  • Опубликовано: 17 окт 2024
  • Jesus came to this world for one reason only and that is to save the world. He sacrificed Himself, suffered and died, paid the highest price to redeem us from the wages of our sins, which is death in eternal damnation. He was resurrected from the dead. All power and all authority belongs to Him. Every knee will bow before Him and every tongue will confess that He is Lord. He will judge the living and the dead. Those who received Him, turned from sin, obeyed and followed Him until the end, will have eternal life. Those who rejected Him will go into eternal damnation.
    Everything Jesus did, and what He is doing right now is for man, for you and for me, it is all out of love. He paid the price to save us. He cares for us. He is calling us to come to Him, to be in communion with Him. He promises us everything, gives His Holy Spirit to be with us, to speak to us, teach and guide us, comfort us. He promises us eternal life, if we stay with Him, but man does not want Jesus. They reject Him, mock Him, curse Him. Most Christians do not want to obey Him. They want His benefits, but they don’t want to stop sinning. They love the pleasures of sin. They don’t want to hear Jesus. They do not want to listen to Him, to His Holy Spirit. They rather want to read the Bible, seek salvation in the Scriptures. They rather listen to preachers and other people. They do not obey His teachings and commandments, as recorded in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. They rather follow the doctrines of men. They don’t want to pray and be with Jesus, they rather want to be with other people, Christian fellowship. They rather go to church and socialize with other people, than to spend time with Jesus in prayer. They love the world and the things of the world. They are so busy with entertainment, TV and the pleasures of the world, that they have no time for Jesus. They just want to believe in Jesus for salvation, but apart from that they don’t want to have anything to do with Him. They keep straying from Him. He calls them back, sets them free from the bondage of sin, but they go back to sin, back to their vices.
    Without Jesus we can do nothing. He is the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE. We have to follow Him know find the way, walk His way, and find the straight gate, the narrow door. He is freely offering us everything that we need to gain eternal life. He is sending His messengers to call out warn and draw men to Him, but they do not want Him.
    If you obey the words of Jesus, repent and are baptized and seek Him with all your heart, He will reveal Himself to you. He will speak to you. You will experience Him for real, as He wishes us to know Him, but very few are interested. Very few seek Jesus. Very few love and follow Him. That is why very few are being saved. Most Christian believers will end up in hell because they only believe in Jesus and they refuse to become disciples and follow Him until the end.
    Have you come to know Jesus for real? Do you experience Him? Have you become a disciple and are you following Jesus every day?
    May Jesus bless you.
    Visit me at: www.finalcall07...
    email: finalcall07@gmail.com
    Follow me on Twitter: Justice Boshoff @finalcall07

Комментарии • 38

  • @dorcasogbeiwi9991
    @dorcasogbeiwi9991 4 года назад +2


  • @smooothlegs
    @smooothlegs 4 года назад +6

    thanking JESUS for his SPIRIT and this channel

  • @chrisjwilson736
    @chrisjwilson736 4 года назад +2

    Dear Justice,
    Be perfectly healed in the name of Jesus.
    Jesus bless you

  • @rendtheheavensallthetimele7474
    @rendtheheavensallthetimele7474 4 года назад +2

    Thank you for the video I seek JESUS daily minute by minute and I pray for the world and all those who love JESUS.
    Thank you JESUS for loving us first. ☝🏻👑🙏👀👂👣❤😊

  • @wispyevening7122
    @wispyevening7122 4 года назад

    Amen, praise the Lord for His perfect sacrifice! And I thank Jesus for your life and wonderful service to the Lord. You're a great blessing and encouragement, love you Jan☺ God bless you and your precious family, in the almighty name of Jesus Christ, Amen

  • @sarali2299
    @sarali2299 4 года назад +2

    Amen brother and thank you brother!

  • @kaicy6834
    @kaicy6834 4 года назад +4

    It is so hard for me to seek him with all my heart, and my flesh wins so often when I try to seek him and wait on him in prayer. I never wait long enough, but I know that if I ask the Lord for strength, and wait as long as I can, while having a lot of faith, He will talk to me. Thank you, brother Jan, for giving us all such clear-cut information on how to find Jesus. God bless you.

