[Arknights] She's Good, but AK Restricted Her So Much (Vivianna S3M3 Showcase)

  • Опубликовано: 21 сен 2024

Комментарии • 28

  • @Xusuy
    @Xusuy  4 месяца назад +16

    She's a duelist - she's meant to face tank melee bosses and arts bosses more importantly. 15 Res and then +25 res on S3 giving her 40 res. And if you include nightingale res buff she'll be at 30 natrual and 55 on s3. That's the highest in the game I believe. They don't have a 6 star Arts defender yet. But until then she has the highest res in the game. Now time for all her problems. Being a 1 block and not having AoE. I hate it, but I get it they do it because they want her to fit the boss fighter role but if a boss for some reason requires 2-3 blocks she won't be blocking them to utilize her shield. Now time for my other gripes with this skill/character. In an attempt to balance her they made her shield melee only and only have 1 layer, but they also gut her attack speed on s3, they made her shield RNG dependent and made her 2nd cast have a duration. Why all 3 of those things? Why not just the melee, or just the RNG, or just the attack speed, or the skill duration, why all of them?
    As far as I can remember, she's the only character where her shield is restricted to melee only. Archetto, Nearl Knight, and Mudrock don't have such limitations. Her shield is also only 1 layer, I am hoping that whenever her module comes out they will give her additional layers. This is the only character that has released where the "x" amount of cast doesn't turn their skill into infinite duration. Chongyue, Typhon, Thorns, Poncirus all become infinite duration on their "x" cast (I know chongyue becomes an auto trigger, but its essentially the same thing). So I guess this was to balance her. But a duelist who needs ~50 seconds of ramp time without sustain sucks. Also I would've of liked if she got a + Max HP on S3.
    I think right now she's a high C tier or a low B tier character.
    My Guard list
    S - Mlynar, Surtr
    A - Chongyue, Executor Alter, Mountain, Silverash, Thorns
    B - Blaze, Ch'en, Gavial Alter, Irene, Nearl Knight, Qiubai
    C - Hoederer, Pallas, Skadi, Vivianna
    D - Hellagur

    • @hermanwillem7057
      @hermanwillem7057 4 месяца назад +6

      they gut her so much it's a crime. i always hate chances in skill but sometimes it's worth it or don't do much to an already good skill like ammo or dodge when the percentage is already high. she's just like carnelian case where the new one in the sama subclass gonna fix all the problem.
      the module whatever it is won't save much when the skill are already as gimped as it is. ranged skill but gaining melee only shield is already peak comedy

    • @wymarsane7305
      @wymarsane7305 4 месяца назад +9

      The shield being melee only is forgivable since most of the big hitter attacks are melee anyway. It prevents the shield from being wasted on trash mob snipers.
      The bigger problem seems to be the niche itself. Hellagur, Eunectes, and arguably Skadi are cool and all, and viable alternatives to her and none of them are considered particularly amazing. Why 1v1 an elite when you can just burst them and everything else around them with massive DPS?

    • @VeritasNumquamPerit
      @VeritasNumquamPerit 4 месяца назад +3

      My main complain is, for a unit designed to tank boss, she is sitting duck when her skill is down. I expected her tanking the boss to like half or at least 1/3 of her hp until her skill is up, but no, all her defense is in her skill, not mention subpar damage. In a 4 arrow map of offensive-defensive and strong-weak, she sit on lower middle map which is half offensive half defensive but tend to weak

  • @Kyle81290
    @Kyle81290 4 месяца назад +16

    What i got from this video is that Ines is insane

  • @voltrixgames4375
    @voltrixgames4375 4 месяца назад +5

    People underrate vivi so much it’s nuts. People don’t understand how she’s capable of doing things like soloing yumen elite assassin lanes in the ex boss stage, she can kill manfred on her own + healing, she can lanehold steam knight with her s3 and some healing, which of things surtr can not do with extensive extensive help like a LOT. People keep comparing to surtr, but like they don’t ever care to think of how vivi can actually hold on and stay ON the field and continue when surtr is dead. A good placed vivi can outdo surtr in circumstances. Of course she’s not the best ever but damn she can do some good shit. Like oh yeah people forget her skill cycling is actually decently quick

  • @baduser103
    @baduser103 4 месяца назад +19

    I do think people are too harsh on her, she’s fine, just defensive units are naturally less impressive when units like Mlynar exist.

