I forgot how fun arc was, until i got an Archer's Tempo + Voltshot bow from Salvation's Edge and now i am always amplified, always making orbs and being a walking orb generator for my team. all the time.
@@carnage9536 I like the wave frame too. But With caster I can throw the projective at a group of enemies airborn or 30 meters in the other direction and then take out a different group of enemies in an different area.
Honestly a build for Hunter I dont see brought up often is Inmost Light Gyrfalcons. You basically combine Graviton Lance with a Chill Clip special like Riptide, and use all stasis abilities along side it to be able to spam stasis freeze and shatters with constant volatile rounds and invisibility. Best part is that this build is still incredibly effective even without any artifact mods. Genuinely my favorite build to run at the moment.
@@WHlSKYtx 90% of the time yes because of the fragment, but for this build it honestly enhances it due to having nearly 100% invis uptime and overall better ad clear and extra damage all the time for your void weapons, and also being able to handle all champion types with absolute ease. I've tried other exotic class item combos with the fragment, especially Inmost Cyrtarachne, but personally they just don't work as well as Inmost Gyrfalcon did. Ultimately it comes down to just personal preference.
@@noahhhl Can't post the link due to RUclips moderation, but I'll gladly give you the main details. Go for T10 Resilience and Discipline, then focus on Recovery and then Strength afterwards. My personal stats for reference: 30MOB, 100RES, 70REC, 100DIS, 30INT, 40STR (70STR with Font of Vigor) Abilities: Tether, Duskfield Grenade, Withering Blade, Marksman's Dodge. Aspects: Stylish Executioner, Winter's Shroud. Fragments: Dawn, Sacrifice, Protection, Ruin, Balance. Armor mods (The Important ones): Harmonic Siphon, Heavy Handed, Recuperation, 2x Void Surge, Reaper, 2x Time Dilation. (Any additional mods such as Resist, Loader or Font mods are up to you) Weapons: Any special weapon with Chill Clip, Graviton Lance, Any Void Heavy Weapon of choice.
Llama, you reign supreme. This 2024 you have been my go-to-guy for all builds and damage rotations in D2. Love your content, keep it up, but don't forget to rest as well!
Awesome video. I love that you go over hidden bonuses in your videos like Winters Shroud giving you DR after dodge. I had no idea it did that. Take my subscription sir!
This act i tried to solo the gm with mutliple warlock builds and honestly, the build that really me by surprise was necrotic grip on prismatic with helion arcane needle and pretty much the same fragments he chose for his getaway build. The poison ticks + the unraveling + the scorching just builds both super and Transcendence up ridiculoualy fast, plus necrotic buffs song of flame melee too ! 100% recommend that build, necorchasm is overload and osteo is barrier so its perfect for both
The Caliban/Liars hunter really is that good. The main weakness it has, however, is transcendent grenade uptime since you need to be point blank to get a melee off, which isn't always possible.
It's also not the best when you're in a team setting where people can easily take your kills. Much prefer HOIL/SeS (for non master+ content) and HOIL/Cyrtarachne (master/GM content) paired with GPG for an ability/gunplay mixed build. The caliban/liar build absolutely demolishes solo content though
It's a great addition sure, but to be fair Liar's on it's own still gets you through everything just fine. That transcendent grenade though you do have a fair point on.
@@Kinvarus1 honestly these days I kinda prefer threaded spike with Caliban/Synthos or Caliban/Cyrtarachne. It's good for team settings as well. The chaining on threaded spike is phenomenal and sever is always useful.
I've been working around frenzied blade and consecration as a titan main because that build has died for me. I've built a loadout using the main abilities of thruster, frenzied blade, any grenade (doesn't matter) unbreakable and drengr's lash. Basically, a huge group of ads? Use frenzied blade on one of the enemies to get in there. Use thruster to get out of there and leave a tangle that suspends the group, use unbreakable to clear them out and recieve an overshield. Weapons consists of the call and recluse for strand and void using the fragment that grants you unraveling and volatile rounds. Using unbreakable and frenzied blade grants you those rounds. This loadout also builds transcendence stupidly fast.
@@vrika4280 not about feeling special. It's more about doing something fresh. If consecration build was truly the only viable option like no other build worked together then I wouldn't be playing. Sure my build is not as powerful as consecration and is more complicated but it feels fresh and breaks up the meta and that's enough for me. It's that tiny thing that keeps me in the game to actually try different builds rather than being stuck in the hive mind of "metas".
One of the things I love about the hunter build is it feels like Bungie were like "We want people to play the new class but Hunters aren't going to move away from that dodge/melee build of theirs, how do we improve on that?" and someone just went "We don't, just bring it over so they can keep doing it there too. Problem solved." And it's hard to argue with them on that. :P
for most of this episode, i've been using a variant of the titan build posted here, with the following changes: - khvostov and facet of grace for rapid transcendence building - aberrant action for healing - facet of blessing for regen on melee kills - glacier nade and bladefury for abilities also i was lucky enough to get a hoil + syntho class item, which makes this build truly obsurd
Love the videos llama! I think you should preface this builds, for the Titian and hunter at least, that they are not for every piece of content. For example the hunter build is incredibly frustrating to play in team content since it’s so kill reliant. Although people can solo gms with it, this build will actively harm your team if something can’t be punched.
