I'm from Malaysia but I understand your Cantonese language because my family is also a Malaysian Cantonese.There is a bit of linguistic similarity.Pity that lady who drop the bad comment because she not understand.You must learn others language if you want others people learn your language😁
Wah, you all so cunning and wicked,you don't want other race people to learn your chinese dishes,what a terrible heart you have,why can't you put subtitles in english for us .
John Woo - 以下從美國防癌學會網站上的一段文字,請參考。 MENU Search  DONATE CategoryCancer A-Z Microwaves, Radio Waves, and Other Types of Radiofrequency Radiation What is radiofrequency (RF) radiation? Radiation is the emission (sending out) of energy from any source. X-rays are an example of radiation, but so is the light that comes from the sun and the heat that is constantly coming off our bodies. When talking about radiation and cancer, many people think of specific kinds of radiation such as x-rays or the radiation made by nuclear reactors. But there are other types of radiation that act differently. Radiation exists across a spectrum from very high-energy (high-frequency) radiation to very low-energy (low-frequency) radiation. This is sometimes referred to as the electromagnetic spectrum. Examples of high-energy radiation include x-rays and gamma rays. They, as well as some higher energy UV radiation, are called ionizing radiation, which means they have enough energy to remove an electron from (ionize) an atom or molecule. This can damage the DNA inside of cells, which can result in cancer. Radiofrequency (RF) radiation, which includes radio waves and microwaves, is at the low-energy end of the electromagnetic spectrum. It is a type of non-ionizing radiation. Non-ionizing radiation has enough energy to move atoms in a molecule around or cause them to vibrate, but not enough to ionize (remove charged particles such as electrons). RF radiation has lower energy than some other types of non-ionizing radiation, like visible light and infrared, but it has higher energy than extremely low-frequency (ELF) radiation. If RF radiation is absorbed in large enough amounts by materials containing water, such as food, fluids, and body tissues, it can produce heat. This can lead to burns and tissue damage. Although RF radiation does not cause cancer by damaging DNA in cells the way ionizing radiation does, there has been concern that some forms of non-ionizing radiation might have biological effects that could result in cancer in some circumstances. How are people exposed to RF radiation? People can be exposed to RF radiation from both natural and man-made sources. Natural sources include: Outer space and the sun The sky - including lightning strikes The earth itself - most radiation from the earth is infrared, but a tiny fraction is RF Man-made RF radiation is used for many different things, such as Broadcasting radio and television signals Transmitting signals from cordless telephones, cell phones and cell phone towers, satellite phones, and 2-way radios Radar WiFi and Bluetooth Cooking food (in a microwave oven) Heating body tissues to destroy them in medical procedures “Welding” pieces of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) using certain machines Millimeter wave scanners (a type of full body scanner used for security screening) Some people can have significant RF exposure as part of their jobs. This includes PVC welders, people who maintain antenna towers that broadcast communication signals, and people who use or maintain radar equipment. Most people are exposed to much lower levels of man-made RF radiation every day due to the presence of RF signals all around us. They come from radio and television broadcasts, WiFi and Bluetooth, cell phones (and cell phone towers), and other sources. Microwave ovens Microwave ovens work by using very high levels of a certain frequency of RF radiation (in the microwave spectrum) to heat foods. When microwaves are absorbed by food containing water, it causes the water molecules to vibrate, which produces heat. Microwaves do not use x-rays or gamma rays, and they do not make food radioactive. Microwave ovens can cook food, but they do not otherwise change the chemical or molecular structure of it. Microwave ovens are designed so that the microwaves are contained within the oven itself. The oven only makes microwaves when the door is shut and the oven is turned on. When microwave ovens are used according to instructions, there is no evidence that they pose a health risk to people. In the US, federal standards limit the amount of radiation that can leak from a microwave oven to a level far below what would harm people. Ovens that are damaged or modified, however, could allow microwaves to leak out, and so could pose a hazard to people nearby by potentially causing burns. Although some people have been injured from microwave ovens, most often they have been burns from contact with steam or hot food. www.cancer.org/cancer/cancer-causes/radiation-exposure/radiofrequency-radiation.html
I'm from Malaysia but I understand your Cantonese language because my family is also a Malaysian Cantonese.There is a bit of linguistic similarity.Pity that lady who drop the bad comment because she not understand.You must learn others language if you want others people learn your language😁
Thanks for your comments, we decided to add mandarin / English subtitle in videos. Don't forget to subscribe to our channel :)
did you bake or steam the chicken? i didn't see you steam the chicken.
Waoooo enak , ayamx cantik warnanya , salam dari indonesia Bapak, saya sudah , like , pencet tombolnya.
Sukses yaaa Bapak...
