Please help I'm a Christian and at my work place we are hosting a Halloween party for one of our regular guest ,I really don't want to work on that day because I don't want to Celebrate Halloween and I also don't want to lose my job. Is it counted as celebrating if I work on this day without dressing up😢please help
Many years ago, when my family was new to this country, we didn't know much. But there was Halloween party at school, whwere my second grade daughter and kindergarten son attended. I didn't feel it was right with witches, ghosts, black cats, etc,etc. So I prayed with my children that the Lord show us if He is okay with it, or not. Next morning, the Halloween day, my daughter woke up with high fever. Imposible to go to school. So they stayed home. By noon, my daughter was perfectly well, no fever. We got our answer. Praise the Lord!
I don't believe in a God that makes children fall ill. I believe in a God that cures illness and makes miracles. "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge".
@@bro_izzy The ways of God are not our ways. Neither do we know the thoughts He thinks towards us. Remember that we are the clay and He is the potter. Please pray and ask God in Lord Jesus name for the answers you seek.
Great sermon, I shared this and hope that people listen! I once was into horoscopes, dabbles with cards and ouija, once or twice. Later on, I did yoga for fitness, , NO Kundalini, I knew it was not good! It was all a bit creepy, and as a kid, I knew better as my dad was a preacher. We all think scary movies, music and parties, are okay, but they are not. God pulled me out of the fire! My daughter was also rescued from the New age, Buddhism, using crystals, tarot cards, astrology. But, ... Thank the Lord!, and Glory to God, we both were found, by the Good Shepherd . Our eyes were and are opened, to the Word, Jesus, " the way the truth and the life, and the only way to the Father. Gratefully. 💖
Ty vlad. I've been really uncomfortable about Halloween and choosing to stay away. This reinforced that for me. Ty God for leading me to this message. God bless you and all you do for Him vlad.
This is my second year not celebrating it’s a bit hard to not celebrate just for the fact I keep thinking is it a big deal. But this video was confirmation praise Jesus!❤
Just remember that when you are a Christian, you are no longer a part of the world, you are just in it. We don’t belong here, and many things we do or do not do will go against the grain. We may seem like outsiders, but that is not a bad thing. We aren’t children of the world any longer, we are children of God and as such we serve God and not the ‘norms’ of society. The world will always try to make us feel weird or different, or like we are missing out on something that is a ‘big deal’. We know better though, don’t fall for the lore of any of it. Prayers for you 🙏
I struggle with this too. This will be my 2nd year not celebrating. Last year I felt so convicted and this year not so much. I’m like “is it a big deal to dress up?” My children have been understanding, but I do get the occasional “can we get candy mommy, or can we still dress up?” Whenever I want to give in I go to the store and I see all the Halloween decorations and the conviction sets in again confirming I shouldn’t be celebrating. It has been such a tug it war and I pray that God truly shows me the truth or make this feeling go away that I don’t care about Halloween anymore.
@@thelees3620 Make some fall treats with them like Carmel apples or pumpkin spice cookies. There's no reason not to celebrate fall, just don't participate in the largest and most important pagan holiday. Have a dress up day just for fun anytime of the year but not on or for Halloween.
Agreed. Also, 364 days a year, children are told not to accept candy from strangers, then they go out on Halloween and take candy from strangers. How many children are offered candy or tempted with leftovers by someone on the street.
That’s crazy we will never know when Jesus was born but he was born and that’s all that matters we can live everyday for God and Christ and the Holy Spirit ❤
@gabrielaa.m6633 God also spoke to me about celebrating Halloween he said Vitoria please don't celebrate Halloween anymore and I said okay lord I will listen to you and I have not going trick or treating since 2021 and I feel good God is so good prasie you Jesus
I was raised a Catholic and we were told that “Halloween” was really “all saints day” which was the night when certain souls in “purgatory” were allowed out to walk the earth and then go to heaven. Of course that is false doctrine but it added to the already scary nature of the night for us “religious” kids. When, as an adult, I got born again and baptized in the Holy Spirit, I knew that the whole thing was an abomination to the Lord. Halloween goes back to pagan practices that took place long ago in Europe. We told our kids that we do not dishonor Lord Jesus by participating in the devil’s holiday. Kids love to dress up and they love candy but we did not feel that substituting a different name for an evil practice was the answer. We would do a fall festival in which we thanked and worshiped God for a plentiful harvest. We had harvest festivals and allowed the kids to dress up as their favorite heroes. No monsters, ghosts or any occult type creatures allowed. There was plenty of good food and candy to celebrate but not on October 31.
@ellietobe I also was raised as a Roman Catholic,but when I asked my mom, "Why do we pray to Mary? I couldn't find this in the Bible anywhere, I even said that Jesus says to pray to his father in Heaven. He never said we should pray to his mother!
You need to know that there's no such thing as purgatory you either going to heaven or hell once you die get that concept out of your mind read your Holy Bible
@@lashondarochell7584 that is why when I was truly born of God I rejected all of that. I knew without anyone other than the Holy Spirit telling me that what I had been taught in that church was wrong.
Awesome video and I've been waiting for this message. Halloween has and always will be off limits for me. It's always made people around me uncomfortable when I kindly inform them that I don't celebrate Halloween. I think the reason why is because, for them, Halloween is a religon for them.
When I was little I was always sick in Halloween. I wear my custom inside the house and I was crying because I wasn’t able to go out as the rest of the children but now that I have the pleasure to know the Lord I know he was just taking care of me! Thank you Jesus Christ 🙏
I don't think we should celebrate Halloween Ethier. maybe you meant turning our backs to what's right which bares consequences of course, but as Believers we can't lose God's Grace, nothing or anyone can take us out of his hand. John 6:36-68. I just wanted to clarify respectfully.
It's a shame that my bretheren fear fictional creatures and ornaments so much that they believe it will make them sin. Do you honestly believe God will punish so mercilessly for such small things? What a sad and unbiblical way of life. I'd hate to believe in such an unloving god.
@@bro_izzydon’t come across as if you know it all. condemning someone whilst you’re very loud and wrong. Nothing is just “small” or “merciless” there’s spirits behind these things, have you not watched the video?
@@Siphosamixo I did in fact watch the video, and there was a time where I believed such foolish things. But I was a child, who believed anything a man with a suit, tie and bible told me. I don't fear any spirit or apparition. I only fear the Lord.
@@bro_izzy it’s not about being afraid. Being afraid of something doesn’t determine what it does to you. You not fearing the demonic spirits behind Halloween doesn’t mean they won’t have impact. Hosea 4:6
Unceasingly pray everyday saints but especially Tomorrow May no evil come near any of us or our children and loved ones in the mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen!
I love the church in my neighborhood however, they celebrate "trick or trunk" but I'm not participating bc they allow the kids to dress in costume and have candy giveaways, although done with restrictions and in support of family activities I think it sends lukewarm message... true Christians should refrain from any such celebration even if done as such on oct 31
@NickGagnon-u1v that doesn't make it right. I know Christians including my family who do not celebrate Christmas anymore. In Jeremiah 10 we read: 2¶Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them. 3For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. 4They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not. The Babylonians believed that Nimrod, the sun God, returned as a miraculous fir tree then subsequently as Tammuz, the son of Semiramis, "The Queen of Heaven". Christmas was a celebration of 100% pagan origin celebrating a counterfeit false virgin mother and counterfeit God child. It was absorbed by the Catholic (universal) church, which has established itself in its own official catechisms as a religion that worships Mary. These are not my words, but the words of their catechisms state to worship Mary, the queen of heaven. Christians shouldn't bother redeeming these Pagan holidays and keeping Pagan customs. However, I understand why Christmas seems significantly more acceptable. There is no excuse to celebrate Halloween and no way to redeem it.
Most human celebrate Halloween- calling them Christian is a bit extreme. Christian means to be like Christ, no way you are like Christ and you want to partake in a celebration where you see skull death, witch, darkness, tombstone, skeleton and many more. There is absolutely no relation between the light and the dark. 2cor6:14-16
1 Thessalonians 5:22-24 King James Version (KJV) Abstain from all appearance of evil. And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it.