Obviously, Consecration is the go to Titan build. With that being said, I prefer foregoing Syncoceps for Hazardous Propulsion, in particular, for boss damage. Unless the boss you're up against is on the ground and in melee range, Syncoceps isn't helping for boss damage. Hazardous Propulsion makes boss damage easy. I don't play my titan a lot, but when I do for Dungeons/raids, I'm always near the top for boss damage. Popping 5 stacks of Exodus rockets combined with rocket sidearms and a Bait and Switch Apex Predator, and you're unleashing tons of damage with little effort. I've even started out dps'ing my hunter, which has been my main for years.
for the warlock build also try using the solar aspect, it makes a solar buddy when you use phoenix dive, also if you use no time to explain it produces a turret after a few kills. so you can get 4 turrets at once lol
For warlock you must try the speakers sight tommys matchbook build, it’s so incredibly good I dropped 140 orbs of power and 200 kills in the gm this week, very high risk high reward
i appreciate that whoever did the segments for youtube vanced labelled the entire warlock section as filler because we all hate the getaway artist build
10:25 So, unless I've missed something, the last I heard was you'll get diminishing returns from stacking CB with Liar's. It's been a long time since those nerfs came around, so I don't remember the values Bungie set them to. Obviously it's still good, but your math numbers "might" be a bit exaggerated.
could you possibly make a video like this but breaking down the top 3 meta builds per a class giving the community variety in different end game scenario's :)
5:27 next episode the consecration will be able able to brake stasis crystal properly so I already mained the stasis grenade now I won’t be using any other grenades hahah
Was just running around the pale heart, and got a spirit of apotheosis, and spirit of star eaters bond by chance, so I probably won't be taking that off for a while. I'm using euphony with it.
I surprising did good with the hunter build. Got my first solo flawless in a master lost sector. Will try to attempt the same with dungeons with imma need a bit more experience with that.
Sadly they’ll probably nerf the damage multiplier increase with consecration when Synthos are equipped, but they won’t nerf consecration overall. Like they did with Banner of War
Hey Llama, D1 Beta Titan Main here. Want to give you a positive feedback for remaining and sticking with D2, while network is going crazy and forgot just to have fun with a videogame. You evolved to my new main source when it comes to builds. I am not in the Position to reach you big real-money-donations but you have my back in Terms of Upvotes, Comments, Watch-Time and Sharing your videos via social media with my friends and clan mates. Hope this also helps to increase the desired growth of your channel. See you in the wides of Destiny‘s Galaxy. SKOL!
My Top titan build would be Worm God Crest its perfect add clear because you just go around and punch enemies and it also allows me to run double special in GMS and its gonna get even better next update because there gonna buff base melee damage and did I mention it works perfectly with stasis super the melee gets buff by the exotic and the most damage I did to Karl is 800k per hit.
I have a pretty interesting build with bastion and claws of ahamkara, using needle. Primary I use bxr just because it has pugilist and incandescent or maybe even swashbuckler works as well. I’m set for ad clear and dps with bastion
I hope the perk focusing for the class item will be a much higher chance, like if I focused Spirit of Immost it would have like a 40-50% increased drop chance on it. If it’s a slightly higher chance then it ain’t worth it
Very nice video realy liked the builds buuuttt the warlock one is overestimated af once galvanic armor goes away everyone will realize that getaway artist kinda sucks even though it combos well with bleak watcher
Im curious to know what else for warlock was close since you said warlock wasnt as clear cut as the rest. Personally been a big fan of the necrotic builds during final shape
I think it’s just because there’s so many great prismatic warlock builds now. Hell I don’t even have the class items yet but prismatic warlock is still stupid strong
@@gavinhazan1415 the class item is kinda useless tbh, defo the worst class item out of them all and Hunter along with titans just beat warlocks when it comes to beat build of each class
Is getaway still the top build overall or would you say icefall mantle took the number one spot? Btw, maybe a meta report video would be a nice fit into your channe :) Just an idea! have a nice day
i am running an hazardous propulsion titan build with the call, still hunt and a legendary rocket launcher heavy (ascension i think) but i rlly want apex predator but without a team, just doing raid glitches to get chests are so boring
Have you ever tried using the LFG server? Whenever Last Wish is the featured raid there's always plenty of people who farm Kalli (the 1st encounter), and you also don't even need comms for that!
The best method by fair is to wait around for either Grasp of Avarice or the Duality dungeons to be in rotation so you can farm Master boss CPs for Artifice Armor, if neither of those is available though, the seasonal vendor is quite good, just slap on a Discipline ghost mod and go to town
@@LlamaD2 I thought artifice armour was terrible now? I normally use seasonal engrams but this season I’m spending them on saints weapons so I guess I’ll have to wait.
Artifice armor is genuinely really not worth the time investment required for an insanely good drop given how bad they've made artifice drops. It's obviously worth getting an artifice class item since you only need 1 copy but generally your best bet is to either do seasonal engram focusing or Pit of Heresy boss cp farms since you're guaranteed +16 in 2 slots which is pretty good.
