Fantasy High Animatic: Sexy Rat

  • Опубликовано: 20 дек 2024
  • КиноКино

Комментарии • 529

  • @zoeves4601
    @zoeves4601  4 года назад +320

    Enjoy, guys!💖
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    • @kickthebukett5152
      @kickthebukett5152 4 года назад +3

      This is so good, it's a rough image of what i imagine how the characters interact, it's great!

    • @deathking1019
      @deathking1019 3 года назад +3

      hope you do more fantasy high animations

    • @lekswig3316
      @lekswig3316 3 года назад +3

      can i ask what the outro song is :0?

    • @sumthngcool4221
      @sumthngcool4221 Год назад +1

      Freshman year, it takes place during freshman year!

  • @TheArchsage74
    @TheArchsage74 3 года назад +5415

    "Emily is one of the best D&D players in the world. Endlessly creative, so fun to play with. She was also sent from Hell to kill me." - Brennan Lee Mulligan

    • @bidoofenshmirtz
      @bidoofenshmirtz 2 года назад +216

      Yes. Yes, yes, yes. - Brian Murphy (her husband)

    • @Aylali
      @Aylali Год назад +25

      Is that an actual quote? What video is it from :D

    • @yannickleu2854
      @yannickleu2854 Год назад +36

      @@AylaliAdventuring Academy with Brennan Lee Mulligan and Brian Murphy

    • @MauiWowieOwie
      @MauiWowieOwie 9 месяцев назад +18

      not to mention her uncanny luck in situations. iirc she joined one of Mercer's games and rolled three nat 20s in like the first 20 min.

    • @midnights2631
      @midnights2631 8 месяцев назад +4

      ​@@MauiWowieOwieShe has amazing luck

  • @explolsivecake2045
    @explolsivecake2045 4 года назад +7757

    ‘I don’t wanna judge your character choices but *that sucks* ‘ always gets me

  • @OkamiG15
    @OkamiG15 4 года назад +4755

    There’s something equally hilarious and unsettling about God!Brennan commanding Fig to describe a Sexy Rat. But seriously, proportioning Brennan and The Bad Kids like a real human and miniatures on a board elevates this scene to a whole new level.

    • @garnet1918
      @garnet1918 2 года назад +62

      It's an excellent choice!

    • @yourlocaldemon2195
      @yourlocaldemon2195 2 года назад +29

      Brennan is the corn god

    • @jakmanseven310
      @jakmanseven310 6 месяцев назад +1

      Brennan is either in God Mode of he's Gavin Pundle

  • @tanzanite2194
    @tanzanite2194 4 года назад +5126

    You captured the absolute bat shit moment so well. Disappointed god Brennen as he made the monstrosity was truly beautiful.

    • @zoeves4601
      @zoeves4601  4 года назад +211

      i’m so glad you think so, thank you!!😭💘💘

    • @annaking9619
      @annaking9619 4 года назад +115

      Seeing the rat get built in his palm is S O creative and cool too!

  • @andriuspluto7444
    @andriuspluto7444 4 года назад +2838

    Thise height differences are GOOD love someone acknowledging that Riz is a goblin & Gorgug a half orc.... the drawing in the sky was really choice & also!!! Pok!!!

    • @annaking9619
      @annaking9619 4 года назад +125

      i love at 2:17 when they’re arranged like it’s a class photo with the tall kids in the back and shorties in the front

    • @benfreedman8509
      @benfreedman8509 2 года назад +45

      @@annaking9619 I also love that there are a few times where the characters are standing in the same order their players would be sitting in at the table

  • @gab3963
    @gab3963 3 года назад +829

    I love Gorgug’s half hearted “ahhh” while Fabian is SHRIEKING

    • @SuperiorPosterior
      @SuperiorPosterior 2 года назад +29

      I kept waiting for Fabian to start calling out "Ma! MA! It's a fucking RAT!"

