The God of War PSP duology, MGS Portable Ops, MGS Peace Walker, FFIII, FFIV Complete Edition, Crisis Core, Persona 2 Innocent Sin, a bunch of PSX games (you can literally put every Final Fantasy game from I-IX on there, Lunar Silver Star Harmony, FF War of the Lions, The Legend of Heroes Trails in the Sky First Chapter and Second Chapter, Valkyria Chronicles 2 and 3, Tactics Ogre, Jeanne D'Arc, and lot's more. In my opinion, Dissidia and Diddidia 012 is definitely up there, yes! Lot's of great games on the PSP
and this back in the day.....when technology got it limit's 10+ years now i'm sure of it and still one of the best game in term of story, gameplay which limit of the hardware even new game can't hold candle. and now everyone got what on mobile... Gacha game with turn base lol.
I love how In trailer: Terra is defensive and needs to be protected. In game: had to be perma ban from most competitions, because she is to OP That tornado spam was to OP. I tested it on a lvl 1 Terra vs Chaos 100, and all you did was spam tornado. The AI was going crazy trying to dodge into walls.
@@yummychips_ Wow really? I didn't knew that there were tournaments for Dissidia and that she was banned in there. Just a question, is Onion Knight banned as well?
@@J03_M4m4there is dissidia 012 tournament. and no, terra not banned. she is bottom 5. the one who got banned is feral chaos. onion knight is high mid tier.
I love how the villains from the earlier titles wear full armor then from Kefka, the later villains starts wearing less and less until we arrived with Jecht who's practically naked
I just love the buildup when the essense of Cosmos and Chaos stare each other down with the guardians of light and wielders of darkness at their beck and call.
Took me years but I’m just now realizing that Cloud went on and on about not being able to help his friends when they’re in danger or when they need him the most and in this opening alone he helped Warrior of Light against Garland, gave Onion Knight ground to cover and helped alongside both Warrior of Light and Onion Knight to save Terra. No wonder the Warriors of Cosmos trusted him to be there for them from the get go.
A really neat little detail: All characters are portrayed as using roughly the same fighting styles that they had in the game itself: Warrior of Light rushes in and combines swordplay with defensive fencing against Garland; Firion switches between his weapons depending on what situation he's in; Onion Knight rushes in and hits Garland with a series of weak strikes; Cecil keeps changing between his Paladin and Dark Knight forms depending on if he's in the air or on the ground; Bartz summons the other heroes' weapons to his hands; Terra uses spells and keeps her distance; Cloud rushes in and fights Garland head on; Squall fences Sephiroth with precision; Zidane keeps moving about up in the air, agile as a monkey as he is; Tidus feints Kuja on his way to help Zidane and Bartz take down Exdeath. And, on the Villains' side of things: Garland relies on his super armour to tank through the heroes' blows; Emperor uses magical traps to control the field of battle from a distance; Cloud of Darkness spams her Particle Beam; Golbez uses his advanced magic; Exdeath uses an attack with gravitational properties to try and draw in Bartz; Kefka flings about spells that erratically flies around and won't stop moving; Sephiroth duels with Squall and counters his precision with distance when CQC won't cut it; Ultimecia spams projectiles all over the place; Kuja bombards the vicinity with his Ultima spells and Jecht punches Firion so he goes flying!
I like the scene but it would've been more epic if she went full Esper and ended up protecting the guys instead. I know she avoids conflict but come on she's hella strong
When fighting games had problems with 3D animations, this game and 012 comes and dominates it's animates. This can't age because the game looks so realistic.
Has it really been over a decade since this legendary title came out? Back when I was just getting into FF7, I saw this game on the PSN with Cloud as the logo. I instinctively downloaded it, and it introduced me to the rest of the Final Fantasy series. I owe a lot of my nerdy past to this revolutionary title and its sequel/prequel/remake 012
It's because seeing all of the heroes at once is speechless. Something like this should have had its own story, but I can understand the difficulty in making something so grand. This intro is a masterpiece.
Ikr, in her dissidia story, everyone was like always saying that she's extremely dangerous, she's the type of character like scarlet witch and jean grey whose power is undeniably strong when used aggresively or out of control...
