Keep in mind that you shouldn't feel ashamed or embarrassed that you play "easy" characters. Just because you're not playing the bottom half of this list doesn't mean you're a bad player, you don't have to be an Elizabeth player to be respected.
Been enjoying Rise quite a bit. Started to pick her up as a meme character because of her awakened super, but now I'm just enjoying playing her more than the two characters I played before (Yu, Junpei)
@@IamtheNeptune her combos are pretty fun. Only thing I've been struggling with is 5C since it's 2 hits and you can cancel out of the first one, timing is just a little weird. But 2B and j.B are really fun to combo with. Also the rhythm game super is very funny to mess with friends
One thing to not about Sho is that he has better frame data and mobility, leading to better mix overall. But you're trading that for the damage Minazuki has, so it boils down to consistency or mix
As someone who just started to play Yukari, I can confirm everything that LK is saying. Took me legit 8 hours to do one of her bnb. And she has standing/crouching specific combos. Definitely has a longer learning process than most the cast
A trick I learned is that you can do her sweep after doing her bow attacks and it makes her recover faster, so u can continue your combos with her Vs stuff you can’t do due to her long recover from her crouching bow attack
I'm enjoying learning akihiko, figuring out how to pressure your opponent on offense and learning how to take your turn with his teeny jump. What I don't like about learning him is doing cyclone combos on stick. Going from 2 to 4 to 4 to 6 with the pretty tight buffer this game has is surprisingly difficult.
@@soulreaperx7x jumping from 2 to 4 to 6 etc. One of the simplest bnbs is 5A5B2B 236A 2A 4A 4B 6A and the actual cyclone links are not the easiest on stick. On pad they're simple but chaining 236s is a tradeoff of less precise.
@@Eizen6527 Yeah I listed the wrong directions, it's 8 4 4 6 on the normal 5A confirm, I'm not used to talking about 8 inputs because they come up very infrequently in the games I've played.
shabrys has defo been a struggle to learn with, but even though i picked her up fully knowing she’s difficult, her whole aesthetic and all the setups and stuff you can do in conjunction with the bull is so sick.
@@yourbellboy I wouldn’t say unfair but for example terms that might sound simple to people like anti air or z button don’t make sense to newbies and he doesn’t exsplain not calling this video or his channel bad just not newbie friendly more so on this video which is mainly for new players
Honestly the netcodes been great for me, almost every game feels like it has no input delay. I'm also on the beta version so maybe it's improved there.
I'd had my eyes on Yu, Yosuke and Sho before getting the game, and it's good to know that as someone who has very little experience with fighting games, I was on the mark with my picks. Maybe I'll try Minazuki first. :p
I've been playing Shadow Labyrus but like... I get it hahaha everybody always says I just subconsciously pick the hardest characters in the game to play, and it definitely showed once I learned how her persona worked and I was like "Oh okay so she's just Zato... this'll be easy then." 😂😂😂
Thanks for the content on this game. I played arena and skipped ultimax originally. I've been looking forward to your coverage of this game. Yukari (even the comp) wrecks me until I can get in, mainly been playing Chie (normal) since I finished her challenges kinda easy.
I didn’t think I would like Rise (coming from Kanji in Arena and Yukiko when Ultimax rereleased) but she’s super satisfying to learn with and there’s a bunch of more advanced stuff once I’m more comfortable with her
I think the reason he didn't is the only difference with shadows and normal characters interms of gameplay of the character is combos so basically learn your shadow combo and bam but the character is still the same
I played 1.1 Yukiko for quite a while and yeah she's way easier now. She still struggles in common defensive situations but outside of those situations she's not particularly difficult.
Adachi is one of my favorite characters in gaming. When I get Ultimax, I’ll most definitely choose him as a main. He’s in the Easy category, but I’m not gonna be playing him just because he is. I just really like him!
If you don't already have Blazblue Cross Tag Battle, you can play him in that game. That game as a whole is relatively easy, and Adachi is one of, if not the #1 best character in that game. Guy's tools are insane lol
I think Margaret is the fist truly difficult character ive picked up in a fighting game. even her simplest stuff is incredibly different and difficult from anything ive had to learn so far.
The thing about Margaret is that while she is indeed unorthodox, her moves are so powerful and rewarding that she doesn't end up feeling that hard to play. Especially if you are playing against other new players, you will often stomp them just because they won't know how to deal with your buttons. She also naturally controls a huge part of the screen, so you don't need to be that punctual with your spacing. That's why it's hard for me to label her as a true difficult character. Naoto is harder imo (I main Margaret and sub Naoto btw)
Just cause Adachi has JC with a large hit box, it doesn’t mean he’s easy to use. Adachi relies heavily on meter and his persona. You have to play with trickery in order to start any combos which aren’t as effective unless they’re very long strings or unless he has awakening, which keeps up the pressure on Adachi players. I will say though it is easy to get used to his moves and everything but online, it’ll actually be difficult to do this play as him.