Before we ask this question, we should discover the history of Halloween, how did it start. We should also ask ourselves as christians if the activities done during the period Honors God Almighty.
I agree. Also there’s so many other things we can do on that day. We can maybe just throw a fall festival, bake some pies, donuts, and make some apple cider to share with friends, families, and strangers! We can volunteer on that day and feed the homeless with fall treats and meals! I think most Christians understand not to go out and dress like a witch or a demon and watch horror movies. Where I think Christians get confused is in the grey areas like about dressing up as like a flower, a princess, or a dinosaur and giving people candy! People don’t see how those actions could be considered not Godly.
You can honor God with your mind in any situation. Even celebrating Christmas was a pagan tradition. I am a devout Christian and it gets hard to know the history of EVERY day that has origins in paganism or otherwise. I think it will cause you to be legalistic if you view everything through that lens. There's obvious things that are unbiblical that don't require prayer, but wisdom. Trying to find the line of holy and unholy is the exact opposite of being led by the Spirit. If you do it, be mindful. If you don't than thats fine. But either decision doesn't make one less or more Holy.
I think the issue is we want to fit in and we are prone to justifying ourselves so we don't feel guilty. We try to clean Halloween up, but it's still the same thing. I think it's pretty obvious once we are honest with ourselves. I'm not trying to cut down any of my fellow believers; I am prone to the temptation to celebrate it too. We are human and evil is attractive to us. There are lots of ways we can bring light without celebrating the holiday. We should just be the love of Jesus to people like any other day. 😊
Very true brother , it is sad to see people from the church , old Christian and some time pastors taking they kids on Halloween night to have a ( innocent fun moment ) and open another door for the devil to play with they lives .
It's not an open door to go get some free candy with your kids. I dealt with spiritual warfare my whole life in a very extreme way. The enemy did everything to try and destroy me bc I have an anointing. And every door was closed, every wound healed, full deliverance etc and healed from things most people will never have to experience and taking my kids for some candy I know in my heart and soul will not open that door to the enemy. Christians often have no idea what spiritual warfare actually is. I hear people say things like oh I have a flat tyre.. spiritual warfare. No you prob just drove over a nail. Spiritual warfare is trauma ptsd narc abuse chronic illness severe poverty. It's not average day to day minor issues
@@shellbellhealingThe very real concern is that the children could get poisoned with fentanyl. People have noticed that less parents are taking their children out to get candy. Which I think is a blessing in disguise.
Thank you so much for this video, Mr. Savchuk!❤ You put into words-especially Biblically based words-what my concerns were with this “holiday”! I pray to God I can convince more people around me that this festival should not be celebrated! Thank you for your service to God’s people, enlightening the eyes of the blind and strengthening God’s people for further righteousness.😇
I’m glad some churches talk about what u see it fun, normal to culture esp growing up u think it good thing it good to know the history of all events .
@NickGagnon-u1v It is absolutely demonic. It is the "high holiday" for darkness. But you know this as you go along "comforting" and tempting people who are on the fence.
As a Christian, I have no problem with Halloween. I do not worship Satan. I have some Halloween stuffed animals like a cute ghost. And although I like watching some horror movies, like House on Haunted Hill (1959), Scream, etc, I don’t repeat what the actors do in the movies. I used to scare people with a Scream outfit, but then I found out it could get me in trouble with the law enforcement. Also, I do not believe that the supernatural figures of Halloween exist. About the superstition about black cats being unlucky. I found out it wasn’t true, my mother told me it was just an old wives tale.
It’s the same argument with Christmas. Yes we understand Christmas has pagan roots but if on Christmas Day you share presents with loved ones and words of encouragement, is that not honorable to God? If on Christmas Day, while you understand it might not be Jesus’ exact birthday, you take that day to thank God for bringing Jesus down to earth, is that not honorable to God? There’s so many ways we can honor God during these holidays. And hey let’s say we sit down and watch a Christmas movie, do you not think that God still can’t use that movie to teach you a lesson about love, family, and kindness? I say give the day to God and walk the day in kindness and love.
Bro stop defending the demonic cults celebration. Anyday can be a day of giving and worshiping for God. You are just giving earthly reasons to celebrate it.
@beeswax6315 that's the world for you. We get to be the Light. We get to go into the culture to turn it back to God. Which will take the work the Holy Spirit. Not to look like everyone else.
Thats how I feel. It celebrates demonic imagery and death. 1 Thessalonians 5:22-24 King James Version (KJV) Abstain from all appearance of evil. And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it.
I feel this is how christians look at other christians if they look evil their say your fear keeps you from the grace of the lord..i mean if your in his grace you can be amongst the wicked and preach the gospel. I mean there is more evil on the internet than trick or treating but here we are???
PART 1 - Many people tend to associate modern Halloween with three things: The old Gaelic celebration of Samhain [that's _SAH-wen,_ BTW] (asserting that most of Halloween’s customs originate with ancient Samhain celebrations); Satanism (asserting that Halloween’s origins are Satanic, as evidenced by the many Satanists who use this day to promote their beliefs); and All Saints Day (asserting that the early church established the holiday to “Christianize” Samhain). Let’s delve into the world of historical fact… It seems no matter where you look, from various educational websites to entries in dictionaries and encyclopedias, and even in (some) scholarly articles, Halloween is always connected to the ancient Gaelic celebration of Samhain. And, of course, that comes with the full gambit of all the myths, legends and lore that have surrounded the holiday for well over 1.000 years. I’m sure you’ve heard some of these before….. “Halloween is the worship of the devil! Halloween comes from heathen roots! Trick or Treat comes from an ancient pagan custom: Satanic worshiping Druids would go from house to house seeking a virgin to sacrifice! If you complied, they left a jack-o-lantern outside your door with a candle inside … made from human fat! If you did not comply, a terrible ‘trick’ would be played on you! The Catholic Church perpetuated the pagan legends with its Feast of All Saints. If you let your kids celebrate Halloween, you expose them to the possibility of demonic possession!”, etc., etc., etc. ad nauseum. But don’t these facts about Halloween’s origins prove that it is an abomination? The question that arises is, is this connection between Halloween and Samhain legitimate, and are all these “facts” about it actually true? For a serious researcher, perhaps the most difficult aspect of researching these various origins, traditions, and assumed ‘truths’ about Halloween, is sifting through all the data and separating what is historical _fact_ from the myth, legend, and, frankly, religious paranoia of what is historical _fiction._ It’s not an easy task. Indeed, what makes this even more difficult, is that so many of these ‘’facts”, suppositions, and assumptions are so ill-researched and have been repeated for so long, that they have essentially become accepted as truth. As I previously noted, one can find these asserted ‘facts’ in everything ranging from various educational websites to entries in dictionaries and encyclopedias, and even in (some) scholarly articles. What we find after close examination and scrutiny, however, is that the accepted origin of most Halloween traditions/beliefs comes from the latter (historical fiction), rather than the former (historical fact). Completely contrary to what many would have one believe, Halloween is _not_ a holiday that has close ties to the ancient past, nor does it have some ‘pagan’ antecedent, nor is it a continuation of several ancient pre-Christian customs. To say Halloween’s connections to ancient Samhain, or anything “ancient” for that matter, are, at best, extremely tenuous, would be grossly overstating the facts. Virtually all of the customs associated with the modern secular celebration of Halloween developed only in the past 500 years and have no connections to ancient pagan religious practices. In short, Halloween just does not have the “pagan precedent” so many people seem to desperately