Perfectly said. Watched the entire series, and honestly your channel and podcasts are very underrated. Today even the best channels focus on minor theological issues and make them fundamentals while ignoring the essential topics you guys discuss and focus. This channel is very Gosepl centered, Christ exalting, faithful to Scripture, and plain & direct in doctrine. God bless, my prayer is that God will appoint more people to reach this channel🙌
Excellent discourse on Reformed Theology, really enjoyed this as it was clearly well spoken. I eventually found theocast by way of Ligonier and the great RC Sproul.
I may be too orthodox or just plain wrong, but the one brother is teaching and quoting scripture. Shouldn't you be uncovered? I ask this in love brother. You are both great teachers and loved the discussion. Thank you Ron
I’ve been listening to several of your YT vids. Your intent is genuine however, I prefer that you back up your points using scripture rather than your opinions. You keep mentioning “confessions”. I still don’t know or how or why this is a valid truth? Sorry, but there is not enough scripture to back up your points.
I will suggest you get copies of the confessions they mention and look at the Bible passages they (the confessions) reference. Most historical confessions are just summaries of what a group of people believe. They were often compiled during times of great heresies to express and insist on church doctrines. I have a copy of the 2nd London Baptist Confession. It has helped me tremendously.
God that made the world and all things therein, seeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands; Neither is worshipped with men's hands, as though he needed any thing, seeing he giveth to all life, and breath, and all things; And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation; That they should *seek the Lord* if haply they might feel after him, and find him, *though he be not far from every one of us* For *in him* we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring. {Acts 17:24-28}
There are only three views in church history defining the theology of how we know God. Analogia Entis, Analogia Fide, and Analogia Energia. Analogia Entis is the chain of being theology in Roman Catholicism. This theory comes from Thomas Aquinas. Analogia Energia is the Eastern Orthodox view of how we know God. That is, we can only know God by His divine energies which are not God's Essence. And lastly, we have the Protestants who invented a completely new theory because they didn't like the Roman Catholic doctrine of Analogia Entis. The doctrine of Analogia Fide (Faith Alone) says we can only know God by the analogy of faith. And where are these analogies exclusively found? In the Bible alone. Sola Scriptura. This is why in the system of Calvinism Sola Scriptura is dependent on the doctrine of Sola Fide. They both exist together by necessity in the Calvinist system. Both Sola Fide and Sola Scriptura are problematic for these reasons. If you posit the Protestant doctrine of the Noetic effects of sin, Sola Scriptura and Sola Fide become problematic. In Protestantism the Noetic effects of sin are the mental effects caused by Adams fall. The Noetic effects doctrines is why the Protestants rejected the infallible authority claims of the Pope. Because, all men are under the Noetic effects of sin, no man can claim infallibility. This theory, however, creates a more difficult issue for the Calvinist. The Noetic effects of sin are still a problem after you are regenerated. This means that when the Calvinist reads his Bible, he is using his mind which is constantly under the mental effects of sin. Which means he can never be sure if his interpretation is infallible. This is why so many Calvinists struggle with assurance of Salvation. Because you can never be epistemically certain that you are one of the Elect. This is why Calvinist spend so much time listening to long expository sermons. They are constantly seeking to find that place of epistemic certainty that they actually have saving faith. In the final analysis, it is never possible for a Calvinist to have the epistemic certainty that he claims to have. But at the same time, Calvinist will preach as if they have certainty. Which can never be achieved due to the Noetic effects of sin. This system produces a lot of mental torment for many people. I personally knew someone who was a member of a Presbyterian church who committed suicide over his struggle. From what I have discovered both the Analogia Entis and the Analogia Fide are not proper uses of analogy. Analogies are created abstract concepts and are only useful to describe relationships between two created things. For example, there is an analogy between orange juice and an orange. But when using a created thing to connect to something like God who is uncreated there is a major problem. Because God's uncreated nature is not like any created thing in the world. The analogy of faith is not adequate to show how the Protestant is having any contact with God at all. The Protestant is just playing around with analogies in the Bible which is also just a created book. The Bible is not uncreated. So according to