Mongols Season 1 Full - from Genghis to Kublai

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 10 тыс.

  • @KingsandGenerals
    @KingsandGenerals  6 лет назад +1292

    Here are the links to our podcast on the history of the Mongols - Please follow and comment and rate!

    • @sardaraayan2124
      @sardaraayan2124 6 лет назад +32

      Killing envoy is sign of being coward so i will not kill them 😝😂😂

    • @MXD1444
      @MXD1444 6 лет назад +16

      He said Tuesday

    • @umaransari9765
      @umaransari9765 6 лет назад +4

      Kings and Generals are you happy with Fight decision?

    • @christermi
      @christermi 6 лет назад +5

      cool , a recap

    • @omarm803
      @omarm803 6 лет назад +12

      hahahaha what the hell is wrong with everyone killing envoys its the worst job ever

  • @sibinmathew7985
    @sibinmathew7985 5 лет назад +12167

    To see something of this quality for free....what a time we live in

    • @KingsandGenerals
      @KingsandGenerals  5 лет назад +1219

      Thanks for watching!

    • @mufalmewww
      @mufalmewww 5 лет назад +81

      Ever heard of Dan Carlin!!! ur welcome

    • @TheEnergizer94
      @TheEnergizer94 5 лет назад +216

      @@Saif-gt9id yes but we are not paying

    • @KingsandGenerals
      @KingsandGenerals  5 лет назад +130

      New video in the series:

    • @booradley6832
      @booradley6832 5 лет назад +17

      What movie theatre do you go that charges for documentaries?
      They're free everywhere. Thousands of them on youtube. Or is this the "Give me a job please" version of white knighting?

  • @rmtutoringservices
    @rmtutoringservices 3 года назад +2865

    Does anyone else love the breaking glass sound when one unit smashes another.

  • @shohokuslamdunk
    @shohokuslamdunk 5 лет назад +3518

    The great Khan telling his grandchildren "All I wanted was to have a pleasant conversation and make some firends, but them bastards keep on killing my envoys..."

    • @Mtrl-newer
      @Mtrl-newer 5 лет назад +187

      that is politics. lol.

    • @mindatrest6838
      @mindatrest6838 5 лет назад +86

      Tea with the Khan?

    • @karseltang8624
      @karseltang8624 5 лет назад +119

      exactly... and i thought killing envoys are considered a dishonourable action

    • @faber3969
      @faber3969 5 лет назад +206

      @@karseltang8624 The mongols never honoured their agreements and the merchants sent bearing gifts were in fact most likely spies

    • @musawiniaz4984
      @musawiniaz4984 5 лет назад +8

      shohokuslamdunk this good one

  • @siphondamase541
    @siphondamase541 2 года назад +513

    Subotai was the real deal... The material we get from your channel is amazing and detailed... Thank You for the rich history

    • @jxtg7717
      @jxtg7717 2 года назад +10

      Genius sabotai

    • @whatever305j
      @whatever305j Год назад +23

      dude read the book "the mongol art of war" this doesnt do him justice that man ate and slept war another great general i read about is Erich von Manstein he was a nazi but he was a beast in strategy

    • @OzymandiasWasRight
      @OzymandiasWasRight Год назад +8

      Or Dan Carlin's Wrath of the Khans, huge part of episodes 2 or 3 (i think) are about Subotai. He really was incredible.

    • @Brandonhayhew
      @Brandonhayhew Год назад +6

      Actually he was not their best commander. it’s actually Jebe, Jochi, Chagatai.

    • @GabrielAmoss-w2p
      @GabrielAmoss-w2p Год назад +4

      ​@@Brandonhayhewit's not about that the great kahn is the one who brought structure and reform to their military

  • @CrimeanHorseArcher
    @CrimeanHorseArcher 6 лет назад +660

    28:35 - Mongols executed one of the tactics of Sun Tzu in his famous book about war strategy 'The Art of War'
    "Enemy who has nowhere to flee fights hard, so leave a gap to break their team-spirit."

    • @shadow4force
      @shadow4force 6 лет назад +78

      Or Mongols and Sun Tzu had same idea.

    • @bb_arcadia5752
      @bb_arcadia5752 6 лет назад +72

      @Hernando Malinche its common wisdom because of sun szu's tactics

    • @wisdomleader85
      @wisdomleader85 6 лет назад +17

      It comes from nature, because that's what wolf packs do when they hunt.

    • @jengaaaaa
      @jengaaaaa 5 лет назад +6

      Only if you have cavalry to chase the runners. Encirclement is often times the way to go if you want to actually end the battle.

    • @basartv5880
      @basartv5880 5 лет назад +1

      And its coming from a turkish person ^^ used by the ottomans too ;)

  • @N1Zer0
    @N1Zer0 4 года назад +2590

    mongols, the only kind of warrior who clashed with knights, saracens, hashashins, and samurai.

    • @guccijay6376
      @guccijay6376 4 года назад +448

      If they continue the conquest in Europe maybe they can reach Norway to fight vikings

    • @xamdam1
      @xamdam1 4 года назад +283

      They didn't really have any major conflicts with samurai as their two attempts to invade japan failed due to typhoons if i recall correctly

    • @Matthew_A_N
      @Matthew_A_N 4 года назад +251

      @@xamdam1 The second attempt did have some fighting

    • @N1Zer0
      @N1Zer0 4 года назад +105

      @@xamdam1 some mongols probably got washed up into the shores of japan and got finished off. that may still count. hahahaha

    • @googane7755
      @googane7755 4 года назад +258

      There is so much more you could add on this lits its actually ridiculous. Majahapits, Mamelukes, Rus, Byzantium, Selquks and every turkic tribe in the Eurasian steppe.

  • @notdaveschannel9843
    @notdaveschannel9843 5 лет назад +2434

    "What do you want to be when you grow up?"
    "An envoy", said no Mongol kid ever.

    • @nerokota
      @nerokota 5 лет назад +111

      Dammit, I literally spilled my coffee reading your comment.

    • @skimidot92
      @skimidot92 5 лет назад +82

      The Khan might have instructed them to provoke the monarchs. It´s just a matter of having Casus Belli.

    • @justinrobinson6965
      @justinrobinson6965 5 лет назад +38

      @@skimidot92 i mean i think all kings were dicks.

    • @forrestdorman4870
      @forrestdorman4870 5 лет назад +32

      Justin Robinson comes with the territory. Rulers by the nature of their office were not generally nice people.

    • @vojislavl6665
      @vojislavl6665 5 лет назад +26

      Envoys would've been paid very handsomely though. Risky role, yet rewarding

  • @paolocarlocayanan2960
    @paolocarlocayanan2960 10 месяцев назад +44

    I appreciate this video detailing the military brilliance of Genghis Khan and the Mongol empire. This really opens up your mind from the western POV's of the mongols seeing them as only blood thirsty barbarians. The Romans with its historical greatness and some overglorified commanders never achieved what the Mongols achieved. The Roman empire who existed for 400 years never achieved what the Mongols did in 25 years.

    • @historyrepeat402
      @historyrepeat402 9 месяцев назад +8

      That is a bit of an over exaggeration, the Roman empire became the example for all that followed it in the region and for 1000 years people claimed the title as the most preeminent. It took 2 khans for the empire to split and the most popular khan other than Ghengis would rather have been Chinese…without Ghengis the mongol empire would have been another footnote for a Chinese or Persian empire as a barbarian annoyance.

    • @carlosalessandrini117
      @carlosalessandrini117 8 месяцев назад

      se quedo corto, son 1800 anos

    • @bryangan2224
      @bryangan2224 Месяц назад

      To be fair, the Mongols didn't achieve what the Romans did either - stable and consistent longevity. You can't view success with only one paradigm and say that anything else is therefore less good.

    • @отгонтогтохшагдар
      @отгонтогтохшагдар 13 дней назад


    • @отгонтогтохшагдар
      @отгонтогтохшагдар 13 дней назад

      ​@@historyrepeat402атаархуу ром хүн та ядаж ганц удаа бүрэн хэмжээний түүхийн ном уншиж үзээгүй нь илт байна хөгжилтөө орны хөгжилийн бэрхшээлтэй иргэд олширсоор л хаха энэ бол эмэгнэл юм гутамшиг ч гэж болно

  • @Tyranidlord556
    @Tyranidlord556 4 года назад +574

    Being an envoy had a higher fatality rate than catching the Black Death, followed closely behind by being someone who killed an envoy...

