1st Baby | Week 23 & 24 Bump-date | Vascular Ring & Vasa Previa Updates | Becoming a SMBC

  • Опубликовано: 5 сен 2024

Комментарии • 105

  • @sophiamessini4666
    @sophiamessini4666 3 года назад +1

    Great news sweet mama! You will have a healthy baby boy! Also its very important that you will have your mother near you so, you won't be alone you will have all the healp you will need. So happy for you !! 😘

    • @SaraMaria83
      @SaraMaria83  3 года назад

      Yes it’s the best news ever 🥰🥰🥰 And I am so excited to have my mom so close! Thank you so much, Sophia! ❤️

  • @suzannehedderly1331
    @suzannehedderly1331 3 года назад +1

    Super great news about the baby's heart! I'm sorry things have been so rough but that little one will start a whole new experience of wonderful things! ❤️

    • @SaraMaria83
      @SaraMaria83  3 года назад +1

      Absolutely! It will alllll be worth it 🥰🥰🥰

  • @hanafri8
    @hanafri8 3 года назад +3

    Was so excited to see your update! So glad that your baby doesn't have the vascular ring - fantastic news :) A C-section is nowadays so common,and the incision so small, think that will be the best for you, just hope the doctor will wait until you're at least 37 weeks. You definitely have a more problematic pregnancy. Hope you will be able to have a few weeks leave from your work before baby arrives. So glad your mum are going to move so close, almost next door:) that's wonderful news, you will need her :) Hope the next two weeks will be uninventful - looking forward to your next update :)

    • @SaraMaria83
      @SaraMaria83  3 года назад

      I really hope they can wait for 37 weeks too! I will definitely push for that if I can 🤞🏼 I’ll probably work up until my c-section though since my maternity leave won’t start until I go to the hospital. But I’ll have a nice 14 weeks off paid at 100% so I am very glad! Yes it will be soooo nice having my mom so close! ❤️❤️❤️

  • @torywalker8439
    @torywalker8439 3 года назад +2

    I am so happy to hear prayers were answered and baby boy has a healthy heart! I am glad nausea has improved as well. I hope things improve and you don't need the c-section. Regardless, prayer and continue positive vibes being sent your way. 💗

    • @SaraMaria83
      @SaraMaria83  3 года назад

      Thank you so much, Tory! 💞 I hope so too! 🤞🏼

  • @anahevorique6563
    @anahevorique6563 2 года назад

    Do not worry about the c section. In my country (Brazil) 90-96% of babies are c section. And we are all fine. Also, the antibodies you are talking about are not from the birth canal, but from the the first milk right after birth. It’s called COLOSSO ( at least in Portuguese) and in super important. So much that we even have public campaigns and even taught at school that we should really go for that. Good luck 🤞

    • @SaraMaria83
      @SaraMaria83  2 года назад

      Yes it’s called colostrum in the US and it’s extremely nutrient dense and beneficial for baby I agree! The microbes they pick up during a natural delivery is different though but it’s ok. I won’t worry about it! This is just how it has to go :)

  • @cal-nevatower2896
    @cal-nevatower2896 3 года назад +1

    I follow your Chanel , congrats on a health pregnancy, I am also 24.2 wks with twins, so far I am doing well. It’s exciting to see the progression of the belly shot. Lots of prayer your way.

    • @SaraMaria83
      @SaraMaria83  3 года назад

      Twins! How exciting!!!! Congratulations! ❤️❤️❤️ Thank you so much! 🥰🥰🥰

  • @gilmer4eaglesbrah
    @gilmer4eaglesbrah 3 года назад +1

    Hi Sara, so Happy nothing was wrong with your baby's Heart 💞. and pretty cool we got to see the baby move and a Saturday video. Happy Labor day!!

