Год назад

    So good, and for so many reasons!

  • @1only491
    @1only491 Год назад +1

    Bro imagine your telling someone about one of the things your most interested in as is a part of your job and they be like “not interested”

  • @mads4it555
    @mads4it555 11 месяцев назад

    Brian Cox makes physics interesting...
    Funnily enough it was a subject I hated so much at school, that I refused to study it after a year. Although I swear I would have worked hard at it if Brian had been the teacher!

  • @Revolutionary491
    @Revolutionary491 3 года назад +13

    Brian Cox is something straight out of an anime 🤓

  • @JJE990
    @JJE990 2 года назад +1

    My internal monologue throughout this entire clip was literally nothing but "shut up Ross you insufferable oaf".

  • @broggie123
    @broggie123 2 года назад +5

    What baffles me (correct me if I'm wrong) but if we find an Earth like planet that's millions of miles away by the time we can see it we would be looking at something in the past?

    • @lochlanfitzgerald7719
      @lochlanfitzgerald7719 2 года назад +1

      Yes, very weird/cool

    • @jooecarter
      @jooecarter 2 года назад +2

      Yes, if there is an earth like planet, which is inhabited and has a civiliaztion like ours which is several million light years away then we would be looking at their civilization several million years ago. The same applies with earth... if you where to travel several million light years away from our planet and looked back on it, you would see the dinosaurs since the light has yet to reach that far of a distance.

    • @broggie123
      @broggie123 2 года назад +1

      @@jooecarter love stuff like this

    • @jooecarter
      @jooecarter 2 года назад +1

      @@broggie123 Me too :)

    • @suhail_69
      @suhail_69 2 года назад +2

      @@jooecarter I would beg to differ.. you're not right about seeing dinosaurs..

  • @MissesWitch
    @MissesWitch Год назад

    Brian Cox took that very very well, Being on a comedy show~
    He wanted to say so much more but he didn't get mad or anything~ he just went with the flow as best as he could, Which is really cool!
    I personally wanted to hear all he wanted to say but, I guess Jonathan Ross wasn't going to let that happen this time!

  • @khalafyousef4
    @khalafyousef4 2 года назад +2

    If the sensors did not detect any signal from other planets in which there are civilizations, this does not mean that there are no civilizations on other planets, perhaps there is something wrong with the sensors or the way they are trying to detect any signal coming from some planets, in the end it is impossible that we are the only ones in this galaxy

  • @arleneculshaw8462
    @arleneculshaw8462 Год назад

    Absolutely brilliant and Brian is gorgeous too Lov Arlene xxxxxxx

  • @Peace44975
    @Peace44975 Год назад +1

    One Sage said this 2500 years ago , read the scriptures. We are not alone but we will never reach those stars in our life time as the distances are phenomenal

  • @wodongalife4572
    @wodongalife4572 Год назад

    JR is a fool, I mean just imagine having Prof. Cox in your presence and take the piss, we all lost out in this interview!

  • @scabbery
    @scabbery 2 года назад +5

    Brian Cox did a good job of navigating through this interview. He must have a lot of patience to deal with people like this host.

  • @farabovetheclouds
    @farabovetheclouds 2 года назад +7

    Brian is like the substitute science teacher and Jonathan is the pain in the butt teenager. Love it! 😅

  • @GX901
    @GX901 Год назад

    "To prevent them from really thinking out anything themselves, we shall deflect their attention to amusements, games, pastimes, excitement, and people's palaces. Such interest will distract their minds completely from questions on which we might be obliged to struggle with them. Becoming less and less accustomed to independent thinking, people will express themselves in unison with us because we alone offer new lines of thought- of course through persons whom they do not consider as in any way connected with us."
    Thirteenth Protocol of The Learned Elders of Zion.

  • @dawsonhyde4939
    @dawsonhyde4939 3 года назад +20

    A journey to the end of the universe anyone 😉

  • @jamesallen4050
    @jamesallen4050 2 года назад +1

    In junior school (late 80's) my class were tasked with creating an alien with a backstory. My alien had a scarf and girls - I was told off for not being imaginative!

  • @ssking01
    @ssking01 2 года назад +2

    Hmmm JR was not at his best in this one. Always love to hear what Brian Cox has to say.

  • @mot00rzysta
    @mot00rzysta 9 месяцев назад

    Keppler 22-B, that's the place for me. Wooo!

