Do You Have Any COUNTRY You HATE ? | SERBIA 🇷🇸
- Опубликовано: 9 фев 2025
- We’re still in Beautiful SERBIA 🇷🇸 , I made some BALKANTALKS with people of Belgrade to find out if there is any country they HATE
Once again the advices are very different and varied
For the next video I’ll go to Kosovo or Albania not sure yet
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Cheers from Balkans
#streettalk #serbia #balkan #easterneurope
It turned out that Serbs speak English on an awesome level !
Some of us Speak it beter then EnglishMan
I'll give you some fun facts about the serbian language. Serbs are biliteracy people, which basically means that they can use Latin and Cyrillic to write serbian words. That's why they don't have a problem to speak English so good 😅
Which is shame.
an awesome level
I noticed It either, while in my way😢.
bro, why are you insisting on Croatia? you see that people are looking at you like ``Why is he asking us about croatia`` so it is clear there is no hate there.. only healthy competition :)
He asked wrong group of people, ask Sns voters, they all hate Croatia, Albania and Usa. Yea but they don't speak English 😂
Stupid stereotypes
He’s allowed to ask
As someone from Romania, the right answer would be NO HATE. Every country has ups and downs , we are all humans and we make mistakes, we just have to learn from those mistakes and not repeat them.
The governments, though, of many countries are evil.
As someone from Serbia you are 100% right!
I've got several friends who are Romanian. When you want to find hate, ask them about gypsies.
@@1DrBar In the news there are reports about Romanians and ATM thefts, but are they Romanians or Gyspies from Romania involved in those schemes?
Much love for Serbia 🇷🇴❤️🇷🇸
"what do you think about Croatia "? why do you ask all of them about ?this is crazy ! hi from Roumania !
"I don't hate anyone all people are same under the GOD."
You have to LOVE Eastern Europeans honesty ! I would have thought that there would be a lof of comments about 'Albania'.
Dude I did not know the Zimababwains wiped their butt that way lol. But then why did the dude go there 4 times?
@@andreware6492 For work. Remember "Energoprojekt"? No? Because you were a wee child or maybe not even born.
@@andreware6492 hahahahhaaa
I am a Serb and I like every country. Every country is unique and special in its own way. Also, every country has good and bad people. Governments and politicians are bad everywhere.
As a Serb living in Croatia, I find it deeply insulting that you're asking us what we think of them... just like with Albania!
You've included opinions from teenagers influenced by social media.
Please stop stirring up tension just to provoke comments by following the Balkan 'recipe'.
Wym can’t find Albania on the map? Albania is literally in the Balkans 😂
As a Turk living in Canada I like the Serbian people. Salutations. Respect and Peace!
I was surprised that there was only one Turkey. Nobody said it directly. There is no direct hatred towards Serbia in Turkey either. Of course, there are those who don't like it, but most people are neutral.
Actually, no one hates each other. Politicians cause this. They force us to hate each other.
What are you talking about? Erdogan and Vucic get along great for years now xD ( politics ) And Turkey is 3th choice for Serbs for summer vacation ( First one Greece, Second Turkey ) I don't know why people assume Serbs still live with hate for Ottoman empire 😅 Mostly we even forgot about Nato bombing that happened less than 30 years ago xD
@Komentariram I know one kid who hates Turkey because of the history
I am Bulgarian and i am totally agree with serbian's opinion about our Sea. Its very dirty and poor quality of the service. I prefer The Greek sea
I agree very dirty and unkept sea
тихо ве
They are just pissed they don`t have sea like us in Bulgaria! Our sea is full every season and you should be a better Bulgarian Viktor! We have crazy big tourism compared to Serbia because of that sea and you should be thankful.
Love from Romania 🇷🇴
So many Serbs speak Great English!
You must have a good school system there.
And the guy who didn't like Bulgaria because the sea was a "dirty lake"..he made me LOL😂
Cheers from 🇬🇧
dont be decived my "moje" he is delusional serb from bulgaria
@@MojeidaNeMoje421 it's not that deep lil bro he just didnt like ur sea and recognized that other ones are better stop crying
@@MojeidaNeMoje421my god brother, you sound so butt hurt. Who cares if he doesn't like your sea, it's not like your grandpa built it 😂 come on now, I see you posting the same comment over and over
He simply didn't like because he had to pay for it. If he was invited to stay two weeks for free, well, those beaches would be like a paradise to him.
I never heard so many different accents from people speaking a common language!