Has any one ever told you that your voice is calming to listen to? Like I clicked out of curiosity, since I’m a scrubby Yukiko/Rise, and stayed for the whole thing. LOL
Weirdly I quite enjoy Liz’s gameplay. I think it’s mainly due to her pretty simple inputs and normals. And I not planing to play competitively ever I think it’s good :) . But I must say I tried mitsuru gameplay and not for me I guess and Her charges, I just can’t do it. I’m in unable to perform it consistently like at all. holding back and then forward with attack often doesn’t come out and which means lot of combo paths are really hard for me 😅. Ps great vid bro
I'm still taking my time really getting invested into this game because I'm so addicted to Strive rn but eventually I will start grinding out normal Mitsuru then maybe try her shadow version once I get comfortable
I think Adachi should be top of the list. Even if he technically belongs where he’s put, it’s him laughing at the person he grabs, his persona launching a beam of destruction, and his evil instant kill that really got me into the game. I kept playing just to learn Adachi better and now I’m sort of an addict. Great video!
Honestly surprised shadow labrys and aigis aren't in very difficult. Learning them isn't too bad but playing them in actual matches has me stressed lmao😭😭Especially labrys
Aegis is very difficult to learn. Most of the entire roster is imo. I know LK is a "pro" but I always take things with a grain of salt of anyone's opinion
@@Hakeemthedr3am I collect and play tons of fighting game ( just look at my channel), something I don't see anyone mention, imo P4AU is one of the most complicated, learning curve heavy and technical fighting games. ( I still love it tho). But I think if you're a pro or prodigy like LK or sonic fox or something it's not, but to me it is.
@@aegisreflector1239 oh yea I'm in the same boat. Been playing fgs for years now. Persona is one of the few series I never touched. I just think it's alot more unique compared to other fgs making it harder to learn so I agree
Way u describe Yukari and Aigis is exactly my exp with the characters thus far. U mention execution w Yukari but Aigis also has that cuz part of Orgia mode includes some tight dash cancel stuff also cuz its not a typical hover dash.
Would you recommend a new player pick an easier character to start and then transition into the character they really want to play? Or would you say to just pick the character you like and suck it up?
would really enjoy more guilty gear comparisons. I was like, I don't like playing as Yu and I'm not sure why. LK: "Yu is basically Kyle" Me; "Ohhhh, thats why!"
Started with Rise and Kanji due to them being my favourites in P4. But I picked up Shabrys and have been going on a solid lose streak. Granted I feel with every match I play I learn something new like a new mix or new setup. The truly difficult thing about Shabrys is just keeping track of Asterius.
I actually thought the velvet room characters were easy to pick up, Margaret in particular due to her weak physical attack spammability which allows her to do some easy strong damage which anybody can pick up and use to demolish enemies
Would you want to make this same video but about how hard the characters are to master/get good with? I'd be interested to see how much the list changes if much at all
I've been playing Elizabeth for a few days and quite enjoy the way she plays with her persona but I genuinely can't figure out how to do the one shot bombos with her 236236C. Would love a quick combo guide on her like the shadow mitsuru one! Thanks for the uploads!
Her insta kill got taken out bro, those super are just combo connecter now. both of her super ony instakill on last 10 secs of the match which will never happen. but on't get discourage they push Liz more toward ailment character so u got some dirty set ups with her and i am not gonna lie my meter never runs out as a Liz main. XD
@@ghostblade1042 thanks for the heads up, im new to P4UA and and seeing all the old videos and information on her had me thinking it still worked the same lol shes a super cool character and i feel like there is a lot to learn.
Just getting into this game, Elizabeth is my main as of the moment, with a secondary of Yukari and a pocket of Labrys. she's difficult, but fun. However, I was wondering if she really is a bad character, or just a difficult one. She seems to be a glass cannon, in that if you combo her once she dies, but if she combos you once you die. Is this an apt statement, or not? Should I switch up my mains ( I tend to enjoy glass cannon characters, so if she is that's no issue, but she does die in a single combo, so if she doesn't do the damage I think she does ill switch to Yukari with an Elizabeth secondary.)
I’ve basically only been playing Margaret since I picked the game up but I have been thinking of trying other characters (Rise, Narukami, Minazuki, Yosuke and Labrys mainly)
I have a question I keep doing the Machine gun with the shotgun super (shadow naoto) and I can’t seem to get the second super to combo and I feel like I’m doing it as soon as she touches the ground is it not a thing anymore or is there a certain way I need to do it?