    • @SaraMaria83
      @SaraMaria83  3 года назад +1

      Happy Labor Day!!! I was so glad I caught it on film the very first time he was doing it!!! 🥰🥰🥰

  • @susankindy5209
    @susankindy5209 3 года назад +1

    OH HOORAY!! I am SO SO SO happy for you Sara! Remember me telling you about the pediatrician I worked for was conservative in his testing because he said it needlessly worries parents?? THIS IS EXACTLY WHY! Makes me really angry that you had to wait a month to hear you have a healthy baby. So so happy for you though.

    • @SaraMaria83
      @SaraMaria83  3 года назад

      Yes!!!! The heart issue is definitely more important than the vasa previa so this was really such a relief even though the vasa previa is likely not going to resolve - I’m so glad his heart is healthy! 💙💙💙

  • @tarahgarcia8569
    @tarahgarcia8569 3 года назад +1

    You look so great! Those little movements are so precious, he seems very content in there 😍

    • @SaraMaria83
      @SaraMaria83  3 года назад

      He sure loves to kick me! 😂😂😂 Thank you, Tarah! 🥰🥰🥰

  • @ashli7189
    @ashli7189 3 года назад +1

    Happy 6 months!! I am so glad you are feeling better, and so happy little man is doing good!. I have been still so sick 😣😣 they keep telling me it will get better.

    • @SaraMaria83
      @SaraMaria83  3 года назад +2

      Ughhhh I really hope you take a turn for the better very soon! I can’t believe we are 6 months already 😳 Time is flying!!!

  • @HeathieLee
    @HeathieLee 3 года назад

    I has some reflux at that stage in my pregnancy at night and what helped me was to fold a blanket and put it under the head of my mattress.the tilt of the mattress helped keep the reflux away. Best of luck

    • @SaraMaria83
      @SaraMaria83  3 года назад +1

      Oh what a great idea! My mom has a wedge pillow thing she was going to give me but if that’s too much, I will try the blanket! Thank you! ❤️❤️❤️

  • @karlaricker2562
    @karlaricker2562 3 года назад

    What wonderful news to hear that your baby boy's heart is healthy! Praise God!! Sorry to hear the bad news that your placenta Vasa hasn't moved. However this baby boy enters the world, it will be a joyful day! Healthy mom, healthy baby is all we can ask for! You got this!

    • @SaraMaria83
      @SaraMaria83  3 года назад

      Best news ever about his heart yes! 🥰 Thank you so so much, Karla! ❤️❤️❤️

  • @Lisa-kz7vw
    @Lisa-kz7vw 3 года назад +1

    I hope it moves we never schedule our mother's before 37weeks if at all possible the babies lungs aren't finished fully developing usually until 37 weeks it's the last organ to finish developing. I'm glad his heart is okay and there aren't any issues you have that pregnancy glow now c-sections aren't bad just hope you can hold off until 37 weeks 😊

    • @SaraMaria83
      @SaraMaria83  3 года назад +1

      I really really hope they will let me go to 37 weeks too! 🤞🏼 They said if I start showing signs of early labor they will admit me at 34 weeks and monitor me, give me steroids to help his lungs develop faster, and wait as long as possible but I sure hope that doesn’t happen! Do you find most women that have a c-section at 37 weeks have babies that are healthy or do a lot of them have to go to the NICU for a while?

    • @Lisa-kz7vw
      @Lisa-kz7vw 3 года назад

      @@SaraMaria83 Definitely wanna get steroids in before 37weeks I've found that helps keep the baby out nicu most of the time administering steroids before delivery of preterm babies. Majority of deliveries 37 weeks beyond do well even right at 37 weeks those babies usually do very well need really no interventions stay with the mother and go home with her as well I'm sure they will do what's best for you and the baby.

