Theological Debate on Evolution - Yasir Qadhi | 5th January 2013

  • Опубликовано: 7 сен 2024
  • Have Muslims misunderstood Evolution? - A discussion between prominent Muslims tackling the controversial topic of evolution in a public forum.
    This video features Shaykh Yasir Qadhi's Initial Presentation, Rebuttal & Conclusion. For Usama Hassan's video please follow the links below.
    Link to Usama Hassan's Presentation: • Have Muslims Misunders...
    Link to Usama Hassan's Rebuttal: • Have Muslims Misunders...
    Link to Usama Hassan's Conclusion: • Have Muslims Misunders...
    Recorded on 5th January 2013, London UK

Комментарии • 186

  • @Jehan99100
    @Jehan99100 10 лет назад +61

    May Allah (swt) preserve and reward brother Yasir for defending the Quran in these times of trial

  • @ayazakhtar7792
    @ayazakhtar7792 3 года назад +8

    One of the best explanations on this topic indeed. May Allah SWT bless him. Ameen

  • @mahamfatima121
    @mahamfatima121 3 года назад +4

    Finally i got something worth listening over this concept .. God bless you ❤️

  • @factchecker9442
    @factchecker9442 7 лет назад +11

    There is a verse; 'And there is no animal that walks upon the earth nor a bird that flies with its two wings but (they are) genera like yourselves; We have not neglected anything in the Book, then to their Lord shall they be gathered.' This affirms that we are perfect fit for animals, but we are different as we are 'Banu Adam.'

    • @edwardtimothy3581
      @edwardtimothy3581 2 года назад

      No evidence for it tho. Quran claim of our ancestors being as tall as 20meter

  • @krzyszwojciech
    @krzyszwojciech 9 лет назад +9

    What's the point of titling this video a debate, if you can watch only one side of it? :/

    • @OmarAhmedmia
      @OmarAhmedmia 9 лет назад +13

      +krzyszwojciech Because they were not given permission to upload the footage of the other speaker by the organisers. However, the video is clearly annotated with links to the video that contains the entire speech and rebuttal of the second speaker. Hope this clarifies.

    • @krzyszwojciech
      @krzyszwojciech 9 лет назад +3

      +Omar Ahmedmia Fair enough.

  • @bitchoflivingblah
    @bitchoflivingblah 3 года назад +5

    23:28 - Yasir's whole talk is summarised here in 10 seconds.
    Whilst he is incredibly brave to speak to muslims and tell them about the FACT of evolution and that all life evolved from single-celled ancestors, his whole argument then breaks down when he claims, most incredibly, this includes all life except humans.
    Wow, and wow again. To come so close and then snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. He claims his opponent should know better, as he's educated, but Yasir is deceiving himself, knowingly, to believe that only humans are exempt from evolution. This is a plainly ridiculous stand to take and frankly indefensible; you can even take aspects of Yasir's own arguments and use them against his own, he is self-contradictory.
    For the sake of sanity, the story of the creation of Adam and Eve is allegorical, meaning it has a deeper meaning. Man (not Adam, but all men and women) are different from animals in that we are able to harness greater thoughts - actually even that is a gradation as many animals in the kingdom of life have thoughts and feelings like ours. But fundamentally we humans evolved from a ape ancestor who was the common ancestor of all great apes we see today, including the chimpanzee and gorilla. We have the genetic evidence for this and it is incontrovertible.
    I am a muslim and scientist.

    • @peacemaker1luv901
      @peacemaker1luv901 3 года назад +1

      Facts that do not support evolution mr Muslim scientist.
      Biogenesis (and the improbabilities of inorganic matter becoming organic)
      Cambrian explosion (and others like it in the plant kingdom)
      Mass extinctions (over 4 of them which destroys the evolutionary time line, either dinosaurs evolved or the went extinct because they surely didn’t do both)
      Paleontological evidence (no transitional skeletons found according to Darwin’s own expectations)
      Also just think about going backwards in time by putting every mammal back in its mother’s womb, how many individuals from the species will we have at the end of the scenario?
      Also going back in time, how could you de-evolve any living organism, what can all scientists Muslim and non Muslims take from the human being on a micro biological level that will not kill the human or any other organism??? I’ll be waiting for the reply Muslim scientist.

