My favourite moment was when I was on Cloud City during ESB, I was sat at the dinner table thinking of some sweet comebacks, when Han Solo walks in and starts shooting! Well, I force deflected those DL-44 shots like a boss and said to his nerfherding ass "we would be honoured if you would join us". Man, that's classic me.
I've been stuck in an airport for freaking hours. Finally found a vacant charging point, refreshed my free Wi-Fi, flicked the noise cancelling button on the headphones and now leaning back into a pretty comfy chair to enjoy some ASMR starwars bliss - the force really is with me !
I Play Ephemeral Rift over my home sound system at night while sleeping. Burglars fall asleep when they try to rob me. Top knotch Security. Better than any Dog
I really like Kylo Ren and the actor (Adam Driver) who plays him. I think most people don't like when he takes his mask off he doesn't seem like a villian and he isn't menacing. But that's the point. He's a young man that is trying to be something he isn't. He wants so desperately to be like darth vader, but that just isn't who he is. I think he portrays that struggle extremely well in the movie and adds layers to his character.
That's the same for Anakin Skywalker and the actor who plays him (Hayden Christensen) Every one says the prequels are bad (and there not the greatest) but everyone hates the prequels because they think Anakin was too whiny and acted immature but Anakin is a young man who is being manipulated by Chancellor Palpitien (The Emperor) and Anakin was being lied to by the Jedi counsel and Anakin just got married and is having dreams of her dying right after his mother died and he is not allowed to show emotion since forbidden but he is in love with padme and he feels like everyone is turning their backs on him while he was juggling the light and the dark side of the force plus he murdered all the sand people because of his mothers death so Hayden did an amazing job to be able to act all that emotion and conflict out on set. Not to mention he is the chosen one and has to live up to that prophecy
Favorites- Movie: Rogue One Character: Darth Vader Moment/scene: Last 30 minutes. To be more specific, the part with the Star Destroyers. (If you've seen the movie you know what I'm talking about)
Kyle Broxton fun fact, I momentarily turned off my suits life support system so that my chest plate lights did not blink and give away my position. Then, BOOM! I sabered a guy in the dick, are you not entertained?
I'm a hardcore Star wars fan, I didn't like Force Awakens that much but I loved Rogue One, it's a love letter to the fans who love the small things in the Star wars Universe
Unax Larrañaga NOT true at all, I appreciate all the Movies and Force Awakens has some great stuff but it's OK to not like all Movies, I mean my favorite movie of all time it's the matrix and I don't like the Sequels that much, that means I'm not a real fan?
+Unax Larrañaga I adore the force awakens myself but this real/true fan bullshit needs to fuck off. you don't have to like everything a franchise does to be a fan. thinking the prequels are horseshit doesn't make me enjoy 4-7 any less.
There is no emotion, there is ASMR. There is no ignorance, there is ASMR. There is no passion, there is ASMR. There is no chaos, there is ASMR. There is no death, there is Professor Clemmons. :) ASMR jedi code
RagingDragon13 There is no emotion, there is tingles There is no ignorance, there is Prof Clemmons There is no passion, there is the Brother There is no chaos, there is the Handyman There is no death, there is the Rift
Honestly my favourite Star Wars moment was the lightsaber battle at the end of the Phantom Menace. It's probably the best lightsaber fight of all time because the choreography was flawless
Showed this to my friend who is a die hard starwars fan. He sat there quietly and took it until you said "qui gon jinn" and then he just snapped. I think he hates me now
I believe in technical terminology *ahem* "Do not attempt to jump onto this hill, human being known as Anakin Skywalker, as I, Obi-Wan-Kenobi have superior aerial advantage to also known as the "High Ground" while you, have a measly platform almost submerged in lava"
Return Of The Jedi. I saw it in the theatre back in the day. My favorite scene is the confrontation/conversation between Luke and Darth at the end of ROTJ. And Vader eventually bringing balance to the force by killing of the Emperor. I'll never forget that moment.
3 months on, this is still my go-to AMSR video for relaxation, I must be responsible for over 1,000 of the views. Great content, great pace, great tone.
I still think The Empire Strikes Back is the best Star Wars movie, mainly because I love seeing the bad guys win lol. But seriously. Even the name of the movie is sweet. Empire Strikes Back. Gives goosebumps yo.
My favorite movie is Revenge of the Sith with Return of the Jedi a close second. My favorite character is so incredibly hard to pick. My most memorable scene was Anakin and Obi Wan on Mustafar, "you were sent to destroy the Sith, not join them. You were supposed to bring balance to the Force, not leave it in Darkness...You were my brother, Anakin. I loved you."
Not many people liked revenge of the sith, but I found obi wan and anakin's relationship interesting. It also showed how darth vader came to be, which I really enjoyed.