As a rise main I feel blessed, I get beaten by Sho’s and adachis so easily cuz I dunno how to deal with it, even though I know the matchup I am pleased to know they huff glue
Bless persona ultimax. Teaching me how to properly anti air and been playing Fighting games for years an my anti Air game has always been lacking. But with Air unblockable moves its kinda free damage when people jump
When LK says you NEED the combos to make shadows effective, he is not exaggerating. Shadows have more health, but in exchange for getting a burst, they lost basic damage. Ex. Simple combo with Yukari did ~2.3k damage. With S.Yukari, the combo only did just under 1.3k. They really only get their damage from their crazy Shadow Frenzy combos.
Seeing as Elizabeth is still one of the harder characters to play, what the hell does she actually do in 2.0 now that her Hama and Mudo got nerfed into the ground? What's her gameplan now that her TODs are gone?
her Neutral got buffs, now everything you do just debuff the enemy really badly and her Ghastly wail OHHH BOYYY use ghastly wail to whiff punish a feared opponent and you will get ur answer where did Hama gone. also don't forget ur sword buffs stacks those are real threat raw 5c for hits 4 times with sword stacks just make ur oponent questioning their life decision mashing on Thanatos Hama is gone but everything she does hits like optimus prime now, don't be discourage fam. SHE IS REALLLY FUN NOW
Can we get some tips to do combos? I feel like I never do damage when I get a hit but I admit I'm not a very combo oriented payer to begin with so it very well could just be me being bad
I mained Yukari waaay back then cause I picked up P4A for the first time through Ultimax and I picked her up very quickly because I used to play the shit out of MVC3/UMVC3 and I played long enough to have a decent Hawkeye even though he wasn’t really on any of my main teams, and Yukari’s gameplay had a lot of similarities to his with her so from that I got used to her relatively quickly.
Weird, this is my first actual fighting game, and I suck at it. But Elizabeth seemed to be the easiest to pick up and is the only character I can combo with lol
Liz's viability is proportional to the skill of your opponent. She has limited options for opening people up without taking risks and good players will take advantage of that. Her combo execution isn't terribly hard, just knowing when to do what that takes time. She also gets countered into the dirt by the top tiers. Just get ready for some heartache as you get to higher ranks.
Glad to know Minazuki is for children, so it's not just me getting blown up cause someone is good per se, it's just cause he has chewable buttons that work 99% of the time
I'm learning all I can before i actually get in online and play the game, im a big persona and shin megami fan but never actually played P4A until now and from someone who only really played DBFZ this is a semi-difficult learning experience Also this is just an opinion but playing P4A made ne realize how lenient DBFZ as a fighting game is
Super optimal high damage combos can be quite hard, but they can often be simplified. Overall it's very accessible. It think you should play it, it's super fun
I think he's wrong about Yukiko because to actually play her you have to learn how to time the agi spells when you hold the buttom down and a lot of her combos require timing the explosions as well. So she's not easy, I'd put her in average maybe difficult.
@@giannis_tar I stand by my pervious comment. Yukiko isn't easy to just pick on and play for what I mentioned. That's just baseline so I don't know why he put her so high.
@@Darkloid21 throwing fans and maragis at noobs isn't hard to do. Also, her flame dance bnbs are braindead easy to do if you omit the loops and they still do good damage. She also has easy comeback potential if you chain maragidyne into agidyne, which can be combo'd into from her braindead bnbs. Yukiko is only hard to play at high level where you have to do the agi combos and flame dance loops
@@giannis_tar Uh throwing fans is hard to do because players can just dash through them and punish her. It happens literally all the time with new yukiko players and they drop her. You have to have good game sense and spacing knowledge of when to use them. You also can't just throw out maragi either for the same reason. Not to mention there is the added element of negative edging them, which beginners definitely struggle with. The flame dance BnB requires pretty strong timing to hit both or else they tech out. She also only has good comeback potential if the player is good. You can't really combo the flame dance loop unless they are at full screen, which isn't easy to start up and difficult to finish. It requires certain starters and counter hits otherwise it drops. Her BnBs aren't braindead either. You're wrong on all points. To pick her up requires actual knowledge, she isn't Yu.
Well...darn I was only debating giving this game a try, but if I did I wanted to play Liz because she looked cool There goes that plan. Maybe if I do get this game I'll just stick to Kanji, Chie, and/or Yukiko until I get to the point where Liz becomes an option But I'm essentially deciding between this and KoF15, so...gonna be thinking for a second. I actually have some history with KoF while I've never played a Persona game in my life
@@bubalackgaming8892 I'm not giving up on the game because I was never set on buying in the first place. I'm only considering getting it, and if I got it, I wanted to play her. I already listed other characters I was gonna play if I got the game instead until she was easier to pick up
@@MiniBlackWaltz Sorry that's not what I meant, I just meant deciding not to get a game just because someone on RUclips said a character you're excited to play was hard to learn is kind of a bad reason, it's totally fine if you jist decide not to get it either way tho
All of the first characters I wanted to play are in the difficult tier (except for Yu): Elizabeth, Yukari and Aigis. That's why I thought they were harder to play though I have to admit that Aigis was the easier of the three.