    • @bitchoflivingblah
      @bitchoflivingblah 3 года назад +3

      Okay here goes;
      1. Biogenesis: is not evolution. I don’t need to go on here but why not, Orgel proved that organic molecules including nucleotides and amino acids could be created in the pre-biotic world - in what has become known as the ‘primeval soup’, from which around the most primitive of life forms originated.
      2. Cambrian explosion: you are talking about the theory of punctuated equilibrium, the explanation by Eldredge and Gould of observations of quite rapid ‘evolutionary’ change followed by longer periods of stasis. The key here is that evolutionary change occurs through Darwinian means, so this is an example of Neo-Darwinism. The most respected palaeontologist of the 20th century George Simpson says that 90% of fossils speak to gradual evolution, whilst the remaining evolve through this process of stasis and gradualism.
      3. Mass extinctions: have you heard of this species called birds? Guess from which animals they evolved from? Dinosaurs specifically therapods.
      4. Transitional skeletons: Well let’s look at point 3 and the transitional forms that must exist between the dinosaurs and birds, these were found in 1861 in Germany in a flying creature that is called Archeopteryx, that has the combined traits found in dinosaurs and birds some that are unique only to both. Scientists have also discovered the transitional fossils between land dwelling mammals and their evolved counterparts, the whales. The transitional form is called Pakicetus (it was found in Pakistan, hence its name), and it is not the only transitional form there are others Ambulocetus and Remingtonocetus. Of course possibly the most famous transitional skeleton is for the transition of fishes to become land-dwelling animals, and this skeleton is called Tiktaalik, and it is a fish with fins, but these fins have bones which are homologous to the human hand and wrist. Tiktaalik is 375 Million Years Old.
      5. Going backwards in time: we can already do this, and have done so to prove that all females on earth descend from a single female who lived in Ethiopia around 155,000 years ago. This analysis was done by looking at the DNA that is only transmitted by the maternal parent - mitochondrial DNA. The female ancestor is known as Mitochondrial Eve. We’ve also done the same analysis for the Y chromosome and and Y-Adam the most common recent ancestor of all males including you and I was also born around 150,000-200,000 years ago in Africa. This is how the ‘Out of Africa’ theory was developed through genetic analysis. Going deeper, we can go reverse time and go back hundreds of millions of years, indeed billions of years back to our most ancient ancestors the single celled eukaryotes. They bear many metabolic similarities to us, in fact, I’ve been to a lecture by a renowned evolutionary biologist who claims (humourously) that nothing for eukaryotes has changed for 3 billion years and that every living creature after their origination is just a ‘boutique species’.
      6. De-evolution: is just evolution. See point 4 and the return of mammals to the sea, some see it as de-evolution but it is in fact just evolution of land-dwelling mammals returning to the sea.
      I am a scientist and muslim.
      Science has made my faith stronger not weaker.

    • @peacemaker1luv901
      @peacemaker1luv901 3 года назад

      @@bitchoflivingblah please paste references for every single one of your bogus statements. All the labs in the world can not make a single living organism come back to life even though that organism died with all its necessary components for life, and all experiments to do so until today have failed miserably. I can't believe that You are speaking about spontaneous generation with your primordial soup, please see Louis Pasteur's experiment.
      Please look up the Cambrian Explosion before you start typing nonsense.
      Dinosaurs went extinct bro. Do you not understand the implications of that??? How can an extinct species evolve??? Remember the meteor???
      Your research is outdated and it does not represent modern science. Please stop regurgitating false, old, disproved information.

    • @bitchoflivingblah
      @bitchoflivingblah 3 года назад

      1. Repeat after me: Biogenesis is not evolution. Evolution by Natural Selection explains how the diversity of life - or tree of life - appeared on out planet, not how life began. If you knew anything about biology - which clearly you don't - you'd know that you can 'kill' organisms and reanimate them afterwards - I've done it, it's done by thousands of scientists around the world and it's done on a daily basis.
      2. I've explained the Cambrian explosion once, I think you need to read it again, because you clearly didn't understand the fact that the underlying forces generating change were Darwinian - hence the reasons for calling punctuated equilibrium a Neo-Darwinian synthesis.
      3. Can you not read? I just explained to you how birds evolved from dinosaurs. A small fraction of ground and water-dwelling Cretaceous bird species survived the impact, giving rise to today's birds.
      4. A comet hit earth wiping out most of the dinosaurs not a meteor - a meteor vaporises upon entry into the earth's atmosphere - although judging by your brain capacity you'll probably accuse me have having fabricated even that fact !!
      My research is outdated? I'm a scientist you fool, this is my job. Not only do I know what I'm talking about, I understand you are a complete and utter idiot and an embarrassment to your parents.
      I am a muslim and scientist.

    • @peacemaker1luv901
      @peacemaker1luv901 3 года назад

      @@bitchoflivingblah References. References. References. If the first organism didn't evolve, than evolution is simply not true. You actually tried to tell me that spontaneous generation, termed abiogenesis today is a fact. You have brought dead organisms back to life?? Reference please.
      I don't mean to offend your religion (evolution/materialism) and before I continue I would like some honest reflection from your respective points of view before you refute my future points. If your world view or philosophy of science is based on a materialistic one despite the evidence then you need not reply as you'll be wasting all of our time.
      You must also concede that since science is an experimental and observational tool it is impossible to go back in time and or to recreate satisfactory experiments in order to prove true or false. Some, if not most, of the assertions made by evolutionists, are hence non-falsifiable and therefore beyond the scope of actual scientific data, and research, and a matter of speculation.
      the Cambrian explosion, which is not the only one of its kind, like the sudden appearance of Angiosperms during the Cretaceous era, and it is absolutely obvious why. In order for evolution to prove true, its mechanism, "random selection, later named, "natural selection", or whatever new terms evolutionists invent for it, needs a gradual time line and the Cambrian Explosion simply refutes that, especially in terms of an evolutionary time line. Now we see the importance of the 4-5 mass extinctions that have dealt the gradual time line, which evolutionists hide behind, a rather severe blow.
      To claim that evolution has nothing to do with the evolution of the first cell is dishonest to say the least. If evolution can be proven wrong on any of its levels than it would hold true that the theory in its entirety is false. In fact it will prove that evolution has no foundation to stand on. With that said, the definition of abiogenesis from (i randomly picked this website) states, -The now discredited theory that living organisms can arise spontaneously from inanimate matter, spontaneous generation.
      Notice how evolutionists have changed the term spontaneous generation with abiogenesis trying to make it as an accepted phenomenon.
      The mutations that one of you spoke about are impossible. I'm not talking about the gene pool and the almost infinite variety that can come about from there, better termed as, "genetic potential for production of new variants," or simply, "intrachromosomal recombination", I'm speaking about the impossibility of micro-mutations being able to cause gradual changes in species, especially when we don't know, when the mutation happened, how it happened, and the strength of the effect each had when it happened. One would have to accept that each and every mutation among innumerable mutations happens every time in the reproduction cells of the same individual among numerous populations as if each mutation were a conscious being with a purpose, which is aware of what it was doing, in that those mutations support each other, happen in a sequential order, and never miss their target. For example, in order for land mammals to be able to live in water, thousands of mutations that would cause hundreds of anatomical and physiological changes in their bodies would have to happen in the same animals’ reproduction cells in a way that is controlled, occurring slowly in a certain order, with impeccable timing and direction. This would have to happen in both the male and female at the same time because variations that occur in the genetic molecule (reproduction cells) can turn up as actual changes in phenotype in future generations: non-hereditary variations (modifications) simply cannot enact permanent or lasting changes in future generations. I doubt you like eating GMO foods. Please see the laboratory experiments of the Drosophila, aka. Fruit flies.
      Finches: There is a debate among taxonomists about whether or not the 14 species of finches are even closely related or not. Evolutionists have included finches in the Fringillidae family, while other taxonomists have placed them as part of the Emberizidae family. Please reference the Zoological Encyclopedia by Bernhard Grzimek. Regardless a finch will never become an eagle or a hawk.
      The fossil records and your museums. I'll give one example of the dishonesty portrayed in these museums. The field Museum of Natural History, located in Chicago has deceivingly placed a scenario of what looks like the evolution of horses. This is what Boyce Rensberger had to say in the Houston Chronicle, on November 5th, 1980, part 4, pg 15, " The popularly told example of horse evolution, suggesting a gradual sequence of changes from four-toed, or fox like creatures, living nearly 50 million