Its because she's reluctant to hurt anyone and furthermore, everyone save Cloud and Titus on the Cosmos side have no memory so without her experiences combined with her great power, she's kinda scared to use her abilities.
Dissidia made her look weak, people that haven’t played VI would never believed that she is one of the strongest FF protagonist. I didn’t liked that she didn’t use her sword much, while I know she is a powerfull magic user her main weapons are swords.
The thing that is clear in the divide is that the heroes are portrayed as weaker overall, but have better teamwork whereas the villains are grandiose, but more or less ignore and even hinder each other in their battle plan.
A great tribute to the series! Love how any character fights their respective villain, and the way all movements and attacks of the clip appear in the game.
This is my absolute favorite Dissidia game, my psp broke about 5-6 years ago, and seeing this intro makes me so gosh darn happy, I'm hoping to get this again on my vita
The best thing about this game is i get to play the villains. I love them cos most of them are mages/sorcerers. Even though my favorite is Sephiroth i just fell inlove with these villains. From The Emperors desire to be in control, Kefka's erratic psycho magic , Kuja just gliding through the battle field , a fully armored mage that moves quite quickly Golbez, The jenova looking Cloud of Darkness firing beams all over the place, an evil tree Exdeath, and finally to a fricking time witch Ultimecia. Being able to play these villains was an amazing experience.
Just opened up my PSP again yesterday since we got so much downtime, and open up this game. Hoo boy the nostalgia is strong. Gonna enjoy playing the story and grinding for lv. 100 teams lol
@@fredm1364 I forgot all the items u can use on him since it was like 7 years ago since I last played this but the 5 man squad I chose to have was : WOL, too many block combo and well balanced. Basically his kit has alot of counter attacks, then you follow it up with combos. Onion Knight since he does rapid combos, although it does minimal dmg I personally liked it. Zidane on those cool moves obviously. He has an unorthodox fighting style, so his moves are a bit hard to predict and block. Firion bcs of that op combo on the ground using his ax and bow, very simple moveset but pack a lot of damage from what I vaguely remember, each of his moveset has a finishing combo hit that deals a lot of dmg. Lastly Claude my main. Pretty well balanced for chipping dmg and heavy attacks. I forgot what was my best summon in that game tho. Still, there's a lot of characters here with their unique playstyle, but i personally liked this 5. But anyways, i really missed playing this game, the nostalgia just from reminiscing it.
@@fredm1364 I also love Jecht, where u need to stop on a certain point and then u need to perfectly watch the timing so the combo will continue and that dungeon or maze arcade is very challenging and fun..
The First Intro will forever be the most hyped up one (waiting to see if NT can top the intensity of this and not go for a Super Smash Bros Wii U opening)
Funny you should say that, as I came back here to watch this just after the most recent SSBU cinematic which has a style very similar to the first intro here.
It would be really awesome if the new one had an intro that included XI - XV in this style, that villain line-up is one of the best things, but one can only imagine it with Gabranth and Ardyn.
One of the most greatest PSP games ever. MY CHILDHOOD
SAME!!!!!!Its the first video game that im really into favourite game of all time😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
Dat Boii Fr no cap
I dunno man persona 3 is on psp XD
I agreed
The God of War PSP duology, MGS Portable Ops, MGS Peace Walker, FFIII, FFIV Complete Edition, Crisis Core, Persona 2 Innocent Sin, a bunch of PSX games (you can literally put every Final Fantasy game from I-IX on there, Lunar Silver Star Harmony, FF War of the Lions, The Legend of Heroes Trails in the Sky First Chapter and Second Chapter, Valkyria Chronicles 2 and 3, Tactics Ogre, Jeanne D'Arc, and lot's more. In my opinion, Dissidia and Diddidia 012 is definitely up there, yes! Lot's of great games on the PSP
Marvel: "Infinity War is the most ambitious crossover event in history"
Square Enix:
Kevin Feige should do this!
and this back in the day.....when technology got it limit's 10+ years now i'm sure of it and still one of the best game in term of story, gameplay which limit of the hardware even new game can't hold candle. and now everyone got what on mobile... Gacha game with turn base lol.