the Calvinist, God regenerates you first. Then he plants saving faith which is just a created effect. The reason I say it's just a created effect is because the Calvinist system is based on God's decree. The Eastern Orthodox view of Analogia Energia was the view for the first thousand years of Christianity. The Eastern view is that we can only know God by participating in His divine energies which are immortal, eternal, and uncreated. We can only know God by an analogy to His divine energies because no man can know the essence of God. God's energies are His actions, operations, and activities in the world. St Basil said, "that God's energies come down to us". God's love is His divine energy. God's grace is His power or energy which works in us. The faith that God puts in those who belong to God is a divine energy that allows us to have epistemic certainty that we belong to God. True Christianity is participating in immortality and being deified in Christ whose glory is uncreated. This is why the early church believed in the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist. In the divine liturgy the Priest calls down the divine energies into the bread and the wine. To participate in the Eucharist is to consume immortality. There is no salvation without a doctrine of God's energies. The Protestant Reformers had no knowledge of these ideas. The essence/energy distinction in God was lost in the West. For this reason, Protestantism has a false theology with regard to how we know God. The analogia Fide is an incorrect use of analogy. That is why it is a heresy. "...there were no New Testament writings for the earliest Christians and yet they possessed the fulness of the truth and faith of Christianity. On the day of Pentecost, the Chruch was born and yet there were no gospels as we know them today. It would not be a theological exaggeration that the Church would be the Church, in all her fulness, even if she did not possess the New Testament. For many raised on the Reformational principle of Sola Scriptura this may seem a radical--even heretical statement. ...there was a time when the Church did not possess the corpus of inspired writing and yet the Church existed in her fulness. Christians experienced the faith in all its fullness". Father Georges Florovsky "The Byzantine Fathers of the Fifth Century"
Have you ever heard of Alister McGraths book Iustitia Dei? The whole book is about how nobody taught Justification by faith alone before the Reformation. I know a lot of Protestants who hate that book.
@@jamesdean3581 Yes I was a Calvinist when that book was published. I remember one of my friends ask my pastor about this book and the content of what was being said. My pastor brushed it off. The easiest way to spot heresy is to ask yourself a simple question. Is the doctrine universal and common in the history of the church? In the tradition of Christianity there were certain core doctrines that were called universal and common. This is also called Catholicity. If a doctrine is new or novel and you don't find it as a commonly held belief in all times and places then it is probably heretical. It is one of the simplest tests you can apply to examining whether something is true or not. Catholicity proves that the Reformation was not a Reformation. The Reformation is a false claim. People who buy into the Reformation think that it is an important movement because it reclaimed the doctrine of justification by faith alone. But what reformed believers don't understand is that the Reformation redefined the meaning of these words to mean something that the church never taught. This is because the Reformation has a different order of theology. Justification by faith alone in the Reformation is rooted in the philosophy of Nominalism. The set up goes like this. Calvinism says that sin is a state of being. This is because the Reformers followed Augustine who taught that all of Adam's descendants are born with original guilt. In Calvinism you are born guilty. You are not guilty because of your own decisions. You are actually deserving of hell before you can even act with your own willful choices. This is due to the fact that the Protestants Reformers taught that concupiscence is sin. Concupiscence is the propensity to sin. Augustinianism says, Because you are born with the propensity to sin you are guilty of Adams sin. The historic Christian view of the fall of Adam was that we are not guilty for Adams sin. But we bear the consequence of Adams sin. The corruption of Adams sin can be passed down without personal guilt being passed down. Concupiscence or the propensity to sin is not the same thing as the act of sin. But in Calvinism the Reformers said that Concupiscence is sin itself. This is why babies are born with the original guilt of Adam. The idea that we are all guilty for Adams sin is to fall into Platonism with regard to human anthropology. When Augustine interpreted Romans 5:12 he read "that we all sinned IN Adam". The Latin Bible he had misinterprets this verse. Nevertheless, Augustine assumed that we are all IN Adam as an architype. So, when Adam sinned, he was corrupted in his nature which is now under the judgement of death and