I loved the star wars chat, it's cool to have other views (pretty similar to mine, though haha) on something we like :) In all you said, I just wanted to clarify two things: 1st - The blind guy in rogue one was actually a force user. Jedi and sith aren't the only ones able to harness the force and that's what Disney was starting to touch with that guy (he doesn't use the force the same way someone trained would, but it does affect him and he can 'read auras' and stuff). 2nd - There couldn't be a lightsaber battle in that same movie because the only wielders of that kind of weapon (according to the movie canon, let's not consider the expanded universe - which, by the way, was axed by Disney) were Obi-wan, who was living undercover looking after Luke, and Yoda and none of them had any business with what happens in Rogue One :P I'm not a hardcore fan either, so I might be wrong, but that's what I believe hahaha (Oh and the whole Darth Vader is Luke's son / father thing but that was just a lapse lol)
I'll just rank my star wars movies from least favorite to favorite 8. Attack of the clones 7. The Phantom Menace 6. Return of the Jedi 5. Rogue One 4. A New Hope 3. Empire strikes back 2. Force Awakens 1. Revenge of the Sith I know a lot of people are going to lose their shit that a prequel is number one, or that Empire isn't even number 2. But I really love Revenge of the Sith. Mind you I was introduced to the original 3 movies first, and watched them dozens of times, especially episode 4. I even got to see A New Hope re-released in theaters when I was young. But I also saw the prequels in theaters, and liked them all. Even as an adult rewatching all the movies, I don't hate the prequels, though episode 2 is pretty boring. But episode 3 has a very dark and serious tone that is very interesting to me.
I really like Kylo Ren (an the force awakens). Rogue One was also quite good, especially like the last 10 minutes :). The original trilogy are my favorite films though.
A list of things you forgot/got wrong:(for your benefit, not criticizing) 1. Yoda first appeared in Ep. 5 2. Qui-gon is pronounced kwai 3. Hoth creature is called a Wampa 4. Chirrut Îmwe(the rogue one asian) is not a jedi 5. Yoda vs. Dooku was in Ep. 2, Yoda vs. Palpatine was in Ep.3 6. Smaller AT-ATs are called AT-STs 7. Rebel vehicles on Hoth are snowspeeders or t-47 airspeeders (you were close enough on this one) 8. X-wings not TIEs go through the trench 9. Qui-gon is played by Liam Neeson 10. Jar-Jar appeared in Ep. 1 and only had a small part in Ep.2 11. Sam Jackson's character is named Mace Windu 12. Anakin's mother dies in Ep. 2 13. Ep. 7 is not a good movie (you redeemed yourself later by saying it was just ok) 14. Kylo Ren's actor is Adam Driver 15. You accidentally called Rey Ren but i think that was just a flub 16. Rey's home planet is Jakku and her family left her on that planet 17. J.J. Abrams didn't direct Transformers 18. Rogue one is an official star wars film because it is cannon but not part of the trilogies 19. Rogue one planet is called Scarif 20. Han Solo's job is a smuggler and good news for you a young Han Solo movie is in the works! Btw my movie order is V, VI, Rogue One, IV, III, II, VII, I Favourite character: Han Solo or Fives Favourite scene: Han's conversation with the imperial officer in Ep. Iv where he ends it my shooting the console in the detention block.
I know there’s a 0% chance you’ll see this, but I do hope you do another one of these videos. I enjoyed this one and would like to see some of your opinions on The Last Jedi and The Rise of Skywalker. Possible also the Mandalorian if you saw it.
Uninteresting Name he wasn't force sensitive, he just used sound and such and believed it was the force, which gave him motivation to be very aware, using elements OTHER than the force.
yeah I'm gonna agree with holder, Chirrut was force sensitive. You don't walk through a wall of blaster fire just because you've got good hearing. He was force sensitive, additional to whatever skills he had naturally developed due to his lack of sight. He's even in a sort of religious sect that acknowledges the force. It's like saying Luke was only a jedi after he picked up a lightsaber, or before anakin did, they both felt the force in small ways, such as Anakin's ability to pod race so well so young before he even had training. Sorry for the rant
LemonDesigns mind sending me the link? Because I'm pretty sure he was at the very least acutely sensitive, though more likely quite well acquainted with the force
My favourite movie is revenge of the sixth because it has a massive contrast from when anakin was good at the start and his decent into the darkness but my favourite scenes are actually from attack of the clone 1. Jango fett setting of the seismic charge to kill obi wan 2: when the clone gunship comes down to save all the Jedi and starts destroying all the droids in the colassium
I use ASMR to treat my IBS , helps me get through the stress of both the D and The C sides of the disease as well as gas pain and the stress of having to know where a bathroom is. Thanks Uncle E.
My favorite movies a competition between rogue one and revenge of the sith. My favorite character is K2. And my most memorable moment has got to be the clones betrayal from revenge of the Sith, the sad music playing as we jump from scene to scene seeing the clones turning the guns towards the Jedi and killing them isn't only the saddest scene in all of Star Wars to me but also a MASSIVE turning point that brought the republic 1 step away from crushing the sith to the sith gaining the upper hand and becoming the tyrannical empire they were until the rebels won in the 6th movie
Favourite moment: When jar jar binks looks at that elephant thing on tatooine after it farts OF COURSE Favourite film: AOTC OF COURSE Favourite character: Fingrin Da'n OF COURSE
3:50 correction: Luke first goes to Dagobah in Ep 5 after force ghost Obi appears for him in the snow. After the rebels escape the empire Luke says he’ll meet with the falcon gang later and goes to see Yoda. Luke leaves to fight Vader and Yoda says he’s not ready as he hasn’t finished his training, which is why he loses to Vader and has his hand cut off
The One Gamer From 2011 Would the geiger counter not require a radioactive substance nearby? Sorry if I'm wrong or round stupid, I honestly don't know, but I do believe those require radiation.
