Unlock the SECRET qualities men find irresistible with this FREE e-book: www.bravethinkinginstitute.com/love-relationships/resources/relationship/mag/5-feminine-qualities
Yeah I remember crying after this one break up and my Dad comes into my bedroom and wants to know why. I tell him. He says I'll find another boyfriend, and I tell him and I'll just screw that one up and he says, and I've never forgotten, "you won't screw up with the right one." I never forgot that.
Daddy is a WISE MAN.We can NEVER screw up the "right relationship",because we will always find a way to work it out..That is what LOVE does...It heals,restores and fix what is BROKEN.
That's so sweet! My Dad always gave me the best advice too. He and my Mom were married 40 solid years. She passed and he followed 10 months later. Love is real❤
I thought i was a sociopath until i FINALLY fell in love .. turned out it was a defence mechanism from my childhood abuse. And he makes me feel so safe and loved 🥺😍
1) he thinks of you 80% of the time 2) he feels a surge of energy and aliveness (dopamine, etc) 3) analyze her moves, texts, actions 4) he prioritizes her 5) his emotions are tied you your emotions 6) he daydreams about having sex with you. Thank god. 7) willing to fight for you- face difficult situations But after 18 months it’s possibly over.
Over? Yup! If …. they don’t understand their place in committed love, they will discard or move on to greener pastures, leaving you in their wake of indifference. Really takes a strong man (not a boy) to stay. This is Not her responsibility to “keep him”, it’s BOTH wanting it to work and it takes work.
Lol, it’s not love but infatuation. I’ve been seriously attracted to certain girls but afterward, give it around 3 months, it fades and I question why I even liked her in the first place.
I have never been so in love and I keep falling deeper, I would do anything for her with joy. Sometimes I worry I am going crazy. She is clever, funny and beautiful, I miss her when I don't see her, my heart beats faster at the thought of her
So many men are afraid of love... no wonder. imagine feeling such intense emotions, imagine your mind being filled with one person and one person only.
I think you shouldn't connecte your feeling to much with the music it good to be in love but who knows what will happen and feelings change my friend it tried, don't be so emotional advice from stranger. Hope you always be with your beloved one's ☺️
Rose believes if it is "true love" they move **'llingly and surf high tides to be with you. Rose Narrative. Rose gives romance advice... not love advice... after this post it note... 🐥🥁
Yes, way too dangerous, alas... I wish I wouldn't need that feeling any longer... But, alas, that's kind of one aim in my life. To love fully and authentically. Without boundaries. It only becomes dangerous if the other side isn't like-minded and on the same wave length as oneself... So many perverted unbalanced people out there... Otherwise, it's extreemly satisfying and healthy. I wish to find that Mr. Right, very soon. 😊 Thanks for kind prayers.
When I’m in love with a guy, I will daydream about him sexually. I will recall moments from our dates and laugh. I’ll find his picture and look at it. I’ll talk to my closest friends about him. I’ll start thinking about places to take him or ways of pleasing him. I’ll start to worry about his troubles and want to help him. I look out for the man I love.
same with men, exept for the talking about it part, maybe with really close friends, but generally men do not discuss love with friends, In truth this is because we do not want to expose vulnarabilities, and really that happened to me at one time, which ofcourse ruined things as well
@@istoppedcaring6209 It took awhile for my boyfriend to talk about me with his friends and introduce me, but I didn't mind. He's a private person and I understand that.
When I am in love I feel full of energy, optimism, creativity, warmth, adventures. I feel like being my best. I will go many extra miles for the other person. The world looks a brighter and better place, I feel happy and peaceful. My beloved is always on my mind.
I think we need to differentiate between being infatuated I.e. falling for someone i.e. the honeymoon phase... Being in actual love is a long term thing. It's a marathon not a sprint
Being in love is great. It’s easy to become addicted to the ‘in love’ phase because it makes you see past all the negatives and the hardships thanks to those beautiful endorphins. But when it’s time for real world conflict, that’s a test of true love. That’s a test of whether you vibe, click and can maintain passion. That’s when love either grows or slowly fades. Make no mistake, there is no love without pain.
Women spend too much time thinking about love, being in love, fantasizing about relationships. That's because we are taught from the time of birth to value relationships over our own personal growth. But if we raise daughters to be complete in themselves we will have less videos and books for women about what men think and feel.
True that, we are always being programmed to 'find the right man', if not by the media, then by family and friends. Personal growth and accomplishment is way better......
Tbh my mom raised me and my siblings different because she believes in personal growth and education before relationships. All women in my family were late bloomers. But my mom believes in phases of lives and following them at the right time without forcing them make people more happy. I haven't thought about relationships until I was 21 and started college and actually met a guy I find interesting enough to get to know. Before, I was never interested in relationships and dating like my friends were. Funny enough I had no experience and yet I was the #1 Advisor because I had a very neutral fresh look on things.
I think women spend too much time thinking about love, etc. because we have hormones and are biolagically designed to need physical contact, just like men spend too much time thinking about sex and "how to get laid" for exactly the same reason. The only difference is society in general has taught women can only have sex when and if she is in a relationship, ergo, women´s obsession of being in one.
After work, I had been working on this word puzzle, fell asleep with it on my mind. My girlfriend came home and woke me up out of a sound sleep to tell me about a couple of mistakes I made in developing the solutions. As tired as I was I wasn't mad at her. As a matter of fact, it made my heart smile. I tried to hold on to that feeling all day. That moment invigorated my faith in her love for me.
I have been in a long distance relationship for 20 months. We have been together twice in this time. Since being together it has become harder to be apart, and we do things together on Skype, like watch movies and cook together- normal things in life, so we can feel close to each other. Our love has become deeper because we make a big effort to keep the romance alive with each other and do spontaneous things and make things and have little surprises as much as possible
There are several coaches like yourself but I would like to say you are one of the best. I lost my soulmate to a tragic death while I was undergoing cancer. I beat it and am alone and vulnerable .I just started re living ,its been 2 and a half years. I enjoy your videos ,the way you explain things I just get it!!!Exceptional advice, thank-you!
Oh boy! You sure have been through tough times. I cannot imagine how difficult it must've been for you to cope. I am glad you did, though! I am inspired by your will to not just survive, but thrive :) I wish you the best of all things good in life. Take care :)
When I let them know, they get mad at me, sometimes aggressively like I did something bad, and then disappear. I never got success in love. To me, love = pain.
@@rosehiver6262it means they are not the one for you. A person who lives and cares for you would want you to show them care and concern. Let the toxic ones go, you deserve better.
1- Thinking about him all the time . 2- any subject is somehow is related to him . 3- all his flaws past , future, mistakes, crazy family, weird friends ... all those stuff are just magical cus and only because it's related to him ❤️ 4- I would go out of my way and out of my comfort zone to see him happy And what I mean by that is like waking up too early too see his face or too create something special and unique to make him happy. I felt this way for a guy but he didn't put that amount of effort I wanted . I love really deep but I am gonna still walk away if I wasn't getting the right amount of effort I was giving , it's hard and painful to walk away But I really believe that My love is so value 💕
7 лет назад+36
Sara Nassr You will find someone who will give you just as much, as you give them. And then some. 💕 your post is beautiful😊 I wish you the best✨🌹
Before you walk away portend you don't love him anymore and stop doing all this things for him and then he will follow you back and asking you why you changed b strong for little while until he do the same thing you do for him if he don't walk away.