  • @arsalanchauhan
    @arsalanchauhan 2 года назад +2

    Great demonstration of humans with IQ level

  • @leewightman8001
    @leewightman8001 2 года назад +6

    Bryan cox and Neil degrasse Tyson are amazing minded humans ..

  • @Sirthomas96
    @Sirthomas96 2 года назад

    Ross is underestimating his viewers. He doesn't think they have the attention span to care about science. He's literally the TV hosts from Don't Look Up.

  • @Infantry_Zee
    @Infantry_Zee 2 года назад +1

    Thought this was a scene from Don't Look Up

    • @adrianchriste6
      @adrianchriste6 2 года назад

      This was my EXACT THOUGHT PROCESS. What a joke

  • @m7floyd
    @m7floyd 11 месяцев назад

    As a British person, how the hell are Brian Cox's teeth so perfect? That's what I am interested in! lol

  • @m3mory_leak344
    @m3mory_leak344 2 года назад

    7:25 dude will get a darwin award

  • @stuartgraham3983
    @stuartgraham3983 Год назад

    I'm an enormous Brian Cox fan but Johnathon was just trying to do his job, add a bit of light heartedness. Didn't do a great job but there you go

  • @Stephan5150
    @Stephan5150 3 года назад +2

    I get this is a talk show but when your guest is actually interesting and you keep interrupting with comments that just aren't funny it comes across as rude, not amusing at all.

  • @Irgend_Sontyp
    @Irgend_Sontyp Год назад

    I like to do this fairly simple calculation: There are about 70,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars in the observable universe. If only one in 100,000,000 had a planet on which life was possible and there was life on only one in 100,000,000 of those, there would be 7,000,000 planets with life in the universe. You can vary the numbers of course, I think you can make the last two numbers smaller which would increase the number of planets with life on them, but when I see how big the number is with such a low probability I think it's arrogant to do so think that we are alone in the universe.

  • @rohankirosh4489
    @rohankirosh4489 3 года назад +6

    We want 'Alien' 🤣🤣

  • @hareecionelson5875
    @hareecionelson5875 2 года назад +4

    I've always thought that a good fantasy story could be written about aliens who live on a slightly smaller planet than Earth, and so are larger and are are capable of slightly more impressive physical feats than on Earth.
    With the added benefit of having some quality world building, due to having an entire planet, yet more enclosed than Earth.

    • @faithismespeaks6848
      @faithismespeaks6848 2 года назад

      @ Hareecio Nelson, The key world is enclosed, this is an enclosed system which is why you will never see anyone living on some imaginary planet. The satanic scum behind everything will kill most of the population off before any chance of exploring somewhere new, most of the ocean is not even explored.

    • @hareecionelson5875
      @hareecionelson5875 2 года назад

      @@faithismespeaks6848 what

  • @colingenge9999
    @colingenge9999 2 года назад

    Jonathan is wasting a great opportunity and making it all about his lowbrow humor when Brian has so many more interesting things to say. It’s amazing the brightness tolerating this goof Jonathan.

  • @harryhodges7577
    @harryhodges7577 Год назад

    Pwfessa Brian cox this is my show wonanthon woss !!

  • @Guide504
    @Guide504 3 года назад +7

    Simple microbial life began so early in world history I would suggest it was more likely than not. However the stability required to get to intelligent life may be far more infrequent.

    • @randomdaveUK
      @randomdaveUK 3 года назад

      Indeed. For complex life to originate on Earth we think that one microbe survived being "eaten" or engulfed by a larger microbe and that gave rise to the first eukaryotic cell, which is the building block on this planet of all intelligent life.
      That common ancestor, or the chance encounter that sparked the path, is very special and possibly incredibly rare.
      I do think the universe is teeming with life. I don't think we'll meet an intelligent species beyond our planet

  • @aligelle6706
    @aligelle6706 Год назад

    Jonathan you are a legend, people are starving and this dude is talking about plantes we will never reach, joe you are a man of the people😂

  • @philwarner1127
    @philwarner1127 3 года назад +1

    Just like my Wife, I love Cox.

  • @Jacob_Crowthorne
    @Jacob_Crowthorne 3 года назад +6

    It's not the first time that Jonathan has been really rude, the worst was a time that he "interviewed" Martin Clunes in 2010 on "Friday Night With Jonathan Ross" on the BBC.
    I especially found this cringeworthy when he kept insisting Tom Daley should drink cream with the deliberate insinuation that came with it...