  • @rohitmahmud9472
    @rohitmahmud9472 4 года назад +4

    Saying he owned would be an understatement

  • @TeflonSheikh1987
    @TeflonSheikh1987 10 лет назад +26


    • @pascualfernandez2301
      @pascualfernandez2301 9 лет назад +1

      how do you know ?

    • @shlovaski8393
      @shlovaski8393 9 лет назад +1

      Pascual Fernandez go search 4 urself.

    • @SandiegoRockstar
      @SandiegoRockstar 7 лет назад +6

      Muslims dont beleive the bible is completely corrupt, we recognise there are many truths in it, since we consider it is was originally a message from Allah. It is just considered to contain some corruptions that naturally come over thousands of years as books get translated from language to language and people insert politically motivated changes. As evidence of this you simply have to look at the one version of the bible and compare it to another one. The closest version you are going to get of the original bible is by looking at the versions in the Aramaic language that are found in scrolls carbon dated close to 2000 years ago. Unfortunately most of them are held in the Vatican Library and most people do not have access to them.

    • @SandiegoRockstar
      @SandiegoRockstar 3 года назад +1

      @Austin Slayton no I don't use the bible as an authoritative text. Only the Quran is authoritative today because it contains zero changes. This is why you can take one copy of the Quran carbon dated back 1400 years and another copy from a US bookstore and not find a single letter out of place.

    • @SandiegoRockstar
      @SandiegoRockstar 3 года назад +1

      @Austin Slayton
      Aside from the Quran I dont think any religous scripture has resisted change over time. This is remarkable but your right, in of itself, its not proof of it's truth. That is until, you start reading the Quran.
      The Quran makes some seemingly outlandish claims about the future. It claims the Quran will never change. 1400 years on, we have evidence it has not changed because all copies are the same. It also claims "if mankind and jinn were to come together to produce something like this Qur’ân, they would not be able to do so, even if they were to help one another." So to disprove the Quran all you have to do is produce a book or a few lines of Arabic that are as eloquent as Quranic verses. Yet for the last 1400 years nobody has been able to do this. Even Christian Arabs will tell you there have been no equivalently eloquent verses produced. That's pretty remarkable and a pretty strong sign that the Quran speaks the truth. But there are other evidences as well:

  • @renewunderstanding
    @renewunderstanding 11 лет назад +2

    He tries hard and he is overtly courageous. He says Muslims historically had no problem with science, no books burned etc. I would suggest that he reads a little bit history of Ottomans. First off, it is "not even wrong" to point out drawbacks of any scientific model to disdain it in the name of religion. It is not a shame for a scientific scenario to have loopholes, on the contrary, it is a must.

  • @renewunderstanding
    @renewunderstanding 11 лет назад +6

    What is most frustrating for me is that some religious personalities do not acknowledge the fact that they would be always conveying their own interpretation and understanding even while they are merely quoting a verse from a religious text.

    • @thahirayoosuf1705
      @thahirayoosuf1705 3 года назад +1

      There is no need of it, coz every muslim knows what quran says

    • @edwardtimothy3581
      @edwardtimothy3581 2 года назад

      @@thahirayoosuf1705 not rlly tho

  • @ParvezKhan-py5ys
    @ParvezKhan-py5ys 7 лет назад +6

    Quranic creationism indicates that Allah created everything including humankind. Belief in God is beyond science since it cannot be proven false.
    Science is study of natural phenomena and the scientific enquiry includes observation, hypothesis and falsification test.
    However science is not used to interpret supernatural creation or miracles stated in the Quran. Since science is only for natural phenomena which can be observed, hypothesis derived and can make predictions.
    But historical miracles or belief of the ghaib cannot be observed or
    give predictions hence it does not fit into the scientific method.
    Quranic Adam is a miracle of God’s creation which is beyond the realm of scietific enquiry. quranic adam cannot be interpreted based on any scientific theory since it cannot be observed and God’s involvment in creation of humans cannot be falsified.
    No wonder the Quran states that the creation of Isa is like of Adam. Both of them were created miraculously which is beyond the scientfic method.
    Surah 3:59 “Truly, the likeness of Isa, in God’s sight, is as Adam’s
    likeness; He created him of dust, then said He unto him, ‘Be,’ and he
    The similarity between the creation of Adam and Isa is that they both were created differently from the rest. Both of them came into existance miraculously without father. (No parents at all for Adam).