1:41 greetings to this man ♥️
Cheers to all Serbians around the world. I am a Turk living in Novi Sad.
When did you come to Novi sad? I think it's time to go back to turkey..
We don't want to get like western Europe
@@sbj1277 Oh ok since you notified...I am packing up. Goodbye...
@@nanying777 thanks for your cooperation.
Even though it's a joke, we are really going to reimigrate you one day.
@@sbj1277 I most probably give more tax to Serbian State than you do so, won't :)
@@nanying777 dude the right wing parties are rising in Europe. You are going back.
And there is also going to be a war in the Balkans soon, then at the latest you will be leaving on your own Serbia. Or do you wanna get drafted?
As Bulgarian I agree- our seaside is not the greatest. Even I don’t want to swim in it 😂
The comment section is drawing is borders at the Balkan Peninsula and I am 💀 guys- chill
It's ok. You have good hotel services)) greetings from a romanian
Rescpect few,fear nobody!
Hvala Brate 😂
I'm low key shocked by the amount of people that didn't say albania. Also this video should be shown to croats that think Serbians hate them cus in reality none of the people here care. At worst some people are annoyed by your government's fear mongering tactics towards us and at best some of us like you guys because y'all have beaches and y'all speak our language
Respect to the guy that said he hates Israeli government and policies.
This is a far right government that have been criticized for years even by betslem an haaretz.
Free Palestine ❤❤
Most Bulgarians are not happy with our sea either. They usually go to Greece. We are not very good at keeping our nature clean :( . I understand the guy. He paid for a vacation, and he was disappointed. Should visit other parts of Bulgaria, tho
Какво му е на нашето море? За тва ли Украинци,Поляци,Чехи,Румънци,Маджари и други от Европа идват да почиват на нашето море? Просто е сърбин и голяма част от тях ни мразят от дъното на душата си 😂 същите като южните им съседи
@@petarivanov9793Зависи точно къде отидеш на нашето море но като цяло е хубаво сигурно човека не е имал късмет просто за това дали сърбите ни мразят не знам но повечето от нас не ги.
Our sea is full of people every season so this guy is just butthurted serb because they don`t have sea like this
Honestly I was expecting more serbian ppl saying that they hate Albania 😅
This is in dowtown, he should ask us from worker's hoods😂 the answers will be much different
@@aleksavram5392 hmmm, you still do not know what you've done! Interesting!... perhaps this is your nature.
@@duarelax5985 perhaps you are so protected that youtube is deleting comments cause they know that albanians are the worst people in europe, but their drug dealers needs them to make money for satanist propaganda
Of course they like us 😂 I have met a girl from Serbia who works in a cafe I go to often. She praises everything about us (salaries, quality of life, environment) even though I have a different opinion on that (no so good as herʼs).
Pozdrav iz Hrvatske susjedi 😂❤ pozitivno ste me iznenadili heheheh
@@superman13-un6fm For someone who presumably grew up in the USA, your english is quite 💩. Yeah, apparently we do have better salaries and other stuff than them. Why would she be here if this was not the case? But not in my opinion of course cuz I used to work in Austria for like a year and half until the covid pandemic and I recall they DO actually better than us! Thatʼs it. Itʼs not about hating. I am constantly bugging others about this
@@nataivankovichaha radi gde, na moru ? Pa vama je sezona 3 meseca, kako moze jos uvek da radi kod vas? Sta vi to proizvodite vegetu? Da vam je tako dobro ne bi vas vise bilo u Nemackoj nego Hrvatskoj. A to sto neko ode sezonski pa sta, idi I u Crnu Goru, Grcku , ljudi rade gde im se isplati a da zivi kod vas pa to je glupost 😂
Pa realno ako pogledas istoriju, ima mnogo toga dobrog i retko koje zemlje su imale zajednicku drzavu kao mi.I ubacili su nam sa strane da smo samo mi ratovali kao susedne zemlje a to je tako svuda....Nama ispiraju mozak Rusi, a vama Nemci...svadjaju nas da bi lakse vladali... Isto tako naravno da ces nekad vise mrzeti bivseg muza ili zenu ako se razvetedet posle 20 godina braka i dvoje dece, nego sto ces imati emocije za nekog tamo ko ti nije rod ili prijatelj. A uz to nam je isti jezik i mentaliotet....Tako da to objasnjava jake emocije.