    • @phillipwilliams6686
      @phillipwilliams6686 4 года назад +22

      Yea genghis knew they would be killed,its what happens when u tell people submit or die,the fact historians say it was hospitality are just lying the mongols were attacking either way

    • @matthewlominy4392
      @matthewlominy4392 4 года назад +3

      That's interesting.

  • @A427-w2v
    @A427-w2v 4 года назад +1592

    “Do not scorn a weak cub. He may become the brutal tiger.”
    -- Mongolian Proverb

    • @rudranshranjantiwari3992
      @rudranshranjantiwari3992 4 года назад +29

      @Шар шувуу Top 10 however it was a trap

    • @winnie347
      @winnie347 4 года назад +33

      @@rudranshranjantiwari3992 brutal wolf*
      We mongolians worship wolf more than any animals.

    • @jonathonrobinson6081
      @jonathonrobinson6081 4 года назад +9

      @@winnie347 More than horses?

    • @hellpwnage6665
      @hellpwnage6665 3 года назад +21

      The Mongolian version of "Don't pick on the quiet kid"

    • @dkh8703
      @dkh8703 3 года назад +8

      @@winnie347 And we indians(Hindus perticularly) worship cows more than anything else with only close runner ups being elephants and monkeys. Are we friends or enemies by that logic!?

  • @blackcole4749
    @blackcole4749 4 года назад +2644

    They take "never kill the messenger" to the next level

    • @firebird1665
      @firebird1665 3 года назад +61

      Best person ever for history!

    • @thekhans2823
      @thekhans2823 3 года назад +11

      @@firebird1665 yes

    • @ochirsukh.mosgar5525
      @ochirsukh.mosgar5525 3 года назад +186

      yeah, if you kill the messenger, your whole people, the empire would be massacred. if you treat the messenger well, then your country will be blessed by Mongol Empire.

    • @thekhans2823
      @thekhans2823 3 года назад +35

      @ @@ochirsukh.mosgar5525 , Yes, but not the entire nation or empire would be massacred. Only about 1/4 to 1/20 were. Most were spared

    • @ochirsukh.mosgar5525
      @ochirsukh.mosgar5525 3 года назад +5

      @@thekhans2823 agree

  • @ouroboros1895
    @ouroboros1895 Год назад +12

    Im only 14 minutes into this video and I love it. Being a visual learner and someone with ADHD, I highly enjoy all the moving parts to show battles, camps, territory etc. Its fun and entertaining while being very informative.

  • @Unknown-SwedeX
    @Unknown-SwedeX 5 лет назад +1644

    Subutai is the most underrated general in history.

    • @ari3903
      @ari3903 5 лет назад +62

      @@ubisons6161 yeah, it was Philip who did the work, Alexander only crossed rivers from a different side and used hammer & anvil, if not philip this tactic wouldn't even stand a chance

    • @acdragonrider
      @acdragonrider 5 лет назад +58

      Senpai no there was more to Alexander the Great. His tactics were brilliant.

    • @MrBottlecapBill
      @MrBottlecapBill 5 лет назад +210

      That fact that the early Mongolians were so successful is because they appointed leaders based on talent, rather than birthright. Everyone they faced in battle did NOT do this.......and as a result most armies were full of stuffy lords mostly looking out for their own interests or slaves and peasants who didn't want to be there in the first place. It's always easy to defeat forces that hate each other as much as they hate you, especially when you're united. Add to that political corruption from within the empires you're at war with, and well they do half the work for you. Later on, once the Mongolians start to assimilate with the ways of their enemies, they too fall apart. Fighting each other for control of the empire, stabbing each other in the back. They became what they were fighting, and so they eventually faded away as well. This is why most empires and nations don't last very long. Power always corrupts and the intensity only increases over time. Until your own people don't care enough and welcome invaders in the door.

    • @onlineenglish7065
      @onlineenglish7065 5 лет назад +64

      Greatest general ever Subotei

    • @cemasikoglu9597
      @cemasikoglu9597 5 лет назад +1

      Andreas Sweden like swedish ✈️

  • @gmpick9793
    @gmpick9793 4 года назад +532

    Genghis was a strategic war genius he controlled the battlefield like he was fighting children. He knew what they would do before they knew. This has happened to many men throughout history.

    • @superfly19751
      @superfly19751 3 года назад +77

      The man simply had GPS intelligence well ahead of everyone else. Had he lived another 15 strong years 20% of world population today would carried his DNA lol.

    • @grimgoreironhide9985
      @grimgoreironhide9985 3 года назад +45

      His main advantage over his enemies was the spy network he created. Its how he managed to survive against his fellow Mongol rivals and eventually foreign rulers.

    • @mexicoxv2236
      @mexicoxv2236 2 года назад +30

      the master mind behind genghis khan and their sons was subotai, before the great general, temujin fought 20 years wihout many sucess.

    • @criztu
      @criztu 2 года назад +1

      unfortunately much of the history we're being told by the Academy is forged.

    • @InnerDness
      @InnerDness 2 года назад +17

      Chinggis' main strength was his ability to organize and delegate. I would be surprised if he was directly involved in tactical decisions int he field, this was probably left to generals and unit commanders. His genius lie in his ability to 1) unite his men 2) organize the military structure effectively and 3) promote his generals on merit and ability rather than social rank.

  • @Flow86767
    @Flow86767 6 лет назад +541

    The envoys went to the city, WERE NOT KILLED...
    For once, they decided to treat them...
    “but were insulted!”

    • @KingsandGenerals
      @KingsandGenerals  6 лет назад +46


    • @NekkidInjun
      @NekkidInjun 6 лет назад +36

      People generally aren't too friendly to representatives of a people who proudly slaughter whole cities and nations as a way of life

    • @auagfinder6541
      @auagfinder6541 6 лет назад +36

      “Your mother wears army boots”. “Your sister is ugly”. “My dad can beat up your dad” “your horses look like donkeys”. “Your hat looks like a spittoon”. “You’re a poop-face”. Okay, that does it. Massacre everyone in the city.

    • @khatack
      @khatack 6 лет назад +7

      @@NekkidInjun A grave sin for which said people have generally paid with their lives AND their lands.

    • @auagfinder6541
      @auagfinder6541 6 лет назад

      khatack - you can kill me but please don’t take my lands!

  • @nisaruddinahmedjeddy5079
    @nisaruddinahmedjeddy5079 3 года назад +303

    Genghis khan is remembered as the greatest miltary genius the world has ever known. In fact his Miltary tactics and strategies are studied till today by Army Generals.

    • @_greenrunner_
      @_greenrunner_ 2 года назад +40

      That honor lies with Napoleon, most scholars will say so, as Genghis tactics are incredibly outdated by now and most of the big wins were won by his generals.
      Where have you read that he is regarded as the most brilliant military mind?

    • @Volkevism
      @Volkevism 2 года назад +67

      @@_greenrunner_ what are you talking about? his standards of manuever warfare are still being used today, the mongols even defeated the rus in the winter, in which napoleon failed to do so..

    • @waliddrissi8370
      @waliddrissi8370 2 года назад +30

      It was subutai who was the military genius and who really lead the mongol army but Genghis was a good leader and politician

    • @_greenrunner_
      @_greenrunner_ 2 года назад +27

      @@Volkevism they aren’t studying genghis khan tactics in artillery schools are they?

    • @_greenrunner_
      @_greenrunner_ 2 года назад +18

      @@Volkevism and napoleon never fought in winter, he fought and defeated the russians during the summer and had to retreat as winter kicked in.

  • @thomasnew2113
    @thomasnew2113 4 года назад +683

    I never thought looking at a map for over an hour would be so interesting.

    • @wanbelstap168
      @wanbelstap168 4 года назад +6

      Totally agree!