  • @melisseb123
    @melisseb123 3 года назад +1

    So happy and relieved baby boy’s heart is okay. ❤️ I will tell you I had some severe pain in my first pregnancy that was scary so I went to the ER… they did an ultrasound and told me I had trapped gas and baby boy was resting on my sciatic nerve. 🤦🏻‍♀️😂
    I also had previa and a c-section at 36 weeks and 6 days. He did go to the NICU for two days to get the fluid out of his lungs. It was scary to me but looking back he was completely healthy and fine. He didn’t have any trouble nursing and has a strong belly! I did baby led weaning with him and he ate anything from avocado to bananas to salmon. My NICU nurse told me that even babies born vaginally and at 40 weeks can have any of the same issues. You two will do great! I know it is hard to switch your mindset to a c-section but the fact that it is scheduled does come with many pros. I tried to focus on those after I found out my previa wasn’t changing. Hang in there mama! ❤️ are you doing a maternity shoot soon?

    • @SaraMaria83
      @SaraMaria83  3 года назад +1

      Did your pain feel like menstrual cramps too when you went to the ER? How did they help you get the trapped gas out and move him off your sciatic nerve? That is sooo reassuring to hear that your baby was totally fine gut-wise (and otherwise of course) after being delivered via c-section! Thank you for telling me that :) I really hope they will let me go to 37 weeks too 🤞🏼My maternity shoot is at about 30 weeks I believe! As long as the photos turn out well, I will share them 😊

    • @melisseb123
      @melisseb123 3 года назад

      @@SaraMaria83 yes! It was really bad pain… TMI but as the gas came out it helped but they showed me all sorts of stretches and gentle yoga which helped move the baby and the gas. ☺️ Also I always drink a ton of water but I remember them telling me that it’s even more because moms get dehydrated easily. I was seriously downing water all day I was in shock when they told me I was. I felt like I didn’t have enough hours in the day to keep drinking more water lol. I know it is scary but I actually loved my c-section so much so I’m considering a repeat with my second. Also I was scheduled for 37 weeks on the day they were watching me in the hospital for a couple of days and he decided to come 12 hours before that scheduled time. 😂 These kids are really in control! I’m sure they will be beautiful!! Looking forward to more of your journey. I’m due with a Christmas baby as well this year. 😍

    • @SaraMaria83
      @SaraMaria83  3 года назад

      @@melisseb123 oh my goodness how could you have been dehydrated!?! I’m sure I probably don’t drink enough either even though I feel like I drink a lot! So you started to go into labor and they immediately did your c-section before the blood vessel could rupture? That’s amazing that we are due around the same time!!! ❤️❤️❤️

    • @melisseb123
      @melisseb123 3 года назад

      @@SaraMaria83yes! I wasn’t in any emergency but I start contracting and since I was there they took me right in. They are super cautious for some many reasons but one reason people don’t think of is because they want you to have a non-emergent delivery and remember every moment. It is so fun to have a holiday baby!! I’m looking forward to enjoying all the sweets lol. 😂

  • @kaybee6486
    @kaybee6486 3 года назад

    So glad to hear about his heart ❤ doing well!!! And that's so wonderful your mom is moving closer!!! That's wonderful 😊

    • @SaraMaria83
      @SaraMaria83  3 года назад

      I am so so happy his heart is ok 🥰🥰🥰 and yes, it will be so nice having my mom and step dad so close!!!

  • @Christycheri92479
    @Christycheri92479 3 года назад

    Love seeing him move! Wish I was thin enough to see my kids move. Now anxiously awaiting my 20 week scan on the 15th for baby #3. Having IVF babies is so never wrecking with wondering about heart issues.

    • @SaraMaria83
      @SaraMaria83  3 года назад +1

      It really is! It’s even more nerve wrecking when they THINK something is wrong and you have to wait a month to find out everything is fine 😂 Good luck at your anatomy scan! ❤️❤️❤️

  • @melissaingleright6906
    @melissaingleright6906 2 года назад

    I am so so so happy for you!! Awesome news about his heart! 💕

    • @SaraMaria83
      @SaraMaria83  2 года назад +1

      Such a relief!!! 🥰 Thank you, Melissa! 😘😘😘

  • @nicoledhamnaskar4304
    @nicoledhamnaskar4304 3 года назад

    Yay! I’m so glad his heart is ok!!!!! I’m going to have a csection too. Just remember lots of people have had it and are just fine! So weird about your cramps I honestly have no idea but hope others have some! Stay healthy and keep us updated.