If you have the time, Artifice Armor is definitely the way to go and the drops from Grasp and Duality are really good, but they aren't always around - next Episode though there will be 2 dungeons per week, making the wait significantly shorter
It’s really going to depend on the boss. But the best, easy DPS for most dungeon bosses right now is Aberrant Action + Parasite. Two solar surge mods. One solar holster mod. Parasite is the only single shot weapon that gets reloaded with holster mods. It’s super good with song of flame and prismatic.
Hello, New Player here. I would really like to know your Hunters armor and shaders! The Hunter looks so cool and I would like to know if I could also somehow look that way if possible! Thanks if anyone knows what they are.
I don’t know if it was intended but the first part when talking about the 3 classes and their builds, the warlock and hunter prismatic symbols are swapped on the gameplay behind them
For warlocks I like speakers sight more for harder content but I def run getaway artists. For hunters I’m not even close to having that class item. I keep getting the exact same roll over and over. Been running gifted conviction which is really fun
I think it is funny that the Getaway artist build falls apart in harder content comparatively to almost any other build. Is it meta? Kinda, for lower difficulty content. Are others better in lower and higher difficulty content? Absolutely. When I see someone prove that Getaway Artist is better than Osmiomancy in GM I will be surprised and change my opinion.
The Final Shape is an excellent expansion and it provides a very satisfying end to the story, if you're at all into Destiny I would recommend picking it up!
I blame content creators for most nerfs when they go around saying shit like "it'll probably get nerfed in the future" yeah yeah they have other analytics but they watch the community and that just draws attention to the fun stuff we dont want nerf'd. Wormgods over syntho they give a bigger damage buff
@@thedude2648 true but also I find I like them being tied to different abilities cuz I can space them out of if I need too, like if I don’t have any grenade energy then i can get my helion and still trigger devour
Prismatic Titan was never weak, it's just boring. Spam consecration, win game. Their aspect set up doesn't have much synergy beyond that unless you feel like lightning punching with some Ice Lances or suspend waves. It's not an issue of power, it's just a lack of interesting builds or variety that makes Prismatic Titan kinda disappointing. It was considered weak at begining of TFS because Titans were literally useless in the final boss of Salvation's Edge and Hunters are SO incredibly good on Prismatic.
I think you misunderstood, I was using that as an argument starter, and then went on to say that sometimes people just want to know what's best (disregarding variety)
I feel like I had some people telling me to use no time to explain with the warlock buddy build. Edit: I thought they were nerfing liars in the next episode?
Hey llama, i'd love to join the discord but it keeps saying I'm running a VPN so the verify bot doesn't allow me but I'm not? I've checked the router, google chrome, made sure I didn't have opera GX, checked my windows settings and everything. I genuinely don't know what to do. If you or anyone else knows what to do, PLEASE help me. Check the update!
Update: I was finally able to get on although I have some bad news. If you live in an apartment complex that the internet is provided for, you’ll have an ASN with a lot of proxies that’ll trigger the VPN detection when you try and join the server. Unfortunately, the only way I was able to join the server and get successfully verified is to go on mobile data on my phone and join and once you’re in, discord on your pc should work! I’m not sure what else you can do but that’s what finally worked for me! Hope this helps! P.S. shoutout to Llama for reaching out personally to me on discord to make sure I got it figured out. He really cares about the community and helping us in all things.
As a warlock main, i personally just despise that damn getaway build. To me it just feels boring and bland, not flashy enough i guess. Ive seen so many more cooler just as viable builds with prismatic warlock, like llama’s 2 builds or plunder’s i believe crown of tempests build. Just my 2 cents on the discussion tho, the build is obviously very strong, which is kind of why i hate it
You could always use osmiomancy instead. Freeze everything then ignite it with an incinerator snap afterwards. Great transcendence energy and room goes kaboom too
@@LlamaD2 I'm sorry but I will die on this hill; Arc Souls are so useless, run the exact same subclass aspects/fragments, weapons, mods etc. but with any other Prismatic compatible exotic armour and you're doing so much more for your team and yourself.
@@Catt-ur2kr I'm a lifelong Warlock main. I've tried everything extensively. Tried the Getaway Artist build when Final Shape released; thought it was really good until I realised that the Arc Souls were actually contributing nothing and that all my damage & crowd control was from my Bleak Watchers and Transcendence/Super spam.
@@LlamaD2 ok heres the strat u put on a 1900 khvostov and thread of isolation BOOM proc sever every time into a tangle, ik ik genius. im just messing idek dude
As a Hunter main I honestly don't know why I came in here expecting anything but the arc punch build. It's great and all but my problem is that it's such a boring gameplay loop.
@@ianmills6260 it literally is. Look up solo master Nezerac and tell me it doesn’t need to be adjusted. Reddit has the opposite opinion really, they don’t think titan is strong enough despite having the best neutral game AND the best super. Sure it sucks that the other aspects need some buffs (unbreakable is gonna cook next season though) but you cannot act like consecration doesn’t need to be brought in line…
@@daycejohnson i never once said the consecration build isn't broken. You act like solo raid shit has anything to do with the power of a class as a whole. Titan has one meta build. One. The rest of the subclass is mediocre at best, and downright bad at worst. The other titan subs are bad too, strand and solar being good.