Mat, I love your videos and have watched them for over a year. My bf and I are still in that honeymoon phase, going on eight months and moving in together in another three. We could spend hours talking and laughing together, sitting on the couch working side by side on our computers, or just doing our things at the opposite ends of the apartment. We cherish being in each other's presence, we respect each other, and we are friends first with all the love and support we have in ourselves. We also always come to a conversation with an open heart and mind. If we were afraid of talking to each other or being judged, then we couldn't voice our fears and concerns. So we know that underneath everything is love. I do not have to wonder if he loves me. I know it. Every day. I know it because he tells me. Because he reaches for my hand out of the blue. Because he sends me a text to wish me a good day. Because we'll hug and stand with each other for a minute before leaving for the day, spending that time feeling the connection and pure joy of being together. All of which allows me to not hold back my affection for him, or worry that I'm stifling him - which as an independent person I fret about. When he does something thoughtful just because he knows it will make me happy, I get those tingles up and down my arms. I just feel calm and content when I'm with him because we are stronger together. He's the first I want to share my news with. My heart is filled with love, just for life in general. I am excited at the prospect of having many more adventures in life with him. Also I have to tell you that dating him and falling in love with him was a slow process that we let develop over a longer period of time than normal. We took the months to get to know each other before bringing intimacy into our relationship; so when it actually happened, it was a conscious decision for both of us. Even then, things didn't click right off the bat. If we hadn't had an emotional connection, we could have called it quits instead of exploring and growing together to find out what makes each other happy and excited about being together. For all the commentary skeptics out there that say he's going to cheat while saying he loves me, that's okay. If either of us ever does, we have had a conversation that the relationship will be over at that point, and I am strong enough to know that I will be fine because deserve better - so why be skeptical? If I lived my life expecting the worse, I'd never be able to enjoy the wonder that is him and the fact that we found each other. He keeps my social personality grounded and is my rock. I am his light in the darkness and challenge him to be the best man he can be. I know I'm luckier than most. And thank you, Mat, for all your advice that has allowed be to get to this point mentally where I am ready for this relationship when it manifested.
That sounds so wonderful! I am glad for you two :) Patience in the beginning of such a journey, to see where it will go and not forcing a straight path onto something that needs to meander is so so important.
How I feel when I fell in love... it seems like my eyes opened up. I saw the world brighter and anew. Like I could conquer the world with him. He is my strength and courage. He gave me hope again. Makes me smile ear to ear. No matter what he does, it was lovely.
Just started a new journey with a co-worker and i've always felt love is a proactive activity. It's a living breathing thing. I find i want to be of service, to help her, to protect her, to show her she has a partner who will always look out for her. To fight to defend her honor.
It's good to hear this from a man's perspective right? For me, it gives you more validation. I'm grateful to have a guy who is on the right track of being a good man to his woman. :')
So many salty women in the comments. My parents have been married for 30+ years and they are still in the “in love” Phase. It’s possible. Yesh it’s sexual and yesh it’s spiritual. A good relationship is acknowledging both our physical and emotional needs and working each day to satisfy them. True love it’s out there but we need to work in ourselves first!
Yes, but extreemly rare... because most humans need bad experiences to understand, maybe grow and become better... alas. Hate it. Wish I will find Mr. Right to be happy and in love together, for ever! 🤗
You are point on! Action must goes with word! My boyfriend would text first thing in the AM, call me before he goes to bed to just hear my voice. 365 days a year not missing a day . He always sends sweetest message:" Please let me know when you get to work safe...or you get home safe.." He requests his working schedule to match mine. We both are nurses and he plans trip on our weekend off so we can have quality time together..We are just 1&1/2 hrs away from each other by plane. He change his plan to fit my plan...It shows if a man truly love you!
Not necessarily true... I was with someone who didn’t know that me wanting him to call when he got somewhere safe...was oblivious to it being a connecting behavior. Our expectations of what love is can often derail us & cause disappointments! The five love languages is a good book explaining how different people prioritize and view acts of love :)
18 months of chemicals huh? Try 6 years of dophermine. Everytime me and my boyfriend see each other. It feels like adrenaline rush, warmth, and excitement. Never stopped loving him💗💗 💗💗💗💗
I LOVE the feeling when you feel loved and cared about and you feel safe and supported! Like you both are looking towards the future together! Like you are seeing with only one eye! And each person is one half of a whole heart. 💓
When I'm in love, which has only been once, I will accept some things I typically wouldn't have. I will do anything to see him happy. I try not to give into everything but his happiness is more important than my own.
This weekend we were decorating a Christmas tree at his house and I opened a box that had Christmas tags in it that I made in high school graphics arts class. I was excited to see them and was talking about them when I looked up and he had a strange look on his face. I said… what? His response, “I love you.” 🥰
Mat, I love how you break things down and present them in easy to relate to and remember. Which is important so I don't have to keep referring back to your videos in the middle of a date, you know like excusing myself to go watch what Mat says to remember what to say or do. What you explain makes logical sense enough to flow in the moment.
Being in love is an amazing feeling,just as he is saying you think about the other person all the time,you think about what will happen next its a roller coaster feeling,for me i always have a burning feeling towards her,like when i am away from her to long i feel like something is missing
A message for the girls out there: Most of the things he said are the things we actually do when we love someone from our heart. I've also been doing most of these very often. So, if you think that your man is actually showing signs of doing these. Then congrats you're lucky
I've been only two times in love in my life and I can say that when I'm in love I don't have eyes for anybody else but my boyfriend even though other guys could look super hot my man is the only one that can melt me😘
I would agree with this analysis. Especially about the "honeymoon" phase. I have found that if the relationship has challenges, if you don't overcome those challenges during this honeymoon period, the relationship will not survive past this stage and subsequently end when this physiological element tails off.
One thing that always sticks out in my mind is a moment saying goodbye to a man I loved at my door. I remember being so in love with him that it literally felt like a piece of me was about to walk away.
I guess I've had a weird experience with love. My "true love" and my "soul mate" are two different people. Both men. It has created problems. My late-husband is everything you mentioned except for one thing, I believe there is a limit to how far he would fight for me. I saw it put to the test with a stalker who was following me...he sort of gave up. But my best friend (soul mate) would move heaven and hell for me if necessary. I don't mean in a romantic sense, but we've been friends since grade school and it's just different. I can't explain it well. If you noticed I said my husband has passed away (cancer) but no I'm not in a romantic relationship with my friend. He is married also. She gave him an ultimatum about a decade ago. It was either me or her. He was rather upset at the time and asked me how do you choose between your soul mate and true love? I told him to choose her. Love doesn't come all that often. Besides it's not like I'm going anywhere even though he won't see me everyday...he knows, if he needs me I'll be there. Love, all love, is strange. :)
Gretchen I really appreciate your candor. So sorry for your loss. That is very big of you to have that mindset about being there for your friend if he needs you...so many people would treat it like a contest and be petty. This is refreshing and rare. Sad though that she's so threatened by you and she can't be happy for him and his friendship with you. Not every person, male or female are this evolved. I wonder what you meant though when you said that all love is strange. I would be interested to know what made you say that.