    • @SaraMaria83
      @SaraMaria83  3 года назад

      Me too!!! And yes, we will be just fine I’m sure! 🥰🥰🥰 There are definitely pros and cons to both methods of delivery!

  • @xoxokali143
    @xoxokali143 3 года назад

    I’ll have you know I watched this when it came out and never commented! I’m so happy everything turned out okay!!! But I knew it would lol I’ll have to chat with you soon about my updates lol hope all is well!!! :):):)

    • @SaraMaria83
      @SaraMaria83  3 года назад

      Haha why thank you 🥰🥰🥰 Yes vascular ring situation is good…vasa previa not so much but it’s ok! Can’t wait to hear your updates!!! 💗💗💗

  • @alishavornbrock2533
    @alishavornbrock2533 3 года назад

    So happy to hear that your little guy dose not have any heart issues! I hope you are doing well.

    • @SaraMaria83
      @SaraMaria83  3 года назад

      Yes thank goodness!!! ❤️❤️❤️ Thank you, Alisha! 🥰🥰🥰

  • @donagretaisai8763
    @donagretaisai8763 3 года назад

    It is so good to listen to your videos. I am happy for you. I will pray for you, so everything will go smooth with your labor. It would be fun to hear about your plans on that too. I will do another egg retrieval this month. I am injecting myself daily at the moment.

    • @SaraMaria83
      @SaraMaria83  3 года назад

      Good luck with your egg retrieval!!! ❤️❤️❤️ Those shots are no fun 😩 If I have to have a c-section which it seems like I will, I won’t really have labor unfortunately 😔 But if my vasa previa ends up moving, I will definitely discuss my labor plans at some point!

  • @Christycheri92479
    @Christycheri92479 3 года назад +1

    I’ve had two emergency c-sections and neither of my boys had gut issues, I’ve actually never heard of that before.

    • @SaraMaria83
      @SaraMaria83  3 года назад +2

      That is so so reassuring!!! 🥰🥰🥰 Thank you!

  • @mandymoss5455
    @mandymoss5455 3 года назад

    That pain sounds like round ligament pain. I had it the worst with my first baby and it was truly excruciating! I only had one severely painful bout of it around 25 weeks, but less painful happenings throughout.

    • @SaraMaria83
      @SaraMaria83  3 года назад

      Maybe! I thought I’ve experienced round ligament pain before though and it’s usually just a brief sharp pain when I get up too fast or sneeze or something. But you never know!

  • @cspencer1810
    @cspencer1810 3 года назад

    Still absolutely adoring watching your journey

    • @SaraMaria83
      @SaraMaria83  3 года назад

      Awww you’re so sweet 🥰🥰🥰

  • @kaitlynverrelli5769
    @kaitlynverrelli5769 3 года назад

    My baby was born via C-section and lactation recommended evivo probiotic to help cultivate microbiome. We gave it to him for a month.

    • @SaraMaria83
      @SaraMaria83  3 года назад

      Ok great! I already had probiotic drops on my registry but I will check the brand and compare ingredients/etc! Thank you!