@@tanadatezhutidatetantad311 they should remaster this game for the Switch
@@Dork-sq6ce hed ruin it
@@tanadatezhutidatetantad311 This is the greatest game I've ever played in my life.
Terra normally: Guys could we please not fight?
Terra in her esper form: Aight people are gonna die today
Best comment ever 😂
@@rinaldohricko yep
I love how
In trailer: Terra is defensive and needs to be protected.
In game: had to be perma ban from most competitions, because she is to OP
That tornado spam was to OP. I tested it on a lvl 1 Terra vs Chaos 100, and all you did was spam tornado. The AI was going crazy trying to dodge into walls.
@@yummychips_ Wow really? I didn't knew that there were tournaments for Dissidia and that she was banned in there. Just a question, is Onion Knight banned as well?
@@J03_M4m4there is dissidia 012 tournament. and no, terra not banned. she is bottom 5. the one who got banned is feral chaos.
onion knight is high mid tier.
Every time I see Tidus and Zidane teaming up to help Bartz . . . UGH, SO AWESOME!!!
I remember thinking ":O did Tidus just Jecht Shot Zidane at Exdeath?!?!"
SO awesome
Not in NT.
Second time we see Zidane using his tail. It was kind of funny.
8 years later, still having those goosebumps.
Cant believe its been so long ago since the game first game out.
LannCarvas same. I remember getting this game for psp as if it was yesterday
sorrikkai7 true bitch and how I left my psp at the opening menu for a while and when I came back this was playing and I was like OMG
Love this intro so much but this saga is the definition of wasted potential..
More than decade now and this intro is still awesome
I love how the villains from the earlier titles wear full armor then from Kefka, the later villains starts wearing less and less until we arrived with Jecht who's practically naked
uhhh... cloud of darkness?
when you become too op to where armour
Why need armor, when he is already a beast
And the heroes antagonizing them tend to be less covered as well
almost 2025 and I'm still amazed by this fight . I even downloaded the game again
I just love the buildup when the essense of Cosmos and Chaos stare each other down with the guardians of light and wielders of darkness at their beck and call.
FF I-IV: Full plate armor for war
FF V - later: Fancy cloth for _date_
Acurate af
Except Firion is between
atleast firion looks badass, bartz just look very gay in dissidia
Then, there is noctis
I mean thats how they were redesigned.
Originally they all lacked armor really.
1:35 The light coming from the sky as Cosmos forms from the clouds ❤️
Best scene: Squall vs Sephirot!! Uff!!
Love that damn scene SO MUCH
I love them Both so much..
One of the best scenes ever
I cant believe we barely saw Squall on the others games. What were they thinking?...
YES YES YES YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! was my thoughts on that scene
madam i stand with you on that statement!!! i love Squall
Took me years but I’m just now realizing that Cloud went on and on about not being able to help his friends when they’re in danger or when they need him the most and in this opening alone he helped Warrior of Light against Garland, gave Onion Knight ground to cover and helped alongside both Warrior of Light and Onion Knight to save Terra. No wonder the Warriors of Cosmos trusted him to be there for them from the get go.
Squall vs. Sephiroth goes down as one of the best moments in video games history! I wish we had just a little more...
@Games Agreed! Same with Rinoa and Tifa meeting.
A really neat little detail: All characters are portrayed as using roughly the same fighting styles that they had in the game itself:
Warrior of Light rushes in and combines swordplay with defensive fencing against Garland; Firion switches between his weapons depending on what situation he's in; Onion Knight rushes in and hits Garland with a series of weak strikes; Cecil keeps changing between his Paladin and Dark Knight forms depending on if he's in the air or on the ground; Bartz summons the other heroes' weapons to his hands; Terra uses spells and keeps her distance; Cloud rushes in and fights Garland head on; Squall fences Sephiroth with precision; Zidane keeps moving about up in the air, agile as a monkey as he is; Tidus feints Kuja on his way to help Zidane and Bartz take down Exdeath. And, on the Villains' side of things: Garland relies on his super armour to tank through the heroes' blows; Emperor uses magical traps to control the field of battle from a distance; Cloud of Darkness spams her Particle Beam; Golbez uses his advanced magic; Exdeath uses an attack with gravitational properties to try and draw in Bartz; Kefka flings about spells that erratically flies around and won't stop moving; Sephiroth duels with Squall and counters his precision with distance when CQC won't cut it; Ultimecia spams projectiles all over the place; Kuja bombards the vicinity with his Ultima spells and Jecht punches Firion so he goes flying!