Blorpo It does, but really, radiation tends to be a boogie man, he could really just get a small sample of uranium ore, which isn't the most radioactive.
Favorite movie: Revenge of the Sith Favorite character: Darth Vader Favorite moment from the movies: Anakin and Obi wan’s duel on mustafar I’m pretty sure I saw the prequels first but i’m not sure, I was like 4 when I first watched them lmao
Surprisingly K2-SO managed to become one of my favorite SW characters of all time and i did not expect it, thought he was going to be "meh" from the trailers but he was awesome
1. Return Of The Jedi - Holds the most nostalgia for me. I remember watching it on a recorded VHS with my dad. 2. The Force Awakens - It brought the magic back for me and felt like a natural continuation of the story. 3. Attack Of The Clones - Has the most unique feel of all the films, love the slow almost noire build in the first half. 4.Rogue One - Best action in all of the Star Wars films. 5. Empire Strike Back - Love Bespin 6. Revenge Of The Sith - Most emotionally impactful for me. 7. A New Hope - Somewhat boring for me but I love Alec Guinesse as Obi-Wan 8. The Phantom Menace - Rather unnessecary and could have started at the Battle of Naboo honestly. Still rather nostalgic for me though.
*If I Am Being Honest, I've Never Been A Fan Of Star Wars, More Of A Harry Potter Fan. But My Family LOVES Star Wars! Video Was Relaxing Just The Same Though!
ER you should do one where you're a Jedi meditating, going through the Jedi Code. taking the time to get to know your padawan a little bit more, maybe letting your padawan get to know you a little bit more through stories of victory or great learning. just a thought
Matheus Almeida Just because someone is powerful doesn't make them cool. Both of those idiots always look constipated. Plus, when is power too much? Characters like these are made to look cool, but end up FUCKING RETARDED. I AM SICK OF ALL THESE LOW LIFES WHO THINK THIS PIECE OF SHIT ANIME IS AN ACTUAL GOOD THING WHEN ALL IT IS IS THE DIAPER AT THE BOTTOM OF THE FUCKING DUMPSTER. GOD YOU WEEABOOS MAKE ME SICK.
Ranking = 5, 4, 6, 2, 3, RO, 7, 1 Anyone who thinks 7 is good needs to stop eating memberberries. Favorite character: Lando Calrissian Favorite sequence: Luke training on Dagobah
I first saw star wars when i was 9, my brother bought the 3 movies on VHS and we watched one movie a night! I was totally blown away by how exciting it was, all the characters! I loved the scenes on hoth
I didn't really like rogue one to be honest, I tried so hard. Sure the end was insane but all the new characters were underdeveloped and forgettable. And empire is my favorite and everyone knows attack of the clones is the worst.
I agree with you. Star Wars is about characters, the conflict and evolution of them, Rogue One has nothing of that. Yes is a cool movie with a freaking awesome ending (fan service) but that's it.
Favorite Movie: Revenge of the Sith Favorite Character: Luke Skywalker (or Ahsoka if we're counting Clone Wars) Favorite Scene: The Throne Room, when Luke refuses to kill his father (And when Ahsoka leaves the Jedi Order, if we're counting the Clone Wars)
My favourite moment was when I was on Cloud City during ESB, I was sat at the dinner table thinking of some sweet comebacks, when Han Solo walks in and starts shooting! Well, I force deflected those DL-44 shots like a boss and said to his nerfherding ass "we would be honoured if you would join us". Man, that's classic me.
Darth Vader your wife's dead.
Darth Vader *find younglings*
“This is where the fun begins”
dude what the fuck you killed me
I've been stuck in an airport for freaking hours. Finally found a vacant charging point, refreshed my free Wi-Fi, flicked the noise cancelling button on the headphones and now leaning back into a pretty comfy chair to enjoy some ASMR starwars bliss - the force really is with me !
Articulate Design ASMR sorry :( hope your flight is okay
Which airline are you flying with? My inner plane addict persona must know.
...and you're one with the force.
About 6 days ago I was stuck in an airport for a literal 20 hours, so don't U dare complain to me
Jesse Lapham alright but at least we agree this guy doesn't get to complain lol
I Play Ephemeral Rift over my home sound system at night while sleeping. Burglars fall asleep when they try to rob me. Top knotch Security. Better than any Dog
Dog with speakers taped to it. Checkmate.
Business Pikachu lmaooo
Elisha Long first W of 2017 😂👌🏽
Alvino Gomez Haha whats up Alvino
I guess I won't be needing this... or this... or this...
Roses are red
Violets are blue
You were my brother Anakin!
I loved you
Alucard BloodyVampire why would you kill me like that 😭
Thank you for that, that's gold
Roses are red
BB8 is round
It's over Anakin
I have the high ground
The ArcticWolfGaming821
Roses are red
I first watched Star Wars on a whim
You were supposed to destroy the sith
Not join them
Roses are red
Violets are blue
You stole that joke
So did all of you
why rift look like he gonna break into your abandoned factory and do kickflips
Jimmy Choi, Footloose?
I really like Kylo Ren and the actor (Adam Driver) who plays him. I think most people don't like when he takes his mask off he doesn't seem like a villian and he isn't menacing. But that's the point. He's a young man that is trying to be something he isn't. He wants so desperately to be like darth vader, but that just isn't who he is. I think he portrays that struggle extremely well in the movie and adds layers to his character.