  • @inkerikavantera
    @inkerikavantera 3 года назад

    You seem to look better! I'm heading to my first IUI next week.🙌🏻🍃💙

    • @SaraMaria83
      @SaraMaria83  3 года назад +1

      Definitely feeling so much better than I was when filming the previous video! Thank goodness! That is so exciting!!!! 🥰🥰🥰 I’ll be sending you baby dust! 💙💗💙💗

    • @inkerikavantera
      @inkerikavantera 3 года назад

      @@SaraMaria83 Yes I stalled and stalled.. finally decided to do it!!! 💪🏻💓🙉

  • @anewchapter3189
    @anewchapter3189 3 года назад

    Well guess what I also experience the cramping in my 20 weeks. I dont see anyone sharing this kind of experience. By the way I am happy for your good news on false vascular ring. Always happy for any good news 😄

    • @SaraMaria83
      @SaraMaria83  3 года назад

      Really??? Omg it’s just us two haha! Did it happen more than once for you? And yes, thank goodness his heart is ok! 💙

    • @anewchapter3189
      @anewchapter3189 3 года назад

      @@SaraMaria83 just yesterday had it but a little milder this time, though we may panick but then since no discharge, I tried to calm myself and just be positive in any way 😃

    • @anewchapter3189
      @anewchapter3189 3 года назад

      @@SaraMaria83 😄

  • @amandaortiz4286
    @amandaortiz4286 3 года назад

    That cramping is contractions I had them with my first daughter when I was in labor..still get them with my 3rd but not bad

    • @SaraMaria83
      @SaraMaria83  3 года назад

      So it’s been a full week and I haven’t had them since so I don’t think I could be in labor right?

  • @stephnoyer7594
    @stephnoyer7594 3 года назад

    I started watching your videos because my guyn had me tested for endometrial cancer. ( I didn't end up having it 👍). I'm still watching because I am so excited for you 😊. I am a mother of 6. 4 vaginal and 2 cesareans. We give my son Jayson ( 1st C-section, 5th child) probiotics because he does struggle with hay fever and bowel irregularities. My daughter ( 2nd C-section, 6th child) takes a lower does probiotics but mostly because we're trying to prevent issues). I definitely had "growing pains' with my first pregnancy and it definitely sounds like you're dealing with acid reflux. Maybe try an illumination diet for a while if the tea doesn't work. You are doing such an amazing job! Trust your instincts!! I am praying for you and your lil man😍

    • @SaraMaria83
      @SaraMaria83  3 года назад +1

      Wow! 6 kids! That’s amazing! I would have 6 too if I had all my embryos 😂 I am so so happy you do not have endometrial cancer 🧡 Such a relief! Thank you so much for your detailed comment! Very helpful info! 🥰🥰🥰

  • @HeatherConfettiStitcher
    @HeatherConfettiStitcher 3 года назад

    Oh I’m so happy for you! Our anatomy scan is next week and I’m kind of nervous about it but trying not to think too much about it

    • @SaraMaria83
      @SaraMaria83  3 года назад +1

      I’ll be sending you positive vibes for a perfect anatomy scan!!! I wasn’t even worried about mine just excited to see him up close and personal 😂 So since you’re worried, you probably won’t have anything to worry about…isn’t that how it goes? 💗💗💗

    • @HeatherConfettiStitcher
      @HeatherConfettiStitcher 3 года назад

      @@SaraMaria83 Thank you I hope so! It’s only a little nervous since it’s been genetically tested but that’s the IVF life!

    • @SaraMaria83
      @SaraMaria83  3 года назад +1

      @@HeatherConfettiStitcher right! That’s why I wasn’t nervous! I didn’t realize IVF babies are more prone to heart defects and we are more prone to vasa previa after going through IVF 🤦🏻‍♀️ Ignorance was bliss for me but then I got smacked in the face with that news!

    • @HeatherConfettiStitcher
      @HeatherConfettiStitcher 3 года назад

      @@SaraMaria83 oh that’s good to know, I knew about the heart defects but not the previa. I’ll keep you in my thoughts that it moves but I’m glad you’ve become more comfortable with the idea of a C section.

    • @SaraMaria83
      @SaraMaria83  3 года назад +1

      @@HeatherConfettiStitcher thank you so much! I’ve pretty much given up hope that it will move since the doctor said at this point it most likely won’t 😔 but if it does, that will be a pleasant surprise!

  • @Shir463
    @Shir463 3 года назад

    So happy you had better news this time also wonder how the nursery coming along? What have you brought for baby ?