It's really based on the level you're playing them at, Eli isn't difficult execution wise, but at a high level her game plan is much harder to preform Yukari has a lot of set ups and crazy execution stuff but for the most part if you're playing scrubs you really won't find yourself needing it Same with Aigis, What makes aigis difficult is you generally you need to learn how to do her mix ups and crazy movement options along with Mortor loops for her higher damage combos, links, and combos that will take you in and out of Orgia mode. Aigis generally ask you to learn a lot more of the character then let's say for example junpei where you just need to learn the best routes to get you to victory cry, after that his game plan is pretty straight forward. if all you're doing with Aigis is going into Orgia and just doing Megido then you're not really playing the character and just doing what you know on people who don't know. also to clarify Hard to win with ≠ Hard to play
2.0 Yukiko feels easier to play than her 1.1 version. It's almost like they corrected her mistakes she had in 1.1 and just made her overall effective. RIP 5AAA Fire Break resets. Minazuki w/Persona is mind-numbingly easy EDIT: BBTAG Yukiko is fucking depressing
I find Yukari to be a good character for beginners because of her difficulty curve, if you can get used to using Yukari then it makes learning all other characters much easier.
I found teddie really good to pick up for me when I started. I pretty much could just run up and outrange people with my basic attacks and I learned really fast just how to stay a bit above my enemies head and just kept kicking with my feet and I didnt even have to remember the order of what the items were. Just when I saw an item that could help, I would take advantage of that. I can say its not for everyone for sure as I have spent about 50 hours in this game and havent seen any teddy players online. but idk I didnt look into guides much because they were like "items good" but I can just pull out a 24 hit combo out of my ass without an item so idk.
Keep in mind that you shouldn't feel ashamed or embarrassed that you play "easy" characters. Just because you're not playing the bottom half of this list doesn't mean you're a bad player, you don't have to be an Elizabeth player to be respected.
I appreciate its koromaru ranked and not ken. Thats godly.
Koromaru is the goodest boy
@@seereebee forever and ever
the more important character
Been enjoying Rise quite a bit. Started to pick her up as a meme character because of her awakened super, but now I'm just enjoying playing her more than the two characters I played before (Yu, Junpei)
Same bro, also it feels like a lot of her basic combos aren't that hard to pull off, which is good for me since I don't really play fighting games
@@IamtheNeptune her combos are pretty fun. Only thing I've been struggling with is 5C since it's 2 hits and you can cancel out of the first one, timing is just a little weird. But 2B and j.B are really fun to combo with. Also the rhythm game super is very funny to mess with friends
Rise representation, fuck yeah. Been on that grind since 1.1 when us lads in the discord were playing on Parsec lmfao
She has a good close to mid range attack with her mic, she is really good when you close the gap.
Meme character? She's fucking top tier
Everyone in comments talking about playing their "hard" character when literally half my online matches are against sho and narukami.
One thing to not about Sho is that he has better frame data and mobility, leading to better mix overall. But you're trading that for the damage Minazuki has, so it boils down to consistency or mix
He has fast crossups and an instant overhead.
As someone who just started to play Yukari, I can confirm everything that LK is saying. Took me legit 8 hours to do one of her bnb. And she has standing/crouching specific combos. Definitely has a longer learning process than most the cast
A trick I learned is that you can do her sweep after doing her bow attacks and it makes her recover faster, so u can continue your combos with her Vs stuff you can’t do due to her long recover from her crouching bow attack
I'm enjoying learning akihiko, figuring out how to pressure your opponent on offense and learning how to take your turn with his teeny jump. What I don't like about learning him is doing cyclone combos on stick. Going from 2 to 4 to 4 to 6 with the pretty tight buffer this game has is surprisingly difficult.
Do you mean doing the 214>6 motion or actually going from 2>4>4>6?
@@soulreaperx7x jumping from 2 to 4 to 6 etc. One of the simplest bnbs is 5A5B2B 236A 2A 4A 4B 6A and the actual cyclone links are not the easiest on stick. On pad they're simple but chaining 236s is a tradeoff of less precise.
You know his cyclone hook and sonic hook are 8A and 4A right? And not 2A, might be why you can't hit it.
@@walterburdzy5408 Geez that sounds rough. I'm going to give his trials a shot later tonight and see if I can do them.
@@Eizen6527 Yeah I listed the wrong directions, it's 8 4 4 6 on the normal 5A confirm, I'm not used to talking about 8 inputs because they come up very infrequently in the games I've played.
shabrys has defo been a struggle to learn with, but even though i picked her up fully knowing she’s difficult, her whole aesthetic and all the setups and stuff you can do in conjunction with the bull is so sick.
same thing with me and Aigis
super solid content. 👍
this reads as very newbie friendly & gives enough detail to suggest how everything comes together. 🌐
i would agree but he does a bad job for people who are new to fighting games as a whole
@@brystol. woah, i think that's a bit unfair.
say, what do you think LK could have done better?
