Joan of Arc from "Who Cares About The Saints?" with Fr. James Martin, S.J.

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024
  • Let James Martin, S.J. author of "My Life with the Saints," introduce you to his favorite saints in the exciting new DVD Who Cares about the Saints? Loyola Productions proudly releases this DVD which combines Fr. Martins lively commentary along with dramatic photos and artwork that brings to life the lives of the saints.
    The DVD features twelve 6-10 minute chapters on the lives of Dorothy Day, Thomas Merton, Joan of Arc, Francis of Assisi, Mother Teresa, Ignatius Loyola, Bernadette Soubirous, Pope John XXIII, Therese of Liseux, Joseph, Peter, and Mary, Mother of Jesus. The DVD also includes insights from Fr. Martin on how to use the saints today.
    See more clips or buy the DVD at www.LoyolaProdu....

Комментарии • 113

  • @user-lv7me6li6q
    @user-lv7me6li6q 8 лет назад +5

    Thank you, Im writing a short play about this wonderful saint for a competition. Its amazing how no one knows anything about how amazing Joan of Arc was.

  • @paztino
    @paztino 12 лет назад +26

    Mark Twain's fictional biography of "Joan of Arc" really brings her to life and is highly recommended to learn more about one of the greatest saints. It is said that Twain researched his subject over 10 years and called his story about Joan his greatest book.

    • @erichansen3641
      @erichansen3641 7 лет назад +3

      Thanks for this reference. I'll look into it.

    • @wohololao
      @wohololao 4 года назад +5

      I just finished reading it. It is marvelous!

    • @billgrady9188
      @billgrady9188 4 года назад +2

      thank you for that, I'll look for the Twain book!

    • @RayB1656
      @RayB1656 3 года назад +2

      You said it right, Mark Twain' fiction work ...for entertainment only !

  • @TheAnnoDomini
    @TheAnnoDomini 9 лет назад +27

    St. Jeanne d'Arc please pray for us...

    • @idawilliams3528
      @idawilliams3528 8 лет назад


    • @erichansen3641
      @erichansen3641 7 лет назад +1

      I should think that anyone who has been betrayed should like to beseech of St. Jeanne D'Arc to intercede for them. Many have felt betrayed even by God Almighty & Jesus Christ themselves. Both Jesus and Joan knew what it was like to feel abandoned by God.
      Remember, it was Mary Magdalene (in her day) who interceded for the King and Queen of France to have a male son Dolphin (Dauphin) to be the heir to the throne. Mary's prayer was answered. This was the SIGN the King and Queen were looking for in order to believe on Jesus Christ whom Mary preached. Because of this miracle, that entire region of France was saved by the Gospel of Jesus Christ which Mary M. preached.
      Joan(i.e. Mary Magdalene returned, just as Elijah had returned as John the Baptist) also provided a SIGN to Charles VII (Dolphin/Dauphin of France) in 1429. We don't know the SIGN Joan showed to Charles. But I believe she showed him a birthmark that proved to Charles that Joan was his half-sister (both offspring of Jacques D'Arc - hereditary Knights Templar nobility, and descended from the Kings of Jerusalem). There were no DNA(Dauphin Nucleic Acid) tests back then. I believe Charles VII was not the son of King Charles VI, and that is why Charles VI signed a treaty with England in 1420 to hand over France to the King of England upon Charles VI death, and why Charles VII mother abandoned him, spreading a rumor he was illegitimate. But God wanted Charles VII to be king of France. And in God's eyes, Charles VII was the legitimate heir to the throne, just not through Charles VI line.
      Charles VII was conceived in 1402 about the time Jacques D'Arc was 22 years old. Jacques D'Arc married Isabelle Romee in 1405 and they had daughter Joan/Jehanne/Jeanne in 1412. Charles VII was born on Feb 22nd 1403, and died on July 22nd 1461. July 22nd is the Feast Day of Mary Magdalene in the Roman Catholic Church. King Charles VI had gone mad about the time Charles VII was conceived. The Queen (aged 32, 10 years older than Jacques D'Arc) could have had a fling/affair with Jacques D'Arc during her husband the King's madness?
      Crowned King Charles VII ennobled Joan of Arc and her family. So one way or the other, the Jacques D'Arc family was to be recognized as nobility of some sort. Mary Magdalene and Joan of Arc are patron saints of the Knights Templar, and the Knights Templar associate Joan with Mary Magdalene.
      JOKE: What did Darth Gator say to the dolphin? "Fluke. You are my fodder."
      What did D'Arc Vader (Joan's dark father)
      say to the dolphin Charles VII? "Fluke. I am your father."
      Fluke being D'Arc Vader's (Jacques D'Arc's) pet name for his illegitimate son,
      the dolphin/dauphin of France.
      Or is it a JOKE???? Or a SIGN????
      In the 1999 TV miniseries, Joan of Arc (now on DVD), actor Powers Boothe plays a very dark Jacques D'Arc.
      He attempts to snuff out the life of his newborn daughter Joan/Jeanne, as the Burgundian(Benjamite?) wolves are about to invade the village of Domremy(Doe-Ray-Me). Joan's mother Isabelle comes to the rescue and saves Joan's life.
      This scene is very reminiscent of the film NOAH(i.e. Noah's Arc/Ark) starring Russell Crowe, where Noah attempts to snuff out the life of the 2 newborn daughters of Shem and wife Ila.