@@ianmills6260 the best thing hunter has is only usable if you’re by yourself. I’m not saying Hunter is in a terrible spot but titans and warlocks are objectively stronger right now, especially since the nerf to still hunt. It doesn’t matter if they only have one build, if you had another one you still wouldn’t be running it because of how absurdly broken consecration is. We’re getting details on exotic reworks next week and that includes class item perk buffs. Titans are not by any means in a bad spot, and now they’re getting buffs to barricade and unbreakable which WILL shift the meta.
@@daycejohnson titans are 20% of the player base right now. If they were in a good spot they would be around 30%. Hunter is the most popular, and even at its weakest, (early to mid beyond light) it still had 35% ish. Hunter and warlock both have 42% and 35% percent currently. There are more prismatic hunters than all titan subclasses combined. Prismatic titan is one dimensional, horribly balanced, and too strong in some cases.
I forgot how fun arc was, until i got an Archer's Tempo + Voltshot bow from Salvation's Edge and now i am always amplified, always making orbs and being a walking orb generator for my team. all the time.
You need an arc conductor caster ergo sum…trust me you’ll have fun with this too on arc
@@PastorJummpespecially if it’s a waveframe
Dragonfly + voltshot is much better imo (I’ve tried both DF and AT enhanced)
@@carnage9536 I like the wave frame too. But With caster I can throw the projective at a group of enemies airborn or 30 meters in the other direction and then take out a different group of enemies in an different area.
Bros got legendary trinity ghoul
Honestly a build for Hunter I dont see brought up often is Inmost Light Gyrfalcons. You basically combine Graviton Lance with a Chill Clip special like Riptide, and use all stasis abilities along side it to be able to spam stasis freeze and shatters with constant volatile rounds and invisibility. Best part is that this build is still incredibly effective even without any artifact mods. Genuinely my favorite build to run at the moment.
Gyrfalcon on prismatic is pointless
@@WHlSKYtx 90% of the time yes because of the fragment, but for this build it honestly enhances it due to having nearly 100% invis uptime and overall better ad clear and extra damage all the time for your void weapons, and also being able to handle all champion types with absolute ease. I've tried other exotic class item combos with the fragment, especially Inmost Cyrtarachne, but personally they just don't work as well as Inmost Gyrfalcon did. Ultimately it comes down to just personal preference.
would you mind sharing a dim link? Interested in trying this out, since I checked my vault and I have this class item
@@noahhhl Can't post the link due to RUclips moderation, but I'll gladly give you the main details.
Go for T10 Resilience and Discipline, then focus on Recovery and then Strength afterwards.
My personal stats for reference: 30MOB, 100RES, 70REC, 100DIS, 30INT, 40STR (70STR with Font of Vigor)
Abilities: Tether, Duskfield Grenade, Withering Blade, Marksman's Dodge.
Aspects: Stylish Executioner, Winter's Shroud.
Fragments: Dawn, Sacrifice, Protection, Ruin, Balance.
Armor mods (The Important ones): Harmonic Siphon, Heavy Handed, Recuperation, 2x Void Surge, Reaper, 2x Time Dilation. (Any additional mods such as Resist, Loader or Font mods are up to you)
Weapons: Any special weapon with Chill Clip, Graviton Lance, Any Void Heavy Weapon of choice.
Why would use use that over liars it just makes whatever ur doing them times slower it turns a 5 minute gm with liars into like 10
Llama, you reign supreme. This 2024 you have been my go-to-guy for all builds and damage rotations in D2. Love your content, keep it up, but don't forget to rest as well!
Thanks dude! I am taking a rest atm honestly, game is dry rn but will come back strong when Episode 2 launches!
Awesome video. I love that you go over hidden bonuses in your videos like Winters Shroud giving you DR after dodge. I had no idea it did that. Take my subscription sir!
This act i tried to solo the gm with mutliple warlock builds and honestly, the build that really me by surprise was necrotic grip on prismatic with helion arcane needle and pretty much the same fragments he chose for his getaway build. The poison ticks + the unraveling + the scorching just builds both super and Transcendence up ridiculoualy fast, plus necrotic buffs song of flame melee too ! 100% recommend that build, necorchasm is overload and osteo is barrier so its perfect for both
This is the cleanest video about those builds I’d watch straight to the point and very well made thx man 👍🏻
I like this, I’m already using versions of all of these this helps me round them out though. Thank you.
The Caliban/Liars hunter really is that good. The main weakness it has, however, is transcendent grenade uptime since you need to be point blank to get a melee off, which isn't always possible.
It's also not the best when you're in a team setting where people can easily take your kills. Much prefer HOIL/SeS (for non master+ content) and HOIL/Cyrtarachne (master/GM content) paired with GPG for an ability/gunplay mixed build. The caliban/liar build absolutely demolishes solo content though
It's a great addition sure, but to be fair Liar's on it's own still gets you through everything just fine. That transcendent grenade though you do have a fair point on.