@@yourbellboy I wouldn’t say unfair but for example terms that might sound simple to people like anti air or z button don’t make sense to newbies and he doesn’t exsplain not calling this video or his channel bad just not newbie friendly more so on this video which is mainly for new players
@@brystol. ah, i gotchu. ✅
LK often checks the comments of his videos, so he might be able to address those concerns
GGST helped me remember that picking an easier character isn't a bad thing.
Bro once that rollback happens I'm gonna be all over this game
Yeah teddie looks sick
nah, wait until I get my hands on ken
@@nanor4214 damn, a fan of the femc ken social link?
@@nanor4214 dang phemsee not again watch out for the fbi
Honestly the netcodes been great for me, almost every game feels like it has no input delay. I'm also on the beta version so maybe it's improved there.
As a Teddie main, I can confirm, definitely learn the item pattern. They can be life savers at points.
I'd had my eyes on Yu, Yosuke and Sho before getting the game, and it's good to know that as someone who has very little experience with fighting games, I was on the mark with my picks. Maybe I'll try Minazuki first. :p
I've been playing Shadow Labyrus but like... I get it hahaha everybody always says I just subconsciously pick the hardest characters in the game to play, and it definitely showed once I learned how her persona worked and I was like "Oh okay so she's just Zato... this'll be easy then." 😂😂😂
My mains are Teddie and Rise, and secondary Yukkiko. I’m also trying out Laybrs who’s kind of fun but Teddie has been my favorite
I love that it's koromaru's face on the list
Thanks for the content on this game. I played arena and skipped ultimax originally. I've been looking forward to your coverage of this game. Yukari (even the comp) wrecks me until I can get in, mainly been playing Chie (normal) since I finished her challenges kinda easy.
Thank you for making content on this game.
I didn’t think I would like Rise (coming from Kanji in Arena and Yukiko when Ultimax rereleased) but she’s super satisfying to learn with and there’s a bunch of more advanced stuff once I’m more comfortable with her
Elizabeth, Aigis and Marie were who I wanted to play going into the game, and now I see I've set myself up dangerously
It's good to know that my 3 mains are divided between easy medium and hard... Makes me feel like I've got a nice spread of options
Id have loved to see the ranking behind the shadow versions as well, maybe do a shadow list later?
I think the reason he didn't is the only difference with shadows and normal characters interms of gameplay of the character is combos so basically learn your shadow combo and bam but the character is still the same
Is there a typo in the title that's still there two months after upload?
Please do more P4Arena content ! Really liking it
I played 1.1 Yukiko for quite a while and yeah she's way easier now. She still struggles in common defensive situations but outside of those situations she's not particularly difficult.
So far I've managed to get a grasp on Junpei, I love playing Baseball mid-fight. Once I've got that down I might try Kanji or Adachi next.
Adachi is one of my favorite characters in gaming. When I get Ultimax, I’ll most definitely choose him as a main. He’s in the Easy category, but I’m not gonna be playing him just because he is. I just really like him!
If you don't already have Blazblue Cross Tag Battle, you can play him in that game. That game as a whole is relatively easy, and Adachi is one of, if not the #1 best character in that game. Guy's tools are insane lol
I think Margaret is the fist truly difficult character ive picked up in a fighting game. even her simplest stuff is incredibly different and difficult from anything ive had to learn so far.
The thing about Margaret is that while she is indeed unorthodox, her moves are so powerful and rewarding that she doesn't end up feeling that hard to play. Especially if you are playing against other new players, you will often stomp them just because they won't know how to deal with your buttons. She also naturally controls a huge part of the screen, so you don't need to be that punctual with your spacing. That's why it's hard for me to label her as a true difficult character. Naoto is harder imo (I main Margaret and sub Naoto btw)
Just cause Adachi has JC with a large hit box, it doesn’t mean he’s easy to use. Adachi relies heavily on meter and his persona. You have to play with trickery in order to start any combos which aren’t as effective unless they’re very long strings or unless he has awakening, which keeps up the pressure on Adachi players. I will say though it is easy to get used to his moves and everything but online, it’ll actually be difficult to do this play as him.
