Okay, after watching these FMV movies I have to ask.....how the hell do these crystals get stolen so easy? The games make it look like they're just grabbing them and putting them in their pockets or something. But dude, those are some big, fucking crystals.
I keep hearing this game is shit, so your opinion's pretty different than most.
8 лет назад+1
In my opinion, people can be a little too critical or too picky. I just love to play final fantasy games. From the older final fantasy games, this one is totally my favorite.
Watching this and the final fantasy 4 ds opening made me think that final fantasy 4 could be made into an amazing anime series get on this shit mad house or ufotable
That sequence where the "Hooded Man" jumps around while fighting "Kain" pretty much gives you-know-what away. I can't imagine anyone would think otherwise.
That Kain who "trying again" was the culmination of all Kain's dark thoughts and emotions. Dark Kain was always the unlucky person from how I saw him; he would always be the guy who never gets the girl who he loves due to his friend already in love that girl. To add to that, he has to suppress that emotion for a long time. Thus creating his inner darkness.
Cecil was smart but came out a dumbass after paladin-ing dude got downgraded the fuck off, while Kain gets a melodramatic character growing dilemma. Unfair
SPOILERS: It made me very happy to see how much Kain had changed to want to protect Ceodore as much as he did. It was almost like an homage to how Cecil protected child Rydia for so long.
As of 10:30 PM July 17th Sunday 2022 this video has 333k views, posted 11 years ago with 1.9k likes and the channel 118 subs with this comment being the 281st. FFIV is easily my favorite final fantasy and the opening cinematics from the initial re-releases/compilations always make me feel excited everytime, if only a little bit.
Yeah I've always been sorry for him. Not only because he's in love with a woman who prefers his best friend over him, but also because he got all the blame for Golbez's actions when he controlled him, even though it wasn't his fault.
Dammit you just spoiled it man. Sure, I had suspected that kain was the hooded man, but damn. At you least you could've typed "Hooded man" instead of Kain.
i'm a huge fan of FF4 and bought the Wii version for 800 points, only to find that it's 15 minutes long and wants to charge you another 800 points to continue the story. I wouldn't have minded if they billed $20 for the whole thing (main quest pt 1 and 2 and side stories), but both halves of the story and all the side quests (each individually priced) add up to something ridiculous.
I downloaded this from the Wiiware in x-mas 2010. Didn't get this movie though. For an after the fact sequel in the 16-bit era this game was so great. I doubt anyone who didn't play and like the original could enjoy it, but if you did it was so worth getting. Kain, Ursula, and Porom were great episodes, as were the 5 ninjas. I'll bet that everyone who's played this game has their favorites episodes though. I wonder how this game was set up on the PSP? On the Wii each character's story was DLC.
@mindstheprison: All of this is based off of their Amano artwork, rather than their sprites. Hence why they look that way. On the flipside? Gilbart/Edward looks pretty badass.
@HayabusaTaichou: Yang's daughter, Ursula. I'm kinda sad the intro didn't show Harley, or the Eblana Four. But they included Leonora, which is good. Plus grown-up Palom and Porom.
They live in a fantasy world filled with monsters and magic. If shit made since, then their would be no fun. FF7 had a charactor who had gravity defying hair and a large sword that he carries easily.
Well you also have to consider all the items they are flipping carrying too. I mean swords, armor, accessory's, potions..ect ect. Its always confused me...That and Zelda.
The only way to know these are spoilers is by playing the game. You need to play the game to know the details so you can say " x sequence is this part of the game". So no spoilers whatsoever. Heck you could argue that the intro from FFIV DS had more spoilers than this
yeah I really like this intro but I do tend to agree that a "tech" demo opening is not the way to go and would much prefer openings that are simply a showing of events prior to the start of the game. Although I do get for a sequel or remake people want to see all the major characters that they know. I personally liked how they did the PSX opening for FFVI since the majority of it shows events prior to the start of the game.