    • @idawilliams3528
      @idawilliams3528 7 лет назад

      Eric Hansen I agree with you on this subject Mary Magdalene was the first that Jesus spoke to when he had Rose so when Joan of Arc was panicking in the fire the smoke and she scream Jesus Christ his name he held her hand in the fire she recognized Christ as her twin brother an her panic ceased because they became one the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost the trinity🕀🕀🕀✌

    • @idawilliams3528
      @idawilliams3528 7 лет назад

      man will thrive on your fear and tried to destroy you with it thank God for Jesus Christ the holy brother cuz Joan of arc's greatest fear was fire 🔥 but her faith in God no man could destroy

    • @erichansen3641
      @erichansen3641 7 лет назад

      Speaking of holding one's hand in the fire...Remember the 3 men cast into the Fiery Furnace?
      DANIEL 1:7 (NLT) The chief of staff renamed them with these Babylonian names: Daniel was called Belteshazzar. Hananiah was called Shadrach. Mishael was called Meshach. Azariah was called Abednego.
      There was a forth in the fire with them. Was it an angel? (perhaps the archangel Michael pron. "Michelle" to the French) or perhaps Christ himself?
      Were Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego angels?
      The reason I ask that is because we know from the Catholic/Orthodox OT canon, Book of Tobit, that the archangel Raphael went incognito to Tobit and son Tobias as "Azariah, son of the great Hananiah", a kinsman to Tobit.
      Azariah means: God helps. Hananiah means: God has mercy or favor.
      The archangel Raphael had been sent by God to help Tobias find his wife, and to cure Tobit of his blindness.
      Was the unassuming dog in the Book of Tobit God Almighty himself?
      Theologians have tried to figure out for centuries what the dog is there in the story for.
      Well, I suggest that dog is for the pronunciation of the Hebrew word for fish i.e. dag/da'g.
      DOG reversed is GOD. I believe GOD was the great fish that swallowed JONAH.
      The Book of Tobit is a reverse of the JONAH story.
      Tobit's son Tobias is almost swallowed by a great fish(Hebrew: dag/da'g, pronounced dog).
      But instead, Tobias pulls the fish onto dry land at the bidding of Azariah(i.e. archangel Raphael incognito).
      Tobias and Raphael are accompanied by a DOG on their journey away from NINEVEH.
      The Philistines almost had it right then. Their god "Dagon" (fish god) perhaps was conceptualized from a partial understanding of this concept. That is DOG GONE funny!

  • @michealsharmila2576
    @michealsharmila2576 3 года назад +1

    St. Joan of arc pray for us n protect us from our enemies. Protect holy catholic church n pope Francis.

  • @shoelover25
    @shoelover25 10 лет назад +2

    Thank your Fr. James

  • @didiercorot3696
    @didiercorot3696 Год назад

    - Joan of Arc is a heroine known to the four corners of the world. This young girl fought and she sacrificed her life for a cause that she thought to be fair. She has shown an iron will, exemplary bravery and loyalty to her faith and her country. His story should inspire every human being on earth whatever his skin color, his religion, his social level or his place of life. Joan of Arc is an icon and a Saint for the eternity. She will be perhaps considered in the future as a universal heritage.

  • @chrisjoy439
    @chrisjoy439 6 лет назад +6

    Joan of Arc my saint my hero

  • @ErikBramsen
    @ErikBramsen 7 лет назад +19

    Jeanne was not 14 when she was tried for heresy, she was 19.

    • @brahilly
      @brahilly 6 лет назад +3

      Yes you're right. But that's just one of many errors that Father martin makes. He was, evidently, quite unprepared to give this lecture.