    • @SimonTheRock1
      @SimonTheRock1 4 года назад

      Well one came from soil/earth.

    • @bitchoflivingblah
      @bitchoflivingblah 3 года назад

      Parvez: Your logic indicates that every crazy person in a mental institution should be believed implicitly - because their thoughts and ideas are beyond science and cannot be tested?
      This is a wonderful philosophy to try and sidestep science but it leaves so many gaps and pitfalls it makes its adherents look like idiots in the modern world. You are that crazy person in the mental institution.
      Ayah Al-A'raf 7:171 - When We raised the mountain over them as though it were a canopy, and they thought it was falling upon them, (We said,) “Adhere firmly to what We have given you and remember what is therein, so that you may become God-fearing.”
      This is allegorical. This is not a statement of fact. A mountain cannot be raised upon people like a canopy, held there, and then placed back, like it was a piece of cloth. It has an esoteric deeper meaning, and is not be taken literally.
      For example it can mean Allah has created mountains, and perhaps overhanging parts of those mountains that people shelter under. It is not meant to be understood that Allah instantaneously raised a canopy of rock above people's heads - that would be stupid, invoking miracles and making a mockery of the Quran.
      That mountains can be raised over millions of years is known scientifically. Therefore this statement from the Quran can be read two ways, one to invoke ridicule and one which stands to reason.
      Parvez, which way would you read it?

  • @renewunderstanding
    @renewunderstanding 11 лет назад +2

    Frankly, all these debates stem from psychology rather than an intellectual quest. Some religious people believe that renouncement of the biological evolution is a pillar of their creed. Atheists, on the other hand, see evolution inevitable; almost no atheist take it as a theory that might be falsified one day. And we have two parties debating with wrong agenda and insensible arguments.

  • @ahmed_a6389
    @ahmed_a6389 3 года назад +2

    Masha Allah May Allah guide us. Cuz someone used this video out of context to make it seem like yasir Qathi is supporting human evolution

  • @renewunderstanding
    @renewunderstanding 11 лет назад +2

    He says most of the principles of evolution do not pose any problem for Islam. What sort of a mixed-up intellect can make such a statement? Who are you to accept or reject a theory? Saying human evolution does not exist in Quran is as silly as what once an astronout said: "I went up to the sky but I did not find Allah there."

  • @renewunderstanding
    @renewunderstanding 11 лет назад +5

    And also we need to notice this fact that there is almost no well-trained and received Muslim biologist who goes against evolution. The Muslims who talk against evolution are those who know least about it as well as the scientific methodology in general. That's why I found Yasir Qadhi very courageous.

  • @aminahrolsdorph8551
    @aminahrolsdorph8551 6 лет назад +8

    سلام عليكم..
    Since I grew up with the Rise of Evolution..
    & the Missing link..
    I came to the conclusion years before Embracing Islam..
    That I See the Human being much more sophisticated than a Super Ape .
    And even if similarities it may Be other Creatures too,Not to be confused with, who are similarly in some aspects. .
    As a Muslim I Trust Quran to Be The Word of God..
    And as Muslims we contributed to Science significantly..
    That's a reality..
    Knowledge too Expanding in Awareness by Time..
    Selectively being selective in our Worldview and Light may enlightening this Subject too

    • @bitchoflivingblah
      @bitchoflivingblah 3 года назад

      @Sir Scrotus I would just like to say not all muslims deny natural selection and evolution of humankind from primate ancestors.
      Equally we see the ridiculousness of accepting Darwin's Law of Natural Selection for all creatures 'apart' from humans for the misconceived, misguided nonsense it is.
      For this man, who clearly is highly educated, to make this leap of imagination is troubling because it either means he's an idiot (he isn't) or he is conflicted (very possibly) and lying to himself and now to others.
      I'm a muslim, and I understand the allegorical nature of many of the Quran's sayings, it is not a book of science, it is a book telling people how they should conduct their lives. You cannot take the words of the Quran in certain cases literally because you end up sounding like a crazy person. Serious scholars of the Quran understand this.
      Equally true is that the Quran invokes all muslims to search for the truth of creation. Thus Darwin's Law of Evolution by Natural Selection is a wonder of scientific thought and factual evidence. Every muslim should embrace these and other scientific findings, allow them to feed their minds and expand the horizons of their faith rather than be enclosed with fear and loathing.

    • @bitchoflivingblah
      @bitchoflivingblah 3 года назад

      @Sir Scrotus I never mentioned thermodynamics what does that have to do with evolution or religion?

    • @bitchoflivingblah
      @bitchoflivingblah 3 года назад

      @Sir Scrotus I went back and read everything I wrote, and I don't see what triggered you. You say I am making an assumption for an entity being responsible for the universe around us? Can you point out exactly where I made this assumption?