@@Kinvarus1 honestly these days I kinda prefer threaded spike with Caliban/Synthos or Caliban/Cyrtarachne. It's good for team settings as well. The chaining on threaded spike is phenomenal and sever is always useful.
I've been working around frenzied blade and consecration as a titan main because that build has died for me. I've built a loadout using the main abilities of thruster, frenzied blade, any grenade (doesn't matter) unbreakable and drengr's lash. Basically, a huge group of ads? Use frenzied blade on one of the enemies to get in there. Use thruster to get out of there and leave a tangle that suspends the group, use unbreakable to clear them out and recieve an overshield. Weapons consists of the call and recluse for strand and void using the fragment that grants you unraveling and volatile rounds. Using unbreakable and frenzied blade grants you those rounds. This loadout also builds transcendence stupidly fast.
I get trying different stuff, but for that specific scenario, sounds easier and faster just throwing the shackle with consecration.
@@vrika4280 boring
@@jonataneriksson8216 Sure, overcomplicating things just for you to feel special, is much more for everyone else as well 😂
@@vrika4280 not about feeling special. It's more about doing something fresh. If consecration build was truly the only viable option like no other build worked together then I wouldn't be playing. Sure my build is not as powerful as consecration and is more complicated but it feels fresh and breaks up the meta and that's enough for me. It's that tiny thing that keeps me in the game to actually try different builds rather than being stuck in the hive mind of "metas".
One of the things I love about the hunter build is it feels like Bungie were like "We want people to play the new class but Hunters aren't going to move away from that dodge/melee build of theirs, how do we improve on that?" and someone just went "We don't, just bring it over so they can keep doing it there too. Problem solved." And it's hard to argue with them on that. :P
for most of this episode, i've been using a variant of the titan build posted here, with the following changes:
- khvostov and facet of grace for rapid transcendence building
- aberrant action for healing
- facet of blessing for regen on melee kills
- glacier nade and bladefury for abilities
also i was lucky enough to get a hoil + syntho class item, which makes this build truly obsurd
i cant wait to hype all over this video
I can't wait to hype all over you😏
Love the videos llama! I think you should preface this builds, for the Titian and hunter at least, that they are not for every piece of content. For example the hunter build is incredibly frustrating to play in team content since it’s so kill reliant. Although people can solo gms with it, this build will actively harm your team if something can’t be punched.
Obviously, Consecration is the go to Titan build. With that being said, I prefer foregoing Syncoceps for Hazardous Propulsion, in particular, for boss damage. Unless the boss you're up against is on the ground and in melee range, Syncoceps isn't helping for boss damage. Hazardous Propulsion makes boss damage easy. I don't play my titan a lot, but when I do for Dungeons/raids, I'm always near the top for boss damage. Popping 5 stacks of Exodus rockets combined with rocket sidearms and a Bait and Switch Apex Predator, and you're unleashing tons of damage with little effort. I've even started out dps'ing my hunter, which has been my main for years.
Peak Llama video, as per usual 👍
for the warlock build also try using the solar aspect, it makes a solar buddy when you use phoenix dive, also if you use no time to explain it produces a turret after a few kills. so you can get 4 turrets at once lol
For warlock you must try the speakers sight tommys matchbook build, it’s so incredibly good I dropped 140 orbs of power and 200 kills in the gm this week, very high risk high reward
I've seen Duqk's vid on that build yeah, looks awesome!
I finally got the caliban liar class item. So much fun. It charges gunfire gamble really fast too
i appreciate that whoever did the segments for youtube vanced labelled the entire warlock section as filler because we all hate the getaway artist build
What is RUclips vanced?
Good video, informative and the builds are great, you got a new subscriber, cheers
funfact: if you time correctly, you activate stylish executioner during the grapple melee and gain even more 200% in your melee dmg
10:25 So, unless I've missed something, the last I heard was you'll get diminishing returns from stacking CB with Liar's. It's been a long time since those nerfs came around, so I don't remember the values Bungie set them to. Obviously it's still good, but your math numbers "might" be a bit exaggerated.
0:30 this is the second build video in a row that has somehow confused warlock and hunter
Yeah I thought I was tweaking for a sec
could you possibly make a video like this but breaking down the top 3 meta builds per a class giving the community variety in different end game scenario's :)
5:27 next episode the consecration will be able able to brake stasis crystal properly so I already mained the stasis grenade now I won’t be using any other grenades hahah
Inmost scars is pretty good as well .
Was just running around the pale heart, and got a spirit of apotheosis, and spirit of star eaters bond by chance, so I probably won't be taking that off for a while. I'm using euphony with it.
I surprising did good with the hunter build. Got my first solo flawless in a master lost sector. Will try to attempt the same with dungeons with imma need a bit more experience with that.
Sadly they’ll probably nerf the damage multiplier increase with consecration when Synthos are equipped, but they won’t nerf consecration overall. Like they did with Banner of War
Khvostov's biggest fan is back I see ;)
Hey Llama,
D1 Beta Titan Main here. Want to give you a positive feedback for remaining and sticking with D2, while network is going crazy and forgot just to have fun with a videogame. You evolved to my new main source when it comes to builds. I am not in the Position to reach you big real-money-donations but you have my back in Terms of Upvotes, Comments, Watch-Time and Sharing your videos via social media with my friends and clan mates. Hope this also helps to increase the desired growth of your channel.