    • @SaraMaria83
      @SaraMaria83  3 года назад +1

      Yes, me too!! So relieved his heart is ok 💙💙💙 My mom got most of the nursery furniture so far but I’m waiting for after my shower to get most things because I want to see what I get first. After the shower, I’ll do a video on baby stuff I got!

  • @susankindy5209
    @susankindy5209 3 года назад

    PS. I saw your little boy's kicks! So cute, Sara. That pain you described is strange. I would have a low threshold for going to the hospital - if you have it again. See if someone can check your cervix to make sure you're not dilating. The way you describe it radiating to your back sounds like labor. And the vomiting, too. Just very strange. And there are abnormal type of contractions that cascade one on top of the next with no break in between (my second was born that way - horrific lol). Anyway, so glad it stopped and I'm sure it will stay gone. If it had been labor, I don't think it would have just stopped. Anyway, again, I look forward to your updates every two weeks. Take good care!

    • @SaraMaria83
      @SaraMaria83  3 года назад

      My mom said hers were like that too (she said she never got breaks 😂)! I really hope it doesn’t happen again! It was scary and odd for sure! If it happens again though, I will definitely head to the hospital!

  • @maryrichardson-anxietyheal9223
    @maryrichardson-anxietyheal9223 3 года назад

    Love the updates!! Thanks for sharing…Love the research you do…So happy baby is healthy!!!! Just curious if you’re going to have a nanny come in to care for baby while you work?

    • @SaraMaria83
      @SaraMaria83  3 года назад +1

      I am too!!! 🥰🥰🥰 Soooo relieved! My mom will be watching baby boy from my house while I work (I work from home so I’ll still be able to breastfeed on my breaks and stuff 😊). I’m so glad I won’t have to be away from him while I work ❤️

    • @maryrichardson-anxietyheal9223
      @maryrichardson-anxietyheal9223 3 года назад

      @@SaraMaria83 That’s what I thought you might be doing since you said your mom & dad are moving closer to you!! That’s fabulous!

    • @SaraMaria83
      @SaraMaria83  3 года назад

      @@maryrichardson-anxietyheal9223 yes! My mom and step dad are moving close to me and my dad and step mom are only about 5 minutes away!

  • @katyh.2501
    @katyh.2501 3 года назад

    That cramp might have been for bowel movement or trapped air. I had that pain one day after I had a food that often makes me bloated in normal situation.

    • @SaraMaria83
      @SaraMaria83  3 года назад

      That’s what a couple other people said too! Maybe!

  • @LeahNicoleMusicToday
    @LeahNicoleMusicToday 3 года назад

    You look so cute! Like a little doctor in this video

  • @meganbevers3521
    @meganbevers3521 3 года назад

    I had pain like that with my son and the only thing they found was a uti

    • @SaraMaria83
      @SaraMaria83  3 года назад

      Interesting! I’ve had UTI’s before and I have no signs of that. I’ve never heard of menstrual like cramps being a sign of a UTI but pregnancy is weird haha!

  • @MummyLELE
    @MummyLELE 3 года назад +1

    Amazing news about his heart such a relief. ♥️
    Could it be bowel pain? I know when I get it, it feels like period pain and I feel sick like I want to puke. I don’t even feel like I need to go and definitely not constipated. It comes in waves like contractions do and is reminds me of bad period cramps. Are you on iron supplements? Mines started since I’ve been on a higher dose for anemia.
    You can do a swab they leave in the vagina for a few hours and they wipe it over the babies face at birth. Check out some of the studies. My pregnancy brain is bad from lack of sleep I can’t remember what they call it but know some doctors are for it and some don’t see the benefits worth a read though.

