Interesting rounds. He seems to improve by the minute, has a nice jab, fairly quick actually, good punch mechanics. His guard is all over, which is very common with MMA guys, as they are used to having to stop shooting moves for the legs--very hard to teach them to keep their hands up and minimize parrying movements. But you must be a pretty big guy if he's a heavyweight. If he's a smaller heavyweight he probably needs to learn how to get that head down and shoulder into the body Frazier-style and work those hooks. He's punching and trying to get out and getting hit, but when he gets inside he doesn't know how to handle the traffic yet and getting touched up all over. Still, that's pretty impressive for a second go at sparring and whenever you gave him a bit of a chance he got in their and actually had good punch variety. If I ever get back to Texas, I'm going to head down for a visit, as you've clearly got a great gym going.
Yeah, he’s a work in progress and has been out of training for a while before moving here. But I saw some of his fights and he’s pretty good. He just needs to learn how to box and clean up. We’re both about 215 pounds, I’m just taller. He needs to get out of the 200s if he can. Anytime you’re in the area stop by!
Interesting rounds. He seems to improve by the minute, has a nice jab, fairly quick actually, good punch mechanics. His guard is all over, which is very common with MMA guys, as they are used to having to stop shooting moves for the legs--very hard to teach them to keep their hands up and minimize parrying movements. But you must be a pretty big guy if he's a heavyweight. If he's a smaller heavyweight he probably needs to learn how to get that head down and shoulder into the body Frazier-style and work those hooks. He's punching and trying to get out and getting hit, but when he gets inside he doesn't know how to handle the traffic yet and getting touched up all over. Still, that's pretty impressive for a second go at sparring and whenever you gave him a bit of a chance he got in their and actually had good punch variety. If I ever get back to Texas, I'm going to head down for a visit, as you've clearly got a great gym going.
Yeah, he’s a work in progress and has been out of training for a while before moving here. But I saw some of his fights and he’s pretty good. He just needs to learn how to box and clean up.
We’re both about 215 pounds, I’m just taller. He needs to get out of the 200s if he can.
Anytime you’re in the area stop by!
Where you located
Lufkin, Texas -- East Texas
I live there
well come on in and check it out! @@Zane484