K1NG FalconGaming Agreed 100%
K1NG FalconGaming #BenSwolo
That's the same for Anakin Skywalker and the actor who plays him (Hayden Christensen) Every one says the prequels are bad (and there not the greatest) but everyone hates the prequels because they think Anakin was too whiny and acted immature but Anakin is a young man who is being manipulated by Chancellor Palpitien (The Emperor) and Anakin was being lied to by the Jedi counsel and Anakin just got married and is having dreams of her dying right after his mother died and he is not allowed to show emotion since forbidden but he is in love with padme and he feels like everyone is turning their backs on him while he was juggling the light and the dark side of the force plus he murdered all the sand people because of his mothers death so Hayden did an amazing job to be able to act all that emotion and conflict out on set. Not to mention he is the chosen one and has to live up to that prophecy
The sequels sucked
I prefer Matt the Radar Technician he's my favorite star wars character played by Adam
I don't mean to critique but Luke actually finds Yoda in Episode 5. Great video by the way!!
Denton McKee like he said casual fan but we all make mistakes :p
MrGrungeboy97 I yeah I totally know. I'm kind of obsessed with Star Wars so I totally understand when people get names mixed up or get things wrong.
he also fought vader on episode 5, not 4
Denton Mckee By the way, do you know of the several lightsaber styles and what they do if you're kind of obsessed with Star Wars?
Inevitable the fighting styles?
I can't wrap my brain around your sound quality when the mics are so far away! So good!
Hey pj
retnuHcs I love you PJ
A shotgun mic picks up sound very well in the direction it’s pointed and not anywhere else, so he might be using something similar
lacari0 no old fashioned boom micsoff screen 😎
I havent watched Rogue One yet but I WANNA WATCH THIIIIS what should i DO 😭
watch it i guess lol
ASMR Glow not tryna be a downer but you'd be better off having him spoil what he does. Wasn't a fan of R1.
Liam Nicholson the only movie where it is true
ASMR Glow it's a good movie
Get a cat. Then, watch Rogue One
I am one with the force and the force is with me
James Burns best line of rogue one XD
James Burns Most popular thing to write on a blackboard repeatedly in detention.
Noobslayer 69 that goes to "did you that wasn't me" and "I am taking these prisoners to...prison"
TheRealOran 2003 nice
James Burns that guy from rogue 1 was my life
you could pull off an Obi Wan roleplay
Matheus Almeida okay
Matheus Almeida whats a vegeta?
Luuk van der Borgh a vegeta is a vegan vagina
+Matheus Almeida ball Z is gay
Matheus Almeida you want some
Movie: Rogue One
Character: Darth Vader
Moment/scene: Last 30 minutes. To be more specific, the part with the Star Destroyers. (If you've seen the movie you know what I'm talking about)
JAG JuicyAppleGamer I know what your talking about
JAG JuicyAppleGamer the "hallway" scene
Kyle Broxton No, it has more to do with a shield.
Kyle Broxton fun fact, I momentarily turned off my suits life support system so that my chest plate lights did not blink and give away my position. Then, BOOM! I sabered a guy in the dick, are you not entertained?
JAG JuicyAppleGamer I literally just got back from re-watching it and my god is that 30 minuets is incredible
I'm a hardcore Star wars fan, I didn't like Force Awakens that much but I loved Rogue One, it's a love letter to the fans who love the small things in the Star wars Universe
Say What Again i Dare you i Double Dare you! Rogue one was way better tbh. Real star wars fans like rogue one more
***** Yhea it has everything
Real Star Wars fans like all the movies the same
Unax Larrañaga NOT true at all, I appreciate all the Movies and Force Awakens has some great stuff but it's OK to not like all Movies, I mean my favorite movie of all time it's the matrix and I don't like the Sequels that much, that means I'm not a real fan?
+Unax Larrañaga I adore the force awakens myself but this real/true fan bullshit needs to fuck off. you don't have to like everything a franchise does to be a fan. thinking the prequels are horseshit doesn't make me enjoy 4-7 any less.
You should do a darth Vader role play. Wear the mask, do the breathing sounds, threaten us lol.
"threaten us" haha
Ardin Catish if anyone can pull it off it's uncle e lol
Lord Stoneheart wow you're comment turned sexual fast dude..
Pull out the whip, and whip my ass and make me scream daddy
Lord Stoneheart kinky
There is no emotion, there is ASMR.
There is no ignorance, there is ASMR.
There is no passion, there is ASMR.
There is no chaos, there is ASMR.
There is no death, there is Professor Clemmons. :) ASMR jedi code
There is no emotion, there is tingles
There is no ignorance, there is Prof Clemmons
There is no passion, there is the Brother
There is no chaos, there is the Handyman
There is no death, there is the Rift
Honestly my favourite Star Wars moment was the lightsaber battle at the end of the Phantom Menace. It's probably the best lightsaber fight of all time because the choreography was flawless
kallum96 exactly... "Flawless" so "flawless" it seemed over choreographed and rehearsed... No emotion
shvinehoond Jedi are not supposed to have emotions
lol ooh so that explains why a scene in a movie cant
we can all agree that the prequels are shit but it did have its moments
In my opinion, the fights in the prequels are so coreographed that it looks like they're dancing
Anyone who is a fan of Star Wars is a friend of mine. This was greAt. Thx E
Showed this to my friend who is a die hard starwars fan. He sat there quietly and took it until you said "qui gon jinn" and then he just snapped. I think he hates me now
Bruh 😂 I like this but I had to click off
What’s wrong with qui gon jinn
@@skymanlordoftheskies the way he said his name
Movie: Attack of the Clones
Character: Sebulba
Moment: When Anakin massacres the kids in the Jedi Temple
A prequelmemer lord?