When I’m in love... all I can think about is her. And that’s happened for months now, as to where I’d think about her on every situation of every day. And on May 23rd, is when it went south. We promoted middle school, and we were going to different high schools. So I felt all of the emotions come barreling in at me. Rage, sadness, guilt, blame, etc. and it hurt. I tired texting her over the summer and after a while, she just stopped replying to any of them. Every time, I asked a question or told her something she left it at “read.” And that feeling hurts, it hurts a lot, but I’m not going to get mad at her because I still love her. On June 8th I finally told her that I have a crush on her. I made sure to let her know that I’m not forcing her to reply, or love me back, but it was up to her. And when she lest that at read as well, it hit me... it hit me so hard that I cried for the first time since I last saw her. I just wish that things could’ve been different.
Jairyn Bullinger sweetie, I know how you feel. This does hurt! I have been there. I’m sorry you’re hurt. But maybe some things changed while you guys were changing schools. Maybe her parents told her to stop talking to you. That’s what happened with me and I was really hurt for a long time. She may love you too but maybe she’s not allowed to write to you. Just like the movie “The Notebook” amazing movie. You should watch it. Anyway, subscribe to my page if you can. I hope to hear from you and I hope your doing better!
Thank you! Love is when you want to spend your life with someone AFTER that "infatuation" period is over, I'm so shocked still that most people still do not get that today.
How do we feel? Answer, and you can quote me: When you look at the one you have fallen in love with and you feel connected, true love, total trust, forgiveness, kindness, a connection of the heart, the happiest moments ever; even when just sitting still holding hands, pure lust for that person ONLY, seeing no/past the flaws in them, excepting them for who they are and if wanting to change them ONLY the truely bad habbits, and where they are the ONLY one you truely see no matter what fetching woman stands before you. That is a truely inlove man. I have been there, and it utterly destroys you when they leave.
Maybe things are just different when you are older but I met a guy earlier this year and we are both deeply in love with each other. it is a long distance relationship and his first language is Italian. We have had misunderstandings plenty but I'm not the same unforgiving person I was years ago if I got hurt. You learn to weed thru the important things in life. I wish I had this kind of wisdom when I was younger and I would have never gone thru the broken hearts I did. Respect one for another is the main thing. And understanding. Men need to feel like men and if you feed that part of his psyche he is a happy camper. And I am too. I don't want the mans role I was forced into that for too many years with my ex husband. We met on Feb 14th and we're now planning our life together. Talking about getting a new home, taking trips. I'm just starting to live. Lots of luck to you guys and gals. I wish you the best.
Thank you so much for sharing , I am marring my man in September we fell in love ,he is nearly eighty and I am nearly seventy we are in our honeymoon period but I would like to keep it like that as I love him so much
When he does something sweet to surprise such as an adventurous getaway for the weekend. Making dinner. Saying why don't you rest and relax and I'll cook and clean up. 😘
Men and women are very similar. When I am in love (like I am now) I do all of those things you said. I want to be supportive and help my man de-stress instead of adding to it. I think about him when I wake up and imagine what it would be like waking up in his arms or remembering a night when I did. I think about a beautiful sexual experience we had. In my case it’s our first time together. I also try to keep my calendar open and make room in my life for him. I go out of my way to do nice things for him like making him dinner or helping him with a task. I basically give him my time and attention that I wouldn’t do for just anyone.
Thanks for this video on the signs. It’s obvious my man is in love with me. He easily and effortlessly does every single one of these signs. I suppose I didn’t need to watch this to know , as I already knew he is in love with me and expresses it. I have to say, It feels amazing to be loved this way by a good man! What is shockingly apparent now, is that my ex never truly loved me.
Ive told him ill do anything to fight for us.. we both listen to each other,respect each other,same sence of humor, same mutual friends.. n i normally start the convos. But we both agree its worth the patience. Hes a bit emotionally closed off but some how we always stay on point n same page w our morals n wants. Hes my best friend so i hope he feels the same.
I can feel myself a bit dizzy when I'm in love, it's hard to get that under control. My head and my body do different things and that's a constant insight fight. Especially when this man is such a beauty I'm doing things I normally don't do... going over my borders. That's dangerous ..yes.
A lot of these I can relate to. Thinking about him 80% of the time, analyzing his actions, and daydreaming about sex. Life also does seem better and brighter now that he's in my life.
Mat, thank you for the Ebook. Great tips especially #5. In this masculine dominated world its a great reminder that is okay to be our feminine self and that we are appreciated for these qualities.
I recently am developing a relationship with a guy who matches this description to the letter and it is the most precious thing in the world to know that I have the ability to excite his devotion by virtue of being who I am. And not just from watching YT :) I did nothing to deserve becoming the center of his world, and yet it wouldn't be an inaccurate way to summarize this video
Finally, I wanted to know the answer to that question for a LONG time! I thank you, Sabrina, for asking, and thank you Mat for answering and explaining it so well! There is actually not much of a difference for women when we're in love. And I do 100% fantasize about having sex with my loved one a lot as well! lol
When I know I love someone, it is unconditional and does not fade away, even if we break up. I still feel the love. I may not want or be able to be with that person, but I still love them. If not, I feel it was not love but a fantasy or crush.
Thank you Matt. I absolutely love ur videos. They're so helpful. Hey, for the first time in my 49 yrs a man was first to tell me he loves ME. Wow! I was determined not to say it first this time, bad experiences from the past. He's amazing, you're amazing. Thank you bro👊🏾
I can say that most items listed here are ways women feel for the men they love as well. Been with my husband for 9 years and in the last year, I've been weirdly connected to him. When he's away for work, my body physically feels his pains. Like my lower back would hurt for no apparent reason and I'd ask him if his does too and he'll always say yes. WEIRD what love does to 2 people.
It's magical to be in love. It's like nothing I have ever felt before. One of fascinating aspects for me is that I feel different types of love. The care factor is astounding. I know exactly what Mathew is saying when he mentions keeping your schedule clear for the person. I think about him all the time. I have such an anticipation rush when I see him...it's euphoric. The tingles, the butterflies, the longing, etc has never stopped. My input on being in love is be sure to keep it spicy, date nights are IMPORTANT...not to be taken lightly. That one on one time without distractions and giving your undivided attention to your partner is essential. A key part to being in love is saying how much you love the person, showing them. Relationships are like gardens, they need tending to. What my boyfriend has always maintained is keeping me feeling special, wanted, safe and adored along with many other things. He's very into details, one of the first things I noticed about him.
And makes my hands shake (stop it!). I like that: “he’s the dominant thought”…I get butterflies 🦋 every time I’m going to see him… hope it never wears off. If what the guys say is true, he is definitely feeling that and a whole lot more! Thank you guys! 😉
Thank you Matt for this Great video!!! Sometimes women forget that men feel love EQUALLY as deeply as women (and perhaps more) and thus can be wounded just as easily. We are all fragile when in love. One a lighter note, #4 with the calendar and phone call cracked me up :))) You're hysterical when you act! Blessings, Love and Light xo
I've been depressed all year, but my husband seemed happier than ever. I knew something was off. Guess that is part of the reason we are separated now. He never prioritized me either. I came last to everyone and everything. He seriously could not be there for me on Mother's Day, our Anniversary, or my Dad's birthday (who passed away earlier this year). I used to think he was amazing, but he either changed, or I had him pegged wrong.
You should've told him, "I guess you're happy to see me dying!" but I can't judge your husband's decision for leaving. maybe he has reasons which leads him to fall out of love with you.
Our love ignited in 1998, the candle has been lit ever since we met. When a man loves a woman he wants to see her happy, he tries to fix all her issues, he is loyal, he is honest and can handle any obstacle they run into. What kept the chemistry going well I don't see it as a drop, in fact it reaches higher intensity. You become the other persons other half, soul mate and the same person in one. In fact, a lifetime is not enough. To keep the candle lit, you need respect, freedom, support, both put the same effort in, quality time together not matter what, kindness, compassion, understanding, communication, honesty and love.