want it to. Even the concept of ‘Trick or Treat’ is a relatively new phenomenon, originating from right here in the USA from about the 1920’s or so, and represents a mix of cultures, capitalism, and accommodation. To be completely fair, a few customs associated with Halloween do have a very old past; most notably, the carving of root vegetables and bobbing for apples. Without going into all the lengthy details, the carving of root vegetables (pumpkins in America) dates to around the 1700’s - it’s just not historically attested any earlier than that. Bobbing for apples is a fall activity not specifically connected to Halloween, and comes from a British woman’s courting custom historically attested to about the 1300’s. Neither custom is associated with, nor can they be historically attested back to, Samhain, or anything ‘pagan’ or ‘demonic’ for that matter. Further, there is zero evidence the Celts ever donned costumes of animal pelts to ward off evil spirits. Costuming for trick-or-treat comes from about 1930's America. The concept of trick-or-treat dates to about then as well. It has no ties to mumming, guising or souling. Historical similarity does not equate to historical sameness. Simply put, there is no continued ancient tradition. But misconceptions abound regarding the nature and origin of Samhain, to the point where virtually everything that people today believe about it is a complete fabrication. What is definitively known about Samhain would fit on about a page and a half of paper. What gets passed around the Internet as “history” and “fact” is mostly speculation and utter nonsense. The primary source of what is known comes from the books of the Ulster Cycle. By most historical accounts, Samhain proper was preceded by three days, and followed by three days. In some accounts it’s only a three-day celebration (not a seven day). Samhain seems to have been a time to prepare for winter, to welcome in the dark half of the year, cull the herds and celebrate the final harvest of the year. One particular activity that these old Gaelic texts seem to suggest was very popular at Samhain was…. horse racing. That sounds a lot like many European holidays today from October-January. The texts also speak of it as a time to pay tithings, gather taxes, and the holding of a judicial assembly (much like the Manx ‘Tynwald Day’). There is zero evidence that it was a religious observance, that it entailed any ritual, that it was a celebration of the dead, or that it opened the Celtic year. Anything else asserted to be associated with Samhain is either pure wishful thinking or absolute nonsense. The epitome of this nonsense is the idea that Samhain was the “Celtic God /Lord of Death” - The Celts (and to be specific, the Gaels (from whose language the word Samhain is derived)) had no such deity. That utter nonsense comes from a volume of books published in the late 1700’s and was quickly picked up on by some Christian groups, some of whom have perpetuated this nonsense to the present time. To be completely fair, the Celts, like other cultures, practiced divination and the change of seasons (amongst other things) was seen as a liminal time in which the boundaries between the spirit world and the material world were seen as overlapping, however, this was part of the broader Celtic religious framework and not something specific to any one specific holiday. Indeed, Samhain’s polar opposite celebration, Beltane, was seen as just as powerful, if not a more powerful, time of year. Masks, costumes, trick or treating, Halloween games etc. all either have known traditional Christian origins or simply cannot be linked to anything definitely pre-Christian. Let’s take a closer look at the assertion that Christian All Saints Day/All Souls Day replaced Gaelic Samhain. To state it briefly, the date of 1. November for All Saint's Day was practiced in continental Europe _long_ before the date was formerly fixed by the Church to November 1st, and _long_ before said change got to what is now the UK & Ireland; which was _centuries_ after the time of Druids and Samhain proper. In addition, most people are not aware that Samhain itself is a _movable_ feast day; the exact date varies from year to year depending on when the autumnal equinox and winter solstice fall. In 2020, Samhain proper fell on 6/7 Nov. Samhain seems to have been associated with the ‘Seven Sisters’, the Pleiades - it is said to have occurred at the culmination of the Pleiades (when they reach the highest point in the sky). In modern times that equates to about 21.November, but in more ancient times, due to changes in the calendar, to 1.November (currently 6/7 November). To assert that the establishment of All Saint’s Day (and All Souls Day on 2.NOV) was the early church’s attempt to “Christianize Samhain” just does not stand to reason. Think about this logically for a moment, why would the church change a major feast day affecting _all_ of Western Christendom just to accommodate a small group of Christians who lived on, what would be considered at that time, some remote group of islands in the middle of nowhere, centuries after Druids and the observance of Samhain? One scholar has even suggested that November 1st may have been chosen simply so that the many pilgrims who traveled to Rome to commemorate the saints “could be fed more easily after the harvest than in the spring (when it was originally celebrated).” That certainly does not seem out of the realm of possibility. Though this may not have been the predominant reason, I’d be willing to bet it was taken into consideration and was a contributing factor in the change. All three holidays, Halloween, All Saint’s Day, and Samhain share a common date and perhaps a “feeling”, but that’s really about it. Indeed, so much of Halloween “feels” Pagan that attempts to connect those things to ancient Samhain simply “feels right”.
Even though this is an Old Testament verse, I can’t pretend it’s not there. I’d rather choose fear of the Lord vs how much I can get away with conforming to today’s secular culture. “be careful not to be ensnared by their ways after they have been destroyed before you. Do not inquire about their gods, asking, ‘How did these nations worship their gods? I’ll also do the same.’ You must not do the same to the Lord your God, because they practice every detestable act, which the Lord hates, for their gods.” (Deuteronomy 12:30-31) How can I ignore a part of God’s personality that He made crystal clear? That’s how God wants us to love Him, in a way that is set apart. He’s specific with how He wants us to love Him. In the New Testament, too, God communicates clearly how He wants for us to love Him back. 🧡
The Old Testament is the New Testament concealed. The New Testament is the Old Testament revealed. He does not change (Mal 3:6). Take a look at a channel I found 'follow the lamb today' and you'll see why.
You can explain why. You are still their parent and should respect you. End times productions also has a video from last year about halloween. Though I don't agree with some of their content, they give a good point about why we should be praying against evil on that day. Especially with the evil that takes place in Salem Massachusetts during the last week of this month.
My church is located right in the middle of town. We do what is called LIGHT THE NIGHT during Halloween. It is a great night for OUT_REACH. The local fire trucks and police show up and light up the parking lot with their lights. We have spotlights and live worship. We have games, hand out popcorn, cotton candy, and hot cocoa. We hand out invites and small books on the love of Christ. But mostly we love on the community. When kids and adults wish a "Happy Halloween", we say "Have a wonderful night and God Bless.". EDIT* We have NO HALLOWEEN REFERNCES on display.
Halloween Is put simply as the celebration of death and the things that caused death originally from the Celts with traditional bonfires, costumes, treats, and a focus on spirits of the dead. Even sacrificing to idols, witchcraft and etc. I won’t force you, but please, don’t celebrate this day demonic spiritual powers are involved. I say that’s for your own sake. This is against the Lord Jesus. if wrong committed, repent, he’ll forgive. 21 You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons; you cannot partake of the Lord’s table and of the table of demons. 1 Corinthians 10:21
Thanks for sharing this pastor ! I love the fall and autumn season The vibrant colors of leaves gourds pumpkins I enjoy going to autumn festivals enjoying traditional autumn baked goods and hot apple cider apple picking dressing up in sweaters and scarves I dont do the secular pagan Halloween with all the scary wicked decorations and costumes ! Yeah , as a kid we participated in all the festivities as did I allow my children to enjoy with their friends. Now years later I get it and choose not to engage in this very popular so called halloday ! If I have a taste for some candy, I'll run to the store !☺️
No he didn’t the verses he used are specifically addressing sinful acts. It is a failed argument associating Halloween activities as sinful unless you are dressed an immodest Halloween costume, getting drunk or doing some sort of sorcery ritual.