    • @bitchoflivingblah
      @bitchoflivingblah 3 года назад

      @Sir Scrotus Ahh I get it, you're just apologising for making rash assumptions about someone. Apology accepted.
      PS it's the connectivity which counts.

    • @bitchoflivingblah
      @bitchoflivingblah 3 года назад

      @Sir Scrotus Again you're making assumptions about me, where have I said I believe in a God?
      I think you are genuinely trolling yourself.

  • @AbdullahSameerVideos
    @AbdullahSameerVideos 6 лет назад +2

    12:11 "We have such an explicit narrative, one that is deeply rooted in countless passages of Quran and Sunnah but no choice other to accept that this is what Allah and his Prophet intended for us to believe. The sheer quantity and diversity of nouns, adjectives, and verbs used simply makes any linguistic reinterpretation or ta’weel so imaginative and so fanciful that renders such an endeavor mere mental gymnastics.
    Frankly there is no logical way for a Muslim to contradict this entire account A-Z, verse by verse, hadith by hadith, except by claiming that the whole story is a fable, its allegorical, and not meant to be understood at face value.
    Such a claim might actually make more sense logically, but its leads to disastrous and blasphemous implications about Allah and his truthfulness and the function of the Prophet and role of the Quran."

    • @Suhan0805
      @Suhan0805 4 года назад +2

      Wth are you doing here

  • @renewunderstanding
    @renewunderstanding 11 лет назад +2

    As for where Muslims should stand regarding evolution, we need to understand that it has no relation to our religious life whatsoever. We do not even need to "reconcile" Islam and evolution, this is the very crux of the subject, they are two different entities living in different worlds. Ultimately, we need to leave evolution to biologist. It is a non-issue for Islam and religion in general.

    • @bkbk4726
      @bkbk4726 4 года назад

      The issue is not what is in Quran. The issue is inability of Islam to separate state and church ( or Quran). Separate science and Quran.

    • @iBaCKeYeZz
      @iBaCKeYeZz 2 года назад

      @@bkbk4726 Thats a non-issue, you cannot even try to compare/reconcile/refute anything in science that you may feel it contradict something in Quran, if you are not an expert in both. Most of the controversy in regard to the Evolution theory vs quran stems from a lack of knowledge in one or both.

  • @MrDoenerliebhaber
    @MrDoenerliebhaber 11 лет назад +1

    Which book is he spoking about? 37:47

  • @areebmanzoor5780
    @areebmanzoor5780 2 года назад

    After listening to this speech, I feel and believe Dr.zakir naik's stand is more solid on the theory of evolution.I recommend you all to listen to that.

    • @edwardtimothy3581
      @edwardtimothy3581 2 года назад

      It's not solid if it reject the evidence that's been found, and believe in something that has no evidence at all such as adam and other human ancestors being as tall as 20meter

  • @renewunderstanding
    @renewunderstanding 11 лет назад +2

    On a note Yasir Qadhi's words about evolution being an "inference" of the data: If we think about the Big Bang and inflation, collectively called "evolutionary cosmology," some believers perceive it as the ultimate fact without realizing it is only an "inference" of the data within some theoretical "frameworks" and there are actually other models which are alternative to Big Bang. So, there will always be an inference in some framework - this is how science works.

  • @AbdullahSameerVideos
    @AbdullahSameerVideos 6 лет назад +7

    12:50 "Frankly there is no logical way for a Muslim to contradict this entire account A-Z, verse by verse, hadith by hadith, except by claiming that the whole story is a fable, its allegorical, and not meant to be understood at face value.
    *Such a claim might actually make more sense logically, but its leads to disastrous and blasphemous implications about Allah and his truthfulness and the function of the Prophet and role of the Quran.* "

    • @Qx1407
      @Qx1407 6 лет назад +6

      Abdullah Sameer didn’t you leave Shi’a and become atheist ?

    • @jameswhite1448
      @jameswhite1448 4 года назад

      Love your work, it changed me.

    • @ii-vc9dr
      @ii-vc9dr 4 года назад

      Abdullah Sameer what if islam turns out to be true what will you tell allah on judgement day?

    • @daminism
      @daminism 3 года назад

      @@ii-vc9dr Let's assume Qur'an to be false and Bible to be true, what will you tell Jesus on resurrection day?

  • @Rico-Suave_
    @Rico-Suave_ 2 года назад

    Watched all of it

  • @renewunderstanding
    @renewunderstanding 11 лет назад

    The word "inference" is never used in a derogatory sense in the scientific quarters.
    Regarding the origin of life, particularly origin of the human being, I think we can speak about two possibilities: 1) Human life on Earth started suddenly at some time way back. 2) Human body evolved from other species. I think both hypotheses are equally scientific.

    • @edwardtimothy3581
      @edwardtimothy3581 2 года назад

      Could be, but the evidence, lead to one hypothesis over the other. But one thing is clear, no evidence to support Qur'an claim about adam and other ancestors of mankind being as tall as 20meter

  • @renewunderstanding
    @renewunderstanding 11 лет назад

    So, that the Earth orbiting the Sun is NOT a false statement per se. However, in the context of science, it would be more useful and easy to think of the Earth orbiting the Sun. The bottom line is that it does not make sense to mix the world of religion and the world of science.

  • @MrDoenerliebhaber
    @MrDoenerliebhaber 11 лет назад +1

    Jazakallahu khair

  • @haydan3381
    @haydan3381 11 лет назад +1

    Sorry but this is not a debate but one side of the argument!!! this is the side of the Quran. is not argued correctly in science. this is what is MONOLOGUE.