@@caydethegovir Damn bro what made u reply to a 3 year old comment lmao I coulda been dead
@@JDM2498 good soldier follow orders
🤣🤣 to each its own I guess
Movie : attack of the clones
Character: boba / jango
Moment : the opening of return of the jedi with boba with jabba
many bothans died for that shirt
This comment is gold.
Donovan Reynolds what a genius!😂
Donovan Reynolds the hat too, but the rouge one characters took credit for that
Lord Tachanka Lord Tachanka! I bow to you, my Lord.
my favorite characters are Fluke Starbucker, Princess Anne Droid, Ham Solo, and Chewchilla
Amber Gulbin and oggi Ben doggi
Favorite movie: Episode 3 revenge of the sith
favorite character: Obi-Wan
favorite scene: Anakin vs Obi-Wan
_Drehl ayyy I agree
_Drehl same
I believe in technical terminology *ahem* "Do not attempt to jump onto this hill, human being known as Anakin Skywalker, as I, Obi-Wan-Kenobi have superior aerial advantage to also known as the "High Ground" while you, have a measly platform almost submerged in lava"
Man of culture.
Return Of The Jedi. I saw it in the theatre back in the day. My favorite scene is the confrontation/conversation between Luke and Darth at the end of ROTJ. And Vader eventually bringing balance to the force by killing of the Emperor. I'll never forget that moment.
Nice toys you got there....
Oh hey, what's up Vexon!
ASMR Power Of Sound they're his kid's toys (if you were taking the piss)
be ashamed if...someone stole em
You need to do a Lando roleplay, you actually look a lot like him!
Luke actually meets Yoda in episode V, great video though and keep up the great work.
3 months on, this is still my go-to AMSR video for relaxation, I must be responsible for over 1,000 of the views. Great content, great pace, great tone.
After 3 years is it still ur go to asmr
@@BranyFather You bet your bottom dollar, I've got to be responsible for thousands of those views :)
4x years on, I still come up here bro
Movie: Episode IV
Character: Chewbacca
Scene: The one where the Jawas capture R2 and scream "OOTINI!!!"
Favorite movie: empire strikes back
Favorite character: boba fett
Favorite moment: the battle of hoth
Nuka Cola98 nice... the ending of rogue one is bad ass.
Nuka Cola98 agree with movie and moment, but do you mind explaining why you like Boba fett?
Nuka Cola98 favorite movie: backdoor sluts 9
favorite character: Jar Jar binks
favorite moment: order 66
Towelie he's my favorite Character outside of the movies
literally my comment
I still think The Empire Strikes Back is the best Star Wars movie, mainly because I love seeing the bad guys win lol.
But seriously. Even the name of the movie is sweet. Empire Strikes Back. Gives goosebumps yo.
Shawn Lewis You'd be hard pressed to find someone who disagrees with you. It's frequently in the top 10 films of all time lists as well.
Revenge of the Sith. Best star wars triology
Empire Strikes Back is my favorite and I like Ben Kenobi or Obi Wan Kenobi as my favorite character with Han Solo close in second.
ASMR Gaming News revenge of the sith is the greatest star wars film ever made
36:30 I didn't know Darth Vader was Luke's son. Wow.
Ethan Dye Same. That blew my mind
Pri Miller Go to the time I commented. Ephemeral Rift messed up his words and I found it funny. I know Darth is the father.
Thanks Mr Ruin the Movie For Me!
MattExzy It was just a joke. If u don't want the movie spoiled than so be it even though it is said in this video who the father is.
I know, I was doing a Simpsons quote :P
My favorite movie is Revenge of the Sith with Return of the Jedi a close second. My favorite character is so incredibly hard to pick. My most memorable scene was Anakin and Obi Wan on Mustafar, "you were sent to destroy the Sith, not join them. You were supposed to bring balance to the Force, not leave it in Darkness...You were my brother, Anakin. I loved you."
Would love to hear his thoughts on The Mandalorian.
That would be cool
Not many people liked revenge of the sith, but I found obi wan and anakin's relationship interesting. It also showed how darth vader came to be, which I really enjoyed.
GOAT it's my favorite movie, just a little better than rotj imo
RoTS is underrate
GOAT it’s probably the most loved film what are you on about
@@tomwest1948 Nahhh mate it has to be empire strikes back who is the fan favourite but for me ROTS is my favourite
It's literally the most liked movie, what are you talking about?
Man, I don't know about you guys, but Rogue One is one my new favorite starwars movie. It was insane!
40:19 Definitely Agree.
Blazer 239 I will admit, it was fantastic. Climax = 😍. Favourite character was K2. Loved Cassian's character as well.
Blazer239 same!
You're rocking that snapback man
Nickersons Theme Oh, he is!
Nickersons Theme gang gang
Luke definitely goes to Dagobah in Episode V, The Empire Strikes back. Sorry, had to correct you. Continue.