I think about Romans 14. I had this argument with a friend who was criticizing me for watching “The Princess and The Frog” because of the voodoo magic in it. And I told her to me it was a harmless movie and in the end the bad guy received the consequences of his witchcraft. While to her she might feel convicted not to watch, for me it wasn’t a movie that caused me to stumble and it didn’t open me up to demonic forces. Life continued and I learned really valuable lessons from that movie too! “One person considers one day more sacred than another; another considers every day alike. Each of them should be fully convinced in their own mind. Whoever regards one day as special does so to the Lord. Whoever eats meat does so to the Lord, for they give thanks to God; and whoever abstains does so to the Lord and gives thanks to God. I am convinced, being fully persuaded in the Lord Jesus, that nothing is unclean in itself. But if anyone regards something as unclean, then for that person it is unclean. If your brother or sister is distressed because of what you eat, you are no longer acting in love. Do not by your eating destroy someone for whom Christ died.” Romans 14:5-6, 14-15 What I understand is that there’s nothing wrong with dressing up like a fairy or your favorite cartoon character or maybe even your favorite flower! Instead of us cowering in fear, we can use that day to spread the love, hope, and joy of God. People might come to your door and say trick or treat, you can use that to give candy and strike up a lovely conversation. We’re called to be in the world, we can’t just stay in our houses forever. Do I think that on Halloween we should dress up as witches and ghosts or go play with Ouji boards or watch extremely horrifying and terrifying movies? Absolutely not. We should be careful to guard our hearts and eyes but also use sound judgement and common sense and logical reasoning. Do you seriously see anything harmful about a little girl dressing up as her favorite Disney princess? There’s always other ways to make that day less demonic. Maybe throw a fall festival and make some apple cider and some pumpkin donuts. Maybe bake a lovely pie and share it with neighbors and friends! There’s so many ways to spread love and kindness without having to do anything with witches, evil etc that Halloween is known for.
I guess bc I am mature enough to read about the Druids and what dressing up meant, I find that it is harmful. You are basically willing to sacrifice your child to a demon for a moment of fun. Do what you do. I’m so sick of fake Christian’s and them making up excuses. You know what Halloween is. Participate or don’t that’s on you.
I noticed you commented several times trying to water down the message that is backed clearly by scripture. Yu can believe what you want but the devil has a way of making things seem less harmful and appealing than they actually are and it's better not to engage at all in the first place.
The word "Hallowe'en" is a shortener for "All Hallows' Eve", which is veneration of saints and the remembrance of martyrs and the deceased. So yes, it's a customary Christian holiday adopted by the church, although some may argue it was influenced by Celtic and/or Germanic culture as it was celebrated before winter to symbolize "the nature dies". Usually vigils and church services are held and visiting the relatives' graves.
I married into a Mexican family and live in Mexico. They’re all Catholic, but I think they would consider me insane if I said that the kids can’t celebrate Día de Los Muertos. They quite literally hold festivals for it in the cathedrals :/ I definitely don’t care for the day itself. I love the windup to it. All the flowers and the buzz in the town, coupled with the changing autumn air. But seeing kids dressed up as skeletons, not a fan.
Dia De Los Muertos is worship of the dead. The dead are gone, they do not come back to earth three days a year. It's origin is pagan. I'm part Mexican and a Christian.
I’m not celebrating Halloween this year. I stopped in 2020 it’s against my faith. In Jesus to go trick-or-treating I’m 24 years old I know better I repent and believe in the gospel you open up yourself the darkness every time you celebrate that paganism holiday
I recently became aware of your ministry and I really enjoy ur ministry but you are to far from me for me to attend your service on a regular. I live in federal way do you have a church you fellowship with close to me?
Is not bad watched the videos of Inspiring Philosophy debunking the myth that Halloween is pagan. One of the main source that makes this claim is the same person that says Christianity itself is Pagan. Not the source that a Christian should blindly follow.
You may go to this parties, but as christians we offer Glory to the Lord with a humble attitude coming to this darkest place to save all of them. Jesus died for all sinners, they need to hear about Jesus an repent for sins. Somebody need to sneak in and save all of them. 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌
I am so thankful for this video. I wish it will be translated for much more languages, especially polish. Polish nationality lack the good quality of information about the truth of God.
I totally agree with you about how Christians should not celebrate Halloween. I know so many Christians that say it is all in good fun. They don't understand the seriousness of how bad that day is. Thank you so much for your video.
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I haven't celebrated Halloween since I got saved 32 yrs ago, & I don't care what people think about it.
I just sent you a 2nd urgent message.
I call it "hell oween" and do not care what anybody thinks.
Prayer Livestreams on Halloween night!
Please help I'm a Christian and at my work place we are hosting a Halloween party for one of our regular guest ,I really don't want to work on that day because I don't want to Celebrate Halloween and I also don't want to lose my job. Is it counted as celebrating if I work on this day without dressing up😢please help
Many years ago, when my family was new to this country, we didn't know much. But there was Halloween party at school, whwere my second grade daughter and kindergarten son attended. I didn't feel it was right with witches, ghosts, black cats, etc,etc. So I prayed with my children that the Lord show us if He is okay with it, or not. Next morning, the Halloween day, my daughter woke up with high fever. Imposible to go to school. So they stayed home. By noon, my daughter was perfectly well, no fever. We got our answer. Praise the Lord!
What a great testimony. HalleluYah 🎉❤
Yes. God protect us like that. But some people still don't believe it. God let his people understand the truth. Thank God.
I'm sorry but you are genuinely insane. I worry for your children's wellbeing.
I don't believe in a God that makes children fall ill. I believe in a God that cures illness and makes miracles. "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge".
@@bro_izzy The ways of God are not our ways. Neither do we know the thoughts He thinks towards us.
Remember that we are the clay and He is the potter.
Please pray and ask God in Lord Jesus name for the answers you seek.
I wish more Christians would understand this! Thank you!
He doesn't understand it though, this is bad theology and relies on myth.
Matthew 16:23
To be fair, Christians are the most uneducated segment of the population.
@@BongBing11 ok then whats your point
Jehovah's Witnesses have been preaching against celebrating pagan celebrations for decades before this guy was born. Where have you been hiding ?
Great sermon, I shared this and hope that people listen! I once was into horoscopes, dabbles with cards and ouija, once or twice. Later on, I
did yoga for fitness, , NO Kundalini, I knew it was not good! It was all a bit creepy, and as a kid, I knew better as my dad was a preacher. We all think scary movies, music and parties, are okay, but they are not. God pulled me out of the fire! My daughter was also rescued from the New age, Buddhism, using crystals, tarot cards, astrology. But, ...
Thank the Lord!, and Glory to God, we both were found, by the Good Shepherd . Our eyes were and are opened, to the Word, Jesus, " the way the truth and the life, and the only way to the Father. Gratefully. 💖
" For you all are sons of light and sons of day. We are not of night or of darkness" Thessaloniciens 5:5
Ty vlad. I've been really uncomfortable about Halloween and choosing to stay away. This reinforced that for me. Ty God for leading me to this message. God bless you and all you do for Him vlad.
Halloween is not evil bro. People have done evil things on Halloween but the origins of Halloween isn’t evil.
Learn the real history of Halloween.
@@Freshnewz10 exactly.
@@Freshnewz10 When truth is mixed with error that is the most dangerous
they are getting brainwashed..just like what the devil do to people
This is my second year not celebrating it’s a bit hard to not celebrate just for the fact I keep thinking is it a big deal. But this video was confirmation praise Jesus!❤
There's nothing great about Halloween it depicts evil it tries to make light of evil evil is never to be taken lightly
Just remember that when you are a Christian, you are no longer a part of the world, you are just in it. We don’t belong here, and many things we do or do not do will go against the grain. We may seem like outsiders, but that is not a bad thing. We aren’t children of the world any longer, we are children of God and as such we serve God and not the ‘norms’ of society. The world will always try to make us feel weird or different, or like we are missing out on something that is a ‘big deal’. We know better though, don’t fall for the lore of any of it. Prayers for you 🙏
I struggle with this too. This will be my 2nd year not celebrating. Last year I felt so convicted and this year not so much. I’m like “is it a big deal to dress up?” My children have been understanding, but I do get the occasional “can we get candy mommy, or can we still dress up?” Whenever I want to give in I go to the store and I see all the Halloween decorations and the conviction sets in again confirming I shouldn’t be celebrating. It has been such a tug it war and I pray that God truly shows me the truth or make this feeling go away that I don’t care about Halloween anymore.
@@thelees3620 Make some fall treats with them like Carmel apples or pumpkin spice cookies. There's no reason not to celebrate fall, just don't participate in the largest and most important pagan holiday. Have a dress up day just for fun anytime of the year but not on or for Halloween.
You can also watch Christmas movies lol never to early to watch it . Or do some crafts
You can't serve two masters. A kingdom divided cannot stand.