  • @renewunderstanding
    @renewunderstanding 11 лет назад +1

    As for supporting or rejecting any scientific theory or even a scenario, which is not as strongly established as a theory, based on religious, philosophical or political arguments is fundamentally flawed. Similarly, one cannot prove or disprove religious texts departing from a scientific standpoint. The reason is that even if both science and religion talks about the same object or phenomenon, their approach, methods and most importantly goals are distinct.

  • @alikkk824
    @alikkk824 3 года назад

    That made me so angry I can't stress it enough. I'm looking for it and can't find it

  • @LameesAlQuds
    @LameesAlQuds 5 лет назад

    I think we need to be more confident! In Germany there is a very influential Author with the name Ibn Rassoul who was one of the first to write a contemporary Tafsir in German (witch was just until recently pretty much the only German Tafsir, until now Ibn Kathir is only partly translated for example). So Ibn Rassoul writes in the Tafsir of Sura Baqara when it comes to the creation of Adam:
    1. Allah t. says HE will put Adam as a KHALIF - meaning FOLLOWER on the earth. So he is for sure not the first being on this earth. He follows.
    2. The angles respond to that: "Will You place upon it one who causes corruption therein and sheds blood (..)? (2:31) So WHY do they say that? The theory of Ibn Rassoul which makes a lot of sense to me is, that they do not guess. The KNOW something - what do they know? Humans! (Because if there were only living Jinn on this earth before, why would they KNOW that the Humans - Bani Adam - will cause Bloodshed? They have to know it because Allah t. created other humans before us, such as Lucy or the Neanderthal.

  • @suheilpinto6964
    @suheilpinto6964 5 лет назад

    All Muslims need to do is go to study at a university that teaches evolution .

  • @mohammadshaikh2220
    @mohammadshaikh2220 4 года назад

    Can you please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please translate in urdu

  • @alijawad87able
    @alijawad87able 9 лет назад +3

    Who can challenge yasir qadhi and bring such silly arguments? I'm glad yasir qadhi (unintentionally) humiliated this man and his dubious arguments.

  • @mannanserviceholder
    @mannanserviceholder 3 года назад

    Mr. Qadhi/ it’s a very sad that you didn’t confess and admitted that in the islamic history the first Muslim mr. Darwin who understood the evolution of human according to the Quran

  • @alikkk824
    @alikkk824 3 года назад

    Why the hell would you who ever you are cut out the other debaters argument? Like wtf... are yous that scared?

  • @5heeshi
    @5heeshi 11 лет назад +2

    Actually brother I do, I study science I know what I'm talking about. Notice how you said "I believe in evolution" in science there is no "Believe" its hard fact. We test hypothesis and based on the results with enough accumulation a theory is made to explain everything.
    Have u ever thought that the scientists that propagate evolution are also atheist and will not except an explanation that has God in it?
    If evolution in its entirety doesn't contradict Islam then where did Adam as come from?

  • @renewunderstanding
    @renewunderstanding 11 лет назад

    Let's assume there is a verse in some hypothetical scripture saying that "Oh humanbeing, don't you see the sign of God who created the Sun revolving around you." Now, it would be silly to say "Hey, actually it is the Earth which revolves around the Sun, hence this text is not authentic." However, the point in the text is not scientific but cautionary. After all, how many of us saw the Earth revolving around the Sun? What everyday we see is the Sun revolving around us by crossing the sky.

  • @syedkazmi2356
    @syedkazmi2356 6 лет назад

    I am sorry but I don't see yasir qadhi insulting anyone here if someone comes to u and say 2+2 and 5 and quote something from the quaran or Hadith to prove it right and you know what hes quoting doesn't exist at all to prove him he's wrong is not insulting

  • @mrsanity
    @mrsanity 11 лет назад +2

    Evolution is true for all except humanity. Special pleading at it's finest...
    You have to prove that anything exists outside of the observable universe before stating science is unable to discount the claims made about such things.

  • @5heeshi
    @5heeshi 11 лет назад

    Wer did I say theyre lying? I said they won't accept God as an explanation. You know science makes mistakes right? A theory is an explanation of all the research. But it doesn't mean that theory is right. Tell me brother since you know more about science then me. What is the evidence for human evolution? Secondly do you believe that Adam as evolved from evolutionary ancestor that left Africa, therefore the Quran is wrong?
    Evolution of animals and plants might be true, but human evolution is not