    • @jobarmure6169
      @jobarmure6169 4 года назад +6

      I didn't see the time pass

    • @madsamsamsam
      @madsamsamsam 4 года назад

      Edd was educate dad xx ziff Android there 8dx7sized dad. Dddefend Mazda Mazda a ztdd7z8dfzndddzddrzdzddrzdzd deco added,fddfdfdtdd with adds zetec on da dodge a is it a fizz for me as do TV in it do it strange and LTD I I cuz nt640v4 I would ddz8dztzddzdzd the dad sit fizz down had the impressio duds add down and xxxx added its just that you can ez6 did did and day zero in do to get the 4g the jazz did zlatan really saddle d

    • @madsamsamsam
      @madsamsamsam 4 года назад

      Rzfddfzdzd and I zdzdddtz in

    • @NauticalCoffin2404
      @NauticalCoffin2404 4 года назад +8

      Meet Paradox Interactive

  • @plr2473
    @plr2473 5 лет назад +479

    Subutai was the greatest general who ever lived. He created military fronts by coordinating multiple armies at once as they invaded foreign lands. This was at a time when armies fought individually and established frontiers with spaced out fortifications (or natural barriers). They couldn't fathom a wave of highly mobile attackers that came from everywhere, and so Subutai succeeded in overwhelming his enemies. This feat would not again be duplicated until the 20th century with German tank warfare. Subutai was hundreds of years ahead of his time

    • @randomguy4167
      @randomguy4167 4 года назад +41

      Moeshaak Shakur No,Subutai was an unmatched visionary hundreds of years ahead of his time,the guy who said previously that was absolutely right.

    • @natsagsarantsetseg5043
      @natsagsarantsetseg5043 4 года назад +10

      Who is the subutai?
      It looks like Subedei
      And dont mind i am just mongolian who loves history and just passed down in here

    • @rehobothbitege4560
      @rehobothbitege4560 4 года назад +5

      @@natsagsarantsetseg5043 You are Mongolian that's cool. I usually don't ever meet Mongolians, the only one I know is an MMA fighter in the UFC, Danaa Batgerel

    • @irfantariq6981
      @irfantariq6981 4 года назад +15

      Alexander the Great, Napoleon and Khalid Ibn Al Waleed were all better than him

    • @anantambisht4895
      @anantambisht4895 3 года назад +28

      @@irfantariq6981 shut up , I think monologue conquered your lands muslim

  • @jamreal18
    @jamreal18 6 лет назад +2163

    They deserve their own Total War title.

    • @KingsandGenerals
      @KingsandGenerals  6 лет назад +423

      Hopefully, one day.

    • @amgaaac8480
      @amgaaac8480 6 лет назад +60

      total war attila is almost same. Huns are part of ancient mongols

    • @bilguunsuvargakhairkhan5533
      @bilguunsuvargakhairkhan5533 6 лет назад +210

      Huns are not Mongols, they were nomads and followed Tengri, but their ethnicity is very different.

    • @bilguunsuvargakhairkhan5533
      @bilguunsuvargakhairkhan5533 6 лет назад +66

      @@San-nj6mp The huns were from the caucasus, so are you saying the chechens are mongols too? and the georgians? how about we add the armenians also?

    • @bilguunsuvargakhairkhan5533
      @bilguunsuvargakhairkhan5533 6 лет назад +51

      Yeah, they were called Hunnu because their ethnicity was that, not Mongol. I don't even get what you mean by saying "I am talking about the mainland". If you are talking about East Asia, the Huns did not originate from there, there is no evidence of it. Their language was Hunnic. Or are you just simply believing that any barbaric horde from Asia has to be Mongol? In Mongolia we talk about the Hunnu as an entirely different kind of people, our ancient predecessors, not as Mongols.

  • @nrx8684
    @nrx8684 3 года назад +56

    Subutai was very impressive, you can't help admiring his strategic skills and bravery

  • @jeevachaithanyansivanandan
    @jeevachaithanyansivanandan 6 лет назад +149

    Wow... This video should be a Netflix series ... amazing graphical work and explanation. Best wishes...

    • @KingsandGenerals
      @KingsandGenerals  6 лет назад +17

      Hopefully. Thanks! :-)

    • @sharadowasdr
      @sharadowasdr 5 лет назад +3

      It can be done on the lines of Vikings.

    • @vojislavl6665
      @vojislavl6665 5 лет назад +4

      Was thinking that time and time again. Imagine doing a series on the mongol empire, with historical and accurate story lines. Fuck that would be good

    • @ATMNS
      @ATMNS 5 лет назад +1

      Marco Polo Netflix Series

    • @geru5336
      @geru5336 3 года назад

      That is precisely why it isn't a Netflix series.

  • @Roland_Deschain
    @Roland_Deschain 4 года назад +1908

    Half the documentary being "This however was a trap."

    • @googane7755
      @googane7755 4 года назад +167

      When the mongols start retreating then you know you're about to lose

    • @CyborgPilord
      @CyborgPilord 4 года назад +35

      Temujin reveals Mirror Force.

    • @iamcedricpowell8051
      @iamcedricpowell8051 4 года назад +4


    • @SebAnders
      @SebAnders 4 года назад +52

      And also "and killed the envoys"

    • @googane7755
      @googane7755 4 года назад +23

      @Rocky racoon Tadd Genghis Khan initially wanted to unite the mongol tribes against a common enemy to stop infighting then after finding out just how good he was at winning that he interpreted this as the divine will from god telling him to conquer the world. His successors would go on to carry on that legacy which encouraged militarism in the mongols.

  • @moriskurth628
    @moriskurth628 5 лет назад +248

    The Khwarezmian Prince (Whose name I can't be assed to spell), really deserves a bit more sympathy. He saw his nation all but obliterated, and he was the last remnant of an Empire he desperately tried to keep alive. In the end, he got assassinated, after leading his troops from India to Anatolia.
    It's a fascinating story, really.

    • @kenantiryaki8806
      @kenantiryaki8806 5 лет назад +12

      Celaleddin's nephew,(Kutuz), defeated the Mongols in Ain Jalut.More interesting information :)

    • @bataabagi5969
      @bataabagi5969 5 лет назад +8

      ​@@kenantiryaki8806 Yup, Mongols had around 20k force and Jelal Aldin had 40k mountain mercenaries. He was a respectable turk thou. Kudos to him and his persistence.

    • @carlbernard7615
      @carlbernard7615 5 лет назад +39

      You can't be bothered to spell 'Jalal ad-Din' but you can be bothered to spell 'Kwarezmian' lol.

    • @bataabagi5969
      @bataabagi5969 5 лет назад +11

      @@carlbernard7615 Sorry , I Spelled it from my own language. English was not a popular language back then you know. We don't even call em this Kwarezmian thing. We call em Sartuuls,

    • @anjyc0727
      @anjyc0727 5 лет назад +3

      @@zerosaber257 yeah history is not history when there is opinion or emotion of someone.

  • @truthtopower420
    @truthtopower420 3 года назад +53

    Awesome guys. Top class effort even better than what history channel used to be.
    You guys are educating generations. Thanks so much

  • @jsly621
    @jsly621 3 года назад +1002

    I always thought there should be a military documentary on the Mongols called “Steppe by Steppe.”

  • @ryancresawn4726
    @ryancresawn4726 3 года назад +576

    "I'll just kill his messengers, what's he gonna do, topple my empire?" - Lots of dead dudes

    • @googane7755
      @googane7755 3 года назад +3

      @F RUclips Imagine thinking they needed that. The only casus belli a horde needs is the promise of loot.

    • @dictator9007
      @dictator9007 3 года назад +1

      @@googane7755 yes😂🤣the mighty invincible army of Mongols had been strong at that time in entre world

    • @soroushbakhshi6647
      @soroushbakhshi6647 3 года назад +1

      japan did the same thing

  • @superfly19751
    @superfly19751 3 года назад +300

    Subutai has to be one of the greatest war generals In history of mankind’s. Truly a remarkable individual. He Never lost in a life full of battles. He also had an ability to win battles he had no business of winning.
    The Mongol Empire disintegrated after Genghis bc of internal conflicts. Nothing else could have done them in. Even so they have forever changed the course of the world history. I can not imagine had Genghis lived another 15 years.
    The Mongol Empire has to be the most underrated Empire in history in all aspects of ground breaking changes from warfare to economic concepts.

    • @Vin.1904
      @Vin.1904 3 года назад +30

      Not genghis, but ogedei, if he lived longer then all of europe would be mongol empire

    • @Vin.1904
      @Vin.1904 3 года назад +28

      And if mongke lived longer then there would be no islamic empire, or all of middle east would be mongol empire

    • @selectionn
      @selectionn 3 года назад +17

      they all had real life plot armor, also its crazy how few people know about this part of history, quite sad.