@@Anyatash123 Ne radi ona ovdje sezonski već oko 2 godine, i radi u Osijeku, a i ja sam također odavde. Njoj se sviđa i zadovoljna je s uvjetima i plaćom. Ako već imaš namjeru da omalovažavaš moju zemlju, odaberi nekakav manje poznat proizvod jer vegeta i ostali podravkini proizvodi su poznati diljem Europe 😆 I naravno, slažem se da svatko ide gdje mu je bolje. Zato ću i ja vjerojatno sljedeće godine u Australiju ✌🏻🇦🇺🦘
@@RangerUF1987 USA je jako dobar primjer snažne multietničke i multirasne unije. Što da kažem, SFRJ je funkcionirala dok je Tito posuđivao kredite od IMF-a, ali nas je sve to koštalo
It seems that the only countries Serbians don’t like are the ones they had a vacation to and were disappointed
Ich kenne kein Land der Serben mag 😂😂😂
A Serbian criticizing a seaside country for not having nice seas is quite an irony
His comment had actually nothing to do with the sea itself. It's about the history between Bulgaria and Serbia - always wars and always enemies.
So you go around the balkans asking people who they hate - great job 👏
Copy/paste channel, he simply copies GusOnTheGo (who has already made that video, just a bit better), but makes videos for his country only, simple and easy.
Uff što mi ovaj Frandža ide na onu stvar sa ovim provokativnim pitanjima.Samo mu je Hrvatska u ustima.
Drago mi je da većina ovih naših nije upala u zamku.
Rođen sam u Francuskoj i od malih nogu se družim sa Hrvatima a moji stari sa njihovim roditeljima.To je kod nas neka vrsta prirodne privlačnosti.Reći da volim hrvatski narod ne znači da ne volim svoj.
Odjebi Frandža.
notice how kids saying albania, social media ruins everything lol
Funny how you ask everyone what they think of Croatia, as you expect to hear that we hate Croatia. I am Serbian and I don't hate any country, I can just dislike some things about certain countries but not hate them. When you travel around the world you will always find hate if you look for it, and opposite, if you are looking for love you will find it. It really depends on you, what you're looking for.
True, hate is a strong word.
I like serbian people! And wow, they speak english very well. One day I’ll go to Serbia to find a beautiful serbian wife for myself :D
from a hungarian
go to subotica, a lot of people are bilingual and speak both hungarian and serbian, you'd fit right in
No immigrants no hatred!
Niko nije spomenuo Albaniju a dole u kom. Se sami javljaju i provociraju.Pa se posle cude kad ih neko otera u pm....😊
You should have said it in Serbian, because this is an incoherent word salad in English. What do you have against the country of Albania? Theres been scant history between Serbia and Albania. Your average Albanian in Albania doesn’t ever think about Serbia.
@@Hajde_budalla zeno pise na Srpskom.Citaj.....poz
All good, guys.. I'm from the US and I don't like us (or NATO) either
And no one likes traitors
How nice that young urban are so cosmopolitans.
Author is provocateur.
1:49 the best jokes write themselves 😂😂
Laughed at the man who said england ,😁😂🤣 it's not hatred of the person ,it's how they talk., great answer ,it is awkward and difficult to understand. Truthfulness is excellent. Greeks love Croatia.
Did you translate Apartheid as upper high ?
Sebians are legenda very emotional people lmao here the guy that says he tolerates all countries 😂😂😂
Much love to Serbia from Greece! Orthodox Brothers!
As a German I must admit that Serbs are really kind and have an amazing English
I hope I'll visit Serbia q day
Serbien ist auf jeden Fall eine Reise wert. Einfach mal übers Wochenende reinschnuppern und eine der größeren Städte erkunden. LG Dragan
в Сербии рады всем русским, Сербия - второй дом для русского народа🇷🇸🇷🇺🇷🇸🇷🇺🇷🇸🇷🇺
With love from Serbia😊😊😊 ❤❤❤
They’re antiRussia Russians. These Russians are more globalist than traditionalist like Serbians. They’re going to cause a shift in your country. Say goodbye to your borders and hello to more foreigners and teaching your kids about tranz.
ZIVELA RUSIJA! slava Rusiji! brate sa ljubavlju iz Srbije
1:42 thanks your thinking bro love you ❤
Ali Zimbabve brate
Ja se sam pitam otkud zimbabve izvuko stari
@@NikoCigoj zimbabve pominju ljudi iskljucivo U salama😎
What's the problem with Albania bro?Albania has never started a war against another state.
ku din aj fmijaq se qka flet :D
alo albania stole kosovo
Serbia stole Dardania, and rename as Kosovo, because of London Treaty.@@zlatkostevanovic5891
@@safetsins Theres no dardania go back to Turkey u fkn filth.