the guilt of sin. Since Adam's NATURE is now corrupted with guilt and concupiscence all of Adams posterity are now exact copies of the first man. Which means we are born guilty and we inherit Adams guilt. The reason this falls into Platonism is due to the collapsing of NATURE into PERSON. In Platonism NATURE and PERSON are the same thing. Traditional Christianity always rejected all forms of Platonism. NATURE is universal and common. All human beings share the same common human NATURE. PERSON is individual and particular. We all share a common human NATURE but we act individually and personally in the decisions we make. If you make a distinction between NATURE and PERSON then you guard the necessary distinctions that allow you to have a proper anthropology. So, Adams sin brings death to human NATURE. It also passes down to us the propensity to sin. Which is the corruption. But each PERSON at a certain point makes a conscious decision to sin against Gods moral law. This means that each person is guilty for his own sin. Not Adams sin. The theory of double imputation in Calvinism is rooted in Agustine's false Platonic doctrine of universal guilt. This results in the theory that Adam imputes to you original guilt. Christ the second Adam imputes His righteousness on the basis of the covenant of works. God regenerates you, and imparts saving faith as a result. Now you have the legal status of being righteous. God Justifies you and fills up your spiritual bank account. But you still sin every day in word thought and deed. The Calvinist system says you are righteous and a sinner all at the same time. This is called Nominalism. The reason no one taught Justification on the basis of Nominalism before the Reformation is because no one defined Justification this way before the Reformation. They believed that Justification was to participate in God uncreated holiness. The believer actually possessed God's uncreated life and in that process of deification and theosis they became like God. Salvation is actually reclaiming and achieving the life in the Holy Spirit that Adam lost. This is why Monasticism was such a big part of the Christian Tradition. To be transformed into the image of Christ is to actually have and possess true holiness. It is not to only have a legal status on the basis of created grace. We are not just recieving created effects based on God's decree. If that were the case the incarnation of Christ would not be necessary. Anyway, there is so much that could be said on this subject. You might check out "The Harvest of Medieval Theology" on Amazon books. I believe the book was written by Oberman who documents the influence of Nominalism on Luther's theology.
I'm early into this video. I'm hearing good things. A challenge for you guys: I would argue that if your theology is good/right, it should lead to some things such as: 1. Visitation of orphans and widows. 2. Remembrance of the poor. Agree? I think you guys have good theology. Just challenge thoughts. Proper theology will take you into the mediation of Christ. James presents mediation #1 above. Galatians presents mediation #2 above. I'm not saying we are saved by 1 and 2. I'm only saying that 1 and 2 are evidences of the mediation of Christ within.
If you’re the pastors of your own church then that church is operating based on what you teach and believe. Christ died and bought one church… Mathew 16:13-19 emphasizing 18, your church is a number of years tooooo LATE
Covenant theology does not follow a literal hermeneutic of scripture especially about Eschatology. That's why I cannot share a Covenant theology though I am Calvinistic.
God told Cain that Sin lies waiting behind the Door. Jesus said if we open the Door, He would enter & dine with us. There are TWO Doors. God apparently is presenting us with a CHOICE. We have the responsibility to CHOOSE everyday, even before being saved. Otherwise, what's the point of being given Free Will?? We have enough intelligence, moral conscience & common grace to know right from wrong. Bc The Blood of Jesus SOWED His Father's Seed into the Earth (we're made from the Earth). And God wrote His laws in our hearts so nobody has an excuse to plead total ignorance. Repentance is a CHOICE. The opposite is Rebellion which is also a CHOICE. Just like Adam & Eve in the Garden, we are to CHOOSE, everyday. Life or Death? Blessings or Curses. Bible says to CHOOSE Life so you may live. Repentance is conviction of your sins (crimes) against God. It's knowing that you have failed His purpose for your life which is to receive His Seed (Christ Spirit) & bear Fruits of the Spirit. Instead, we've inherited the Serpent's Seed & bear thorns & thistle which God said would be burned. Repentance is believing God's wrath is justified against me & pleading guilty in brokenness & humility. Like the thief on the cross. Bad News first & then the Good News. Only then can I understand my need for a Savior who died to take away my sins. I'm a criminal & a victim in God's Court of Law. Pleading no contest bc I'm dead in my sins is a cop out. That's not conviction. The Meek & Poor in Spirit (in front of God & man) shall inherit the earth. Like the thief on the cross.