Yeah his combos are hard on delay based netcode but once rollback dropped he will get most of his stuff
Has any one ever told you that your voice is calming to listen to? Like I clicked out of curiosity, since I’m a scrubby Yukiko/Rise, and stayed for the whole thing. LOL
Weirdly I quite enjoy Liz’s gameplay. I think it’s mainly due to her pretty simple inputs and normals. And I not planing to play competitively ever I think it’s good :) . But I must say I tried mitsuru gameplay and not for me I guess and Her charges, I just can’t do it. I’m in unable to perform it consistently like at all. holding back and then forward with attack often doesn’t come out and which means lot of combo paths are really hard for me 😅. Ps great vid bro
I'm still taking my time really getting invested into this game because I'm so addicted to Strive rn but eventually I will start grinding out normal Mitsuru then maybe try her shadow version once I get comfortable
I think Adachi should be top of the list. Even if he technically belongs where he’s put, it’s him laughing at the person he grabs, his persona launching a beam of destruction, and his evil instant kill that really got me into the game. I kept playing just to learn Adachi better and now I’m sort of an addict.
Great video!
You liking the character doesnt make him easy to play
You play Terumi in CF, don't you? Also ^
@@The-toast I understand that. My comment isn’t serious.
Honestly surprised shadow labrys and aigis aren't in very difficult. Learning them isn't too bad but playing them in actual matches has me stressed lmao😭😭Especially labrys
Aegis is very difficult to learn. Most of the entire roster is imo. I know LK is a "pro" but I always take things with a grain of salt of anyone's opinion
@@aegisreflector1239 yea I can definitely see that. At least ik im not crazy
@@Hakeemthedr3am I collect and play tons of fighting game ( just look at my channel), something I don't see anyone mention, imo P4AU is one of the most complicated, learning curve heavy and technical fighting games. ( I still love it tho). But I think if you're a pro or prodigy like LK or sonic fox or something it's not, but to me it is.
@@rainofkhandaq6678 that's not what I said but ok
@@aegisreflector1239 oh yea I'm in the same boat. Been playing fgs for years now. Persona is one of the few series I never touched. I just think it's alot more unique compared to other fgs making it harder to learn so I agree
Way u describe Yukari and Aigis is exactly my exp with the characters thus far. U mention execution w Yukari but Aigis also has that cuz part of Orgia mode includes some tight dash cancel stuff also cuz its not a typical hover dash.
Would you recommend a new player pick an easier character to start and then transition into the character they really want to play? Or would you say to just pick the character you like and suck it up?
would really enjoy more guilty gear comparisons. I was like, I don't like playing as Yu and I'm not sure why. LK: "Yu is basically Kyle" Me; "Ohhhh, thats why!"
I fucking love naoto
Started with Rise and Kanji due to them being my favourites in P4. But I picked up Shabrys and have been going on a solid lose streak. Granted I feel with every match I play I learn something new like a new mix or new setup. The truly difficult thing about Shabrys is just keeping track of Asterius.
the subtle dig at jiyuna
I actually thought the velvet room characters were easy to pick up, Margaret in particular due to her weak physical attack spammability which allows her to do some easy strong damage which anybody can pick up and use to demolish enemies
Would you want to make this same video but about how hard the characters are to master/get good with? I'd be interested to see how much the list changes if much at all
I haven’t lagged online yet so I’m loving that
Minazuki getting played no kizzy
I've been playing Elizabeth for a few days and quite enjoy the way she plays with her persona but I genuinely can't figure out how to do the one shot bombos with her 236236C. Would love a quick combo guide on her like the shadow mitsuru one! Thanks for the uploads!
Her insta kill got taken out bro, those super are just combo connecter now. both of her super ony instakill on last 10 secs of the match which will never happen. but on't get discourage they push Liz more toward ailment character so u got some dirty set ups with her and i am not gonna lie my meter never runs out as a Liz main. XD
@@ghostblade1042 thanks for the heads up, im new to P4UA and and seeing all the old videos and information on her had me thinking it still worked the same lol shes a super cool character and i feel like there is a lot to learn.
Just getting into this game, Elizabeth is my main as of the moment, with a secondary of Yukari and a pocket of Labrys. she's difficult, but fun. However, I was wondering if she really is a bad character, or just a difficult one. She seems to be a glass cannon, in that if you combo her once she dies, but if she combos you once you die. Is this an apt statement, or not? Should I switch up my mains ( I tend to enjoy glass cannon characters, so if she is that's no issue, but she does die in a single combo, so if she doesn't do the damage I think she does ill switch to Yukari with an Elizabeth secondary.)
Elizabeth is more monstrous in 1.1 with her insta-kill combos
Kanji is Unga Hunga EXCEPT for movement since your only options to moves is Air Grapple Pummel (ex reverse Hadoken)
normal midrange
lightning sword
this totally fits on the old tmnt theme song
I’ve basically only been playing Margaret since I picked the game up but I have been thinking of trying other characters (Rise, Narukami, Minazuki, Yosuke and Labrys mainly)
I have a question I keep doing the Machine gun with the shotgun super (shadow naoto) and I can’t seem to get the second super to combo and I feel like I’m doing it as soon as she touches the ground is it not a thing anymore or is there a certain way I need to do it?
What’s the main difference between reg and shadow
Thanks, great video!