    • @erichansen3641
      @erichansen3641 5 лет назад

      I would have liked Father Martin to have commented on POPE Saint PIUS X's proclaimation (in about 1909) that: "Jeanne has shone like a new star destined to be the glory of not only France but of the Universal [Catholic] Church as well." Has the eternal glory baton been passed (by the Father & Son) to God's Daughter (i.e. a Child of the Holy Spirit)? If it has, then there should be no concern for it did not diminish the Father for the glory baton to have been passed first to the Son. So too, why should it diminish the Father & Son if they pass the baton to the Holy Spirit (Jeanne d'Arc).

    • @chrisjoy439
      @chrisjoy439 5 лет назад

      She died at the age of 19.

    • @geraldwest5370
      @geraldwest5370 4 года назад

      Jeanne was not 19 either when she was tried for heresy, she was 22 or 23, according to the Inquiry in Domremy for the second trial of Rouen.

    • @AndriLindbergs
      @AndriLindbergs 3 года назад +1

      Her visions started when she was about 14. However Father Martin says in another place that she was handed over to the English, which is not true. He also says she was put on a show-trial by English church officials. This also isn't true, she was captured by the French allies of the English and while the English had a lot to do with her final demise they made sure there was no English Church official conducting the trial. They were all French.

  • @Vort317545
    @Vort317545 Год назад

    I had access to a time machine I'd go meet, kneel (the ONLY human being and leader I'd ever kneel to, might I add), and offer my sword and life need to be to her cause. As many historians agree, Joan of Arc without a doubt was the finest human being ever produced by human history. Joan's mission, her visions, and her words. Have been a spiritual inspiration to me from my Catholic/Christian days to this very day. Reading Joan's accounts. I truly believe this young woman was in direct communication with God. And I say this as college-educated cultural anthropologist and fifty-five-year-old male who has seen and experienced this world.
    Hail Jehanne la Purcell “Joan the Maid” as she called herself. Hail Joan of Arc, Liberator of France!

  • @ariah5093
    @ariah5093 Год назад +1

    She doesn't sound crazy to me. She sounds like a sweet girl who loved God and so he used her

  • @McQ109
    @McQ109 10 лет назад +1

    Happy Fest Dat Saint Joan of Arc. ....

  • @LarryMeegan
    @LarryMeegan 8 лет назад +7

    Court Crow, let me suggest what is probably the best biography ever written about Joan of Arc. It was written by Mark Twain and he considered it the best book he ever wrote. I suggest you read it with a map of France at your side. I like the Ignatius Press printing. As you're reading you might notice who he has the,ling the story. I had an "aha" moment when it hit me because I realized that was the genius of Twain. That was the best way to tell the story. Fantastic book!

  • @brahilly
    @brahilly 7 лет назад +8

    As nice as Father Martin appears to be, his lecture falls short on accuracy with enough serious errors to make it unreliable.

    • @aymericlarisse605
      @aymericlarisse605 6 лет назад +3

      Of course, he's a modernist as denounced by the Popes such as Saint Pius X in his encyclical "Pascendi Dominici Gregis" still available on the Vatican website. It's the final battle between the Catholic Church and Her enemies. Everything has been said by Our Lady of La Salette in 1846.

    • @brahilly
      @brahilly 5 лет назад

      From my point of view, you are slipping away from the Love of Christ and taking shelter in your fundamentalism. Christ is certainly not, not now and not then, a fundamentalist. Take care.

  • @Boriken81
    @Boriken81 11 лет назад +3

    Generally well done, Fr. Martin. Though I disagree with you about exactly why the King turned on Joan after being crowned. I believe Joan's popularity was a political threat to the new King and that is why he stopped supporting Joan's mission. The male vs. female reasoning you provided seems weak in light of the devotion she inspired from the (almost) all male army. Also, Joan was already 18-19 years old during her trial. Not 14. God Bless!

  • @Christabbaword
    @Christabbaword 6 лет назад +1

    Verses about mother Sarah.
    Proverbs 31:10-31 New International Version (NIV)
    Epilogue: The Wife of Noble Character
    10 [a]A wife of noble character who can find?
    She is worth far more than rubies.
    11 Her husband has full confidence in her
    and lacks nothing of value.
    12 She brings him good, not harm,
    all the days of her life.
    13 She selects wool and flax
    and works with eager hands.
    14 She is like the merchant ships,
    bringing her food from afar.
    15 She gets up while it is still night;
    she provides food for her family
    and portions for her female servants.
    16 She considers a field and buys it;
    out of her earnings she plants a vineyard.
    17 She sets about her work vigorously;
    her arms are strong for her tasks.
    18 She sees that her trading is profitable,
    and her lamp does not go out at night.
    19 In her hand she holds the distaff
    and grasps the spindle with her fingers.
    20 She opens her arms to the poor
    and extends her hands to the needy.
    21 When it snows, she has no fear for her household;
    for all of them are clothed in scarlet.
    22 She makes coverings for her bed;
    she is clothed in fine linen and purple.
    23 Her husband is respected at the city gate,
    where he takes his seat among the elders of the land.
    24 She makes linen garments and sells them,
    and supplies the merchants with sashes.
    25 She is clothed with strength and dignity;
    she can laugh at the days to come.
    26 She speaks with wisdom,
    and faithful instruction is on her tongue.
    27 She watches over the affairs of her household
    and does not eat the bread of idleness.
    28 Her children arise and call her blessed;
    her husband also, and he praises her:
    29 “Many women do noble things,
    but you surpass them all.”
    30 Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
    but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.
    31 Honor her for all that her hands have done,
    and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.