    • @curlyandfri3s
      @curlyandfri3s 3 года назад +3

      @@selectionn almost impossible to find a stranger in the wild capable of holding this conversation

    • @cardenevans6238
      @cardenevans6238 3 года назад +1

      @SpiritSword his nickname was mad dog

  • @세계최강대국몽골제국
    @세계최강대국몽골제국 Год назад +35

    I was studying the history of the world conquest of the Mongol Empire, the most hyperpower empire in the world, and it was a great reference. I am majoring in world history and war history, so I am studying world history and war history.
    세계를 정복한 세계최강대국인 몽골제국의 세계정복사를 공부하고 있었는데, 정말 훌륭한 참고가 되었습니다. 저는 세계사와 전쟁사를 전공해서 세계사, 전쟁사 전공입니다.

  • @Anonymous-nd3kw
    @Anonymous-nd3kw 4 года назад +762

    Gengis Khan: So, sons. How was your conquest this year?
    Ögedei: I subjugated the entirety of Turkish Persia, and pummled their entire population
    Chagatai: I invaded the central Asian steppes and distributed the specialists around the empire
    Jochi: I want to preserve the beauty of this merchant town
    Gengis Khan: _Jochi you're such a dissappointment, you are now removed from your post_

    • @rehobothbitege4560
      @rehobothbitege4560 4 года назад +28

      @Jojo Momo So interesting to see how Jochi differs from others and how he is almost excluded from the family

    • @LegendKingY2j
      @LegendKingY2j 4 года назад +29

      @@rehobothbitege4560 because the only thing he would accomplish with that would be rebellion against foreign invaders

    • @rehobothbitege4560
      @rehobothbitege4560 4 года назад +14

      @Jojo Momo Very sad he was removed from command for saving lives

    • @rehobothbitege4560
      @rehobothbitege4560 4 года назад +3

      @Jojo Momo When do you think they are going to upload season 2?

    • @iamcedricpowell8051
      @iamcedricpowell8051 4 года назад +2


  • @creepz6872
    @creepz6872 4 года назад +186

    It's really hilarious watching Subutai's smug portrait as he pulls off all these tricks

    • @gibberconfirm166
      @gibberconfirm166 4 года назад +17

      He really needs a better portrait. Notice the few Mongol failures do not involve Subutai, and anytime the story does involve Subutai, it's about to get interesting.

    • @googane7755
      @googane7755 4 года назад +11

      @@gibberconfirm166 Though he was the model general some notable failures did happen in his long career. After the battle of the Khalka River, though not mentioned here, he was routed by a turkic force on his way back to Mongolia. Later in his 70s on his last campaign, he was put in command of the campaign into the Song Dynasty in which he failed to make any progress. Although to be fair at this point he probably was just too old and tired of war.

    • @Sw1ftCl0ud
      @Sw1ftCl0ud 19 дней назад

      He was a demon...

  • @nodrugar5248
    @nodrugar5248 5 лет назад +1301

    Genghis: sends envoy
    Other nation: kills envoy
    Other nation: why do i hear boss music

    • @kozhikkaalan2
      @kozhikkaalan2 5 лет назад +11

      XD XD XD

    • @Glastyn
      @Glastyn 4 года назад +20

      @ibrahim suleman well. in most games, the boss loses in the end. doesnt make it easy though.

    • @autumnicleaf
      @autumnicleaf 4 года назад +1

      @Tacitus Kilgore- Why do adopt the name of "Tacitus", if you haven't read any of his writings, or history at all? If you did, what does say through Calgacus?

    • @brazilianman92
      @brazilianman92 4 года назад +9

      @ibrahim suleman Yea mongols decimated all the major centers of islam. Islam was never the same after. Particularly Baghdad which was butchered and razed to the ground.

    • @ight2060
      @ight2060 4 года назад

      @Zapocube Gaming except for the people who study Islam, once u study it I assure u you'll convert be ause then you'll realize it's the truth

  • @stephenmccarthy849
    @stephenmccarthy849 2 года назад +17

    This is a history channel/ discovery channel level show, unbelievable, cannot say enough about how well it's presented

  • @DryNox
    @DryNox 4 года назад +53

    2:30 1187
    5:00 title Genghis Khan
    7:30 Jin. Impassable pass
    10:00 Mongols besieged Beijing.
    11:00 Kuchlug 1205
    11:50 Khwarezmia
    13:00 1219 Tian Shan mountains. Inalchuq
    15:00 Samarkand
    16:00 Jochi loot.
    17:30 Turkic-Afghan warriors. Jalal ad-Din.
    19:50 Mongol defeat. Indus River
    22:10 Georgia 1221
    24:20 Astrakhan razed
    25:00 Rus’ principalities
    30:00 death of Genghis Khan 1227
    35:00 1239. Kiev
    38:00 Legnica
    40:00 Poland and Hungary
    44:30 Europe was saved
    50:00 Hulagu Baghdad
    1:00:00 Hulagu vs Golden Horde

  • @Alkis05
    @Alkis05 3 года назад +146

    Being famous for feint retreats has the added benefit of the enemy becoming reluctant to pursue the retreating army, when they would inflict most damage. So even in defeat not all was lost.

    • @inshai100
      @inshai100 3 года назад +1

      In defeat ,Nation learn methods of engagement by novel weapons that opponent never seen or expected. Such as ,Pakistan Air Force raided Indian fighters standing in hangers .Indra Ghandhi then P.M. of India planned to attack East Pakistan,name changed to Bangladesh. Politicians of Indo-Pak in power behaves as marble playing street urchins ,
      instead of playing creative zero-sum games.

  • @tnygma0717
    @tnygma0717 4 года назад +2438

    We need a Mongol tv show in same vein as Vikings

    • @tnygma0717
      @tnygma0717 3 года назад +131

      @@smellypatel5272 unfortunate but true

    • @hansblyad3840
      @hansblyad3840 3 года назад +247

      @@smellypatel5272 1. There is its called Marco Polo 2. White people nowadays hate themselfes and unfortunately have no pride whatsoever. 3. Why would you rely on western people to depict your history. Im not angry on chinese people not doing a show on ancient greece. Do your own shit

    • @npc3758
      @npc3758 3 года назад +119

      @@smellypatel5272 your projecting yourself I think. Justbefore this I watched BBC live action documentary on Genghis and theres alot of movies made on him

    • @Kafchuga
      @Kafchuga 3 года назад +102

      Try Marco Polo

    • @otanaknanarluq6764
      @otanaknanarluq6764 3 года назад +166

      @@smellypatel5272white university students are taught to hate themselves for being white. You won't find many people especially in metropolitan areas who will openly proclaim they are proud to be white or Western. Western Empires are continuously lambasted by Western media. Stop projecting your own narrative. Moreover, it shouldn't be up to Western people to create movie adaptations of Eastern History and Culture.

  • @latino.raptor
    @latino.raptor 3 года назад +9

    I just love that you guys keep the events date at right top corner all the time so we can keep track!

  • @abhishekgrewal8906
    @abhishekgrewal8906 6 лет назад +198

    hmmm so main takeaways:
    - do not kill Mongol messengers
    -do not feast after victories

    • @mindatrest6838
      @mindatrest6838 5 лет назад +23

      Do not chase after mongols!!!!

    • @MohamedAhmed-eg3mh
      @MohamedAhmed-eg3mh 5 лет назад

      The mamluks killed their messengers and defeated them in Ain jalut

    • @donnie8032
      @donnie8032 5 лет назад +2

      Those messengers are most likely spies anyway. You had to kill them

  • @justinian-the-great
    @justinian-the-great 6 лет назад +748

    Main reasons why Monogols succeeded in conquering so much land:
    1. Good organization of the army
    2. Competent leaders
    3. Divided opponents
    And last and most important
    4. There envoy were constantly killed! 😁

    • @KingsandGenerals
      @KingsandGenerals  6 лет назад +44

      Good summary!

    • @cyrilchui2811
      @cyrilchui2811 6 лет назад +42

      And 5th. Identify someone you can bribe, such as Venetian.

    • @cyrilchui2811
      @cyrilchui2811 6 лет назад +3

      Or explore Greed

    • @aclock2
      @aclock2 6 лет назад +57

      All they ever wanted was to have friends

    • @justinian-the-great
      @justinian-the-great 6 лет назад +5

      @@KingsandGenerals Thank you! I think that it suits them well.