@@tomtemple69 It's a paradox. Maybe it doesn't apply to you, if you say so. But for me, I use my God given Free Will to surrender my Self Will and to CHOOSE instead to do God's Will. Christ is the Lord of Hosts & I'm His Host Body. That means like an AVATAR to use simulation theory vernacular. Bible calls it vessel of honor or vessel of dishonor. Jesus said we are the TEMPLE of the Holy Spirit. If you believe Free Will is an illusion, you're a lost cause. You don't even understand The Good News Gospel. You & the Calvinists managed to turn it into Terrible News. Jesus died for the Sin of the WORLD. That means all people.
@@wakeywakey8603 ". If you believe Free Will is an illusion, you're a lost cause. You don't even understand The Good News Gospel. You & the Calvinists managed to turn it into Terrible News. Jesus died for the Sin of the WORLD. That means all people." we have free will but that free will only does evil and cannot choose God if Jesus died for all people, why aren't there sins forgiven? what are people being sent to hell for? does Jesus's death forgive only some sins?
Content starts at 7:00
Perfectly said. Watched the entire series, and honestly your channel and podcasts are very underrated. Today even the best channels focus on minor theological issues and make them fundamentals while ignoring the essential topics you guys discuss and focus. This channel is very Gosepl centered, Christ exalting, faithful to Scripture, and plain & direct in doctrine. God bless, my prayer is that God will appoint more people to reach this channel🙌
Excellent discourse on Reformed Theology, really enjoyed this as it was clearly well spoken. I eventually found theocast by way of Ligonier and the great RC Sproul.
Thank you!
Thankyou!! God bless each of you to continue this important work
Really well presented guys, very easy to listen to.
Appreciate it, Blessing brothers.
Great video , you guys give such clarity to the reformed doctrine. And this is certainly needed
in the world of today .
God Bless your Ministry.
Really good video, great job explaining these issues.
Nailed it.
On that law issue, I would add this: Abraham was declared righteous apart from the Law, about 430 years before the Law.
This is really refreshing.
Very helpful, thank you friends.
I may be too orthodox or just plain wrong, but the one brother is teaching and quoting scripture. Shouldn't you be uncovered? I ask this in love brother. You are both great teachers and loved the discussion. Thank you
I like it! I'm from Brasil. Presbyterian church.
I’ve been listening to several of your YT vids. Your intent is genuine however, I prefer that you back up your points using scripture rather than your opinions. You keep mentioning “confessions”. I still don’t know or how or why this is a valid truth? Sorry, but there is not enough scripture to back up your points.
I will suggest you get copies of the confessions they mention and look at the Bible passages they (the confessions) reference.
Most historical confessions are just summaries of what a group of people believe. They were often compiled during times of great heresies to express and insist on church doctrines.
I have a copy of the 2nd London Baptist Confession. It has helped me tremendously.
This presentation unifies all who are in God's "Book of Life".
Dittos from me!!!
God that made the world and all things therein, seeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands;
Neither is worshipped with men's hands, as though he needed any thing, seeing he giveth to all life, and breath, and all things;
And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation;
That they should *seek the Lord* if haply they might feel after him, and find him, *though he be not far from every one of us*
For *in him* we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring.
{Acts 17:24-28}
There are only three views in church history defining the theology of how we know God. Analogia Entis, Analogia Fide, and Analogia Energia. Analogia Entis is the chain of being theology in Roman Catholicism. This theory comes from Thomas Aquinas.
Analogia Energia is the Eastern Orthodox view of how we know God. That is, we can only know God by His divine energies which are not God's Essence.
And lastly, we have the Protestants who invented a completely new theory because they didn't like the Roman Catholic doctrine of Analogia Entis. The doctrine of Analogia Fide (Faith Alone) says we can only know God by the analogy of faith. And where are these analogies exclusively found? In the Bible alone. Sola Scriptura. This is why in the system of Calvinism Sola Scriptura is dependent on the doctrine of Sola Fide. They both exist together by necessity in the Calvinist system.