Squall with the “255” hit % even when blinded in the og 😂😂
@@attractivechampplayer6048 renzokuken is op 😆
Tidus send Zidane to exdeath using jecht shot
I will never get tired of this opening. One of my favorite intro/openings in anything ever.
2:56 Onion smashing garland's head
3 hp
This might be very late but...
*donk! donk! donk!*
He's trying his best!
What is that guy made of?
@@dailydrops1099 onions?
3:12 - 3:25 Squall vs Sephiroth!
It was too hype.. I couldn't contain myself watching that epic match up.
First class SOLDIER vs SEED Commander! DEYM!
La mejor parte de la intro a mi parecer
overrated vs overrated
Cloud is overrated.
This intro is such a fangasm. I love it.
9 years later and I’m still in awe. Who’s here in 2019? 🙋🏻♂️💕
that would be me
I still prefer this opening instead of NT
"Chaos the god of Discord"
Thats why discord is sometimes in Chaos
Did you mean most of time?
@@ferry6700 yep
4:08 tidus went beast mode lol
Onion knight is absolutely adorable trying to do anything he can to keep up with everyone else. Hes doing a good job
Ikr? He just hops on Garland and goes "bonk bonk bonk" and then runs off
That Scene were the Dudes are protecting Terra on getting hit by an explosion gets me everytime
Chillerkerl that scene got me too!
she probs reminds Cloud of Aeris and squall of Rinoa, maybe hahahaha
They be simppin smh. Especially Onion Knight
@@degenerateremover1776 Terra and her Simp Knights 😂. Sorry, I had to do the joke.
I like the scene but it would've been more epic if she went full Esper and ended up protecting the guys instead. I know she avoids conflict but come on she's hella strong
When fighting games had problems with 3D animations, this game and 012 comes and dominates it's animates. This can't age because the game looks so realistic.
Many years later and Still gets me pumped! Love the part where they are staring each other down with their gods behind their backs
This opening is so fucking epic!!!
IKR? One of my favourites:)
Terra rocks!
It's 2019. This cool intro still gives me goosebumps AND DRIVES ME TO TEARS.
Squall and Cecil are so underrated they're both cool
onion knight is the only character is underrated because he has no character figures in any game
he is just a class
Tomo Beat in the DS remake he does. He usually goes by the name of Luneth in the 2006 game
thank you!!!!!!
Freakr X but he’s a separate character
@@fraenznoa5508 what about Warrior Of Light? He doesnt even have a name
SQUALL VS SEPHIROTH !!! EPIC !!! He is on par with sephiroth while cloud is struggling
Almost end of 2017 and this still brings me the feels.
Dude how I love this game. What a great intro (that Tidus+Zidane move is so sick!).
It was one of my favorite parts
2:59 Garland is like "a bitch I'm on your side" 😂🤣😂🤣
Ahh read this in his voice
@@Blaze_Nights that shit sounds fun as fuck
Has it really been over a decade since this legendary title came out? Back when I was just getting into FF7, I saw this game on the PSN with Cloud as the logo. I instinctively downloaded it, and it introduced me to the rest of the Final Fantasy series. I owe a lot of my nerdy past to this revolutionary title and its sequel/prequel/remake 012
Same dissidia introduced me to the FF series
I still remember that day about 10 years ago when i first saw this opening. Man, it was fucking amazing.
1:13 is probably one of the most intimidating scenes ever where the antagonists just come out of the lava
I still remember the hype when i saw Squall vs Sephiroth in this cinematic for the first time
2:57 dont worry, onion knight is just building up his bravery
Nearly a decade and it still gives me chills
Gotta love Jetch, second biggest sword of the bunch, attacks with his fist
Everyone: we are ready for battle...
Zidane: What the heck is going on up there?