  • @Superdog750
    @Superdog750 4 года назад +2494

    Fabian pulling out his sword at 1:40 is SO funny, I love that pose!

    • @jadeyu7197
      @jadeyu7197 3 года назад +13


    • @tumblingartist
      @tumblingartist 3 года назад +7

      My fav part tbh

    • @remingtonluther6693
      @remingtonluther6693 Год назад +7

      Perfectly captured Fabians absolute disturbed state at this rats existence

    • @zacharynguyen7286
      @zacharynguyen7286 10 месяцев назад +4

      Hope everyone is doing good and staying safe ❤😊

  • @toetotipthatsabart5048
    @toetotipthatsabart5048 4 года назад +1004

    There’s so much I love about this. Fabian pulling his sword on the rat, Brennan as a god in the sky, the rat being made piece by piece, dear lord this is amazing.

    • @zoeves4601
      @zoeves4601  4 года назад +27

      thank you so much!!🥰🥰

    • @Waitwhat469
      @Waitwhat469 2 года назад +9

      yeah the just wet drippy nose floating in his hand, as Brendan's face of disgust as she is doing exactly what he asked for is just perfect

  • @fleabag3826
    @fleabag3826 4 года назад +3633

    This was absolute perfection. Also, love that Pok is just vibing by his grave.

    • @zoeves4601
      @zoeves4601  4 года назад +185

      thank you!! i’m so glad u guys are noticing him!😂💖💖

    • @dylanchouinard6141
      @dylanchouinard6141 4 года назад +15

      When was Pok?

    • @OOPS_droppedIt
      @OOPS_droppedIt 4 года назад +103

      Dylan Chouinard 0:41 and on. Right side, on a hill.

    • @dylanchouinard6141
      @dylanchouinard6141 4 года назад +5

      Student Engineer I noticed this just after I posted it lol

    • @m3mori
      @m3mori 3 года назад +20


  • @overgrowthj4612
    @overgrowthj4612 4 года назад +777

    Gorgug being scared has real Elephant energy and I love it

    • @jadeyu7197
      @jadeyu7197 3 года назад +18


    • @orionsbonk
      @orionsbonk 2 года назад +23

      i was JUST THINKING THIS. truly just about to comment that. and fabian has scared horse energy. my reasoning for distinguishing elephant!gorgug from horse!fabian is general size and dexterity. also pretentiousness lol

  • @alexisb.clager4079
    @alexisb.clager4079 4 года назад +2357

    dm Brennan is now a god chilling with the Corn god and shit that’s just cannon now! Sweet animation zoeves!!!!

    • @zoeves4601
      @zoeves4601  4 года назад +60

      Redhead Queen of the Outsiders thank you!!😭💖💖

    • @amandajohnson3531
      @amandajohnson3531 4 года назад +29

      @@zoeves4601 he's just going back and forth from thinking "I'm so happy my kid made friends" and "... my kid made really weird friends."

    • @glowing_purple_girl
      @glowing_purple_girl 4 года назад +12

      That is now how I will envision all DM’s for the rest of my life

    • @alexisb.clager4079
      @alexisb.clager4079 4 года назад +6

      And you have both zoveez and I to thank for that, but mostly zoveez

  • @athenamuldrow1664
    @athenamuldrow1664 3 года назад +5625

    "She did it."
    "That's a hot rat!"
    "That is honestly a hot rat!"
    Brennan: Okay so this *F U C K I N' N I G H T M A R E R A T* is created...

  • @jetajiranuntarat
    @jetajiranuntarat 4 года назад +635

    What a lovely depiction of this scene! Would love to see your version of the “you disguise yourself as him” moment in sophomore year in your capable hands.

