Do schools treat children as humans? | Peter Hartkamp | TEDxBratislava

  • Опубликовано: 7 сен 2024
  • Peter's own daughters experienced coercion at school, their curiosity was destroyed and their development stalled. So he and other parents founded a Sudbury school. This is a school based on full respect for children as humans. This worked very well for his daughters. they developed into confident, thriving adults. He is convinced that traditional school system is damaging for many children and it is about time we fight for children's human rights in schools.
    Petrove dcéry zažívali v škole nátlak, ich zvedavosť upadala a ich rozvoj stagnoval. Preto spolu s ďalšími rodičmi založil školu typu Sudbury. Je to škola, ktorá je založená na úplnom rešpektovaní detí ako ľudských bytostí. Pri jeho dcérach to fungovalo skvele, vyrástli v schopné a sebavedomé ženy. Je presvedčený, že bežné školy častokrát škodia mnohým deťom a je načase, aby sme bojovali za ľudské práva pre deti v školách. Peter Hartkamp (1961) was faced as a parent with the adverse effects of the education system on his children and has founded three highly innovative schools. To be able to do this, he has, over the past 15 years, developed an in depth knowledge of education, Dutch education law and Human Rights. Peter Hartkamp has been active on the Council of the European Democratic Education Community (EUDEC) and gives presentations on education and human rights in different countries.
    Peter Hartkamp (1961) sa ako rodič stretol s nepriaznivými vplyvmi vzdelávacieho systému na svoje deti, a preto založil tri vysoko inovatívne školy. Aby to mohol uskutočniť, v priebehu posledných 15 rokov si vybudoval hlbšiu znalosť vzdelávania, holandského školského práva a ľudských práv. Peter Hartkamp pôsobí v Rade Európskeho spoločenstva pre demokratické vzdelávanie (EUDEC) a prezentuje tému vzdelávania a ľudských práv v rôznych krajinách. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

Комментарии • 10

  • @funkdrunk
    @funkdrunk 3 года назад +9

    Most important line: we freed the slaves, we freed women, now its time to free children!

  • @funkdrunk
    @funkdrunk 3 года назад +7

    Poor exam result yesterday. School suggests: you need to study more, you need to start earlier, you need extra tutoring, etc. No! I just do not want to study that stuff. I have different interests!

  • @derryhannam3977
    @derryhannam3977 5 лет назад +8

    We need more straight talking by parents - "there is nothing the matter with our daughter - but there is a lot the matter with school." HEAR HEAR!

  • @theocool6367
    @theocool6367 5 лет назад +5

    If most kids had said they would rather die than go to school their parents would have said don’t be silly. Nice to see some who listened rather than just giving the usual response of, well you have to go, everyone does.

  • @eigenwijzeradioprogramma9069
    @eigenwijzeradioprogramma9069 5 лет назад +2

    You put the right words out, Peter, this is what mankind need to know.

  • @stefanpersaud
    @stefanpersaud 5 лет назад +2

    Well spoken Peter

  • @FransvandenBergeMuziekschuur
    @FransvandenBergeMuziekschuur 5 лет назад +1

    Indrukwekkend Peter Hartkamp. Dank.

  • @askyeshka726
    @askyeshka726 5 лет назад +5

    If your children are not running TO THE SCHOOL there is something wrong AT THE SCHOOL!

  • @askyeshka726
    @askyeshka726 5 лет назад

    Educational responsibility in the dimension of moral obligation is important. No moment is too early, no detail is insignificant nor inconsequential. No exertion is ever unproductive, no teacher is too advanced to seek a mentor of his own, and no one is on a status so elevated that it precludes his/her involvement education of even the beginner. Every student can be empowered at some level no matter what their circumstances may be. Being an educator is an awesome responsibility and a unique privilege. Even a minor exertion on the part of a teacher will have an enormous impact with cumulative dividends for generations to come.

  • @DirkWrightxyz
    @DirkWrightxyz 5 лет назад +1