    • @yahwehismyeverything1867
      @yahwehismyeverything1867 4 года назад +2

      Fasting and prayer will help kill your flesh and Destroy send walk by the spirit and you shall not give into the things of the flesh you must be holy or you will burn in hell.
      I want to tell you something at the end of the day there is no excuse for sin

    • @CaptainFoufeu
      @CaptainFoufeu 4 года назад +1

      @Kaicy True, we all struggle our entire lives to be righteous and refuse to sin. God knows that we could never succeed in such a task. That's why Jesus came... To save the world and completely rid us from our sins. He doesnt burn the tree because of the dying leaves. He just comes in the form of autumn and causes the dead leaves to fall off in their season. When we trust God like we trust autumn, we can have the hope that his grace and mercy will take care of us in the holiest way possible. Praise be unto God who is worthy of praise!

    • @yahwehismyeverything1867
      @yahwehismyeverything1867 4 года назад +1

      @@CaptainFoufeu actually Jesus will give you the strength to stop sinning is all up to you if you really want to stop doing it or not he told the girl to go and sin no more..
      Now if it wasn't possible for us to stop sinning he wouldn't have told her that

    • @yahwehismyeverything1867
      @yahwehismyeverything1867 4 года назад +1

      @Top Cat 2000 let me tell you something if you want to stop sinning you can do it by the power of the Holy Spirit just ask Jesus to help you and he will give you the strength that you need there is no excuse for sin sin is an Abomination his eyes.
      All of us were centers at one point but now we are Saints Go and sin no more it is nothing to play with I take sin, very seriously it is no joke whatsoever I would die before I ever willfully sin again in my life

    • @yahwehismyeverything1867
      @yahwehismyeverything1867 4 года назад +1

      @Top Cat 2000 you can go and sin No More by power of the Holy Spirit but you have free will it is up to you to stop sinning, or not it is up to you to accept Jesus as your savior
      First of all Jesus Christ is God he is Yahweh Almighty second of all he said to go and sin no more that means what it means go and stop sinning, Jesus also said that you can be perfect.
      Trust me if you truly want to stop sinning you would do whatever it takes to stop doing it there is no excuse. At one point all of us were Sinners yes but now we are Saints.
      You must be holy don't make no excuse for sin YAHWEH will sin you straight to hell he is not playing no games

  • @yahwehismyeverything1867
    @yahwehismyeverything1867 4 года назад +1

    Jesus Christ is Yahweh Almighty

  • @jumpyvincejumpyvince4500
    @jumpyvincejumpyvince4500 4 года назад +3

    need someone to show me the things in life that I can't find
    I can't see the things that make true happiness, I must be blind

    • @carlaifera5254
      @carlaifera5254 4 года назад +1

      .....we're not here to be happy.....we're called to be holy.....wholly His ......💜✝🙏

    • @jumpyvincejumpyvince4500
      @jumpyvincejumpyvince4500 4 года назад +1

      Perhaps you heard the parable of the sower.
      some fell along the path, Some fell on rocky places, Other seed fell among thorns,
      How long are we to endure the chastening of the Lord. It says to not despise it. Because those who he chasen he loves. And whoever hateth reproof is brutish. Proverb 12:1
      Who more can understand the pain of being pruned then. This pastor.
      Is it worth it? Do you still feel satisfied/furfilled with your life? It says who ever loses his life will find it. Is that so?
      Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Psalm 37:4
      whatsoever mine eyes desired I kept not from them, I withheld not my heart from any joy; for my heart rejoiced in all my labour: and this was my portion of all my labour. (Ecclesiastes 2:10)
      Or are you living in want beacause of the things you don't have.
      There is no furfillment in sin.
      Are you really a new creature?
      Are you waiting for a saviour?
      What are you waiting for? This is it! This is the world you live in.
      Loving thy neighbor sounds great. But where is the power. Where is his might.
      Before the foundation of the earth, he thought of us. He formed us in our mothers womb. Being fearfully created. He is familiar with all of our ways. And all our hair are counted.
      For those of you who have received his holy spirit
      Do you feel guided, in God's plan.

  • @kehindeo.ayodele4564
    @kehindeo.ayodele4564 4 года назад

    Good day sir, thank you so much for your teachings and being blunt about the truth even though people are against you. But I have one question with respect to something that is not quite clear to me. Is it wrong for the Church (I.e follower/disciples of Jesus and not a building, system or organization) to fellowship together? I would await your response sir, God bless, your brother in Christ.