  • @jbcheema9883
    @jbcheema9883 4 года назад +247

    Subutai and Jebe are two prime jewels of Mongol Pragmatism.

    • @MatrixMachine
      @MatrixMachine 3 года назад +1

      @@altangereltsolmon1672 good to know that

    • @DarkKnight-db1dy
      @DarkKnight-db1dy Год назад +4

      There was another general, I don't remember the name but he was as badass as the other two, but is rarely mentioned because of his focus on conquering and maintaining China

    • @grimgoreironhide9985
      @grimgoreironhide9985 Год назад +7

      @@DarkKnight-db1dyThat was Mukhalai. He basically led a guerrilla campaign against the Jin.

    • @NomadicFalcon
      @NomadicFalcon 11 месяцев назад +4

      @@grimgoreironhide9985yes it was Munkhulai general .

  • @thegreendragoninn8730
    @thegreendragoninn8730 Год назад +54

    I can't even remember how many times I've watched this video

    • @Bri-ish_Elmo
      @Bri-ish_Elmo 5 месяцев назад

      You are a loyal one eh

    • @Moneywayco1418
      @Moneywayco1418 5 месяцев назад

      That how I do the Julius Cesar one

  • @alkiramari8193
    @alkiramari8193 3 года назад +492

    38:50 I'm speechless... I admire the Mongols strategical minds! Six months ago I knew only The Hu Mongolian band, and after playing Ghost of Tsushima I became interested in Mongolian History. I'm glad to have found this channel, thanks I'm learning a lot.

    • @thekhans2823
      @thekhans2823 3 года назад +8


    • @superfly19751
      @superfly19751 3 года назад +29

      Haha, that’s awesome mate. Welcome to the Mongol community. The Hu is an awesome band too.

    • @thekhans2823
      @thekhans2823 3 года назад +6

      @@superfly19751 , Yes

    • @proculusjulius7035
      @proculusjulius7035 3 года назад +10

      My favorite songs from The Hu are wolf totem and their rendition of Metallica's "sad but true". I was always passionate about history and the Mongols are a huge part of the world's history.

    • @1212-m6b
      @1212-m6b 3 года назад +8

      60-80% of that army was Turkic tribes. Mongol were mostly capitans, commanders, ordinary troops was still Turks. Thats why after century nothing left about mongols but Turks were strong before them and after them. No one speaks mongolian
      (except Mongolia 🇲🇳) nowadays compare Turkic languages throughout the region. No discrediting mongols at all. They were one best fighters. However it was simply impossible without Turks. Turks were as good as mongols. Riding horse, archery 🏹 everything was almost the same but Turks were more available than mongols since Turks outnumber them and it was easier to hire them.

  • @generalbooger9146
    @generalbooger9146 4 года назад +87

    Amazing how this is never taught in school. I adore history and know far more about any historical topic than most people I come across. I'm in shock about what I'm watching and how little I know about this.

    • @Dr.Gainzzz
      @Dr.Gainzzz 4 года назад +23

      School doesn't want you to learn about strong individuals in school they want you to be a good little sheep who falls in line and never questions the powers that be.

    • @pablogats4627
      @pablogats4627 4 года назад +1

      oh school doesnt teach you everything?? thanks genius

    • @generalbooger9146
      @generalbooger9146 4 года назад +6

      @@pablogats4627........ What the fucks your problem Pablo? Have trouble getting over the wall?

    • @Dr.Gainzzz
      @Dr.Gainzzz 4 года назад

      @@williamwallace4080 this is relevant to america, no whatever latin American shiii1it whole your from.

    • @토론배틀tv
      @토론배틀tv 4 года назад

      No kahn in your country's text book in school?

  • @Ramazanulı
    @Ramazanulı 4 года назад +406

    When you grow up under open sky with +40 in summer and -40 in winter and strongest winds all year round, riding horses before you learn walking, eating horse meat and drinking horse milk, it doesnt matter who your enemies are, how armored they are, and how many they count.

    • @gurunandhaelamezhagan4544
      @gurunandhaelamezhagan4544 4 года назад +19

      The Dothraki.

    • @adambashir636
      @adambashir636 4 года назад +28

      unless u meet an army of Mamluk that didnt even get a childhood only hard training

    • @Ramazanulı
      @Ramazanulı 4 года назад +27

      @@adambashir636 their lifestyle was similar

    • @pablogats4627
      @pablogats4627 4 года назад +5

      @Piolatus shit they got crushed by the europeans once they were better prepared indians also

    • @Elspethknighterrant
      @Elspethknighterrant 4 года назад +3

      @Piolatus so why did the ottomans got rekt by the mongols.

  • @colinsmith5879
    @colinsmith5879 3 года назад +41

    I want to thank everyone behind this channel, such great documentaries I can hardly believe they're free.
    Thanks for everything, live long and prosper 🖖

  • @iraqimapper8625
    @iraqimapper8625 6 лет назад +663

    You (kings and generals) and Epic history Tv are really the best history channel on RUclips

    • @ChrisSnowman
      @ChrisSnowman 6 лет назад +13

      Elias Frahat Historia Civilis is as good as them. They have both worked with him with Roman history.

    • @alecsis882
      @alecsis882 6 лет назад +29

      History Marche and Baz Battles are also good

    • @ChrisSnowman
      @ChrisSnowman 6 лет назад

      Alecsis Rosca couldn’t agree more

    • @nomooon
      @nomooon 6 лет назад +1

      Also a few other channels. Like history Marche

    • @iraqimapper8625
      @iraqimapper8625 6 лет назад

      They are the best in my opinion

  • @metsrus
    @metsrus 6 лет назад +256

    The envoys always get killed. I guess that's where the phrase "don't kill the messenger" came from.

    • @bobbiusshadow6985
      @bobbiusshadow6985 5 лет назад +7

      lmao, that's what I thought

    • @swamivardana9911
      @swamivardana9911 5 лет назад +8

      Tom Ly "Don't kill the messenger" comes from Roman times.

    • @kuafer3687
      @kuafer3687 5 лет назад +27

      The envoys were assholes. For example, in Ryazan they demanded from the prince to give them his wife, in other cases openly mocked everybody. No suprise they were killed everywhere.

    • @skimidot92
      @skimidot92 5 лет назад +38

      The Khan might have instructed them to provoke the monarchs. It´s just a matter of having Casus Belli.

    • @swamivardana9911
      @swamivardana9911 5 лет назад +2

      Tom Ly the last Roman emperors used to execute messengers with bad news.

  • @rjsimpson2484
    @rjsimpson2484 4 года назад +363

    “Its easy to take over the world on horseback but its hard to get off the horse and rule the land you’ve conquered”

    • @devilsdouble9644
      @devilsdouble9644 4 года назад +10

      Nonsense! Both are difficult. Many many tried n failed lost entire armies trying to conquer. The history is written by the winners. You hardly see history showcasing fighting n defending your country or kingdom. Whose instances are actually more than the rather.

    • @aleembaksh1880
      @aleembaksh1880 4 года назад +54

      That was a saying by the Mongols. It is saying conquering is easier than administration.

    • @kianghorbanpor9988
      @kianghorbanpor9988 4 года назад +4

      @@devilsdouble9644 he didnt mean that conquering is easy he meant ruling is harder than conquering

    • @devilsdouble9644
      @devilsdouble9644 4 года назад

      @@kianghorbanpor9988 yeah I get it it's a quotation. I am saying that itself is wrong.

    • @fsdds1488
      @fsdds1488 4 года назад +18

      @@aleembaksh1880 Its actually from a conversation of the first Han Emperor Liu Bang and his consultant Lu Jia, as the emperor was annoyed by Lu Jia who always recite literature like Shi Jing and Si Shu, and said "How dare you constantly reciting those books when your fief was earned on horseback!", but Lu Jia replied "One can take the land under the heaven on horseback, but can one rule this land on horseback? Even the ancient emperor (Shang) Tang and (Zhou) Wu took (China) by usurping but consolidate (the realm) by conforming (the rule of order, the will of people), it was the use of both martial prowess and literal wisdom that ensures the longevity of the realm!" But people later refer this to Genghis Khan as he literally conquer on horseback.