  • @Wombah-rc6zz
    @Wombah-rc6zz 5 лет назад +4

    I beg to differ friend, she was NOT crazy but divine! What crazy person could accurately predict where a 700 year old sword would be found? Just one example of many!

    • @RayB1656
      @RayB1656 3 года назад +1

      That famous Fierbois sword was not Charles Martel' sword !
      There was not a ''Firebois church during that period !
      It was Bertrand du Guesclin' sword.
      That same sword was later given to the admiral of France :
      Pierre de Brébant, dit Clignet.
      When he died, again, that same sword
      was placed behind the alter at Fierbois by his widow.
      That was in 1428.
      That is why the sword was not rusted and in fairly good condition !
      Jehanne la Pucelle knew about the sword, since she made a stop at Fierbois, on the way to Chinon.
      She was at Fierbois for two days !!
      She asked if the famous sword could be sent to Tours.
      It was !
      That sword was not used on the back of a ''lady of the night''.
      When she was asked what happened to that sword,
      she said it was lost !
      Jehanne la Pucelle had 4 swords
      and they are all well-known .
      History books could be useful in your case !

    • @SimpleJohn27
      @SimpleJohn27 3 года назад

      @@RayB1656 supernatural work

  • @stephenpaulwilson6496
    @stephenpaulwilson6496 4 года назад +1

    Trust and obey there is no other way 🙏

  • @billgrady9188
    @billgrady9188 4 года назад

    Another wonderful message, Father, about a saint I know little about...but will correct when the libraries open again soon!

  • @lexigrimhaive
    @lexigrimhaive 8 лет назад +1

    What she said to Charles is not a secret, and she was around 19 when she died, meaning she could not of been 14 or 15 during her trial.

    • @lexigrimhaive
      @lexigrimhaive 8 лет назад


    • @idawilliams3528
      @idawilliams3528 8 лет назад

      No one really knew her age she did not either ,,, she could have been 12 or 13 but she was a strong girl and a fine lady who believed.... Forgotten saying she was around 17 almost to 18th birthday when she was burned

    • @idawilliams3528
      @idawilliams3528 8 лет назад

      And she was actually born in February bitter weather winter baby , the coldest month of the year

    • @lexigrimhaive
      @lexigrimhaive 8 лет назад

      +Ida Williams I cannot understand a word you typed.

    • @idawilliams3528
      @idawilliams3528 8 лет назад

      Lexi Vorce I'm sorry I did not know you don't speak English

  • @krakusdomm
    @krakusdomm 9 лет назад +6

    Interesting. Quite the interpretation from this Priest. Maybe a bit more piety and sincere prayer. Indeed, by Joan's own admission and answer directly to the King of France and to the Church Court of England Joan expressed that her actions to move the English out of France was the COMMISSION given to her by the GRACE of the Almighty God. For that reason no one could doubt her in the Church Court of the English. Indeed, as her time drew near and these Judges went silent because in the face of truth they were dumb founded! In my opinion, this sign is more for England and does have even a message for today. England will have a time that the saints and judgment will come upon that land as it has upon so many lands before on the earth. 1st time I heard this view of the story and is worth the investigation. As some from Jesus are given a COMMISSION.

  • @danasandlin2435
    @danasandlin2435 2 года назад

    Is there anyone more Christlike than Joan of Arc? She saved her people from Anglicanism and saved the Catholic Church in all of France...yet, her own people turned her over to the enemy and allowed them to crucify her--for what reason? Saving doesn't get more heroic than that...she is quite simply a SuperHero of the Highest Order...dts/usa

  • @erichansen3641
    @erichansen3641 5 лет назад

    Nice job, but I would have liked Father Martin to have commented on POPE Saint PIUS X's proclaimation (in about 1909) that: "Jeanne has shone like a new star destined to be the glory of not only France but of the Universal [Catholic] Church as well." Has the eternal glory baton been passed (by the Father & Son) to God's Daughter (i.e. a Child of the Holy Spirit)? If it has, then there should be no concern for it did not diminish the Father for the glory baton to have been passed first to the Son. So too, why should it diminish the Father & Son if they pass the baton to the Holy Spirit (Jeanne d'Arc).