Perfectly said
No it's very demonic covering up with a mask was done for demonic reasons also even cutting a face on vegetables was for demonic reasons as well
Agreed. Also, 364 days a year, children are told not to accept candy from strangers, then they go out on Halloween and take candy from strangers. How many children are offered candy or tempted with leftovers by someone on the street.
That's literally the dumbest argument.
Thank you Pastor Vlad, for speaking out!🙌🏾
Halloween is worldly God bless I love you brother
You speak the truth - Thank you for sharing your thoughts, this is exactly what I was looking to share with my Bible Study
Great explanation! As Christian we should celebrate REFORMATION DAY, on October 31
That’s crazy we will never know when Jesus was born but he was born and that’s all that matters we can live everyday for God and Christ and the Holy Spirit ❤
I'm so thankful that I stopped celebrating Halloween now I used to celebrate Halloween but not anymore and I feel so good thank you lord
Our first time not celebrating it .
I lost friendships and I am so grateful God spoke to me and asked me to never do that again .
@gabrielaa.m6633 God also spoke to me about celebrating Halloween he said Vitoria please don't celebrate Halloween anymore and I said okay lord I will listen to you and I have not going trick or treating since 2021 and I feel good God is so good prasie you Jesus
@@VitoriaAlthoffwtf i’d so bad about trick or treating and dressing up💀why are you so afraid of the world.
@Bomboyy because Jesus dose not want me to celebrate Halloween I'm afraid of Halloween and I have to listen to Jesus because I love him
@@Bomboyy Jesus is real
Thanks for making this clear, unfortunately I see more and more people thinking it’s a harmless excuse to have fun
It is
It is
it's evil
Because it is
I'm so happy I find you online and I watch you all the time. I believe you truly follow Christ
I can’t believe I celebrated Halloween for so long. Thank you lord for opening my eyes
You can still celebrate if you'd like.
@@BongBing11You cannot serve two masters.
@@Kingof-Cringe I'm not. Please tell me how having fun on spookyday gives me another master.
@@BongBing11 You’re bowing to Satan.
@@BongBing11he just told u in the video
I was raised a Catholic and we were told that “Halloween” was really “all saints day” which was the night when certain souls in “purgatory” were allowed out to walk the earth and then go to heaven. Of course that is false doctrine but it added to the already scary nature of the night for us “religious” kids.
When, as an adult, I got born again and baptized in the Holy Spirit, I knew that the whole thing was an abomination to the Lord. Halloween goes back to pagan practices that took place long ago in Europe.
We told our kids that we do not dishonor Lord Jesus by participating in the devil’s holiday. Kids love to dress up and they love candy but we did not feel that substituting a different name for an evil practice was the answer.
We would do a fall festival in which we thanked and worshiped God for a plentiful harvest. We had harvest festivals and allowed the kids to dress up as their favorite heroes. No monsters, ghosts or any occult type creatures allowed. There was plenty of good food and candy to celebrate but not on October 31.
You do you, boo.
I agree and have in the past participated and then was convicted. I'd rather pray for everyone's safety.
@ellietobe I also was raised as a Roman Catholic,but when I asked my mom, "Why do we pray to Mary? I couldn't find this in the Bible anywhere, I even said that Jesus says to pray to his father in Heaven. He never said we should pray to his mother!
You need to know that there's no such thing as purgatory you either going to heaven or hell once you die get that concept out of your mind read your Holy Bible
@@lashondarochell7584 that is why when I was truly born of God I rejected all of that. I knew without anyone other than the Holy Spirit telling me that what I had been taught in that church was wrong.
Awesome video and I've been waiting for this message. Halloween has and always will be off limits for me. It's always made people around me uncomfortable when I kindly inform them that I don't celebrate Halloween. I think the reason why is because, for them, Halloween is a religon for them.
When I was little I was always sick in Halloween. I wear my custom inside the house and I was crying because I wasn’t able to go out as the rest of the children but now that I have the pleasure to know the Lord I know he was just taking care of me! Thank you Jesus Christ 🙏
Are you really so medieval-peasant-brained that you think illnesses are sent by a god? Are you unfamiliar with the concept of viruses?
I'll take "Made up stories" for $500, Alex.
Amen brother! Thank you for this teaching.
Amen thank you brother
No. No way. Do not celebrate Halloween. Turn your back on everything that will separate you from the Grace of God.
I don't think we should celebrate Halloween Ethier. maybe you meant turning our backs to what's right which bares consequences of course, but
as Believers we can't lose God's Grace, nothing or anyone can take us out of his hand.
John 6:36-68. I just wanted to clarify respectfully.
It's a shame that my bretheren fear fictional creatures and ornaments so much that they believe it will make them sin. Do you honestly believe God will punish so mercilessly for such small things? What a sad and unbiblical way of life. I'd hate to believe in such an unloving god.
@@bro_izzydon’t come across as if you know it all. condemning someone whilst you’re very loud and wrong. Nothing is just “small” or “merciless” there’s spirits behind these things, have you not watched the video?
@@Siphosamixo I did in fact watch the video, and there was a time where I believed such foolish things. But I was a child, who believed anything a man with a suit, tie and bible told me. I don't fear any spirit or apparition. I only fear the Lord.
@@bro_izzy it’s not about being afraid. Being afraid of something doesn’t determine what it does to you. You not fearing the demonic spirits behind Halloween doesn’t mean they won’t have impact. Hosea 4:6
Thank you Pastor for ALWAYS being willing to talk about issues such as this!
Thank you for delivering this message
Thank you for sharing. I have struggled with this exact question since I was a kid.
Unceasingly pray everyday saints but especially Tomorrow May no evil come near any of us or our children and loved ones in the mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen!
I love the church in my neighborhood however, they celebrate "trick or trunk" but I'm not participating bc they allow the kids to dress in costume and have candy giveaways, although done with restrictions and in support of family activities I think it sends lukewarm message... true Christians should refrain from any such celebration even if done as such on oct 31
@NickGagnon-u1v that doesn't make it right. I know Christians including my family who do not celebrate Christmas anymore. In Jeremiah 10 we read:
2¶Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them.
3For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe.
4They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not.
The Babylonians believed that Nimrod, the sun God, returned as a miraculous fir tree then subsequently as Tammuz, the son of Semiramis, "The Queen of Heaven".
Christmas was a celebration of 100% pagan origin celebrating a counterfeit false virgin mother and counterfeit God child. It was absorbed by the Catholic (universal) church, which has established itself in its own official catechisms as a religion that worships Mary. These are not my words, but the words of their catechisms state to worship Mary, the queen of heaven.
Christians shouldn't bother redeeming these Pagan holidays and keeping Pagan customs. However, I understand why Christmas seems significantly more acceptable. There is no excuse to celebrate Halloween and no way to redeem it.
@NickGagnon-u1vall fine? Watch videos from ex pagans. They will let you know what's happening
Most human celebrate Halloween- calling them Christian is a bit extreme. Christian means to be like Christ, no way you are like Christ and you want to partake in a celebration where you see skull death, witch, darkness, tombstone, skeleton and many more. There is absolutely no relation between the light and the dark. 2cor6:14-16
1 Thessalonians 5:22-24 King James Version (KJV)
Abstain from all appearance of evil. And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it.
As a mother, I really appreciate this video. Thank you.❤
We can only assume your children hate you.
Before we ask this question, we should discover the history of Halloween, how did it start. We should also ask ourselves as christians if the activities done during the period Honors God Almighty.
I agree. Also there’s so many other things we can do on that day. We can maybe just throw a fall festival, bake some pies, donuts, and make some apple cider to share with friends, families, and strangers! We can volunteer on that day and feed the homeless with fall treats and meals! I think most Christians understand not to go out and dress like a witch or a demon and watch horror movies. Where I think Christians get confused is in the grey areas like about dressing up as like a flower, a princess, or a dinosaur and giving people candy! People don’t see how those actions could be considered not Godly.