  • @HighlanderWest
    @HighlanderWest 2 года назад +214

    The pure military genius is mind blowing!

    • @cfl_finn4831
      @cfl_finn4831 2 года назад +38

      "However this was a trap"
      Most common line when talking about battle with Mongols

    • @ognii
      @ognii Год назад +4

      @@عليياسر-ذ5ب Drive away small Mongolian scout unit is big deal for them 😂😂

    • @ognii
      @ognii Год назад +1

      @@عليياسر-ذ5ب 🤣😂🤣😂show me the receipt!

    • @hostishumanigeneris
      @hostishumanigeneris Год назад +6

      Their genius is deceitful deeds like burning libraries. :)

    • @hostishumanigeneris
      @hostishumanigeneris Год назад

      @@عليياسر-ذ5ب They can but those monkey of the steps... They cannot do this.

  • @vijaybanga1
    @vijaybanga1 4 года назад +62

    Historically as good as possible.Excellently presented. Must keep up the good work. My very best wishes to each member involved in making such qualitatively superior work of history.Many thanks.

  • @Ozymandias_1818
    @Ozymandias_1818 3 года назад +98

    This channel is so underrated. Some of the best military doco's out there and for free. Thank you for your amazing work.

  • @TPerm-hj4sf
    @TPerm-hj4sf 4 года назад +19

    I am a proud Mongolian descendant. Our tradition became more about singing and dancing ever since gunpowder was invented and horsemen became obsolete. Nowadays, we only love peace.

  • @chibble3591
    @chibble3591 2 года назад +101

    The mongol tactic of leaving a gap for hope of escape is by far the coolest tactic I know about

    • @EstbXCIII
      @EstbXCIII 7 месяцев назад

      Imo the Mongols coldest move was how they knew they were outnumbered by the Kilcheks and their Russian allies. Knowing that the Kilcheks made up most of the allied armies Subutai bribed them into abandoning the cause amd going home.. but after destroying the remnants ofnthe allied armies he decided to track down the kilcheks and annihilated them anyway. THEN, not only that, the Mongols got the Venetians in Kiev to sell out their fellow Europeans by giving up vital data about them. 😅
      Straight savage!

    • @MiraPloy
      @MiraPloy 6 месяцев назад +6

      Pretty sure everyone did that. It was in the art of war and i remember hannibal doing that too.

    • @phlannelboxingday6198
      @phlannelboxingday6198 4 месяца назад

      Using the enslaved as meat shields is diabolical

    • @Comelyman2
      @Comelyman2 2 месяца назад +1

      Hannibal did it multiple times against the Romans

    • @MGZ13-k1e
      @MGZ13-k1e 20 дней назад

      ​@MiraPloy but I am sure mongols had one of the best psychological warfare in known history

  • @siegridthomas9674
    @siegridthomas9674 4 года назад +55

    What a wonderful country, I will never forget, and the friendly people so hospitable...I loved the time I spent there..

  • @brokenbridge6316
    @brokenbridge6316 4 года назад +139

    The Mongols were certainly mighty warriors n empire builders. Their tactics n strategies were both brutal and innovative. And they worked. My compliments to those who made this video a reality.

    • @RicardoPerez-rz8pu
      @RicardoPerez-rz8pu 4 года назад +2

      Imagine if The Mongols faced off against The Spartans and Athenians I'd think that would've been an awesome thing to see

    • @brokenbridge6316
      @brokenbridge6316 4 года назад

      @@RicardoPerez-rz8pu---Oh yeah,

    • @saimasaima434
      @saimasaima434 3 года назад +5

      Ricardo Perez Spartan is nothing infront of Mongol

    • @MisterProscape
      @MisterProscape 3 года назад

      Based on the longevity, the empire was dogshit

    • @dave45032
      @dave45032 2 года назад

      @@MisterProscape You know they were the best when they still have haters hundreds of years after 😂

  • @ryanp.2201
    @ryanp.2201 6 лет назад +285

    "And that made the war inevitable"

  • @rambo_needs_wife8098
    @rambo_needs_wife8098 2 года назад +13

    A history student needs a history documentary like this for free.thanks for this video it will help me in my exam. U got a new subscriber

  • @samoanbeast562
    @samoanbeast562 4 года назад +57

    "What was once considered a nuisance, had brought a 20 million strong nation to its knees" that line gives me chills for some reason

    • @annatar7844
      @annatar7844 4 года назад +13

      "In the span of two days, the strongest kingdoms of central Europe was defeated" rare sentence that one

  • @DineshPatel2789
    @DineshPatel2789 3 года назад +219

    Never ask these three questions
    1. Woman: Her age
    2. Man: His Wealth
    3. Mongol: To Surrender

    • @aishkhan566
      @aishkhan566 3 года назад +2

      But but but.. they surrendered. Sorry they got the worst defeat

    • @DineshPatel2789
      @DineshPatel2789 3 года назад +2

      @@aishkhan566 who surrendered..

    • @aishkhan566
      @aishkhan566 3 года назад +1

      @@DineshPatel2789 not surrendered but they got the worst defeat.

    • @aishkhan566
      @aishkhan566 3 года назад +4

      @Đức Anh you worship or praise them unnecessarily. Lol.

    • @aishkhan566
      @aishkhan566 3 года назад +1

      @Đức Anh maybe for you he's great or the empire is great. But to me they were worst. Having a large piece of land doesn't make you big/superior/great but your humanity makes you.

  • @HowDareYouSpeakToMe
    @HowDareYouSpeakToMe 4 года назад +299

    Subutai paying one of the coalition members off, destroying the rest, then destroying the guys he paid off? Beautiful.

    • @Jebu911
      @Jebu911 4 года назад +57

      Subutai deserved to be the new great khan as he kicked some major ass and was strategic genius. Funny how he was just a blacksmiths son and ended up being the most successful general of the mongols. Always interesting to read about guys who were just commoners and ended up on top of the world

    • @janicefischer8526
      @janicefischer8526 4 года назад +27

      Probably figured if it was so easy to buy them,they probably wouldn't be the most reliable allies

    • @joaohax52
      @joaohax52 4 года назад +4

      @@Jebu911 I guess that but also with regard to Jebe. He is the most important in conquests for my opinion...

    • @JSolisHD
      @JSolisHD 3 года назад +5

      Never accept the offer.. cause you won't live long enough to use and enjoy the bribe.... hahahah

    • @byambaacomeback1643
      @byambaacomeback1643 3 года назад +6

      @@joaohax52 Jebe learned a lot from Subutai

  • @PeterGannon-x3b
    @PeterGannon-x3b 26 дней назад +3

    This is the most incredible documentary I ever seen.

  • @rschmidt93
    @rschmidt93 4 года назад +308

    The mongols taught every generation after them not to shoot the messenger

  • @aman4189
    @aman4189 4 года назад +51

    One of the best documentaries I’ve ever seen

  • @ravenous0382
    @ravenous0382 3 года назад +97

    Subutai what an amazing strategist and tactician 👏

    • @stephanvanlombergen3055
      @stephanvanlombergen3055 3 года назад +1

      this is not real

    • @elitemation
      @elitemation 3 года назад +2

      @@stephanvanlombergen3055 🤡

    • @saywhatnow2173
      @saywhatnow2173 2 года назад +2

      @@stephanvanlombergen3055 nah

    • @NomadicFalcon
      @NomadicFalcon 11 месяцев назад


  • @klila16
    @klila16 3 года назад +9

    Your channel is amazing so much history is accessible to us commoners in a way that civilisational history makes perfect sense.

  • @Taistelukalkkuna
    @Taistelukalkkuna 6 лет назад +405

    "I can stop anytime I want." - Genghis Khan -

    • @gimzack9282
      @gimzack9282 6 лет назад +1

      mongol devil got shame by Islam.his grandson hulagu got fooled by Saifudin Qutuz and his own cousin Berke Khan.

    • @NyangisKhan
      @NyangisKhan 6 лет назад +94

      "Just one more turn." - Genghis Khan

    • @kusen3994
      @kusen3994 6 лет назад +25

      gim zack that happened after muslims got their asses whooped in central asia iran iraq and syria

    • @BR0984
      @BR0984 6 лет назад +24

      gim zack Islam is a shit religion anyway

    • @christianbateman2
      @christianbateman2 6 лет назад +12

      @@ОляСергеева-м9и he raped Baghdad.......and maintained eye contact

  • @rigulur
    @rigulur 4 года назад +368

    The Mongols just seem like far greater military fighters and thinkers than virtually everyone who stood against them

    • @generalzeleck3685
      @generalzeleck3685 4 года назад +39

      They had discipline and loyalty

    • @GhostRaiter
      @GhostRaiter 4 года назад +3

      Except the Lithuanians. Undefeated against the mongols.