Both Sola Fide and Sola Scriptura are problematic for these reasons. If you posit the Protestant doctrine of the Noetic effects of sin, Sola Scriptura and Sola Fide become problematic. In Protestantism the Noetic effects of sin are the mental effects caused by Adams fall. The Noetic effects doctrines is why the Protestants rejected the infallible authority claims of the Pope. Because, all men are under the Noetic effects of sin, no man can claim infallibility.
This theory, however, creates a more difficult issue for the Calvinist. The Noetic effects of sin are still a problem after you are regenerated. This means that when the Calvinist reads his Bible, he is using his mind which is constantly under the mental effects of sin. Which means he can never be sure if his interpretation is infallible. This is why so many Calvinists struggle with assurance of Salvation. Because you can never be epistemically certain that you are one of the Elect. This is why Calvinist spend so much time listening to long expository sermons. They are constantly seeking to find that place of epistemic certainty that they actually have saving faith. In the final analysis, it is never possible for a Calvinist to have the epistemic certainty that he claims to have. But at the same time, Calvinist will preach as if they have certainty. Which can never be achieved due to the Noetic effects of sin. This system produces a lot of mental torment for many people. I personally knew someone who was a member of a Presbyterian church who committed suicide over his struggle.
From what I have discovered both the Analogia Entis and the Analogia Fide are not proper uses of analogy. Analogies are created abstract concepts and are only useful to describe relationships between two created things. For example, there is an analogy between orange juice and an orange. But when using a created thing to connect to something like God who is uncreated there is a major problem. Because God's uncreated nature is not like any created thing in the world. The analogy of faith is not adequate to show how the Protestant is having any contact with God at all. The Protestant is just playing around with analogies in the Bible which is also just a created book. The Bible is not uncreated. So according to the Calvinist, God regenerates you first. Then he plants saving faith which is just a created effect. The reason I say it's just a created effect is because the Calvinist system is based on God's decree.
The Eastern Orthodox view of Analogia Energia was the view for the first thousand years of Christianity. The Eastern view is that we can only know God by participating in His divine energies which are immortal, eternal, and uncreated. We can only know God by an analogy to His divine energies because no man can know the essence of God. God's energies are His actions, operations, and activities in the world. St Basil said, "that God's energies come down to us". God's love is His divine energy. God's grace is His power or energy which works in us. The faith that God puts in those who belong to God is a divine energy that allows us to have epistemic certainty that we belong to God. True Christianity is participating in immortality and being deified in Christ whose glory is uncreated. This is why the early church believed in the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist. In the divine liturgy the Priest calls down the divine energies into the bread and the wine. To participate in the Eucharist is to consume immortality. There is no salvation without a doctrine of God's energies. The Protestant Reformers had no knowledge of these ideas. The essence/energy distinction in God was lost in the West.
For this reason, Protestantism has a false theology with regard to how we know God. The analogia Fide is an incorrect use of analogy. That is why it is a heresy.
"...there were no New Testament writings for the earliest Christians and yet they possessed the fulness of the truth and faith of Christianity. On the day of Pentecost, the Chruch was born and yet there were no gospels as we know them today. It would not be a theological exaggeration that the Church would be the Church, in all her fulness, even if she did not possess the New Testament.
For many raised on the Reformational principle of Sola Scriptura this may seem a radical--even heretical statement. ...there was a time when the Church did not possess the corpus of inspired writing and yet the Church existed in her fulness. Christians experienced the faith in all its fullness".
Father Georges Florovsky "The Byzantine Fathers of the Fifth Century"
Have you ever heard of Alister McGraths book Iustitia Dei? The whole book is about how nobody taught Justification by faith alone before the Reformation. I know a lot of Protestants who hate that book.
@@jamesdean3581 Yes I was a Calvinist when that book was published. I remember one of my friends ask my pastor about this book and the content of what was being said. My pastor brushed it off.
The easiest way to spot heresy is to ask yourself a simple question. Is the doctrine universal and common in the history of the church? In the tradition of Christianity there were certain core doctrines that were called universal and common. This is also called Catholicity. If a doctrine is new or novel and you don't find it as a commonly held belief in all times and places then it is probably heretical. It is one of the simplest tests you can apply to examining whether something is true or not. Catholicity proves that the Reformation was not a Reformation. The Reformation is a false claim.