Very good and interesting that men get mad as well when falling in love 😂 Since I fall in love too quick and have difficulties to be more objective I try to keep my brain in order and watch him and his behavior a bit longer to be sure not to settle again for someone who is either only interested in sex or is selfish or not available etc.
When the Heart Center opens you have all these heightened pure Love Experiences. When the stresses of ordinary life pull you down to the Ego level, all the magic is gone.
Wow! The increase of energy explains a video my sweetie texted to me at the top of a *VERY* long, high trail that he completed with "no stops [singing] in the name of love!"
When I'm in love I feed him (a lot), I do things that I know will make him smile, and he can feel it when I look at him. I can't hide it.... I have tried 😍😍😍 It's the best feeling in world 💞
Being in love is wonderful and just one of the best things that there is. And I don't care what other people say cause of course we will have problems, discussions and stuff. It's always like that. But it is totally worth it. I'm in a relationship with an amazing boy that I met almost a year ago. We officially started dating like three weeks ago and it's been the most amazing thing that happened this whole year. I'm completely in love, not just by his appearance, but also by his personality, the way he looks at me and the way he talk and acts. He is just perfect. P. S. when we were not still dating and he hadn't yet see me even naked, he told me he dreamt about me. Was it one of those dreams you talked in your video? 😂 He didn't told me what the dream was about, just that he could not sleep more after dreaming about me. Just going to dream about it also 😂 and hope it was good at least. BTW, I had my first time with this guy and I completely trust him ♥️ it was amazing One of the best things ever is that sometimes I'm in my bedroom and I just start remembering some moments we had, and every time I do it, I want more and more of him. It's such a weird thing for me cause I was never in love like this, I feel like sometimes I just stop whatever I'm doing to dream while awake. I can't even stop thinking about him. It feels so frustrating and good at the same time
Hi, I just randomly found this comment. While I know it’s been 4 years and I know nothing about the state of your relationship with that man, I just wanted to reply to bring you back and remind u how happy you were a few years ago. Again, I don’t know if you’re still together, but if you are, I hope this helps strengthen your (hopefully already strong) relationship and feel this way again. If you aren’t together anymore, this is just a reminder of what your life can be like and I hope u find that with your current and/or future partner. I normally wouldn’t reply to a stranger on the internet, it’s just that your comment was truly beautiful and I think it is worth the risk. Have a great life 💛
Please make a video about why men cheat and what to do about it. Especially if you stay with them but cant shake the pain of their affair. PLEASE, this would help me so much right now.
Unlock the SECRET qualities men find irresistible with this FREE e-book: www.bravethinkinginstitute.com/love-relationships/resources/relationship/mag/5-feminine-qualities
Yeah I remember crying after this one break up and my Dad comes into my bedroom and wants to know why. I tell him. He says I'll find another boyfriend, and I tell him and I'll just screw that one up and he says, and I've never forgotten, "you won't screw up with the right one." I never forgot that.
Daddy is a WISE MAN.We can NEVER screw up the "right relationship",because we will always find a way to work it out..That is what LOVE does...It heals,restores and fix what is BROKEN.
Yup but find ing the right one??I'm 56 never found him.i deserve love
That's so sweet! My Dad always gave me the best advice too. He and my Mom were married 40 solid years. She passed and he followed 10 months later. Love is real❤
False. You can screw up the right one. I would know.
That’s a good dad ❤️👏
A person in love is like a happy child!
crn_tn very true!!
When a woman marries she has her 1st child
Me right now 😂
Yes ❤🌟😍
True. I turn into a giggling school girl whenever his names pops up om my phone
My boyfriend said before he met me he was in a bad depression. Now he has all of this energy and motivation to get things done 💕 aw
I thought i was a sociopath until i FINALLY fell in love .. turned out it was a defence mechanism from my childhood abuse. And he makes me feel so safe and loved 🥺😍
I’m genuinely happy for you. I hope I find that someday!
That is amazing
That’s sweet but I hope u got help 🥺🤍
1) he thinks of you 80% of the time
2) he feels a surge of energy and aliveness (dopamine, etc)
3) analyze her moves, texts, actions
4) he prioritizes her
5) his emotions are tied you your emotions
6) he daydreams about having sex with you. Thank god.
7) willing to fight for you- face difficult situations
But after 18 months it’s possibly over.
Over? Yup!
If ….
they don’t understand their place in committed love, they will discard or move on to greener pastures, leaving you in their wake of indifference.
Really takes a strong man (not a boy) to stay. This is Not her responsibility to “keep him”, it’s BOTH wanting it to work and it takes work.
Definitely over after a few months.
I’ve never gotten even a week of that from any guy so a few months is impressively long
Lol, it’s not love but infatuation. I’ve been seriously attracted to certain girls but afterward, give it around 3 months, it fades and I question why I even liked her in the first place.
@@mr.j3371 Me too, but it’s usually after 3 weeks 😂
When I'm in love I feel young again. Something like a youthful energy happens and I feel great.
That’s it!
Why did I feel this everytime I see Svt on screen? I feel youthful again. 😂
I have never been so in love and I keep falling deeper, I would do anything for her with joy. Sometimes I worry I am going crazy. She is clever, funny and beautiful, I miss her when I don't see her, my heart beats faster at the thought of her
All I know is when I met my wife and fell in love with her it was the most beautiful and exhilarating thing that I've ever done in my life.
Cute :)
Did it last, or was it just at the beginning?
Awwe how sweet!
...then she turned into THE HULK! 😭😭😭🤣 jk
So many men are afraid of love... no wonder. imagine feeling such intense emotions, imagine your mind being filled with one person and one person only.
Not only that, it impedes on rational thinking and once your out of that phase you couldv already dug a hole you wish you could get out of.
Not just man, I am scared of this
Not just men, I am scared of this
Not just men, I am scared of this
Most men have already experienced this. In high school.
When I'm in love I can't get enough love songs. I play them all the time and to me every song is about my relationship with my significant other.
I think you shouldn't connecte your feeling to much with the music it good to be in love but who knows what will happen and feelings change my friend it tried, don't be so emotional advice from stranger. Hope you always be with your beloved one's ☺️
So true!!!! 💘😍
Same. I'm in love and I play love songs on repeat. I even hum them subconsciously when I'm out and about or with my love.
Me too! Love country love songs when I'm in love.
Me too I listen to music all day
When I'm in love common sense just leaves me... that tingling feeling in the heart. Lucky are the ones who have genuinely experienced it :)
Right!! Those who experience it very blessed
I feel sad when I know he needs me and I'm not able to be with him because of long distance.
Patti Lacey same here.....
Patti Lacey same here😣
Patti Lacey same issue
Rose believes if it is "true love" they move **'llingly and surf high tides to be with you. Rose Narrative. Rose gives romance advice... not love advice... after this post it note... 🐥🥁
Being in love is a wonderful feeling but it can be dangerous too
Zoe yes it can exhausting
Zoe. I’m scared to death. But i need affection.
Yes, way too dangerous, alas... I wish I wouldn't need that feeling any longer... But, alas, that's kind of one aim in my life. To love fully and authentically. Without boundaries. It only becomes dangerous if the other side isn't like-minded and on the same wave length as oneself... So many perverted unbalanced people out there... Otherwise, it's extreemly satisfying and healthy. I wish to find that Mr. Right, very soon. 😊 Thanks for kind prayers.