用猛火定中火蒸呀? 師傅。
Very different than traditional method - from 90%C water transferred to ice cold water for crispy skin. Anyway, will try this steamed chicken method.
Thanks for your comment :)
sales 佬 !全片都走推廣my cookey !廚房烤爐 !儍仔就like !哈哈
Choi Chi Wing 1
用微波爐保鮮紙包住蒸想法是絕對正確,微波爐保鮮紙其實是設計用來高温烹調食物,一般蒸的温度是絕對可以的,如真的怕保鮮紙物料汚染,可用baking paper 代替
用天然浸雞唔用 !用D化學物品蒸雞 !你真真是化學 博士😂😂😂😪😪😪不是說你 🙏🙏
謝謝你的意見, 記得訂閱我地頻道呀!
為什麼不歡錫紙? 這樣比較安全
Esther Tam !食得天然為什麼用保鮮纸蒸雞 ! 你去 曬太陽 用 保鮮紙 包住啲皮膚就唔會曬相 ! 保鮮紙可以高溫度 防止灼傷 又可以防水 又可以防止鮮味 太陽溫度 30零度 蒸籠 可高達100度 你試下會唔會釋放化學物 戇撚鳩 !兩条粉腸 !說是保鮮纸 不是微波纸 !保鮮纸不可加熟 止能保持空气入侵 保冷凍及新鮮 !保鮮纸可高温过100度 為什麼不說明
@@taiyoulaw177 sf
@@JT-rt3um 4
E d 完全不是正統香港式白切鷄。
唔識 ! 嘥氣! 學人上位!屌
飛利蒲 说得对 !D護主狗 是广告公司D人及产品狗 !雞又 瘦 !最安全是天然做法 ! 就是浸雞 ! 又用保鮮纸保全D醃製味道 ! 又用電池蒸鷄 !好笑 ! 又晤見後面蒸炬有出煙 !叫D福水來 全班說D人都是做晦
Tai You Law 大时代
@@yulianalim6048 食咗不是大時代 !是大春代
飛利浦 9p1y m
白切保鮮雞.....最驚塑化劑..... 食到縮陽...
謝謝你的意見分享 :)
謝謝你! 可以訂閱埋我哋RUclips頻道, 一有新片, 隨時分享寶貴意見呀!
我到現在也是用炒粗鹽做 鹽焗雞。
d 人成日話古法,識條撚…
鹽焗雞, 一定好滋味!
謝謝你, 記得訂閱我地頻道, 隨時分享意見啦!
保鲜膜包雞然後微波加熱。 會生cancer
哩个师父讲话好趣怪 隻鸡啦隻鸡哩隻鸡 最少讲一百几十次😄不过佢既“做鸡”方式値得我参考 用保鲜纸係有啲问题 锡纸代替好啲 个中原因係包住俾鸡皮完美 多谢哂 因为平时我唔係咁做 味道都好好 不过“皮”有时唔靓
程莫莫 你無耐性不等於別人一樣
Wah, you all so cunning and wicked,you don't want other race people to learn your chinese dishes,what a terrible heart you have,why can't you put subtitles in english for us .
Because nobody needs to learn English to please you lol. If you wanna learn from somebody, learn their language.
Sara Ann, your are cunning and wicked. Buy yourself a English cook book.
謝謝你的分享和意見 :)
chung Mr . 好欣賞你買好多作品 ! 我啲老作㗎你識唔識呀 ! 我老作你當秘笈 ! 你都係 同流合污 一班 推銷員🐽🐽🐽
睇留言之後 !買個火化盆 !
English subtitle or mandarin please
Thanks for your comments, we just added the mandarin subtitle in this video. Don't forget to subscribe to our channel :)
00 0 d
對 🖒🖒🖒😃😃😃
保鲜纸 + 热度 ?? 不好吧!毒素散步出来了
purple pool !名門之後 !高手中之高手 !食神都叫他們做祖師爺 ! 絕世武俠 玉女練雞法 ! 一 雌一
雄! 宇宙最強 ! 欲練神功 ! 只會買他焗爐蒸籠電器產品 即成 天下無敵 V 弘弘 v弘弘 v弘弘
保重各位!保鲜膠膜包住食物摆入去加热煮吃?你相信啲塑膠microwave safe,都希望您本人唔好继續。
我们这里很难买到黄油鸡 , 大多数是白🐔。 :(
chan serena io
做完隻鷄 !又唔斬畀人睇 !因為唔夠胆畀人睇 !又賣广告 !唔好畀人理用 !