Beginner in this game. I am maining Junpei. But I'll probably also pick up someone like Adachi so I'm not stressing on learning this game.
I’m currently learning and having fun with Naoto right now and so far the only hard part rn is trying to do TK Double Fang loops.
As a rise main
I feel blessed, I get beaten by Sho’s and adachis so easily cuz I dunno how to deal with it, even though I know the matchup
I am pleased to know they huff glue
Is it a good idea for me to pick Marie as a second or third character? I'm wanting to pick yu or adachi first
my mains are Adachi and Elizabeth
Needed this thanks
Bless persona ultimax. Teaching me how to properly anti air and been playing Fighting games for years an my anti Air game has always been lacking. But with Air unblockable moves its kinda free damage when people jump
When LK says you NEED the combos to make shadows effective, he is not exaggerating. Shadows have more health, but in exchange for getting a burst, they lost basic damage.
Ex. Simple combo with Yukari did ~2.3k damage. With S.Yukari, the combo only did just under 1.3k. They really only get their damage from their crazy Shadow Frenzy combos.
Sho Chads rise up
Yu even has a stun dipper, tell me he isn't Ky. Don't even get me started on Chie and Jam.
Seeing as Elizabeth is still one of the harder characters to play, what the hell does she actually do in 2.0 now that her Hama and Mudo got nerfed into the ground? What's her gameplan now that her TODs are gone?
her Neutral got buffs, now everything you do just debuff the enemy really badly and her Ghastly wail OHHH BOYYY use ghastly wail to whiff punish a feared opponent and you will get ur answer where did Hama gone. also don't forget ur sword buffs stacks those are real threat raw 5c for hits 4 times with sword stacks just make ur oponent questioning their life decision mashing on Thanatos
Hama is gone but everything she does hits like optimus prime now, don't be discourage fam. SHE IS REALLLY FUN NOW
I am having a lot of fun with Kanji and Chie at the moment.
>shadow labrys
my man you literally just hit C
Can we get some tips to do combos? I feel like I never do damage when I get a hit but I admit I'm not a very combo oriented payer to begin with so it very well could just be me being bad
Thanks for the tips man. I love persona and am new to this game.. went to play online and got my butt handed to me every single time …😅
could you make a video on how to get started with yukari? I really wanna play her, but I don't quite get the gameplan
What song is this? 0:08
I mained Yukari waaay back then cause I picked up P4A for the first time through Ultimax and I picked her up very quickly because I used to play the shit out of MVC3/UMVC3 and I played long enough to have a decent Hawkeye even though he wasn’t really on any of my main teams, and Yukari’s gameplay had a lot of similarities to his with her so from that I got used to her relatively quickly.
Anyone else find it funny he did surnames first in the timestamps?
"bark bark"
Blah blah, Japanese grammar, blah blah, technically correct, yadda yadda.
I hope to see the new gen pick up Shadow Labyrs lol Always a treat to watch
Please make some combo guides. Dustloop is not very ...extensive with most shadow characters.
Midrange lightning sword bro is all I aspire to be
Weird, this is my first actual fighting game, and I suck at it. But Elizabeth seemed to be the easiest to pick up and is the only character I can combo with lol
Liz's viability is proportional to the skill of your opponent. She has limited options for opening people up without taking risks and good players will take advantage of that. Her combo execution isn't terribly hard, just knowing when to do what that takes time. She also gets countered into the dirt by the top tiers. Just get ready for some heartache as you get to higher ranks.
can i play this with a 60% keyboard? or is just hell
I play Junpei for the clean hits
Glad to know Minazuki is for children, so it's not just me getting blown up cause someone is good per se, it's just cause he has chewable buttons that work 99% of the time
I'm learning all I can before i actually get in online and play the game, im a big persona and shin megami fan but never actually played P4A until now and from someone who only really played DBFZ this is a semi-difficult learning experience
Also this is just an opinion but playing P4A made ne realize how lenient DBFZ as a fighting game is
i like the one with the houndstooth print
been playing maragret for abit and ngl all i've been doing is just run around and press buttons and it works, like 35% of the time.
ever dropping an ultimax tier list?
LK is cute
LK is cute
Ayo!! 📷 😳
still dont know if i should pick up this game...Is it hard to play ? Execution etc ? I dont have time to learn hard shit lol
It's super easy execution wise except some characters
Super optimal high damage combos can be quite hard, but they can often be simplified. Overall it's very accessible. It think you should play it, it's super fun
@@giannis_tar thanks..maybe ill pick it up. Whats the player base like.. In KOF noone plays anymore. I often fight the same dude like 4 times in a row
@@GeneralCba I don't know because I don't have the new version yet. I played the ps3 version for over a year ages ago
I need some naoto mains show out and I’m finna be one of em
I think he's wrong about Yukiko because to actually play her you have to learn how to time the agi spells when you hold the buttom down and a lot of her combos require timing the explosions as well.