@@cutechiangels I really love your comment!!
And scary
Try having anxiety and feeling love at the same time
Daniel Rodriguez ugh yes, no sleep
that's true
Literally torture
That's not good.
Yeah wtf is going on with me ???.!!!!
When I’m in love with a guy, I will daydream about him sexually. I will recall moments from our dates and laugh. I’ll find his picture and look at it. I’ll talk to my closest friends about him. I’ll start thinking about places to take him or ways of pleasing him. I’ll start to worry about his troubles and want to help him. I look out for the man I love.
Anastasia Tumanova are you a Scorpio?
@@OhAudreyDear If that's how Scorpios are...I am one and that makes a LOT of sense.
same with men, exept for the talking about it part, maybe with really close friends, but generally men do not discuss love with friends, In truth this is because we do not want to expose vulnarabilities, and really that happened to me at one time, which ofcourse ruined things as well
@@istoppedcaring6209 It took awhile for my boyfriend to talk about me with his friends and introduce me, but I didn't mind. He's a private person and I understand that.
Scorpio here, same!!! 😂😂😂
I stop doing all the responsible things and start daydreaming lol.
Elizabeth L 😂😂 me too.
Elizabeth L me too.
Elizabeth L
Do the responsible things you need to do because you love and respect him, and the best you is best for him. It works!
Elizabeth L same
When I am in love I feel full of energy, optimism, creativity, warmth, adventures. I feel like being my best. I will go many extra miles for the other person. The world looks a brighter and better place, I feel happy and peaceful. My beloved is always on my mind.
I understand completely
Well said.
I think we need to differentiate between being infatuated I.e. falling for someone i.e. the honeymoon phase... Being in actual love is a long term thing. It's a marathon not a sprint
Van Sin
A choice not a feeling. I think lasting love has to be a choice. Through hard times, good times, boring times etc.
love is a choice but there also needs to be respect not just lust or attraction. true love is a combo of things
Van Sin Best Comment 👍🙌🙌🙌
corsican lulu love is not lust or attraction at all...
Excellent point
Being in love is great. It’s easy to become addicted to the ‘in love’ phase because it makes you see past all the negatives and the hardships thanks to those beautiful endorphins. But when it’s time for real world conflict, that’s a test of true love. That’s a test of whether you vibe, click and can maintain passion. That’s when love either grows or slowly fades. Make no mistake, there is no love without pain.
Very true
I lost 10 pounds when I fell in love because I was so nervous and happy all the time that I could not eat for a whole week
Awn how cute
That's what adrenaline does! It curbs your appetite!
Same thing happened to me.
Women spend too much time thinking about love, being in love, fantasizing about relationships. That's because we are taught from the time of birth to value relationships over our own personal growth. But if we raise daughters to be complete in themselves we will have less videos and books for women about what men think and feel.
True that, we are always being programmed to 'find the right man', if not by the media, then by family and friends. Personal growth and accomplishment is way better......
Tbh my mom raised me and my siblings different because she believes in personal growth and education before relationships. All women in my family were late bloomers.
But my mom believes in phases of lives and following them at the right time without forcing them make people more happy.
I haven't thought about relationships until I was 21 and started college and actually met a guy I find interesting enough to get to know. Before, I was never interested in relationships and dating like my friends were. Funny enough I had no experience and yet I was the #1 Advisor because I had a very neutral fresh look on things.
I think women spend too much time thinking about love, etc. because we have hormones and are biolagically designed to need physical contact, just like men spend too much time thinking about sex and "how to get laid" for exactly the same reason. The only difference is society in general has taught women can only have sex when and if she is in a relationship, ergo, women´s obsession of being in one.
C Mickie sista that is so so true
So true I wish I knew sooner.
I have amazing man soulmate lover best friend married 17 years
2 boys .... there grown
I feel things just got 10 times better
Wow, I'm soooooo happy for you. What's the secret to such an amazing love??
Lucky you and wishing you thousand times better :)
YOU are one of the very lucky few...
Wow! Lucky you!
Glow That's really amazing!! You're truly blessed.
After work, I had been working on this word puzzle, fell asleep with it on my mind. My girlfriend came home and woke me up out of a sound sleep to tell me about a couple of mistakes I made in developing the solutions.
As tired as I was I wasn't mad at her. As a matter of fact, it made my heart smile. I tried to hold on to that feeling all day. That moment invigorated my faith in her love for me.
I have been in a long distance relationship for 20 months. We have been together twice in this time. Since being together it has become harder to be apart, and we do things together on Skype, like watch movies and cook together- normal things in life, so we can feel close to each other. Our love has become deeper because we make a big effort to keep the romance alive with each other and do spontaneous things and make things and have little surprises as much as possible
I wanna hear an update!!!
There are several coaches like yourself but I would like to say you are one of the best. I lost my soulmate to a tragic death while I was undergoing cancer. I beat it and am alone and vulnerable .I just started re living ,its been 2 and a half years. I enjoy your videos ,the way you explain things I just get it!!!Exceptional advice, thank-you!
Fate can be cruel. To lose your love and have a serious illness at the same time must be unbearable. I do hope things are better for you now.
This makes me so sad, I can't imagine what you're going through. We gotta believe we'll see our special souls again some day.
Oh boy! You sure have been through tough times. I cannot imagine how difficult it must've been for you to cope. I am glad you did, though!
I am inspired by your will to not just survive, but thrive :)
I wish you the best of all things good in life. Take care :)
I'm so sorry😔
Almost 3 years in a relationship and my boyfriend still takes over my daydreaming most of the day haha he's such a cutie
Good for you:)
When you have the face of handsome squidward, who could resist you? HANDSOME.
Same here, almost 3 years, but in LDR state
Never wait for the one you love to feel insecure. If they're on your mind, don't hold back in letting them know it!!
That's not true. You can kill attraction if you do that too soon.
When I let them know, they get mad at me, sometimes aggressively like I did something bad, and then disappear. I never got success in love.
To me, love = pain.
@@rosehiver6262it means they are not the one for you. A person who lives and cares for you would want you to show them care and concern. Let the toxic ones go, you deserve better.
1- Thinking about him all the time .
2- any subject is somehow is related to him .
3- all his flaws past , future, mistakes, crazy family, weird friends ... all those stuff are just magical cus and only because it's related to him ❤️
4- I would go out of my way and out of my comfort zone to see him happy
And what I mean by that is like waking up too early too see his face or too create something special and unique to make him happy.
I felt this way for a guy but he didn't put that amount of effort I wanted .
I love really deep but I am gonna still walk away if I wasn't getting the right amount of effort I was giving , it's hard and painful to walk away
But I really believe that My love is so value 💕
Sara Nassr
You will find someone who will give you just as much, as you give them. And then some. 💕 your post is beautiful😊 I wish you the best✨🌹
Sara Nassr agree!!! Oh and sometimes i make excuse to see him, like pass infront of his class.
Before you walk away portend you don't love him anymore and stop doing all this things for him and then he will follow you back and asking you why you changed b strong for little while until he do the same thing you do for him if he don't walk away.
This sounds like obsession girl.