People who buy into the Reformation think that it is an important movement because it reclaimed the doctrine of justification by faith alone. But what reformed believers don't understand is that the Reformation redefined the meaning of these words to mean something that the church never taught. This is because the Reformation has a different order of theology.
Justification by faith alone in the Reformation is rooted in the philosophy of Nominalism. The set up goes like this. Calvinism says that sin is a state of being. This is because the Reformers followed Augustine who taught that all of Adam's descendants are born with original guilt. In Calvinism you are born guilty. You are not guilty because of your own decisions. You are actually deserving of hell before you can even act with your own willful choices. This is due to the fact that the Protestants Reformers taught that concupiscence is sin. Concupiscence is the propensity to sin. Augustinianism says, Because you are born with the propensity to sin you are guilty of Adams sin.
The historic Christian view of the fall of Adam was that we are not guilty for Adams sin. But we bear the consequence of Adams sin. The corruption of Adams sin can be passed down without personal guilt being passed down. Concupiscence or the propensity to sin is not the same thing as the act of sin. But in Calvinism the Reformers said that Concupiscence is sin itself. This is why babies are born with the original guilt of Adam.
The idea that we are all guilty for Adams sin is to fall into Platonism with regard to human anthropology. When Augustine interpreted Romans 5:12 he read "that we all sinned IN Adam". The Latin Bible he had misinterprets this verse. Nevertheless, Augustine assumed that we are all IN Adam as an architype. So, when Adam sinned, he was corrupted in his nature which is now under the judgement of death and the guilt of sin. Since Adam's NATURE is now corrupted with guilt and concupiscence all of Adams posterity are now exact copies of the first man. Which means we are born guilty and we inherit Adams guilt.
The reason this falls into Platonism is due to the collapsing of NATURE into PERSON. In Platonism NATURE and PERSON are the same thing. Traditional Christianity always rejected all forms of Platonism. NATURE is universal and common. All human beings share the same common human NATURE. PERSON is individual and particular. We all share a common human NATURE but we act individually and personally in the decisions we make. If you make a distinction between NATURE and PERSON then you guard the necessary distinctions that allow you to have a proper anthropology.
So, Adams sin brings death to human NATURE. It also passes down to us the propensity to sin. Which is the corruption. But each PERSON at a certain point makes a conscious decision to sin against Gods moral law. This means that each person is guilty for his own sin. Not Adams sin.
The theory of double imputation in Calvinism is rooted in Agustine's false Platonic doctrine of universal guilt. This results in the theory that Adam imputes to you original guilt. Christ the second Adam imputes His righteousness on the basis of the covenant of works. God regenerates you, and imparts saving faith as a result. Now you have the legal status of being righteous. God Justifies you and fills up your spiritual bank account. But you still sin every day in word thought and deed. The Calvinist system says you are righteous and a sinner all at the same time. This is called Nominalism.
The reason no one taught Justification on the basis of Nominalism before the Reformation is because no one defined Justification this way before the Reformation. They believed that Justification was to participate in God uncreated holiness. The believer actually possessed God's uncreated life and in that process of deification and theosis they became like God. Salvation is actually reclaiming and achieving the life in the Holy Spirit that Adam lost. This is why Monasticism was such a big part of the Christian Tradition. To be transformed into the image of Christ is to actually have and possess true holiness. It is not to only have a legal status on the basis of created grace. We are not just recieving created effects based on God's decree. If that were the case the incarnation of Christ would not be necessary.
Anyway, there is so much that could be said on this subject. You might check out "The Harvest of Medieval Theology" on Amazon books. I believe the book was written by Oberman who documents the influence of Nominalism on Luther's theology.
I'm early into this video. I'm hearing good things.
A challenge for you guys: I would argue that if your theology is good/right, it should lead to some things such as:
1. Visitation of orphans and widows.
2. Remembrance of the poor.
I think you guys have good theology. Just challenge thoughts. Proper theology will take you into the mediation of Christ. James presents mediation #1 above. Galatians presents mediation #2 above. I'm not saying we are saved by 1 and 2. I'm only saying that 1 and 2 are evidences of the mediation of Christ within.