Yeah, I spotted that mistake too. Please do not remake the video due to a simple error like that though! :)
Yeah, the video was still fantastic! 😊
Medow Shores it was episode V, after Luke left Hoth.
Sleepy Logan Luke goes first in 5 and trains a bit then fight Vader in cloud city, and in 6 he returns and Yoda dies
Yesss Uncle E!!!
Yesss Im going to pass out!!!!
I mean that is kind of the point of these videos
T44 I seriously rarely ever get half way into any of these videos. I have to go watch them in the middle of the day haha, Even then!!
Keyon Arlt Same buddy, same
first time Ephemeral rift has disappointed me, saying luke met yoda in a new hope, disappointing
Iwan Doherty lol
Iwan Doherty I got slightly triggered
He even says he isn't a "diehard" fan of Star Wars and if he were, nobody's perfect in remembering every single thing about something.
Iwan Doherty same man
First an "Asmr for metalheads" and now Star Wars? Uncle E, I love you.
Haven't really watched much star wars, but if Uncle E likes it, I'm cool with it.
Common Cents ASMR Uncle E,The Freak Himself
TheGinga_Ninja_ I'll take freak over normal any day
No matter how old I get, the prequels and original sequels will never stop entertaining me to this day!
movie: revenge of the sith
character: Darth Vader
scene: anakin vs obi wan
It's funny cause I rewatched the original trilogy yesterday night
trotasecca but it was the 1 with the changes
James No, Harmy's despecialized
trotasecca So did I
i literally just finished force awakens after watching all 3, seeing rouge(2nd time), then 4-6
Favourite moment? Probably "Do it" or "INFINITE POWERRRRR!"
Samuel Tremblay-Demers *dew it
*unlimited power
Saggerton The lll I AM THE SENATE
" NOOOOO" I swear palpatine had the worst acting out of everyone in the prequels
Keegs OF "Master Windu!"
I loved the star wars chat, it's cool to have other views (pretty similar to mine, though haha) on something we like :)
In all you said, I just wanted to clarify two things:
1st - The blind guy in rogue one was actually a force user. Jedi and sith aren't the only ones able to harness the force and that's what Disney was starting to touch with that guy (he doesn't use the force the same way someone trained would, but it does affect him and he can 'read auras' and stuff).
2nd - There couldn't be a lightsaber battle in that same movie because the only wielders of that kind of weapon (according to the movie canon, let's not consider the expanded universe - which, by the way, was axed by Disney) were Obi-wan, who was living undercover looking after Luke, and Yoda and none of them had any business with what happens in Rogue One :P
I'm not a hardcore fan either, so I might be wrong, but that's what I believe hahaha
(Oh and the whole Darth Vader is Luke's son / father thing but that was just a lapse lol)
I'll just rank my star wars movies from least favorite to favorite
8. Attack of the clones
7. The Phantom Menace
6. Return of the Jedi
5. Rogue One
4. A New Hope
3. Empire strikes back
2. Force Awakens
1. Revenge of the Sith
I know a lot of people are going to lose their shit that a prequel is number one, or that Empire isn't even number 2. But I really love Revenge of the Sith. Mind you I was introduced to the original 3 movies first, and watched them dozens of times, especially episode 4. I even got to see A New Hope re-released in theaters when I was young. But I also saw the prequels in theaters, and liked them all. Even as an adult rewatching all the movies, I don't hate the prequels, though episode 2 is pretty boring. But episode 3 has a very dark and serious tone that is very interesting to me.
Keyblader001 Noooo00oooo!
Keyblader001 I've never disagreed with a list so much in my life
nice and generic
I agree with you
Paul. You are a LEGEND! Thank you for this video. I'll be watching this video over and over for weeks lol.
"I can't remember Attack of the Clones too much"
Yeah... Just... Yeah... Most people say that 5 seconds after watching it...
It's good in my opinion, the clone war was pretty cool to me
I like the questions really has me sitting here interacting with it. Makes it not just relaxing but interesting.
I really like Kylo Ren (an the force awakens). Rogue One was also quite good, especially like the last 10 minutes :). The original trilogy are my favorite films though.
Kylo: throws lightsaber in the water. General grevious: *T R I G G E R E D*
A list of things you forgot/got wrong:(for your benefit, not criticizing)
1. Yoda first appeared in Ep. 5
2. Qui-gon is pronounced kwai
3. Hoth creature is called a Wampa
4. Chirrut Îmwe(the rogue one asian) is not a jedi
5. Yoda vs. Dooku was in Ep. 2, Yoda vs. Palpatine was in Ep.3
6. Smaller AT-ATs are called AT-STs
7. Rebel vehicles on Hoth are snowspeeders or t-47 airspeeders (you were close enough on this one)
8. X-wings not TIEs go through the trench
9. Qui-gon is played by Liam Neeson
10. Jar-Jar appeared in Ep. 1 and only had a small part in Ep.2
11. Sam Jackson's character is named Mace Windu
12. Anakin's mother dies in Ep. 2
13. Ep. 7 is not a good movie (you redeemed yourself later by saying it was just ok)
14. Kylo Ren's actor is Adam Driver
15. You accidentally called Rey Ren but i think that was just a flub
16. Rey's home planet is Jakku and her family left her on that planet
17. J.J. Abrams didn't direct Transformers
18. Rogue one is an official star wars film because it is cannon but not part of the trilogies
19. Rogue one planet is called Scarif
20. Han Solo's job is a smuggler and good news for you a young Han Solo movie is in the works!
Btw my movie order is V, VI, Rogue One, IV, III, II, VII, I
Favourite character: Han Solo or Fives
Favourite scene: Han's conversation with the imperial officer in Ep. Iv where he ends it my shooting the console in the detention block.