Opps, not PS1, but Super Nintendo! FF 1-3 were played on Nintendo, and SQUARE changed the game platform to Super Nintendo when Nintendo was upgraded. FF4-6 were on Super Nintendo, and it was FF7 when SQUARE again changed the platform to Play Station. FF fans cried but still paid for both new platform and new FF. It was 22 years ago when I first played FF4 when I was in Japan...
In the DS version of the original FFIV, they very blatantly change size in between camera shots. They go from being the size of a human to roughly the size of a soda bottle. So the developers don't know either.
The DS version is WAY harder, and much better as a result of that, in my opinion. However, the PSP version has basically the same content (without voice acting), AND it has The After Years (don't count the 2 hour interlude, which doesn't even matter), which I actually liked more than FFIV itself. I say go for the PSP version, but really, it's all up to you.
Well I think he looks wayyy better than Cecil, and I kinda feel sorry for him because of all the shit he gets for going against the heroes for a while, even though it really wasn't his fault 'cause he was controlled by Golbez. And to see his best friend marry the woman he liked, would be a tough experience for anyone...
When I first watched this intro I actually thought that Leonora was Porom because I recognized Polom right away and they did a combo spell together but then I asked myself 'but wait Porom is a white mage then I found out when playing Ceodore's tale that the pink haired girl was Porom. Wait what but her hair was brown I don't know if square enix made her hair pink so that her outfit would make sense (not to offend anyone who likes it or the company) I just found it a bit confusing that's all. But hey its still one of my favorite opening in final fantasy
@requiemlarp the design is by Amano but the "k-pop" style certainly is not...it's just SE catering to the fans since the characters are visually pleasing to more people.
@tsubasa1988 there are actually... lets see, four now xD the original, the 3d remake of the original, the wii ware one thats a continuation of the original, and now this one :P
DAMMIT!!! I thought of the ULTIMATE THING!!! Griffith upon meeting Cecil. Griffith: I am the most prettiest man and....who is that man who looks like me... Cecil: Wait....why do i look like you? Griffith: Well i'm Prettier... Cecil: oookay, have pretty , i have a wife... Griffith: I have a....uh. Cecil: I'm waiting... Griffith: Stalker, princess, concubine thing and a castle! OOH and i also have this *transforms into Femto* Cecil: A dark knight eh, i reformed from that charade long ago! I AM A PALADIN!! Griffith in rebirth form: See i can go shiny too! Cecil: But can you heal... Griffith: i...i dunno. Cecil: Can you use the ultimate light spell... Griffith: i'm actually a thing known as a Godhand and we hate light, i'm really evil... Cecil": HOLY MOTHERFUCKER!!! Griffith: NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!
I’m here for the original cast of characters. They’re like old friends you haven’t seen in awhile and check on every now and then.
Think of all the people that loved FF4 on the SNES and never got to live to see them get old. Crazy.
This game is seriously one of my most favorite Final Fantasy games ever.
Okay, after watching these FMV movies I have to ask.....how the hell do these crystals get stolen so easy? The games make it look like they're just grabbing them and putting them in their pockets or something. But dude, those are some big, fucking crystals.
I know the answer is late, but have you seen the amount of items this people can have in their bags??
The crystal melds in with the bearer.
They have Doraemon's pocket 😁😁😁
This is one of the best Final Fantasy games I have ever played. I totally love it.
I keep hearing this game is shit, so your opinion's pretty different than most.
In my opinion, people can be a little too critical or too picky. I just love to play final fantasy games. From the older final fantasy games, this one is totally my favorite.
I'm going to wait for a certain group of Let's Players to cover it before giving it an accurate critique :)
Okay. I know everyone has different opinions.
@@Woodenfan Yuck, let's players. How about you play it yourself instead of waiting on other's to play it.
Bravo *applause* These intros are so magnificient I want to cry
Watching this and the final fantasy 4 ds opening made me think that final fantasy 4 could be made into an amazing anime series get on this shit mad house or ufotable
Vayne Carudas Solidor i can inderstand for fate...but not demon slayer, its still a good anime.