    • @zoeves4601
      @zoeves4601  4 года назад +91

      thank you so much!!😭💕 the “disguise yourself as him” scene might be too chaotic even for my capabilities, but we’ll see how i feel about it once i get to the sophomore year animatics!😂👌

    • @jetajiranuntarat
      @jetajiranuntarat 4 года назад +11

      zoeves Help! I can’t stop watching this! This is at least my 10th replay of this already. I know I’d break the replay button when you get around to the sophomore year moments, whichever ones you decide to do. Thank you again for this :)

  • @lose_umi1811
    @lose_umi1811 4 года назад +538

    2:54 That slap from Fabian on Riz’s gun cracks me up every time 😭

  • @Danny_boy333
    @Danny_boy333 4 года назад +1115

    I loved seeing Fabian and Gorgug freak the hell out, your animations are so good!

    • @zoeves4601
      @zoeves4601  4 года назад +29

      you’re too kind! thank you!!🥰🥰

    • @jadeyu7197
      @jadeyu7197 3 года назад +6


  • @itsjudemydude
    @itsjudemydude Год назад +87

    There's something so incredible about Emily's delivery of the phrase "minor illusion of a sexy rat." The pauses and hesitation are just so flawless. Like she KNEW that what she was saying was crazy but it was truly impossible not to finish the thought, the temptation was too immense.

    • @dwell7315
      @dwell7315 11 месяцев назад +2

      I like watching the actual moment in the show, where you can see Zac react to "minor illusion of a sexy...." and then after she says "rat," the next time you see Zac I'm pretty sure he's in a full facepalm, it's incredible.

  • @flying_pig_girl
    @flying_pig_girl 4 года назад +447

    i love that you added Pok in the background just watching this go down

    • @pixlbelle8081
      @pixlbelle8081 4 года назад +45

      I mean, it was established that Pok was always listening to the people who visited his grave- which made me fucking cry btw- so I can only imagine his absolute confusion at watching Riz’s good friends react to Fig’s abomination

    • @iambuttdix9692
      @iambuttdix9692 4 года назад +5

      OH my gosh he totally is! thats a GREAT detail!

  • @jakem5972
    @jakem5972 4 года назад +234

    this is SO BEAUTIFUL. if d20 were animated this would be the IDEAL FORM, i’m enchanted by how spot-on the visuals and expressions are

    • @zoeves4601
      @zoeves4601  4 года назад +17

      AWWWW OMG!! you flatter me, my friend😭😭💘 i’m so happy to hear how much you enjoyed this!🥰

  • @Yannis1a
    @Yannis1a 4 года назад +190

    I would have dress Brenan as the Dungeon Master of the D&D Cartoon from the 80's, but a giant God Brenan in the sky still fits

    • @avery9122
      @avery9122 3 года назад +5

      the idea of brennan with that hair is horrifying and i love it

  • @dissuming
    @dissuming 4 года назад +35

    I am living for disappointed dad Brennan looking straight at the camera at 1:15

  • @silvics8668
    @silvics8668 4 года назад +276

    i love how you draw the bad kids so much. how they look fit so well to their characters and i cant get over it. also points for sky Brennan

    • @zoeves4601
      @zoeves4601  4 года назад +20

      thank you!!💘💘 i based my version of the bad kids on their actual players so this is really great to hear!😭💕

  • @99fireandice
    @99fireandice 4 года назад +236

    This is so smooth! I also love your choice to include Brennan as like a wholesome but 110% done god who’s just down for the shenanigans these hooligans can come up with

    • @zoeves4601
      @zoeves4601  4 года назад +4

      thank you!! i’m so glad you liked it!😂💖💖

  • @hotscottrulz
    @hotscottrulz 4 года назад +126

    I love how you draw Fig, she’s fantastic

    • @zoeves4601
      @zoeves4601  4 года назад +9

      i’m glad to hear that! fig was the hardest character for me to draw in this😭💘✨

  • @sebastianmaker6798
    @sebastianmaker6798 2 года назад +22

    I'm sorry but Riz pulling his gun out almost made me spit out my food, this is just incredible. The fact that Kristen and Riz are BLUSHING over the rat is fantastic, they're just confused teenagers and I love them

  • @maniclehedgehog
    @maniclehedgehog 4 года назад +47

    Watching Fabian just lose his shit was truly magical

  • @cartoonking1789
    @cartoonking1789 4 года назад +76

    Fabian pulling out his sword was great, had me in stitches. You did a fantastic job with the character designs.