Blake Halterman Well Maybe hes a Jedi
13 doesn't belong in this list because it is a matter of opinion. I for one loved episode 7.
Blake Halterman do you happen to have factual evidence that he wasn't a Jedi because quite a few times he is helped by the force
ballin2729 he is one of the guardians of the whills who protect the kyber temple. He's a monk. He knows about the force but cannot wield it
Domovoi07 no. 13 was a joke. I think tfa is mediocre at best
I used to think Er's videos were too much but the more I watch him he's great. amazing person and great asmr 👌
favorite movie: empire strikes back. favorite character: anakin skywalker ( when played by hayden christensen) favorite scene: anakin becoming darth vader
Rift I have been through a lot in my life and I know I'm fucking crazy but your videos calm me down an I hope that you don't stop
Favorite film: Empire
Character: Han Solo
Moment: Used to be the battle of hoth, but now it might be the ending of Rouge One
I know there’s a 0% chance you’ll see this, but I do hope you do another one of these videos. I enjoyed this one and would like to see some of your opinions on The Last Jedi and The Rise of Skywalker. Possible also the Mandalorian if you saw it.
chirrut was force sensitive but not a jedi but I know you're just a casual fan
Uninteresting Name he wasn't force sensitive, he just used sound and such and believed it was the force, which gave him motivation to be very aware, using elements OTHER than the force.
yeah I'm gonna agree with holder, Chirrut was force sensitive. You don't walk through a wall of blaster fire just because you've got good hearing. He was force sensitive, additional to whatever skills he had naturally developed due to his lack of sight. He's even in a sort of religious sect that acknowledges the force. It's like saying Luke was only a jedi after he picked up a lightsaber, or before anakin did, they both felt the force in small ways, such as Anakin's ability to pod race so well so young before he even had training. Sorry for the rant
Over-The-Shoulder Boulder Holder look it up the makers said he was not force sensititive
simeon graham he's not force sensitive look it up
LemonDesigns mind sending me the link? Because I'm pretty sure he was at the very least acutely sensitive, though more likely quite well acquainted with the force
My favourite movie is revenge of the sixth because it has a massive contrast from when anakin was good at the start and his decent into the darkness but my favourite scenes are actually from attack of the clone 1. Jango fett setting of the seismic charge to kill obi wan 2: when the clone gunship comes down to save all the Jedi and starts destroying all the droids in the colassium
Darth Maul was my favorite always will be
I use ASMR to treat my IBS , helps me get through the stress of both the D and The C sides of the disease as well as gas pain and the stress of having to know where a bathroom is. Thanks Uncle E.
The drip in this video is unmatched
My favorite movies a competition between rogue one and revenge of the sith. My favorite character is K2. And my most memorable moment has got to be the clones betrayal from revenge of the Sith, the sad music playing as we jump from scene to scene seeing the clones turning the guns towards the Jedi and killing them isn't only the saddest scene in all of Star Wars to me but also a MASSIVE turning point that brought the republic 1 step away from crushing the sith to the sith gaining the upper hand and becoming the tyrannical empire they were until the rebels won in the 6th movie
Favourite moment: When jar jar binks looks at that elephant thing on tatooine after it farts OF COURSE
Favourite film: AOTC OF COURSE
Favourite character: Fingrin Da'n OF COURSE
God you make me hurt more with that comment then I was when i watched the 2008 clone wars movie.
1h ago i watched Star wars The last jedi and it was so good.
Loved it.
Gregor Romšak Gnjezda indeed it was
@Expresso Depresso good for you 👍
Don't agree but enjoy your day!
3:50 correction: Luke first goes to Dagobah in Ep 5 after force ghost Obi appears for him in the snow. After the rebels escape the empire Luke says he’ll meet with the falcon gang later and goes to see Yoda. Luke leaves to fight Vader and Yoda says he’s not ready as he hasn’t finished his training, which is why he loses to Vader and has his hand cut off
You should make a ASMR with a Geiger Counter, it would be interesting to see if you can get tingles with the clicking of the Geiger Counter.
The One Gamer From 2011 Would the geiger counter not require a radioactive substance nearby? Sorry if I'm wrong or round stupid, I honestly don't know, but I do believe those require radiation.
Blorpo It does, but really, radiation tends to be a boogie man, he could really just get a small sample of uranium ore, which isn't the most radioactive.
favorite moment is definitely binary sunset from "a new hope"
The force is strong with this one
E I love videos like this. Non scripted, casual and just fun/interesting. thank you.
Movie: Empire Strikes Back
Character: Either Han Solo or Yoda
Scene: Order 66 being executed.
Pretty sure a century is 10,000 years. Yeah have to agree... empire
Me and a kid from my class today had a bit of a "bonding moment" over a found mutual love of your videos. I nerded a bit xD.