@Vayne Carudas Solidor lol, only Arthur gor turned into a woman. Ufotable isn't responsible for other Fate works
yes anime needs more edgy protagonists
I might try using blender to animate this
That sequence where the "Hooded Man" jumps around while fighting "Kain" pretty much gives you-know-what away. I can't imagine anyone would think otherwise.
Wonder if Rosa ever popped her eye at some point on those spikes on Cecil's armor.
That Kain who "trying again" was the culmination of all Kain's dark thoughts and emotions.
Dark Kain was always the unlucky person from how I saw him; he would always be the guy who never gets the girl who he loves due to his friend already in love that girl. To add to that, he has to suppress that emotion for a long time. Thus creating his inner darkness.
that doesnt really matter though, he still does some pretty shitty stuff
Time to check in on my childhood
friendzone level: Edge
Or Kain
Yikes. I got the reference on both of those
holy shit palom and porom look so swag after their toddler days :O
MrBigbrownies the girl next to Palom wasn't Porom, her name is Leonora. Porom is the girl with rose hair and rose dress
How did she go from brown hair to pink hair?
John Doe great question
@@Quillever hair coloring magic
@@Quillever it's just a phase mom
2:03 its so beautiful
It's Rydia
when it looks like kain's about to kiss rosa, i think of cecil saying: dude, thats my wife
Cecil was smart but came out a dumbass after paladin-ing dude got downgraded the fuck off, while Kain gets a melodramatic character growing dilemma. Unfair
They did Cecil so badly in this game ;-;
It made me very happy to see how much Kain had changed to want to protect Ceodore as much as he did. It was almost like an homage to how Cecil protected child Rydia for so long.
Notice how the last shot in the cutscene is also used to represent the final tale in the story select screen? That's a nice touch.
I wish they would remake this, it has the potential of a good story.
I want this and the original FF4 made into 2 superlong movies. Preferably CGI, so everyone looks like in the trailers. Hurry up and do it already!
As of 10:30 PM July 17th Sunday 2022 this video has 333k views, posted 11 years ago with 1.9k likes and the channel 118 subs with this comment being the 281st.
FFIV is easily my favorite final fantasy and the opening cinematics from the initial re-releases/compilations always make me feel excited everytime, if only a little bit.
when i was growing playing ff4 i had a weakness for rydia, and i still do
Of all the FF games, FF4 is my favorite. Then FF6 and FF7. FF4 is so good because it's a typical cliche adventure and it doesn't try to be different.
Yeah I've always been sorry for him. Not only because he's in love with a woman who prefers his best friend over him, but also because he got all the blame for Golbez's actions when he controlled him, even though it wasn't his fault.
the last dungeon was absurdly long
I wish they do a 3d remake of final fantasy 6. I loved the storyline.
How the hell does Kain keep all that hair underneath his hood?
He doesn't
Man bun.
Magic xD
Dammit you just spoiled it man. Sure, I had suspected that kain was the hooded man, but damn. At you least you could've typed "Hooded man" instead of Kain.
@XTORD1 in 1:35 is Ursula (Yang Daugther) & in 1:44 is Ceodore{his name was combined name from Cecil & Theodore/Golbez} he's Cecil & Rosa Son.
I have considered buying a PSP for the sole purpose of owning this sequel.
Arkatox I did. lol
The game is on phone and in 3d
And on Steam, thank goodness.
@@Arkatox and it is missing a ton of content! A great version.
I had it as WiiWare
i'm a huge fan of FF4 and bought the Wii version for 800 points, only to find that it's 15 minutes long and wants to charge you another 800 points to continue the story. I wouldn't have minded if they billed $20 for the whole thing (main quest pt 1 and 2 and side stories), but both halves of the story and all the side quests (each individually priced) add up to something ridiculous.
2:09 dat evil ohgod-Im mindcontrolled (again!) smile...
I downloaded this from the Wiiware in x-mas 2010. Didn't get this movie though.
For an after the fact sequel in the 16-bit era this game was so great. I doubt anyone who didn't play and like the original could enjoy it, but if you did it was so worth getting.
Kain, Ursula, and Porom were great episodes, as were the 5 ninjas. I'll bet that everyone who's played this game has their favorites episodes though.