  • @misti-step
    @misti-step 4 года назад +105

    dm brennan as a giant face in the clouds!!! i love it lmao ❤

  • @IloveRen1
    @IloveRen1 4 года назад +49

    Oh my god this is just the most absolute perfect depiction of Brennan in an animatic!! I love how he progressively creates Sexy Rat like some sort of tolerant, patient god

  • @soapblocks
    @soapblocks 4 года назад +74


    • @zoeves4601
      @zoeves4601  4 года назад +6

      garlic flavored floss it was entirely my pleasure!!🥰🥰

  • @druid_the_lizard_wizard
    @druid_the_lizard_wizard 4 года назад +52

    I love that Brennan played off of Emily's bat shit idea into an actual part of the story with the birds and cats

  • @rose762
    @rose762 4 года назад +43

    The look at 1:16 where Brennan is looking at the camera is too real😂👏

  • @elyshani7391
    @elyshani7391 2 года назад +6

    Knowing the plot (without spoiling it too much for anyone who doesnt), this is a showcase of really good gming from Brennan - he sees Emily is not just doing random bs, she is trying to advance the plot - so he rewards her with a clue, even though her actual plan wouldnt have given out anything. He doesnt just give the players hooks for the mysteries, he makes the actions of his players into hooks for the plot to grab unto

  • @icygirl337_4
    @icygirl337_4 4 года назад +43


  • @laura__elizabeth
    @laura__elizabeth 4 года назад +38

    the sexy rat clip never gets old tbh, I also love your art style it's so beautiful!

  • @Escapestarlight
    @Escapestarlight 4 года назад +93

    There are no words for how much i love this!
    The expressions and poses are PHENOMENAL
    And I swear to god I have thought so many times about how I would represent DM Brennan in animatics and here you are, just plopping him on the horizon as a red headed god in the sky chatting to the Bad Kids as he conjures their nightmares into reality and honestly? Bless. Simple yet very effective and I dig it.

    • @zoeves4601
      @zoeves4601  4 года назад +10

      thank you so much for the kind words!!😭💘 the “god brennan” idea came from just imagining what he’d look like from the perspective of the minis on the game board!😂😂

  • @PatheticJedi
    @PatheticJedi 3 года назад +7

    Fabian's expression when he smacks the gun out of Riz's hands is just the icing on top of the beautifully animated cake that is this moment of absolute insanity.

  • @sorekcazimi
    @sorekcazimi 7 месяцев назад +2

    1:10 thank you so much for animating the kiss sound 😂 it gets me every time

  • @jaketheoracle
    @jaketheoracle 10 месяцев назад +2

    I love everyone being tiny and Brennan being a giant sitting over the board

  • @emerz3530
    @emerz3530 3 года назад +2

    I love seeing how different people draw the disgusting monster that is the sexy rat.

  • @kirkheisterkamp6988
    @kirkheisterkamp6988 3 года назад +7

    Riz dressing up in that Sherlock-esque style is giving me life. That hat! Perfection

  • @Sieu9233
    @Sieu9233 3 года назад +5

    Fabian's 'STOP!' at the end got me so hard the first time I watched and I still can't help picturing an oblivion guard shouting 'STOP YOU VIOLATED THE LAW!'