    • @byakshdee
      @byakshdee 4 года назад +74

      @@GhostRaiter 😂😂😂😂😂 gimme what u’r smoking

    • @GhostRaiter
      @GhostRaiter 4 года назад +2

      @@byakshdee true story
      Look it up.
      And it was followed up by them creating an empire (Lithuanian / Polish Commonwealth) that was larger than the Roman Empire and almost as large as the Mongols (from the Baltic to the Black sea). It lasted almost 300 years.

    • @iliketurtles5180
      @iliketurtles5180 4 года назад +82

      @@GhostRaiter Lithuania was a Mongol vassal...

  • @DaiMoscv
    @DaiMoscv 4 года назад +137

    Even as Mongolian I'm amazed this content quality and presenting method. I used to get bored in a history class but this is hella interesting. Thank you so much for your hard work.

    • @shafuimcoming5151
      @shafuimcoming5151 3 года назад +6

      now your country is just a trash.

    • @agishrimpton8807
      @agishrimpton8807 3 года назад +1

      @@shafuimcoming5151 bitch

    • @agishrimpton8807
      @agishrimpton8807 3 года назад

      @@shafuimcoming5151 like you

    • @magnumjade45
      @magnumjade45 3 года назад +17

      @@shafuimcoming5151 who hurt you bro? Did a Mongolian dude steal your girl?

    • @arveyacastle7201
      @arveyacastle7201 3 года назад +1

      It is right if Mongol empire ever willing do invasion in Java (Indonesia) but got failed?? Cannot do war in Java because the weather,no have enough experienced to war against Majapahit because Java weather is hot as they wrong predictions.

  • @souvikdas5662
    @souvikdas5662 3 года назад +10

    This is a very well made documentary. Must be well-preserved for generations to see and ponder upon the history of humankind.

  • @zeetran
    @zeetran 5 лет назад +445

    Subutai is a badass general..

    • @Alistplay
      @Alistplay 5 лет назад +42

      When he defeated thise 60 000 with bribes. My god tsu zun has got nothing on these mongols

    • @suleymanthemagnificent3072
      @suleymanthemagnificent3072 5 лет назад +4

      He is turkic

    • @tiemuzhen8896
      @tiemuzhen8896 5 лет назад +46

      @@suleymanthemagnificent3072 he's from Uriankhai

    • @LaughableSynonyms
      @LaughableSynonyms 5 лет назад +4

      @@chownful Stop using that word as if it has actual meaning.

    • @baagiibaagii2605
      @baagiibaagii2605 5 лет назад +3

      Don't forget his brother Zebe who fought many battles along with him.

  • @carlossanabria7991
    @carlossanabria7991 4 года назад +30

    The mongol empire maybe wouldn't have gone so far without subotai. What a genius commander, so ahead of his time

    • @hqlife5128
      @hqlife5128 3 года назад +4

      German army in the 1930s:
      *Takes notes*

  • @NadeemMohsin
    @NadeemMohsin 4 года назад +165

    The real lesson from all this is that it's extremely dangerous to be a Mongol envoy.

    • @nochinese813
      @nochinese813 3 года назад +3

      @Store Patternator Because at first Chingis khaan only wanted relationship of trade and open a commercial route but instead they beheaded his envoy. I know you'll say massacring whole nation for one envoy is unfair, it's of course the amount of killing is diff but still even if they killed their envoy they'd do the same too . Killing envoy for just that is unreasonable and ignorant. And it's same as insulting .

  • @alperayibogan5437
    @alperayibogan5437 2 года назад +11

    Mongol Empire stats:
    - envoys killed: 872
    - the retreating tactic and crushing the opponent after that: 6931
    - going back home (distance = like, half of the world) because your khan died: 54

  • @uutarn
    @uutarn 5 лет назад +67

    When i started watching, i thought this was from a tv series...
    Very impressed and subbed.

  • @derekrocco2740
    @derekrocco2740 4 года назад +17

    This is the best history channel on RUclips by far.

  • @gamesforcb
    @gamesforcb 6 лет назад +297

    Emperor Khan: "which kingdom are you going to invade this time?"
    Batu: "Yup👌"
    Subutai: "hold my Kumis"

    • @kanyekubrick5391
      @kanyekubrick5391 5 лет назад +2

      Which one is Batu?

    • @kanyekubrick5391
      @kanyekubrick5391 5 лет назад

      @CB P thank you

    • @sadowphoenix01
      @sadowphoenix01 5 лет назад +2

      hard to believe he's the son of jochi

    • @wisdomleader85
      @wisdomleader85 5 лет назад

      Mongols drank kumis, an alcoholic drink fermented from horse milk.

    • @michaelhassler7446
      @michaelhassler7446 4 года назад

      Fermented horse milk? Don't think I've seen it at the local liquor store. Think I'll stick to my Scotch.😄

  • @trentoskivich4211
    @trentoskivich4211 3 года назад +45

    This such a great documentary. I'd love to see a video comparing empires from the past. I especially find it so fascinating how different empires chose to control the territory they won.

  • @JamesTran99
    @JamesTran99 3 года назад +68

    Damnn this is so informative and highly reliable source of history, Idk what to say but you guys are phenomenal people who have devoted time, energies and efforts to make an hour educational video for FREE

  • @auagfinder6541
    @auagfinder6541 6 лет назад +119

    “Ooh, Ooh, I want to volunteer my brother-in-law to be an envoy! He’s very diplomatic”

    • @KingsandGenerals
      @KingsandGenerals  6 лет назад +14


    • @mianbh8706
      @mianbh8706 6 лет назад +1

      You do not want to be charged for his murder. Hoping your in law will not read your comment. LOL

    • @sunriserise7015
      @sunriserise7015 3 года назад +1

      Do you and your brother-in-law have hatred?!hahahahaah

    • @AmoghVastrad-h8o
      @AmoghVastrad-h8o 9 месяцев назад

      Everyone hates in laws😂😂😂

  • @melaynineyahiyahi4988
    @melaynineyahiyahi4988 6 лет назад +92

    This is very professional youtube documentary no jokes, and still very fun to watch

    • @KingsandGenerals
      @KingsandGenerals  6 лет назад +3

      Thanks :-)

    • @ayecarumba4928
      @ayecarumba4928 5 лет назад +1

      It's educational but what the Khans did were blemishes on the human species

    • @melaynineyahiyahi4988
      @melaynineyahiyahi4988 5 лет назад +1

      @@ayecarumba4928 true, they destroyed great empires like the Khwarazmian Empire and the Abassid Empire. They also were a cause in creating major empires like Russia, Timurid Dynasty, and Mughal Empire. That is just how life goes.

  • @Yatagurusu
    @Yatagurusu 2 года назад +12

    Some theories say that the great khan ogadee died from alcohol poisoning, which saved western Europe and Egypt from further invasions

  • @JohnUntivero
    @JohnUntivero 4 года назад +236

    Enemy: Don't worry, that terrain is impossible to go through, they can't flank us from there
    Mongols: (flanks from there)

    • @人类命运共同体-y6p
      @人类命运共同体-y6p 4 года назад +11

      They have used this strategy already, they won’t use it again... right ?

    • @hadifarhan4366
      @hadifarhan4366 4 года назад +20

      Enemy: *surprise pikachu face*

    • @panzerschliffehohenzollern4863
      @panzerschliffehohenzollern4863 4 года назад +1

      The would be German: Hmm...... sound..... interesting.

    • @sbg019
      @sbg019 4 года назад +2

      The French during WWII knows this feeling very well... Lol

    • @saltt9394
      @saltt9394 3 года назад +2

      Imagine growing in a region and knowing there is an area that is impossible to traverse and some foreign guys ride their 30,000 horses through it

  • @joachimtextor709
    @joachimtextor709 5 лет назад +16

    Best detailed documentary about 100 years of the Mongol Empire, congratulations

  • @praksangsuwan9881
    @praksangsuwan9881 4 года назад +324

    Genghis: How dare you disrespect my kindness.