  • @Blackhawk_Snape
    @Blackhawk_Snape 4 года назад +1

    Happy thanksgiving Mr. Boshoff

  • @endwhitegenocide5688
    @endwhitegenocide5688 4 года назад

    Can a sin free follower of our lord jesus defend him or her self from violence from satanist's & evil doers in this world?

  • @AnzhelikaBombushkar
    @AnzhelikaBombushkar 4 года назад

    You can switch to Russian subtitles on the video bar at the bottom right corner.

  • @blackpillaudrius3015
    @blackpillaudrius3015 4 года назад +4

    People dont believe because they are lazy and dont want to be disciplined

  • @mariamasha1866
    @mariamasha1866 4 года назад

    Jesús vino a este mundo por una sola razón y es para salvar al mundo.
    Se sacrificó, sufrió y murió, pagó el precio más alto para redimirnos del precio a pagar por nuestros pecados, que es la muerte en la condenación eterna.
    Fue resucitado de la muerte. Todo poder y toda autoridad le pertenecen. Cada rodilla se doblará ante Él y cada lengua confesará que Él es el Señor. Juzgará a los vivos y a los muertos.
    Aquellos que lo recibieron, se apartaron del pecado, lo obedecieron y lo siguieron hasta el final, tendrán vida eterna. Los que lo rechazaron irán a la condenación eterna.
    Todo lo que hizo Jesús, y lo que está haciendo en este momento es por el hombre, por ti y por mí, todo es por amor. Pagó el precio para salvarnos.
    Él se preocupa por nosotros. Nos está llamando a venir a Él, a estar en comunión con Él. Él nos lo promete todo, da Su Espíritu Santo para estar con nosotros, hablarnos, enseñarnos y guiarnos, consolarnos.
    Él nos promete vida eterna, si nos quedamos con Él, pero el hombre no quiere a Jesús. Lo rechazan, se burlan de Él, lo maldicen.
    La mayoría de los Cristianos no quieren obedecerle. Quieren Sus beneficios, pero no quieren dejar de pecar. Aman los placeres del pecado. No quieren escuchar a Jesús. No quieren escucharlo a Él, a Su Espíritu Santo. Prefieren leer la Biblia, buscar la salvación en las Escrituras. Prefieren escuchar a los predicadores y otras personas.
    No obedecen Sus enseñanzas y mandamientos, como se encuentran registrados en Mateo, Marcos, Lucas y Juan. Más bien siguen las doctrinas de los hombres. No quieren rezar y estar con Jesús, prefieren estar con otras personas, con otros Cristianos. Prefieren ir a la iglesia y socializar con otras personas, que pasar tiempo con Jesús en oración.
    Aman el mundo y las cosas del mundo. Están tan ocupados con el entretenimiento, la televisión y los placeres del mundo, que no tienen tiempo para Jesús.
    Solo quieren creer en Jesús para su salvación, pero aparte de eso, no quieren tener nada que ver con Él. Se siguen alejando de Él. Él los llama para que regresen a Él, los libera de la esclavitud del pecado, pero ellos vuelven al pecado, de regreso a sus vicios.
    Sin Jesús, no podemos hacer nada. Él es el CAMINO, la VERDAD y la VIDA. Tenemos que seguirlo, saber encontrar el camino, caminar en Su camino y encontrar la puerta recta, la puerta angosta.
    Él nos ofrece libremente todo lo que necesitamos para ganar la vida eterna. Él está enviando a sus mensajeros a gritar, advertir y atraer a los hombres hacia Él, pero ellos no lo quieren.
    Si obedeces las palabras de Jesús, te arrepientes y te bautizas y lo buscas con todo tu corazón, Él se mostrará a ti. Él te hablará. Lo experimentarás de verdad, ya que Él desea que lo conozcamos, pero muy pocos están interesados. Muy pocos buscan a Jesús. Muy pocos lo aman y lo siguen. Es por eso que muy pocos se salvan.
    La mayoría de los creyentes Cristianos terminarán en el infierno porque solo creen en Jesús y se niegan a convertirse en discípulos y seguirlo hasta el final.
    ¿Has llegado a conocer a Jesús de verdad?
    ¿Lo experimentas?
    ¿Te has convertido en discípulo y sigues a Jesús todos los días?
    Que Jesús te bendiga.
    Jesucristo está vivo y el infierno es real.
    Estoy aquí para darte a conocer a Jesucristo para que le conozcas, le sigas y tengas vida eterna.
    Subscríbete a mi canal para aprender más sobre Jesús.
    Que Jesús te bendiga.