  • @TheKingsPride
    @TheKingsPride 3 года назад +3

    “I’m bringing’ sexy rat
    Lou Wilson’s boutta have a heart attack”

  • @IloveRen1
    @IloveRen1 4 года назад +16

    Also, everything else about this animatic is absolutely perfect! I love everyone's movements and Brennan's expressions and Fabian jumping up on top of the gravestone! Also him slapping the gun out of Riz's hands! Such a great animatic! I added it to my FantasyHigh animatic playlist

  • @JTGwozdz
    @JTGwozdz 11 месяцев назад +2

    Fabian on the tombstone was just an incredible choice, well done!

  • @TheGsmith97
    @TheGsmith97 3 года назад +6

    There’s something about the way you draw them that just makes sense. They’ve always seemed kind of like a strange group together, but the way you draw them makes them just look like a friend group

  • @laineylarsen245
    @laineylarsen245 3 года назад +3

    The sequence with Fabian smacking Riz's gun was perfect, and I love your interpretation of Brennan as an omniscient god

  • @Flyinphoenix94
    @Flyinphoenix94 Год назад +2

    I love that Emily did this and no one questioned why there would be no other rats in the cemetery that would be interested in the "sexy" rat.

  • @coryholliday926
    @coryholliday926 10 месяцев назад +2

    The choice to have the out of rp conversation be depicted as the characters speaking to an ethereal Brennan in the sky is genuis

  • @enbyharvey1417
    @enbyharvey1417 Год назад +3

    Murphs strong husband game trying to save Emily's monstrosity of a creation will always be funny to me

  • @Seffyzero
    @Seffyzero 3 года назад +5

    I honestly loved Brennan's expression in that moment so much, and you captured it perfectly.

  • @ghostie165
    @ghostie165 2 года назад +3

    I love the dynamics between the different character reactions.
    Fabian is freaking tf out
    Gorgug is growing more and more concerned with each moment
    Fig is *super* proud of herself for making this happen
    Adaine is vaguely amused
    And ofc Riz and Kristen are absolutely *simping* over this rat
    Priceless. Absolutely priceless.

  • @colinjohnson4799
    @colinjohnson4799 2 года назад +1

    Putting the DM as a sorta deity is sooo coooooll

  • @jpmontejo3716
    @jpmontejo3716 4 года назад +14

    The talent. THE ARTISTRY. This has to be my favourite depiction of this scene. Thanks for sharing this with all of us!

    • @zoeves4601
      @zoeves4601  4 года назад

      i’m glad to hear that you enjoyed! thank you so much!!😭💘💘

  • @juanandresfernandezgarcia148
    @juanandresfernandezgarcia148 6 месяцев назад +1

    I know it's been so long since this was uploaded but I have to say that these animatics genuinely have the best designs for the bad kids that I've seen. I really love your style and, to the point that if Fantasy High ever gets an animated series, I really hope they work with you because your style is so fun and unique, it genuinely allows for the overall scene to still carry the same energy that all the actors put into their respective roles, in a way that I don't always see in other animatics. I mean, from the small pauses in Fig as she hesitates to say "Hot Rat", the more energetic movement from Fabian freaking out, the way Gorgug crouches down to be part of the huddle, Aidine's look of concern in the BLURRED background, to Riz getting cut off by the frame at 2:03, its all just absolutely incredible. If you have the time, I would love for you to do more of these from sophmore and junior year.

  • @toanuva6178
    @toanuva6178 Год назад

    1:23: "Riz is a little attracted to the Rat" That's funny with Riz's stance on romance later as context.

  • @ejaybugboythree
    @ejaybugboythree Год назад +3

    "I need you right now, Emily Axford, to verbally describe a sexy rat." I love that the idea of a "Sexy Rat" was the straw to make Brennan break the fourth wall of D&D. This entire section killed me when I first watched it.

  • @jacksonbland8793
    @jacksonbland8793 3 года назад +7

    I love how you’ve chosen to represent Brennan’s narration in your animation as some sort of god looking over and guiding the pc’s!