    • @SaraMaria83
      @SaraMaria83  3 года назад

      Maybe that’s what it was! It was so weird that it went around to my back though too! Who knows! It hasn’t happens since that day so I’m not sure! There is a lot of iron in my prenatal I think but I’m not taking any additional iron. I have read about that too! The study I read said they didn’t notice a difference but I need to do more research for sure! You must be getting close!! 💙💙💙

    • @MummyLELE
      @MummyLELE 3 года назад

      @@SaraMaria83 It could be it’s the only thing I’ve had similar that’s not contractions. Hopefully it doesn’t happen for you again it’s not nice at all definitely reminds me of early labor pains.
      Definitely not long now 5-8 wks max for me and that’s if they let me get to 39 which I’ll be shocked if they do. It makes me kinder sad since it’s my last baby but happy to finally meet who’s behind those kicks 😁.
      I’ll be having a c as well and should find out in at my 35 wks scan what week it will be. Hopefully your placenta moves up in those final weeks, If not c-sections sometimes are needed vasa previa is different to normal previa with higher risks 😞 and as long as baby and you are safe it’s all that matters ♥️

    • @SaraMaria83
      @SaraMaria83  3 года назад

      @@MummyLELE yeah I’m not counting on it at all. The doctor said it won’t move at this point…maybe only in a miracle situation lol 😂 I’m excited for you!!!! That’s so soon!!!! 💙💙💙

    • @MummyLELE
      @MummyLELE 3 года назад

      @@SaraMaria83 probably the best way to be so you can prep for a c-section and if a miracle happens go with the flow 😊
      I wish they would give me a c-section date, would be good to know exactly how long I have left. We’re in the same situation for different reasons but where if labor starts it’s an auto emergency c-section. It’s daunting to think about not being ready, I haven’t started packing hospital things yet 🥴. Have you started your hospital bag just in case? Congratulations on hitting viability, it’s a big milestone in pregnancy ♥️

    • @SaraMaria83
      @SaraMaria83  3 года назад

      @@MummyLELE I haven’t yet either 🙈 I probably should in the next month or two! By the end of October for sure!

  • @punjabipunjab6338
    @punjabipunjab6338 3 года назад

    I had pains too ,but you pass gas ,vomit it means indigestion.

    • @SaraMaria83
      @SaraMaria83  3 года назад +1

      I don’t think the menstrual like cramping was related to the indigestion.

    • @punjabipunjab6338
      @punjabipunjab6338 3 года назад

      @@SaraMaria83 mine was menstrual cramping like too.just want say enjoy your pregnancy.I hope for best for you.always take advice from doctor.

    • @SaraMaria83
      @SaraMaria83  3 года назад

      @@punjabipunjab6338 thank you so much! ❤️

  • @brittanyblanchard8618
    @brittanyblanchard8618 2 года назад

    Was it maybe round ligament pain?? 💙

    • @SaraMaria83
      @SaraMaria83  2 года назад

      No I've had round ligament pain and this was nothing like it. It was AWFUL! It felt like the worst menstrual cramps ever times 10 and made me keel over in pain and throw up 3 times. Round ligament pain is nothing like how this was. I am so glad I never had that cramping again since though!

    • @brittanyblanchard8618
      @brittanyblanchard8618 2 года назад

      @@SaraMaria83 I'm so sorry! That sounds like a nightmare. I had a friend go through that same feeling but everything turned out fine!! 💕

    • @SaraMaria83
      @SaraMaria83  2 года назад +1

      @@brittanyblanchard8618 thank goodness! Yes I’m so glad it’s hasn’t happened more than once! It was scary!

  • @jadakiss228
    @jadakiss228 3 года назад


  • @Rholockx
    @Rholockx 3 года назад

    Maybe is your uterus growing? Good news about Baby Boy ;-)

    • @SaraMaria83
      @SaraMaria83  2 года назад +1

      That’s what I thought too!!!!

  • @christalnoel
    @christalnoel 3 года назад

    Maybe baby was sleeping on a nerve and causing that pain.

    • @SaraMaria83
      @SaraMaria83  3 года назад

      Interesting! Maybe that was it!