So she's not easy, I'd put her in average maybe difficult.
The tier list is about how easy the characters are to pick up and play. What you are talking about is advanced stuff
@@giannis_tar I stand by my pervious comment. Yukiko isn't easy to just pick on and play for what I mentioned. That's just baseline so I don't know why he put her so high.
@@Darkloid21 throwing fans and maragis at noobs isn't hard to do. Also, her flame dance bnbs are braindead easy to do if you omit the loops and they still do good damage. She also has easy comeback potential if you chain maragidyne into agidyne, which can be combo'd into from her braindead bnbs. Yukiko is only hard to play at high level where you have to do the agi combos and flame dance loops
@@giannis_tar Uh throwing fans is hard to do because players can just dash through them and punish her. It happens literally all the time with new yukiko players and they drop her. You have to have good game sense and spacing knowledge of when to use them. You also can't just throw out maragi either for the same reason. Not to mention there is the added element of negative edging them, which beginners definitely struggle with.
The flame dance BnB requires pretty strong timing to hit both or else they tech out.
She also only has good comeback potential if the player is good. You can't really combo the flame dance loop unless they are at full screen, which isn't easy to start up and difficult to finish. It requires certain starters and counter hits otherwise it drops.
Her BnBs aren't braindead either. You're wrong on all points. To pick her up requires actual knowledge, she isn't Yu.
I'm new, I suck, and my favorites characters are Akihiko, Elizabeth and Margaret. 😢
I am practically an Elizabeth main but can't do Mitsuru's FIRST charge combo in challenge mode. Lol
I don't regret starting off with Ken&Koromaru because dog
Welp, looks like I am going to continue my trend of playing the executionally easiest character lol
i wish ken and koromaru were separate characters, i just wanna play koromaru without the rat child being there
altus give me fire dog
rat child lmfao
I was only debating giving this game a try, but if I did I wanted to play Liz because she looked cool
There goes that plan. Maybe if I do get this game I'll just stick to Kanji, Chie, and/or Yukiko until I get to the point where Liz becomes an option
But I'm essentially deciding between this and KoF15, so...gonna be thinking for a second. I actually have some history with KoF while I've never played a Persona game in my life
You shouldn't just give up on a fighting game because someone says they're hard to play on a tier list
@@bubalackgaming8892 I'm not giving up on the game because I was never set on buying in the first place. I'm only considering getting it, and if I got it, I wanted to play her. I already listed other characters I was gonna play if I got the game instead until she was easier to pick up
@@MiniBlackWaltz Sorry that's not what I meant, I just meant deciding not to get a game just because someone on RUclips said a character you're excited to play was hard to learn is kind of a bad reason, it's totally fine if you jist decide not to get it either way tho
All of the first characters I wanted to play are in the difficult tier (except for Yu):
Elizabeth, Yukari and Aigis.
That's why I thought they were harder to play though I have to admit that Aigis was the easier of the three.
It's really based on the level you're playing them at, Eli isn't difficult execution wise, but at a high level her game plan is much harder to preform
Yukari has a lot of set ups and crazy execution stuff but for the most part if you're playing scrubs you really won't find yourself needing it
Same with Aigis, What makes aigis difficult is you generally you need to learn how to do her mix ups and crazy movement options along with Mortor loops for her higher damage combos, links, and combos that will take you in and out of Orgia mode. Aigis generally ask you to learn a lot more of the character then let's say for example junpei where you just need to learn the best routes to get you to victory cry, after that his game plan is pretty straight forward. if all you're doing with Aigis is going into Orgia and just doing Megido then you're not really playing the character and just doing what you know on people who don't know. also to clarify Hard to win with ≠ Hard to play
Lol and I main Ken and koromaru, wish me luck :D
2.0 Yukiko feels easier to play than her 1.1 version. It's almost like they corrected her mistakes she had in 1.1 and just made her overall effective. RIP 5AAA Fire Break resets.
Minazuki w/Persona is mind-numbingly easy
EDIT: BBTAG Yukiko is fucking depressing
Where do o find combo guide for this game
I played ken and koro for the first time and won every single game
Koromaru best boi + character
I find Yukari to be a good character for beginners because of her difficulty curve, if you can get used to using Yukari then it makes learning all other characters much easier.
I found teddie really good to pick up for me when I started. I pretty much could just run up and outrange people with my basic attacks and I learned really fast just how to stay a bit above my enemies head and just kept kicking with my feet and I didnt even have to remember the order of what the items were. Just when I saw an item that could help, I would take advantage of that. I can say its not for everyone for sure as I have spent about 50 hours in this game and havent seen any teddy players online. but idk I didnt look into guides much because they were like "items good" but I can just pull out a 24 hit combo out of my ass without an item so idk.
shadow lab mains tap in😌🤝