  • @alluraaltea
    @alluraaltea 4 года назад +40

    From now on I’m going to imagine Brennan as a giant DM in the sky

  • @Xianthus
    @Xianthus 10 месяцев назад

    I LOVE the idea of Brennan hovering over the board and the characters talking up to him. Amazing portrayal :D

  • @katethegate
    @katethegate 4 года назад +6

    This is absolutely wonderful, I love the perspective of Brennan looking down at them from the sky lmaooo, and your designs for the characters are perfect!!

    • @zoeves4601
      @zoeves4601  4 года назад

      thank you so much!!💘💘

  • @thetherrannative
    @thetherrannative 8 месяцев назад +1

    Pok watching them from beside his grave is such a nice, nice touch.

  • @jennyduong2466
    @jennyduong2466 4 года назад +11

    God I love the dumb ass/chaotic genius energy that comes from this.

  • @jadeyu7197
    @jadeyu7197 3 года назад +2

    I just noticed how Murph really supported Emily's sexy rat idea as Riz HUHUHUHU i was too gay for Ally and cackling at how they're so onboard to have noticed HHAAH

  • @hannahwilson6778
    @hannahwilson6778 Год назад +1

    i absoulty LOVE how you potrayed a dm (brennan in this case) like just a guy in the sky. perfect. love it

  • @samnoonan6447
    @samnoonan6447 4 года назад +5

    love the way you depicted Brennan here as being larger than the characters.

  • @failurethepatheticfan200
    @failurethepatheticfan200 4 года назад +9

    I absolutely LOVE the way Brennan os presented in the animatic!

  • @faygreene2218
    @faygreene2218 4 года назад +11

    BLESSED! we have been blessed by this animatic, and also CURSED by the sexy rat

  • @thatmaninthevan3858
    @thatmaninthevan3858 2 года назад +1

    This entire segment is so good. Every character has a completely unique reaction.

  • @NicholasKratzer
    @NicholasKratzer 3 года назад +1

    Thank you for creating this. Seeing the Sexy Rat drawn to spec just made my day

  • @kassafrassification
    @kassafrassification 4 года назад +6

    i said this on your instagram post teasing this animatic, and i will say it again here: you captured this insanity to an absolute tee and i feel nothing but a gleeful joy whilst watching this. an endless thanks to you for this masterpiece

    • @zoeves4601
      @zoeves4601  4 года назад +1

      aaAAWWW, you’re much too kind, thank you!!😭💘this animatic was a whole lot of fun to make, so it really warms my heart to hear how much you guys are enjoying it!💕

  • @Boi5219
    @Boi5219 3 года назад +3

    I love the ideas that the dms of all campaigns are just like Mufasa in the sky

  • @sylvie_loves_frogs4951
    @sylvie_loves_frogs4951 3 года назад +1

    i love that when drawing gorgug's expressions, whenever he smiles he does the same thing that zak does when he smiles which is the :} thing

  • @kathi4089
    @kathi4089 3 года назад +2

    "That is the most insane plan I have ever heard" - How innocent they were in the times before Hilda Hilda from Hilda Boulevard that found a note in front of the police house

  • @SuperGreenSmartie
    @SuperGreenSmartie 4 года назад +2

    I loved the expressions throughout but the way you depicted Fabian's reactions were just absolutely spot on.

  • @tuesdayyangel
    @tuesdayyangel 4 года назад +3

    this is honestly the best animatic ive seen for fantasy high. love some dimension 20 stuff!!! also ur chatacter designs and movements are ON POINT

    • @zoeves4601
      @zoeves4601  4 года назад

      i’m so glad you think so, thank you!😳💕

  • @erroneousfax9351
    @erroneousfax9351 3 года назад +3

    Riz and Kristen just quietly agreeing the rat is hot is hilarious

  • @EthalaRide
    @EthalaRide 3 года назад +5

    Again, Emily secretly on to something and being close to breaking the case with that absurd rat by revealing those owls.