    • @NightOfTheRavens
      @NightOfTheRavens 4 месяца назад

      Mhm, mhm. If only her defence would actually be good.

  • @katorikwonva9523
    @katorikwonva9523 4 месяца назад +3


  • @eufrosniad994
    @eufrosniad994 4 месяца назад +7

    It’s pretty funny that in the first mission showcase of the video, Degenbrecher actually gets killed by Ines while Viviana is just taking out the mobs. Kind of sums up her performance as an operator.

    • @billlee3851
      @billlee3851 4 месяца назад +1

      She doesn't have to be a bosskiller though? Like do people only bat an eye if the op can deal unga bunga damage nowadays?

    • @eufrosniad994
      @eufrosniad994 4 месяца назад +1

      @@billlee3851 Well, it comes down to efficiency of using resources to build operators, in my opinion. Being able to kill bosses imply that the operator can deal a large amount of damage. In the same way, not being a boss killer implies that the operator is lacking the ability to do damage. At the end of the day, damage is the most important aspect in AK, especially in the endgame. So a good 6* operator in AK would necessarily be a boss killer as well. A low rarity operator like 3* or 4* can of course be not a boss killer and still be a solid unit since they would be useful for Integrated Strategies due to their low hope cost to recruit and also resource cost to build. But, a 6* that struggles at boss killing would not be worth it.

  • @hendrihendri3939
    @hendrihendri3939 4 месяца назад +1

    You know what would be the main use of her?
    *Pairing her with NTR. Deadass*
    Proc Viviana S3 two times, and have NTR drops her spear, while she helps killing whatever it is.
    Absolutely in character
    Edit: Oh, you did *just that* at the end
    I am actually thinking the reverse (Viviana at the back. Literally supporting NTR)

  • @voltrixgames4375
    @voltrixgames4375 4 месяца назад +1

    If I’m being honest with your list I can understand qiubai B but not hoedoerer C, his output and survivability is extremely powerful I’ve put him down in some places and the dude will just be a wall and kill everything with his s3, I can understand it from a pov of we have ops that can already lanehold but not in terms of his own power he is very strong

    • @Xusuy
      @Xusuy  4 месяца назад +1

      I appreciate the feedback. Why I have Hoederer in C and not B is because he has too many draw backs. I really hate him having 0 def, he's all HP. He has the 18/21% shelter but it's not enough. You need the flat reduction from DEF. His attack speed is awful. He costs a lot, he's 24 cost putting him next to gavial and blaze.
      His lane holding skills are S1/S2, S1 is for when he's by himself and he can try to drain tank through it and S2 is more blocks more stats. But both S1 and S2 are doomed by his slow attack speed and S2 makes his attack speed even slower. I value attack speed a lot 2.5/3s attack speed I can't get over it. S3 is great, a lot of damage 200 flat true damage DoT is great, but why did they give him -100 hp/sec for what? And the S3 range is low.
      If you think he's B tier sure, I can see the argument, but personally I think he has too many drawbacks.

    • @voltrixgames4375
      @voltrixgames4375 4 месяца назад +1

      @@Xusuy I mean I think the drawbacks are very easily avoidable because coverage by healers will have that just erased anyways to cover the issue of survivability for other ops in the process, like normal gameplay pretty much gets him covered because you’re already fixing his issue with other ops by healing them so if you just get him covered he handles shit like cake that comes infront of him, like my normal gameplay usually covers for all of his problems for almost no effort at all honestly and it’s usually effort that he benefits from that other ops are receiving from me

    • @Xusuy
      @Xusuy  4 месяца назад +1

      I mean sure medics help his 0 defense, but he has 6k HP it'll take a medic a few heals to get him to full. But high cost and the snail attack speed is a massive problem. You can say bring vanguards, but then that's true of everyone. But in chapter 12 theres a Max DP cap as a mechanic of the chapter. So he does get punished by being at such a high cost. And stuff like that can get reused in CC or whatever the new version of CC is called now and he gets punished by -attack speed, -max hp, -attack risk a lot harder than other guards.
      Again that's my evaluation, I like him, guards are just the most stacked class in the game so it's hard. If you wanna say he's B or higher, sure I can see the argument. But I can't justify putting him higher on my own list.