See you in the wides of Destiny‘s Galaxy.
Thank you for the kind message Odin, it means more than you know
@@LlamaD2 🫶
what about hellion and no time to explain for the quad turrets? is devour better than having that extra solar turret?
Yes Devour is a must!
Using no artifact perks = Legend
we clearing the new dungeon with those builds 😎
My Top titan build would be Worm God Crest its perfect add clear because you just go around and punch enemies and it also allows me to run double special in GMS and its gonna get even better next update because there gonna buff base melee damage and did I mention it works perfectly with stasis super the melee gets buff by the exotic and the most damage I did to Karl is 800k per hit.
The arc conductor sword build is by far the best build in destiny history
Recovery stat of only 20 on the Titan is the large skill gap between me and Llama 😂
I have a pretty interesting build with bastion and claws of ahamkara, using needle. Primary I use bxr just because it has pugilist and incandescent or maybe even swashbuckler works as well. I’m set for ad clear and dps with bastion
I hope the perk focusing for the class item will be a much higher chance, like if I focused Spirit of Immost it would have like a 40-50% increased drop chance on it. If it’s a slightly higher chance then it ain’t worth it
Very nice video realy liked the builds buuuttt the warlock one is overestimated af once galvanic armor goes away everyone will realize that getaway artist kinda sucks even though it combos well with bleak watcher
Im curious to know what else for warlock was close since you said warlock wasnt as clear cut as the rest. Personally been a big fan of the necrotic builds during final shape
I agree, Necro+Synthos and Necro+Claw have been fun. Getaway is just so boring to me, and I always miss Hellion.
@@freakinschweeetlightning surge is way too weak for me to use in pve, a synthos surge can’t even match the damage of a normal consecration
I think it’s just because there’s so many great prismatic warlock builds now. Hell I don’t even have the class items yet but prismatic warlock is still stupid strong
@@gavinhazan1415 the class item is kinda useless tbh, defo the worst class item out of them all and Hunter along with titans just beat warlocks when it comes to beat build of each class
@@taylormorgan3669 interesting it seemed like warlocks would have a ton of build diversity w them
Warlock build is s tier but void build with buried bloodline is also amazing
Is getaway still the top build overall or would you say icefall mantle took the number one spot? Btw, maybe a meta report video would be a nice fit into your channe :) Just an idea! have a nice day
Getaway for Warlock is still the best yeah, and I am considering making an updated video
caliban & liar was my first drop of the exotic class item lol
What transmog are you using for the taken hunter? Looks really cool
It's from a Krypz video, I can't remember which but if you scroll down his community tab you'll see it
@@LlamaD2 thanks 👍 taken fashion is awesome
Hey man, I recently uploaded this fashion into the drip channel of my Discord, in case you haven't found it: discord.gg/llamad2
i am running an hazardous propulsion titan build with the call, still hunt and a legendary rocket launcher heavy (ascension i think) but i rlly want apex predator but without a team, just doing raid glitches to get chests are so boring
Have you ever tried using the LFG server? Whenever Last Wish is the featured raid there's always plenty of people who farm Kalli (the 1st encounter), and you also don't even need comms for that!
What’s your go to method for getting high stat armour?
The best method by fair is to wait around for either Grasp of Avarice or the Duality dungeons to be in rotation so you can farm Master boss CPs for Artifice Armor, if neither of those is available though, the seasonal vendor is quite good, just slap on a Discipline ghost mod and go to town
@@LlamaD2 I thought artifice armour was terrible now? I normally use seasonal engrams but this season I’m spending them on saints weapons so I guess I’ll have to wait.
Artifice armor is genuinely really not worth the time investment required for an insanely good drop given how bad they've made artifice drops. It's obviously worth getting an artifice class item since you only need 1 copy but generally your best bet is to either do seasonal engram focusing or Pit of Heresy boss cp farms since you're guaranteed +16 in 2 slots which is pretty good.
If you have the time, Artifice Armor is definitely the way to go and the drops from Grasp and Duality are really good, but they aren't always around - next Episode though there will be 2 dungeons per week, making the wait significantly shorter
Hey Llama. Can you make a video on the best build for Contest Dungeon to deal high easy boss damage while staying safe? Thanks.
I probably will yeah!
It’s really going to depend on the boss. But the best, easy DPS for most dungeon bosses right now is Aberrant Action + Parasite. Two solar surge mods. One solar holster mod. Parasite is the only single shot weapon that gets reloaded with holster mods. It’s super good with song of flame and prismatic.
0:37 the gameplay for hunter and warlock are switched
What secondary weapon will work in place?
Well explained.....Salute
Love from Pakistan 😊
Personally I think necrotic grip (not the bond version) clears getaway artist on prismatic warlock
Is there any specific mods for the seasonal item that should be equipped?
Hello, New Player here. I would really like to know your Hunters armor and shaders! The Hunter looks so cool and I would like to know if I could also somehow look that way if possible! Thanks if anyone knows what they are.