It’s been 10 years since i played this game.. one of the best on psp #timehaswings
this brought tears to my eyes i have no idea why
It's because seeing all of the heroes at once is speechless. Something like this should have had its own story, but I can understand the difficulty in making something so grand. This intro is a masterpiece.
15 years later still the best intro ever
I love this but I wish they let terra do more, she’s super powerful but looked like a damsel in distress.
Ikr, in her dissidia story, everyone was like always saying that she's extremely dangerous, she's the type of character like scarlet witch and jean grey whose power is undeniably strong when used aggresively or out of control...
Terra might be one of the most powerful FF character ever and she's always shown as a useless damsel in distress in Dissidia and Duodecim. SMH
Its because she's reluctant to hurt anyone and furthermore, everyone save Cloud and Titus on the Cosmos side have no memory so without her experiences combined with her great power, she's kinda scared to use her abilities.
Dissidia made her look weak, people that haven’t played VI would never believed that she is one of the strongest FF protagonist.
I didn’t liked that she didn’t use her sword much, while I know she is a powerfull magic user her main weapons are swords.
Ernesto Ruiloba amen 🙏
I'm always so happy to see Sephiroth and Cloud fighting others instead. It's a refreshing change. 😁
Squall vs Sephiroth was DAMNNNNN
This opening cinematic is basically the climax of the 12th Dissidian cycle of war but without any context.
To be honest, I'm not much of a final fantasy fan, but I did like this game, and I really like this intro.
i very very like ff and Nt intro just because it look cool never play game
Play all of them
I actually liked the part at 4:40 - 4:45. So cool! That's how Final Fantasy heroes look after each other!
This puts smash ultimate's intro to shame
@@genericstickman5967 Indeed
@@kaz-abcd9067 hehe yes
@Nhat Anh Hoang definitely
That scene Squall vs Sephirot! My most beloved ff hero and vilain. Good move square enix!😁👍
You forgot to put the “h” in “Sephiroth.”
One of the psp’s masterpiece
play this muted at 1:12 simultaneously with the dissida song "Messenger" for a badass blend of music and visuals
Tidus and Zidane teaming up is literally the best scene and sephiroth fighting squall too
I really liked the teamup between those two and the squall vs sephiroth was badass
2020 and still the best intro
So many years later and I still get goosebumps.
The single most amazing fan service animation ever created. 20 years led up to this.
Best psp game ever! Years of gameplay content with no need of dlc and updates!! MASTERPIECE
9 years later and i still get goosebumps from this intro, one of my top 3 favorite games of all time. Love this series, love this game!!
I still have this game and 012. But the intro i get the chills literally every time.
I remember playing this back then... I did not know what finale fantasy was until I played Finale fantasy 6 in my emulator... Best game ever
The thing that is clear in the divide is that the heroes are portrayed as weaker overall, but have better teamwork whereas the villains are grandiose, but more or less ignore and even hinder each other in their battle plan.
the days when jecht was such an op character when you learn how to play him
also love how they change colors to there respective games
OMG squall vs sepiroth (
yup!!! fucking yup!!!! nearly erect when i saw it.....nearly...... but i wanted to be coz IT WAS BADASSS!!! Squall is my fave
@@daneribb5978 😂🤣
This brings me back from the time i played Final Fantasy
This is the best Crossover before Endgame!!!
I will never get over those epic designs for Garland and Golbez, my two first big bads!
Then in Duodecim, Gabranth is added to the intro!
A great tribute to the series! Love how any character fights their respective villain, and the way all movements and attacks of the clip appear in the game.
I just came to watch this,
It brought back soo much nostalgia.
Great Memories
We're here to kill chaos
Animators: How much hair do you want to have animated in this cutscene?
Director: Yes
I feel a chill when i watch the his intro
This was one of the best games I ever played! It's 2023, hopefully we can get a remake for the PS5
I miss it so much I want a psp just for this game again
This is my absolute favorite Dissidia game, my psp broke about 5-6 years ago, and seeing this intro makes me so gosh darn happy, I'm hoping to get this again on my vita
Sorry to hear that your PSP broke...