Yep he and I are choosing (subconsciously) to fall in love! We don't fall in love, we choose to and grow in love with one another 😘
Mat, I love your videos and have watched them for over a year. My bf and I are still in that honeymoon phase, going on eight months and moving in together in another three. We could spend hours talking and laughing together, sitting on the couch working side by side on our computers, or just doing our things at the opposite ends of the apartment. We cherish being in each other's presence, we respect each other, and we are friends first with all the love and support we have in ourselves. We also always come to a conversation with an open heart and mind. If we were afraid of talking to each other or being judged, then we couldn't voice our fears and concerns. So we know that underneath everything is love. I do not have to wonder if he loves me. I know it. Every day. I know it because he tells me. Because he reaches for my hand out of the blue. Because he sends me a text to wish me a good day. Because we'll hug and stand with each other for a minute before leaving for the day, spending that time feeling the connection and pure joy of being together. All of which allows me to not hold back my affection for him, or worry that I'm stifling him - which as an independent person I fret about. When he does something thoughtful just because he knows it will make me happy, I get those tingles up and down my arms. I just feel calm and content when I'm with him because we are stronger together. He's the first I want to share my news with. My heart is filled with love, just for life in general. I am excited at the prospect of having many more adventures in life with him. Also I have to tell you that dating him and falling in love with him was a slow process that we let develop over a longer period of time than normal. We took the months to get to know each other before bringing intimacy into our relationship; so when it actually happened, it was a conscious decision for both of us. Even then, things didn't click right off the bat. If we hadn't had an emotional connection, we could have called it quits instead of exploring and growing together to find out what makes each other happy and excited about being together. For all the commentary skeptics out there that say he's going to cheat while saying he loves me, that's okay. If either of us ever does, we have had a conversation that the relationship will be over at that point, and I am strong enough to know that I will be fine because deserve better - so why be skeptical? If I lived my life expecting the worse, I'd never be able to enjoy the wonder that is him and the fact that we found each other. He keeps my social personality grounded and is my rock. I am his light in the darkness and challenge him to be the best man he can be. I know I'm luckier than most. And thank you, Mat, for all your advice that has allowed be to get to this point mentally where I am ready for this relationship when it manifested.
That sounds so wonderful! I am glad for you two :) Patience in the beginning of such a journey, to see where it will go and not forcing a straight path onto something that needs to meander is so so important.
I think when Im inlove, my senses get really heightened to take care of my partner the best way I can.
In love are two words, not one.
Love the last part... Effort and conscious care is needed to nuture the relationship long term. Love is... what love does!
How I feel when I fell in love... it seems like my eyes opened up. I saw the world brighter and anew. Like I could conquer the world with him. He is my strength and courage. He gave me hope again. Makes me smile ear to ear. No matter what he does, it was lovely.
Just started a new journey with a co-worker and i've always felt love is a proactive activity. It's a living breathing thing. I find i want to be of service, to help her, to protect her, to show her she has a partner who will always look out for her. To fight to defend her honor.
It's good to hear this from a man's perspective right? For me, it gives you more validation. I'm grateful to have a guy who is on the right track of being a good man to his woman. :')
So many salty women in the comments. My parents have been married for 30+ years and they are still in the “in love” Phase. It’s possible. Yesh it’s sexual and yesh it’s spiritual. A good relationship is acknowledging both our physical and emotional needs and working each day to satisfy them. True love it’s out there but we need to work in ourselves first!
Anne G agreed
Nancy I agree with you. True love is out there. Hopefully I get to experience that. Must be a great feeling
Yes, but extreemly rare... because most humans need bad experiences to understand, maybe grow and become better... alas. Hate it. Wish I will find Mr. Right to be happy and in love together, for ever! 🤗
It's not out there for me, maybe for others. And women saying it is sexual for guys are RIGHT!!
I knew my love for Jesus is real
kai Chan ruclips.net/video/90obC9uDu4o/видео.html
Ameen 🙏
Amen 🙏🏾 💕
Amen 🙏🏽
This is the first relationship you must get right than the rest will follow ❤️
Got back with the love of my life after 10 years apart. "I'll find you again love" told u I would 😎
My experience when I'm in love is the energy is electric! He loves making me laugh and seeing me smile!
When a man is really into you he might as well show it to you just by showing that he is interested. He would always check up on you.
You are point on! Action must goes with word! My boyfriend would text first thing in the AM, call me before he goes to bed to just hear my voice. 365 days a year not missing a day . He always sends sweetest message:" Please let me know when you get to work safe...or you get home safe.." He requests his working schedule to match mine. We both are nurses and he plans trip on our weekend off so we can have quality time together..We are just 1&1/2 hrs away from each other by plane. He change his plan to fit my plan...It shows if a man truly love you!
Not necessarily true... I was with someone who didn’t know that me wanting him to call when he got somewhere safe...was oblivious to it being a connecting behavior.
Our expectations of what love is can often derail us & cause disappointments!
The five love languages is a good book explaining how different people prioritize and view acts of love :)
18 months of chemicals huh? Try 6 years of dophermine. Everytime me and my boyfriend see each other. It feels like adrenaline rush, warmth, and excitement. Never stopped loving him💗💗 💗💗💗💗
6 years? Long time. Why aren't you married yet? Just wondering..
@@MrsBryant1024 Because it was "dophermine". (Dopamine)😆😭
He should have married you by now
Try 32 years
Obviously not since he still havnt married you by 6 YEARS!!! 🤣🤣🤣
I LOVE the feeling when you feel loved and cared about and you feel safe and supported! Like you both are looking towards the future together! Like you are seeing with only one eye! And each person is one half of a whole heart. 💓
Don’t think anyone including my family has ever made me feel that way. I’m forever homeless and doomed in my heart
When I'm in love, which has only been once, I will accept some things I typically wouldn't have. I will do anything to see him happy. I try not to give into everything but his happiness is more important than my own.
This weekend we were decorating a Christmas tree at his house and I opened a box that had Christmas tags in it that I made in high school graphics arts class. I was excited to see them and was talking about them when I looked up and he had a strange look on his face. I said… what? His response, “I love you.” 🥰
oh my God awwwwww
Wow. So sweet
wow very wonderful
When I'm in love I really couldn't sleep and all my thoughts is all with him 24/7 😞 not healthy but that's me.. 😢
Mat, I love how you break things down and present them in easy to relate to and remember. Which is important so I don't have to keep referring back to your videos in the middle of a date, you know like excusing myself to go watch what Mat says to remember what to say or do. What you explain makes logical sense enough to flow in the moment.
Being in love is an amazing feeling,just as he is saying you think about the other person all the time,you think about what will happen next its a roller coaster feeling,for me i always have a burning feeling towards her,like when i am away from her to long i feel like something is missing
A message for the girls out there:
Most of the things he said are the things we actually do when we love someone from our heart. I've also been doing most of these very often.
So, if you think that your man is actually showing signs of doing these. Then congrats you're lucky
Awww and im not…
Thank you , I think he's got the roles reversed😂
For me, it’s the kiss 😘 it’s more than passion, it’s real. You feel each other’s heart & soul ❤️
I've been only two times in love in my life and I can say that when I'm in love I don't have eyes for anybody else but my boyfriend even though other guys could look super hot my man is the only one that can melt me😘
I would agree with this analysis. Especially about the "honeymoon" phase. I have found that if the relationship has challenges, if you don't overcome those challenges during this honeymoon period, the relationship will not survive past this stage and subsequently end when this physiological element tails off.
So men actually can feel in love? That’s news to me
One thing that always sticks out in my mind is a moment saying goodbye to a man I loved at my door. I remember being so in love with him that it literally felt like a piece of me was about to walk away.