  • @laeequenadvi4746
    @laeequenadvi4746 4 года назад

    Almighty Allah says in HOLY Qur'an
    إنما قولنا لشئ إذا أردناه أن نقول له كن فيكون . ( النحل : ٤٠)
    إنما أمره إذا أراد شيئا أن يقول له كن فيكون o (يس: ٨٢)
    And Our word unto a thing,when We intend it,is only that We say unto it: Be! and it is.
    Allah's "word" in it self is Deed. Allah's promise is in it self the Truth.There is no interposition of Time or Condition between His Will and it's consequences,for He is the Ultimate Reality.He is independent of the proximate or material causes,for He himself creates them and establishes their Laws as He pleases.
    Islamic viewpoints of origin of the universe and creation of the mankind is as following:
    1-- Almighty Allah existed and nothing was there.
    2-- Allah willed (wiished)to originate the universe.
    3-- He said " Kun " (Be) and it was, out of nothing. It is too difficult for physicists to conceive it.
    4-- The primal ' being' was processed and Almight Allah knows better what was created in first plunk second.
    The universe burst into existence
    Out of nothing
    By the power of Allah
    From nothing to every thing
    The " كن" (Be) of Allah is defying element of this universe.
    It is origin of every thing.
    " Now the physicists claim have doubts that the Big Bang happened. It may have not happened.
    The Big Bang is not the origin of the universe.
    But the " كن " (Be)of Almighty Allah is a fact. A universal Fact
    It will always remain a Fact.
    Almighty Allah says:
    To Him is due
    The primal origin
    Of the heavens and the earth :
    When He deecreeth a matter
    He saith to it : " Be "
    And it is".
    (Qur'an, 2: 117)
    Almighty Allah says that those who rejecte Almighty Allah they are wrong.
    " When it is said to them :
    Believe as the others believe : "
    They say: " Shall we believe
    As the foolish believe ? " --
    Behold they are indeed the foolish. But they do not know.
    (Qur'an, 2: 13)
    Theory of evolution is based on purely naturalistic(undireced)
    " descent with modifications".This connotes that complex creatures evolve from more simplistic ancestors naturally over time as random genetic mutations occur with in an organism's genetic code.
    This theory is basically based on rejection of Almighty Allah.
    Those who reject Almighty Allah, they are the foolish indeed.
    Amena Institute of Islamic Studies
    & Analysis
    A Global & Universal Research Institute,
    Kolkata. India

  • @iqrabanu3292
    @iqrabanu3292 4 года назад

    Assalam Alaikum wrwbr. My opinion is that everything was created in stages. Different animals/ creatures were created at different time period. Take the example of a sack of old grains, At a certain time period when it gets desired temperature and moisture, we see creatures/ bugs crawling out of the bag. Some are black tiny bugs, some are like worms, some tiny flies with wings. Likewise all the creatures on earth sprouted out of the ground(soil) with the given bacteria and other ingredients already existed in the earth. The seeds were planted by the creator when he created this universe. They just sprouted at different time period. The scientists are not able tell us how these cells, bacteria and other ingredients know how to connect and form into a living thing,

  • @thesaiyidsofbaniadam2947
    @thesaiyidsofbaniadam2947 7 лет назад +1

    I love Sheik Yasir Qadi for the knowledge he disseminates, but in this matter he is overly simplistic, and his arguments do not address the more sophisitcated forms of Theistic Evolution. He should learn from the work of Dr. Israr Ahmed in whose lineage Nouman Ali Khan teaches. The thing that makes Adam (as) Adam is the Spirit of Allah (sbt) that was blown into him after the creation of his outward form. Therefore, evolution being the means for creating his outward form is perfecty acceptable as long as we acknowledge that consciousness is not an epi-phenomena of the brain.

    • @markward3981
      @markward3981 3 года назад

      السلام عليكم
      No it is not acceptable , to view the mould (bodily form) of Adam (alayhi salaam) was brought about by evolution. The reason being as Qadhi stated in the video we are clearly told how Adam was created , step by step , describing the material , what was done with it ,naming it at different stages. Then numerous Hadith expound on and confirm these stages. It is explicit. Created the soul breathed into him.

  • @stopscammingman
    @stopscammingman 11 лет назад +1

    This was not a debate it was a monologue, the title is a lie

    • @TheDarkX7774
      @TheDarkX7774 6 лет назад

      stopscammingman the other person part is in the description

  • @5heeshi
    @5heeshi 11 лет назад +4

    Guy below humans share dna with banana aswell, are we therefore half banana? Lol there is alot of information in just 2%dna

    • @bitchoflivingblah
      @bitchoflivingblah 3 года назад +1

      Actually we are, surprisingly related to bananas in many ways.

    • @muhsinmohamed2617
      @muhsinmohamed2617 2 года назад +1

      @@bitchoflivingblah 😂😂😂😂😂

  • @ashrafultanvir6709
    @ashrafultanvir6709 6 лет назад +2

    What Muslim should know are these: Does we have any problem with evolution? Answer is, No.
    Firstly, idea of adaptation of animals with environmental change and Life starting its journey from water, Islam support those Ideas from Hadises. Also in the case of human we know from hadis that humans and mammals are gradually getting shorter and in the end times lot of humans will born with a chage in body shape.
    Secondly, evolution says, every living being has a single common or multiple common ancestors, which are DNR-RNA based single cell ancient life form. Islam has no problem with this idea, Islam neither approve or disprove this idea. But if anyone says, that ancient DNA comes to existence by chance, not by a Creator; it is impossible, because DNA is not just a chemical compund, DNA is an intellegent chemical program.
    Finally, about human evolution, islam has no problem with the evolution of monkey, also islam has no problem about humans having biological similarity with monkey, because Allah creates humans as an animal; but islam does not believe that humans evolve from monkey. Human being is a special creation of Allah. Adam (pbuh) was created in heaven specially by Allah, and sent down to earth for the test of life.
    Allah created everything in this earth for the sake of human being. And after creating every living being , Allah created humans. Quran says Allah created everything from water, also from few hadises we can see animals can adapt with environment change. So, we say, evolution may have occured to every other animals except human being and humans are created differently, we know from hadis Adam (pbuh) was created in heaven specially by Allah, and sent down to earth for the test of life. The Creator who give existence to everything from nothing, for Him creating a human life form without evolution is much easier. So some of muslims like me believe in evolution theory , but we also believe that human being is created by Allah without evolution. Quran says Allah is the creator of everything, it does not say about the process of animals creation, so it does not matter, is evolution a fact or just an assumption.