True . . The history tells it why we should not
@@CAI.DREAMS it’s so funny when people like you call Christian’s confused. I believe you are confused
You can honor God with your mind in any situation. Even celebrating Christmas was a pagan tradition. I am a devout Christian and it gets hard to know the history of EVERY day that has origins in paganism or otherwise. I think it will cause you to be legalistic if you view everything through that lens.
There's obvious things that are unbiblical that don't require prayer, but wisdom. Trying to find the line of holy and unholy is the exact opposite of being led by the Spirit. If you do it, be mindful. If you don't than thats fine. But either decision doesn't make one less or more Holy.
This is required watching Pastor. Thank you!
Another good Video Pastor Vlad. God Bless and keep you and Hungry Gen safe and great growth.
I think the issue is we want to fit in and we are prone to justifying ourselves so we don't feel guilty. We try to clean Halloween up, but it's still the same thing. I think it's pretty obvious once we are honest with ourselves. I'm not trying to cut down any of my fellow believers; I am prone to the temptation to celebrate it too. We are human and evil is attractive to us.
There are lots of ways we can bring light without celebrating the holiday. We should just be the love of Jesus to people like any other day. 😊
True true true, I can't believe that last year my church gave candies. I will overshare this video. God bless you Pastor Vlad
Because there is some false churches celebrating darkness holidays that's serving two masters
Unfortunately it’s creeping into many churches. ☹️
Very true brother , it is sad to see people from the church , old Christian and some time pastors taking they kids on Halloween night to have a ( innocent fun moment ) and open another door for the devil to play with they lives .
It's not an open door to go get some free candy with your kids. I dealt with spiritual warfare my whole life in a very extreme way. The enemy did everything to try and destroy me bc I have an anointing. And every door was closed, every wound healed, full deliverance etc and healed from things most people will never have to experience and taking my kids for some candy I know in my heart and soul will not open that door to the enemy. Christians often have no idea what spiritual warfare actually is. I hear people say things like oh I have a flat tyre.. spiritual warfare. No you prob just drove over a nail. Spiritual warfare is trauma ptsd narc abuse chronic illness severe poverty. It's not average day to day minor issues
@@shellbellhealingThe very real concern is that the children could get poisoned with fentanyl. People have noticed that less parents are taking their children out to get candy. Which I think is a blessing in disguise.
Thank you so much for this video, Mr. Savchuk!❤ You put into words-especially Biblically based words-what my concerns were with this “holiday”! I pray to God I can convince more people around me that this festival should not be celebrated! Thank you for your service to God’s people, enlightening the eyes of the blind and strengthening God’s people for further righteousness.😇
I’m glad some churches talk about what u see it fun, normal to culture esp growing up u think it good thing it good to know the history of all events .
i always hear this from our elders and Pastors in my home church..
Excellent teaching.
Absolutely 💯 percent NO way I would ever get involved with devil worship and count "HALLOWEEN" as it's considered demonic.
Has nothing to do with the devil.Your bible is all pagan gnostic stories stolen by rome and literallized. Your uneducated and sound dumb.
@NickGagnon-u1v It is absolutely demonic. It is the "high holiday" for darkness. But you know this as you go along "comforting" and tempting people who are on the fence.
This was excellent and well said!!!
As a Christian, I have no problem with Halloween. I do not worship Satan. I have some Halloween stuffed animals like a cute ghost. And although I like watching some horror movies, like House on Haunted Hill (1959), Scream, etc, I don’t repeat what the actors do in the movies. I used to scare people with a Scream outfit, but then I found out it could get me in trouble with the law enforcement. Also, I do not believe that the supernatural figures of Halloween exist. About the superstition about black cats being unlucky. I found out it wasn’t true, my mother told me it was just an old wives tale.
There's no Gray areas either black or white
Actually most Halloween promoters are White Christian nationalists who do it to separate themselves from other races
That's right Pastor!!!!!!
Well done brother! 👏🏾💪🏾🪖
This man is right God bless this man telling the truth about Halloween bless him Karen forestparkga
Amen great video! We have stopped celebrating Halloween as well.
It’s the same argument with Christmas. Yes we understand Christmas has pagan roots but if on Christmas Day you share presents with loved ones and words of encouragement, is that not honorable to God? If on Christmas Day, while you understand it might not be Jesus’ exact birthday, you take that day to thank God for bringing Jesus down to earth, is that not honorable to God? There’s so many ways we can honor God during these holidays. And hey let’s say we sit down and watch a Christmas movie, do you not think that God still can’t use that movie to teach you a lesson about love, family, and kindness? I say give the day to God and walk the day in kindness and love.
I didn’t know Christmas was about fear and demonic spirits. So you do the math. Adults should be adults and quit asking kindergarten questions.
Bro stop defending the demonic cults celebration. Anyday can be a day of giving and worshiping for God. You are just giving earthly reasons to celebrate it.
I agree. Give every day to the Lord and we will shift the culture of those around us. Which we are called to do.
@@TheFitCosplayer You are doing such a great job at it. I’ve only seen Halloween become much darker. Lol
@beeswax6315 that's the world for you. We get to be the Light. We get to go into the culture to turn it back to God. Which will take the work the Holy Spirit. Not to look like everyone else.
This convinced me, Amen
Great video brother 👍🏼
Even a surface level Christian should feel some conviction about it.
If it looks evil, it is evil. It's just simple common sense.
Thats how I feel. It celebrates demonic imagery and death.
1 Thessalonians 5:22-24 King James Version (KJV)
Abstain from all appearance of evil. And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it.
Absolutely as simple as that. 🕊️
Not all ways the case.
I feel this is how christians look at other christians if they look evil their say your fear keeps you from the grace of the lord..i mean if your in his grace you can be amongst the wicked and preach the gospel. I mean there is more evil on the internet than trick or treating but here we are???
Thank you, Vlad, this was very good. ❤
Its a pagan tradition that must be removed from the American celender. In Africa most contries depise it.
Many Africans are more aware of spiritual realities than Americans are - perhaps this is why Halloween is despised?
And that's why Americans celebrate it
They label you as race traitors for rejecting your ancestral traditions
please tell me why u think u can use christianity to change our traditions? your being foolish, people like you only turn people away from Christ
PART 1 -
Many people tend to associate modern Halloween with three things: The old Gaelic celebration of Samhain [that's _SAH-wen,_ BTW] (asserting that most of Halloween’s customs originate with ancient Samhain celebrations); Satanism (asserting that Halloween’s origins are Satanic, as evidenced by the many Satanists who use this day to promote their beliefs); and All Saints Day (asserting that the early church established the holiday to “Christianize” Samhain).
Let’s delve into the world of historical fact…
It seems no matter where you look, from various educational websites to entries in dictionaries and encyclopedias, and even in (some) scholarly articles, Halloween is always connected to the ancient Gaelic celebration of Samhain.
And, of course, that comes with the full gambit of all the myths, legends and lore that have surrounded the holiday for well over 1.000 years.
I’m sure you’ve heard some of these before…..
“Halloween is the worship of the devil! Halloween comes from heathen roots! Trick or Treat comes from an ancient pagan custom: Satanic worshiping Druids would go from house to house seeking a virgin to sacrifice! If you complied, they left a jack-o-lantern outside your door with a candle inside … made from human fat! If you did not comply, a terrible ‘trick’ would be played on you! The Catholic Church perpetuated the pagan legends with its Feast of All Saints. If you let your kids celebrate Halloween, you expose them to the possibility of demonic possession!”, etc., etc., etc. ad nauseum.
But don’t these facts about Halloween’s origins prove that it is an abomination?
The question that arises is, is this connection between Halloween and Samhain legitimate, and are all these “facts” about it actually true?
For a serious researcher, perhaps the most difficult aspect of researching these various origins, traditions, and assumed ‘truths’ about Halloween, is sifting through all the data and separating what is historical _fact_ from the myth, legend, and, frankly, religious paranoia of what is historical _fiction._
It’s not an easy task. Indeed, what makes this even more difficult, is that so many of these ‘’facts”, suppositions, and assumptions are so ill-researched and have been repeated for so long, that they have essentially become accepted as truth. As I previously noted, one can find these asserted ‘facts’ in everything ranging from various educational websites to entries in dictionaries and encyclopedias, and even in (some) scholarly articles.