Amen brother. Calvinism is Biblical Christianity!
Eve was in the transgression not Adam
Adam gave silent approval and participation in the sin!
What does reformed mean? Like a reformed house..... it's different from the original. Restoration is restoring what was there before.
Great content but there’s a lot of error and things that can be agreed upon
I do not understand your definition of sovereign. Love you guys.
If you’re the pastors of your own church then that church is operating based on what you teach and believe. Christ died and bought one church… Mathew 16:13-19 emphasizing 18, your church is a number of years tooooo LATE
Disappointed. The title is "the five points of reformed theology", but throughout all the talking, you never touch the topic. Why?.
Covenant theology does not follow a literal hermeneutic of scripture especially about Eschatology. That's why I cannot share a Covenant theology though I am Calvinistic.
God told Cain that Sin lies waiting behind the Door. Jesus said if we open the Door, He would enter & dine with us. There are TWO Doors. God apparently is presenting us with a CHOICE. We have the responsibility to CHOOSE everyday, even before being saved. Otherwise, what's the point of being given Free Will?? We have enough intelligence, moral conscience & common grace to know right from wrong. Bc The Blood of Jesus SOWED His Father's Seed into the Earth (we're made from the Earth). And God wrote His laws in our hearts so nobody has an excuse to plead total ignorance. Repentance is a CHOICE. The opposite is Rebellion which is also a CHOICE. Just like Adam & Eve in the Garden, we are to CHOOSE, everyday. Life or Death? Blessings or Curses. Bible says to CHOOSE Life so you may live. Repentance is conviction of your sins (crimes) against God. It's knowing that you have failed His purpose for your life which is to receive His Seed (Christ Spirit) & bear Fruits of the Spirit. Instead, we've inherited the Serpent's Seed & bear thorns & thistle which God said would be burned. Repentance is believing God's wrath is justified against me & pleading guilty in brokenness & humility. Like the thief on the cross. Bad News first & then the Good News. Only then can I understand my need for a Savior who died to take away my sins. I'm a criminal & a victim in God's Court of Law. Pleading no contest bc I'm dead in my sins is a cop out. That's not conviction. The Meek & Poor in Spirit (in front of God & man) shall inherit the earth. Like the thief on the cross.
Free will is horrifically overrated
Prior to salvation, you have the free will to do whatever evil you choose ..🤷🏻♂️
Your free will is only capable of evil
The lie of the devil is to convince you you're good enough to convince God to save you
@@tomtemple69 It's a paradox. Maybe it doesn't apply to you, if you say so. But for me, I use my God given Free Will to surrender my Self Will and to CHOOSE instead to do God's Will. Christ is the Lord of Hosts & I'm His Host Body. That means like an AVATAR to use simulation theory vernacular. Bible calls it vessel of honor or vessel of dishonor. Jesus said we are the TEMPLE of the Holy Spirit. If you believe Free Will is an illusion, you're a lost cause. You don't even understand The Good News Gospel. You & the Calvinists managed to turn it into Terrible News. Jesus died for the Sin of the WORLD. That means all people.
@@wakeywakey8603 ". If you believe Free Will is an illusion, you're a lost cause. You don't even understand The Good News Gospel. You & the Calvinists managed to turn it into Terrible News. Jesus died for the Sin of the WORLD. That means all people."
we have free will but that free will only does evil and cannot choose God
if Jesus died for all people, why aren't there sins forgiven? what are people being sent to hell for? does Jesus's death forgive only some sins?
Reformed theology is biblical theology
Provisionism is most accurate when it comes to soteriology
@Scribeintheink 😂😂😂
I thought God caused Adam to fail… by your system.
You said “You bring the sin.” Wrong if Calvinism is true then God brings the sin.
Double predestination irresistible grace perseverance of the Saints all deny free will. Monergism doesn't have to.
Reformed means silly beards.
Calvinism is an anti-gospel.
If man was not created a free moral agent, then he was not created in the image of God.
If man is totally free, then God is not sovereign
Pick one
Nonsense! Our freewill does not cancel the Sovereignty of God.
Two heretics discussing their reformed man devised theology.