All of my fashion sets are pinned in the drip channel of my Discord, come check it out! discord.gg/llamad2
I don’t know if it was intended but the first part when talking about the 3 classes and their builds, the warlock and hunter prismatic symbols are swapped on the gameplay behind them
For warlocks I like speakers sight more for harder content but I def run getaway artists. For hunters I’m not even close to having that class item. I keep getting the exact same roll over and over. Been running gifted conviction which is really fun
I think it is funny that the Getaway artist build falls apart in harder content comparatively to almost any other build. Is it meta? Kinda, for lower difficulty content. Are others better in lower and higher difficulty content? Absolutely. When I see someone prove that Getaway Artist is better than Osmiomancy in GM I will be surprised and change my opinion.
@@peachypet808 Isn't getaway artist the goto for speed running gms? Speaker's sight is definitely a competitor but i hardly see osmiomancy
@@uohhh3690 I haven't seen anybody outside of RUclipsrs actually run Getaway Artist
Can anyone tell me what shader + armor combo he has on his hunter
All my fashion is pinned in the drip channel of my Discord! discord.gg/llamad2
Thank god we get attunment system cause I’ve just given up trying to get god roll class items after about 200 runs 😭😭😭
What is the Hunter chest armour?
I left after the strand dlc. Thinking of coming back due to the final shape but im seeing mixed signals. What does everyone think?
The Final Shape is an excellent expansion and it provides a very satisfying end to the story, if you're at all into Destiny I would recommend picking it up!
@@LlamaD2 thanks! I'll definitely give it a go. Had blade dancer hunter cane back?
Not this time! We did get a similar super though
@@LlamaD2 damn
The Titan one is consecration spam oh woooooooooooow
Who would have thought
And the hunter one is combination blow…
title of the video is meta build for each class what u guys all expect, all these builds are meta currently
@@cangooz2240 thing is the combination blow build is only good when you’re solo…
Join me brother in the world of Choir of One Void Titan and watch all the grape flavored explosions.
Time to fun!
I have no idea how Bungie is going to nerf Getaway prism warlock without needlessly harming other builds.
I’m relatively new to destiny and play hunter. Is this build still meta for pvp?
For PvP no, it's a PvE build
For the titan build, has anyone tested the same set up just using wormgod caress instead??
I blame content creators for most nerfs when they go around saying shit like "it'll probably get nerfed in the future" yeah yeah they have other analytics but they watch the community and that just draws attention to the fun stuff we dont want nerf'd. Wormgods over syntho they give a bigger damage buff
Hunter: goldtusk(melee bosses) + arc staff super + stareaters
Ima do moth hunter once i get TFS
Waiter! Waiter! Another Llama video please!
O great LlamaD2, should I buy the Euphony ornament for BD? I don't have Euphony yet tho....
If you have spare BD I would
I’ve bought every ornament and eventually got the exotics
So go for it
I’ll stick to my rain of fire heat rises parasite build but a good watch nonetheless ❤
For warlock I would rather have Helion personally then the ice turret
Straight up facts
Its definitely better but bleakwatcher is easier to activate since its one move for both turrets. Good for new lights
@@thedude2648 true but also I find I like them being tied to different abilities cuz I can space them out of if I need too, like if I don’t have any grenade energy then i can get my helion and still trigger devour
Okay, now remake this video for precision bosses. Good luck using the titan + hunter build on tormentors/ the new dudes
Comment for support!
Speakers sight on solar is better in my opinion cuz you literally cant die but thats just my opinion
Hunter= "all you need is this rare cape combo."
Works perfectly fine with regular Liar's Handshake
*** titans : Consecrations + wormgod caress is alot better than syntho but harder to use
Между 9 и 10 уровнем стойкости нет разницы, поэтому всегда лучше ставить 9 и вкачать побольше дисциплины
why not use one two punch shot gun with the hunter build?
Not worth it... CB/Liars with OneTwo got a nerf
If a target is Frozen it cancels out OTP so not needed
Nah I’ve used the warlock build your talkin about but honesty my warlock builds trumps that and all other warlock builds
I can one shot champs, and my build can do all content
"My build" - Proceeds not to mention anything except claiming to be able to one shot champions
whats the build then?
@@DivineNFS Unless it is a super refined Speaker's Sight or some insane Mataiodoxía I think that person is just talking out of their ass
Consecrate all over them? Say less llama sayy lessssssssss
If I join the discord, could someone assist me with acquiring the class items for my Hunter, Titan and Warlock?
Man I just came back and it’s funny how the rhetoric has flipped and everyone is finally recognizing how CRAZY strong prismatic titan is
Prismatic Titan was never weak, it's just boring. Spam consecration, win game. Their aspect set up doesn't have much synergy beyond that unless you feel like lightning punching with some Ice Lances or suspend waves. It's not an issue of power, it's just a lack of interesting builds or variety that makes Prismatic Titan kinda disappointing.
It was considered weak at begining of TFS because Titans were literally useless in the final boss of Salvation's Edge and Hunters are SO incredibly good on Prismatic.
Am I blind? Where is the amplified coming from in the hunter build? I’m using the same exact build and I’m like 90% sure I’m not getting amplified
Kills with Combo Blow, it's probably being pushed off your buff bar
"Variety is good." Proceeds to showcase the most generic character builds.