I wonder how this game was set up on the PSP? On the Wii each character's story was DLC.
It's all compiled in the main game including the after years prelude and the original ff4
I like this scene 2:07
Yes, in fact, it relies on a DS version-exclusive cut scene, so technecally it is a sequel to the DS version only.
You can find it in Final Fantasy IV: Interlude.
Rydia Edge
Thanks guy, Made some good wallpapers out of this
Why isn't this game getting a remake or two instead of FF 7?
Screw that. IV has had enough remakes over the years - it's about time V and VI had some love.
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL Kain's trying again with Rosa XDDD
The poor guy.
@mindstheprison: All of this is based off of their Amano artwork, rather than their sprites. Hence why they look that way. On the flipside? Gilbart/Edward looks pretty badass.
@HayabusaTaichou: Yang's daughter, Ursula. I'm kinda sad the intro didn't show Harley, or the Eblana Four. But they included Leonora, which is good. Plus grown-up Palom and Porom.
This is in the PSN store but only for the PSP as a digital download
Holy shit 7 years later and 247k views xD
Hi! Is it okay to use your footage in my project if I credit you? Thanks
10 years now
Cecil is just way too epic. you're right, poor kain.
I'm such a Giga-dork for the original game. I've played The After Years on my wii, but this game may be the only reason I would still buy a PSP.
am i the only one who didnt play with that son of cecil :p cecil and rosa for ever :3
Never gave a fuck about children. FF4 team forever.
Seth agree :3
Do you like or dislike the ship?
Oh shit I wanna play this now.
Amazing work
They live in a fantasy world filled with monsters and magic. If shit made since, then their would be no fun. FF7 had a charactor who had gravity defying hair and a large sword that he carries easily.
YANG! y u no change your training part since the previous opening XD
"Dont Fear The Man who Trained Thousands different Kicks, bit fear The Man who Have Trained one kick Thousands of times."
Rydia! We love you!
What's the title of the ost at the beginning?
It's all one music track. It's the theme of the game
I feel old
2:17 Hey look it's Endwalker!
the spoiler of intro is Fake Kain and Original Kain
in ff3 Ingus in his character designs is wearing a crystal 'round his neck, i mean the ds remake version.
My only concern is did Kain get paid for essentially babysitting Cecil’s kid?
You see, the After Years FMV shows the changes in the characters compared to the FFIV FMV, look at the FMV, and compare them yourselves.
Well you also have to consider all the items they are flipping carrying too. I mean swords, armor, accessory's, potions..ect ect. Its always confused me...That and Zelda.
Remember when corona virus wasn't a thing in the 2000s ah the good times
The good old days
Technically there were corona viruses in the world
The only way to know these are spoilers is by playing the game. You need to play the game to know the details so you can say " x sequence is this part of the game". So no spoilers whatsoever. Heck you could argue that the intro from FFIV DS had more spoilers than this
yeah I really like this intro but I do tend to agree that a "tech" demo opening is not the way to go and would much prefer openings that are simply a showing of events prior to the start of the game. Although I do get for a sequel or remake people want to see all the major characters that they know. I personally liked how they did the PSX opening for FFVI since the majority of it shows events prior to the start of the game.
I always wanted to play this game but they won't release it on disc or PlayStation Network.
Opps, not PS1, but Super Nintendo! FF 1-3 were played on Nintendo, and SQUARE changed the game platform to Super Nintendo when Nintendo was upgraded. FF4-6 were on Super Nintendo, and it was FF7 when SQUARE again changed the platform to Play Station. FF fans cried but still paid for both new platform and new FF. It was 22 years ago when I first played FF4 when I was in Japan...
am i the only one who would love to see cecil's reaction when he finds out rosa's pregnant? i figure it'd be adorable X3
@Carlos Ramirez ....its not like he would automatically know that.
We going to the moon boys !!
Hey, what I wanted to know is, is there a person who can do a band with golbez exept Fusoya or is there not?
Golbez I believe has bands with both Cecil and Ceodore. If I remember correctly, 2 with Cecil and one with Ceodore and Cecil.