一啲科學常識都沒有,保鲜膜包雞然後微波加熱。 會cancer 咖,馬上delete 啦。有心害人。 做啲工課先吖嗎
John Woo - 以下從美國防癌學會網站上的一段文字,請參考。
MENU Search

CategoryCancer A-Z
Microwaves, Radio Waves, and Other Types of Radiofrequency Radiation
What is radiofrequency (RF) radiation?
Radiation is the emission (sending out) of energy from any source. X-rays are an example of radiation, but so is the light that comes from the sun and the heat that is constantly coming off our bodies.
When talking about radiation and cancer, many people think of specific kinds of radiation such as x-rays or the radiation made by nuclear reactors. But there are other types of radiation that act differently.
Radiation exists across a spectrum from very high-energy (high-frequency) radiation to very low-energy (low-frequency) radiation. This is sometimes referred to as the electromagnetic spectrum.
Examples of high-energy radiation include x-rays and gamma rays. They, as well as some higher energy UV radiation, are called ionizing radiation, which means they have enough energy to remove an electron from (ionize) an atom or molecule. This can damage the DNA inside of cells, which can result in cancer.
Radiofrequency (RF) radiation, which includes radio waves and microwaves, is at the low-energy end of the electromagnetic spectrum. It is a type of non-ionizing radiation. Non-ionizing radiation has enough energy to move atoms in a molecule around or cause them to vibrate, but not enough to ionize (remove charged particles such as electrons). RF radiation has lower energy than some other types of non-ionizing radiation, like visible light and infrared, but it has higher energy than extremely low-frequency (ELF) radiation.
If RF radiation is absorbed in large enough amounts by materials containing water, such as food, fluids, and body tissues, it can produce heat. This can lead to burns and tissue damage. Although RF radiation does not cause cancer by damaging DNA in cells the way ionizing radiation does, there has been concern that some forms of non-ionizing radiation might have biological effects that could result in cancer in some circumstances.
How are people exposed to RF radiation?
People can be exposed to RF radiation from both natural and man-made sources.
Natural sources include:
Outer space and the sun
The sky - including lightning strikes
The earth itself - most radiation from the earth is infrared, but a tiny fraction is RF
Man-made RF radiation is used for many different things, such as
Broadcasting radio and television signals
Transmitting signals from cordless telephones, cell phones and cell phone towers, satellite phones, and 2-way radios
WiFi and Bluetooth
Cooking food (in a microwave oven)
Heating body tissues to destroy them in medical procedures
“Welding” pieces of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) using certain machines
Millimeter wave scanners (a type of full body scanner used for security screening)
Some people can have significant RF exposure as part of their jobs. This includes PVC welders, people who maintain antenna towers that broadcast communication signals, and people who use or maintain radar equipment.
Most people are exposed to much lower levels of man-made RF radiation every day due to the presence of RF signals all around us. They come from radio and television broadcasts, WiFi and Bluetooth, cell phones (and cell phone towers), and other sources.
Microwave ovens
Microwave ovens work by using very high levels of a certain frequency of RF radiation (in the microwave spectrum) to heat foods. When microwaves are absorbed by food containing water, it causes the water molecules to vibrate, which produces heat. Microwaves do not use x-rays or gamma rays, and they do not make food radioactive. Microwave ovens can cook food, but they do not otherwise change the chemical or molecular structure of it.
Microwave ovens are designed so that the microwaves are contained within the oven itself. The oven only makes microwaves when the door is shut and the oven is turned on. When microwave ovens are used according to instructions, there is no evidence that they pose a health risk to people. In the US, federal standards limit the amount of radiation that can leak from a microwave oven to a level far below what would harm people. Ovens that are damaged or modified, however, could allow microwaves to leak out, and so could pose a hazard to people nearby by potentially causing burns.
Although some people have been injured from microwave ovens, most often they have been burns from contact with steam or hot food.
叻唔切. 人家不是用微波爐, 而是用蒸櫃.
John Woo 你去5:49看看,是蒸不是丁
John Woo 1
“名家經典”?以前無microwave 紙,用什麼包來蒸?
That's a lame excuse and futhermore other race people are putting subtitles for others to learn thir recipes,so if they can do it whycan't you.
好嘢 !D推銷员齊齊 反擊 ! 為咗推銷焗爐微波爐蒸爐 不適宜人體傷害別人 吹水 講大話 不擇手段傷害他人身體 九唔撚搭八
Lilian Wongnij ju 0 bid
Qby y hi v lo
推銷广告 !D推銷员吹雞 屎窟
chung L 、一双雌雄廚神 !天下無敵, 上打 灶君 下打 閻君 ! 廚功🖒🖒🖒 口功🖒🖒🖒手功🖒🖒🖒大話功👏👏👏 堪稱一絕 欲練神功 必買電爐工 !陳家好味 道 My cool
% ?