    • @nolhtrev1464
      @nolhtrev1464 6 лет назад +2

      ashraful tanvir
      What abouy your views with regards to Adam being 60 cubits tall and the following generations becoming shorter generation by generation.
      As far as i know No fossil evidence indicating so far has been found supporting this claim. In fact size of human being fossils being found in size is relatively the same.

    • @markward3981
      @markward3981 3 года назад

      Hi , I love this Hadith. I was talking about it today .

    • @Ahmed-ob6ec
      @Ahmed-ob6ec 3 года назад

      @@nolhtrev1464 It's possible that this size is referring to Adam's size in Jannah rather than on Earth, it's said that we will all have that size in Jannah.

  • @drmohdashrafmatt5139
    @drmohdashrafmatt5139 4 года назад

    23 imp point

  • @drmohdashrafmatt5139
    @drmohdashrafmatt5139 4 года назад +1

    David julaj madina

  • @kapssul
    @kapssul 4 года назад +1

    Dr.YQ, may God have mercy on you, be sincere :
    ▓1▓ The hands of God in the verse Quran 38-75 (..with My hands), as you are supposed to know, the greatest scholars of Tafsir ie Al-Tabari, Ibn Katir, Ibn Ashour.. they all said, the hands of God in that verse means, the PRIVILEGE of God. otherwise you will be accused of following the (Mushabbiha), Aren't you aware of that ?
    ▓2▓ The narration (God created Adam from a handful which he took from the whole of the earth..) Great, that is generally speaking, the Quran is more specific by saying, that was the beginning of the process, Quran: 32-7 : (..He ORIGINATE the creation of man from clay..)
    ▓3▓ The narration (The Satan went around this lifeless body, poking him, and entering him..) How could it be fair to infer a meaning from a weak narration ? Al-Tabari rejected it, Ibn Kathir also said that this narration could be a foreign import (Israiliyat)
    ▓4▓ The narration (Adam PBUH sneezes when God breathed into him..) God breath into Mary PBUH, so what's the point ? How is that contradict Evolution (as a plain concept) ?
    ▓5▓ The narration (I was a prophet, when Adam was still kneaded in his clay) Again, this narration is the weakest of three versions, this version Bukhari himself has rejected it. (I was a Prophet when Adam was between soul and body) this is the version which all scholars agreed upon its chain of narration. and it dosen't nagate Evolution in any way shape or form..
    وَمَنْ أَظْلَمُ مِمَّن ذُكِّرَ بِآيَاتِ رَبِّهِ فَأَعْرَضَ عَنْهَا
    Dr.YQ, There is nothing in Quran that could goes against the Evolution as a PLANE CONCEPT (without subscribing to any existing theory..), all we have is opinions based on interpretations not on clear text.. but perhaps we have in the Quran some verses which they "COULD" point to Evolution.. Let us see :
    ▓1▓ Quran: 29-20 (Say, travel through the earth and see how Allah did ORIGINATE the creation)..
    ▓2▓ Quran: 32-7 : (..He ORIGINATE the creation of man from clay.. THEN made his PROGENY from a quintessence.. THEN He FASHIONED him in due proportion.. THEN BREATHED into him something of His spirit..) Clay is to man, as a seed is to a chair,that is the beginning of the process, see carefully how the steps are arranged, the (PROGENY) cames before (BREATHED), not just the attribute (the ability of giving birth), but the progeny it self cames before, and when the progeny is FASHIONED (that process "could" point to species) then God select Adam PBUH and BREATHED into him something of His spirit..
    ▓3▓ Quran 6-133 (And your Lord is the self-sufficient, the Lord of mercy, If He wills, he can do away with you, and give succession after you to what He wills, just as He produced you from the descendants of another people) Jarir al-Tabari said (God could have put an end to mankind and brought into being an ALTOGETHER DIFFERENT SPECIES OF CREATION *JUST AS* He produced us from the descendants of another people)
    ▓4▓ Quran 3-59 (The similitude of Jesus before Allah is as that of Adam, He created him from dust, then said to him Be, And he was). As we know, Jesus PBUH is not directly created from dust, so if Adam and Jesus are similar, then what God is saying is that Adam also was born from a virgin female (she "could" be Cro-Magnon).. otherwise we all are created from dust, so what's the point to mention it ? God all-wise all-knowing.

    • @aismail8321
      @aismail8321 2 года назад

      You are coming from an Ash'arite paradigm- that's why there is a lot of Ta'weel in your comment. Yasir Qadhi is an Athari- for Athari's they adopt 'La kaif'- There is no question of How, they leave whatever Allah and His messenger said as it is, while conforming to the Aayah- ليس كمثله شيئ

  • @drmohdashrafmatt5139
    @drmohdashrafmatt5139 4 года назад

    14 min scala

  • @SunnySJamil
    @SunnySJamil 11 лет назад

    Have you actually watched this video? If so, have you forgotten the message that was being taught?
    It seems that you two (Alexander Themohan and Sufi Naqshbandi) are both Muslims who agree with the facts posed by The Deen Institute. What are you arguing about?

  • @GreenBirdFlight
    @GreenBirdFlight 11 лет назад

    Salam bro, read this: seemyparadigmDOTwebsDOTcom/evolution.htm
    There is passage there about DNA similarity.

    @MALCURIA 5 лет назад

    Review your age-old dogmas in the light of current knowledge, man.That is a true religionist.