Actually Yoda was in episode 5 "Empire strikes Back"
Favorite movie: Revenge of the Sith
Favorite character: Darth Vader
Favorite moment from the movies: Anakin and Obi wan’s duel on mustafar
I’m pretty sure I saw the prequels first but i’m not sure, I was like 4 when I first watched them lmao
I saw a star wars ad before this aswell
I saw TheLegend27
Jamie Ruthari and.
Aby he's gc.
I saw the god damn singing monsters again
Surprisingly K2-SO managed to become one of my favorite SW characters of all time and i did not expect it, thought he was going to be "meh" from the trailers but he was awesome
I saw 2, 3, and 7 in theatres
born in '95
when you watch the prequels first, the character of Anakin/Darth Vader is more of a Shakespearean tragedy
1. Return Of The Jedi - Holds the most nostalgia for me. I remember watching it on a recorded VHS with my dad.
2. The Force Awakens - It brought the magic back for me and felt like a natural continuation of the story.
3. Attack Of The Clones - Has the most unique feel of all the films, love the slow almost noire build in the first half.
4.Rogue One - Best action in all of the Star Wars films.
5. Empire Strike Back - Love Bespin
6. Revenge Of The Sith - Most emotionally impactful for me.
7. A New Hope - Somewhat boring for me but I love Alec Guinesse as Obi-Wan
8. The Phantom Menace - Rather unnessecary and could have started at the Battle of Naboo honestly. Still rather nostalgic for me though.
*If I Am Being Honest, I've Never Been A Fan Of Star Wars, More Of A Harry Potter Fan. But My Family LOVES Star Wars! Video Was Relaxing Just The Same Though!
Man I have been waiting for this. Thanks m'man, Uncle E
This is my kind of video.
Obi-Wan Kenobi u ded fam?
Obi-Wan Kenobi I thought you'd turn to the dark side when he pronounced qui-gonn- Jin wrong
Hello there
Obi-Wan Kenobi HELLO THERE
No one gives a shit
ER you should do one where you're a Jedi meditating, going through the Jedi Code. taking the time to get to know your padawan a little bit more, maybe letting your padawan get to know you a little bit more through stories of victory or great learning. just a thought
If ur not a fan I hope you find your way over to the dark side soon.
Matheus Almeida No. DBZ is a show for weeaboos and nerds with no lives
Dylan Theh Awsome I'm actually rly enjoying my life as an imperial starship pilot, it's very rewarding speak for yourself.
However I've never been good at spilling sorry. Anyway, a moshi moshi!
Matheus Almeida Just because someone is powerful doesn't make them cool. Both of those idiots always look constipated. Plus, when is power too much? Characters like these are made to look cool, but end up FUCKING RETARDED. I AM SICK OF ALL THESE LOW LIFES WHO THINK THIS PIECE OF SHIT ANIME IS AN ACTUAL GOOD THING WHEN ALL IT IS IS THE DIAPER AT THE BOTTOM OF THE FUCKING DUMPSTER. GOD YOU WEEABOOS MAKE ME SICK.
Matheus Almeida I find your tryhard bait disturbing
"I don't want to grow up....It's a Trap!"
Damn straight!
"kwee" gon jinn 😂
Film: Revenge Of The Sith
Character: General Grievous
Moment/scene: The battle of Coruscant
Now we're cooking!
#1 favorite video so far
every time you say Qi Gong Jin I cringe
It’s Qui Gon Jinn lol
Movie: Revenge of the sith
Character: Anakin skywalker
Moment: Yoda says "fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering"
the episodes IMO 5>RO>4>7>6>3>2>1
Great video btw!
Peruna Hanhi for me it's 3>RO>5>4>2>6>1>7
Peruna Hanhi 5, 4, r1, 6, 7, 3, 2, 1
Peruna Hanhi 5,RO,4,6,7,3,2,1
5,6,4,3,7,2,1. Haven't seen Rogue One yet
Ranking = 5, 4, 6, 2, 3, RO, 7, 1
Anyone who thinks 7 is good needs to stop eating memberberries.
Favorite character: Lando Calrissian
Favorite sequence: Luke training on Dagobah
I like how you say "I like these are all the toys WE have," indicating they are communal property shared throughout the family.
This is not the video you're looking for...
I first saw star wars when i was 9, my brother bought the 3 movies on VHS and we watched one movie a night! I was totally blown away by how exciting it was, all the characters! I loved the scenes on hoth
I didn't really like rogue one to be honest, I tried so hard. Sure the end was insane but all the new characters were underdeveloped and forgettable. And empire is my favorite and everyone knows attack of the clones is the worst.
Dayn McClenahan but you have to admit it was better than Force Awakens (or at least in my opinion)
Dayn McClenahan ahh finally someone who is talking sense. rogue 1 was disastrous to me. and attack of the clones was pretty crap too.
I agree with you. Star Wars is about characters, the conflict and evolution of them, Rogue One has nothing of that. Yes is a cool movie with a freaking awesome ending (fan service) but that's it.
REN that's kind of why people like it, because it's different from the rest of the movies
cause of this one video I'm subscribing
You need to get to know your Star Wars facts better. But delicious video.
Favorite Movie: Revenge of the Sith
Favorite Character: Luke Skywalker (or Ahsoka if we're counting Clone Wars)
Favorite Scene: The Throne Room, when Luke refuses to kill his father
(And when Ahsoka leaves the Jedi Order, if we're counting the Clone Wars)