  • @johnkean6852
    @johnkean6852 Год назад +1

    No rocks flying thru space LOL

  • @old-sparky
    @old-sparky 3 года назад +14

    I originally put a knee-jerk reaction dislike to this ..... just frustratingly annoyed at Ross's inane comments ..... I soon cooled down and changed it to a like ..... Prof Cox must have sooooooo much patience dealing with people like this.

    • @4Everlast
      @4Everlast 3 года назад

      Many of us also get a knee-jerk reaction to kick a "scientist/professional sceptic" in the teeth when you've got 30 people who had direct UFO and E.T. contact but folks like this guy explain to you that it had to be a gas bubble, a swarm of fireflies etc. These professional parrots can't see the forest from the tree.

    • @Randy12346
      @Randy12346 2 года назад

      @@4Everlast you also have 30 people who have seen Jesus and the flying spaghetti monster, and possibly cloud-shaped figures.

    • @SuperYtc1
      @SuperYtc1 2 года назад

      @@4Everlast You have literally no evidence and are just filled with bias because you want them to be true. Cox is a scientist, not someone who says things are true because he wants them to be, even with no evidence. The 'face on Mars' perfectly sums up you idiots, I bet you thought that was evidence of aliens and a government cover up - with proper evidence it's revealed to just be a rock.
      UFO means UNIDENTIFIED flying object. Meaning it's not identified and no one knows what it is or has any evidence of it. Not once have these been proven to be aliens, but many, many, times they've been proven to be something insignificant such as a hot hair balloon, a bird, or a piece of debris.

    • @4Everlast
      @4Everlast 2 года назад

      @@Randy12346 Another sceptic that couldn't see and wouldn't admit to seeing a UFO if it landed up Uranus.

  • @dipdapjaw1423
    @dipdapjaw1423 Год назад

    go on johny

  • @matawhite2287
    @matawhite2287 3 года назад +1

    Oh my gosh, that was soooooo cool with the experiment and the mixing and all that smoke at the end dahaha

  • @JOrtiz-gc2dl
    @JOrtiz-gc2dl 2 года назад

    I thought American television was disrespectful against intellect, but man UK takes the cake.

  • @hongkongtennis
    @hongkongtennis 2 года назад

    The tribe has spoken

  • @yumnamromita4333
    @yumnamromita4333 2 года назад

    I am watching this after watching don't look up and I feel wired

  • @Eviesdiariez
    @Eviesdiariez Год назад

    The way Brian toasts this dummy is sooooo satisfying

  • @strokenumber3
    @strokenumber3 3 года назад +11

    This could have been interesting if Ross' ego (look at me!) hadn't got in the way.....again.

  • @bobbymkd457
    @bobbymkd457 3 года назад +11

    Johnathan not everybody is suitable for your flat jokes!

    • @andybibby4462
      @andybibby4462 2 года назад

      Nobody is, other than some lobotomised lunatic in Broadmoor Hospital! What a cringefest of examples of why we are not fit to be part of The Universe……yet.

  • @anabathurst8721
    @anabathurst8721 Год назад

    Most beautiful man in the known universe.

  • @frankman2
    @frankman2 5 месяцев назад

    When he pretended to almost take a sip from the liquid nitrogen ... jeez.

  • @TerryDaniels-w4e
    @TerryDaniels-w4e 2 месяца назад

    Brian your always interesting and cool. I some how hopefully in end we shed are bodies an become energy

  • @russ1978
    @russ1978 2 года назад

    This is just like a scene out of ‘don’t look up’

  • @ironsoul2633
    @ironsoul2633 2 года назад +1

    Pwofessor bwian cox!!

  • @redmigold370
    @redmigold370 3 года назад +4

    I love him 💘

  • @DanielCardei
    @DanielCardei 2 года назад +2

    I love British science experiments. No wonder they invented everything.

  • @peterkerslake3201
    @peterkerslake3201 2 года назад +1

    It's ITV. You know! Ant and Dec level of intellect. Watch BBC for Brian's and others work on Astronomy etc.

  • @wilson6363
    @wilson6363 Год назад

    Brian would
    look great
    in a 90’s
    indie band

  • @steveread3890
    @steveread3890 3 года назад

    I can highly recommend the planet's audio book. It's on yt.