What we find after close examination and scrutiny, however, is that the accepted origin of most Halloween traditions/beliefs comes from the latter (historical fiction), rather than the former (historical fact).
Completely contrary to what many would have one believe, Halloween is _not_ a holiday that has close ties to the ancient past, nor does it have some ‘pagan’ antecedent, nor is it a continuation of several ancient pre-Christian customs.
To say Halloween’s connections to ancient Samhain, or anything “ancient” for that matter, are, at best, extremely tenuous, would be grossly overstating the facts. Virtually all of the customs associated with the modern secular celebration of Halloween developed only in the past 500 years and have no connections to ancient pagan religious practices.
In short, Halloween just does not have the “pagan precedent” so many people seem to desperately want it to.
Even the concept of ‘Trick or Treat’ is a relatively new phenomenon, originating from right here in the USA from about the 1920’s or so, and represents a mix of cultures, capitalism, and accommodation.
To be completely fair, a few customs associated with Halloween do have a very old past; most notably, the carving of root vegetables and bobbing for apples. Without going into all the lengthy details, the carving of root vegetables (pumpkins in America) dates to around the 1700’s - it’s just not historically attested any earlier than that. Bobbing for apples is a fall activity not specifically connected to Halloween, and comes from a British woman’s courting custom historically attested to about the 1300’s. Neither custom is associated with, nor can they be historically attested back to, Samhain, or anything ‘pagan’ or ‘demonic’ for that matter. Further, there is zero evidence the Celts ever donned costumes of animal pelts to ward off evil spirits. Costuming for trick-or-treat comes from about 1930's America. The concept of trick-or-treat dates to about then as well. It has no ties to mumming, guising or souling. Historical similarity does not equate to historical sameness. Simply put, there is no continued ancient tradition. But misconceptions abound regarding the nature and origin of Samhain, to the point where virtually everything that people today believe about it is a complete fabrication.
What is definitively known about Samhain would fit on about a page and a half of paper. What gets passed around the Internet as “history” and “fact” is mostly speculation and utter nonsense. The primary source of what is known comes from the books of the Ulster Cycle. By most historical accounts, Samhain proper was preceded by three days, and followed by three days. In some accounts it’s only a three-day celebration (not a seven day). Samhain seems to have been a time to prepare for winter, to welcome in the dark half of the year, cull the herds and celebrate the final harvest of the year. One particular activity that these old Gaelic texts seem to suggest was very popular at Samhain was…. horse racing. That sounds a lot like many European holidays today from October-January. The texts also speak of it as a time to pay tithings, gather taxes, and the holding of a judicial assembly (much like the Manx ‘Tynwald Day’). There is zero evidence that it was a religious observance, that it entailed any ritual, that it was a celebration of the dead, or that it opened the Celtic year.
Anything else asserted to be associated with Samhain is either pure wishful thinking or absolute nonsense.
The epitome of this nonsense is the idea that Samhain was the “Celtic God /Lord of Death” - The Celts (and to be specific, the Gaels (from whose language the word Samhain is derived)) had no such deity. That utter nonsense comes from a volume of books published in the late 1700’s and was quickly picked up on by some Christian groups, some of whom have perpetuated this nonsense to the present time.
To be completely fair, the Celts, like other cultures, practiced divination and the change of seasons (amongst other things) was seen as a liminal time in which the boundaries between the spirit world and the material world were seen as overlapping, however, this was part of the broader Celtic religious framework and not something specific to any one specific holiday. Indeed, Samhain’s polar opposite celebration, Beltane, was seen as just as powerful, if not a more powerful, time of year.
Masks, costumes, trick or treating, Halloween games etc. all either have known traditional Christian origins or simply cannot be linked to anything definitely pre-Christian.
Let’s take a closer look at the assertion that Christian All Saints Day/All Souls Day replaced Gaelic Samhain.
To state it briefly, the date of 1. November for All Saint's Day was practiced in continental Europe _long_ before the date was formerly fixed by the Church to November 1st, and _long_ before said change got to what is now the UK & Ireland; which was _centuries_ after the time of Druids and Samhain proper.
In addition, most people are not aware that Samhain itself is a _movable_ feast day; the exact date varies from year to year depending on when the autumnal equinox and winter solstice fall. In 2020, Samhain proper fell on 6/7 Nov. Samhain seems to have been associated with the ‘Seven Sisters’, the Pleiades - it is said to have occurred at the culmination of the Pleiades (when they reach the highest point in the sky). In modern times that equates to about 21.November, but in more ancient times, due to changes in the calendar, to 1.November (currently 6/7 November).
To assert that the establishment of All Saint’s Day (and All Souls Day on 2.NOV) was the early church’s attempt to “Christianize Samhain” just does not stand to reason. Think about this logically for a moment, why would the church change a major feast day affecting _all_ of Western Christendom just to accommodate a small group of Christians who lived on, what would be considered at that time, some remote group of islands in the middle of nowhere, centuries after Druids and the observance of Samhain?
One scholar has even suggested that November 1st may have been chosen simply so that the many pilgrims who traveled to Rome to commemorate the saints “could be fed more easily after the harvest than in the spring (when it was originally celebrated).” That certainly does not seem out of the realm of possibility. Though this may not have been the predominant reason, I’d be willing to bet it was taken into consideration and was a contributing factor in the change.
All three holidays, Halloween, All Saint’s Day, and Samhain share a common date and perhaps a “feeling”, but that’s really about it. Indeed, so much of Halloween “feels” Pagan that attempts to connect those things to ancient Samhain simply “feels right”.
Book much?
It doesn't glorify God and it is a holiday for people living in darkness. Stop participating in it.
Amen. Thank you for sharing truth.
Thank you pastor for the teaching.God bless you 🙏.
Amen praise the Lord
Even though this is an Old Testament verse, I can’t pretend it’s not there. I’d rather choose fear of the Lord vs how much I can get away with conforming to today’s secular culture. “be careful not to be ensnared by their ways after they have been destroyed before you. Do not inquire about their gods, asking, ‘How did these nations worship their gods? I’ll also do the same.’ You must not do the same to the Lord your God, because they practice every detestable act, which the Lord hates, for their gods.” (Deuteronomy 12:30-31) How can I ignore a part of God’s personality that He made crystal clear? That’s how God wants us to love Him, in a way that is set apart. He’s specific with how He wants us to love Him. In the New Testament, too, God communicates clearly how He wants for us to love Him back. 🧡
The Old Testament is the New Testament concealed. The New Testament is the Old Testament revealed. He does not change (Mal 3:6). Take a look at a channel I found 'follow the lamb today' and you'll see why.
Well said Vlad, the truth sets us free!!!
I love the message and agree, not sure how my kids are gonna take it
You can explain why. You are still their parent and should respect you. End times productions also has a video from last year about halloween. Though I don't agree with some of their content, they give a good point about why we should be praying against evil on that day. Especially with the evil that takes place in Salem Massachusetts during the last week of this month.
NO to halloween... have never celebrated it, will never...
Great video 🙏🏽
My local church says they can use the truck or treat event to show people Gods love and draw them into the church and salvation
@@loveoneanother4812 That's Basically trying to put lipstick on a pig and calling it a beauty queen.
Idolatry, things sacrificed to idols and idolatrous feasts are abominations and forbidden By God Lord Yehovah the true God
1 Thessalonians 5:22 says “Abstain from all appearance of evil.
It would be helpful to have chapter and verse to support this statement, “ do not attend pagan temple parties-this is direct fellowship with demons”
Really hate this time of year where Halloween approaches. It is so evil and devilish. So sad that the youth are easily influenced by it.
indeed it's disgusting... especially from Western countries lol
@ unfortunately this is true
My church is located right in the middle of town. We do what is called LIGHT THE NIGHT during Halloween. It is a great night for OUT_REACH. The local fire trucks and police show up and light up the parking lot with their lights. We have spotlights and live worship. We have games, hand out popcorn, cotton candy, and hot cocoa. We hand out invites and small books on the love of Christ. But mostly we love on the community. When kids and adults wish a "Happy Halloween", we say "Have a wonderful night and God Bless.". EDIT* We have NO HALLOWEEN REFERNCES on display.