    • @voltrixgames4375
      @voltrixgames4375 4 месяца назад

      @@Xusuy I mean chapter 12 was its own… haha hehe funne gimmick (we don’t speak of ch12 with the homies)

  • @hypou7929
    @hypou7929 4 месяца назад

    I wonder why her shield only blocks melee attacks.
    Like... you want to make a duelist that focuses on defensive capabilities instead of the usual damage and survival, why limit it? It's kinda silly really.
    Also her shield RNG is way too low in my opinion. I hope the module makes her a decent unit.

  • @minhtuan4072
    @minhtuan4072 4 месяца назад

    After this vid im not sure that i will build her but I like to have good art guard. What should i do?

    • @Xusuy
      @Xusuy  4 месяца назад +4

      Surtr is the best arts guard in the game. She's a must build on every account.
      Amiya is someone you have to build for the story. They force you to E2 her for chapter 8. And she converts to an arts guard.
      Other options are quibai, thorns, lappland, ayerscrape. They're lords but they do arts damage on skills, thorns does a flat arts DoT.
      My general advice to people when it comes to should you build a unit or not is do whatever you want. Don't chase meta, (and if you are chasing meta my channel isn't the best channel for you to watch) build units that is fun for you to play with or you like their art, VA, etc. However if you want to give recommendations on what's the best value for your mats/lmd/exp because you're a F2P player I'd be more than happy to share my thoughts.

    • @billlee3851
      @billlee3851 4 месяца назад +1

      Amiya is a good art guard imo. Decent dps and global buff. Her s2 is kinda ehhh bc 1 use per stage

  • @jolyphus7891
    @jolyphus7891 4 месяца назад +3

    All the people who hates powercreep should love viviana then right? I wonder where they are
    I would rather they be OP than suffocatingly balans like this

    • @Xusuy
      @Xusuy  4 месяца назад +10

      Has power creep ever been that big of a deal in this game? I play a lot of gacha games and AK's power creep is probably the slowest among any gacha game. Best examples off the top of my head is SA, saria, Exu, eyja. They're all what still top 5ish within their class.
      But yeah I would rather Vivianna be OP as well. Right now she's a niche within a niche, and it just feelsbadman.

    • @jolyphus7891
      @jolyphus7891 4 месяца назад +3

      @@Xusuy I guess this past year has been intense in power creep, starting from taxes and upwards. But it was 3+ years in the making after all. My first gacha was soccer spirits, and the powercreep there was crazy in comparison...the keyword being comparison huh?

    • @Xusuy
      @Xusuy  4 месяца назад +3

      Yeah the last 1.5 years or so they have released really strong units (and a lot of stinkers as well). But AK makes enough unique mechanics that niche units will always be viable someway or another or lead you to using different units. And modules can always bring a unit/class back into relevancy.
      Best examples are like chapter 12 with the max DP limitations, you want low cost high block units to increase your max DP. Chapter 13 DoT characters are crazy good.
      I don't know if you played through the "hoshi power crept era," but it was like post mudrock release, how people called for the downfall of Hoshi and AK powercreep because mudrock could drain tank through most of the content at the time. Fast forward to today, you can argue mudrock and hoshi are in the same tier of defenders. So I'm not too worried about AK powercreep.
      Backtracking to vivianna a bit. Skadi was in the same position as her pre module, pre gladiia. But post gladiia and modules, skadi on the abyssal squad is a very solid lane holder, boss fighter etc. And we know they just made Shu team buffs so theyll be good as a squad once it rounds out more. So there will come a day darknights gets this treatment as well I hope.
      Thank you for coming to my ted talk.

  • @Raptchur
    @Raptchur 4 месяца назад

    Are you f2p or something? Why so late? This is like telling people it rained 2 weeks after it rained. Nothing new. Just an easy safe "evaluation" everyone else has already made...

    • @Xusuy
      @Xusuy  4 месяца назад +4

      No I just got unlucky on my pulls and didn't get her in my 300 pulls. Had to buy her with the pull certs. But it takes me a long time cause this is a hobby, I'm an adult, I have a job and a family so it takes me awhile to get to everything I want to get to. I sometimes have videos recorded but never upload/edit cause the next op/event comes out and it is what it is.
      I also do everything blind. I don't really look at the units until they come out on global. The only thing I look at is for the mats I need to have stock to e2 90 m3/6/9.