Reminds me of "Terranigma" for SNES, where the main guy had a little box with a dimensional warehouse inside so you could store your sh*t.
how can i download it ??
i like it
2:11 But how kain has 2
That's shadow kain from dark side, he trial same just like Cecil
Okay I gets
That just makes me wish After Years was a better game.
Also why does Cecil still look like a little girl after all these years?
Kain x Cecil
So the guys 2:14 fight Kain vs. Kain? And why don´t stay Kain on the end with the other ? :(((
In the DS version of the original FFIV, they very blatantly change size in between camera shots. They go from being the size of a human to roughly the size of a soda bottle. So the developers don't know either.
The DS version is WAY harder, and much better as a result of that, in my opinion. However, the PSP version has basically the same content (without voice acting), AND it has The After Years (don't count the 2 hour interlude, which doesn't even matter), which I actually liked more than FFIV itself. I say go for the PSP version, but really, it's all up to you.
shame they didn't put all the characters in this op. would of been cool to see cid the 4 ninjas and the other characters like golbez and fusoya.
Well I think he looks wayyy better than Cecil, and I kinda feel sorry for him because of all the shit he gets for going against the heroes for a while, even though it really wasn't his fault 'cause he was controlled by Golbez. And to see his best friend marry the woman he liked, would be a tough experience for anyone...
oh i love rydia
Well they do in Dissidia! so cheer up my friend.
The crystals seem to naturally float, so maybe you can just push them to take them.
As always.. FF theme make appears some of those ninja slicing onions..
The girl at 1:33 looks a hell of a lot like Vanille from FF13.
When I first watched this intro I actually thought that Leonora was Porom because I recognized Polom right away and they did a combo spell together but then I asked myself 'but wait Porom is a white mage then I found out when playing Ceodore's tale that the pink haired girl was Porom. Wait what but her hair was brown I don't know if square enix made her hair pink so that her outfit would make sense (not to offend anyone who likes it or the company) I just found it a bit confusing that's all. But hey its still one of my favorite opening in final fantasy
A girl can't dye her hair in a fantasy world?!?!
Anyone know what the name of this song is???
i did not know there was 2 final fantasy IV xD
The only reason why I played the game was because I found out Golbez was playable ngl
You have a point, sir.
@requiemlarp the design is by Amano but the "k-pop" style certainly is not...it's just SE catering to the fans since the characters are visually pleasing to more people.
Oh, did ur mean is Ursula?
Rydia & Edge~
Ela usa Odin do Chaos e mata as Weapons
nothing video appears Tellah :/
This and the other final fantasy games will be the only reason I ever get a psp.
D: <
Japan could make 3 movies out of that game and use the core story. I wonder if Mila Kunis would play Rydia :>
Is this for PSP too. I've been going through an old Final Fantasy kick. Just bought 6. When I beat that I'd like to play IV and the After Years.
@tsubasa1988 there are actually... lets see, four now xD the original, the 3d remake of the original, the wii ware one thats a continuation of the original, and now this one :P
DAMMIT!!! I thought of the ULTIMATE THING!!! Griffith upon meeting Cecil.
Griffith: I am the most prettiest man and....who is that man who looks like me...
Cecil: Wait....why do i look like you?
Griffith: Well i'm Prettier...
Cecil: oookay, have pretty , i have a wife...
Griffith: I have a....uh.
Cecil: I'm waiting...
Griffith: Stalker, princess, concubine thing and a castle! OOH and i also have this *transforms into Femto*
Cecil: A dark knight eh, i reformed from that charade long ago! I AM A PALADIN!!
Griffith in rebirth form: See i can go shiny too!
Cecil: But can you heal...
Griffith: i...i dunno.
Cecil: Can you use the ultimate light spell...
Griffith: i'm actually a thing known as a Godhand and we hate light, i'm really evil...
Griffith: NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!
Lol good one.
:OOOOOOO I need to finish 4 so I can buy thissssssss omgggggg
Pretty sure that's an evil Kain... haven't gotten that far in the game yet, just started, but he doesn't look like himself.