  • @blulula4869
    @blulula4869 4 года назад +3

    oh boy this was amazing, the way you slowly built up the rat *chef's kiss*

    • @zoeves4601
      @zoeves4601  4 года назад

      that part was a lot of fun to draw!! thank you so much!🥰💕

  • @redfoxlol101
    @redfoxlol101 Месяц назад

    i’m glad someone shares my idea of imagining the players actually being their characters and brennan as a giant face in the sky

  • @myedits7160
    @myedits7160 5 месяцев назад

    I like how the artist drew the dm as outside the board they're in and creating the rat. It's such a cool idea!

  • @dennis_duran
    @dennis_duran 4 года назад +6

    This is an extremely satisfyingly long and detailed animatic. Great job. 👍

  • @FlyingWolfWings
    @FlyingWolfWings 4 года назад +6

    This is so gorgeous. May this never leave my memory

    • @zoeves4601
      @zoeves4601  4 года назад +1

      i would be honored for this animatic to have a home in your memory! tysm!!😭💘💘

  • @ryanstout8634
    @ryanstout8634 3 года назад +1

    That was amazing. All the vocal stuff hit perfectly, the facial reactions were spot on and it looks awesome.
    Seriously great job

  • @PragmaticProsecutor
    @PragmaticProsecutor 2 года назад

    I love the way you drew everyone sm, and Gorgug hiding behind Fig was so cute lmao

  • @skullisbones
    @skullisbones 2 года назад +1

    I love the animation for fabian pointing his sword at the rat

  • @tomatobruv76
    @tomatobruv76 3 года назад +1

    Fabien absolutely panicking when it looked at him is pure gold

  • @animeviewer66
    @animeviewer66 3 года назад +2

    Okay with this and the unsleeping city it's weird to think how much rats there is in dimension 20 XD

  • @pheebs-fr4qu
    @pheebs-fr4qu 8 месяцев назад +1

    I love that ace icon Riz Gukgak is only attracted to the nightmare rat

  • @rosethepanda9523
    @rosethepanda9523 4 года назад +5

    What a god damn masterpiece that spawned from the most heinous bit ive ever heard. Love your style 🤩🤩

    • @zoeves4601
      @zoeves4601  4 года назад +1

      thank you so much!🥰💕

  • @kwardart
    @kwardart 4 года назад +15

    This is so perfect!! I love this so much!

  • @baegelandcheese4431
    @baegelandcheese4431 Год назад

    what a cool format????!!
    thats so awesome to have them communicate as their characters and the 'dungeon master' thats so cool

  • @georgeweasley54
    @georgeweasley54 3 года назад +2

    the cast: oh she did it. that's a hot rat.
    brennan: so this fucking nightmare rat
    nafjhsdkbnvcahuvdhf I cant

  • @Littlehickish
    @Littlehickish 4 года назад +1

    i love the idea of seeing brennan as a huge smiling giant watching over them

  • @any_j_yt
    @any_j_yt 2 года назад

    I fricking love how you just made the Fantasy High characters talk to a giant Brennan. The DM really is the higher power, huh?

  • @LeRodz
    @LeRodz 2 года назад +1

    Oh god the sheer regret and sadness in Brennan's face

  • @someonewithsomename
    @someonewithsomename 3 месяца назад

    That is such a great illustration! I would love to make a short-movie with that style where there is a giant GM sitting above the horizon and players talk off-character from time to time directly to a GM.

  • @christianschoff2490
    @christianschoff2490 4 года назад +2

    YOU ADDED SOUND EFFECTS! xD I hadn't noticed the first time!

  • @Labcoat42
    @Labcoat42 2 года назад

    I love this so much! And having Brennan rendering the rat as Emily described each characteristic was so creative and hilarious!

  • @CynthiaExplores
    @CynthiaExplores 3 года назад

    I keep thinking about how good your version of the sexy rat is which is a weird way to get through the day