Once again, You really need to research more about the thing that you are discussing, and please stop using movies as a reference. In Ethiopia, we have sauropods specimen from Upper Jurassic Mugher mudstone. I am happy to send you the article if you need it!
Somebody should advice this guy. Religion and spirituality are quite diff things. The science of the stars isn’t about religion, but spirituality. He fucked up!
እግዚአብሔር እድሜህን ያርዝመው
በጣመ እናመሰግናለን 👩⚕️ዶክተር ሮዳስ እኛ 👨👩👦ቤተሰቡ በሙሉ በስስት ነው የምናይክ በርታልን ❤❤❤
የጠቢቡ ሠለሞን ጥበብ እናእውቀት ይስጥ ፈጣሪ ይጠብቅህ።
አንድ ሮሜዳ ምርጥ ቲቸርነክ ዳይኖሰርስ በጣም የምወደው ፊልም ደስይላል
አዎ እንኳን ቁጭ አላቹ ምርጥ ፕሮግራም ነው 👍
ምርጥ. የሰዓት. አጠቃቀም. ዘዴዎችን. ለማየት. ይህን. ገፅ. ይጎብኙ..💚💛❤ ....
እናመሰግናለን ያሁን ልጆች ስለ ዳይኖሰር በጣም ትልቅ ፍቅር ነው ያላቸው በተለይ UK ላይ ልብሶቻቸው ላይ ሚበሉት ሚጠጡት ሰሀኖች ላይ ፊልማቸው እና የህፃናት ዘፈን ሳይቀር
0:12 ❤
አስትሮይድ ምድርን መቶታል
Stkomu betam neber yemikebdegn ...bezihu ketlubet fetari ybarkachihu
MV or VR
የስነፈለክ ብዙ methehafochen ንገረኝ
Hoo this good
ትልቅ ቁጥር ነው ያሉት👉😀
እንኳን በደህና ወደ የመገናኛው ድንኳን ቱብ ትመጣላችሁ ...
selam lenante yihun doctor geez lememar eyasebuku new ena enanten lemamaker efelegalehu addis ababa berochehu yet akebabi new
Selam DR rodese sele Troy and Helen and where is the Troy really? Would u pls tell me about this?
Once again, You really need to research more about the thing that you are discussing, and please stop using movies as a reference. In Ethiopia, we have sauropods specimen from Upper Jurassic Mugher mudstone. I am happy to send you the article if you need it!
Somebody should advice this guy. Religion and spirituality are quite diff things. The science of the stars isn’t about religion, but spirituality. He fucked up!
አንድ ነገር ልንገርህ ጣና የወሰድከውን መፀሐፋ መልስ ።ሌላው በጊዜው የአንተን ጓደኞች ሰራችሁን አቶ ናጋልጣለን።
ለምንድን ነው የወሰደው?