    • @Tenchigumi
      @Tenchigumi 4 года назад +28

      Disrespect Ghengis Khan = your people are now meat shields.

    • @bakaryfsanyang7897
      @bakaryfsanyang7897 4 года назад +9

      Disrespect you get rekt

    • @kimtim5666
      @kimtim5666 3 года назад +3

      Mission: Conquer India.
      Journey: Cavalry arrive north of monutain Himalyas
      Mongols: "Ah hello no let's go back"

    • @iliketurtles5180
      @iliketurtles5180 3 года назад +5

      @@kimtim5666 The Mongols eventually got to India through Timur and then Babur.

  • @timcreations8059
    @timcreations8059 Год назад +14

    It boggles my mind whenever I see a map of the Mongol Empire at its height. They literally controlled an area stretching from Poland to Korea.🤯🤯🤯

  • @treekid7455
    @treekid7455 5 лет назад +526

    people : Ah i wish i could go back to the good old days
    Good old days :

    • @roberttucker1527
      @roberttucker1527 4 года назад +12

      Tree Kid exactly

    • @satyamprakash7030
      @satyamprakash7030 4 года назад +6

      Nothing... I did not commented here.. You can leave

    • @satyamprakash7030
      @satyamprakash7030 4 года назад +5

      @the Graf I was just In a but hurry and it was late in night, honestly though looking back I am quite embarrassed, well thanks for pointing it out, I am wondering should I take it down, but I guess keeping it afloat might be a good reminder to recheck your commenter before posting. You really don't wanna be in my position.

    • @AxeBearWhoCares
      @AxeBearWhoCares 4 года назад +2

      I wouldn’t want to go back the good old days, just bring some aspects back to the current age.

    • @seanranklin2733
      @seanranklin2733 4 года назад +1

      I think when people say that theyre talking about previous few decades..

  • @shiviverma300
    @shiviverma300 4 года назад +22

    Not surprised to see why Temujin won like that. Born and brought up in the harshest of climate and circumstances, he had developed nerves of steel, a mind like razor and tremendous fighting ability. Top it with the right policy of rewarding merit than blood, he won the loyalty of the best of warriors who were united in body and mind and who could conquer any territory they wanted with their total dedication to their cause. I have a feeling that above all Temujin wanted respect. If he had been given that by other rulers perhaps much of bloodbath could have been avoided.

  • @stevenhskns
    @stevenhskns 3 года назад +18

    I was surprised by the length and the quality of this video. I was just looking for a history video on the Genghis Khan and this is a pleasant surprised. Outstanding work!

  • @birajguha4797
    @birajguha4797 3 года назад +6

    This should have a BILLION views !!! Premium history lesson!

  • @dennisolovsson4390
    @dennisolovsson4390 4 года назад +41

    I watched this with the automated subtitles on and here are a few of my favourite interpretations of names and places
    Subatai - Super Thai
    Subatai - Sir ... but I
    Pskov - Piss Cove
    Kipchaks - Kip Jacks
    Obotai - Overtime

    • @brianlee222
      @brianlee222 4 года назад +9

      You forgot Temujin - Ten Virgins

    • @mandah0520
      @mandah0520 4 года назад

      this is hilarious!

    • @SH-uv5kv
      @SH-uv5kv 4 года назад

      Subatai was a Super Thai who was born to a Mongol father and a Thai mother. XD

    • @Ramazanulı
      @Ramazanulı 4 года назад

      Who is Obotai? Maybe you mean Ugadai?

    • @dennisolovsson4390
      @dennisolovsson4390 4 года назад +1

      @@Ramazanulı you're correct, it's ogodei or ögedei.
      All these incorrect speech to text translations have gotten to me

  • @Balowell--GG
    @Balowell--GG 4 года назад +23

    Beautifully presented, narrated and researched. I really enjoyed watching this. So now I have subscribed.

  • @marcomeme4875
    @marcomeme4875 5 лет назад +230

    Genghis: *sends envoy*
    Other nation: *kills envoy*
    Genghis: you fell victim to one of the classic blunders!

    • @nukclear2741
      @nukclear2741 5 лет назад +15


    • @pfurman69
      @pfurman69 5 лет назад +7

      Never start a land war in asia.

    • @nodrugar5248
      @nodrugar5248 5 лет назад +12

      Genghis: sends envoy
      Other nation: kills envoy
      Other nation: why do i hear boss music

    • @pfurman69
      @pfurman69 5 лет назад +2

      it's a line from "The Princess Bride". One of the best movies of all time (in my opinion). Besides, Kahn liked it up close and personal. Nukes weren't his style. ;o)

    • @pfurman69
      @pfurman69 5 лет назад

      @MARK PEARSON (smh)

  • @goldenageflash5924
    @goldenageflash5924 2 года назад +11

    I was engaged in house work while listening to this great history
    I had to stop my work and devote full attention to this exquisitely video
    High compliments to the CGI producers interpretation of Mongol history and to the narrator!
    Looking forward to the next sequel
    Thanks for sharing

  • @shohokuslamdunk
    @shohokuslamdunk 5 лет назад +124

    damn bro, your channel is epic. can't believe i found it so late.

  • @AzureDragon100
    @AzureDragon100 6 лет назад +46

    Minor correction: the Jin weren't originally (Han) Chinese, but were Yurchens from Manchuria. After their defeat by the Mongols, they returned to Manchuria and eventually took the name and became modern Manchus.

    • @laocongge
      @laocongge 6 лет назад +6

      they didnt go back. the tribal people that never came to China proper eventually became Manchus.

  • @mccringleberrydoritos2537
    @mccringleberrydoritos2537 5 лет назад +157

    Jebe's and subutai's road trip

  • @AkasaurusRex
    @AkasaurusRex 4 месяца назад +2

    You guys normally do great stuff but this one was just chefs kiss! There are many a vid on the rise of the Mongolian empire but history can get confusing fast with so many names and places. I’m a visual learner and this was perfectly paced. Well done!

    • @отгонтогтохшагдар
      @отгонтогтохшагдар 14 дней назад

      800жил өнгөрсөн ч Чи одооч айсан хэвээрэй байна гэсэн үг. Ер нь энэ бол европ тивд арилашгүй хар дарсан зүүд байх болно

  • @cowfishblobfish
    @cowfishblobfish 4 года назад +443

    Best commander: Genghis Khan
    Best Duo: Jebe & Subatai

    • @skyfall7110
      @skyfall7110 4 года назад +18

      @@John32626adidass and who didnt? dont compare medieval society to ours... just dont. ofc that is bad today, back then not so much.

    • @josephjr
      @josephjr 4 года назад +3

      hell yeah. their skirmishes really hepled to expand the empire making it into europe

    • @retest6658
      @retest6658 4 года назад +3

      Dude, Genghis couldn't even conquer China.

    • @limeboiler
      @limeboiler 4 года назад +17

      @@retest6658 and? it changed nothing.

    • @retest6658
      @retest6658 4 года назад +1

      @@eriosvanda479 Read my comment again, dumbass. You kid must have had a sore eyes.

  • @Waters761
    @Waters761 4 года назад +477

    “I am the punishment of God... If you had not committed great sins, your God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you.” Chinggis Khaan

    • @aimofnowhere434
      @aimofnowhere434 4 года назад +36

      And now Allah would be punishing him for the massacres he and his generals did

    • @user-gp5yz5yz4x
      @user-gp5yz5yz4x 4 года назад +23

      Chungus Khan

    • @aimofnowhere434
      @aimofnowhere434 4 года назад +6

      @@ashannoweria2855 If you don't know then let me tell you. As a Muslim we believe that no power exceeds that of Allah and no person is such who won't receive death after birth. Allah says " I will fill Hell with man and jinns"

    • @meditationzoner1225
      @meditationzoner1225 4 года назад +31

      @@aimofnowhere434 🤣🤣🤣 wholly molly batman! Of to HELL for MAN and JINNS. 🤣🤣🤣 love the comment section some funny shit.

    • @winnie347
      @winnie347 4 года назад +8

      @@scintillam_dei Attila was mongol too

  • @Atreadis
    @Atreadis 6 лет назад +112

    06:39 Have you seen those Mongols? They have curved swords! Curved... Swords!