@@Aleksey20599 cry you ruski cigani cry
Such a stupid question.
What do you mean by Country? People or government or history or landscape or foreign policy or etc etc etc
And btw you constantly asking ‘what about Croatia’ to those that answer no is just you trying to instigate a negative response for more clicks. Sad channel with a sad trouble making interviewer trying to bait some people for a negative response so that viewers around the world can tarnish all the peoples from that country with the same brush. How about you ask them all straight up questions with some background on why you’re asking them.
Excellent comment! Also, you will find ignorant and hateful people everywhere.
How can it be, the first second i saw that guy hating on Albania i thought "this must be the type of guy hating on us and typing stupid stuff on the Internet every time Albania is mentioned" 😂😂😂 Everyone wants their homeland to be the best no matter what, but there can be no love or understanding without RESPECT, and everyone should be cool enough to seek the real truth and not any one sided truth.
He is young and understands ONLY what he sees on social media.... nobody thought him that besides internet!
Not all of us are the same. 🩵
I’m surprised more people didn’t say Albania.
They all hate albanians at least the young dude is being honest, they hate usa because they interfered in serbian massacre business
@@claudiiusmaximus652 you are stupid
I am from Serbia and i visited Albania for summer holiday two years ago, great experience. Don't watch propaganda on tv please
90% people here don't care about any country. We are probably one of the most forgetful and forgiving country. We form a federation and live with our enemies like nothing happened after they put us in concentration camps. There were a lot of conflicts with Albanians on each side, but still, normal people try to live normal life. Politicians still gain points on conflicts, violence and propaganda. And even though the Western media and our neighbors say everything is Serbia's fault, while others are angels, it doesn't bother us, we got used to it.
It's funny how these people claim that Albanians took their land when they are some Slavic tribe that migrated to the Balkans and invaded these lands. They also took Vojvodina and part of Bosnia which was never theirs. They also took Albanian inhabited Montenegro and Macedonia. And expelled all Albos from Nish-Toplica area, Presheva, Bujanofc... some still remain. Even in Serbia to this day you have like Romanian speakers in the Timok Valley because the Balkans was inhabited by non-Slavs. There are indigneous Balkan people like Aromanians that don't have a country also because they were invaded by these people and Bulgars.
English is not their first language and when someone says "hate" they don't really mean hate the way Americans/English mean.
When these people say hate.. mostly they mean dislike.
I love how nobody said Hungary 🇭🇺 😊
Why? As a Serb - Hungary is one of the best neighbours! And Romania also 😊 two good friend's for us
We are ok now...Dont change that ;)
Overall we love Hungary ❤
Im a bulgarian but this serb is right - our sea is fucking shit.
In all europe only croatia,grecce,italy and spain have a beautiful sea.We had few meh countryes like france,montenegro,prtugal,russia,bulgaria,albania...Other countryes dont have a acces to swim in the sea.
as a serb i think hating a country because their sea sucks is a bit harsh
@@marko1263 You are absolutely right👍
Interesting, I was waiting many votes for Albania...
Zimbabwe should be Rhodesia again
1:00 so true I myself is an indian and very frustrated for the same reasons 😢
Leave the country then, laude.
I have been there and it s a fact, I was once in Kerala (Cochin and Kottayam) and once in Delhi and honestly it s just awful.
The interviewer is very annoying. Go back to france and ask your muslim neighbours which country they hate and what about france ?
05:49 best answer!
I was going to say the same thing.
Im serbian and i can say in schools we lern enlish
It did say on google like 60 percent of Serbians speak English
Good lord stop bringing up croatia
The guy in 1:33 is saying my mind. Thank you for your humanity!
God bless them 🙏🏻❤
I can see some wise people here and some that need to wise up.
'they think Europe is one state' I never met anyone in my forty years living in US who thinks that.
Interesting survey honestly
What land did the Albanians take of you that wasn't albanian?
@@XTian-hp7qk Dardania? Which was part of the illyrian empire who are the ancestors of the Albanians? You came from the carpathian mountains in Russia (that's also why you were called yugoSLAVs until last century)..
albanians have 0 proofs that they are Dardanians. There is only propaganda created by albania.
No one else, ever aprooved that. There is no single institution in the world. This propaganda is actual couple of years now, before that you never even mentoin Dardania.
It is cheap and false propaganda, as everything in albania, center of theft, criminal, and cocaine, most hatered country in Europe.