  • @AnzhelikaBombushkar
    @AnzhelikaBombushkar 4 года назад

    Иисус пришёл в этот мир только по одной причине, и это, чтобы спасти мир. Он пожертвовал Собой, пострадал и умер, заплатил самую высокую цену, чтобы искупить нас от возмездия за наши грехи, то есть от смерти в вечном проклятии. Он воскрес из мёртвых. Вся сила и вся власть принадлежат Ему. Каждое колено преклонится перед Ним, и каждый язык исповедает, что Он - Господь. Он будет судить живых и мёртвых. У тех, кто принял Его, отвернулся от греха, повиновался и следовал за Ним до конца, будет вечная жизнь. Те, кто отверг Его, пойдут в вечное проклятие.
    Всё, что делал Иисус, и что Он делает сейчас, предназначено для человека, для тебя и для меня, это всё из любви. Он заплатил цену, чтобы спасти нас. Он заботится о нас. Он призывает нас прийти к Нему, чтобы быть в общении с Ним. Он обещает нам всё, даёт Свой Святой Дух, чтобы быть с нами, чтобы говорить нам, учить и вести нас, утешать нас. Он обещает нам вечную жизнь, если мы останемся с Ним, но человек не хочет Иисуса. Они отвергают Его, насмехаются над Ним, проклинают Его. Большинство христиан не хотят повиноваться Ему. Они хотят Его благ, но они не хотят прекращать грешить. Они любят удовольствия греха. Они не хотят слышать Иисуса. Они не хотят слушать Его, Его Святой Дух. Они лучше хотят читать Библию, искать спасения в Писаниях. Они лучше слушают проповедников и других людей. Они не хотят Его учений и заповедей, как записано в Матфея, Марка, Луки и Иоанна. Они лучше следуют доктринам людей. Они не хотят молиться и быть с Иисусом, они лучше хотят быть с другими людьми, в христианском общении. Они лучше ходят в церковь и общаются с другими людьми, чем проводят время с Иисусом в молитве. Они любят мир и вещи мира. Они - так заняты развлечениями, телевидением и удовольствиями мира, что у них нет времени для Иисуса. Они просто хотят верить в Иисуса для спасения, но, кроме этого, они не хотят иметь с Ним ничего общего. Они продолжают уклоняться от Него. Он зовёт их обратно, освобождает их от рабства греха, но они возвращаются к греху, обратно к своим порокам.
    Без Иисуса мы не можем делать ничего. Он есть ПУТЬ, ИСТИНА и ЖИЗНЬ. Мы должны следовать за Ним, найти путь, ходить Его путём и найти прямые врата, узкую дверь. Он щедро предлагает нам всё, что нам нужно, чтобы обрести вечную жизнь. Он посылает Своих посланников, чтобы предостеречь нас и привлечь людей к Нему, но они не хотят Его.
    Если ты будешь повиноваться словам Иисуса, покаешься и крестишься, и будешь искать Его всем своим сердцем, Он откроет Себя тебе. Он будет говорить тебе. Ты испытаешь Его по-настоящему, как Он хочет, чтобы мы знали Его, но немногие заинтересованы. Очень немногие ищут Иисуса. Очень немногие любят Его и следуют за Ним. Вот почему немногие спасаются. Большинство верующих закончат в аду, потому что они только верят в Иисуса, и они отказываются стать учениками и следовать за Ним до конца.
    Познал ли ты Иисуса по-настоящему? Испытываешь ли ты Его? Стал ли ты учеником и следуешь ли за Иисусом каждый день?
    Да благословит тебя Иисус".

    • @AnzhelikaBombushkar
      @AnzhelikaBombushkar 4 года назад

      Можно переключить на русские субтитры на панели видео в правом углу внизу.

  • @simplyk8767
    @simplyk8767 4 года назад +2