Giving love and care with full heart . Just give and be happy abt it. Its a wonderful feel to love someone without expecting the same in return.
I guess I've had a weird experience with love.
My "true love" and my "soul mate" are two different people. Both men.
It has created problems. My late-husband is everything you mentioned except for one thing, I believe there is a limit to how far he would fight for me. I saw it put to the test with a stalker who was following me...he sort of gave up. But my best friend (soul mate) would move heaven and hell for me if necessary. I don't mean in a romantic sense, but we've been friends since grade school and it's just different. I can't explain it well.
If you noticed I said my husband has passed away (cancer) but no I'm not in a romantic relationship with my friend. He is married also. She gave him an ultimatum about a decade ago. It was either me or her. He was rather upset at the time and asked me how do you choose between your soul mate and true love? I told him to choose her. Love doesn't come all that often. Besides it's not like I'm going anywhere even though he won't see me everyday...he knows, if he needs me I'll be there.
Love, all love, is strange. :)
I really appreciate your candor. So sorry for your loss. That is very big of you to have that mindset about being there for your friend if he needs you...so many people would treat it like a contest and be petty. This is refreshing and rare. Sad though that she's so threatened by you and she can't be happy for him and his friendship with you. Not every person, male or female are this evolved. I wonder what you meant though when you said that all love is strange. I would be interested to know what made you say that.
😭😭😭😭 sell your story to a writer! Sorry for your loss.
watch love, rosie the movie
Nice reply! 😊
When I’m in love... all I can think about is her. And that’s happened for months now, as to where I’d think about her on every situation of every day. And on May 23rd, is when it went south. We promoted middle school, and we were going to different high schools. So I felt all of the emotions come barreling in at me. Rage, sadness, guilt, blame, etc. and it hurt. I tired texting her over the summer and after a while, she just stopped replying to any of them. Every time, I asked a question or told her something she left it at “read.” And that feeling hurts, it hurts a lot, but I’m not going to get mad at her because I still love her. On June 8th I finally told her that I have a crush on her. I made sure to let her know that I’m not forcing her to reply, or love me back, but it was up to her. And when she lest that at read as well, it hit me... it hit me so hard that I cried for the first time since I last saw her. I just wish that things could’ve been different.
Jairyn Bullinger sweetie, I know how you feel. This does hurt! I have been there. I’m sorry you’re hurt. But maybe some things changed while you guys were changing schools. Maybe her parents told her to stop talking to you. That’s what happened with me and I was really hurt for a long time. She may love you too but maybe she’s not allowed to write to you. Just like the movie “The Notebook” amazing movie. You should watch it. Anyway, subscribe to my page if you can. I hope to hear from you and I hope your doing better!
hopefully you're better now !!
Woww young love
This is NOT love it is LIMERENCE. It usually only lasts for 3 years... LOVE on the other hand is a choice...a commitment!
maunder01 wow!
Thank you! Love is when you want to spend your life with someone AFTER that "infatuation" period is over, I'm so shocked still that most people still do not get that today.
@@DarknessIsThePath true
But what if it's been 17 years and all of these things still describe how he feels? Can that be limerance?
How do we feel?
Answer, and you can quote me:
When you look at the one you have fallen in love with and you feel connected, true love, total trust, forgiveness, kindness, a connection of the heart, the happiest moments ever; even when just sitting still holding hands, pure lust for that person ONLY, seeing no/past the flaws in them, excepting them for who they are and if wanting to change them ONLY the truely bad habbits, and where they are the ONLY one you truely see no matter what fetching woman stands before you.
That is a truely inlove man.
I have been there, and it utterly destroys you when they leave.
Love is....mysterious in itself. It can be joy or pain, sunshine or rain. Whatever it is...it’s life!!!
Maybe things are just different when you are older but I met a guy earlier this year and we are both deeply in love with each other. it is a long distance relationship and his first language is Italian. We have had misunderstandings plenty but I'm not the same unforgiving person I was years ago if I got hurt. You learn to weed thru the important things in life. I wish I had this kind of wisdom when I was younger and I would have never gone thru the broken hearts I did. Respect one for another is the main thing. And understanding. Men need to feel like men and if you feed that part of his psyche he is a happy camper. And I am too. I don't want the mans role I was forced into that for too many years with my ex husband. We met on Feb 14th and we're now planning our life together. Talking about getting a new home, taking trips. I'm just starting to live. Lots of luck to you guys and gals. I wish you the best.
Thank you so much for sharing , I am marring my man in September we fell in love ,he is nearly eighty and I am nearly seventy we are in our honeymoon period but I would like to keep it like that as I love him so much
How sweet
@@kamakshijolly4156 , Love has no boundary! Glad you found love in this stage! How sweet it is! Congrats! May you find endless love and happiness !
❤️ I am in love with Jesus Christ, He gives me the live and love of God for ever ❤️
Amen !!! 🕊🕊
Different kind of love sweetheart.
bby u are on the wrong vid
When he does something sweet to surprise such as an adventurous getaway for the weekend. Making dinner. Saying why don't you rest and relax and I'll cook and clean up. 😘
Men and women are very similar. When I am in love (like I am now) I do all of those things you said. I want to be supportive and help my man de-stress instead of adding to it. I think about him when I wake up and imagine what it would be like waking up in his arms or remembering a night when I did. I think about a beautiful sexual experience we had. In my case it’s our first time together. I also try to keep my calendar open and make room in my life for him. I go out of my way to do nice things for him like making him dinner or helping him with a task. I basically give him my time and attention that I wouldn’t do for just anyone.
Why then if they are in love do they ignore you when you need them the most.
Lisa Ohai fuckboys 🙄
Lisa Ohai That person isn't in love. Sorry to say, find someone that gives a shit.
He prob doesn't love you enough or is not that into you...so kick him to the curb
He's not the "One".
They are. You just got the wrong person.
Thanks for this video on the signs. It’s obvious my man is in love with me. He easily and effortlessly does every single one of these signs. I suppose I didn’t need to watch this to know , as I already knew he is in love with me and expresses it. I have to say, It feels amazing to be loved this way by a good man!
What is shockingly apparent now, is that my ex never truly loved me.
Ive told him ill do anything to fight for us.. we both listen to each other,respect each other,same sence of humor, same mutual friends.. n i normally start the convos. But we both agree its worth the patience. Hes a bit emotionally closed off but some how we always stay on point n same page w our morals n wants. Hes my best friend so i hope he feels the same.
I can feel myself a bit dizzy when I'm in love, it's hard to get that under control. My head and my body do different things and that's a constant insight fight. Especially when this man is such a beauty I'm doing things I normally don't do... going over my borders. That's dangerous ..yes.
When women fall in love they give their hearts, bodies, thoughts, everything they are to men ❤️
Afnan Al-zhrani Big mistake
@@Glad2BGolden yes, a horrible mistake
guys fell in love through their eyes, women fall in love through ears. 🤗
mocang 91 very true
Lol true true
Not true
That's way women wear makeup 💄. And man lies
@@chougartinhinane395 Why would you say something so controversial yet so brave?
A lot of these I can relate to. Thinking about him 80% of the time, analyzing his actions, and daydreaming about sex. Life also does seem better and brighter now that he's in my life.
Mat, thank you for the Ebook. Great tips especially #5. In this masculine dominated world its a great reminder that is okay to be our feminine self and that we are appreciated for these qualities.