Why do you believe Halloween is bad? I love it.
Well said! the truth sets us free
The only pastor that got straight to the point with NO as the answer….
😂😂😂😂 i can't wait for Halloween 🎃
Thank you Pastor Vlad
Hallow! Holy! Only YAHWEH declares what is Holy and only He is Holy
What does light have to do with darkness. We pray against evil being done during this month.
NO! It’s a hard NO! Thank you for this video!
I never celebrate Halloween and never will. Sorry kids no candy at my house
What is Halloween I the first place???all I see are objects that look so devilish 😢😢😢
Halloween Is put simply as the celebration of death and the things that caused death originally from the Celts with traditional bonfires, costumes, treats, and a focus on spirits of the dead. Even sacrificing to idols, witchcraft and etc. I won’t force you, but please, don’t celebrate this day demonic spiritual powers are involved. I say that’s for your own sake. This is against the Lord Jesus. if wrong committed, repent, he’ll forgive.
21 You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons; you cannot partake of the Lord’s table and of the table of demons.
1 Corinthians 10:21
no it's demonic..wake up Westerner
Thanks for sharing this pastor !
I love the fall and autumn season
The vibrant colors of leaves gourds pumpkins
I enjoy going to autumn festivals enjoying traditional autumn baked goods and hot apple cider apple picking dressing up in sweaters and scarves
I dont do the secular pagan Halloween with all the scary wicked decorations and costumes !
Yeah , as a kid we participated in all the festivities as did I allow my children to enjoy with their friends.
Now years later I get it and choose not to engage in this very popular so called halloday !
If I have a taste for some candy, I'll run to the store !☺️
Once again, Thank you Vlad...
Thank you. You made it very clear and scriptural for the case against participation in this dark tradition.
No he didn’t the verses he used are specifically addressing sinful acts. It is a failed argument associating Halloween activities as sinful unless you are dressed an immodest Halloween costume, getting drunk or doing some sort of sorcery ritual.
So this is where the party poopers congregate to sniff each other’s farts
I think about Romans 14. I had this argument with a friend who was criticizing me for watching “The Princess and The Frog” because of the voodoo magic in it. And I told her to me it was a harmless movie and in the end the bad guy received the consequences of his witchcraft. While to her she might feel convicted not to watch, for me it wasn’t a movie that caused me to stumble and it didn’t open me up to demonic forces. Life continued and I learned really valuable lessons from that movie too!
“One person considers one day more sacred than another; another considers every day alike. Each of them should be fully convinced in their own mind. Whoever regards one day as special does so to the Lord. Whoever eats meat does so to the Lord, for they give thanks to God; and whoever abstains does so to the Lord and gives thanks to God. I am convinced, being fully persuaded in the Lord Jesus, that nothing is unclean in itself. But if anyone regards something as unclean, then for that person it is unclean. If your brother or sister is distressed because of what you eat, you are no longer acting in love. Do not by your eating destroy someone for whom Christ died.”
Romans 14:5-6, 14-15
What I understand is that there’s nothing wrong with dressing up like a fairy or your favorite cartoon character or maybe even your favorite flower! Instead of us cowering in fear, we can use that day to spread the love, hope, and joy of God. People might come to your door and say trick or treat, you can use that to give candy and strike up a lovely conversation. We’re called to be in the world, we can’t just stay in our houses forever. Do I think that on Halloween we should dress up as witches and ghosts or go play with Ouji boards or watch extremely horrifying and terrifying movies? Absolutely not. We should be careful to guard our hearts and eyes but also use sound judgement and common sense and logical reasoning. Do you seriously see anything harmful about a little girl dressing up as her favorite Disney princess? There’s always other ways to make that day less demonic. Maybe throw a fall festival and make some apple cider and some pumpkin donuts. Maybe bake a lovely pie and share it with neighbors and friends! There’s so many ways to spread love and kindness without having to do anything with witches, evil etc that Halloween is known for.
I guess bc I am mature enough to read about the Druids and what dressing up meant, I find that it is harmful. You are basically willing to sacrifice your child to a demon for a moment of fun. Do what you do.
I’m so sick of fake Christian’s and them making up excuses. You know what Halloween is. Participate or don’t that’s on you.
And yes we are called to be in the world. I go out everyday in the world but I’m not participating in some foolishness and neither are my children.
I agree with you @CAI.DREAMS
I noticed you commented several times trying to water down the message that is backed clearly by scripture. Yu can believe what you want but the devil has a way of making things seem less harmful and appealing than they actually are and it's better not to engage at all in the first place.
@@luro.9773 I'm willing to bet you celebrate many pagan traditions and don't even realize it. You should look into that.
I celebrate, and my family are all Christians.
I celebrate it to.
The word "Hallowe'en" is a shortener for "All Hallows' Eve", which is veneration of saints and the remembrance of martyrs and the deceased. So yes, it's a customary Christian holiday adopted by the church, although some may argue it was influenced by Celtic and/or Germanic culture as it was celebrated before winter to symbolize "the nature dies".
Usually vigils and church services are held and visiting the relatives' graves.
lol..please stop defending this demonic event
I married into a Mexican family and live in Mexico. They’re all Catholic, but I think they would consider me insane if I said that the kids can’t celebrate Día de Los Muertos. They quite literally hold festivals for it in the cathedrals :/ I definitely don’t care for the day itself. I love the windup to it. All the flowers and the buzz in the town, coupled with the changing autumn air. But seeing kids dressed up as skeletons, not a fan.
That is a totally different celebration than Halloween
@@Heels2hikingum. No it is not different.
@@KellyP_ tell me how it’s not
Dia De Los Muertos is worship of the dead. The dead are gone, they do not come back to earth three days a year. It's origin is pagan. I'm part Mexican and a Christian.
There is a skeleton inside you right now
I’m not celebrating Halloween this year. I stopped in 2020 it’s against my faith. In Jesus to go trick-or-treating I’m 24 years old I know better I repent and believe in the gospel you open up yourself the darkness every time you celebrate that paganism holiday
Is a fall festival with a trunk or treat done before halloween still cwlebrating it?
I recently became aware of your ministry and I really enjoy ur ministry but you are to far from me for me to attend your service on a regular. I live in federal way do you have a church you fellowship with close to me?
Personally I don’t see the issue with Halloween, it is harmless let the childern have fun.
Is not bad watched the videos of Inspiring Philosophy debunking the myth that Halloween is pagan.
One of the main source that makes this claim is the same person that says Christianity itself is Pagan.
Not the source that a Christian should blindly follow.
You may go to this parties, but as christians we offer Glory to the Lord with a humble attitude coming to this darkest place to save all of them. Jesus died for all sinners, they need to hear about Jesus an repent for sins. Somebody need to sneak in and save all of them. 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌
I am so thankful for this video. I wish it will be translated for much more languages, especially polish. Polish nationality lack the good quality of information about the truth of God.
I agree that you think
Our church does Harvest as the end of the season
I totally agree with you about how Christians should not celebrate Halloween. I know so many Christians that say it is all in good fun. They don't understand the seriousness of how bad that day is. Thank you so much for your video.
listen to Inspiring Philosophy in this holiday. Isaiah and Vlad are wrong on the History of Halloween
There's no seriousness to it at all.
Lmao 😂
What about celebrating the end of the year Harvest? Like celebrate corn,pumpkins, and things of harvest?
Idolize corn and pumpkins? NO.
@@KellyP_ We idolize a lot of things and people without knowing it! This is a falling world.
Just thank God for harvest time! Celebrate God's faithfulness & goodness to us during autumn~🍁🍂