I visit almost all Europe, and I dodn't heard a single good thing about albanians from no one.
I agree with ur point about Albania but there is no Carpathian Mountains in Russia 🤷🏼♂️
@@JeZZGro Did you know JANI KONDO Bimbashi ?
2:29 Bravo 👏
Nice young Žižek on 3:42
We love Serbia in Russia❤❤❤
Tako je brate! Zivela Ruska braca!
Love Serbia from Russia
You guys should marry each other
If you don't like the Bulgarian sea you can always visit the Serbian sea instead... Oh wait
The danube has a very Big beach 😂😂😂
Serbian sea also called Montenegro my friend
Others have a whole beach for themselves serbs have a whole country for themselves
🇷🇸🚶🗡️🇧🇬 1912.
@@JasminJovanovic-i8w battle of Lumë 1912 😉
Joke from primary school
Нисмо против државе , већ смо против власти.
Kako dodju uvek komšije da seru,čim se ukaže prilika.. ćutite i pokrijte se ušima.. 😊
Nice people nice country
From Iran❤
I hate every country where people park their cars on pedestrian areas 😃
The guy who said India is epic. 1:00
@@amritgoraya4294 Because as a Greek, I consider it to be true
@@amritgoraya4294 Pajeet spotted
USA, Germany, Turkey and Albania.
lol what we did u to
@@bakrdemir8656 1.Supporting and arming Albanian separatists since 1990s.
2.Attacking Serbia with NATO in 1999.
3.Recognising Kosovo as independent in 2008.
@@milostomic8539 Forget it, even if we hadn't done these, you would hate us because of the Ottomans. Every country has its own strategies. I understand you, but I also understand the other side.
@@bakrdemir8656 Turks are pleasant tourists in Serbia though (I have noticed from Turkish blogs & vlogs). Turks seem to enjoy it and aren't whiners like some in the west, and they aren't always trying to pick scabs of the war or be provocative about politics.
The German people have nothing against you. Our Government is just messed up and dont represent us.
I was in Serbia for holiday, but there is No Sea at all 🤷😂 So I don't like Serbia...
“ I don’t like what palestinians are doing..” meanwhile palestinians trying just to breath…to survive… and not getting killed like random animals on the streets… Bro’ apparentely there’s a big problem in Serbia to watch the guilty nation in the eyes and accept mistakes!
Who started? Who killed children in concert? Simple question....
@@NIKB0Y who started? The occupiers started...decades before 1948. Please look up these Zionist t3rror groups: Irgun, Palmoach, Lehi, Haganah -- all of which operated against the native Palestinian populations before the new colony was established. Look up events leading to the Nakba and Naksa. Look at the history of how England and the U.S. have divided, colonised, exploited, and conquered the world. Including in the Balkans. And yes, Arabs have been "guilty" of spreading their language and cultural practices to neighbouring regions, (just like the Spaniards, but to a much lesser degree), but Palestinians are descended of Canaanites (Arabised) and indigenous to the region. European Jews were welcomed into to Palestine to escape antis3mitism in Europe (which did not exist in the Near East). Indigenous people have the right to fight their occupiers -- Native Americans, Armenians, Cypriots, Palestinians, etc. Plus if you see the d3ath toll of Gaza, over 180,000 people have been v!olently vaporised by the IOF (Impossible to count from the ruins and Izzy's demolition of all infrastructure). More than 100k of Palestinians k!lled are women and children. Look at what settlers are doing to farmers and land-owners in Jenin and other West Bank cities -- not even in Gaza. Have sympathy for all people between conflict, but learn about the roots of the "conflict". It's been 11 months of this and there is so much information out there, and lots of myths about Izghayel having the most moral army in the world (lol) have been debunked.
@@mira.imaginarium Palestinians attacked Jews back in 1929
Palestinians can always bring back the children they kidnapped but they don't want to
Palestinians lost every war since the beginning and all the lefties supporting j!had people playing the victim card.
Serbian hater of Bulgaria, our seas are beautiful, your sea is a river.
Gypsies and dirt that's Bulgaria it's not all about the sea
@@pinetreecrafts5435 tell me you hate Bulgaria for no reason without telling me you do
Are there still countries in the EU, or just provinces of the EU?
Bro what? EU is not a continent nor a country. EU is an organisation of most European governments that discuss politics
Province of EU? 😅 Eu is a political project, how can you be a province of that? xD
I dont like America as well, sorry.