@@zzz43344 it's cool man, no need to feel sorry
The best thing about this game is i get to play the villains. I love them cos most of them are mages/sorcerers. Even though my favorite is Sephiroth i just fell inlove with these villains. From The Emperors desire to be in control, Kefka's erratic psycho magic , Kuja just gliding through the battle field , a fully armored mage that moves quite quickly Golbez, The jenova looking Cloud of Darkness firing beams all over the place, an evil tree Exdeath, and finally to a fricking time witch Ultimecia. Being able to play these villains was an amazing experience.
A fully equipped Onion Knight can manhandled everybody in this video.
Just opened up my PSP again yesterday since we got so much downtime, and open up this game. Hoo boy the nostalgia is strong. Gonna enjoy playing the story and grinding for lv. 100 teams lol
Sepheroth vs squall was cool af even though it was only a couple seconds
The guy who had the idea to make this game is a genius
yo amo final fantasy y esta intro es unica
I’ve heard this theme all through my dreams, downloaded the demo on my ps go LONG AGO and fell in love
i played this game in 2009 and i cant stopped watching the intro!
Dammit nostalgia. Who else played this on their PSP??
This really needs to be remastered..good old days, when i used to play this on psp.
Kaga Kouko could not agree more, still can’t believe it’s been nearly 10 years
@@fredm1364 I still remember the time when I encountered Feral Chaos with an hp of 10k or 100k, I dont really remember...I remember the struggle
@@Chinatsu_Kano i do to, i used to magic pot or whatever its called to cheese away his hp bar after he bashed me for 9999 rince and repeat,
@@fredm1364 I forgot all the items u can use on him since it was like 7 years ago since I last played this but the 5 man squad I chose to have was : WOL, too many block combo and well balanced. Basically his kit has alot of counter attacks, then you follow it up with combos. Onion Knight since he does rapid combos, although it does minimal dmg I personally liked it. Zidane on those cool moves obviously. He has an unorthodox fighting style, so his moves are a bit hard to predict and block. Firion bcs of that op combo on the ground using his ax and bow, very simple moveset but pack a lot of damage from what I vaguely remember, each of his moveset has a finishing combo hit that deals a lot of dmg. Lastly Claude my main. Pretty well balanced for chipping dmg and heavy attacks. I forgot what was my best summon in that game tho. Still, there's a lot of characters here with their unique playstyle, but i personally liked this 5. But anyways, i really missed playing this game, the nostalgia just from reminiscing it.
@@fredm1364 I also love Jecht, where u need to stop on a certain point and then u need to perfectly watch the timing so the combo will continue and that dungeon or maze arcade is very challenging and fun..
I remember watching this on my little PSP screen as a kid
Ahhh so good! I wish the final epic scene in Dissidia NT was the same pace as this trailer
The First Intro will forever be the most hyped up one (waiting to see if NT can top the intensity of this and not go for a Super Smash Bros Wii U opening)
Razore' Arcwolf I guess this intro is still the best ! Big part of it's greatness is the music imo
Funny you should say that, as I came back here to watch this just after the most recent SSBU cinematic which has a style very similar to the first intro here.
it has a good intro, but shitty gameplay development, they mostly focused on arcade esport instead a story based rpg game
The nostalgia I am feeling right now... I'm crying. I want my youth back.
I miss bullying feral chaos with emperor thunder trap combo
Thanks for the good childhood^^
Intro looks better than the 012 one. Can’t argue that.
012 one focused more on characters
I wish they remaster this game for the ps5.
2:00 who summoned Voldemort, amirite?
*waits for high five that'll never come*
oh the joys of this game!!! love the intro and music of course!!! Best intro of all time!!
2019... brings back memories
Después de todos estos años sigue siendo la mejor intro de Dissidia
Almost 2019 and it’s still fucking epic
It would be really awesome if the new one had an intro that included XI - XV in this style, that villain line-up is one of the best things, but one can only imagine it with Gabranth and Ardyn.
Ardyn! He'll certainly obtain the total victory, just like in FFXV.
Miguel Angel Del Rio Bernal if you want play dissidia 012 duodecim
I really hope gabranth is brought back, he was my favorite character to use, yes even above sephiroth and squall.
Add Caius and Vayne to that list of villains. I'm not sure what villains to pick from XI and XIV.