I think you misunderstood, I was using that as an argument starter, and then went on to say that sometimes people just want to know what's best (disregarding variety)
I feel like I had some people telling me to use no time to explain with the warlock buddy build.
Edit: I thought they were nerfing liars in the next episode?
Not liars, but healing on the combination blow itself
@@andreymavian3400 oh my bad, that makes more sense.
Hey llama, i'd love to join the discord but it keeps saying I'm running a VPN so the verify bot doesn't allow me but I'm not? I've checked the router, google chrome, made sure I didn't have opera GX, checked my windows settings and everything. I genuinely don't know what to do. If you or anyone else knows what to do, PLEASE help me.
Check the update!
Update: I was finally able to get on although I have some bad news. If you live in an apartment complex that the internet is provided for, you’ll have an ASN with a lot of proxies that’ll trigger the VPN detection when you try and join the server. Unfortunately, the only way I was able to join the server and get successfully verified is to go on mobile data on my phone and join and once you’re in, discord on your pc should work! I’m not sure what else you can do but that’s what finally worked for me! Hope this helps!
P.S. shoutout to Llama for reaching out personally to me on discord to make sure I got it figured out. He really cares about the community and helping us in all things.
As a warlock main, i personally just despise that damn getaway build. To me it just feels boring and bland, not flashy enough i guess. Ive seen so many more cooler just as viable builds with prismatic warlock, like llama’s 2 builds or plunder’s i believe crown of tempests build. Just my 2 cents on the discussion tho, the build is obviously very strong, which is kind of why i hate it
You could always use osmiomancy instead. Freeze everything then ignite it with an incinerator snap afterwards. Great transcendence energy and room goes kaboom too
I swear to god if I skip to the Warlock and it's the useless Arc Soul gauntlets...
EDIT: god damnit
Sabre you are chatting beans
@@LlamaD2 I'm sorry but I will die on this hill; Arc Souls are so useless, run the exact same subclass aspects/fragments, weapons, mods etc. but with any other Prismatic compatible exotic armour and you're doing so much more for your team and yourself.
@@Sabre5106his comment has more likes than yours so he’s right unfortunately
@@Sabre5106have you ever tried the build? Incredible, best warlock build
@@Catt-ur2kr I'm a lifelong Warlock main. I've tried everything extensively.
Tried the Getaway Artist build when Final Shape released; thought it was really good until I realised that the Arc Souls were actually contributing nothing and that all my damage & crowd control was from my Bleak Watchers and Transcendence/Super spam.
I my opinion I rly don’t like the Hunter build, I have this build as a loadout but I rarely play it because it feels boring
Yeah it's a bit too good
i like my build llama d2
What's your build?
@@LlamaD2 ok heres the strat u put on a 1900 khvostov and thread of isolation BOOM proc sever every time into a tangle, ik ik genius. im just messing idek dude
I respect it
Idk how ppl think this hunter build still good in using all use andstill die
in nightfalll
As a Hunter main I honestly don't know why I came in here expecting anything but the arc punch build. It's great and all but my problem is that it's such a boring gameplay loop.
titans best build? more like its ONLY build 😂
Wdym bro reddit tells me titan is overpowered and the best class in the game.
@@ianmills6260 it literally is. Look up solo master Nezerac and tell me it doesn’t need to be adjusted. Reddit has the opposite opinion really, they don’t think titan is strong enough despite having the best neutral game AND the best super. Sure it sucks that the other aspects need some buffs (unbreakable is gonna cook next season though) but you cannot act like consecration doesn’t need to be brought in line…
@@daycejohnson i never once said the consecration build isn't broken. You act like solo raid shit has anything to do with the power of a class as a whole. Titan has one meta build. One. The rest of the subclass is mediocre at best, and downright bad at worst. The other titan subs are bad too, strand and solar being good.
@@ianmills6260 the best thing hunter has is only usable if you’re by yourself. I’m not saying Hunter is in a terrible spot but titans and warlocks are objectively stronger right now, especially since the nerf to still hunt. It doesn’t matter if they only have one build, if you had another one you still wouldn’t be running it because of how absurdly broken consecration is. We’re getting details on exotic reworks next week and that includes class item perk buffs. Titans are not by any means in a bad spot, and now they’re getting buffs to barricade and unbreakable which WILL shift the meta.
@@daycejohnson titans are 20% of the player base right now. If they were in a good spot they would be around 30%. Hunter is the most popular, and even at its weakest, (early to mid beyond light) it still had 35% ish. Hunter and warlock both have 42% and 35% percent currently. There are more prismatic hunters than all titan subclasses combined. Prismatic titan is one dimensional, horribly balanced, and too strong in some cases.
Titan build is okay. You can improve the build a lot.
Purpose for the warlock is such a waste. They have feed the void so restoration is redundant
Liars/Foetracer + 4th Horseman... Thank me later
Sounds good for dmg, but how are you planning to stay alive while punching the boss in the face?
Less Goooo .....
Funny how getaway isn’t nowhere near the top 3 builds if you have a brain and not fallowing what everyone else does like a sheep