  • @neilhasid3407
    @neilhasid3407 7 лет назад

    Very well done, in a very short format.

  • @alientejanopt9066
    @alientejanopt9066 4 года назад +1


    • @tnntaronewsnetwork4514
      @tnntaronewsnetwork4514 3 года назад

      Horrific acts? Bub I’m no catholic but even I know enough history to know no one forced Joan into joining the army, like literally women were not made to fight it was against social grain back then. Secondly Joan famously never killed anyone so what “horrific acts” of hers is being excused here?
      In fact she was a notably rare commander of her time to forbid her men from committing war rape and she actively abstained from fighting on Sunday’s. Which are not horrific by design

    • @anilomd
      @anilomd Год назад


  • @wongcheukkwan
    @wongcheukkwan 6 лет назад

    The most essential thing for her TRUST.

  • @andystitt3887
    @andystitt3887 5 лет назад

    I've read that the lead judge denied her appeal.

  • @erichansen3641
    @erichansen3641 5 лет назад +1

    Is Joan of Arc (Jeanne d'Arc) a rainbow bridge to salvation through Jesus Christ, perhaps bridging the gap between Purgatory and Paradise, but not going so far as to save those souls declared precluded (destined for Hell), which even Jesus Christ can not save? The film does not rule out this possibility.
    Young 8-year-old Jeannette(Joan of Arc) listens intently to the wisdom of the divine goddess of the Holy Trinity, "Madam Gervaise" (Saints Catherine & Margaret, going incognito as 2 incognitas dressed as nuns), who, as a divine KEPHEL pair (Hebrew noun for "the DOUBLE" - JOB 11:6) attempt to convince young Jeannette (through their combined/synchronous wisdom) that it is blasphemous (even useless) for her to offer up her body and soul to God, as a ransom, herself to be damned forever in exchange, to free the souls damned to Hell which Jesus Christ could not save. The 2 nuns even tell Jeannette that she should not go to war. But spurred on by her faith through visitations by the archangel Michael(Commander of Heaven's Army), Jeannette will become "Saint Joan of Arc": Virgin, Shepherdess, Warrior, Prophetess, Savior, and Martyr - "...destined to be the glory of not only France but of the Universal [Catholic] Church as well". -- Pope Saint Pius X (about 1909).

  • @randenpederson4784
    @randenpederson4784 4 года назад

    One wonders that if God was concerned with oppression that he didn't get her to introduce a social democracy. Instead he picks the French aristocracy, a group not really known for their love of freedom for the little people.

    • @brahilly
      @brahilly 4 года назад

      Joan was a peasant girl from the hinterland in eastern France. She led fighting men who like her also came from the lowest strata of society. The "little people" were the ones who suffered the most during the 100 Years War and therefore the ones who profited the most when that struggle came to an end.

  • @lezmajz4677
    @lezmajz4677 4 года назад +1

    Oh he is not promoting LGBT anymore?

  • @chrisjoy439
    @chrisjoy439 5 лет назад

    Her real name was Jeanne d’Arc.

  • @fredrm6023
    @fredrm6023 7 лет назад +1

    14 year old leads an army to Victory against the English. I mean hey man back then, possibly.

    • @brahilly
      @brahilly 6 лет назад +3

      No, she was 17, and there are innumerable documents attesting to this fact. She was, as the American military Historian, Stephen Richey, stated: perhaps the most formidable leader of fighting men in all history. Or what Mark Twain said, she was "the most "extraordinary person ever to emerge from humanity?

  • @LordDeliverUs
    @LordDeliverUs Год назад

    Repent James Martin!

  • @itslarnettart3416
    @itslarnettart3416 6 лет назад +5

    This is an insult to Joan of Arc, who was basically martyred for her Catholic faith, to be paired with an avowed homosexual with deep ties to the LGBT community. Very sad.

    • @georgecurley2708
      @georgecurley2708 3 года назад +2

      joan of arc was betrayed by the man she made king ,burnt as a heretic by the the catholic church, then they had the bare faced cynicism to canonize her in1920.It is even a worse case than the betrayal of the Templars .Talk about hard neck and duplicity.

  • @sampopovic6344
    @sampopovic6344 5 лет назад +1

    do not push the agenda homosexuality.