This is a really great job on the mash up! It's sync'd up almost perfectly, and I do think they work well together. It is a tad bass heavy. Since both tracks, especially the Genesis version are pretty bassy, kicking down the bass a little on each would've helped a lot. Also, to my ears, it sounds like the SNES version is unhappily over-dominant in the mix. The "Hold me thrill me kiss me kill me"-like synth on the Gen version is almost completely lost in the mix. More Sega would've been good.
Woah. The genesis adds some nice creep factor that doesn't overwhelm the SNES's lead.
Eh... I'd say Genesis version had a better creep factor.
This is a really great job on the mash up! It's sync'd up almost perfectly, and I do think they work well together. It is a tad bass heavy. Since both tracks, especially the Genesis version are pretty bassy, kicking down the bass a little on each would've helped a lot. Also, to my ears, it sounds like the SNES version is unhappily over-dominant in the mix. The "Hold me thrill me kiss me kill me"-like synth on the Gen version is almost completely lost in the mix. More Sega would've been good.
Yeah I need a little more genesis to push through.
@GodZpeed X7 sounds like alot of snesCOCK in your mouth sir
Spiderman (SNES) & Venom (Genesis) in Maximum (Mash Up) Carnage!
it does sound sick dude, creepy and dark and grunge/metal as fuck haha, gnarly
SNES=Beast but laying the soundtrack over the Genesis version sounds pretty dam cool too
It sounds like a industrial metal version of the theme from Enter The Dragon
Can we have a Maximum Carnage movie
Great work!
The bass yes
Enter The Carnage
carnage for super smash bros ultimate
oh nice, I did the same thing to the title theme.
I like the Genesis version better but I love this mash up of the two.
Dumbass nigga
@@AlexKaneROTN gtfoh wit yo goofy ass
Makes me think of Venom fighting the Zingers from Donkey Kong Country.