That’s ok we don’t like you either
@@Kozinskowitzky perfect match then! :) since your profile pic ist the israelian flag, how do you feel about the plus 10.000 children that have been killed in gaza so far?
@@hansdieter4770 sad situation, but they are casualties of war. I didn’t think twice about when US and UK forces bombed the German cities of Hamburg and Dresden during WW2. Or the firebombing campaign of Tokyo in March 1945
@@Kozinskowitzky but there are rules even for war. Why do you think that is? So what are 'casualties of war' for you are 'war crimes' for other people. One thing about Germay I really like is that we didnt have any patriotism for many many years. The oposite holds for America. Flags everywhere and a new Invasion every 3 years. And people like you probably justifying them.
@@hansdieter4770 lol. If America did what your country did during the 30s and 40s then America probably wouldn’t have patriotism for decades. Also, you seem to forget how many Americans openly opposed the Vietnam war and the 2003 Iraq war. Meanwhile the majority of German citizens threw their full support behind the national socialists. Please tell me which countries the US has invaded in the past 15 years, there should be 5 to name based off of your claim
Merci pour le visite j’espère que t’as un bonne temps chez nous!
Toujours 🔥
Hohoho khoisont khoisont hohoho
The one that talks of hating Bulgaria coz our see is a lake .... we have sea, lakes, rivers, wonderful ski resorts and always full of lovely Serbian people.
You have only Belgrade pal so ... chill out
We have only Belgrade?😂It is probably the last thing you should visit because of so many beutiful things in nature, and I am from downtown in Belgrade. You man don’t know nothing. Next time do your research first before you even say some stupid things like this. It is more stupid than comment from that guy.
@@МК44 at least we actually have a sea
@@МК44As Bulgarian you are right that his comment is even worse than comment from the guy in the video. Serbia has lots of beautiful places too. So no hate 🇧🇬🤝🇷🇸
Zivela Rusija i Srbija!!! slavic brothers!!!
Lol, You probably don't know how many non-Slavs live in Russia
No! Why Albania? We dont sanction Serbs, in AL you are welcome. Greetings from Tirana.
Ti qifsha rrobt!
Not really... We are not.... I don't hate Albania, u have beautiful sea, natural, girls, food is good also but there are so a lot people's from Albania which simply hate Serbia so much... some people's live in the 20' century again, why? Cuz politics? So stupid option for choice if we want peace on the Balkan.. we need to look to the future without the past if we want it to be good
@@nikola8656 I know what you mean. That is sad. The problem is the Western influence and the bullshit they feed Albanians with. They say, AL is going to be part of EU. Whats the condition? Love America and hate Russia. And with Russia also Serbia. This Western project is evil.
@@DOPVMINedhe ma shum se robt bile
Lang lebe Amerika 🇺🇸,Europa und alle zivilisierten Lànder
5:22 😂😂😂😂 keep the hate strong
This chanel erasing coments.
at 2:22 he said apartheid not "upper high"
lol first time I see video made in Serbia that no so much hate about Albania and Albanians except 1 kid lol honest was a surprise from me >.. No hate even you dint like respect for all...
They don’t hate anyone or any country apart from kosovo albania croatia usa uk etc
Ask in serbian.
sure, serbs dont hate anyone..🙄
Based Balkan opinions
Serbian people made a lot of progress on last 25 years. A lot of them said they have no hate especially only one mentioned Albanian people and that's okay. Greetings from a Albanian from Kosovo. I went on Serbia several times and I've met a lot of good people
Mate we made a lot of progress but you'r country and your people didn't make any progress, you are still most hated nation on earth, you steal from everyone, you think you are better then everyone, you are still on Kosovo only becouse of you'r bodyguards USA and NATO.
@@serbianjoker2091I see why they call you a joker
@@Blood-Libel stop doing this, The serbian joker is Nikola Joking a best NBA player of the moment and a great individ. Being the best in NBA without being American deserves respect. Not all serbs are evil as not all albanians are good.
@@hdb4highdefinition949 The real Serbian joker is Djokovic! Hi from Serbia, very important to not stay in the past and look forward!
@@serbianjoker2091daj ne seri! Lažeš sebe i blamiraš nas.
As a Serb, Croatia at the moment.
Tooooo srbineeee! Jesi li ponosan?
crotia better than futbol
Is there a reason why? 😂
This is normal and understandable, Serbs always stab their neighbor or "brother" in the back. Serbs are traitors and always want what is foreign, it is no accident that they are in this situation now
5:30 dog