I recently am developing a relationship with a guy who matches this description to the letter and it is the most precious thing in the world to know that I have the ability to excite his devotion by virtue of being who I am. And not just from watching YT :) I did nothing to deserve becoming the center of his world, and yet it wouldn't be an inaccurate way to summarize this video
I feel butterflies in my stomach and anxiety attack. wonderful feeling can't wait to see him again
This is so interesting! Thank you for making this video.
Finally, I wanted to know the answer to that question for a LONG time! I thank you, Sabrina, for asking, and thank you Mat for answering and explaining it so well! There is actually not much of a difference for women when we're in love. And I do 100% fantasize about having sex with my loved one a lot as well! lol
Lol..Irene on the calendar 😂
That feeling when you are Irina)))
I feel excited and truly happier....so nice I finally met a guy who likes me...truly!
When I know I love someone, it is unconditional and does not fade away, even if we break up. I still feel the love. I may not want or be able to be with that person, but I still love them. If not, I feel it was not love but a fantasy or crush.
Thank you Matt. I absolutely love ur videos. They're so helpful. Hey, for the first time in my 49 yrs a man was first to tell me he loves ME. Wow! I was determined not to say it first this time, bad experiences from the past. He's amazing, you're amazing. Thank you bro👊🏾
Bee Bex 🙄
I can say that most items listed here are ways women feel for the men they love as well. Been with my husband for 9 years and in the last year, I've been weirdly connected to him. When he's away for work, my body physically feels his pains. Like my lower back would hurt for no apparent reason and I'd ask him if his does too and he'll always say yes. WEIRD what love does to 2 people.
It's magical to be in love. It's like nothing I have ever felt before. One of fascinating aspects for me is that I feel different types of love. The care factor is astounding. I know exactly what Mathew is saying when he mentions keeping your schedule clear for the person. I think about him all the time. I have such an anticipation rush when I see him...it's euphoric. The tingles, the butterflies, the longing, etc has never stopped. My input on being in love is be sure to keep it spicy, date nights are IMPORTANT...not to be taken lightly. That one on one time without distractions and giving your undivided attention to your partner is essential. A key part to being in love is saying how much you love the person, showing them. Relationships are like gardens, they need tending to. What my boyfriend has always maintained is keeping me feeling special, wanted, safe and adored along with many other things. He's very into details, one of the first things I noticed about him.
4705chelsea Sounds like a good relationship
The eternal question for ALL WOMEN since the beginning of time.
It’s all and everything to do with my life , he’s the dominant thought throughout my day, just been in his company sends shivers down my spine .
And makes my hands shake (stop it!). I like that: “he’s the dominant thought”…I get butterflies 🦋 every time I’m going to see him… hope it never wears off. If what the guys say is true, he is definitely feeling that and a whole lot more! Thank you guys! 😉
Thank you Matt for this Great video!!! Sometimes women forget that men feel love EQUALLY as deeply as women (and perhaps more) and thus can be wounded just as easily. We are all fragile when in love. One a lighter note, #4 with the calendar and phone call cracked me up :))) You're hysterical when you act! Blessings, Love and Light xo
I just found out that men don't differ that much from women. That's great to know.
I've been depressed all year, but my husband seemed happier than ever. I knew something was off. Guess that is part of the reason we are separated now. He never prioritized me either. I came last to everyone and everything. He seriously could not be there for me on Mother's Day, our Anniversary, or my Dad's birthday (who passed away earlier this year). I used to think he was amazing, but he either changed, or I had him pegged wrong.
He refuses to fight for me, too. God, our relationship was doomed after the 21st year.
Kimberly Dealstoogoodtopassup😰
he fell out of love.
You should've told him, "I guess you're happy to see me dying!" but I can't judge your husband's decision for leaving. maybe he has reasons which leads him to fall out of love with you.
I am sure he has his reasons. A depressed person can barely take care of herself, much less someone else.
Our love ignited in 1998, the candle has been lit ever since we met. When a man loves a woman he wants to see her happy, he tries to fix all her issues, he is loyal, he is honest and can handle any obstacle they run into. What kept the chemistry going well I don't see it as a drop, in fact it reaches higher intensity. You become the other persons other half, soul mate and the same person in one. In fact, a lifetime is not enough. To keep the candle lit, you need respect, freedom, support, both put the same effort in, quality time together not matter what, kindness, compassion, understanding, communication, honesty and love.
When I'm in love and get all those butterflies in my head and stomach, that's common sense leaving my body.....😂
sleep is not an opinion because I'm in love
Ohhhh sweet
Love the feeling when you feel loved and cared and you feel safe.Like u both
towards the future together forever and ever amen...
Very good and interesting that men get mad as well when falling in love 😂
Since I fall in love too quick and have difficulties to be more objective I try to keep my brain in order and watch him and his behavior a bit longer to be sure not to settle again for someone who is either only interested in sex or is selfish or not available etc.
When the Heart Center opens you
have all these heightened pure Love
When the stresses of ordinary life pull you down to the Ego level,
all the magic is gone.
Wow! The increase of energy explains a video my sweetie texted to me at the top of a *VERY* long, high trail that he completed with "no stops [singing] in the name of love!"
When I'm in love I feed him (a lot), I do things that I know will make him smile, and he can feel it when I look at him. I can't hide it.... I have tried 😍😍😍
It's the best feeling in world 💞
Being in love is wonderful and just one of the best things that there is. And I don't care what other people say cause of course we will have problems, discussions and stuff. It's always like that. But it is totally worth it.
I'm in a relationship with an amazing boy that I met almost a year ago. We officially started dating like three weeks ago and it's been the most amazing thing that happened this whole year. I'm completely in love, not just by his appearance, but also by his personality, the way he looks at me and the way he talk and acts. He is just perfect.
P. S. when we were not still dating and he hadn't yet see me even naked, he told me he dreamt about me. Was it one of those dreams you talked in your video? 😂
He didn't told me what the dream was about, just that he could not sleep more after dreaming about me. Just going to dream about it also 😂 and hope it was good at least.
BTW, I had my first time with this guy and I completely trust him ♥️ it was amazing
One of the best things ever is that sometimes I'm in my bedroom and I just start remembering some moments we had, and every time I do it, I want more and more of him. It's such a weird thing for me cause I was never in love like this, I feel like sometimes I just stop whatever I'm doing to dream while awake. I can't even stop thinking about him. It feels so frustrating and good at the same time
Hi, I just randomly found this comment. While I know it’s been 4 years and I know nothing about the state of your relationship with that man, I just wanted to reply to bring you back and remind u how happy you were a few years ago. Again, I don’t know if you’re still together, but if you are, I hope this helps strengthen your (hopefully already strong) relationship and feel this way again. If you aren’t together anymore, this is just a reminder of what your life can be like and I hope u find that with your current and/or future partner. I normally wouldn’t reply to a stranger on the internet, it’s just that your comment was truly beautiful and I think it is worth the risk. Have a great life 💛
Please make a video about why men cheat and what to do about it. Especially if you stay with them but cant shake the pain of their affair. PLEASE, this would help me so much right now.
men cheat cuz they can. cuz they know you will forgive them, there's no real reason. dump him girl
angel star Not all men cheat you know that right? You just haven't experienced the right man, as cheesy as that sounds.
34 years with my husband and people ask us if we are newlyweds 😅. He’s perfection I adore him. And he adores me.
Ahahahah!!😂 the scene where hes sitting at his desk daydreaming is so funny!